A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston

Compiled by Calliope Farsides


Freedom, A New Analysis (: Longmans, 1953; 3rd, revised, edn, New York: Basic Books, 1967). Human Rights Today (London: Bellman Books, 1955; revised edn, London: Ampersand, 1962). : A Biography (London: Longmans, 1957; New York: Macmillan, 1957; new edn, Oxford University Press, 1985). John Stuart Mill, Writers and their Work, no. 99 (London: Longmans, 1958). The Essence of Democracy (London: Phoenix House, 1958). John Locke, Writers and their Work, no. 135 (London: Longmans, 1961). Sartre (Writers and Critics) (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1962). Political Dialogues (London: BBC, 1968; New York: Basic Books, 1968). Philosophy and Language/Six Talks for CBC Radio (Toronto: CBC Publications, 1969). The Quintessence of Sartrism, lectures delivered on CBC 'Ideas' programme under the title 'Marxism and Existentialism' (Montreal: Harvest House, 1970). The Mask of Politics and other Essays (London: Allen Lane, 1973; New York: The Library Press, 1973). What are Human Rights? (London: Bodley Head, 1973; New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1973; Delhi: National Academy, 1974). Jean-Jacques: The Early Life and Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1983; London: Allen Lane, 1983). Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the French Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, 1986).

259 260 A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston


Western Political Philosophers (London: Bodley Head, 1964; New York: Capricorn Books, 1967). John Locke's 'An Essay Concerning Human Understanding', abridged edition with Introduction (New York: Collier Books, 1965). Locke on Politics, Religion and Education (New York: Cromwell• Collier, 1965). A Glossary of Political Terms (London: Bodley Head, 1966; New York: Basic Books, 1966). The New Left: Six Critical Essays (London: Bodley Head, 1970; New York: The Library Press, 1971; Delhi: National Academy, 1973); re-published as Prophetic Politics - Critical Interpretations of the Revolutionary Impulse (New York: Touchstone Books, Simon & Schuster, 1973). (with S. Lakoff) A Glossary of Political Ideas (New York: Basic Books, 1969). (with R. S. Peters) Hobbes and Rousseau (New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1972). (with Peter Mair) Ideology and Politics/Ideologie et Politique (Brussels: Bruylant, 1980). (with Peter Mair) Politique et Langage (Brussels: Bruylant, 1982).


Julius Hartnack, Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy (London: Methuen, 1965: New York: Doubleday, 1965). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968; Baltimore: Penguin, 1968). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Discourse on Inequality (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984; New York: Viking-Penguin, 1984).


'Denton Welch', in Wilson Harris (ed.) Spectator Harvest (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1952); also in Derek Hudson (ed.) English Critical Essays, 20th Century (Oxford University Press, 1958). 'What is Democracy?' in A. F. Scott (ed.) The Spoken Word A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston 261

(anthology of broadcast talks) (London: Macmillan, 1961; New York: StMartin's Press, 1961). 'Rousseau in ', in Peter Green (ed.) Essays by Divers Hands, xxxi (Oxford University Press, 1962). 'Simone de Beauvoir', in John Cruikshank ( ed.) The Novelist as Philosopher: Studies in French Fiction 1935-60 (Oxford University Press, 1962). 'John Stuart Mill', in J. W. Robinson (ed.) British Writers and their Work no. 2 (reprint of Longman pamphlet) (Lincoln, Nebr.: University of Nebraska Press, 1963). 'Mr. and Mrs. Mill on Liberty', in D. H. Spender (ed.) English for Proficiency (Oxford University Press, 1963). 'The Dialectics of Monsieur Sartre', in G. R. Urban (ed.) Scaling the Wall, the Best of Radio Free Europe (Andover: Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd., 1964; Detroit: Wayne State University, 1964). 'The New Science and Metaphysics', in J. Cameron (ed.) Growth of Ideas (London: Macdonald & Co., 1965). 'John Locke and Government by Consent', in David Thompson (ed.) Political Ideas (London: Watts, 1966; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969). 'Human Rights - Real and Supposed', in D. D. Raphael (ed.) Political Theory and the Rights of Man (London: Macmillan, 1967). 'The Later Thought of Jean Paul Sartre', in P. Rahv (ed.) Modern Occasions (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967; New York: Farrer, Strauss and Giraud, 1966). 'The Roots of Nationalism', in R. Derathe (ed.) L'Idee de Nation (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1969). 'Some Aspects of the History of Freedom', in Klaus Von Beyme ( ed.) Theory & Politics, Festschrift for the 70th birthday of Carl Joachim Friedrich (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969). 'Marxism and Freedom', in Brian Crozier (ed.) 'We Will Bury You', Studies in Left Wing Subversion Today (London: Tom Stacey, 1970). 'St Thomas Aquinas as a Political Philosopher', in J. V. Down ton and D. K. Hart (eds.) Perspectives in Political Philosophy (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971). 'Technology and Mass Man', in G. R. Urban (ed.) Can We Survive Our Future, Published Interviews from Radio Free Europe 1970- 71 (London: Bodley Head, 1972). 262 A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston

