210 The Journal of Laryngology,

the work. The various forms of laryngeal paralysis are conveniently grouped together and illustrated. Laryngeal neuritis comes in for a share of attention, and Dr. Luc thinks that the term should be limited to those cases in which the appearances develop with suddenness in an individual who may or may not be rheumatic, but who is exempt from all signs of hysteria, a paralysis affecting the range of the superior or recurrent laryngeal, and an absence of any appreciable cause of com- pression, a diminution of the faradic reaction of the muscles and progres- sive cure following both forms of electrization. Paralyses of bulbar origin are next detailed (glosso-labial palsy, sclerosis, tabes, softening, etc.). A good chapter deals with the contested point whether there are laryngeal paralyses produced from a lesion of the cerebral hemispheres, and the recent experimental work of Semon and Horsley, and clinical observations of Garel and Dor, and Dejerine, are discussed, and in the end the author forms the conclusion (with Rauge) that laryngeal paralysis of cortical or subcortical origin will doubtless cease to be an exceptional clinical phenomenon when examination of the larynx of all patients affected with cerebral lesions, and especially hemiplegia, becomes in hospitals a matter of routine. Myopathic paralysis is briefly discussed, and a useful chapter upon the diagnosis and semeiology of laryngeal paralyses follows. The book closes with the consideration of the dyskinesias, reflex, phonatory, inspira- tory, chorea, paralysis agitans, disseminated sclerosis and tabes. We congratulate Dr. Luc upon having produced a most excellent treatise, and having exercised a great deal of skill in presenting clearly and concisely, within the limits of a short book of under three hundred pages, a most difficult subject. He has left nothing of importance un- mentioned, and has exercised a considerable degree of critical acumen in the discussion of certain contested points, and the manner in which all the matter is presented to the-reader is a model of lucidity. The work cannot fail to be of immense value to the student (and practitioner) of laryngology. We should like to add a word of commendation to the publishers of this series of manuals for the beautiful manner in which they are got up' The pleasure of perusal of any work is enhanced by the fact of its beiny presented to the reader in artistic shape. As to elegance, excellence ot type, and general handiness, this series of short treatises leaves nothing to be desired. R. Norris Wolfendcn.


Kutnow's Anti-Asthmatic Powder and Cigarettes. This consists of a mixture of dried anti-spasmodic and sedative herbs, and some deflagrating powder (nitrate of potash), a teaspoonful of whic 1 is to be burnt upon a saucer, and the fumes are to be inhaled.

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application is precisely the same as some other well-known asthma powders, compared with which it seems to be quite as effective, and, if anything, somewhat less irritating. It is worthy of extended trial, especially now when the " hay-fever " season is nearly upon us, and many such sufferers will doubtless find relief from this preparation. The cigarettes contain the medicated powder in a more convenient and an effective form. Kutnow's Improved Effervescent Carlsbad Powder. Carlsbad powder is an old friend, and it is pleasant to find that it is now presented under a form which robs it of its former somewhat nauseous properties. The powder being prepared with the addition of Carlsbad salt, and containing the original salts of soda and potash which give to Carlsbad its aperient properties, is rendered palatable without depriving it of its medicinal virtues by making it effervescent. Bullock's Aural Ovoids. Two samples have been submitted to us, viz., opium ovoids (one-fifth, of a grain) and iodoform (one grain). These ovoids have been recom- mended in Prof. Griiber's " Text-book of Diseases of the Ear." A number of preparations can be administered in this form. It is needless to say that they are prepared with all the care we should expect from such well-known pharmacists, and these ovoids cannot fail to be of the greatest service in aural therapeutics.

BURROUGHS & WELLCOME'S PREPARATIONS. Tabloids of Compressed Ichthyol. (Two and a half grains each.) Ichthyol has found an extended use in dermatology. It is, however, serviceable in rhinology, more particularly in the erythema of the external parts of the nose which is connected with hypertrophy or chronic conges- tions of the turbinated bodies. It is, however, a nauseous drug, but lessrs. Burroughs & Wellcome have succeeded in presenting it in an agreeable form by compressing it into tabloids, each of which has a soluble coating of sugar. It can thus be administered pleasantly and •ntemally. Nasal Tabloids. !• Alkaline. £. Pulv. borac Gr. v. Sodii chloridi „ v. in each tabloid. 2- Alkaline and antiseptic. J^. Sodii bicarb. ...Gr. v. Pulv. borac. ... „ v. Acidi carbol.... „ \ in each tabloid. One of either of these tabloids may be dissolved in a wineglassful of eP'd water and used as a wash, or spray application to the nose or naso- P arynx. These combinations form the lotions commonly prescribed by ln°logists for cleansing the nose, and in presenting them in this com- Pressed and handy form Messrs. Burroughs & Wellcome have done a T

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real service. For persons compelled to travel about, one or two of these glass capsules carried in the waistcoat pocket has many advantages over the cumbersome medicine bottle, so liable to accident or breakage.

Tabloids of Pure Tar. .l|>F This drug, of such well-known use in chronic pulmonary disorders, has been put up by Messrs. Burroughs & Wellcome in the form of tabloids, each containing one grain, which are a very useful addition to the pharmacopoeia.

Dermatol Dusting Powder. *t This is a German preparation manufactured by Meister, Lucius & Bruning, and offered by Burroughs & Wellcome. It is a very effective preparation, very impalpable, of slight yellow colour, and almost odourless, thoroughly non-irritating, and appears to us to leave a softer and pleasanter surface than other dusting powders in common use. For use with children, for covering moist surfaces, abrasions, &c, it seems to us a most useful and effective preparation.

ALLEN & HANBURYS' PREPARATIONS. Sublimate Tabellae. THESE are compressed tablets of perchloride of mercury and are intended to be employed for quickly preparing lotions for antiseptic sprays or lotions of definite strength. 1 Tabella to a pint of water makes a solution of i—4000 2 Tabellas „ „ „ 1—2000 4 Tabellae „ „ „ 1—1000 It is very convenient to have the drug in this handy form.

