



A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com ; click on Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: Marietta Robert

Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: T & R

Saturday: 4:30 pm – 2 am EST History of our Galactic World & NESARA Hosts: T & R

Friday, Saturday: From 10 – 11 pm EST, for one hour, the call moves to the Conference Call Line [PIN below] and then returns to BBS Radio. • Use the following phone numbers to ask questions or make comments during the radio show. 530 – 413 – 9537 [line 1] 530 – 763 – 1594 [line 2 & 3] 530 – 746 – 0341 [line 4]

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● The 2013 website also has an archive section: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes.


A Sunday, Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 213 - 342- 3000; PIN 9467441#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each month: Ashtar on the Road 9:30 – 11:00 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar & Mother Sekhmet www.Ashtarontheroad.com ▪ Phone Number: 1 – 559 – 726 – 1300; PIN 163731# ▪ Call is free [except for long distance charges] ▪ Can also listen to the call via Skype

C Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 EST The Friends of The Aboriginal Moabite Nation Call By telephone only: 1– 712-432-0900 PIN 666238# Replay # [good for 1 week] 1-712- 432-0990 PIN 666238#

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 1 / 10 Opening Meditation: D'yanna

Housekeeping: Rainbird Thank you!

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • We need $ 661! Many thanks for all contributions. • Needs everyone of us to donate something, would like to hear from all on the call. • What we hear and learn feeds our minds and our souls!

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• The mailing address for those who do not like paying electronically: BBS Network, Inc. 5167 Toyon Lane Paradise, CA 95969

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T & R: • They also need food & gas money this week

• Can donate via the Paypal button on the website: www.2013RainbowRoundTable.ning.com

• Please notify them if you're sending something: [email protected]

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704 B Llano St, # 249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 • phone contact is via MariettaRobert: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected] • Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too

HARD NEWS: T: Today is a true memorial day – refers to an article about 9/11 and Russia To put in the Circle of Support, Rama's brother Richard; Cam & Connie, D'yanna's doggie; Angel su & Harriet

Reading: 2014, May 29 9-11 ~ Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators? [SEE BELOW]

Conference Call: R: Gen Shenseki was forced to resign: R saw it in his aura • WH Sec Jay Carney is resigning as of June 14, 2014. He's a high level being - • He chose to resign because he does not want to resign any more. • They are getting ready to drop 9/11 and subsequent events in our laps – he's 2nd in command is supposed to take over. • Ed Schultz was even shocked that Jay Carney was resigNing: B Obama said he was “deeply

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 2 / 10 disappointed” that Carney was resigning. • All of this has to do with absolutely no more lies going on; Gen Shenseki is just a scape goat • So much more will be coming out • Thanks to Bill for sending the article even though the people at Veterans Today do not have all the story right – has to do with those who are dancing between dimensions • all the time lines have dissoved into one timeline, the one in which NESARA gets announced and changes the course of our galaxy.

R saw on hardball with Chris Matthews and All in with Chris Hays: had on the guy from Duck Dynasty; as Chris played the segment, he was having all he could do not to break up laughing! It all goes back to 9/11 – how do `you describe that 78,000+ people left the planet that day and they will be back!

Caller: Ellen Bursten is the actress in Resurrection, the series they have been watching. Caller 2: has heard that Obama accidentally leaked a CIA agent's name when he was in Afghanistan

R: not an intentional leak; they tried to deny it then backtracked – it was an accident - Caller2: don't believe he had an “accident” of that kind. T: important not to propagate stuff that is not true.

Caller 3: Www.collectiveevolution. org – a heartwarming site – have the idea of “solar freaking highways” T: was on thom Hartmann today – also scientists can create solar railways – need these guys out of the way so we can get on with the job • Thom was saying there are some things that have to be done carefully – people could be killed or turned into crispy critters. • The US is the cause of what happened in Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Cuba, • A US Senator talked about lifting the sanctions on Cuba! • stuck up for Shenseki – he wanted the waiting time cut from 30 days to 15 days; • There are 21 million vets from those remaining from Korea and Viet Nam to today's • Since 2004, Bush Jr was omitting names from the electronic waiting lists and using paper lists – the white patients got the best treatment

Caller 4: Amy Goodman discussed the Reparation paper today – should be looked as a criminal justice perspective T: no matter who it is, we are all responsible – even though we all have a white skin and do not perceive what it is like to have a black skin, a really black skin! • When we go through what we are going to go through – that is what we came to do! • Maya Angelou left – got raped by her mother's boyfriend as a little girl – repeatedly! Ended up in Chicago and had stories about that too! Against the rules of the real estate agencies to allow black people to move into a white area.

