St. Mary's Catholic High School (2021-2022) YEAR 1 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 1 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Allah is my lord Allah is my Lord Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Truthfulness is way to Paradise Truthfulness is way to Paradise The pillars of Islam The pillars of Islam Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha Surat-ul-Fatiha To recognize that Allah is the To recognize that Allah is the learn to explain the concept of To learn five pillars of Islam. To recite Surat-ul-fatiha correctly. Find out that straight path is the creator of everything. The learner creator of everything. The truthfulness and that of learn to explain the concept of Learn about the rewards we Learn by heart. Uderstand way leading to the pleasure of To learn five pillars of Islam. shows awareness and belief in the learner shows awareness and falsehood. Mention the truthfulness and that of get if we perform all pillars Term1 the meaning of the Quranic Allah and to the garden of Learn about the rewards we get foundations of faith in God belief in the foundations of faith disadvantages of lies. Learn falsehood. Mention the of islam. Explain the verces. Learn to explain the paradise. Learn to explain ways if we perform all pillars of islam. Almighty and His attributes, angels, in God Almighty and His why people use to call Prophet disadvantages of lies. importance of following importance of Surah. which can lead to Jannah. books and messengers. attributes, angels, books and SAW As.Sadiq Al.Ameen. these pillars. messengers. Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel The Birth of Prophet (PBUH)The Birth of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) Allah the all beneficent Allah the all beneficent Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel Surat -al- feel learn to Recite Surat-al-feel To learn the birth story of Prophet To learn the birth story of To discover tht Allah may be To discover tht Allah may be learn to Recite Surat-al-feel correctly. Learn by heart. The Muhammad(SAW). Learn to Prophet Muhammad(SAW). glory to Him is merciful to his glory to Him os merciful to his Term1 correctly. Learn by heart. The story story of Abraha.explain the express love for him.learn to Learn to express love for him. Revision Revision creations. Describe some of His creations. Learn to be thankful of Abraha difference between good and explain ways to show love to our Expalin how our Prophet was as a mercy upon his creations. on his mercy. bad king. prophet SAW. child.


Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Bed time supplications( Du'aa) Bed time supplications( Du'aa) Abu Hurairah, May Allah be pleasedAbu with Hurairah, him May Allah be pleased withWudoo him minor Ablution Wudoo minor Ablution Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq Surat-al-Falaq learn about Abu Hurairah's learn about Abu Hurairah's learn to recite the Surah corrctly learn to recite the Surah corrctly What should we do before To learn Bed time supplications( To learn Bed time supplications( mercy and kindness to animals. mercy and kindness to animals. What should we do before according to Tajweed. Learn by according to Tajweed. Learn by doing Prayers? To learn Term2 Du'aa) by heart. To apply Islamic Du'aa) by heart. To apply Islamic To understand how to follow To understand how to follow his doing Prayers? To learn states in heart. To understand that this Surah heart. To understand that this states in which wudoo is etiquette at bed time. etiquette at bed time. his examples in his mercy and examples in his mercy and which wudoo is required. is to seek refuge. Surah is to seek refuge. required. kindness. kindness.

kindness to animals kindness to animals Surat-al-Ikhlas Islamic Etiqute of cleanliness Islamic Etiqute of cleanliness A Muslims helps his brother Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas Surat-al-Ikhlas learn that kindness is an act that To recite Surat-al-Ikhlas correctly. learn that kindness is an act that leaern to explain the importance leaern to explain the learn that Allah helps Muslims pleases Allah. He told us how to Learn Surah by heart,learn to pleases Allah. He told us how to be of cleanliness for Muslims. Leanr importance of cleanliness for because he helps his brother. Term2 be kind to animals. Learn that explain the vocabulary of the Revision Revision kind to animals. Learn that mercy is that cleanliness is half of our Muslims. Leanr that cleanliness Learn and explain forms of mercy is one of the Quality of Surah. Understand the meaning of one of the Quality of Muslims. faith. is half of our faith. helping Muslim brothers. Muslims. the Surah. Year 2 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Surah al Kawthar Surah al Kawthar Surah al Kawthar Surah al Kawthar Surah al Kawthar Surah al Masad Surah al Masad Surah al Masad Surah al Kawthar Surah al Kawthar Pillars of Imaan Pillars of Imaan Our Prophet Muhammad Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Our Prophet Muhammad Surah al Masad I can recite the verses while I can recite the verses while Recall the pillars of Islam Recall the pillars of Islam Name the city and tribe in Name the city and tribe in which Name the city and tribe in I can recite the verses while observing some of the rules observing some of the rules Suggest some ways to make Iman Suggest some ways to make Iman which prophet Muhammad prophet Muhammad SAW lived. which prophet Muhammad observing some of the rules

To read surah from memory To read surah from memory stronger. stronger. SAW lived. Summarize the story of birth SAW lived. To read surah from memory Term1 Discuss the lesson Learned from this Discuss the lesson Learned from Compare and discriminate Compare and discriminate Summarize the story of birth and nursing of Prophet Summarize the story of Discuss the lesson Learned from Surah this Surah between pillars of Islam and pillars between pillars of Islam and and nursing of Prophet Muhammad PBUH birth and nursing of Prophet this Surah Clarify the favor bestowed by Allah, Clarify the favor bestowed by of Iman. pillars of Iman. Muhammad PBUH Recite Surah Feel properly. Muhammad PBUH Surah al Masad Surah al Masad Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Surah al Masad Prayer is the Light of My Life Prayer is the Light of My Life Surat an Naas Surat an Naas Asma Bint Abu Bakr (R.A) I can recite the verses while I can list the names of the I can list the names of the I can recite the verses while I can recite the verses while I can summarize the role of observing some of the rules obligatory prayers. obligatory prayers. observing some of the rules observing some of the rules Asma Bint Abu bakr in Prophet’s To read surah from memory I can explain the importance of I can explain the importance of To read surah from memory To read surah from memory life Term1 Revision Revision Discuss the lesson Learned from this prayers. prayers. Discuss the lesson Learned from Discuss the lesson Learned Mention the attributes of Asma Surah I can state the number of I can state the number of Rak’ahs this Surah from this Surah Describe her role during hijrah Rak’ahs of each of the obligatory of each of the obligatory prayer. Apply the values and principles Apply the values and principles GRADE 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Attahiyat Term2 I Love Agriculture I Love Agriculture I Love Agriculture3. “The best among you is the one3. who “The learns best theamong Qur’an you andis the teaches one3. who “The it” learns best amongthe Qur’an you andis the teaches one who it” learns the Qur’an and4. teaches Surat An it” Nasr 4. Surat An Nasr I can explain the importance of I can explain the importance of I can explain the importance of I can identify the behavior that I can identify the behavior that I can identify the behavior that To read surah from memory To read surah from memory agricultural environment for human agricultural environment for agricultural environment for indicates love for the Holy indicates love for the Holy indicates love for the Holy I can recite the verses while I can recite the verses while

