ISSN: 2229-6948(ONLINE) ICTACT JOURNAL ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, SEPTEMBER 2016, VOLUME: 07, ISSUE: 03 DOI: 10.21917/ijct.2016.0203 EVALUATING EFFECTIVENESS OF MOBILE BROWSER SECURITY WARNINGS Ronak Shah1 and Kailas Patil2 1,2Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract utmost goal of this paper is to investigate whether modern mobile This work precisely evaluates whether browser security warnings are browser security warnings protect users in practice. as ineffective as proposed by popular sentiments and past writings. This According to previous study, more than 50% users click research used different kinds of Android mobile browsers as well as through SSL warnings and simply ignore security measures [1]. desktop browsers to evaluate security warnings. Security experts and There are many reasons why user ignores security warnings, SSL developers should give emphasis on making a user aware of security warnings and should not neglect aim of communicating this to users. warnings and other security related warnings. Lot of work has Security experts and system architects should emphasis the goal of done on desktop browsers but still there is no effective work has communicating security information to end users. In most of the been done in case of mobile browsers. browsers, security warnings are not emphasized, and browsers simply Unfortunately, most of the mobile browsers did not show any do not show warnings, or there are a number of ways to hide those security warnings while assessing through site which has a weak warnings of malicious sites. This work precisely finds that how encryption key, a site with an invalid certificate, a site with inconsistent browsers really are in prompting security warnings.