In collaboration with

第31届亚洲作曲家联盟大会音乐节2013 - 开幕音乐会 31st Asian Composers League Festival 2013 - Opening Concert 鸣谢 Acknowledgements 我们向所有以各种方式支持与协助新加坡华乐团的机构与热心人士致谢。 20 九月 September 2013 We wish to thank the media and all who have contributed to the Singapore Chinese Orchestra in one way or another. 星期五 Friday 8pm 新加坡华乐团音乐厅 Patron Sponsor Official Hotel Partner for Official Credit Card Music Director Online Media SCO Concert Hall

Official Official Chinese Official English Official TV Official Community Newspaper Radio Station Radio Station Programme Partner

新加坡华乐团有限公司 Singapore Chinese Orchestra Company Limited 7 Shenton Way, Singapore Conference Hall, Singapore 068810 指挥: 葉聰 email: [email protected] Conductor: Tsung Yeh 大提琴: 秦立巍 Cello: Li-Wei Qin 我们的展望 亚洲作曲家联盟 出类拔萃,别具一格的新加坡华乐团 Asian Composers League 我们的使命 优 雅 华 乐 ,举 世 共 赏 亚洲作曲家联盟是亚太地区最活跃的当代音乐组织。联盟成立于1973年,宗旨在于通过新作发表等形式 推广、传承以及拓展亚太地区的音乐文化。亚洲作曲家联盟自成立以来定期由会员国轮流主办大会暨音 我们的价值观 乐节。新加坡作曲家协会今年获得代表新加坡主办亚洲作曲家联盟大会暨音乐节的殊荣,并与新加坡华 追求卓越表现 乐团联办音乐节开幕音乐会。 发挥团队精神 不断创新学习 The Asian Composers League is the most vibrant and active contemporary music organization in the Asia-Pacific region today. It was established in 1973 to promote, preserve, and develop the musical cultures of the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in the field of music composition. Since then, Our Vision the Festival and Conference has been hosted annually by the member countries under its auspices. The Composers Society of Singapore is proud to be the host in Singapore this year, and to collaborate We aspire to be a world renowned Chinese Orchestra with SCO in the Festival opening concert. with a uniquely Singaporean character

Our Mission To inspire Singapore and the World with our music 新加坡作曲家协会 Our Values Strive for excellence in our performances Composers Society of Singapore Committed to teamwork O pen to innovation and learning 新加坡作曲家协会由一群新加坡作曲家于2007年成立,旨在推广与支持当代音乐创作,并通过各类型的 音乐会、学术会议、论坛等相关活动去提倡与加强本地作曲家们对音乐艺术的兴趣。新加坡作曲家协会于 2008年正式成为亚洲作曲家联盟的会员,更是新加坡在联盟里的国家代表。

The Composers Society of Singapore (CSS) was formed in 2007 by a group of Singaporean composers to promote and support the creation of new contemporary art music as well as to advocate the interests of Singaporean composers through concerts, conferences, discussions and other music- related activities. In 2008, CSS was formally admitted into the Asian Composers League (ACL) as an officially recognized country member of the league.

1 董事局 第31届亚洲作曲家联盟大会音乐节2013 - 开幕音乐会 Board of Directors 31st Asian Composers League Festival 2013 September 2012 › September 2014 - Opening Concert

赞助人 Patron 指挥:葉聰 Conductor: Tsung Yeh 大提琴:秦立巍 Cello: Li-Wei Qin 李显龙先生 Mr Lee Hsien Loong 总理 Prime Minister 采风 (新加坡首演)9’15’’ 蔡淩惠 名誉主席 Honorary Chairmen Chai Found Tsai Ling-Huei (Singapore Premiere) (台湾 ) 周景锐先生 Mr Chew Keng Juea 胡以晨先生 Mr Robin Hu Yee Cheng

第三交响曲作品55 (世界首演)12’ 罗伯特·卡斯特尔斯 主席 Chairman Symphony No. 3 Op. 55 Robert Casteels 李国基先生 Mr Patrick Lee Kwok Kie (World Premiere) (新加坡 Singapore)

董事 Directors 国乐团协奏曲 — I. 关山月 (新加坡首演)11’ 潘皇龙 朱添寿先生 Mr Choo Thiam Siew Concerto for Chinese Orchestra Pan Hwang-Long 吴一贤先生 Mr Patrick Goh I. Moon Over Frontier Mountains (台湾 Taiwan) 何志光副教授 A/P Ho Chee Kong (Singapore Premiere) 郭良耿先生 Mr Kwee Liong Keng 刘锦源先生 Mr Lau Kam Yuen 林任君先生 Mr Lim Jim Koon 休息 Intermission 15’ 林少芬小姐 Ms Lim Sau Hoong 赖添发先生 Mr Victor Lye 吴绍均先生 Mr Ng Siew Quan 圆来缘去 10’ 25” 莫健儿 成汉通先生 Mr Seng Han Thong Raymond Mok 陈子玲女士 Ms Tan Choo Leng Cycles of Destiny (香港 ) 谭光雪女士 Ms Yvonne Tham Hong Kong Mr Till Vestring

华觉 之第三乐章: 盛开 (新加坡首演)6’ 麦克尔·悉尼·廷普森 Third Movement: Blossom from Sinaethesia Michael Sidney Timpson (Singapore Premiere) (美国、韩国亚洲作曲家联盟 USA -ACL Korea)

大提琴与乐队幻想曲 — 道 (华乐版本首演)12’ 何志光 Passage - Fantasy for Cello and Chinese Ho Chee Kong Orchestra (Premiere of Chinese Orchestra Version) (新加坡 Singapore)

大提琴:秦立巍 Cello: Li-Wei Qin

全场约1小时45 分钟。 Approximate concert duration: 1hr 45 mins 2 3 新加坡华乐团 Singapore Chinese Orchestra

