SWBTS trustees SBC: Joining the to meet amid orchestra Patterson controversy page 8 page 5

MAY 19, 2018 • News Journal of North Carolina • VOLUME 184 NO. 10 • BRnow.org SBC to descend on BR Staff

INTERVIEWS WITH SBC he Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) annual meeting is fast approach- T ing, and information is rolling out almost by the day. Your Biblical Recorder presidential candidates staff has been working hard to collect as much information as possible for this PAGES 10-11 print edition to aid North Carolina Baptists and the messengers who represent them. The SBC annual meeting will take place June 12-13 at the Kay Bailey Hutchi- son Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. In addition, there are dozens of related events scheduled to occur before or during the yearly gathering. Inside (pages 8-17) you will find plenty of news and information that will help you stay informed and plan for these events. Look for the program schedule, list of events, digital resources, officer nominations, candidate interviews and more. We hope you will take this edition with you to Dallas. Please email Liz Tablazon ([email protected]) if you would like extra copies. Also, be on the look- out for BR editorial staff as we cover events on site. It would be our pleasure to meet you.


SBC president addresses Patterson, racial diversity ...... 2 Global Hunger run in Dallas ...... 9 Credentials, Tellers Committees ...... 14 Milton Hollifield: ‘unity of the Spirit’ ...... 3 Committee on Resolutions ...... 9 ERLC panel on sexual abuse, assault ...... 15 Wireless sound equipment may stop working ...... 3 Scholarships to SBC ...... 9 Events list ...... 16-17 Mark Harris unseats Pittenger ...... 4 Q&As with Ken Hemphill, J.D. Greear ...... 10-11 Sunday School lesson summaries ...... 18 SWBTS trustees to meet amid Patterson controversy ..... 5 Program schedule ...... 12-13 Classifieds ...... 19 2 Opinion MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists SBC president addresses Patterson, racial diversity

Baptist Press they were improper. While I love him ees at our annual conventions. can do a regular fast (liquids but no and appreciate him, I disagree with Ultimately, the trustees have the food). Most anyone can do some sort hank you, Southern Baptists, what he said. right to decide all matters regarding of partial fast (i.e. eliminate certain for allowing me the privilege Preachers should never refer to any SBC entity, including matters foods, or eliminate a meal or two per of serving as your president T women in any way that could be con- related to any entity president. The day). for the past two years. It has been a sidered demeaning. trustees alone are invested with ulti- • Speak positively and construc- joy and honor to travel and see what SBC must do everything mate authority by the SBC. tively. our Lord is doing throughout our we can to protect all women from Southwestern Seminary’s trustees Every word we speak, in private or [Southern Baptist Convention, SBC] being subjected to any form have a special meeting planned for public conversation, even on social family at the local church, of abuse. Tues., May 22. I encourage all of you media, should be Christlike and filled association, state and na- On behalf of the SBC, I to pray for that meeting and to trust with grace. If anyone reviles you, do tional levels. ask for the forgiveness of this process prescribed by our SBC not respond in kind. Far better to be As we approach our an- all women who have been Bylaws that ensures that all proceed- wronged than to participate in an un- nual convention in Dallas, I hurt by these comments and ings will be handled fairly and in a godly exchange of words before a lost want to address some issues the issue of ill treatment of suitable setting. world that is listening and watching. that affect all of us. women within churches in Southern Baptists are at a pivotal • Pray for our SBC trustees. Many have discussed the particular. time. In the very near future, we will They are accountable to the Lord need for racial diversity in I believe we should elect a new president of the SBC, the and to our SBC churches, not to the the various levels of SBC esteem and regard women International Mission Board will elect employees of the SBC entities. Let leadership. That has been a STEVE GAINES in the same way Jesus did a new president, and the SBC Execu- them do their work as we pray for priority of my presidency. Guest Column during His earthly ministry. tive Committee will also elect a new them. The church I is be- Women are created in the president. The Southern Baptist Convention coming increasingly racially diverse image of God and are of great value For such a time as this, I’m ask- needs your help. God has allowed and I am grateful for that. and worth. ing all Southern Baptists to do four us to live during such a time as this. All who love God and believe the The church especially is no place things: Let’s unite in Jesus Christ and come Bible should love all people, regard- for misogyny or disrespect for any- • Pray for the SBC. together in Dallas and show a lost less of race or ethnicity. I believe the one. This year marks the 100th an- Ultimately, our struggle is not with world that we really do love Jesus, vast majority of Southern Baptists niversary of women being messengers people, but with Satan and demonic love each other, and love them as genuinely feel the same way. to the SBC annual meeting. It is my spirits (cf. Ephesians 6:12). We must well. I have sought racial diversity in the prayer that this year will also mark stop fighting one another, and start (EDITOR’S NOTE – Steve Gaines, pas- appointments I have made and I am a renewed commitment to honoring fighting the devil on our knees. tor, in Memphis confident my successors will do the women and their contributions to • Fast and pray 21 days for our and president of the Southern Baptist Con- same. our churches and convention. SBC meeting in Dallas. vention, released a full statement May 11 I also want to address the issues Some have called for me to stop I call all Southern Baptists to responding to questions about his committee regarding comments made by one of Patterson from preaching the Con- participate in a 21-day fast beginning appointments and controversy involving a our seminary presidents, Paige Patter- vention Sermon in Dallas. Tues., May 22 through Mon., June 11. Southern Baptist seminary leader, racial di- son. I praise God for the leadership The SBC president does not have That will enable us to fast for 21 days versity of his appointees and ways Baptists he gave to the SBC during the Con- the authority to make that decision. immediately prior to the SBC meeting can pray leading up to the annual meeting servative Resurgence. Neither does the SBC Committee that begins on Tues., June 12. Some June 12-13 in Dallas.) I am also grateful for his leader- on Order of Business. It was the mes- ship at my alma mater, Southwestern sengers of the 2017 SBC meeting that Baptist Theological Seminary. I have selected Patterson to preach the 2018 talked with him in person and by Convention Sermon. phone regarding his comments and There are only two scenarios in told him that I disagree with the which Patterson will not preach the (ISSN 0279-8182) Volume 184 No. 10 counsel he gave to a woman who Convention Sermon: (919) 847-2127 was married to an abusive husband. News Journal of the Baptist State Convention 1) the messengers of the SBC vote of North Carolina Fax (919) 467-6180 I personally believe that if a husband at the annual meeting in Dallas for Founded 1833 by Thomas Meredith now.org abuses his wife physically, the wife him not to do so, or K. Allan Blume, Editor/President Board of Directors: Nate Jones, chair; Tony Honey- should immediately: 2) Patterson personally withdraws [email protected] cutt, vice chair; Angela Brady, secretary; David Clary, treasurer; Kevin Atchley; Frankie Gordon; Lisa Harris; 1) notify the police and follow their from that responsibility. In either Seth Brown, Content Editor (919) 459-5697; [email protected] Gerald Hodges; Todd Houston; Cindy D. Jennings; Dan instructions, case, the alternate preacher, Kie Bow- Meyer; Frank Norwood; Jim Pennington Jr.; Donna 2) remove herself and her children man, would preach the Convention Dianna L. Cagle, Production Editor Robinson; Donnie Seagle; Meredith Snoddy; Marilyn (919) 459-5698; [email protected] Thurman; Aaron Wallace; Tammy Weeks; and Keith physically from the abusive husband Sermon. under the protection of police for her Alison McKinney Liz Tablazon Whitfield Some have asked how our SBC pro- Business and Circulation Manager Subscriptions safety, and cess functions regarding SBC entity Advertising Manager (919) 459-5693 • Individual subscriptions, $15.99 (one year); $27.99 (two 3) notify the family’s pastor so the years); $39.99 (three years) heads and to whom they are account- (919) 459-5691 [email protected] • Club Plan, $13.50 [email protected] • Bulk Plan, $11.50 church can engage in church disci- • Family Plan, $12.50 • Single copies, .60 cents each able. Carly Conley pline toward the abuser. The church Laura Crowther Payable in advance. N.C. sales tax is included. All SBC employees, including Editorial Aide Graphic Designer Digital rates: $5.99 (one year); $10.99 (two years); $15.99 should also seek to come alongside presidents, answer ultimately to their (three years). Publication the woman and help her in any way respective trustee boards. possible to ensure her protection and Published biweekly on Saturdays by Biblical Recorder Inc., 205 Convention Drive, Cary, NC 27511, as SBC trustees are elected by and authorized by the Baptist State Convention in annual session at Winston-Salem, November 21-23, 1939. care. accountable to the SBC churches, not Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676. Regarding Patterson’s more recent to the entity heads. SBC messengers Postmaster remarks about a teenage girl, I believe from our churches elect all SBC trust- Send address changes to Biblical Recorder Inc., P.O. Box 1185, Cary, NC 27512-1185. MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists Opinion 3 Let’s strive to ‘keep the unity of the Spirit’ ecently, I heard Chuck Register from our Baptist Galatians 5:16, the unity of the Spirit can be observed in State Convention staff preach a message from us if we are walking in the Spirit. REphesians 4:1-3 in which he spoke of the biblical While this spirit of unity is a supernatural work, it plea for spiritual unity within the body of is also one that we must strive to obtain by Christ. Building on some of his admonition, I yielding our will to God’s Spirit. Ephesians 4:3 would like to encourage and challenge North brings to mind Paul’s letter to the Romans in Carolina Baptists to be a Christ-like influ- which he wrote, “as far as it depends on you, live at ence and model the spirit of unity within our peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18). Baptist associations, churches and even our So how can we possess and live out this We would do well to remember what is of supreme Southern Baptist Convention. unity? The context of Ephesians 4 provides importance to followers of Christ. Our attitudes and Recent events have revealed that many us with the answer in verse two. It involves spoken words should be under the control of Christ conservative Southern Baptists are divided humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance and instead of our old fleshly nature. over doctrinal interpretations, issues within love. I believe each of these attributes builds What is most important to us should be what brings upon the other. It’s hard to be gentle, patient, the most glory to the name of our Lord and Savior and the local church, a generational gap, racial and MILTON A. diversity issues, and more. HOLLIFIELD JR. tolerant and loving if we are not manifesting builds up the body of Christ. Yet, in spite of our divisions often because BSC executive the kind of humility Christ exemplified as As you prepare to attend the Southern Baptist Con- of differences in opinions and personal prefer- director-treasurer stated in Philippians 2:5-8. vention’s annual meeting June 12-13 in Dallas, Texas, ences, the apostle Paul strongly appeals to us What does humility involve? It involves I pray that you will examine your motives before you in Ephesians 4:3 to “Make every effort to keep the unity of the having a humble opinion of one’s self by crushing our use unkind words and express negative opinions about Spirit through the bond of peace.” The effort which God’s own pride. It also involves having an appropriate degree another brother or sister in Christ. I urge you to live by Word calls us to invest in order to keep the unity is ef- of Christ-awareness and an appropriate degree of self- God’s truth as stated in Ephesians 4:1-3. Strive for unity fort that requires work and even exertion on our part. awareness. Keeping those two perspectives in balance in the bond of Christian love even when others around Yet the interesting thing is that the unity Paul speaks of will go a long way in helping us maintain a humble at- you are ignoring God’s command in this passage of is one that we can’t muster up on our own. According to titude and move us closer toward unity. scripture. Churches, your wireless sound equipment may stop working soon

