X . ^ { r ‘ - . .4 * 4 './ V -■ '■■■>■ '. .. , r: ‘ 1 ■-. ■ PAGE FpURTEEN illattrh fa trr lEtt^tthtg firra lb SA OCTOBER 2B, 198K police of a changtrof address," he ton, Bible study leader, yvlll speak replied, "Which one would you Service Series ^ on the Book of BevelattonS. A bou t T^owii like?" '.s' ' Neighborhood' committees from Heard AUpng Main Street Being Planned’ Lower Hebron Ava, Diamond Heancea Tuesday The 2nd Missile Bn. par«de Lake, Mancheater Rd. and. Oedari which was rained out at Mt. Nebo And on Sntno of IHanrhonter*a Sido Strt'OtB, Too The Herald's theater reporter picked up the. phone this morning In Buckingham Ridge are aaalsting in this second Field Thursday has been sched­ series of church nights. Attend-i uled to take place W>dnesday. to hear a man's voice say, "This is the ghost of Glenn Miller, I want The Rev. Philip M, Roee of ants of other Glastonbury churches The parade is part of a ceremony Penny for His Thoughts ^ "Why don't you knock It down, are Invited. The programs have to honor M. .Ss:t. Floyd E. Hal­ One dime, two nlcklee, end live Ed 7" the friend called Jokingly, to talk to the entertainment edi­ the Buckingham C^nirr«jgAtional tor," been planned by and are under stead who retires Oct. 31. pennies make 29 cents—exactly Whereupon Rybciyk drew him­ Church Announcea a scries of four auspices of the Bubkingham. self up to his fi.ll 6 feet 2, hefted •fVou'll have to watt your turn, PJNE LENOX 29 cents. Dimes, nlckles, and pen­ Autumn Church Nights. Church Adult. .Education. OdmtnM^' nies are "change.” all hts 229 pounds, grabbed the like everybody else.) Miss Barbara M. Elliott of Bol­ The first will be held at the tee, Mr., and Mrs. Wlllljun R, John­ ton and Nelson W. Quinby, HI, will It followis then that one dime, tree and gave It a mighty shak­ fkillector’s Hem church on Thufaday from 8 to 8:90 son, .chairmen: Mr. and Mnl. Roger PHARMACY be united In marriage this after­ two nlckles and flv pennies make ing. S. Bestor and Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlea noon at 2 o'clock, in a ceremony The tree fell with a terrific Our third grader recently re­ and the speaker will be Dr. Rose's exactl.v 29 cents in change. ceived a J.unibr Fire Marshal ring D. Humphrey. m B. Ceater'St,—Ml In Center ConpreRatlonal Church. Thus, the Manchester motorist crash. daughter, the Rev. Carol C. Rose, "Twern't nothing,” thfe planner and, after a few days, declared The programs wlll be held in the , reasoned w'hen he approacifed the the ring must be magic because Miss Rose Is associate editor of social room o< the church. Those The We Tivo Group of the Con­ i toll station on the new Connecticut told his v/lde-eyed friend. children's materials, in the Presby­ cordia Lutheran Church Is hold­ Suspicious at the unexpected It turned his finger green.' attending are asked to bring their Thruway. A Non, terian Church.; Philadelphia. Her Blblet, Tickets may be secured ing its fall paper drive Monday All So he was mlfTed when, caught •show of strength, the friend then address, entitled “ Gllmpaea of the Panmunjom, Korea, O ct 27 „ material should be bi'oujfht to the examined the tree carefully. It had from the sponsoring committee, or Oommuntat North Korea informed In the exact change toll stall with ’World Church." will be ■ accom­ at the door bn the openipg night. Broadcast rMkln property by 7 o'clock. I tramc behind him. he discovered been d-ad for i, long Ume bill, panied by stidesi SNP the Military Armiatlce Commia- the Thiuway people apparently do even so. It ilefinltcly would have (JiuiriiH 'ii U rge Rabbi Abraham J, Feldman of Bion today tha laat of Red China’s Army Spt. Stephen A. Godin, ' not consider one dime, two nlckles, been no "push over" for a, smaller Temple Beth Israel, Hartford, will 1* th« lovor'to troops have gone home and de­ 24, son of Mr and Mrs. Oscar J. mah. ) BurUn Mona Fhocp , Wuhillgton, Qct,. 27 (ff)— ♦Nelami A. RoekefaUer,Ro Republican manded again that American ; fl^nd five pennies exactly 2.