DYW 2016 Katie Breland Says of Week, ‘Amazing!’
MONDAY 161st YEAR • NO. 63 JuLY 13, 2015 CLEVELAND, TN 20 PAGES • 50¢ DYW 2016 Katie Breland says of week, ‘Amazing!’ By LARRY C. BOWERS Distinguished Young Woman Ashley Stevens, Banner Staff Writer and they discussed what will be involved dur- “It was a wonderful week, and I ing the year. Tennessee’s 2016 Distinguished Young made a number of wonderful “She told me how much she enjoyed the Woman enjoyed breakfast at the IHOP restau- friends. Thus far, it’s been an national competition, and I am looking for- rant Sunday morning. She also talked with amazing experience.” ward to that,” Katie said. the Cleveland Daily Banner about her hopes — Katie Breland The state’s newest celebrity laughingly and dreams, not only for the year ahead, but placed the “blame” on her mom for getting her Banner photo, LARRY C. BOWERS also for her future. into the competition, but added that her TENNESSEE’S 2016 Distinguished Young Woman of the Year prise at the announcement. By Sunday morn- The young dancing sensation was accompa- close-knit family must also receive some of the Katie Breland, center, is shown with her parents, Jennifer and nied by her parents, Jennifer and Jeremy, ing, she had assumed an air of confidence credit for her victory. and DYW Committee Co-Chairs Traci Fant and assurance about the year ahead. Jeremy, at a Sunday-morning brunch at IHOP. She will be a senior at “They were extremely supportive, and excit- Ironwood Academy in Nashville during the coming school year, and and Nikki Wilks. “Still, it really hasn’t sunk in,” she said ed,” she said, adding that this was her first- Katie Breland was crowned Saturday Sunday.
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