The Descendants of William Hartwell, Concord Settler, 1636, Through Five Generations

Joy F. Peach

The Hartwells of America Association 2007 Copyright © 2007 by Joy F. Peach All rights reserved.

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Peach, Joy F. The Descendants of William Hartwell, Concord Settler, 1636, Through Five Generations / Joy F. Peach. xxx, 596 p., 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 978-0-9793318-0-0 1.William Hartwell–Genealogy. 2. Hartwell Family–Genealogy. I. Title. CS71.H37 2007 929.20973 2007922022

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Reproduction Permission The Hartwells of America Association c/o Wayne E. Hartwell 7 Birch Tree Road Foxborough, MA 20235-1718 Contents

List of Illustrations ...... v

About the Author ...... vii

Introduction ...... ix

Abbreviations and References ...... xvii

First Generation ...... 1

Second Generation ...... 11

Third Generation ...... 29

Fourth Generation ...... 71

Fifth Generation ...... 187

Appendix A, The Probable Ancestry of William1 Hartwell ...... 427

Appendix B, Royal Ancestry of John3 and Edward3 Hartwell...... 431

Appendix C, A Hartwell Family of Color ...... 435

Index ...... 441


Deposition of Jezan Hartwell ...... 3

William and Jezan Hartwell Memorial Headstone, Hillside Cemetery, Concord Center ...... 8

Inventory of William1’s Possessions ...... 9

John4 Hartwell’s Saltbox House on the Concord/Carlisle Line ...... 71

Reverend Francis Gardner Tablet ...... 101

Hartwell Tavern ...... 146

Hartwell Tavern Sign ...... 147

Dr. Benjamin Hartwell House ...... 273

The Samuel Hartwell House (Shown in 1955) ...... 327

The Samuel Hartwell House’s Remains (Shown in 2006) ...... 328

Burial of British Soldiers, April 20, 1775 ...... 328

About the Author

Hartwells across America have been consulting family his- torian Joy Peach for more than thirty years. Born a Hartwell at Littleton, , Joy developed an interest in genealogy while still a child. Intrigued by her grandfather’s incomplete and unindexed genealogy of the Hartwell family compiled in 1887, she began trying to fill in the blanks and was named as the offi- cial genealogist for The Hartwells of America family association at its 1975 Annual Reunion. To produce this volume, Joy began the project of revising and correcting the 1956 version of The Hartwells of America by John F. Hartwell and immersed herself in the study of the family. In 1996, Joy completed the National Institute on Genealog- ical Research course given at the National Archives in Washing- ton, DC. In addition to being a member of several genealogical societies, she is also a frequent contributor to, and editorial board member of, MASSOG, the quarterly publication of the Massa- chusetts Society of Genealogists. She has also had articles pub- lished in the Historic and Genealogical Society’s NEXUS, and, most recently, in the October 2006 issue of The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, as well as in The American Genealogist, and has spoken to a number of groups. She was appointed Registrar for the Captain John Joslin, Jr., Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. A volunteer at the Lancaster Historical Commission, Joy answers genealogical inquiries concerning the families whose lives have touched the Lancaster area. When the Lancaster, Massachusetts Historical Society chose to commemorate Black History Month, Joy researched the early African-American residents of that town. Fascinated by the infor- mation and compelling stories that she uncovered concerning this relatively unnoticed and unsung segment of the population, she expanded her research to include much of central Massachusetts, including Gardner. In 2000, the Freedom’s Way Heritage Associ- ation recognized the value of her work by granting her a schol- arship to continue her research. The results were published by viii About the Author

Freedom’s Way in the form of a booklet that is used as an educa- tional tool in classrooms. Joy lives in Lancaster, Massachusetts, and is the mother of three children: Lucinda Peach, a professor at American Univer- sity in Washington, DC; John Peach, a creator of movie and tele- vision program sets, who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Rebecca Cooke, an environmental engineer living in Hyde Park, New York, with her husband, Dr. Paul Cooke. For twenty years, Joy has been an active member of Walk’n Mass, the Massachusetts chapter of Volkssmarching, “Walks for the People.” Joy enjoys the health benefits of this noncompetitive sport, which has taken her to interesting places and to three national conventions. Through more than thirty years of research and collabora- tion, Joy has compiled thirteen generations of the descendants of William1. The Hartwells of America Association is pleased to publish the first installment of Joy’s efforts, The Descendants of William Hartwell, Concord Settler, 1636, Through Five Genera- tions. Hartwells throughout America owe a debt of gratitude to Joy for this major contribution to the family’s history. Not one to rest on her laurels, however, Joy is presently readying generations six through thirteen for publication. Introduction

Why a new edition of the Hartwell family saga? Two versions of the story of the descendants of William1 Hartwell, who arrived in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1635 or 1636, have already appeared in print. Those familiar with the first effort, compiled by Lyman W. Densmore in 1887, and titled Hand-Book of Hartwell Genealogy, 1636-1887, can have little doubt that a new edition of that work was in order. Mr. Densmore himself only published that edition as a preliminary work to arouse peo- ple’s interest and to solicit input towards a more complete gene- alogy. Mr. Densmore was never able to realize his plan for this larger work, and lost many of his research notes in a tragic fire. Things came to a standstill for several decades, until John F. Hartwell became family genealogist and, in 1956, published The Hartwells of America, a Genealogy of all the Hartwell Families of the United States and Canada based largely on the Handbook of Hartwell Genealogy (1887) by Lyman Willard Densmore (this somewhat lengthy title is hereinafter referenced as “HOA”). For a time this work was considered the “be-all-and-end-all” of the Hartwell family story in America, and the family association turned its efforts towards finding William1 Hartwell’s English or- igins. Consideration was even given to producing a genealogy of the Hartwell family in England. A wonderfully appropriate editorial comment concerning “done” genealogies appeared in the July, 1999 issue of The American Genealogist. Editor David. S. Greene writes: Whenever we think about a genealogy that is “done,” we picture name after name in regular ranks, with every date in place and every relationship established beyond question. Of course, once researchers gain the ability to evaluate evidence critically, they realize that no ances- tral line is ever truly complete and that all conclusions are open to critical evaluation. Such evaluation was the hallmark of the “Jacobus School,” and today it is central to [all] major journals in the field. Jacobus once wrote that many people don’t realize how tentative genealog- ical conclusions are. Of course, with thorough combing x Introduction

of the evidence and careful analysis, we can call many genealogical conclusions “proven” but always with the unspoken reservation that further evidence or evaluation may upset that conclusion. . . . In another way, gene- alogy is cumulative. People may return to a family and, often in the light of evidence that was not previously available, add to our understanding of it. . . . Genealogy is a process that is investigative and evaluative; it is also a process that is cumulative, with researchers continuing to reconsider and re-evaluate evidence. No matter how well a family has been researched, no family is ever completely done. [italics mine]. Lyman W. Densmore’s and John F. Hartwell’s contributions to the Hartwell family saga should never be underestimated. Both these gentlemen were well-intentioned and both did a fine job, according to the standards of their time, in recording the various twigs and branches of the Hartwell family tree. I would not have been able to accomplish this present volume without their pre- vious input. When I first became the Hartwell family’s genealogist, some years ago now, I thought that my major tasks were to keep the families included in John F. Hartwell’s work updated, and to eventually publish a supplement containing these updates. As I worked more and more with the volumes produced by Densmore and John F. Hartwell, I came to realize that a supplement just wasn’t going to “do the trick.” For one thing, John F. Hartwell had already (in 1962) published a supplement to his 1956 work. Trying to integrate the information in that supplement with the information in the 1956 volume is a daunting task, as anyone who has tried it will soon become aware. Trying to integrate a second supplement would only further complicate this process. Moreover, there were several grievous errors regarding the early generations. The most flagrant of these is probably the statement that John2 Hartwell married sisters. Other misinfor- mation includes (but is not limited to) the incorrect identity of Samuel2 Hartwell’s third wife, confusion about several different William Hartwells, the conflation of two Phipps Hartwells into Introduction xi one man, and the conflation of two Samuel Hartwells into one man, with the children of the younger Samuel Hartwell being attributed to still another Samuel (actually Robert) Hartwell, who never had any children. These last two errors have caused descendants to be included in the wrong generation from William1 Hartwell, and would be difficult to explain in a supple- ment. There are at least two supposed “divorces” that never happened, and several misidentifications of spouses, not to mention a few cases where children are attributed to their grand- parents rather than their parents. In addition to the above problems, there are date “typos” in the 1956 work almost too numerous to catalog. These are probably the fault of the type- setter rather than the genealogist, but still result in some curious, often impossible-to-believe chronologies. Lastly, neither Densmore nor John F. Hartwell documented their work. Although both of them apparently looked at some probate records and deeds, they did not convey this to their readers, nor did they give many clues as to where they had ob- tained their information. Neither gentleman evidently thought places were nearly as important as dates, and both go on for gen- erations without mentioning a location, as if (for example) being born in , marrying in Illinois, and dying in California were not relevant to one’s life history. John F. Hartwell’s 1956 work is no longer accepted by hereditary societies, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, as proof of descendancy. Modern genealogical techniques call for documentation of every vital statistic, and I have tried hard to follow this rule. My impossible dream was to replace every “HOA” reference with a citation from an acceptable source such as a town record, cemetery inscription, or other evidence, but I have had to resort to “HOA” for a number of references, primarily in states such as New York, that have poor vital records. xii Introduction


A few comments about format are in order at this point. Densmore started with the oldest progenitor (William1), then the oldest of the second generation (John2), oldest of the third gen- eration, and so on, down to his own day. He then went back to the second oldest of generation two, second oldest of generation three, etc. This method not only resulted in wide separation of siblings, but, coupled with a lack of surnames, is almost as impossible to follow as it is to explain. The 1956 edition used a modified Register format, and John F. Hartwell deserves great credit for managing to rearrange Densmore’s family groups into this simpler format. Register format is a time-tested arrangement of families, developed by the New England Historic and Genea- logical Society, and today it is almost exclusively the format used by serious genealogists. John F. decided to separate his com- pilation into “Elder Male” and “Younger Male” lines, a perfectly acceptable arrangement, but one I have chosen to ignore in the interest of keeping every descendant of William1 in “the same part of the bus,” so to speak. My work is separated by generation rather than male progenitor.

Numbering System

My numbering system differs markedly from John F. Hartwell’s. Whereas he only gave people an arabic number, I have chosen, in accordance with Register format, to give people a roman numeral indicating their place in their family, and an arabic number, which is used primarily as a finding aid. True Register format calls for an arabic number only on those people being continued into the next generation. Those known to have died young, who had no progeny, or about whom no further in- formation is available, are given only a roman numeral. I started out using this method, but then went back and gave every person born a Hartwell an arabic number (those who are “continued” Introduction xiii have a + sign before the arabic number). My reasons for this are two-fold: 1. It is always possible that further information will appear regarding someone who supposedly “died young” but really didn’t, or information may arise about someone previously thought to have had no later history. In the event of those happen- ings, the person will have a ready-made number, and we will not have to resort to “101a,” “A203b,” and so on, as John F. Hartwell did. 2. The number serves to give an indication of how many Hartwell-named descendants of William1 have actually appeared on the face of the earth at any point in time, and can possibly be used later to compile interesting statistics. Many people fail to realize that John F. Hartwell went back to number 2 when numbering the “Younger Male” line, thereby causing two people (one in each section of the genealogy) to car- ry the same number. This has sometimes caused needless hunting when people state that their ancestor is number such-and-such but don’t specify whether elder or younger male line. Each generation begins with the number of that generation, then a decimal point, followed by the birth order of that person in his or her generation. Thus, generation 4 begins with number 4.1 and ends with number 4.155, indicating that 155 Hartwells were born in that generation. Generation 5 begins with number 5.1 and continues to the youngest person born in that generation. This in- novative numbering system was adopted because adding a new Hartwell to any generation caused the entire work from that point on to have to be renumbered. This system means that only the generation into which the new Hartwell is added needs to be renumbered. xiv Introduction

Female Lines How far to carry non-Hartwell surnamed lines has been a continuing, not to say heart-wrenching, problem. Certainly any two people who can claim William1 Hartwell as a 10th great- grandfather share the same amount of his blood in their veins, regardless of whether or not their surname is currently Hartwell. That being said, the majority of surname genealogies (of which this is one) do not carry the descendants of people who no longer bear that surname much beyond the first generation, if that. Densmore and John F. Hartwell were quite inconsistent, carrying some female lines for several generations, and completely ignor- ing others. Apparently they included whatever was submitted to them, but did not go out of their way to research uncommuni- cative females. I wanted to be consistent in my treatment of all female Hartwells who married and had progeny, and eventually decided to carry these lines only through the grandchildren of the Hartwell-named woman, even though more information might be, and often is, readily available (such information more proper- ly belongs in a genealogy devoted to the surname these people currently carry). All information about such Hartwell-related families is in- cluded under the biography of the Hartwell-named progenitor (usually the grandmother), who is the only person in the family to be given an arabic number (two rare exceptions to this rule are Francis Hartwell Blood and Simon Hartwell Tuttle, both of whom dropped their birth surname and took up their mother’s maiden name). The Hartwell-named progenitor is also the only person to be given a super-scripted “generational” number as, in the strict genealogical sense, her children and grandchildren are not x number of generations from William1 (although they really are), but are however many generations they are from the pro- genitor of their birth surname. In other words, while I am Joy F.10 (Hartwell) Peach, my children should use a super-scripted “12” after their names, since they are twelfth-generation descendants of “old father Peach” of Marblehead, Massachusetts. On the Introduction xv other hand, my brother’s children are entitled to use a super- scripted “11,” as they are eleventh-generation descendants of William1 Hartwell and still bear his surname. While some of these genealogical rules may seem like sexist mumbo-jumbo, the fact remains that to try to carry non-Hartwell lines for an infinite number of generations would be a nearly impossible task. As it is, I sometimes despair of getting all the Hartwells properly cataloged. More are appearing all the time, largely thanks to the Hartwell Web site ( con- structed by our official Web-master, Wes Hartwell. The queries he receives point up the fact that there are many Hartwell problems still to be solved. Although some unidentified spouses have been found, several remain unknown (or unconfirmed). Several “un-attached” Hartwell families have been successfully “attached” and others have been tenuously “attached,” but the origins of others are still lost in the mists of time. Moreover, at least one previously “attached” family is now found to have been incorrectly attributed to an ancestor who clearly had no son.

Spelling Spelling was far from consistent even after the Revolution. To a great extent names in this book have been spelled as found in each record. This often provides different spellings of an indi- vidual’s name at his birth, upon marriage, and in a deed or will. For example, Hayward is found as Heywood and even Howard for the same person. With variant spellings so common-place, use of “(sic)” is restricted to exceptional examples. To assist the reader, most variant spellings of a name are lumped together in the index, rather than separately alphabetized.

Place Names To conserve space, all county, city, town, and other geo- graphic references in this work are to locations within Massa- chusetts, unless otherwise indicated. xvi Introduction

Because the process of the division, annexation, and re- naming of Massachusetts’s colonial political subdivisions into its present-day counties, cities, and towns continued even into the middle years of the twentieth century, it is possible that an an- cestor being researched was born, married and raised a family, and died in three different municipalities (or even two different states: until 1820 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts included present-day Maine) without, however, ever having left the family homestead. A very useful resource for genealogists researching Massachusetts families to help in tracing lines of descent through vital records kept since the 1630s is Galvin, William Francis, Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Mass- achusetts (NEGHS, 5th ed. 1997), which summarizes such municipal data as dates of division, annexation, and incorpo- ration, archaic names, and section and village names and contains references to survey maps held by the Massachusetts Archives and a comprehensive index.

Conclusion So, while this genealogy is far from “done,” it does contain my best efforts to date on the families involved, and I hope it will become the standard work on the family until something better comes along. In conclusion, I would like to thank the numerous correspondents who have provided interesting data (most of whom are acknowledged in the text), the personnel of the many research facilities I have haunted and, most of all, the members of The Hartwells of America Association for putting their faith in me. It has been a fascinating and rewarding project, and will continue to keep me occupied for the foreseeable future.

Joy F. (Hartwell) Peach Lancaster, Massachusetts February, 2007 Abbreviations and References

Note: Several references may have the same abbreviation; the text will indicate which reference is meant.

(–) Given name unknown (—) Surname unknown AVR Vital Records of Acton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1923). AVR Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1912); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1912). AVR Vital Records of Arlington, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1904). AVR Vital Records of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1909). AVR Birth, Marriage and Death Records of the Town of Ashby, Massachusetts from 1754 to 1890. (1989). AVR Vital Records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1942). AVR Vital Records of Attleborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1934). AVR Conant, Ethel C., ed. Vital Records of Augusta, Maine, to the Year 1892. Vol. 1, Births and Marriages. (1933); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1934). B&T Branches & Twigs. Vermont Genealogical Soci- ety quarterly magazine. Barbour Barbour, Lucius Barnes. Collection of Connect- icut Vital Records, 1634-1868 (: New xviii Abbreviations and References

England Historic Genealogical Society, var- ious years). BRC 21 A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing Dorchester Births, Marriages, and Deaths to the End of 1825. (Second Impression). (1891). (Report of the Record Commissioners, Vol. 21). BRC 24 A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing Boston Births from A.D. 1700 to A.D. 1800. (Report of the Record Commissioners, Vol. 24). (1894). BTCG Boston Transcript Genealogical Column. BVR Vital Records of Barre, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1903). BVR Vital Records of Bedford, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1903). BVR Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1906); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1907). BVR Vital Records of Billerica, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1908). BVR Vital Records of Bolton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1910). BVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Box- borough, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1915). BVR Vital Records of Boxford, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1905). Abbreviations and References xix

BVR Rice, Franklin P. Vital Records of the Town of Boylston, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1850. (Systematic History Fund). (1900). BVR Vital Records of Bradford, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849. (1907). BVR Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. Vol. 1, Births. (1916); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1916). BVR Vital Records of Brockton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). BVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Burling- ton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1915). CBMD Concord, Massachusetts. Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635-1850. (n.d.). ChVR Joslyn, Roger D., ed. Vital Records of Charles- town Massachusetts to the Year 1850. (Bos- ton: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1984). ChVR Vital Records of Chelmsford, Massachusetts To The End of the Year 1849 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1914). Cunningham Cunningham, George Alfred. A History of the Town of Lunenberg in Massachusetts: from the Original Grant, December 7th, 1719, to January 1st, 1866. Unpublished manuscript. (1898). CVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. Vol. 1, Births. (1914); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths (1915). xx Abbreviations and References

CVR Endicott, Frederic, ed. The Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths and Intentions of Mar- riage, in the Town of Stoughton from 1727 to 1800, and in the Town of Canton from 1797 to 1845, Preceded by the Records of the South Precinct of Dorchester from 1715 to 1727. (1896). CVR Vital Records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1918). CVR Vital Records of Charlemont, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1917). CVR Vital Records of Charlton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1905). CVR Vital Records of Conway, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1943). DARPI National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. DAR Patriot Index. Washington, DC. (1966). DVR Vital Records of Danvers, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1909); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1910). DVR Vital Records of Dudley, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1908). DVR Vital Records of Dunstable, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1913). Early CT Bailey, Frederic W. Early Connecticut Mar- Marriages riages as found on Ancient Church Records Prior to 1800. (1896-1906). Abbreviations and References xxi

Early Boyle, Frederick R. Early Families of Sanford- Families Springvale, Maine. (1989). ERL Davis, Walter A. The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, Includ- ing That Part Which is Now Fitchburg, 1719-1764. A Complete Transcript of the Town Meetings and Selectmen’s Records Contained in the First Two Books of the Gen- eral Records of the Town. Also, a Copy of All the Vital Statistics of the Town Previous to the Year 1764. (1896). FVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Fra- mingham, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). Gibson Wilson, Mehitable C.C. John Gibson of Cam- bridge, Massachusetts: and his Descendants, 1634-1899. (1900). Gs: Gravestone GVR Vital Records of Grafton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1906). GVR Vital Records of Greenfield, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1915). GVR Vital Records of Groton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1926); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1927). Hazen Hazen, Henry Allen. History of Billerica, Mass- achusetts, with a Genealogical Register. (1883). History of Merrill, John L. History of Acworth (New Acworth Hampshire), with the Proceedings of the xxii Abbreviations and References

Centennial Anniversary, Genealogical Re- cords, and Register of Farms. (1869). History of Randall, Oran E. History of Chesterfield, Chesh- Chesterfield ire County, N.H., from the Incorporation of “Township Number One,” by Massachusetts, in 1736, to the Year 1881. (1882). History of Coburn, Silas R. History of Dracut, Massa- Dracut chusetts. (1922). History of Estes, David F. The History of Holden, Massa- Holden chusetts. 1684-1894. (1894). History of Worcester, Samuel T. History of the Town of Hollis Hollis, , from its First Settle- ment to the Year 1879. (1879). History of Chandler, Charles H. The History of New New Ipswich Ipswich, New Hampshire, 1735-1914. (1914). History of Chandler, Seth. History of the Town of Shirley, Shirley Massachusetts, from its Early Settlement to A.D. 1882. (1883). History of Kingsbury, Frank B. History of the Town of Surry Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922. (1925). History of Westmoreland History Committee. History of Westmoreland Westmoreland (Great Meadow) New Hamp- shire, 1741-1970. (1976). HOA Hartwell, John F., ed. The Hartwells of Amer- ica. A Genealogy of all the Hartwell Families of the United States and Canada based largely on the Handbook of Hartwell Genealogy (1887) by Lyman Willard Densmore. (1956). Abbreviations and References xxiii

Holman Holman, Winifred Lovering. Robert Fletcher of Concord, Massachusetts, 1637; a Study of His Life and Family from the New England Records. (Typescript, 1930). HVR Vital Records of the Town of Halifax, Massa- chusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1905). HVR Hall, Mabel G., ed. Vital Records of Hallowell, Maine to the Year 1892. Vol. 1, Births. (1924); Vol. 2, Marriages. (1925); Vol. 3, Marriages. (1926); Vol. 4, Marriages. (1928); Vol. 5, Marriages and Deaths. (1928); Vol. 6, Deaths. (1929). HVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Hardwick, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1917). HVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Harvard, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1917). HVR Vital Records of Holden, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1904). IVR Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1910); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1910); Vol. 3. (1919). Jaquith Jaquith, George Oakes & Walker, Georgetta Jaquith. The Jaquith Family in America. (1982). Kneeland Holman, Winifred Lovering. Kneeland Neeland Neland et Variants. (Typescript, 1956). KVR Whitcomb, Frank H. Vital Statistics of the Town of Keene, New Hampshire, Compiled from the Town Records, First Church and xxiv Abbreviations and References

Family Records, the Original Fisher Record and the Newspapers. (1905). LBMD Nourse, Henry S., ed. The Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epi- taphs, of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643- 1850. (1890). LVR Vital Records of Leominster, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). LVR Lexington, Massachusetts. Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths to January 1, 1898. Part I.--From Earliest Record to End of 1853. Part II.--From 1854 to End of 1897. (1898). LVR Vital Records of Lincoln, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1908). LVR Records of Littleton, Massachusetts, Printed by Order of the Town. First Installment: Births and Deaths from the Earliest Records in the Town Books, Begun in 1715. (1900). LVR Vital Records of Lowell, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1930); Vol. 2, Marriages. (1930); Vol. 3, Marriages. (1930); Vol. 4, Deaths. (1930). LVR Vital Records of Lynn, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1905); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1906). MASSOG Massachusetts Society of Genealogists magazine. MD Mayflower Descendant magazine. MS&S Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revo- lution. 17 Volumes. Abbreviations and References xxv

MVR Corey, Deloraine P. Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Town of Malden, Massa- chusetts, 1649-1850. (1903). MVR Vital Records of Mansfield, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1933). MVR Vital Records of Marlborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1908). MVR Vital Records of Medford, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1907). MVR Vital Records of Methuen, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1909). MVR Vital Records of Middleton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1904). NEHGR The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. NEHGS New England Historic Genealogical Society n.f.r. No further record NGSQ National Genealogical Society Quarterly NSVR Vital Records of New Salem, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1927). NVR Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. 1, Births. (1911); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1911). NVR Vital Records of Newton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1905). NYGBR New York Genealogical Biographical Register. xxvi Abbreviations and References

ORF Davis, Walter A. Old Records of the Town of Fitchburg. Seven volumes. (1898-1907). OVR Vital Records of Oxford, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1905). PAM Author’s correspondence with Perry A. McLellan, Anaheim, CA. (1993). PVR Vital Records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). PVR Rice, George A. Vital Records of Pepperell, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1985). PVR Vital Records of Phillipston, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1906). PVR Vital Records of Princeton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1902). PVR Stevens, Ken, ed. Vital Records of Putney, Vermont, to the Year 1900. (Genealogical Society of Vermont Special Publication No. 2). (1992). RVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Reading, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1912). RVR Vital Records of Rockingham, Vermont and Records of the First Church of Rockingham, Vermont. (Genealogical Society of Vermont Special Publication Number 3). (1994). RVR Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1928). Abbreviations and References xxvii

RVR Vital Records of Royalston, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1906). RVR Vital Records of Rutland, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1905). Savage Savage, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. Four Volumes. (1860-1862). Shepard Shepard, Gerald Faulkner. The Shepard families of New England. Three Volumes. (1971-1973). Shirley Bolton, Ethel S. Shirley Uplands and Uplands Intervales, Annals of a Bordertown of Middlesex. (1914). Stiles Stiles, Henry R. The Stiles Family in America. (1863). SVR Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. Vol 1, Births. (1916); Vol. 2, Births. (1918); Vol. 3, Marriages. (1924); Vol. 4, Marriages. (1924); Vol. 5, Deaths. (1925); Vol. 6, Deaths. (1925). SVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Sherborn, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). SVR Vital Records of Shirley, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1918). SVR Vital Records of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic His- tory Fund). (1904). xxviii Abbreviations and References

SVR Vital Records of Stoneham, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1918). SVR Vital Records of Stow, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). SVR Vital Records of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1906). SVR Vital Records of Sudbury, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1903). SVR Vital Records of Sutton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1907). TVR Vital Records of Templeton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1907). TVR Vital Records of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1912). TVR Vital Records of Topsfield, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1903); Vol. 2, 1850-1899. (1916). TVR Hallowell, Henry C., ed. Vital Records of Townsend, Massachusetts. Town Records to 1850 with Marriage Intentions to 1873 and Cemetery Inscriptions. (New England His- toric Genealogical Society). (1992). TVR Vital Records of Tyngsborough, Massachu- setts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1913). UVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1916). Abbreviations and References xxix

VF 1791 Bartley, Scott, Ed. Vermont Families in 1791. Vol. 1. Genealogical Society of Vermont Special Publication Number 1. (1992). Waldo Hall, Joseph D. The Genealogy and Biography of the Waldos of America from 1650 to 1883. (1883). WB Johnson, Edward P. Woburn Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, from 1640 to 1873. Part I. Births. (1890). WBVR Vital Records of West Bridgewater, Massa- chusetts, to the Year 1850. (1911). WD Johnson, Edward P. Woburn Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, from 1640 to 1873. Part II. Deaths. (1890). WM Johnson, Edward P. Woburn Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, from 1640 to 1873. Part III. Marriages. (1891). WSVR Vital Records of West Stockbridge, Massa- chusetts, to the Year 1850. (1907). WVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Wake- field, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. (1912). WVR Watertown Records, 5 Volumes. (1894-1928). WVR Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1904). WVR Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1903). WVR Vital Records of Westford, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1915). xxx Abbreviations and References

WVR Vital Records of Westminster, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (1915). WVR Town of Weston. Records of the First Precinct, 1746-1754, and of the Town, 1754-1803. (1893). WVR Vital Records of Winchendon, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Systematic History Fund). (1909). WVR Rice, Franklin P. Worcester Births, Marriages and Deaths. (Births, 1714-1848; Marriages, 1747-1848; Deaths, 1826-1848). (Collec- tions of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, Vol. 12). (1894). WVR Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Wren- tham, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. Vol. 1, Births. (1910); Vol. 2, Marriages and Deaths. (1910). First Generation

1. WILLIAM1 HARTWELL died at Concord, Massachusetts, 12 March 1689/90 (CBMD 55), “in the 77th year of his age” (Middle- sex Probate File 10598). He may be the William Hartwell baptized at Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England, 21 December 1613, son of Francis and Mary (—) Hartwell (Beetle Gazette, Vol. 1, #1), although proof positive is lacking at this time (a discussion of William’s possible ancestry appears in Appendix A). William was evidently one of the many adventurous men who departed England during the years of the Great Migration (1629- 1640). His name does not appear on any ship’s passenger list found to date, but many of the 20,000 or so English who reached America during those years are similarly unrecorded. He first appears in the New World in 1636 when he was allotted a tract of nine acres of land in Concord, probably the fifth allotment from Meriam’s corner, nearly a mile east of the public square (HOA). He was one of the first settlers of Concord, who, on their way to “discover the fitness of the place” in 1635 or 1636, had struggled through the thickets, where their hands are forced to make way for their bodies passage, and their feet clambering over the crossed trees, which when they missed they sunk into an uncertain bottom in water, and wade up to their knees, . . . that the ragged bushes scratch their legs fouly, even to wearing their stockings to their bare skin in two or three hours. If they be not otherwise well defended with boots or buskings, their flesh will be torn. Some of them being forced to pass on without further provision, have had the blood trickle down at every step. And in time of summer, the sun casts such a reflecting heat from the sweet fern, whose scent is very strong, that some herewith have been very near fainting, although very able bodies to undergo much travel (Edward Johnson, The Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England, ed. William Frederick Poole [Andover, Mass., 1867], 81). On 18 May 1642, William was made a freeman of the colony, an honor conferred by the General Court only on those who could produce evidence that they were respectable members of some Congregational church. Being made a freeman was a prerequisite of the right to vote (Lucius R. Paige, List of Freemen of Massachusetts, 1630- 1691, 19 [hereinafter, Freemen]). 2 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

William was one of the petitioners on a document dated 5 October 1653, which went to the General Court requesting the incorporation of the town of Chelmsford. On 18 October 1659, with four other men, he petitioned the General Court for assistance in maintaining bridges across the Concord River. He was road overseer (along with Timothy Wheeler) in the west quarter in 1663- 64 (HOA). On 7 September 1664, a petition of Robert Fletcher, William Buss and William Hartwell was filed in court about a Joseph Lamson, who had been previously complained of, but who had been repentant of his misdeeds, so that the signers state “we doe pase it by” (Middlesex County Court Files, as quoted in the Fletcher manuscript by Winifred Lovering Holman). An address to the throne, dated 3 August 1664, from the citizens of Concord, expressing their loyalty, bears his name. In 1666 he was apparently one of the larger land holders in Concord, with 157 acres of land “be they more or less” in twenty separately described tracts (HOA). In 1671 William was granted power of administration on behalf of his widowed daughter, Sarah Parker, and her children (Middlesex Probate File 16483). In 1672 he was one of a committee of nine citizens appointed to frame rules for the guidance of the selectmen of Concord (HOA). On 15 October 1673, “the cornet’s place in the troop under the conduct of Thomas Wheeler being vacant, Court chose Henry Woodis the present quarter-master to be cornet and Corporall William Hartwell to succeed said Woodis as quarter-master” (Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1661-1674, 4:II). William undoubtedly had only one wife, JEZAN (—), who was born ca. 1608 according to her testimony concerning the verbal will of her daughter, Sarah Parker. Jezan (as it is spelled in this document) testified before Simon Willard on 3 April 1675 that she was “aged 67 years or thereabouts” (Middlesex Probate File 16483). Jezan died at Concord 15 August 1695 (CBMD 57), with no age First Generation 3

Deposition of Jezan Hartwell (Middlesex County Probate File). given. [Notes: 1) Savage’s Genealogical Dictionary incorrectly credits William with two wives, Susan and Jazan. The name Susan appears only in the Cambridge copy of their son Samuel’s birth (NEHGR 8[1854]:347), and may have been misread by the clerk who transcribed the record, as all other evidence seems to agree that her name was Jezan (also spelled Jazan, Jasan, Jassin, etc.). 2) Jezan’s apparently unique name is a mystery on several levels. This researcher has been told by linguistic experts that the name definitely does not appear to be “English,” and, in an age when children were almost invariably named for their parents and/or grand-parents, this name was not used by any of Jezan’s descen- dants until the twelfth generation. It has been suggested that the name may possibly be a feminine version of Jazaniah or Jessaniah, but no connection with any males bearing these names has been found.] 4 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