拥有 82 名演奏家的新加坡华乐团是本地 Inaugurated in 1997, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra 新加坡华乐团以高演奏水平,曾受邀在 的旗舰艺术团体,更是唯一的专业国家级 (SCO), comprising of 82 musicians, is Singapore’s only 多个重要场合中演出,包括 2003 年的 华 乐 团 。自 1997 年 首 演 以 来 ,在 肩 负 起 professional Chinese orchestra as well as a flagship local 世界经济论坛和国际艺术理事会研讨会, 传统文化的传承之际,也以发展和创新 arts group. Its patron is Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. 以及 2006 年的国际货币基金组织会议 为重任;更通过汲取周边国家独特的 Taking on the twin role of preserving traditional arts 等。1998 年 于 北 京 、上 海 和 厦 门 、2000年 南洋文化,发展成具多元文化特色的乐团。 and culture and establishing new frontiers through the 于台湾的演出,让亚洲地区开始注视着 新加坡华乐团拥有得天独厚的条件, incorporation of exotic Southeast Asian cultural artefacts, 新加坡华乐团。2005 年 ,新 加 坡 华 乐 团 它坐落于新加坡金融中心,常驻演出场地 its home is the Singapore Conference Hall, a prime 首次到文化气息浓郁的匈牙利、伦敦和 是修建后的新加坡大会堂 — 一座见证 performance venue in the financial district. 盖茨黑德作欧洲巡回演出,成功获得 新加坡历史的坐标;而乐团赞助人是 观众与音乐评论家的一致赞赏。2007 年, 李显龙总理。各种资源和优势相互交融, Since its inception, SCO has impressed a broadening 新加坡华乐团在北京国际音乐节和中国 使新加坡华乐团成长为一支风格独具 audience with its blockbuster presentations and is fast 上海国际艺术节的邀请下,配合新加坡节 的优质华乐团。 establishing itself among its counterparts around the world. 在北京与上海演出。此外,乐团也参与 In 2002, it staged a symphonic fantasy epic Marco Polo and 了 澳 门 国 际 音 乐 节 ,并 在 广 州 星 海 音 自 成 立 以 来 ,新 加 坡 华 乐 团 不 断 策 划 与 Princess Blue as part of the opening festival of Esplanade 乐 厅 、中 山 市 文 化 艺 术 中 心 及 深 圳 制作素质高又多元性的节目,使它在华乐 – Theatres on the Bay. The following year, SCO produced 音乐厅中亮相演出。这些海外音乐会 concert halls in Guangzhou, Zhongshan and Shenzhen. 界占有一席之地,而日益扩大的观众群也 a musical and visual conversation with Singapore’s most 不仅大大提升了乐团在国际音乐界的 These international platforms provided SCO with the 目睹了华乐团这几年来的成长。2002 年 eminent multi-disciplinary artist Tan Swie Hian at the 名声,也奠定了它在华乐界的领导地位。 opportunities to showcase its talents, propelling it to the 的滨海艺术中心开幕艺术节上,乐团带给 Singapore Arts Festival 2003. The Orchestra celebrated forefront of the international music arena. 观众一部富于梦幻色彩,又具真实历史 Singapore’s 39th National Day in 2004 with a spectacular 新加坡华乐团以“人民乐团”为宗旨, 事迹的交响幻想史诗《马可波罗与卜鲁罕 concert – Our People, Our Music – featuring over 2,300 通过社区音乐会、学校艺术教育计划、 In line with its vision to be a world-renowned people’s 公主》,为乐团发展史开创新的里程碑。 local music enthusiasts at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. 户外音乐会等活动来推广华乐,为使其他 orchestra, SCO widens its outreach by performing regularly 2003 年的新加坡艺术节,乐团与本地 In 2005, it produced a mega musical production, Admiral 种族的朋友也能欣然地欣赏华乐。 at various national parks, communities and schools. SCO 多元艺术家陈瑞献一同呈献了别开生面 of the Seven Seas, as part of the Singapore Arts Festival 乐团也委约作品,于不同音乐会中首演 also commissions its own compositions and in 2006 and 的 音 乐 会《 千 年 一 瞬 》,突 破 了 单 一 艺 术 呈 献 2005. In 2007, SCO was part of the 240-strong combined 新作品。2006 与 2011 年 ,新 加 坡 华 乐 团 2011, organised the Singapore International Competitions 的音乐会形式。2004 年新加坡建国39 年, orchestra that performed at the Singapore National Day 主办了国际华乐作曲大赛。此大赛注入了 for Chinese Orchestral Composition that incorporates 乐团召集了 2300 名表演者,以有史以来 Parade. In the Singapore Arts Festival 2008, SCO joined “南洋”元素,借此创立本地独有的 Nanyang musical elements from Southeast Asia. In 2012, 最庞大的华乐队演出《全民共乐》, hands with Theatreworks to present the groundbreaking 音 乐 风 格 。乐 团 也 于 2012 年主办了新加坡 SCO organised Singapore’s first 23-day National Chinese 堪称壮举。2005 年,为纪念郑和下西洋 production Awaking, which brought together Kunqu opera 首次为期 23 天的全国华乐马拉松;31 支 Orchestra Marathon, a spectacular feat that drew the 600 周年,乐团集合多方力量,邀请多位 music and Elizabethan music. In 2009, SCO made history 本地华乐团体在新加坡各地呈献 44 场 participation of 31 local Chinese orchestras with over 44 国际知名歌唱家同台演出音乐剧史诗 by becoming the first Chinese orchestra to perform in 演出,吸引了约两万名观众。新加坡 performances and an audience of 20,000. It is with this 《海上第一人 —— 郑和》。2007 年, the opening week of the Edinburgh Festival, and in 2010, 华乐团通过启发、推动、影响和教育的方 vision that SCO continues to inspire, influence, educate and 新加坡华乐团与新加坡交响乐团, performed in Paris as part of the Singapour Festivarts. 式来传达它的音乐理念。 communicate through its music. 以及本地其他上百位演奏家组成的联合 大乐团,共同参与了新加坡国庆庆典 Well-known for its high performance standards and 演出,为国庆典礼增添艺术色彩。2008 年 versatility, the SCO has performed at numerous 新加坡艺术节,华乐团与剧艺工作坊 prestigious events such as the World Economic Forum and 合作,突破性地让莎士比亚名著与 International Summit of Arts Council in 2003, and the 昆曲经典《牡丹亭》在演出《离梦》中 2006 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Annual Meeting. 相会。2009 年 ,乐 团 成 为 历 史 上 第 一 支 The orchestra also toured Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen 应邀在爱丁堡艺术节开幕周演出的 in 1998 and Taiwan in 2000. In 2005, it performed at 华 乐 团 ,并 于 2010 年参与新加坡艺术节 the Budapest Spring Festival, the Singapore Season in 在法国巴黎的演出。 London and Gateshead. In 2007, SCO performed at the Beijing Music Festival, as well as in Shanghai as part of the Singapore Season in the China Shanghai International Arts Festival. SCO was also invited to perform at the Macau International Music Festival, as well as at major

