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'./ V -■ '■■■>■ '. .. , r: ‘ 1 ■-. ■ PAGE FpURTEEN illattrh fa trr lEtt^tthtg firra lb SA OCTOBER 2B, 198K

police of a changtrof address," he ton, Bible study leader, yvlll speak replied, "Which one would you Service Series ^ on the Book of BevelattonS. A bou t T^owii like?" '.s' ' Neighborhood' committees from Heard AUpng Main Street Being Planned’ Lower Hebron Ava, Diamond Heancea Tuesday The 2nd Missile Bn. par«de Lake, Mancheater Rd. and. Oedari which was rained out at Mt. Nebo And on Sntno of IHanrhonter*a Sido Strt'OtB, Too The Herald's theater reporter picked up the. phone this morning In Buckingham Ridge are aaalsting in this second Field Thursday has been sched­ series of church nights. Attend-i uled to take place W>dnesday. to hear a man's voice say, "This is the ghost of Glenn Miller, I want The Rev. Philip M, Roee of ants of other Glastonbury churches The parade is part of a ceremony Penny for His Thoughts ^ "Why don't you knock It down, are Invited. The programs have to honor M. .Ss:t. Floyd E. Hal­ One dime, two nlcklee, end live Ed 7" the friend called Jokingly, to talk to the entertainment edi­ the Buckingham C^nirr«jgAtional tor," been planned by and are under stead who retires Oct. 31. pennies make 29 cents—exactly Whereupon Rybciyk drew him­ Church Announcea a scries of four auspices of the Bubkingham. self up to his fi.ll 6 feet 2, hefted •fVou'll have to watt your turn, PJNE LENOX 29 cents. Dimes, nlckles, and pen­ Autumn Church Nights. Church Adult. .Education. OdmtnM^' nies are "change.” all hts 229 pounds, grabbed the like everybody else.) Miss Barbara M. Elliott of Bol­ The first will be held at the tee, Mr., and Mrs. Wlllljun R, John­ ton and Nelson W. Quinby, HI, will It followis then that one dime, tree and gave It a mighty shak­ fkillector’s Hem church on Thufaday from 8 to 8:90 son, .chairmen: Mr. and Mnl. Roger PHARMACY be united In marriage this after­ two nlckles and flv pennies make ing. S. Bestor and Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlea noon at 2 o'clock, in a ceremony The tree fell with a terrific Our third grader recently re­ and the speaker will be Dr. Rose's exactl.v 29 cents in change. ceived a J.unibr Fire Marshal ring D. Humphrey. m B. Ceater'St,—Ml In ConpreRatlonal Church. Thus, the Manchester motorist crash. daughter, the Rev. Carol C. Rose, "Twern't nothing,” thfe planner and, after a few days, declared The programs wlll be held in the , reasoned w'hen he approacifed the the ring must be magic because Miss Rose Is associate editor of social room o< the church. Those The We Tivo Group of the Con­ i toll station on the new Connecticut told his v/lde-eyed friend. children's materials, in the Presby­ cordia Lutheran Church Is hold­ Suspicious at the unexpected It turned his finger green.' attending are asked to bring their Thruway. A Non, terian Church.; Philadelphia. Her Blblet, Tickets may be secured ing its fall paper drive Monday All So he was mlfTed when, caught •show of strength, the friend then address, entitled “ Gllmpaea of the Panmunjom, Korea, O ct 27 „ material should be bi'oujfht to the examined the tree carefully. It had from the sponsoring committee, or Oommuntat North Korea informed In the exact change toll stall with ’World Church." will be ■ accom­ at the door bn the openipg night. Broadcast rMkln property by 7 o'clock. I tramc behind him. he discovered been d-ad for i, long Ume bill, panied by stidesi SNP the Military Armiatlce Commia- the Thiuway people apparently do even so. It ilefinltcly would have (JiuiriiH 'ii U rge Rabbi Abraham J, Feldman of Bion today tha laat of Red China’s Army Spt. Stephen A. Godin, ' not consider one dime, two nlckles, been no "push over" for a, smaller Temple Beth Israel, Hartford, will 1* th« lovor'to troops have gone home and de­ 24, son of Mr and Mrs. Oscar J. mah. ) BurUn Mona Fhocp , Wuhillgton, Qct,. 27 (ff)— ♦Nelami A. RoekefaUer, Ro Republican manded again that American ; fl^nd five pennies exactly 2.* rents Karly D elivery take for his subject at the meet­ pull for Ed " govembr, and Rep. Godin, 117 Cedar SI., la partici­ in change. ing Wednesday, Nov. 9, "The Need President Eisenhower returns f^ ’*‘'***^«*2r --r- .tro m Hkewlae quit South Korea. pating with the lOlst Airborne Di­ The thruway people do not con­ The Prellnis Engaged of Being Neighborly.” This is the i . to• th^ campaign wars today to Kenneth B. Keating, who la seeking MYour demand ia rejected," U.S. vision s lR7lh Infantry In a para­ O f Shop Item s the U.S. Senate aeat being vacated Air Perce MaJ. Oen. Albert T. Wil­ sider the penny rt all. he conclud­ Attorney Gene Kelly, standing by The engagement of MIsx Ruth schedtiled meeting night of the i chute assault on Kl Campbell, the wall during proceedings In fire new salvos at the Demo­ hy GOP Sen. Irving M. Ivea. son Jr., fepresentaUve of the UN ed. .Tanice Anderson to Joseph Orzyb Ladles Aid Society and they will I crats "in West Virginia apd In Manhattan tomorrow, ESten- Ky., as a part of "Exercise White Bill he couldn't .eniemher any Town Court Isat Saturday, was Mrs. Paul Wlllhldc and Mrs. Ed­ Join in the program and provide i Command on toe Military Armia­ hower will rtake two talks to tlce Commission, told North Ko- Cloud " . A 11’'’ 2 graduate of sign warning him of the Thru- called on by the court to m l as gar Clarke co-chairman of the new is announced by her parenta. Mr. hostesses. Pennsylvania speeches. Manche.'ter High School, he en- guardian for a minor charged with thrift shop, "The Penny Saver," and Mrs. Ivar Anderson, Windsor. White Hoi^ae aidei predicted the psrty workers. The flrsi, in mld- reaii MaJ. Oen. Kang Sang Hq. ' vav’ s bia.sed \ lew i.ntil he saw the The Rev. Wendell E, Stephan, aftecnooii will be st the Roote- lereri the Arm\' in I9.%.T He la a parking violation, which the Wiimcn's Auxiliary of Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. chaplain at Hartford Hospital, will PreaideBt'a atretch drive for elec­ WHion told newsmen he thought as,aistant chief clerk of llie infan­ one on the collection basket, after Joseph F. Orzyb, 41 Strickland St., telt Hotel, the state party head­ Chinese troops actuslly had pulled Deadlock on Choice he had thro .m his mess of coins Atty, Kelly whispered a few .Manchester Memorial Hospital- of speak at the Nov. 12 meeting. Hla tion of a Republican Congfeea Nov. try's Co. A at k't Campbell. words to the girl; she pleaded opening on Nov. 4, ask Auxiliary and thfr'raTe Mr. Grzyb, 4 will bs marked by more of the quarters. From there the Preii- out of North Korea, but this "does into It. topic win be "A Hospital Chaplain (tent will go on to the Commodore not necessarily change the military guilty and paid a fl fins. members and Iheir friends to leave Miss Arderson Is a graduate of With His Patients." ' ■ bang-'em-hard technique that bloa- Windsoi- High School and attended Hotel for r. Speech at the head­ picture In Korea because they Memher.s of tJie Tall Cedars of Ued Carpet Welcome Kelly returned to his nimltiun articles they arc contributing at On Nov. 19. the Rev. Guthrie eomed on the croes-coimtry tour Lebanon will meet tonight at 7:.in ne'’ !- I'-.c doot and wa i prrrnptlv the shop early in the week, or c.all Wlllimantlc State Teachers Col­ RUMMAaE SALE he concluded Jaat Thureday. quarters of toe Elsenhower-Nixon moved only two hours away from Seen as Possibility Watch what yoii say in front of ,.„ued upon to act as guardian in lege. .She is employed at the Coh- Swartz, associate pastor of Center National Citizens Committee for at the ,Inhn B Hmlij H'linerat Mrs. Edmund Zaglin for collection. TUESDAY, OCt. 28 Eieezihod'er ^ arranged a late, r llic c hildren. | the next case of a mlno, charged Valley Power Exchange. Church,, Hartford, will preside at 1998. (Coarinaed on p*age Nine) Home to pav respeel.s to Ivmn E The Penny Savei', located at 474 the round table on stewardship. afternoon deparMire by plane for Kassler, a Tall Cedar. Ortc couple was having trouble with failure to carry hla driver's Msln .SI . Jii“t north of the Lincoln Grzyb Is a graduate of Manche.s- ODD FELLOWS HALL U u ring the day OOP candidates with the washer. The nisn of the ||(.pnsr. W.gh School and the VVard Following the coffee hour, the Rev. Charleaton. W. Va„ and a Ulk at fly FRANK BRrrrO .Si hool. will be open to I’eic" - Wsyne Sandau, minister of the 9 A.M. the Kanawha County Airport ffcm neighboring Connecticut and house called for a serviceman to, The same brief confeicnce lol- ■S liool of Eleclionlcs. He Is em­ PULL THB anu LBVBR New Jersey probably will cal' on City, Oct.. 27 (/P)— Cardinals of the Roman Cath­ The first in a seiici5_of evangelis­ good, clean, saleable artliles f y Congregational Oiurch In Elltng- Kiinaet Rebekah L^dge there. come and locate the trouble. A , |o e'l .ind the yooth paid a $1 floe, ID a.m. to 4 p in. next week. ployed at Prstt and Whitney Air­ riM »* a n )K c m t m c m m . *. I. t the President st hla suite In the olic Church voted again today, presumably for the eighth tic programs being pre'sbrfred by Then he will fly on to .Pitta- Chinese Fire young people of the Seventh Day] week pasaed. Another call was. The Aittoriiey onc-e again began craft in East Hartford. AStor hotel. During the past two weeks mem­ A spring wedding is planned. burgh for a major pblitical addre.aa time, and again failed to elect a succes.sor to Pope Pius XII. Adventist Church. Hartford will' made .Still no action. | to return to his position near the bers of the thrift .shop committee (A t Hartford, Fred R. Zeller The failure, after two days of balloting, demonstrated that Tills went on for three weeks. I wall whc.i he was called bark •tonight at the Syria Moaque Au­ today canceled part of his planned I Few Shells in he held lonlEhl al 7'.7n m the'West ; .and their husbands Iwvo been ,in- ditorium. That apeech will be car­ tbo 51 Princes of the Church, locked in secret conclave, were ■ Middle School aiidltorliim, Hart­ Then one day the doorbell rang 'Thl i Is '-m,.. fiepnly stalllng, shelves, collecting and tour of New Britain tomorrow for and the couple's 3-year-old dsiigh Judge Jule* Knrp tiRid to Ihr nt- A\ Open House ried over an 18-atate televi.. Immeu.ately after the Plttaburgh about 200.000—departed after a aeries of unmistakably black reminded.of the fond sale to be posed to come and fix the wash­ ing committee have been sorting governor might be aee:lng-a laat- (guns fired only aporadlcallv on toe er?'' she asked. The Manchester group of Alco­ apeech, the ncadent will travel to I clouds of smoke poured from a slender chimnev in the*Sistine held .Mondav morning In Cooper The BoHtd n( K'i'iCfitifht ' and in lcing the articles for sale holics Anonymous will hold its an- FOR minute boost from the President Quemoya today ir Red ’ China's .Mom stopped In her tracks, her Jtad nn r ror whlcli Dtrhtrnrd Mk- New York for an overnight alay In his eftort to dust Gpy. Rlblcoft, [new every-other-day war. Chapel. Hall ns Ihev have been received. Their niinl fall nicetiiif’ tonight at 8:30 and lome politicking there tomor­ face (pilckly turning to a bright mrcting fni a ininiur, Thr I work would he made miicli easier a Demorrat. ' ' This was the first odd-numbered ^ f^terday, white smoke— which should indicate election shade of red. in the Hiiclltoiium of the Hollister row on behalf of the Congreasional A meeting of I he teacher spon­ nf R nrwly hirrd v >.hmh [if I out I ibiit Inns were maile early .St. School, Visiting speakeis will STATE I But Republican aour'.'es wmild : or ahelling day since the Reds an- of a new Pope— twice fooled hundreds of thousands in tha WMH li.sirfi nn " A rr.iitn «l" ni, ticket. sors of the .hinioi; P.ed (,’ross will in the week and If sizes are imlicat- he from New York Intergroilp. not diacuss the significance of the nounced thev would fire at will on S(|uaie, millions throughout Europe and the world, even of­ be held .Monday afternoon al 3..30 ‘Iliitr, and a Puff . . . ’ of "AnnhurHt " rd on clilhlng by the donors. Iltey The iniblic Is Invited. The White Houae announced trip.) the uneven daya but on the even- "L okI Jr^'rry Aould imn. f»vri that Eiaenhower will be ?rtiet at ficials of the Vatican itself. in room 12 of the Howers .SrhonI, Town Planning Engineer Ed­ say. Immediately after the meeting, REPRESENTATIVE numbered days would e.xempt . air-; ward Rybexyk Isn't' the type lo let in hiR gmvr.” unirl Cluiinnan Chiin. This new pi(,(ei!t of the Hoaiiilal New Tork’a Laguardla airport by (Continued on Page Fniir> strips, beaches and docking areas Theie was no doubt of the quality of the smoke todav. It Ur Met^ormirh refie'diments will be served at the Mam heater Lodge of .Miisons will B little thing as a tree stand In Aiixllinrv will be open every week Pathfl.ideis' Cliibhoiise, 102 Nor­ ^ so supplies could be brought In. ' was black. hold a special meeting tomorrow his way of (inlshlrig s Job on Tiie.sda , Wednesday and Th'r.s- man .St. I Nationalist Defense headquar-; The Cardirials meet again tomorrow morning to vote again nighi Lodge will open at 7 o'ctoi'k The other day he was helping a TtiUr ^ our <1ifnrr day fiom 10 a m, lo 4 p.m and : ters reported sporadic shelling this 1 The Aohedule announced before 4 ------______* and Ihen members will irroceed to friend find hnundiiry markers on While lliry wrtr niil on a dotihlr Thiiisdav night from 7 lo II be­ Vote ; morning on tiny Tatan Island in , the Cardinals were locked In con- g e e e -a-re the .lohn B Riirke Fnneial Home a heavily .Wooded plot. dale thla wrrk Iwo MnnrhcRtrr ginning .N'fV. 1 It will he staffed the Qiiemoy complex and light, clave called for four ballots a day crmploM drridrd lfi tl'op ovrr to Nixon Still to Label to condiirl a Masonic memorial In attempting to line iili» two entirely by voinnieers from the MANCHESTER • r- »■ Republican scattered ahelling elsewhere In the I two In the morning and twa. In roiiticians Hit service at 7 .10 for I^nn E Ksssler slakes. RybCsyk found the trunk Haitfoid for a Inlr i'U|> of roffrr. Anxlllsr.i’, and all profits will be group. i the-afternoon. A.n Ihry \vrio /iftpronrhing thr WELDING SERVICE But toe volume of «re fell far of Eiielid Lodge. Windsor I>oeKs, of a large ' Irch tree In his way ii.sed for the benefit of the hosp.- Here's a closeup showing faces of some'in toe huge crowd gathered I There was a pouiblllty the Car­ (-'hnilrr Oak Hndgr. the dilvrr tsl. PAUL R. MARTE short of the. old days , when the al the Yatlean today, waiting dinals voted only once thli mqrn- For Failing to lurnrd lo thr other man In r i lind ROILKK.S HERMAN YULES >osition‘ Reds unloaded thousands of shells and watching for toe smoke signal that will Indicate a new Pope had been elected. (A P Pboto- flEI'AIKEI) fax'via radio from Rome). ing. Uncertainty arose because of “ Hnvr you got a llrkrl on the Nationalist-held islands the speed with which the smoke— ■'Siirr I xr gut a llrkrl, Kiinnlng Tel, .Ml 9-IH9H—.MI 9-8762 •very'ery day.oay. I i normally made after each two bal­ Name Judges a rrd light, fntluir to rarry n li- |{4‘iin ioii rinniHMl Minneapolis, Oct; 27 , at tlif ence that the use of tola sflifective lastlAEt nightnlrvlv* that, there had ibeen___ a The Nationalists Said their ob­ _...---- jcota Cardinal Cansli. 84, pro-dean cordially invitos you to ottond o servers counted some 1.9^ Red By THK .\8SOClATED PRK88 Workers dug deeper Into the Cum­ enough Judges to handle it. D O ^ ' C Y Knightfi of (?oluinbu« Home. constitutes campaign "name call­ striking shift In voter opinion in Havana, Cuba, Oct, 27 Rebel of the college, had suffer^ a Speaking at the opening of the Mend)orB of the romniitlee liave MONEY ORDERS JOHN ROTTNER ing-” the last 10 dgijsi. ' . f. soldiers constructing ground for­ Catskill Mountain communities berland No. 2 coal mine today, leader Fidel Caatro aays his men -t'C'ii'l atlack. He haa tong suffered 83ra annual meeting of the Stats I conlnrled vlnHntnatcB about the le- tifications opposite the (iiuemovs In itpcovei^ed Iri bewilderment tod-iy roR ' In a broad rundown on the situ­ " If this h8a'-;happ^iwl’, "m tine seeking more tbdiss of the 77 men will fight any American ir.lerven- - Bar Association of Connecticut in nnion. HeBervalioMB for the affair Pay bl/fs wMti you SHOP HAS A ation In the battle for control of but Nixon has been able to disoein the lest three days. Nationalist de­ from a weather Onslaught that fenders on Matsu repoited .960 burled some 13,000 feet from the linn in th. « . . . K...... »moke at the end of the the Hotel StaUer Hilton. Judge M eet The Candidates Tea STATE SENATOR I Rhonlil hr made hy Nov. 10 wlUi Congress, Nixon; It," McCarthy said In an Interview. brought up to 17 inrhea of snow President Fui,rln,^n morning aes.alon, like that tonight, Communists building groimd'works entrence to, Cansda's rtcepesl coal President Fulgencio Batista Shea pointed out that recently the 11 Kmeat Duke. HKr>, No. 3. 1. Denied he has any Intention "1 hav* been campaigning four yeaterday. Cs.t..,, "Vi . , was'unmlstakablv black. It poured General Atsembly haa directed on toe ^eichlao peninsula nearby. haw toat iny PINE PHARM ACY of taking over direction of the Re- months and .there ts ^ lh in g to In- ' .Snow'j' elcet, and raln'-’ atorius ■ nltol rem it s '* f‘ '» repeated clouds. Indicating that court aesaions be held in imwcar |(kriyrTm »*^t w^^ dlrate gThsftgli'lh t w Diemqcfatlc. 'flashed imich of the state. 664 ( ’KN'I’KIl ST,— MI 9-9811 Sixteen . bodies have been m US ‘'J ‘ ^at chen.lcala or other materials Stamford, U tchfleld, New Britain. Sunday, October 26,1958 tide.” ^ ' were repbttiVJ *ctlve In Amrtv har­ Storm-linked accidents took at brought out of tile mine, where a Upokcsman LincolnJ " White, * ' White r. tt-ere were being employedemnloved to avert a DBnbfa^,YMh£hlHUr and Anaonla, 2. Said Republlcan.s are "not go­ {•'toeman Held Sure M’litner bor. 'Quemoy, but there least-seven livea. repetition of yesterday'a mixup. “Shall w* leave it to aome local ing to roll over and play' dead' Were no reports of any clashes. ' Tile chief target of the winter- rock upheaval below the surface said last week that the United Minnesota is regarded In the Re­ States might have to take nrtlnn Vatican Radio, which .vesleiMay politician to tell ua where to go?" SPE4IAL Just because aome polls indicate a publican eam^ as one Of the states Tlie Nationalist ambassador to like barrage o f snow was the Tan- Thiiraday night blocked tunnels Y.M.C.A., North Main Street HOITHF-rLF.AMNO Orf-ER! and unloosed pockets of poisonous If rebel kidnaping of Americans exultantly proclaimed election of asked the Judge. "It's tone wa 4 PLAN possible Democratic land-slide, where toe GOP may be able to the United States, George Yeh, de- nedsville area 2,000 feet tip in the a Pope for nearly half an hour, Was gas. didn't Htop. got away from toe hnrm-and-bug- .t. Angrily rejected what he call­ stem the Democratic current that CaUkills. extremely calitlnua today. The an gy days, and put toe Judges in 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. ed an “insinuation" In a news con­ Mountain roads were blocked by No miners have been found alive The rebel leader charged U.S seems likely to incresM the latter (ronrinned on Page nffeen) Ambassador Karl E. T, Smilh and ' W>uid not say i those areas where they will do ference question that he had not party's hold on both hoiisea of Con­ snow. More than.2,000 homes were since Friday afternoon, when the out "sure con- the most good. TO PROVIDE BRIDGES discussed civil rights In the cam- gress. without electricity at one time. President Batista with plotting lo elected wlto FREE 81st survivor reached safety. provoke American intervention flrmntion "In tha old days tha witnesaei paign. Local observers count Demo- j Wide areas lost telephone service. eflfCTROUIl COPP The immedtfcte goal was a w'ork- and said; 'A t the end of the broadcast to­ 4. Said that in the choice of cratlc Gov. Orville Freeman as a Wet, heavy snow began falling Ing area at the 13,000-foot dla- night. the speaker said ''Obviously (OMUnued oa Page* Eiclit) W orid’B liEhtBBt-WBight OV^R THE CONNECTICUT RIVER Adm. Le'wis Strausa as the new sure bet for reelectlon over hia 20 Democrats early yesterdfi^ morning. TTie " I f the. State Department con­ tahee, where 80 or more miners tinues to give credence to the In­ the result had been negative." haavy-duty claaner eecretary of commerce; President Republican opponent, George Mac- storm center passed late In the were believed to have been trap­ trigues Of Ambassador Smith and The failure suggested the Card- • Kofy budiot forms. Here It Is: Eisenhower had pick^ ia "contro- Kinnon. There Is ^neral feSling Lead 32 Tests afternoon hut light snow continued ped. The workmen were reported Ballsta. thus Incurring the unjustt- '""Y «'*t>'vme difficulty veraial man" but one who knows that the alee of Freeman’s ex­ into the evening. within 170 feet of the area yester­ flable etTor of leading the United ji ■~P*''hsps deadlocked. This could • Crreluolvo Elocfrohix f6oluro«t tos business field and the work­ pected margin may determln# The U.S. Weather Bureau at Al- day but progress Was very alow. States to an act of aggression I li- did,in 1922. to the elec- ings of government. whether he eprvlvea In- hia con­ For Governor bany said additional light snow agalnst otir sovereignty, .voii may 11*” " * compromise candidate, Bulletins «oM only test with McCarthy In next week's Two of the victims were burled A«tfcorigjo4 Kloofrolm Bronolioo ^ ABOLISH THE BRIDGE AUTHORITY! Dalles Not infallible was expected In higher elevaUons be assured we will know'how to de-1 •'The last previous conclave elect- — 5. ' Praised Secretary of State balloting. ' yesterday. Seven hiore funerals from th* AP Wjres AnirSTINE KAMIENKKI THIS WILL RETUR.V rfPERATION OF THE RRIDGEB TO THE STATE AND WILL tnclave. In 1922,; loner court review ef the airard tlllARTKR OAK BRIDGE CARRIES THE l-ABOEST VOLi:,ME OF OFT-OF-STATE ' Ben.'. Edward J. Thye and other a hula hoop.' He said polls which b ^ y . Snow also fell in the Grafton Ambassador Smith apparently ' '^^hen Achllle Kattl, archbishop of TRAFFIC. TOLLS. BASED FPOX I’SE BY OFT-OF-STATE MOTORISTS CAN BE party candidates, earlier told a The Tlmee printed the findings of TV Channel • at Orlando. PTa. predict , a Democratic victory re­ in a survey of political...... conditions,Mountains, east of Troy.- stemmtld from the evacuation bv Milan and former Papal Nuncio to ; ADJFSTED TO PRODFCE ST FFICIENT RE.Yr.XFE TO PAY EXISTING BONDS. breakfast raUy of 1.309 persona flect conditions of 10 days ago 166 Escape in It wae the third such high court a.s of now, by co'rrespondents of”th"e . Bainbrldge reported U.S. Navy ship late last week of Poland, finally was elected as a' action based on alleged lmpri>- that advance polls and surveys not now. • .Times from coast to coast j *” ” '*'^"11 vp to three inches. 68 Americans from tha rebel-heM compromise candidate bore more pointing to s big Deinocrattc vic­ priety in the conduct of Feder­ "It is in theseu last 10 days," Sevefsl of the races were re-and sleet lashed the Hudson northeast Cuban town of uicaro. j tory don't reflect a Republican-up­ Nixon said, "that I personally have Mine Accident al Commiinlcatlana CaBamisaion * BAN TH E SALE OF Sc TICKETS! surge Jn the last 19 days. ported quite close and the indlcat- j R»in and haU fell In manv site of a nlckel-proCesslng 'plant '‘iirrlng. ; bbslnces. The coart set aside a THIS WILL TREMENDOI'SLY INCREASE THE TOLL REYENI'E ON CHARTER witnessed the most striking shift ed leads of individual candidates I aectlons.----, The-- - --w,,New York e. SSI n X-iVyCity ■area operated by U .S, government em- T - *moklng . By JACK WHITE decision hy the F.S. Court of OAK BRIDGK. , were regarded as subiect to change had nearly two Inches of rain. plo.ves. Before the evacuation 'nounUln-rilmMng R .ttl had not r .Appeals tor toe District of Ce- one'^'e'* v^te're" T t , 7 T ^ ’ ver in the final week of the campaign. 2lection'd«y,”11eCld^^^^^ on seen in any poUUcal campaign. Minor Flooding In-State Bishop, Va., Oct. 27 (A't- An un­ lumhia which had approved FOO If present trends hold, the Times The rain that caused minor flood­ identified disturbance today town and forced the rebels to re-, 1 , 7 to? fhen^so cslM i award nf Orlando Channel • to 'Nixon'S claim, th^t therq have | (Cj « h» u«1 u« Page Four) said, the Oeihor rats would emerge ing around Connecticut, over the * ISSUE BRIDGE PERM IT PLATES AT with B new gain of one governor trapped 22 miners In a section of .Mid-Florida Tclevtslon Oerp. to make their strength nationally (CnnUnned on Page Four) the Pocahontas Fuel Co.'s Bishop ADMITS 8101.060 H O Lim P 80'Democrats, to 18 Republicans. Coal Mine No. 84. The extent of the toe n s B. del V .l and the Frqnch Cardinal REASONABLE FEE TO FREOUENT Political Roundup ? • imn Rn.. at GuanUn-,1^ Fontaine, and the so-called , Baeten, Oct. 27 i/P>—Pelicp Maine staved In the Democratic damage or the condition of the column in its September election. smo Boy, One engineer said the ..p,.ogresslve" group, headed by Capt. John J. O'Keefe snld a 2li- Alaska will choose Us first elect men could not be determined Im­ ad-. • A P P L E S USERS OF CHARTER OAK BRIDGE! tive governor Nov. ,2.9. . mediately. during which "we were definitely (Maffi; deadlocked. ; --mi.ttfid------today that---- be----- M d--- aonther THIS W ILL SAFEGUARD THE INTERESTS OF CONNECTICFT MOTORISTS ANIF Among findings of tlW: Times sur-, Nens Tidhits prlsoncrii, but the’ rebels didn't Because of. toe deadlock Rstti 1 man committed last Thursday's SPEED THE FLOW OF/TRAFFIC OYER THE CONNEtmCFT RIYER. GOPflPem^rats Open vev Were these; The troutilf disrupted communi­ have mneh. to say to ijs.” Four- flnally won' In four days of con-} 8107,000 holdup o f the Leehmere cations to the section. . The Democrats appear U, have CulltMl from A P W ires Uen of the. pUnta American em-.^jlave on the 14th -. ballot. He Hqiwre Branch of Middlesex ^ FRESH CIDER their best chances of Putting 'Pew' Mine officials said 186. other mef*^ plo.yes remained behind.. 1 reigned aa Pius XI. roanty National Bank . In Cam­ governore ’• *®' can be properly checked local disturbance” and occurr^ in Mn Error in Justice* of the man's honrie In the Der- tlllery to<’ay for the finale of the made his at |he^same Ume In Pair- cheoter secHon of Boston tincor- eiMS 1998 political campaign. • island. .. Second phase of Colombo Plan the "da.vheading xection;'*- PERO'S Held. But. they, aummariaed Zeller's . 'There »re very .close races 'for ered another 837.000. , , The d b P Ares the . first shot ek:onomlc Conference v>pens with " I prefer not tq nee toe word ex­ STAND: 276 OAKLAND STREET , charges in the campaign ao far. Remibtiren-held governorshlns. In Officials of 18 nations and three plosion," said Luther, "because ‘we tonight vyito a statewide dinner in al(mg aith Ribicoff's refus'sl to OOP HT.ARTR CHAIN UHTEK' TRAINING NorthfordYor Fred R. Zellir, their w Nconsto. New, Mamnsblre, pouth colonial g'overnroents searching for don't know what It was.” v ORCHARD: AVERY. STREH, WAPFINiG. answer the charges. ■ Dakota and New Mexiim.and for' means to expand rate of economic Should H usbands H elp 'M'ashingtoa, Oct. 27 (Jb — calididme for governor. Me said, howevsr, the disturb- 9* ..4 ^Amorw Zeller's charges, which .wmocrstlc-held governorships In growth In Communist-threatened More Mum 8,008 letters hos-e EXPERIENCE Aboifi—1.000 persons, Including Were phrased as questkma were r ■'nsa«. Iowa and Oregon. ' sMe appawMitl.y yvaq not very po|v- been sent from Washington to an Zeller's running mates, are ex- these;: ' ■8cuth and' Southeast Asia. erful because it _____.. In NevFTork., the slr-ns are that Evangelist billy Graham drew ‘ " ...... was hardly felt launch a Republican c H ^ let­ PtoUd to be on hand fot what the at the elevator shaft a iittie'm e^ w itli H ousew ork? lo ’s hom Achtatino Didn't RibIcoH start his admlntt- Nelson A.’ Rnckefel»lsr-rhsv dls- 80,000 people to unsegregated rally ter campaign, GOP National and SERVICE Republlcana hope will be one of tratioh with s l17,9W',lk!f6 surplus 'eiw. CJloirmaa .Meade Aleom report­ toe high polntslof .toe campaign. placs't' Democratic Gov. AvertU In PL'Jackson, 8. C. ... Wave of / o u r w o v i StraiB violence im'eeping PhUadeL Ixitiicr said the vcnuisuonetIoR lye- ed toiiay. Preeident Biaephewer A previous'high point occurr^ i n million d eficit^ (Contianert on Page nrteen) tem in the mine areoh reached hy , - Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. > masculine incapacity tn tola siiggreted the letter writiag't] / MAKE last Wednesday with toe vialt of •> phia took two more '‘h-cs yMter- "n te i W i to get 180 rescuers h«4 hot been damaged, In- 27 t/P»-—Ths question whether ores" the men cannot be ex­ campaign at on Oct. 14 birthday You B«t premium quality Vloe .President Nixon to-Hartford 8ay. a husband mould help -with million in fxtra revenues if RIbi- Carll Ann Fugate. 16-year-old (Ucating'the disturbance was lio* pected' to do any more than breoktoat. B e sold then he had YOUR ELECTRIC DOLLAR REALLY. Mobilheat with RT-88, . . thr The candidataa. except for Zeller coff reimn of . too great . magnitude. housework has atirrad some run a feiv errands and do some used letters aucceaefnUy in stir- most completely elfeetive fuel himself,mself. are not sunnoxedsupims^ tnto A do n crs«. Infiirett Man ex-gtri friend of.oondamnad killer lively opinion in West (3er- JOHN crate privately favor a state Mr (Tharlea- Starkweather, goee on He soM Uiia,gavwh«p4^e trap­ shopping. ring up latereat la hie deftoae oil adtjitive In uee today. And much, talking at toinIght'B dinner. •onal inemne tax? ped men ccwld be reochetfliliv'e. manj‘« Tihls provoked s tongue-in- reorgnolaathNi bill which foeed GOES TO WORK FOR YOU you get premium aerviee. Au- The program is resorved for trib­ trial on identical murder counts A state. labor court ' has -RihilLie *1^. ^*'“ ***’ n**)ler asked OttaiYci B lpst O u W which.brought death-aentmea to • Of toe 188 miners who escaped, cheek. editortsl entitled "Anih trnnble In Coagreoa loet su n - tomatir deliveriee . a bal« utes for outside political life to RlblcoH, ‘that your present cam- . ruled that a woman cannot Error In Justice" In' toe Neue mer. tha 99-year-old Stonington manu­ Starkweather laft May ... Sgt those working closest to toe dis­ anced payment plan and many ROTTNER Palpi is the moat costly tn th« turbance sealed tocmeetves off but expect her menfolk to moke PrSase here. facturer who has been sUte ebm'p- OtUwa, Ont., Oct 37 «9-S-A LC. Charles Moman, 28. o f Em­ any. aubstantiat contribitUon other extras daaigned to main Connecticut politics, and •olutlon to toe mystery of an ex­ pire. Ala., charged with threaten­ later were fimoved. “The maecnlMe eex hasnle- DANCER TREAnOENT BETTBE In fact, this bird just loves work. troUer tor 14 yeare. that It, 1^ In large part. Mid for . In household chores. Bestoo, OcL 27 Ba»- home heating rroKg »a»». ■ Democrats -also will be doing ‘ plosion that did millions of doUsra ing to hang one recruit and inW«- Uither eold the dilittubancn o<>-|.i veloped a cenaidarohle ability «»ut-of-a.ute contrtbutlona?" damage in toe center of Ottawa ourred fn the same section but a Thejourt, ectlon in the case tn toe field-of kitchen work." , .toa surgeoa aoM to d v >*coot ^For your electric dollar toclay does more than aome big gun work ' — - ' treating ftthera, decuaed by govern- of' Sn amploywi woman who In toe Newj quOations.we» dealtuvdug jrith Wiun Ribl-JTMDI- ■aturday may depend on the evi­ meht of dictatorial ood sadlstW little further down from the Feb, it said: "W epre deeply shocked advonees aod early dtogneala Haven-.V aarea. . . coff— . •a actiona >m>i« In,n , acnooischool nindshinds. asked Ihat^ her boas be re­ ever before-^cooks your meals, cleans your house, M o b ilh « a t •T*«a dence of one rritlcsllv Injured man. •sc of powcf. . ' 4, .1857 explosion Scene. Thlrty- that now an Incapacity in thja glvea patieats *9a fl^ U o g Democratic candidates, including j court reform and the coet of the - t>/.uo. V.ia — quired tn give her occasional runs your furnace and air conditioning, Mb* dMA-acNM . Safecrackers- break into Dew-, Oeveti menAiad In------toot disaater.----- . field should -be ofincially certi- ehoi^" ter siirgic«l correctlM SEASONED Cov. APraham Rlblcoff and Thom- Connecticut Turnpike ^ "J «««n g n f Otta dgya ptt’to do housework. H ie of lateettaol eoaeer. Dr. Koroig hirst Dairy tn Bridgeport oyer, 14 A * four ..rescue aquods arrived. fMd. ■ ■ .. lighta your houae, iTins power tools—and M i . Dctid. candidate for U .sJ AgalnM Btalc Iswoine 'T.v Ink’ .jfequirea this under ^ H oin - Tomojan told the Americ«n Col> FOR THE- W'eekeml and take between i 8,0M^seyeral hiindrod persona Including t' “We rejtot energeUcaUy the S e^te. hold a aeriea of meet- j In Fairfield ed K ^ a l writers w iiu '* **'»* a circunuitattces. . hige of Osteopathte - Surgeeaa much, much more. Never was so much Inga and talks In New Haven to- asked -Rlbicoff hta o ^ lo n m k ^o-son. 45, mng HJMW In cash. . : . OfflrialS ( f [ fOiilllles of' the trapped men and suppositioa that we are com­ A low#!' court ruled .she was that doctors today- coaM sifter morrow and wind up the day with poraonal i n ^ e tax and in laL United Cigarette CM. in same dtp j tijdr collheguoa who had escaped,, petent to handle only the ao- done by BO fewl y a?^ not entitled to the *d bqt say. what the infor- worth e f rigorettee alao taken dtir’-'i t h e rescue teame- went, ddwn help from her husband, grown houaehpld'~4hat is, running er- par ties were firing their ammuni- > " I ’m agaiiiat both Neither one! • tngI f weweitd.i _____ ... into the. mhi«i lii r e iv e of two, ‘^'randa and picking’ up grocer- iiuaiwn. ,n janitor, was dug; Workers at two Mai'lln-Rockwell aona, and 17-year-old daugfii- FUtE HITCMUUNE e n v BROTHERS Cn at each other. - . ' ' 'ile necessary under my peUeiea^*'—out vrtth about 18 inen working at « tor. Anyway, itl added, with »lea." - ^ Z^UiYi-^inii^ing A d d r^Z pl.nt.Jn Jamestown. N. Y. returll ,tlme;‘-Ae toither talked w ttl^ew e- Rockland. Motah, Oct. 27 np>— ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH-mYtr COSTS'SO UTTLBf '... - 301 >315 Caniaii SfT the. family fully employed, it \ The newspaper's claim that -A geoerai alarm lire, fed hjr • ' • KMMun charge against Riblcorr, i«hout controveralhl taons- £f«P> -MulH«wph of Canada. I,jid, jobs alter walkout which af- iMR. four company ofOclolp Joined could afford to hire a unsM. who-ls seeking VoilMnd term. "Whenever ^Wchjlre oM ciela toy ^ s tfert^ 3,70(1 United Auto Workei» ^houscworkpjg husbanda are an stiff wtod froM the* eao^ de­ ELECT JOHN ROTTNER 4th DISTRICT SENATOR ■Siw Mff T T " M " * .ttn,. • - ji ".WMftover r toOra- ia*» a* mntiw.nentiw. the center «• th. W..» W4-.— i o. c ------the>reacue teams to lead Their op­ ’^"-The atatk court ; teveried totabiltocd feature does not the center, of the Wast, His body , . . EdwarA F. Spencer, 39, a Boe-. erations. stroyed one eeetton o f a Mg Ml 3-5135 ”***” *^*' '[YerMal matter, 1 earefuUy «ad O0> was neart.v cpvqred with burns. . this, ruling there jyae no booia qitife confbm to the tradition- that never airiWcca Bailer or llberata|r7ped m ton poUcemon. eentsneed to li- lS ■niey were safety director Louis downto;s-n hnstows hioek engly THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY v o n IlfFUIUCAN • RUUTHE2adUVER. 'He was. OB# of five peraons years in Mohsachuaetto SUte Pria» In law, for saying the woman V structure of the Gerinaq • todoy^ /A deiea f amlUea eceepy- aoriouBly injured in tha cxploeiqn. RoittagHoae. General S o ^ T. M. ■ehould' him * m*M--An fhr >' nm ijy. Oerraana generally re- . r^STAn aiCTION NOV. 4Mi. on for manslaughter in IdeMng to BOnpeon, Supt. Joe L.- MeaatUui tag apartments aa toe aaeasid l*o^to Jaat February Oernrd Oou- help from the menfolk the . ghra-toe Idea as an innovation nnd third Aeara. drath lsr«od to u flund asristtint preoident Michael court Mid this waa tontrory — and primarily on American Read Herald'Adva. tUDS o f UwtstoB, Maine. oqBrion. a* 18* IhMMh'hnMM to" to wA. ’'hoeauso of ? hmp(nrt. j■ cwntoln HW Aamea. ■= . '"T-:, ■ A A' i i

