Grants Approved 2020
GRANTS APPROVED 2020 Age Concern Rotorua Inc $5,000 Age Concern Rotorua Inc $17,078 Aorangi Primary School $1,200 Aotearoa Quilters National Assn of NZ $5,000 Aphasia NZ Charitable Trust $4,000 Aratika Cancer Trust $12,000 Atiamuri Playcentre $15,000 Asthma New Zealand Inc $10,000 Atua Awhi Community Charitable Trust $15,000 Awhina Activity Centre $25,000 Bay of Plenty Symphonia Inc $2,500 Bibleworld Museum & Discovery Centre Charitable Trust $2,000 Big Brother Big Sister Rotorua $20,000 Books Before Boxing NZ $2,500 BOP - Philippine Friendship Society $5,000 BOP Blues Club $6,000 BOP Disabled Sailing Trust $5,000 Broadlands Primary School $5,000 Camp Unity $5,000 Cancer Society of NZ – Rotorua Branch $2,581 Canoe Racing NZ $5,000 Central North Island Kindergarten Trust $5,000 Coastguard Maketu $8,463 Co-Curricular Funding for Rotorua Secondary Schools $131,970 Contact (Rotorua) Trust $10,000 Diabetes NZ $5,000 Digital Natives Academy Charitable Trust $25,000 DIY Shed Aotearoa Charitable Trust $7,000 Epilepsy Assn of NZ $8,000 Fairview Park Kindergarten $3,000 Feeding Rotorua $7,250 Film Bay of Plenty $70,000 Film BOP $15,000 Fordlands Kindergarten $3,138 Geyser City Sports & Cultural Club $15,000 Geyserland Guild of Woodworkers $3,000 Graeme Dingle Foundation Rotorua $20,000 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust $20,000 Hinehopu Golf Club $2,500 Jackson Park Kindergarten $3,000 John Paul College $3,000 John Paul College $45,000 Kai Rotorua $10,000 Kawaha Point School $30,793 Kidscan Charitable Trust $10,000 Kimiora Community Trust
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