life. human life. human life. Qur'an. Qur'an. Qur'an. observing some of the rules observing some of the rules Term2 I can demonstrate ways to keep I can demonstrate ways to keep I can demonstrate ways to keep Recall the benefits of learning Recall the benefits of learning Recall the benefits of learning Discuss the lesson Learned Discuss the lesson Learned from protecting the agricultural protecting the agricultural protecting the agricultural and teaching . and teaching Quran. and teaching Quran. from this Surah this Surah environment. environment. environment. Identify the behavior that Identify the behavior that Identify the behavior that Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr Surat An Nasr 4. Surat An Nasr A Muslims helps his brother A Muslims helps his brother A Muslims helps his brother Islamic Etiqute of cleanliness Islamic Etiqute of cleanliness To read surah from memory I can recite the verses while learn that Allah helps Muslims learn that Allah helps Muslims learn that Allah helps Muslims leaern to explain the leaern to explain the importance observing some of the rules because he helps his brother. because he helps his brother. because he helps his brother. importance of cleanliness for of cleanliness for Muslims. Leanr Term2 Revision Revision Discuss the lesson Learned from this Learn and explain forms of Learn and explain forms of helping Learn and explain forms of Muslims. Leanr that cleanliness that cleanliness is half of our Surah helping Muslim brothers. Muslim brothers. helping Muslim brothers. is half of our faith. faith. YEAR 3 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Allah the Most Kind,The All Aware Allah the Most Kind,The All Surat-al-Asr Belief in the messengers (PBUH) The story of our master The story of our master Prophet I love good things for my Purity and nullifiersof Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr Surat-al-Asr learn what does the To recite Surat-al-Asr correctly. learn that Nuh was a very pious learn to conclude that Allah,Glory learn to conclude that conclude the wisdom behind learn that ibraheem never Hadeeth Says about Learn Surah by heart,learn to man and was a first messenger be to Him,is the most kind,The all Allah,Glory be to Him,is the most sending Allah's messengers. worship or prostrated to idols. treating your brother. Learn Explain the meaning of purity. Term1 explain the vocabulary of the sent by Allah. Explain who aware. Learn how to be kind to kind,The all aware. Learn ho to Explain the qualities of Allah's He was an inteligent and wise that believers faith is Describe the nullifiers of wudoo. Surah. Understand the meaning of obeyed Prophet Nuh? Who did others. be kind to others. Prophets and messengers. man. incomplete unless he loves the Surah. not? good things for his brother. performing good wudoo Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Ali Ibn Abi Talib may Allah be Ali Ibn Abi Talib may Allah be The Messenger (PBUH) loves to Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun Surat-al-Kafirun To recite Surat-al-Ikhlas To recite Surat-al-Ikhlas correctly. Identify the various jobs that he Explain the meaing of performing correctly. Learn Surah by Identify ancestry Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Identify ancestry Ali Ibn Abi Learn Surah by heart,learn to had during his life time. Identify good ablution. Learn what are the heart,learn to explain the Learn to explain the most Talib. Learn to explain the most Term1 explain the vocabulary of the some qualities of Prophet Revision Revision rewards for performiong wudoo vocabulary of the Surah. important qualities of Ali. How to important qualities of Ali. How Surah. Understand the meaning of Muhammad (SAW) when at well. Understand the meaning of the follow example of Ali. to follow example of Ali. the Surah. work. Surah. GRADE 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Surat-Ash-Sharh I Pray The Excellence of Prayer Muhammad (PBUH) The truthfull Muhammad (PBUH) The truthfull TheThe honest Sacred houses of Allah The Sacred houses of Allah Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Surat-Ash-Sharh Why did pepole trust Rasul Allah? Why did pepole trust Rasul What are some special things What are some special To recite Surat-ash-Sharh correctly. learn to perform Al-Fajr Learn the importance of prayer. Learn how Prophet solved the Allah? Learn how Prophet about makkah. Explain the things about makkah. Learn Surah by heart,learn to perfectly.learn Salah step by Make sure to perform prayer on problem of lying blach stone. solved the problem of lying importance of masjid-ul Explain the importance of Term2 explain the vocabulary of the Surah. step. Learn Tashahud and drud time. To k now all five prayer Explain Prophet's ethics in trade blach stone. Explain Prophet's haram.Understanding that al- masjid-ul Understand the meaning of the ibraheemi by heart. names and times by heart. dealing. How to follow his ethics in trade dealing. How to Kabah is the most special place haram.Understanding that Surah. examples. follow his examples. for Muslims. al-Kabah is the most special Surat Honesty Honesty I pray part 2 I pray part 2 I pray part 2 Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh Surat Quraysh learn to be honest and learn to perform prayer learn to perform prayer To recite Surat-al-Ikhlas correctly. learn to be honest and learn to perform prayer properly. truthful.Recognize the properly. Mke sure to perform properly. Mke sure to perform Learn Surah by heart,learn to truthful.Recognize the importance Mke sure to perform prayer with importance of honesty. prayer with reverence and prayer with reverence and Term2 explain the vocabulary of the Surah. of honesty. understand that Allah reverence and confidence. How Revision Revision understand that Allah watches confidence. How to perform all confidence. How to perform all Understand the meaning of the watches us All the time therefore to perform all five prayers . Learn us All the time therefore we five prayers . Learn there five prayers . Learn there Rakahs Surah. we should be honest all the time. there Rakahs and time. should be honest all the time. Rakahs and time. and time. YEAR 4 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 3 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Honoring the parents Honoring the parents Etiquette of Recitation The Revelation of the Quran to prophet Muhammad(SAW)Surat-ul-Alaq Khadija Bint Khuwailid Good Morals Belief in Angels Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Surat-ul-Alaq Learn to observe the rules of Learn what to say every time we learn what good Morals are To recite Surat-al-Ala correctly. Define who the angels are and Learing that obeying and doing Learing that obeying and doing recitation. hear or say Khadeejah’s name. in the light of Noble Learn to explain the mission of Learn Surah by heart,learn to what they are made of. Learn good for parents is one kind of good for parents is one kind of Learn correct and incorrect Explain how she supported Hadeeth. Mention some Term1 prophet Muhammad(SAW). explain the vocabulary of the that belief in angels is one of the worshship. Express how you can worshship. Express how you can attitude. Prophet Muhammad when he good Ethics that make Mention the story the revelation. Surah. Understand the Pillars of faith. Describe their honour your parents. honour your parents. The Holy Quran is word of Allah, needed help. heaviour the Muslim meaning of the Surah. functions and duties. Which we must respect and balance on the day of Learn to observe the rules of Learn what to say every time we learn what good Morals are To recite Surat-al-Ala correctly. Define who the angels are and Learing that obeying and doing Learing that obeying and doing recitation. hear or say Khadeejah’s name. in the light of Noble Learn to explain the mission of Learn Surah by heart,learn to what they are made of. Learn good for parents is one kind of good for parents is one kind of Learn correct and incorrect Explain how she supported Hadeeth. Mention some Term1 prophet Muhammad(SAW). explain the vocabulary of the that belief in angels is one of the worshship. Express how you can worshship. Express how you can attitude. Prophet Muhammad when he good Ethics that make Mention the story the revelation. Surah. Understand the Pillars of faith. Describe their honour your parents. honour your parents. The Holy Quran is word of Allah, needed help. heaviour the Muslim meaning of the Surah. functions and duties. Which we must respect and balance on the day of The conditions and Nullifiers of The call to prayer(Adhn) and the The Expiators of Sins Fasting The Qualities of a believer Tolerance Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Surat-Al-Layl Learn the Hadeeth from learn to understand the concept Learn the Honorable hadeeth. Recognize what fasting is and Learn the difference between memory.Draw out the of tolerance. Learn about the Explain the meaning of purity. Recall the good deeds that expiate when it is done. Learn who mus Term1 the Adhan and Iqamah. Compare guidance contained in the rewards of the tolerance. Revision Revision Describe the nullifiers of prayer. the sins. Learn to be committed perform fasting. Learn the the Adhan and Iqamah. Hadeeth. Describe the quilities Demonstrate the value of to performing good deeds. wisdom behind fasting. of a believer. tolerance.


Learning and knowledge Abu Bakr As Siddeeq (RA) Surat Al-Fajr Truthfulness Belief in Prophets (Moses and cooperation is the secret behind Mutual Mercy Care for the needy Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr learn who was abu bakr as To recite Surah correctly. Learn learn the names of steadfast Explain that cooperation is part learn to explain the importance of learn to explain the concept of learn to read the nble Explain the care for the needy. siddeeq. Enumerate the Surah by heart,learn to explain the Messengers of Allah. Learn to of Muslim's character. Infer the learning and knowledge. Find out its truthfulness and that of Hadeeth from the memory. Infer that providing care for Term2 characteristics of abu bkr vocabulary of the Surah. explain some of the Miracles of bad effect of selffishness on value and effects on individual and falsehood. Mention the Indicate the character of needy is a national and regilious siddeeq. Learn how to follow the Understand the meaning of the Prophets. Discuss the high society.find out how society disadvantages of lies. Muslim in society. duty example of Abu brkr As-Sideeq. Surah. morals of Prophets. cooperation is realized.

Sura At-Teen Ties of kinship The grace of water Surat Az-Zalzala( The Earth Quick) Surat Al-Qari ah Surat Al-Qari ah Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Fajr learn to show importance of water To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn learn to explain what is kinship. as a source of life. Describe the Surah by heart,learn to explain the Surah by heart,learn to explain Surah by heart,learn to explain Surah by heart,learn to explain Identify the act that help to risk of pollution to enviroment. Term2 vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. Revision Revision observe the ties of kinship. Learn Cunclude that preserving natural Understand the meaning of the Understand the meaning of the Understand the meaning of the Understand the meaning of the how it is a sin against Allah. resources is a national and legal Surah. Surah. Surah. Surah. duty. YEAR 5 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 4 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Etiquette of entering and leaving theEtiquette house of entering and leaving theEtiquette house of entering and leaving the house Surat-Al-Buruj Surat-Al-BurujSome of the Rules of Tajweed( Reciting the Holy Quran)The strong BelieverThe Mother of the faithful: Zaynab bint khuzayma Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Learn toSurat Recite Al-Buruj Surat-Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Learn the supplication of Learn the supplication of entering correctly.Learn to explain the Learn to Recite Surat-Al-Buruj Learn to explain Laam Shamsiya Learn how to be a stron Learn the supplication of entering entering and leaving the and leaving the house.Learn the meaning of quranic correctly.Learn to explain the which is not pronounced and believer who can be useful Learn to mention the aspect of and leaving the house.Learn the house.Learn the etiquette of etiquette of entering and leaving vocabulary.Learn that we should meaning of quranic laam Qamariya which is for people. Explain the the life of Zaynab bint Term1 etiquette of entering and leaving entering and leaving the the house.Learn the quranic begin with the name of Allah and vocabulary.Learn that we pronounced.Learn to explain the effects of goodrelation with Khuzayma. Draw lesson from life the house.Learn the quranic verses house.Learn the quranic verses verses which speaks about the end them with praise be to Allah. should begin with the name of etiquettes that you observe Allah on a believer's of Mother of the Believers. which speaks about the Islamic which speaks about the Islamic Islamic etiquettes. Allah and end them with praise while reading Quran. Mention strength. Surah At-Tariq Making sure of news The importance and etiquettes of Sunna Rawatib Migration to Abyssinia Congrigational prayer Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Buruj learn to distinguish between the Learn to Recite Surat-Al-Buruj Learn what kind of news you Learn the timings of obligatory Learn the cause of migiration Learn How to pray obligatory prayer and Sunnah correctly.Learn to explain the hear everyday. Explain how do prayers. Explain are these timings of early Muslims to Abysinia. congregational prayers. What is Rawatib. Learn some virtues of Term1 meaning of quranic vocabulary. you deal with these news? Learn are fixed in all the seasons of the Infer the good treatment importance of Salat-ul-Jamah? Revision Revision nawafil prayers. Learn there Learn what is the truth highlighted which new you should tell year. Explain what is humbleness between Muslims and non Explain the importance of timings and where you can pray in this surh? others. in prayer means. Muslims. congrigational prayers. them. GRADE 4 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Research and scientific thinking Praising Allah for His Blessings Year of Sorrow Morals of righetous Surat Al-Inshiqaq Public Utilities Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Explain the effect of the death Learn the noble Hadeeth from Learn to Recite Surat-Al- Expalin the concept of public Learn to Recite Surat-Al-Buruj Learn to Recite Surat-Al-Ghashia learn to describe some situation Learn to explain the scientific of Bibi Khadeeja and Abu Talib the memory.Explain the overall Inshiqaq correctly.Learn to utilities. Cite examples of public correctly.Learn to explain the correctly.Learn to explain the where praising to Allah is thinking approach and steps. on Prophet Muhammad SAW. meaning of the explain the meaning of utilities. Demonstrate how to Term2 meaning of quranic vocabulary. meaning of quranic vocabulary. desirable. Leant the message in Learn to employ scientific thinking Follow the example of Prophet Hadeeth.conclude that Muslims quranic vocabulary. Learn maintain public utilities. Learn what is the truth highlighted Learn what is the truth noble Hadeeth.conclude the in searching for knowledge. in terms of over coming the sad fear Allah every where and at all what is the truth highlighted Conclude the damages from in this surh? highlighted in this surh? reward of the thankful. situartion. times. Infer that good deeds in this surh? neglecting this need. kindness My fasting is for the sake of my In the shade of my charity Perfection of faith Uthman Bin Affan (RA) Uthman Bin Affan (RA) Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia Surat Al-Ghashia conclude the virtues of the learn wh was man bin Affan. learn wh was man bin Affan. learn the noble Hadeeth. Explain learn the importance of kindness in month of Ramadan. Clarify the Explain the kind of charities. Conclude the qualities of our Conclude the qualities of our the over all meaning of the Islam. Draw out the areas of provisions of fasting. Explain the Conclude the virtues of charity. master uthmans from his master uthmans from his Term2 hadeeth . Learn that believing in REVISION REVISION showing kindness. Conclude the benefits of fasting. Learn that Abide by the manners of charity. biography. Demonstrate that biography. Demonstrate that Allah and the day of judgment benefits of showing kindness. holy Quran was revealed in Define the areas of charity. generosity and modesty are generosity and modesty are the leads to perform good deeds. Ramadan. the qualities of a true believer. qualities of a true believer. conclude the virtues of the learn wh was man bin Affan. learn wh was man bin Affan. learn the noble Hadeeth. Explain learn the importance of kindness in month of Ramadan. Clarify the Explain the kind of charities. Conclude the qualities of our Conclude the qualities of our the over all meaning of the Islam. Draw out the areas of provisions of fasting. Explain the Conclude the virtues of charity. master uthmans from his master uthmans from his Term2 hadeeth . Learn that believing in REVISION REVISION showing kindness. Conclude