PAQBTWO MANCEESTER EVENING BERALO, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, OCTOBER, 27, 1958 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1951 PAGE TBEBff Andover Bolton . RNSID H u g h James Tells SA Ci&s at floHister Silk Town on Set lOf Organize Goal of $307 Scouts Hike ALL IN COLOR! WiCTjn OVER! ENDS EAT.! > nerB A meeting to organise the Cub GIVE DECLARER BOra ^ u ts of Hollister School v(ill be Set by Scouts TO HANG HIMSELF North dsslsr 4Uum Tfusee. J .n Chaailsr Notes and Quotes Bjr AlfTMl 8heIai«rcM . East-West vnlaersUc MRS. UIXIAN FERRmrr ^number of "pranjesters” that from held Wednesday evening mt 7 N o im t The Naked n a l 4 ^ A quota of $S07.34 haa been set Boy Scout Troop 78 hiked To b« a good defender, you I6tift Mors than 2()0 people attended- time to lime provoka funny Inci­ o'clock In ths school auditorium. by E A R L Y O S T O A 7 And the Dead I T sIms a Flynr A ll boys already Cub Scouts and for th« Girl Scout Fund Drive Saturday for a purpoaa. Thay be able to alt still and let declarer O A 5^------. ths "G ran * Openinjg Banquet" of' dents, many of which he described. which wrill be held from Nov. 3 to "walked” the Mancheeter-Bolton beat hinucif. Why Interfere with •its StSS-lSlU Salvation Arm y's new.- Youth! James said, Is comparing radio those wishing to Join are Invited. w illiam O'Hara of the Finance* i the Connecticut Power Co. 6'Harg^who now conducts the busineas, ♦ K J 9 I 3 the 7. Call* will be made tturing that town line to locate, identify and hla eimple pleaeuree? ' and TV, that when they “ g o o f They must be accompanied by Is a graduate of the class of 1928 Joseph Epstein. O K 7 6 5 Center on Saturday evening. The' their parents. period by mothers o( iRegistered Departmeiit celebrated his 30th photograph atone monuments, Weat opened the deuce of cluhs. on televielon you not only hear, but at Notre Dame and has a - Ph.D. W IST EAST roast beef dinner was served in the Arthur Norwood, cubmaater, Scouta as In last year'a drive when year with the Connecticut Power marking the boundary. East put up the queen, and South A043 OJ10 95 see the “ boners.’’ He escplsinsd the in foreign commerce. The O'Hara Two linemen with the Hartford won with the ace. South counted announces thst several dens are $239 was raised. Co. on Oct. 22. He was presented Manchester walks Ita boundaries 0632 07 10 98 |iew gynituulum. Hu^h James wap difference between film, and the family resides at 88 Main St. The Electric Light Co. who completed eight trlcka-ln top carda add de­ Idlest spsaksiv' newer medium of tape as against already organised and function­ Andover la one of 37 towna In with a 30-year diamond pln.,^He annually. This it tha second time A A 7 4 A Q 10 couple has two children, Patricia, 20 yeara of service tn September the local Troop haa walked tha cided to go after the diamonds to 0 J 9 4 2 O Q 8 3 "live" television which most an­ ing. Other, boys are waiting to the Eaatem Connecticut Girl now Mrs. Henry Miitrle, and W il­ were John Ambrose o f 125 Bran­ find hla ninth trick. While the treats assembled, the participate in cubbing, but lack Scout Council. The Council em­ Joined the company In 1929 and Bolton portion as a civic project. SOUTH nouncers and actors prefer. How­ liam Jr . a member of the Coaat ford St. and Fred McCurry o f 51 South' ted a low dlainond from Farrar Ensemble from Boston of parental interest In volunteer­ ploye a full-time Executive Di­ was In the accounting office in Troop leaden describe it as praq- ♦ K Q 6 2 . ever, there are times when embar­ Guard and stationed at Staten Is­ his hand, and. Weat played low. NO W and TUESDAY played several seiectione. Br. M a­ ing to help out prevents the for- rector and secretary and plaris to New London. Later he was pro­ tlcal map-reading and compaaa 0 K Q 7 4 rassing moments are avoided land. The latter Just recently cams (When dummy has the king-jack jor Charles T. Mackenzie gave the pecislly in demonstrating s prod­ matlor of more dens. add a part-time field worker to Its moted to an accountant and was work. It can also be pretty dif­ ♦ 6 3 2 FEATURE SHOWN 8:IO-l:S0 back from a stay In Newfound­ behind your ace, you play low the Invocation. Following the dinner,' uct, if they are filmed or taped. He Den mothers will be reciitited staff by Nov. 1. transferred to the Manchester of- ficult hiking, over rough terrain O A 10 land. O'Hara Sr. la an active mem­ first time in the hope thst de- Maynard A. Clough, chairman of recently made a Upe which had and fathers are needed to serve on The Council haa the responsibil­ and through difficult undergrowth. Nerth Esit Soish WssC ber of the Knighta of Columbua. clsrer will finesse the jsek). Uie plsuinlng comnitttee and mas­ to be done 30 times before' It was the pack committee. ity of providing training for all All four patrols met at^ th« 1 A Psu 1 O Past South paused before playing 2 ♦ Pass 3 N T All P i ter o f ceremCnlea for the evening, perfected. Each of the first 26 volunteers In the Scout program, - Community Hall to atart the proj­ Roy Conyers as been Inducted from the dummy. He took a ciga­ resented C. Peter Carlion, hilila- times it would have caused embar­ encouraging good programming In ect. The Alligator and Rattlesnake Opening lead — 0 2 Into the membership of the Man­ rette from a fresh pack, staring at Sig otjthinltliee cH AIM a^ Cnrlaon rassment had It been a ‘‘live" dem­ the various troop.s and developing patrol, accompanied by adult chester KIwanis Club. Conyera, West from time to time. Weat introduced the special guests, who onstration, he said. a continuity in the Scout move­ Scouts Kenneth Falrweather and ver, chairman of ths affair, will bs who resides at 106 Concord Fd.. Is managed to look bored, and de­ Included Arnold LiaWcence, archi­ James said few people realize the PRESCRIPTIONS ment In this area. Paul Brown, hiked from the hall assisted by Mrs. Prime Amadso, president of the Conyers Construc­ clarer finally finessed dummy's m tect for the buUding; and Joseph large number of people Involved in It also provides an opportunity to the John Rogera property on Mrs. Paul Adams, Mrs. John onaneai Free Delivery tion Co. with offices at 21 Tolland Jack. oWfMMM KovoravlCb, general'Contractor. An putting on just onis show. For ex­ for leaders and Scouts to partici­ Rt. 6 where they etarted their Coughlin, Mrs. Pavld Donovan, Tj/ke . . . Another new member East won with the queen of dia­ orchid corsage was presented to ample, on the Firestone program, pate In state, national, regional chore, working south. monds and returned' s ' club. Mrs. Ekiwsrd Goss, Mrs. Wslno Mrs. James, who accompanied her LIGGEH DRUG of the KIwanis Club Is Pierre The Flaming Arrow and Pan­ Hokksnen, Mrs. Joseph Lwnch, ★ PLUS ★ with which he is (celebrating hla and World-Wide events. The local East had two “ tput-cards" in husband. 20th year, James said for Just one SHOrriNG PARKAOE Teels of Finley St., a t>-ansfer ther patrols, accompanied by Da­ Mrs. Joseph Harrington, Mrs. Er­ troop committee hopes that a local clubs, but he had to choose the Fred Farrar thrUled the,.^ audi­ production they counted 147 peo­ from the Rockville Center, L.I., vid Roberts, senior patrol leader, nest Fitzgerald, Mrs. Joseph Fsl- girl will be eligible to attend the right spot. Normally, a player re­ "THUNDER ence with, his playing of a cornet ple on the staff. Most of them are club. Teats Is a former Brown and Ronald Grose, a committee­ kowskl, Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Senior Round-Up In Colorado, In University footbsll player who turns his highest card of part­ solo, "Shylock,” and joined the never seen. July, 1959. man. hiked to the Villa Louisa. SUnley Lucas, Mrs. Joseph Schau- performed with the Bears In the ners suit. In this Case, however, BEACH" snaembis tor a novelty number Mental Blocks A letter informing parents of They worked north. The two teams ster, Mrs. WlUiaih Schwoerer, based on the well-known ' theme second Rose Bowl game on rec­ East returned the three. He said the most terrifying thing the propo.sed drive has been sent met In the vicinity of Carter St. Mrs. Joseph Slmard, Mrs. William IN "Long, Long Ago." ord In 1916, a 14-0 loss to Wash- East knew that his partner had almut TV Is that sometlnes a per­ PUL.L out by Girl Scout workers. Mrs, end hiked back to the Community LaMotte, Mrs. Charles Klotzer, COLOR . h gton State . , . Ralph Kryzak, opened a four-card suit. Hence In his iniroducUon of H u g h- son very suddenly develops a “ men­ .1. Tansley Hohmann Jr., Mrs. W il­ Hall. Leadens figured etch of the South had started life with only Mrs, Kenneth Monroe, Miss M. James) Clough, a personal friend chairman of the annual KIwanis groups had covered about eight Madeline Smith, Mrs. Harry STOOE OAR RAOINO AT tal block." This means their mind Hi* ••eond iHVRr for Ed liam Kowalski, Mrs. Andrew Gas­ Peanut Sale, reports the gross two clubs. South's remaining club Of the radio’ an(L television *an- goes completely blank and, In most miles on foot In the round trip Smith, Mrs. Clarence Peteraon, ITS ExcrriNo b e s t per. Mrs. Elsie Palmer, and Mrs. figure now stands at 1700.55, The had to be Jack, ten or nine If West nouncerv. told s little about James’ casts, they can't even remember Fred Farrar shows the personalized pearl valve caps on his comet to Maynard A. Clough, gen­ Edward Yeomans. from the Community HalL held all Xhree of these cards he Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. James Childhood . and . .about James'' eral chairman; and Hugh James, right, radio and TV announcer who waa the speaker at the dedica­ KIwanians have voted $100 to the Peak and Mra. Edward Kosak. their own name. No one seems to Gay City Picnic Held John Ambroee Board of Review Set would have led the jack to begin ambition at the age of 8 to become tion banque't. (Herald Photo by Pinto). Lutz Junior Museum. John C. Rothwell, Richard Fow l­ Prizes will be awarded and rs- know the reason for It, but Ju. t Brownie Troop 8 had a picnic with. There was no advantage in an announcer, that it occurs without any warn­ at Gay C ity Park Friday under N. Elm Sr. Both men are- linemen er, John Moran, .Alexander Plante leading the eight o f cluba under frsshments served. Read Herald Advs. (Note: ^mother and father The heavy demand for lel' pick­ James' ing. Because of the absence of jlhem \s that we , came out for the attention of GOP gubernatori­ with the company and work out of and Ozroe Roberts, recently ap­ these circumstances, as we will the supervision of Mrs, Whitney up and delivery to the home' of have been close friends of the scripts, it presents a tremendous Papers I^ise Ads Ribicoff," said publisher Curtis al nominee Fred R. ^ lle r Satur­ Wllllam O'Hara the Manchester office on Hartford pointed Review Committee of Boy soon see. M erritt, lender, and Senior Scouts soda has Influenced Benjamin, William P. Halls, 18 Orchard St., problem to actors. Johnson, whose papers in the past day at a meeting of the (Connecti­ H arriett M erritt and Nancy Mc­ Rd. McCurry is one of Manches­ Scout Troop 73, will hold thel'r South played hla ten o f clubs. for many years. The HaUe. are fire in 1937. In 1941 O'Hara be­ Max and Louis Epstein, partners James’ talk was very humorous For Ribicoff Push have alwave solidlv supported the cut Editorial Assn., Johnson said Bride. The Brownies took part In ter's leading duck pin bowlers and first Board of Review this evening W est covered with the Jack, and dhcle and Aunt ik tnough. The came chief clerk In the Manches­ of the Manchester Bottling Works and well-received. The audience GOP ticket. “It wa'S obvious that he knew ab­ a hike and played games. Is a former baseball and basket- during the Troop meeting at 7 p.m. dummy won with the king. De­ Cloughs tor years lived in the ter office and 10 years Inter -In at 10 Henderson Rd., to Increase had a much' better, mentsi picture Hartford, Oct. 27 (A*)—The pub­ Johnson said that last week,he solutely nothing, about it." RE-ELECT Changes at IJbrary ball-player. His son, Fred Jr., was at the Community Hall. Three boys clarer returned to his hand with next house. A s a youngsteT„,James 1951- when the Manchester and the bottling facilities 4,660 addl- will be reviewed. One will seek his of what goes on behind the scenes; lisher of the Deep River New Era received afi Insertion order from "I am sure that Fred Zeller was Miss Helen Jewett of Rt. 8 has Middletown offices were consoll- the king of hearts and led another spent his summer vacatlons -vlsit- Uonsl'square feet. The most mod­ second class rating: another, first low diamond. — and sometimeS'sii; the scenes— and four other weekly papers to­ Republicans for his five papers In no way responsible or knew submitted her resignation as li­ ilaled, O'Hara was made nsslslant ern bottling equipment will be In­ ing the Malle. Those.were the days at the radio, and television studios. class and the third, a merit badge. West once more stolidly played PROGRAMS day charg(!d that'some "stupid and with a note that a check and mats anything about this prior to the brarian to become effective Nov, chief clerk of the . Partner deals and bids one dia­ Unlonyille, secretary, and Joseph at United Methodist Church by dopondoblo James, a New t,-orker. prefaced kelly of New Britain, t.ressucer. Pfanattehl, telephone PUgrlm mond. The next player passes. You ELECTRONICS (4 iiiiliiiurd from Page One) otlier parla of the coiinlrv. t'le Rev, Carlton T. Daley. The In­ his. talk with a few remark; about p i e t e are I8S Roman .Catholic S-68S6. hold: Spades — 8 4 3: Hearts — his many memories of Manchester- "Wilh Hciiiocrala In control of fant is the son of Mr. and Mrs. STANEK youlhi groups in the archdiocese. 6 3 2: Diamonds — A 7 4: Clubs LABORATORIES and said that It seemed "like com­ lirsiis. I have always rlnur HUs Ciiiigieaa, " he aald, "we can put Stanley Olender. — J-9 4 2. What do you say? ing back home." 'H e based his and I will rrmliniie in -gH- leglalatlim giving women more ac- n:orrow at 7:30 p.m. The four "Muile Iram "KUnirt” wHS eompelltlon, .Slie will accompany Altrcd Drake and DoretU Get rAOTErEKTB at any drus counter. llve ratnpnign " esaa III anrliil 'aeciirlty heneflla, rommlsalons and the board of Mlaa Jayne BiiighardI of Wctheia- The Rosary Society of St. Bridg­ _ Morrew- The oUier peiHoiiH In ii i itni- and leglalalinn pmvidliig total, trustees will hold a session fol­ et's Church will sponsor a mili­ COLUMBIA • :M ( t) MIKE HAMMEB pnign, he aiilol, "are iniiiialei iifl " fleld to Ihe ( ’onnectlciit Mlaa Unl- lowing the Official Board meeting. (IMS) ANN SOUTHERN SHOW peinwuienl diaabllllv benefits at \’ei.ae fliiala in HHdgepoit next tary whist and setback p.a r t y (K-SS).TV THEATER ill X'aiiipnlKiin for feileml iifllre, age 50 Both are expected to be completed Wednesday evening, Nov. 6, at 8 BICYCLES "L u a ree Walkv Asain.” May. The daughter of .Mr and by 9:30 p.m. ( 8) POUTICAL CASH citmitriiitea for lltr i'S .Seiiiile "I am convinced" he aiilil, o'clock In the Knighta of Colum­ D O d C Y Mra. Charle.t 'IVItchell. Ihe 19- The Board of Finance will meet Sales and Servics (5S) ANYBOPY CAN PLAY to "wrap up" your apoke .Saliirclny* In W/ilertuu ii anil "that totully dlaahlcd people who year-nhl lieauty la employed at the bua Home. • :4S I S) MAYOR LEE • t I I tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the Com­ FOR f.'ii ford. can no lunger work ahuiild draw .luhn Hancoi'k Mutual Life In- This la the first of the series of Sizes 20 to ‘26 1«:N ( S) PABI8 PRECINCT t munity Hall. H. N, Alexander Co. (IMS) DESILU PLAYHOUSE HOLIDAY EXPENSES Tliomaa .1. Dudd, the Henuu'iatir from a fund lo whlcli lliey have aiirance Co. She holda the Civil card parties like those which St. of New London, auditors of town Snian Htraiberr aUra la STATE SENATOR challenger, told a Watertown au­ coMli Ibiited. and In wldch Ihey. Air Patrol apoti.aored Miaa Avia­ Bridget's held In years past. Tick­ "Debot” with Maria Palm­ •MiM for Mvr YOU MIV OHi dience IIihI Dcmocrnllc .Seiiiilora have veaied rlghla. rathei lhai\^ records, began their work Friday BILL'S TIRE and er, Martin Milner, Henry loan In l-vli1t et 1. CASH tor your kollday OisM)ln|l tion title and wiia one of six flnal- ets will be available at the door, or Daalell and Wolfe Barveil wfflt In to4ayt from Now England ahmdd unite lo ronllmie In he welfare vvanla of I lala In tlie (5ianncl 30 beauty con when local records were picked up may be purchased from committee REPAIR SHOP 2. CASH to clian u; kKit blila... to put ywr wintor bu4|tt Is ik*p4l keep tmliialry from moving to for s'iditing. siNifieut 3. 6UH4PISIT wborinr you fo durinc Hi* kolMayi . . . wltk Ihe alate," est. members. 186 Spruce St—^Hl 9-0859 Public Records A special table featuring hand­ •CNEPiClAl'p tictotlw IstdrMtltMl CMiHiNdIt Ctidl Warrantee Deeds: James Rogers made gifts, food articles and nov­ 3 PRIZES to Town of Bolton, property on 1:H ( S) TV HOUR OP STARS lA sm $20 iMiliitii llfe-lmured st U m c««t elties will be conducted by Mrs. I 111 THE BIO PAYOPP MOR-SUN OUR Notch Rd.: Earle H. Gowdy to U Joseph Falkowski. (Zt-St) TODAY IS OUBS GAB HEAT and R Construction Co. ami Earle ( SI BRAT THE CLOCK 806 MAIN ST., OvfT Woelworth's, MANCHESTER Fitting children's shoes it a specialty at Leonard's: J. Edward McKeever will con­ (4S) ALL STAB PLAYHOUSE Mitchell S-41iS6 • Xek.for the YES MANager IN EACH OF H, Gowdy to .U and R Housing duct the whist, and Hrs. McKee- INSTALLERS Corp.. property In Rigs Heights: l:M (IM S) THE VERUIC1 IS VUUBS OMIN THU3SDAY IVININGS UNTIl t P.M. CURIOU Yes, Mothers and Dads . . . we do know how. (t!-lS) PROM THESE BOOTS ■ tM.M nlwi srwitill, r«Mld In William and Florence Hausmann ( S) CONNECTICUT BAND- II iwumlw Mnitily' ttd.U Mik. lo U and R Housing Corp., proper­ STAND 4:SS ( D.HAP RICHARDS’ EX­ 1 SZKinCIAt. WMSWCli CO. ______^ _____ ,______' TWO AGE GROUPS! "(Iniiiplete Lihs ty on Bolton Center Rd.: Joseph PRESS CAMERAMAN Of Corrective J. and Marjorie N. Malsick to (IMS) BRIUHTEB DAY Shoes” George D. and Rose F. Heyart, B B O E M ilD f l . <»-M) UIIEEN.POR A DAT All you ghost.s, witches, sjiooka and gob­ OUlillON Na Wsvki ysy'vi lisarj , „ I S) AMERICAN BANDSTAND properly on .South Rd,: Daniel E. I)o8R M«Hla **l>«cl8lon A t Silt (IM S ) SECRET STORM lins: Rattle your chains and Tide your t f Hertfeid'i sew feeilV eaS laWI. Your Uiielnr's Gates lo John M. and Carol B. Rls- Jtrry Lewio Sundown" 4iH (IMS) EDOE OP NIGHT BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. @ . ■; ' ■■ i > 7 ' I'a broomsticks to this big Halloween costume viWuel Neiplfel Salliy WSet de yas rreaeriptlnii ley, property on Cook Dr. I 8) RANOEB ANDY C H A D W IC K & CO . iKIalt af 97 Filled With Care "A t W ar With In Color Itt-M) COUNTY FAIR contest. Judges will award s big prizes for The Arm y" Enndolpli flcolt tits ( S) FEATITRE FILM 584 CENTER ST__ H I 6-0869 Answer: "la Your Boarymsea Really Adveillsement— 1:S8-8:S«-I:28 S:1M :U the most unusual costume for kids under HARRY WARY When Buying or Selling Bolton NeeeaaaryT' (ID LIFE OP RILEY TV DANCR PARTY 8 and 3 more big prices for kids over 8. Ta> Cellerter: Property call I.*\vrence F. Flano, Wednenday: For 7 Biff Dnyii (It) THE FIRST SHOW (Color) ' Guenti! Reloa ''Salem Towne^'Solid Maple Bedroom Pie^:es Broker. Phene MI 9-5910. "TTie Ten CommandmenU" "The Hidden Slaircaae” Hmyea. nlaffor Comiio FrG*- CUSHIONED Seemi to me the IM) ROY ROGERS ris. Anno Baxter and Crrol way ihii Hert­ d ' SHOES In color. (4S) POPEYE Flynn ford Policy II Klanrhester Evening Herald t :N ( 8) MICKEY MOUSE C|,UB ( *) WALTER WINCHELL ARCH For the hew ‘‘Round The Wall” Arrangements! Of rugged Solid Maple in a stunning Open Stock Collection or FReL CANDY P'tleK uving the pub­ 881 M A IN ST Rnitnn rorespondent, Doris M. n e w s a n d w e a t h e r espeniei, up to 1400 for mitcel- The .normal mean temperature Open AU Year—Every Day (JS) THE RIO NEWS QA $59.95 Value! Handaome New Isneout hoipital etnentei, a In the Hartford area for this comfortoblf In Rond. Shoes $119.95 Value! 48 Inq)i' « Drs-wer $400 lutgical teberiule. and NYLON TIRES 1.95 606 (HALF A BOOK) period Is 48 degrees ranging from On The Rotary Center of ' DOUBLE DRESSER, 10 Drawer Effect * —BOOKCASE HEADBOARD BED with the full-length, pillow other benefili, ihere'll be little or an average hig6 of 9 to an av­ Klarlborough S Corners DRY CLEANING * 8 9 Store RBd PlRRt 295 BToad 8L nothing left of any hojpii.tl bill erage low of 37. Where.U.S. Highways 2 and Pickup and Dollvery ia(t, -rubber Insole';.. the to psj' out of bis own pockel I Precipitation will on the av­ 6-A Cross. Liberal Budget T^rms. Qpen a Keith Account! ‘ say It i ibe duly of etery cillren erage total about one half Inch or TEL.MI3.Sl79 Insole that absorbs tha to make sure bit la» money won't FISHER ^ TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS rain occurring Intermittently go for hospital bilU bv getting shock usually fait In walk­ through the j eriod. 4 DINING ROOMS SiSS ( S) POLITICAL BROADCAST DRY CLEANSERS, lne. . the facli on thii policy fromi SiSS (33) SroRIRCAST______J. 825 Broad SL— Dial Ml 8-7111 2 Cocktail Loungos ( 1) HOPALONO CASSIDY ing. Sea thesa.and many GOLD BOND FOAM TOP INNERSPRING AND i7; 5S'iviWAL'“ “‘''““ * „ (4S) FEATURE FOBTY other Rdhd styles todoy. S l » ( I) NEWS AND WEATHER OUR SPECIALTY! GUEST ROOMS H its ( S) WORLD'S BEST MOVIBS (33) NEWS “ Anael Face" ' All size$. and widths... MATTRKS and Thick, hot corned beef or hotl <4S) COMMITTEE FOR HERTER FOB ATTORNRY OENER. <«;»•» YJ^AACK PARR^SROW paatraml sandvrlch with X. Reservattons Requested Bast Hampton ' Ili4d lU*. potato aalad. OdC| d)H ( D t o w n c r ie r l l i U ( 3) NEWS' AND WEATREE $15.95 Andrew 7-0S88 er tiM (-S) N^igWBjyJNEATHKR. AND lliM ( 3) M(D^NT8 OF MEDITA- BOX SPRING Andrew 7-0300 a Oo)-!iovan US) 7 S^LO CK REPORT li H ( 1) NEWS * ARTHLIR'S ( I) c m " DETECTIVE a Baby CtilT (S3) W IT H E R AND NEWS c u o u S T (M> NEWS OF THE HOUR A Both for Only INtURiWCt I WEATHER TUESDAY AOEMer 1 (4S) NEWS A WEATHER ):(IS-4S) LOVE OF LIFE . (U) I SPY I \(33-IS) TIL TAC OOUGB tiUj (IM S ) DOUGLAS RfiWARDS, 1 t *) MOTHEB'S DAY ■ NftWS FOR TOMOR- " $ 5 ^.$8 Where With your purehoso of 200 gallons or moro of futl oil C.O.D. wo BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON (33) RIOHLIORTS \ >|H9W tSS) NRWS ^33-S$) lir COULD BR YOU JM ’lleliis Insurance will ghfo you obsolutoly FREE 400 Triplo-S Wuo Stamps (holf o 11 AM. to 2 F.M,^f5c ond up^ TiM ( S) SCIENCE SEMES tcelar) Is A (1S-4S) NAME TEAT TUNB US.4S) TIU! OUIDINO LIGHT book). Don't doloy>*phono us your orotr today! (33-at) TIC TAC DOUGH (rater) Business DINNERS 5 F.M. to f ;30 P.M. DAILY (iS). fUS * !.l! ■ REGULARLY $Y9! I 3) F B A TU I-, Not A ------riLM e OPEN D A ILY 8 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. e Titt 4 3) FEATUEE Iss) ^ " ^ “ m a t Iner””* Sideline "Saas fat Mlaa dslla” I4S) HINOO AT HOME • CLUB 21" ORCHESTRA- TUES. Thru SAT. NIGHT lilt (1S4S) THE TE3(AN------I'!! WfNNRCncBT UFE a ()|ced LecRlng El^aUona! aale aavlnga! Firm Innereprlng , mattreu Plus Giant Fleer Shew Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nights (3tm)^SHiy.EY TEMfLE'S I ( i ) STAGE A With luxurioua Foam Rubber Top, pre-built border, tide B4HIK iSaaaer' 'i alaniai ( 3) PUBUC DEFENDER atrape, ventUatore. TTillored In de luxe -woven atripe CHOICE FOOD and LEGAL BEVERAGES! ■ aaa (331 PROTESTANT PRAYERS tickini:. Matching BOX SPRING IN a.U D E D . ' OPEN Mae, 6 EHuee Strained Mueclea Phone Ml 3-1126 ! J! LEGEND PARKING! Marlas ' !> .CHAKOK FOR ROMANCE 10 to 10 AbbaH $49.80 Maltreee Or Box Spring 8oht Separately $34.88 BOLAND OIL CO. • iM 1 S4S) HOIJ) dOURNET IJMJ d k a n s h o w JOHNNY WOLFS "4)aMa «s IgaMsa" 369 Center St„ gt West Center St., Ml 3-6320 SILVBt U NR (V2 Mtia Wo4t of M i n i Inclusive TRIPLE. RCFINED C SHOES Open A Keith Budget Account ' f store Heura: OpcM Monday Through Saturday Frow 9 AJR. Until “HOME HEATING SPECIALISTS SINCE 1935" i^tiNAiN ii 8:86 PJS. . „ OPEN EVERY THURSDAY EVENING U N TIL 9. I u n t it ii r #' EAST HARTFORD ATLANTIC HEATING OILS , Shop The Last Week of Kelth'e 59th Aaniveraair Sale. ThriUMig . , - J I ,M * rj,' M ( 1 ( h- GAFE , Vhhiea Fran Every Depertiwenf. BIglea ia OrH ib , O een* 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE L. T. WOOD CO. ■loRal PleieM At TreiNendoae fhkVHfsr 4'- ; W H M E YOU OUTFIT I FOR THE PRICl OF 4 M l MAIN ST. (Psrmorly Murph.r’s)— MI 9-4100 T e le p h o n e Mlfchdl 3-1)29

f - ' f % A 6 B fX k JB MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALP. MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY. OCTOBER 27„ 1988 P A G E F f V r .. brought . agaiiut Kauffmitn, was j hwrqr vrlll east hla voU a t Osttya- / ' I noUad. ; ------Ike Seen VUUiing burg « WMk from tooiorrow. thar* Injured Man Holds To'wn Court tkis momiag an# fct* |l7 Inches Snow John T. Bitluui. 38, of 77 Lock« alao la Sauas for BepubUcan worry. WINDOW SHADES Three Accidents css* wrM continued to Nov. 8. wood St., was found not guilty of Domestic Case Nixon Still to CadbOl DemoctaU Currant a^m* pel^t to vtetory for Ottawa Blast Clues Ribicoff, Zeller Visit No arraat was mad* wlim L*o reckless driving. Behan was ar­ tba Democratic caildidata for gov­ GroM, Whliw^ Ifira Bring Two’Arrests C. Uaheuk. SO, of 898 Cantor 8t., ;;Hits C a t s k ills retted and charged Oct. 8 after po­ ernor, M-year^Id Mayor David L. Tlie B^y Has collided with a uUlity nol* on W. Costs Man $75 Brondca$t Tonij^t (Oanttnueg (rhm Pagq One) Center St. Uaheux toir pollc* he lice had followed hia car from the Laenwe#' g* Om ) shopptng ParKdde to the East o sitio U v ofqMnent la Arthur IL MeOonigla, HOLUND HNISH weekend resulted in twro arrests, suffered an attoclc of coughing Hdrtfdrd ilxit o'n Rt. 18 where po­ In City Court . (CkMitiMed from P»ge Om ) 62, a retireig''pretzel manufacturer Hoapital treatment waa required at W’hich time he lost control <5 i tor 34 others. No one was killed. police repopted. Wishes Of The Pudly ;; weekMid tapered off today, but lice reported, he was exceeding the from Roadlng. C4« an Made tat Order Governor Ribicoff and his Re-^3aturday has not yet been an- the car. The pole was reported to I Richard P. Foss, 28, of 67 Var- Tomorrow evening BUenhdWor Named... The ezploelon shook the city Eveline r>. Pentland, 58. of 84 • • cloudy and cool weather prevailed. speed limit. (Oontiaitcg from Pago Om ) ■racial prejudioee racketedring in The U.B, Senate race la cloaer WUb Tear Welleni. with a force equivalent to a one-' publitsan opponent, State Comptrol nounced. But Attye. Robert W be a total loss and damage t o ' The U.B. Weather Bureau here Judge Karp found tliat the ideal non Ave., Rockville, was fined a hM scheduled a nonpolttlcal t4tik With Democratic Oov. Oeorge ler Fred Zeller, will both rnnke ap­ Gorilon and Vincent Diana, co- Adelaide - Rd.-, was charged with Maheux'a ear was eettmated at JOHN B. BURKE driving conditions under which Be­ “ A* wa tnU r tho homo otrotch eoma labor unims and other prob­ ton bomb a t 8:17 a.m. On an­ 8360. • aaid condiUona would stay the total of 878 m Rockville City lems ia a sign that UJI. ciUaenahlp _et a 880 a plate dinner be&i]|f giv­ Leader generally considered a bit FULL U N B OF OVWIOM other weekday the area would pearances here in this, the final chairmen of the local Zeller for failure to grant the right of way FUNERAL HOMB , V, aame until at least tomorrow. Or- han uts'aald to have been driving of tho campaign tho qaootl^n io haa reached a high level. He aaid ahead of OOP Rep. Hugh Scott at Governor committee, said today caaional lt ;, forecast for today and showers to-1 charge. breach of the peace. Football Foundation and the JlaU publican seat at atake—that being TThe governor will speak at the tions In the morning and residen­ accident at the Intereection of morrow. .losCph R. Savoy. fi8, of Spring- flnlah can overtake yg 8oltorlng, problems like those Involving civil Charles CampbeU, Saturday It wbuld have been tial areas after lunch. Lutherans^ Fair 87 EAST CENTEB or, He pleaded no contest to the rights the citiaenahip would not be «t Fame. . He vrtll return to. Wash­ vacated by Sen. Edward Martin *** '’^“6 Oct. 19 at Manchester crowded with ahoppera. Kiwanis Club’s weekly luncheon Spruce and School Sta. AM BinJtNCB SERVICB ■ '■ SfeanUme. smalt streams in some ^ field. Maas., forfeited a )2,’t bond chai'gea which stemmed from do­ stumbling frontnutdner. That la living up to its reaponaibUltiea. ington Wednesday morning. (R-Pa), who did not seek re-ele^- E. As m w m Memonai Hoimltal. Hia maternal grandparenU are Mr. and meeting Thursday, and t'len go His Manchester .appearance will Mlaa Pentland, reported driving areas ran full on a charge of speeding, He was why I aay thla week could prove Damage waa estimated at from mestic disturbances on Oct. 19 and Nikon said he had found -Thye'a In West Virginia and hia adopt­ tlon. Burkhart. St. Petersburg, Fla., and hie paternal grand- on a hand-shaking tour of Main just about bring to a close a cam­ weat on School St., told police she Scheduled Nov. 8 Between l a.m. Saturday and 7 arrested Oct. 19 by State Police yeaterday. Prosecutor Harr.v H. to bo. the moot dramatic apd aigni- Ag for the House,' Pennsylvania PAINT 00. fathW-^ls Charles Campbell, Fla. He haa a sister, Edna Mae, 6. 82 million to 85 million. Three paign in which he haa visited al­ a.m. today New Haven had a total on Rt. 18. chances "have moved up sharply ed state of Pennsylvania, Indtfa- 2- atory buildings were leveled.St. and A other areas of town. stopped at the’ tnteraeetloh then Liigg presented claims of the de­ fleant weak Id the recant political in the past week." The vice Preal­ tlone are VlMnhower will cut loose Democrata are given a chance to M • 0 • • • Zeller will come to town Satur­ most every one of Connecticut’s •proceeded across Spruce St. She Th# Ladies Aid Society of the of 2.62 inches of rain. Bridgeport A fine of $6 was levied against fendant's wife that her husband hiatory of the UnlUd Stateo." take from two to six aeats now held 72.3 Main S t. Tel. MI 9-4601 3- atory building waa left leaning 169 cities and towns. His only dent conferred briefly with Thye egaln at Democrats whom he de­ V I , Allen, Bon of Mr. and Mrz. Richard A. BroWer, Camp- day on a hand-shaking lour of hla said she failed to See any cars Emanuel Lutheran CJiUrch will ^ 2 17 and Bradley Field M. Water- Alphonse .lal.bert, .70, of' Mans­ had tried to choke her on both by Reimblicana. The present House precariously. In the federal gov­ other campaign appearance in ArUiritis-RliMmatlaa *• bury had about two Inches and a field Center, (or passing In a no- Nixon-'repoatod on a tolcviaion and other candidate! on his arrival scribed iMt week M radical and Ave.. Vernon. He waa bom Oct. 20.at Mancheater Memorial own. He will alao have lunch with coming. Her car was hit by an hold its annual "Holiday Fair " in occasions. broadeddt (NBC-todayJ Mo coii- here, late Saturday night. Nixon lineup ia 17 Republicans, 12 Demo­ ernment's 9-story Jackson Build­ Mancheater waa a surprise one auto driven by Albert J. Gorman, hair pasaing zone. Also fined |6 were left wing^nd at an opposition crats and one Democratic vacancy. "i6**rnel grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. John ing nearly every window was hia Manchester supporters at Club Thursday night when he ttirned up Luther Hall * from noop to Slate Police reported a light ■lohn .1. Kalman, 19. of East H art­ Judge Kraticla T. O'Loughlln de­ tentton that tho Domocrata are barred visitors yesterdav to get a party he said is h(H>eleeely split Tem o^ 88 Walnut St., and hia paternai grandparenta are Mr. 21. 991 Main St. 22, of 66 Maple St. Damage to the 5 p.m, VIM Fasts ExplaiisC too opttmtittc in their predicUona day of rest In hla hotel. smashed and Interior partition at a Veterans of \Vorld 'War 1 former vehicle was estimated at ' shotv covering In Canaan, IJtch- ford. and Roland C. Daigle, 20. of nied Foss' request for time beyond right dowp the middle.' nnd Mre. Edward KoalnaW, 246 Hilliard St. He haa two broth- walls blown out. Ribicoff,KiDicoif, whoseWhose appearance parly honoring U.S. Rep. Edwin H Mrs. Johii Westland and Mrs. FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOK fleld. Norfolk, Colebrook, Goshen East Hartford, for dtlvlng with today In which to pay the fine of On the outcome of tho election. With this in mind, MciClarthy era, David, 8, and Rpnald, 4. Thursday will be hU finit of the 8300, damage to the latter at 8150. Ernest KJellaon are co-chairmen. As a public aervica to all raadere After a low^tj^ey etart on hie It will be six months belore re­ campaign, will be operating on a i *”** A. Pur- and Winsled yesterday. defective or Improper equipment. 880 on the firat count and $23 ofl The Vico Prealdent aajd, how­ said he wondered if Nikon got hia cOast-to-coast. tour, l^isenhower Whiton Library FOR ■® . » • * » ■< pairs are made so that 1,800 civil Misa Pentland la scheduled for ■ TThe various booths will b* in the of thia paper, a new 38-page high­ Ralph n. Wolnier, 18. of Columbia, the second one. ever, thet he doean't know whether info'rmation on Minnesota in a . ‘^“UFhter of Mr. and Mra. Victor Betz, Maple tight schedule which win give him court Nov. 1. ! chaige of the following members: ly illustrated book on Arthritis Tides ran two to three feet started slugging hard in California workers can return to their desks time for only a brief talk at the ; Ends Political Theme above normal In the New Haven was fined $6 for following too A $20 fine was Imposed on the trend toward the Republiciuia South Dakota and Nebraska—the and continued it in Chicago, He Open House Set SAFETY’S SAKE 8t., Wlington. She was born Oct. 20 at Manchester Memorial there. Frederick O. Deane, 21, of 109 Mra. Harold West, aprons; Mr*. and Rheumatism will be mailed area and rivers overflowed their closely. David A. .lohndrow. 