any church wireless micro- pany begins to use their newly-acquired • 614-616 MHz with trade-in/rebate programs and the phone and in-ear monitor sys- frequencies. • 657-663 MHz dates by which you have to apply for the Mtems operate in the 600 MHz These companies may use their newly- Note that the manufacturing, import, promotion. frequency. Due to the increasing needs acquired frequencies at anytime. There sale, lease, offer for sale or lease, or ship- Promotions run $50-$500 depending for more of the broadcast spectrum by are many cases where a microphone ment of wireless microphones or similar on the systems. Note that some expira- wireless providers, the Federal Commu- worked great one week and the next devices intended for use in the United tion dates are only a few weeks away nications Commission (FCC) week the entire 600 MHz States that operate on the 600 MHz ser- • Sennheiser, June 30 recently auctioned off much system was rendered useless vice band frequencies (617-652 MHz and • Samson, June 30 of the 600 MHz frequencies to due to a new transmitter com- 663-698 MHz) is prohibited after October • Lectrosonics, Aug. 30 companies, including mobile ing on line in the intervening 13, 2018. • Shure, Oct. 31 phone providers. week. What will happen to our current • Audio-Technica, March 31, 2019 T-Mobile spent $8 billion on Don’t assume you are safe to audio equipment? Do not delay taking care of this matter. 45 percent of the licenses and use your equipment until July You will first need to verify whether or Your equipment may fail at a very bad is aggressively expanding their 13, 2020. Consider it unreli- not it operates in the 600 MHz spectrum time! wireless data network in the able. (other than 614-616 and 657-663). If it (EDITOR’S NOTE – This article first ap- 600 MHz spectrum. doesn’t, you have no worries. peared at renewingworshipnc.org. Used by Any of your church’s 600 KENNY LAMM Bottom line If it does, first see if your equip- permission.) MHz devices that operate Guest Column Replace all your wireless ment has a function to select a different outside of a very narrow band devices working in the forbid- frequency – one that may be allowable. If Submissions of frequencies (listed below) must cease den frequencies as soon as possible. They not, you will need to replace your equip- operating no later than July 13, 2020. may not work next week. Seriously. ment. The Biblical Recorder is pleased However, these devices may cease to There are only a few frequencies in the Many companies are offering trade- to publish staff changes, operate effectively at any time depending 600 MHz spectrum that still may be used ins with discounts toward replacement church news and events with a upon when a wireless broadband com- for unlicensed wireless operations: systems. Below is a list of companies statewide interest. Please send information immediately following an event, or for opportunity corner, send at least two months in advance. Include cost and contact information in your email or correspondence. All submissions will be subjected to Biblical Recorder styles and guidelines and will be edited. Send to [email protected] or Biblical Recorder, P.O. Box 1185, Cary, NC 27512. Call (919) 847-2127. Send story ideas to editor@BRnow. org or to the address above. 4 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists North Korea prisoners’ release spurs hope for revival Base Andrews near Washington. U.S. President Donald to flee to South Korea, where they planted churches and By DIANA CHANDLER | Trump hailed the prisoners’ release ahead of a historic started a prayer movement. he release of three American Christians from June 12 meeting with North Korean president Kim Jong “Now, God is bringing () back to North North Korea is hopefully an early sign of Chris- Un. The prisoners had been held on erroneous charges Korea,” Paul Kim said. “Hopefully, this (will be) the T tian revival in the Asian nation, Southern Bap- levied between October 2015 and April 2017, according trend.” Even today, he said, underground Christians tist consultant and native Korean Paul Kim told Baptist to news reports. serve the Lord in the nation, although hundreds of thou- Press (BP). “It’s the beginning of a sign, a step forward,” Paul sands have fled to China. “It’s bigger than just releasing the three individu- Kim said. “Other Christians are praying and targeting According to religious persecution watchdog Open als,” said Kim, Asian American relations consultant to for North Korean doors to open (to the gospel).” Doors USA, about 305,000 Christians worship in hiding the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. Freed prisoner Kim Hak Song was ordained as an in the nation of 25.4 million people. Others are consid- “It’s much, much bigger, (which) history will tell later. I evangelical Christian pastor by the nondenominational ered atheists or traditionalists. think there will be very exciting things happening.” Oriental Mission Church in Los Angeles, CNN reported, Tony Kim (also known by his Korean name of Kim He anticipates change from a more spiritual than but was not serving as a pastor upon his arrest. He was Sang Duk) also worked as an American professor at political trajectory. working at a Christian school, Pyongyang University of PUST. Upon Kim’s 2017 arrest for unspecified charges, “My hope and desire is that North Korea will (ex- Science and Technology (PUST), when he was arrested PUST said his detention was “related to an investigation perience) a spiritual awakening,” said Kim, a former in May for supposed “hostile acts” toward the state, into matters not connected in any way with the work of pastor, church planter and International Mission Board Time reported. PUST,” Time reported. trustee who served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam Historically, Christianity was strong in North Korea Kim Dong Chul, 62, was arrested in October 2015 on War. before the Korean War, Paul Kim told BP, stemming charges of espionage and undisclosed crimes, Time said. Released prisoners Kim Hak Song, Tony Kim and Kim from the work of missionaries in the late 19th century. He was convicted in March 2016 and was serving 10 Dong Chul, all Christians, arrived early May 10 at Joint Christian persecution during the war forced Christians years in prison with hard labor. Mark Harris unseats incumbent U.S. Rep. Pittenger in N.C. GOP primary FIGHT FOR YOUR Biblical Recorder trict, and you have made that voice loud and clear.” ark Harris, former pastor in Char- Tami Fitzgerald, executive director FAMILY’S HEART Mlotte, unseated incumbent Rob- of the NC Values Coalition, said she is ert Pittenger in North Carolina’s 9th “elated that voters recognized that Mark oshua was Israel’s fearless leader. (Joshua 24:21), but their words were District Republican primary election Harris has the integrity, leadership skills, He was a man who loved the Lord empty. In the end, Joshua died leaving May 8 for the U.S. House of and conservative values to Jwith all his heart, soul and strength behind a family who loved the Lord but Representatives. Harris, who represent the 9th Congres- and a father who cherished his family. a nation who did not seek God (Judges is also a former president of sional District. ... We strongly Things were going well in Israel. The war 2:10). the Baptist State Convention of support Mark as he moves into was over and the territory divided. The Joshua had many victories as a North Carolina, ran against Pit- the general election.” only thing left was to eliminate the small military leader, but none were bigger tenger in 2016 for the same seat Harris resigned last summer pockets of the enemy remaining in the than winning the battle for his family’s but lost by a slim margin. from a 12-year tenure as pastor Promised Land. heart. He undeniably taught his family He is the first challenger to of First Baptist Church in Then Joshua noticed Israel was being to love the Lord in a culture that was upset an incumbent this year, Charlotte. He has two degrees unfaithful to God. He gathered all the far from God. How was he able to do it? according to news reports, from Southeastern Baptist compromising tribal leaders and pleaded The same way we are able today. Joshua and is set to face the district’s Theological Seminary (mas- with them not to associate with the was filled with the Holy Spirit (Deuter- Democratic primary winner, MARK HARRIS ter of divinity and doctor of remaining enemy and remember God’s onomy 34:9) and lived the Shema. Dan McCready, in November. ministry). faithfulness. There was no change. As a born again believer, you have all “From the beginning, this race has In an earlier interview with Baptist Joshua again gathered all the hypo- the power you need to raise your family been about giving the people of this Press, he described a sense of calling critical leaders and begged them twice in a culture that wants nothing to do district a voice,” Harris told supporters to politics and awareness of “a distinct to throw away their “little g” gods. Fi- with God (Ephesians 1:13b). Because on election night (May 8), according to need” for pastors “not just to take a posi- nally, Joshua drew a line in the sand and the Holy Spirit lives inside you, you video from Charlotte’s WSOC-TV. “You tion on the sideline” of American public said, “As for me and my house, we will serve are able to love the Lord with all your have stood up tonight across the 9th Dis- life, “but to get engaged.” the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). heart, soul and strength. He gives you • Is this verse practiced in your the ability to connect your life to His home? Word, model it in your home, work- • Have you counted the costs if this place and community and intentionally verse is not applied in your teach it to your children (Deuter- home? onomy 6:4-7). • Will your kids adopt If Joshua this verse in their future could do homes? it, you can In unison, the people do it. proclaimed, “We will serve the Lord”

EDITOR’S NOTE – Mark Smith is senior consultant for Family Evangelism and Discipleship at the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. He can be reached at (800) 395-5102, ext. 5647, or [email protected]. MARK SMITH MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 5 SWBTS trustees to meet amid Patterson controversy Baptist Press be misused in such a way that a leader “Let a Southwestern woman speak.” have said that was inappropriate or that with an unbiblical view of authority, Stovall has been at SWBTS either as a lacked clarity,” he continued. “... Please n open letter from Southern womanhood, and sexuality be allowed to faculty member or a student under Presi- forgive the failure to be as thoughtful and Baptist women objecting that continue in leadership.” dents Russell Dilday, Ken Hemphill and careful in my extemporaneous expression A Paige Patterson, president The SWBTS trustee board meeting Patterson. as I should have been.” of Southwestern Baptist Theological will be held at 1:30 p.m. that day on the “People ask, ‘How are you treated?’” SBC President Gaines released a state- Seminary (SWBTS), has been “allowed to seminary’s campus in Fort Worth, Texas, Stovall wrote. “In my 35 years of min- ment to Baptist Press May 11 expressing continue in leadership” despite his state- according to a statement released by istry, have I always been treated in a thanks for Patterson’s ministry history ments on sexuality and domestic abuse Ueckert. Christ-like manner? My answer is, ‘Not while opposing his controversial com- garnered more than 1,800 signatures in “In light of recent events, Dr. Patter- exactly.’ In fact, I resonated with the ments. “I praise God for the leadership its first 24 hours online. At publication son has requested that I convene our full most recent [blog post to Christian men] he gave to the SBC during the Conserva- time there were more than 3,000 signa- trustee board to meet in official session,” penned by Beth Moore. But honestly, my tive Resurgence,” Gaines said. “I am also tures. the statement said. “As part of a trustee’s most painful experiences have occurred grateful for his leadership at my alma The letter was addressed to SWBTS duty to this institution, and by exten- in the local church and not at Southwest- mater, Southwestern Baptist Theologi- trustee chairman Kevin Ueckert as well as sion to the Southern Baptist Convention ern ... Let me be clear. I have never, no cal Seminary. I have talked with him in the full trustee board, which is scheduled (SBC), and by virtue of my authority not ever, been treated with any less than person and by phone regarding his com- to meet May 22 at Patterson’s request. as Chairman of the Board I am calling a the highest respect from Paige Patterson. ments and told him that I disagree with Other Southern Baptist women have special called meeting of the Board of Dr. Patterson has never discounted me the counsel he gave to a woman who was defended Patterson’s character without Trustees, pursuant to the Bylaws.” as less-than, has always listened to me, married to an abusive husband. affirming all his specific comments. Among the first signers of the open heard me, and took my opinion into “I personally believe that if a hus- At issue in the open letter are an audio letter were Lauren Chandler, wife equal consideration as my male counter- band abuses his wife physically, the wife clip from 2000 in which he expressed of Dallas-area pastor Matt Chandler; parts.” should immediately: 1) notify the police his views regarding domestic violence Amanda Jones, a Houston pastor’s wife Amid social media discussion of abuse and follow their instructions, 2) remove and divorce and a video of a 2014 sermon and daughter of Beth Moore; Jennifer Ly- and sexism, Donna Gaines, wife of SBC herself and her children physically from in which he referenced a teenage girl’s ell, a vice president at LifeWay Christian President Steve Gaines, tweeted a call the abusive husband under the protec- physical attractiveness. The open letter is Resources’ B&H Publishing Group; and May 5 for Southern Baptists to “get off tion of police for her safety, and 3) notify available at swbtsletter.com. Karen Swallow Prior, professor of English social media and into our Bibles and the family’s pastor so the church can The open letter, published online May at Liberty University and a research fel- prayer closets; off our high horses and engage in church discipline toward the 6, stated, “We are shocked by the video low with the Ethics & Religious Liberty onto our knees.” abuser. The church should also seek to that has surfaced showing Dr. Paige Pat- Commission. Prior told Baptist Press Donna Gaines told BP May 7 “the come alongside the woman and help her terson objectify a teenage girl and then (BP) in an email exchange, “The letter thing that most grieved me were some of in any way possible to ensure her protec- suggest this as behavior that is biblical. was drafted collectively among a group the vicious attacks on people. We should tion and care. We are further grieved by the dangerous of women who were among the first be able to discuss issues without attack- “Regarding Dr. Patterson’s more and unwise counsel given by Dr. Pat- signers. Because this is a grassroots effort ing people, and it wasn’t even just that recent remarks about a teenage girl, I terson to women in abusive situations. designed to reflect many SBC women, people were attacking Dr. Patterson. It believe they were improper. While I love His recent remarks of clarification do we prefer not to focus on the writers, but was people who were speaking on both him and appreciate him, I disagree with not repudiate his unwise counsel in the the signers.” She added: “the drafters sides of the issue being attacked by both what he said. Preachers should never past; nor has he offered explanation or sought much wise counsel before it was sides of the issue.” refer to women in any way that could repentance for inappropriate comments published.” “Obviously,” Gaines added, abuse of be considered demeaning. SBC pastors regarding a teenage girl, the unbiblical Wheaton College professor Ed Stetzer “anyone is indefensible. Nobody’s argu- must do everything we can to protect all teaching he offered on the biblical mean- – who has written a blog post calling for ing with that,” and churches must be women from being subjected to any form ing of womanhood in that objectification, Patterson to retire from his presidency at prepared to help the abused. of abuse.” and the inappropriate nature of his own SWBTS – tweeted May 6 that the let- Regarding Patterson, Gaines said, Gaines added, “On behalf of the SBC, I observations of her body. ter was “a big deal” for “theologically “I can’t defend what he said. At the ask for the forgiveness of all women who “This pattern of discourse,” the letter conservative women leaders to call for same time, I have known this man for a have been hurt by these comments and continued, “is unbefitting the sober, [Patterson’s] resignation.” long time and believe his character and the issue of ill treatment of women with- wise, and sound character required of an Among Southern Baptist women offer- integrity are still intact even if he made in churches in particular. I believe we elder, pastor, and leader ... The South- ing a different perspective was SWBTS a mistake and used an inappropriate illus- should esteem and regard women in the ern Baptist Convention [SBC] cannot dean of women’s programs Terri Stovall, tration.” same way Jesus did during His earthly allow the biblical view of leadership to who tweeted a May 4 statement titled Patterson released an apology through ministry. Women are created in the image the SWBTS website May 10 for comments of God and are of great value and worth. that were “obviously been hurtful to The church especially is no place for mi- women in several possible ways. sogyny or disrespect for anyone.” “I wish to apologize to every woman (EDITOR’S NOTE – This story was com- who has been wounded by anything I piled from Baptist Press reports.) 6 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists ‘Defining Moments’ forge history, future of WMU-NC