4 5 葉聰 音乐 监 西北印第安那州交响乐团音乐总监、 Orchestra. He served as Resident Conductor of Florida – 总 圣路易交响乐团助理指挥、佛罗里达州 Orchestra and was the Principal Guest Conductor of Albany 管弦乐团驻团指挥、纽约奥尔班尼交响 Symphony Orchestra of New York. He is the Principal Tsung Yeh – Music Director 乐团的首席客座指挥。他也是北京华夏 Conductor of the Hua Xia Ensemble in Beijing and is 艺术团的首席指挥、上海新音乐重奏团 one of the founders of the Shanghai New Ensemble. 的发起人之一。 Tsung Yeh started learning the piano at the age of five. He began his study of conducting at the Shanghai 5 岁 开 始 学 习 钢 琴 的 葉 聰 ,于 1979 年在 Conservatory of Music in 1979, and two years later won 上海音乐学院攻读指挥,1981 年获纽约 a full scholarship to the Mannes College of Music in New 曼尼斯音乐学院颁发的全额奖学金往该 York where he received the Academic Excellence Award 葉聰于 2002 年1月应邀出任新加坡华乐团 Tsung Yeh joined the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) 校进修音乐学位课程,毕业时更获学术 upon graduation. In 1983, he began his post-graduate 的音乐总监。在他的领导下,新加坡华乐团 as Music Director in January 2002. Under his direction, 优异奖。1983 年 ,他 赴 耶 鲁 大 学 攻 读 study at Yale University under Otto Werner-Mueller. He 迅 速 拓 展 其 演 奏 曲 目 。由 他 策 划 的 大 型 SCO expanded its repertoire with innovative works such as 硕士课程,成为指挥大师梅勒门生,并先后 also studied conducting with Max Rudolf, Leonard Slatkin, 音乐会包括交响幻想史诗《马可波罗与 Marco Polo and Princess Blue – A Symphonic Epic, Instant is 跟随鲁道夫、史勒坚,以及薛林、韩中杰、 Murry Sidlin, Sidney Harth, Han Zhong Jie, Huang Yi Jun 卜鲁罕公主》、《千年一瞬 —— 与陈瑞献 a Millennium – A Musical Conversation with Tan Swie Hian, 黄贻钧、曹鹏等名指挥家学习。 and Cao Peng. 的 音 乐 对 话 》 、《 大 唐 风 华 》 、《 雷 雨 》 The Grandeur of Tang, Thunderstorm, Admiral of the Seven 及《海上第一人 —— 郑和》等。同时, Seas and Awaking. In Awaking, he melded Shakespeare and 葉聰曾与北美多个乐团合作,计有三藩市、 In May 2001, Tsung Yeh conducted the Paris-Shanghai 在《离梦》中把汤显祖及莎士比亚名著 Tang Xianzu’s plays into one, elevating Chinese orchestral 塔克逊、纽黑文交响乐、卡尔加里和 Duplex Concert – a collaboration of the French National 融为一炉的初步概念也来自他的构思。 music to a higher level. 罗彻斯特管弦乐团等。他也经常应邀担 Symphony Orchestra and Shanghai Broadcasting Orchestra 这 些 成 功 的 制 作 不 但 广 受 好 评 ,也 把 华 乐 任亚洲多个乐团的客席指挥,包括北京、 – that was broadcast via satellite to millions of viewers in 艺术推向了更高的层次。 As Music Director of Singapore’s National Day Parade 上海、广州、深圳,还有香港、台北和台 Europe and Asia. His previous engagements include San 2007, Tsung Yeh conceptualised a symphonic music 中等地方的乐团。欧洲方面,他指挥过 Francisco, Tucson and New Haven Symphonies, Calgary 2007 年,葉聰担任新加坡国庆典礼的 structure with supreme, textured virtuosity that incensed 巴黎 2e2m 合奏团、法国电台管弦乐团 and Rochester Philharmonic, and orchestras from Beijing, 音乐总监,他为这个举国欢腾的庆典 the national pride in the air. 240 musicians from the SCO, 和波兰、俄罗斯及捷克的乐团等。葉聰也 Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taipei, 节目作了全新的音乐设计。在国家领袖、 Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO), Singapore Armed 曾赴日本,指挥新星交响乐团。2001 年 Taichung, Japan, France, Poland, Russia and 2 万 7000 名热情观众和上百万名透过 Forces (SAF) Central Band, Malay and Indian ensemble, 5 月,他应邀指挥了巴黎 — 上海卫星双 Czech Republic. 现场直播观礼的国人面前,葉聰成功 Nanyin ensemble and a chorus performed under his 向电视传播音乐会,法国国家交响乐团 指挥了一个由新加坡华乐团、新加坡 baton before an audience of 27,000 and millions of 与上海广播交响乐团联合呈献演出, With his growing reputation as a conducting teacher, 交 响 乐 团 、马 来 和 印 度 乐 队 、南 音 小 组 television viewers. 透过卫星电视传播,吸引了欧洲与 Tsung Yeh is currently guest professor in both the China 及合唱团所组成的联合乐团。 亚洲上亿观众。 and Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He has been one His perseverance and diligence have brought SCO’s of the Artistic Directors of the Symphonic Workshop Ltd 这些年来,葉聰在乐团演奏质量上的 performances to new heights, both musically and 葉聰在指挥教育界亦极富盛誉。他现任 in the Czech Republic since 1992, and has also taught 不断坚持与努力,使乐团在音乐性、技术性, technically. Between March and April 2005, he led the 中国音乐学院与上海音乐学院客席教授。 conducting workshops hosted by the Conductors Guild, 以及总体音响上都达到了一个前所未有的 orchestra on a tour to Europe at Barbican Center in London, 自 1992 年起,他已是捷克交响乐指挥 The League of American Orchestras and the Musik 新高度。2005 年 ,他 带 领 乐 团 远 赴 伦 敦 、 The Sage Gateshead and the Budapest Spring Festival. 工作坊的艺术总监,并曾在美国“指挥 Hochschule of Zurich. As a recording artist, Tsung Yeh 盖茨黑德,以及布达佩斯春季艺术节, In October 2007, SCO performed at the Beijing Music 家联盟”与北美交响乐团联合会举办的 has made various recordings under the HUGO, Delos 成功指挥了一系列的欧洲巡演。2007 年 Festival, China Shanghai International Arts Festival, 工作坊担任讲师,以及时常应邀到瑞士 and Naxos labels. 10 月 ,乐 团 在 他 的 领 导 下 ,展 开 了 中 国 Macau International Music Festival, as well as at major 举行的国际现代音乐指挥大师班担任 巡演之旅,先后在北京国际音乐节、上海 concert halls in Guangzhou, Zhongshan and Shenzhen. 主讲。另外,他曾同雨果、Delos 与 Naxos 国际艺术节、澳门国际音乐节、广州星海 In August 2009, SCO made history by becoming the first 等公司合作录制了多张音乐光碟专辑。 音 乐 厅 、中 山 市 文 化 艺 术 中 心 和 深 圳 Chinese orchestra to perform in the opening week of the 音乐厅中成功演出。2009 年 8 月 ,乐 团 Edinburgh Festival. 成为历史上第一支应邀在爱丁堡艺术节 开幕周演出的华乐团。 Tsung Yeh is also the Music Director of the South Bend Symphony Orchestra in the United States. In 1995, he was 葉聰同时担任美国南湾交响乐团音乐 honoured with the ASCAP Award together with the South 总监。1995 年,他与南湾交响乐团更获颁 Bend Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he has served as 美国作曲家、作家及出版商协会大奖荣衔。 the Music Director of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. 此外,他也曾担任香港小交响乐团的 音乐总监。 As part of the Conductors’ Mentor Programme sponsored by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, he worked with Music 葉聰曾被挑选参加由芝加哥交响乐团 Director Daniel Barenboim and Principal Guest Conductor 赞助的“指挥家深造计划”,并接受其 Pierre Boulez. In April 1991, he replaced the indisposed 音乐总监巴伦邦及首席客座指挥布莱兹 Barenboim at short notice. He is also the former Music 的指导,1991 年4月 ,他 临 时 代 替 抱 恙 Director of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra 的巴伦邦登上指挥台,成功领导芝加哥 and Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and the Exxon/Arts 交响乐团的演出。此外,葉聰曾担任 Endowment Conductor of the Saint Louis Symphony

