THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020 SPONSORS Sponsors PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSORS ADDITIONAL SPONSOR 2 ~ Thursday, October 29th SCHEDULE Schedule 2020 AWA VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE Log-in information will be provided after registration, contact the AWA for registration. Phone: 208.262.8100 or email:
[email protected] Thursday, October 29, 2020 - Noon to 4:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time (9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020 MEETING AGENDA 12:00 Noon E.S.T. - Call to Order - Approval of the Minutes for 2019 AGM - AWA Reports • President • Treasurer • Executive Director - Board Nominations - New Business - Sponsorship Recognition - Welcome 2021 AGM & Conference, Fort Collins, CO 4:00 P.M. E.S.T. - Adjournment 7:00 P.M. E.S.T. Wagyu365 Signature Series Wagyu Sale 2.0 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (available on demand with registration) Francis Fluharty, Ph.D. Jamie Courter, M.S. Animal & Dairy Science | Professor & Department Head, Beef Product Manager, Neogen University of Georgia Topic: Advancements in Genomics Topic: Nutrition of the Cow Herd, and Implications for Reproductive Performance, Fetal Development and Calf Performance Mike MacNeil, Ph.D. Delta G, Miles City, Montana Matt Spangler, Ph.D. Topic: Inbreeding and Linebreeding Professor, Extension Beef Genetics Specialist, University of Nebraska Topic: The Value of Phenotypes in A Genomic World Harvey Blackburn, Ph.D. USDA Agricultural Research Service’s National Animal Germplasm Program, Fort Collins, CO Mark Gardiner Topic: Genetic Diversity in the American Wagyu Population Gardiner Angus Ranch, Ashland, KS Topic: Data Based Selection and Technology Application Used for Progress at Gardiner Angus Ranch Joe Heitzeberg CEO & Co-Founder, Crowd Cow William Herring, Ph.D.