• In Detroit: the water supply is to be in the hands of a foreign company – Gov Scneider and Kevin Orr want the black people to die so they can create an elitiist city • The people are getting wiser by the second • The people in Kentucky are really wising up to Mitch McConnell – trying to

R: Rev Barbour & Bernie Sanders on Thom Hartmann's show today – this coming Monday, he will be out with the Moral Monday folks – it is about fracking which was railroaded through the North Carolina house – Rainbird asks about fighting back – it is illegal! • Bernie Sanders will be walking beside Rev Barbour in direct civil disobedience against another law that was made in North Carolina – people cannot not talk or sing or shout! • That law is against the 1st amendment

Caller5: in Mass, Thom Hartmann announced today that starting on Monday at 3 pm, Sam Seder is going to do the show / Ring of Fire at least in Mass.

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 3 / 10 T: on June 14 Thom will be on from 10 – 1 on Free Speech; in the meantime Sam Seder will be on from 1- 4 • We'll get Sam Seder from 1-4 for the next 2 weeks, and Free Speech wil change their sched so Thom can be on . Thom will also be on Free Speech TV – they are getting ready to pass on the big news!!!! Caller5: the people in her area are asking when this is going to happen: says we have to keep on doing what we can do

Ed Schultz - Sirius XM from 10-1 www.wegoted.com or listen on your smart phone. T: all the alphabet boys are taking orders from the 13 families, and the families seem to be in control • What we need to know is that Obama is the first president elected under NESARA law • He went to Brazil and Chile to visit the 2 lady presidents, and Hillary went to Europe and ordered up the killing of all kinds of peope in Syria Caller 5: has been told that all the bankers have been kicked out of Hungary Caller3: Have they seen the Youtube of Bilderberg2014 beginning today? The US needs to come together and realize who the real culprits are Caller5: sure it has been posted on the website

T, R comments on the Ed Snowden interview – 300%!!! Caller5: Brian Williams asked him if he had talked to Putin, and Ed said no. And I brought nothing with me. T: the other thing that is obvious here – the gov't / 13 families / cabal – and that Brian Williams had the balls to fly over there and do the interview – T thinks it might have been a White Knight inspiration – like a few years ago when Michael Moore was on Wolf Blitzer's show & tore him some new ones on his own show!

• It is harder than ever: people are waking up to who the criminals are - • Hillary had a private lunch with Obama yesterday – what was it about? R: heard they were talking of their game plans for 2016 – a dog and pony show: it's a moot point once the announcements are made.

T: returns to the reading with comments on all that has been written – THERE ARE A LOT OF HOLES IN THE STORY, AND MUCH HAS ALSO BEEN NEGLECTED IN THE DISCUSSION AS WELL. [State of the Nation is a Faction 2 website]

Music: Ade Satche – Servants of Peace.

BBS: T: as we move into June, higher frequencies are coming through because we need them.

Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One. In the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energies of St Germain and the Violet Flame.

Greetings, Children of Ra: • Indeed, Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace! There is such magnificent unfolding in your present time; since all time is NOW, it is in the best interest/ highest good of all concenred; events that have been happening, they are yesterday; tomorrow is what it is; it is time to be love NOW in this moment • as we focus, all of us, as we focus on being love now it changes everything in the moment: no past tripping, no future tripping; it is all present in this moment, as we focus on this moment now, every thing else takes care of itself in divine right timing.

• This has been the challenge for humanity, at the deeptst levels to get being in the moment, now, holding that frequency, letting everything else sit as it may; let it be, it will take care of itself . As we can maintain that and hold that in this present moment, it changes everything. • When a small group completes that task, it transforms, transfigures it for the rest who are listening