Byno Hypophosphites. THIS is a neutral solution of the hypophosphites, together with the alkaloids of cinchona and nux vomica in bynin (liquid malt), one ounce containing one-fortieth of a grain of strychnia. The indications for its use in various debilitated conditions are obvious. It is an elegant and palatable preparation.

Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites. WE regard this as one of the very best preparations which has been pu on the market for a long time. The flavour of the oil is so disguised that children take the emulsion greedily, when mixed with a little milk. It 1S H&A' a very elegant preparation.

Witlwrby &> Co., Printers, 326, High Holborn, London, W.C-

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A. International Congress of Rome, 165; Laryngological Society of London, 286 ; Accumulators, in medical electricity, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of 313 Maryland, 510; Medical Society of Acromegaly, 221 Virginia, 156; New York Academy of Actinomycosis, 97 Medicine, 352; Pan-American Medi- Adenoids of , 106, 188, 189, cal Congress, 543; Paris Society of 522, 557—anaesthetics in, 271 ; and Laryngology, Otology, and Rhinology, aural affections, 555 ; and nasal dis- no, 153, 204, 292; Society for Inter- charge, 330 ; causation of, 560, 565 ; nal Medicine (Berlin), 635; Swedish removal of, 591, 592 ; symptoms of, 560, Medical Society, 577 ; Versammlung 565 ; treatment of, 136, 630 Deutscher Naturforscher und Aertze, Adeno-sarcoma of neck, 467 575 Adhesion of palatal arch and pharynx, Asthma, bronchial, treatment of, 389 292 Atlas of laryngology and rhinology, Advancement of superior maxillary 250 bone, 4S7 Auditory — meatal reflexes, 359 ; Age limitations of hearing, 596 nerve, clinical pathogeny of, 199 ; nerve, Ancesthesia—local, 485 ; by cocaine, deafness, and pilocarpin, 200 521 ; by nitrous oxide, 581 ; in sitting Aural —diseases, 331 ; diseases, case- posture, 71 paper for, 414 ; exostosis, 104 ; pyaemia, Angina follicularis — intubation of, 102, 103 ; reflex, rare, 614 ; topographic 192 ; Ludovici, 327, 530, 596 ; periodic, anatomy, 556 127 ; ulcerosa benigna, 193 Auricle—diseases of, 545; epithelioma Angioma, nasal, 90 of, 249, 338, 339, 354, 598 ; tuberculous Annotations, 25, 73 ulceration of, 339 Anterior rhinoscopy, use of mirrors Auscultatory percussion, 485 in, 234 Autophony, causation of, 505 Antruin of Highmore, 88 ; asper- gillus mycosis of, 541 ; and the teeth, 272 ; benign tumours of, 272 ; drainage B. of, 525» 541 f empyema of, 272, 2S8, 295> 377 5 etiology of empyema of, 591 ; Base of skull, malignant polypus of, new method ot perforation of, 137; 379 transillumination of, 185, 218 Cranchiogenic tumours, 149 Aprosexia, 136, 629 Bromoform, dangers of 228 Association Meetings — American Broncho-stenosis in children, 96 Laryngological Association, 260, 534 ; Buccal voice, 538 American Medical Association, 511 ; American Otological Society, 600; American Surgical Association, 510; C. Australasian Medical Congress, 557; Belgian Society of Otology and Cachexia strumipriva, peripheral Laryngology, 615 ; British Laryngo- nerves in, 245 logical and Rhinological Association, Cancrum oris, 229 2S, 167, 393; Briti>h Medical Associa- Carbolic acid, poisoning by, 239 tion (Otological section), 42S; French Carcinoma, parasitic theory of, 323 Society of Otology and Laryngology, Caries of temporal bone, 509 295 ; Finnish Medical Society, 578; Carotid canal, extension of disease German Laryngological Society, 634; by, 203