'John Locke', in Bruce Mazlish (ed.) Makers of Modern Thought (New York: American Heritage, 1972). 'Jean Paul Sartre from Childhood', in Max Charlesworth (ed.) The Existentialists & Jean Paul Sartre (University of Queensland Press, 1975). 'True Liberty', in Godfrey Vesey ( ed.) Philosophy in the Open (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1974). 'Political Philosophy Since 1945', in The Great Ideas Today (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1975). 'Sartre', in K. Minogue and A. de Crespigny ( eds) Contemporary Political Philosophy (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1975). 'Reminiscences', in Fredric Raphael ( ed.) Bookmarks (London: Jonathan Cape, 1975). (with J. M. Benoist), 'Cartesianisme et/ou empirisme', in R. Pillaudin ( ed.) Dialogues franco-britanniques (Paris: Editions Menges, 1978). 'A Disputation on the Future of Democracy', with A. Quinton and M. J. Adler, in The Great Ideas Today (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1978). 'Souvrainete populaire et gouvernment elitiste chez Rousseau', in Melanges offerts a Raymond Polin (Geneva: Droz, 1979). 'What are Human Rights?', in W. Laqueur and B. Rubin (eds.) Human Rights Reader (New York: Meridian Books, New American Library, 1979). 'Is there a Right to Privacy?', in V. Mathieu (ed.) Le Public et le Prive (Rome: Instituto di Studi Filosofici, 1979). 'Le Marxisme et l'existentialisme: quelques reftexions sur la philosophie politique de Sartre', in Christopher Thacker ( ed.) Essays for Peter Mayer (The University of Reading, 1980). 'Human Rights', in A. S. Duncan, G. R. Dunstan and R. B. Welbourn (eds.) Dictionary of Medical Ethics (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1981). 'Locke on Toleration', in Tolerance et intolerance (Nantes, 1981). 'L' Angleterre et L'Europe', in Alison Browning ( ed.) L'Europe et les Intellectuals (Paris: Gallimard, 1984). 'Rousseau and the Birth of Romanticism', in Angus Wilson (ed.) Essays by Divers Hands, XLIII (London: Royal Society of Literature, 1985). 'The Social Contracts of J.-J. Rousseau', in The Great Ideas Today (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1985). A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston 263


'Francis Bacon'; 'Edmund Burke'; 'Fascism'; 'Liberalism'; 'Baron de Montesquieu'; 'Toleration'; in Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (New York: Free Press, Macmillan, 1967; London: Collier• Macmillan, 1967). 'Michael Oakeshott', Biographical Supplement, International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences vol. 18 (New York: Macmillan, 1968). 'Ideology', Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 9 (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1980).


'Unpromised Island', New Statesman and Nation, 21 November 1942. 'The New Oxford', New Statesman and Nation, 8 February 1947. 'Freedom, Discipline and Bondage', Philosophy, XXIV (1949). 'The Leviathan', History Today, (October 1951). 'Of Human Freedom', Encounter, IV (1955). 'Men and Ideas: John Locke', Encounter, VII (1956). 'On Writing a "Life" of Jeremy Bentham', Listener, 2 October 1958. 'Robert Owen: Socialist Visionary', Listener, 27 November 1958. 'What is Democracy?', Listener, 27 August 1959. 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity', Listener, 3 September 1959. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mill on Liberty', Listener, 10 September 1959. 'Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government', Listener, 19 November 1959. 'Lord Macaulay after a Hundred Years', Listener, 7 January 1960. 'Jean Paul Sartre', Encounter, XVIII (1962). 'Culture and Anxiety', Listener, 24 May 1962. 'Pope John XXIII on Peace and the Rights of Man', Political Quarterly, XXXIV (1963). 'Sartre's Commitment', Encounter, XXIII (1964). 'Sartre as a Political Theorist', Rationalist Annual1965. 'Intellectuals of the World- 3: Paradox of the French Intellectual', New Society, v (1965). 'Albert Camus', Encounter, XXVIII (1967). 'Michael Oakeshott', Encounter, XXVIII (1967). 'Sartre and Violence', Encounter, XXIX (1967). 264 A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston

'Prolegomena to Human Rights Year: The Rights Men Ought to Have', Patterns of Prejudice, II (1968). 'Michael Foucault', Encounter, xxx (1968). 'Locke and his Influence', History of the English-speaking Peoples, LVIII (1968). 'Herbert Marcuse', Encounter, XXXII (1969). 'Rights and Freedom', Political Quarterly, XL (1969). 'The Notion of the State', Government and Opposition, IV (1969). 'Power Abused', New Statesman, 11 April1969. 'Ideology, Past and Present', Survey, No. 70/71 (1969). 'Voltaire as a Man of Feeling', Listener, 23 April1970. 'The Thought of Garaudy', Problems of Communism, XIX (1970). 'Going into Europe- Again?', Encounter, XXXVII (1971). 'Toleration', Government and Opposition, VI (1971). 'Politics and Ethics', Encounter, XXXVIII (1972). 'Diderot from the Tomb', Encounter, xu (1973). 'Althusser's Ideology', Problems of Communism, XXII (1973). 'The Right to Privacy', Listener, 4 and 11 July 1974. 'The Right to Freedom of Movement', Question, VII (1974). 'The Right to Privacy', Unservile State Papers, no. 21 (1975). 'One Mill or Two', Encounter, XLV (1975). 'Authority in Question', History of the 20th Century, VIII (1975). 'Ideology Today', Lugano Review (1975/6). 'De Gaulle and the Question of Authority', Lugano Review (1976). 'Hannah Arendt', Encounter, XLVI (1976). 'Bertrand Russell', Encounter, XLVI (1976). 'A Private Space', Social Science Information, XIV (1976). 'Hamilton and Jefferson on the Constitution', Lugano Review, (1976). 'Hume and Holbach on Justice', Lugano Review, (1977). 'The Meaning of Detente', Survey, xxm (1977). 'A Dialogue on Socialism', New Lugano Review (1977). 'The Christian-Marxist Dialogue', Problems of Communism, XXVII (1978). 'Hannah Arendt', Inquiry Magazine, XXI (1978). 'The "Just War" and a Just Peace', Comprendre, 41-2 (1978). 'Remembering Rousseau: A Bicentenary Essay', Encounter, u (1978). 'What is an Ideology?', Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales, XLVI (1919). A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston 265

'A Dialogue on the French Revolution between Prince Metternich and Prince Talleyrand', New Lugano Review (1979). 'Wilhelm von Humboldt', Inquiry, xxn (1979). 'The Language of Politics', New Lugano Review (1979). 'Human Rights Redefined', Journal of Asian-Pacific and World Perspectives, VI (1982/3). 'Rousseau and the Ideology of Liberation', The Wilson Quarterly, VII (1983). 'The Life and Death of Arthur Koestler: In the Tradition of Daniel Defoe', Encounter, LXI (1983). 'Are there any Human Rights?', Daedalus, cxn (1983). 'Rousseau and Equality', Social Philosophy and Policy, 11 (1984).


'L'Empire Britannique: Probleme de Civilisation', Comprendre (1956). 'Les romans d'lvy Compton-Burnett', Les Lettres nouvelles, No. 64, (Octobre 1958). 'Le Concept de Democratie et la Methode du Dialogue', Comprendre (1960). 'Jean-Paul Sartre', Der Monat (1962). 'Les Droits de L'Homme et les Organismes Internationaux', Comprendre (1967). 'Les Droits de L'Homme: jeu de patience', Les Nouveaux Cahiers (1968). 'Les "Periodes" de Michel Foucault', Preuves, Aout-Septembre (1968). 'L'Homme Politique sans Polis', Comprendre (1974). 'Realite et Apparence chez Machiavel', France Forum, Juillet 1975. 'La Paix et la Justice', Comprendre (1975). 'Guerre et Paix', Comprendre (1977). 'Souvrainete populaire et gouvernement elitiste chez Rousseau', Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales, Cahier Vilfredo Pareto (1979). 'Rousseau et l'aristocratie', Annates de Ia Societe J. J. Rousseau, Geneva (1980). 'La fin et les moyens', Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales, XIX (1981). 266 A Bibliography of Maurice Cranston

'Force et Violence chez Thomas Hobbes', Cadmos (1981). 'L' Angle terre et L'Europe', Cadmos (1983). 'Nous sommes tous socialistes aujourd'hui', Le Temps Strategique, Geneva (Winter, 1984).