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 4 / 10 – as the butterfly flaps its wings, everything is in synchronization with all life, all things are in unison • It has always been that way – as we unlearn everything that it seems we have learned up to this point, being love now, changes everything for all concerned in the highest good. • That is the biggest test for all of us – may we pass every test, as the Lavendar Lad has said. This is the biggest deal for the moment; it is how we do this for each and every one of us, just being love now no matter what else is going on. Just maintaining that focus changes your physicality, the very air you breathe, the nature of the particles between the particles • it is a most auspicious time to be in present time and how that awareness as we watch the ripples go out across the oceans of time, it is so magnificent to observe our greatness; she is most humbled to be here; it is magnificent to be here and, in the same moment, it may look like nothing has changed – that is the nature of this dimensional shift we have asked ourselves to be part of at this particualr time – no accidents. • We are all gathered at this particular hour, this moment in our cycles, we are the ones – as she is most humbled to experience the joy we get as we wake up and touch another and that one wakes up and another – this is what she means by the butterfly flaps its wings and everyone gets it , it is that tsunami wave of love in spite of our wayward children who have other plans for our future.

• There is only one moment; it is about the Ade Satshay – where there is hatred, let me sow love. As we have experienced the last few days, the intensity that is gathered by people who share the news – the rippling out of facts, the pebble in the pond, is affecting all matter as well as anti matter, which is why things are in such flux and magnificent change – • we hold the key to our own destiny at this time because we have shown up and ,at the same moment it is a challenge to be here and to breathe and to maintain centre – the biggest test for all ; just being in this present time and loving each and every moment as we are literally watching the dark shatter and consumed in the same moment. • They hold no more power – what they old is only a few frayed ends of that shattered string - it is of no consequence and, at the same moment, they would wish us believe they have absoulte conttol – with each day, each sedond, the powers that are now more are just that -no more: • we are the ones holding the power and we do it with love; how we do that is the biggest news is because it is about being a servant of thy peace – this is the true message of the Office of the Christ . The other messgages out there coming from false prophets - even going so far as to invoke the name of her gandson[Lucifer] - as if it would give them the impetus to create more power – they hold nothing. • The empty chair of Peter – the true Office of the Christ rests here and now on the shoulders of those who have asked to step into this man's circle of support where the Man with the Plan has said that the biggest story that we can do and for each other is for the least among us who are raising their voices to the highest frequencies and it is the clarion call that is being heard: no longer will we stand in the shadows. • This was the inner message of Rev Barbour who spoke of the issues; we have enough water, time, air - the infinite abudnance of what we have in our midst: we are kings, queens, creator gods of the most High. How we best hold that frequency is the challenge of all that is in our midst, and Dr Evil has no power here

• It is an ancient story about our wayward children who to this very hour, would have us believe we have already lost – that is their demise because they have literally refused to accept the grace, the gratitude, the ability to forgive self; she speaks of that forgiveness of the war criminals that have committed the most heinous acts who are still stitting supposedly in the seat of power – they are empty chairs and empty heads: the light is on yet there is no one home. • They have already lost; they refuse to accept the infinite grace, the infinite gratitude, the love, the 12 strand of DNA is it quite literally impossible yet they would deem it impossible to get past the thought that we would embrace them with love and graditude, pray with them, eat with them, give them everything as the Man with the Plan said: the least of those among us: this is the order of the day – what you have done unto me is what we can do for each other.

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 5 / 10 • As she says this message of joy even to the most in the moment, the ones who are tearing their hair out to get our attention, to claim “where is the change, the hope that was promised?” • That is what is being brought forth in the most unlikely of places and it is about we the people who hold the power, • the small, the few rebel band of life forms who are her wayward children: our biggest challenge in the moment is to give them the grace, the gratitude, the respect, in spite of the fact that they would slit our throats in a nano second – we give them the highest order of that energy that comes from the Office of the Christ even if they would spit on us and grind us into dirt. • As what they spout their messages of hate at the moment towards the commander in chief and all he has done is bring forth the change that has been asked for: • They keep saying where are the jobs? Where is the truth? It is right in front of us; we are the change that is making it so in the moment, as we speak truth to power, as Senator Sanders said today: “Over my living body are they going to frack in North Carolina!”