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Cephalalgia in nasal and pharyngeal diseases, retrospect of, 15 ; diseases, affections, 135 two autopsies in, 609 ; functional exami- Cerebral abscess from ear disease, 152 nation of, 246 ; functional examination Chancres, oral, 126, 128, 228, 583 of, in Eustachian catarrh, 247 ; effects * Chloroform anaesthesia, 319 of dynamite on, 307 ; new growths of, Cholesteatomata of ear, 338, 598 503 ; syphilis of, 530, 553 ; treatment of Chorea and adenoids, 592 discharges from, 158 ; operations, diffi- Cocaine erythema, 305 culties of, 613 Cocainism, 320 Ears — gangrene of both, 150; Coryza professionalis, 132 hoernatoma of, 150; malformations of, Crico-thyroid muscle, function of, 306 Croup, 79 Echinococcus in neck, 148 Curettement in laryngeal phthisis, Eczema auris—treatment of, 413; 361, 420 pyoktanin in, 486 Electric apparatus, 519 Electrolysis, 120 D. Empyema—of antrum, 214,412, 496 ; diagnosis of, 137, 216; electric illumi- Deaf-mutes, 150 nation in, 272; treatment of, 220 ; of Deaf-mutism—pathology of, 506, 508; accessory cavities, 87, 136, 236 prevention of, 544 ; treatment of, 544 Epiglottis — epithelioma of, 351 ; Deafness —hysterical, 337; simulated, operations on, 9 ; malformations of, 139 149; uncommon cau?e of, 280; treat- Epileptiform fits caused by nasal ment with phonograph, 280 disease, 578 Deglutition, physiology of, 273 Epistaxis, treatment of, 88, 135, 235, Dermatalgia in coryza, 91 5S7 Diphtheria, 76, 77, 78, 122, 123, 183, Ethmoidal cells, suppuration of, 155. 208, 227, 251, 262, 322, 323, 376, 522, 59 \ 582 ; bacilli of, 227, 322, 375 ; blood Ethmoid, tumours of, 237 serum in, 376 ; contagiousness of, 375 : Eustachian—catarrh, semeiology, and causes of increase in urban districts, treatment of, 461; synechice, 443; 483 ; diagnosis of, by bacterial cultures, synechice, treatment of, 445 482 ; internal treatment of, 263 ; isolated cases of, 511 ; intubation in, 512; kerosene in, 582; local treatment of, 227, 262, 307 ; and morbilli, 262 ; F. pyoktanin in, 263 ; petroleum treat- ment of, 322; boroglyceride, alum, Face, congenital defects of, 540 and creosote in, 323; sulphur in, 581 ; Facial paralysis in children, 324 treatment of, 484, 512, 582, 541 ; treat- Fauces, papillomata of, 264 ; perfora- ment of, by Rennert's method, 376 ; tion of, 127 treatment of, with diphtheria serum, Fistula Colli congenita, 246 263 ; treatment of, by papayotin and Foreign bodies—in bronchus, 276, carbolic acid, 484; polymorphism of, 502; ear, 65 ; in larynx, 239, 275, 262 ; and sewer gas, 320; true and false, 594 ; in pharynx, 83, 85, 95, 128, 488 ; 320 ; tonsillar abscess in, 252 ; of nose, in lung, 98, 528; in meatus auditorius, 375 ; of vulva, 320; sine membrana, 336» 359. 53°. 597, 59§ ; in nose, 494 5 262, 375 ; and immunity, 392 in oesophagus, 85, 86, 355 ; in trachea, Diphtheritic — endocarditis, 510 ; flies, 196 ; in tympanum, 339 ; in ali- paralysis of heart, 377 ; paralysis with mentary canal, 586 deafness, 183 Frau Gelly, 138 Diplacusis, monauricular, 200 Frontal sinuses—anatomy of, 137 ; diseases of, 87; mucocele of, 591 ; suppuration in, 53, 57, 87, 153, 287, 356, 461 ; surgery of, 47 Frozen nose, treatment of, 576 Ear—cysts of, 83; causes of inflamma- tion of, 202 ; continuous tone-range of, 248; diseases of, in influenza, 200; G. diseases, differential diagnosis of, 502 ; diseases, influence of, on mental and Gangrenousgingivitis, from potassium physical development, 279, 337 ; iodide, 4S7 diseases, surgical treatment of, 152; Gargling, 121

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Gastrostomy, 233 Slogett's combination instrument, 633 ; Gastrotomy, for razor, 327 forceps, 120; tonsillotome, Gingivitis and leucocytosis, 126 pharyngeal, 120; tympanic syringe, Glossitis, idiopathic, 229 434; vapour apparatus, Eustachian, Glottic spasm, 142, 274, 527, 534 261, 319. Goitre—244, 278 ; blood vessels of Intracranial abscess, 203 thyroid in, 98; endemic, 595 ; noise, Intubation, 226, 502, 536; disadvan- 277 ; operations in, 244, 529 tages in, 384 Graves' disease—arterial auscultation Iritis, of nasal origin, 136 in, 243 ; new symptoms of, 243 ; operations in, 147, 243, 529; pathology °f> 595 ; treatment of, 529 ; tremor in, L. 197 Labial chancre, 487 Labyrinthine capsule, in deafness, 54:') H. Laryngeal — adenoma, 196; carci- noma, cured, 275 ; diphtheria, ne^v Hare- and cleft , 522 treatment of, 307 ; erysipelas, 140 : Hay-fever—133, 135, 490; etiology growths, rare, 141 ; neuroses, 209 : of, 493; glacial acetic acid in, 490; obstruction, chloroform in diagnosis of, pathology of, 490 ; prognosis in, 235 275 ; I. Laryngectomy, 94, 143, 384, 385 Laryngismus stridulus and tetany, 9;, Idioglossia, 126 3S4 .. Ignipuncture of tonsils, 326 Laryngitis—chronic fibrinous, 575 ; Inferior laryngeal nerve, 331, 593 hiemalis, 537 ; influenzal, 305 ; in Innervation of crico-thyroid, 195 typhoid fever, 593 ; hypoglottic w Instruments — adenotome, 592; chronica, 274 ; sicca, 93 anaesthetic inhaler (Krohne and Sese- Laryngo-spasm, intaoation in, 226 mann), 62 ; cocaine insufllator, 224 ; ear Laryngotomia transversa, 143 syringe, 75 ; ecraseur nasal snare, 185, Laryngotomy, 334 318 ; endo-laryngeal forceps, safety, 36 ; 2 Laryngo-tracheitis, use of spray in gag, 7 > 4^4 > Gottstein's curette, 276 modified, 262, 319; illuminator for Larynx—abscess of, 8, 610 ; abscc>- antrum, 87, 137 ; intra-laryngeal for- of, in influenza, 619; anatomical po i- ceps, 110, 141; laryngoscopic mirrors, tion of, 138; arthritis deformans o', 261 ; laryngeal photography, apparatus 535 ; cysts of, 83, 94, 593 ; extirpation for, 239; middle-ear insufflator, 555 ; of, 8, 95, 144, 502 ; extirpation of, re- nasal douche, substitute for, 75 ; nasal sults of, 143 ; intubation of, 7, 94, 120, punch-cutting forceps, 329; new accu- 144, 501 ; foreign body in, 141, 142, mulator battery, 485; new electric 163; fractures of, 144, 276; fracture, lamps, 521 ; new focussing ear trumpet, of, by strangulation, 335; malignant 555; new nasal bougie, 489 ; new nasal growths of, 94, 351; Maydl's tamponing speculum, 485 ; new oesophageal dilator, of, 276 ; motor cortical centres of, 383 ; 489; new septal gouge, 617 ; new myxo-chondroma of, 334, 593; noc- speculum, aural, 581 ; olfactometer, 76 ; turnal spasm of, 331; papillorna of, cesophagoscope, 232; osteo-tympanal 498, 535, 623 ; papilloma of, treatment acoumeter, 198; post-nasal spray and of, 501 ; partial excision of, 334; pri- retractor combined, 75 ; rhino- mary chondritis of, 241 ; pulsation of, meter, 118; septum knives, 71, 262; 646 ; sarcoma of, 528; traumatisrn of,