6 7 秦立巍 – 大提琴 Li-Wei Qin – Cello

An exclusive Universal Music Chinese artist, Li-Wei 在2011-2012音乐季,秦立巍受邀与北德 In 2002, Li-Wei received the Young Australian of the Year Qin has appeared all over the world as a soloist and as a 广播交响乐团(汉堡)、柏林音乐厅管弦 Award. Prior to teaching at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory, chamber musician. After achieving great success at the 乐团、英国广播公司威尔士国家管弦乐 Li-Wei was a professor of cello at the Royal Northern College 11th Tchaikovsky International Competition where he was 团、德意志国家爱乐乐团、韩国交响乐团、 of Music. He is also a guest professor at Shanghai and awarded the Silver Medal, Li-Wei has since won the First Prize 上海交响乐团、新加坡交响乐团等合作 Central Conservatory of Music in China. Li-Wei plays a 1780 in the prestigious 2001 Naumburg Competition in New York. 演出。 Joseph Guadagnini cello, generously loaned by Dr and Mrs Wilson Goh. Li-Wei has enjoyed successful artistic collaborations with 今年,秦立巍的繁忙行程包括与英国广播 the Rundfunk- Sinfonieorchester Berlin (Janowski), London 公司交响乐团在伦敦巴比肯艺术中心合作 Philharmonic (Briger), BBC Symphony (Van Steen), 演出,与伦敦爱乐乐团合作灌录艾尔加 BBC Philharmonic (Totelier), Hong Kong Philharmonic 大提琴协奏曲,以及作为客座艺术家参 (Van Zweden), Osaka Philharmonic (Belohlavek), China 演纽约林肯中心室内乐协会的演出等。 Philharmonic (Yu Long), Sydney Symphony (Tan Dun), Melbourne Symphony (the late Viotti) and Sinfonia Varsovia 秦立巍为迪卡、百代古典(中国)、大提 (the late Lord Menuhin). Li-Wei has also appeared with 琴经典、澳洲广播公司古典和古典频 秦立巍是当今世界古典乐坛炙手可热的 chamber orchestras such as the Munich, the Zurich, the 道等唱片公司录制过专辑。他于2010年 大 提 琴 演 奏 家 之 一 。作 为 环 球 音 乐 旗 下 Australian and the Kremerata Baltika. 为迪卡录制的全套贝多芬奏鸣曲专辑。 的中国艺术家、一位卓越的独奏家和室 秦立巍与迪卡唱片公司最新与接下来的 内乐音乐家,他的艺术足迹遍及世界各 The 2011/2012 season include appearances with the NDR 合作包括录制德沃夏克、艾尔加、布里顿 地。秦立巍曾在“第11届柴科夫斯基国际 Sinfonieorchester Hamburg, the Konzerthausorchester 的大提琴协奏曲等。 音乐比赛”上大放异彩,荣获银质奖。他还 Berlin, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, the Deutsch 曾获得在纽约举行的享有盛誉的2001年 Staatsphilharmonie, the Korean Symphony, the Shanghai 秦立巍在2002年荣获澳洲年度杰出青 瑙姆堡比赛第一名。 Symphony and Singapore Symphony Orchestra. 年奖。现任教新加坡国立大学杨秀桃 音乐学院,之前曾是英国皇家北方音乐 秦立巍与许多国际知名的乐团和指挥家有 This year, Li-Wei will perform with the BBC Symphony at 学院的大提琴教授。此外,他也是上海 过 成 功 的 合 作 ,其 中 包 括 柏 林 广 播 交 响 乐 the Barbican, recording the Elgar concerto with the London 音乐学院和中央音乐学院的客座教授。 团( 指 挥 :马 雷 克· 雅 诺 夫 斯 基 )、伦 敦 爱 Philharmonic and as guest artist for the Lincoln Centre 秦立巍目前使用的是一把由吴毓逊夫妇 乐乐团(指挥:布里格)、英国广播公司交 Chamber Music Society, New York. 特别赞助、价值一千万人民币的1780年 响乐团(指挥:范·斯蒂恩)、英国广播公 约瑟夫·瓜达尼尼大提琴。 司 爱 乐 乐 团( 指 挥 :杨 ·巴 斯 卡 ·托 特 里 尔 ) Li-Wei has recorded for Decca, EMI Classics (China), Cello 、香港管弦乐团(指挥:范·兹维登)、大阪 Classics, ABC Classics and Channel Classics. His complete 交 响 乐 团( 指 挥 :杰 利 ·贝 洛 拉 维 克 )、中 Beethoven Sonatas recording was released on the Decca 国 爱 乐 乐 团( 指 挥 :余 隆 )、悉 尼 交 响 乐 团 label in 2010. Recent and future releases with Decca include (指挥:谭盾)、墨尔本交响乐团(指挥:维 Dvorak, Elgar and Walton concertos. 奥蒂)以及波兰华沙交响乐团 (指挥:已故 耶胡迪· 梅纽因爵士)。秦立巍还与很多国 际知名的室内乐团公开演出,包括:慕尼 黑室内乐团、苏黎世室内乐团、澳大利亚 室内乐团、波罗的海室内乐团等。

8 9 曲目介绍 Programme Notes

采风 (新加坡首演) 蔡淩惠 第三交响曲作品55 (世界首演) 罗伯特·卡斯特尔斯 Chai Found (Singapore Premiere) Tsai Ling-Huei Symphony No. 3 Op. 55 (World Premiere) Robert Casteels

《采风》是采风工作坊与华乐团于2012年3月的委约作品,并在同年首演。“采风”一词是指对民情风俗的 此曲是一首以自然泛音的单一和弦与其组合创作的交响曲。在生命的交叉路口,个别因素可能会产生一连串 采集,特指对地方民歌民谣的搜集,亦说明了作曲家第一次为华乐团作曲的探索经历。本作品的四个乐章取 而且不尽相同的事件。正因如此,即使在同样的时空和时间,不同的人却有着截然不同的生命。同样的,这 自杨智彰的诗歌《睡眠中的台南》,分别命名为《破晓》、《生命》、《祭乐》和《废城》。 首交响乐以单一和弦开头,但在每一个乐章当中却发展出截然不同的音乐。乐曲犹如一扇开向三个不同世界 的门:第一乐章为自由的低音进行诠释;第二乐章吟出内敛的哀歌;第三乐章奔放地歌咏生命的喜悦。 Chai Found was a commissioned piece by the Chai Found Workshop and Chinese Orchestra in March 2012, and was premiered in the same year. The words “Chai Found” (采风) literally means This piece is based on the permutations on a single chord using natural harmonics. It represents collecting folklores, which also represents the composer’s first exploration in writing for Chinese life’s crossroads when a single different element could trigger off a different chain of events. orchestra. The subtitles for the four movements in the composition which adopted from Yang Hence, different people lead different lives. Similarly, each movement of the 3rd Symphony starts Chih-Chang’s poem, Tainan Qui Dort are Dawn, Presentation of Life, Rite Song, and Ruined City. with the same chord, yet the music in each movement develops very differently. The same door opens to three different worlds: the first movement opens up to a carefree interpretation in the bass, the second to an introverted impression of grief, and the third towards an extroverted expression of a great sense of the joy of living. 蔡凌惠于1973年出生于台北市,先后毕业自国 立 台 北 艺 术 学 院( 美 术 学 士 )、美 国 耶 鲁 大 学 音 乐 学 院 (音乐硕士)以及美国宾州大学音乐系(哲学博士)。蔡淩惠师从吴天连、侯俊庆、卢炎、潘皇龙、尔斯勒拉德 曼、马丁布勒斯尼采克、伊利雅诺贺浮达、安娜威瑟娜、詹姆斯普里莫史、基瑞斯和海密普尔曼特。 罗伯 特·卡斯 特 尔 斯 于1958年,出生在比利时蒂娜,并在布鲁塞尔、伦敦和纽约接受教育。罗伯特·卡斯 蔡凌惠所谱写的钢琴独奏曲《山居秋暝》为2007年国立台湾交响乐团钢琴协奏曲大赛的指定曲,另一首作 特尔斯与20多国的50个专业乐团合作,指挥超过六百件作品,作品范围涵盖早期的古典音乐到当代音乐。 品《南鼓协奏曲》则在2010年由东京交响乐团演奏。自2003年起于国立台北艺术大学任教音乐系理论与作 卡斯特尔斯曾是最年轻,也是第二位获得普朗坦奖的音乐家,此奖是弗兰德文化贡献的最高荣誉奖。他在 曲,并于2007年任乐兴之时管弦乐团的驻团作曲家至今。蔡凌惠亦是台湾作曲家协会的秘书长。 1995年定居新加坡,并在2007成为新加坡公民。他自此孜孜不倦贡献予新加坡乐坛,并创作了超过一百首 跨文化、体裁和题材的音乐作品,作品在澳洲、比利时、中国、英格兰、印尼、韩国和荷兰首演。自1995年 Tsai Ling-Huei was born in Taipei in 1973. She graduated from Taipei National University of the 以来,罗伯特·卡斯特尔斯已经创作了一出歌剧、5首交响曲及9首华族乐器的音乐作品。 Arts (B.F.A.), Yale School of Music (M.M.) and University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D.). She studied with composers Wu Tien-Lien, Ho Chun-Ching, Lu Yen, Pan Hwang-Long, Ezra Laderman, Born in Tienen, Belgium, in 1958, Robert Casteels studied in Brussels, London and New York. Martin Bresnick, Eleanor Hovda, Anna Weesner, James Primosch, Jay Reise and Haim Permont. He has conducted 50 professional orchestras in 20 countries, with a repertoire of 600 works ranging from the early classics to contemporary music. Casteels became the youngest recipient Her piano solo composition, One Autumn Evening in the Mountains, was a set piece in the and the second musician ever to receive the prestigious Plantin Prize, Flander’s highest award for National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra’s Piano Competition in 2007 and the Concerto for Southern cultural achievements.Robert Casteels came to Singapore in 1995, and took up citizenship in 2007. Drums was performed by Tokyo Philharmonia Orchestra in 2010. Tsai Ling-Huei has taught He has contributed tirelessly to Singapore’s music scene and has composed more than 100 works music theory and composition in Taipei National University of Arts since 2003 and is the that range from cross-cultural to different genres and disciplines. His compositions have been composer-in-residence of the Philharmonia Moment Musical since 2007. She is also secretary premiered in Australia, Belgium, China, England, Indonesia, Korea and the Netherlands. Since general of the Taiwan Composers Association. 1995, Robert Casteels has written one opera, five symphonies and nine music compositions for Chinese instruments.

