Products 2021-01-16 13-13 Page 1 Name Sku Price Quantity Acineta

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Products 2021-01-16 13-13 Page 1 Name Sku Price Quantity Acineta products_2021-01-16_13-13 name sku price quantity Acineta beyrodtiana 726 21 0 Acineta superba 12 18 5 Acineta superba x Stanhopea nigra x Stanhopea grandiflora 809 35 3 Aerangis articulata 13 18 3 Aerangis biloba 549 16 0 Aerangis citrata 665 14 0 Aerangis clavigera 598 14 0 Aerangis distincta 449 14 0 Aerangis distincta x Aerangis modesta 779 15 5 Aerangis ellissii 14 18 1 Aerangis fastuosa 15 15 3 Aerangis kirkii 16 22 5 Aerangis kotschyana 668 14 0 Aerangis modesta 520 25 0 Aerangis mooreana 602 14 0 Aerangis mystacidii 17 14 2 Aerangis somalensis 670 13 0 Aerangis spiculata 691 13 0 Aeranthes grandiflora 18 18 15 Aeranthes ramosa 113 14 5 Aerides fieldingii 611 22 5 Aerides flabellata 114 19 9 Aerides houlettiana 115 20 10 Aerides lawrenceae 116 22 5 Aerides leeana 740 19 10 Aerides quinquevulnera 117 19 2 Amesiella monticola 627 13 0 Amsiella philippinense 660 16 0 Angraecum bosseri 118 24 3 Angraecum crestwood 647 45 0 Angraecum didieri 119 18 10 Angraecum distichum 736 19 0 Angraecum eburneum 635 40 0 Angraecum eichlerianum 120 17 2 Angraecum elephantinum 121 18 6 Angraecum erectum 122 15 10 Angraecum florulentum 123 19 3 Page 1 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Angraecum germinyanum 124 17 9 Angraecum infundibulare 125 16 7 Angraecum leonis 126 15 5 Angraecum magdalenae 471 17 0 Angraecum scottianum 127 25 4 Angraecum sesquipedale 729 20 2 Anguloa acostae 796 38 0 Anguloa acostae 760 38 9 Anguloa cliftonii 761 38 10 Anguloa clowesii 128 28 1 Anguloa dubia 129 26 4 Anguloa eburnea 491 30 7 Anguloa ruckeri 130 28 4 Anguloa tognettiae 131 28 5 Anguloa uniflora 435 30 9 Anguloa virginalis 132 28 6 Ansellia africana 671 20 0 Appendicula lucida 133 18 6 Appendicula purpurascens 134 22 3 Ascocentrum ampullaceum 135 18 9 Ascocentrum aurantiacum 688 25 0 Ascocentrum christensonianum 136 17 11 Ascocentrum miniatum 137 18 4 Ascocentrum pumilum 488 15 0 Ascocentrum pusillum 559 17 0 Aspasia lunata 139 14 19 Baptistonia echinata 658 16 0 Barkeria lindleyana 509 14 0 Barkeria melanocaulum 631 14 0 Barkeria spectabilis 447 14 0 Bc. Golf Green Hair Pig' 794 20 1 Bifrenaria atropurpurea 140 22 7 Bifrenaria aureofulva 141 16 9 Bifrenaria harrisoniae 142 18 16 Bifrenaria inodora 550 18 0 Bifrenaria vitellina 561 19 0 Bifrenaria xantina 144 18 6 Bifrenaria xantina x harrisoniae 20 16 15 Blc. Chinese Beauty 'Orchid Queen' 790 20 2 Blc. Pink Empress 'Bright Sun' 791 20 1 Blc. Pink Empress 'Bright Sun' 793 20 4 Bothrochilus bellus 145 16 7 Brassavola digbyana 146 25 9 Brassavola gardneri 780 18 6 Brassavola glauca 645 22 0 Brassavola nodosa 613 18 6 Brassia jipijapensis 147 15 4 Brassia longissima 700 18 0 Brassia maculata 148 16 8 Page 2 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Brassia "Rex" 21 16 7 Brassia verrucosa 149 18 5 Brassia villosa 150 16 8 Bulbophyllum ambrosia 152 10 17 Bulbophyllum annandalei 741 19 10 Bulbophyllum bolsteri 153 16 6 Bulbophyllum carunculatum 154 17 13 Bulbophyllum congolanum (scaberulum) 155 16 3 Bulbophyllum corolliferum 156 14 8 Bulbophyllum crassipes 157 16 8 Bulbophyllum dearei 742 19 5 Bulbophyllum echinolabium 472 18 0 Bulbophyllum facetum 158 14 10 Bulbophyllum falcatum 159 15 10 Bulbophyllum fascinator 160 17 8 Bulbophyllum flaviflorum 778 17 5 Bulbophyllum frostii 161 17 6 Bulbophyllum frostii x Emily Siegerist 23 18 9 Bulbophyllum gibbosum 162 12 10 Bulbophyllum grandiflorum 450 16 0 Bulbophyllum graveolens 163 16 10 Bulbophyllum hirundinis 743 17 7 Bulbophyllum lassiochilum 164 14 10 Bulbophyllum lobbi 165 16 Bulbophyllum "Louis Sander" 22 16 10 Bulbophyllum makoyanum 166 18 5 Bulbophyllum mastersianum 167 22 7 Bulbophyllum medusae 692 22 8 Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum 168 14 13 Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis 169 20 0 Bulbophyllum pingtungensis 744 17 8 Bulbophyllum polystictum 170 15 12 Bulbophyllum putidum 171 17 7 Bulbophyllum retusiusculum 172 18 0 Bulbophyllum rothschildianum 173 16 17 Bulbophyllum sessile 174 13 9 Bulbophyllum sikkimense 175 13 10 Bulbophyllum sulavesii 448 23 0 Bulbophyllum trisetum 176 16 8 Bulbophyllum umbellatulum 527 19 0 Bulbophyllum "Wilbur Chang" 151 16 7 Calanthe ceciliae 177 16 8 Calanthe masuca 599 16 0 Calanthe rubens 723 18 10 Calanthe veratrifolia 451 16 0 Calanthe vestita 178 17 3 Capanemia superflua 672 17 0 Cattleya aclandiae 693 35 0 Cattleya amethystoglossa 454 18 0 Page 3 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Cattleya aurantiaca 179 19 7 Cattleya bowringiana 684 26 0 Cattleya dowiana 701 45 0 Cattleya forbesii 180 20 8 Cattleya gaskelliana 544 20 0 Cattleya guatemalensis 576 22 0 Cattleya guttata 181 23 1 Cattleya intermedia 182 18 1 Cattleya iricolor 510 38 0 Cattleya jenmanii 727 18 0 Cattleya labiata 425 12 0 Cattleya leopoldii 632 35 0 Cattleya loddigesii 184 24 4 Cattleya lueddemanniana 686 22 0 Cattleya luteola 484 22 0 Cattleya maxima 444 25 0 Cattleya mossiae 493 18 0 Cattleya percivaliana 185 24 4 Cattleya quadricolor 528 38 0 Cattleya schroederae 603 18 7 Cattleya silvana 666 16 0 Cattleya skinneri 187 24 7 Cattleya trianae 189 22 9 Cattleya trianae concolor 783 22 5 Cattleya trianae var. albescens 781 18 7 Cattleya violacea 560 28 0 Cattleya walkeriana 445 22 4 Celaflor Schädlingsfrei Careo 431 12 9 Ceratostylis pristina 614 17 0 Ceratostylis retisquame 190 17 9 Chelohistele sulphurea 191 12 13 Chiloschista nakornpanomensis 689 21 0 Chiloschista parishi 705 21 0 Chondorhyncha discolor 192 16 12 Christensonia vietnamica 694 18 0 Chysis aurea 702 18 0 Chysis bractescens 193 18 4 Chysis laevis 526 18 0 Chysis limminghei 24 19 2 Cirrhopetalum eberhardtii 194 16 19 Cirrhopetalum longiflorum 589 18 15 Cirrhopetalum longiissimum 195 16 13 Cirrhopetalum medusae 196 18 9 Cirrhopetalum ornatissimum 197 16 19 Cirrhopetalum rothschildianum 198 18 17 Cleisostoma arietinum 511 18 0 Cleisostoma duplicilobum 633 17 0 Cleisostoma javanica 494 18 0 Cleisostoma simondii 199 25 2 Page 4 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Coelogyne asperata 200 21 6 Coelogyne becarrii x mooreana 28 16 8 Coelogyne brachyptera 529 22 0 Coelogyne confusa 201 18 8 Coelogyne cristata 202 13 28 Coelogyne fimbriata 203 15 9 Coelogyne fimbriata var. oculata 714 15 25 Coelogyne flaccida 204 13 22 Coelogyne flavida 476 18 0 Coelogyne flexuosa 205 19 5 Coelogyne fuliginosa 206 18 9 Coelogyne glandulosa 207 18 10 Coelogyne graminifolia 722 0 0 Coelogyne huettneriana 208 18 14 Coelogyne intermedia 209 12 25 Coelogyne lawrenciana 210 19 6 Coelogyne lentiginosa 477 18 0 Coelogyne massangeana 211 17 20 Coelogyne mayeriana 212 20 2 Coelogyne "Mem. W. Micholitz" 27 17 20 Coelogyne multiflora 623 35 0 Coelogyne ochracea 630 18 0 Coelogyne ochracea x lawrenceana 29 15 20 Coelogyne ovalis 213 14 19 Coelogyne pandurata 703 22 3 Coelogyne pulverula Syn. dayana 214 15 11 Coelogyne rochussenii 215 18 1 Coelogyne salmonicolor 216 18 5 Coelogyne salvaneriana 217 19 4 Coelogyne sanderiana 218 22 2 Coelogyne speciosa 219 13 10 Coelogyne speciosa x affine 25 16 0 Coelogyne speciosa x affine 30 16 10 Coelogyne speziosa x usitana 26 20 0 Coelogyne usitana 220 22 0 Coelogyne viscosa 221 19 5 Combiflor Orchideendünger 739 3.7 10 Cryptbergia ruba 427 8 10 Cymbidium devonianum 222 18 4 Cymbidium erythraeum 470 25 4 Cymbidium erythrostylum 223 17 3 Cymbidium lowianum 634 16 0 Cyrtorchis arcuata 543 18 0 Cyrtorchis monteiroae 485 25 0 Dendrobium abberans 226 19 10 Dendrobium adae 530 16 0 Dendrobium aggregatum 227 16 17 Dendrobium amabile 228 22 8 Dendrobium amethystoglossum 452 24 0 Page 5 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Dendrobium antennatum 478 20 10 Dendrobium atroviolaceum 784 18 10 Dendrobium atroviolaceum x D. abberans 785 16 10 Dendrobium bilobulatum 