Philosopher's Hemlock (a detective story) (London: John Westhouse, 1946). Introduction to Switzerland (London: Chaterson, 1949). 'Murder in Birdcage Walk', The London Mystery Magazine, No. 52, (December 1951). 'The Connoisseur', Lilliput, XXIX, No. 6 (December-January 1952). 'Mrs. Fanshawe's Heir', Lilliput, xxxn, No. 5 (April-May 1953). Politics and Ethics ... an Inaugural Lecture (London: London School of Economics, 1972). Index

Acton, H. B., 255 Bingham, A. J., 99n Adler, Mortimer, 258n Blackstone, William, 122-4, 137n Allett, J., 172n Blanc, Louis, 143, 169n Alquie, F., 255 Bloom, Allan, 97n Ansart-Dourien, M., 97n Bodin, Jean, 80 Aquinas, Thomas, 56, 236-7, 241 Booth, Charles, 151-3 Arendt, Hannah, 254 Booth, Mary, 151 Aristotle, 5, 12n, 33, 36, 53, 56, 65, Borchard, Ruth, 169n 118n,229-34,236,241,246-7, Bosanquet, Bernard, 99n 249n,255 Boudin, Raymond, 256 Aron, Raymond, 110, 120n Bourricaud, Fran~ois, 256 Attlee, Clement, 149 Bowring, John, 136-7n Augustine of Hippo, 55, 175, 223, Bozman, M. M., 118n 235-6,241 Brissenden, R. F., 97n Austin, J. L., 255 Brown, D. G., 138n Ayer, A. J., 168n, 255 Brown, K. C., 60 Buffon, G. L., Comte de, 91 Baczko, B., 98n, lOOn, 255 Burgelin, P., 98n Bacon, Francis, 42n, 173, 179 Burke, Edmund, 15, 103, 111, 179, Baechler, Jean, 256 204,223-4,227n Bailyn, Bernard, 41n Burns, J. H., 137n Bain, Alexander, 145, 169n Barker, E., 12n, 140, 168n Cabanis, P. J. G., 91 Baron, Hans, 41n Candide, 11 Barry, Brian, lln Carlyle, Thomas, 141-2, 144, 169n Bassett, R., 227n Carter, Jimmy, 215 Bauer, Peter, 257 Castel, L. B., 91 Bayle, Pierre, 212 Chamberlain, Joseph, 151-3, 158 Beaumont, Gustave de, 118n Chanteur, Janine, 256 Beer, Samuel, 166, 172n Chapman, John, 97n, 253 Bellamy, John, 225n Charvet, John, 97n, 255 Benenson, Peter, 257 Chateaubriand, F. R., Vicomte de, Bentham, Jeremy, 140-1,238-9, 103 256; on liberty and justice, 121- Churchill, John, 11n 38; and Benthamism, 141, 168n Clarke, Peter, 168n Berger, Gaston, 255 Coke, Sir Edward, 32-3, 208-9, Bergson, Henri, 175 225n Berki, R.N., 172n Cole, Margaret, 168n, 171-2n Berlin, Isaiah, 62, 76, 78, 95-6n, 98, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and the 134-5, 138n,204-6,225n,253- Coleridgeans, 141 4 Collins, H., 249n Beveridge, William, 167 Comte, Auguste, 106, 150, 165 Bezuhov, Pierre, 201 Condorcet, M. J., Marquis de, 110 Billington, James, 226n Connerton, Paul, 226n

