Inter-studia humanitatis, 16, 2014, ISSN 1822-1114, p. 43-60 MOCKInG THE MATHS. a PRELImINARY STUDY ON THREE CENTURIES oF PARODIES oF THE MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGe moreno Bonda Vytautas Magnus University E-mail
[email protected] SummaRy While mathematics has always been considered a serious subject, the histo- ry of ideas reveals a number of satirical reinterpretations of the mathemati- cal language, processes and principles. In Early Modern Europe, mathemat- ics was the object of satires, critics and mockery. Rereading three famous satirical works – Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver’s Travels, and Rabelais’ Fifth Book – in which the maths are openly ridiculed, we investigate the reasons for these parodies and define them as reactions to reforms of this discipline. Alice is caricaturing negative and symbolical al- gebra; Swift lampoons Athanasius Kircher and his followers’ computational logic; Rabelais satirizes Ramon Llull’s thinking machines. However, we suggest that the debate was much broader and not limited to the reform of mathematics. As a matter of fact, a number of theologians understood mathematics as the language able to express in symbols the in- expressibility of the Creation’s infiniteness. The parodies of the mathematics are clearly a contestation of this epistemological system. Key words: Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver’s Travels, mathematical theology, parodies of mathematics, Rabelais, ramism, Ramon Llull, thinking machine. MOCKING THE MATHS. A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THREE CENTURIES OF ON THREE CENTURIES STUDY A PRELIMINARY MOCKING THE MATHS. LANGUAGE OF THE MATHEMATICAL PARODIES 42 43 IntroductIon While mathematics is almost always considered a very serious subject and, possibly, the most respectable scientific discipline, the histories of literature and philosophy reveal a number of satirical reinterpretations of the mathemat- ical language, its processes and its principles.