NEWSLETTER 70 August 2013 If the writing of Latin and Greek verse is good, then the writing of English is still better, as an educational instrument, but without any originality of thought or observation it is doubtful whether the public can profit by the spectacle of a man educating himself in this fashion, though Mr. J. E. H. is not by any means the greatest of offenders from the ancient Universities. *** 2 The Birthday Walk The Quantocks walk (cover: the Quantocks walk) *** 3 Chairman: Richard Emeny Hon. Secretary: Colin Thornton -
[email protected], Tel: 01983 853366 - Colin G. Thornton, 1, Carfax, Undercliff Drive, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight, PO38 1XG. Hon Treasurer: Larry Skillman, Eastbrook, Morleys Road, Weald, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 6QX (Telephone 01732 740259). Membership Secretary: Ian Morton -
[email protected] 21 Verlands, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5BL 01934 835357 or 07557 653691 Newsletter Editor: Guy Cuthbertson
[email protected] Please send material for the next Newsletter as a Word document in an email attachment. Thank you. Please note that the gap between the appearance of the print version of the newsletter and its appearance on the web has been extended from six months to two years. THE EDWARD CAWSTON THOMAS PRIZE After the sad and unexpected death of our former Chairman, Edward Cawston Thomas, we were informed that he had kindly left the Fellowship one thousand pounds. The Committee has in consultation with Jennifer Thomas discussed how best to apply the money, and decided to award an annual prize of £100.00 for a poem or piece of prose writing about, or connected with, Edward Thomas.