No marriage record between William Hartwell and Jezan has yet been found. In his will, William1 Hartwell referred to Francis Fletcher (son of Robert1) as “cousin.” This reference has caused speculation that William may have married Robert Fletcher’s sister; likewise, Robert Fletcher may have married a sister of William’s; or the wives of the two men may have been sisters (Snow, Nora E., The Snow-Estes Ancestry). However, in those days, the term “cousin” denoted a variety of relationships, including, among others, nephew. It is possible that, because Francis Fletcher was married to Elizabeth Wheeler, sister of William’s daughter-in-law, Ruth (Wheeler) Hartwell (wife of William’s son Samuel), this was a close enough relationship to earn Francis the title of “cousin” to William. It is not known if William remained on his original allotment until his death. The Lincoln branch of the family believed that he spent his last years in what is now Lincoln, on the Hartwell farm, and the clause in his will giving his present dwelling to his younger son, Samuel, and the statement that this son lived nearest to him, lends color to the opinion (HOA). William made his will 19 December 1689, as follows: I William Hartwell of Concord in the County of Middlesex in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, being at present weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner following. First, I commit my soul into the hands of God, trusting in his grace through Jesus Christ that he will receive it unto himself when he pleases to take me out of the world, & my body to be decently Buryed, hoping for the resurrection thereof at the appearing of Christ to Judgment, to Eternal life. And as for the outward estate which God hath been pleased to give, I having already disposed to my eldest son John by deed of gift, to the number of an hundred and four acres of upland & meadow or thereabouts, as by the said deed of gift may appear, of which he is possessed, and having also in the like deed of gift given an hundred acres to my younger son Samuel, seventy acres of which hundred he is also possessed of, my will is that he shall have to make up the said hundred acres twenty seven acres of upland out of my land which lyeth near Mr. Ephraim Flint’s great meadow, which twenty seven acres shall be of that which lyeth nearest the meeting house & for the rest of my Lands and effects my will is that they shall be disposed of as followeth. I dispose to my eldest son John First Generation 5 all my parcel of Land in the brick kiln field and six acres of upland more or less lying near a pond adjoining to some land of my son Samuel & to some of Mr. Hoar’s Land on the northeast. Also five acres of land in Crane field bounding with Christopher Wooley’s Land on the north, Sergeant Wheeler on the west and to the Land given to my son Samuel eastwardly. Also four acres in Crane field bounded on the southwest with Sergeant Wheeler’s Land, with Deacon Luke Potter on the southwest, with William Taylor on the northwest, & with John Myriam on the northeast. Also I give my son Samuel seven acres of meadow being part of thirteen acre meadow lying beyond Crane field adjoyning to John Myriam’s Land on the north, and also two thirds of my Land lying in the ox pasture adjoining to Francis Fletcher his meadow, on the south, also five acres of upland more or less ... the Bay path to Mr. Ephraim Flynt’s great meadow, part of it adjoining to Nathaniel Stow’s Land on the east side, also an acre & three quarters of land in cedar swamp, all this to be enjoyed by him & his heirs & assigns for ever, after mine and my wife’s decease, except my wife surviving me shall have need to sell any parcel or parcels thereof for her supply with convenient maintenance which I give her power to do as is hereafter expressed. Also I bequeath to my son Samuel and to his heirs & assigns forever, my present dwelling house and house lot with the other Buildings upon it with an acre & an half of broken up land & the other half of the little swamp before mentioned with a little piece of meadow about two acres with the upland adjoining to it upon the plaine behind the Hills adjoining to that of which he is already possessed. Also six acres of meadow adjoining to the seven given to my son John as is before expressed and four acres of upland adjoining to it on the south, also five acres of upland near land at the end of the Bounds not yet laid out lying towards Mr. Lane’s farm. Also six acres of upland more or less upon the said ... from south west adjoining to Deacon Myriam’s Land on the north & to James Taylor on the south. Also three acres in Chestnut field adjoining to Mr. Ephraim Flynt’s pond on the west. Also the other third part of my Land in the ox pasture adjoining next to John Farwell’s Land, also three acres more or less lying behind the Hills bounded by the Land which he had of his father-in-law George Wheeler on the south, by the Land of my other son John on the north, by the land of Samuel Jones on the southwest, adjoining to the pond which the East quarter gave him the said Samuel my son. Also four acres of meadow in the great Meadow adjoining to the acre of which he is already possessed, so that my will is that he shall have all the five acres bounded by Eliphalet Fox on the south, by William Baker on the north & the great River on the west & the upland on the east. Also one acre in Cedar swamp. Also I bequeath to him all my right & interest in the additional tract of Land given by the General Court to the Town commonly called the village. All the 6 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

parcels of land above said not to be enjoyed by my said sons John & Samuel till after the decease of my beloved wife Jezan, except the twenty seven acres to make up the hundred acres given to my son Samuel. It being my will that my said wife shall have the said house & house lot & all the parcels before expressed for her use and maintenance during the term of her life in case she survives me & I do hereby give her power to sell any parcel or parcels of the said lands except the house & lot & that which is near to it in case she shall need to sell them for her supply, provided that she sell not more out of that given to one son than out of that given to the other. Also I leave to my said wife all my cattle, horse & other living creatures for her own use during her life & for the satisfaction of any debts that I may be in at the time of my death and the payment of the charges of my burial. And at her death what is not before disposed of for the ends before mentioned then to be disposed of to the children of my said sons and daughters or the worth of them equally. Also I leave to my said wife all my wearing apparel for her to dispose of for her own comfort, if she pleases, or that she give one garment to my son-in-law Jonathan Hill. Also I desire her to give to the two eldest sons of the said John & Samuel all the arms belonging to my Trooping horse with the bridle & saddle, to be as equally divided between them as may be, and whereas the sword of officers in a troop is usually the Trumpetors of the Troop, my wish and desire is that my sons John & Samuel pay unto each of the Trumpettors four shillings in stead of the said sword which I desire may be kept for one of my grandchildren as aforesaid. Also my will is that my son Samuel’s second son called William shall have my fowling piece when he comes to the age of twenty one years. Also I bequeath to my said wife all the moveables in my house during her life for her use & after her death to my Daughter Mary; and my will is that none of them be sold for my wife’s supply, only I particularly bequeath a little Iron pot to my grandchild Mary, the Daughter of my son Samuel. Also my wish is that if the moveables in the house given to my Daughter Mary Hill amount not at my wife’s decease to the sum of forty pounds, then the said sum of forty pounds is to be made up to her by my two sons John and Samuel equally as followeth: To my two grandchildren by my Daughter Sarah deceased, as followeth: To my grandson Benjamin one pound ten shillings & to my grandson John ten shillings, to be paid to them by my said sons John & Samuel in equal proportion at the end of two years after the said Lands come into their hands by my wife’s decease. If they shall not take this gift thankfully but complayne, my will is that they shall have nothing at all. Also I leave all my utensils of husbandry (which I do not include in the moveables given to my Daughter Mary Hill) to my said wife or to her disposal before or at her decease. I also bequeath my three Books of Mr. Burroughs his works to my said two First Generation 7

sons and my said Daughter Mary, to each of them one. Also my will is that my said sons pay to each of my five grandchildren by my Daughter Mary Hill ten shillings within the space of two years after the Estate I hereby Leave has come into their possession. I also do desire my son Samuel according to his promise made before several witnesses, to take good care of his aged mother & to be helpful to her in the management of her concerns for her comfort, he living most convenient for it. Also I earnestly desire my said sons John & Samuel & as their father’s charge to them, to maintayne brotherly Love and unity between them, Living as becometh brothers in mutual helpfullness each to other. And lastly I do hereby appoint my said beloved wife & my sons John & Samuel the executors of this my last will & Testament & my much respected friend Luke Potter & my cousin Francis Fletcher overseers of the same. In witness whereof I the said William Hartwell have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty and nine. Signed sealed & published by William William X Hartwell Hartwell as his Last will & Testament his mark in the presence of Jonathan Prescott John Meriam Samuel How (Middlesex Probate File 10598).

The graves of William and Jezan were unmarked, but they were probably buried in The Old Hill Burying Ground in Concord Center, where the Hartwell Family Association placed a commem- orative marker in 1993. Children (listed in the order in which they married), all born probably at Concord: +2.1 i. SARAH2 HARTWELL, b. circa 1639; m. BENJAMIN PARKER. +2.2 ii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 23 (12) 1640 [23 Feb 1640/1] (CBMD 2); m. (1) PRISCILLA WRIGHT, (2) ELIZABETH WRIGHT. +2.3 iii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 26 (1) 1645 [26 March 1645] (CBMD 4); m. (1) RUTH WHEELER, (2) REBECCA MEADS, (3) ELIZABETH (PROCTOR) FLETCHER. 2.4 iv. MARTHE HARTWELL, b. 25th (2) 1649 [25 April 1649] (CBMD 5); either died young or is actually Mary, below. 8 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

William and Jezan Hartwell Memorial Headstone, Hillside Cemetery, Concord Center. Dedicated by the Hartwells of America Association, June, 1993.

+2.5 v. MARY HARTWELL, no birth date on record; m. JONATHAN HILL. [Notes: 1) It is possible that Mary’s name has been incorrectly tran- scribed as “Marthe” at some point in time. No other records mentioning “Marthe” exist, and Mary’s marriage date is consistent with a young woman born on “Marthe’s” birth date. No evidence has been found for HOA’s statement that Mary was born “about 1643.” Her husband was born in 1646 and chances are good that she was younger than he. 2) A 2003 Willard Family Newsletter indicated that a previously unidentified John Willard, hung as a witch at Salem in 1692, was possibly the illegitimate son of John Willard of Concord and Martha Hartwell. The document containing this startling bit of news is currently being analyzed, and the Willard Family hopes to have more information soon. First Generation 9

Inventory of William1’s Possessions from His Middlesex County Probate File.

3) Savage’s Genealogical Dictionary names other children of William and Jezan as: William, born probably in 1638; Jonathan and Nathaniel by second wife, Jessie. These children are also mentioned by Shattuck in his History of Concord, published in 1855, but there is no documentation on any such children or wife.] 10 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Second Generation

2.1 SARAH2 HARTWELL (William1) was born probably at Concord, circa 1639 and she died there 8 July 1674 (CBMD 18), with no age given. She married at Billerica, 18 April 1661 (BVR 267), BENJAMIN2 PARKER, who was born at Cambridge, -- June 1636 (CVR 1:537) and died there 17 January 1671/2 (CVR 2:686), son of Robert1 and Judith (—) Parker. Sarah and Benjamin Parker are buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Cambridge (Church records). “Robert1 Parker came with Governor Winthrop, possibly from Woolpit, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. He was a member of the Boston Church in 1634, and of Cambridge in 1638. He died in 1685, age 83; his wife Judith died 1682, age 80. He was one of the sub-purchasers of the Dudley farm in Billerica, held a proprietor’s right, but probably never lived there. In 1660, [his son] Benjamin Parker had a grant on the south slope of Bare Hill, his house standing west of the old Woburn road” (Hazen, History of Billerica). Benjamin Parker’s will named his wife Sarah as executor of his estate, but on 2 December 1671, William Hartwell testified that she was incapable of executing the will, and he was granted power of administration by Captain Daniel Gookin and Thomas Danforth (Middlesex Probate File 16483). Sarah’s (verbal) will, dated 1675 and attested to by Jezan Hartwell and Isabell Taylour, left her wearing apparell to her sons and her sister, “the wife of Jonathan Hill of Billerica” (Middlesex Probate File 16796). The inventory of Sarah’s possessions stated that her estate “was indebted to Wm Hartwell for the sum of 12 pounds for keeping John Parker the younger son of the sd Sarah about two years and five months.” As we have seen, William Hartwell, in his will, left his grandson Benjamin Parker one pound ten shillings, and his grandson John Parker ten shillings, with the admonition “if they shall not take this gift thankfully but complayne, my will is that they shall have nothing at all.” (Middlesex Probate File 10598). One wonders what family dynamics lay behind this seemingly callous bequest. 12 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all born at Billerica: i. BENJAMIN PARKER, b. 29 June 1662 (BVR 141); d. 23 Dec 1733 (BVR 381); m. (1) 11 Oct 1684 (BVR 296), MARY TRULL, b. Billerica, 22 July 1662 (BVR 193), d. there 15 Sept 1694 (BVR 382), dau. of John and Sarah (French) Trull. Benjamin m. (2) 10 Nov 1697 (BVR 296), ABIGAIL FRENCH, b. Billerica, 6 Dec 1665 (BVR 80), d. there 13 March 1722/3 (BVR 381), dau. of John and Hannah (Burridge) French. Benjamin m. (3) Woburn, 23 Nov 1726 (BVR 296), MARY POODNEY, who was almost certainly Mary (Jones) Pudney, b. Salem, 30 Jan 1665, dau. of Hugh and Hannah (Tompkins) Jones, and widow of John Pudney (1663-c1713), by whom she had at least five children. Children by first wife, all born at Billerica (BVR 141-144): 1. Mary Parker, b. 26 Jan 1685/6; m. Billerica/Concord, 3 Dec 1705 (BVR 297, CBMD 64), Philip Priest “of Concord”; n.f.r. 2. Sarah Parker, b. 2 Dec 1687; n.f.r. 3. Benjamin Parker, b. 26 Oct 1689; m. Billerica/ Concord, 22 Oct 1711 (BVR 297; CBMD 78), Lydia Chamberlain, b. Billerica, 6 Oct 1689 (BVR 37), dau. of John and Deborah (Jaco) Chamberlain. Benjamin disappears from Billerica tax lists in 1735 (HOA), and may well be the Benjamin Parker who signed a petition dated Dunstable 18 June 1744 requesting that garrisons and soldiers be sent to that area (History of Hollis, NH). Five children recorded at Billerica (HOA gives only two). Children by second wife, born at Billerica (BVR 141-143): 4. Abigail Parker, b. 11 Sept 1698; m. Billerica/ Charlestown, 15 Aug 1722 (BVR 296; ChVR 282), John Marshall, b. Billerica, 19 Jan 1698/9 (BVR 132), d. prob. Tewksbury, 6 Oct 1762 (HOA; TVR 229), son Second Generation 13

of John Jr. and Eunice (Rogers) Marshall. [Note: Densmore’s identification of John Marshall as the son of John and Hannah (Atkinson) Marshall is incorrect. Hannah (Atkinson) Marshall, the first wife of John’s grandfather, died without issue in 1665. John m. (2) Mary Burrage, who was the mother of the John Marshall who m. Eunice Rogers.] John and Abigail (Parker) Marshall had five children recorded at Billerica. 5. John Parker, b. 17 Dec 1700; will dated 29 May 1747 (Middlesex Probate File 16633); m. Mary Crosby (BVR 297 lists m. with no date), who d. before 20 March 1748. John’s will left his estate to his wife Mary, but the Billerica selectmen decided that she was incapable of managing the estate properly, and appointed Samuel Danforth to be co-executor. After Mary’s death, John Blanchard, Benjamin Shed and Samuel Danforth stood bond, 3 April 1749, to administer the estate, and Samuel Danforth was chosen executor (Probate File 16633). Mary (Crosby) Parker has not been identified; her garbled identifi- cation in HOA is incorrect on several counts. John and Mary evidently had twins, John and Mary, b. 30 March 1745 (BVR 143), d. in infancy. 6. Hannah Parker (not in HOA), b. 26 Jan 1702/3; her brother John’s will left a legacy to his sister, Hannah Frost, but her marriage and later history have not been found. 7. Bethiah Parker (not in HOA), b. 17 Sept 1705; m. 10 May 1738 (BVR 296), Richard4 Snow (Samuel3-2, Richard1). Bethiah Snow was remembered in her brother John’s will. One child recorded at Billerica. ii. JOHN PARKER, b. 3 Dec 1663 (BVR 143); d. 8 Dec 1663 (BVR 381). iii. SAMUEL PARKER, b. 19 Nov 1664 (BVR 144); d. prob. young. 14 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

iv. JOHN PARKER, b. 17 March 1667/8 (BVR 143); d. Billerica, 1 Jan 1698/9 (BVR 381); m. Billerica/Concord, 15 Dec 1696 (BVR 296; CBMD 43), ABIGAIL WHITAKER, dau. of John and Elizabeth (—) Whitaker. After John’s death, Abigail m. (2) Billerica, 16 March 1702/3 (BVR 295), SIMON CROSBY, by whom she had at least six more children. Child, born at Billerica: 1. John Parker Jr., b. 14 May 1698 (BVR 143; HOA has 1689); m. ca. 1721, Sarah (—). One child (two per HOA) recorded at Billerica. v. SAMUEL PARKER, b. 26 Sept 1670 (BVR 144); d. 1 Dec 1670 (BVR 382).