267 268 Index

Constant, Benjamin, 15, 63, 67, 86- Feaver, Cieorge, 1-13, 139-72, 258 8,96n, 100n,204,253-4 Feuerbach, Ludwig, 179-80, 182 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Lord Filmer, Sir Robert, 53, 137n Shaftesbury, 208 Forbes, Duncan, 226n Copernicus, Nicholaus, and Fourier, Fran<;ois, 106; and Copernican, 161 Fourierism, 163 Cotta, Sergio, 173--84, 256 France, P., 12n Cox, S., 120n Fuchs, M., 97n Cranston, Maurice, 2-4, 7-11, 12- 13n, 15,45,81,91,96n,98, Ciagnebin, B., 96n lOOn, 120n, 134-5, 138n, 186, Ciellner, Ernest, 225n, 257 204,207,225n,251-8; Ciert, B., 42n bibliography of, 259--{)6 Ciilbert, A., 12n, 226n Crick, Bernard, 254 Ciilbert, S., 119n Crocker, Lester, 80, 97-8n, lOOn Ciladstone, William Ewart, 139, Cropsey,Joseph,42n 141, 168 Ciobineau, Arthur de, 111-12, 117, Dallison, Charles, 29-30, 42n 119n, 120n Darwin, Charles, 165 Ciodwin, William, 137n Davison, Margaret, 156 Cioldmann, Lucien, 255 Defoe, Daniel, 74, 97n Cioldworth, A., 137n De Lolme, J. L., 124, 137n Ciomperz, Theodor, 169n Denisov, Ivan, 201 Ciooch, CJ. P., 119n Derathe, Robert, 64, 81, 96n, 98n, Ciray, John, 138n 101, 118n, 255 Cireen, Thomas Hill, 204, 206 Descartes, Rene, 90--1, 179 Ciriffiths, A. Phillips, 225n Despencer, Hugh le, The Elder and Cirimsley, R., 11n Younger, 208 Cirotius, Hugo, 76 Deutsch, Karl, 256 Ciuizot, F. P. Ci., 108 Dewey, John, 243 Ciwyn, W. B., 42n Dickens, Charles, 229, 239 Disraeli, Benjamin, 108 Hahn, C., 118n Drake, Barbara, 168n Hamilton, Alexander, 27 Duguit, L., 240--1 Hampshire, Stuart, 255 Dumont, E., 125, 137n Hanoverians, 210 Dworkin, Ronald, 245--{) Harlan, J. A., Justice, 195 Harris, Jose, 171n Eade, J. C., 97n Hart, H. L. A., 132-3, 137-8n Eastman, Max, 172n Hartz, Louis, 120n Edward II, 208 Harvey, S., lOOn Eliade, Mircea, 178 Hay, J. R., 168n Elizabeth I, 46, 214 Hayek, F. A., 145, 169n, 257 Engels, Friedrich, 170n Healey, John, 227n Epicurus, 55 Hegel, CJ. W. F., 21, 67, 109, 111, Euclid, 238 205-{),217,226n, 254 Heidegger, Martin, 175, 182 Falk, David Henry VII, 209-10 Farsides, Calliope, 259 Herodotus, 65 Fawcett, J. E. S., 226n Herr, R., 118n Index 269