10 11 国乐团协奏曲 — I. 关山月 (新加坡首演) 潘皇龙 Concerto for Chinese Orchestra I. Moon Over Pan Hwang-Long Frontier Mountains (Singapore Premiere)

此曲是一首为华乐团创作的协奏曲。此作品依循作曲家先前的另一部作品《北管协奏曲》的创作理念,即重 新关注传统音乐,同时重新检视音乐创作语法,却舍弃了北管的外在材料,而选择了《关山月》与《阳关三 叠》两首著名古琴曲作为创作素材。全曲分成三个部分: 潘皇龙毕业于国立台湾师范大学音乐学系及瑞士苏黎世音乐学院,并在德国汉诺威音乐戏剧学院、 柏林艺术大学专攻作曲。1982年应国立艺术学院邀请返国服务。2000至2002年担任学生事务长; 第一部分: 首先将《关山月》旋律节奏增值8倍,并逐次递减,再以音阶中的商(F#)音作为轴心音,在其下方 2002年膺选为国立台北艺术大学音乐学院首任院长,2005年膺选连任至2008年止。目前担任亚洲作曲 完成其倒影;尔后将原形置放于它的倒影相差4个八分音符后,形成反向卡农形式,创造基础的曲式结构; 家联盟主席。 并且在其上镶嵌着原形的片断旋律或变形,形成多重层面的音响意涵。 潘皇龙曾获德国尤根庞德作曲奖(1979)、台湾吴三连先生文艺奖(1987)、国家文艺奖(1992, 2003)。作品 第二部分: 以《阳关三叠》旋律的节奏增值两倍,同样地以其音阶中的商(C)音为轴心音,将其原形与倒影 由国内外著名乐团如柏林爱乐管弦乐团、法国庞毕度文化中心现代音乐室内乐团、英国阿笛悌弦乐四重奏 相互并列重叠,形成基础的组织架构或骨干音型;并且在其上点缀着各种形式之片断旋律音型,创造多重音 团等,于国际现代音乐协会世界音乐节、柏林艺术节及阿拉斯加新音乐节等演出。 响的陌生化意境。 Pan Hwang-Long graduated from National Taiwan Normal University with a Bachelor of Arts in 第三部分: 选取《关山月》增值两倍长度的旋律,再度以其商(F#)音作为轴心音,将逆行与逆行的倒影的旋 music and the Musikhochschule und Musikakademie in Zurich. He studied composition at the 律,造成逆行先行,逆行的倒影在后,前后顺序与第一部份相反,逆行与逆行的倒影形成形成相差四个八 Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater in Han¬nover and at the Universitaet der Kuenste 分音符的反向卡农形式,构筑基础的音响成面;并且在其上拼贴着《关山月》与《阳关三叠》的原形或倒影 Berlin. In 1982, he returned to Taiwan to contribute at the National Institute of the Arts in Taipei. 的片断动机或扭曲变形,铸造多重层面的音响境界。 Pan Hwang-long was the Dean for Student Affairs from 2000 to 2002, and the Dean of School of Music from 2002 to 2008 at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Pan Hwang-long is the This is a concerto composed for the Chinese Orchestra. Based on the principles used in the current chairman of Asian Composers League. composer’s earlier composition, Beiguan Concerto, the composer relooks into the music language used in composition whilst re-emphasising the traditional music. Two guqin classics, Moon Over Pan Hwang-long was the winner of the Foerderpreis des Juergen - Ponto Kompositions- Frontier Mountains and Three Variations of the Parting At Yangguan, are the source material for Wettbewerbs (1979), the Wu San-lien Literature & Arts Award (1987) and Taiwan's National Arts this composition. There are three sections in this piece. Award (1992, 2003). His compositions have been performed by numerous ensembles including the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, EIC/IRCAM and the Arditti String Quartet at International The first section (Adagio – Andante) accelerates the original melody of Moon Over Frontier Society for Contemporary Music World Music Days, Berliner Festspiele and Alaska Crosssound Mountains by eight times. It gradually slows down and utilises the F sharp note in the scale as Music Festival. the axial note in the section, forming a reflection. After which, the prototype appears after four quavers, forming an inverted canon and the basic musical form. Segments of the prototype and its variants are encased in this section of the piece, forming a multi-layered music connotation.

The second section (Lento – Lento assai – Lento) accelerates the original melody Moon Over Frontier Mountains by two times, and utilises the C note as its axial note, overlaying the prototype and reflection, forming the basic musical structure and creating a foreign musical realm with multi sound effects.

The third section (Andante – Adagio) extends the original melody Moon Over Frontier Mountains by two folds, and once again utilises the F sharp note as its axial note. The melody and its reflection are inverted, and the inverted melody appears first, followed by the inverted reflection. The sequence in which the inverted melody and inverted reflection appear is the exact opposite of that of the first section. The inverted melody and inverted reflection forms an inverted canon that is interspaced by four quavers, which builds the basic musical structure. Prototypes and variants of Moon Over Frontier Mountains and Three Variations of the Parting At Yangguan appear in the segment to form a multi-layered musical realm.

12 13 华觉 之第三乐章: 盛开 (新加坡首演) 麦克尔·悉尼·廷普森 圆来缘去 莫健儿 Third Movement: Blossom from Sinaethesia Michael Sidney Timpson Raymond Mok Cycles of Destiny (Singapore Premiere)

此曲为香港中乐团委约作品,为介绍香港圆玄学院而创作。圆玄学院是香港的宗教圣地,寺院的思想内容 《华觉》是一组麦克尔·廷普森为华乐团改编的音乐作品。《华觉》一曲名的“华”源自“中华”,意指乐曲中 广博且形式多样,兼容儒、道、佛三教。寺院包罗万象的研修内容使作曲家在创作此乐曲时能自如地选择古 华族器乐的元素,“觉”则源自“通觉”,示指从音乐中听出色彩的能力,其英文曲名也包含了“美学”和“亚 今中外的音乐素材,跳脱一种宗教的思维定式,透过拼贴和并置的手法,把各种素材加以提炼和发展。 洲”的涵意。作曲家不把英文曲名定为“通觉”的原因在于此曲将西方音乐色调转化为东方的音乐色彩。第 三乐章《盛开》取材自中国民歌《茉莉花》,但却将这著名的曲调编织在支声复音和充满东方韵味的旋律中。 在乐曲中,由三组管乐环环相扣,通过回环方式演奏而成的“圆”是其中的重要音乐素材,“圆”内部 正如一朵真实的花朵,曲子在盛开之后便开始凋零,最后只能够暗暗地期盼着来日重放异彩…… 音乐素材的融合以及与外围音乐素材的碰撞最能彰显到乐曲在色彩上的混合与对比;而在乐曲的最后, 不同的音乐素材在完成了自身的起承转合之后结束演奏,乐曲的素材慢慢递减,直到最后一种素材慢慢 《华觉》由中国广播民乐团在《中国民族音乐巡礼百场系列音乐会——奏响中国民乐华彩乐章》于北京国家 消逝 --- 缘起缘去。 大剧院首演。