2.2 JOHN2 HARTWELL (William1) was born at Concord, 23 (12) 1640 [23 February 1640/1] (CBMD 2), and he died there, of smallpox, 12 January 1702/3 (CBMD 58). He married first at Concord, 1 June 1664 (CBMD 11), PRISCILLA WRIGHT, who was born probably at Woburn before 1646 and died at Concord, 3 May 1681 (CBMD 24), almost certainly a daughter of John and Priscilla Wright of Woburn, born before that couple’s first recorded child in 1646. Naming patterns, plus the fact that John and Priscilla (Wright) Hartwell’s youngest child lived and died in Woburn, contribute to this identification. More about John and Priscilla Wright of Woburn can be found in William R. Cutter’s Wright Family of Woburn, Mass. (NEHGR 37[1883]:76-77). John married second, at Concord, 23.8.1682 [23 October 1682] (CBMD 25), ELIZABETH WRIGHT, who was born probably there ca. 1655 and died there 16 December 1704 (CBMD 68), daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Mellowes) (Barrett) Wright. Despite their common surname, Lyman Densmore’s statement (copied verbatim by John F. Hartwell and appearing in several genealogical publications), that John2 Hartwell’s wives were sisters, cannot be correct. Firstly, the Biblical dictum that husband and wife Second Generation 15 become “one flesh” was taken in the most literal sense in the 17th century. Hence, the sister of a man’s wife became his sister, and marriage with such “in-laws” was frowned upon and usually prohibited in precisely the same way as if they had been actual blood relatives. There is an interesting discussion of this prohibition in an article by eminent genealogist Donald Lines Jacobus (The American Genealogist, 9[1932]:70-73). Secondly, Edward Wright, who apparently had no earlier wife, could not have married the widow Elizabeth (Mellowes) Barrett until late in 1652 or 1653, and thus could not have had a daughter old enough to marry in 1664. Elizabeth Mellowes had married first, Thomas Barrett, who drowned in the Sudbury River 14:4m:1652 [14 June 1652] (Middlesex Probate File 1269), by whom she had two children. Thirdly, Priscilla is not listed as a child of Edward and Elizabeth Wright in the highly regarded genealogy of the Bulkeley family by Donald Lines Jacobus (The Bulkeley Genealogy: Reverend Peter Bulkeley...[1933]). Descendants of John and Priscilla (Wright) may be somewhat disappointed by this finding, as descendants of John and Elizabeth (Wright) can claim descent from King Henry II through Elizabeth’s Mellowes/Bulkeley ancestry (see Appendix B). Further research might establish a relationship between John Wright of Woburn and Edward Wright of Concord, both of whom apparently had con- nections to Warwickshire, England. [Note: In a deed to John Hoar of Concord, Edward Wright stated that he was “sole heir” to his father’s estate of Castle Bromwich in Warwickshire (Middlesex Deed), but this comment does not necessarily indicate that Edward was an only child]. John Hartwell served in King Philip’s War, as a member of Captain Thomas Wheeler’s company, which marched to the defense of Quabog [now Brookfield]. He was made a freeman of the colony 21 March 1690 (Freemen, 36). The exact place of his residence is unknown, as he owned several small tracts of land scattered over Concord. In the apportionment of the grant of lands in Concord Village, now Acton, he was allowed one right. On 19 April 1697 he was one of a committee to run lines between Blood’s farms and the 16 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Chelmsford line, “from a stake at Hill’s ordinary with Chelmsford line to Walter Powers’ hill.” In 1698 and 1702 he was tithingman. On 23 January 1699, John and Elizabeth “his now married wife” deeded to John Fassett (husband of John Hartwell’s niece Mary Hill) a “meadow and uplands, formerly belonging to William Hartwell, dec’d” (Middlesex Deed 12:513). This property was located in what is now the town of Bedford. On 21 February 1703, Ebenezer Hartwell and Ebenezer Lamson approved the appointment of Peter Wright, the boys’ maternal uncle, as guardian to “Edward, aged about 15 years and Jonathan, aged about 13” (Middlesex Probate File 10563). John’s estate was settled 12 March 1704/5 by an agreement between his heirs, who are named as “sons Ebenezer and John, son-in-law Ebenezer Lamson and daughter Sarah Lamson, John Meriam, attorney for son William, son Joseph, daughter Elizabeth, and Peter Wright, guardian for sons Edward and Jonathan” (Middlesex Probate File 10562). Children by Priscilla Wright, born at Concord: +3.1 i. EBENEZER3 HARTWELL, b. 5 April 1666 (CBMD 12); m. SARAH SMEDLEY. +3.2 ii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 15 April 1669 (CBMD 14); m. SARAH SHEPARD. 3.3 iii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 5 Oct 1673 (CBMD 18); d. 31 Dec 1694 (CBMD 57). +3.4 iv. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 12 April 1677 (CBMD 22); m. EBENEZER LAMSON. 3.5 v. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 22 March 1678 (CBMD 22, incorrectly as “son of William”). William married at Concord, the Rev. Mr. Joseph Estabrook officiating, 18 Jan 1702/3 (CBMD 54), ABIGAIL, about whom no information has been found to date. After the date of their marriage, this couple disap- pears from the records of the area. According to HOA, William and Abigail “prob. lived in Dunstable, NH in 1744.” HOA also asserts that William died at Concord 10 July 1762, but both these statements almost certainly Second Generation 17

apply to other William Hartwells. William4 Hartwell (see #4.47) purchased land in Dunstable 10 June 1743 and is no doubt the signer of the petition dated Dunstable 18 June 1744. (A discussion of the William Hartwell who probably died 10 July 1762 appears under #4.47-iv.) Densmore believed that William may have been rep- resented by lawyer John Merriam at the division of his father’s estate because of family resentment over the fact that he married only six days after his father’s death. However, John’s estate was not settled until after the widow Elizabeth’s death in 1704, and William and Abigail may well have left the area by that time. Further research is indicated. +3.6 vi. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 24 Feb 1680[/1] (CBMD 24); m. RUHAMAH CUTTER. Children by second wife, Elizabeth Wright, born at Concord: 3.7 vii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 23.10.83 [23 Dec 1683] (CBMD 26) or 23 Dec 1684 (CBMD 30); death record not found. Elizabeth was unmarried in 1717/18 when her uncle, Peter Wright, wrote his will, giving her the use of his estate after the decease of his wife “during the time of her natural life,” but she subsequently married at Concord, Justice Minott officiating, 3 Dec 1722 (CBMD 106), SAMUEL WILSON, perhaps the son of William and Sarah (Blood) Wilson, b. Concord, 5 May 1690 (CBMD 33), d. there 5 July 1738, in the 49th year of his age (CBMD 435). Samuel is buried in Concord’s Main Street Burying Ground, but there is no record of Elizabeth, or of any children. +3.8 viii. EDWARD HARTWELL, b. 23 May 1689 (CBMD 30); m. SARAH WILDER. +3.9 ix. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 15 Feb 1691/2 (CBMD 36); m. (1) ELIZABETH BROWN, (2) SARAH WHEELER. 18 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2.3 SAMUEL2 HARTWELL (William1) was born at Concord, 26 (1) 1645 [26 March 1645] (CBMD 4), and he died there 26 July 1725 (CBMD 110). He married first, at Concord, 26 October 1665 (CBMD 12), RUTH WHEELER, who was born probably at Concord ca. 1647 (John Brooks Threllfall, Fifty Great Migration Colonists, 497) and died there 19 December 1713 (CBMD 82), daughter of George and Catherine (Penn?) Wheeler, as is shown by the wording of both William Hartwell’s and George Wheeler’s wills. Ruth’s birth is unrecorded; HOA has incorrectly accorded her the birth date of Ruth, daughter of Obadiah Wheeler, and this piece of misinformation has been repeated in several published works. [Note: Ruth and her sisters Sarah and Mary were all married on the same day, in what was possibly a triple wedding ceremony.] Samuel served in King Philip’s War under Captain Nicholas Manning of Ipswich, and was credited with 1 pound, 10 shillings pay on 24 June 1676 (NEHGR 42[1888]:95). Samuel married second, at Weston, the Rev. William Williams officiating, 5 May 1714 (WVR 3), REBECCA MEADS, who died at Concord, 23 January 1721/2 (CBMD 104). Rebecca’s birth date and parentage have not been found; she was possibly an unrecorded daughter of David and Hannah (Warren) Mead of Watertown. Samuel married third, at Chelmsford/Concord, 6 February 1723/4 (ChVR 245; CBMD 106), ELIZABETH FLETCHER, who died at Chelmsford, 4 October 1732 (ChVR 399), with no age or other clue to her identity given. HOA, apparently relying on a brief, early sketch of the Fletcher family (NEHGR 22[1874]:391), identified Elizabeth as the daughter born at Chelmsford, 10 December 1698 to Joshua and Grisel (Jewell) Fletcher. This identification is incorrect on several counts: 1) the Elizabeth Fletcher born this date was the daughter of Joshua and his second wife, Sarah Wiley/Wooley, Grisel having died in 1682; 2) Joshua and Sarah’s daughter Elizabeth married Joseph Keyes in 1720, and was still bearing him children in 1724; 3) it is virtually inconceivable, even in the early 1700s, that a woman would marry a man 53 years her senior. Winifred Lovering Holman, in her extensive typescript on Second Generation 19 the Fletcher family (NEHGS manuscript collection), provides a much more reasonable theory of Elizabeth’s identity, speculating that she was the daughter born at Concord, 16 December 1656, to Robert and Jane (Hildreth) Proctor. Elizabeth Proctor was the third wife and widow of Samuel3 Fletcher, who died at Chelmsford in October of 1723. Samuel Fletcher’s first wife was Hannah Wheeler, daughter of George and Catherine Wheeler, and thus a sister of Samuel Hartwell’s first wife, so the families would have been well acquainted. Moreover, papers in Samuel Fletcher’s probate file indicate that his widow Elizabeth was clearly upset by the prospect of living alone, so she probably welcomed a marriage proposal from the recently widowed Samuel Hartwell. Samuel, perhaps spurred by the death of his second wife the previous month, made his will 12 February 1721/2. He left all his “wearing apparall and husbandry tools” to sons Samuel, William, John and Jonathan; his staff or cane to son William; 10 shillings each to daughters Mary Parling, Hannah Hosmar, Abigail Childs, and Rebeckah Temple. All the remainder of his estate, both real and personal, was left to daughters Ruth, Elizabeth and Sarah Hartwell. Sons Samuel and William were named executors. The witnesses were Thomas Ball, Samuel Woolley and John Fox. The will was presented by the executors “with the consent of the widow” on 3 February 1725 (Middlesex Probate File 10586). Children, all by first wife, all born at Concord: +3.10 i. SAMUEL3 HARTWELL, b. 2 Oct 1666 (CBMD 12); m. (1) ABIGAIL STEARNS, (2) REBECCA (—), (3) MARGARET TOMPKINS, (4) EXPERIENCE TARBOX. +3.11 ii. MARY HARTWELL, b. 16 Feb 1667[/8] (CBMD 13); m. JOHN PARLIN. 3.12 iii. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 17 Oct 1669 (CBMD 14); d. Concord, before 15 Feb 1757, when her brother Jonathan Hartwell of Littleton, stating that he was “very aged” and “would rather not” administer Ruth’s estate, requested the judge of probate to appoint his son Josiah as administrator. Ruth’s estate was settled on her nephew Ephraim 20 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell of Lincoln, and this agreement was signed by Jonathan Parlin, Josiah Hartwell, Joseph Haywood, Stephen Hartwell and James Hosmer. Jonathan Hartwell and Rebecca Temple, “only living brother and sister” were each given 18 pounds, 16 shillings, 5a pence (Middlesex Probate File 10585). +3.13 iv. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 19 Aug 1671 (CBMD 14); m. RUTH (HOSMER?). 3.14 v. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 18 June 1673 (CBMD 17); d. Bedford, 16 Nov 1746, in his 74th yr (BVR 124); m. (1) ca. 1695- 1700, DEBORAH THOMPSON, b. Billerica, 19 Sept 1676 (BVR 190), d. Bedford, 15 June 1744, in 68th yr (BVR 124), dau. of Joseph Thompson by his first wife, Mary Brackett. John m. (2) Bedford/Billerica, 3 Dec 1744 (BVR 80; BVR 266), MARY (BRACKETT) HILL, b. Billerica, 10 Feb 1680/1 (BVR 28), d. there before 1 June 1761, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth (Bosworth) Brackett, and widow of Jonathan Hill (see #2.5-ii below). John “had no children but adopted Hannah Carey. He accumulated a handsome competence, loaning money extensively, especially to his relatives, whose credit was good enough to enable them in many cases to secure two or three loans each” (HOA). In his will, written 14 May 1746, John gave his wife Mary five shillings, “she having had already a hundred pounds at least out of my estate.” In a complicated item, he requested the residue of his estate to be divided “equally” among the children of his brothers and sisters, but the exceptions to this item must have made his executors long for a calculator! He gave sisters Ruth and Elizabeth 20 pounds each; “Mary Manning of Woodstock, sister of my first wife,” was left his great Bible, and Hannah Cary “whom I brought up” [possibly the Hannah Corey born at Chelmsford in 1704/5] was left 30 pounds, a feather bed and bedding and a black chest. Lastly, William Bowes and Nicholas Second Generation 21

Bowes, sons of the Rev. Mr. Bowes of Bedford, were left six pounds apiece. Ensign John Hartwell of Concord and Timothy Hartwell of Bedford were named executors. Israel Putnam, Benjamin Kidder and Benjamin Putnam witnessed the will (Middlesex Probate File 10564). [Note: John’s first wife was unidentified in HOA, which stated that John’s bequest of his great Bible to Mary Manning was no help in establishing Deborah’s identity since it was not known if Manning was Mary’s maiden or married name. Torrey’s New England Marriages Before 1700 speculates, without explanation, that Deborah was an “Eiger.” Neither of these sources takes into account the qualifying phrase “of Woodstock” in John Hartwell’s bequest. This phrase was instrumental in identifying Deborah, since the only Mary Manning in Woodstock at the time John Hartwell made his will was Mary (Thompson) Manning, wife of Ephraim Manning (Geneal- ogies of Woodstock Families, 7:328). Mary, actually a half sister of Deborah, was b. Billerica 17 Nov 1691 (BVR 191), dau. of Joseph Thompson by his second wife, Mary Denison. Since Deborah’s mother, Mary (Brackett) Thompson, and Mary (Brackett) (Hill) Hartwell’s father, Peter Brackett, were both children of Richard and Alice (Blower) Brackett, John Hartwell not only married the widow of his first cousin, but his two wives were first cousins to each other.] +3.15 vi. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 8 Oct 1675 (CBMD 19); m. THOMAS HOSMER. 3.16 vii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 23.8.1677 [23 Oct 1677] (CBMD 22); d. probably between 1746 when her brother John remembered her in his will (see above), and 1757 when she is not mentioned in the settlement of her sister Ruth’s estate; apparently unmarried. 3.17 viii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 10.5.1679 [10 July 1679] (CBMD 23); d. probably between 1722 when she is mentioned in her 22 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

father’s will, and 1746 when she is not mentioned in the will of her brother John. +3.18 ix. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 1.3.1681 [1 May 1681] (CBMD 24); m. SHUBAEL CHILD. +3.19 x. REBECCA HARTWELL, b. 14.12.1682 [14 Feb 1682/3] (CBMD 25); m. (1) SIMEON HAYWARD, (2) -?- TEMPLE. 3.20 xi. JANE HARTWELL, b. 30.9.1684 [30 Nov 1684] (CBMD 26); d. probably young, as she is not mentioned in her father’s will of 1722. +3.21 xii. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. ca. 1686; m. HANNAH BLANCHARD. 3.22 xiii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 23 April 1691 (CBMD 34); d. Concord 16 March 1693/4 (CBMD 56).