Hildreth, R., 137n Lee, H. P. D., 12n Hill, Christopher, 226n Leigh, R. A., 96n, 99-lOOn, 118- Himmelfarb, G., 145, 169-70n 19n, 255 Hitler, Adolf, 62, 74, 86, 95, 251 Lenin, V., 98-9n, 180 Hobbes, Thomas, 7, 12-13n, 15,62- Leroy, A. L., 255 7,69,71,75-7,79-82,86-90, Letwin, Shirley Robin, 229-49, 257 92,96n,98n, 124,133, 137n, Letwin, William, 185-202, 257 207-9,211,218,225-6n,236, Leyden, Wolfgang von, 254 247, 249n, 256; on liberty and Lichtheim, George, 140 the executive power, 28-43; on Lietzmann, Sabrina, 226n the regulation of voluntary Lilbume, John, 29 motion, 45-60 Lister, Dr, 252 Hobhouse, L. T., 167 Locke, John, 1-4,5,9-10, 11-13n, Hobson, J. A., 167 15,21,28-9, 31,39-40,4ln, Holmes, 0. W., Justice, 195--6 65,76-7,84,122-4,126-7,134, Holmes, S., lOOn 137n, 140, 167,225n,253-7 Homer, 232 Long, Douglas, 136-7n Hooker, Richard, 59 Louis Napoleon, 115 Humboldt, William von, 63, 67 Louis Philippe I, 108 Hume, David, 15, 90, 124, 129, 133, Louis XVI, 103, 108 137n Lukacs, George, 182 Hume, L. J., 138n Lukacs, J., 119n Hunton, Philip, 29 Lycurgus, 95 Husserl, Edmund, 175 Hyppolite, Jean, 253 ~cDonald, L. C., 12n ~acDonald, Ramsay, 140 Ihering, Rudolf von, 240 ~achiavelli, Niccolo, 6-7, 12n, 28- 9,38,65, 79-80,96n, 118n, Jamesl,214,225n 211,215,226n,256 Johnson, Chalmers, 120n ~cllwain, Charles, 199, 225n Jones, David, 225n ~acKenzie, Jeanne, 170n Jouvenel, Bertrand de, 95n, 255 ~acKenzie, Norman, 150, 170--ln ~cLellan, D., 170n Kahn-Freund, 0., 257 ~acmanners, Jack, 255 Kant, Immanuel, 18, 22, 36, 53, 90, ~agee, Brian, 172n 99n, 104,238-9,243,249n,252 ~air, P., 13n Kelsen, Hans, 243 ~aistre, Joseph de, 216 Kennedy, Duncan, 244-5 ~alebranche, N., 91, 103 Kergorlay, Louis de, 118n ~ansfield, Harvey C. Jr., 27-43, Keynes, J. ~., 167 226n,256 King, P., 13n ~arcuse, Herbert, 213, 226n ~arx, Karl, 9, 67, 97n, 106, 166, Lacqueur, W., 13n 170n, 172n, 176, 179-83,220; Lakoff, Sanford, 13n, 101-20, 256 and ~arxism, 66, 140, 174, 198, Laski, Harold, 258 206,241-3 Laslett, Peter, lln, 12-13n, 95n, ~asters, Roger, 255 137 ~athieu, V., 13n Lawrence, G., 119n ~attos, A. T. de, 119n Lawson, George, 29 ~ayer, J.P., 118n 270 Index

Merleau-Ponty, M., 253,255 Packe,M. St.J., 169n Mill, Harriet Taylor, 139-41, 142- Pappe, H. 0., 170n 50, 162-3, 167, 168-70n Parfit, Derek, 168n Mill, James, 139, 141-2, 144, 168- Pascal, Blaise, 101, 103, 118n 9n Pashukanis, E. B., 242 Mill, John Stuart, 15, 63, 67, 106, Pateman, Carole, 96n 139-50, 154, 156, 161-6, 167, Pease, Edward, 156 168-71n, 204, 254; on liberty Penington, Isaac, 29 and justice, 121-38; on liberty Pennock, J. R., 60n in British Social Democracy, Perelman, Chaim, 255 139-72 Peters, RichardS. 98n, 254-5 Miller, D., 97n Pickles, William, lOOn Miller, J., lOOn Plamenatz, John, 82, 98n Milne, A. J. M., 13n Plato, 3-5, 8, 10, 12-13n, 45, 50--2, Milton, John, 29; his Areopagitica, 65, 74, 78,80, 118n, 169n, 174, 204 178,206,211,229-34,246, Mineka, F., 146 249n,255 Minogue, Kenneth, 203-27, 257 Pocock, J. G. A., 4ln Molesworth, Sir Charles, 60n Pogson Smith, W. G., 42n, 137n Montefiore, Alan, 255 Poirier, P., 255 Montesquieu, Charles Louis, Baron Polin, Claude, 26n, 256 de, 15,28, 79-80,101,103, Polin, Raymond, 15-26, 255 105, 118n, 124, 137n,204 Popper, Karl, 172n, 257 Moore, Barrington Jr, 226n Porset, C., 97n Moravia, S., 99-lOOn Potter, Beatrice, see Webb, Morley, John, 168n Beatrice Mortimer, John, 172n Potter, Lawrencina, 150 Moulakis, Athanasios, 256 Potter, Richard, 150, 159-61 Moulin, Leo, 256 Proudhon, P. J., 67 Murdoch, Iris, 255 Ptolemy, Claudius, and Ptolemaic, 161 Namier, Lewis, 252 Pufendorf, Samuel, 76 Pym, Francis, 225n Napoleon I, 222 Nedham, Marchamont, 29 Newton, Isaac, 104, 106 Quinton, Anthony, lln, 256 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 174, 180--3 Radcliff, P., 138n Nisbet, H. B., 226n Radice, Lisanne, 172n Nord, D. E., 170n Raleigh, Walter, 225n Nowell-Smith, P., 255 Rameau, J.P., 97n Nozick, Robert, 224n Raphael, D. D., 13n Nugent, T., 137n Numa, 95 Raymond, M., 96n Rees, J. C., 130, 138n Robbins, Lionel, 163 Oakeshott, Michael, 47, 55, 225-6n, Robespierre, M., 103 257 Robson, J. M., 137n, 168n, 170n Olivier, Sydney, 154 Rohm, Ernst, 227n Orr, Robert, 45-60, 257 Rorty, Richard, 96n Owen, Robert, and Owenism, 163 Rosen, Frederick, 121-38, 257-8 Index 271