18, of 12'f which he cleima alerted In the laat -two etatea where the Vice Preal­ came back to WMhington en­ Hayltal’ Her maternal grandparent* are Mr and Mrs John Police cordoned off six blocks of Kiwanis Club. I The govemof's talk Thursday Hemlock St,,' waa charged with Albert Harrison, sequin trimmed ABSOLUTELY FREE to all who Judgment was suspended In the ^And Longwr Tirw Wwor Club, officiats aaid they will re-' the iKilitical theme that felt skirts for the base of Christmas write for it. *, banks. Since Thursday, 4.8 Inches High .St, who pleaded guilty to lar 10 daya began loon enough to over­ dent campaigned Saturday. thused and reported he had found An open house to which the yelta, Hartford, and her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Bank Street, the city’s main reckless driving when his car cHRe o f Wlllinm R. .Smith. 18, nf [ ceny of $4.25. proMCUtor Lugg come the ■ Democratic lead in the Drhfw In For Our John Betz, Ellington. She haa two brothers, John, 6, and Mat­ arrange their uaual meetlnp pro-1 has domin ted Kiwanis Club lunch- crashed into a utility pole on S. ■ trees, felt table runners and place This FREE BOOK fully explains . of rain had fallen In .New Haven. McCarthy also disputed Nixon's none of the apathy, he had been public and town officials are invit­ thoroughfare, because of ankle- j mats; Mrs. Albert Robinson, hand- Leaf-clogged sewers couldn’t Coventry, charged with failure I SHid he had tried to refer the case Senate and House racea^ contention that Thye'a disagree­ hearing about. thew, 5; and a aiater, Nancy, 10. deep debris. .Many busine.sses in gram to grant the governor’s re- since early suminer. The serv- Hawthorne St. the causes, ill-eflecta and danger grant the right of way He was to the Juvenile court but authori­ ed will be held at Whiton Memorial quest that he be permitted to speak i iP* club previously Invited as Deane told police he swerved to . painted wooden jewelry and novel­ in neglect of these painful and .handle all the water. Aa he hag before, Nixon de­ ment with Secretary of Agriculture lit Virginia, the first stop the area remainded clotted. ties: Mrs. Harry Gustafson and. Streets ip .Milford and Weat involved 111 a minor act idem Oct ties there would not accept the fended Btienhower'i handling of Benson on farm polioiee would not Libraiy Nov. S from S to 5 p.m. • « Doian Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Pryor, 34 from 12:60 tp 1 p.m, Utmslly. Kl- speakers May and his Democratic avoid hitting a dog and momen­ crippling condiUona It also de< 21, on Hartford Rd on Eisenhower's latest political Jack McKay of Toronto, spokes­ wanis speakers talk between 25 and ' vn'iu-ci -—i tarily lost control of the car. TTie I Mr*, diaries VonBm-chers, white scribes a successfully proven drug- Haven were Worked bccaiiae, of case. I.iigg questioned the Juve­ the Quemoy-Matau criala. He said affect the vote outcome. Benson trek, the Democrats are given a and 7 to 9 p.m. "otU ge St. She waa born Oct. 19 at Manchester .Memorial Hos­ man for the Consumers' Gas Co., Willard Bolivar, 87, of 1.72 Chcal nile court'a right to refuse the re­ that while the world has orUv "an 30 minutes, bejtinnlng at 1 o’clock. car was reported a total los.s and elephant table: Mrs. Edward less method of treatment which the high tide.s. .N’e.v Haven _ ” nut St , was fined $20 for being in­ has denied reports he would- not ood chance of picking up .two The purpose of the open house FREE pital. Her maternal grandmother la Mra. Mary Pellerin. Augus­ said natural gas was not the cause Noren, homemade candy; .Mr*. ha* beeli applieff in many thou­ uneaay peace" it la a peace with Tour Street* lican Director Gilbert Barnes and cost of replacing the pole was esti­ - i^, and Lee Silvei'steln, who is Helping Democrat Theodore Powell, now’ mated at $200, entered a nolle agalnal a aecomi currentiy by Republiceh Mns. in the library during the past Shock Absorbor Inspoc- had been tampered with inside one make arrangements (or the gover­ a Director-elect. ' mas ribbons, and Mrs Fred Ijivey, I Thia book is yours WITHOUT ■ Haven fire slsrni system for a a previous fine nf 88 for loitering. la concerned. have It made clear that Banaon ia Stephen D., 2 4- ” Deane suffered minor injuries food table, featuring Swedish bread charge of breach of the fieace, Chapman Revercomb and John D. couple of months. Including new M a • • • of the wrecked buildings. He said nor*B n|,|,r-oiappearance Biii.c here,iicir, saidimui Rth|rviiij- Zeller spoke at a luncheon meet- In the accident as did two passen­ ^ COST or obllgaUon. It may be tha brief time. Gabriel Speclor, 42, of 13 Mllfonl The fine had been Imposed recenj- Nixon, spoke on a program which backing hia Republican opponent. Hobiltsell. , . .— - lighting, painting, draperies, and tlon. the feeder line. Into the Addreaso- and coffee cakes. means of saving yeara of untold The Yale Bowl foolbsll field In ly but had not been paid to date. celebrated the anniversary of The Democratic candidate said this coff will tour Main St. and proh- ing shortly before the State Re- gers. Miss Joan Vondeck, 16, of Rd., was fined $1 for parking in a Revercomb. is bidding for a full some new furniture. About 200 Work done by ezperta on all Mary Teresa, daughter of Mr. ana Mra. John J-. Joy, 4 Hack­ graph-miltigraph shop had been ahly other shopping areas In town publican convenlinn that nomlnat- In the coffee shop, coffee. Swed­M isery. Don't Delay. Send for your ■ New Haven was covered hy hac'a- restricted area. Other I axes were disposed of as Theodore Rooaevelt. should increase hia own prnopecta 8-yeer term against Rep. Robert C. matack St. She was bom Oct. IS at St. Francis Hospital. Her 170 Oak SI,, and (’harles Rosquet, ish buns and cookies will he served FREE BOOK today. AddrcM '^ a Discussing domestic issues the for electlo;- In a state where Ben­ invltationa have been sent to town conventional makes of ears. capped and could not be opened for about two hours. j eii him as the party's standard 20, of 07 Hackmatack St. w'stera of the Weat River in some A nolle WHS entered In the case follows: Robert Hatchcll ,Ir., 26, Byrd. Hoblitzell, rimning for the officials, clergy, heads of organlaa- maternal grandmother la Mrs. Frank Coffey Hartford, and her except with a wrench. The itinerary for Zeller's visit | hearer. hy Mrs. John Hlnncha and Mrs Ball Clinic . . , , . Dept. 8409, areas. of Ruth T, Hickey, 54, of Willi of Ilnrlford, evading responsibility, Vice President said the mere fact son's policies are not regarded aa two remaining years of the term tlona, nei^borlng librariana, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joy, 2 Hackma­ Deane pleaded not guilty In William Orr. Excelsior .Springs, Mo. ■ The Cedar Beach sedion of Mil­ mantle. ' who was charged wilh $28; John M. Procoplo. 3.7, Read­ that the country Is concerned about overly popular. of the late Democratic San. Mat­ the State Bureau of Library Serv­ MORIARTY tack St. She haa two brothers, John Jr., 2 'i, and Michael, IS ford was flondcrl One resident passing In a no-paaaing tone. ing. Maas., $18. speeding; Riley months. thew Neely. Is pitted against for­ ices. • • « • • paddled a canoe down a street .lohnaon, 47, Jersey City, N. J., op­ mer Rep. Jennings Randolph. The Robertson School PTA will there. Other low lying sreas of natiirilay*! 4,'aaea erating a motor vehicle without a Mrs. Allan Taylor In greeting the Junior Museum League. Members BROTHERS West Virginia's house delegaUon provide refreshments. 80I-8I8 Oeater Street Francis Paul, son of Mr. and Mra. ,To. 1, yards. Barielt, who was arreateil by tor Vahlcle. $9; and Richard L. DOOCY Jeffrey Peter, son of A.2.C. Arthur R. Mockalis. He waa At Waterbury. the Naugatuck Manchester Police on a warrant Is- Tarca, 20, of 683 W. Middle tp k e , Foa born Aug, 1.8 in Wesson Maternity Ho.spital. Springfteld, Mass. River rose one foot above the nor­ tiied by the .Slate of Maine, algnetl Manchester, (allure to carry oper­ His maternal grandparents arc ,Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Blanchard, mal ■aaaonabla dapUi, hut weather a waiver of exlradltlon and w'lll he ator's license, 83, and disregarding VOTE for MARTE YULES STATE SENATOR 237 Center St., and his paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. offlclals saw ifd d ^ g e r. 1:hey rgtHrned to Maine'at the eailiral a no passing sign, 812 Roman J. Mockall.s, 63 Fairfield St. It was (lowing freely, without any dbnvenlencr Jarrell was charged Also Marry L. Hawkins, 19, of * * * • • flooding. \'i wdth asaaiill and hettery In Melne 88 Mounlsln B t, Rockville, pass­ John Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. O'Neill, 220 Char­ There were no gertniis tfalllC Or sorpe time ago. police seid ing a atop sign. 86; l.a)iila V. Muel­ FOR ter Oak St. He waa born Oct. .7 In Mancheater. Memorial Hos­ electrical service ' tieupe during Rlchazd .Shea, who told police ler. 22, 'f Second Ave, Rockville, pital, His maternal grandparent* are Mr and Mra. Frank Hip­ the weekend raj^ri. he llvert\ai fll,7 .Mam St,, was passing a slop sign, $6; Joseph H. pie, 37 Pioneer Circle, and hla paternal grandparenta are Mr. and aentencad to "O Imvh in jail. Shea Hliea. 2,7, Center Rd . Vernon, pass­ STATE Mrs. Thomas O'Neill, Mintz Court. waai arretted and i linrged wilh ing a slop sign, 86 payiiient sus­ Intoxication the pie.eding niglil pended; Ruth V Weldig. 34, Rus­ HIGH CASH and held In lieu of timid sell 111 . Rmkville, nhsiriicling a KEEP CONNECTICUT REFRESENTATIVE G)urt Canes Fines of $10 were levied mi driveway, 1.7, and .lohn E. Lshan, Barney Schultz of 'JUi School .si . 2!i. Vernon Ave, Vernon, disre- Btanley Bhamonia, 28, no cerUIn ' ’J”' ganllng red lights at a railroad A&P Supar Markets in ManckBster address, began to serve a 30-day crussing. nolle enlered. f}||bert L. Jail term thU morning.; He had . Henrv. .78. of Hartford, waa fined PAID FOR CLEAN, been found guilty of forgery and I '"’■‘•ed of Bridge 824 for speeding Out of slate Y ^ e 261 Brood St. & 116 Center St. obtaining goods by false pre-1 I’"''.'' who w-ee arresied Sept 28. molmisla forfeited a loial 8172 In LA'fE MODEL CARS. tenses. and charged with pesalMg a no- bonds Repuhliean L e ft ever peaalng zone, was granted a cmi- summer blHi Judge Wesley C. Gryk sentenced A nidic waa entered In the rasa All Makes and. Models Bhamonia to two months on each llmianca until Nov ;t Wlmteil of Roherl L. Morse, .70, of Jobs ledi te lakeel wrote to court requesting I he con­ PAUL R. M A R T I OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY of three counts of forgery and oh-, u. h-. . Hill, Elllnirton. The charge waa HRRMAN YULES ★ ★ WANT^ ★ ★ s ip e w e ed to non support. OF A Ulnlng goods, but suspended U'"'post Eatre fell szpenM Fined $1 for parking violnlpuia The case of Paul C Rickey, 28, Heme rapelrt ond FRIDAY 'til 9 P. M. aentencea are jLo run concurrenll.v. formerly of 4 Drive D, Manches­ We also carry a fine selec­ Judge Oryk'.altp, Imposed e 2- W'era r.,eo Araenaull. 27, of '>4 tion of older models thor­ hr all your needi, wkolevSr BIreh'si ; Charles L, Bscon. -70. ter was turned over to the statet ♦ke ra e w n — e r s M i a n - - year probation'term on Bhatnonli. of W(n gHiage si 4:30 pm I I’iillly, rainy weelher had no »f- Ribicoff deficit. Under Democratic leadership Rhode Island rn r.srn ii*T io N Salurdky. He said the car had j feci on the friendly atmosphere EXPERIENCE been pushed-rrnm the gsrage and | prevsiling Sunday afternoon at ths is bankrupt. Massachusetts and New York under Demo­ BY OCR rilARMACIBTB was on the street when firemen i Lutz .limlnr Museum arrived. The car was termed a to­ Mias Hazel Lutz, for whom Ihs MFC. CO. crat are on the way. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE miiaciim was named, received the indell tal loaa. heal wiahea and warm regard* of 4 8 5 E. MIDDLE TPKE. - M A N C H E S T E R, CONN. CONNECTICUT! friend* and ***orlatea at * te* in 1 her honor. She w«* **»i*ted hv Connecticut Republican govemore always produce a sur­ Pflcei effective **s 11 plus. Democrat governors always leave a deficit In spite HAAS this Tneedey of Governor Ribicoff’s denials the facts are: end WatdnMdey "Daddy juit dooan't Doom to roaiizo that nowadayt X- Custom Cleaning ^ Only in thia A Democrat-controlled State Senate paMed a State wo aro using oloctricity in lots of now ways. We are inlereated In careful cuRtoni clean- Conimuriity end I income tax law. inif where each rug la gtntly and thoi- So, naturally tho bills arwbtg^itrjhan whon hO X Vicinity. H H a Major contributors to the Ribicoff campaign are even mighly cleanaed, rather Ihiln In mnau pro- ^ wot a kifi and oloclrklfy^was moitly for lights." X now endorsing a State income tax. diiclinn. Thia individual ruatom cleaning 2 bringa out the hidden beauty of your ruga. Four more yean pf a Ribicoff adminhtratiQn wilt pro­ - 4r^ccev ifA/assY <•*.. duce a $50,000^000 deficit. This would force a STA'IE SA VE 15»/o 3 '7 pledge to you that I will oppose any State "M y what nice things TOP INCOME TAX or sharp increases in other taxes. ON CASH-CARRY income tasc law and veto it if it should reach my ' they say about Bontly - desk when I am elected Governor. I also pledge STATE INCOME TAX-TJ ig N#card Phone J A 2-0292 V ./ RUG CO. to operate Our State government on a balanced Folks are quick to recognize superior aefrice. They’re ROJIND H.ARTFORI) 2‘10-1 MAIN SIRtll been spreading thia around: ^ Jan.9Br1«4Z iW jUnceme tax ers|is1i9d hy DEMOaMT Hewte end Seneta budget thereby eliminating theJbesic need for ^ increased taxes.' USE OUR EXPERIENCE WHEN AUTOMATIC DEUVERY S. Bantly onetomere don’t need to order'furl oil or e>-f« to be nt BUYING NEW CARPETING home at delivery time. We keep track of your fuel eonaump- or CUBE March JO, 1949 s o m a ta ce m e ta x p la n w id ely iBwhHclsMl In fhe S tale W m i . MOHAWK — ARCIIIBAI.D IIOMEB — FIRTH — 5IAOEE Uon and deliver when your aupply la low. : « V Am* J, 1949 SOWLB inceme tax plan iwcced hy Demecret meierity in the ACCURATE METERED bBUVERY wfwifwCieiA *9vfli^^ve------Every delivery ia measured by meter. The number of galMaa i ' • • ' deltrered la printed on n meter Meket nnd the posted prioe ta DOES noted. 1 STEAKS July 9t, 1910 SOWLSS delm B OCMOCBATS w e re d g h f In ed v e ce tin g Stale YOU CAN VOTE BY inceme tax In 1947 end 1949.' You can depend en Fred Zeller. H is U yean as State 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE Comptroller has given him a broader knowledge of State Men from our etnll of burner ckperte wUI clean your keattng Jen. 2S, less f OEMOOAT RefHetentaNve GrIffHh presecee Stale Inceme tax. plant, adjust or overhaul yanr Homer„. Twenty-four bonre a i^ain than any man in either party. He haa demon­ n o i day they ere reedy te meke emergency repiUra: Two-way ABSENTEE BALLOT radioa permit ua tq contact our truck nearest your home for March 10, Ifs l Teltand Cevnty M M O O tg tK 'AfiecieMen: endenee imd e|9- strated a talent for economy in government and would "before-you-know-dt” repairs. IN THE ELECTRICITY LB preves Stale Inceme tax. assure minimum goverament expenditure for nuiTimtim service. - : STATE ELECTION, TUESDAY, NOV. 8 FUa OIL CLUB O ct. i s , m s Pmident ef Stale OO, becUiig IHNCOW, prepeeee Stale Thrifty New Englanders have doubled their ust COSTS — Qup Fuel OU Ctnb elimlnntea those Mg, mid-wInter fuel biUs. 1. If you will lie aliaenl fro ni^ire State. Your yearly fnel regnlrements. and burner service charge If h ic e m e le x . 2. If you are III or phyalcally diaabled and unable to In 10 years and w ill |irobably double it ajiain by 1961. ^ M M yon have such at contract, are MHcd in 10 eaiiel emoimte pey. Evtiy on* is cut from Supor-Rigiif Hoavy, Wta^ vote In pernon at the pollk.' eble monthly from dnne through March. tom, Com-ftd, Stoor Bo^. Jui^, Ravoi^l and O nly snwiBg RspiifcBseii 3. If yoU are a student In school outside thd Slsle, Yovri hr a bnttnr i/ndenfMdwf ef ffce ^ ^ V > b e of ththkifY, 1' B T T f * E bonoiota. Wondorful oating geodnoaa at apodal '•a x * 4. If you are a member of the Armed Forces. a **• Phone MI low pricol Don’t put It off. It takes time to process an application. tltctric light ond DSujliirmr componitt 9-4595 or TR S-3271e •P m w iNGULMi FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ' Repnhrtlon ONE PRICE ADVERTISED! D H aCO -H EAT la Tour Aasnmaca'* Tel. Ml 3-4979 or Ml 3-SOSO MUSHROOMS : live •CTTtl (ItCTAICAUV REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS BANTL INC GRAND VOTE REPUBUCAN GBI MAIN StiilT MANCHESTER. G 0 N | 4 WITH STEAKS 1114 T 55 EAST CENTER STREET lbvSi9toS«* Imatfu kU.CitiiUBit. Omms f. i im HAKliORD HltTRlC LIGHl CO TalcghoM M l |.489S-Roek»iQa-4»htiiig TR E-Sin m AimbM b A . ; ,>v' ■u, . - ‘ •4 • 1 - V •V.'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1958 PAGE SEVEN PAG E 8 H MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. OCTOBER *7, 1968 ...■ .■"'iiih II I1-’ w iM g— m e Of the store h« allegedly scooped I am not preatimptuous enough to WTio~ieae EUmgton AIRLINE contain water, haa tten m lot of M their probate 'Judge. I mention they now have ^ U i their pfpbete WUBO-ISSS Daily Radup m Shrine Band Concert Tonight^ up a paper cup containing money ffianrt^fitpr power polttica, aphare of influence have plannch that far ahead. If, these facts -aimply to show my Judge ahould not be made without A Thonithl fisr Todajr wooo-isee W H A t—e ie only this time he didn't quite make Severtl young men ziMl slhMben Open Forum however, a clerk'a aervlcea are quallficatione to serve es your the expreaaed approval of the g ganaaia* b f the Blantihsalat W R N B -8 4 0 . it. In a scuffle with Mrs. Sikes he will be selected Imtnedlatcly for pOlitlca and even war x® down Ita, Ju^e of probate. OaiUgM XIOM w p u p ~ i4 ie Area Teenagers training for 'attractive, high-sal­ lEDPiittiQ ijrrald neceaaary, you may be sure that people. ' Oaoneil s f Ohnrehaa Chanters^ Kilties to Take Part lost not only the paper, bag con­ nonexistent spillways. *No AbUM Intriided' ona will be hired, and if hit prea- During iny ten years aa Judge, I As your Judge of probate and a taining the money, brownies and aried - positoJna as AirHne. Secre­ PUBUtiUtiU HY I'UJl But despite the ability of these To the Editor, ence ahoulrf cut down the work have devoted full time td the of- the teaoWing 'prggtan ' ecaea Trapped by. Shirt tary, Hostess, Reaervatiohlst, Com- ■£ltAX.D PRINTING CO. tMC member of the Connecticut Pro­ i.ASC U N ! ^* WHAT-Hound Do* doughnuts but his shirt before he Washington people to calculate In fu leading' editorial lait load of the Judge, then the'Jiidge'a flee and I have, to the beat of my "For a* the body apart from the ulM are euppued by Um radio Omar Shrine Club will present It* managed to escape to the waiting munlcationist. Station. Agent, Pas­ U Biuell Sired bate^ Asiembly,, t $hall continue, you’l l yout Ute Losing your ahirt can be disas­ •Uiocheder, Conn Wedneaday captioned "The $9.- compenaatiorr (if tha Judge ahould ability, conducted the Manchester aa I hgva.’it the- analyse spirit is dead, even‘ so faith with­ mBnagementz and are aubject to W DRt^Ho^i J luwla concert tn the high school auditor- car. sengerAgent, Ticket Agency, Rec­ that the cost of the dam and the Probate Court on a level which I clcange wtUiout notlo*. TB(H1*S F f^RUUSON 000.00 Queatlon" The Herald con­ hap^n to be me) will alao bB cut proposals or Changes tn in the pro- out works ia dead.” James 2:26 ^ .WFOP—IIod»rn Tfoundi . iqm tonight at 8:1B. trous accerding to two teenagers Using the shfrt' State Police ords. Enjoy Free Travel Passes, WALTER R rKROUSON difficulties of building it may make down. I aaaure you, Mr. Editor, feci could not be JUkUy criticized. vacajinns. Insurance. Short. low- Publuher* ceded that 1 anawered thelr.-flrat bate ayitem, and■ if they appear to 1‘^mry-MjLncbezMr Herald N*w* 'WHAV—Hound Dog Taking part will he the Sphinx now awaiting trial in connection traced the 14-year-old who then both Nasser and Russia wish they that 1 harbor no deceitful purpoae In two subsequent elections the Do you remember what the Con­ BANTLY Oil training can qualify. Must be fXMAded CM:tob«r i IMI two atlacka upon ijie "very well." be of benefit to the people of my JVTW—You Sal Your t.tle with a soda fountain robbery tn implicated hi* companion. The (Of coiirae theae. attacka The Her­ in making thia pledge to the people of Manchester Probate Die- necticut Yankee, that native. of !'.■ \ . 1\1 Muzie for tb* riref abttt WDRO—Robart O L.awia Temple Shrine Bknd the Manchea­ 1, have high school education had never undertaken to begin it. district, I shall support them. Hartford, did with the saint, ac­ ^ WPOP-Modarn Vundi ter mpe Band (Kiltlei), and the yoimgater was turned over to ju­ ^bUabtd Every fe^veotns fciXCSDl ald ta pleaaed to call "queBtlona"). votcra. When I aald "I Intend‘to trict approved my conduct of the Somers on Oct. 3 and a doughnut ^ pleasing personality. Include Mimdaya• idAvs and ”Holidays iida; ^blnterVd at tb« one suspects that all of them It U not in my nature to enter cording to Mark Twain in his ac­ 'WHAY—Platter Perl; Sphinx Temple Chanters. venile authorities and Sherida They report, however, that I keep only fair and reaaonable com- court by retumlhg m$^to office. 'WHAY—Hound Do* shop robbery in Ellington on Oct. made' hie first of two appearani special training in personal devel­ ^ t t Ofnea aiat Manchetscr Conn as would be pleased enough if W'e into a debate pn an iaai/e which la count of "A Connecticut Yankee at George A. J. Heck is'director of 18. ibcofid Claa* Mali Matter mlaaed the $9,000.00 queatlon and penaation for the time and effort Ih the present Campaign one la­ Tei Mlfctull 9 4 WKNB-Canm'e t « Oub WT1C-Nl*hi Un. in the local courts when h^ap- opment for women. All inquirlM in no wa>' involved in the coming King Arthur’s Court?” «tiuei J* Beal the Shrine Band. William Forbes State Police said Raymond M. could unravel a lot of history and Inatead of anawering. abuaed the that I devote to the office, the ex- aue and one laaue only haa been WDRO-Cal Kolbr Modern Bounda peared in the Somers Justice/Court confidenttni. Write, giving achjres* tUBSCIUPTlUN KlTliS cheated, namely, that the fee sys­ election: My income from this of­ ■ The Yankee found the saint for­ is drum ipsjor of the Pipe 'Band. Sheridan, 17, Middle Rd„ Bllingtoh and phone number, to: 'Training Payable In Advamce go back to the moment when, in queatloner. No auch abuae waa in­ ceaa wilt he given to the town,". I rtOCKVII.I,E TR S-8271 ^ WPOP-Top 40 dme on a larceny charge on O c ^ 21. He meant exactly that. tem prevailing in all the Connecti­ fice is a matter of public informa­ ever at his devotions, bowing and WHAY—Hound Do* o o o A. Stanley Usher directs the 30- and a 14-year-old companion park­ Division, National School of Acm- One Year ...... *^5 5^ July. 1956. Nassv was about to tended. I have an unfortunate ^‘w r^M eW e WTIC-Nighl Une voice Chanters. was fined $25 and' put oiyprobatlon Six Montha ...... ? cut Probate Courts should be abol­ tion. I am perfectly frank in ad­ swaying aa he repeated hii pray­ ed a car, driven by Sheridan, nautics. Box S, c/o Manchester 4^*i put his pen to IheVlocument which habit of aaying what I mean, and The real laaue In thia conteat mitting to you Jhat I have' no WDR^Jaiz II My Beat Several Manchester musicians for one year with payment of the Three Montha ...... 3 ^ ished. There haa been ho criticism ers. The Yankee, being a jvactical V ^ P —Muelc with Joe Ulrand V —Modem Sounds around the comer from the Som- fine suspended pencUnig probation. Herald. One Month ...... •••••••• \ .9j[j b j was going to provide Anglo-Aineri- being leaa akllled In the uae of the should not become clouded with magic formula which would give will appear with the Shrine Band, er’s Soda Fountain on Oct. 3. The Weekly ...... auch petty Inquiries aa you have of my handtiiig of. probate matters. man, waa upMt to see so much U m He is due in E)Krigton Justice Innuendo than mv attacker. I the people of m.v district k better energy going to waste. Rigging a WHAY—Putter Party WHAY—Hound Do* including Alfred W. Driggs Jr., CIS 14-yenr-old went into the store and Btngle Copy ...... ^ i ( an financing, rather than Russian merely aought to Inquire aa to made. Again I implore you. Mr. If I have not actively opposed WetX’—Hecord Revue WTIC-Nlght Una Court on Nov. 1^ to face charge.v a more personal, or a mora econ­ harness to w e saint, and with the" Y«ur WDRC—Tne. World ronigbl N. Main St., clarinetist, who ia the ordered a large bottle of soda financing, for llie project. what hla purpoae In at acking mb ■ Editor, to put aside your attacka the so-called ffe system,.as It haa WKNB—Caron'e S40 Club band’a librarian. ' of attempted l^ceny. UbMHhJt Of been administered in the court of omical service than that which has use of an Ingenious device, he at­ WTIC—Rues Hiller WPOP—Modem Sounds knowing that the proprietor of the « rHki AdflOCUTlcD PKigiib waa. (Waa .1 not fair for him | on me and answer the three quea- been rendered during my tenure C h o r ^ Hm WDRC—Cal Kolby *:*&— The Pipe Band is composed moa|:‘'| Theodore Sheiber, resident Slate • The aaeoclated Praae le exclueivel> Tliat was the moment in which which the people of Manchiater on tached that energy to a useful WPOP—Top 40 Time WINF-Nsws Shop would have to go in the back to aak me In an editorial loaded I tiona which I propounded to you in as Judg*. ly of Manchester men, J Earl Policeman at Somers investigated ^titled to the use of reptjDII<*aiti>n of Secretary of Stale Dulles, to pun­ three occasions have elected me to project. Lo! The saint turned out *:se- >;ie— to get it. While the owner waa in the Incidents. “TOMORROW WILL «11 aewa disoatches credited to It or with Innuendo what inv purpoae j Werineadiiy'a paper: 111 la the fee 50 dozen boards! By his gyrations, WJUX-Pmuei Party WINF-WINP Bandstand Kennedy, 6 Main St., is the drum-1 back State Police said the youth not otherwise credited in inls oaper ish Nasser for contfHctIng to buy be their Judge, it ia becauae Ipng I can only try to continue to op­ D«liv*ri«t WCCC—Record Revue 8*18— ia In nmning for .Judge tyf Pro-, '«y»tem right or wrong?; 121 la re. erate thia court in a moat humane the eaint had turned the wheel of mer who wear* the familiar bear-' allegedly opened the cash register GIVE US SOMETHING mad aJao the local news published here. arms from ('omiminist (?zecho- study by the legislature and com- WKNB—Caron'e *40 Club ■ WHAY—Hound Dog skin. j •• hll rikhts of repubilcatlon of sperlsi bate? I The question which I aak | needed or isn't it?: and (3) mlsalons appointed by It haa led and efftcieht manner, with due re­ a saw and thus produced the cut Juat telephone yonr order (or WTIC—Hoea Hiller WTlC-Nlghl Lina and took $20. He then ran out of TO THINK ABOUT” yapatches herein are also reserved slovskla after we hsd refused to la atm iinanawered Why have you ! Should a Judge Work for needed re- lumber. JVDRO—Cal Kolby WDRC—The World Tonight Heck is a former director of the the store to the waiting car. Y^ood Fiber Howers m to believe that operation of the gard for tpe rights of those who drug needs gnd coametlea-sgi.v- _ WPOP—Top 40 Tlm4 WPOP—Modern kunds Hartford Symphony. Usher is a •(Author's Name Below) sell him what he wanted, suddenly attacked me ao vigorf>ualy? | form in hla court? Again I say probate court Is far more econom­ must use my services, and always «:N- / Make Vour Outi Corui^n m Full, sames client of N K A Berv . . ,, , . that if you answer theae questlona Jesus, by precept and example, ing year Charge Plan nam- dl4*— Hartford organist. Both reside tn On Oct. 18 they allegedly tried And now, If I may. 1 will t r y - ^ ical to the people under the present with mlnimuin expense. WUAy—Putter Party WHAY N'lgni Watch Inntnictlon Booklpts -4c^ Inc and without notice pulled back the honestly you will be writing for taught ua that religion must be ber . . . WTIC-NIjrht Une East Hartford. J. Karl Kennedj' it again. This tlnie at Mrs.' Grace When you reach the fu­ ** Publishers Repreaentauvee: ms again to anawer your $9,00000 informal system than any alterna­ WCCC—Record R-vue Julius Mathews Bpeclel Aeenrv — New contract. whereupon everybody me and not agaiiist me. It la upon my record of service related to life. And James, in his WKNB—Caron'e MO Club WDiU'~ Miiods foi Romance Sphinx Temple Band will play Sikes Donut Shop on Rt. 83 In EK ture tomorrows, will you ‘York Chtcaao Detroit and Boston. queatlon Aa IJemocratIc candida'e tive which haa been proposed. to this community that I am ask­ Hitle book,' pressed the point still Get tt^U—Roa* Hiller ^ WPOP—Modern Sounds*- Several marches, apd selections lington. ’This lime the youngster BURKAU Of procinlmed that this was not only ■ .John K. FitzGerald WpRU—Uai Koibv HOBBY SHOPPE think about what you might _ MKMBUR AUDIT for .lodge of Probate. I am op­ I have always tried to save the ing the people of Manchester to further. "Faith without works is Immediate ‘whay Night Watch from some of the popular Broad­ went in and ordered some broymlcs JnRtrULATlUNS the eneerinf in ad It WHS. of course, only the t»e- ‘ ning to feel cerlain that the candl Are you punishing your ^yertfseiTients --tfsef- ‘ and other resdlns matter one la that the ayalein often pro- probate court and fixing the com­ John J. Wallett Kingdom of God aa you under­ WTlUt-Newa WHAY —N-ight Watch The colorful Pipe Band will ren­ ginning of lroublf» m the Near i vldea an uneonacionable jieraoniil i 'laic a anawer to one of the key Republican Candidate. for stand it? "By their fruits ye shall WDRC—Newe Kepurter W pc—Intemailonal Bandstand der several mu-bers. l)ody now by not taking jn me Menchester Kvenlns Herald pensation of the probate Judge are WPOP-To'p 40 Time WDR(*— Moorts tot. Romance j- ■ Kast. running thiough Nnssei s j return to the polge Thia la so' 'Pteatloria of this campaign la that legislative matters and can be Re-election aa Judge of Probate know them." WPOP—Modem Sounds Harold Barnslev is general Announce New Way To proper care of it ? • Monday. October 27 In Manrhealer In an effort f ) he does not Intend to be a full-time Rev, John R. Neubert * ‘WINF—Newa 10:18- chairman of Omar’s committee. sel^.uie of the .Suez Canal, the An- | made by any session of the legls- (C & lM onlS i WHA.Y -Niglii Watch j^lo-Frent h allnrk, our own ne( es- j demonstrate tills to the vo era I ' Jttrixe of probate, and that he con- latuie. I do believe, however, that The four-hour day will bring PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY * ’fe A Y —Platter Parly WTIC—International Bandstand Waller R. Ferguson haa been the There is nothing more have prniulaed ttint If elected I aiders full-time service In auch a many changss.into our Uvea. For Constant use will wear away WDRC -Mooos lo» Romance ; ‘‘Peace And Prosperity” saiy rallying to I'niteil Nations an.V change which would take away W(?CC—Record Revu« ticket chairman. He announced Shrink Painful Piles aging than prolonged sick- will give to the tuwii all net f,.ea PoailIon something of an evil prac- from the people the Informal, example, we'll have to re-schedule anything. Especially friends — mn MAIN ST.— Ml S-5SS1 WKNB—Caron’* MO Club ~i 10.WPOP—Modern jy Sounds tlC'eta will 'oe on sale when the Scien^^ Finda Healing Substance That Relieves Pain, principles and agem le.s to (‘all offj WTIC—Rom Mitlei ' ne.ss. Any illness has a tend­ ■ ’ The Repuhliran nntloiinl cam- in exceaa of $9,(KMMMI per year un-l‘ lf''' ^a for The Herald's views close and personal contact which the coffee breaks.—Toastmaster. The Detroit News. WORt'.—4!al Knihv WHAY - Nignt Watch doors open at 7:30. Stopa Itching a* it Shrinks Hemorrhoids that nttfifk. out nubserpient per - { III the leglalntuie aholialiea' the "" ''ourt reforni. and mvwhat A l­ WPOP—Top 40 Tim* Wire—Time for Music Omar Club oftlcers are Joseph ency to ovenvork the l^algnera tl.emselvea have demon- WDRC—Moods for Romance N«w Y*rli, N. V. 45p»«Ul> — For th« made astonishing statemenu like verli'd twinge of conm lerice. In, ice avaleni and ieoi gaiii/al Ion of t/" ney MtzCei aM could moat ef- 1:10- A. Prentice, president; Einsr L. heart and other important ■>trahly hern in aoiiie doiilil as to WHAY-Platter Party W'POP—Modern Sounds timi science has found a new “ Piles have ceased to be a problem Ihe eoiirt la effe. ied , fecllvely do about It,th ey were WCCC—Record Revue 18:48- Lorentren. vice president: John L. paling substance with the aston- organs. The sooner trouble whicli ue ourselves began putting WHAY-Mghi Watch The secret is a new healinx sub­ Jhe sweeping appeal, at this imitle- ...... expressed in an editorial "Of Court WKNB—P.M. Von Deck, treasurer; and Marvin Ishinff ability to shrink hemor* stance ( Bio-Dyne* )*-discovery m I he pfdif V srrewR on the Nasser Now rhe Herald aaka. do I In- which aiijieared Thura- WTIC—Ross Mliter WTIC—tIN Radio Review rhoids, stop itchinir, and relieve i.s corrected the better. Tilar moment, of the traditional Kl- WDRC—t!ai K'llbv WDRC—Moods fit Romance Baker, secretary. a world-famous research institute. we liHfl saved, our 111 fated F'lsen* tend to give up iiiy law practice ,,ay. as for Attorney FltzGer- WPOP—Modern Sounds pain — without surgery. This substance is now available tenliower alogan of 'peaie anil See description of thii I Opener In case after case, while gently At the fir.st sign of any imw'er l>ncirine, Nfis.set’s sulise- tf elected. The answer la no. be- psndsome promise of cash tl :8Ji almost unheatalile arguiiient WDRC—Cal Kolby WHAY-Nlght Watch Oplometrlc Society, He was elect­ medication to correct it so mona Ished I win ni ipilre no vesICsU. , WUtemenl from Judge WPOP—Eye Opener WTIC—Stiorts Final I . . • !0 ed ye.slerday aLthe society’s ."iUh ;has Jed the Repiilillran national Cononilr Interest (siiili ns my WDRC—Hooda for Romance that you will have many Now, after all thi.s, there Is an­ • :99- . WPOP-Modem Siounds . I ! .1 Ilf; ■ . annual conventlo'h here. Affred DrisK* Jr. -campaign down aoine iinallim tive poiient haa I In the conllnua'.ion of, view of the puiiliclty given WHAY-lMleline tl;M - healthier tomorrows. -and unneceaaary byroads of negs- other contraf t under Nasser's pen, the prexent ayxteni. 