Article 50 Brexit Appeal
Day 3 Article 50 - Brexit Hearing 7 December 2016 � 1 Wednesday, 7 December 2016 1 your Lordships to go through. It is called Gopal. And 2 (10.30 am) 2 it is paragraphs 3 and 7 which I say support my 3 THE PRESIDENT: Lord Pannick. 3 contention. It is nothing to do with human rights. 4 Submissions by LORD PANNICK (continued) 4 However, I should also draw to the attention of the 5 LORD PANNICK: Good morning, my Lady and my Lords, I was 5 court the judgments of the appellate committee in the 6 completing my fourth submission which is that the 6 Spath Holme case volume 8, tab 75, please don't turn it 7 1972 Act, contents and purpose, contains no clear 7 up, but it is volume 8, tab 75, MS 2991. It is [2001] 2 8 statement that the executive does have a prerogative 8 Appeal Cases, and I do accept there the majority of the 9 power to nullify the statutory scheme and indeed if 9 appellate committee said Hansard could not be used to 10 I need to go this far, I say, having regard to the 10 identify the purpose of an act. So I draw attention to 11 statutory presumptions, that is the Henry VIII clauses, 11 that. 12 legality and implied repeal, the Act clearly indicates 12 What I would say, however, is that if in this case 13 in my submission that the executive does have no such 13 this court is going to look, if it is going to look, at 14 power.
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