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197 ; traumatic perichondritis of, 351 ; diseases, treatment of, 187, 280, 524; tumour of, 333: wounds of, 144, 276 douching, 135, 328 ; duct, radical cure Lateral sinus — surgery of, 509 ; of obstruction, 590; fosscc, osseous thrombosis of, 341, 610; septic infection cysts of, 307; fossce, fibro-sarcoma of, of, 447. 45°. 454 618; fractures, treatment of, 330; Leuchcemic deafness, pathology of, hydrorrhoea, 114, 132, 489; medica- 5°5 tion, dangers of, 489; osteoma, 133 ; Lipothymia laryngea, 383 polypus, cases of, 88, 329, 495, 537 ; polypus, pathology of, 134; polypus, Lceffler's bacillus, diagnostic value recurrence of, 134 ; polypus, structure of, 375 of, 539; reflex neuroses, 524, 620; Lupus—case of, 167 ; exedens, 133 ; respiration, impediments to, 266; sep- of larynx and pharynx, 289; and pul- tum, traumatism and malformations of, monary tuberculosis, 397 ; nasal, 350; 355 ; septum, deviations of, 525> 59° 5 treatment by excision and grafts, 237, septum, deviation? of, treatment of, 486 ; tuberculocidin, in, 397 525- 539, 617 ; sinuses, relations to Lymph cysts, 246 ocular affections, 495,524,590; stenosis, Lymphatic follicles, 127 treatment of, 307 ; suppuration, 107 ; Lysol, fatal poisoning by, 499 surgery, antisepsis in, 269; syphilis, IJ3. 378 M. Naso-pharynx—adenoids of, 379,527; lateral diverticula of, 526; sarcomata Macroglossia, operations in, 229 of, 290 ; syphilis of, 34S, 497 ; tumours Malignant disease, etiology of, 118 of, 174, 237 Mastoid—abscess of, 509 ; caries of, Naso-pharyngeal —catarrh, treatment in diabetes, 201 ; cholesteatoma of, 598 ; of, 270, 575 ; diseases, 136, 237, 379; disease of, 152; disease of, surgical diseases and ear affections, 445, 457 ; treatment of, 105, 243,439,453,460, diseases, effects of, 626 ; diseases, gal- 549 ; disease of, surgical treatment of, vano-cautery in, 526; growth, manual indications for, 550 ; in children 105; removal of, 236 ; disease, and nocturnal osteoma of, 508; percussion of, 201 ; enuresis, 330 transillumination of, 508; measure- Necrosing ethmoiditis, 329 ments, 533 Neuroses of mobility of soft palate, Mastoid operations —counter-irritant 250 ; of mouth and tongue, 229 effect of, 601 ; secondary suture in, 249 Nitrous oxide in tonsillotomy, &c., Mastoiditis, diagnosis of, 440 4S; Measles, complications and sequelae, Nose — anatomy of, 588 ; cysts of, 239 83; diseases of, 234, 3S9; diseases of, Meniere's disease, surgical treatment headache in, 235 ; effects of obstruction of, 611 of, 620; functions of, 619; form of, Middle ear disease, liquid vaseline in, 378; maggots in, 268; malignant 150 ; treatment of, 280 disease of, 352; papilloma of, 172, Mutism, simulated, 592 290; retrospect of diseases of, 10 ; soft Mycosis leptothricia, 230 fibromata in, 235 ; sarcoma of, 28, 88 ; Myxoedema, 68, 100, 147, 245, 336, tuberculosis of, 188, 53S 344 Nostrils — congenital occlusion of, 236 ; syphilitic occlusion of, 236 N. Nasal—and accessory cavities, 273; O. and accessory cavities, gunshot wounds of, 378 ; and accessory cavities, micro- CEdema—angio-neurotic, 80 ; glot- scopical anatomy of, 378 ; and accessory tidis, fatal case of, 213 cavities, suppuration of, 523 ; calculi, (Esophageal varix, death from, 129 133 ; catarrh, treatment of, 587 ; cough, (Esophagitis, chronic case of, 486 378 ; croup, 132 ; discharge in children, (Esophagoscopy, 232 causes of, 330; diseases, psychopathic G^sophagotomy, 86, 131 symptoms of, 267; diseases, internal CEsophagus, congenital occlusion of, massage in, 186; diseases, and chronic 488 ; congenital malformation of, 232 ; respiratory affections, 131, 183, 236 ; diverticulum of, 194, 232, 233, 488, diseases, reflex symptoms in, 170; 645 ; diverticulum of, removal of, 328 ; diseases, relations to eye, 136, 489; rupture of, 5S6 ; stricture of, ijo, 131,

