No 214 April May 2018.Pub
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CCONTACTONTACTCONTACT APRIL/MAY 2018 LLANGYNIDR’S FREE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 214 THE RED LION LLANGYNIDR OPEN ALL DAY FREE HOUSE Telephone 01874 730223 [email protected] (more details on back cover) 2 _tãÜxÇvx cÜÉááxÜ 9 fÉÇá Independently owned family Funeral Directors established 1945 Members of the National Association of Funeral Directors PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS AVAILABLE “Tycerrig”, Cwmcrawnon Road, Llangynidr, NP8 1LS Telephone 01495 303281 FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION AT ALL TIMES 3 WHAT’S ON . .DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 10 April : Start of school summer Term 3 May : Local History Society AGM & meeting. See page 29 3 May Folk Night at the Old Rectory. See page 16. 3—7 May : Crickhowell Music Festival. See pages 30-31. 10 May : Rehearsed reading of ‘Under Milk Wood’ at Sardis Baptist Chapel. See page 43 28 May—1 June : School summer half term 20 July : End of school summer term. (Note that school holiday information is sourced from published Powys data, but please check with your school before booking a holiday) PLEASE DON’T FORGET THE FARMERS’ MARKET HELD ON THE LAST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH IN THE VILLAGE HALL, 10.30AM TO 1PM 4 Articles on local events, seasonal recipe ideas, other items of interest, adverts & dates for your diary— please contact the Editor, Helen Phillips, at Belmont Cottage, James Street, Llangynidr, Powys, NP8 1NN. [email protected] 01874 730443 The Editor does not necessarily subscribe to the views expressed by contributors and cannot be held liable for the accuracy of any statement made or implied. DEADLINE FOR JUNE/JULY IS 20 MAY CONTACT IS A FREELY AVAILABLE LOCAL NEWSLETTER. CURRENTLY 250 PAPER COPIES ARE PRODUCED, 510 GO OUT VIA EMAIL COPIES ARE MADE AVAILABLE AT THE RED LION, WALNUT TREE STORES, IN THE CHURCH PORCH OR FROM BELMONT COTTAGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER PUBLICATION DATE. OR YOU CAN RECEIVE IT ELECTRONICALLY (& IN COLOUR) PRE PUBLICATION—JUST SEND YOUR EMAIL DETAILS TO [email protected] IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO CANNOT RECEIVE THEIR COPY BY ANY OF THESE MEANS, PLEASE CONTACT THE EDITOR, WHO WILL DELIVER TO THEM PERSONALLY ADVERTISING RATES 1/4 PAGE £15 PER YEAR, 1/2 PAGE £30 PER YEAR FULL A5 PAGE £60 PER YEAR (minimum 6 issues per year, details can be changed per issue) PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO ‘CONTACT’ OR PAY BY CASH AT BELMONT COTTAGE 5 Copies of ‘Contact’ will now be available online (along with other information) at This website is being built up to encourage the sharing of information about the area. It is intended to be a definitive guide to Llangynidr but also to promote our holiday accommodation It may be helpful to locals to send a link to relatives etc abroad or away who have never been here Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet weekly at Llangynidr School. For more information contact Debbie on 01874 731022. Cubs meet in the Village Hall every Friday during term time, 6pm—7.30pm. More info from Mark Critchley, 676399, or Facebook at FLOWER ARRANGING LLANGYNIDR Classes are held in the Bottom Chapel at 7pm on the last Thursday of the month—new members always welcome. Julie Ellis 01874 730662 Mondays, 2—4pm, at the Top Chapel (URC) Vestry KNITTERS & NATTERERS More knitting than nattering! We make clothes for charities that seek help for the less fortunate, young and old, in parts of the world where poverty and local conditions adversely affect them. Please join us for an informal, fun filled knitting/sewing session All welcome—contact details : Margery Davies (730469), Margaret Davies (730228), Marjorie Jones (730426) 6 LLANGYNIDR PRESCHOOL After many successful years of running from the Village Hall, Llangynidr Playgroup has moved. This was a requirement of Powys County Council as the authority wanted, where possible, for early years settings to run from a permanent classroom environment. The County agreed we could move into a demountable classroom on the site of the village school. The mammoth task of rewriting all polices and then moving equipment to fit CSSIW's requirements took place and in October 2017 the setting opened with a new name, ‘Llangynidr Preschool’. The preschool is run by the same two qualified staff as previously, with a third member of staff beginning her training to gain her level 3 qualification. The children are able to access 12.5 hours of free funding with additional hours being available at a cost to the parent. The setting is open daily in line with the school term, 9am -12pm, with Monday and Friday offering an extended hour until 1pm. The children are able to bring a packed lunch on these days and join in with the school children's lunch break. We currently have spaces for three and four year olds and are waiting approval for two year olds. The group have been very grateful for all the support past, present and hopefully future they have received from the community. When in the hall the children always enjoyed the visitors calling in and having a chat, the likes of the Welsh class, the over 60's, the art class to name but a few as well numerous committee members all encouraging the children. The setting now faces a new challenge which is to improve the outside play area attached to the classroom. This is probably going to cost a number of thousands of pounds to complete, which the setting is already beginning to tackle. Grants are being applied for along with fundraising activities organised. The long term aim is to make an all weather surface immediately outside the classroom door with a large overhead canopy allowing the children to play out all year round in a safe and secure space. We look forward to making a happy learning environment for the next generation of children in exciting surroundings. If you would like further information please contact the setting leader on 01874 731022 or call in and have a chat you would be most welcome. Debbie Hansford 7 8 What a successful market we held on 25th March! Many new faces, both sellers and visitors! Everybody seemed to leave with a smile on their face and had an enjoyable morning! After our 3 new sellers received a warm welcome from Llangynidr, they are all returning next month along with 4 more newcomers - who will be bringing dog treats, homemade lampshades and more! Next market Sunday 29th April 10am - 1pm Llangynidr Village Hall NP8 1LS Free parking, free entry, refreshments available. Tables available to sellers Gemma Evans #llangynidrfarmersmarket #supportlocal #farmersmarket 9 I have a distinct feeling of déjà vu when I realise that in the last introduction I wrote, the word ‘snow’ cropped up—here we go again. This time March is nearly over and carol services far behind us, but WI St David’s Day events were cancelled because—you guessed it—of the snow. My garden is white again for the second time this month and we are all hoping that our lunchtime trip to the Old Railway Line garden centre planned for next week will go ahead! Despite the weather, we have enjoyed several interesting events since our last meeting in February, when we were treated to a flower arranging demonstration by Helen Griffiths. It all looks so simple when you know how and I know that we picked up some valuable tips and techniques, especially as the arrangements were on a small scale and deceptively simple. I was lucky enough to take home a wineglass full of cream flowers which lasted for weeks sitting on my dressing table. Llangyndr WI team did well in the quiz prelims which were held in Llangasty on 23 February, tying with Talybont WI as joint winners—they however were ‘pipped at the post’ by the deciding question, so good luck to our rivals as they progress to the next round. The celebration of Women’s International Day was held on the evening of 8th March at Bishop Benson Hall in Brecon and an award ceremony was held for ‘an inspirational woman who has achieved a personal goal’. Jan Newton of Llanafan WI was nominated in another successful and enjoyable evening with delicious food served. The Powys Brecknock WI Show will be held on the 7th April at the Market Hall in Brecon, when all the WI groups in Powys will be competing with each other in many and various competitions. This event will be open to the public after judging has taken place at 1pm and demonstrations at 2.30pm. We as a group are as keen to produce as many entries as possible and over our last meeting on 13th March took the form of a mini arts and crafts show, items displayed and viewed after the normal business was over. We were all impressed by the number of entries and the high standard of 10 work attained. After voting took place and prizes awarded, several of the delicious cakes were consumed with enthusiasm and appreciation! Needless to say, we have high hopes of winning some prizes and points at the ‘real thing’ on 7th April. The poem by Stephanie Nummelin which follows won a prize and was read out to much laughter and warm applause, a lovely way to end a very enjoyable and friendly evening. WI We’re not all jam and singing girls, We have much more to give. We know the art of talking, girls And we know how to live. Committee work is our great strength And rules, well we just pass ‘em. We make short work of minutes And we always have a quorum.