the benefits of fasting. Learn that Abide by the manners of charity. biography. Demonstrate that biography. Demonstrate that Allah and the day of judgment benefits of showing kindness. holy Quran was revealed in Define the areas of charity. generosity and modesty are generosity and modesty are the leads to perform good deeds. Ramadan. the qualities of a true believer. qualities of a true believer. YEAR 6 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 5 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Surah Infitar Surah Infitar The real Bankrupt The real Bankrupt The most Beloved of deeds to The most Beloved of deeds to Loving Allah glory be to Him Calling people of Taif to Islam Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Learn what bankruptcy is. Show the importance of Learn to Recite Surat-Infitar Learn to Recite Surat-Al-Buruj learn the importance of on Learn to identify the goal of the Learn what bankruptcy is. Learn to explain the concept of learn the importance of on going loving Allah.Describe the correctly.Learn to explain the correctly.Learn to explain the going deeds. Conclude the messenger peace be upon him Learn to explain the concept of Bankrupt in Islam. Learn to deeds. Conclude the benefits of deeds by which Muslim Term1 meaning of quranic vocabulary. meaning of quranic vocabulary. benefits of on going good of calling the people of Taif to Bankrupt in Islam. Learn to explain explain the Hadeeth on on going good deeds. Find attain the love of Allah glory Learn what is the truth highlighted Learn what is the truth deeds. Find reasons to Islam. Describe the methor he the Hadeeth on Bankruptcy.Learn Bankruptcy.Learn to identify the reasons to continue good deeds. be to Him.conclude the in this surh? highlighted in this surh? continue good deeds. used to call them for Islam. to identify the actions that make a actions that make a man result of loving Allah glory Surah At-Takweer Doing good to other people Congrigational prayer Surat Echo letters (Qalqala) Echo letters (Qalqala) Surah At-Takweer Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Surah Infitar Explain the concept of Qalqala Learn How to pray congregational Learn to Recite Surat-Abasa Learn to Recite Surat-At-Takweer Explain the concept of equality and its relevent letters. Explain the concept of Qalqala prayers. What is importance of correctly.Learn to explain the correctly.Learn to explain the among people. Explain the Distinguish between two typs and its relevent letters. Term1 Salat-ul-Jamah? Explain the meaning of quranic vocabulary. REVISION REVISION meaning of quranic vocabulary. importance of doing good for of Qalqala.Describe how to Distinguish between two typs of importance of congrigational Learn what is the truth Learn what is the truth highlighted others and its impect on society. apply the rule of Qalqala in Qalqala.Describe how to apply prayers. highlighted in this surh? in this surh? recitation. the rule of Qalqala in recitation. GRADE 5 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Sura An-Naziat kindness is good Making things easy and do not Migration to Al-Madina Surat-An-Naba The way to paradise The blessing of the Human Ettiquette on street Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Read the noble Hadeeth by heart learn the reasons of migration of learn that the best bounty Learn to Recite Surat-An-Naziat Explain the concept of kindness. Learn to read Sura correctly. Read the Noble Hadeeth learn the ettiquettes we should properly.Learn to win the shade of Muslims to Madina. Explain the of Allah to a person is his correctly.Learn to explain the Identify the factors that help Explain overall meaning of the correctly. Mention the ranks in observe on street. Infer the Allah Glory Be To Him on the day importance of doing the needful mind. Infer the effects of Term2 meaning of quranic vocabulary. someone to be kind to others. surah.Describe the state of the paradise. Learn that paradise is fruits of commitment to of judgment. action while putting my trust in using the mind. Learn to Learn what is the truth highlighted Conclude the benefits of deniers as describe in the holy the goal and destination of ettiquettes on street. Islam has Learn about the deeds for which Allah. Explain the importance of explain the benefits of this in this surh? kindness. verses. every Muslim. urge us to follow the rules. believers will get reward from cooperation and honesty. great blessing. Friday Prayer and the prayer of two Friday Prayer and the prayer of Allah the just Judge With my prophet in paradise Courage Omar bin Al khattab Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Surat-An-Naba Explain the ruling of the Friday Explain the ruling of the Friday learn to read surah naba correctly. Read the noble Hadeeth Learn the ancesty of omar bin Al- Explain the concept of courage. prayers and the prayers of two prayers and the prayers of two Explain the concequences of good correctly. Find out the ways Kattab. Mention his Learn that courage is part of Term2 feasts. Determine the difference feasts. Determine the difference and bad deeds. Infer the events which lead you to paradise. characteristics. Explain some REVISION REVISION Muslim character. Infer the between Friday prayer and the between Friday prayer and the of the day of the judgment from Explain the concept of lesson from omar ibn Khattab's fruits and domains of courage. prayer of two feasts. prayer of two feasts. the holy verses. persistence and diligence. life. YEAR 7 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 6 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah The true Book (Surat As-Sajdah: 1- The true Book (Surat As-Sajdah: Volunteering: An act of worship Volunteering: An act of worship Recommendation by the Sanctity of the Muslim Obligatory,voluntary and The UAE in the service of the Learn why this Surah named Al- Explain what is volunteering learn to read the noble learn to define the role of the Sajdah Explaining the Learn why this Surah named Al- work? Learn the benefits of Explain what is volunteering learn to understand the learn the importance of Hadeeth properly and UAE in supporting Arab and meaning of the Qur’anic vocabulary Sajdah. Explaining the meaning volunteering work for the work? Learn the benefits of meaning of the Hadeeth. Explain observing the voluntary Term1 memorize it. Explain the Muslim worlds. Express my of the Qur’anic vocabulary. individual and communit. Learn volunteering work for the the importance of civilized prayers. Obserbving the recommendations in the noble belonging to my country and my Learn sura correctly by heart. the effects of volunteering work individual and community. communication with people. disliked elements of Prayer Hadeeth. Arab and Muslim nation. on the civilization of country. Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Surat As-Sajdah Qualities and rewards of Believers The Rules of silent noon and Bring yourself to Account Mosque Manners life in Madinah after the prostration of forgetfulness and To recite Surah correctly. Learn Infer the relationship between learn to read the noble Hadeeth learn to explain ths of observing learn to define the aspect of learn the type of perform of Surah by heart,learn to explain the the silent noon and tanween. properly and memorize it. Explain mosque. Learn the suplication social life in Madinah after the Prostration. Explain how to vocabulary of the Surah. Specify the rules of silent noon the recommendations in the Term1 of entering and Exiting the emigration of Prophet SAW. perform these prostration. State REVISION REVISION Understand the meaning of the and tanween. Recite the noble Hadeeth. Understand the Mosque. Clarify the benifite Explain the importance of the benifits of the prostrations Surah. Quranic verses while properly meaniing of the Quranic status of a mosque in Islam. unity in society. for the Muslim. applying the rules. vocabulary. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 GRADE 6

Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk Surat-Al- Mulk The Right way Ayyah 1-14 The Right way Ayyah 1-14 Changing the Iqlaad I am Tolerant Power of Allah Ayyah 15-24 Real hiding Ikhfa Haqiqi Selecting friends scientifi thinking To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn learn thr rule of Iqlaab and its learn to explain the concept of learn thr rule of Ikhfa and its Distinguish between good Explain the importance of Surah by heart,learn to explain the Surah by heart,learn to explain Surah by heart,learn to explain letter. Learn to apply during the tolerance. Explain the benefits of letter. Learn to apply during the friend and bad. Express the research in aquiring and Term2 vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. recitation. Learn to identify Tolerance for indivisuals and foe recitation. Learn to identify importance of selecting developing knowledge. Explain Understand the meaning of the Understand the meaning of the Understand the meaning of the during recitation. society. during recitation. friends in the Muslim's life the impect of discoveries. Surah. Surah. Surah. GRADE 7 GRADE 8 GRADE 7

Term 1 Term 1 Term 2 Term 2 Term 1 Term 1 Term 2 Term 2 Honesty of the Honesty Prophet SAW Ayah 1-12 Resurrection andup,Surah Qaff Rising Surah. Understandof the the meaning vocabulary of the Surah. Surah heart,learn by to the explain To recite Surah correctly. Learn Explain the concept of enviroment. theconceptExplain of enviroment. Explain responsibility in preserving preserving in responsibility Explain Surah heart,learn by to the explain Surah heart,learn by to the explain Surah heart,learn by to the explain recitations.Explaining the meaning the recitations.Explaining meaning Qaff with correct of tajweed.rules Learn to recite the verses of Surah Recite the Holy verses, verses, taking Recite into the Holy thatExplain Surah is is of the 36th the the greatness and power of Allah. resurrection andup. rising Learn Learn to explain the evidence of Learn to theevidence explain Understand the meaning Understandof the the meaning Understandof the the meaning Understandof the the meaning To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn Quran and called the Heart of The The creator knowning the All My enviroment is my trust is my enviroment My the the resources of the UAE. vocabulary of the Surah. vocabulary of the Surah. vocabulary of the Surah. Rewrds of Good deeds account of the rulings Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surah Qaff Surah Qaff WEEK 1 WEEK 1 WEEK 1 WEEK Quran. Surah. Surah. Surah. Resurrection andup,Surah Qaff Rising Repentance is the opportunity of Repentance is the opportunity of Quran and called the Heart of Learn to explain the evidence of Learn to theevidence explain it.learn to provide the evidence the evidence toit.learn provide Understand the meaning Understandof the the meaning Understand the meaning Understandof the the meaning one repent. Identify which help of quranic meaning vocabulary. Understandof the the meaning Explain thatExplain Surah is is the 36th To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn To recite Surah correctly. Learn Learn the greatness and power repentance. thethings Explain Surah heart,learn by to explain Surah heart,learn by to explain Surah heart,learn by to explain of Allah. of Allah. Learn to the explain Infer the conditions Infer of serious the conditions Recite the Holy verses, verses, taking Recite the Holy Honesty of the Honesty Prophet SAW the the vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. the vocabulary of the Surah. Learn the noble Hadeeth by Learn Hadeeth by the noble extremeism are extremeism not part of resurrection andup. rising into accountinto of the rulings heart and learn to explain that fundamentalism thatand fundamentalism recitations.Explaining the recitations.Explaining Surah Mulk 25-30 Ayyah Surah Mulk Religion of Islam is easy Religion Rewrds of Good deeds wrong practice under Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen repentance. Surah Qaff Surah Qaff WEEK 2 WEEK 2 WEEK 2 WEEK Quran. Surah. Surah. Surah. Islam. YEAR 9 LONG TERMPLAN CURRICULUM with STANDARDS YEAR 8LONG TERMPLAN CURRICULUM with STANDARDS People whotheshade be in People of The will Most Gracious Learn the concept of and letters of ablution. Learnablution. to the of aply rules while properly observing the rules observing properly while explain its meaning. its Discover meaning. explain the Explain the concept of thinking in in theconceptExplain of thinking Read the noble Hadeeth by Hadeeth heartReadby thenoble ablution ablution and ablution desireable letter. letter. Learn the to during apply Islam.Infer the fields of thinking. of thinking. Islam.Infer the fields the effects of volunteering work the effects of volunteering Madd.Recite Madd.Recite the Quranic verses individual and communit. Learnand communit. individual limits of my freedom in society. in freedom of my limits ablution correctly.ablution Describe the Learn to win theshade of Allah Coexistence amongthe people madd. madd. Learnof types different between obligatory difference work? Learn of the benefits Glory Be To Him Glory on Be the day To of Him learn thr of rule Iqlaab and its Explain the results of thinking theresults Explain of thinking on the civilization of country. on the civilization learn the noble Hadeeth andlearn the noble Explain what is volunteering whatExplain is volunteering recitation. Learn to identify about the creation of Allah. Explain the method of full of full themethod Explain volunteering work for the volunteering Manners Manners of Supplication Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman during recitation. during Thinking in Islam in Thinking Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Rules of MaddRules Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Full ablution Full Surah Qaff Surah Qaff judgment. properly. of Madd. WEEK 3 WEEK WEEK 3 WEEK 3 WEEK Dry Ablution and wiping over footwearandover wiping Dry Ablution People whotheshade be in People of The will Most Gracious Working is is aWorking worship and cicilized tolerance. of thebenefits Explain over footwear.over Learn to the apply ablution(Tayammum) and wiping and wiping ablution(Tayammum) of madd. of madd. Learnof types different benefits of working on individual of working on individual benefits Tolerance for indivisuals and Tolerancefoe for indivisuals Learn about the for deeds which working. working. Disscuss the conditions days in which voluntary days whichfastiong in voluntary Madd.Recite Madd.Recite the Quranic verses Learn the concept of and letters is recommended. Describeis recommended. the Rufaida Al-Aslamiya(pioneer of Rufaida Al-Aslamiya(pioneer Learn to theconcept explain of Learn to win theshade of Allah voluntary fasting. voluntary the Explain learn to theconcept explain of learn to theconcept explain of Learn the features to define of believers will get rewardwill from believers Glory Be To Him Glory on Be the day To of Him benefits ofvolunteering work. ofvolunteering benefits work.Deduceof righteous the Islamiya. Islamiya. Deduce of some the the personality of Rufaida the personality Al- while properly observing the observing properly while Explain theconceptExplain of dry benefits of this fasting. benefits method correctly. method Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Voluntary fastingVoluntary rules of Madd. rules Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Rules of MaddRules Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen and society. Surah Qaff Surah Qaff judgment. WEEK 4 WEEK WEEK 4 WEEK 4 WEEK society. Battle of confederates(Ghazwat Al-Ahzab) Gladof those who tidings pray believers Be her): please Allah With of All The Aysha(May Mother Understand the meaning Understandof the the meaning recitation. Explain the meaning recitation. themeaning Explain battle.Deduca the lessons from To recite Surah correctly. Learn with this problem. the Analyze with this problem. battle.Analyze the result battle.Analyze the of the result Surah heart,learn by to explain significance and importance of Define the concept Define of poverty. intentions.Learn how religious howintentions.Learn religious personalit. Explain her personalit. her Explain in role Explain thedangerExplain associated nature of act on is dependent Learn of praying the benefits Recognize the importance of the the vocabulary of the Surah. while observing the of rules observing while Islamic principles of dealing of dealing Islamic principles maintaining the stability of the stability maintaining learn to explain the verses learn to theverses explain Learn to thenoble explain in of poverty The problem Explain theadvantagesExplain of Hadeeth.Learn that good cause Explain of poverty. walking walking to the mosque. scholars talk about the of Quranic vocabulary. Acts by are only Judge Learn about Aysha RA the five daily prayers. daily the five Explain the event of theevent Explain Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Prophet's family. Prophet's family. pleasure of pleasure life Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surah Qaff Surah Qaff WEEK 5 WEEK 5 WEEK 5 WEEK with it. battle. Surah. unshkeable faith in Allah and faith Allah in the unshkeable be to Him of the of Allah,glory oneness Evidence believers Be her): please Allah With of All The Aysha(May Mother letter. letter. Learn the to during apply cause IslamicExplain of poverty. Hadeeth.Learn that naturegood Learn to theimportance explain Learn tothe andoneness prove with this problem. the Analyze with this problem. the the cases while meem of silent significance and importance of Define the concept Define of poverty. recitation.Specify while Meem intentions.Learn how religious howintentions.Learn religious Islam. Describe the rewards of between thethree evidences: unseen.Learn to differentiate personalit. Explain her personalit. her Explain in role learn to use the rules of silent learn to use therules ofsilent Explain thedangerExplain associated of taking care of an Orphan is learn thr of rule Ikhfa and its recitation. Learn to identify principles of dealing with it. of dealing principles maintaining the stability of the stability maintaining Learn to thenoble explain in of poverty The problem greatness of Allah.How to those who take s care of Taking Taking care of Orphans scholars talk about the of act on is dependent Acts by are only Judge develop and maintain develop Learn about Aysha RA Rules of silent Meem of silent Rules Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman during recitation. during Prophet's family. Prophet's family. Surat-Al- Surat-Al- Mulk Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surah Qaff Surah Qaff WEEK 6 WEEK 6 WEEK 6 WEEK orphans. reciting. Evidence of the oneness of Allah,glory be to Him of the of Allah,glory oneness Evidence Learn to theconcept explain friend and bad.friend Express the and greatness of Allah.How Learn tothe oneness prove learn to te conceptexplain friends in the Muslim's life theMuslim's in friends about the things about the that things help between good Distinguish differentiate between the differentiate virtues of sincerity. virtues Learn Explain themeans Explain which unshkeable faith in Allah faith Allah in unshkeable to develop and maintain to develop and the unseen.Learn to importance of selecting importance of selecting of Humbleess in Islam. in of Humbleess of sincerity. of sincerity. Learn the shows humbleness. Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman achieve sincerity. achieve Surat ya-Seen Humbleness Surah Qaff Surah Qaff REVISION REVISION REVISION WEEK 7 WEEK 7 WEEK 7 WEEK Sinserity Sunnah Al-Fitra sincerity. sincerity. Learn about the things Makkah. Discuss the terms of Al- Explain theconceptExplain of Sunnah al developing knowledge. knowledge. Explain developing Fitra. Describe Sunnah Al-Fitra. Infer the wisdomof prescribing Infer prescribing the wisdomof sincerity. sincerity. Learn of the virtues learn to te conceptexplain of Explain whyMuslim went to whyMuslim Explain that sincerity. achieve help Hudaibya treaty.Hudaibya Learn the Explain theimportanceExplain of the impect ofdiscoveries. the impect research aquiring and in effects of the treaty. Surat Ar- Rahman Surat Ar- Rahman Clear conquest Sunna Al-Fitra. Surat ya-Seen Surah Qaff Surah Qaff REVISION REVISION REVISION WEEK 8 WEEK 8 WEEK 8 WEEK Sinserity Good Earning People of the city Ayah 13-19 Belief in Divine decree and predestinationPrayer for certain purposes Al-Shifa bint Abdullah Al- Umrah Rules Recite the Holy verses, taking learn to explain Divine decree and learn the concept of Eclips,Rain Learn the characteris tics of her Learn to explain the concept of Learn the difference between Halal into account the rulings of predestination. Infer the and Istikhara prayers. Express the personality. Deduce the lesson Umrah. Merits of Umrah.

