Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Faculty and Researcher Publications Faculty and Researcher Publications 2014-08 DIY X3D, Do It Yourself X3D Graphics! Brutzman, Don DIY X3D, Do It Yourself X3D Graphics! Web3D 2014 Conference Vancouver Canada 8-10 August 2014 Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School
[email protected] What is Extensible 3D (X3D)? 3D publishing language for Web What is Extensible 3D (X3D)? X3D is a royalty-free open-standard file format • Communicate animated 3D scenes using XML • Run-time architecture for consistent user interaction • ISO-ratified standard for storage, retrieval and playback of real-time graphics content • Enables real-time communication of 3D data across applications: archival publishing format for Web • Rich set of componentized features for engineering and scientific visualization, CAD and architecture, medical visualization, training and simulation, multimedia, entertainment, education, and more Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) X3D-Edit is open-source tool we use and build to create, modify, test, publish, modify scenes :' XJO£diIJ]]OO711 ' J']OO ~ o x r.... ..........C ..;!,._.... ;;. ,;o>o,. -I I ~fonna t lon ' I ~ __ ""'TC·-:'"~·__ -=~~C"~C-\P=-c<b~~~o-S5~7~;.-"41~:c __ =-"~C-_~~ ________________________________________________ __ 6 Ceometry - Prirrltlves ! <Ix.). vtt lu.o ll"'''' l , 0 " e lKo<UD9"' ''l11T- S"', > iii .0 ""'" • eox 4 cone • ~ < ! II"CIYPE Xl1I P\J8LIC "110/llIeo l OI i PTO XlP 'J , : I/u" "http. II_ , _0]d,otIJ/ . peo;o l.f l.Cat1.01IlIII / lI1d· ] ,:;: . dtd"> ,. Text , Fcnt Styte , <x)P profJ.l~' ~ r=- l.vt ' verll.u>D"' ' '): .: ' 1CllIl= ; lliJdK ' http.