By DIANNA L. CAGLE | BR Production Editor

any hands and hearts invest in putting together the Woman’s MMissionary Union of North Carolina (WMU-NC) Missions Extrava- ganza (ME). This year’s 127th annual meeting, with the theme “Defining Moments,” brought together almost 460 participants to Ard- more Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. “Meet the need first,” said Taylor Field, pastor of Graffiti Church (East 7th Baptist) and director of Graffiti Com- munity Ministries in New York City for more than 25 years. Those four words are Susan Field shares a prayer request with the women attending WMU-NC ME. the basis for the ministry of Taylor and Susan Field, North American Mission said, but urged them to start small. “We Board SEND missionaries, who served as want to big things in small ways,” said featured guests during the two-day event Field, referencing the loaves and fishes April 27-28. story in the Bible. “Look in your life for the people who He asked for prayer for revival and can’t pay you back,” he said, referring for “God to blow on the embers of our to a sign he keeps in his office that says, hearts again.” “Those who deserve love least need it the Sharing from Luke, Field talked about most.” the kind of party Jesus wanted: inviting Over three main sessions, Field shared those everyone would least expect. several key ministry concepts: serve the “Do not invite your friends,” Field unserved, see the unseen and small is big. said. “When you give a feast, invite the Field spoke of a train ride he once poor, the lame. You will be blessed ... Taylor Field shares about the four basic words that his ministry in New York is based on: Meet the need took from New York to Connecticut. because they cannot pay.” first. Field was the main speaker for Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina’s Missions Extrava- Bodies were packed tightly together. A Rosalie Hunt, a former missionary and ganza April 27-28. (BR photos by Dianna L. Cagle) woman began making her way through author who lives in Alabama, shared dur- the train, begging for money. ing the program as well and in breakout Officers elected included: Members-at-large that were elected “She’s dirty,” he recalled thinking, sessions about her upcoming book about • President: Dee Dee Moody, First from various regions include: admitting shame at the thought. He was Fannie E.S. Heck. Heck was integral in Baptist Church in Salisbury; • Region 3: Penny Gates; dressed to impress a rich congregation the foundation of WMU. The book is • Vice President: Deborah Taylor, Mt. • Region 4: Margaret Muegge and and battled in himself. He didn’t want expected to be released in 2019. Moriah Baptist Church in Lumberton; Lynn Odom; her to touch him. Emotions welled up An offering collected raised $7,925.78 • Vice President of Development: • Region 5: Joyce Rogers; within him, and he said it was as if God for ministries of WMU-NC as well as Barbara Hill, Fairview Baptist Church in • Region 6: Delores Thomas; whispered,”I love her just as much as I Operation Bandanas, a ministry that gives Statesville; • Region 7: Jessica Ferguson and love you.” military service members a camouflaged • Recording Secretary: Beth McDon- Norma Hollar; That was a defining moment for Field. bandana with Psalm 91 printed on it. ald, McDonald Baptist Church in Rock- • Region 8: Ruby Fulbright; “[God’s] not impressed by our influ- Participants approved the 2018 bud- ingham; and • Region 9: Candi Mains; and ence,” Field said. He encouraged the gete of $935,031 for total costs for WMU- • Assistant Recording Secretary: • Region 10: Duronda Hood. women to start with what they have. NC and operation of Camp Mundo Vista Alison Markwood, Missio Dei in Greens- The next meeting is April 26-27, 2019, “You don’t have to do everything,” he and projected budget for 2019 of $915,031. boro. at Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh.

