MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2010 Lawsuit hinges on privacy act Athletes’ If the UI turns documents over to police, they cannot be withheld under the federal act. By HAYLEY BRUCE by the Iowa crest in 2007 and involved two David Cuillier. run-in
[email protected] City Press-Citi- former Hawkeye football players. The Court’s ruling will come zen, according The Press-Citizen filed the down to interpretation of the fed- Whether the University of to the Des lawsuit after university officials eral law, Iowa Supreme Court Iowa will be required to Moines Regis- refused to turn over the docu- Justice Brent Appel said during rate down turnover hundreds of docu- ter. The suit ments, citing t h e Fa m i l y oral arguments Oct. 15, the Regis- ments relating to a reported stems from Educational Rights and Pri- ter reported. on-campus sexual assault will whether the UI Cuillier vacy Act. After originally ordering the Speakers provide advice depend on interpretation of a must turn over The law was originally UI to release all 1,100 pages of chairman for student athletes. federal law, Iowa Supreme nearly 1,100 intended to protect students’ documents, Johnson County Court justices said last week. pages of docu- grades and financial-aid infor- District Judge Douglas Russell By ALISON SULLIVAN The Court heard arguments ments relating to the incident, mation, said Freedom of Infor-
[email protected] Oct. 15 in a 2008 lawsuit filed which allegedly occured in Hill- mation Committee Chairman SEE LAWSUIT, 3 University of Iowa student-athlete citation/arrest rates have seen a substan- tial decrease, records show.