City Landmark Assessment Report John Parkinson Residence 808 Woodacres Road Santa Monica, California
CITY LANDMARK ASSESSMENT REPORT JOHN PARKINSON RESIDENCE 808 WOODACRES ROAD SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: City of Santa Monica City Planning Division 1685 Main Street, Room 212 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Prepared by: Jan Ostashay Principal Ostashay & Associates Consulting PO BOX 542 Long Beach, CA 90801 FEBRUARY 2019 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY LANDMARK ASSESSMENT REPORT JOHN PARKINSON RESIDENCE 808 Woodacres Road Santa Monica, CA 90402 APN: 4280-002-005 INTRODUCTION This landmark assessment and evaluation report, completed by Ostashay & Associates Consulting (OAC) for the City of Santa Monica, documents and evaluates the local landmark eligibility of the property located at 808 Woodacres Road, Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. This assessment report was prepared at the request of the City and includes a discussion of the survey methodology utilized, a concise description of the property, a summarized historical context of the property and related themes, evaluation for significance under the City of Santa Monica landmark criteria, photographs, and any applicable supporting materials. OAC evaluated the subject property, the John Parkinson Residence, to determine whether it appears to satisfy one or more of the statutory criteria associated with City of Santa Monica Landmark eligibility, pursuant to Chapter 9.56 (Landmarks and Historic Districts Ordinance) of the Santa Monica Municipal Code. The assessment and this report were prepared by Jan Ostashay, principal with OAC, who satisfies the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for Architectural History and History. In summary, OAC finds that the John Parkinson Residence, 808 Woodacres Road, appears eligible for local listing as a City Landmark under City of Santa Monica Landmark Criteria 9.56.100(A)(1), 9.56.100(A)(2), 9.56.100(A)(3), 9.56.100(A)(4), and 9.56.100(A)(5).
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