Missionary speakers, Debbie Wohler Reasoner, left, and Chris Mauger, right, share from the Woman’s MIssionary Union prayer calendar. They shared testimonies from their mission fields and the names of those whose birthdays were being celebrated those days, including Mauger’s whose birthday was April 27. Rosalie Hunt, center, leads a breakout session on North Carolinian Fannie Heck. MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 7 NEWS BRIEFS Survey weighs value ‘Scout Me In’ campaign includes girls of Baptist associations (Baptist Press) Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is striking gender from its Scouting program titles in 2019, ushering in the change with a “Scout Me In” campaign for ers think that their local Baptist associa- By ROGER ALFORD | Kentucky Today Cub Scouts. BSA’s advertising includes girls and boys, and is BSA’s latest move to tion is a good kingdom investment of open its programming to girls as announced in October 2017. BSA began an evolu- ost church leaders believe their church’s financial resources. tion in 2013 that extended Scouting to homosexuals, and in 2015 opened leadership their financial contributions Lowe said the churches that are most and employment to gays and bisexuals. Trail Life USA (TLUSA), a Christian alterna- Mto local Baptist associa- involved in the work of local Baptist asso- tive to Scouting birthed in 2013, described BSA’s transformation as a “lost journey tions are “a good Kingdom investment” ciations and are most familiar with their into the woods of co-ed political correctness.” while others are struggling to see their mission and work are the most excited Mac Brunson concludes 12-year FBC Jax pastorate relevance, according to findings from a about their work. More than 90 percent (Christian Index) Mac Brunson, co-senior pastor of 10,000 member First Baptist national survey released in July 2017. of church leaders who are extremely Church in Jacksonville, Fla., announced his resignation April 29. Brunson said in the “When asked to describe the most involved in the work of the associations announcement he and his wife had come to believe in recent months “the Lord was exciting aspect of their local Baptist asso- believed they were strategic partners in bringing our ministry to a close here in Jacksonville.” Heath Lambert, a counseling ciation, the most popular answer among fulfilling the Great Commission. professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, joined Brunson last fall church leaders was ‘nothing,’” said Jason Ninety percent of church leaders as senior co-pastor of the Florida church. In an online statement, the church said Lowe, a Kentucky director of missions extremely involved in the work of the Brunson’s announcement was in keeping with a transition plan for him and Lambert who led the study that looked into at- local associations said they would be approved last September. titudes about the work of local Baptist negatively affected if their local Baptist associations. associations ceased to exist. LifeWay named top employer for second year Lowe, who serves the Pike Association And more than 90 percent of church (LifeWay) LifeWay Christian Resources ranked as one of the top 500 midsize of Southern Baptists in eastern Kentucky, leaders most involved in the work of employers in the U.S. (No. 196) by Forbes magazine for a second consecutive year. said the findings weren’t all doom and local associations said they believed con- To determine the ranking, Forbes looks at how likely workers are to recommend gloom. tributing financially was good kingdom their employer to someone else and how they feel about the other employers in their “The most encouraging finding is that investment. industry. Founded in 1891, LifeWay is one of the world’s largest providers of Chris- there is hope among church leaders that “The research showed that most tian products and services, including Bibles, books, Bible studies, church supplies associations can be relevant once again,” church leaders do believe that asso- and other Christian resources. The Nashville-based company owns and operates he said. ciations can have a future,” Lowe said. more than 170 LifeWay Christian Stores across the nation, totaling more than 5,000 Lowe said in a 208-page report that “That is if significant changes are made.” employees. some church leaders are questioning Church leaders said they’d be moti- EC search committee accepting nominations whether local Baptist associations are still vated to increase their financial support (Baptist Press) Nominations are being accepted for president of the Southern vital or even relevant. for local Baptist associations if they could Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee, search committee chairman Steve “I personally believe that Baptist as- demonstrate their relevance with a clear Swofford announced May 2. Recommendations may be submitted by email at sociations can still be a relevant ministry vision and strategy. [email protected]. The search committee also solicited advice on the “five partner to the local church,” Lowe said. “As an ambassador for the proclama- most important characteristics of the next president” from SBC entity presidents, “However, I recognize that not everyone tion of the gospel, I love what is offered the executive director of Woman’s Missionary Union and Baptist state convention shares that opinion.” through the local Baptist association,” executive directors, Swofford told Baptist Press. The search committee was elected The survey, which allowed respon- said Johnny Rumbough, executive direc- during a special meeting of the Executive Committee April 17 in Nashville to begin dents to remain anonymous, was con- tor of missions for the Lexington (S.C.) the process of selecting a successor to Frank S. Page, who announced his departure ducted in April to gain a better under- Baptist Association, in a Facebook post March 27 due to a moral failure. standing of how Southern Baptist church Aug. 10, 2017. “The local Baptist associa- tion is a strategic missional entity that my Prayers, unity highlight Day of Prayer leaders view the effectiveness of the associations. The survey consisted of two friends and I can connect with for rap- (Baptist Press) Southern Baptist and other evangelical speakers called for, and sets of questions for church leaders and idly sharing the gospel. The association hundreds of participants prayed for, unity in the church and country during a association leaders. exists because a collection of churches National Day of Prayer observance May 3 in the U.S. Capitol. The televised evening Over the course of a two-week period, voluntarily determine they can accom- event in National Statuary Hall came near the close of the ’ 67th annual 448 responded to the survey. Of those, plish more together than alone. It has a observance of the National Day of Prayer (NDOP). Multitudes of Americans gath- 159 were senior pastors and 116 were unique relationship with local churches ered in thousands of locations across the country to pray during the day. Ronnie directors of missions. The remainder for the purpose of serving as a catalyst for Floyd, president of the NDOP Task Force and former Southern Baptist Convention were largely church staff members, lay churches starting new missional points, (SBC) president, told the audience, “[I]t is time for the church of America to come members, denominational or agency staff continuously offering strengthening and together in unity. It is with every fiber of my bone, into the very depths of my soul, I members, seminary students and church equipping opportunities for churches, say to you tonight with a growing burden in my heart: ‘A divided church cannot call planters. strategically encouraging church part- a divided nation to unity.’” Lowe said perhaps the most signifi- nering locally and globally, and equip Dave Miller, PC president, diagnosed with cancer cant finding was the perceived lack of churches for making, multiplying and (Baptist Press) Iowa pastor Dave Miller, president of last year’s Southern Baptist value in associations. mobilizing disciples for delivering the Convention (SBC) Pastors’ Conference , has been diagnosed with kidney cancer “Only 65.6 percent of church leaders gospel to all people of the world. I love and will undergo surgery after the SBC’s June 12-13 annual meeting in Dallas. Miller, think that their local Baptist association what is offered through the local Baptist elected SBPC president in 2016 in St. Louis, reshaped the 2017 Pastors’ Conference is a strategic partner in helping their association!” in Phoenix toward heightened participation by small-church leaders. He is senior church to fulfill the Great Commission, (EDITOR’S NOTE – Roger Alford is editor pastor of Southern Hills Baptist Church in Sioux City, Iowa, where he has served meaning that nearly 1 out of every 3 of Kentucky Today, kentuckytoday.com, nearly 13 years. Miller underwent a biopsy May 1 at UnityPoint Health in Sioux church leaders do not think so,” accord- where this article first appeared. Kentucky City and underwent the removal of his gallbladder and spleen on May 3. In a May 7 ing to the report. “Only 58.5 percent of Today is a news resource of the Kentucky Baptist email, Miller told Baptist Press he will undergo robotic surgery June 26 to remove a church leaders think that their church Convention. The Biblical Recorder is publishing tumor from his kidney. “[A]fter a brief recuperation I have every hope of returning would be negatively affected if their local this article in the print issue to draw attention to to even better health than I had before my recent surgeries,” he wrote. Baptist association ceased to exist.” Baptist Association Emphasis May 20-27 in the However, 73.8 percent of church lead- Southern Baptist Convention.) Full stories available online at BRnow.org. 8 Opinion/News MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists SBC: Joining the orchestra t was June 2006 when I walked through a tunnel into our hands in the air. It must involve our minds and our the decision to stand with others who have the same the Greensboro Coliseum and first saw the Southern hearts. When we act, we should seek to understand. desire to see the gospel spread throughout the world. IBaptist Convention (SBC) in action. I watched in The SBC is a body of people who are members of We truly can do more together than apart, and this awe as a sea of paper ballots rose in the air time and churches that have chosen to participate in coopera- is best accomplished by an informed commitment to again, and President Bobby Welch led 11,639 tion with one another. When the Convention participation. It is vital that participants have accu- messengers through two days of actions that gathers to do its business, no single messen- rate knowledge of how our system works. Even more would affect the year to come. It was like ger carries more authority or privilege than so, that knowledge should inspire us to engage in the watching a symphony. But as a new member another. Every vote carries the same weight, process of cooperation more deeply, so that together we of the orchestra, I often wondered what was everyone sits under the same rules, and every may pursue the mission of Christ. happening and at times was unsure of what I individual has the opportunity to use his or Our systems are designed to work, but our processes was doing. I knew I had a great responsibility, her voice. can get messy because we are human. Working together and I wanted to approach it with the neces- The SBC does not rule from the top down. will always require effort and patience, and dependence sary deliberation. Rather, it is a cooperative effort of the church- on the Lord’s grace. But even in the messiest moments, After those two days, I determined to es that does its business from the bottom up. I choose to stand with others because I believe our hope never stop learning about the processes of AMY WHITFIELD The most important person in the SBC is the is real and our mission is worth the challenges. Southern Baptist cooperation. In the words Guest Column individual messenger, and when the delib- We learn so that we can engage. We engage so that of Aaron Sorkin (and perhaps Harry S. Tru- erative assembly gathers, the denomination we can go on mission together. man), “Decisions are made by those who show up.” But is doing its most important work: the work that deter- (EDITOR’S NOTE – Amy Whitfield is director of communi- “showing up” must mean more than our mere presence. mines the future of its cooperative ministries. cations at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake We come together to make decisions about how we Engagement takes many forms. Whether we are giv- Forest, N.C. This article is adapted from the preface to her new will work together for the spreading of the gospel to ing our resources, serving with others in tough places, book with co-author Keith Harper, SBC FAQs: A Ready Refer- the ends of the earth. It must involve more than raising praying for missions, or raising a ballot, we are making ence.) Ethnic breakdown of Gaines’ appointments released Two members are female. The committee they did not plan to attend the conven- By DAVID ROACH | Baptist Press is tasked by SBC Bylaw 20 with prepar- tion meeting. Many others who plan to his year’s Southern Baptist Conven- ing and submitting resolutions to the attend the convention meeting simply tion (SBC) Committee on Resolu- convention and recommending them for did not want to serve. That resulted in Ttions may be “one of the most eth- adoption. reducing our original percentage of 25 nically diverse committees in the history “I am grateful for the ethnic diversity percent non-Anglos to the current per- of the SBC,” convention president Steve we have on the Resolutions Committee,” centage of 16.2 percent on the Committee Gaines said in a statement announcing Gaines said. “It is predominantly non- on Committees.” the ethnic breakdown of his presidential Anglo and is probably one of the most The percentage of non-Anglos serving appointments. ethnically diverse committees in the his- as tellers and on the Credentials Commit- The Committee on Committees and tory of the SBC.” tee is lower than Gaines had hoped, he the tellers each include 16 percent non- Of the Committee on Committees’ 68 said, “because we used most of our rec- Anglo members, said Gaines, pastor of members, 11 are non-Anglo. Six members ommendations of non-Anglo messengers Memphis-area Bellevue Baptist Church in are female. According to SBC Bylaw 15, on the Resolutions Committee and on the Cordova, Tenn. The Credentials Com- the Committee on Committees nominates Committee on Committees.” mittee includes a lower percentage of to the convention the Committee on Four of 25 tellers are non-Anglo and non-Anglos (4 percent) because Gaines Nominations, which in turn nominates five are female. One of 27 Credentials tapped for the other three groups most of the members of boards, commissions and Committee members is non-Anglo and the non-Anglos who were recommended committees. two are female. to him and willing to serve, he said. To appoint the Committee on Commit- Tellers tabulate votes under the “From the beginning, including a tees, Gaines said, “we received recom- supervision of the registration secretary, maximum percentage of ethnic diver- mendations from across the convention, according to Bylaw 10. The Credentials sity on the various committees we have nominations sent to us by state conven- Committee is charged by Bylaw 8 with appointed has been a major priority and tion executives and also those sent to us ruling “upon any questions which may goal in the nominations made under my by key church leaders across the SBC. arise in registration concerning the cre- leadership,” Gaines said in his statement, When we compiled all of those recom- dentials of messengers.” which was released to Baptist Press May mendations, we received approximately “As president of the SBC,” Gaines 9. 200 names, 25 percent of which were said, “I have worked diligently to con- Of the Resolutions Committee’s 10 non-Anglos. tinue expanding ethnic involvement in members, four are African American, “We had 68 openings to fill,” he said. our convention, and I’m certain my suc- four Anglo, one Hispanic and one Asian. “Many that we asked declined because cessors will do likewise.” Casual attire, no ties on tap for Dallas heat Baptist Press “Summer temperatures in Texas can run in the 90s and men should feel free not to wear a necktie. Speakers on the platform outhern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Steve Gaines are encouraged to dress in business casual attire. I hope this Srecommends casual dress at the 2018 SBC Annual Meeting will make our annual meeting more enjoyable for all.” amid Dallas’ oppressive heat. Casual attire was also encouraged for the 2017 annual meet- “This year I am once again encouraging all messengers to ing in Phoenix, where temperatures were in the triple digits. for the latest N.C. Baptist the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting to dress Dallas temperatures are forecast in the upper 80s and low casually,” said Gaines, senior pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church 90s leading up to and during the meeting June 12-13 at the Kay news and information near Memphis, Tenn., to Baptist Press. Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 9 First Bossier’s pastor to nominate Hemphill for SBC president in a Twitter post May 9. letters published by the Baptist Message and a Southern By SETH BROWN | BR Content Editor “His passion for spiritual awakening, evangelism, Baptist blog site. ouisiana pastor Brad Jurkovich will nominate Ken and the future of the SBC is stirring,” he continued. “I Hemphill, 70, currently serves as an administrator Hemphill for president of the Southern Baptist believe he’s capable, ready & has the wisdom to lead us for North Greenville University and is a member of First LConvention (SBC) at the upcoming annual at this critical time.” Baptist Church in Hendersonville, N.C. He was presi- meeting, Hemphill told the Biblical Recorder in an email In addition to Jurkovich’s promise to nominate dent of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from May 9. Supporters announced Hemphill’s candidacy Hemphill as the SBC’s lead officer, First Bossier has 1994-2003 and national strategist from 2003-11 for the Feb. 1 in a news report by Louisiana’s Baptist Message, been active in conversations about convention affairs in SBC’s Empowering Kingdom Growth emphasis. but no information was released at that time about who recent months. Ken Whitten, pastor of Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, would make the nomination. The church hosted live interviews with Hemphill and Fla., announced Jan. 29 that he will nominate Greear, Jurkovich, pastor of First Bossier in Bossier City, La., J.D. Greear, also a candidate for SBC president. First pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, N.C., and member of the SBC Committee on Order of Busi- Bossier’s executive assistant, Lorine Spratt, publicly for SBC president. Q&A’s with the candidates are on ness, said he is “truly honored” to nominate Hemphill criticized SBC leaders recently in a two-part set of open pages 10-11. Second global hunger run set for Dallas dress hunger needs in the world. The the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commis- By TOM STRODE | Baptist Press Cooperative Program’s support of SBC sion (ERLC), SBC Executive Commit- essengers and others attending entities enables 100 percent of the gifts tee, International Mission Board (IMB), the 2018 Southern Baptist Con- received by GHR to be used in hunger LifeWay Christian Resources, North Mvention (SBC) Annual Meeting projects carried out by Southern Baptist American Mission Board (NAMB) and in Dallas will have the opportunity to missionaries and partners. Many church- Woman’s Missionary Union. They seek participate in the second Global Hun- es give attention to the work of GHR, to keep Southern Baptists aware of the ger Relief (GHR) Run to help feed the formerly known as the World Hunger international hunger situation and to al- hungry. Fund, on Global Hunger Sunday in Octo- leviate hunger through feeding programs A coalition of Southern Baptist organi- ber each year. in this country and around the world. zations is sponsoring the run June 13, the “Global Hunger Relief funds are in ERLC President Russell Moore said second day of this year’s annual meeting. many ways the lifeline for Southern the GHR Run “is an illustration of the All registration fees for the event – which Baptist hunger projects around the partnership that exists among the enti- includes a 5K race and a one-mile fun run world,” said Jeff Palmer, chief executive ties of the Southern Baptist Convention, – will be used to feed the hungry in the officer of Baptist Global Response (BGR). working together to equip our brothers Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist United States and throughout the world. “Through our mission agencies, churches and sisters in the spread of the gospel Foundation, Baptist General Convention Last year, 200 runners and volunteers and local Baptist partners, we already around the world. Lives will be saved of Texas and Arizona Southern Baptist took part in the inaugural GHR Run in have a ready reserve of implementing and needs will be met because of those Convention. Phoenix and raised more than $5,000. partners to help respond to hunger needs who participate in the run.” Transportation will be provided for GHR is a partnership of seven Southern when and wherever they occur.” The sponsors of the GHR Run consist participants from the Kay Bailey Hutchi- Baptist entities that collaborate to ad- The GHR national partners are BGR, not only of BGR, the ERLC, IMB, NAMB son Convention Center to Trinity Skyline and LifeWay, but the Southern Baptists of Trail. Online registration and more infor- Texas Convention, GuideStone Finan- mation are available at globalhungerrelief. committee on resolutions cial Resources, Southeastern Baptist com/run. Baptist Press

Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Steve Gaines has named members of SBC travel scholarships available the Committee on Resolutions for the June 12-13 SBC annual meeting in Dallas. to small church pastors Jason Duesing of Missouri was named as the committee’s chairman by Gaines. Baptist Press will be mailed directly to the church with Duesing is provost and associate professor of historical at Midwestern a letter designating the funds for the pas- Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City and a member of Antioch Bible Baptist astors of smaller membership church- tor’s convention expenses. Church in Gladstone, Mo. Pes are eligible for help with expenses Pastors of congregations with less The other committee members, in alphabetical order, are: for attending the Southern Baptist than 150 in average attendance and whose Convention’s (SBC) annual meeting by • Ken Alford, pastor, Crossroads Baptist Church, Valdosta, Ga. churches are unable or unwilling to fund applying through the Caskey Center for convention expenses may apply. • Byron Day, pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Laurel, Md. Church Excellence at New Orleans Bap- Applicants will be asked a series • Candi Finch, assistant professor of theology in women’s studies, Southwestern tist Theological Seminary (NOBTS). of questions to determine eligibility. Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas; member of Hope Church, Fort Surplus funds from last year’s Pastors’ Personal contact information as well Worth. Conference costs were placed in reserve as church contact information will be • Willie McLaurin, special assistant to the executive director, Tennessee Baptist by the conference’s officers and desig- required. By applying, applicants agree Mission Board, Franklin, Tenn.; member of Simeon Baptist Church, Antioch, Tenn. nated for convention travel scholarships to use the funds to attend all four SBC for smaller membership pastors, with • Chris Metcalf, pastor, Lihue Baptist Church, Lihue, Hawaii. Pastors’ Conference sessions June 10-11 NOBTS’ Caskey Center designated to as well as all of the SBC annual meeting • Jason Paredes, lead pastor, Fielder Church, Arlington, Texas. distribute the funds. sessions June 12-13. • Adron Robinson, senior pastor, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Country Club Hills, Ill. Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 Last year, 61 scholarships of $1,000 • Alicia Wong, associate professor of women’s ministry, , each will be awarded to qualified appli- were provided from funding generated Ontario, Calif.; member of Rosena Church, San Bernardino, Ca. cants on a first-come, first-served basis. by the Pastors’ Conference, with $24,000 • Curtis Woods, associate executive director for convention relations, Kentucky Funds must be used for flight, hotel, from its budget overage set aside for Baptist Convention, Louisville, Ky.; member of Watson Memorial Baptist Church, mileage, rental car, meals, books and scholarships this year. resources or other convention-related To apply or for information, go to Louisville. expenses. If awarded, the $1,000 check nobts.news/ConferenceScholarship. 10 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists Hemphill wants to restore trust, civility Baptist Press cal, racial or generational differences. conventions no longer have the equip- chooses to believe the best and refuses to Local associations and state conventions ping resources they once had, therefore judge motives. niversity administrator and former can play a vital role in bringing together they teach us to rely upon the Lord When you have a valid criticism, seminary president Ken Hemp- diverse groups of people for fellowship, and to work with others. Because they express it with kindness with a view Uhill, one of two candidates to be respectful discussion and prayer. We understand the crucial nature of working to finding helpful solutions. We must nominated for Southern Baptist Conven- must avoid labeling faithful Southern together, these new-work churches are restore “trust,” because cooperation tion (SBC) president in June, responded Baptists. often very generous in their cooperative is impossible without trust. Trust and to six questions from Baptist Press (BP) Third, our structure at every level of giving. They teach us percentage giving mutual care can only happen when we and Baptist state editors. our convention must reflect and celebrate has greater value than flat-lined dollar sit down together, discuss issues, pray A coalition of our racial and generational diversity amounts. and work for a solution. We must relearn Southern Baptists while maintaining our core spiritual and the art of “pulling for each other.” We announced the theological convictions. What would you suggest should need to work to establish situations nomination Feb. 1 Q: be changed across the convention that produce “win/win” outcomes. As via a Baptist state Please describe why you believe within the next two to three years to scripture indicates, when one member paper. Q: support for the Cooperative Pro- ensure growth? suffers, we all suffer together and when Hemphill gram, Lottie Moon Christmas Offering one succeeds we all succeed. SBC entities was president and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Let’s be clear! The Lord builds His must be transparent and responsive to its of Southwestern is vital to Southern Baptists’ mission A: church (Matthew 16:18). He uses constituents. Baptist Theologi- and vision. human instruments and expects all of us cal Seminary from to engage in the singular mandate of the In the wake of the #MeToo move- 1994-2003 and KEN HEMPHILL This is a key issue that motivated me Great Commission – to make disciples. Q: ment and numerous sex-related national strategist A: to become a candidate. This requires going (evangelizing), bap- scandals that have impacted our from 2003-11 for the SBC’s Empowering First, establishing the budget requires tizing (congregationalizing) and teaching nation, including Southern Baptist Kingdom Growth emphasis, an initia- cooperation at every level of SBC life. It is (disciple-making). History shows that churches and leaders, what are some tive launched in 2002 calling Southern fine-tuned by the Executive Committee when our convention loses its laser-like ways congregations can better respond Baptists to renewed passion for God’s and approved by messengers at the an- focus on the Great Commission, we lose to these issues and minister to those Kingdom. Hemphill now serves as special nual convention. A church’s non-restrict- ground. affected? assistant to the president for denomi- ed gift through the Cooperative Program We must regain our kingdom focus. national relations at North Greenville (CP) should be the norm for the sake of We are called to be a royal priesthood We must first teach biblical holi- University. Hemphill has also pastored budgeting and planning. (Exodus 19:4-6), representing the King A: ness as a positive alternative to the churches in Kentucky and Virginia and Second, cooperative giving is a biblical and advancing His kingdom to all peoples world’s obsession with sexual permis- led the Home Mission Board’s (now the approach to funding missions by church- before His triumphal return. Our goal siveness. We must provide biblical teach- North American Mission Board) South- es who work together for kingdom-sized is far larger than growing our church or ing that the body belongs to the Lord ern Baptist Center for Church Growth in goals. As a funding mechanism for sup- even our convention. We must regain the and is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. the early 1990s. porting missions, it has absolutely no high ground of being a people on mission 6:19-20). We must train church leaders The new SBC president will succeed peer in Christian history. with God. concerning the importance of safety and Memphis-area pastor Steve Gaines, who Third, CP giving and our mission of- That means that some of our personal security. Such measures include adopt- was elected to the first of two one-year ferings allow every church of every size preferences must be put aside as we ing strong policies, properly reporting presidential terms in 2016. to be an equal partner in the ministries renew our minds – a kingdom mindset and taking seriously the claims of those A separate question-and-answer of the state and national convention. through churches, associations, state indicating abuse. Churches should create session with the other candidate – J.D. Percentage giving is not measured by conventions and SBC missions and accountability groups where a mentor or Greear – appears on page 11. BP requested the size of the gift but the size of the ministries. We need to revitalize the role a mature friend has permission to ask the each candidate to respond within 150 sacrifice. We must celebrate percentage of state convention evangelism director, hard questions about what we are listen- words to questions submitted by Baptist giving rather than actual dollars given by invest more in campus ministries, utilize ing to, reading and watching. state editors and BP. a particular church. gifted evangelists and restore a passion The sexual abuse of women and for soul-winning. children should never be tolerated or left Q: What are some specific ways you What are some lessons Southern unpunished. When church leaders/mem- would like to help bridge possible Q: Baptist churches in the South What are some ways relation- bers are guilty, action needs to be swift theological and generational differ- can learn – and possibly apply to their Q: ships between SBC entities can be and decisive. If someone experiences ences in the SBC that Southern Bap- ministries – from congregations out- improved or strengthened? moral failure, the church must respond tists have expressed concerns about in side of that region in more pioneer or with biblical discipline that has as its ul- recent years? unreached areas of the country? There is a “hermeneutic of suspi- timate goal the restoration to fellowship A: cion” in our culture today and it of the repentant offender (2 Corinthians A: In order to bridge any “potential” I have been privileged to speak in impacts the Christian community and 2:7-8). barriers to fellowship and mutual A: many new-work areas and have our ability to cooperate. We must repent (EDITOR’S NOTE – Compiled by Shawn cooperation, we must restore trust and learned far more than I have ever im- of critical attitudes and rhetoric that Hendricks, editor of Baptist Press. With report- civility in our conversations about each parted. damage our ability to work together for ing by David Roach, chief national correspon- other. Social media gives everyone instant First, we can learn the importance of the Kingdom. We must learn again to op- dent.) access to unfettered means of sharing working together on those things that erate based on the principle of love which opinions on everything. facilitate gospel encounters. In this same Kivett’s - Your Source for Renewal Kivett’s - Your Source for Renewal The internet is an effective tool of vein, they teach us how to build relation- communication, but it must be self- ships and share the story of Jesus with Complete Renovations • Refinish Complete Renovations • Refinish monitored by biblical standards such as New Pews • Steeples • Stained Glass New Pews • Steeples • Stained Glass persons with little exposure to the gospel Steeple Cleaning • Baptistries Steeple Cleaning • Baptistries “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) or Southern Baptists. www.kivetts.com www.kivetts.com and avoiding unwholesome words and Also, we can learn from them how KIVETT’S INC. KIVETT’S INC. speaking for edification (Ephesians 4:29). to do much with so little. 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1-800-334-1139 • Clinton, NC 1-800-334-1139 • Clinton, NC MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 11 Greear desires unity based on gospel, BFM Baptist Press The basis of our unity in the SBC has always been new generation of Southern Baptist churches, similarly, A: the gospel and beyond that, the Baptist Faith and to rise up and engage in cooperative mission and giving. orth Carolina pastor J.D. Greear, one of two Message (BFM). It’s what the messengers have seen fit, Institutions like the CP and the entities they support en- candidates to be nominated for Southern Baptist under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to establish as the able our mission efforts to have staying power, and they NConvention (SBC) president in June, responded parameters of our cooperation. should be important to all Southern Baptists. to six questions from Baptist Press (BP) and Baptist Every word taught in scripture is important, but we state editors. have set the BFM 2000 as the basis of our What are some lessons Southern Baptist church- Florida pastor Ken Whitten announced unity and I believe that should be our guide. Q: es in the South can learn – and possibly apply to Greear’s nomination for SBC president Jan. Whenever we let secondary or tertiary doc- their ministries – from congregations outside of that 29. During the 16 years Greear has pastored trines, cultural customs, or worship prefer- region in more pioneer or unreached areas of the The Summit, worship attendance has grown ences distract or divide us, the devil wins and country? from 610 in 2002 to just under 10,000, accord- evangelism loses. ing to statistics available through the SBC’s Baptisms are down in the SBC, especially in the Annual Church Profile. Please describe why you believe sup- A: Southeast, where the population is growing the Total baptisms increased from 19 in 2002 Q: port for the Cooperative Program, fastest! The answer isn’t to be found in circling the wag- to 631 in 2017 at the church’s nine campuses. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and An- ons. It’s to remember that God founded every church The Summit has planted 248 churches to date, nie Armstrong Easter Offering is vital to with sending in mind. including 208 outside the U.S., with a goal of J.D. GREEAR Southern Baptists’ mission and vision. Many churches in the SBC have devolved from mis- starting 1,000 churches in 50 years,. sion outposts to maintenance facilities, and as such they The new SBC president will succeed Memphis-area Cooperation between churches for the sake of mis- have lost the presence and power of Jesus. Jesus said, “If pastor Steve Gaines, who was elected to the first of two A: sion is why the convention exists, and that coop- any serves me, where I am, there he will be also” (para- one-year presidential terms in 2016. eration has enabled Southern Baptists to produce more phrase of John 12:26). A separate question-and-answer session with the church planters, more missionaries and more seminary Jesus is seeking and saving the lost. Churches in other candidate – Ken Hemphill – appears on page 10. graduates than any other group in America. Cooperative frontier regions naturally live there; all churches should BP requested each candidate to respond within 150 giving through the Cooperative Program (CP), Annie return to that. words to questions submitted by Baptist state editors Armstrong and Lottie Moon Offerings is a powerful and This is also where the distinction between smaller and BP. proven method for supporting Great Commission work. and larger churches becomes insignificant. Smaller As a former International Mission Board mission- churches often reach people in frontier areas more ef- What are some specific ways you would like to ary and a two-time seminary graduate, I have been the fectively than big ones. Q: help bridge possible theological and generation- beneficiary of the CP in multiple ways. In recent years Most of the churches in the New Testament, for al differences in the SBC that Southern Baptists have our church has increasingly gotten involved in giving, instance, were smaller, but the impact they made for the expressed concerns about in recent years? and we only plan for that to continue. We want to call a See Greear page 15 12 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists Program Schedule Tuesday Morning, June 12 Time Program Speaker 8:15 AM Opening Worship Mark Blair, Convention music director; music minister, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 8:25 AM Welcome and Call to Order Steve Gaines, SBC president; senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. Announcement of Committee on Committees, Credentials Committee, Tellers, and Resolutions Committee 8:30 AM Scripture and Prayer Kevin Smith, executive director, Baptist Convention of Md./Del., Columbia, Md. 8:35 AM Registration Report and Don Currence, SBC registration secretary; minister of Constitution of Convention children and administration, First Baptist Church, Ozark, Mo. 8:38 AM Committee on Order of Business Report (First) Grant Ethridge, chairman; senior pastor, LibertyLive.Church, Hampton Roads, Va. 8:43 AM Appreciation of Volunteers Steve Gaines 8:45 AM Welcome to Dallas Greg Abbott, Texas governor 8:55 AM Honoring America and Recognition of Veterans The Pledge of Allegiance The National Anthem: “The Star-Spangled Banner” Worship Mark Blair 9:10 AM Crossover Report Joel Southerland, executive director of evangelism, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga. 9:15 AM GuideStone Financial Resources Report O. S. Hawkins, president and CEO, GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas, Texas 9:27 AM Introduction of New Motions (First) Steve Gaines 9:42 AM Executive Committee Report (Part 1) D. August Boto, interim president; executive vice president for convention policy, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn. 10:12 AM Introduction of Past Presidents Steve Gaines 10:17 AM Introduction of the President and Family Randy C. Davis, president and executive director, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, Brentwood, Tenn. 10:22 AM Prayer for the President Bill Street, minister of evangelism and discipleship, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 10:27 AM Worship Mark Blair 10:35 AM President’s Address Steve Gaines 11:45 AM Closing Prayer Trent Gann, pastor, First Baptist Church, Woodville, Fla. Tuesday Afternoon, June 12 Time Program Speaker 1:15 PM Scripture and Prayer Bob Davis, evangelist; pastor, Beulah Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Va. 1:20 PM Special Guest Dave Ramsey, personal finance expert; CEO, Ramsey Solutions, Brentwood, Tenn. 1:50 PM Election of Officers (First) 1:55 PM Executive Committee Report (Part 2) D. August Boto, interim president; executive vice president for convention policy, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn. 2:55 PM Election of Officers (Second) 3:00 PM Committee on Order of Business Report (Second) Grant Ethridge, chairman; senior pastor, LibertyLive.Church, Hampton Roads, Va. 3:10 PM North American Mission Board Presentation Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga. 3:40 PM Election of Officers (Third) 3:45 PM Introduction of New Motions (Last Opportunity) 4:00 PM Committee on Committees Report Emir Caner, president, Truett-McConnell University, Cleveland, Ga. 4:10 PM Committee on Nominations Report James Freeman, chairman, Country Meadows Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. 4:20 PM Election of Officers (Fourth) 4:25 PM Election of Officers (Fifth) 4:30 PM Committee on Resolutions Report Jason Duesing, chairman; provost, associate professor of historical theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo. 5:05 PM Closing Prayer Danny Sinquefield, pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Bartlett, Tenn. MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 13

