NOTICE TO BIDDERS Public Notice is hereby given that SEALED BIDS will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11:00am prevailing time on March 10, 2020 the Conference Center; 3rd Floor; 1333 Atlantic Avenue; Atlantic City, NJ for: BID 202007.1 FOR THE 2020 ADJUSTMENT OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ELEVATION ON THE DORSET AVE (CR629) BRIDGE (V-01) IN THE CITY OF VENTNOR, ATLANTIC COUNTY, NJ (HMGP Project #FEMA-DR-4086-NJ-527-F; County Project # BRG-629M-39-2016-16) (Bid Security and Consent of Surety Required) . Specifications and blank bid forms may be obtained online at the following web address All questions concerning this specification must be directed to the Office of Budget & Purchasing, by faxing (609) 343-2193 or emailing
[email protected] Bidders are required to comply with requirements of NJSA 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 Every bidder must abide by the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, P.L. 1963, Chapter 150. The County of Atlantic reserves the right to reject any or all bids By order of the County Executive of the County of Atlantic Palma Conover, Director, QPA Division of Budget & Purchasing County of Atlantic, New Jersey BID SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE 2020 ADJUSTMENT OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ELEVATION ON THE DORSET AVE (CR629) BRIDGE (V-01) IN THE CITY OF VENTNOR, ATLANTIC COUNTY, NJ (HMGP Project #FEMA-DR-4086-NJ-527-F; County Project # BRG-629M-39- 2016-16) Page Letter: No. of pages: Location/Terminal L 1 Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions.