Workers Committees Spread Throughout Country ·Iranian Soldier Appeals to American Gls • SAVAK Killer Admits C La Complici

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Workers Committees Spread Throughout Country ·Iranian Soldier Appeals to American Gls • SAVAK Killer Admits C La Complici DECEMBER 28, 1979 50 CENTS VOLUME 43/NUMBER 50 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Banner on occupied U.S. Embassy. Millions of Iranians dentify y w th strugg es o etnamese, ans, and Nicaraguans against exploitation and domination by Washington. For firsthand reports from 'Militant' editor Cindy Jaquith in Tehran, see pages 5-9. Exclusive reports from Tehran: ·Workers committees spread throughout country ·Iranian soldier appeals to American G.l.s • SAVAK killer admits ClA complicity Sleet In Our Opinion VOLUME 43/NUMBER 50 DECEMBER 28, 1979 CLOSING NEWS DATE-DEC. 19 That is why students in the embassy and Carter shifts shah to Panama, millions of other Iranians insist on a trial or international tribunal in which some of the embassy personnel might figure as defendants escalates war threats against Iran or witnesses. (At the same time, they stress The following statement was issued bloody criminal. The demand for the extradi­ that the hostages will be released when the December 19 by Socialist Workers Party tion of the shah to Iran is gaining support. shah is returned, regardless of the outcome of presidential candidate Andrew Pulley. Carter hopes moving the shah will make the the hearings). American people stop thinking about and They want to expose the crimes of the shah, Carter is again trying to escalate the conflict discussing the mass murderer and his record. and the U.S. government's role in imposing with Iran. This maneuver is also an insult to the his tyranny on Iran-organizing and supply­ He has threatened a naval blockade or other Panamanian people. They have no more desire ing his murderers and torturers, and seeking war measures if Iran puts any of the diplo­ than us to have the shah's presence imposed to crush the revolt against his rule. matic personnel still in the U.S. Embassy in on them. This was a blatant exercise of Wash­ They want to expose the covert operations Tehran on trial as spies. He has warned that ington's political, economic, and military dom­ that the Carter administration has been carry­ military action may be taken if Iran tries to ination of Panama, a domination against ing out against Iran since the shah fell. hold a public tribunal on the crimes committed which Panamanians have protested for de­ They especially want American working against it by the U.S. government. cades. people to know the facts. The Iranians believe These threats show that Carter doesn't give I Wl:lS inspired by televisipn news reports of that if we know the truth about what the U.S. a damn about what happens to the hostages in the protests that are taking place in Panama government has been up to in Iran, we won't the embassy. His first concern is to find some against giving the shah asylum. I think work­ stand for any more of it-and they are right. way to strike at the Iranian revolution. ing people throughout the Americas have good That is why Carter is so desperate to prevent The way to get the hostages home is to grant reason to demand that Carter and Panaman­ any such exposure. He even goes to the point the just demand of millions of Iranians that ian President Royo return the shah to Iran. of threatening a naval blockade if the Iranians the shah be sent back to Iran for trial. The The media present the demand for the return follow through with a . tribunal, which the of the shah as though it were motivated solely administration claims would be an affront to This is the Militant's last issue of the year. After by the Iranians' desire for revenge. Well, they U.S. honor. the holiday break, our next issue will be dated have good reason to want justice. But the issue The only ones who need fear a tribunal are January 18. goes deeper than the simple justice of return­ those who have bloody hands from their ing a murderer to be tried for his crimes. complicity with the shah's crimes. shah is a butcher and torturer who was re­ Washington's continued patronage of the American working people have no reason to sponsible for tens of thousands of deaths. shah convinced many Iranians that Carter is help Carter suppress the truth. The students The transfer of the shah from San Antonio plotting to return him to the throne. There is a did us a service by releasing documents from to Panama settled nothing. It merely shifted basis for such suspicions. the embassy showing some of Washington's the royal butcher from one haven to another Iranians remember how the CIA engineered lying and plotting, including the sending of within Washington's empire. a coup to return the shah to power in 1953, the agents into