F0m A.Il Meet
“OLE LOU” WINS THE SOUTHERN INTERCOLLEGIATE FIELD TRIALS * Louisiana State Wins Annual Field Individuals Against Whom STREIT APPOINTS Trials Of Southern College League DEVELOPS TALENT Johnson Made His Record The hurdles record of the A. A. 20 GAMES high S. I. ond, feet S% inches; Chadwick, Mis- COMMITTEE Washington, May 17..— (Special.)— Johnson twice and each man has torn RECORDS ARE BROKEN. was also equaled. sissippi A. * \[.. third; 30 feet 2 inches. BEVEN the first off one single. 220-yard dash—Won by Upton, L. 8. During month of the Amer- Coleman of Tulane on the 100 yards u., Three men have hit .429 against John- EIGHT COLLEGES REPRESENT- Wells, Mississippi A. & M., second; Cole- ican league season 50 dash, retaining his title of premier south- FOR FUTURE USE players had the son, the trio consisting of Clyde Engle, man, Tnlane, third. Time. 23 1-6 seconds. misfortune to be to bat Bert Daniels Ed ED—COLEMAN OF TULANE ern sprinter. compelled and Sweeney. Trls MEET 120-yard high hurdles—Won by Burrus, against Walter Johnson, who seems Speaker's percentage against Johnson So closely balanced were the leaders L. S. r.; Georgia F0M_A.IL M AN IN SOUTH Andrews, Tech, second; is STILL FASTEST bent on .400, while Olaf Henriksen, Eddie that A. M. (Tbadwick. Mississippi A. & M., third. shattering to inflnitesmal Louisiana State, Mississippi & Y. M. C. A. in Running and Murphy, Jack Barry and Bill Carrlgan Time, 16 3-5 seconds. smithereens every pitching record ex- He Leaves to Get and Tulane were fighting It out for the have hit at a .333 clip against the Georgia, 16-pound hammer throw—Won by Cam- tant.
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