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r97> 2^3, 32&» 523> 580; stricture of, Politzer's method, dangers and limita- cutting of, 328; stricture of, gastros- tions, 459 tomy for, 233 ; stricture of, retrograde Posticus paralysis in tabes, 275 dilatation of, 233 ; sarcoma of, 130 Post-nasalgrowths, haemorrhage from, Operations on throat, prognosis in, 497 79 Pseudo-diphtheria, 579 Ophthalmo-tympanic zona, 294 Psorospermosis, 88, 323 Osseous otitis, operation for, 201 Ossicles—comparative anatomy of, 600; removal of, 282, 340, 341, 435, 553. 597 R. Otitis—externa, 65 ; influenzal, 307 Otitis media—after uvulotomy, 202 ; Recurrent laryngeal paralysis, 404, complicated case of, 608 ; and brain 527 abscess, 577 ; pyoemia in, 200, 281, Respiratory diseases, use of vasogenes 2S2, 506 ; prognosis and treatment, in, 469 34O. 53i. 549 Retro phaiyngeal abscess, 326, 382 ; Otology, teaching of, 428 operation in, 355 ; septicaemia in, 266 Otorrhcea —bilious, 294 ; treatment Revaccination, accidental, 228 of, 299 Rhinitis—atrophica, 345 ; atrophica, O^oena, 135, 235 ; bacteria in, 268 ; etiology of, 186 ; atrophica, treatment etiology of, 526 ; surgical treatment of, of, 526; acute, histology of, 378; 59O chronic, 588 ; fibrinous, 258, 525 ; fibrinous, etiology of, 267, 268 ; hyper- trophica, 132; hypertrophica, and ocular asthenopia, 489, 52& ; cedema- p. tosa, 537 Rhinoliths, 91, 187 Pachydermia laryngis, 141, 196, 240, Rhinological memoranda, 270 Rhinophyria, 270 Palatal arch, malformation of, 618 Roaring in horses, 331 Palatal disease—effects on deglutition Rumination, 80 and Eustachian tubes, 154; eruption in influenza, 265 Palate — innervation of, 324; papilloma of, 634 ; paralysis of, 39, 324 Papilloma of nostril and gum, 350; s. of palate and uvula, 193, 264 ; of septum Salivary calculi, 540 nasi, 267 Scalds of throat and larynx, 500 Papillomata, multiple, 83, 401 Scarlatina and diphtheria, 227 Paralysis, post - diphtheritic mastica- Scleroma, etiology of, 378 tory, 38 Septicaemia from leeching, 596 Parotitis — after abdominal injury, Sequeke of influenza, 597 331 ; monolateral, 86 Septum nasi—abscess of, 268,271; Peri-laryngeal abscess, case of, 618 electrolysis in affections of, 270, 379 ; Pharyngeal — catarrh, treatment of, ulcer of, 91, 267 585 ; polypus, 85 ; reflex neuroses, 265 ; Singers' nodes, III spasm, 3S1, 586 ; tonsil, 627 Singing voice, and nasal treatment, Pharyngitis, atrophic, 3 ; granular, 3, 266 85 ; hs:morrhagic, 303 Sinus phlebitis, 282 Pharyngo mycosis, 4, 174, 304, 381 ; Sinuses, sphenoidal and ethmoidal, researches in, 304 ; treatment of, 305 107 Pharyngotomy in malignant disease, Soft palate—sarcoma of, 255, 541, 586 583 ; adhesion to pharynx, 82 Pharynx, cicatrix of, 343 ; chronic Solar cautery, 133 induration of, 350; diseases of, I ; Spasmodic dysphagia, 266 erysipelas of, 4, 84; malignant polypus Speech, loss of, 337 of, 510; parasitic disease of, 632; Sphenoidal sinus—disease of, 137 ; primary tuberculosis of, 84, 194; empyema of, 296 syphilis of, 344; tubercular ulceration Sphenoid—tertiary syphilis of, 497 ; of, 5 tumours of, 237 Pharynx-tonsil, enlargement of, 5 Spreading oedema, micro-organisms Phrenic and laryngeal nerves, 275 of, 19S

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Staacke's operation, 548 larynx, 585; tonsillar hypertrophy, Stapes, excision of, 282 treatment of, 129, 193, 293, 326 Stapedectomy, 610, 611 Tonsillitis-acute, treatment of, 208, Staphylotomy, cautery in, 584 325; acute, recurrent, 585; acute, Stertorous breathing 332 rheumatic, 231 Stomatitis, 125 Tonsillotomy, 82 ; haemorrhage after, Struma, 244, 277 ; etiology of, 277 ; 326, 380; increased bodily growth after, metastases in, 278 ; retro-pharyngealis, 427 244 Tongue—angioma of, 126; bloodless, Stuttering, treatment of, 194 removal of, 324; chancre of, 296; Submaxillary glands—cystic degener- epithelioma of, 66, 264, 352; extirpa- ation of, 380 ; mumps of, 486, 487 tion of and speech, 264; gummata of, Superior maxilla —syphilitic necrosis 487 ; papilloma of, 634 ; phagedena of, of, 306 ; tumours, 237 264 ; ulcer of, 81, 583 Suppurative ethmoiditis, 397 Tonsils—calculus of, 192 ; chancre Surgery of air-passages and thorax in of, 265; cysts of, 83; the lingual, 6: the children, 499 lingual, diseases of, 192 ; the lingual, Syphilis—inherited, 288 ; tarda, 634 hemorrhages from, 303; the lingual, hypertrophy of, 81, 569 ; the lingual, hypertrophy of, etiology of, 57° » tne lingual, hypertrophy of, treatment T. of, 571 ; the lingual, syphilis of, 127, 288; parenchymatous injections Tabes, laryngeal symptoms in, 289, into, 232, 265; pathology of, 127: 349 sircoma of, 82, 129, 231, 407, Temporal bone—caries of, 608 ; re'a- 409 ; new growths of, 6; malignant tions of, 151 disease of, 33, 406, 460 Therapeutic agents— alumol, 227 ; Trachea—compression of, 500; fistula aniline derivatives, 486 ; antipyrin, a of, 389; phonetic role of, 204; plastic local anresthetic, 121, 224 ; bromoform, operations on, 277 > polypus of, 95 ; in pertussis, 228 ; cancroin, 122 ; stenosis after tracheotomy, 594 cocaine phenatc, 133 ; creosote vaseline, Tracheoscopy, 382 in tuberculosis, 332, 474 ; diaptherin, Tracheotomy—in infants,94,120, 133, 227 ; diphtheria serum, 263, 376 ; ferri 334; and intubation, 273, 384, 594 sesquichloratus, 124; iodium sozoiodol, Transformation, malignant, 73, 165 125: iod-tincture, 192; iodol, 413; Transillumination, 40, 155, 218,236, izal in ozasna, 517 ; kerosene, 582 ; 3H kiilan-kuirgak, 595; liquid vaseline, Tuberculosis—of larynx and lung, 150 ; Lugol's solution, 7 ; methyl violet, 290 ; of tonsil, cheek, and lip, 488 78; microcidine, 581 ; ozone, 484, 526, Tuberculous laryngeal tumours, 528 538 ; papayotin, 484 ; pastilles, 62 ; Tumours, treatment by vasogene pilocarpin, 450 ; pyoktanin, 363, 376 ; iodoform, 480 sodium cantharidinate, 76; sodium Turbinal body—microscopic appear- tetraboricum, 121 ; surgical soap, 319; ance of, 55 ; disease, morbid anatomy tabellce, 62; tiichloracetic acid, in of, 176 epistaxis, 587 ; tuberculocidin, 167, 397 Tympanic cavity—localized inflam- Throat and nose, diseases of, 599 mation of, 598 ; treatment of pus in, Throat diseases, effects of dry weather 462, 463 ; mucous membrane, hyper- in, 374 trophy of, 504; mucous membrane, Thymus gland—abscess of, 197 ; surgical anatomy of, 150; inflation, 197 ; hyperplasia of, 101 vertigo, surgical treatment of, 532 Thyroglossal duct, cysts of, 335 Tympanum—anatomical preparations Thyroid—cartilage, fracture of, 3 74; of, 503 ; double rupture of, 306 disease, tropho-neuroses in, 278 ; gland and Graves' disease, 146 ; gland, cancer of, 146, 307, 529 > gland, cancer, metas- tasis in, 529; gland, injections, 68; U. gland, pathology of, 594 ; gland, physi- ology of, 145 ; gland, result of extirpa- Upper air-passages—catarrhal affec- tion in sheep, 278 tions of, 224 ; relations to genital organs, Thyroidectomy, 99, 244 82 ; surgery of, 240 ; syphilis of, 540 ; Thyrotomy, for papilloma, 623 scleroma of, 95 Tonsillar abscess — rupture into Upper lip, chancre of, 264

