Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table GLBTRT American Library Association A Bibliography of Resources on LGBT Issues in Religion Created for Emory University’s Religion and Sexuality Initiative William Holden, LGBT Studies Librarian Andrew Buechel, Doctoral Candidate Updated 10/15/2007 This is an ongoing project – any additions or corrections are welcome and can be sent to
[email protected] 1975 to 1999 Aardweg, Gerard J. M. van den. 1997. The battle for normality: a guide for (self-) therapy for homosexuality. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. Aardweg, G. J. M. van den, and J. Bonda. 1981. Een Netelig vraagstuk: homofilie, geloof en psychologie. Nijkerk: Callenbach. Aarons, Leroy. 1995. Prayers for Bobby: a mother's coming to terms with the suicide of her gay son. 1st ed. San Francisco, Calif.: HarperSanFrancisco. -- Other printings and editions include: HarperSanFrancisco paperback, 1996. Acevedo Marrero, Carlos A. 1992. Cristianismo y homosexualidad: una perspectiva puertorriqueña. Vega Alta, P.R.: C.A. Acevedo Marrero. Achineku, I. 1999. The AIDS crisis in Africa: our Christian responsibility, Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. Reeks F, Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie. Reeks F1, IRS-studiestukke studiestuk no. 380. Potschefstroom: Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie. Adams, Carol J., and Marie M. Fortune. 1995. Violence against women and children: a Christian theological sourcebook. New York: Continuum -- Other printings and editions, include Continuum: New York 1998. Adams, Marc. 1996. The Preacher's Son. West Hollywood, Calif.: Window Books. Adams, Marc, and Jonathan Griffith. 1997. Talking about, The Preacher's Son. U.S.A.: Window Books. Adleman, Jeanne ... [et al]. 1993. Lambda Gray: A Practical , Emotional, and Spiritual Guide for Gays and Lesbians Who are Growing Older.