1 advornte Ita WCCC—Evenlna Musle WHAV—.tar.. AMev the offlt e I now hoM and to which WKNB-Open Mike WTIC—Starlight Serenade • rtlve campaigning. and it is Russian, not Amerusn. nhoiltion I aerk re-election, I feel the peo- ' WTIC—News • WDRC—Moods (or Romance OPEN UNTIL It Is an entirely peaceful ~a« I f»n A woi'il of caution to you. Mr, pie of MnncheHler are entitled to a WDRC—News Reporter tt'POP—Moderr Rounds YOUR PH YSIC IAN ■ The reasons for teinporary Ho- WPOP—News tl:48— the I'litt of Na.sser ami on the part h)dltor Recauae of what ia xaid in Htateincnt from me on Ihl.a matter. Felldwcraft Club CAN PHONE Jmhlican uneaaineaa on I lie two la- tlie foioyoinif pataf^rflfth do not • :85— " WHAY-oaez Allrv rtf KuHHia, but It nieaiis that .Nas­ I have never aliirked n^y reaponal- LAST 5 DAYS WINF—News WTIC—Starlieht Serenade ■ Mitchell 3-5321 «uea the rtepirhllcana would nor- Moek to capitalize upon tlie uhc of hlllty to the people of- rny dlatrirt • :10— WDRC—Moods for Romance ser has I'ome, st lasi to tlu' Ulrid WINF----Music for Evening W'POP—Modern Sounda To Confer Degree WHEN YOU NEED Jnally be claiming are easily lo- Mome 'parl-Ume Judge' Jamon. in the puHt nor do 1 propoae to do • :16- 12:Sa— W e Ha v e T h e G e n u i n e jiporta - Our domeallc proapeiity was own typing, filing, idc for wtUch WDRC—News Time the Master Mason Degree tomor­ MONDAY-TUESDAY.FRIDAY5 Mam lieHter Piolmte Dourt. In 1932. WPOP—Dixieland Pick up your prescrip­ ■edged, last winter, by a rei eaaion { 'I'lie Asuan Dnni llself ma\' pifur’ W I N D O W M a -t e r i a l s he I.H iia*id--*ojn<*ls’ conijienaaled ax a 1 giTuiuated from the Hartford • :39- Wilkins Appears row' night. tion if shopping near us, or - Aa for peace, the aoiind ni guna i In i*e a he;id,u be. nr it iiin\ |U‘»\‘e WHA Y —Sei enade EXTRA HOURS FOR VOUR CONVENIE.N'CE pidge In my opinion hla well paid ('oilegc of now the Hnlver- WTIC—Cote Glee Club Manchester Lodge of Masons let us deliver promptly !lloea not go well with i aniimlgn tn be a gl<»M , but ue tatltet liourx of typing an»l filing, etc. do air.v of (Vmnectlcut I..aw School, I WDRC!-Ouv Lombards On TV Program AFTER WORK, or WHILE SHOPPING. WPOP—Modern Bounds will open at 7:30. After a short without extra charge. A l^krgunienta .claiming II. and i'om I'c u ishing fic its siK r es.s, nn«l sidi- not make him a iictter Judge. v. ns precluded from taking the bar )Flex-0-Glass When 1 pMmi M(G -0‘N Hat Anaoclation. nntil 1948, 1 T:M- at the Manchester High School ter: Clarence Schlebcl, senior (Cloaed Wednesdays st Noon) Ilended to achieve more cinlmi i na.a. ' ...... project. Tlie itu.aalana aie at thia lime wheihcr a clerk’a nerved aa clerk of the Mancheater WIIAY—Serenad'" auditorium, was seen locally Sat­ tions. May we compound Vi^IC—Dick Bertel warden; George Strimaitis. junior vours ? Inenl for Hepubllcmia on the . him j Interested m the welfare aervlcea will lie net eanary to the Probate C^onrt, at wldch time the urday night on Channel 30. Wil­ adrnlniHt t n t ion of the court. Indeefl volera of thia town elected me to WDRC—Amos anrt Andy warden; Alan Ledgard, accretary; Jalgn plalfonu tlinii they would” ’' '''K.'pll»'> |u'o|de Hum we WPOP-Ftilton r.ewli kins waa a guest contestant on the SW y r OGlass 7:15- William Sandburg, senior deacon; ttiirii \Vf yiirtltpfl )mil( mim' i NBC "Brains and Brawn" program Woodrow McCann, junior deacon; Java if the tniUi eoiild be diapiia WHAY—Rosary Hour and will defend hia present lead in rtinliml in IHMl. unil tlial ix llw WTIC-Dick Bertel Wayne Garland, senior steward; '•lonately examined. Wl>R('- Amo» eno Andy the contest next Saturday on the ['ity of It. IhRt 1)u‘v now lmv« Ih^ WPOP-E P Moreen William deBrlto, junior steward; SAVINGS TTie truth about the rereMton. same program at 10:30 p.m. William Demko. marshal; and ^^^ilSCREEN-GLASS opportunity wr mlKht n#*vfr have t ’Sft The Mancheater High School i f any polilirRl campalKiuM (Ured WHAY—Hound Dog Prank Gakelcr. chaplain. anr/ TvOAN ( M k n d nut rrtHl«*r#tl, in If we haO WTIC—News o! Ihe World PTA Is sponsoring the appearance A social hour will follow the de­ A S S O ( I \ I I O N Prescription Pharmacy aay a rouf;h and realintic UiinK. flNNIYERGnRV WDT^'f*—Answer Plees# of Wilkins here. He will discuss [ ^ F l e x O-Pa n e thou>:ht of thr K^;\'plian people CHILDREN AWAY? gree work. 901 Main Street lh at it waa an Inevltalilr, nree.**' WPOP-—Modern Sounds the Arctic in world affairs. In ad­ •WAtrS- IRANDIB ON INI I9 tl «IAH8 lAfllAACriON •UAlANrilR relliri than of whal we wanletl to 7:4.V- ______vtMBs Jary, and haslially healthy rherk • WHAY—Hound Dog dition. he will show motion pic­ WOMA>' CRUSHED ' otsiST riwswciat iwsTiTUTiew •Quotation by Marcua Cicero Jn a hooin widoh wna IhM'atcniny flo lo NnAeri WTIC—Life In Ihe World tures of the ice-bOund lands on the (106.43 B.C.) ' WORl'—K R Morrow South K ^ , 27 (,P)—-Mrs. ■ iO O I tAfbuM • WPOP—Modern’ Sounds roof of the world shot from the air Copyright 1958 (lOWlI take our ecOnblny ihio a wild Ev#r since October 7th we've beeh cele- and from * submarine. Belle Tanne?. 63jv died Saturday ! runaway crrlain lo end In .HfiimiM when crushed by ,* truck operalibd : rhr \riuor lie Wpiirs breting our 84th birthday with a stori- Television Programs One of the world's top authori­ rraaiv And Die trutti al’oui tlic ties on the Arctic region, Wilkins by her son, police said. They sajifl I William-Spaulding. 32. and his #<'onoiny today la ntill that out lin \\ lien nil I’liila il Hill la I‘Ha ful of marvolous values. Now. as this sale f)n Page Two is a consultant to the U.S. Depart­ ment of Defense. mother ware fOiinding up cattle jfrrin^ dnnuei' la not one nl riinrp ’ tp^nnk who Iivph ppHcefnlly Ifi draws to a close, we clear our stocks of when he accidentally backed the JiercaBlon, but onr of a leturn to Mdio.n oiilnidr Mn.siow atul wim ir truck over her. . ■ few-of-a-kind items which remain. All DODD GETS AWABD Jfilore inrislinn Ami sa Hit' tiin sIh- « t'lvca the Nohid iMi/.e lui LiIcih are offered "as is", subject to prior s^le, GENERAL Berlin, Oct. 27 (/P)—Thomas J. ^Isllcnl fnris, ulilcli in turn nan br lure for a novel wliii h haa not even Dodd. Democratic candidate for DOOCY translstril Inin the conTlIlloii of hern publiaiied In hla own countly and no relurris. So, believe us, these ore U.S. Senate, last night received the FOURTH DISTRICT SENATOR TV SERVICE Order of Merit of the Italian Re­ the avernj;* Aiiinrlcan liicomp one Inevitably aakii one (pieatlnn the plums of the pudding! Days to OK A public. The au-ard was presented HE HAS « f the monirut. wlinl Iticy llRppeu WhnI Ht'iiior doea he wenr, that Nights S2.95 I04.33 Plus Parts at a party gathering here by D0OCY In aprll is still jnuspcrily, will) Ilia free apiiit ran exiat Inaide to- TEL. Ml S-M8t Giiilio Dllorenzo. Italian vice con- TRAINING-EXPERIENCE-ABILITY •sul in New York. ^ R ills only rsHllsUr wmry, SKalii. hs- lAlllAriAn RuiiatA. ami hla body re 34 DEPOT $9 . — TEL. Ml 9-S274 Ihg Ihsi of whrlliPi may not, lUAin Alive lo contain It 7 STATE SENATOR Xenin, hf rasrhlMK for .too much 'Die Armor can he found In hla JJf It. own worda. 2 Th* truth about penre la Unit the "I aald lo myaelf. you muat AMERICAN EAGLES •onrluslon of every foreign policy Rland up atralghi before your own WINDSOR CHAIR—1.14,95 Arrowback arm •peraUoH unrler Ihc Elsenhower name " chair ...... • • - ■ 4 ■-c-19.50 . R ^ . $25,00. N(jn-.riist alu-' Jearlersliip tri ilslc has been peace “ I have imrtie wltnesa aa an WINDSOR CHAIR— 634,50 Duxbury yoke-and- minuip tagles with 23-incn ind the slrenKili''ulng of comll- 2|.50 artlAl; I have written about (he I brace liack design in solid chtiry ...... 19.50 wingspreati; in gold deco­ Cona prolcctiii); Ihe pence. .Some- times 1 lived through. ' . C U P B O A R D -.$159.60 36-inch Solid Cherry rated with red, whrtfe and JJmes these opeinllons have been. "Unprecedented, extraordinary hutcli with open .ahelve.s. Uae for china or bine! 1ji our view, iinncccasnrlly nlnrm- cvenla are approaching. Before triR. hut the ciincliislou of each, they buiAt- upon ua, here Is what book.s ...... , ...... 99.50 «Ra(n. hn.'T pinveii lo hr siuvuig 1 wish you May Hnd grant us not BEDROOM— $497.60 3 Pc. Toas? mahogany; ■She rauxf of pent (' not through to lose each other and not to lose lai'ge triple dre.s.aer, 8-drawer cliest, bookcase iluater, but through ccmimon aenae. our souls. ' bed . . .•...... 298.00 jfcom prom lae and diRt*ng(\grmenl Ami In the closing psaaRge of BEDROOM— $607.50 3 Pc. Heywood-WakefieM ’ Ixn iN G E SOFA—$429.00 82-inch Tufted back, 3^'hlrh have itioled tjown tlie hot "Doctor Zhivago," his no\fl, one salile gray contemporary, donlde dres.aer with mir­ foam seats, smari-pattefned amethyst gjTOta our cpld wnj recunentl\’ dr- fimN Kiix ror, che.Mt and full .size bookcafe bed , . . 449.00 cover ...... s .. I ...... 349.00 Yrlopa, ■To Ihc two old (Miuitl-s M.<6 tlie\ BEDROOM— $796.50 3 I’c. Beanlifu! French — At thi.a I’ampiiign monieiit. wc I.OUNGE SOFA— $569.00 8,0-inch Loose pillow Ht i»y t.hc uimlou, it aeeioed’ IhnI Provincial fruitwood; triple dre.'v.'ter and mirror, back: spring-down seats; pillow arms; blue happen to hr in Ihc niKl.al of one of j tree,lorn >,f the mml was al , che.at-on-che.et and lyre-hack bed ...... 498.00 4iji<*aRE OF WORLD— $9,95 12-inch on, wood­ blue ovals ...... 49.95 (It hnpptne.a.M that fimyeil all about grained metal b a s e ...... 7.95 Conquer tlie (lunrsr mainland lt\ tliem ami into the dlaianoe." BRAIDED RVG— $69.00 6 x 9’ Ail Wool braided GLOBE OF WORLD— $12.95 12-inch on brush- iorce, wliii h atripa from Queinoy , It u’cmid be auggeated by auch LONG DISTANCE TONIGHT! rag with green border ...... 39.95 ^4h»Asc.t«W C»$T, M®tl, Aiid Mfltau the only leal im|»or- .•dalementH and ppa.HngeH, we think. brass meta' base ...... ■ .9.75 BRAIDED .RlIG8— f4) $129.00 9 x 12’ All Wool liinre litey hnil for I'hlang Kai- yiiil I’ natenuik luippena to he one GLOBE OF WOULD—$19 96 10-inch iUnminat- braided rag with dark brown,, black or (2V red No need lo worry or wonder when the ohi'ldren *f0MI IH«0OWS,W«tjl •■*■**•■** & fk, whli 1. WHH |.H,v, h..loj;(eHl The‘j „ f ,„rfecf pi actl- ed from fns'de;-black and brass ba.se...... 14.75 borders ...... j ...... 79.50 JJcmrx rata sn. if they wlah, nl \ tiiHici'H Of the truth that every hre away. You enn join them in aeconda with a GLOBE OF WORLD— $9.95 lO-inch on wood- W«rp*t GeiMitM Flci'O^GUift lioldt Is Imm, am cot4 Jack thifl aa HppeHHenient. The AXM tNI.'^TE^RUp— $93.95 9 x 12’ Beige tonc- one a fi reilom Ilea haalcail.y within long distance call. It’* the warm, personal way grain metal base. Store away for a gift .. .7.95 on-tone carved y...... 69.00 Utf In l/ltranln(; lo fine, go fion, the Foi'- Hnl If Hon.s l‘a.sti'i link lias .sii,'- glass barber’s bottles; print shade, each ,. 11.25 brown pine finish with split fiber woven mosan crlaia. 'Hie «.ctwnl alienee of ceeded In (he mtiHcle of iii'nlntHln- Frea MANCHESTil tt firit Eacil i44i FLOOR LA M I’»v-$46.p0 Moiiorn Brass Junior; $eat« ...... 8,5,0' toe fjun.H may not come In llnio to \ - * 1 Mteetii aieeti ■|ng hla Inlegilly of .smil and art column design, oblong textured shade ... .22.50 COMMODE— $69.96 Pine lift top 'with drawer, ■ w acconimoiiate Hcpuhllcan cam­ BRI.STOl,, CONN. $ .30 wroeu-iwmEweedf^uisn Kp mm Inalilr totalltailiin Unsaia, U'wniikl $ .10 TE A WACJON— $59.60 maple tea wagon with paigners or lo ailfnc'c L^nioci'allc imdxupboard. Suitable for Hi-Fi player . -48.00 l«4t la toaiWm VNamta 0 fMiaWi eivla* Ml,* VMtoiayi) hejlttlng for the rest of the world, IMII.WAl'KRK, WIS. 1..30 .36 large. eaay-A)H wheels; two sl'elVea...... 44.00 fiampargn alarnilita, hut the Ainer- HXCHELOR’S CHEST— ^Sl.S'O Mahogany- "Governor RibicolT needa the help o f democratic legialatora like you to put his program through the too, lo concede freely what Ituaala NEW YORK^ N. Y. .45 .15 Legislature." said Attorney Jay E. Rubinow, left, in welcoming Fredf'J. Dooev. Democratic candidate ttan people, m their own appruiaal. CH IN A C AB IN ET— $119.00 38-inch Cherry con- drawer bracket base: brass drawer pulls 33,00 haa 'conceded gnidglncly that WASHINOTON, 1). 0. .75 .20 for Bute Senate, to Mandiester., Scene took place at Waddell S c l^ l. " Cpn jufise foi theniaelvea Die con- : S' temptirary design; glass panels, platinum L A D y ^ DE8K'*-^149.60 French ProviPcial auch a .spirit la aomellimg above the BRIWlRroRT, CONN. .40 .10 ■ hardware ...... 69.50 rislency of the Elsenhower ail- touch an I claim oi cieeds and aya- 'i cherry in fruitwood finish; yife grille front 85.00' THIS IS POOCY'S PLATFORM — IT HELPS YOU minlatratlon a work for pcarc. Theae rates are for atation-tq-atationrails, after BAR SET-:-^I29.40 4Q-inch Knotty,pine bar on lenis, and no iiioie dv.sei ving of, he- CORNER T a BI,C--459.50 Mahogany 18th Cen­ e Support of Governor’s Highway Plan k .\id For Senior CHixens 6 P.M. and all day isundBy. Thsy do hot includa casters with t^ica top and two bar sliMs: ing cJieaiiened by na m any exploi­ the lO-;. federal excise tax. For ratisa t«>other tury by Imperial of Grand Rapids; leather tr Increased Aid For^Education k Settlement of the Bridge Toll Problem places, see the front pages of your directory,* *-.',8,. pieces ...... 89.50 top .. ...jj...... ,.89.95 4*ij9r*3F(jS' - Much Over Thi^ Dam tation oi him aa a champion of our Muneliester P1uiiibiii|:& Supply Cn. •k Annual State Budget- k More Voice ForX'ommunities Regard-, partlcnlnr w ay-of life than he la l o u n g e SOFA—$869.00 84-irich Button back, WipJCj C llA lR S — (7) $99.60 Foam cushioned; CNIA 9 IMITAflpNf it Aifi For Uriian. R^evelopment ing State Highway Projects In Their' -(Some of our people in Waahing- of being brutalized Into conformity foam seats, light beige textured cover .. 269.00 Fed, gold or green print coverk: box pleats .69.95 k Equitable Tax For Famiera , Town ien say that Russia la welcome to with Ihe (,’omimmlat way of life Call by number . . . it’a twiee as fast! A t a» Tt«»0aalarT»0»eapaYaaeMlka0lie*DWdwt A U to lM lilS *—M the opportunity to hclj, rreaklcnt ■ .H-t iVx, loo, let him he what he la. VOTE FOR DOOCY V VOTf DBdOCRAnC passer conatrurt the Aawan Ham, an artlal who la something of the Vhle ailv. paM fer by OMcgr fer'l C ztmeture which, long before a whole man and who, therefore, car­ ' Till SiHtiiini Ni |y EiilMui TdI«|Hi« m CM M iy ' ■ton* or form Jtas been Jald to ries Ijli freedom within himself. b ' if ' - ' ^ m

P A G E E IG H T / lUMCUESTBR EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1958 MANCHESTER EVENING BERALO4 IIANCm STEE»'(X)NM « MONDAV. OCTOBER 27, 1965 PAGE NINE ! w m u k J by William Purtall, candidate deacon. Mrqt. Jana lU ecarbna s: < ; Cardinals Fail Second Day organist and sololat, (fathsr Politicians H it for reelectlon M VM, Senator. .Rockvillfe-Vemon f Rarbero, Ruesell l!>r.i Anna PWl- rugry that they woUtd bo pulled O’Connell read the committal Others who epoke were Mrs. Up, Broad Rrook. - Rottner DefeHts but. Martin Not Yet Asked 5.« Obituary service e t the grave In Bt. James’ Maty Fahey, candidate for sec­ Admitted ;raiterday: Genevieve Red Chinese To Select^uprem e Pontiff Cemetery. For Failing to retary of state; Congreeehian Ror- Skinner, SteJ^rd' Springa; Frank Mortensen Again Amman, Jordan, Oct 27 (g)— JWTAarcH K tatou K : Bearers were Benjamin Balen, ace-Siseley Brown Jr.;.;Franklin :New High School May Open ElnModel. 17 Reed S t; Rose Milllx, Tre^ps Leave The airlift of British tfoppa from John Stamler, Stanley W alkow M , Wellea, candidate from the 85th To Agree to Mediation 27 Pleasant S t;. Walter Flood, 80 Jordan went on for the third day Elmer Mortensen of New­ (OoBtlmnd trom Pare One) John D iSalvo, Carl Prieas, John McPartland and dletrict aa state senator; Sheriff N. Park St, Name Ju dges ington, it Memo, won’t stay today, with the evacuation ached- Philip Sullivan. Paul Sweeney; local candidates, Discharged yesterday:. . Allen' '^peral Managar Richard Mar-f eta/poariMo, After Holiday at Christmas defeated In his bid for Rapub- N o i A K o r e a uled to be. completed by Wednes­ election of the now pope would Hospital Notes E d w a ^ A . smith and Alfrsd CMd- B s ^ r * Warehouse Pt.; Eugene day. Tailor, Dies Mra. IfaiUa A. LnFoInte (Oonttaned Irons Page fUie) tin said .thia aftjimoon he had not raiaaOy o f the otgan iu d atrika -to llcan nomination for Fourth be e quick on— poesibly on the —■— / steui, :for reprssentatives In UiO' Htforco thp damandg oC untona of There is a 50-50 chqnce thht hightfcl.60. w lt h 'W amount Increas- N ^ S r '£ a S l ^ x l^ m a S T e ? : ' District State s«nator.' (Oontlnoed tnm Paga Leb­ Cairiat the king. ’ But that did were held at 9:30 Saturday morn­ had to hitch up their horsea'and ticee of the peace. new high st^ool on Loveland Hill Mortensen.im a closely fought Wendy McLjOughlin, 437 Summit proprietor o f the State Tailor Shop employee’ union. LaBelle, in the opinion, adid can be paid quarterly. convention fight last summer, Korea." anon. The United Arab Republic not happen. ing at the John B. Burke Funeral b u fg le i early In the momi'iig and Oborch Eiecte O|floers that a munielpaUty tnay have the during the Christmaa vaMtlon, Verlioa aad TaloottvUto Mwa Is haa given permission for the evac­ St.; Edward R«U>etan*, Coventry: on Biaaell St., died Saturday at the Home, followed by a solemn Martin repeated ho will not de­ The Vernon' 4-H Band held Its and hor been campaigning South Ko(«an offidala said the COMING SOON .*; In the pael, moat conclaves go to those placet where the court An estimated 100 ch: more per­ right to etop a strike Its un- leaving enough space in the old handled liirangh The HeraM’a Rod Chtnaio wltiidrawal waa a uation to proceeds over ita Syrian John Gallup, wapptng; Mrs. Ma­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. requiem Mess In St. James’ cide whether to concur in media­ oi first aiuiual banquet Saturday at vigorously, as the nominee, have lasted only a few days. Some sons were present Friday at the school to eliminate double sessions Rockville Bareao, 7 W. Bfaln St, propaganda stunt to put prassure provinct. rta Ozols, 60 Chambers 81.; Ed­ Church at 10 o’clock. waa being held. ' tion until he mecta with Frank ientsed emplojres by court injune- the Vernon Center Congregational since'early September. took only a few hours. The one Born In Lacedonia, Avellno, annual roll call and supper o f the of Grades 7 and 8. This opinion waa teletthone TRem oat 8-S1S6. on tha| United States to pull out Two Syrian MIG -fighters en­ ward Wraight, Mountain St., The Rev. Philip Hussey was the Hippie, inUmational npreaenta- tlon. Church. ____' that finally elected Pope Gregory Italy, he had lived in Manchester "Nowadays, with the advent of First Qongregstional Church at expressed today by Superintendent However, the Mancheater Its tioopa countered one of the British trans­ Rockville: Miss Margaret Donncl- celebrant, the Rev. John Blanch- tlve of State, County, and Munici­ Bargaining Allowed A ham dinner w4a served by the X at Viterbo. Italy, In 1271, lasted since 1920. For more than 35 years autoipobllea. we find ourselves Hebron Green. All enjoyed a sup­ of Schools Raymond E. Ramsdell attorney’s name turned up A Chinese communique issued at ports yesterday but only waggled lan, 33 Elro St.; Edwin Oates, 15 with twice as many eourta to pal Employee, A F L^O . LaBelle added that coUectlvo Vernon 4-H Eat Lamb Club to two years and nine months. he had been engaged In tailoring field the deacon and. the- Rev. per Sig^eocisl time. who said the move will definitely missing today in a list of can­ Antung,’ Mandiuria, Sunday' said their wings in recognition, a Clifton St.; Lawrence Cyr, Elling­ Joseph McCann the subdeacon, which we must go. I firmly believe Local '991 Thureday authorised baigainiiig between a union o f gov­ band members, their parents and didates Kleaaed by the secre­ Vatican Radio, recalling that ir town, and for the past year and be made during the February va­ guests. P u blir Records the third and-laat stage of with­ British spokesman said. ton. a half had also served as tailor Mrs. Jane Maccarone was organ­ w# must have more judges. We Officers elected to serve for the Hippie to eeek mediation on re­ ernmental employee and a munic­ tary of state’s office. the late Plus X II was elected su­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY; ensuing year are: Church clerk and voking a auepeneton o f recognition cation it not possible in Dei^ember. The dinner was followed by a drawal,, of Rod Chinese “ volun- No ceremony is planned to mark Purisms for C. E. House and Son. He was ist and soloist. Father McCann an’t hold sessions where directed ipality is permissible. He said, "If Instead, the Hit, provided preme Pontiff on his 63rd birth­ Mrs. Helen Baboval, Bast Hart­ assistant, Albert W. Hlldkig and Martin declared Sept.'N|9. Martin A survey will be undertaken this .community sibg led by Arthur St. Warrantee Deeds ‘ teera" from Korea had been com­ completion of withdrawal of the a member of the Italian American read the committal service at the y the General Assembly unless we the municipality wlshee to nego­ all newspapers in the State to day, recalled that another Cgr- ford; Raymond Russell, 142 Wood- do. Mrs. Everett B. Porter; treaaurer ■aid he would not revoke, it before week to determine how many pu­ Louis, a club report given by Jean dteney Brothers, Inc„ to An­ pleted. This stage was aald to have 2,000 paratroopers. But a spokes­ ^829 MAIN ST.^ANCHESTER: dinal’s birthday occurs tomorrow. Club, the Arm y and N avy Club, grave In Mt. St. Benedict Ceme- tiate with a union concerning em­ pils will have to be transported to aid them in thejr coverage of included 70,000 men. bridge St.: Ufcrii Panlaluk, 98 "There Is an unused courtroom and' assistant, Lucius B. Robinaon. Vec. 29. Wisniewski and the leaders’ report thony J. and Lebr" T. UrijaAettl. man said Jordan offlclals would the Orlstoforo Colombo Society teiy, Bloomfield. ' ployment, salariei, grievance pro­ the new high schoo\^y bus, Rams­ the election Nov. 4,' named It is that of Giacomo Lercaro, Charter Oak St.; Melvin Hell- in Hartford light now because we Sr„ and Shirley Belden; junior by Mrs. David Dougan. Albert property on Forest St. known as Red Chlna’B. forces in North come to the airport to see off and Rockville Ixklge nf Elks. Bearers were George''Bousquet Hippie couTd not be reaclii cedure and working conditiona of dell said. He expects that many Mortensen aa the Republican archbishop of Uologna, who will •trom, 61 Laurel St.; Victor Dol- don’t have a judge available to sit deacon, Raymond E. Smith Sr.; Gray, Tolland County agent, led the "waste silk storehouse." Korea were estimated at - 250,000 Brig. Tom Pearson, the British He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary John barby, Joseph' Valllant and day to anewer when he will its members, there le no .'Statute, more atudents will need transpor­ who was running against the be 67. Alfredo Cardinal Ottavianl lak, Wapping; Mrs. Mary Dlnallo, there. Stamford has enough busi­ executive committee, Donald Rob­ a ceremony of installation for the Leo H. Rivers, trubtee, tb Fred- or more men at one time. Premier commander, who will be on the Coletla DISalvo: and several Andrew Harvath;^ an appointment with Martin. public or private, which prohibits tation to Loveland Hill than are Democrr.tlc candidate, Fred Advertise in The Herald— 1| Pays will be 68 Wednesday. Windsor; Paul Rossctlo, 58 Dcl- ness so that it should have a year- inson; finance, Roger ^wley; International repreeentatlve called 1958-59 officers. eridk J. and Alice O. Brown, prop­ Chou Untlal announced last Feb- last plana ou t nieces and nephews. such negotiations.’* now transported tb the high school Dooey, of South Windsor. The Cardinals went through around court Instead of three 10- The new officers are: Whitney monl St.; Terri and Deborah Funeral services will be held auditing, George Alden Sr.; nom­ the manager’s office Friday for a But he added "... any agree­ on Park St. erties on Newman St. and Wood- their two morning ballots in an Pease, Sandy Beach ltd., Hock- week scssiona, as at present.” lUt of Directors who will take of­ Ferguson, president; Nanev Skin­ .land St. The secretary of state’s of­ Wednesday morning rt 8:15 at the inating committee, Albert A. Cool- ment to participate in coUactivs Rules and regulations to govern unusually short time, finishing « t Judge Shea said that consider­ fice Nov, 3. ner, vice president; Miss 'Wisniew­ fice was unable to account ville; Michael Masse, Stafford John B. Burke Funeral Home; 87 Letts Jailed Idge; church representatives, June bargsdning, on behalf o f tha munle- ^ students at the new school are be' Tumblebrook Acres, Inc., to least 40 minutes ahead of their Springs; Mary and Deborah Pot­ able progress has been made, in re­ Nygren and Florence Rowley; com­ ski. secretary: Arnold Groot,. Fiohk W. and Ruth CurUln, for Ita "nomlnaUbn” o f Mor­ time on the first two ballots yes­ E. Center St., followed by a re­ DIrectore Invited ipaUty, a|iould not be construed Ing drawn up by Ramsdell and tensen. But It promised to give ter, 110 E. Middle Tpke.; Donald quiem Mass In 81. .lamc.s' Church ducing docket congestion in Con­ mittee on Evangelism, Nell Wake- In voting for mediation, the treasurer; Linda Wright, assistant Kaztmlese stnd Theresa A. SAVE CASH and STAMPS at GRAND UNION'S terday. as authority to negotiate a con­ Principal Joseph McCusker and the nomination back to Rott­ Rogers, 4 Mlnlz Court; Mra. Irene at 9 o'( lock. Burial will he In Rose For One Year necticut. He said that between man, Jane Alden, Ethel P. Hlldlng, union also voted to Invite the new­ treasurer; and M arjorie Stevens, Chokas, Richard W , and Helen- F. This time there was practically September 1957 and September, tract which involves the surrend­ will be submitted to the Board of reporter. ner with a correction—and Smith, 139 Grove SI., Rockville; Hill Memorial Park. Rocky HIH. Lillian Lankof, Dorothy Scranton; ly elected Board of DIrectora to Sheldon, properties on Diane-Dr. no confusion about the smoke er of any municipal powers ^ Education for, approval at Ita De­ Mrs. Dougan led the band in fast. Miehacl KItlon, East Hartford. Friends may call at the funeral this year, there was a reduction religious education. Miss E. Anne the mediation talks. Dorothy F. Higgins to John A. arising from th« slender chimney Herchcll J. Letts Jr. o f 373 of 1,020 jury cases In the State.. No contract exists between Lo­ cember meeting. playing a few selections and was ADMITTED TODAY: Arthur home from 7 to 9 o’clock tonight Clark; music, Mildred Fillmore Hippie will have to meet with and Abby B. .tockett, property over the Sistlrio Chapel as the two Adams St. was sentenced to one Intensive pre-trail sessions In cal 991 and the '-town. The only Several rooms at the Loveland presented with a ' bouquet o f Sweet, 1108 I’nlland Tpke.; Albert and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to and Diane Rebillard; missions, Martin, obtain hie agreement to at 67 Phelps Rd. sets of ballots were burned. The year In jail this morning. Bridgeport. New Haven, New Lon­ link Is a memorandum of under­ site are already completed, Rams­ chrysanthemums as a token of the., Rov, 178 Charter Oak St. 9 p.m. Mrs. Walter C. Hewitt; and flower mediate, aniT then the two will tiny wisps of sr oUe soon took on don and Hartford were very suc­ standing which ii a cdfppUation of dell said. When high school classes club’ members’ appreciation. Andrew Anaaidl to Robert J, Castro D efiant BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to Rockville ■',-odge of Elks will Letts, was given a one year sen­ committee. Miss Edna Latham. choose a mediator. a distinctly black hue and con­ tence on each of six counts of ob­ cessful, he said. personnel ruler covering, not only are moved to Loveland Hill suffi­ and Frances S. Hilderbrand, prop­ Mr. and Mrs. AHyn D a m b e c k, conduct a service at the funeral CYiurch Reports Made Martin’s euspeneion o f recogni­ Coming Events tinued black, the sign that no taining godds by false pretenses, union members but all tCwn em­ cient^ rooms will be available to erty on Battista Rd. Berkley Dr., Vernon; a aon to Mr. home at 8 o’clock tomorrow night. "Nowhere In this country Is Reports of tho various commit­ tion came after he found out one A Halloween parade for young­ Pontiff had been chosen to suc­ the sententes to run at the same ployes. Martin aald today the accommodate Grades 7 and 8 in Selden J. on5 Be-erly J. Rich­ On U.S. Threat and Mrs. Robert Buck, Coventry. there a better example of what the tees were made. Asaletant clerk union officer had attempted to sters W ediesday ■will be led by time. memorandum cannot even beehlled full day sessions Ramsdell said. ardson to Aloyslous G. and Mar- ceed Pius X II. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Mrs. Katherine Ko-tak bar can do than in the results of Mrs. Ruth Porter’s report showeel dissuade other members, from at­ Fred Hewett, commander of the W hile smoke from the chimney Letts was taken Into custody a "working agreement’’ because These classes have been on double gf.ret T. Tester, pfoperty on daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Katherine Kosak. 69, 16 last spring's pre-trial se.ssion in the church membership at 189. American Legion Post sponsoring (Cnntlmied from Page One) la supposed to indicate a new Pope Oct. 2. Arrested at the same time tending a testimonial dinner for a the laws ^ve him no legal power' sessions since September. the event. / ^ Chambers St. McCarthy, Coventry; a daughter Depot .square, collapsed on Main Hartford County," Judge Shea Choir director John Bell’s report has been named. The addition of was John A. Irwin, 33, of 110 retired Highway Departriient su­ to "agree" with a union of towa Meanwhile, plana a new school Burnham Estates, Inc., to Don­ to Mr. and Mrs. Waller Smith. 16 St. yesterday morning as she waa said. tells of a choir of younger boys Forming at the Rockville Leader transportation in the island re­ straw is supposed to turn the Ridge 8t., who was charged with "There are only 50 Cases on the pervisor Sept.''W^ employes. for elementary students are nearly ald C. and Bessie M. Tryon, prop­ Ccnlerfleld 81.; a daughter to Mr. walking to St, Bridget’s Church. and, girls, numbering apout 12, of office, the parade will proceed smoke black, indicating no result. breaking and entering and also ob­ Jury list In Hartford at the pres­ The union eaya the officer had However, both Hippie and Union complete. School Building Com­ erty on Burnham St. public election day, Nov, 8, rebel and Mrs, Roger Granger, Vernon She was pronounced dead shortly ages 7 to 12, which has been past the reviewing stand on East Yesterday something went wrong taining goods under false pre­ ent time which have been pre­ misinterpreted a fratemisatton President Ernest Irwin contended mittee (JheUrman Douglas H. Marriage licensee broadcasts satd today. Trailer Court. after her arrival at Manchester started. Main S t Cash prizes totaling $60 and white smoke came out twice, tenses. Trwln was bound dver to tried. Last March there Were hun­ agreement and that the union as a Thursday that Martin has a right Hayes said today a contract for are offered. James Ward Kuhlmann of 122 BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. Memorial Hospital. Effort to establish an adult The rebel plan of campaign Is nod sa e setting off premature and Hartford Superior Court on Oct. dreds. What happened to the rest whole was not reeponeible for his to contract with municipal em­ construction of a 16-room school Lyness St, and Joan A'jdrey Barre and Mrs. William Collins, 108 She was born In Poland Jan. 2, choir did not meet with immediate Great Sachem Joseph Vollano of to disrupt all railway and highway groundless rejoicing. 20. of them? They have been settled." act. The Buapenaion has been de­ ployes. on Lake St. has been signed with of 175 Princeton St. K Chestnut 81. 1889, and had lived In Manchester success, but It is hoped that this N ew Haver and his stall Will make transportation In Cuba for the pe­ STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY at these LOW PRICiSI Today, the Cardinals resorted to Police did not divulge any con­ clared "unfair and unreasonable” Ban Could Stay Conyers Construction Go. of .Man- Jose;m Vincent Forcuccl of DISCHARGED SATURDAY; for more than 30 years .She was Judge Shea said that "one of the may be done at some future time. an. official visit to Ta'nkeroosan riod from Oct. 30 to Nov. 6, the more modem chemistry so there nection between Letts and Irwin by the union. In regard to arbitration, LaBelle cheiRer, low bidders for the proj­ West Hartford and Pauline Reale 7 Arthur Sweet, 1108 Tolland Tpke,; the widow of John Kosak. great problems which confront* This Is important for holiday can­ Tribe, Order of Red -Men, tomor­ broadcast said. Rebel soldiers were DONALD DUCK or BAW said "There is no reason to deny ect. The Contractor expects to would be no misunderstanding. An Albert Poudrlcr, 224 School St.; until Irwin was examined In Man­ the judges Is the lack of trial law­ ’The union Is made up of about row at 8 p.m. at Red Men’s Hall. Paganl of 105 Deming St., St. ordered to flip on any vehicle con She leaves four sons, Chester, tatas for Easter and (Christmas, the power of a municipality to en­ start work this week, and has aide said that Prince Slglsmondo Mra. I/OUlsc AmEnde, 27 Spring Frank and Edward, all of Man­ chester Town Court. It was then yers," , - 138 employee of the Highway, The Rockville Emblem Club will Bridget's Church. Nov. 15. sidered to be military. Mr. Bell says. ter voluntarily into a contract to assured the committee that the Chlgl, marshal of the conclave, ex­ St, Rockville; Diane and th'Big chester. and Edwin Kosak of West that Letts was produced aa an eye "Big firms In this state today Cemetery, Park, W ater and Sewer, sponsor a masquerade dance F ri­ Blinding Permit The broadcast warned Cubans The Sunday. School report shows arbitrate a specific dispute, but an school will be ready next Septem­ perimented with a tar byproduct, Wlnans, Ellington; Mrs. ‘’ ■iphle Hartford; and seven grandchil­ witness to Irwin’s activities which seem to have the feeling they can’t and Recreation Departments, and day at the Elks Home for members R. E. Wandel! for Ray Seller, to stay home on election day to resulted In the breaking and enter­ a fine staff of teachers: Kinder­ agreement to submit all disputes ber. then passed it In to the Cardinals GraezewskI, Hnzardvllle; Roland dren. let their cases be entrusted to law­ the Board o f Eidueation. and friends. addition to house at 3 Sanford bring about "an election without ing charge. garten, Joan Hewitt and Jerry to arbitration, commonly found in The Board of Education meet­ Rd., $400. ORANGE JUICE through one t i the closely guarded Oucllellc, Wapping: Wilfred Roure, Oompromloe Agreement Euncrnl services will he held yers lacking In experience," the Sullivan: grade 1, Harriet Wall; 2, ordinary union contracts, are in a The Golden Age Club will meet voters." doors which are the only access to 18 Oak St,, Rockville; Richard The charge concerned the May Only one other question has been ing scheduled for Nov. 6 has been KITCHEN GARDEN — Sikad Wednesday morning at 8:,30 at the Judge continued. Dale Alden; 3 and 4, Mildred Fill­ different category. If a municipal- , tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Red Men’s the conclave area. It was added to Rosondahl, 94 Blsscl! St,; Mrs. 9 forced entrance of Cavey's Rea- mediated In the local’s 6-yeer: his­ postponed until-Nov. 12, Ramsdell 5 FIRES AT HOTEL BOND Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main ’T v e been around a long time more; and Edna Latham; 5, Ruth Ity entered into a general agree­ Hall with a potiuck supper to fol­ EXPRESS RAMS CAB / the fire to dtake'the smoke unmis­ Arleen Mimroe, Glastonbury; taurahl and subsequent theft of tory. Martin today said it wae not announced today. St , followed by a requiem Mass and I say that lots of the young and Albert Coolldge; 6, Nell Wake- ment to submit all disputes to ar­ low the meeting. Members are ask­ Hartford, Oct. 27 (Ab— Five sep­ Westport, Oct. 27 (/P)— A New takably black. Debra Mamplon, Andover; Mra. $800 cash. decided In the union’s favor, as Open Oovernment Meeting In .Si. Bridget’s Chur(h at 9 lawyers get just as good and bet­ man; 7, Roland Quertln: 8. Selmer bitration, U might find itself com­ ed to bring their own dishes and arate fires broke out at almost the Haven Railroad express train ram­ Only about 5,000 people, Romans Helen Weal, 017 N. Main 81.; Mra. Letts testified In court that he Hippie reported Thursday, but re- An open meeting of the Citizens o'clock. Burial will be In HI. ter results than these older techni­ Donald; and high school, June and mitted to surrender the broad dis- silverware. Same time in the Hotel Bond yes­ med into a stalled car last night. STRAWBERRIES and tourists, were in fit. Peter's hsd been V lth Irwin on the night Dnrccn Shaw and daughter, Tol­ Bridget's Cemetery, cians. .sultcd In a compromise agree­ cretloh and responsibility reposed Committee for Better Government Roller skating will start at the terday. N o one was injured, and No one waa injured. Square to watch for the result. land; Mrs Reatrli e Minor and aon. of theft. He also testified that he Stanley Nygren. WILRICK DRINK Friends may call at the funeral "Some of these older lawyers are ment. in it by law.” (CX3BG) will be held today at 8 Town Hall Nov. 6 under the spon­ damage waa slight. The train, “ Patriot," was en LIMY miNK 4.H I-ydall St,; Mra. .Jennie Relz and Invln conspired to obtain Samuel, Edward and Albert This is a working day. More than home from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight, spreading themselvea so thin that ’The mediation, held In 1953, fol­ LaBelle concluded th a t. "Media­ p.m. In Superior Court Room. sorship of the a t y Recreation Firemen said the fires occurred route from Boston to Washington. and daughler, Ellington; Mrs. goods hy false pretenses, cashing Hlldlng receive thanks for their 300,000 had waited last night for and tomorrow frqm 2 to 3 and 7 to they are bound to run Into trouble, lowed a union demand for two tion to settle or adjust disputes is The group held its first meeting Board. early yesterday morning. Drapes D. C. It was delayed am hour and SAVF4g Arlene Brower and son, Campbell checks in several Manchester plantings on the church grounds, GRAPE ORANGE. im u the result and'had been first fooled 9 p.m. physically or mentally In aome extra days with pay for Memorial not only permissible, but may also a week ago and ia inviting anyone R erlstr I'.ion for the Community were burned on several floo;-s, and a half. Avn., Vernon. business establishments. and Lucius W. Robinson Sr., for by the smoked and then disap­ other way, 'These firms, and In Day and Independence Day, both be desirable.’’