作曲家鼓励听众聆听此乐曲时,从不同配器中营造出的音乐色彩,各素材交织下带出的张力以及整体曲式 Sinaethesia is a collection of music works for Chinese orchestra that Michael Timpson has adapted 运用产生的起承转合等方面来欣赏,而不刻意观察乐曲中表现的宗教哲学。 from his own works for western instruments. The title Sinaethesia merges the prefix “sino-“ (meaning of Chinese origin) with “synaesthesia” (the ability to visualise colours from hearing This piece was commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in order to introduce the music,) additionally with subtle allusions to the words “aesthetics” and “Asia”. Instead of making Yuen Yuen Institute. The Yuen Yuen Institute is a sacred place of worship and religious retreat musical sounds into colours like “synaesthesia”, the composer is transforming western musical in Hong Kong. The temple is distinguished by an all-embracing intellectualism, and advocates sound colours into eastern musical sound colours. The third movement, Blossom, which is based on the integration and realisation of the teachings of three religions include Taoism, Buddhism the Chinese folk tune Jasmine Flower, hides this well-known melody in layers of heterophony and and Confucianism. Its non-exclusive stance provided an inspiring perspective for the composer eastern atmospheric textures and rhythms. Just like the life of an actual flower, the tune opens into when composing this work. The composer was uninhibited by subject matter, style and cultural its true beauty, only to later wither away and dream for another day to evolve and emerge again….. background, and was free to choose from the treasury of music of all times and all regions. He mixed and juxtaposed the different musical elements, forming a collage that sublimates and The piece Sinaethesia was premiered by the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra at the National develops into a new style of music. Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing in One Hundred Concerts of Chinese National Music Series Concert. In this composition, three groups of wind instruments deliver an interlocking music experience, where the music in “circles” – juxtaposed with peripheral music elements -- provides a sense of endlessness through their progression. At the end of the music “circles”, the music elements diminishes gradually and ends in a quiet and contemplative manner, depicting the cycle of birth 民族学者与作曲家麦克尔·悉尼·廷普森是2010年韩国首尔梨花女子大学的作曲副教授,同时也曾进修 and death. 于南佛罗里达大学、罗德学院与堪萨斯大学。廷普森师从塞缪尔·阿德勒、威廉·奥尔布赖特、威廉·博康 姆,唐纳德·克罗克特,莫滕·劳立德森,弗雷德里克·里斯曼,安德鲁·米德以及约瑟夫·施万特纳。他分 The composer encourages the listeners to appreciate the varying tone colours from the different 别在南加利福尼亚大学、伊斯曼音乐学院以及密歇根大学获作曲文学学士、硕士以及博士学位。 combination of instruments, the tension generated by the interpolation of various elements, and the presentation and development of the work as a whole, instead of consciously analysing the 廷普森许多的近期作品除了敲击合奏、管乐合奏和交响作品以外,也有相当数量的华族器乐作品。他曾 religious philosophies expressed in the piece. 荣获不少作曲大奖,也在知名唱片公司与出版社旗下灌录与出版相当数量的音乐作品。他的作品在北美 洲、南美洲、欧洲以及亚洲各国皆留下足迹。廷普森先后荣获美国作曲家、作家与出版商协会青年作曲家 基金奖、美国音乐广播公司学生作曲家奖以及美国爵士权威杂志《DownBeat》颁发的延伸作曲奖,并两 度入围美国艺术暨文学学会作曲大奖。此外,他也曾荣获现代音乐协会与纽约音乐俱乐部联合会颁发的 莫健儿是伦敦圣三一音乐学院的作曲院士、香港大学作曲哲学硕士及澳洲阿德莱德大学作曲哲学博士。他 布赖恩·以色列奖、李·伊德森作曲奖、国家音乐俱乐部联合会颁发的游瑟大赛奖,并且在“来自中国的音 在学习期间深受影响的导师有叶纯之、叶小钢、陈庆恩、格美·高尼及金美·哥积克。莫健儿的作品曾由 乐”国际作曲大赛和美国国家作曲家协会作曲大赛中荣获第二名。 许多乐团在重要的音乐会和音乐节上发表,其中包括和鸣乐坊成立音乐会(1999年)、香港中乐团心乐集 (1999年、2000年、2001年)、香港现代音乐节(2000年)、北京现代音乐节(2004年、2007年、2009年)、 Composer and ethno-scholar Michael Sidney Timpson was appointed Associate Professor of 国际现代音乐协会世界音乐日(2007年,香港)、香港中乐团香江华彩(2008年、2010年)、联合国教科 Composition in 2010 at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. He has also studied at the 文组织之国际作曲家论坛(2009年,巴黎)及中国交响乐世纪回顾暨第二届中国交响音乐季 -- 河北展演周 University of South Florida, Rhodes College and the ; and received tutelage (2010年)。莫健儿在2002年移居澳门,现任教于澳门理工学院音乐课程。 with Samuel Adler, William Albright, , Donald Crockett, , Frederick Lesemann, Andrew Mead, and Joseph Schwantner. He graduated with composition Raymond Mok obtained the FTCL in Music Composition from the Trinity College, a Master of degree at the University of Southern California, master degree at the Eastman School of Music, Philosophy in Music Composition from the University of Hong Kong and Doctor of Philosophy and a doctorate from the . in Music Composition from the University of Adelaide. A number of teachers were influential to his studies, including Ip Shun-chi, Ye -gang, Chan Hing-yan, Graeme Koehne and Kimi Besides his recent compositions for percussion ensemble, wind ensemble, and symphony orchestra, Coaldrake. His compositions have been widely performed in concerts such as Avant – New Works he has also composed many works for Chinese orchestra. Michael Timpson won multiple by Hong Kong Composers (1999) presented the by Chinese Music Virtuosi, Music to Touch Your composition awards, has recordings on major labels, and with significant publications, Heart (1999, 2000, & 2001) by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Musicarama (2000) his compositions are well featured throughout North and South America, Europe, and Asia. by Chinese Music Virtuosi, Beijing Modern Music Festival (2004, 2007, & 2009) by Ensemble Michael Timpson won the ASCAP Grant for Young Composers, the BMI Student Composers Eclipse, ISCM-ACL, World Music Days (2007 in Hong Kong), Hong Kong Cadenza (2008 & 2010) Award, the DownBeat Magazine award for extended composition, and was twice nominated for by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers (2009 in Paris), the American Academy of Arts and Letters Composition Award. He also won the Brian M. Israel The Review of Chinese Symphonic Music in the Past Century and the 2nd China Symphonic Prize (The Society for New Music and the New York Federation of Music Clubs), the Lee Ettelson Festival – Hebei Performance Week (2010) by Hebei Symphonic Orchestra. After migrating to Composer’s Award, National Federation of Music Club’s Youse Competition, second places at the Macau in 2002, Raymond is currently the lecturer in the Music School of Macau Polytechnic Music From China International Competition and in NACUSA’s Composition Competition. Institute.

