Molecules and Cells Minireview Crystal Structure of Histidine Triad Nucleotide- Binding Protein from the Pathogenic Fungus Candida albicans Ahjin Jung1,6, Ji-Sook Yun1,6, Shinae Kim1, Sang Ryong Kim2, Minsang Shin3, Dong Hyung Cho2, Kwang Shik Choi2,4,5,*, and Jeong Ho Chang1,5,* 1Department of Biology Education, 2School of Life Sciences, BK21 Plus KNU Creative BioResearch Group, 3Department of Mi- crobiology, School of Medicine, 4Research Institute for Dokdo and Ulleungdo Island, Kyungpook National University, 5Research Institute for Phylogenomics and Evolution, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea, 6These authors contributed equally to this work. *Correspondence:
[email protected] (KSC);
[email protected] (JHC) Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein (HINT) is a member of evolution. Further studies are required to address the func- of the histidine triad (HIT) superfamily, which has hydrolase tional significance of variations in the C-terminal region. This activity owing to a histidine triad motif. The HIT superfamily structural analysis of CaHINT provided important insights into can be divided to five classes with functions in galactose me- the molecular aspects of evolution within the HIT superfamily. tabolism, DNA repair, and tumor suppression. HINTs are high- ly conserved from archaea to humans and function as tumor Keywords: Candida albicans, crystal structure, histidine triad, suppressors, translation regulators, and neuropathy inhibitors. HIT family, HINT Although the structures of HINT proteins from various species have been reported, limited structural information is available for fungal species. Here, to elucidate the structural features INTRODUCTION and functional diversity of HINTs, we determined the crystal structure of HINT from the pathogenic fungus Candida albi- Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein (HINT), which con- cans (CaHINT) in complex with zinc ions at a resolution of 2.5 tains three highly conserved histidines as catalytic residues, is Å.