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Upper respiratory tract, pathogenic ments of, after vagus section, 93; organisms of 457 pachydermia diffusa of, 305; paralysis Uvula, anomalies of, 388 from cancer of lung, 142 ; submucous Uvulitis, 84 haemorrhage of, 287, 302,410 ; vascular Uvulotomy, cautery in, 539 tumour of, 35 Voice training, 9, 273, 139 V. W. Vertigo, 156; aural, 532, 612; its varieties, 337 Whooping cough, 79» I25 '< bromo- Vibratory massage by telephone, 280 form in, 228 ; vasogene creosote in, 479 Visual disturbances in nasal disease, 377 Vocal cords —abductor paralysis of, Z. 464; angio-keratoma of, 305; carcinoma of, 274 ; epithelioma of, 334; move- Zygomatic arch, sarcoma of, 311

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Abbe 143, 328 Blake, Clarence 610 Caspari 266 Abbott, Anderson 6S Blake, K. 118 Castex 305, 307 Abel 267, 26S Bleyer 273 Cerna 268 Adamkievvicz 122 Bleything 487 Chabory 188, 307 Adams, J. L. 341 Bloebaum 75 Chappell 332 Ahronson 78, 376 Blomfield 506 Chancy 132 Allen, Harrison 540 Bode 244 Charazac 104, 109 Allen, S. E. 134 Boer 263 Chatellier 413 Alston 592 Bonain 307 Chavasse 586 Amende 323 Boncko 272 Cheatham 94, 381 Anderson, McCall 147 Bond 334, 593 Cheatle, A. 105, 504 Anton 186 Bonner 154, 359 Cheatle, Lenthal 281 Applegate 522 Bonnier 154, 359 Cheval 617 Asch 534 Booker 321 Chiari 274 Audubert 308 Bottini 4S5 Cholewa 87 Avellis 93, 95 Bouffe 307 Clarke, Bruce 237 Bourges 20S Clarke, Jackson 88 Baber, Cresswell 343, 344 Brady 84, 99, 12S Clutton 102 Baer 120 Brandejer 75 Cohn 548 Bairy 1S3, 1S9 Brann 98, 244 Colin 230 Ball 94, 330 Brenner 130 Collier, Mayo 47 Barclay 613 Bresgen 135,14?, 186,202 Collins So Bark 56, 72, 498 Broekart 618 Combe, 306 Bronner 460 Conitzer 84 Barr 101, 104, 149 Conners 530 Barrett, J. 326, 557 Brose 549 Cordenwus 131 Barrett, R. D. 555 Brothers 239 Coues 533 Barth 576 Brown 523 Councilman 5S2 Batori 262 Browne, Lennox 39, 53, Courtade 462 Batut 136 167, 374. 599 Cousins 229 Bauer 265 Browne, Walton 450 Cox 65 Baumgarten 377 Bnick 226, 528 Bayer 469, 521 Bryan 540 Cozzolino 581, 587 Bean 132 Buck 601 Crawford 249 Beausoleil 307 Bulkley 265 Crawford, \Y. S. 339 Beckmann 236 Bull 237 Culberthon 582 Behring 263, 376, 39 2 Bungner 120 Cullingworth T,}} Bellows 90 Burger 93, 142 Cuperus 596 Bergh 86 Burnett 341, 532, 611 Berens 380 Burrell 273 Dabney 326, 333 Bermingham 270 Butlin ^28, 351 Dalhy '35.336 Bernard 281 Butts 380 Davies, A. T. 336, 592 Bernhardt 229 Davies, Herbert 275 Bernstein 489, 525 Cadell 22S I )avies, Sydney 483 Betz576 Caldwell 495, 508, 590 Dean 555 Bewley 381, 5S6 Campbell 266 Delavan 535 Bezold 248 Cant 327 Delie 617 Bishop 550 Carpenter 320, 324 Delstanche 150 Black 105 Cassel 228 Dench 338 Black, Melville 282, 340 Casselberry 535 Dennert 502 Blair 497 Cartaz 292, 295, 305 De Blois 539, 584, 585