2.5 MARY2 HARTWELL (William1) died at Billerica, 12 February 1694/5 (BVR 368), and may well be the “Marthe” Hartwell whose birth was recorded at Concord 25th (2) 1649 [25 April 1649] (CBMD 5), although no proof of this theory has been found. Mary married at Billerica, 11 December 1666 (BVR 266), JONATHAN2 HILL, who was born at Woburn, 20 April 1646 (WB 119) and died intestate after 1717, son of Ralph Hill and his second wife, the widow Margaret (—) Toothaker (Donna Valley Russell, Ralph Hill of Plymouth and Billerica..., NGSQ 72[1984]:3-36). [Note: Donna Russell’s otherwise well- documented article misidentifies John Hartwell, second husband of Mary (Brackett) Hill.] Children, all born at Billerica: i. MARY HILL, b. 9 Sept 1667 (BVR 100); d. Bedford, 19 March 1748/9 (BVR 199); m. Billerica, 31 March 1697 (BVR 270), Dr. JOHN FASSIT, b. prob. Billerica, ca. 1670 (calc.), d. Bedford, 30 Jan 1736/7, in his 67th yr (BVR 119), probably a son of Patrick and Sarah Fassett. No recorded children. ii. JONATHAN HILL, b. 31 Aug 1669 (BVR 99); d. Billerica, 15 Dec 1743, age 74 (BVR 368); m. there 16 May 1704 (BVR Second Generation 23

269), MARY BRACKETT, b. Billerica, 10 Feb 1680/1 (BVR 28), d. there between 5 June 1757, the date she wrote her will, and 1 June 1761, the date her will was proved (not 1 Feb 1748 as in HOA), dau. of Peter and Elizabeth (Bosworth) Brackett. Mary m. (2) Bedford/Billerica, 3 Dec 1744 (BVR 82 & BVR 270), as his second wife, JOHN3 HARTWELL of Bedford (see #3.14 above). On 26 Nov 1752, Mary Hartwell sued Isaac Farwell of Portsmouth, NH, to recover 41 pounds 10 shillings old tenor borrowed of her 9 June 1749. The court found for her on 17 Feb 1753 (Rockingham County, NH court records at NH Archives, Concord, NH). Widow Mary Hartwell, “being far advanced in years,” wrote her will 5 June 1757, mentioning “children of my son Jonathan Hill, deceased, viz: Jonathan, Mary (wife of Moses Abbott of Bedford) and Lydia; beloved son Peter Hill and his daughter Rachel; beloved daughter Mary, wife of Capt. Daniel Stickney of Billerica or her heirs; beloved daughter Elizabeth, wife of Francis Kidder of Sutton or her heirs; children of daughter Bethiah deceased, late the wife of Braviter Gray of Billerica, and her daughter Mary.” She named “beloved friend Deacon Ralph Hill of Billerica” to be executor of her estate (Middlesex Probate File 10579). Children, all born at Billerica: 1. Mary Hill, b. 15 Jan 1705 (BVR 100); d. Billerica, 28 June 1798, in her 93rd yr (BVR 398); m. there 15 Dec 1730 (BVR 270) Daniel Stickney, b. Bradford, 6 Feb 1706/7 (BVR 152), d. Billerica, 25 April 1788 (BVR 298), son of William and Ann (Haseltine) Stickney. Daniel “was a Capt. of a troop of horses that marched to relieve Fort William Henry, but were counter- manded on arrival at Marlboro, NH” (HOA). Seven children recorded at Billerica. 2. Jonathan Hill, b. 23 or 28 July 1708 (BVR 99); d. before 1757 (mother’s will); m. (1) Abigail (—), who d. 24 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6 Jan 1738/9 (BVR 367); m. (2) Andover, 6 Nov 1740 (BVR 295), Lydia Osgood, bp. Andover, 9 March 1712 (AVR4 1:286), dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Blanchard) Osgood. Three children per mother’s will; two per BVR, which omit Lydia. 3. Peter Hill, b. 10 Oct 1709 (BVR 100); d. Billerica, 12 Aug 1774, age 64 (BVR 368); m. (1) 20 Jan 1735/6 (BVR 270), Rachel Crosby, b. Billerica, 30 March 1710 (BVR 46), d. there 11 Dec 1736/7 (BVR 368), dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Shed) Crosby; m. (2) 30 Jan 1745/6 (BVR 270), Abigail (Walker) Danforth, b. Billerica, 23 April 1724 (BVR 194), dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Baldwin) Walker and widow of William Danforth. 4. Elizabeth Hill, b. 14 May 1711 (BVR 98); d. Oxford/ Sutton, 31 Jan 1805, age 94 (OVR 289; SVR 436); m. Billerica, 24 Feb 1730/1 (BVR 269), Francis Kidder, b. there 1 Oct 1703 (BVR 116), d. Sutton before Dec 1763, when administration of his estate was granted to his widow, son of Enoch and Mary (Heywood) Kidder. Five children per his inventory of 1763. 5. Esther Hill, b. 6 March 1712/13 (BVR 98); d. prob. young (not mentioned in her mother’s will). 6. Joseph Hill, b. 6 May 1717 (BVR 99); d. prob. young (not mentioned in his mother’s will). 7. Bethyah Hill, b. 16 July 1718 (BVR 97); d. Billerica, apparently as a result of childbirth, 30 Jan 1754, age 36y 6m 3d (BVR 366); m. Billerica/Charlestown, 6 Sept 1743 (BVR 368; ChVR 331), Braviter Gray, b. Andover, 19 July 1717 (AVR4 1:180), d. after 1759, son of Braviter and Dorothy (Abbott) Gray. Braviter m. (2) Billerica, 14 July 1757 (BVR 264), Anna Danforth, b. Billerica, 28 Feb 1729/30 (BVR 53), d. there 10 Aug 1757 in 28th yr (BVR 366), dau. of Jonathan and Elisabeth (Fassett) Danforth; m. (3) 23 May 1759 Second Generation 25

(BVR 264), Elisabeth (Richardson) Blanchard, b. Billerica, 9 Dec 1719 (BVR 156), dau. of Andrew and Hannah (Jefts) Richardson and widow of John Blanchard, Jr. Braviter and Bethyah (Hill) Gray had five children recorded at Billerica. iii. SAMUEL HILL, b. 22 Feb 1671/2 (BVR 101); d. Billerica, 17 Feb 1762, age 89 (BVR 369); m. 7 Jan 1698 (Hazen, Savage) or 7 June 1698/9 [sic] (HOA), SARAH PAGE, b. and d. records not found, dau. of Nathaniel and Joanna (—) Page. Children, born at Billerica: 1. Samuel Hill, b. 1 March 1698/9 (BVR 101); d. Billerica, 6 or 26 Jan 1748/9, age 49y 10m 24d (BVR 368); m. ca. 1727 (BVR 270 gives marriage with no date; HOA has 20 Nov 1727, which is the date of their only recorded child’s birth), Abigail Richardson, b. Billerica, 8 Nov 1700 (BVR 154), d. there 24 March 1768 (BVR 367), dau. of Thomas Jr. and Abigail (Ruggles) Richardson. [Note: both HOA and Donna Valley Russell, evidently quoting misinformation in The Richardson Memorial, state that Abigail was the widow of Nathaniel Dunton of Charlestown. However, Nathaniel Dunton’s probate file clearly shows that his wife, Abigail, died “a fortnight” before his own death in 1718. Nathaniel Dunton, Jr., son of the Nathaniel Dunton who died in 1718, was also married to a woman named Abigail, but since Nathaniel Jr. did not die until 1730, this Abigail is also not a candidate to be the wife of Samuel Hill. Lastly, Billerica VRs reference the mar- riage as between Samuel Hill and Abigail Richardson, which would not be the case were she a widow Dunton.] Samuel and Abigail (Richardson) Hill had only one recorded child, daughter Abihail/Abial (not Abigail as in HOA), b. 20 Nov 1727 (BVR 97), m. Samuel Kidder. 26 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Sarah Hill (not in HOA), b. 28 March 1703 (BVR 101); d. 9 Feb 1741 (BVR 342); m. Billerica, 4 May 1726 (BVR 270), John Baldwin Jr., b. Billerica, 10 Nov 1699 (BVR 15), d. 6 April 1736 (BVR 342), son of Thomas. Six children. 3. Joanna Hill, b. 6 April 1707 (BVR 99); d. Billerica, 17 Jan 1769, age 61 (BVR 362); m. Billerica, 22 Jan 1726/7 (BVR 269), Lt. William French, b. Billerica, 25 Jan 1700/1 (BVR 86), d. there 9 April 1776, age 75 (BVR 364), son of William and Sarah (Danforth) French. Ten children recorded at Billerica. 4. Elizabeth Hill (not in HOA), b. 7 Aug 1710 (BVR 98); d. Billerica, 26 March 1786, age 75 (Gs:Old South Cemetery); m. 27 Aug 1729 (BVR 269), Ebenezer French, b. Billerica, 5 Aug 1707 (BVR 81), brother of Joanna’s husband, William French (above). Nine children recorded at Billerica. 5. Susanna Hill (not in HOA), b. 26 May 1715 (BVR 102); m. Billerica, 8 Jan 1734/5 (BVR 270), Joseph Patton, b. Billerica, 26 Sept 1710 (BVR 147), son of Thomas and Hannah (Foster) Patton. Joseph and Susanna removed to Grandville, Nova Scotia in 1762 (corre- spondence w/Jane Palmer). Six children are recorded at Billerica. 6. Mary Hill (not in HOA), b. 10 Dec 1717 (BVR 100); m. Billerica, 10 May 1737 (BVR 270), Thomas Dutton, b. Billerica, 28 Aug 1713 (BVR 68), son of Thomas and Hannah (Burge) Dutton. iv. SARAH HILL, b. 10 Oct 1674 (BVR 101). Evidently named for her recently deceased aunt, Sarah (Hartwell) Parker, Sarah is almost certainly one of the five children of daughter Hill mentioned by William1 Hartwell in his will of 1689, but no further record of her has been found. Second Generation 27 v. JOSEPH HILL, b. 29 May 1683 (BVR 99); surely one of the five children of daughter Hill mentioned by William1 Hartwell in his will of 1689, no further record of him has been found. 28 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Third Generation

Descendants of John2 and Priscilla (Wright) Hartwell

3.1 EBENEZER3 HARTWELL (John2, William1) was born at Concord 5 April 1666 (CBMD 12) and he died there before 27 October 1724, when his estate was inventoried by Isaac Patch, Jonathan Parling and Jonathan Lamson (Middlesex Probate File 10558). He married at Concord, 27 March 1690 (CBMD 32), SARAH SMEDLEY, who was born ca. 1670, and died at Concord, 13 No- vember 1715 (CBMD 87), eldest daughter of John2 (John1) and Sarah (Wheeler) Smedley (not John and Sarah (Smedley) Wheeler as in HOA). Ebenezer was appointed field driver (hayward) in the north quarter of Concord in 1696/7, 1702 and 1708, and fence viewer in 1700. On 28 February 1717 he was paid four shillings for “finding bell roap.” In a deed dated 3 June 1698, his father-in-law, John Smedley, conveyed several parcels of land in the northern part of Concord to his “eldest daughter Sarah, wife of Ebenezer Hartwell, who have both hitherto carried themselves Respectively and Lovingly towards me. . . .” It seems likely from the wording of this deed that Ebenezer and Sarah lived in the southern part of John Smedley’s house, which John apparently added on to in order to accommodate his daughter’s growing family. The house was close to the line which later divided Concord and Carlisle. Ebenezer left an estate valued at 520 pounds, 5 shillings and 4 pence, which was divided among his heirs; namely, eldest son John Hartwell, second son Ebenezer Hartwell, third son Samuel Hartwell, eldest daughter Sarah, wife of Jonathan Melvin, and youngest daughter Priscilla Hartwell, all of full age. The agreement, dated 12 February 1724/5, was witnessed by Isaac Patch and Jonathan Lampson; Samuel Hartwell was appointed administrator (Middlesex Probate File 10558). Children, all born at Concord: +4.1 i. JOHN4 HARTWELL, b. 12 April 1691 (CBMD 34); m. MARY PARLIN. 30 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4.2 ii. PRISCILLA HARTWELL, b. 18 Dec 1692 (CBMD 38); d. Concord, 7 Jan 1692/3 (CBMD 56). +4.3 iii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1694 (CBMD 39); m. (1) JONATHAN MELVIN, (2) ELISHA SMITH. 4.4 iv. PRISCILLA HARTWELL, b. 27 Jan 1696/7 (CBMD 43); d. Concord, 20 Aug 1778, age 81y 6m 12d (CBMD 434; Gs:Hill Burying Ground). “Tradition says she was engaged to marry, but her lover, for cause not stated, went to Maine, turned hunter and hermit” (HOA). +4.5 v. EBENEZER HARTWELL, b. 22 March 1698/9 (CBMD 47); m. RACHEL FARNSWORTH. +4.6 vi. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 30 April 1702 (CBMD 53); m. (1) SARAH FARNSWORTH, (2) SARAH HOLDEN.

3.2 JOHN3 HARTWELL (John2, William1) was born at Concord, 15 April 1669 (CBMD 14) and his death record has not been found. He married at Concord, the Rev. Mr. Joseph Estabrook officiating, 1 June 1697 (CBMD 44), SARAH SHEPARD, who was born at Concord, 7.10.74, i.e., 7 December 1674 (CBMD 22), daughter of Abraham and Judith (Fillbrook) Shepard. On 4 May 1714, John sold the land in Concord “that he got from his father” to his brother Jonathan, “reserving free use for his father and mother-in-law” (Middlesex Deed 16:550). HOA says John “is chiefly noted as being the first of the family to pass beyond the limits of his native colony in search of a home, which he did in 1717, settling in Lebanon, Connecticut, buying a farm in the south part of the town on Sawmill River.” Unfortunately, no documen- tation is given for this statement. More research on this family might fill in some details of John and Sarah’s life. [Note: Connecticut’s Barbour Collection contains the following marriage record, “Thomas Perrin and Sary Hartwell were married at Hebron, 27 January 1742/3.” It has not yet been determined if this is a marriage record for a widowed Sarah (Shepard) Hartwell, making a second marriage, or that of an unrecorded daughter of John4 and Third Generation 31

Martha (—) Hartwell, making a first marriage. Further research in Connecticut deeds and probates is indicated.] Children, all born at Concord: 4.7 i. JOHN4 HARTWELL, b. 9 July 1698 (CBMD 45); possibly m. MARTHA (—). The only record so far found is the birth of a daughter, Mehitable, to John and Martha Hartwell at Lebanon, CT on 19 April 1720 (Barbour). As HOA points out, there is a possibility that Martha was a second wife of John3 Hartwell, although if the marriage of Thomas Perrin to Sary Hartwell refers to John4’s mother, this cannot be the case. 4.8 ii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1702 (CBMD 53); death record not found; m. Concord/Chelmsford, the Rev. John Whiting officiating, 16 April 1717 (CBMD 92: ChVR 245), JOHN GOLD/GOULD, probably the son of Samuel and Mehettebell (Barrett) Gould, b. Chelmsford, 24 Jan 1693 (ChVR 73). There seems to be no basis for HOA’s state- ment that Sarah married the son of Rev. Thomas Gould of Charlestown, who had seven children by a former wife, b. between 1697 and 1714. HOA admits “it is highly improbable that a mere girl of the age of Sarah, should, in those days, have married a man old enough to be her father.” We believe the above identification of Sarah’s husband is more likely. No further record of this couple has yet been found. +4.9 iii. MARY HARTWELL, b. 23 Dec 1705 (CBMD 64); m. GEORGE WOLCOTT. +4.10 iv. HEPHCIBETH [sic] HARTWELL, b. 27 Sept 1709 (CBMD 73); m. JOHN SPRAGUE. +4.11 v. PETER HARTWELL, b. 16 July 1712 (CBMD 79); m. (1) MARY COLEMAN, (2) JEAN LANGDON.