14 15 大提琴与乐队幻想曲 — 道 (华乐版本首演) 何志光 年乐捐名单 Passage - Fantasy for Cello and Chinese Orchestra Ho Chee Kong 2012 – 2013 (Premiere of Chinese Orchestra Version) Donors List 2012 – 2013 (As at 27 June 2013) 《道 — 幻想曲》是新加坡艺术理事会为2012年新加坡艺术节委约创作的音乐作品,并由大提琴家秦立巍担 任独奏、陈子乐指挥得奖的乐者交响乐团首演。乐曲以大提琴开头,带出提问式的主题。该主题在全篇作品 中以不同的变奏出现。独奏与乐团之间的互动与唱和形成乐曲的原动力,最后以大提琴孤立沉思原先的问 题总结全曲。今晚演出的是为大提琴与华乐团编写的版本。 S$400,000 and above Deluxe Lido Palace Pte Ltd S$1000 and above 《道 — 幻想曲》当中的不同场景包括:《征兆与远视》,《唤醒的灵魂》,《神圣的雾霭》,《大地的独白》, Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Hong Leong Foundation AV Lite Pte Ltd 《春天的倩影》,《瞥见所选的》,《命运的预示》及《春之梦—所选的》。 Temasek Education Foundation Hong Leong Holdings Ltd Hotel Royal @ Queens CLG Limited Kienta Engineering KTL Offshore Pte Ltd Passage - Fantasy was commissioned by the National Arts Council for the Singapore Arts Festival Construction Pte Ltd Mr and Mrs Wong Sun Tat 2012. It was performed by cellist Li-Wei Qin and the Orchestra of the Music Makers conducted by Chan Tze Law. The cello begins with a question motive that will appear in different variations S$150,000 and above Kong Meng San Phor Mr Loh Tai Min throughout the piece. The interaction and energy between the cello and the orchestra drive each Singapore Press Holdings Limited Kark See Monastery Mr Michael Hwang other forward before concluding with the lone cello pondering over the answers elicited from the LSH Management Services Pte Ltd Mr Tan Bock Huat original question. The version performed tonight is written for cello and Chinese orchestra. S$100,000 and above Mdm Wee Wei Ling Mr Yin Kok Kong Lee Foundation Meilu Enterprises (S) Pte Ltd Ms Chek Heng Bee Scenes in Passage - Fantasy include: The Sign and Vision, Awakening Spirits, Divining the Mist, Mr Lee Hsien Loong Mr Lam Kun Kin Ms Eleanor Lee The Earth Speaks, Shadows of Spring, Sighting the Chosen, Heralds of Fate and Spring Dreams - Ms Kwan Cailyn The Chosen. Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited Mr Ng Siew Quan Mr Ng Tee Bin Professor Tommy Koh S$70,000 and above Mr Simon Eng Quad Professionals Pte Ltd United Engineers Limited Mr Steven Looy SAA Global Education Centre Pte Ltd 何志光是新加坡国立大学杨秀桃音乐学院副教授及作曲系主任。何志光在西乐与华乐作曲皆有相当成就, Ngee Ann Kongsi Sunsphere Materials Pte Ltd 作品曾在世界各地的音乐节上表演。除了作曲,何志光在作曲教学法上亦有研究。他是新加坡作曲家协会的 S$50,000 and above Scanteak Tai Hua Food Industries Pte Ltd 创协会主席,同时也是新加坡华乐团与新加坡艺术学院的董事之一。 Far East Organization SSC Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd Woodlands Transport Service Pte Ltd Jike Biotech Group Pte Ltd Tan Chin Tuan Foundation Ho Chee Kong is the associate professor and head of composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, National University of Singapore. His commissions and awards include Keppel Land Limited Union Steel Holdings Limited S$100 and above music composed for Western and Chinese ensembles and are featured in many festivals around Shun Cheng Investment United Overseas Bank Limited Ichi Seiki Pte Ltd the world. Apart from composing, he also explores pedagogical strategies in music composition. (Singapore) Pte Ltd Wing Tai Foundation Mr Gan Kok Koon He is the founding president of the Composers Society of Singapore and currently serves on the Yanlord Development Pte Ltd Mr Jan Jethro Jonpaul board of directors at SCO and the Singapore School of the Arts. S$40,000 and above Mr Lim Boon Leng Mdm Margaret Wee S$5000 and above Mr Low Kum Choy Chin Hong Mr Luis Rincones S$30,000 and above (Singapore) Pte Ltd Mr Song Yin Kuan Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore Chuang Realty Pte Ltd Mr Tan Kok Huan Hi-P International Limited Ho Bee Foundation Mr Tan See Long Mr Ng Poh Wah Leong Jin Corporation Pte Ltd Mr Victor See Resorts World At Sentosa Pte Ltd Mr Png Wee Chor Ms Kwek Kim Hock Mr Robin Hu Yee Cheng Ms Tian Weiqi S$20,000 and above Nikko Asset Management Avitra Aviation Services Pte Ltd Asia Limited Sponsorships-in-kind 2012 Cosco Corporation (Singapore) Ltd Senoko Energy Supply Pte Ltd 10AM Communications Pte Ltd Keppel Corporation Limited Sia Huat Pte Ltd Amara Hotel Leung Kai Fook Medical Weng Hock Hardware Pte Ltd Blue Speed Construction Pte Ltd Company Pte Ltd Guerlain Mr Kwee Liong Keng S$3000 and above Hong Xing Audio Video Productions Mr Lim Tiam Seng, PBM Gold Bell Engineering Pte Ltd Hotel Royal @Queens Sing Lun Holdings Ltd Robert Khan & Co Pte Ltd Huilin Trading Tote Board and Singapore Turf Club RSM Ethos Pte Ltd Primech Services & Engineering Pte Ltd 誉球集团 Woodlands Citizen’s Consultative Rendezvous Grand Hotel Committee Resorts World At Sentosa Pte Ltd S$10,000 and above Showmakers (Singapore) Pte Ltd Ascendas Funds S$2000 and above Singapore Airlines Management (S) Pte Ltd Lion Global Investors Limited The Style Atelier Bengawan Solo Pte Ltd Mrs Toh - Khoo Lay Kee TPP Pte Ltd Boustead Singapore Limited Ms Florence Chek City Developments Limited Mr and Mrs Ferdinand 16 Delphin Singapore Pte Ltd ‘Ferry’ de Bakker 17 演奏家 Musicians

