Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2

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Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 NUREG-0498 Supplement No. 1 Final Environmental Statement related to the operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-390 and 50-391 Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation April 1995 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED AVAILABILITY NOTICE Availability of Reference Materials Cited in NRC Publications Most documents cited in NRC publications will be available from one of the following sources: 1. The NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, NW., Lower Level, Washington, DC 20555-0001 2. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P. O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 3. The National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161-0002 Although the listing that follows represents the majority of documents cited in NRC publica• tions, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room include NRC correspondence and internal NRC memoranda; NRC bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; licensee event reports; vendor reports and correspondence; Commission papers; and applicant and licensee docu• ments and correspondence. The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office: formal NRC staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference pro• ceedings, international agreement reports, grantee reports, and NRC booklets and bro• chures. Also available are regulatory guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Regula• tions, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances. Documents available from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG-series reports and technical reports prepared by other Federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions. Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports can usually be obtained from these libraries. Documents such as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC con• ference proceedings are available for purchase from the organization sponsoring the publica• tion cited. Single copies of NRC draft reports are available free, to the extent of supply, upon written request to the Office of Administration, Distribution and Mail Services Section, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001. Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at the NRC Library, Two White Flint North, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rock- ville, MD 20852-2738, for use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National Standards, from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018-3308. NUREG-0498 Supplement No. 1 Final Environmental Statement related to the operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-390 and 50-391 Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation April 1995 HASTE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS 50OJMENT IS UNLIMITED DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Abstract The Final Environmental Statement-Operating License (FES-OL) issued in 1978 represents the Nuclear Regula- | tory Commission's (NRC's) previous environmental review related to the operation of Watts Bar Nuclear (WBN) Plant. The NRC staff has determined that it is appropriate to re-examine the issues associated with the environmental review before issuance of an operating license. The purpose of this NRC review is to discuss the effects of observed changes in the environment and to evaluate the changes in environmental impacts that have occurred as a result of changes in the WBN Plant design and proposed methods of operations since the last environmental review. A full scope of environmental topics has been evaluated, including regional demo• graphy, land and water use, meteorology, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, radiological and non-radiological impacts on humans and the environment, socioeconomic impacts, and environmental justice. The staff con• cluded that there are no significant changes in the environmental impacts since the NRC 1978 FES-OL from changes in plant-design, proposed methods of operations, or changes in the environment. The Tennessee | Valley Authority's (TVA's) preoperational and operational monitoring programs were reviewed and found to | be appropriate for establishing baseline conditions and ongoing assessments of environmental impacts. | The staff also conducted an analysis of plant operation with severe accident mitigation design alternatives (SAMDAs) and concluded that none of the SAMDAs, beyond the three procedural changes that the TVA com- | mitted to implement, would be cost-beneficial for further mitigating environmental impacts. | April 1995 iii NUREG-0498, Supp. 1 Contents Page Abstract iii Foreword xv Definitions xvii Abbreviations/Acronyms xxv Summary and Conclusions xxix 1 Introduction 1-1 1.1 History 1-1 1.2 Environmental Approvals and Consultations 1-4 1.3 References 1-5 2 The Site 2-1 2.1 Regional Demography 2-1 2.1.1 Population Changes 2-1 2.1.2 Changes in Regional Socioeconomic Characteristics 2-1 2.2 Water Use 2-9 2.2.1 Regional Water Use 2-9 2.2.2 Surface Water Hydrology 2-9 2.2.3 Water Quality 2-11 2.3 Meteorology 2-16 2.3.1 Regional Climate 2-16 2.3.2 Severe Weather 2-16 2.3.3 Local Meteorological Conditions 2-17 2.3.4 Atmospheric Dispersion 2-18 2.4 Ecology 2-19 2.4.1 Terrestrial Ecology 2-19 2.4.2 Aquatic Ecology 2-22 April 1995 v NUREG-0498, Supp. 1 Page 2.5 Background Radiological Characteristics 2-28 2.6 Historical and Archeological Sites 2-30 2.7 Geology and Seismology 2-31 2.8 References 2-31 3 The Plant 3-1 3.1 Plant Water Use .' 3-1 3.2 Heat Dissipation Systems 3-1 3.3 Radioactive Waste Treatment System 3-2 3.4 Chemical, Sanitary, and Other Waste Treatment 3-3 3.5 Power Transmission System 3-7 3.6 References 3-7 4 Environmental Effects of Site Preparation and Plant and Transmission Facilities Construction ... 4-1 4.1 References 4-1 5 Environmental Impact of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant and Transmission Facilities Operations 5-1 5.1 Impacts on Land Use 5-1 5.2 Impacts on Water Use 5-2 5.2.1 Thermal Discharges 5-2 5.2.2 Operational Chemical Wastes 5-2 5.2.3 Sanitary Wastes 5-3 5.2.4 NPDES Permit 5-3 5.2.5 Effects on Water Users Through Changes in Water Quality 5-3 5.2.6 Effects on Surface Water Supply 5-3 5.2.7 Effects on Groundwater 5-4 5.2.8 River Recreational Use 5-4 5.3 Impacts on Terrestrial Environment 5-4 5.3.1 Impacts on Terrestrial Animal Species 5-4 5.3.2 Impacts on Terrestrial Plant Species 5-5 5.3.3 Impacts on Threatened and Endangered Terrestrial Species 5-6 5.4 Impacts on Aquatic Environment 5-7 5.4.1 Entrainment and Impingement of Aquatic Biota 5-7 5.4.2 Thermal Effects 5-7 5.4.3 Chemical Effects 5-8 NUREG-0498, Supp. 1 vi April 1995 Page 5.4.4 Impacts on Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Species 5-9 5.4.5 Nuisance Aquatic Organisms 5-10 5.5 Radiological Impacts 5-11 5.5.1 Changes to the Plant 5-11 5.5.2 Summary of Radioactive Effluents and Potential Exposures of Humans 5-11 5.5.3 Radiological Impact on Animals 5-16 5.5.4 Storage and Transportation of Radioactive Material 5-16 5.5.5 Health Effects of Radiation Doses From Effluents 5-19 5.5.6 Impacts of the Uranium Fuel Cycle 5-21 5.6 Non-Radiological Human Health Impacts 5-22 5.6.1 Electromagnetic Fields and Shock Hazards From Transmission Lines 5-22 5.6.2 Airborne Pathogenic Microorganisms 5-22 5.6.3 Noise Levels 5-23 5.6.4 Air Quality 5-24 5.7 Socioeconomic Impacts 5-24 5.8 Environmental Justice 5-26 5.9 References 5-27 6 Environmental Monitoring Program 6-1 6.1 Preoperational Monitoring Program 6-1 6.1.1 Preoperational Onsite Meteorological Program 6-1 6.1.2 Preoperational Water Quality Studies 6-1 6.1.3 Preoperational Groundwater Studies 6-2 6.1.4 Preoperational Aquatic Biological Monitoring 6-2 6.1.5 Preoperational Terrestrial Monitoring 6-2 6.1.6 Preoperational Radiological Monitoring 6-3 6.2 Operational Monitoring Program 6-4 6.2.1 Operational Onsite Meteorological Program 6-4 6.2.2 Operational Water Quality Monitoring 6-4 6.2.3 Operational Groundwater Monitoring 6-5 6.2.4 Operational Chemical Effluents Monitoring 6-5 6.2.5 Operational Aquatic Biological Monitoring 6-5 6.2.6 Operational Terrestrial Monitoring 6-7 6.2.7 Operational Radiological Monitoring 6-7 6.3 References 6-7 April 1995 vii NUREG-0498, Supp.
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