Term1 earning and Haram earning. Infer recitations.Explaining the importance of this concept. benefits of reverting to Allah. to be learn from her biography. Explain how to perform umrah REVISION REVISION the reason of accepting of prayers. meaning of the Qur’anic Deduce the effect of positivity in Learn how these prayers are Learn the role of women in rituals as well as associated vocabulary life. performed. society. rules.


Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen The story of the believer of Ya-Seen The Secondry Maad The Power of Allah Ayya 33-54 Merits of the believers Social cohesion I am the best of you to my Battle of hunayn The Path to Paradise Ayyah 55-68 Learn to explain thetype of Read the noble Hadeeth Define the cause of the Recite the Holy verses, taking Learn to explain the position of the Learn the concept of cohesion. Recite the Holy verses, taking secondry Maad due to sakun. learn to give evidence for the properly. Explain the importance battle of Hunyn. Mention into account the rulings of people of the city towards the call Define field of social cohesion. into account the rulings of Term2 Differenciate between the power and onenes of Allah.Learn of social security in the life of the event of the battle. recitations.Explaining the of the rightious people. Learn to Deduce the benefits of social recitations.Explaining the orignal Maad and secondry to read the properly by heart. Muslim. Learn the value of Infer the lesson from the meaning of the Qur’anic read the properly by heart. cohesin. meaning of the Qur’anic Maad learning and teaching Quran. lesson from the battle. vocabulary vocabulary Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Surat ya-Seen Modeling good deeds Oath and Vows My health is my responsibility Evidence of the oneness an Maintaining the ties of Kingship knowledge brings the Explain the indipendent personality learn to explain the rules Recite the Holy verses, taking Learn to explain the merits of of a Muslim. State the positive Learn to explain the importance of concerning oath. Infer types of into account the rulings of maintaining the ties of kingship Explain the merits of seeking qualities of a muslim. Distinguis health for a man. Explain the Term2 oath. Mention the situations in recitations.Explaining the in islam. Read the noble knowledge. Infer the importance REVISION REVISION between following and imitating. islamic principles concerning which the rules of oath and vows meaning of the Qur’anic hadeeth and learn to explain of seeking knowledge. Recite the Holy verses, taking into prevention of diseases. apply. vocabulary the rewards of this. account the rulings of GRADE 10 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Edexcel GCSE, Religious Studies Islam,Edexcel UNIT GCSE, 11, Section Religious One: Studies Beliefs Islam, andEdexcel Values UNIT GCSE, 11, Lesson Section Religious 1.1 - One: 1.11 Studies Beliefs Islam, andEdexcel ValuesUNIT GCSE, 11, Lesson Section Religious 1.1 One:- 1.11 Studies Beliefs Islam, Edexceland Values UNIT GCSE, 11, Lesson ReligiousSection 1.1 -One: Studies1.11 Beliefs Islam,Edexcel and UNIT Values GCSE, 11, Lesson Religious Section 1.1 One: Studies - 1.11 Beliefs EdexcelIslam, and UNIT GCSE,Values 11, Religious Lesson Section 1.1 Studies One: - 1.11 Beliefs EdexcelIslam, and UNIT GCSE, Values 11, Religious SectionLesson Studies 1.1One: - 1.11 Beliefs Islam, and UNIT Values 11, SectionLesson 1.1One: - 1.11 Beliefs and Values Lesson 1.1 - 1.11 Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Beliefs and Values Enhancing knowledge of Tawheed, Enhancing knowledge of The meaning and importance of The meaning and importance of The meaning and importance The meaning and importance of The meaning and The meaning and importance of Shirk, creativity of Allah, the Tawheed, Shirk, creativity of belief in Muhammad as the Seal belief in Muhammad as the Seal of belief in Risala belief in Al Qadar importance of belief in belief in Akhira effects the lives attirbutes of Allah, humans as Allah, the attirbutes of Allah, of Prophet. Why the Quran has of Prophet. Why the Quran has Islamic Teachings of the of the Muslims. Khalifa, the 6 pillars of faith humans as Khalifa, the 6 pillars supreme authority for Muslims. supreme authority for Muslims. Revelation of the Quran of faith

Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions Community and taditions The meaning and importance of How and why Muslims show The main feature of mosque and Read the noble Hadeeth belief in Muhammad as the Seal of respect for the Quran. The the reasons for them. The role and properly. Explain the importance The importance and role of The role and importance of Prophet. Why the Quran has nature and Shraih for Muslims. importance of Imam in a mosque. of social security in the life of Reasons for differences between Different attitudes to Sunni Masjid for the local Muslim group and movements in supreme authority for Muslims. The importance and Effects of Muslim. Learn the value of Sunni and shia communities forms of worship Community. British mosque Ummah. learning and teaching Quran.


Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration Worship and celebration The meaning and significance od The meaning and significance od The practice and significance of The practice and significance of The meaning and significance The meaning and significance of The meaning and The meaning and significance of Shahadah for Muslims. The practice Shahadah for Muslims. The Zakah. The reasons of fasting. Zakah. The reasons of fasting. od Salah for Muslims. The Eid ul fitr. The meaning and significance of Eid ul Adha Eid ul Adha and the events and significance of Shahadah. The practice and significance of practice and significance of significance of Eid ul Adha. and the events during the during the at Arafat. practice nd significannce of Salah. Shahadah. The practice nd Salah. The practice nd Hajj. significannce of Salah. significannce of Salah.

Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life

Islamic teaching on greater and The meaning and importance The implication of Muslim laws The implications of Muslim The implications of Muslim laws The meaning and significance of the The significance of Islamic birth The meaning and significance of lesser jihad and the effects of of Muslim attitudes to drugs on dress when living in a laws on food when living in on Riba when living in a concepts of Halal and Haram. rituals. Islamic death rituals. this teaching on a Muslim:s life. and alcohol. western society. a western society. capitalist society. GRADE 11 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

MODULE 4, Living the Muslim Life, Lesson 4.1 - 4.11 Edexcel GCSE, UNIT 4 MODULE 1, Believing in Allah(SWT), Lesson 1.1 - 1.9 Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life Living the Muslim Life The universe and the place of Selfishness, greed, ignorance Ultimate reality Human relationships Human rights Religious and non-religious Religious and non-religious Religious and non-religious human beings in it.Human nature and sin beliefs/teachings about free will, beliefs/teachings, and beliefs/teachings about human and the human condition • The meaning of life • Marriage and partnership • Equal rights and equal determinism and (differing) views about selfishness, greed, ignorance • Free will, determinism and opportunities predestination. (Differing) views death and human destiny; and sin; selfishness, greed, predestination • Belief, doubt and unbelief • Divorce and remarriage about whether human beings whether or not there is an ignorance and sin as the root • The multi-ethnic society have free will and its limitations; afterlife; and why some causes of human wrongdoing; MODULE 4, Living the Muslim Life, Lesson 4.1 - 4.11 Edexcel GCSE, UNIT 4 MODULE 1, Believing in Allah(SWT), Lesson 1.1 - 1.9 Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Matters of life and death Religious beliefs/teachings about Reasons for believing in/factors Religious beliefs/teachings about Religious beliefs/teachings about The issues of, religious and non- The issues of, religious and non- The issues of, religious and The issues of, religious and non- the nature and character of God; that may lead to, or support, the causes and existence of evil the sanctity of life; non-religious religious beliefs/teachings religious beliefs/teachings non-religious religious beliefs/teachings religious beliefs and teachings belief in the existence of God/an and suffering in the world; why beliefs about the value of life; the about, and the (differing) about, and the (differing) beliefs/teachings about, and about, and the (differing) about the ultimate reality which do ultimate reality: arguments from the existence of natural evil, particular value that religious and attitudes of religious and non- attitudes of religious and non- the (differing) attitudes of attitudes of religious and non- not include reference to God; non- causation in the world to God as moral evil and suffering raises non-religious people attach to religious people to: human religious people to: marriage religious and non-religious religious people to: divorce; and religious attitudes to the idea of an first cause; arguments from the questions for people who believe human life; and religious sexuality and its purposes; and and its purposes; the roles and people to: divorce; and remarriage. (Differing) religious WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

MODULE 4, Living the Muslim Life, Lesson 4.1 - 4.11 Edexcel GCSE, UNIT 4 MODULE 1, Believing in Allah(SWT), Lesson 1.1 - 1.9 Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Marriage and family Reasons for believing in/factors that Religious beliefs/teachings about Religious beliefs/teachings about The issues of, religious and non- The issues of, religious and non- may lead to, or support, belief in the causes and existence of evil the sanctity of life; non-religious religious beliefs/teachings about, religious beliefs/teachings the existence of God/an ultimate and suffering in the world; why beliefs about the value of life; the and the (differing) attitudes of about, and the (differing) Summary of this chapter as revision then a short timed test Summary of this chapter as revision then a short timed test reality: arguments from causation in the existence of natural evil, particular value that religious and religious and non-religious attitudes of religious and non- the world to God as first cause; moral evil and suffering raises non-religious people attach to people to: human sexuality and religious people to: marriage arguments from the existence of questions for people who human life; and religious its purposes; and relationships and its purposes; the roles and MODULE 4, Living the Muslim Life, Lesson 4.1 - 4.11 Edexcel GCSE, UNIT 4 MODULE 1, Believing in Allah(SWT), Lesson 1.1 - 1.9 Religion and community cohesion Religion and community Religion and community cohesion Religion and community Religion and community Religion and community Religion and community Religion and community

Ways in which religious Changing attitudes of men and Muslim attitude to equal rights Government action to promote Why should Muslim promote Issues raised by multi ethenic work to promote The media and the community The UK as muti ethenic society womem in Uk for women in religion community cohesion racial harmony society community cohesion in the cohesion UK GRADE 12 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Divine Revelation Divine Revelation Divine Revelation The values and Morals of Is;lam The values and Morals of Is;lam The values and Morals of The values and Morals of Is;lam Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran The values of Islam The values of Islam The values of Islam The values of Islam

National identity and National identity and Ethical advice and instructions.Infer Ethical advice and Sciences of Hadeeth. Categories of Sciences of Hadeeth. Categories The values and Morals of Islam. The values and Morals of Islam. contemparory contemparory the moral instructions and instructions.Infer the moral Hadeeth. of Hadeeth. Shura consultation in Islam. Shura consultation in Islam. issues.Sustainability in issues.Sustainability in Islamic principles. instructions and principles. Islamic Methodology. Methodology.