- interested in better government .Basketball program In Vernon will a mattress caught fire in a storage Police said the driver of the car. M O R T O N - Turkey, C hicken, Meet Leef. SeUtbury Steak SWANSON TUSKEY * 2 i ; 3 9 * SCALLOPS nights of a Roman autumn are Mrs Calheiliie Karvella. 330 Tid- ami oblalning goods hy false pre­ JOHN cold. Wednesday morning at 9:10 at the tenses. HIS ease was continued to Manchester Evening Herald not have this rigjht. LaBelle aald: Cub Scout Pack No. 27 of St. soliciting members who bring In BIRDSEYE. TEDDY land Tpke ; Marcia Gemive.se, John E. Tlcrncv Enncral Home, Auxiliary Sets Hebron-correspondent. Miss Susan tho most new jriembers, with bo­ The 61 Cardinals voted twice I'hnmpsonvllle: Uennard Chnrho- Oct. 20 for pre-sentence examina­ Ka’ Rlg)it iii Strike Mary's CJhuroh was held Friday 219 W. Center .^1 . followed by n tion. On Oct. 20 Birtha appeared Pendleton, telephone ACademy "It Is my opinion thlit a labor nuses' for paid-up dues. LIMAS f*'^M**‘ r yesterday morning and twice in neaii, 32 Wcsl SI , Vera Ann Sper­ evening at the church hall. SHRIMP Develfled - the afternoon hut failed to give solemn rcqidcm Mass In 81. In court but was said to be ‘'In­ Toy I and Parly 8-3454. union of municipal employes may Although 165 biulnesses. Indus­ ■IROSEYE TEDDY - ' ry, Tunnel ltd , Vernon, Rudy Dl- Bridget's Church at 10 o'clock. not invoke the remedy of an organ­ The meeting was a Halloween tries and professional men in the ROfTNER any prelate the .38 votes required coherent," and Judge W'esley C. Pletro. 132 Harlan Rd : Craig Car- Burial will be In fit, Bridget's ized strike to enforce the demands party for the cubs and members Rockville area belong to the for election -two thirds of those dlnl', Andover; I'eler Dl.Salvo. 46 Gryk ordered a continuance of the For Veterans Koferendiim Delaypd P O TA TO ES Whipped 2* 3pLfi. ’ C 4 W FISHSTICKS Frteeekcd Cemetery. case to this morning. Judge Oryk of their union and does not have of their famllieu. Many games (Chamber, another .160 such groups Repiihllcan Candidate— voting plus one. Niles Dr,.; Lynn (’hatnian, 168 ' LIIIY Erlenda may call al the funeral asked that Birtha be given psychi­ the right to engage in any action were played after which a costume are not represented. The (jhamter SHIF AHOY N o word on which candidates Summit St.; .Iidm Hurl. 7 Rrelton A toyland party will be held 'STATE SENATOR home tomorrow from 2 In 0 and 7 atric examination. Norwich, Oct. 27 DPI— A cor­ such as work stoppage or collective parade was held. seeks to add these persons to their were running in front came from Rd.; Allison ftaii. Taliol tville; this evening at tho American Le­ 9* In in pm. In court thta morning. Deputy poration counsel's ruling lias post­ refusal to enter upon duties.” He Ball point pens were given to membership before Wednesday at CAULIFLOWER 2 45* HALIBUT STEAK inside the walled-ln, double-locked Miss Betsy Ann Mchagan, 63 Dx- gion Hall, sponsored by the Post Judge Jules Karp sentenced Birtha poned a city referendum on a zon­ added: the following winners: Donald 4 p.m., when the drive closes. LIIIY conclave area In which the Princes fnrd SI ; .lames Elllnll Hr. 177 Erank I’. Hciidtcrl Auxiliary. Toys of ad kinds will ing change here. and recommended he um^ergo fur­ "It is also my opinion that arbi­ Denley, Raymond London, Eldward CJhamber officials believe that S a v e . O n B e ssmr U ! o f the f^iurch have been confined Siimmll SI : Mrs, MargarerTracy, be sold for Christmas presents Tho counsel, Orrin Carashick, Erank I’ .Scmllcrl, 6'2. '22 Henry ther medical examination. tration may be permissible aa to Strimiatls and Charles tJross. , membership Is not only a commu- BROCCOLI 2'iS45« since Saturday night. 43 E. MUIdle Tpke,; Janet Reli hie, and the proceeds will go towards ruled Saturday that a technicality Pledges! MILADY ' St , died Salurday at the Manches­ In the past week medical au­ certain, specific, arbitrable dis­ Ity responsibility but Is beneficial SEAIROOK FARMS ~T" The end of each pair of ballots Wapping. ter Memorial Hospital nfter a short providing Christmas presents for Iq a 1,248-name petition request­ yesterday was accompanied by thorities have reported Birtha putes, but that a general agree­ to every individual, who will fft-oflt lllnc.-s. t(ie patients of Veterans’ Hospitals ing the referendum Vnakes the BLINTZES ’fC 354 wild confusion over the smoke showed definite signs of mental ment to submit all disputes to ar­ from improved business. Industrial "I WILL FIGHT Born In ’rorre Magglore, Prov­ at Newington. Rocky Hill and petition Inyajld. VEGETABLES 7 » 7 ’A S 3 9 « TOWNE SQUARE signs on which the world was re­ Illness but that he waa apparently bitration would be Improper.” and community life here. ince of Eoggla, Italy, on July 12, aware of his offense. New Haven. This Is a yearly A t Issue Is the city council’s re­ SEAIROOK FARMS lying for its first word that a LaBelle based his opinion upon a Minimum membership dues are FOR STRONGER Police Arrests 1806, he hnd lived In Manthester project. A variety of gifts are cent action changing part of West State Supreme Court decision In a APPLE PIE ".WCnM choice had or hadn't been made. DOOCY f t for the past 38 years. For the last qUAKF, HITS ITALIAN TOWN sent to the veteraiji, who select Town Street from a residential to. case brought against the Norwalk PEAS CARROTS ^ 2 ' i “ 35* SARA UE three years he had been employed (^alanzani, Italy, Oct. *7 anlo today In this Hainple Ballots In that area, near a (Jonnecticut part, read oa foUdwa, he said: and'rhsrged with opersUng a mo­ STATE SENATOR JOHN ROTTNER FOR TOWNS" Cheney Bros, for many years. He city on the Calabrian toe of Bamiple ballots for the coming ’Turnpike entrance. lUTONI REALEMON tor vehicle while iimler the Influ ‘‘Under o u r’eyetem, the govern* Window Shades In Fixing Agemla was a member of the Sons of Italy llalyi It cracked walls and election are now on file at the Signers of the petition have pro­ ment Is eaUblithed by and for all Teney ence of Intoxlranls, police re- Front End Jmt LEMONADE Reftler floclety. smashed glass but no cnsiialties town clerk’e ofllce and may be tested the change. Caroahick said of . the people, not for the benefit Mods to Ordfr .lA S A G N E Erndl portcntlniies her life. She was a member of the Mancheitei Trust .. 58 bury, speeding,I Nov^ 1. 63 First Lutheran Chu«h. Phone 9-450r Fire Insurance Companies Searcy G. Johnson, 27, oW lush- Besides her husbamL she leaves Aetna Fire ...... 7114 7414 Ing, N. Y., operating a motor ve a son, Charles Kellem and a step­ Hartford F ire ...... 180 190 hide without a license, operating a son, Clarence Kellem both of s ll^E 20* per pound on P o A C h ^ Natiopal ...... 97 102 motor vehicle with defective ybb Im BAND CONCERT Phoenix ...... ••,72 75 proper equipment, Nov. 22 Rockville; a daughter, ■ Jitrs. Life and Indemnity Ins. C os.. Edward N. Weaving, 20, of Win- Chartee Bowman of Mount Airy, -PrioM Effsefivs Mon., Ocf. 27th Thru WsJ., Ocf. 29th. Aetna Casualty .... 148 ' 158 sled, was arrested In WInsteil yeili N,C,| a brother, Otto Young, and a tO's homo hoatinj^ Aetna I J f e ___ _198 208 terday 6n' a Manchester warrant alster, Mrs, Arthu.r Schalffer, both Conn. General ...... 303 31.3 charging him with violation of- pro of Rockville: ami two grandchil­ our wovf RAY OR CRfIND UNIOR FOR QUALITY Hlfd. Steam Boiler 103 108 ballon. dren. , Yon get premiuM quality T ra ve le rs...... 8814 9114 He was found guilty In Wlnaled Funeral servicaa , will be held HAUOWiEN FAVORITES Oct. 13, of driving while his II- Wedneiday, at 3 p.m. .at the White Mobttheat with R T-98. . . the. LIPTON Decerele yew Hewe *N% Haneil Seenh, - Public UtHIUes Two Great Bands! M lu Owe, iect-O-UetWM |hiiM >l««)l AJAX ttEANSSR Conn. Light * Power 2114 2314 CMse was under suspension. He is Funeral Home, 65 Elm St„ Rock­ . .aiaet completely alleetive fud ' H» 4 leta el ''ItM er m tl" teeSlw •• Hartford Electric Lt. 60 6,3 under a 2-year, probation from ville, with the Rev. David G. SPHIN'X TEMPLE . oU edclitive in use today. And Tha 9ehi Saai X M IA T R III*.. .hi* pletura talavlilm’ erHtk «%# Neetewl Tear terwHe SIANO ‘ SOUF MIXES UNION t«»ermar4«f twi Ml seppllee, Hartford Gas Co. '___ 4214 4514 Manchester Town Court for driv­ Jachelmer, pastor of the First you get prMuium eervice. Au-, with HI n pihiM *raph far Yaur lam ily antartaliMnantl 2 r 2 9 ' Souther.. QleW England ing a'motor vehicle without the Lutheran Church of Rockville, of­ tomatie detiveriee . . . a bal- ’ Chiekee Needle er Teeiaie.VegeteUe Telephoille ...... 39 H 4114 owner’s permission, for which he ficiating. Burial will be In Grove • SHRINE BAI)ID aaeed paymmt plan and many Coma in, lot ua prove that Magnavox High FMolfly talavlaron Manufactnilng Companlee also received a 30-day suspended Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at ether otnui deeigned te make U Via finaat—anif your hitt buy an oi^ baola ^ comporlsm, DOC YUMMES Bcnlcnce. Arrow, Hart, H.Cg. .. 54'j 37 >4 the funeral home tomorrow from home heating-rMUg east. Chooga from n ^ y baautlful ttyla*. ^ HART2 Associated Spring .. I8I4 2014 Weaving poated a *300 boml in 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. MANCHESTER 3 * ^ 3 9 ^ CIDER Bristol Brass ...... 12 14 Manchester Conrt and his rase will ■ BASVmRlIS i r l 7 ^ MOUNTAIN Collins ...... 86' 96 be heard Nov. 3. • PIPE BAND M obiihoaf g g ? g Dunham Bush ...... 714 «'4 . . . B L U P ^ R Bm-Hart ...... 49 i n s c h o o l 32 A IA IO N D " SU IT F u n e r a l* TeatecL delivered, guaranteed, aierviced by our own TETLEY m MCS Fafnlr Bearing .... 08 71 Norfolk, Va.. Oct. *7 (/rr— .\ SFECIAL ADORD ATTRACTIONt Landers, Frapy. Clark 16 18 group of'W h ite Norfolk school , tBechani(». Sold on our own easy 6% time pay plan. NANOALYNN N. B. Machine . . 2814 .3114 rhildrcn ami tiicir |Mirenta today 51rs, James .O’Reilly i’ *fdrttT“Bnd Judd , 2514 2814 Ineliided : Oov. J. LlmUay. A l­ Funeral services for Mra. James DONUTS THE ^HRINE CHANTERS 'S.' Ruaidll Mte, ... . .16 19 mond Jr. among defoiulants In a O'Reilly, 100 Florence 8t„ were MORIARTY Stanley Steam . . 39 42 suit aimed at reopening six sec­ held at 8:15 Saturday morning at Terry Steam ... 160 ' ondary schools closed under Vir­ the John B. Burke Funeral Home, iiBnrarTror • Torrlngton ....___ _. BROTHERS 27 26 ginia’s massive rbslstancks to In­ followed by a solemn requiem DONATION %\M JOIN THE GRAND PARADE TO GRAND U N IO N U.S. Envelope, com 1814 2014 tegration. 'The suit filed- In l).S. Msss in St. James’ CSiurch at t OMUMH iRBRINS OLtm U.8. Envelope, pfd. ..1114 13H District Court attacks the maa- o’clock. Tha Rev. Joeeph MoOena I ■ ■immig iHinH ItoS pU l# nmmm r m i Vaeder R oot ...... 5014 S314 alve realstanoe program. It aaka was the celebrant, the Rev. John M l 3.5135 'Bt, Maiwiiistur O MsMsg, TwisRay, l* AJt to Q The above quotations are not to ■r .. TtCKETS ON SALE AT THE DOOR y.,KHdaiv •§ 'a J L I s • yjE, , Rif*i IM' MESr WHERE ball player caught me' out with ■aid he had been drtaliig was one HYDRO ENGINEERING CO. IT CCATA’ The perking lot owner called the in.T for weeks "of the coming said today he has accepted a alml- came executive oMretiUT ol the for those whose’ age or reiMence three attendants together. h lf girl. changeover with that sense of ex- reporUtI etolen Thurtday. Police lav position with the Brockton, Springfield V t, Oiwhltar, a poet- 116 Sttea Deane Highway, Reeky HIU, JA t-gSlM School Supt. Merle B. Woodman- nuaUfIcatiOha ihaturS between Oct. .peetant excitement with which the SMolved Lundberg of any knowl­ htaap.^ Chamber. He wilt aucceed tton which he held untU eomipl; tO K and NoV. 8. young at heart are especially gift­ see is financial secretary. NlchOl- edge of the theft, however, Joseph Rallly who .is retiring after * R^kviHe. ed. Now the new palace of learn­ aon became chairman OUa month Tlie auto, owned hy Mrs. Sada more than 28 years Of service with ' The Brockton Chamber la cohHd; To baceme a voter, applicants ing, echoc, with the eager voices when..John T. Kearney’s one year PedenKm of Glastonbury was stop­ the Brockton Chamber. erably larger than the local one, .giUBt be at least 31 yaara old, a Dally Crossword Puzzle term expired. He Is onboard meih- ped on W. Middle Tpke. Friday resl^nt of the state for a year 0 the young. It la no longer just The executive -committee' of the having over 400 ihembera. iW and nays lived ip Manchester for a building, but a achool filled with ber of, long ex^ricnce who was and the driver, a juvenile, wap ar< Rockville Chamber, after receiving ot 63,000 population has 130 indus- chairman of the former school retted in connection with thO Choate’s notice Saturday,, took im- trlee, and wiopptng centera which at least w jnontha. CHe useful activity doing the job for which :t was Intended. building committee and who has th e ft medlate action toward securing a serve Some 380.000 persona accord­ With the addltlDns made Satur­ CANT Anawer to Pre v l^ served a previous term as board The Herald erronoously reported hew Chamber Jiead. , day the number Of eligible voters fMlHHCt MoUiew ot Pleasant Valley ing to Choate, ChoatS'k aalary. hara Portable Typewriters chairman. Kearney,waa chairman Saturday thaf'L undberg was driv-, •Choate said uie Brockton position was t7,SQ0, in Manchester la now.aiiOlS. ♦y«r,iz J^SON Military M atliri School-cHlldreiv are celebrating to­ DIDN'T while a great deal of the planning Ing the car Friday when it was day ae the first In a long , time in was done. Other school board stopped by Patrolman Richard w arn which their chUdren have been on i8-:7 HIA\» AOROBi 2 Above members include- Hollis Church Rand. ■ lift;,' - 1 Lasting full sdsslon. Sortie 8»ld they eg- and John'G. Flood who waa ap­ FitzGerafd Offf'rs Withdrawal I — — eergeant pected.lo fed A .Uttle lonesome. REED^S c a r n iv a l 4 Civil War pointed when Dr. Robert Williams lAnBlUIIK iCK TURNER 4 Parent At Wapplhg!'aOhool. grades 4 BUaetr Wnkaut" (OM- PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VEKMEER resigned because of the pressjng u «r 8M WttUtt. tee tie- Voiir Portable Typewriter Center • What a private 5 «,lo through 8' also went on a ‘long’ or demands of bis business. S«?cond Place Won if Wailctt Denounces Fees t *r tuhiat siUttisBi, TRY c o u n t i n g s h e e p thinka an 6 Bit of food regular dhy Session basis. Grades Also primarily responsible for K S ik S '' :kM b^^e NsmutaMt, Presents PRISCILLAII THA T p i V O H ,' oAleer it 7 Viper 1 to 3 remain bn double sessions IS HaUI planning the new achool was the By MisN Twitchell r ALWAYS WORKS! g Shuts hard ponding •completion, of the Avery Public Building Commission head­ Atty. John R. FitzGerald offer , the voters of the sincerity of my . T----- tlAx—7r~‘ “ II.Levt god ONot one St. School which Is expected to be ed today to withdraw,' from the purpose.” - r p o p i i 14 Tennla teora ed by G. Martin Kraus, which in­ The runnafi-up 1, the • .Mies It ?•« UnrST*. 10 Baking ready for occupanoy when achool cludes Atty. John M. Casey, Wil­ FitzGerald has aimed hit cam* 15 Through Hartford diviatpn of the Miss Uni­ probata judge rSce provided the paign at the fee aystem under chamber 27 Shiny cotton 41— uniform opens in September. fred J.RolMrts, Fred Newman and verse beauty’Contest -was a Man­ ItM lllUry 11 "Good Queen fabric ■ ' 43 PoMem . Republlcaa'incumbent, John J. which probata judges are paid ''^.eonveyaneea Some' mothers, of Wappihg Charles Momm. The connnisalon chester girl, illsi Mary Twichell, 28 Shothonean 43 War ged e< School children celebrated, the day was assisted by the Town Plan and WalleU, . promises to adopt the rather than at ’Wallett. However, I t Armed fleets 17 Plundered Indians Orteea M Espex St. . platform on '-which FltaCtarald ia he has been critical of the Re­ SOPortenta as a changeover- from the after-; zoning ^Commission headed by Winner of the contest-was Miss RUMMA8E SALE 10 Sphere of 29 Ancient 44 Angara running- , t' publican incumbent for “con­ aiE xiit Persian 4SA'srTy noon, shift to the morning shift. All David D. Smith. The financial Jayne Burghardt of Wethersfleld. doning" the eyetem___ TUESDAY, OCT. 2t action survived the hectic harried hustle plaiuiing.waa handled by the Board *1716 Democratic candidate'called 22 Biblical name 83 Organs of 31 Ideal state 47 What avlaten Mias Twichell was given the on Judge Wallett to • ac'uiowiedgc 24 Departed smell 33 Sofa ' do of getting former second shift of Finance headed by G. Warren title “HUl Ihaurance City" and Five winners of the McLennan ODD PEUOWS HALL aeToBgued scholars, accustomed to rising late, Westbrook and Walter 'Bumham. publicly that the fee ej’st'em under • A.M. 34 restive 38 Fancy 48 Chinese will now enter the Mise Connec­ which probate judgee are paid le Handicap at Hialeah Park have (comb, form) 28 Egg-shaped 40 Metric ware out the door in time to meet the town engineer and building inspec­ ticut flnals at Bridgei^rt. Ekirlier gone on to win the $100,000 Widen- Sunset Rebekah Lodge 2TT0U1 tor checked constntetion details. bad, and should be ended, pledge 28 Honking birds measure SO Chest bone early school bus. this year ahe won the."Miss Silk himeelf to advocate court reform er at the Miami track. They are 30 Thoroughfare. At the older school the day is Grange'Events C ty ’’ UtlSi in Manchester. Many Stings. Armed, Ei Mono, 32 Staid being observed with a tinge of Members of Wapping Grange at­ at Legislative hearings and in the 1 r i , T n li H .MiM Twichell is the daughter Probate ASaernhly,'* and promise to Coallown and Spartan Valor, t M u « ( 34 Woolly r y t, sadness at the thought of former tended Wapping Comtnunity of Mr. and Mrs. Char.'ea Twichell, GENERAL <»M »i WIAAtfin*. 25 Revised Church yesterday. After the service keep no more, than 89,0p0 “as fair NOT STJW 7M schoolmates now departed as are a i| She works for the John Hancock jcos^nsation,'' returning a ^ ex- • 42-k«y koybenrd 35 Altitude (sb.) 16 teachers and-a achool prin­ 114 were served turkey dinners at Life- Insurance Ja,,'' S h e 'ls "Miss 37 Condition the Wapping Community House by iii'esa to the town. , TV SEI^VICE • TypM ■. -f. LONG SAM BY AL CAPPand BOB LUBBERS (sufllx) IT It T cipal. ■ Oennecticut Aviation cf 1068,” a 7 7 . 5 0 Perry New jPrlndpal Mrs. Charles H. Bancroft and her title she won in a contest spon- If Judge Wallett, ■wiir lo this, Osya M ae A call And * slgnA tool to Clamping li committi - Mrs. Raymond Liver­ FitzQcrald said; "then I will with­ Nights «2i99 Plua Parte MAW £A>S ITEffTS NOTA5K5NOF(VAWNr) device William Perry, former morning sired by the Civil Air Patrol. She SUPPCNLY, sw e e t, SOFT MUSIC wAftb its wav M, more, lecturer of the local Grpnge, waa also one of six finalists in a draw as a candidate for judge of TRL au 1-6481 L0N6S/ipSET5 M 6E K EVEir/AVIRNIN', LIFE■ ••IFTHEae’s ANV FROM THE CASTLE TO LON& SWW-^- 40 Hurried h 11 ij shift principal at Wapplng School, waa congratulated for having re­ probate,' (for) We who are advo­ RAYMOND T. 41 Biblical tribe today began his duties as principal beauty contest Sponsored by Now Only ourro ttscxjvER PUT Noeopys evERSceN PUILXXN' TO PE PONe ceived the. Honor Lecturer Award Channel 30 TV. . cates of court reform will know THeMYSTERyOF ANYBOCW LAVIN'A HAND THey'p BerreR hurry... 43 West Indies IT It i r IT of the new Pleasant Valley School. at the recent Connecticut * State that we have, at least one judge of N tvtr till iMW republic m Teachers who moved to the new Grange session. — r — probate on.dur side, and my pur- S0NAUER THBCAeae IN IDA STICtC OR STONE/ 48 Serious M )l 11 THE VALtev.— school with him include: Mrs. Mll- Hobo Night will be celebrated at Craflii Victiza Dies poee in seeking this office will, be io much portoblt 49 Amount i Hred Sessions, Miss Hilda Monag­ a Wapping Grange meeting to be behind P ir fulfilled.’'^ ;v Buititer han, Mrs. Janet Kuczenskl, Mrs. held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the W est H artford. Oct. 27 W i— FitzGerald, who said he had bean GIVE for M iitti# monty. $ca.5o II Also Wapping Community House.- Mrs. Edna .L, Hofmann. 76, of 93 S3 Swerve a i Ernestine Sullivan, Mrs. Mable aubjeeted to “vicious attack" by your vote to a % i Bowers, 'Mrs. ' Jane Luts, Miss Everyone must come in . costume Garfield Rd., died yesterday in those who wish to continue .the tOe NEW HOMES P i u s - 83 Followers and there will be a prize for the Hartford Hospital from ' injuriee prelzan Cenoraism an TAX 84 light brown ¥i Mjlrna Belnsteln^ Mrs. Ruth Peter­ system, declared he was making W<\ sen, Mrs. Winifred Kenny, Fred best hobo. received when.struck by a car Sat­ the offer in an effort to “con’ince 88 BMMntisl n 0 IT r IT Scout Costume Party Wontod by gtudontfr— being Kaprove, Mrs. Lillian Mayo, urday night. REM0DEUN8 /• Charles LaVoie, • Miss Marcella Girl Scout Troop 3 will hold a Police eatd Mrs. Hofmann and Tji ktgi V • PM. m 88 Insects F> r II costume Halloween party tonight uMd by tho 87 Work unit Burke, William Procko, Raymond her daughter, Dorothy, 61, were FREE... • IHt H mU tow*—. M f6-I7 Rondini and Saul Finestone. in Mrs. Steven Williams’ bsm, El­ croealng the boulevard during a ARDITIONS a... u t. •» oa—jU H.M. DOWN jr II lington Rd.. Wapping. Refresh­ Cgg^_l*M W U*i*»d Im. ‘Your plan ien’t practical! I borrow money to ' A few students at the new rainstorm- whan-they-were struck PRESCRimOlB ontiro family. - Hant&ipmn ^T Polynesian \ IT school in certain grades'seem des ments will be served. by a ear driven by Karl Franseon, *• DAY OR NtUHT Carrying Casi JUDO SAXON consolidate my bilic and now the payments fT g Births .Announced' REhHRS RY BALD and JERRY RRONDPIKLI) (1«th lined to experience nearly all of 41, of SO Briarwood Rd. BY EXPERTS are more than I earn!" A daughter was bom at the Mls's Hofmann was reported in NOT AT ALL. aUT ISUPPENLY South Windsor's presentieducation- Hartford Hospital on Oct. 20 to HAVE A HUNCH JHAT >DU ' al system and part of 'the future aattafactoty condition in the hoa- ARTHUR DRUB 218 PARKER ST. B. C Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garaude of pital. It was the first fatality this AND 1 COULD ISORM A BY JOHNNY HART one. They are residents of the Robert Drive. STROMS mutual Aid Kelly Rd. and Avery Heighte de­ yaar for the town. SOCIETY WHO'S THAT? If LOOKS At Mt. Sinai Hospital on Friday, HERE IS MY NEY/ VARIATION BUT WHAr HAPPe - I T EVENTUALLY velopments who have attended the LET'S talk. - SOMETHINa OF THE WHEEL - - I CALL IT a daughter was bora to Mr. and REED'S, INC I TO YOU T Wapping School, are at Pleasant LIKE THOR HON BS litiU DOWN! Mrs. Jack Guastamachio of Avery THE HOOP. --'rOURE ^ 1 Valley School, w}ll go to the Avery St. PHONE Ml 3.7 U 7 CYLINDRICAL!' ■VC SL School, thence tb Ellsworth Me­ MAY MANCHeSTfR IHOPPmG PARKADI morial High School and into the Manchester Evening H erald WULU THB Bnd LHVMII new high school which the town South Windsor correspondent El­ NOTE MARTE YULES IMi M Nr Mn'M Caaiai. 8,1 Ddwfwa. Inm will apparently erect in the not- more Burnham, telephone Mitchell J too-far-dlstant-future ^ order to I CANNAKP AS A 4-0674. , »■ raiVATt INVfSTUSATOa keep ahdad^.pfIf student.' popula­ I'M eooo AT PfPUCTION. tion which'is growing by leaps and CHIROPRACTORS ELECT ^ FOR THIS K ins the bounds. Hartford, Oct. 27 UP)—Dr. John BOSWORTM BUIIPINS Horace Moultrtn, custodian of S. Gray of Bridgeport yesterday SAV YOU WERE INTENT llW the new school, has already polish­ Which / £ seeiNs aiNT »t?tter was reelected presHTeh’t of the STATE sm eff P sm R fiMC '^SfeNTiilf ed five;mi)e8 of floors and achool Connecticut Chiropractic Assp. has just begun. According to him. The group held its annual conven­ /e n . Workmen leave a great deal of tion here. REPRESENTATIVE s m /c i m p p cm BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE tracks even on a new floor in the is Which? lUPOINlY.’ last minute frenzy of reading the BUGS BUNNY building for' occupancy. THANW, OL' FWIEND, BuTV WHAT LUCK— Efforts Combined A I'M NOT SICK ANY AAORE!iU .. MAYBE VA C'N Cornelius E.. Nicholson of Pleas- Vote SUTHINiW aftLValley Rd. is chairman of the use-TH'CARD Board, of Education whose many DOOCY AFTER ALL! Renublican 1959 ( hours ofr^plann .planning bore fruit as the FOR new schobfthobL copened today.i Mrs. Dorothy7 HHull ull iis vice chairman and STATE SENATOR Dr. Irving Fieedman, secretary. PAUL R. MARTE HERMAN YULES ' ___X, ■il||i"h,„ uss, SIRVICi STORM WINDOWS ANA 0OORS HEADACHES «-I7 MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD AY LOW EST p r i c e d : ywiiw. u r n MKKhl.K RIGHT WHEN YOU NEED THOi^MOST wrae FteumN&ouT BY DICK CAVA! I I MOW MUCH UNae EDDIE NOU Give WINTHROP COULDNTHEBE WINTHROP?AN Ji I'L L BET DICk - a TRACK EXTRUDED AIA)M|NUM IM3UL0VB WON-F HE'D THE SAME PART IN YOUR CAALU SOMETHING ELSE ANGEL? MISS BOOKISH S'iORM AND .SCREEN aCALLV ■EENH)N THOSE SCHO(3L PLAY EVERY VTHISTIME, LIKE LIKE'S YOU. QUIZ 8HOKW/ _ YEAR. MISS T h o s e l it t l e NOBODY EVER U ) BOOKISH,. ^ B O V S ? MADE HER WINDOWS S LAUGH LIKE ■Rgg. $19.95 V alu e. THAT BEFORE ONE OF THESE ^‘teal tracked Inserts SMART SACONY FAU I .•rtOamplete Insulation and Insect HANOCRAFTIO "protection y SUITS IS lUND-NEW . . . '' Venttlataa to any degree Hortxontal Itvltaecislon engineered and fully THE OTHER WAS Zanitk Chou!* 'gtHMuteed USISNOFRINTn) inaiiUlatlon optional at alight extra , SANITONE DRY CEEAliED : coat. 'THE WESTMONT CIRCUITS far lM6 25 TIMES* . . . > 21“ DIAGONAL PIOTUBE SairvUa. Hand* .'.|p Full Indi Thick proof that it payf to tmrvMF $ 2 9 9 .9 5 , atiteo. Mara Opar> otlng Dapandability Mr . ABERNATHY buy quality dry deaning w a l n u t COIiOR BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY C 'H i AIN EASY Hi LFSI.IK I'UKNHP ALUMINUM ■MNiiiMakM AFTBg VOU gePORTBP THg CAOB A T AND Mrvp w uiteo rpit forty miu!« YES, BUT DRUMMING NHAT ABOUT TMfMc A FEW FISHBR* Even exparte can find no dif. ttN iT H e x tr a Va lu e f ia t u r i* -It FftOaKIBO T«V0 DAY5 AOO.MKIOR. ALOHA TMI COikST HlMEftT THE ISLANDl ISLAND* M!«T OF iTf m»n have been farenca in color, pattemj^ tex­ f . • . ■ t WELL, HE'S NOT BUSINESS. ALL CITIS5 ym iUFALIineD'. M N T H K 0 « y A MALL MAT WOUUJ gg APT,TO MtSHT TKB NATIVES SKN WEAR THE Comlunaiion ' YOU'LL HAsVE TO WAIT. I'M DON'T HERE.,. HBVIM B T O R U HAVg TU tM P UP NO •TOP THHti. lu r Mi POUND HOM TkAT CORAL RttPJ AHD ture or feel of the faMc . . ^ a n.OOp Volta of Picture : e Eaey-Oiit Face Glam VERY BUSY WITH AUL NOU emORMATlONt HAD ggBN THAr.FNLOFPSHORCRCMTtY! TWyoONOTKAP none in fit or drape . . . eon- . Power eSuMkina Picture’IVbe THESE OTHER HAVE A TV UIWePAPf RC! vinring proof that quality dry a PuH-Puah/On-Oft eSpoO lteD lal FLAT HELPER? eleamng Aa* no effect on life Control • CinRsnabfbMGbMS TIRES., y. and appaSranoe of fabrics! And a Ibne Control if you-cotild wear the Sqnitone _ .1 P Dry Cleaned, suit, you’d find n?/ that it holds its press and ra- new iists wrinkling'amazingly. QUALITY ’That’s because our Sanitan* Dry Cltsnini rewawi the fab­ TAKE TV t9Sty'*arty tifj /; •; aryi th e w o rld ric’s origiiud “body" with mir­ ’■ acle SOlFr-SE're Finiab . . . . THE ARDMORE 21“ Dtegmml Pirtuia I b Singspore... or in Copenhagen... in restores both the look and Awl ■ff- REG. $4lfS VALUE UHT-VHT THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS JLFI< (DKK of newneae. T ry it end eee for ♦ HoUose oroaa bar throughout the world... «|iweU as in Connecticut,' yourself. APHLOFEKIPieOWHWA JLZ^ IWAT ABOUT ME ) THIS HOTSL'StfOT A VOOL WITH drRwtb tack $ 2 1 9 ^ 5 SWAWK HOTEL. WE'RE 60MJA^ ♦ •Ritiaded comer guaaeta CMS pays for the eervicm 6t_eay doctor of medicine"’ EBONY COLOR. AWO JAWBTW PALM TREES ABOUUO F AMD « R M liMh^^hlcfc •e q u i v a l e n t t o o v e r ‘ 6TAY tnERE FREE IW nCHAKKSE ^TV^^ITTW'IWOER (M p) at thejei achedulM in CM^ am tnets. TWO YEARS OF NORMAL RDRUTTlNa'nWOUEETS DHY CLEANINGS! lo w DOWN MYMINTSLIASY TItIU I .Wk'RUTDU WORK OUT/ - laataMooUM OptlMdy At Indudad is oovsrage for surgesy and fractures, II m g h ftW x tih ■N'. Oos«-:‘- matwnitjr; fab^heaiiital medical ob)ps, and diagnostic Tested, delivered, guarenteied, seriXeed XdMysin thn doctor's office oqtsiite of a hospitaL 0«sr o$m nuKhanies, sold on eur. oten^easjr 6 % time V lOOD aspaimta aoryiesa provide broad, ocrvwage a t po peyplun. little coat Yea, CMS anvar yeH'^ l ’-imywhwR ^ Ckouiera t yeur tSBvala may take you. » , LRoaderera 48* B. MfDDUe m U L M AM C»BSnp-4a 8-1811 1* HARLOW «T . ISO CENTER 8 T laS E t--< 6 > n itt O f d u a c h ) BOOKVnXB—TR l-M N EASY FREE PARKING R8TARLUHEO Of IgU >