T: Bernie Sanders, in spite of his age, is a most radical person – Rev Barbour and Sanders together said those police had better leave as we are prepared to go to jail; the republicans are not Republicans, they are extreme right wing pigs and we are prepared to die – they are fighting for their rights to restore their rightts: they have lost their vote, Medicaid expansion, their unemployment Bernie: If those cops dare to raise a gun to a sitting senator or a billy club; we are going to gut congress and remove the fascist pigs – out of Bernie Sanders' mouth!!!! • The picture of the opposition forces pressed against each other's faces – can spit in each other's faces more than that

Mo: It is at the moment what has happened in the present time – the whistleblower mr snowden has come forward in the interview and has said that Afghanistan / Iran - a mistake – it is all about 9-1-1 and no longer can truth be hidden. A very interesting cosmic dance being woven for all to see

• In spite of the worda put out there: Mr Putin getting the job done. He is not the enemy here: the enemy sits in the seats of power: • We have a sacred oath which is our vote – do not waste it on June 3 – we will vote out Ms Martinez; Alan Weber is running for the Governor's seat in NM and he is going to make a referendum about the Koch bros & challenge Ms Martinez the so-called darling of the Tea Party • Alan Weber is a man who has risen out of nothingness to come and challenge the Koch bros because he is one of the people here in the land of enchantment, more to him than meets the eye – a freind of Dr Greer & Dr Bassett. Dr Steve Schiff – was going to expose the truth about Roswell and Los alamos and the lab, birth place of the mother of all bombs. T • The story started here & ends here: no nukes, no fates, no flukes

• Several times Einstein and Oppenhiemer considered slitting their own throats to not get the Fat Man and the Little Boy made: they knew what would happen when the gourd of ashes would be dropped on 2 cities even though Japan had already surrendered. • Mother comes from our future which is her past; already our time line has changed – the Milky Way Galaxy has already been saved as Rana Mu has said; How we get everyone on board with this one story is the challenge in this split second we call time • Yet there is no time: all time is now: it is a cosmic dance to get these issues of importance to be understood: The blending of the dimensions is going on and the challenge is just staying in a body & not lose it: they very much want us to lose it like the young man in Santa Barbara, CA

T: At the same time, a beautiful lady in Pakistan married her love ; and in front of the court house, 18 members of her family stoned her to death over the dowry - honour killings • 900 + women killed just in Lahore alone Mo: these are issues when Goddess is rising to the occasion. • Two girls 14 and 15 were gang raped: the police did not want to report it or do their job – got

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 6 / 10 charged with delinquency and conspiracy: then they were hung from a mango tree!

Mo: The challenge for all of humanity is not to go into absolute apathy and despair and say “enough” - they want us to give up, but she is here to say “ Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace” • The most important message she can give us at the time of this new moon Gemini Neptune square bringing everything us, as the challenge is to maintian our sanity and not go bonkers! They would love to see a zombie apocolypse so they can play with their toys – they cannot hold a candle to the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Even the new iron man suits the army is going to try out in a few days . . . .

T: there is over half of the water table left in NM this year, only to be 5% of the precipitation over the rest of the year; CA, NV, AZ Kansas - it's worse; all facing drought – and DC is debating whether climate change is real! • Monday, Obama to announce this “new rules” about climate.

Mo: And TN would bring back the electric chair! All about the fact that her wayward children have absolutely lost this story: What would the man with the plan do? Why she always says “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love”

T: slowing down flow of gas to Ukraine because they are behind with their payments; would affect the flow to rest of Europe. Russian wants $2B by Monday [and owe lots more by June 7th ] • All Kiev is offering is 3/4 of a billion; all kinds of frenzied meetings going on. • Christine Lagarde has promised $14 billion but doesn't want to give it and see it go to Russia – yet they do not have any money at all! Never had any since the beginning. Mo: it is how I print the money – from the HP printer upstairs? What a cosmic issue

T: Bernie sticking up for Shenseki – Shenseki worked hard to get the waiting period down to 15 days and it took blood, sweat and tears to do it, and his people did not tell the truth and covered things up – only gave care to those they considered worthy • Sanders said Shenseki stood up to Rumsfeld as a 4Star general; when Rumsfeld said what they were going to do, Shenseki said you'll need a lot more than that! Challenged Bush through Rumsfeld – lots of balls. • he cut homelessness by 24% in the VA, and transfered the whole paper system onto an electronic system – 21 million vets!

