Address all correspondence to: Chief Executive Officer PO Box 144, Ilfracombe QLD 4727 Tel: (07) 4658 4111 | Fax: (07) 4658 4116 Email:
[email protected] ABN: 16 834 804 112 13 August 2020 Dear Councillors Re: Meeting Notice for Council Meeting to be held on 20 August 2020 Notice is hereby given that the Council Meeting of the Longreach Regional Council will be held in the Yaraka Town Hall, Jarley Street, Yaraka on Thursday 20 August 2020 commencing at 9:00am. The Briefing Session for this meeting will be held in the Fairmount (East) room on Tuesday 18 August 2020 commencing at 7.45am. Your attendance at these meetings is requested. Yours faithfully Mitchell Murphy Chief Executive Officer Enc Page 1 of 235 LONGREACH REGIONAL COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA Thursday 20 August 2020 Town Hall, Jarley Street, Yaraka 1. Opening of Meeting 2. Prayer 3. Consideration of Leave of Absence 4. Declaration of any Material Personal Interests / Conflicts of Interest by Councillors and Senior Council Officers 5. Confirmation of MinuteS 5.1 Council - 23 July 2020 ........................................................................................................... 6 6. Mayoral Minute 7. Councillor Requests 8. Notices of Motion 9. Petitions 10. Deputations 11. Chief Executive Officer's Report 11.1 Standing Matters - Governance Financial Report ................................................................ 22 11.2 Standing Matters - Calendar of Events................................................................................. 25 11.3