THE Play Major Roles in Trin over Herald Angle By Get the Point? EARL YOST Former Gains Amherst Defense Bports Bditot I,An*liig) Mich., Oct. 27 t-Tt— 139 Yards in Robert Huff eayt hla dog point­ * Sunilay -^Tidkeci with program director Ape Back Registers Four Touclidowns Welly'Fortin and members of -the ed grouse six times during a ;. WeatbeimBn has been extreme­ recent hunting trip. Bkiat Side winter staff, Charlie Stops Cards Cold ly kind this beautiful month of Graff, Mt .Cushing and John Cer- .*—Brawii new hM 14, only fear# Detroit won lU first game of the tojichdown and a psir-of field g0Slt^3-2 _by. recovering_ . . thrM fumbles* The Giants' victory, watdhed by 18-8 Success Huff misaed his shot every October and once again the tem­ vlnl. .Severs, hundred youngsters New York, Oct. 27 m time. • ------^ perature under a bright sun was Jimmy Brown is mortfil. But sky of Von Baron'* IMS otonfiord. 41-24 O'ver Loa Angeles, by George Blenda put it out of by ' Pitt fullback Tom Tracy end 25,007 drenched Yankee Stadium were enjoying the facilities which and Green Boy outlawed Phlls- reach converting two into scores. The! fens, wea their third in five gome*. After the sixth miss the dog above average. .Church was the helps make for a better commuti- 8^ Moot ffolnts ano oooaeo tlile By TAT BOLDUC By EARL YOST not by much. The senratioiuil dalphle 38-35. Qtanta awred only Once on their Th* cisn U scored in three o< disappeared and returned with first destination with my family ,ity, and with fine supervision. .. Is furthMt tram Brown's groop. Eight yards, minus, rushing; 29 /yards, gain^, passing; Cleveland fullback, threaten­ Btondlnge own IniUatlye ^ d it was the , the .four periods but it w*a not Twn f o r m p r Manrlipster a live grouse In hts mouth. and after lunch a drive into the Motored to the West Side Rec, and The CiorolaMd aophwnore has M Brown scored oh dashes of 62. cUncheri Leading 10-6 In the until the flnal quarter that |h®y Hiph School football playcrF "Apparently." sa.vs Huff, "he five first downs. These cold statistics best tell the story of country, and points East, helped here too, there was plenty to do ing to send opposing linemen points. Tlw .Mtaard -Is 188, set- hy 41, jeven and two yards. Hia sec­ Eoetera Conference final quarter, quarterback Don.^vere able to croas the goal 4(6*0 was tr.ving to show me uhat Wesleyan’s offense, oops,. offense, against mighty Amherst pass the - afternoon.. My sons still for youngsters on the M ^ floor to their nearest psychoana­ Don Hutson at Green Bay In 1942. ond and third TDs. coming in the W. L. T. Pet. — Bobby Johnson and Dave Heinrich led a 70-yard march and i without the aid of a Steeler mla- one looked like rioseup." last Saturday in Middletown on a pleak,, wet and raw after­ had plenty Of energy, more than while adults took over the bowl­ lyst, U well on his way bo eatsb- Brown wtH'-koyo 'to average dose third quarter, enabled Cleveland Cleveland ...... 5 0 0 1.000' f^olas—played vital roles in their father, and insisted in kick­ lishlng a host of new NstionaV to two TDs o game to.beat Hat- to overcome a 24-17 Cardinal lead, New York ...... 8 2 0 .600 acored himself from the one.' cue. noon. The underdog Cardinals gave$- - ing alleys and gym ..kUxed Dou­ Trinity's 18-8 victory over B| ing and passing the ' football Football League offensive Ifecords. son, the great .end whotahm han­ effected by Lamar McHan’s pass­ Washington ...... S 3 0 .400 Detroit's Tobin Rote connected „jik„ k„ i It an all out effort in the first half bles Bowling League was In ses­ determined, frame luit out-. tote/ the pigskin again until tha around until dark. I consented And he could place his name ing and oignal-calUng. The Brown's Chi. C a r d s ...... 2 3 0 ,400 o f their Idttle Three battle but the sion and 1 watched' a few o f the dled Qreon Bay's convorslons. ths U o M rictor*v'* l’" ‘'’ t»- 10-6. New York cUmoxod a clsr-'ri-l Alfred rn iver5lly eleven' Dormer, Milek third period when he was sntoth- but my heart and soul wasn't in alongside the Immortals of the only other touchdown was pro­ Pittsburgh ...... 1 4 0 .200 Lord Jeffs got rolling in the final duck pinners In action while talk­ "WhUe Brown was making defen­ Th. difUndin. rh.n,„^?,nt««rf ' ‘O'.vard march, with quarterback rvnirflnv nftemnon before 1,20 0, creq for a one yard loss. Thus, ha the project but Reed, and Dean professional game. Philadelphia ...... 1 4 0 .200 two periods and posted a well de- ing with John Hedlund, Winnie sive ' lines cower. Beltimqre'e duced by rookie LeRoy Bolden, sneaking ovsr from the fa'll, at Trinity Field A llfflit mini wound up with seven yarda to hla were happy and that was all that Smith, Ollie Jarvis and George Equally proficient at racing out­ Johnny tTnltea wrma doing the same who ecamphred 102 yards with a Western t'-onference t^i^i hi > ‘ o put the game on ice. Even f'll tliroii;rliniit tlie firet nieetinc of Goals Provide terved 19-0 triumph. cre/dit. Asked why Squatrlto mattered, .Typewrltei hasn't had The whitewashing was the third M a y ... .Ventured upstairs to the side or banging away Inside. Brown with the secondary. He tossed two kickoff. W, L, T. Pet th i , th f" ‘ he Giants had to stop two llir I'.vn aehool?, wajin’t given the ball more. Dan­ much chance to get any dirt on it gym and enjoyed a fine volley ball scored four touchdowns yesterday touchdown peases as the Colts, Units* hit Ray Berry wfilh hl.x Baltimore ...... 5 0 0 1.000 P'tiaht rgh drives inside their oxvn ,Tehivinn. a atiirdv IfiO-poiiild fuU- . In the last three years for Wesleyan iels repUed: "Otir chance of win- In recent weeks am- much copy (jedman took a Itani KicKOii tO'< ji.,a x*a***6 in five edition befot e Ing distance. The attendance af ' , ^ jf.rl''-, rmerped a,, the afternoon a , lirie was too tough.' I settled back in davsky whe hits bullets while the Eastern Division with a 5-0 Conference ■with a 8-0 mark, whip­ ^nny Lyles, the speedy Colt Los Angeles ...... 2 3 0 .400 Los Angeles was 81,703, largest of Score After Fumble Two fust half goals by Co-Cap- winning efforts this season that the my easy chair.' ton runner \ulh 130 varda in IS undefeated club blanked the op- The husky S ( latrito, however, Frank Miller can set up balls that record. ping Washington 35-10. It was the rookie, made his aecond end zone- Green B a y ___ . . . . 1 3 1 .250 the day. i Defensive halfback Carl Korl- r irr.e . for i anarklinc 0.3 averaKe laln lia iv .Milek and Danny Dor­ poaition. Only Coast Guard was wias a bear on defense and mada would make an.vone look good. The 22-year-old former All- 30th consecU(lve game in which to end atone dash is he lugged a Detroit ...... 1 3 1 .250 Babe Parilli took over the Green livarz scored the other Giant The Trim ly jiinioi n ho ha.« not mer sparked the undefeated hut , Monday able to reach the Lord Jeff goal tackles all over the field. A ' Erda, Al Whitney, former Harvard ath­ America from . Syracuse Univer­ tinitaa has throwm for a score, kickoff 101 yards. Sunds.v's Results Bay quarterbacking from Bart lou-?hdown. after repovering th# once tied Maiirhealer High .Si'hool been Ih-oMn for ,a loi. In fli'e , line, turning the trick once in the nother sophomore, and Dick Hud- 'Volumn of mall lor this depart- lete and line local tennis player, sity made distinct headway in leaving him only three shy of Cecil "nxe Bears won a rough game New York 17, Pittsburgh 6. Starr and pitched touchdown pass- first of Tracy's threa fumbles. P at frame,, thi. fall b ‘o,.Ierl ht. .ea- ancrer squad to a haid-fouglil 2-0 proceas of Ming trounced Spring- leston were other defensh’e stick* -m2ht was heavier than u.xual today made hia,.debut and was impres- these departments; lebell'a record. from the 49ert in which Bear Cleveland 38, Chicago Cards 24. es of 34, 14. 10 and 25 vards as Summerall accounted for thr ' re- eon'a ai e-afre to S 7 yard,, in SO ,victory over a miich-lmpi oved field, Union and Bowdoiri were iouts. with most o f the letters from (ool- rive as were Fred Nassiff and 1. 5Ioet ysr^s gained one sea­ Ifi other games. Chicago's Bears Coach George Hslas had a punch Baltimore 35. Washington 10. I the Packers also notched their niaining Giant points, kicking two Bviatol team .Saturday morning at tr-e. also victims of the Amherst power­ I Actually Wesleyan more' than -ball publicist, who aVe working i Bruce Watkins, to Mat just a few son— Brevra has amassed 815 remained in contention in th* WeSt thrown St him hy a fan. Willie Green Bay 38, Wa.shinglon 35. I initial victory. Paul Hornung's extra points and booting a 34-jmrd F-ihhy al,.o broke away for the the high school field. The C tT L house. ' held its own In the scoreless first overtime these days trx-ing to • All was in order In the building yards, 180 In 24 .tries yesterday. It with a 4-1 mark, as they defeat­ Gsllmore, the Bears’ flstihy back, Detroit 41. Los Angeles 24. i tn/ the opening period Held goal. afternoon', lonfre.l rtin, St yarda'n match waa well played despite the Stock Boosted half but cotildh’t capitalise on sev­ drum up coming ifootbali games with Ronnie Daigle. Gene Johnson seems almost eertadn he will break ed San Francisco 27-14; New York scored twice, first on a 20-yard Chicago Bears 27, San Francis-: was the_ margin of rictory. Phil- Tom Miner, rookie end from Tiil- the firet quarter to aet iif the Bap- windy conditions. Saturday's win for the men of eral major breaks. The first break and players for All-America, All- and Harold Simmons handling the Stei-e Von Buren's mark of 1,146 moved into second place in the run and then on a 47-yard pass fo t4. adelphla's Norm Van Brorklln sa University scored all of Pitts- tam'a th irl tniiehdown. Another The triumph was the ninth for supervision. Coach John McLaughry boosted came In the first period when a • New England, etc, recognition. . . . East with a 17-6 triumph over play. San Francisco went out in „ „ , — " passed for three scores, Iwo to burgh's points with a pair o f field eie-eatehinc ,3R-yard acamper to the Indians and fourth In a row eat In 1949 with Philadelphia. their stock considerably in small bad pass from center on a fourth I don’t bother with naming All- 2. Most toochdowns one seaeon Pittaburgh; Defending champion front 7-0 but Gsllmore's first New York brought Ita record to i Tommy McDonald. ; aoals Alfred'a two yard line late In the since their 2-2 stalemate with college rankings. One week from down punt situation found Squa- Am erica teams and I don’t- partici- Thursday t ' I third period iva,. nullified becauae strong Wethersfield earlier this Saturday, Amherst and Trlnjtyji trito knifing through to nail punter ■ pate in weekl.v wire service pools Hunting season isn’t too many a barkfleld leanimale waa lIleKnlly month. Tomorrow afternoon the meet hesd-on In Hartford in whatl Joe Shields on the Amherat 17. because I feel that I ’m not quali- weeks away and one of Manches­ In motion' John.on. who carried locals conclude their home sched­ should be one of the best games Ip We.sleyan's offen.se was left in tha ,-fled. How can I vote for unbeaten ter's outdoor sportsmen, Joe nut hia fakea to near-perfectlon, Cage Fans Point with Pride ule In a 3:15 match against' Ma­ the East this senaon, Connecticut/ ch'csaing room and Amherst took Hogwash If I haven’t seen the White, reported Mis gun was all Humans Survive, j^ f o r id c f I Flying High^ Wide^ Handsome n a . ahaken up four tlmea during loney of Meriden. Road conteata ted No. 1 In the Lambe.t Pop over after giving up one yard. team pla.v or for Joe Gulch who cleaned and ready fo r use short- the bnilalnr rontc.t hut each lime against Hall, Wethersfield and .week, before losing to Delai- Piny waa in Amherst's half of ha, 10 touchdowns in five games. l.V in the Maine woods. White, co­ manafred to ehnke off any 111-ef- Pomfret will conclude the Indiana' Ware, xioes not list Amherat on ll» So Do Many Birds the field rfll the first period and All-Am ericas have always been owner of the White Glass Co., has On Winning Streak in American League fert.a Coarh Dan .leaae volred hla 14-match schedule. slate.. From this reporter's view, part of the second but Wesleyan . the bunk in my book. . . . Noon hunted hi Maine for many years Knicks, Lakers Lead di.pleaaure after the frame over Milek'a goal was hla alxlh of the such a meeting between tpe Hartford. Oct. *7 IA5 —Con- bad'neither the runner or paa.ser luncheon at the Yankee Silver- and has* .shot several deer not a wdrked i lip thrown at ,Iohnaon Huskies and Amherst would be la soomhi New York, Oct. 27 i45 — N o w o fo r second place, four points b e-- Amerks had built up a 2-0 lead aenaon while Dormer'a tally waa . smith in Wallingford, where the more than one a sea.son, of course aoetleut's hunting It who had hla back turned to hla natural. to po.se a threat. The visitor's it's the Providence Reds who are hind league-leading Buffalo. 1 before'Springfield rallied for three hla second. Manchester booled food was tops. Manager Bob M ey­ In his Northern trips . . Sev­ open, and no human, oaaualtlea tormentor after maklnc a vlrloti,. home a goal In each of the flrat Norm Daniels, coach of WcaleV- deepest penetration was wiped out Respective NBA Loops hav* been reported. ^oma riding along on a winning streek Guy Rousseau tallied twice In | second-period goals. Boh N evla er of the Y. S. reported the Cor- eral requests for. Gold Key dinner tackle I.urkily the Trinity star an. is not known as a weedier In by a penalty, a Jack Close to epeetee of animal r*matned un­ In the American Hockey League. Ih* third stanza to snap a S-S tie | got Rochester even late inthem td- and aecond qiiartera agalnal the • nell football team sta.ved at the tickets were received. Lefty Bra.v eacaped wdihout acrlotia Injury, Rama who earlier had dropped a his trade b-’.t he felt the alopby Terry Farina pass covered . 53 harmed. thanks to a steady The Reds extended thetr skein and give Rochester its victory. The I die stanza, nearby inn and ate at his restau­ and A rt Knofla among those want­ to four wilh a 3-2 victory over the going hurt hia club more than yards to the Wea three. New York. Oct. 27 (/P)— It has bfien a long, .hard summer WOekend rain. Tremendoiia Job lop-atded 7-2 declalon to the .Silk rant before meeting and beating Cleveland Barons last night. Mean­ Townera Amherat. It jtoured and poured Cards Worn Dow-n . ing to make sure their requests Aaalatant Coach Karl Kiirth waa Yale last weekend. Dartmouth’s would be honored as they have for fan.s of the Minneapolis Lakera and the New York The season opened Hnturday, while, the Buffalo Blsons ' had Manrh-.ler iji Brlltnl (01 for nearl.v four periods on tih me I Talent deep Amherst soon wore hiRh In hla praiae of Golna' aterl- "'n t-r...... All, ■ Indians will also he put up at the been for years. The dinner will be Knickerbockers. But today they could point with pride at In the midst of n rainstorm their winning string snapped at moat miserable footbal' afternoon pown Wes with Close, a fine up tfie InK two-way performance, “Dave r, ■ Inn, Meyers reported, next week- held Jan. 26 at the W averly Inn in the division standings of the National Basketball Aaan. The whirti has soaked the state seven by the Herehey Bears, who did a tremendmia job for tia todav." Araaiei ...... Jagtln.kl of the fall. **Oiir'“Our onlyonlv chancechance." - middle runner. John Deligeorgea ’ ’ end when they meet Y'ale in New since Thursday evening. hB Daniels said after the game in the Cheahire . . . Much correspond­ Lakers, who finished in the West-^' won 1-0. Kurth laid, "and he rcrlatnly d>- F''»l'l'r ...... nirkau and Bob Wei.aer, banging away for ' Haven. . . . Dane Jessee of Trinity ence had accumulated in the past ern section cellar last seosoh. were iBe*<**.*fl The Stale Fish and Game In the olher game played, the Bcrvea a preat deal of credit " The locker room," wa» to run outside. 3 0 M IN U T E I.B moat of the 197 yards picked up ■ literall.v stole the show with his Deportment reported that W e Just couldn't tio it." That waa few days and letter writing took leading the league today. And the Rochester Americans broke a B-11, 180-pound pitta Junior \va« TA«*rn«n on the ground. dry humoi’ among the coaches who Knicks. last-place occnpsnts In the grouse, rabbit and squirrel were four-game losing etresk with a .5-8 ni( the understatement of the day for considerable time before I depart­ aaalated o f' the field after maklnir S« inutnd A blocked punt by Shields helped spoke. Dan, Incidentally, was in a Ea.slern Division In 1957-68, also protected b.v the train. But triumph over th* Springfield In­ Oinrnmlnl Wesleyan wound up with a rjah- ed for points West. a tenactoua tackle early In the flral set lip the first score. Although good mood a.s his club heat Colby were atop their .section. pheasants and ducks were dians. INSTAIXATION quarter hut returned momenta ... Mrrurltu Ing total of six yards niimia for unable to score from 'the Wea 25, two days earlier. . . . Norm Dan­ Friday True, the season is just a week prime targets. Camille Bedard's 50-foot ihot later to help apark the afrfrreaaive the flrat half, ^mherat's defense Hunter* killed 927 pheasants ... Kirlhik Wes waa forced to punt and Terry iels, Jess Dow, W alt K ay and Bob Early phone caller was Frank old, but turnabout la fair play as midway In the final period gave Trinity fonvard wall, (lolaa la the v.aa Just as effective in the flnal and n record SIT diiek* In the Smith’s punt waa downed oh the Ingalls were other grid mentor.-i Haraburda. a former Manchester far os the Minneapolis and Now Providence It* margin of victory. Bantama’ pulling guard and H 'vaa NwAhtmti SO minutes of play aa Wea was 'first day ef shooting. Prime Mufflers Tires Batteries Wesleyan 43. Eight pla.vs later. who spoke. . . . Announcement that Cleveland led twice on goals by m held to a minus two yard.s, High athlete and now a siicccsa- York' adherents are concerned. hla brilliant blocking that made R« An«nn Aff. mpArA Close put his head down from the Jackie Robinson would j speak at .sport* were Great I*lsnd al Old Ed Mazur and Bob Bailey but i j 1 1 ii:h r.i'»> i:'::' "We knew what kind of a de­ ful turkey breeder in Glastonbury. The Lakers trimmed the De­ the trap playa good' for ronalder- two and scored. the 18th annual Gold Key dinner I-j’me sad Cromxvell Mesdoxv*, Providence tied it both times os • ble yardage Urhe and again Tl .. Miirphv fense Amherat waa using Put we "M y offer is still good, a turkey troit Pistons 108-100 Sunday af­ Final two TDa -were registered of the Sports Writers' Alliance for the first Manchester resident the Ft*h and Game Depart­ Jack Blonds sond Ken Yack* I But along with the two Kilk mu,,, didn't think It would be a.a ef­ ternoon In a nationall.v telexMsed ment eold. . . Kfllv In the fourth period. The first was the principal announcement. who places in the Five Mile Road ecOred. Seat Covers Floor Mats Townera Trinity had aeveral other fective. The center oC their line game. They have won two of their came on a 37-yard advance In 10 The kc.v dinner will be on Jan. 26 Les D utf'l goal early in the Btandoiit playera. Including half- iJitAlff Prnrpfi h\ TLtrrnrr and those llne'tackers were great." Race on Thanksgiving. Also," he three starts, bowing to the Cin­ Hiih'ltliiiffff MAfic hffft6'r • Mfl w ny pla,va with Bob McLean going iver at the Waverl.v Inn. Pete Wigren added. "I'll give a smaller bird WELL UGHTED TRACK third period and ihutout hy backa John Kenney 'rnd Tom \Vy- llnrntll n^Ardon ('tmiDIn TAfimfv, Daniels said. Amherat iwed four cinnati Royals lJO-94 Saturday his left tackle from the two. Close and Joe McCIuskcy have been to the first Manchester schoolboy goalie Bobby Perreault combined Voff, guard Bhll Babin, renter and Mc^'lAin K'lililmunn nn-lf*l U’piriiff r man line, .da the nrofeaalonals, night. ODrlnn rhimif*lffki, rJMiAiiiK, passed to Shields with 54- aecondy Manchester men who were recipi­ runner wlio finishes." This will Yonkers. N. Y. (45 More than to ehstter Buffalo’* perfect elate. linebacker Roger DeClerc, end MAriifp, ('oyffTtv, with five ipen a yard back, as line­ remaining on a rollout play from ents of the key honor. . . . Night SM'ond Overtime M’tn Bob Smith and tackle Bill deCollg- mark the third year that Hara- 800,000 watte of electricity light Duff converted hit owm TRIPll^SrORfi backers plus two safety men. the 12 to complete a ,53-yard home with ni.v t.vpewrller working The Knicks won their second Yonkera Raceway. Official* sty after Marcel PsUle, th* Bleon'e ny All had a htg hand in Trlnlly'a Husky Lou Greer led the winner's burda has given away turkeys to march. Bill Vickers place kicked while m.v sons tried to do their the first local finisher. Pete Close straight overtime game, topping there is enough power In the hel-minder. blocked the firit thot. 411 MAIN ST. third win In five alarta and were defensive unit. the 19th point. homework. mainly reaponalble for handing A l­ Kirst Landing Bids V. as the winner on both occasions the Philadelphia Warriors 100-94 modernized plant to light up a city Perreault handled 22 chance*. OaFried Only Txvlre Amherat now leads in the series fred Ita fourth aetback aa agalnal and unless a Small miracle hap­ last night. New York opened Its of 10,000 population. Hershey and Providence are tied Uif*hlis,hts of American Legion Junior Baseball Banquet Strangely, Manchester's Dom which started back In 1881, 28 to Tuesday For H orse of ^ cur pens, he'll claim No. 3 this year season Saturday with a 127-125 a lone victory. Squatrio was Wesleyan’s leading 27 with nine ties In 95 games. The elnatve Kenney, Trtii'a 175- A|ipt’o.ximalt'l\' 150 pcfsoii.a attonded Saturday niglit’.s his "Editorial Interests” in the Legion program. Bottom Mrs. Mary MoCluskey Albro, as he’s one of the top college run­ squeaker over the , ground gainer. He carried the bail Only thing Wesleyan won Satur­ •later of Joe McCluskey. the all- pount| co-captain from Mamaro- Ifonors After W in Hiu-t'fh8l'iil Icstimouial ItaiKiucl at Uttt Legion Home to left, W e s Feshler, center, and hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. ners in the -^ountry. It will be a the defending Eastern Division but twice. In the first period the day was the toaa of the coin. And ' time track great from Manchester, neck, N, Y,, scored all three of the lionor lilt' Hilwtii'lli-Coriicll-tiiiey Po.st, No. 102, junior Vince Feshler, proudly admire the team hatting title 195-pound fullback gained eight Wide open ra'.-r for the high school champions. that doesn’t count In the record phoned to say the McCluskey fam ­ honor . . . World Series baseball winner's touchdowna In the flrat liH.spliall learn, 1058 Hist rift . and State champion.s. In certificate. Bottom right show.s Matt Moriarty, right, yarda up the mindle. He didn't book. Only two games were played New York, Oct. 27 i/Ti Fuat ily would donate a trophy for the was the topic of discussion with period and picked up 75 yarda In the I Dp photo on (lie left, (’aptain Danny Renn, right, team's financial supporter, accepting the .State Cliam- Sunday. In other Saturday night 18 carriea. Hla flrat carry waa for Ijandlng, the 2-\ear-olri charcplon coming Five Mile' Road Race. This Karl Keller and Earle Clifford, action, Philadelphia edged the IS YOUR HOME nine yarda and hla leam'a Initial without, an argument, has piil In privscnls CoHfli VN'liitey .loliihson with a gift from the pionship plaque from Frank Mullins, department chair­ Information wa.s passed along to rival haberdashers on Main St., Syracuse Nationals 110-109 and a atrong hid for horae of the ym r Red Hadden, general chairman for TI>. Hia aecond carry -waaf-for five' pla.'i’r.--. On Ihe riglif, \Vally Port in. left, is shown award­ man of Legion hasehall in Connecticut, (Herald Photos The latter witnessed the Sunday Detroit posted a 117-112 x-lctory honora. the sponsoring Tall Cedars. . yarda and the Bantama' third alx- by Pinto.) and Monday series contests ,in over the St. Louis Hawks, defend­ ing I’al Hiildiie of The Herald sports staff a plaque for Just before cutting the day short polnter. Kenney alao waa on the Only one Juvenile ever topped Four Colleges Remain Yanjtee; Stau.r.m earlier this ing league titlists. AN ICEBERG? the poll of race track aecrelnnea to meet another conimilnieht I receiving end of Trlnlty'a flrat 1 Onth ‘between the Yanks and Veteran Vern Mikkelsen, in his conducted by the Thoroiighhred had a nice 10 minute chat with paaa thrown by quarterback Bon Braves. Clifford also produced an 10th season with Minneapolis, sup­ Racing Aaan. Tliat wn.a Nallve . Bemie Glovlno, young Manchester Reopel, another top-notch perform­ ordeb from Mrs, Hank Bauer, wife plied the scoring impetus in- the Dancer In lf>52. And the racing M idjicl Fall 'baseball umpire who has moved up er on .Teaae'a numerically thin UConn’s Prestige,1 >^ciieduie Undefeated and Untied of the Yankee piayer, for a pair Lakers’ triumph over Detroit. Mik­ form never has pul a 2-yenr-old from the Class C to Class A equed. Tucking In the flat paaa of hunting boots for Hank . . . kelsen, clicked for 11 points In the Attic Insulation a' the lop of ,1a Mat. ranks for 1959. Bernie, a local na­ on the Trinity 48 the fleet-footed Todoy f:onnie Carlson, his father report? opening quarter and finished with Hut with (iallanl .Man and Bold tive, took time off after the sea­ Kenney slgzagged 48 yarda to com­ High cross country vs Conard- New York, Oct. 27 the hall and Trinity look over on Ing'a total esrninga to $306,460 scored first then yielded Ihtlr mat- Rangers Gain fair which was attended by over gmiii dlreclnr for Hie Reereii- , .'inhoral appears to have the Uincti' T" headed for ' Middletown Feb. 22. 195(1, New York having to-#o-it-yourfftf. If you noo# o itopltr, wo'N loss you on# MEB. the yiaitor'a 27. Five playa later , for a 2-year-old money winning gln and had to come froiq behind against Delaware. ' sr^ ro^. n 300 of Wll ages... Enjoyed talk­ llon lleparlment. and I'lil Itol- ! .h mhna’ mjmher. The laird Jeffs Rutters which has had rouirh-*r Auburn, last years national with Ronhie Daigle for the Little lost 10 straight to the Warriors at Kenney went over for the flrat of ' riar' Flrat Ijindlng'a bankroll cy- diic, ivssIsliHil sports eilllor of on the individual running efforts of ing with Binky Hohenthal, a Three football game between Am- home. Japt Beat Carda COM Tdfta unbeaten seasohs both Second Place i,»Krp.«Tc.5", h.. I . " ■ c "'”-' hla three lalllea ceeda Ihe jjrevloiia high of $310.- The Herald. Rich Winkler who swept his own grandfather recently for the first herts and host Wesleyan. -Am­ Naulls topped the scorers with in IP.'di 16-01 and In '57 (19-6). left end for 11 yards and the tally The aecond time the Bantama 1 642 earned by .lewel'a Reward The only re<|iilremi-nls are r„ jU r„d „ .h. chip.s,;;* - time, and Pinky Hohenthal, the herst won. 19-0, to preserve ita 30 points. Paul Arizin was high SsndsI, Japan, Oct. 27 (Ah--The Qiille .An Dffeilae right, could emerge as the only I iTS. Stop in. Wt'ro opon wcoli#oyi HE S o'clock. had poaaeaalon BcopcI and Kenney | Inat year. that floated the cake. new father and former Manches­ perfect record after five games that Ihe girls iiinsi he ri-hllisl Kxpecled to lack depth and s o f­ Willi Victories for Philadelphia with 27. Japan All-Stara parlayed one hit. is collaitorated on the day'a Inngeat i Toiny Irfe. who ca-ne Fast I>efena«r Helped Yale major ttnbeaten-unUed team in th c|y,e-A ir F orre^ oa d em v ^Th!.' Fto ter High three sport star. Also, , . . Dom. Squatrlto starred defen- 1.0 the pla.i ers In the MFI. ter from loaaoa of key personnel. nation. I-f»-V*ttc. the wild pitch, two walks and two sr- scoring play. C.'onUmilng their | w.th an unbeaten string of six s|innsored hx Ihe rolh-e A l ire Yale waa outplayed for the en­ Graham Clark, MInnechaug golf s'vely for Wesleyan with hla Dad, I Amherat has ontacorert five op- iNew Yorlr.'"X)ct.. 27 1,15 — The Marines and Columbia, the Scar-; Dick Vorls of Virginia it the rors for a four-run seventh inning atrong early dl.aplay of alrciigth victories In Cal' ornln now has •Imilor Alhlelh- Assn. tire first -half hut fine defensive owner* ^mmy Roach, . aseistant Ssh among the most enthusiastic imnrnlH 173 tn six so far. allow- netv-look New York Bangers have first former Red Blalk assistant rally today stid downed the tour­ Trinity tallied the third lime li hmverl twice to First latndlng The the I'onlestanis must he the work carried it through, eapedally let's flfial three opponents, do not x ,l is chaos In the Pacific Coast coach Of the Merchants, Orm West rooters in the crowd. The press mg the tone tom-lninwh with 70 begun to perk up after a' sloxv figure to cause an.v. troiihle. coach.to pit ■ team against Blaik's ing St. -Louis Cardinals 8-3. It was handled the wet hall. Thanks to- first lln.o waa hy Ihree-qiiat'lcra dnngliters of llte coiich'-s or when Colgate. tried to advance Confeience with California, which and Bill Lennon, Joe. (Red Sox I box included men, women and chil­ .lohnaon'a 6 t-yan1 acamper the ' ^ seconds left against Coast Guard, start In the National Hockey Arm y squad. Virginia lost. 85-6. the first loss for the' Redhirds In of a length In the Champagne at olTh'InIs wlio hole worhed the through the air. Yale fended off -i Perennial Kingpin had been consigned to the cellar. Prentice, Mike .Griswold, Dave. dren, plus cheerleaders and with­ victor'a moved 81 varda m five rile .leffa Wore In front .50-0 at the League. Blalk has 13 former assistants the three gams* playsd thus far Pelmonl gnmes this fall. three aertous Colgate threala with Colorado______has a mighty rough'before the start of operations, - Wilson and Fred McCurry to list out any public address ayatem and The W. G. Glenn# y plays, with .Kenney htal haiely t o n e , The Hangers, who failed to win coaching college teams. in their 16-gam* tour .of Japan. If all goes well, the next time The queen and her two al- pass Interceptions 'with Tom Sin­ assignment. The Buffs play Okla- the cln.,s after battering Juat:-a few. "The baseball .owners a combination o f rain and onid It turning the corner on a aweep I'nced hy tAdtmek Jack Close In their first six stgrts although they'll hook up will he In The lendanls will he paraded on gleton doing the grabbing, homa,' the perennial kingpin of the Oregon, 23-8. If the Beara get b.y should see this turnout,” Wood-'- took sharp eyes to try and chert around hla o «n lefi fl.mk from Ihe ' ot Glen Ridge. N J,. In Coach tying four, made up for lost time I'liimlhgo at llialrah Park late In Main SI. on the ilay of the l-'oy Connecticut, hoping to finish out B ig .Eight. , , : Oregon State this week, they Ung Mid a« he looked out at the the action . , Bill JSecherek waa Continuous Budget Plan ^ five. 'I - .lohn Melainghry'a slyliah side over the weekend. New-York edg- Florida Toniy Ix-e henda hack ford ,Memorlnl game and will l»e ae- lla slate unbeaten after the" Yale i But the situation is not-hope-‘ “ P In the Rose Bowl, capacity crowd. "There is plenty '' Quick Kick Hha ked I saditlr T attack, Amherat has held an into a " v ' *<* ,^*’* Toronlo Maple Leafs S-'2 head Uneimafi' and handling the Sanla Anita In CnHfnrnln lndav$ eoiwpanled hy Ihe I’ l-’.IAA'a heat tbeeaker, less. The Sooners are human this Likewise In the Ivy I„eRgiie, o f b u e l^ .J n te re a t in this toitm, Alfred'a only TD came against i I Us tipponenl-a to ah. average of stakes webe .two Silk Towners, Wh«n y®0 eptn^your aecfftant, atfite (h« amount of monthly payment you wish to make and youf hut Trainer Frank Childs hidlcal- ' Junior mnrehing Itnnd. -Also, frustration at ixewara.Newark Deluel.. ' and Qjlcago Black Hllwka 8-2 in a na­ year (they lost to Texas', 15-141. |tn‘ng" have not beep- going al. • I ’m sure o f that,” he added. By Jim HorYath and Alex: Ferguson, the Trinity reserves In tile fourth | t. Ihe TeTaa-ownrd colt will be immerous prlr.es will Is- pre­ I Pi 2 yanla total olVenae pfr game waa more aoundly thra-ahed than and the Buffs hax’e as gtiod a club 1 tn*y spoiiia. Princeton waa sup- actual count. Bob Steele signed 23 tionally televiaed game Satirrday both, officials “ enjoylilg’' a day off NEW ...USED period Cromwell'H quick kick from shipped to Florida for the Fla- sented In the winning girl. I ami IS 2 yards lAi.shlngr the 28-0 score indicated. Aa a re­ mora autographs (hat Wopdlihg total credit will be ten tlmea that amount. afternoon, as the.v've produced in a long time.-: ‘ b " in R, but the Tigers took in the rain , . . Tony Alibrio, Man-, his own four was blocked and the r.lngo. .Moling full steam toward its sult, the Huskies likely will lose and strldtly Spoats reported he • The two-game winning streak Furthemiore. Colorado always has., "" jjie chin from Cornell, 34-8, cheater High line coach, and hia hall waa recovered In the end rone tnuittlonal Nov, 1.5 meeting with their numliei-, one tatiflg In the ' 'Was r getting a dime apiece al­ by. guard Al Wledeman Fullback i Amherst. Wllhams knoeket TuftS boosted- the Rangers Into a three- made It clo.4e. as taitnes., last y e a r! *"*t ''’**«• "nd now the B ig Red .attractive wife, also, braved the Lambert Cup listings. The Blue when the Sooner., eked out a T4-13 the roost. though he usually -charges two weather and watched the action .Tommy Ryahk bucked over hla left ont of the undefeated ranks 37-8 Hens converted one Connecticut way tie for second place with the Wts. If you act .vour monthly pe.vment at: i l o 115 $20 $25 taekle for the extra two points, and looks Tin-ward to a expeet.ed Detroit Red Wings and the Bostdn decision with a late rally. , . . Home just in time to shower fumble end two pass Interceptions and. head for the Legion Junior Foreed to start seven freshmen Charles^ Olson itt Coniehavhs flfth triumph In six starts at Into touchdowns snd threw out Brulna. Should LSU and Ole Miss hap- f 1 rg, -g i i Wednesday baseball banquet at the Legion $100 1150 ■ 1200 $250 beeause of numerous Injuries the I mon this weekend. such a itout defense that Con­ ' * niMiked hy Toronto pen to_,play a -tie and Oklahoma { L t O C f l I 1 C f l m S l O l G Y6ur Initial purehaaeo may amount to: Home. Just before, leaving the Baxons were no match for the In ih-e-.siar npae.t, Boston Col­ necticut couldn’t gel Us flrat first . Detroit bowed to the league- beat, Colorado, that would leave 'gg Regular, work day seemed to gang-tackling Bantams. .Slatlslic- Rutgers in a eJass by Itself as the 1 Dt f C B U H C 'W M faster than usual, pertiaps house I was stked to piiicb-hlt os ' To lii^hli*^ht Boxinp^ Aviirily lege at! nneil .Miami 6-2 and Har­ down of the game until the final leadtng Montreal Canadie'ns 5-3 $300 liO O $500 ally Trinity gained a whopping only unbeathn-untled - major team I - of Rain becauae there was a full toad of a speaker and accepted. A fine Your credit limit may bo catended to: 1200 1300 fiOO 1500 .1600 vard dumped Dartmouth J6-8 last two minutes, last night. The Red Wings were A. 17-6 margin In first downs, a huge Saturday. in the nation'. wrork tc handle. .Back. to my fs- dinner but a speaking program \ New Y o” k, Oct. 27 ifl'i-F.xr.nrti* In s light hcavy\vel,"hl hont at Delaware had 20 flrat downs to blanked by Toronto 3-0 the night 321-85 advantage In .ushing yarfla Holy Cro.aa remained the re­ Both LSU and Mississippi had ' th« postpo xement of 'vorite town at nigh$ and I toured that was much too long. Msny^ 7 Charles and Boho Olson, a emiple Oakland, C alif. 'Dicaduy night Connecticut's two, gained 300 i before and in Saturday's other Boui^ht, Sold, 7faded and eompleted two of 10 passes gion's leading majo” college pow- yaixls on the ground to Connecti­ R'ame Boston whipped Montreal clo4e squeaks, last SatUidgy. the East Side Rec Centers, finding well deserving.awards to the Post for 60 yards to the. Saxons' 2-16 of ex-bo.flng rhamptons, take an Boho tried to come buck a year Bayou Bombers licked tough Flor- Ch.arter Oak PsFk many aeUrittee going full blMt. team,, 1968 'State championa, Thtro will bo a aerviee chargo ef 1% par month en the unpaid balanca with a minimum charge ot ago and "a.s knocked out In the- Cl with a. 16r8 verdict over Boa- cut's 69 and moved 43 yards I * 2- The Bruins and the Black and 30 yards other trip over the rocky come ids. 10-7, while Ole Miss barely end d so the scheduled Manchester UIERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON aecond round hy heavyweight Pat tor University. Quarterback Tom­ through the alt’ on three pass'eom -! Hawks were not scheduled Sun- 25c per month. Trlnlty'a margin of vicloi y , hack road this week.. turned back winless Arkansas.' 14- Merchants-Holynke Knight, semi- No titles al atake this time, i o McMtirlrx'. my Grn completiHl 11 of 20 : pletlons .compared with four yards day. pro contest In Holyoke. wohld have been gl ealer except ' pa.Hse.s for 230 yards, and one gained'by the Huskies on one com- Larry Cahan and Eddie Shack 12. for 60 varda In pcnaUlen A hold-' ero'wda. no fanfare and not Dutch Fogarty, M FI, supervisor, Hockey at ii Glance toui hdown. ipletlon In 14 attempts. In addi-1-sparked the Rangers last night But .their trquibles .were nothing Blades Win First BROWNING ^ WEATHERBy Ing penally In the aecond qnnrlci-' " " ‘v'' '"'’"f.'’. .Inal another small Clitasy C.o loa Ortiz of New York compared to 'A rm y 's and Ohio rejxtrted this morning trial the |)H.v-dny and a faint, flleUerlng i tlon to taking a beaKng, Connect!- i with a pair of third-period goals t o d a y 's R«4Hilta nullified a Trin TD. will atlempt to get a xvtn for mir State's, the Nos. 1 and 2 teams In rained out games will be played hope that the punches will flash New Unveil, Oct. 27 (.15 Yale cut lost Us ace guard. Bill Wall-1 In a span o f 59 seconds that In Eastern Loop L-. aide on the other aide for a change last week's Associated Press poll. Sunday afternoon at Charter Oak, National: League . COLT SAVAGE and the rcflcxca will he qnleU once got hack on tlie winning track but ner. gnd Us offensive leader, Phil'snapped a 1-1 tie. Ron Stewart Ikicajlay night, - The 22-ycar old The Cadets . could do nothing with the Firefighters and Crulserg N ew Yprk 8, Toronto 3 again And deep down knowing It Uoiiuectlcut was derailed Saturday DeSantis, through injuries. | scored both Toronto goals. meeting in the opener and the Blue *• New Hhvon, Oct. 27 (45—The Obllegf Hecorfla lightweight contender meola Dave as (’onnectirut's college football Too Much Everything i Last-period goals by Claude better than a 14-14 tie with Pitt Montreal 5, Detroit 8 can’t be that way sny more, Chnrnley. British lightweight p erils and Smoke Eatens clashing ■ New Haven Blades defeated the WINCHESTER - REMINGTON Charles, 37. the onetime heiivy- teams battled to a 4-4 otandoff. New Haven 'feachers had, too ■ *’ rovost and Jean Bellveau pro- In a game that was advertised as In the nightrap. ChorlpUo Clipper%; 7-1 lost night Amerlcaa Lsoguo I.. T. ' champion, 'n.a 10-roimdec at lam- deciding ' the Eastern champion­ f'Youf Saarqntoo-^Quf 38 Years Of Dependable Serried w wlght king, goes agaln.sl young The winner! were: Yale, 14-7 much of everything In driving l:aln i vlded Montreal ,wtth Us, margin ta-'ihs.Biode'r first Eastern Hock­ Hershey 1, Buffalo 0 Connecticut ...... 4 2 0 1 (lon'a llarrin gay Arena. Tlita l.s ship. while Ohio State wound up Shfltlay afternoon at MU eager Donnie Fleeman of Texas over Colgate:' Trinllj’. 18-8 . over and mud at New Britain arid!*^ victory over the Red' .Winga. Nsbo fha Merchants will host the ey 'League home game of the sea- Provktence 3, Cleveland 2 Eterything for thm Uuntor New Haven Tchrs. 4 2 the', closing show for the famril who led. at one time.^-1. -Rookie In a 7-7 deadlock dgalnst Wiscon­ o ■at Dalla.s tonight. Fleeman has a Alfred: New Haven Twiehera, 40-0 crushed the Teachers College of New Haven Rams In a Fathsr and •on. Rochester 5, Springfield 3 Trinity ...... 3 n ! arena which will he turned into a Charlie Bums scored' twice for sin. 20-2 iccoi'd. Errv is 1-1 In hla over New Britain Teachers, and Connecticut team. Quarterback Son game starting at 2:18. Boys N ew Haven scored three- goals , Eoaleni iaagae ' 'iti Bridgeport ...... 3 3 0 wnrehoiise after the Inlcrnatlonal Detroit - hla flrat NHL goslji- laien there Were the sad caaes laical comeback. He outpointed Bridgeport, 14-8 over Upoala Fri­ Joe XtcHugh was New Haven's under, 14 will hp 'admitted free If In the first period, then two in New Haven *7,-Chifrlotte 1 Yale ...... 2 3 •crifp. ■nd Montreel'a. Venerable Maurice o f Texat and Northwestern. Johnny Harper, a mediocre heavy day night. alege gun, tossing four touchdown accompanied by their fathers. each of the next two periodr. The Only Game 6|^edal0('. 'Wealeyjin ...... 2 3 0 ' (The Rocket I Richard collected 334 NORTH MAIN ST.—m . M 9-B2U at Fairmont, W. Va.. on Aitg.' 28. Defeated wera Connecticut, 28-0 passes and aco$;rng one, himself. fUdelraolrad hy Rice Clippen scored oiice. after the" Coast G u a rd ...... 1 3 I ; Another Internatlnnai card is by Delaware; Weeleyen, 19-0 by Single acoring pass plays with the 516th o f his career. .,11, New B rita in ...... Then on Oct. 1 when he dropped a The Longhorns, On. th4 basis of Blades hdd a 4-0 lead. 0 6 0 on tap at New York's Madison Amherat; Ooaaf- Guard, 14-8 by McHugh firing ate up 58. 72 and Bums' two '-goals and one by Warren Spehn wasn’t Uiff first lit# ' unanimous decision to A l Zuany, their victory over Oklahoma; were Muthpew who stopped Hank Pro Bwikethall “ Houte of Open DoEy A.M. to IndMlhit Square .Garden Friday night- Worcester Poly, and New Britain 27 j-arde m pectivaly. I t was Alex Delvecchlo gave Detroit a 3-1 7 5 a virtual unknown at Jgare'a, installed as solid choieci to win the final garni o f Uio i Riclile ,i,shburn' of the Phillies. Mexico. World featherweight champion •Teachers, " New Haven't third victory in a lead in the qeCond period, Andre th% Southwest Conference title. In­ First Lgading's victory in the 1015 MAIN ST.*~TRL. Ml Soafiagi* '''''dfiBSea 1958 National League batting Hogan (K id I Baaaey of Ntgert.A Tits weskend results gevg th# row. Pronovoat end ftelph Backetrom stead, Rlee eidetniclced t6 em, and Champagne SUJtoo at Belmont Olson, 30, makes a second stab N ow Y ork lOA, M ' chamipon. has led the league three ialtea qn Brooklyn's Carihelo State teems a combined total of 19 Wkirceater Polytec relied on a. evened m atter! lo r the Canadians, emphatically, 34-7. Pork marked the 3-yesit‘-old colt's at a comeback. The former'mlddle- ^ . — *r*# ••• ** lifcci (Ovonimo). ■ OPEN THtTRSDAY and FfliDAY UNTIL f PJI. times In most hjts. He made 215 victories. 23 defeats and one tie for strong grfluhd attack to roU-over Wtio opened UM'thelr flrat place Northwestern, .which couldn’t •iglIUi vtetory In nine 8twts.,^all welght champion- meeta k com- OoatA In if-noh-lltla television $0-. B t n t f , f M M until M^oapolla too. during 1958 and bitted i350. . paratlva unknown, Don Grant, 25. roundar, . ' the aeaeon. N o team la Uie it iM la Ooagt Guard Academy. Io4d to tin p^ta. wta^* lut yo^i had poUahed undor Eddie A n aro. f • - - . A' T'r ■ , ( ■' Y, ■''' 'I 'f'. Sx / ■t

