Poems of Sidney Lanier
1 POEMS OF Sidney Lanier «5D1TED BY HIS WIFE With a Memorial ¥Y William Hayes Wajid -" Go, trembling song, And ctay not long ; oh stay not long; Thou'rt only a gray and sober dove. But thine eye is faith ai.d thy wing is love." NEIV EJJT'TJON NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1920 o^ Copyright, 1884, 1891, 1912, 1916, 1918, by MARY D. LANIER Vo riplaoe lost oogS APR 1 5 m5 CONTENTS. PAGE Memorial •••xi Hymns of the Marshes : L Sunrise, 3 -^ (The Independent, December, 1882.) II. Individuality, xo {The Century Magazine, January, 1882.) III. Sunset, 13 ^ {The Continent, February, 1882.) IV. The Marshes of Glynn, 14 ^ {The Masque of Poets, 1879.) Clover, 19 {The Independent, 1876.) The Waving of the Corn 23 ^ {Harper's Magazine, 1877.) The Song of the Chattahoochee, ..... 24 {Scotfs Magazine, 1877.) From the Flats, 26 iLippincotf s Magazine, 1877.) The Mocking-Bird, 27 - (The Galaxy, August, 1877.) ) iv CONTENTS. PAGR Tampa Robins, 28 {Lippincotf s Magazine, 1877.) The Crystal, 29 {The Independent, 1880.) The Revenge of Hamish, ....... 33 {Appletons' Magazine, 1878.) To Bayard Taylor, ........ 39 (Scribner^ s Magazine, March, 1879.) A Dedication. To Charlotte Cushman, . .43 {Earliest Collected Poems, by Messrs. J. B. Lippincott (2^ Co., 1876.) To Charlotte Cushman, 44 {Lippincotfs Magazine, March, 1876.) V The Stirrup-Cup, 45 {Scribner''s Magazine, 1877.) A Song of Eternity in Time, 46 (7'he Independent, 1880.) Owl against Robin, 47 {Scribner's Magazine, August, 1880.) A Song of the Future, 50 {Scribner''s Magazine, 1877-78.) Opposition, 51 {Good Company, 1879-80.) Rose-Morals, 52 {Lippincotfs Magazine, May, 1876.
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