Common Urban Birds
Common Urban Birds Crested Pigeon Spotted Turtle Dove* Feral Pigeon* Noisy Miner New Holland Eastern Spinebill White-plumed Honeyeater Honeyeater JS SW SW SW SW JS JS (Crest on head) (White spots on neck) (Dark grey feathers usually with a (Black head, yellow around eyes) (Black and yellow wings, Black and (Black, white and reddish-brown (White lines on neck) shiny green neck) white striped chest) feathers) Nectarivore & Granivore Granivore Granivore Nectarivore & Insectivore Nectarivore & Insectivore Nectarivore & Insectivore q q q q Insectivore,Omnivore q q q X Ground X Trees,Shrubs,Ground X Ground X Trees,Shrubs,Ground,Air X Trees,Shrubs,Air X Shrubs,Air X Trees,Shrubs,Ground,Air Red Wattlebird Little Wattlebird Striated Pardalote Welcome Swallow House Sparrow* Silvereye Willie Wagtail JS SW JH SW JMG JT JS (Yellow-orange belly, red wattles) (No orange on belly, no wattles) (Yellow face, black & white (Flies around ovals and other (Very small) (Silver ring around eye) (Black and white, tail wags from streaked crown, white wing streaks grassed areas, forked tail) side to side) with red spot) Nectarivore & Nectarivore & Insectivore Nectarivore & Insectivore Insectivore Granivore Omnivore Insectivore q q q Insectivore,Insectivore q q q q X Trees,Shrubs,Air X Trees,Shrubs,Air X Trees,Shrubs X Air X Ground X Trees,Shrubs X Ground,Air Common Blackbird* Common Starling* Australian Magpie Magpie-lark Little Raven Laughing Nankeen Kestrel Kookaburra JS JS JG JS JS JG JS (Smaller beak and body than (Breeding male black with bright yellow (Dark
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