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY. CpGBER 27, 19BS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CX)NN. NONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1968 FAGB n m n f Bostnesh Services Offered 13 iHEKE OUfiHTA BE A LAlVl BY FAGALY and BHUflrrEN AHkIcf For Salt 46 GBrden—Farm—Dairy - r Prodacta 50 Hoiiaehold Goods 51 Rooma Witiuwit Board 59 Apa rtments—Plate- Hooims tor Itent 65 Hooaoa let 7 2 H o w m s f o r Halo M A M RUBBIJIH-Offers com­ ClBl^iUlU-Ctlothe* pole* Installed. Self 72 Huburfoon tor Solo 75 Wanted—*Bmu Ibitate 77 plete lull time cleanlnR service. Old . pole* .removed and reoeL APPLES' and pears, now on sola NO MONEY DOWN: Tenements 63 *f|AOmUA| ROOM WITH kitchen pritrlleg**, ------4»—. i.j...... ROCKVnJU E^ew. l-room apart* MANCHESTER - Shinglsd . Ckpo Ashes, rubbish removed, liRhl Tim MftklOKT Reaaooable. Used truck tires. At Botti’s Fruit Farm, 2so Bush Start* Your centriUly loiuttad. Siiigi* w ilouble, msnt, hutted, eMctrfc nuiga, ro- Ood, six OaifiAad room s. Porch, exceptional ANDOVmi, BOLTON UBTOfUb JllfAirrED. Haua fini trucking. -^.M e t a 1, cardboard Ml- 9-1868. Hill Rd, . ______THRBiE ROORI i^artment,’ mod- w n e J a t^ houata. M o O ig eg TIME GETTlNfl' Monthly Pwmenta «non bablea,accepted. 84m Mra. •m kitchen,- shoiwer bath. Auto­ Mgerotor and garbage duvoaol. flrapioca, olumimira otdnn win* Delightful well planned six room drums. Regular service avail­ JL Month after You Rectlv* Pomey, 16 Arch 8$. COVENTRY ' MtB. Howard R. Hairtmga. Bool- C B R W m A ^ s'^ ^ - iWhole- GREEN MOUNTAIN — Potatoes matic oU heat'MDi 9-8858.’ No pet*, 110. CoS TR S-880S or TR dowo, omoalta driv*. Col] Ovaor able. Ml 9-9757. , Your Home Outfit - v -...... U ° " 1 B -m . M l 94606 Otter 9 p.m . la exclusive oeetion. L otfe beauti­ tor. 181 9-U07 any tims. ADVERTISING sals). IiHiivlduaUy selected fancy 11.25 SO lb. bag, butternut, M om , PLEASANT, heated, fumiobod Buburixan Contemporary treos, that sell on sight. Wreaths, 8 COidPLETE ROOMS ' ^ FIVE ROOM newly rbdecorated, LEAVES RAKED and removed or golden and green dellotoua ; room* with private both. Kitchen COVENTRY - Four rooms and MANeHEbTER^voB room bum fully loiftiaOaped let. Walk-out mulched. Very reasonable. MI bMgghs. Renowned -quality Mod­ squarii. Miller’s Stand, ISO Span-' OF BRAND . NEW FURNITURE focllitlea available. Coll Id- first flobr flat and garage. Storm Five room plua loig* rocraatioa Legal Noti ce CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMLNl DEIT. HOURS AU 100% guaranteed, some '.i orig: windows and vanetlan blinds bath, baseboard butt, oil modem. giww. Vary eonvoBlent Now 3-0008. erate price*. Extra ’ early sell­ cer St. MI 8-5564. ‘ 9-4878. ^ Three years old. Ameslta M v o,. ‘noUiiE ayitam. Qoran. P. V. baaement, w i^ ohower and lava­ room in basement garage, loige % outs. Write (or price brochure. inol factory crate*, with ••riginal throughout. CaB' MI 8-828T or in- acre lot. If you like something dif­ 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 PJW. fenced-in property. AvollaUa No* Bro|jir. Ml 9 - ^ . . FLOORS WASHED and waxed, Hughe* F a r m s , Bemsrdirton, factory serial number*.' HEJAIEd r o o m —One block from qulre Qak Ntmt tory. Recreation room, ferent, see this for 116,800, apartments, offices, stores, GREEN MOUNTAIN poUtoea. 'vember 1. $75 a month. PI ^78$7- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED A DVT. Maas, BLOND BEDROOM SUITB Main S t Separate entrance. Qea- ...... ' —y . nyiM O IT. — Sevan room homo, homes, modern equlpmeht, rea­ Call Frank Bronkie, MI 9-4687, LIVING ROOM SUITE tleman. Parking. Teleiriions MI H. B. GRADY. Broker Florid* bound owner toy*. "Cut ^rd. have CUed an. aepllcatltiB' MON. THRO FRl. 10:S0 A.iU.—SATORDAV 0 A.M. FOR RENT g room apartment, near Waddtn rohobl, 18x91 Rylng 1.*: .l***,*ltti ihvUqner sonable. Also part-time apartment DAVENO SOFA with slip cover. 3-4724. SIX ROOM liouse in Tolluid. Oil price!" Five room ranch, excellent and maintenance services. Tel. iiey maple breakfast set, for­ MEALY GREEN Mountain pota­ 8-Pc DINETTE SET centrally located. Coil Ml 3-1768. room, two fireplaces, (our b ^ Ml 8-8009 shape. PHrepIace, handy basement Commluira for a 'Orocenr-g rOOR tXlOPERATION WILL ACCESSORIES heat. CoU TR 5-9461, rooms, dining room, modem init (or the sale of aleobolki MI 3-0070. mica top table and four chairs toes. Order now (or winter. Pos- FURNISHED rooms to rent. Also ...... ' - ' garage. Approximately one acre. the premlaea. Pine 8t. and ______BB APPRECIATED Dial M l 3-2711 quallnl Bros., 203 Avery St.. Wap- ’’Westinghouae" Elec. Refrigerator E*URNISHED three , room apart­ kltehan with garbage dispeaal, ROME AND Income too. Eight Now asking 815,900. fid - ■ Mancheater. The boataeas Is with ndjilaatic seat*. Silver dyed large 3-room cottage furnished ment with utilities, working cou­ room duplex at Center, either for TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ fox fur ooaL % length. Reason­ ^ g . Ml 4-0604. "E m erson " ’fels'vlBion formica eounttn, two battw plua D* Luxe’* Woaher With heat and lights.'CaU between ple prsfsrrsd. Call MI 8-6951. W«tita6 to Rtnt' 68 many, many (in* (saturea. Ifuat be -yrsnt—free living with Income or Hartford Rd*. Manchaater, ai^ vHI hia Automobiles for Sale chines repaired. Sales and Service. able. CM MI^9«33. 6 and 7 p.m, MI 9-0838: Nearly new,.(our room ranch. Lost and Foond MI 9-3477. APPLES — Macs, Delicious, Cort­ "De Luxe" Range ehown. Paul J. Correnti, Broker. a good investment. MI 9-6850. B u t OUlSlDE 0 9 9C»iOO(, MODE3IN new four room apart­ You'll like the large rooms and 46 Kent si.. Hartford, as penntttea. 194« WILLY.S JEEP. Four wheel o n e PARKER dOubiqlS gauge iB land, Baldwin at wholesale prices, Taka your choice of any of these ap- WANTED to rent, garage in nelth- MI 84868. cosy fireplace. Approximately one Miron n u le y ae**H» 110 REWARD for return of tur­ . TMR TOWN 6CRI8N.CR ment, second floor, has to >e seen borhood of Brent Rd. Call MI Dated Oct 17. 1956 quoise wid white parakeet, Vicin­ drive. 1B4R Willy* Jeep. Both new MAF standard. One rarker dou­ while they last, Joseph Fovelli pliaBce* in addition to bedroom, GEINTLEMANFurnished room HUGE Lota for Sale acre. Located near Manchester. Household Services ble 16 gauge 80 MAF^gpacial Farm, Mountain Road, Glsatoh- ' to be appreciated, targe yard and 8-8831. 8 ROOM—1964 home. 84* 73 The prlceT Only $12,900. Very gm^ ity Park and Chestnut Bts. Call tire*, new pniiit. Also 1951 Ford living room, dinette, ruga, lamp*. at 43 Church St. am ple. pai king. Open for inspec­ living room, overalted bedroonu. SBRVICE8 ADMnna- two-door. MI 3-79.55. Offered 13A p a d e engraved. Will take tiades. bury. tables, linoleums', dlshe* and other MANCHESTER—First $1,798, Su­ terms. TRATION, Public Bultdlnoa Servlea: MI 84X16.______tion -Saturday and Sunday, 63 oentei( haU.'lH bathe, beseboord Seated bida (or (Umtahlng m atenSaM t New and used guns. Nassiff Amta Item*. PLEASANT—Room in clean quiet boot. perior lot, 188’ frontOg*. depth 1950 CHEVROI.ET *l*tion weRon, RADIO REPAIRS on any maks- Union Mace.' Fstim «M Uuid for 8»lt 71 . — aluminum ------etorme\n -orage. New five room ranch, nice mod- performtiur the work for Elevator Re­ LOST — Dark blue plastic wallet Co.. 1615 Main St. MI 9-1647. • EVERYTHINO 'hom e next to bath and ^ow er. 818,800. Carlton W; Hutchins, I h - 815’, 888 Vernon St. Water. Har. paira at O.8. Poet Office. Mancheater. with a sum of money and driver s lour new lire*. rle«n c«r. motor ali amplifiers and phonograph* Fertilizers 50-A Free parking. MI 94)887. vay Adelberg. JA 8-8088, any «rn kitchen, forced air heat, dou­ Connecticut, Sill be received. liinipU- ani, changers Over 47 years total ONLY $448 THREE ROOMS and tile bath. FOR DIFFERENT otsei and types 94183, ble lot, lake privilegea. See this one license. MI S-SOtl. Reward in excellent condition. Price rea- LIONEL 027 gauge train set with Linoleum, Venetian blinds, heat, time. experience 9b day* guarantee on whistle. Three years old. Extra Free storage until wanted. Fr6e AT CESfTER. - clean room for one of forms ami land tracts within 90 tor only $10,500. bFr ig. 19M, a f G«B*ral Sanicet -Ad* nonnhle MI 9-0951 CLEAN-^Gow manure. Delivered, hot' water, parking. School and BLLINOTON>-4H two year new mlnlitratlon. <90 Po»t Omea and Court> LOST—Black and white doR. Name |. all work Pfdterton’s track. $15. Phone MI 9-7694. |5, and llOMoads. Excellent (or delivery. Free *et up by our or two gentlemen, 4rith parking, muas of Hartford, i-awiuieo P. own reUable men. Main St. section. Adults. InqMre p w , B ro l^ . Ml M9t0. ranch, toeoted on a dead end Six room Cape not (or from pri­ $, Maaiachujiatu. aad Major. Family pet. Please call i ' shruba, lawnsT^c. MI 8-7804, MI bath, and shower. 39 Hosel St. MI 354 Spruce St. street, for extra safety for chil­ LOT AT CENTER. B sons. MI th^n pubUrjy opimM. Bp#*’ Ml 9-0545. DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com ANTIQUE ORGAN, Empire chest, Phone for appointment 9-7083. 9-7088. i vate beach, oil heat. Immediate oc­ jtr. may fm had from Chat offlea dr I Trailers 6rA 9-8731. \ COVENTRY—To settle estate, 121 dren. Three bedrooms, iSxi9 liv­ cupancy. $9,400, about $850 down. Custodian of tho BuiMInK* pany, doora and wlndowa custom and lengtha of pipe (or plumbing, Samuel Albert, Htfd. CH 7-0358 up SMALL HEATED ^apartment par­ work, guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1503 air ducts. MI 9-3794, acres, two-family dwelling, bams, ing room with firo)fiacs, garage FOUND—German Shepherd, black ! m o r il EHOMES—Rosy, used (47- to 8 P.M. tially furiilshed. suitable for one us many extroe. Only 116,376. GREESf RD., Manchester- Two Short on down payment? Sea this and likht tan. male Call l/(e ]oi excellent condition 14,500. after 0 p m. ROOM FOR RENT, parking. 484 with dvqr mile frontage on lots eo’xiSO' each, all city utili­ Household Goods ^ See It Day or Night Oakland St. MI 8-6168. person, a. lady preferred. Apply north Side Duiin Rd. 1800 ft. fronl- faul J. Correnti, Broker. Ml- five room ran'en. Flraplace, ar­ Fracchia, D or Warden. MI S.S.594 $649 00 .len*en’* Inc. (always re­ If you have no mean* of tranapor- Edward J. Holl, MI 8-5117. 8-5868. ties. C all’-after 5:80 p.m. MI BET^MONT Rug Cleaning Com­ r o y a l PORTABLE typewriter, 'age south aide, 600 ft. frontage on 9-9053. tesian water. Now 'vacant. Owner liable i RollInK Hill*. Route 44A, pany—Fm thoae who care about ANTIQUE FURNITUBB, aUver,^ tatlon, I’U aend my auto (or you. LARGE,. PLEASANT room iii - ...... ‘ might sell for very low down pay­ good condition. MI 9-0492 after 6. FIVE ROOM flat, second floor. Bread A Milk St. Good for dairy­ PprMIlAlS S Mansfield. OArfleld 9-4479 their rugs— phone MI 8-0013. glass china, and used (umitura No obligation. pleasant home, no objections to a ing or development. Call Execu- TWO-FAMILY brick 84H room ment Or no down payment to right TWO TONS COKE, will deliver, Dougm and sold 8'3irnlture Repair congenial lady, x a 9-7094. Available Nbv. 15. Oil heat. Rent flat, two-car garage, separate party. Balance like rent. Asking Free pickup and delivery Free Movinjf—Trucking-— Help Wanted —Male 36 $75. Call MI 9-1922, after 6 p.m. tor. M l 9-6067 or MI 9-4068. Resort Property for Bale 74 VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in estimates given. We apeelallze in Bitiutlons Wanted— |45, and one UHP Sylvania con­ Sendee. Ml 8-7449. ' A—L—B—E—R—T—S fUrnsces plus many extras Paul $6,800. my own bom* shop Forty years Auto Driving Schmil 7-A J. Correnti, Broker, MI 8-5868. furniture and wall to wall carpet- ,Storage 20 Female 38 verter. 612. MI 8-6584. ^ , j 8 - « ALLYN ST,, HARTFORD ATTRACmVE furnished room (or MANCHESTER—Centrally located. AMSTON LA K E -F ive room lake- JVJtTKINS- factory experience. Au makes, tow I •■■■I— I. • ‘ - SALE 1-8 OFF Ml woUpaper. Wall one or two gentlemen. Kitchen front cottage. Reasonable. Con­ MANtnJESTER Driving Academy Ing. Opfea-Mon. thru Fri. tUl • P,M. Beautihil 8>4 room apartments. Houses For Sale 72 GRBEn Ma n o r —six room rsneii rates, tree estimates, free pickup MANCHESTER Package Delivery. OPPORTUNITY b a b y SITTING—evenings. Own TWO STEEL Bhelf cabineta, 87” tilfa 4c a tUe, Kentil^ from 7a g^ivUege^s, parking.-^ Inquire 167 tact owner. Write or phone Rob­ WELLES AGENCY and delivery. Mr. Miller JA now offcra behind the wheel and Light trucking'nnd packag, deliv­ transportation. Day^ care in my high, 36" wide, 18” deep, 5 Green Palm and Wollpapari Free^roiwportation to our Main $110 - $115. Heat, hot wete.-. Jani­ with full baaement, extra lot in rlnasrootn Inaliilcllona. for 15, 10, FIJ4T FINISH Holland window tor, garage, extras. BU 9-5365. $10,500—8DC ROOM Colonial, alum­ ert Gustafson, Hslladay Ave., Main, 8t,, <3ov*ntry WEST 9-S904. ■hadea, mads to meaour*. All ery. Refrigerators, washers (uid Young man (or general office ownhoiiic. Ml 8-0050. ahelves. Factory coat. Dewey Green. Store In Watorbury, "Connecticut’s inum otorma, double Mrage. g o ^ rear. Thla home la only four 17 venr old*, fall Mr. Mlcletle, Sufflsld. NOrth 8-3145. PI 2-7S85 PI 8-7982 PI 34715 metal Venetian blinda at a new stove moving specialty. Folding work. Accounting background help­ RIchman, 767 Main St. Largest Mrnlture Store.’ f u r n is h e d room, '$6 weekly. location. Carlton W, Butenina, 80 houaearfrom achool, no atreeta to WANTED—Ride tq Hartford for PI 2-7249. BABYSI'ITINO — Young mother SEE US—For good quality used Working man. Breakfast it de­ THREE ROOM bungalow for two croaa fhi- children. We are pricing Famral Striict low price Keys made whu* you chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752, ful. Good wages, five day week. adults. Including electricity, hot 64183. two persons, 0 to 0:30 dally. Call wishes to take care of child In OUTBOARD motor, 5 h.p. Used furniture, sterilized, repaired and MAPLE TABLE and'-foUr chairs, sired. Five minutes to bus. MI thla houaa for quick aale, -4 baths, garsgs and all RIDERS WA'NTED-To HaTtford. PROFESSIONAL Exterior and In- TOWN OF MANCHESTER 136 Bissell St. stove and refrigerator. Call MI today. Escott Agency. 80 9-7683. term. We also buy property (or cash. FURNITURE REPAIRINO - An- PART TIME evenings 6-10, Satur­ Glenwood combination stove. Call PIANO TUNING. We are the only 3-7254 between 5 and 5. the extras, Included. Ready for Daily scheduled service from terlor painting. Painters and pa- day all day. factory, drug atore, YOUR BUILDING NEEDS AT immedikte occupanev. Call Rock­ Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Wil­ Member Multiple Liatlni. llf|ue* i^eatoied, Ft[rnliure Repair Applications for the position of MI 9-4887. firm in this area tuning nlsnoe ROOM FOR lady or gentlemeil;- $U,800.No closing costs. Artractlvs Manchester. Cosh (are only 25c Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 perhangcr available on short no­ oi^ dish washing. M f 9-6902. WHOLESALE PRICES three bedroom ranch, ceramic ville, TR 8-1781, or JA 9-0082. liams Is heading for a record sixth STANLEY BRAY, Realtor Service, Taleoltvllle, Ml 3-7449. probationary fireman In the full­ electronically. Others use the r’d- TWO ROOM apartment, clean heat Br a e -b u r n r Ea l t y one way. Save tolls and parking. tice. Free estimates. Bernard Lo­ Two Windsor chairs $8 each .Kitchen privileges. Inquire 224 bath, formica counters, hot water time paid Fire Department will be Disappearing Stairways $28.95 each (ashioned by ear method. Ward Charter Oak St. Ml 3-8368. CH knd hoti3?ate»- included. first term in Michigan. Ml 84378 Silver Lima Bua Line. MI 3-8078. zier, Coventry, PI 2-6453! Four gateleg tables $15 each Krause. MI 3-5336 flooh. MI ■ '9':'l683, evenings AD heat, excellent construction 100* TAIUOITVILLE niRIJt' 24 " foluinhl* bicycle. Fair accepted, until 5 p.m. on Wednes­ Canadian Framing 2x8 to 6-4137. The Democrats figure to pick up MORETHATS m BuildinK—ContractinK 14 day, November 5, 1958. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Three-piece parlor set $89 2-S955. -_ frontage, trees. Carlton W Hutch­ Aatomobllea lor Sale 4 condition Call Ml 9-1613. EXTERIOR and Interior painting. 3x10 loads $89 per M’Two single mahogany beds with LARGEST selection, of name brand ins. Ml 9-5132. Just over the Manchester town a governorship in Maryland. The Ceilings reflnlshed. Papernanging. Mahogany Paneling 15c sq, ft. NICELY FURNISHED room, new­ contest in Ohio is likely to add to Al.TERATlONS to kitchens, bath­ Benefits include pension, sick WANTBD-Good home (or two kit­ springs $86 band and orchestra instruments, line on Taylor St., slightly used B B fO R B TOU BUT a used oar rooms attics, cellars porches, or Wallpaper books Estimates given. tens. Call after 6:25 p.m. MI Nalls—8d * 16d Common ' ly decorated. Well heated. Conven. AUTUMN ST.—3 bedroom colo­ Democratic strength. n e w ! leave, paid holidays and vacation. Round dining-room table, five organs and pianos In eastern Con­ lent location. 316 Spruce St. SIX ROOM, firal'-floor, adult* only; custom built four room homt. Nice see Oorman Motor Sales. Buick Business-Services Offered 1.1 playroom Plumbing, carpentry, F'ully covered by Insurance. Call 4-1782. $9.W per keg chairs $3S necticut. New, used, rentals, re­ No heat, MI 9-662S>^ nial. Immaculately kept Inside Democratic incumbents are be­ Ch inese Fire Edward R Price, Ml 9-1008. Flush Birch Doora lot, basement garage. Vacant. I SaMa anil Btrvloe. 388 Main electiica' and masonry. Aluminum For position description and ap­ pairing. Ward Krause, 87. Walnut' and out. Large living room with lieved to be ahead, but not by any FLUOR BANblNG and reftnlshlnr Grade A. From $7 each 8 Ft. ^andfather's clock $100 FIVE ROOMS—Stove snTdv- refrig­ StriNL VC 9-4571. Open evening!. siding Garages, cottages, out- plication forma apply to: Ch'ef of St., MI 8-5336. ROOM, FOR. RENT, bath, shower, fireplace, dining room. Worded Price reduced from $14,900 to large margins, in Kansas, Iowa FOR '59 5 Specialising In old Soors MI Mtlldmgs. room additions Ndstde INSIDE AND outside painting, For CANARY FOR SALE with cage, No. 1 Oak Flooring $205 per M' erator. garage, fireplace.'^xNice $14,000. and Oregon where Republicans Few Shells in 9-8750 free estimates call (Bolton) MI Fire Department Fire Headqnar- WATKINS hasted and, parking, MI 3-1406. lot 500 ft. In depth. Reasonably OLO^R CARS, meohanice specials, Engineering Company, Inc., 84 ler*. 153 Spruce Street, Manches­ good singer, $10, Call MI 3-1325. Knotty Pine Paneling— HARMONY Silvertone guitar with location. MI 9-1666. ' ^ priced. S. A. Beechler, Realtor, still hope to come froiii behind. flxit yciurseir cars, always a good 3-2521, No Jnh too small. All 8' $140 per M’ USED FURNITURE CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, Oak St Ml 8-1425. ter', Conn. double' pick-up and Stuart ampli­ MI 3-6969. Or W. R. Smith, Asso­ T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor Dsmoersta hope to spring upsets KMEmSHTIYURani oillacnon. Look behind our office. Clear Pine Jambe. EXCHANGE fier. MI 4-0321. Apartments— Plats— ciate, MI 9-8952. Odd-Days War available all hour* Hatisfnelion ALL TYPES of esroentry work THREE ROOM apartments, $60. in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Douglaa Motors, 038 Main. Articles For Sale 45 From $2.80 per set South Dakota- and New Mexico— guaranteed Call MI 9 IS1B done, alteratlonsr dormers, roof Bonds—Storks Mortgages 31 15 OAK STREET Tenements 63 MI 9-5229. Ml 8-7444. Ml 3-1577 Windows—Complete and TWO-FAMILY home $12,800, In­ ail with Republican governors at (CouUnned from Pag* One) NEED A CAR and had your credit Ing porches, etc Cali Ml 9-5981 INDUSTRIAL Set Up From $10.50 each Weuring Apparel— Furs 57 IHKEBIBnr tumatf down? Short on down pay- ASHES, RUBBISH, lawn* raked.! MJW COST financing. A oenny per OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS FOR RENT—Four room tenement FOUR ROOM apartment, heated come $182 month, oil steam heat. 6-ROOM RANCH In excellent con­ present. -The race in New Mexico KNAPP 8HUBS. Harry Mahoney, Write us for our free window UNTIL 9 mentT Hod a repossession? Don't *11 kind., of general work and BIUWBLI- Home Improvement Co month ft each dollar you borrow. MAINTENANCE MAN 88 Maple St Tel. MI 8-4887 BOY’S TWEED overcoat, zip-tn with garage, near Shopping Cen­ hot water, remodernized, for In­ Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132, dition. Radiant heat. Built 1” 1950. was reported too close to indicate scribed as groundless reports that light trucking. Moving ,|oh* Alterations addition* garage* Mortgage loan* to *trnlcli your pamphlets. Prices subject to Closed Mopdays ter, bus line and schools, inquire formation call MI 9-8933. 8 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and a favorite. But- the Republicans Taipei would reduce Its 100,000- DOlURGOUir va up I See Douglas Motors «e< change and prior sales without lining, size 12 to 14. excellent VERNON—For sale, .five room e lowdown on the lowest down Price* rensnnnble. Ml 3 014 . Roofing and siding experta Alum income If* dialer to carry debt* Age 26-45 YOUTH’S black leather motorcycle condition. $12. MI 9-9912. 143 Main St. dining room. A large living room were believed*ahead in the other man garrison on ths Quemoys at liiW N uruN S S after .lime 29 new number, Ml I if you r>ii| them all in on* haaket. notice. NORGE WRINGER washing ma- FOUR R(X)M apartment. Cottage ranch home, 3 year* old, owner the present time. and amaUest payments anywhere. Inuin clapboard* s specialty Un Jacket, also gray gabardine Jacket chine, about one year old. Call has paneled fireplace. Attached three statss in thla category. 4-0784. Dl*l CH 6-8807 anti aak Frank We will beat our competitors' ad­ BLACK EVENING cape ivith fur FOUR AND three room apart­ St. Oil hot air furnace, $80. Call transferred. Must sell immediate­ "As long as ths Chinese Com­ -Not a small Joan or (insnee com excelled workmanship Eg»v liudr Steady employment with sheep skin zlp-ln lining, MI 3-J750 after 5 p.m. ly. occupancy. Near site of new garage. Lot is 100 feet by 326 feet. Republtcane also were reported *1 term* MI 0 6498 nr PR 5 0109 Buikn oi Mr* Carter how ii rlo it. like new, size 18. 60’' pool table vertised prices by at least 5%. hood, and brown caracul fur coat, menta, Call M3 9-4071 from 5-7 MI 9-4498. Price $17,900. Earle 8. Rohan, ahead and expected to win in Ver­ munist* are firing at these islands, pony plun. Douglas Motors 333 TV SERVICE any make—highest only. school and highway. A A A r.ealJy Main Strsst. ' Connei'llciit Mortgage Exchangi’ Paid vacations for recreation room. Also medium MAPLE KITCHEN set with porce- ■ize 40. MI 4-1921. Realtor.. MI 3-7433. mont, Nebraska, North Dakota. there is no tifns to talk about thin­ quallly work al lowest prior for 15 I,rwi* St., Hnrtford, NOBODY BUT NOBOBDY SIX ROOM duplex, oil heated, chil­ Ck). MI 9-6305. CARPENTER —Experienced in all size tricycle. MI 9-0538. lain top and four matching chairs. FIVE ROOM—first floor flat near Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming. ning out our force* there," said 1959 QMC *i-ton at*ke body good expert work Famous fot service Group inaurancs UNDERSELLS NATIONAL dren accepted. O il between 7 and field* of carpenlrv ConlrsCt or China closet with glass doors and hospital. Oil steam heat, tile bath, MANCHESTER" Democrats were reported ahead Yeh as he boarded a plan for motor and fires. Be*l offer. No since tU.'ll Phone Ml 9-4837, Pol- reasnnahle hnurlv rnie* Ml PRE-SEASON chain saw .peciai Wanted—To Huy 58 8 p.m. Ml 9-2559. MANCHESTER lei ton* NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. drawer apace. Call at 495 Forest cabinet kitchen, storm windows, and likely to win In Connecticut, Washington. Qoimm dealer. Can be seen «t 443 Main 3-0731. I Help Wanted— l‘’pmale .'15 Apply Save up to 80% on Clinton saws Summit Street—Six room Colo­ Penneylvanls, Mluiaschusetta, Col­ 381 STATE ST. St.. East Hartford, all day Mon­ WANTED TO BUY screens. Venetian bllndsr recently six room Cape, two unfinls. ad, However, he did not rule out a St. 10-1 daily. New and used. Capitol Equipment in A-1 condition. Accessible to nial. Plastered Walls, fireplace, city orado, Oklahoma. Tennessee, Ari­ gradual reduction after the fire­ HuZ h^ TELEVIHION Serviced CARPENTRY WORK No loh loo EXPEniENCED aewing n.achine Co.. 88 Main St.. kU 8 7958. NORTH HAVEN. CONN. day, after 4:30 p.m., Tuesday and completely ! redecorated. -Adults Business l-ocatlons Available at all times HhUco fac operators wanletl. Day ahrf: Ap­ SPENCER RUBBER Wednesday. Good used resalable furniture, schools and shopping. Reasonably utilities. 10% FHA commitment. zona and Minnesota. power on the islands is Increased 1954 FORD convertible, healer, small. E.spei lenced i-ai peolcrs, preferred. MI 3-7056 after 6. Will sell under FHA iippraiasi of lory eupervlaed sendee. Tel. Ml ply Kaklai Toy Co., 60 Hllllarcl St. Telephone Chestnut 8-2147 . also small upright and spinet for Rent 64 priced. Immediate occupancy. 10% Democratic victories were con- through new and better- weapons. radio, hydramatlc. 1054 Ford ciis- reasonable rate* fliarie* W. PRODUCTS SNOW BLOWERS-Reo, Snowbird, TWO POT TYPE oil heaters, Ofie pianos. $14,800. tomline, heater, radio. No down 9-0698. I L a lh rn p A Ron*. 172 East Center and Toro, Push and self-propelled. FOR RENT—Three-room cottage FHA mortgage available. iidersd certain in Arkansas, Ala- NstlonaliRt and U.S. military CLERK~TYI'NST~''irll~lime. 9 .5 hhrome trim. Call after 5. MI suitable (or couple,, <3all after 6 BONARD W TOST Jeweler, re­ Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Ml 15 Oak Street ing Phone. 80 9-6229 or Ml 8-7444. 18 acres of land, Avery Street, 15.0W to 20,000 men. Very clean, 3095, MI 3-0736. 88 livery ( ’all Eleclrnlu.x auirnrlzed flooring-SIding Hi stove lengtha, $10 per load, deliv­ THREE ROOM apartment, $50 per late * four room ranch. Extras. The New York Dally News said D m ite the slackening of Red sale* Hull aervlce MI 9 0813 oi -lA EXPERIENCED sewing ir acliine pairs. adjust* watches expertly 9-7948. month. Call MI 9-9043. So Windsor. Five minute* walk lo Buement garage. 8% FHA, 10% Homestead 81. Matrr heater appliance stor e de- ered. Call PI 2-7888. Reasonable prices Open daily. THREE ROOM office, ground new school now being built, today the Republicans have a shefflhg, rough seas in tlie For­ 2-0108 Please ask for Augusih e COUGHLIN ROOFING Company, operator* NIglu sliifl, 5'to lO p.tir. ] Hire* ttrecliBnlcai Bervice nran with Rooms Without Board 59 Apply Kaltinr Toy Co , 60 Ilillrard Thuraday evening*. 129 Spruce HOTPOINT refrigerator and Kisn- level Main Street near Center, fighting chance of winning the mosa Strait prevented'the sending 1942 PONTIAC, radio nnd liealer, Kaiulenskl. Inc. Alirmlnrrrn sitling, asphalt- experlem c in sei-viring and repair­ LOAM—Order now for fall seeding. moet races for governor at ths mniMroN , dirertlnnnl IlghI*. (food limning St. Street Ml 9-4881 more gas range. Excellent condi­ PLEASANT room heated, near TWO ROOM furnished apartment Plenty of parking. Phone Ml $14,800—Bolton Lake. Six room of supply convoys Sunday or Mon­ ashealo* roofing Also alrrrnlnrrm. ing major appliance*. Experience Rich, cultivated' tobacco field tion, Reasonably priced. 215 9-5228. 80 8-7444. B & D REALTY ASSN., INC- Nov. ,4 elsctior while at the same day to Quemoy. Strong seasonal Hadel 92899 TaMeW condlllon. Extra tires, .ff,. PI galvanlr-ed or copiier grrtler* and loam. Tel. Ml 9-0650. bath (Or one or two gentlemen. at 106 Birch St. MI 9-3864. ranch, full basement,, aluminum II* eracal diafl. 368 ^ I* MOUTENSEN TV Speclalliietl RCA WANTED VVonrnn for light irott.ae-* 111 refrigeration Important. Perma­ Keeney St, MI 9-9113. time suffering a rout in Senate winds whipped the strait, especial­ 3-8367. leader*. MI 3-7707. nent poailion. Good starting salary. Parking, 64 High St. combinations Drilled well. Nice tolevtsint, service Ml 9-4641. work and rar< of elticriv pererm. I TOP QUALITY loam, excellent (or Fuel and Feed 49-A ROOM garden type apartment, OFFICE SPACE available Ideal Mi 9-8075 days double lot, near private beach. and House contests. ly around the Pescadores Iriands. Live In Wtlle Mr* S. Soya, !'’(ir Interview write giving age, $105 monthly Including heat, hot location - 139 Bast Center St op­ The news printed a Washing­ assembly point for some of the 1950 BTUDEBAKER four door fully RAY’S ROtlFINO (X) shingle and land, greenhouses end top dress­ ROOM FUR RENT Inquire SMte Ml 9-3640 evenings Year 'round recreation. 1 aril csisr. equipped, new’ lire*, good iiitrdl •lANITOniAL anil cleaning service SItirra., Cimn,, nr phtrnc GAtfieltl marital ntntiis and experience. SEASONED—Hardwood for fur­ water, stove, refrigerator. Nice posite Spruce, Call 80 9-7177. ton story on a survey based on supply convoyg. hullt-up roofs, gutter anti conduc ing lawn Gravel, fill, sand and naces, fireplaces, stoves. Edward Tailor Shop, 8 BIsseU. Ml 8 7883. lion, must sell. $17,5 MA 0.1611 Expert florrr- service O'or, h'lrrre*, 9-9031. stone. MI 3-860.8. Afte' 623T Ml 8-6047. Location, G(x>dchlld Realty do., FOUR FAMILY home Just off East $14,800—New 5',4 room ranch. reports from correspondents in office* arifl Industrie*. Cai for lor work; roof, chimney repairs H().\ V, HERALD Yeomans, PI 2-8002. l a r g e STORE, 2oY n . Main St., Center St. 8-csr garage, amesite Ray Hagenow'. kfl 9-2214; Ray 15 Forest St. MI 3-7925. for rent. Beautiful modem *ront, Built-ins, basement garage, two key states and on cheeks by news 1954 FORD four-door sedan Fordo- free e*tirnale*. Modern Floor Pol M A ID S , A I NeW' Yor-k hnnrea live- drive etc., good condition, good sere wooded lot. reporters. Controller Exam s Jackson, kD S-8.325 ATTRACmVE three room apart- good business center. $65. 5249.95 malic, while wall*, rarirrr nrrd Isblrrg Cirttpartv. Ml 0 0083 *nd rn Tir $2'J(r niortllily. Free r'oortr. INTERESTED In driving school BOAT, TRAILER and motor. Call buy for Investment. Psiil J. Cor­ Of the 82 states sleeting gov­ board, frtre advttncetl Write Gem nvint, Vernon. Exclusive neigh­ $25,600 — WatroUB Road. For the heater. Call MI 3-1005 Ml 3 0053 ROOFING, SIDINO, 'pam^lrii^ Ca? bu*. 7:.in to 8:46 a.m, 2:15 to 3:30 MI 3-6775. ' converse Assessors' Notice renti, Broker. Ml 3-8863. ernors, there are Democratic in­ VALUE PIECK fr Ai!em'v. :I5 I.ltii'olri, Roxlyn borhood,- modem conveniences. port;y needing a separate (our room Set W ednesday ft nentry Alieralli.n* *nd stidmtm* p.m. Call MI 3-2414 between 10 and cumbents in 19 and Rspubileana in »H»v9Cw*99VW* nEflEHHMV FORD 'j.-lori plfk-lip Good rtmrrlng lletv’lila, N ew Vi>rlt. WINCHESTER 88 or Savage 99 .308 JR. Each person liable to pay Houses tor Rent 65 NINE ROOM single, In established hornm e with private drive and base­ Celling* Worktnan*hl|i giraran References requited.- M l 9>^$7. 