3.4 SARAH3 HARTWELL (John2, William1) was born at Concord, 12.2.1677 [12 April 1677] (CBMD 22) and her death record has not 32 Descendants of William1 Hartwell been found. [Note: A genealogy of Richard Rice of Concord (NEHGR 112[1958]:68) incorrectly accords her the death date of her brother Ebenezer’s wife.] Sarah married at Concord, Justice Minott officiating, 19 April 1698 (CBMD 46), EBENEZER LAMSON, almost certainly a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Rice) Lamson, born probably at Charlestown, birth and death dates unknown (Rice Gen.; Lamson Gen.). Children, all born at Concord: i. TIMOTHY LAMSON, b. 25 July 1699 (CBMD 47); death record not found; m. Woburn, 22 Oct 1734 (WM 160) PATIENCE THOMPSON, b. Woburn, 25 Oct 1713 (WB 255), d. before 1773, when her sister Mary (Thompson) (Cowdrey) Hartwell’s estate was settled (see #4.44), dau. of Jonathan and Frances (Whitmore) Thompson. Children, born at Concord: 1. Sarah Lamson, b. 29 May 1735 (CBMD 135); d. 14 Nov 1736 (CBMD 143). 2. Timothy Lamson, b. 30 April 1737 [sic] (CBMD 142); d. 12 Sept 1740 (CBMD 144). 3. Esther Lamson, b. 27 Oct 1737 [sic] (CBMD 148); n.f.r. 4. Ebenezer Lamson, b. 2 April 1741 (CBMD 151); d. Mt. Washington, NH, 4 July 1834 (History of Oxford, MA); m. Oxford, 28 April 1763 (OVR 193), Ruth Phillips, b. Oxford, 17 Oct 1744 (OVR 89), d. 2 Sept 1803, dau. of Joseph and Ruth (Town) Phillips. Ebenezer “lived in his youth with Capt. Isaac Hartwell of North Gore, who was his guardian. He was a Baptist, and later, a Universalist preacher” (History of Oxford, MA). 5. Mary “Molly” Lamson, b. 10 June 1743 (CBMD 163); m. Oxford, 24 Jan 1765 (OVR 193), James Gray. 6. Timothy Lamson, b. 4 March 1744 (CBMD 163); n.f.r. 7. Patience Lamson, b. 30 Jan 1746 (CBMD 169); d. Oxford, 23 Feb 1825, age 70 [sic] (OVR 308); m. Oxford, 12 May 1772 (OVR 193), Joseph Sparhawk, b. Third Generation 33

Sutton, 16 Aug 1754 (OVR 106; SVR 162), d. Oxford, 7 Nov 1807, age 53 (OVR 308; Lamson Gen.), son of Joseph and Elizabeth Sparhawk. ii. SARAH LAMSON, b. 16 Feb 1700/1 (CBMD 51); n.f.r. iii. HANNAH LAMSON, b. 17 March 1703/4 (CBMD 61); n.f.r. iv. ABEGAIL LAMSON, b. 9 Feb 1705/6 (CBMD 65); n.f.r. v. MARTHA LAMSON, b. 25 Dec 1711 (CBMD 79); probably the “Widow Conant” who d. Ashburnham, 19 Nov 1797, “aged between 80 and 90 yrs” (AVR 177); m. Concord, Rev. John Whiting officiating, 11 July 1732 (CBMD 130), ISRAEL CONANT, b. Beverly, 4 April 1707 (BVR 84), d. ca. 1753 (Conant Gen.), son of Roger and Mary (Raymond) Conant. Children, all born probably at Concord: 1. Jonathan Conant, b. 3 Feb 1732/3 (CBMD 134); d. Reading, VT, after 4 Jan 1790 (DARPI); m. Eunice Farwell (ibid.). Jonathan lived in Acton and Ashburnham (Shirley Uplands and Intervales). Three chil- dren recorded at Ashburnham. 2. Mary Conant, b. ca. 1734 (calc.); “of Acton” when she m. Concord, 8 Feb 1753 (CBMD 191), Seth Lee, b. Concord, 15 Oct 1728 (CBMD 120), son of Woodis and Elizabeth (Wood) Lee. 3. Israel Conant, m. Concord, 15 April 1767 (CBMD 236), Mary Heywood. vi. EBENEZER LAMSON, b. 3 March 1714/5 (CBMD 86); death record not found; m. Concord, Justice Flint officiating, 31 July 1744 (CBMD 161), MARY HOPKINSON, b. Rowley, 27 March 1711 (RVR 101), death record not found, dau. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Hunt) Hopkinson. Children, born probably at Concord: 1. Paul Lamson, b. 7 Dec 1745 (CBMD 164); m. Concord, 2 May 1771 (CBMD 321), Azubah Parlin, b. Concord, 34 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

26 Nov 1747 (CBMD 179), dau. of John and Margaret (McKollo) Parlin (see #3.11-i-i). 2. Nathan Lamson, m. (1) Jane Corey, (2) Betsy (—). vii. AMOS LAMSON, b. 29 April 1717 (CBMD 90); death record not found; m. Woburn, 8 April 1740 (WM 160), ESTHER THOMPSON, probably an unrecorded dau. of Jonathan and Frances (Whitmore) Thompson, since the administration of Mary (Thompson) (Cowdrey) Hartwell’s estate in 1772 mentions the heirs of Esther Lampson, deceased. Amos was in Hardwick during the French and Indian Wars (History of Hardwick). Known children, born probably at Grafton: 1. Amos Lamson, bp. Grafton, 25 Aug 1745 (GVR 81); d. there, of throat distemper, 8 July 1746 (GVR 348). 2. Esther Lamson, bap. 12 July 1747 (GVR 81); n.f.r.

3.6 JOSEPH3 HARTWELL (John2, William1), was born at Concord, 24.11.80, i.e., 24 February 1681 (CBMD 24), and he died at Woburn, 14 November 1743, “in the 63rd year of his age” (WD 88; Gs:Woburn Burying Ground). He married at Woburn, 1 February 1706 (WM 125), RUHAMAH CUTTER, who was born probably at Cambridge, ca. 1678 and died at Woburn, 1 or 11 July 1756, age 78 (WD 88; Gs:Woburn Burying Ground), daughter of Richard and Frances (Perriman) (Amsden) Cutter. Joseph lived at the head of Mystic Pond which was at that time part of Woburn. He was chosen a deacon of the First Church of Woburn in 1736. Administration of his estate was granted to his widow and his son on 27 February 1743/4, and the inventory showed that he owned extensive property in both Charlestown and Woburn. The estate was divided among his heirs, namely, widow Ruhamah “Heartwell,” only son Joseph Hartwell, James Green, guardian for Jerusha Green, Samuel Wyman, and Seth Reed, guardian for Mary Hartwell (Middlesex Probate File 10570). Third Generation 35

Ruhamah Hartwell, widow of Charlestown, wrote her will 21 June 1756, giving bequests to her two daughters, Abigail Wyman and Mary Reed, and leaving the land she had purchased from Ebenezer Bradish to her son Joseph and her daughters. She gave a young horse to grandson Joseph Hartwell, and 1 pound, 6 shillings, 8 pence to granddaughter Jerusha Poole. Son-in-law Samuel Wyman was named executor, and the will was witnessed by John Cutter, Henry Putnam and Caleb Brooks (Middlesex Probate File 10584). Children, born as indicated: +4.12 i. RUHAMAH4 HARTWELL, b. Woburn, 12 April 1708 (WB 116); m. JAMES GREEN. 4.13 ii. PRISCILLA HARTWELL, b. Charlestown, 26 May 1710 (ChVR 224); d. Woburn, 28 Aug 1725, age 15y 3m 2d (WD 88; Gs:Woburn Burying Ground). +4.14 iii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Charlestown, 15 Aug 1712 (ChVR 236); m. HANNAH REED. 4.15 iv. JOHN HARTWELL, b. Charlestown, 3 Oct 1714 (ChVR 241); d. Woburn, 1 May 1734, age 19y 6m 27d (Gs:Woburn Burying Ground; WD 88, incorrectly as age 9y). +4.16 v. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. ca. 1719 (HOA); m. SAMUEL WYMAN, JR. +4.17 vi. MARY HARTWELL, b. ca. 1723 (calc.); m. ISRAEL REED, JR.

Descendants of John2 and Elizabeth (Wright) Hartwell

3.8 EDWARD3 HARTWELL (John2, William1), was born at Concord, 23 May 1689 (CBMD 30; HOA has Aug 1689), and he died at Lunenburg, 17 February 1785, age 96 (obit., New England Chronicle). He married at Lancaster, “between 1707 and 1712” (LBMD 274), SARAH3 WILDER, who was born at Lancaster, 22 January 1685 (LBMD 15) and died at Lunenburg, 7 August 1764, age 80 (ERL 345), daughter of Thomas2 ( Thomas1) and Mary (Houghton) Wilder. “Mrs. Sarah Hartwell” was admitted to the Church of Christ in Lancaster by John Prentice, 36 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Pastor, on 14 January 1710/11 (LBMD 397), indicating that the couple were married by that date. Torrey’s History of Fitchburg says Edward moved from Lancaster to Lunenburg about 1724, and his sale of land in Lancaster on 28 May 1723 to Simon Stevens, blacksmith, bears this out (Worcester County Deed 2:365). Edward was “an Original Proprietor of lot #37 in Lunenburg, and built the second dwelling house in the town. It stood on the Lancaster road, about 3½ miles from the center of the town. He was the second deacon chosen for the new church at Lunenburg, and was on the school committee in 1732, ‘33, ‘34, ‘41, ‘44, and ‘49. He was town treasurer in 1728 and 1732, selectman 1729-31 and 1738-41, 1743, ‘45, and ‘46. He was often representative, although there is no record of the years he was chosen. He was a Major of the militia, a Justice of the Peace, and in 1750 was appointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, which office he held until 1762. He was for many years the Clerk of the Original Proprietors, was a very fine penman, and wrote the original deed of every lot of land in the town, which then included the whole of the present city of Fitchburg, a large portion of Ashby and part of Townsend. He was not only one of the earliest settlers, but for a long period was deservedly one of the most influential men in town. He possessed a strong mind, and an education superior to that of most of his fellow townsmen. He was continually called upon to fill the most important offices in town. He was one of those men whose sound judgement and energy so well qualify them to take the lead in the affairs of a new settlement, when the influence of such persons is so essential to its prosperity. Whenever any important or extraordinary business was to be accomplished, he was called upon to take charge of it. In his capacity of Major, he took the lead in scouring the woods, when the people were alarmed by the movements of the Indians. ‘And finally he died’ as Whitney’s History says, ‘in the ninety-seventh year of his age, as full of piety as of days’” (Cunningham). The place where Edward was buried is not known, tradition being that he wished to be buried in the most private manner, as he feared that the Indians would disturb his grave. No probate records Third Generation 37 have been found for Edward. He evidently deeded all his property to his sons before his death. On 22 April 1761, Asahel received 38 acres of land “for diverse good causes and considerations” (Worcester Deeds 154:196). The next day, 23 April 1761, Edward was given 40 acres (Worcester Deeds 59:189). On 20 April 1762, “son Phinehas, for love, goodwill and affection” received 85 acres in Lunenburg, “which is his whole part and portion out of my estate” (Worcester Deeds 151:328). Joseph received “the homestead farm with all the buildings in the town of Lunenburg, land in Leominster, and the pew in the meeting house” in a deed dated 13 March 1781 (Worcester Deeds 100:338). Children, born at Lancaster and Lunenburg: 4.18 i. JONATHAN4 HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 18 Feb 1710/11 (LBMD 274); d. probably before 1719, when another son was given this name. +4.19 ii. SARAH HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 27 July 1712 (LBMD 274); m. (1) JACOB STILES, (2) STEPHEN BOYNTON. 4.20 iii. ASAHEL/ASAEL HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 21 March 1713/14 (LBMD 274); d. Lunenburg, 18 Dec 1803, age 89 (Cunningham; Gs:South Cemetery). Asael “was a justice of the peace, much employed in the settlement of estates; much given to jokes” (HOA). Cunningham says “he was Con- stable in 1748, selectman in 1755-59, and 1769.” He is probably the “Asa Hartwell” listed on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Lunenburg con- sisting of one male over 16 and one [unknown] female. In his simple will, dated 4 March 1793 and proved 16 Jan 1804, Asael left all his real estate to his nephew, Josiah Hartwell of Fitzwilliam, NH, now of Lunenburg. This bequest may have been influenced by the fact that Josiah had named his first-born son Asael. Josiah was named executor of the will, and Jonathan and Joseph Hartwell as “only relatives nearer than cousins,” agreed. The will was witnessed by Nathaniel Walker, Eleazer Hartwell and John Hartwell; the inventory was taken by Benjamin 38 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Kimball and Abraham Pierce (Worcester County Probate File A:27652). +4.21 iv. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 22 Jan 1715/16 (LBMD 275); m. (1) JOHN GIBSON, (2) JACOB GATES. +4.22 v. EDWARD HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 29 Sept 1717 (LBMD 275); m. ELIZABETH KNEELAND. +4.23 vi. JONATHAN HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 29 Nov 1719 (LBMD 277); m. ELIZABETH TARBELL. 4.24 vii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, bap. Lancaster, 10 Sept 1721 (LBMD 277); d. Lunenburg, 19 Nov 1726 (ERL 345). +4.25 viii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Lunenburg, 14 May 1727 (ERL 297); m. (1) TABITHA DODGE, (2) PHEBE (EATON) HART. 4.26 ix. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. Lunenburg, 17 Oct 1729 (ERL 297); d. there 31 Jan 1791, age 61y 3m 14d (Gs:South Cemetery); unmarried. +4.27 x. PHINEAS HARTWELL, b. Lunenburg, 2 Jan 1731/2 (ERL 297); m. MARY PIERCE. [Note: HOA gives two more children: James, b. 1726 and William with no birth date. While there is room for these children to have been born between the two Josephs, no trace of either has yet been found.]