The Rulings if Islam and their purposeThe Rulings if Islam and their purpose Divine Revelation Divine Revelation The values and Morals of Is;lam The values and Morals of Is;lamThe Rulings if Islam and their purposeThe Rulings if Islam and their purpose Transaction Transaction Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran The values of Islam The values of Islam The purpose of ruling The purpose of ruling

Allah the just Judge. Allah"s Allah the just Judge. Allah"s The prohibited degrees of The prohibited degrees of Messenger The Seal of the Messenger The Seal of the female relations al female relations al Muharramat Prophet. Prophet. Muharramat Rules of Jurisprudence al Qawaid al Rules of Jurisprudence al Qawaid The rulings and etiquette The rulings and etiquette Fiqhiyyah al Fiqhiyyah specific to the Prophets House specific to the Prophets House WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Divine Revelation Divine Revelation Divine Revelation Divine Revelation The values and Morals of Is;lam The values and Morals of Is;lam The values and Morals of The values and Morals of Is;lam Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran Sciences of the Holy Quran The values of Islam The values of Islam The values of Islam The values of Islam Islam and the social Realizing cooperation and Realizing cooperation and Social controls. Explain the Social controls. Explain the Islam and the social networking. Man and the Trust. Identify the Man and the Trust. Identify the networking. Explain the harmony between people harmony between people vocabulary of the Holy verse. vocabulary of the Holy verse. Explain the position of Islam in condition of Hijab. Explain the condition of Hijab. Explain the position of Islam in Social rights,combating crime and rights,combating crime and Adhere the social morals Adhere the social morals Social networking. Identify the significant of Hijab. significant of Hijab. networking. Identify the avoiding calamities and avoiding calamities and commanded by Islam.. commanded by Islam.. etiquette of Social Networking. etiquette of Social Networking. catastrophes. catastrophes. Islam and the social Realizing cooperation and Realizing cooperation and Social controls. Explain the Social controls. Explain the Islam and the social networking. Man and the Trust. Identify the Man and the Trust. Identify the networking. Explain the harmony between people harmony between people vocabulary of the Holy verse. vocabulary of the Holy verse. Explain the position of Islam in condition of Hijab. Explain the condition of Hijab. Explain the position of Islam in Social rights,combating crime and rights,combating crime and Adhere the social morals Adhere the social morals Social networking. Identify the significant of Hijab. significant of Hijab. networking. Identify the avoiding calamities and avoiding calamities and commanded by Islam.. commanded by Islam.. etiquette of Social Networking. etiquette of Social Networking. catastrophes. catastrophes.

The Rulings if Islam and their purposeThe Rulings if Islam and their purpose Personalities Personalities Personalities Personalities Revision Revision Transaction Transaction Imam Al Bukhari Imam Al Bukhari The Prophet"s Sirah and The Prophet"s Sirah and

Mention the genelogy of Imam Al Mention the genelogy of Imam Al The Prophet"s Sirah. Aspects of The Prophet"s Sirah. Aspects of Methodologyof thinking in Islam. Methodologyof thinking in Bukhari.Discover the methodolgy Bukhari.Discover the methodolgy Mercifulness of the Messenger. Mercifulness of the Messenger. Critical thinking and constructive Islam. Critical thinking and Revision Revision of Imam Bukhari. Important of Imam Bukhari. Important Mention the characteristics of Mention the characteristics of criticism. constructive criticism. qualities of Imam Bukhari. qualities of Imam Bukhari. Messengrer Messengrer GRADE 13 LONG TERM PLAN with CURRICULUM STANDARDS GRADE 13 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8

Protecting society against Moral crimes Protecting the society against Moral crimes Battle of Trench Battle of Trench Battle of Trench Quranic and scientific miracles Quranic and scientific miracles

Recite the Holy verses, taking into Explain what are exegetical What is extereism. Attitude of Concept and parts of Divine Distinguish between individual account the rulings of Cause, Course, conclusion, Cause, Course, conclusion, Cause, Course, conclusion, Term1 method. Differentiate between Islam towards extreism. Wisdom law. Importance od divine and collective reponsibility. recitations.Explaining the meaning hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites them. behind forbidding extermism. law. Conditional laws. Responsibility of man. of the Qur’anic vocabulary

The five purposes of legislation Quran and science Surah an Noor Surah an Noor Prohibited sales National service is a Shariah Allah's Messenger Obedience and compliance is good conduct and manners The Seal of Prophets pbuh Purposes of science. Benefits of Recite the Holy verses, taking Recite the Holy verses, taking Recite the Holy verses, taking studying Shariah. Methods of Recite the Holy verses, taking into into account the rulings of Concept of health and health Explain prohibited sale. into account the rulings of into account the rulings of oreserving purpose of legislation. account the rulings of Allah is the light of Heavens Term1 recitations.Explaining the care. Importance of health in the Significance of prohibiting recitations.Explaining the recitations.Explaining the recitations.Explaining the meaning and Earth. meaning of the Qur’anic life of a muslim. thses sales. meaning of the Qur’anic meaning of the Qur’anic of the Qur’anic vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 GRADE 12

Tolerance towards people of differentThe Faith etiquette of visions and dreams in IslamThe Islamic Economic System Chaste Families Politeness with the MessengerObservance ittiba and imitation taqlid Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Islam and knowledge economy Pure societies Recite the Holy verses, taking Meaning of observance and Effects of upbringing on the Difference between people is an Comparison btween economic into account the rulings of Conflict between private and Concept of knowledge economy. Dreams and visions. Difference imitation. Hazards associated character of Sheikh Zayed. Term2 inexorable divine Sunnah.Concept system. Foundation of Islamic recitations.Explaining the public interests. Obeying the Its Components. Position of between dreams and visions. with imitation. Imitation in Rank of the union in the of tolerance. economic system. meaning of the Qur’anic Messenger. Isalm towards economy. ruling. thought of Sheikh Zayed. vocabulary Marriage is the path to chastity Creative thinking in IslamFiqh of priorities on the basis of their purposes. Globalization Exam preparations Revision revision revision

Recite the Holy verses, taking into Concept of creative thinking. Understanding of priorities. Concept of globolization. Fields account the rulings of Term2 Effect of Islam on creativity. Importance of priorities. Models of globolization. Negative aspect recitations.Explaining the meaning Factor yhat assist creativity. of fiqh. of globolization. Cultural Identity. of the Qur’anic vocabulary