Rossi, A. S., 170n Talmon, Jacob, 67, 96n Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 2-3, 6, 7- Tawney, R. H., 153-4 8, ll-12n,21, 174,205-6,253- Taylor, A. E., 53 8; his two concepts of liberty, Taylor, Harriet, see Mill, Harriet 61-100; and Tocqueville, 101-20 Taylor Rubin, B., 13n Taylor, Helen, 169n Russell, Bertrand, 62, 95n, 168n Taylor, John, 142-3, 169n Ryan, Alan, 96n, 171n Ten, C. L., 132, 138n Ryle, Gilbert, 255 Thrasymachus, 231 Thucydides, 65 Sade, D. A. F., Marquis de, 77, 98n Tocqueville, Alexis, Comte de, 15, Sadler, John, 29 19, 170n, 204; his response to St Moses Montis, 187 Rousseau on liberty, equality, Saint-Simon, C. H., Comte de, 141; democracy, 101-20 and Saint-Simonianism, 163 Tonnies, F., 42n Sandel, M., 224n Tolstoy, Leo, 201, 203 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 253, 255 Tolstoy, Nicolai, 226n Savigny, F. K. von, 239-40 Topazio, V. W., 99n Savile, Sir George, Marquis of Trilling, Diana, 145, 170n Halifax, 210, 225n Trotsky, Leon, 98-9n, 172n, 180 Saw, Ruth, 252 Tubbesing, Ruth, 15n Scherer, E., 119n Turgot, A. R. J., 110 Schilpp, P., 172n Schneewind, J. B., 96n Vane, Sir Henry, 29 Schnur, Roman, 226n Vettori, Francesco, 6, 12n, 211 Schwartz, Pedro, 171n Vile, M. J. C., 42n Selby-Bigge, L. A., 137n Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 9 Shah of Iran, 214 Shaw, G. B., 150, 153-5, 17{}-ln Wahl,Jean,253,255 Shelley, P. B., 144 Waissmann, Friedrich, 252 Shklar, J. N., 98n, lOOn Wallas, Graham, 154-5 Siedentop, L., 97n Walzer, Michael, 217, 226n Simmel, Georg, 181 Warnock, Mary, 255 Skinner, Quentin, 4ln, 96n Wartensleben, Comtesse de, 96n Smith, Adam, 122, 167 Watt, George, 142 Socrates, 4-5, 10, 232-3, 237 Webb, Beatrice, 139-40, 148-53, Solzhenitsyn, A., 201 155, 157-62, 164-7, 168n, 17{}- Speer, Albert, 227n 2n; on liberty in British Social Spencer, Herbert, 151,165,195 Democracy, 139-72 Spinoza, Baruch, 65, 205, 206, 212, Webb, Charles, 154 252 Webb, Sidney, 139-40, 148-67, Spragens, Thomas, 56, 60n 168n, 17{}-2n; on liberty in Stalin, Joseph, 216 British Social Democracy, 139- Starobinski, Jean, 98n, lOOn, 255 72 Sternberger, Dolf, 256 Weber,Max,243 Sterling, John, 142, 144, 168n Weil, Eric, 255 Stillinger, J., 170n Weldon, T. D., 62, 75n, 252 Strawson, P. F., 168n, 255 Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Stubbe, Henry, 226n Wellington, 222 272 Index

Williams, Bernard, 255 Woolf, Leonard, 164, 171n Williams, G. L., 138n Wordsworth, William, 141 Wilson, Woodrow, 215 Wormuth, F. D., 42n Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 252, 255 Wokler, Robert, 61-100, 255 Wolff, Robert Paul, 226n }Cenophon,232,249n Wollheim, Richard, 168n, 255 Wood, Gordon, 41n Yates, Frances A., 226n