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I)e Haviland Hall 288 Galloway 582 Hobb.-. 520 Dessar 489 Gann 585 Hobby 544 Petermayer 243 Gardner 323 11 off me ister 145 De Voe 322 Gay 594 Holz 239 Dick 632 Gelle 355, 412, 414 Hoinen 243 Dinochowsky 82 Gersten 327 Hooper 108 Dionisio 330 Giampietro 459 Hopman 526 Dixon 511 Gibbons 592 Iloppe-Seyler 76 Dobisch 485 Gibson, E. V. 596 Horing 263, 78 Dobrowolski 127 Gibson, G. A. 595 Home 98 Donhofl" 467 Godart 1 S3 Horsley, V. 594 Douglass 352 Gorokhoft 583 Hovell 84, 289 Downie, Walkir 9S, 330, Gotthiel 487 Howard 510 3.34 Gouguenheiin 618 Howe 6cx> Draispul 66 Gowers 597 Hozier 619 Dugge4SS Green, (Jrme 503, 508, Huber 84 Dunmire 512 610 Hubner 124 Dunn 120, 267, 525 Greene, II. E. 280, 339 Hudson 319 Gruening 610 Huntingdon 4SS Kddison 129 Guzmann 576 Eeman 615 Ingals 584 Eiselberg 100, 147, 278, Irsay 139 ,529 Habs 78 Eisenmenger 276 Hacker 130 Jack, F. L. 282, 611 Eliot 552 Iladden 126 Jack, R. J. 582 Ellis 359 Ilagedorn 122 Jacobi 251, 322 Endriss 82 Hagem 94 Jacquemont 134 Engelmann 227 I Iagenbach-Burckhardt Jakins 427 Escherich 227, 375 384 Jankau 502 Eustace 264 Ilajek 87, 528 Jeffrey 187 Eve 86 Halbeis 106 Jennings 334, 511 Ewald 131 Hamburger 525 Jessopp 32b Hamilton 569 loal 303, 390 Farlow 538 Hanford 494 Joel 136 Farny 261 Hanks 319 Johnson, Raymond 231 Fearnley 186 Hardie 527 Johnston, S. 537 Fearsley 497 Haring 235 Johnstone, McKenzie 185 Feer 262 Harris 198 Jones 203, 450 Ferber 490 Harrison 586 Jouslain 358 Fiedler 263 Hartman 137, 148 Field ioi, 103 Haupt 575 Kafemann, 136, 576 Fischenich 577 Haweis 390 Kantorowicz 121 Fischer 276, 320 Haynes 484 Karewsky, 240, 382 Finlayson 527 Hays 380 Kassowitz 384 Fitzpatrick 255 Healner 76 Katz 503 Flahaut 322 Heath 324 Katzenstcin 195 Flatau 270, 576 Heckt 84 Fayser 576 Foltanek 79 Heflebower 121 Kearney 586 Forbes 522 Ilelbing 576 Keiper 489 Forum-Jensen 79 Herck 307 Kersel 263 Fougeray 150 Heryng 120, iSS, 193, Kidd 84, 324 Fowler 126 194, 362, 419 Killian 138, 224 Pox 126 Herschell 331 Kimball 268 Fox well 239 Herzog 37S Kirchener 1S3, 2S4 Fraenkel, A. 645 Ilewetson 428 Kjelhnann 578 Fraenkel, C. 227 Heydecker 82 Klinedinst 275 Frank 246 Heymann 93, 235, 272, Knapp 151, 60S Frazer 581 276, 526, 634 Knopf 484 Freche 111 Ilicguel 135 Kobner 383 Freiburg 529 Hill, Eustace 483 Koffer 244 Freidenwald 338, 582 Hill, W. 345 Kohn 327 French 522 Hille 80 Koplik 77 Freudenthal 209 Hirvterstrisser 146 Korner 151, 201, 203

