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Although commonly referred to as ‘’, the term BACKGROUND Radicular pain is caused by lumbar radicular pain (LRP) is anatomically more irritation of the sensory root or dorsal root correct. Lumbar radicular pain is a form of of a spinal . The irritation causes due to an irritation of the sensory root or the dorsal root ectopic nerve impulses perceived as pain in the ganglion (DRG) of a . In contrast, sciatic distribution of the . neuralgia specifically refers to pain in the distribution of The pathophysiology is more than just mass the due to pathology of the nerve itself.1 effect: it is a combination of compression sensitising the to mechanical By definition, radicular pain involves a region beyond the stimulation, stretching, and a chemically spine. In individuals presenting both with spinal pain and LRP, mediated noncellular inflammatory reaction. it is paramount that the characteristics and distribution of each Jay Govind, pain should be defined and diagnosed separately, as it is likely MBChB, DPH (OH), OBJECTIVE This article discusses the clinical MMed, FFOM (RACP), they arise from different anatomical structures and are caused features, assessment and management of lumbar is VMO, Royal radicular pain (LRP). by different pathomechanisms. In LRP, ectopic impulses gen- Newcastle Hospital, erated in the DRG are perceived as pain arising in the territory and research officer, DISCUSSION Lumbar radicular pain is sharp, innervated by the affected axon. Somatic pain () is Department of Clinical shooting or lancinating, and is typically felt as a Research, evoked by noxious stimulation of nerve endings; somatic narrow band of pain down the length of the leg, and Institute, is a function of interneuronal convergence within Royal Newcastle both superficially and deep. It may be associated the . is evoked by ectopic Hospital, University of with (objective sensory and/or 1 Newcastle, motor dysfunction as a result of conduction block) impulses generated in the of a peripheral nerve. New South Wales. and may coexist with spinal or somatic referred Radicular pain should not be confused with radicu- pain. In more than 50% lopathy. Radiculopathy is objective loss of sensory and/or of cases, LRP settles with simple . motor function as a result of conduction block; the fea- Significant and lasting pain relief can be achieved tures of which might include numbness, motor loss, with transforaminal epidural steroid . wasting, weakness, and loss of reflexes. Each can occur is indicated for those patients with simultaneously or independent of each other.2 Any lesion progressive neurological deficits or severe LRP that affects the integrity of the lumbosacral nerve root refractory to conservative measures. can cause LRP, radiculopathy or both (Table 1). Pathophysiology Lumbar radicular pain is caused by more than a simple mass effect. With the advent of computerised tomog- raphy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), studies have confirmed that patients whose symptoms of sciatica had resolved still showed the same mass effect.3,4 Additionally, disc herniations or protrusions evident on CT or MRI may not be associated with either low or LRP.5 Ectopic impulses, and hence of pain,

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of DRG, and/or Table 1. Causes of radicular pain2 • possible ischaemic damage to DRG. There are two distinctive, but not mutually exclusive • Disc herniation (commonest cause) pathomechanisms for LRP. • Spinal Nerve roots subjected to sustained compression for • Synovial cysts protracted periods may become sensitised to mechani- • cal stimulation. The resulting patho-anatomical changes • Infestation including focal demyelination, intraneural oedema, • Tumour impaired microcirculation, Wallerian degeneration, • Vascular abnormalities partial axonal damage with or without in conti- nuity, have the potential to generate ectopic impulses from the affected nerve.2 Table 2. Distinguishing features of LRP and somatic referred pain2 Studies have also confirmed that while pain may corre- late with the size of disc herniation, and limitation of straight Feature Radicular pain Somatic referred pain leg raising may correlate with pain, straight leg raising does not correlate with the size of disc herniation.6 This implies Distribution Entire length of lower limb Anywhere in lower limb that tension in a sensitised nerve root is most likely cardinal BUT BUT mechanism of pain rather than the effects of simple com- below knee > above knee proximal > distal pression. Pattern Narrow band Wide area A complementary explanation implicates a chemically Travelling Relatively fixed in location mediated noncellular inflammatory reaction – ‘chemical Quasi segmental but not Quasi segmental but not radiculitis’ – implying irritation of the nerve root by per- dermatomal dermatomal ineural spread of nucleus pulposus, which might occur Not distinguishable by segment Not distinguishable by segment through a disc rupture. Nucleus pulposus is inflammato- Boundaries difficult to define genic and leukotactic.7,8 Quality Shooting, lancinating, Dull, aching, like an expanding like an electric shock pressure Clinical features Depth Deep as well as superficial Deep only, lacks any cutaneous Distinguishing between radicular pain and somatic pain quality (local or referred) is essential to the diagnosis. Radicular pain is often perceived in the territory innervated by the affected nerve root, eg. in the lower extremity when Table 3. Conditions mimicking radicular L4/5/S1 nerve roots are involved, and in the anterior pain2 thigh in the case of L2/3. Implicitly, pain does not follow the corresponding dermatomes and it is the sensory • Spinal cord tumours loss that indicates the affected segment. Lumbar radic- • Diabetic neuropathy ular pain travels through the lower limb along a narrow • The prodromal phase of herpes zoster band usually not more than 5–8 cm wide, and when • Tabes dorsalis experimentally reproduced, the perceived pain is qualita- • Direct contusion of the sciatic nerve tively sharp, shooting or lancinating.9 It can be • Polyarthritis nodosa experienced superficially and deeply. • Gluteal injections In contrast, somatic referred pain is often felt deeply • Prolonged as a dull aching pain. Radicular pain and somatic referred • Penetrating wounds pain are not mutually exclusive. They can co-exist. • Methyl methacrylate neuropathy following Radicular pain may be superimposed on a background of hip replacement somatic referred pain. Hence, careful scrutiny is essential to distinguish whether the patient is describing somatic may be generated as a result of: referred pain, radicular pain or a combination of both. • mechanical deformation of DRG Although not absolute, certain features may assist • mechanical stimulation of previously damaged in distinguishing between somatic pain and radicular nerve roots pain (Table 2). Conditions that can mimic radicular pain

