University of Arkansas School of Law
[email protected] $ (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article The Law of Hard Times: Debtor and Farmer Relief Actions of the 1933 North Dakota Legislative Session by Sarah M. Vogel Originally published in NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 60 N.D. L. REV. 489 (1984) THE LAW OF HARD TIMES: DEBTOR AND FARMER RELIEF ACTIONS OF THE 1933 NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE SESSION SARAH M. VOGEL· I. INTRODUCTION The 1930's were not only times of economic, political, and social upheaval; they were also times of legal upheaval. Pushed by the chaotic conditions of the economy, state legislatures throughout the country tried dramatic new approaches in the area of debtor creditor relations. In particular, states focused upon the exceptionally severe problems in the agricultural sector. 1 A large number of the states adopted some kind of foreclosure moratorium relief in 1933. 2 North Dakota, an intensely agricultural state, was °B.A., University of North Dakota, 1967; J.D., New York University, 1970; member of the North Dakota bar; currently in private practice with Robert Vogel Law Office, P.C., Grand Forks, N.D. I. Comment, Gov.rnmental Action on Farm Mortgage Foreclosures, I GEO. WASH. L. REV. 500, 500 01 (1933). 2. Comment, Mortgag. Moratoria Statute Sustain.d by Supreme Court, 2 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 486, 487'(1934). States passing some type of moratorium relief included: Arizona (Set Act of Mar. 4, 1933, c·h. 29, 1933 Ariz. Sess. Laws 57 (repealed 1937)); Arkansas (sttAct of Feb. 9,1933, No.