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#14957456 in Books Walter Besant 2013-05-05Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .36 x 6.00l, .48 #File Name: 1484894391142 pagesThe Revolt of Man | File size: 53.Mb

Walter Besant : The Revolt of Man before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Revolt of Man:

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The story of `men' who live under the yolk of women in the futureBy John Drake"It is because the natural order has been reversed; the sex which should command and create is compelled to work in blind obedience."Thus is the story of `men' who live under the yolk of women in the future. This is an interesting book as it shows us a future where women rule, there is a new religion, the monarchy is abolished, and there are many good things. However, men, those pesky people want to rule. They want the old monarchy back (good god why?), and revolt against the ruling women.That's the story, and while I've told you the plot, it's the descriptions of life in this utopian or dystopian future world that make this book twice as good as the interesting plot. Written over 100 years ago, it's hard to believe, as its very much something that we could read today or see as a film and find much to discuss and think about. I'd recommend this to anyone who likes `thinking' fiction.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Men revolt from a woman run England!By Felicity BarringtonThe Revolt of Man by Walter Besant - Written in 1882, The Revolt of Man takes place in a future England (much like and advanced Victorian England with some very strange yet fascinating inventions) after the `Great Transition'; a new religion has been founded, the monarchy abolished, and women rule over men. However this unnatural order cannot last and finally the men, led by the rightful heir to the throne, revolt! Of course, men are the rightful rules of `mankind'.It reminded me of the old joke: You know what's good about the meek inheriting the world? Answer: `after they get it, it won't be hard to take it back.'This book is very serious; I don't want you to think it's not.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The men revolt from under the yoke of women!By Gerardo CandoThe men revolt from under the yoke of women! No, this is not about your parents marriage, or your own. Its about the UK (after women take over and are running things) and the men are frustrated. :)They decide to recruit the former King (now just a man) to lead them to revolt againt the women.Sound sort of silly, but totally cool, and very good.Very good dystopian feminist novel.

The Revolt of Man

About the AuthorSir Walter Besant (August 14, 1836, - June 9, 1901, ), was a novelist and historian who lived largely in London. The son of a merchant, he was born at Portsmouth, Hampshire and attended school at St Paul's, Southsea, Stockwell Grammar, London and King's College London. During 1855, he was admitted as a pensioner to Christ's College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1859 as 18th wrangler. After a year as Mathematical Master at Rossall School, Fleetwood, Lancashire and a year at Leamington College, he spent 6 years as professor of mathematics at the Royal College, Mauritius. A decrease of health compelled him to resign, and he returned to England and settled in London during 1867. From 1868 to 1885 he had the job of Secretary to the Palestine Exploration Fund. During 1871, he was admitted to Lincoln's Inn He published during 1868 Studies in French Poetry. Three years later he began his collaboration with writer James Rice. Among their joint productions are Ready-money Mortiboy (1872), and the Golden Butterfly (1876), both, especially the latter, very successful. This association was ended by the death of Rice during 1882. Thereafter Besant continued to write voluminously by himself, his main novels being All in a Garden Fair (which credited in Something of Myself with inspiring him to leave India and make a career as a writer), Dorothy Forster (his own favorite), Children of Gibeon, and All Sorts and Conditions of Men. The two latter belonged to a series in which he endeavored to arouse the public conscience to the sadness of life among the poorest classes of cities. In this crusade Besant had considerable success, the establishment of The People's Palace in the East of London being one result. In addition to his fiction, Besant wrote largely on the history and topography of London. His plans for this topic were left unfinished: among his books on this subject is London in the 18th Century. Besant was a freemason, serving as Master Mason in the Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge, London from 1873. He conceived the idea of a Masonic research lodge, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of which he was first treasurer from 1886. He was treasurer of the 'Atlantic Union', an association which sought to improve social relations between Britons and Americans.

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