MOUNT COKE QUARRY K2019436499 ( SOUTH AFRICA ) ( Pty ) Ltd t/a MOUNT COKE QUARRY Hillcrest Estate ; Tygerberg Valley Road ; Durbanville ; 7550 Private Bag X3 ; Durbanville ; 7551 Telephone : +27 (0) 21 976 1110 Telefax : +27 (0) 21 976 8802 Mobile : +27 (0) 82 377 8280 e-mail :
[email protected] No.2 Deer Park Lane ; Deer Park Estate ; Port Elizabeth ; 6070 PO Box 16501, Emerald Hill, 6011 Republic of South Africa Telephone : +27 (0) 41 367 5501 Mobile : +27(0) 82 653 2568 Facsimile : +27 (0) 86 657 7703 e-mail :
[email protected] MOUNT COKE QUARRY PUBLIC PARTICIPATION : BACKGROUND INFORMATION DOCUMENT October 2019 Public Participation : Background Information Document Page 1 of 7 MOUNT COKE QUARRY trucks. All mining related activities will be 1. INTRODUCTION contained within the boundaries of the 5 ha. K2019436499 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd trading as Mount Coke Quarry has The minerals to be removed from the submitted a mining permit application of a quarry will be used for local consumers as 5 ha. area for the mining of General Sand well as road construction in the vicinity , and Stone Aggregate and Gravel, especially the upgrade of the R63 Regional approximately 11 km south-south-east of Road. The proposed quarry will therefore King William’s Town city centre in the contribute to the upgrading / maintenance Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality , of road infrastructure in and around the Eastern Cape. King William’s Town area. The mining methods will make use of In terms of the National Environmental drilling and blasting with explosives in order Management Act (NEMA) , Act of 1998 : to loosen the hard rock.