Tuesday Evening, June 12 Time Program Speaker 6:30 PM Committee on Order of Business Report (Third): Grant Ethridge, chairman; senior pastor, Election of 2019 Convention Preacher, Alternate Preacher, and Music Director LibertyLive.Church, Hampton Roads, Va. 6:45 PM An Evening of Prayer and Worship Mark Blair, Convention music director; music minister, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. Special Guest Ravi Zacharias, president, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Alpharetta, Ga. 8:30 PM International Mission Board Commissioning Service David Platt, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va. 9:15 PM Closing Prayer Rick Lance, executive director/treasurer, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, Prattville, Ala. Wednesday Morning, June 13 Time Program Speaker 8:15 AM Opening Worship Mark Blair, Convention music director; music minister, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 8:25 AM Scripture and Prayer Sonny Tucker, executive director, Arkansas Baptist State Convention, Little Rock, Ark. 8:30 AM Committee on Order of Business Report (Fourth) Grant Ethridge, chairman; senior pastor, LibertyLive.Church, Hampton Roads, Va. 8:45 AM Previously Scheduled Business Steve Gaines, SBC president; senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 9:00 AM Woman’s Missionary Union Report Sandra Wisdom-Martin, executive director/treasurer, Woman’s Missionary Union, Birmingham, Ala. 9:12 AM North American Mission Board Report Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga. 9:24 AM International Mission Board Report David Platt, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va. 9:36 AM Evangelism Task Force Report Paige Patterson, chairman; president, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas 9:46 AM Worship Mark Blair 9:55 AM Convention Sermon Paige Patterson 10:35 AM Prayer of Response Bob Pearle, senior pastor, Birchman Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas 10:40 AM Joint Seminary Presentation and Reports Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C. Jason K. Allen, president, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo. Jeff Iorg, president, Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ontario, Calif. Charles S. Kelley Jr., president, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, La. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Paige Patterson, president, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas 11:55 AM Closing Prayer Zac Reno, pastor, The Summit Church, Benton, Ark. Wednesday Afternoon, June 13 Time Program Speaker 2:30 PM Opening Worship Mark Blair, Convention music director; music minister, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 2:40 PM Scripture and Prayer Noah Sidhom, pastor of leadership development, web and social media, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 2:45 PM Previously Scheduled Business Steve Gaines, SBC president; senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tenn. 2:55 PM Special Guest Jonathan Evans, author; speaker; chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas, Texas 3:10 PM Presentation of Officers D. August Boto, interim president; executive vice president for convention policy, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn. 3:20 PM LifeWay Christian Resources Report Thom S. Rainer, president and CEO, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, Tenn. 3:32 PM LifeWay Christian Resources Presentation Thom S. Rainer 3:47 PM President’s Panel on Stewardship 4:25 PM The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Report Russell D. Moore, president, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Nashville, Tenn. 4:37 PM The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Presentation Russell D. Moore 4:52 PM Closing Words and Dallas hand-off to Birmingham Steve Gaines 4:55 PM Closing Prayer David Hankins, executive director, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Alexandria, La. Crossover/Harvest America A partnership with the North American Mission Board, Harvest America, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, local Baptist as- sociations and churches will cover the community with the gospel for Crossover 2018. This will culminate in a Harvest America event June 10 at 6 p.m. at AT&T Stadium. Greg Laurie, of Harvest America, will preach. Featured music includes Chris Tomlin, Switchfoot, Crowder and Phil Wickham. A pre-event starts at 5:30 with hip-hop artists Trip Lee, Tedashii and KB. Harvest America will simulcast the main event. Visit namb.net/crossover or harvestamerica.com. 14 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists Currence to be re-nominated as SBC registration secretary OFFICER year’s SBC annual meeting in Phoenix nual Church Profile (ACP) database. By DAVID ROACH | Baptist Press after serving 12 years as an assistant Great Commission Giving is a nominees on Currence, a Missouri admin- to former registration secretary Jim category of giving established by SBC SBC President: istration and children’s pastor, Wells. Wells did not attend the Phoe- action in 2011 that encompasses giving •J.D. Greear, The Summit Church, Durham, N.C. Dwill be nominated for a second nix convention amid his final days bat- through CP, Southern Baptists’ unified •Ken Hemphill, First Baptist Church, Henderson- term as Southern Baptist Convention tling cancer and died a week following program of funding state and SBC-level ville, N.C. (SBC) registration secretary, the annual meeting. ministries, as well as direct gifts to SBC First Vice President: his pastor Phillip Burden an- Prior to his service at First SBC entities, associational giving and •A.B. Vines, New Seasons Church, San Diego, nounced May 8. Baptist Ozark, Currence was giving to state convention ministries. Calif. “It is my privilege to on staff at churches in Mis- According to ACP, First Baptist •Mike Gonzales, High Point Baptist Church, nominate Don Currence as souri and Louisiana. recorded 14 baptisms last year, with an Austin, Texas registration secretary of the First Baptist Ozark gave average worship attendance of 616. SBC Second Vice President: Southern Baptist Conven- 12.8 percent of its 2017 un- Currence has been a trustee and •Felix Cabrera, Iglesia Bautista Central, Okla- tion,” said Burden, pastor designated receipts in Great state alumni officer for New Orleans homa City, Okla. Commission Giving, includ- Baptist Theological Seminary and of First Baptist Church in SBC registration secretary: ing 7 percent through the served in various state and associa- Ozark, Mo., where Currence Don Currence, First Baptist Church, Ozark, Mo. has served on staff 25 years. Cooperative Program (CP), tional leadership roles in Missouri and DON CURRENCE SBC recording secretary: “Don exercises Christian the church told Baptist Press. Louisiana. John Yeats, Dear Creek Baptist Church, Cuba, Mo. leadership in the congrega- First Baptist’s total mis- He earned a bachelor’s degree from tion context that reflects the character sion giving was 16.9 percent of undes- Southwest Baptist University in Boli- SBC Pastor’s Conference of Christ. Don serves our convention ignated receipts. var, Mo., and a master of church music with the same fervor and commit- The church’s CP giving was con- from New Orleans Seminary. President: •Danny Wood, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, ment.” firmed by the Missouri Baptist Con- Currence and his wife Cheta have Currence was first elected at last vention and data from the SBC’s An- two high school daughters. Vestavia, Ala. Credentials committee TELLERs committee Baptist Press Baptist Press

Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Steve Gaines has announced ap- Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Steve Gaines has named tellers for pointees to the 2018 Credentials Committee. Appointed as chairman is Greg Hyche, the SBC 2018 annual meeting June 12-13 in Dallas. John Herring, senior pastor of senior pastor of Ladonia Baptist Church in Phenix City, Ala. First Baptist Church in Prosper, Texas, will chair the tellers. Committee members are: Also appointed as tellers are: • Chris Baker, associate pastor, Christ Central Church, Oklahoma City • Jay Adkins, pastor, First Baptist Church, Westwego, La. • Jaye Biles, layperson, North Richland Hills Baptist Church, North Richland Hills, • Nathan Butler, director of missions, Smoky Hill Baptist Association, Concordia, Texas Kan. • Chris Bradford, pastor, The Pathway Church, Mont Belvieu, Texas • Daphiney Caganap, layperson, New Seasons Church, Spring Valley, Calif. • Tom Buck, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Lindale, Texas • Seneca Calhoun, layperson, North Garland Baptist Fellowship, Richardson, • Natalie Burden, layperson, First Baptist Church, Ozark, Mo. Texas • Larry Craig, retired pastor, First Baptist Church, Troup, Texas • Johnny Derouen, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Muskogee, Okla. • Jason Crandall, lead pastor, City View Church, Pearland, Texas • Jason Gray, lead pastor, Redeemer Church, Abilene, Texas • Glenn Davis, director of missions, Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association, • Patrick Latham, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Lawton, Okla. Wichita, Kan. • Chad Leutwyler, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Leonard, Texas • Michael Felkins, lead pastor, Grand Avenue Baptist Church, Ames, Iowa • Chris Liebrum, director, Office of Cooperative Program Ministry, Baptist General • Trey Graham, pastor, First Baptist Church, Cache, Okla. Convention of Texas, Dallas • Brent Hobbs, lead pastor, New Song Fellowship, Virginia Beach, Va. • Mike Manning, pastor, First Baptist Church, White Hall, Ark. • Kevin James, pastor, New Creation Bible Church, Tracy, Calif. • Leslie Manning, layperson, First Baptist Church, White Hall, Ark. • Jay Johnston, associate pastor, First Baptist Church, Covington, La. • Rod Minor, senior pastor, Anderson Mill Baptist Church, Austin, Texas • Greg Lakes, pastor, Pilot Knob Missionary Baptist Church, Berea, Ky. • Charles Moore, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Paducah, Ky. • David LaMascus, layperson, First Baptist Church, Uvalde, Texas • Rusty Mott, pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Kountze, Texas • Jason Lankford, lead pastor, True North Church, Anchorage, Alaska • Joe Nogalski, pastor, Memorial Baptist Church, New Haven, Mo. • William Maxwell, administrative director, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, • Joyce Nogalski, layperson, Memorial Baptist Church, New Haven, Mo. Franklin, Tenn. • Cary Perin, lead pastor, City View Church, Alvin, Texas • Jered Patrick, pastor, Southern Heights Baptist Church, Russellville, Ky. • Tommy Reed, pastor, Fitzpatrick Baptist Church, Prestonburg, Ky. • Ivy Shelton, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Waskom, Texas • JC Rico, field ministry strategist (part-time), Southern Baptists of Texas Conven- • Phillip Shuford, director of missions, Tri-County Baptist Association, Nixa, Mo. tion, Grapevine, Texas • Anthony Svaijda, senior pastor, Harvey Baptist Church, Stephenville, Texas • Jacob Speight, layperson, First Baptist Church, Waskom, Texas • Michael Taylor, pastor, First Baptist Church, Ponca City, Okla. • James Swain, equipping team leader, Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, • John Turner, pastor, First Baptist Church, Galveston, Texas Oklahoma City • Robert Wilson, director of missions, Enon Baptist Association, Ardmore, Okla. • Brad Walker, pastor, Beinsburg Baptist Church, Benton, Ky. • Jim Wolfe, pastor, Ridge Avenue Baptist Church, West Monroe, La. • Jeanetta West, layperson, North Garland Baptist Fellowship, Garland, Texas • Tony Wolfe, director of pastor/church relations, Southern Baptists of Texas • Gregg Zachary, senior associate pastor, Mobberly Baptist Church, Longview, Convention, Grapevine, Texas Texas MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 15

Greear Continued from page 11

Great Commission was nothing short of What are some ways relation- to these issues and minister to those Third, we should mention the experi- miraculous. Q: ships between SBC entities can be affected? ence of abuse in our teaching. When we improved or strengthened? don’t mention experiences like sexual Q: What would you suggest should A: First, we must understand that abuse, we indirectly communicate, “the be changed across the convention All backbiting and cynicism has some actions are not only immoral, gospel doesn’t apply here.” within the next two to three years to A: to stop. We are one people with a but also illegal. In such cases, rebuking Fourth, we must insist on the highest ensure growth? gospel too great and a mission too urgent the immorality is not enough; we need standards of transparency and account- to focus on petty differences or territo- to involve law enforcement. Our govern- ability. We need (1) to focus again on the rialism between ourselves. Each entity ment structures, Paul says, are appointed Things that grow in a secret garden al- A: priority of the gospel as the basis of should look at itself as the servant of the by God to keep the peace and we should ways grow mutant! Pastors must be wise our unity and evangelism as our mission; others, and most of all of as servant of the submit to them. in not putting themselves in tempting or (2) to make way for ethnic leaders to lead mission. Practically, this means we give Second, we need to become as skilled compromising situations. us in reaching a changing demographic; each other the benefit of the doubt, as- in applying the gospel to suffering as we (EDITOR’S NOTE – Compiled by Shawn (3) to make it easy for churches to get sume the best in one another and extend are to sin. We must learn to listen, to Hendricks, editor of Baptist Press. With report- involved in church planting, here and grace just as Christ did with us. seek counsel and to fight to protect the ing by David Roach, chief national correspon- abroad; (4) to mobilize a generation of Trustee boards should allow appoint- vulnerable in our flocks. dent.) college students to live on mission, and ed leaders the freedom to lead, but those (5) to increase involvement in the CP. leaders should lead transparently and We can increase CP involvement in three in submission to the oversight of those ERLC panel at SBC to address ways. boards. Our trustee boards are there to First, call for churches to give more to offer counsel, to manage crises, and at sexual abuse, assault the CP. (Obvious, but bears repeating.) times, to put on the brakes or re-direct will be a conversation on how churches Second, celebrate state conventions the focus. In other words, boards should By TOM STRODE | Baptist Press can prepare for and address this crisis, getting money to the field. (Southern hold the entity heads accountable, but let as well as how to minister to the many Baptists have many desires in their giv- them lead the charge in mission. exual abuse and assault will be victims in our pews and in our mission ing, but I believe this is dearest to their subjects of a panel discussion con- field.” hearts.) In the wake of the #Metoo move- Svened by the Ethics & Religious Panelists addressing the problems in Third, encourage all forms of Great Q: ment and numerous sex-related Liberty Commission (ERLC) on the eve addition to Moore will be: Trillia New- Commission giving. We do not, of scandals that have impacted our of the annual meeting of the Southern bell, author and the ERLC’s director of course, want to foster a societal ap- nation, including Southern Baptist Baptist Convention (SBC) June 12-13 in community outreach; James Merritt, lead proach, but we need to allow churches churches and leaders, what are some Dallas. pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Duluth freedom in engaging. ways congregations can better respond The ERLC will sponsor a conversa- tion on some of society’s hottest topics Ga., and former SBC president; and Jamie during “Gospel Sexuality in a #MeToo Ivey, podcaster and author from Austin, Culture” at 9 p.m. June 11. Panelists will Texas. Space will be limited for the dis- discuss how the gospel of Jesus guides cussion, according to the ERLC. Informa- the Christian view of such subjects not tion on and registration for the event is only as sexual assault, abuse and harass- available at erlc.com/upcoming-events/gospel- ment but domestic violence, pornogra- sexuality-in-a-number-metoo-culture. phy and infidelity. The SBC pre-conference June 8-9 at Even before June 11, the ERLC will The Village Church will address how the co-host with The Village Church a two- church’s ministries and outreach to the day conference on the church’s gospel world can be gospel shaped. The speak- engagement with the world. The event ers will address such issues as preach- – titled “The Gospel and the Future of ing, evangelism, discipleship, church the Church” – will be held June 8-9 in planting, missions, sexuality and cultural partnership with The Southern Baptist engagement. In addition to Moore, the Theological Seminary (SBTS) at The Vil- speakers will include: Matt Chandler, lage Church’s Flower Mound campus in lead pastor, The Village Church; R. metro Dallas. Albert Mohler, president, SBTS; Steve The June 11 panel discussion will come Gaines, SBC president and senior pastor, at a time when the church and country Memphis-area Bellevue Baptist Church; are going through a crash course regard- Kevin Ezell, president, the SBC’s North ing sub-biblical treatment of women. American Mission Board; Danny Akin, Recent months have seen an ongoing president, Southeastern Baptist Theo- series of revelations of sexual harass- logical Seminary; J.D. Greear, pastor, The ment, abuse and misconduct by pastors Summit Church, Raleigh/Durham, N.C.; in the evangelical church and prominent Jen Wilkin, author and Bible teacher; men in the culture. The pastoral handling Thabiti Anyabwile, pastor, Anacostia of domestic abuse of Christian wives also River Church, Washington, D.C.; Susie has generated controversy recently. Hawkins, author and speaker; and Juan “Sexual assault and sexual abuse are Sanchez, senior pastor, High Pointe Bap- of the devil,” ERLC President Russell tist Church, Austin, Texas. Moore told Baptist Press in written com- Information on and registration for the ments. “If we are the people of Christ, pre-conference are available at erlc.com/ we should lead the way to protecting the upcoming-events/2018-sbc-pre-conference. The vulnerable from predators. This event main addresses will be live-streamed. 16 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists auxiliary events

Life Action Ministries “How to Lead Your Church to Say YES to God's Vision” June 12, 11:45 a.m. SBC RELATED EVENTS Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballroom H Info: [email protected]

2nd Generation Pastors & Planters Fellowship LifeWay Breakfast June 12, 12 p.m. June 12, 7 a.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room A118-A119 Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms C1-4 Tickets: lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/sbc-breakfast/ 9Marks @ 9 June 11, 9 p.m. Messenger Orientation Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballrooms D1-4 June 11, 4:30 p.m. Tickets: 9marks.org Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Room D221

Asian American Fellowship National African American Fellowship Meeting June 11, 7 p.m. June 11, 4 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room A122-A123 Omni Dallas – Level 3, Trinity Ballroom 3 Tickets: naafsbc.org Baptist21 Lunch & Panel June 12, 11:30 a.m. National African American Fellowship Banquet Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballrooms D1-4 June 11, 6:30 p.m. Tickets: eventbrite.com/e/baptist21-lunch-panel-tickets-43628107845 Omni Dallas – Level 3, Trinity Ballrooms 1-2, 8 Tickets: naafsbc.org Bivocational Luncheon June 13, 11:30 a.m. NAMB Ambassador Fellowship Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballroom D3 June 11, 1:30 p.m. Info: (770) 757-1197 Omni Dallas – Level 5, West End Info: 770-757-1197 Connect 316 Celebration June 11, 9 p.m.; Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballroom H NAMB Chaplains Reception Tickets: buytickets.at/connect316 June 11, 3 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room D175 ERLC Panel: Gospel Sexuality in a #MeToo Culture June 11, 9 p.m.; location forthcoming; tickets: erlc.com/events NAMB Church Revitalization + Replant Lab June 9, 5:30 p.m. – June 10, 5 p.m. Executive Committee Plenary Criswell College June 11, 10 a.m. Tickets: sbtexas.com/namb Omni Dallas – Level 3, Trinity Ballrooms 5-7 NAMB Race Relationships within the SBC Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries June 12, 8 p.m. June 11, 7:30 a.m. Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballroom F Omni Dallas – Level 2, Deep Ellum A Info: 770-757-1197

Filipino International Mission Board Summit USA NAMB Send Luncheon June 13, 9 a.m. June 11, 11:30 a.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C141 Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballrooms A-H Info: 919-524-4813 Tickets: sendluncheon.namb.net/events/send-luncheon-sbc-dallas

Hispanic AVANCE Meeting NAMB Send Network Church Planters June 11, 7 p.m. June 11, 1:30 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Rooms A309-A310 Omni Dallas – Level 2, Katy Trail, Info: 770-757-1197

Hispanic Baptist Pastors Alliance SBC Evangelists Southwest Supper Sing-A-Long June 12, 8 a.m. June 11, 4:30 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Rooms A309-A310 Omni Dallas – Level 3, Trinity Ballrooms 5-6

Hispanic Fellowship of the SBC SBC Senders June 11, 1 p.m. June 11, 7 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Rooms A306-A307 Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C144-C145 Tickets: thesummitcity.wufoo.com/forms/2018-sbc-senders-rsvp MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 17

Text-Driven Preaching (SWBTS) auxiliary Cont. June 10, 4 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballroom C4 — Tickets: swbts.edu/TDPSBC

You @ SWBTS Cookout June 13, 5:30-10 p.m.; registration required; transportation avail- COLLEGE & SEMINARY EVENTS able swbts.edu/extra/sbc/ 9Marks @ 9 with SEBTS June 12, 9 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballrooms D1-4 Women-focused events For the Church Micro-Conference (MBTS) June 12, 11 a.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms C1-4 Ministers’ Wives Luncheon Tickets: mbts.edu/ftcdallas June 12, 12 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms A1-4 Gateway Seminary Alumni & Friends Luncheon Tickets: lifeway.com/en/events/ministers-wives-luncheon June 13, 12 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballroom D4 Pastors’ Wives Session Tickets: eventbrite.com/gateway-friends-and-alumni-luncheon-sbc- June 11, 9 a.m. 2018-tickets-4418872465#tickets Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms A2-3 Luther Rice Alumni & Friends Southeastern Seminary Women’s Leadership Breakfast June 12, 11:45 a.m. June 13, 7-9 a.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C145 Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 3, Ballrooms D1-2 Tickets: lutherrice.edu/luncheon eventbrite.com/e/sebts-womens-leadership-breakfast-tickets- Mid-America Seminary Alumni & Friends 42056074852 June 12, 11:45 a.m. Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballrooms F-G Tea @ 3 (SWBTS) Tickets: mabts.edu June 11, 2:30 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms A1-4 Midwestern Seminary Luncheon Tickets: swbts.edu/tea@3 June 13, 12 p.m. Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballroom F-G Woman’s Missionary Union Missions Celebration Tickets: mbts.edu/sbclunch June 10, 2 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Room Theater Mississippi College Alumni & Friends Tickets: form.jotform.com/80384152958161 June 12, 5 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C141 Women & Work: Stepping into Kingdom Productivity Info: [email protected] June 12, 7 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C144 New Orleans Seminary Alumni & Friends Luncheon Info: womenwork.net June 13, 12 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Ballrooms C3-4 Tickets: nobts.edu

Samford University Alumni & Friends YOUTH & KIDS EVENTS June 13, 2 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C143 Giant Cow Ministries (Ages 5-12) Southeastern Seminary Alumni & Friends June 10-13 June 13, 12 p.m. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 2, Hall C Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballrooms C-E Tickets: thegiantcow.com/sbc-dallas-2018-registration Tickets: eventbrite.com/e/sebts-alumni-friends-luncheon-dallas-tick- ets-42688585709 Preschool Child care (Up to 4 years) June 11-13 Southern Seminary Alumni & Friends Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – June 13, 12 p.m., Omni Dallas – Level 3, Trinity Ballrooms 1-8 Level 1, Room C147 Tickets: sbts.edu Tickets: form.jotform.com/72855592059973 Southwestern Seminary Alumni & Friends Youth on Mission (Grades 7-12) June 13, 12 p.m. June 12-13 Omni Dallas – Level 3, Dallas Ballrooms A-B-H Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center – Level 1, Room C149 Tickets: swbts.edu/events/sbc-alumni-and-friends-luncheon Tickets: form.jotform.com/72856078559978 18 Sunday School MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists

May 27 BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE June 3 Keep Standing Why Are We Even Here?

