MPIMG Research Report 2015 Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin Max Planck Institute Underground / U-Bahn Bus routes / Buslinien for Molecular Genetics .U3/Oskar-Helene-Heim .M11, 110 - Ihnestr. 63–73 .U3/Thielplatz Saarge münder Str./ 14195 Berlin Urban rail system / S-Bahn Bitscher Str. Germany .S1 / Sundgauer Str. .X10, 115, 285 - Clayallee/Leichhardtstr. or Schützallee .M48, 101 - Berliner Straße/Holländische Genetics (MPIMG) Molecular Max Planck Institute for Report 2015 Research Mühle 4c_U1-U4_maxplanck_Titel_2015.indd 1 13.10.2015 14:29:25 Imprint | Research Report 2015 Published by the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG), Berlin, Germany, Oktober 2015 Editorial Board: Bernhard G. Herrmann & Martin Vingron Coordination: Patricia Marquardt Photos & Scientifi c Illustrations: MPIMG Production: Thomas Didier, Meta Druck Copies: 500 Contact: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Ihnestr. 63 – 73 14195 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 8413-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 8413-1207 Email:
[email protected] For further information about the MPIMG, see Cover image 3D-rendered light sheet micrograph of the caudal end of an E9.5 mouse embryo illustrating the generation of neuroectoderm (green cells) and mesoderm (red cells) from common progenitor cells (yellow cells, mostly located deep in the tissue) during trunk development. The neuroectoderm gives rise to the spinal cord, the mesoderm to the vertebral column, skeletal muscles and other tissues. Picture taken by Frederic Koch, Manuela Scholze, and Matthias Marks, MPIMG. 44c_U1-U4_maxplanck_Titel_2015.inddc_U1-U4_maxplanck_Titel_2015.indd 2 113.10.20153.10.2015 114:29:264:29:26 MPI for Molecular Genetics Research Report 2015 1 Research Report 2015 Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Berlin, September 2015 The Max Plank Institute for Molecular Genetics 2 Ada Yonath, Nobel laureate in chemistry 2009 and former member of the MPIMG, at the celebratory symposium on the occasion of the institute’s 50th anniversary in December 2014.