Mo: now is the time: we the people have the power: – how we use that power of the bully pulpit to speak truth to power like Rev Barbour, Sanders, Elizabeth Warren . It is a bad joke of what is going on with the billionaires, trillionaries T: and the fast food people want to feed the kids junk in school; with Sarah Palin takling about Michelle not trusting parents to feed their children correctly. Mo: it would be a most auspicious day if her children got with the program and accepted the 12 strands of the DNA. T: goes through some of Obama's “new rules” / regulations relative to climate change

Mo: it is time they paid their share of taxes instead of putting it in the Grand Cayman Islands or Turks and Caicos or Antiigua to continue the fake war on drugs and on terror; Mitt Romney continues with his absolute lies about the tribes of Dan – the 13 tribes of Ariadne are back! T: Flight 370 was found in Wolf Blitzer's basement! Trying to lighten thing up. • North Carolina made a law about even discussing a law to ban fracking – they are desperate. Mo: it takes us to stand up and say “No longer are we going to allow these ones to continue a fake war on people because of the colour of their skin”; Creator Source is that we are all balls of light, whole and perfect – it began 450 billion years ago. For most of humanity, this idea is beyond the pale.

T: BNP, a French bank being fined $ 10B dollars for helping sanctioned countries out. Cuba, Iran, Sudan

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 7 / 10 Mo: Time to lift the sanctions on cuba, Iran - Dr Keshe has the wisdom to bring forth what is needed to not touch another drop of oil or nukes or coal – all you need to do is talk Creator Source T: Japan wants to fire up the nuclear plants; people adamant against it Mo: Abe getting poked in the back by the dark ones

T: as the French bank is being fined, a US Senator Thomas Donahue called for an easing of the long- standing trade embargo on Cuba; head of US Chamber of Commerce wants an easing. • For too long this has been the result of differences, not of what we have in common • Washington has not had diplomatic ties with Cuba since 1961, for 53 years, and trade embargos have remained in place for a long time. Cuba buys agricultural products – which means GMOs – US did the same to Haiti – sold them what would not be eaten elsewhere!

Mo: most challenging time to be in a body, and be in gratitude and Love; this is what we volunteered for and we have already won! T: humans are at their best when they are at their worst is what Mother always says Mo We came from the future to tell you you made it T: we don't need any “event” - only NESARA: no more B Fulfords or JJ Hurtak who is still on the titty of Jehovah Mo: difficult for these ones to break through the programming • Cobra is a snake in India! • Lord Shiva has a necklace of cobras around his neck – and doesn't seem to mind.

T: Thomas Drake – on Thom Hartmann today: for the Congressional record, Drake exposed that the NSA had knowledge of how to prevent 9/11 – they knew when it would happen etc etc – they only introduced the cognitive dissonance to give us all PTSD • She can tell when questions are 9/11 are brought up, Thom gets real nervous - Mo: it is a challenge to be a news person at this time when you have a gag order that is choking you to death and you know the truth T: the Jay Carney thing: he knows it will all be exposed and he will have to lie – when Obama says he is going to slit the throat of the oil industry, something is being tightened down • Says 9/11 Second edition was better artilce than the Vets Today article Mo: when the 78,000+ people come back and say they are here and will let us know what really happened. T: the Syrian presidential elections will return Al Assad; the people vote out of fear Mo: if they don't vote, they will die – they would like to do the same thing here, with the Koch Bros appointing the candidates • What is happening in Detroit is unbelievable

Mo: This is why Michelle Obama will change thingsl There are things happening behind the scenes – T: she is changing the face of what presidents' wives are considered to be and do. Mo: there is a new face on the goddess, and she is black, she is beautiful, and she is black. T: asks if Mother has spoken to Maya Angelous Mo: she is with Metatron at the Antarres Midway station, integrating – she will take a breather and be back with brass balls on from “the other side” - yet there is not “other side”; there is no veil, we are all one; you see us, we see you, and we must be about Mother/Father's business: restoring this planet.

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish.

Rama: has been in city of Hesperus, capital of Venus; what is transpiring is Lord Maitraya, LM Nada and a group of masters one minute on Hesperus, next minute here; Lord Maitraya will pull no punches, will come and address the people of earth right now – we are at the critical juncture: as he announces his presence, he will be given the microphone at the House of Micah. In spite of the fact that it is an organization tied in with the 13 families, it is the only place on the planet where people

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 8 / 10 can come and be and voice their grievances. Lord Maitraya will take the mike and say Now is the time for Peace; now is the time for love. rd.

T: talks about the artist in Brazil who burned all $500 billion in notes, instruments of debt, and the rioting going on in the streets.

