Mythologies of the World: a Guide to Sources
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 198 541 CS 206 121 AUTHOR Smith, Ron TITLE Mythologies of the World: A Guide toSources. INSTITUTICN National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, Ill. TEPORT NO ISBN-0-8141-3222-7 PUB DATE 81 NOTE 358p. AVAILABLE FRCM National Council of Teachers of English, 1111Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801 (Stock No. 32227, $9.75 non-member, $8.50 member). EDRS PRICE MF01/PC15 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Cultural Awareness: *Cultural Background: Cultural Interrelationships: *Folk Culture: Higher Education: *Mythology: Popular Culture: Resource Materials: Secondary Education: *Symbols (Literary) : *World Literature ABSTRACT This book surveys the important available bockson mythologies cf all parts of the globe and thecultural contexts from which the mythological traditions emerged.Written as a series of bibliographic essays, the guide opens witha description of major reference sources encompassing many cultures,as well as those tracing particular themes (such as that of thecreation) across cultures. The other bibliographicessays discuss sources for studying prehistoric mythologies, the mythologies of West Asianpeoples (Mesopotamian, Biblical, Islamic, and others),South and East Asian mythologies, European mythologies, American Indianmythologies (North, Central, and South American), African mythologies, and the mythologies cf the Pacific and Australia.An appendix on contemporary mythology--mainly American--discussesa wide range of works that examine the beliefs, traditions, and dreams thatmanifest themselves in spectator .sports, politics,
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