Usaid Solutions for Peace and Recovery Quaterly
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SPR’S OBJECTIVE 2 TEAM LEAD FANNY MUKENDI ACCEPTS THE DIPLOMA OF HONOR (BREVET D’EXCELLENCE) FROM NORTH KIVU PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES DURING THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF UNSCR’S 1325 RESOLUTION. USAID SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUATERLY REPORT, FY2021 Q1 (OCTOBER 2020 – DECEMBER 2020) Contract Number AID-OAA-I-13-00042/Task Order Number AID-660-TO-16-00004 30 JANUARY 29, 2021 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Management Systems International (MSI), A Tetra Tech Company. USAID SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUARTERLY REPORT, FY2021 Q1 (October 2020 – December 2020) Contracted under AID-OAA-I-13-00042/Task Order Number AID-660-TO-16-00004 USAID’s Solutions for Peace and Recovery DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................... V SECURITY BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT .................................................. 1 PROJECT SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 2 ACTIVITY IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................... 2 OBJECTIVE 1: COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS IDENTIFY AND ACCEPT SOLUTIONS TO SPECIFIC DRIVERS OF CONFLICT ............................................................................................................... 3 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 3 CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED .......................................................................... 4 LESSONS LEARNED, OPPORTUNITIES, AND NEXT STEPS ......................................................... 5 OBJECTIVE 2: PARTICIPATORY SOLUTIONS (INVOLVING WOMEN AND OTHER MARGINALIZED GROUPS) IMPLEMENTED ............................................................................................... 6 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 6 CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED .......................................................................... 8 LESSONS LEARNED, OPPORTUNITIES, AND NEXT STEPS ......................................................... 8 OBJECTIVE 3: RESOURCES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ARE MORE INCLUSIVELY ALLOCATED ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 9 CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED ........................................................................ 11 LESSONS LEARNED, OPPORTUNITIES, AND NEXT STEPS ....................................................... 11 CROSSCUTTING THEMES ........................................................................................................................... 11 INCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 12 INTEGRATION OF CONFLICT SENSITIVITY INTO SPR OPERATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 12 MONITORING, EVALUATION, AND LEARNING ......................................... 13 SYSTEMS AND DATA COLLECTION ........................................................................................................ 13 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS ............................................................... 14 GRANT MANAGEMENT AND PARTNER REPORTING ....................................................................... 14 STAFFING AND STAFF MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 15 CAPACITY BUILDING ................................................................................................................................... 15 QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT ............................................................................................................ 16 A. FINANCIAL REPORT FY 2021 Q1 (OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2020.................................. 16 B. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL REPORT BASED ON BUDGET CEILING ............................. 16 OVERALL MAIN CHALLENGES, SOLUTIONS, LESSONS, AND OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................ 17 ANNEX 1: PROGRESS ON PERFORMANCE PLAN ....................................... 19 CUMULATIVE PROJECT ACHIEVEMENT OVER 4 YEARS .................................................................... 22 ANNEX 2: SUCCESS STORIES .......................................................................... 30 ANNEX 3: PARTNER ACTIVITY REPORTS .................................................... 39 ANNEX 4: GRANT PROGRAM STATUS ......................................................... 53 USAID.GOV SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUARTERLY REPORT FY2021 Q1 | i ANNEX 5: YEAR 5 QUARTER 2 ACTIVITY CALENDAR.............................. 55 USAID.GOV SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUARTERLY REPORT FY2021 Q1 | ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAP Aide et Action Pour la Paix Aid and Action for Peace ACUDI Actions des Chrétiens Unis Pour Le Développement Intégral Actions of Christians United for Integral Development AIBEF Appui aux Initiatives de Bien-Etre Familial Support for Family Wellness Initiatives CAU Collectif Alpha Ujuvi Alpha Ujuvi Collective CDJP Commission Diocésaine Justice et Paix Diocesan Commission of Justice and Peace COR Contracting Officer’ COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 CPP-NK Cadre Provinciale de Plaidoyer-Nord Kivu North Kivu Provincial Advocacy Framework CPP-SK Cadre Provinciale de Plaidoyer-Sud Kivu South Kivu Provincial Advocacy Framework CSO Civil Society Organization DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo EA$E Economic and Social Empowerment FCC Front Commun pour le Congo Common Front for the Congo FOSI Forum SIDA AIDS Forum GTG Group Thematique Genre Gender Thematic Group ISPDE Institut Supérieur pour la Promotion de la Paix, du Développement et de l’Environnement Higher Institute for the Promotion of Peace, Development and the Environment KBNP Parc Nationale Kahuzi Biéga Kahuzi Biéga National Park LMC Leadership & Mentoring Club Club de mentorat et leadership LOP Life of Project LPDC Local Peace and Development Committee M&E Monitoring and Evaluation USAID.GOV SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUARTERLY REPORT FY2021 Q1 | iii MELP Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan MSI Management Systems International NGO Non-Governmental Organization OMG Other Marginalized Group(s) PAR Participatory Action Research PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet PIT Performance Indicator Table Q Quarter SPR Solutions for Peace and Recovery SYNIGL Synergie d’Initiatives pour les Grands Lacs Synergy of Initiatives for the Great Lakes TGD Tous pour le Genre dans le Développement All for Gender in Development UCB Université Catholique Bukavu Catholic University of Bukavu UEA Université Evangélique Afrique African Evangelical University UN United Nations UNSCR 1325 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government VSLA Village Savings and Loan Association Y Year USAID.GOV SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY QUARTERLY REPORT FY2021 Q1 | iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Solutions for Peace and Recovery (SPR) project aims to increase the participation of women and other marginalized groups (OMGs) through a community-based approach to conflict analysis, prevention, resolution, and recovery in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project began on August 30, 2016 and was initially meant to be implemented through August 29, 2019. It was then extended for two option years and will now end by August 29, 2021. This extension period experienced several challenges from its inception, including budgetary uncertainties during Year 4 Quarter 1 (Y4Q1), which took significant time to be resolved. Staff turnover and the COVID-19 pandemic, which struck during Y4Q2, further disrupted all aspects of the implementation process. COVID-19-related challenges significantly delayed the implementation of Y4 activities and the achievement of approved targets, sometimes pushing targets to Y5Q1 (October 2020 to December 2020). As a result, Y5Q1 of the SPR project focused on fast-tracking the completion of remaining Y4 targets and planning of Y5 implementation. By the end of Y5Q1, the project’s overall life of project (LOP) performance targets rose from 94 percent at the end of Y4 to 104 percent by the end of the reporting period (Y5Q1). Progress against Y4 Objective 1 targets rose from 99 percent to 106 percent. Objective 2 LOP progress through the end of Y4 rose from 110 percent to 118 percent while Objective 3 LOP progress through the end of Y4 rose from 74 percent to 84 percent. During this reporting period, the project also facilitated a field visit for USAID’s SPR Contracting Officer