音乐总监: 葉聰 二胡 / 板胡 Erhu / Banhu 柳琴 / 中阮 Liuqin / Zhongruan 高音笙 Gaoyin Music Director: Tsung Yeh 陶凯莉 Tao Kai Li 张丽 Zhang Li 郭长锁 (笙首席) Guo Chang Suo (Sheng Principal) 驻团指挥: 郭勇德 中胡 Zhonghu 中阮 Zhongruan 王奕鸿 Ong Yi Horng Resident Conductor: Quek Ling Kiong 吴可菲 (副首席) Wu Ke Fei (Associate Principal) 张蓉晖 (首席) Zhang Rong Hui (Principal)^ 全运驹 Chuan Joon Hee 冯翠珊 (代副首席) 中音笙 Zhongyin Sheng 常任客席指挥: 顾宝文 吴泽源 Goh Cher Yen Foong Chui San (Acting Associate Principal) 谢家辉 Seah Kar Wee Guest Conductor Chair: Ku Pao-wen 李媛 Li Yuan 郑芝庭 Cheng Tzu Ting 钟之岳 Zhong Zhi Yue 梁永顺 Neo Yong Soon Wilson 韩颖 Han Ying 驻团青年助理指挥: 倪恩辉 沈文友 Sim Boon Yew 许民慧 Koh Min Hui 低音笙 Diyin Sheng Young Assistant Conductor-in-Residence: 王怡人 Wang Yi Jen 林向斌 Lim Kiong Pin Moses Gay En Hui 三弦 / 中阮 Sanxian / Zhongruan 大提琴 Cello 黄桂芳 Huang Gui Fang 高音唢呐 Gaoyin 驻团作曲家: 罗伟伦 徐忠 (首席) Xu Zhong (Principal) 靳世义 (唢呐兼管首席) Composer-in-Residence: Law Wai Lun 陈盈光 Chen Ying Guang Helen 大阮 Daruan Jin Shi Yi (Suona / Guan Principal) 姬辉明 Ji Hui Ming 许金花 Koh Kim Wah 常乐 (副首席) Chang Le (Associate Principal) 驻团合唱指挥: 桂乃舜 李克华 Lee Khiok Hua 李新桂 Lee Heng Quee Chorus Director-in-Residence: Nelson Kwei 潘语录 Poh Yee Luh 大阮 / 中阮 Daruan / Zhongruan 汤佳 Tang Jia 景颇 Jing Po 中音 / 低音唢呐 Zhongyin / Diyin Suona 刘江 Liu Jiang 高胡 Gaohu 低音提琴 Double Bass 竖琴 / 箜篌 / 古筝 Harp / Konghou / 孟杰 Meng Jie^ 李宝顺 (乐团首席) Li Bao Shun (Concertmaster) 张浩 (首席) Zhang Hao (Principal) 马晓蓝 Ma Xiao Lan 周若瑜 (高胡副首席) 李翊彰 Lee Khiang 次中音唢呐 Cizhongyin Suona Zhou Ruo Yu (Gaohu Associate Principal) 瞿峰 Qu Feng 古筝 / 打击 Guzheng / Percussion 巫振加 Boo Chin Kiah 李玉龙 Li Yu Long 王璐瑶 Wang Lu Yao 许徽 Xu Hui 刘智乐 Liu Zhi Yue 管 Guan 佘伶 She Ling 扬琴 Yangqin 曲笛 Qudi 韩雷 Han Lei 许文静 Xu Wen Jing 瞿建青 (首席) Qu Jian Qing (Principal) 尹志阳 (笛子首席) Yin Zhi Yang ( Principal) 袁琦 Yuan Qi 马欢 Ma Huan 打击乐 Percussion 赵莉 Zhao Li 梆笛 Bangdi 段斐 (副首席) 琵琶 Pipa 林信有 Lim Sin Yeo Duan Fei (Associate Principal) 二胡 Erhu 俞嘉 (首席) Yu Jia (Principal) 陈乐泉 (副首席) 赵剑华 (二胡I首席) 吴友元 Goh Yew Guan 梆笛 / 曲笛 Bangdi / Qudi Tan Loke Chuah (Associate Principal) Zhao Jian Hua (Erhu I Principal) 侯跃华 Hou Yue Hua 彭天祥 Phang Thean Siong 伍庆成 Ngoh Kheng Seng 朱霖 (二胡II首席) Zhu Lin (Erhu II Principal) 陈运珍 Tan Joon Chin 沈国钦 Shen Guo Qin 林傅强 (二胡副首席) 张银 Zhang Yin 新笛 Xindi 张腾达 Teo Teng Tat Ling Hock Siang (Erhu Associate Principal) 陈财忠 Tan Chye Tiong 伍向阳 Wu Xiang Yang 翁凤梅 Ann Hong Mui 柳琴 Liuqin 徐帆 Xu Fan 陈淑华 Chen Shu Hua 司徒宝男 Seetoh Poh Lam 新笛 / 曲笛 Xindi / Qudi 郑重贤 Cheng Chung Hsien 曾志 Zeng Zhi 周经豪 Chew Keng How 谢宜洁 Hsieh I-Chieh 秦子婧 Qin Zi Jing 沈芹 Shen Qin 谭曼曼 Tan Man Man ^ Not in concert 王佳垚 Wang Jia Yao 张彬 Zhang Bin 所有演奏家 (除声部首席与副首席) 名字依英文字母顺序排列。 All musicians’ names (except principal & associate principal) are listed according to alphabetical order. 18 19 艺术咨询团 行政部 Artistic Resource Panel Management Team August 2012 › July 2014

总经理 General Manager 何偉山 Terence Ho 企业发展主管 Director (Business Development) 柳垂汎 Low Swee Fun 高级经理 Senior Managers 戴国光 Tai Kwok Kong, Dominic 张美兰 Teo Bee Lan 本地成员 Local Members 经理 (财务与会计) Manager (Finance & Accounts Management) 谢慧儿 Chay Wai Ee, Jacelyn 粟杏苑 Florence Chek 经 理( 艺 术 行 政 ) Manager (Artistic Administration) 吴奕明 Goh Ek Meng 陈雯音 Chin Woon Ying 林丽音 Mona Lim 经理 Manager 王丽凤 Ong Lay Hong 罗美云 Loh Mee Joon 黄帏彬 Tan Wie Pin 助理经理 (行销传播) Assistant Manager (Marketing Communications) Eric James Watson 許美玲 Koh Mui Leng 胡文雁 Woo Mun Ngan 舞台监督 Stage Manager 余登凤 Mimi Yee 李雋城 Lee Chun Seng 杨秀伟 Yeo Siew Wee 音响工程师 Sound Engineer 张念冰 Zhang Nian Bing 戴瑶综 Jackie Tay

高级执行员 (业务扩展) Senior Executive (Business Development) 海外成员 Overseas Members 林芬妮 Lim Fen Ni 高级执行员 (资料业务) Senior Executive (Resource Services) 费明仪 Barbara Fei 林敏仪 Lum Mun Ee 松下功 Matsushita Isao 高级执行员 (财务与会计) Senior Executive (Finance & Accounts Management) Jonathon Mills 黄秀玲 Wong Siew Ling 朱宗庆 Ju Tzong-Ching 执行员 (会场行销) Executive (Venue Marketing) 李西安 Li Xi An 蔡思慜 Cai Simin 潘皇龙 Pan Hwang-Long 朴东生 Piao Dong Sheng 执行员 (财务与会计) Executive (Finance & Accounts Management) 陈智涵 Chen Zhihan 乔建中 Qiao Jian Zhong 王次炤 Wang Ci Zhao 执行员 (教育与拓展) Executive (Education & Outreach) 林思敏 Lim Simin, Joanna 许舒亚 Xu Shu Ya 杨伟杰 Ricky Yeung Wai Kit 执行员 (人力资源) Executive (Human Resource) 彭勤炜 易柯 Yi Ke Pang Qin Wei 赵季平 Zhao Ji Ping 执行员 (行销传播) Executive (Marketing Communications) 赵塔里木 Zhao Talimu 彭芝璇 Pang Ze Shuen 执行员 (资料业务) Executive (Resource Services) 施天婵 Shi Tian Chan 执行员 (行政) Executive (Administration) 陈琍敏 Tan Li Min, Michelle 执行员 (产业管理) Executive (Venue Management) 張傑凱 Teo Jie Kai, Gerald 执行员 (音乐事务) Executive (Artistic A¤airs) 张淑蓉 Teo Shu Rong 执行员 (行销传播) Executive (Marketing Communications) 蔡谅馨 Toi Liang Shing 助理舞台监督 Assistant Stage Manager 李光杰 Lee Kwang Kiat 乐谱管理 Librarian (Music Score) 许荔方 Koh Li Hwang

20 21

In collaboration with

第31届亚洲作曲家联盟大会音乐节2013 - 开幕音乐会 31st Asian Composers League Festival 2013 - Opening Concert 鸣谢 Acknowledgements 我们向所有以各种方式支持与协助新加坡华乐团的机构与热心人士致谢。 20 九月 September 2013 We wish to thank the media and all who have contributed to the Singapore Chinese Orchestra in one way or another. 星期五 Friday 8pm 新加坡华乐团音乐厅 Patron Sponsor Official Hotel Partner for Official Credit Card Music Director Online Media SCO Concert Hall

Official Official Chinese Official English Official TV Official Community Newspaper Radio Station Radio Station Programme Partner

新加坡华乐团有限公司 Singapore Chinese Orchestra Company Limited 7 Shenton Way, Singapore Conference Hall, Singapore 068810 指挥: 葉聰 email: [email protected] Conductor: Tsung Yeh 大提琴: 秦立巍 Cello: Li-Wei Qin