3.9 JONATHAN3 HARTWELL (John2, William1), was born at Concord, 15 February 1691/2 (CBMD 36) and he died at Littleton, 18 October 1778 (LVR 367; Gs:Old Common Burying Ground). He married first, at Watertown, 22 September 1713 (WVR 2:49), ELIZABETH BROWN, who was born at Concord, 8 March 1691/2 (CBMD 36) and died there 28 December 1717, age 25y 9m 20d (CBMD 29, 435; Gs: Main St. Burying Ground), daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Jones) Brown. [Note: Elizabeth’s is probably the oldest Hartwell gravestone still standing.] Jonathan married second, at Concord, 25 November 1718 (CBMD 97), SARAH WHEELER, who was born at Concord, 30 December 1697 (CBMD 44) and died at Littleton, 22 March 1748/9, Third Generation 39 age 50y 2m 23d (Gs: Old Common Burying Ground; also recorded in Littleton and Harvard VRs), daughter of Ensign Thomas and Sarah (Davis) Wheeler. Jonathan’s children are recorded successively in Concord, Chelmsford, and Westford, and his death is recorded in Littleton. He may not have moved that many times, however, since Chelmsford was made from Concord, and Westford from part of Chelmsford, so he may have lived in the part of the town that was continually broken off to form a new town. An early map of Westford shows his home in the western part of Westford, near the border with Littleton. Jonathan was a selectman of Westford in 1731, 1734 and 1747, and on the school committee in 1733 (History of Westford). On 8 March 1770, Jonathan Hartwell of Littleton purchased from Josiah Willard of Winchester, New Hampshire, land in Chester- field, NH (Rockingham County [NH] Deed 80:501), but he probably never lived on this land. Jonathan outlived all his sons, leaving no male heirs. In his will, written 14 February 1778, he left 5 shillings to “beloved granddaughter Sarah Hartwell, daughter of son Thomas, late of Littleton.” The rest of his estate, both real and personal, was left equally to beloved children, viz: Sarah Fletcher, widow of Major Daniel Fletcher, late of Acton; Betty Keyes, wife of Jonathan Keyes of Westford; Molly Hastings, wife of Josiah Hastings of Chester- field [NH]; and granddaughter Lois, “daughter of my son Oliver, late of Littleton, deceased.” Timothy Prescott was named sole executor and the will was witnessed by Thomas Read, Isaac Patch and Elijah Hildreth. Nathaniel Boynton, Thomas Read and Asa Bixby took the inventory on 26 January 1779 (Middlesex Probate File 10569). Children by first wife, Elizabeth Brown, born at Concord: 4.28 i. MARY4 HARTWELL, b. 14 Sept 1714 (CBMD 84); d. 9 March 1719/20 (CBMD 98). 40 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4.29 ii. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. 7 Nov 1717 (CBMD 91); d. between 30 Nov and 20 Feb 1717/18 (CBMD 29). Children by second wife, Sarah Wheeler, born as indicated: 4.30 iii. ELISABETH HARTWELL, b. Concord, 29 Feb 1719/20 (CBMD 98); d. there 1 May 1720 (CBMD 99). 4.31 iv. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. Concord, 26 June 1721 (CBMD 102); d. Littleton, 19 Feb 1737/8, age 16y 7m 15d (Gs:Old Common Burying Ground). +4.32 v. SARAH HARTWELL, b. Chelmsford, 22 Sept 1723 (ChVR 76); m. DANIEL FLETCHER. 4.33 vi. PETER HARTWELL, b. Chelmsford, 5 March 1724/5 (ChVR 76); d. Littleton, 10 Dec 1763, age 39 (LVR 367; Gs:Old Common Burying Ground); unmarried. +4.34 vii. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. Chelmsford, 6 March 1726/7 (ChVR 76); m. MARY HOAR. +4.35 viii. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. Chelmsford, 9 March 1728/9 (ChVR 76); m. LOIS DUDLEY. 4.36 ix. CHARLES HARTWELL, b. Westford, 22 Feb 1730/1 (WVR 49); d. probably young, as he is not mentioned in his father’s will. +4.37 x. ELISABETH “BETTY” HARTWELL, b. Westford, 13 Feb 1731/2 (WVR 49); m. (1) PETER REED JR., (2) JONATHAN KEYES, (3) PELETIAH FLETCHER. +4.38 xi. MARY “MOLLY” HARTWELL, b. Westford -- May 1738 (WVR 49); m. JOSIAH HASTINGS. 4.39 xii. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. Westford, 19 Sept 1741 (WVR 49); death record not found. Jonathan is almost certainly the JH of Westford mentioned in David Holden’s diary as being selected to march to Fort Miller and Saratoga under command of Major Hawks, 28 May 1760 (S. A. Green, Three Military Dairies [Groton, MA, 1901]). Perhaps he never returned from this campaign, as he is not mentioned in his father’s will. Third Generation 41

Descendants of Samuel2 and Ruth (Wheeler) Hartwell

3.10 SAMUEL3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1), was born at Concord, 2 October 1666 (CBMD 12) and he died there, “husband to Experience his wife,” 27 November 1744, age 78y 2m (CBMD 159; Gs:Hill Burying Ground). He married first, at Concord, 23 November 1692 (CBMD 37), ABIGAIL3 STEARNS, who was born at Watertown, 14 June 1671 (IGI), and died at Concord, as a result of childbirth, 11 May 1709 (CBMD 70), daughter of Isaac2 (Isaac1) and Sarah (Beers) Stearns. Samuel married second, ca. 1710, REBECCA (—), who died at Concord 19 April 1714 (CBMD 85). He married third, at Salem, 29 May 1717 (SVR 3:472), MARGARETT TOMPKINS, who was born at Salem, 8 March 1672/3 (SVR 2:353) and died at Concord, 5 April 1723 (CBMD 104), daughter of John and Rebecka (Knights) Tompkins. [Note: Margaret was not a widow, as stated in HOA.] Samuel, called “Samuel Harpwell of Concord,” married fourth, at Lynn, 8 November 1725 (LVR 2:170), EXPERIENCE TARBOX, who was born at Lynn, 1 September 1679 (LVR 1:391), daughter of Samuel and Experience (Look) Tarbox. Other than the fact that she was living at the time of her husband’s death, no further record of Experience has been found. In 1694 Samuel bought of Richard Rice a part of the present Hartwell farm in Lincoln, and was living in that part of Concord in 1696 (HOA). On 5 August 1736, Samuel Hartwell, husbandman, Nathaniel Ball, trader, both of Concord, and John Morse of Cambridge, barber, gave bond for Samuel to administer the estate of his late wife Margaret Hartwell, formerly Margaret Tompkins. This estate consisted solely of a bond worth 20 pounds from her brother, Nathaniel Tompkins to herself (Middlesex Probate File 10578). Samuel wrote his will 20 February 1732/3 leaving “beloved wife Experience” one-half of all his estate. Eldest son Samuel Hartwell of Stoughton was left 40 pounds, as were the children of daughter Abigail Wheeler of Stoughton, deceased, son Joseph Hartwell of Stoughton, son Isaac Hartwell of Bedford, and daughter 42 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lydia Shepard of Concord. Daughter Mary Cutler of Lexington was left 20 pounds. Son Ephraim was left all land in Concord, the dwelling house, etc., and the will was witnessed by William Wood, Peter Holden and Thomas Monroe (Middlesex Probate File 10587). Children, all by first wife Abigail Stearns, all born at Concord: +4.40 i. SAMUEL4 HARTWELL, b. 12 Nov 1693 (CBMD 38); m. HANNAH (—). +4.41 ii. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 27 Nov 1695 (CBMD 41); m. WILLIAM WHEELER. +4.42 iii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 11 Aug 1698 (CBMD 45); m. MARY (RICE) TOLMAN. +4.43 iv. MARY HARTWELL, b. 13 Jan 1700/1 (CBMD 50); m. BENJAMIN CUTLER. 4.44 v. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 22 Nov 1703 (CBMD 60); d. Oxford, 6 Dec 1786 (OVR 285); m. (1) ca. 1730, ABIGAIL (TAYLOR) BACON, b. Concord, 8 March 1695/6 (CBMD 41), d. Bedford, 30 May 1733, in her 38th year (BVR 123; Gs:Old Burying Ground), dau. of Joseph and Ruth (Wooley) Taylor, and widow of Benjamin Bacon, by whom she had five children, born at Billerica. Isaac was “of Oxford” when he m. (2) at Reading, 20 Jan 1736/7 (OVR 176; RVR 362), MARY (THOMPSON) COWDREY, b. Woburn, 18 Aug 1703 (WB 255), d. Oxford, 14 Oct 1772, in her 70th yr (OVR 285), dau. of Jonathan and Frances (Whitmore) Thompson and widow of William Cowdrey. Mary evidently had no children, as her estate, consisting of land in Reading, Wilmington and Stoneham, was divided among her brothers and sisters, or their heirs (Middlesex Probate File 10580). [Note: Isaac’s second cousins, Ebenezer Lamson and Amos Lamson (see #3.4-i and #3.4-viii), married respectively, Patience Thompson and Esther Thompson, both apparently sisters of Mary (Thompson) Cowdrey.] Third Generation 43

Isaac m. (3) Oxford, 14 July 1773 (OVR 176), PHEBE (LOCKE) BREWER, b. Woburn, 15 Aug 1709 (WB 153), d. Ashby, before 19 Sept 1796 when her will was filed, dau. of James and Sarah (Cutter) Locke, and widow of Daniel Brewer. Daniel and Phebe were married 9 Sept 1731 and had at least two children, born in Weston. On 19 Sept 1796, John Jones testified that “Phebe Hartwell left no child within this Commonwealth but my wife” and re- quested that administration of Phebe’s estate be granted to Ralph Hill “who married a granddaughter of the deceased” (Middlesex Probate File 10583). Isaac Hartwell removed from Bedford, to Oxford in 1734, and was a large property owner there. According to HOA “he was a man of stern unbending character, deeply offended by the disposition made of his father’s property, and never to his dying day forgave his youngest brother Ephraim, on whom the property was settled by the court. . . . When the news of the fight at Concord in 1775 reached him, he took down his old musket and cleaned it for service, and was with great difficulty persuaded to abandon his intention of setting out for Cambridge to take an active part in the hostilities that followed.” In his will, written 18 Nov 1785 and proved 2 Jan 1787, Capt. Isaac Hartwell of the County Gore between Leicester and Oxford, left to his beloved wife Phebe 100 pounds lawful silver money, one of his best beds with furniture belonging thereto (two coverlids, 2 pair of sheets with ?acruit, curtings and vallants), improvement of one of the best lower rooms in my house, privilege in the cellar, etc. Isaac and Phebe had negotiated a marriage contract dated 25 June 1773, in which Phebe agreed to settle for 100 pounds from his estate, and she did not contest this agreement. Isaac left six shillings to his brother Ephraim “if he will come for it, it being all his portion as he had more property and privelege out of our 44 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

honored father’s estate than his three brethren, Samuel, Joseph and Isaac.” He willed a legacy left him by his father to the heirs of sister Lydia Shepard deceased, stating that she also “has had more than her sister or heirs of her sister deceased.” Also remembered in his will are his nephew Samuel Hartwell “that now lives with me, son of Jonas deceased.” Son-in-law (i.e., stepson) Samuel Bacon, brother Joseph and his heirs, brother Samuel deceased, heirs of sisters Abigail Wheeler deceased and Mary Cutler deceased, and nephew John Hartwell, son of brother Joseph were also remembered. The will was witnessed by Ebenezer Larned, Reuben Lamb and Silvanus Learned, and the inventory, taken by Ebenezer Learned Esq., Reuben Lamb of Oxford and Ezra Cary of Ward [now Auburn], showed an estate valued at 829 pounds, 14 shillings, and 1/2 pence (Worcester County Probate File A:27673). There is no evidence that Isaac ever had a son named Isaac, as mentioned by HOA. +4.45 vi. EPHRAIM HARTWELL, b. 14 Jan 1706/7 (CBMD 66); m. ELIZABETH HEYWOOD. +4.46 vii. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 2 May 1709 (CBMD 72); m. JOHN SHEPARD.

3.11 MARY3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 16 Feb 1667 (CBMD 13) and she died there 14 March 1738/9, age 71y 1m (CBMD 143). She married at Concord, Mr. Joseph Estabrook, minister, officiating, 1 November 1688 (CBMD 27), JOHN2 PARLIN, who was born at Cambridge, 31 March 1666 (CVR 1:542) and died at Concord, 24 February 1750, “age 84 or thereabout” (CBMD 415), son of Nicholas1 and Sarah (Hanmore) Parlin. John Parlin lived in the north part of Concord, “near unto Berry Corner,” where he owned considerable land (Parlin, Frank Edson, The Descendants of Nicholas Parlin of Cambridge, Mass. [1913], hereinafter, Parlin). Third Generation 45

Children, all born probably at Concord: i. JOHN PARLIN, b. 11 July 1689 (CBMD 32); death record not found (HOA says he d. 5 Jan 1754, but this is the date of his wife’s death); m. Concord, 12 May 1718 (CBMD 93), MARY HEALD, b. Concord, 18 Aug 1691 (CBMD 35), d. there 5 Jan 1754 (CBMD 433), dau. of John and Mary (Chandler) Heald. Children: 1. John Parlin, b. Littleton, 8 Feb 1718/19 (LVR 7); d. Norridgewock, Maine (HOA), 25 March 1806 (DARPI); m. Concord/Rutland, 2 April 1745 (CBMD 161; RVR 164), Margaret MacKollo of Rutland, dau. of Archibald and Margaret (Melvin) MacKollo. 2. Amos Parlin, b. ca. 1721 (Parlin); d. after 1790 (DARPI); m. (1) Charlestown, 19 April 1757 (ChVR 400, wherein Esther is incorrectly called “Elizabeth”; int. in Acton VR name her correctly), as her second husband, Esther (Conant) Davies, widow of Lt. Ebenezer Davies; m. (2) [date not given], Mary (Conant) Davis, sister of his first wife (HOA). 3. Elizabeth Parlin, b. ca. 1724; m. Concord, 14 Jan 1745 (CBMD 165), Samuel Kibby, b. ca. 1723/4 (calc.), d. Concord, 16 April 1796, age 71 (CBMD 422; Gs gives age as 73). 4. Jonathan Parlin, found only in Parlin. 5. Lydia Parlin, b. Concord, 7 Sept 1730 (CBMD 125); m. there 25 Feb 1752 (CBMD 184), Sampson Hildreth, b. Chelmsford, 5 May 1730 (ChVR 81), son of Jonathan and Hannah (Spaulding) Hildreth. Six children re- corded at Harvard. 6. Esther Parlin, b. Concord, 13 March 1732/3 (CBMD 134); m. there 26 April 1757 (CBMD 192), Jacob Melvin, b. Concord, 30 Aug 1726 (CBMD 116), d. Cummington, 6 June 1807 (Parlin; HOA attributes this 46 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

death date to Esther), son of Capt. David and Mary (Farrar) Melvin. 7. Stephen Parlin, b. Concord, 18 Aug 1735 (CBMD 139); d. Temple, NH, after 1781 (Parlin); unmarried. ii. MARY PARLIN, b. 8 Oct 1692 (CBMD 37); m. JOHN HARTWELL (see #4.1). iii. JOSEPH PARLIN, b. 24 July 1695 (CBMD 40); d. 10 June 1697 (Parlin). iv. JOSEPH PARLIN, b. 22 Sept 1698 (CBMD 51); death record not found; m. ca. 1727, ABIGAIL STRATTON, b. Concord 24 Jan 1705/6 (CBMD 65), dau. of Samuel 3rd and Ruth (Goble?) Stratton. Joseph was one of the remonstrants on a petition to the General Court by the residents of Carlisle, to be sent back to the town of Concord 14 July 1756. His name appears as “Captain” on the alarm list of men under command of Col. James Minott, 25 April 1757. Children, all born at Concord: 1. Sarah Parlin, b. 7 Jan 1727/8 (CBMD 120); m. Acton/ Concord, 23 May 1751 (AVR2 206: CBMD 177), Sampson Wheeler, b. ca. 1737 (DARPI), d. -- Sept 1832 (ibid.), a Private in NH during the Revolution. 2. Abigail Parlin, b. 2 March 1728/9 (CBMD 120); m. (1) Rutland, 7 Sept 1748 (RVR 177), as his 2nd wife, Isaac Stevens; m. (2) Silas Rice, bap. 23 March 1729 (HOA), son of Edmund Rice of Rutland. 3. Daniel Parlin, b. 28 June 1732 (CBMD 136); d. -- July 1825 (HOA); m. Rutland, 19 Jan 1758, Mary King, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (—) King. 4. Simon Parlin, b. 20 Dec 1734 (CBMD 147); d. Carlisle, 28 May 1753, in his 19th yr (CBMD 431). 5. Ruth Parlin, b. 31 Aug 1737 (CBMD 147); d. 22 Feb 1813; m. Acton (int.), 25 Nov 1758 (AVR2 206), John Harris, b. Concord, 13 Sept 1733 (CBMD 135), d. 26 Third Generation 47