229 16 10 Dendrobium brymerianum 673 18 0 Dendrobium brymerianum 674 18 0 Dendrobium capituliflorum 230 16 13 Dendrobium Cassiope 31 16 10 Dendrobium christyanum 604 18 0 Dendrobium chrysanthum 436 18 0 Dendrobium chrysotoxum 231 18 12 Dendrobium crepidiferum 486 18 0 Dendrobium crocatum 704 19 0 Dendrobium cucumerinum 786 18 6 Dendrobium cuneilabrum 232 17 10 Dendrobium Delicatum 32 16 7 Dendrobium densiflorum 577 18 14 Dendrobium draconis 745 19 9 Dendrobium eximium 495 19 0 Dendrobium falconeri 590 16 1 Dendrobium farmeri 233 17 12 Dendrobium fimbriatum 234 25 5 Dendrobium fimbriatum var. oculatum 787 17 25 Dendrobium findlayanum 236 18 15 Dendrobium friedericksianum 531 17 0 Dendrobium goldschmidtianum 237 16 10 Dendrobium griffithianum 238 18 10 Dendrobium harveyanum 239 16 5 Dendrobium hercoglossum 240 18 8 Dendrobium hughii 479 19 0 Dendrobium infundibulum 675 19 0 Dendrobium jenkinsii 224 16 10 Dendrobium jonesii 241 25 8 Dendrobium keithii 242 16 22 Dendrobium kingianum 243 10 24 Dendrobium lamellatum 585 18 0 Dendrobium linawianum 715 19 9 Dendrobium linguiforme 244 22 9 Dendrobium loddigesii 245 18 14 Dendrobium macrophyllum 548 20 5 Dendrobium mindanaense 788 22 8 Dendrobium moschatum 575 30 0 Dendrobium nobile 246 17 7 Dendrobium nobile var. cooksonianum 789 14 19 Dendrobium normanbyense 747 19 8 Dendrobium olivaceum 247 18 8 Dendrobium parishii 248 16 10 Dendrobium peguanum 607 17 0 Dendrobium pendulum 569 24 0 Page 6 products_2021-01-16_13-13 Dendrobium piradii 249 13 10 Dendrobium platygastrium 601 18 0 Dendrobium polysema 250 25 8 Dendrobium prenticei 746 17 6 Dendrobium primulinum 500 14 9 Dendrobium rosellum 251 16 15 Dendrobium ruppianum 532 17 0 Dendrobium shiraishii 551 28 0 Dendrobium speciosum 252 17 8 Dendrobium spectabile 624 25 7 Dendrobium stratiotes 469 17 0 Dendrobium striolatum 253 16 8 Dendrobium sulawesiense 735 18 0 Dendrobium sulcatum 254 16 4 Dendrobium teretifolium 225 18 9 Dendrobium tetragonum 255 18 10 Dendrobium thyrsiflorum 256 18 9 Dendrobium trantuanii 695 22 0 Dendrobium
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    See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Dating the origin of the Orchidaceae from a fossil orchid with its pollinator Article in Nature · September 2007 DOI: 10.1038/nature06039 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 211 770 5 authors, including: Santiago R Ramírez Barbara Gravendeel University of California, Davis Leiden University, Naturalis Biodiversity Center & University of Applied Sciences L… 50 PUBLICATIONS 999 CITATIONS 208 PUBLICATIONS 2,081 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Rodrigo B. Singer Naomi E Pierce Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Harvard University 109 PUBLICATIONS 1,381 CITATIONS 555 PUBLICATIONS 6,496 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Insect endosymbiont diversity View project Support threatened research Institutions from Southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) View project All content following this page was uploaded by Barbara Gravendeel on 31 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Vol 448 | 30 August 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature06039 LETTERS Dating the origin of the Orchidaceae from a fossil orchid with its pollinator Santiago R. Ramı´rez1, Barbara Gravendeel2, Rodrigo B. Singer3, Charles R. Marshall1,4 & Naomi E. Pierce1 Since the time of Darwin1, evolutionary biologists have been fas- subfamily showed that the size, shape and ornamentation of the cinated by the spectacular adaptations to insect pollination exhib- fossil closely resemble those of modern members of the subtribe ited by orchids. However, despite being the most diverse plant Goodyerinae, particularly the genera Kreodanthus and Microchilus family on Earth2, the Orchidaceae lack a definitive fossil record (Supplementary Table 1).
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