Focal Passages: Esther 8:1-8; 9:20-22 ence at best. Yet even secular historians Focal passage: Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31 this life is no accidental adventure. “In recognize the seminal place Jewish theol- the beginning, God created the heavens and the sther’s final plea to Ahasuerus ogy and worldview played in the devel- od created us to live in fellow- earth” (Genesis 1:1). None of us is here by was that he overturn Haman’s opment of Western civilization. ship with Him. chance – we were intricately fashioned Epolicy of annihilation. She ap- Hitler was just another Haman who G Have you ever found your- by a loving God and made in His image. proached the king in humility, attempted to annihilate the self staring at the contents of And He didn’t just create us falling at his feet and weeping Jews. Anti-Semitism is still rife an open refrigerator? Just this to leave us in our aimlessness. and requested the protection around the world. Yet, Israel morning, I marched straight God has given us a purpose – of her people. exists. They still remember. into the kitchen, swung wide calling us to “be fruitful, fill the The king could not over- They still reflect on the faithful the refrigerator door and stood earth and subdue it” (Genesis turn Haman’s original order God who has always protected there contemplating a half 1:28). We are to bring Him because it had his seal. But he them. The Jewish people still empty bottle of coffee creamer. glory by taking care of His did grant the Jews the right to celebrate their feasts. Within moments I began creation and living in relation- defend themselves and destroy Their feasts point to some- wondering to myself, “What ship with Him while sharing their enemies. After their vic- thing even greater – salvation in the world did I come in here His great Name with the world tory, Mordecai led the Jewish CHRIS HEFNER through Jesus. Jesus is the for anyways?” I’ll admit it. I EMILY KISTLER around us. people to memorialize the Pastor, Passover Lamb. Even Esther was distracted by the details Member, When I enter the kitchen event with the feast of Purim. Wilkesboro Baptist foreshadows the coming Mes- of my day. And yet, I have a Parkwood Baptist aimlessly, there are conse- Remembering God’s victories Church siah. As she bowed in humility sneaky suspicion I’m not the Church, Gastonia quences – like the size of my in the life of Israel has been and tears begging the king for only one wasting electricity waist or the total on my elec- common practice. Each feast, beginning the lives of her people, Jesus would kneel and cold air. You see, many of tricity bill. But when I wander aimlessly with Passover, is a reflection of God’s res- in humility and tears in the garden before us have become so preoccupied by our through life, the consequences are much cue, provision or gracious intervention His crucifixion. busy schedules that we trudge through greater. I forfeit the opportunity to live in their history. The simple fact that the As the king could not overrule the law each day without ever considering why the abundant and joyful life for which Jewish people still exist and the extent of with his seal, God the Father could not we live this life. If we were to ever pause God has created me. Open my refrigera- their influence in Western history points overlook sin. So Jesus took the penalty long enough to consider our situation, tor today and you will find a sticky note to God as a sovereign promise keeper. demanded by His Father’s law and be- it’s as if we would stand at the refrigera- right beside my coffee creamer. In John Israel has never been a world power. came the rescue of the people He prayed tor door of life and exclaim, “What in the 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come so that they Even at the height of David and Solo- for. So let us look back at Esther, see world am I here for anyways?” may have life and have it in abundance,” and I mon’s kingdom, Israel had regional influ- Jesus and remember our rescue. But praise God, scripture reminds us don’t plan on forgetting that! May 27 EXPLORE THE BIBLE June 3 Finding Strength Respected Focal passages: 2 Corinthians knowing that it would be through His Focal passages: 2 Samuel 1:22-27; 2:1-7 most praised leaders (2 Samuel 1:19-27). 12:7b-10; 13:2-8 weakness that God’s power would be put David punished the one who killed Saul on display. he books 1-2 Samuel narrate the and rewarded those who recovered his ver the past five years as a lead There were others around Paul who establishment of the kingship body. pastor, there have been multiple were claiming their own power and T in Israel. Samuel transitions the God would redeem this tragedy as Ooccasions – even on Sunday strength and claiming that Paul’s min- nation into a monarchy by first anointing he led David to go up to the place of the mornings – when my physical health/ istry was weak and worthless. Just as Saul and later David as Israel’s first kings. Patriarchs, Hebron, to begin his reign as stamina was greatly depleted. Jesus had walked in per- Though Saul felt threatened Israel’s king. David prayed to Sometimes that was due to sonal meekness and physical by his successor to the throne, the Lord following the death of physical fatigue, other times weakness during His earthly the younger David always Saul, and followed obediently physical illness and still other ministry while demonstrating respected and honored the in the way God directed. The times emotional exhaustion. the Spirit’s power, so Paul too Lord’s anointed ruler who coming chapters describe the No matter the cause, the po- acknowledged personal weak- came before him. military success of King David, tential outcome was the same ness to allow God’s power to It isn’t always easy to but in the end even he would – if God didn’t demonstrate be evident in/through him. show respect to the person in sin against God and His people. His power in the midst of my He would even challenge his charge, especially when they When Israel asked Samuel weakness, my ministry that naysayers to examine their own want you dead! Perhaps we to appoint a man to lead them, day was going to be greatly lives to see if there was any don’t agree with decisions they were rejecting God as diminished, or worse. RANDY MANN spiritual power and fruit – evi- made by our boss, pastor or LOGAN SIDES their king (1 Samuel 8:7). But I am so thankful that in Pastor, dence of redemption – being leader in government. Maybe Local Missions Director, God’s redemptive plan for every one of those cases, God Central Baptist Church, manifested in them. you think you could do a bet- Calvary Baptist Church, Israel could not be stopped. Winston-Salem demonstrated His power in my Henderson Where do you seek to find ter job. Genesis 49:10 says, “The weakness and accomplished your strength? The reality is, Without much effort, you scepter will not depart from Judah His will and purpose through me. we are all weak. Let’s not, then, try to can find yourself rejoicing in their short- or the staff from between his feet until He whose In 2 Corinthians 12-13, Paul makes it hide our weaknesses, but rather quickly comings and failures. right it is comes and the obedience of the peoples clear that God’s strength is most clearly acknowledge them, finding strength in Yet, David tore his clothes in anguish belongs to Him.” This speaks of another re- demonstrated in the midst of our weak- God and allowing His power to be shown upon hearing that Saul and his son jected king, Jesus, who would come from ness. In fact, God made this truth so clear through our weakness. Jonathan had been slain in battle. He also the line of David and reign in an eternal to Paul that Paul actually said he would That is how He will receive glory, composed a song of lament to give words Kingdom, and receive the highest praise boast about or glory in his weaknesses, which should be our greatest desire! to a nation in mourning for two of its (2 Sam 7:16; Phil 2:9-11). MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists 19


Staff changes ously served as ministry assistant at Bald The Baptist State Convention is host- ing 2018 Happiness Retreats at Caraway DANIEL DICKARD has been called as Mountain Baptist Church, West Jeffer- Conference Center in Sophia. These are pastor to Friendly Avenue Baptist Church, son, for 12 years. three-day, two-night retreats for people Greensboro. Dickard previously served of all ages with developmental dis- as the dean of students at Southwestern Anniversary abilities and delay, ranging from mild to Seminary, where he earned master of di- On June 3, Rose of Sharon Baptist severe. It is set up similar to a Vacation vinity and doctor of philosophy degrees. Church, Durham, will honor its senior Bible School event and includes Bible He and his wife, Cassie, have two chil- pastor, JEFFREY M. MCCARTHY, for study, puppets, creative movement, pool dren. his 25th ministry anniversary. The wor- person occupancy. Cost includes lodging, ship service will include a love offering time, handbells, worship, a talent show and a live band. Campers will have many meals, registration costs, insurance and a Dobson First Baptist Church has called and a sermon by Charles “Charlie” Coo- opportunities to learn about Jesus at their T-shirt. Available dates are July 27-29, July BRENDON CROWE as associate pas- per, senior pastor of First Baptist Church, unique level of ability. Cost ranges from 29-31, Aug. 1-3 and Aug. 3-5. Register tor. This is his first job in the ministry. Sylvania, Ga., who was McCarthy’s $165-175 per person depending on 2-4 by June 21. Visit ncbaptist.org/happiness. He earned a bachelor of arts from North pastor when he came to Christ in 1988 in Greenville University and is currently Savannah, Ga. There will also be a fellow- pursuing a master of divinity degree at ship meal. He first served seven years as Submissions Southeastern Seminary. associate youth/education minister before his 18 years as senior pastor. A native of The Biblical Recorder is pleased to publish staff changes, church news and events with a statewide interest. Send to [email protected] or Biblical Recorder, MYRA PHILLIPS has been called as Bessemer City, N.C., he graduated from ministry assistant for the Ashe Baptist Western Carolina University (1982) and P.O. Box 1185, Cary, NC 27512. Call (919) 847-2127. Association, West Jefferson. She previ- Southeastern Seminary (1993). CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

Pastor Immanuel Baptist Church, located in the heart Church Staff Easley First Baptist Church is seeking a full- Stallings Memorial Baptist Church in Salisbury, of Durham, NC, is prayerfully seeking a pas- Macedonia Baptist Church is currently re- time Minister/Director to Children and NC, is seeking a full-time Pastor. Being a mis- tor who will guide us beyond our four walls ceiving résumés for the position of part-time Families. 4 yr degree & experience required; sion minded Southern Baptist church, we are and in to the growing community. Average Worship Leader. Music ministry experience Graduate study preferred. Web www.efbc.org/ searching for the man that God desires to lead attendance Sunday is 50 people. Salary and and/or music education will be taken into jobs. Submit résumés to: childrensministersearch@ our church into the future with an emphasis on benefits package: $31K-$40K. Please submit consideration. To receive a job description or efbc.org. evangelism and missions. Applicants should be résumés to [email protected]. Website: submit a résumé email [email protected]. SBC ordained with a seminary education from www.visitimmanuel.org. Send by mail to 5286 E Hwy 150, Lincolnton, Dutch Cove Baptist is seeking a full-time one of the SBC seminaries and affirm the 2000 NC 28092. Worship Pastor responsible for providing Baptist Faith & Message. Send résumés to New Hope Baptist Church (newhoperaleigh.org) creative, edifying leadership to our worship Pastor Search Committee, PO BOX 483, Rock- seeks a senior pastor and shepherd that has Concord Baptist Church, a vibrant and grow- and spiritual formation ministries as we well, NC 28138, or smbcpastorsearchcommittee@ a heart for all people and desires to lead New ing church in Anderson, SC, is seeking an As- fulfill our mission of making disciples who gmail.com. Hope in accomplishing great things for Christ sociate Pastor for Worship and Music. This multiply the church in our generation. Our locally, regionally and internationally. We are person must have the calling, gifting, training worship ministry includes skilled singers Senior Pastor opening at Lakeview Baptist an active and diverse church with both con- and heart to lead a large and diverse ministry of and musicians in our band and choir and a Church near Monroe, NC. Needs to have a temporary and traditional worship services worship. We are excited about our future! For multi-generational worship with modern and minimum of 5 years ministry experience and and strong missional focus. We are a moderate a job description and/or to submit a résumé/ traditional elements. The ideal candidate will a master’s of divinity from an accredited church that supports giving to both the CBF profile, please contact jjames@concordbaptist. have excellent musicianship and voice skills seminary. We are a theologically conservative and the SBC and are a member of the RBA. com. Please also visit concordbaptist.com for more and a degree in music or equivalent ministry congregation that supports the Cooperative Candidates with leadership experience, Bap- information about our congregation. experience. Visit dutchcovebaptist.org/oppor- Program. Please send résumé by mail to Pastor tist church ministry experience and an MDiv tunities for more details about this ministry Search, Lakeview Baptist Church, 4602 Con- degree from an accredited seminary are pre- Calvary Baptist Church in Salisbury is seeking position. Please email résumés to welcome@ cord Hwy., Monroe, NC 28110, or by email at ferred. Interested candidates should submit a full-time Minister of Music and Educa- dutchcovebaptist.org. [email protected]. their résumé by email to nhbcpastorsearch2018@ tion. We are a conservative church, and we gmail.com before June 15, 2018. desire to be blended in our worship style. Denominational First Baptist Church, Reidsville, a multi-gener- Please submit résumés to scottfaw710@yahoo. The Biblical Recorder has an opening for a ational church of 175 worshippers, is searching com or Calvary Baptist Church, 2255 East part-time Editorial Aide. The job involves for a Senior Pastor with the ability to lead a Ridge Road, Salisbury, NC 28144. posting material on the website, proofing, mission-minded congregation in a growing researching and writing. Some assignments can be done remotely and some require community. Candidates must have excellent Placing a classified ad in theBiblical Recorder leadership and preaching skills, along with ex- in-office tasks. Approximately 20-25 hours perience in supervising ministry and support Choose one of three avenues: weekly. Please submit a résumé in a Word staff. Minimum educational requirements are a • Send e-mail to: [email protected]. document format to Allan Blume, editor, at M.Div., M.A. in Christian ministry or theology • Purchase ads at BRnow.org/Advertise. [email protected]. For more information about with at least 5 years of previous pastorate or • Send a Fax to (919) 467-6180. the Biblical Recorder visit BRnow.org/About-us/ ministry experience. Send résumé and state- For more information, call the office at (919) 459-5691. Who-we-are. ment of Christian journey, including why God Cost for Baptist churches/organizations is $1.25 per word, number and may be preparing for a new ministry to: First stand-alone initial ($1.45 for commercial and non-Baptist entities) with a Miscellaneous Baptist Church of Reidsville, 409 S. Main St., minimum charge of $35. Classifieds also are carried online. NCBAM needs servant volunteers who like Reidsville, NC 27320, or [email protected]. to mow, trim, rake, and bless others. Help aging adults enjoy quality life in their own ADVERTISE – (919) 459-5691 backyards. Call North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry: 877-506-2226. 20 MAY 19, 2018 • BIBLICAL RECORDER • News Journal of North Carolina Baptists