R: what if someone over here started vapourizing all the debt? There is one man who can pay off the nation's debt right now - St Germain. T: describes the military's equipment – armoured military trucks which spray stuff out of all 4 sides! The kids are not giving up! The people do not want the soccor cup – too poor. T: Turkey – a boy who was in a coma because he was hit as a tear gas canister – lived for a short time, and died at the age of 14 – he was only going to buy a loaf of bread for his mother! • In Greece, people are sitting around wondering what to wear. • The US GDP dropped by 1.2 % in the first quarter.

Audio: interview between Brian Williams and Edward Snowden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-xxzOwr7I4

Edward Snowden, in an exclusive interview with "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams, blamed the State Department for stranding him in Russia, saying he "never intended" to wind up there.

"I personally am surprised that I ended up here," Snowden said in the interview, an excerpt of which aired on TODAY on Wednesday morning.

Snowden's comments about his new home came in an extended, wide-ranging interview with Williams, his first with a U.S. television network, airs Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.

"The reality is I never intended to end up in Russia," he said. "I had a flight booked to Cuba onwards to Latin America and I was stopped because the United States government decided to revoke my passport and trap me in Moscow Airport.

"So when people ask why are you in Russia, I say, 'Please ask the State Department."

Secretary of State John Kerry hit back in a live interview on TODAY.

"For a supposedly smart guy, that's a pretty dumb answer, frankly," Kerry said. "If Mr. Snowden wants to come back to the United States today, we'll have him on a flight today.

"We'd be delighted for him to come back. He should come back. That's what a patriot would do. A patriot would not run away and look for refuge in Russia or Cuba or some other country. A patriot would stand up in the United States and make his case to the American people," Kerry added.

"He can come home but he's a fugitive from justice which is why he is not being permitted to fly around the world," he said.

Asked whether he had changed his mind about the nature of Snowden's actions, Kerry said Snowden "stole" information and did "great damage" to the United States.

"The fact is if he cares so much about America and he believes in America, he should trust in the American system of justice," Kerry said.

"But to be hiding in Russia, an authoritarian country, and to have just admitted he was really just trying to get to Cuba — what does that tell you?" he added. "I think he's confused. I think it's very sad."

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 9 / 10 In an interview with Chuck Todd on MSNBC, Kerry called Snowden a "coward" and a "traitor."

"There are many a patriot. You can go back to the Pentagon Papers with Dan Ellsberg and others who stood and went to court system of America and made their case."

He said Snowden's leaks had concrete effects.

"What he's done is expose for terrorists a lot of mechanisms which now affect operational security of those terrorists and make it harder for the United States to break up plots, harder to protect our nation," he said.

Kerry was also asked about Snowden's exclusive NBC News interview while appearing on CBS.

"He should man up and come back to the United States," the secretary of state said.

Audio: Max Keiser [KR607] Keiser Report: Crack Boosted GDP


We discuss driving GDP high on cocaine, banking fraud and new-fangled derivatives products. In the second half, Max interviews Satyajit Das about China’s debt problems and central banks’ printing presses.

Audio: Maya Angelou From the Heaven and Earth show


Interviewer: Hannah Mayo. Director: Jennifer Page.

Audio: Maya Angelou – a 2nd interview

Audio: 1957 audio of Maya A as a calypso singer! The thing she would say to that young person is to forgive self, and relieve self of the burden of resentment. Love liberates and so does forgiveness – having the courage to stand up and forgive.

Reading: Learning Cherokee Ways, Ch 4 Preparation for Ceremonies

Closing: Rainbird

Closing Music: Rumi: poet of the Heart Uploaded on 28 Jan 2008

"RUMI: Poet of the Heart," an award-winning 60 minute film produced and directed by Haydn Reiss, featuring Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Deepak Chopra, storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade, and religious historian Huston Smith. Narrated by Debra Winger. Performances by oud virtuoso Hamza El Din and musician Jai Uttal offer inspiring accompaniment to this beautifully produced film. A lively and provocative exploration of the genius and timeliness of Rumi's emergence in the west.

In 2008 the surprising bestselling poet in America is a thirteenth-century Sufi poet and mystic named Jelaluddin Rumi. For over seven hundred years, Rumi's writings have enchanted, inspired, and enlightened Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists. Rumi's poetry celebrates the sacred in everyday existence and transcends boundaries of time, place, and religion to speak to all people.

Audio: one more from Maya – love liberates.

2014, May 30 FRIDAY NIGHT HARD NEWS CALL 10 / 10