* rents Karly D elivery take for his subject at the meet­ pull for Ed " govembr, and Rep. Godin, 117 Cedar SI., la partici­ in change. ing Wednesday, Nov. 9, "The Need President Eisenhower returns f^ ’*‘'***^«*2r --r- .tro m Hkewlae quit South Korea. pating with the lOlst Airborne Di­ The thruway people do not con­ The Prellnis Engaged of Being Neighborly.” This is the i . to• th^ campaign wars today to Kenneth B. Keating, who la seeking MYour demand ia rejected," U.S. vision s lR7lh Infantry In a para­ O f Shop Item s the U.S. Senate aeat being vacated Air Perce MaJ. Oen. Albert T. Wil­ sider the penny rt all. he conclud­ Attorney Gene Kelly, standing by The engagement of MIsx Ruth schedtiled meeting night of the i chute assault on Kl Campbell, the wall during proceedings In fire new salvos at the Demo­ hy GOP Sen. Irving M. Ivea. son Jr., fepresentaUve of the UN ed. .Tanice Anderson to Joseph Orzyb Ladles Aid Society and they will I crats "in West Virginia apd In Manhattan tomorrow, ESten- Ky., as a part of "Exercise White Bill he couldn't .eniemher any Town Court Isat Saturday, was Mrs. Paul Wlllhldc and Mrs. Ed­ Join in the program and provide i Command on toe Military Armia­ hower will rtake two talks to tlce Commission, told North Ko- Cloud " . A 11’'’ 2 graduate of sign warning him of the Thru- called on by the court to m l as gar Clarke co-chairman of the new is announced by her parenta. Mr. hostesses. Pennsylvania speeches. Manche.'ter High School, he en- guardian for a minor charged with thrift shop, "The Penny Saver," and Mrs. Ivar Anderson, Windsor. White Hoi^ae aidei predicted the psrty workers. The flrsi, in mld- reaii MaJ. Oen. Kang Sang Hq. ' vav’ s bia.sed \ lew i.ntil he saw the The Rev. Wendell E, Stephan, aftecnooii will be st the Roote- lereri the Arm\' in I9.%.T He la a parking violation, which the Wiimcn's Auxiliary of Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. chaplain at Hartford Hospital, will PreaideBt'a atretch drive for elec­ WHion told newsmen he thought as,aistant chief clerk of llie infan­ one on the collection basket, after Joseph F. Orzyb, 41 Strickland St., telt Hotel, the state party head­ Chinese troops actuslly had pulled Deadlock on Choice he had thro .m his mess of coins Atty, Kelly whispered a few .Manchester Memorial Hospital- of speak at the Nov. 12 meeting. Hla tion of a Republican Congfeea Nov. try's Co. A at k't Campbell. words to the girl; she pleaded opening on Nov. 4, ask Auxiliary and thfr'raTe Mr. Grzyb, 4 will bs marked by more of the quarters. From there the Preii- out of North Korea, but this "does into It. topic win be "A Hospital Chaplain (tent will go on to the Commodore not necessarily change the military guilty and paid a fl fins. members and Iheir friends to leave Miss Arderson Is a graduate of With His Patients." ' ■ bang-'em-hard technique that bloa- Windsoi- High School and attended Hotel for r. Speech at the head­ picture In Korea because they Memher.s of tJie Tall Cedars of Ued Carpet Welcome Kelly returned to his nimltiun articles they arc contributing at On Nov. 19. the Rev. Guthrie eomed on the croes-coimtry tour Lebanon will meet tonight at 7:.in ne'’ !- I'-.c doot and wa i prrrnptlv the shop early in the week, or c.all Wlllimantlc State Teachers Col­ RUMMAaE SALE he concluded Jaat Thureday. quarters of toe Elsenhower-Nixon moved only two hours away from Seen as Possibility Watch what yoii say in front of ,.„ued upon to act as guardian in lege. .She is employed at the Coh- Swartz, associate pastor of Center National Citizens Committee for at the ,Inhn B Hmlij H'linerat Mrs. Edmund Zaglin for collection. TUESDAY, OCt. 28 Eieezihod'er ^ arranged a late, r llic c hildren. | the next case of a mlno, charged Valley Power Exchange. Church,, Hartford, will preside at 1998. (Coarinaed on p*age Nine) Home to pav respeel.s to Ivmn E The Penny Savei', located at 474 the round table on stewardship. afternoon deparMire by plane for Kassler, a Tall Cedar. Ortc couple was having trouble with failure to carry hla driver's Msln .SI . Jii“t north of the Lincoln Grzyb Is a graduate of Manche.s- ODD FELLOWS HALL U u ring the day OOP candidates with the washer. The nisn of the ||(.pnsr. W.gh School and the VVard Following the coffee hour, the Rev. Charleaton. W. Va„ and a Ulk at fly FRANK BRrrrO .Si hool. will be open to I’eic" - Wsyne Sandau, minister of the 9 A.M. the Kanawha County Airport ffcm neighboring Connecticut and house called for a serviceman to, The same brief confeicnce lol- ■S liool of Eleclionlcs. He Is em­ PULL THB anu LBVBR New Jersey probably will cal' on City, Oct.. 27 (/P)— Cardinals of the Roman Cath­ The first in a seiici5_of evangelis­ good, clean, saleable artliles f y Congregational Oiurch In Elltng- Kiinaet Rebekah L^dge there. come and locate the trouble. A , |o e'l .ind the yooth paid a $1 floe, ID a.m.
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