A Martha Argerich Videography ALPHABETHICAL LIST OF FILMED PERFORMANCES 1965-2010 Compiled by Björn Östlund © 2011
[email protected] The following is a listing of all filmed performances, TV broadcasts and commercial video releases, of Martha Argerich, that I am awere of. I have decided to list excerpts as well as complete performances. I have included information about the TV station that did either the recording or the broadcast. Commercial releases are indicated with labels only. For further details I must refer to the detailed discographies online. Many thanks to the following contributors Andrys Basten, Charles Couineau, Maria Elena Hartung, Yu Koseki, Alex Malow, Jit Hui Oon, Ates Tanin and Michael Waiblinger. The inspiration to create this list stems from my friend Alex Malow. I urge you to explore his fascinating videographies on Sviatoslav Richter and Emil Gilels <http://www.therichteracolyte.org/>. Since I started working on the videography a lot of Martha Argerich's filmed performances have been made avilable on Youtube. I urge the reader to search this page from time to time. Every now and then something rare or even new appears! Björn Östlund, April 2011 Bach, Johann Sebastian The Well Tempered Clavier I, a selection of preludes and fugues • Studio recording. Buenos Aires 1965. Channel 7. Partita in C minor BWV 826 • Live recording. Carnegie Hall, New York 1981(?) • A fragment from the "Capriccio" played as encore. Live recording. Zürich 2001. Bonus material to Georges Gachot's "Conversation Nocturne". Idéale Audience DVD. • Live recording. Verbier 22.7.2008. Medici Arts DVD. Toccata in G BWV 916 • A fragment from the "Presto".