18. . . Chetilt. Hendcroktd Isr lone, condition Frtll price $105. ''mtg- Fl.OOIt SANDING and reflnishlllg. cal. Both practically new. Either PROPERTY TAXES In this town East Side neighborhood. Five bed­ ment garage in addition to a large Thirty-ijx applicants seeking the teed A A Dion, Inc.. 200 Airlumn TWO-R06M- furnished apartment, SIX ROOM duplex. Near Center, Among findings were these: . ' treuWs-frM larvlcs. la* Motor*. 3.13 Main. | Call Ml 0 8010. SI Ml 8 4860 ~ SOW l.S THK TIMK-I'T one $75. MI 9-1654. R E X is hereby notified that he is re­ rooms, oil heat, 3-dar garage. Re­ six room tiaoh with 1% baths, two Job of oontroUer for Manchester Salesmen Wanted ,16-A quired by .law to return to the As­ heat and hot water. Apply Mar­ oil heat. Good condition Call 8U The New York contest between _ _ ■» _____ 9-1428. duced for immediate sale. 8. A, fireplaces, finished recreation ace scheduled to take written ex- To *larl e'aining the extra $.t$ votr 26 " CHAIN SAW, excellent condi­ ARTESIAN WELLS PAINTING and sessors ori or before the first busi­ low’s, 867 Main St. Beechler, Realtor, 1 ^ 34969, or room, two-car garage with slectrlc democratic Gov. Averall Hsrriman a f VALUE CHECK IT AD b o o k " MATtfHES Part or aminationa Wednesday night at 7 Ronflng end niininevs 16-A W’ant for Cltrlaimn.*. Avtrn iepre- tion. Mike Shirahaq, Flanders Rd., • RA.VDALL AUCLAIR • ness day of November of this yfar, 'W. R. Smith, Associate, MI 9-8953. overhead door. On a two acre and Nelson A. Rockefeller is a o’clock in Room 101 at Manchea­ The^ Lafe$t In Cla$$ic$ The Clue 1$ Color! full time men, Ea»y-to-*ell line of South Coventry. P$ 2-6259. THREB SMALL room opartipsht. EAST HARTFORD, 121 Tolland dfOilH wMcb aenlatlve* earn $3 - $5 an h our- PAPER HANGING a written br printed list properly Older 6 room single, hot wooded lot. . Priced fir below re­ toss-up. ter High School. ROOFING Speelsllzlng in rep*!"- Ixtok nintche* brings fast dally In good condition. Heat and hot MANCHESTER - ExceUdnt Cape Wihr.rwkt In TV cbnuk TR 5.7059 signed and sworn to, on a form wjtter heat, hear schools^ bus, placement coat. In California, only a political Examinations for the Job, Which Ing roof* of nil kind*. Al«i new in llieir free lime! 40% rtmimla- commission*! Srow posed live TELEPHONE supplied by the Assessors and ap­ water included. MI 9-1683, eve­ Cod, plus bresseway and garage, miracle apparently can save Re­ ttlon’ Yort ran do it tool! Avon model glamour girls; four-color nings, AD 2-5955, > church. One-car garage, $120 rec room, many many more ex­ pays from 17,514 to 88,918, will be e f VALUE CHECK IT roofs Oirtter work Chimney* Financing Arranged M l 9.3266 proved by the Tax Commissioner, monthly. T w o months In' eilvr -ce. VERNON publican Sen. William F. Know- cleaneil repalreil, 26 yearri exper­ illuHli'o-ad. Hillbillies. dozens tras. Call fast on this one. Full given by the State Personnel 'De­ H t m IwiiMiif Mclvr* Tube. rrodircl*. JA 2-1758, o f all the TAXABLE PROPERTY Lawrence F, Fiano, Broker. MI land from a crushing defeat for partment. ience. Free estimate* Cali How- olheis: 20*. 30,*, 40*; (or quick ,BOTH REAL AND -PERSONAL price $14,900. Large four family 114,700—814 room ranch. Extras the governorship. daily Hnlea, CuRlomer* every­ 9-5910. house plus 6 car garage. A real Five of the applicants art frond ■vnnvg wwy* ley, Manelieslor. Ml 8-5861 FULL Trme sniesgit I, 18 lo 20 yetira For Sale belonging to him. and subject to include asparats room in base­ The chances arc that after the where. Maater outfit free. For fast NOTICE good one and priced right Short Manchester, 24 from otljer towns old Apply It) pei'Bon. Dewey-Rleh- taxation in said Town on the first TWO FAMILY ranch style, one ment. Easy financing. election there will be fe-^’er Demo­ man. 767 Main St,, Mam'he.sler. action give age. aelllng exper­ MCH day of October, Notice is hereby ^ven that Jhe furnished and one unfurnished, .w a y out nice ranch plus garage in the State and the other Sevan Henting nnd PUimhIng 17 ience.! Superior Match, 7804, S. and large lot. Pul] price $10,500. cratic governors and more Re­ from out of State. It will be necessary for all places -Selectmen and Town Clerk and/or 3>A room* each side, nice' yard. $17,500—Seven room spilt level. publican governors. HOI’SEKEEI’ ER with own Irn^- Greenwood, Chicago 19. Over 60 more listings o* more Built-lna include dishwashe’ . Pos­ S,WATSON. PLUM ING and heat ANOTHER INVESTMENT SPECIAL! of BUSINESS to file inventories. Assistant Town Clerk will be In Ml 9-0(|00. CoU before 10 or after The Republicans are almost portallon for three busine** FARM LORM TEN PER CENT will be i^ded to session as s Board for Admission 6. ■■ kinds. C!all the Enisworth Mitten sible m baths. Aluminum 'rentbina- ing contractor. New Instaliattona. adults. Write Box A. Hernid. % Agency realtors, MI 34980 or MI- tions. Ds liixe bath. FHA or pres­ certain lo lose gubernatorial seat* alteratio, work and repair work. each Hat not given in and sworp to of Elector* on Monday, November 9-6624. now held in Ohio t r4 through the motions of electmg *219.95 Lists must- be filed during the ■ . ■ -L Edward Whitcomb In dining room, newly tiled bath, work on fleet operation. Some cabinet kitchen plua, pantry, dioh- baths, dkimlrfum combinstlon, Democratic governors.. Movintf^—Trurkinjt— minor repaira. Call Ml 3-2414 be- PLUGGED SEWERS month of October,' “ .' John CJuyler HutchlnMn omosito driv*. 8% f h a , io% VA. Edward’M. Yeomans : Washer and dupMOl, ottle insula* Republican sure-thing states are StorHjte 20 Iwccn 10 ami 2. FOUNOATIONS Bolton Board o f Asseissors. - ddrlndllng. although Nebraska, Edson P. Herrick, Chairman Selectmen NOTICE tion, copper plumbing, 3-ea~ ga­ BARLOmrS TV Maohina GUanad; Oertipdie R Noreh Ellsworth L Oovell - rage with amesite drive etc. For ether listings North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, MO Vfc "b y " fRATLBR7v*n.’‘ lthrTeM Septie 1)0011*, Dry Well*. SrWei New Mexico, Wisconsin and Ver­ expensive—One load Instead of Ectlmottf . Oiarles C. Church Town Clerk Notieo is hereby given, that the Property is lust a few blocks 1089 TOLLAND TPKE. Une* In«t*lled--Oenar Water- from Bowers Bchoot. Fairly priced, mont are almost certain to have two or three-Easier loading and • SEPTIC TANKS Polling Plaea for the 'Novsmbet- LAWRENCE F. FIANO,' BUCKLAND unloading— Ulstlnctlva,, dignified chM rfully g i v f t . proollai Done. A B e st Buy - - - - ^ By Beltiore 4tli, USS election will be at the at $18,000. OOP . governors agsm. Cle*ne emtai swau. a a TiMSMa t«a • SEW ERS Edward J. Potointki MoKINNEY EROS. Remember the. Best Buy inve.stment spwial we fea-' uked and the polls viill b* opsn 968 MAIN STREET their first jewernor sine* 1632. Eaai Middle Turnpike, Ml 8-5187 tu$%d very recently? Well, it went faster than the Mil­ MI 9-6910 Hnrtford CH 7-1438 klae^hlne Cleaned Snwnroqn Disposal Co. M SCHOOL **4 ummis MSTMCT ^ n fi AJf, until 7 P.M. for the MANCHESTER. CONN. RepublieSn-have only on out-^ 5822 purpose of casting ballots for Gov­ M l 94241 side chance M ousting Democratic Stom , Conn. <3A 9-9044 ISA-188 PeOri Rt. ~ Ml 8-A8A8 waukee Braves led in the recent World Series! MANCHESTER-Well cared for • INSTALLATION ernor, Liteutensnt Governor, Sec­ governors m Connecticut, MOsaa- eight room home in good location. ohusetU, Michigan, Minnebota and Here’s another one we think will go rather rapidlv retary of State, Treasurer, Comp­ VERY ATTRACTIVE 8 btdroom There ore four bedrooms, and if OFMANCifeTBR 8132 • TO CAOCHtT SPECIALIST troller, Attorney General, United Colorado. MANCHESTER ■ . , . .,' . ------' ' It’s a well located older three-family dwelling, adaptable ranch, complete- rocreatton room you need five bedrooms th* TV aETGHER BUSS GO. I2'v24'/i States Benstor, Rcpres«itaUve-at- Pennsylvania will elect a Demo­ MItCMI WITH TH| mw WELDING SERVICE for business or residence use . . . nnd properlv zoned for with-MS, garage. 105’ frontage, room is available. Madeline * 9-781* t'riK'het head-hiiggliig-hal Town and Country MEET lO R OLIVER NOTICE lArgs, Represfntatlvs In . Con­ trees, high elevation, many Smith, Realtor, MI 9-1941. crat. The Democrats should tyin from a hnllianl color lo lop your either. Centrally located on a main thoroughfare it has IM WEST MIDOLB TURNPIi Ie \l' patt-o-rama FI UNAt'K 'and HillLEKS gress, ,8herifr,' Senafor for the . metros, onw 818,900. Coriten W. by a good margin in Michigan. coalnmc. and yon're sure t,o win - '. • . or ' all city utilities plus economical Timken forced hot water 88th District, Judge.. of Pro­ ' Hutchtaiq', Ml f4 1 l8 . . An Iowa newspaper poll shows the . CORNER DURANT RT. Try a slenclenzin!; xli ipp'l fshi-U' KEPAIKED Orainayo Go. ^ MANCHESTER — BxcaUent Ciape I .any a accond glance. .Make II for oil heat. " bate for the, Andover- District, Ood with garage. 81x finished governor roc* in that ataU a tosa- for this atti'acUvr I'lassli; that'.* ymirac);, hig n ill lie aislers, Tel. .Ml 9-I65H— 511 9-876'I M l 9.4143 CENTER iiSfoTOR SALf S Representative to the'General Ae- REDUCE^ c a p s ' OOD -Johnom ' “ P- ■ NEW LARGER QUARTERS a fashion favorite, .season after 4St AAIN RTREBT rooms, two full tu« baths with mother or dniighle’ If* Imi.nd lo This dw ellin gs presently a good income proposition sembly and. for Justicea o f the built. Newly pointed Inside and colored fixtures. Faaturaa include seoBon. Sleeve ami collar choice. plea*e all' TO TAXPAYERS Prace.'' ' I out. Exceptional school foeUlHca, atael beam, stall showar,. fire­ ' Newlywed kttled - - PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING' . . it’s location assures future prjee appreciation It has No. 8132 with PBtl-(‘)-Rania i* Pattern No. 5822 vonlaina cro- Constitutional ammdments re­ fine neighborhood, Ownsri Ml place, vestibula, two front dor­ In sizes 12'... 14's. 16'.j , IH'b, been bank appraised at $16,500 V. , and that is what quiring a “yes’’ or ’’ho" vote. 946M. ehel direction*: materiel, require­ Authorized mers, full-shed dormar, omaaite OhiiAertown, M d„ Get. 37 UP)— AUTO GLASS T^ALUD ' 2()Ui, 2 2 'j , 2 4 !j . 2(IL siz? II' b, ments; ilitcli lllu.*tratldh.*. it’s selling tot. Interested? Call us, plca.se. Thank you 1. OnutituUonat amendment drive, fruit ' 35 bust, cap sleeve and collar, 4\ SALES and SERVICE All teiM iipali afttr Odabar H cqncerning the holding of other of- MANCHESTER ^ 417 East CentOr A 8-car collision near here, hoif Send 25n In coin*, for Ihl* |x>t- very much. ' , St. Large, nine room houee sUit* oewer. Lot ended Ih tragedy for * OonnecUcut yards of 35-lnc)i lerq, lo Amic ("ahol. TIjp. Man­ flee by members of ths Oensrol Ae- meat call FURNmiM TOPS Send 35c in cun* for this pat­ HOUSING IS OUR BUSINESS O F THE N E W M i ba d i a r ^ Vz at lalaraat •smbly. ablo for buelneee and reeldential honeymoon. couple. chester Eve.iin; Herald. 115(1 uae.' First floor remodeled for of­ Reoity, ______Charles Broderick, 83. Norwalk, tern to Sue Burnett, 'Uiie .\lanciie.s- AVE. OF .V.MEUICA.S, NEW WHETHER RUYING, RUILDJNG or SEUING, . 2. Constitutional amendment M IM O R S IPUepioee fiwd lN n r l THE WIUJAM E. BEtnORE ABENCY' concerning adjudication of claims fice'. Priced very reoeanable. woe killed yeatOrday and hia wife. ter Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. 4)F YORK .46, .N.Y. Print Name, Ad- ^ SEE JARVIS nRST par maath Hitll pali tr Phone MI 8-6278 Brae-Burn MANCHESTER — 814,800. Porter Bhrbora; 23. was hp*plUlise4 with AMERICAS, NEW YORK .40. dresB and Pattern N’nmher, Add 358 MAIN ST: ogainot ths State. St. oeetion. ShcceUent fomity, old* PICTUM PRAMINO M tTpnsl M t* 4 7 4 0 8. Constitutional omendmant Rggity. ^ injuriso. N.Y. Print Name, Adrtreas with lOc for each pattern for. flrsl- GERKELEY tharaof flfiirMl fram laa lata. or colonial, three bodrooini, opa- They arhro married in Norwalk Zone, Style Number and S.ize. Add claaa mailing. JARVIS REALTY CO. concerning the salary of membera MANCHE8rrER-4lx room ' Chpe, doua living room, separate of Nura- TDC Post Again The Weather Ing. In New 'London haa been YEAR ROUNIJ CONDlIIONlNG For the Week Kndiid The executive board of Uie Ferecut or 0. S. Weather Bareah elected vice president of District Oct. tSthi la u Verplawk PTA will meet tomor­ Albsrt, % Dswsy of 54 Robert row night at 7:45 at the school. 2 of the Connecticut State Stu­ A DEEP SK?fSte'6f Uool, periode of light rata ar dent* Nurses Asan. Rd.,. a member of the Town De­ BEBPONHfBIUTV 12,815 J XI Gamma Chapter of B e t a velopment Cumi.iissldn for the last drlule tonight. Low aear 4#. Tmr- Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow The art class of the Manchester As* years, does not wish to be •— is a “06081801 remindeit to Iteep stand­ Member e ( the Audit ttal clearing, warmer Wednenday, night at 8 o’clock at the home of , Art Assn., conducted by Leslie | ard* high at all times. A phone call at any ButeMt e ( ClrcnlethMi High In SOe. Mrs. James Richmond, 247 Sum- Pomgrancs, will start Wednesday; considered for res{>polntment hour brings prompt service. \ M finch e s te r " " A City of Village f^ftdrm Bt. i evening. There is still an open- when hlg term ends next month. __ ^ ' ing. and anyone interested may In a'letter to aeneral Manager ' ...------— The Queen of Peace Mothers | call the secretary, Mrs, ^Eleanor Richard Martin, Dtwey j^ay* "just Wllllatii P. ({ulsh VOL. LXXVIIL NO. *4 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, OplDBER 28, 1958 (Claaelfled Adverlieing on Page 14) Circle will meet at the home of ! Vlhhert. Fur\eral PRICE FIVE CENTS In case any thought might be giv­ Mr*. ..Harry Deegan. 128 Brettin i ----- Raymond T. (|uish Rd tomorrow night at 8 IS The ' Member* of the Italian Amerl- en" to his reappointment he co-hosteas will he Mr*. R o b e r t .can Society will meet at the cliib- wished to say he would not be Tomas.*l. 1 house tomorrow night at 7 ;,10 to available. Ml 3-5940 __ I proceed from there to the John B. Dewey explained that he 1* out The We-Group of the Cnncor- Burke Kiinerai Home to pay re- of town a gredt deal and that "It dla Lutheran Church will be hosts I spret* to .lohn DlSalvo, a member doea not seem fair to the other to tlie Mr. and Mr* Club of the j of the society. members of the Commisaion to 2 2 5 MAIN ST. First Lutheran riiurch ol Rock- ! ----- be as frequently absent from vHle tomorrow nighl, »lartuig with I The Woman * Home I.,eague of r. eeting as I have been of late.” a buffet at 8 o'clock. The *upper . the Salvation Army will meet to- Continuing. Dewey said he ap­ aill be served by Mr, and Mrs } morrow affernoon si 2 o'clock. preciated the honor of having Otto Heller, Mr. and Mr*, rtoberl , Hostesses will he Mr*. Rllen Klt- Ijeen aPpolntjd Ave year* ago and ofVe Sesfion* and Mr. and Mr* (Irorge j tie and .Mr*. .Mvrile 01*mann. the "privilege of serving with the Krau.se. The program Is being ar- - - - fine group of men in the Com­ ranged by Mr, and Mrs Krncsl | Mnnorl*! Temple. I’ythlan 81s- mission." Those lovely new odditiens Y e, Tnrerk and ,Mr and Mrs k.dward (p,, ^^||| nicet lomoirow at 8 a.m. Dewey said he expects to con­ Ike Labels Walters. The We-Tvo (Ironp will Kcilow* Hall, si which time tinue his interest in the objective Dulles Tags China have a business meeting at 7 i p,,,,, j,. mmpleted fi r the dln- of the Commission and will at­ Hole's DomesYie Deportment.] Popular Prelate, 76, o clock net and rerepllon. Nov. I. In the tempt to aid In it* worh from time .MAIN FIXTOR, REAR. same hall honoring Mrs Howard to time. Democrats Members of the Eleanora Duse L .81)11111 llfi Union SI., who waa Ixidge are requested In meet in mslnlleP)— AnRcIo Cardinal RoncsllL lodge C H E N I L L E a TH MAT SETS Therefore, he said, in order to President EU^hower car­ Paat Chief Danghtera of Scotia .. 9 day accused Red China of save face the Communists said chosen Pope today. A delegation from the Ladies of will meet tomorrow at 7:4.1 p.m. "promiscuous killing,” pri­ that they would let the National­ ried his camiHUgning to New SPECIALLY p r i c e d : * Roncalli, Patriarch of Venice, becomes thS 262nd'dMiprein* .'ll .lame* will meet tomorrow at the home of .Mrs Cieorge 'Tor-: Two smart patterns, solid colored marily of civilians, with its ist* send in supplies every other York todajy ifter a renewed ruler of the Roman Catholic Church and its hal^ilH on fol­ night at 8 o'clock at the .lohn B ranee 23 Kdaeiton St. lattice pattern in pink. blue, yel­ sporadic shelling of Quemoy. day and thereby created the ap­ attack ojt"^Democrat.s he de- lowers. Burke Funeral Home to pa>' final low. preen, charcoal and tan. Col­ pearance of allowing something scribed/ as .spendthrifts, vi- resfierts to .lohn Pt.'-sUo vliose Dulles also told a newa confer­ which was going to happen any- He i.s 76 years old. The Rev K K|nar Itask. mlnlaler or with black mixture in pink, ence that Russia'* .sudden rejection sioi^ie.s and boondogglers. | widow 1* * member of the orcanl^^ of the CmTiianl I'ongre'gatlonal V ay. Chosen in secret conclave hy the Collare of Cardinals, the M blue, yellow, green, tan and black of a proposed one-year suspension But with the elections just ■ ration Clinrcli. has resigned as director The whole outlandish behavidr and white. of atomic tests may be due to dis­ FWeek away, former President Har-1 nc*w Pontiff chose the name John X X H I (23rd). of the choir after serving In that Statp. Of Herrs of Catholic Ladies Set covery by Moscow that it is con­ of the Red* In this instance, Dulles caparltv for the past four years. Other Seta »2.9» and $3.98 ;cy S. Truman said Democratic | He succeed.s Pope Pius XII, who diw after a reign of 19 Recently elwled offleera of the Hliile Asaoelation of the Catholic Liidlca of Columbus are standing, siderably behind the United States said, is part of their upside dawti He will be sncceeiled hy Ml*. prospect* appear "almost too good , ■yoara and seven month.s, one of theilongest reigns in the his- the Rev. William .1. Baldwin nf Norwich, State chaplain; Mr*. Beverly Malone of Manche.ster, vice In nuclear weapons techniques. way o f talking. It is also, he sUld, Henry Janssen. II Awinrlale Rd. ! to be tnie." ' j tory of the church. ^ O L L i r S pieHideul; Mra Agnea Heffernan nf Newington, cor.-esponding ,aecretaryi .sitting, Mrs Viola DeCarli Jtu.ssia's attitude, he said,’ "dims a complete demonstration that the Com .lenting on a Gallup poll j nf Rni kville. record aecielary. and .Mra .Mary Lyons of Manchealcr, piesidcnt. Miss .Margaret BOXED TERRY the chances of success'' of test ban shooting is not now for .military I prediction of possibly sweeping ' The new Italian I’ope, in tjth Roman Catholic view, is in The I.w at R p.ni. m thr your order, large or small. Taking issue with the forecast*. name of John KXIII. taken by th# K of ( ’ Hnll. Pnat !rycnt,4 will h» colorful ceremonies of the Roman new Pope, haa been used before, We call for your prescrip­ Ten new pattern* In embroi­ Nixon told a cheering crowd of Catholic Chiircl). tn rhai'Rr of thr aorlal to follow, dered, printed and flocked de­ Three Russians Win 3,000 GOP partisans last night: but hy a man the Roman CathoUo Note&yotetorMarte«4Yules Pineo Encl.s tions, if desired, and de­ ' But after that ceremony, the Church conaidera an antlpope. aniln\‘-,Mhip hall of rkn Mils won the tlielr One of thelr'tt#)t<—a cosmic ray nounced expulsion of Pasternak and benign looking, has been on* green, yellow, blue and white. Tsyln ami Full Bed Sixe* Thursday and Friday toward a 3- of vogue 600 years. fii.st win in t \» n ye.^is, Pineo i.4 counter— Is now circling tl>e globe from the Soviet Writers Union. day speaking tour of Alaska dur- Clear Weatlier, of the most popular prelates In ' thr nnrl ( ’4»nt: I rca I mnal t'huKh The new Pope passed over the Vote the son of Mr. and Mr.s. (Unyton In Sputnik III. Other* are in nu­ The union’* expulsion of the jia i the weekend. Wesl Fears Soviet ; Italy, He also has many friends five names thst have been used Pinot). We welcome charge Hci'oimtsl ii-Jf." Green Trading Stamp* are clear laboratories . around the 68-year-old author was announced lOlsenhower flew to New York Abroad, particularly In France A inert In;,; nl tlir Mnilniani-H \\\W since 1724 Benedict, ClemenL Republican Mrs, Pineo ,rrpwnorl Dl All happy to he hnm''' He will prob­ kov. I. M. Frank and Igor E. tei'nak's social isolation. Foreign­ atate television address In Pitts-: Wiiulsor Ix)cks. Oct. 28 '/I"i - ' He has a sturdy health and Is PAUL R. MARTS HERMAN YULES er* in Moscow speculated that the To Scuttle A-Talks Hhi* affabie ' '®“oiea closest to John in pop- mrnihoi.4- arr a.aUr«l in hrini: an ably return to school "in two Tamm, ' all Moscow professors. burgh. I Chcci- ijj) folk),. The U .S. Weather an untiling vorker expulsion could take , away his ' ularily. aiticlr for thp u hitr rlr)ihant aalr. | w rrks.' END • .5.MPLE FREE P.\RKING • They were cited jointly by the .In the same fighting technique; Brreau loiiorleit today lhal an manners, and q)uck-w)tled con­ John II wa* the first Pope to Royal Swedirti Academ.v “ for the right to work. It might al*o niean he unveiled In Cslifornla Isst week, United Nations. N. V., Oct. 28* aoy permanent.suspen.sion of tests. versation have made him a well end of ihc cool, rainy weather Is change hia name himself. He did it PHARMACY discovery and interpretation of the he will have to give up hi* coun­ i.Ti -We.ttern diplomats at the Zorin served notice once again In (iight. i ki own flgii re at many diplomatic try home in the "writer*’ village" U.N. grew increasingly fearful to­ that Russia intends lo keep on with receptlops. because hla real name wa* Mer­ 4 DEPOT SQUARE Cherenkov effect," the basis of a . (Oontinurd on Page Flsveii) The foul venllrcr Uiai has been cury--the name of the Pagan Ro­ outside Moscow, . day that the Soviet Union plans Its nuclear we.ipon tests until their He was born as the son of a MI 9-4S8II novel cosmic ray cojintef. with ns since last Thursday will I man god of commerce. He ruled a / The 1958 chemistry prize wa* The Literary Gazette announce­ to scuttle Big Three negotiations number equals the total the United ronllniie today and tonight hut. farmhand in a small village In Th€ J5Y H A L4 CORK ment said the decision to expel for an inspection s.vstem lo enforce thousand yeara ago. FREE awarded to Dr. Frederick Sanger. States ami Britain have act eff I’sjtial I'lcarli.g i* expected lo- ; the Province of Bergamo. The a n c h i s t i r o m m Pasternak was made unanimously a ban on’ nuclear weapons teat.*. since last March 31. On that date A Pope can choose any name he PRESCRIPTION M C - 40-yesr-oId British biochemist, for * > $280.8 Billion mori'ow afternoon and we may i I eople of Hus region, the Bcr- w-lshes. Usually he picks the name DELIVER Y pioneer work on the molecular i the union * go\- The apprehension stemmed from Russia announced It was auspend- even see some sunshine is the I ganiaschi, sre known lo be good-| CORNER MAIN AND OAK STREET.S IVT .,^1 "Tb 1 . Jtussia’s latest flat rc.tecllon of Ing tests, then resumed them Sept. of a predecessor with whom ho •tructure of insulin, the protein ; *' ^ 1^*^ '-^D o e t o r woi'd fiom the weatlicriiian. Tein- j humored and easy going and ' feels some affinlt.V. Pay Eleclrle Bill* Her* f g d O I x d l 1^1’* U.S.-Brltlsh call for'a one-year 30. f/ei'nlnre.* will i-emaln cool, how- y-oung Roncalli lived up to this “ >e targets of I suspension of nuclei r weapons Zorin's statement was the first The Italian news agency ANSA cvei-. j reputation. said it la believed Cardinal Ron­ Hallmark (ireetlng Cards a! Soviet press attacX since C ^ f . „ T T ! 1 tests, beginning with, the opening public Soviet reply lo President pf the 3lg Three talks In Geneva Low piessiiie that has been over After graduating from the Ro­ calli picked th.e. name John in or­ wsce prl»^T^^^ letters Elsenhower's challenge Saturday man Pontifical Seminary In 1994, Advertise in The Herald— It Pavs tbi 0618 JNpW Hlfifll ; Friday. to Russia to join the United Stales southern .New England for days der to bring it back In vogue. Soviet Deputy , Fo re l^ Minister and Britain in a one-year sua- is still with us and a new dis­ he became personal secretary of the will of Alfred Nobel, the Swed- literature last Thurs- turbance. which formed over New the Bishop of . Bergamo. Msgr. I Washington, Oct. 28 ur\ The Valerian Zotit. told the U.N.’s 81- penalon of all atomlf-hydrogcn istr inventdr of dynamite. | expressed gratification upon : total national debt ha* reached nation Political Committee last weapon tests. Tlie two western Jersey early this morning, likely Radinl-Tedeschl. In this post, will move through our area to­ The award to the Russian scien- learning of the award and said he jS new all-time high of *280 851,. night th.al Russia was ■ p)eparcd powers first proposed the'one-year which he held until the Bishop's I 000,000. night. death In 1914. he acquired an earl.V tlsta posed a dilemma for Soviet ^ jioped to be able to get to Stock- to conlrP ite "in every-, possible suspension last August, Later they After this passes, di|er air knowledge of the administrative Bulletins leaders angered by the award last; holm for Nobel Ceremonies Dec. 1 The Treasury disclosed toda.v way" to’ success of the talks. He proposed alternatively that tests week of the 1968 Nobel prize In lit- j 12 to receive it in person, I that tr* total direct and guaran- made plain, however, that the gradually will move in and pro­ slrucliire of the church and al.so from the A P Wires RE-ELECT be. suspended during the Geneva duce a clearing trend, according erature to another Russian, poet-; -phe literary organ gave na.ln- I teed debt shattered ti e old record Kremlin would slick to Its insist­ talks. i last Thursday the most recent to the best Information here novelist Boris Pasternak. cations whether Pasternak's wish ence on an unconditional agree­ Zorin's . statement brought (Continued on Page Eight) I da.v for which government ac- .MINE BLAST TRAPS 29 The dilemma is this: , | to make the trip to Stockholm ment to suspend tesla "ihimedialely quick reaction from the Unrted I counts have been tallied. Summerarille. IV. Va., Oct. 28 Pasternak is the author of "Doc- would be granted. The Communist j and forever." States and Britain. tor Zhivago,” a novel critical of party newspaper Pravda hg* dec- Until then, the hlehest debt wasr i The »••** western ***,c*v^iii *i\**nui'lear 1^4*1 gsxrpowers w *r 1 n ***-de- (A')— An explosion shook tk* A PROVEN PROBATE JUDGE U.S. delegate Jampa W. Barco Oglehny-.Norton ec. .3t, 1955. ; ■ board of Aetna Insurance, after where they were 1.2 yeara ago," has for weeks been warning-that cleaning- In the departments now ■ a smooth harmony of flavors. -You'11 like A jifdge who ha.s no outside financial Interests of noon to consider the proposaL bustness. ’ . The debt rose *221 million Thuia- >» year*, the Informant said. "They . are re-election of hi* opponent, Goy. controlled by the Rlbicolf.-Bailcy (A day In the life of a -candl-^ ■Hello, glad to see you," Rlbl- day. Thla jump waa caused in Part' CoV. Rlbicoff saya prelltfiinary calling for an uncopdIUonal ban inacl)Jne in Hatrford. I'onnecUriit Schaefer beer's true round taste. Abraham Riblcoff, would bring a FIND OIJL PL.\NE WRECKAGE Bate for governor. First of a 2- coflf greet* a startled woman. She by Ihe sale of an extra *ino vllllon j Il'P * relocation o f RL 5, north on the-bomb and refusing to listen slate income lax law. Today he facea the most critical financial Graduate of; Manchester High School, Hartford part series) grasps hi* outstretched hand and In U.S, Treasurj-bills.’ I of New Haven, will be under- predicament In it* histoiy. . . Sydney, ..Australia, 4>ct. 28 bW to any suggestions for enforcing climaxed hi* warnings with the ------.Australia's greatest aviation Its real beer...your kind of beer. Gollegc of l,aw. manage* a ahy "How do yon do. In the past month, the debt .ha* ' I****” ’-- • Harvard economist Sey- that ban." promise "if siicit a law came to " ’The replacement of the ■present ^ By HOWARD S. ALBERT Governor.” rlsen sharply as the government ( mmir E. Harris proposes lo a n Rlhlroff-Bailey cabinet with spe- m.vstery—the dinappearance ef t , A •^s.. Russia has een insUlIng since my desk, ,aa governor, I would Ihe “Southern Cloud" 27 yean Twenty years of experience rs Clerk of the Pro­ Naugatuck, Oct. 29 (/P) — 'the Down the line he goes, pumping borrowed about ( j billion i" new! program lor needy college . stu- the U.N. disarmament debate be­ veto It.■' ctallsfa In the several fields of de­ casp' to help finance a -ecord' dent*. ago— wa* solved, today whM hate Court. blue station wagon sloshes and hands, repeating with variations; gan two weeks ago that only a Riblcoff. the Democrat, stopped partment administration Is the u recks ge wa* found on a moun- bounces across the mudd.v con­ "Nice to see you;" "HMlo. glad to peacetfme deficit estimated at IJ2 , FIv* alarm fire rages, .more call for an immediate, uncondi­ In Milford to talk ktout natural only way back to sane and sotind tsin. 'The three-engtno Fokker struction detour. see you;” '".'Wonderful to meet billion. The Treasury nlsns to; than two'hour* through 80:^e*r- tional ban on tests would bring resource*. Last night. In a Hart­ operations of Qonneclicul'a bu.si- Ten yeais as JUIXJE OF PROBATE^evoting full borrew another (3 billion next disappeared 5larrh 21, 1881. oa J 4f ■The heavy morning rain slows you." old Harlem public school___Aslan sudeess lo the Gene.'*, parley. The ford television speech. He but* liess affairs." a night from Sydney to Mel- Jt’UGB JOHN J. \VALLF.TT time to the. office. . to a drizzle as the wagon roils One by one the diners respond month. This would give another big flu may have hastened death* of United States and Britain believe upward boost to the debt All this lined a 5-polnt program designed bourne. It carried two pUdta gcroBS the Ma. le Street overpass, ■with a mumbled "How do you do;” about 78,009 American* l**t that if the asaembly vole* such a to enhance Conm cU ct's forests, (Continued on Page Fifteen) and six passengers, lacludtag past a rubber plant, and pulls up or a grunt: 01 "Good luck, Abe." fall and winter, according to U.S; (C'eatihned on Page Right) shoreline and lake*. .American theatcicsd prodocer at Town HalJ. Quickly the Governor mskeir the Surgeon Oeaeral LeRoy-E. Bur­ tConUnued oa Page BtgM) . Will Invite Ike lo Slate Hyde Hood. Out he stei^,-looking Uke Madi- round* an< leave*. ney. Zeller’s schedule today included Allerjjic—-Ha, Ha! Qualified ^ Experienced ------— Deserving aon Avenue — oxford gray suit Next Into Breefl'a Specialty ^ ^ - .French Army unltapurtueoper- a quick campaign speech al New ’ REUS BOO.ST FOODTr AOB with handkierchlef in place, gray Shop, then to the office of the A vn n (von trols agta«*t NstioualHt rtibel* I Eritain,’ then a trip to New York Rome, Oct. 28 t*V-i-AVorlg Naugatuck Daily Newa, gn Inde­ fedora, maroon knitted tie. _ , . r , « . ’ in Algeria... Nigeria haa Britain's Explosion Kill8 22 to invite President EUenpower to To Diiiiew,I Pans food production Is rising agsda Dapper, 48-year-old Abraham pendent new*]»per that haa ntade ' lend a ’ hand to the Connecticut and toth Soviet Ruaala aad M d no endoraementa, ■'It," A. Riblcoff, the Democratic gov­ Regime in Pakistan Miners in Virginia calhpaign. ^ ^ ■ Lynchburg. Va.. Oct. 28 tAb cqina are expecting to export ernor. ha* arrived in thla work- The Governor removes his rub- _ ■ . _ ------—— , "Mad'Bomber" George Mele*ky ^Seller said he would ask Eisen­ — R\-erybody laughs' bill it's crops which may laSeeae* ' H e lngman’4 town to campaign for .hers, meets the staff, and look* at ■Karachi, Pajiatan, Oct. 28 m ■ ) still ia defying predlctioni of an BUhopr^ Va„ OcL 28 i4^ — An not funny tp Mr*: w. H. Al­ world trade, the F o ^ ’and. Agli* Merits Vote For a copy of the paper. A photograph­ Oen. Mohactmod Aytib Khan ruled j early dnaui from tuberculosis... hower to visit the state Thiirs- reelectlon. investigative team descende 300 day or Friday. But he added that mond. She's allergic lo money. culture Orgnalzation (FAO) (to. er starts to-line up a shot. Pakistan today Ip name as well as Paul McNamara, Bridgeport at- , Ha. ha. say* the doctor—he ported today. - The aew report^ Mayor Adam T. McngaccI is re e l. Into an explosion-wracked chances were slim for such a Re-Blection J U D G E "Let's take it outside, ifa clear­ to’rney. .says he itm-er pledged' tunnel at the Pocahontas Fuel Co. visit, vejahea his wife had that aller- presented to FAO'a 24 aaUaa there, waiting with John S; Mon'* ing up;" the Governor suggests., President lalsander Mira* re- fIJHW to-the Democratic Party, directing council hero,, saM ttw agan o< Waterbury, th* Demo­ coal mine today, probing for the tost'night, Zeller was gu*.*t of Si‘- '""On the streeL Riblcoff stops a signed last night and handed Anthont R. Martino of Wafer- cause of the second disastrous Ha. ha, say Xtrs. Almond's upturnn I In pioductioa after tank cratic candidate (or Congress.* young lady and shakes hands. They hoacu' St a 'dinner-rally in North On His W A H .E T T over - all dila powers to Aj"Jb. the j btiry lost hi* court l^ h * to have blast St.the site wittftn 2t' months. Branford attended by about 800 friends, isn’t it amusing that year’s' slump------appeared . ----- largdQr _ _ ' y The entourage swelled flow by pose fo r . pictures. former Army 'conimiuuer in chief ; hi* name listed as BCclaUst party .''everj' time she touches pen- due iq favonMc wrotber ia party workeri and the curious, Twenty-two miner* were killed Republlcians. He reiterated 10 The Mayor take* Riblcoff by the 1 with whom he had joined Oct. T|candidate for U.S. Senator . .. yeslerds.v in the same section queattonrcharges against the Ribi- nlcs. nickel*, dimes, qimrters I'nited States, the Soviet Uaioa R H o r d aoon head* across 'he atreet into grm and steers him across’ th e' In a peaceful .i.'llilary ,'revnlutioit Klaua Kaemmerer, j.heGennaii toy, where 37 miners met death in a and half-dollars, shC breaks and Red Clitaa. Novem ber the heart of the Church Street coff administration. If Conflectlcut 4 atreeL from tavern to luncheonette that MoHahed aU seicblan'ee of whose heart operation was financ- gas explosion Feb. 4.’ 1957. voters learn the answers to those out in a rash T business district. ^ to’ reataurant to market. democatUedemocitallfl goeammenLoamminent. *ed 1^ Gla in Germany, is/ta good Federal, State, United Mine Mrs. Almond manages no NFA4RO p a s t o r s FREBD First stop: Donovan's, Drug questions, he said, they will put the There ia a surprise siting at Earlier .'yeatardag Aytib- Jiad' t«sn«illlioa at Johns - Hopkln*-- Hospl- \Vor). .COM|HnTTKR ROReoB. haiidwnwa,: Miraa and Ma wtfe went tSMlay fn ed . don firiit nighters last night l,e While aimoun'clhg he would head atate comptroller said: her troubfaL. , JaU. Atad ■ v'®.. fc' . " • ■ . ■- ■ •BiaCt *Mkta to Leadea to get nar- ' , I uam i not |only-onlv opposed to a Probably not Sha’i alteirgio Negreea. ------' ------T ...... C •R fMge Z|me>j^ fia i. :• a « Fage BIgM) aUte ]picom* |tax‘ law, ■ •but • will to pdU and peiia, too. ? ''..--I