Co-Chairmen to Direct YM Aquatic Plan
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THE LIMA NEWS •elU Haspel, 496 Pcarl-ot. The ASKS FOR IT •t four o'clock after receiving a course of instruction in this jfinup noxrox, on. 7 — (ID — telephone call from thit family doc- top Stars To Contribute Co-Chairmen cnnniAti of a combination of Red "Hurray, I'm a new daddy— tor, "Sure, I've got something to CroM and Y. M. C. A. method* so haven't you anything to lay to •ay," murmured O'Neill sleepily. that a person who complete* the me " pitcher Tex Hughson of the "I witth your wife would arrange GIFT HEADQUARTERS To Direct YM course i* eligible to receive certifi- Bofton Red 8ox yelled to room- to have her babies in the after- Talfnts To "Hall Of Fame" cate* of both organization*. The mate Kmmctt O'JCeill one morning noon." club meet* for instruction each FM am OCCUNX Thursday night. Welle*. Mary Martin, Milton Berle and Burl Ivei will eon. Aquatic Plan A special clas* in water safety PICTURES • PYREX DISHES tribute their UlenU to the "Radio Hall of Fame," for which Paul and life saving for the student MIRRORS Whiteman'i orchestra and chorus provide the music, over Station WJZ nurses of St. Rita's and Memorial PLAQUES • BREAKFAST SETS iunday, at 6 p. m. Lima time. Robert O. Doyal, 403 N. Collett- hospitals is under the leadership .Coming Soon- ASH TRAYS • DINNER WARE SETS ft, and Mrs. Kay Glaser, 1019 W. of Mrs. Glaser. The national Y. Wallet, acting ai emcee, will introduce all the stellar performers: HUMIDORS • GAMES FOR CHILDREN Wayne-Hi, have been named co- M. C. A. aquatie program is used Milton Berle who'll (rive an impersonation of his favorite comedian, in thin group and includes instruc- STATUES • PIGGY BANKS Mary Martin, who'll sinpr a couple hairmen of a new committee which tion for beginners, water safety, FRIDAY the 13th COCKTAIL SETS • WORLD GLOBES of tongt that have made her fam- Carthy, and Mortimer Sncrd on the will head the aquatic program of life saving and functional swim- LUCKY OR UNLUCKY? WASTE BASKETS ming. ELECTRIC BABY • COOKIE JARS ous, and Burl Ives, a folk balla- show to be aired Sunday at 7 p. m. he Y. M. C. A. for fall and winter, LUCKY if you call 6-6311 and provide II deer, who will accompany himself over WEAF. Ray Noble and his lichard Brandt, director of physi- A number of aquatic events and your*elf with BOTTLE WARMERS • CLOTHES HAMPERS on a battered guitar. orchestra provide the music on the al education at the Y, announced exhibitions are being planned by Adequate Insurance— half-hour program. Brandt and in mid-winter an Many Other Item* for Men, Women and Children '•A Rhode Island Refujree" in col- Saturday. "Aquatic Institute" will be held in LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT onial days was in the Touro All phases of the program will Lima for the benefit of all swim- HEALTH, BONDS, HOSPITALIZATION synagogue of Ncwpork, R. I., sub- be held strictly to national aquatic mers in northwestern Ohio. ject of the first drama in "The VOICE OF and Many Others standards. Brandt stated. These In addition to the above clubs UNLUCKY to Put It Off! Eternal Light" scries Sunday over, will include overcoming: fear, ad- the Y. M. C. A. has 21 periods in WEAF at 10 a. m. Edjrar J. Na- THE PEOPLE justment to the water, buo.vancv the pool each week for instruction JACOBS than. Jr.. borough prr«idoiit of and ability to float, water safety. and time set aside for individual' SFIT7 INSURANCE AfiFNPY Manhattan, wting chairman of the EDITOH THE LIMA NEWS: Icammjr to submerge, breath con- adult instruction. II k I I im 402 Colonial Bldg. H W t H V I APPLIANCE SALES radio committee presenting the So war is not enough these dajs. trol, instruction in the vanous program, will be the speaker. kuk«. arm stioUes, coordination of Diied blood serum can be stored PH. 66311 127-129 W. MARKET ST. PH. 6-8181 "Blondie Meets Baby Snook*" Stnkes here and theie and in be- ' muv,cjes an,j I1PlvVs. safely for veai.s. »nd on* of the greatest romances tween. ' ' Jn the bojs' division members of all time, between Alexander True, the loan of money is the i will take standard tests and will Bumstcad and Snooks, is begun root of all evil. be classified according to individ- over WABC Sunday at 7 p m. Suppose for a moment our men ual ability. Achievement cards Fanny Brice, who portraj* Baby at the front went on a strike and and emblems will be awarded to Snooka will be a guest on the refused to fijfht for us on the home to those of exceptional ability. "Blondie" program. In her juve- front, we at home would