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Kosegarten 200 Mackenzie, Hector 100 Ostermayer 277 Kossel 263 Mackenzie, Hunter 88, Ostmann 505 Koster 84 94. I44» 379 Otto 91 Krafft-Ebing 209 Mackenzie, J. M. 541 Kramer 486 ' Major 71, 262, 525, 541 Park, Roswell 233, 323, Kreusselin 245 Makuen 262, 319 5io Kronlein 99, 278, 529 Maloney 544 Park, W. H. 320, 379 Kruger 233 Marcus 529 Parker, Francis 141 Kruse 389 Marsh 128, 244 Parker, Rushton 103 Kuh 275 Martin 590 Parkin 282, 340 Kuhn 82 Masini, 313, 594 Permewan 131 Kurz 383 Massei 384 Pepper 152 Kuttner 240 Mattison 319, 489 Pfliiger 196 Kyle 133 Maydl 144 Phelps 355 McBride 82, 196, 240, Philipson 487 Laache 245 33L 333. 379 Photiades 240 Lacoarret 297 McCasky 236 Piazza 127 Lake 581, 598 McClure 186 Pick 267 Laker 104 McCulloch 229 Piniaczek 385 Lane 86, 281, 447 Meyer, Edmund 244, 379 Pitts 499 Lange 82 Meyer, Wilby 354, 355 Pooley 614 Langerhans 239 Meyersohn 575, 576 Polo 298 Langhans 245 Meyjes 585, 591, 597 Politzer 105, 531, 546 Lanz 95 Metcalfe 450 Pollard 145 Lardy 240 Miles 337 Poppert 502 Lavrand 306 Milligan 10, 28, 33, 249, Pott 101, 274 Leah 229 370, 411, 434 Poncet 97 Le-Bec 133 Mintz 232, 194 Porcher 527, 534 Lecoq 192 Moll 305 Polyak 132 Lederman 555 Monako 266 JPoyet 302 Leech 593 Montgomerie 214 Prettyman 328 Lefferts 536, 588 Moore, L. 485 Pritchard, E. J. 598 Leland 585 Morris 145 Pritchard, Urban 281 Moskowitz 95, 136, 144, Pusey 94 Lendon, 623 Putnam 484 Lenziman 136 379 Leo 498 Moure 137, 141, 296, 305 Leonard 324 Moura 204 Quaife 626 Leonhardi 122, 376 Moussu 99 Levy 484 Mules 231 Radcliffe 82 Lichtwitz no, 114, 313, Mulhall 537 Raede 499 356, 461, 523 Munks 384 Rand 332 Lieven 575, 590 Munn 262 Randall 556, 614 Lincoln 535 Muralt 120 Rankin 87 Litten 636 Musehold 8, 239 Raudnitz 232 Lockwood 150 Mygind 149, 508 Rauge 304 Lodge 426 Myles 466 Reichert 577 Loewe 232 Reichmann 232 Loewenberg 461 Napier 336 Repp 277 Logan 488 Natier 303, 618 Rethi 273, 250 Lord 488 Neumann 124, I47» "224, Rhodes 521 Love 592 225, 527 Ricci 333 Love, Kerr 506 Newcomb 325, 592 Rice 224, 526, 538 Lowe 198 Nichols 352 Riehl 126 Lubliner 196 Nikitine 135 Ritter 79, 80 Lublinski 634 Nolden 228 Roberts, Nathan 336 Lucatello 593 Robertson, W. I, I75> Oaks 523 439, 443. 445, 59O MacCoy 141 Oertel 263 Robinson, Beverley 464, Macdonald, Greville 235, Oker-Blom 57S 54i. 5S7 Oltuszewski 194 Roe 27 1, 539 389 Hohrer 486 MacEwen 453 Onodi 88, 93, 142, 273, 306, 49S Rolleston 130 Macintyre 7, 311, 401, Romberg 522 404, 406, 437 Orwin 57

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Rosenberg 226 Smith, A. 4S5 Yacher 306 Rosenblatt 197 Smith, Ramsay 331 Vadakin 505 Rosenthal 124, 515 Smyly, 163 580 Yalentin 76 Rouse 150 Socin 275 Yalude 153 Ruault 155, 158, 293 Sokolowski 140 Yeronese 377 Rubsamen 274 Solis-Cohen 325, 53S Yermehren 245 Rupp 504 Sommerbrodt 516 Yinton, Maria 487 Sota 90 Yon Noorden 131 Sabrazes III Spear 266, 555 Yon Zderas 378 Sajous 490 Spender 227 Salkowsky 82 Spendtr 235 Wacker 487 Sallard 208 Speyer 147, 529 Wagenhausen 505 Sandford 41, 172 Sprague 485 Wagner 234, 285 Seines Spiccr 290, 350 Sszego 262 Wagner, Clinton 193, Schaffer 84, 137, 577 Stadler 224 T2b4, 540 Schech 575 Stembo 274 Wagnier 305 Scheier 138,144,378,577 Stephanovv 378 Watson, Spencer 329, Scheinmann 236 Stephens 88 501 Scheppegreli 80, 261, 319 Stern 381 Waxham 512 Schild 528 Stevenson, Thos. 335 Webster 557 Schilling 124 Stevenson, W. A. 319 Wei! 383 Schimmelbusch 277 Stewart, A. II. 290, 350, Weile 86 Schleicher 152, 201 591 Wertheimer 4S6 Schmidt 139, 270, 525, Stewart, Grainger 595 Westmacoit 335 526 Stickler 502 Westmatt 197 Schmiegelow 152 Stoker 235 Wette 146 Schneider 337 Suchannek 267, 37S Wharton 376 Schnitzler 250, 277, 30S Suchs 264 Wherry 597 Schmorl 124 Sukatcheft" 595 White 579 Schreiber 4S9 Sulzer 529 Whistler 170, 291, 394 Schroedcr 509 Sumpter 59S Wild 201 Schroetter 392 Sutphen 609 Wilkni 1S5, 318 Schubert 378 Sweeting 183 Williams 582 Schulten 94, 264 Swift 275 Williams, R. 136 Schuke 76 Symonds 351 Williams, Watson 239 Schuster 577 Sympson 527 Williamson 280 Schiitz 120 Sziklay 79 Wilson 280 Schwartz 88, 125 S/.oner 135 Winckler 76, 87, 147, Scott 57, 281 S/owrski 144 521 Seeligmann 133 Wmgrave 55, 81, 174, Seibert 96 Taub 226 1/6, 399, 4S4, 581 Seiffert 95, 127, 142, 576 Taylor, F. W. 232 Wissing 577 Semon 139, 195, 289, Taylor, J. S. 93* Woakes 170, 329 J.I2, 3-15, 348 Tt-ets 5.!') Wolberg 192 Scnd/iak 82, 84, 129, Tliayer 133 Wolf 144, 244 131, 183, 194, 375 Theobald 014 Wolfenden 397, 409 Sewill 591 Thomas 522 Wolfeoattrin 496 Sexton 341 Thomsen 78 Woliler 244 Sharpies-. 130 Thorburn 196 Wolstenholme 331 SheboldaietV 59b Thorner 509, 545 Wright 328, 539 Sheild 234, 279, 495, 593 Tissier 133 Wrublewski 192 Shelley 205 Toeplitz S30, S5 1 Wyeth 487 Sheppard 509 Tooth 183 Siebenmann 246, 247 Toti 143 Z.ieniche 78 Siegfried 123 Tousey 13S Z.irniko SS Silk 271 Tull 376 Zaufal 230, 268 Simpson, \V. K. 49S, Turnbull 553 Zeller 389 54i. 5^3 Tuttle 2S0, 549 Ziem 91, 136, 272 Slogett 633 Ziemssen 265 Smith 93 Ucherniann 93 Zuckeikandl 91

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