Iran under faked passports. The students occupying the embassy called last time he was driven out of the country by It is in our interest to find out everything the this shift a transparent effort to fool the popular opposition. They know that Carter Iranians can uncover about U.S. operations in American people into thinking that the issue stood by the shah last year as thousands of Iran-whether that comes out in trials, inter­ of the shah had been defused. That hit the nail peaceful protesters were being gunned down in national tribunals, or any other form. on the head. the streets. Carter retreated mo~entarily from the plan They know that the shah has not abdicated But much more about the complicity of to give the tyrant asylum in the United States. his throne and still claims to be Iran's legiti­ successive administrations in the crimes of the Documents the students found in the U.S. mate ruler. They know that the Carter admin­ shah is hidden in the United States-in the Embassy proved that this plan was set in istration and the U.S. media spread the lie Iran files of the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, State motion long beforehand, and show that the that the shah was a "modernizer" who was Department, and National Security Council. shah's illness was used as the pretext to bring overthrown by backward religious fanatics. Instead of threatening Iran, Carter should him here. And they know that Washington is still trying make these files public. More and more American working people to break the back of their revolution. Open the files-let us know the truth! realize that Carter is threatening war and The Iranian people are determined to pre­ Hands off Iran! endangering the hostages in order to defend a vent this. Send back the shah! Militant Highlights This Week The Militant Editor: STEVE CLARK Associate Editors: CINDY JAQUITH ANDY ROSE Business Manager: PETER SEIDMAN Editorial Staff: Nancy Cole. Fred Feldman, Jim 4 Carter blackmails Nicaragua Garrison, Suzanne Haig, Osborne Hart, Gus Horowitz, Diane Jacobs, Janice Lynn, August 10 USWA leaders: all out for ERA Nimtz. Harry Ring, Dick Roberts, Priscilla 11 Militant sales roundup Campaigning for socialism in '80 Schenk, Stu Singer, Arnold Weissberg. Published weekly by the Militant 12 Socialists spur antiwar actions Andrew Pulley, Socialist Workers candidate for (ISSN 0026-3885), 14 Charles Lane, 13 YSA fights Carter war threats president, discusses results of first months of New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: 14 Interview with Andrew Pulley campaign and sees good prospects for next year. Editorial Office, (212) 243-6392; Busi­ 16 Haitian Refugees expose brutality Pages 14-15. ness Office, ( 212) 929-3486. 17 Auto workers victims of Chrysler Correspondence concerning sub­ 18 Conference marks Trotsky centenary scriptions or changes of address should be addressed to The Militant 4 Sol/darlfy With Nicaragua Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, 10 January 13 Countdown New York, N.Y. 10014. 24 In Brlaf Second-class postage paid at New 25 The Great Society York, N.Y. Subscriptions: U.S. $20.00 Capitalism Fouls Things up a year, outside U.S. $25.00. By first­ 26 Our Revolutionary Heritage class mail: U.S., Canada, and Mexico: Letters $50.00. Write for airmail rates to all 27 Learning About Socialism other countries. If You Like This Paper ... For subscnptions airfreighted to London and Sectarians split from then posted to Britain and Ireland £3.00 for ten issues, £6.00 for s1x months (twenty-four issues). Fourth International £11.00 for one year (forty-eight issues). Posted Failing to appreciate depth of revolution from London to Continental Europe: £4.50 for ten issues, £10.00 for six months, £15.00 for one in Nicaragua and turning backs on year. Send checks or international money order FSLN leadership, two sectarian groups (payable to Intercontinental Press account) to walked out of Trotskyist organization on Intercontinental Press (The Militant), P.O. Box 50, London N1 2XP, England. eve of World Congress. Pages 19-23. Signed articles by contributors do not neces­ sarily represent the Militant's views. These are expressed in editorials. 2 S.F. unionists urge Nicaragua support SAN FRANCISCO-Trade union Workers Federation] and the ATC [Ru­ the needs of her people after the years meeting "a good start in solidarity by leaders from the Bay Area, speaking to ral Workers Association]. After almost of exploitation under Somoza and the labor with Nicaragua." Mackler read more than 200 people here December 8, fifty years under the Somoza dynasty death and economic destruction he left messages of support from unionists called for labor solidarity with the of suppression and exploitation, a time behind. who could not attend the rally, includ­ people of Nicaragua.
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