soon be Water safety, life saving and The "Starring" Role In nile role she displays interest in in an uproar. functional swimming will have a athletics which wins Alexander's Just what do the boys think lar^e place in the winter's activi- heart. Penny Singleton is Blondie, when they learn about our strikes ties. The latter has been highly Arthur Lake is Dagwood and Tom- on the home front? developed by the Y. M. C. A. in my Cook is Alexander. They would be only ton jrlad if the last few years and is endorsed Paulette Goddard. famous screen they could be home arrd live in by the ai mcd forces. WAR PRODUCTION actress. Lt. Bernie Sullivan, flight, peace again. The Aquatic club, which is start- nurse, and Dick Merrill, veteran I I doubt 11 we at home really ap- ing its second veal, will be under preciate our blessings. | the leadership of Doyal and Ro- pilot, are among the guests of the The boys have a tough job, "We, the People" broadcast of Sun- they're working hard for us an<1 Is played by the loyal day, at 9:30 p. m., over WABC. we have no time (or shouldn't Joe Iturbi, the Spanish pianist have) to lose in strikes. PRESCRIPTION who has recently added the movies While the boys are gone we to his distinguished musical career, should be praying for them. will be the guest of Edirai Beieren Aie we really doing our part? "77" and his wooden wits Charlie Mc- They're giving their life's blood, PRESENTEES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 many of them never to return. Super "B" Complex Eastern War Time P.M.—Subtract One Striking here and there certain- Hour for CWT., 2 Hrs. for MWT. ly will not help. Chang's in pror/rumj n» listed rfiir to "Shame on the home front." is Vitamin With iron Corrections by nctiiorAs made too probably what they say, "is that Recommended For Nervous late to incorporate. And Run Down Condition 12:30—The Paul La\al!e Concert—nbc the best they can do at home?" • Trans-Atlantic Call Exchange—cbs BARBARA LEHMAN, TWO WEEKS' Andrini and His Contmentales—biu Lima, O. ' Lutheran Half-Hour Semccs — mils SUPPLY 12:45—Josephine Houston, Soprano—blu 1:OB—Voice of the Dair> Farmer—nhc WHALING DAYS GONE The Church of the Air Seimons—rbs NEW BEDFORD, Mass.—(UP) HUNTER'S John B. Kennedt in Comment—blu Hational Bank XAg. War Job-Stay On It! Stanley Dixon in Commentar>—mbs —This fishing port's once great 1:15—An NBC lc mins. Recital—nbc whaling industry has declined to ARGONNE George Hicks From O\ericas—I U Hig-h and Elizabeth Men s Choir and Girls' Trio — rn'is refining the nation's supply of 1:30—U. of Chicago Roundtab'e—nbc blackfish oil, derived from a spe- Talks Time for 33 minutes — cbs PARAMOUNT Sammy Kaye's Serenade; £<eNE—blu cies of small whale and called Mam and W»yn« To Be Announced (JO mins )— "porpoise jaw" oil by fishermen. 1:45—Ed Murrow's Comnipntarv—ibs It is used as a lubricant for clocks HUNTER'S 2:00—Those We Lo\e, Diama—i be Mtio and Elm •Dangerously Yours.' Dramatic—cbs and watches. Chaplain Jim, U 5- \., Dramas— oiu Sky Riders, Servicemen'": Quiz—mbs 2.30—John Cha*. Thomas & Song—nbc Xews of the World. Songs Spot—cbs Sunday Vespers xia the Radio—blu Half-Hour for Dancing Music—mts S:00—World Parade, Upton Close—rbc >T. Y. Philharmonic S\mphony— chs DIRECT REDUCTION HOME LOANS Listen the Women. Discussion—blu Roosty of the A A F., -Comedy—mbs • :30—Official Hour h> the Army—nbc Ethel Barrymore's Miss Hattie—blu Nick Carter Detecti\e Drama—mbs FIRST FEDERAL 4:00—Quiz Show \ia Mirrophoie—blu Half-Hour for Dancing Music—mbs 4:30—Music America. Loves Best—nhc Savlnis ant Loan tssiclilion if Lima The Andre Kostelanetz Concert—cbs The World of Song with Guests—blu ORGANIZED mi What's Name of the Song Quiz—mbs FEDMAUZEO 1*1* •:00—XBC Sjmphony, Dr. Black—nbc Family Time & Patrice Mun&el—rbs Mary Small in a Music Revue—blu 901 WEST HIGH STREET Can't Take It With Tou. Play—mbs •:SO—Hot Copy, Xewsp'r Drama.—blu LIMA, OHIO The Shadow, Mystery Drama—mbs B:4i—Bill Shlrer in Commentary—cbs Chartered Under the Laws of At United •:00—The Catholic Radio Sen-tee— nbc Ozzle and Harriet In Variety—chs Qualified by Uw for Trust Funds Hall of Fame. Paul Whiteman—blu Quick as a Flash. Quiz Show—mbs •JO—Great GUdersleeve Comedy—nbe . Fanny Brice & Comedy Show—cbs 1 Upton Close and His Comment—mbs •:45—Dick Brown with His Song—mhs 7:00—Jack Benny Comedy Var'ty—nbc Kate Smith Hour for Variety — cbs Drew Pearson and Commentary—b'.u An Hour by Two Dance Bands—mbs • :15—Xews Summary for IS mm.—blu Interest Rat* Nrm R*- 7:30—The Bandwagon Orchestra—nbc daccd To FIT* F«re«nt Qais Kids and Joe Kelly M.