AVH5065-6505-Gimse.Pdf (1.961Mb)
ANCIENT OR MODERN? An Analysis of Layout and Variant Readings in Unprovenanced Post -2002 “Dead Sea Scrolls” Fragments Ingrid Breilid Gimse Supervisor Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Matthew Phillip Monger MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, AVH5065: Thesis Programme of Professional Study in Theology (30 ECTS), Fall 2018. Word count: 23 985 1 i Foreword This thesis was written as a part of the Professional Study in Theology at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society. I have enjoyed the work immensely, much thanks to the wonderful people who have helped and encouraged me along the way. I am very grateful, and wish to thank each of you. First and foremost, to my supervisor, Matthew Monger: Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm for ancient scrolls and fragments. You have been an inspiration and an ideal supervisor. I have greatly benefited from your knowledge, encouragement, critical questions, and patience. Thank you for motivating me and helping me to better my work. I will be ever grateful. I also wish to thank Årstein Justnes, Magnar Kartveit, Torleif Elgvin, Hasia Rimon, Josephine Munch Rasmussen, and Ludvik Kjeldsberg. Thank you all for showing interest in my project, sharing of your knowledge, answering questions, and encouraging me in my work. You have all contributed to making this a very enjoyable and educational semester. Without you, the thesis would not be what it is today. Lastly, to my husband, Johan: Thank you for sharing in on my enthusiasm for this project, and for believing in me. Oslo, Norway December 11, 2018. ii iii Abstract Scholars have raised concern regarding the authenticity of several unprovenanced post- 2002 “Dead Sea Scrolls” fragments.
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