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without affecting the nerve roots are shown in Table 3. herniation. Studies may be indicated to exclude a more distal nerve damage, verify suspected muscle weak- Clinical examination ness by needle electromyogram, and to assess Clinical examination does not diagnose the cause of LRP, pre-operative baseline muscle status in cases of recur- but can establish the presence or absence of radiculopathy. rent disc operation.11 Although lumbar disc herniation is the commonest cause of LRP, there are no distinctive features either in Treatment the history or that would implicate Generally bed rest is no more effective than watchful the as the cause of pain. Definitive waiting. Depending on the severity and response to diagnosis can only be made by imaging studies. The , the early resumption of daily activities clinical test has the best sensitivity, should be encouraged. but a low specificity with an average likelihood ratio of Clinical studies have shown that neither piroxicam,10 1.5. Complementary testing procedures including dorsi- indomethacin,12 nor oral dexamethasone,13 offer greater flexion of the , impaired ankle reflex, sensory deficit analgesia than placebo. For severe pain, can be and muscle , have modest to poor sensitivities used judiciously. and specificities. In younger and middle aged patients, The efficacy of physical modalities including manipu- the pretest probability of disc herniation is high, lation and traction remains controversial,11 and there is whereas in the elderly, foraminal stenosis or spinal no compelling evidence to encourage their utilisation. stenosis is more likely. Injection techniques such as botulinum toxin, prolotherapy, or injections are irrational The natural history and illogical. On average, patients with LRP can expect a dramatic Epidural steroid injection reduction in the severity of pain with treatment limited to simple analgesics. At 12 months, at least 50% of Epidural steroids are not indicated for the treatment patients can expect to be free of leg pain, but at least of . The efficacy of steroid injection 60–70% will continue to experience low back pain.10 for the treatment of LRP may be due to its anti- inflammatory effect on inflamed nerve roots, Investigations inherent local anaesthetic properties,14 or as a Imaging membrane stabiliser suppressing ectopic Given the favourable natural history, authorities recom- impulses.15 Steroids injected transforaminally may mend that in the absence of other indications, imaging offer substantial pain relief for a protracted is not required for 4–6 weeks after the onset of LRP.11 period.6,17 The results are less impressive if given by Imaging is best reserved for patients who do not the caudal or interlaminar route. respond to conservative treatment, and for whom Chemonucleolysis surgery is contemplated. In patients with a history of sciatica or in whom a ‘red flag’ condition seems likely, In carefully selected patients, chemonucleolysis has been appropriate imaging should be requested. Generally, demonstrated to be effective with chronic symptoms, but MRI is the investigation of choice. Not only does it residual back and leg pain are troublesome features. At provide a comprehensive survey of all possible causes, least 20% of patients will proceed to surgery.18 MRI is radiation free. Surgery Electrophysiological studies For the management of LRP alone, surgery may be In the absence of clinically proven peripheral neuropa- considered where: thy, electrophysiological studies in patients presenting • severe unrelenting and disabling pain remains with acute LRP are generally not indicated. These refractory to conservative measures after at least 6 tests cannot accurately determine the precise spinal weeks, but not more than 3–4 months nerve level associated with disc herniations and radicu- • neurological signs are present in the radicular distri- lar pain cannot be explained by neurophysiological bution, and testing. Furthermore, electromyogram studies corre- • leg pain follows a radicular distribution and is the late poorly with the anatomical level of a disc dominant complaint when compared with back pain.11

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412Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 33, No. 6, June 2004