Nov 1814, age 80 (HOA), son of Joseph and Sarah (—) Harris. 6. Hannah Parlin, b. 24 Jan 1739/40 (CBMD 149); d. Oakham, 28 Feb 1808; m. Rutland, 1 Dec 1757 (CBMD 198; RVR 177), Ebenezer Foster (Chester?) (RVRs give both names). 7. Oliver Parlin, b. 31 Sept 1741 (CBMD 154); d. Carlisle, 21 March 1787 (CVR 95); m. Rebecca (—). Oliver was a private in the Revolution (DARPI). 8. Mary Parlin, b. 4 July 1743 (CBMD 165); d. Concord 13 Dec 1762 (CBMD 206); m. Concord 25 Feb 1762 (CBMD 215), Josiah Parlin (see #3.11-vi-2 below). 9. Peter Parlin, b. Concord or Carlisle, 7 Oct 1747 (CBMD 173; CBMD 431); d. Concord, 11 Oct 1756 (CBMD 183). 10. Phebe Parlin, b. Carlisle, 14 May 1750 (CBMD 431); d. Concord, 11 Oct 1756 (CBMD 183). v. JONATHAN PARLIN, b. 22 June 1701 (CBMD 51); d. Acton, 9 or 19 Jan 1767, in 69th yr [sic] (AVR 288; Gs:Forest Cemetery); m. Ipswich, 23 June 1734 (IVR 2:445; Parlin), SARAH WARNER, bp. Ipswich, 4.1m.11 (IVR 1:385), d. Acton, 9 May 1790, in 86th yr [sic] (AVR 289; Gs:Forest Cemetery), dau. of John and Hannah (Davis) Warner. [Note: Sarah’s age at death would seem to indicate that she may have been the dau. of Philemon and Abigail (—) Warner, b. Ipswich 8 March 1704, rather than the Sarah that Parlin and HOA identify.] Children, born at Acton (AVR 86-87): 1. Jonathan Parlin, b. 6 Jan 1735/6; d. Lake George, NY, 23 Sept 1758 (AVR 288); unmarried. 2. Sarah Parlin, b. 15 March 1738; d. 6 Aug 1759 (AVR 289). 48 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Nathan Parlin, b. 18 Feb 1739/40; d. Acton, 20 Oct 1827, age 88 (AVR 288; Gs:Forest Cemetery); m. Acton, 31 Jan 1770 (AVR 206), Abigail Hodgman, b. Concord, 24 Jan 1746 (CBMD 170), d. Acton, 25 May 1776, in 30th yr (AVR 288; Gs:Forest Cemetery), dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Blood) Hodgman. 4. Mary Parlin, b. 21 July 1742; n.f.r. 5. Lucy Parlin, b. 14 Oct 1744; n.f.r. 6. Samuel Parlin, b. 18 May 1747; d. Acton, 7 March 1827, age 80 (AVR 289); m. Acton, 26 March 1772 (AVR 206), Lucy Davis, b. 7 Aug 1749 (HOA), d. Acton, 5 Jan 1829, age 79 (AVR 288), dau. of John and Sarah (Flint) Davis. 7. Elizabeth Parlin, b. 25 March 1751; n.f.r. 8. Asa Parlin, b. 3 Nov 1754; “of Carlisle” when he m. Concord, 14 Oct 1788 (CBMD 357), Susanna Ross, b. Concord, 20 Sept 1754 (CBMD 188), dau. of Seth and Susanna (Kittredge) Ross. vi. DAVID PARLIN, b. ca. 1703; death record not found; m. Concord, 9 April 1726 (CBMD 106), as her 2nd husband, SARAH (WOOD) FARRAR, b. Rowley, 15 Feb 1692 (RVR 235), dau. of Josiah and Mary (Felt) Wood, and widow of Jacob Farrar, by whom she had five children. Children, born at Concord: 1. David Parlin, b. 13 April 1727 (CBMD 118); d. ca. 1804; m. Mary (—). 2. Josiah Parlin, b. 5 May 1730 (CBMD 125); m. Mary Parlin (see #3.11-iv-8 above). 3. Ann[a] Parlin, b. 8 Aug 1732 (CBMD 133); d. Acton, 5 July 1822, “widow” age 90 (AVR 277); m. Carlisle, 5 June 1755 (CVR 70), her first cousin, Samuel Hosmer (see #3.15-v-1). Third Generation 49

4. Lois Parlin, b. 16 Oct 1735 (CBMD 140); m. Concord, 20 March 1754 (CBMD 185), John Hodgman. One son recorded at Carlisle. vii. ESTHER PARLIN, b. 3 Jan 1705/6 (CBMD 65); n.f.r. viii. RUTH PARLIN, b. 7 April 1709 (CBMD 72); death record not found; m. Concord, Justice Minott officiating, 13 Dec 1738 (CBMD 145), THOMAS MEED, prob. the son of Thomas and Hannah (Smith) Mead, bap. Lexington, -- Sept 1700 (LVR 46), d. before 1760, when his estate was probated. [Note: HOA apparently confused Thomas with his brother, Jonathan, stating that Thomas died in 1793, age 90.] “Thomas and Ruth moved to Westford, ca. 1740, where Thomas was the first physician in that town. He served in the French and Indian war; went on the ex- pedition against Ticonderoga; was in Capt. Leonard Whiting’s co., first battalion, and was in the hospital at Albany from 23 Nov to 3 Dec 1759, when he was discharged and soon after died” (HOA). Children, born as indicated: 1. Mary Meed, b. Concord, 16 Sept 1739 (CBMD 149); m. Westford, 11 July 1759 (WVR 203), Thomas Adams. 2. Thomas Meeds, b. Westford, 4 Jan 1741/2 (WVR 73); m. (1) there (int.) 26 March 1763 (WVR 202, Lucy Reed; m. (2) Concord, 3 Nov 1778 (CBMD 242; WVR 202), Sarah Foster. Thomas was a soldier in the Revolution. 3. Susannah Mead, b. Westford, 12 April 1744 (WVR 72). 4. John Mead, bap. Westford, 14 Sept 1746 (WVR 72); killed at the battle of Bunker Hill; m. Mary (—). 5. Ruth Mead, b. Westford, 1 Oct 1749 (WVR 72). 6. Stephen Mead, b. Westford, 15 Aug 1752 (WVR 72); d. Washington, NH, 17 Nov 1837; m. Westford, 15 50 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Feb 1780 (WVR 203), Lucy Wright, who d. 20 March 1824. In his Revolutionary War pension application, Stephen stated that after the war he had lived at Ashley [sic, prob. Ashby], for two years, then moved to Washington, Sullivan Co., NH (not Washington, NY as in HOA).

3.13 WILLIAM3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 19 August 1671 (CBMD 15), and he died at Bedford, 11 December 1742, in his 72nd year (BVR 123). He married, probably ca. 1702, RUTH (HOSMER?), who was born ca. 1675 and died a widow at Bedford, 7 or 17 February 1751/2, “in her 77th yr” (BVR 124). Although HOA suggests that Ruth was “either a WEBBER or a HOSMER,” the latter seems more likely. No Webbers have been found in the area this early, but a daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Wood) Hosmer, who is called “Bridget” in the town records and “Ruth” in the county copy of that record, was born at Concord, 28 August 1675 (CBMD 18), which matches well with the calculated birth date of William’s wife. This Bridget/Ruth Hosmer would be a grand-daughter of James and Alice (—) Hosmer, and a great- granddaughter of Stephen and Dorothy (Selden) Hosmer. Use of the names Stephen and Dorothy by William and Ruth Hartwell in naming their children is suggestive, as these names were not previously used in the Hartwell family, but were common among Hosmer progeny. In his will, dated 4 December 1742, William Hartwell be- queathed all his household goods and furniture, as well as two cows, to beloved wife Ruth. After Ruth’s death, the household goods and furniture were to go to daughters Ruth Bacon, Dorothy Arnall, and Mary Powers. Sons William, Daniel, Timothy, Stephen, and Joseph were all given bequests, and Daniel, Timothy, Stephen and Joseph were to be executors. The will was witnessed by Nicholas Bowes, John Meriam and William Raymond (Middlesex Probate File 10600). Third Generation 51

Children, all born probably at Concord: +4.47 i. WILLIAM4 HARTWELL, b. 5 Nov 1703 (CBMD 60); m. DEBORAH (—). +4.48 ii. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 14 May 1705 (CBMD 63); m. JONATHAN BACON. +4.49 iii. DOROTHY HARTWELL, b. 27 March 1707 (CBMD 67); m. JOSEPH ARNOLD. +4.50 iv. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. 20 March 1708/9 (CBMD 73); m. SARAH WILSON. +4.51 v. TIMOTHY HARTWELL, b. 15 Sept 1712 (CBMD 81); m. MARY DAVIS. +4.52 vi. STEPHEN HARTWELL, b. ca. 1716; m. (1) MARY RAYMOND, (2) REBECCA (CHANDLER) DAVIS. +4.53 vii. MARY HARTWELL, b. ca. 1719; m. WALTER POWERS. +4.54 viii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 17 Jan 1722/3 (CBMD 107); m. JEMIMA BATCHELDER.

3.15 HANNAH3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 8 October 1675 (CBMD 19) and she died there 5 January 1755 (CBMD 183). She married there, Justice Russell officiating, 18 February 1695/6 (CBMD 41), THOMAS3 HOSMER, who was born at Concord, 6 July 1672 (CBMD 16) and died there 2 November 1754 (CBMD 183), son of James2 (James1) and Sarah (White) Hosmer. Children, all born at Concord: i. HANNAH HOSMER, b. 20 Nov 1697 (CBMD 44); m. Concord, 7 Feb 1718 (CBMD 96), JOSEPH SHEVALLEY, b. Concord, 13 Jan 1699 (CBMD 48), son of Nicholas and Rebecka (Wheeler?) Shevalley. Children, born at Concord: 1. John Shevalley, b. 27 Nov 1719 (CBMD 97); n.f.r. 2. Hannah Shevalley, b. 12 Jan 1721/2 (CBMD 103). Possibly the “Hannah Shewvalse?” from Concord 52 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

who was warned out of Princeton, 18 Aug 1767 (Worcester County Warnings, 52).

3. Rebecca Shevalley, b. 25 Oct 1724 (CBMD 112); m. Concord, 31 Oct 1739 (CBMD 145), Ephraim Wheeler. [Note: HOA identifies Ephraim as the son of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Spaulding) Wheeler, b. Concord 9 March 1702, but given Rebecca’s youth and the difference in their ages, this marriage may be between a different Rebecka and/or Ephraim.] Ephraim and Rebecca Wheeler and their children, Rebecca, Molly, Lois, Sarah, Oliver and Jesse “from Sudbury” were warned out of Princeton on 11 May 1766 (Worcester County Warnings, 52). 4. Mary Shevalley, b. 21 Dec 1726 (CBMD 116); m. ca. 1753 (CBMD 191 gives no date, but the listing is suggestive of a 1753/4 date), Robert Rozier. Although HOA says Robert d. in 1754, this seems unlikely in light of the fact that Robert and Mary Rozier and their children, John, Charles, Nathan and Molly were warned out of Princeton on 11 May 1766 (Worcester County Warnings, 52). 5. Sarah Shevalley, b. 12 Aug 1729 (CBMD 122); d. Concord, 13 Jan 1800, age 72 (CBMD 323); unmarried. She was possibly the Sarah “Shovalley” warned out of Templeton, 6 March 1764 (Worcester County Warnings, 75). 6. Martha Shevalley, b. 20 Oct 1731 (CBMD 129); m. Sudbury, 11 Jan 1753 (SVR 264), William Skinner, b. Stow, 31 July 1725 (SVR 74), son of William and Mary (Jewell) Skinner. William and Martha Skinner and their children, Israel, Eunice and Lucy “from Sudbury” were warned out of Princeton, 21 May 1765 (Worcester County Warnings, 52). 7. Lois Shevalley, b. 28 Jan 1733/4 (CBMD 137); d. Concord, 4 Feb 1733/4 (ibid.). Third Generation 53

8. Joseph Shevalley (twin), b. 4 March 1734/5 (CBMD 137); n.f.r. 9. Elizabeth Shevalley (twin), b. 4 March 1734/5 (ibid.); m. Bolton/Stow, 25 May 1757 (BVR 157; SVR 197), Seth Oaks, b. Westborough, 8 April 1733 (WVR 81), d. Athens, VT, 24 April 1810 (Second Boat 6:4), son of Nathaniel and Tabitha (Rice) Oaks. Seth served as quartermaster in the Revolution. ii. SARAH HOSMER, b. 7 Oct 1700 (CBMD 49); n.f.r. [Note: HOA’s statement that she m. 13 March 1744, her 1st cousin, Simeon Hayward, is incorrect; Simeon married the Sarah Hosmer who was born 25 June 1725, dau. of Stephen and Prudence (Billings) Hosmer.] iii. THOMAS HOSMER, b. 7 Feb 1703 (CBMD 59); d. Concord, 10 Jan 1787, in his 84th year (CBMD 245); m. Concord, 29 April 1731 (CBMD 124), PRUDENCE HOSMER, b. Concord, 27 Nov 1707 (CBMD 68), d. there 14 Oct 1791 (CBMD 233), dau. of Stephen and Prudence (Billings) Hosmer. Children, born at Concord: 1. Lucy Hosmer, b. 27 Aug 1732 (CBMD 132); m. Concord, 13 June 1750 (CBMD 184), Oliver Wood, b. Concord, 11 April 1730 (CBMD 123), d. 1 July 1816 (DARPI), son of Ephraim and Mary (Buss?) Wood. Oliver was a Private in the Revolution (ibid.). 2. Joseph Hosmer, b. 27 Dec 1735 (CBMD 140); d. Concord, 13 Jan 1821, age 85 (CBMD 339); m. Marlborough, 24 Dec 1761 (MVR 266), Lucy Barnes, b. Marlborough, 7 July 1742 (MVR 20), d. Concord, 7 Aug 1818, age 76 (CBMD 337), dau. of Jonathan and Rachel (—) Barnes. Joseph was a Major in the Revolution (DARPI). 3. Persis Hosmer, b. 19 April 1739 (CBMD 149); d. Berlin, 16 Sept 1821, age 82 (Gs:Old Burying Ground); m. Concord, 18 Oct 1764 (CBMD 221), Fortunatus 54 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Barnes, b. Marlborough, 25 Sept 1738 (MVR 20), d. Berlin, 7 Nov 1807, age 69 (Gs), son of Jonathan and Rachel (—) Barnes. Fortunatus was a Sergeant in the Revolution (DARPI). 4. Dinah Hosmer, b. 20 March 1741 (CBMD 155); d. there 28 Dec 1831, age 90 (CBMD 347); unmarried. 5. Lydia Hosmer, b. 30 Dec 1745 (CBMD 167); d. Leominster, 14 or 16 May 1819 (LVR 368); m. Concord, 6 Dec 1770 (CBMD 237; LVR 281), John Wood, b. Concord, 27 Feb 1745 (CBMD 167), d. Leominster, 8 July 1812 (LVR 368), son of John and Elizabeth (Barber?) Wood. John was a Sergeant in the Revolution (DARPI); 11 children recorded at Leominster. 6. Benjamin Hosmer, b. 18 May 1750 (CBMD 179); d. Concord, 2 Jan 1832, age 81 (CBMD 347); m. Concord, 20 April 1792 (CBMD 358), Sarah “Sally” Miles, b. ca. 1757 (calc.), d. Concord, in childbirth (HOA), 28 Dec 1792, age 35 (CBMD 421). iv. MARY HOSMER, b. 9 March 1706/7 (CBMD 67); d. Concord, 28 March 1789 (CBMD 322); unmarried. v. JAMES HOSMER, b. 26 Feb 1708/9 (CBMD 72); d. Concord, 24 May 1760, in his 52 yr (CBMD 205); m. Bedford, 27 June 1732 (BVR 83), ELIZABETH DAVIS, b. Concord, 11 Jan 1713/4 (CBMD 83), d. there 8 Jan 1801, age 88 (CBMD 324), dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth (Fletcher) Davis. Children, born at Concord: 1. Samuel Hosmer, b. 12 May 1734 (CBMD 141); d. Concord, 22 Jan 1796, age 61 (CBMD 422); m. Carlisle, 5 June 1755 (CVR 70), his first cousin, Ann[a] Parlin, (see #3.11-vi-3). Samuel was a 2d Lieut. in the Revolution (DARPI). Seven children recorded at Acton. Third Generation 55

2. James Hosmer, b. 26 Jan 1736/7 (CBMD 141); d. 20 Aug 1758 (CBMD 205). 3. Elizabeth Hosmer, b. 12 March 1739 (CBMD 154); d. before 17 Feb 1778; m. 16 Feb 1764 (CBMD 215), as his 1st wife, Jeremiah Robbins, b. Groton, 20 Dec 1737 (GVR 1:200), d. prob. bet. 1793-1800, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Wood) Robbins. Five children (NEHGR 152[1998]:90). 4. Beulah Hosmer, b. 14 Oct 1742 (CBMD 177); d. Concord, 17 Nov 1778, age 36 (CBMD 416); m. Concord, 16 Aug 1763 (CBMD 214), Nathan Hosmer, b. Concord, 2 March 1740 (CBMD 151), d. there 25 Dec 1777, age 36 (CBMD 436), son of Stephen and Mellescent (Wood) Hosmer. 5. Ruth Hosmer, b. 6 Nov 1745 (CBMD 177); m. Concord, 18 July 1765 (CBMD 215), Hope Brown, b. Sudbury, 22 July 1742 (DARPI; not in VRs), d. 10 April 1812 (ibid.), son of Jotham and Hepzibah (Robbins) Brown. Hope was a Corporal in the Revolution (ibid.). 6. Elijah Hosmer, b. 22 March 1749 (CBMD 178); d. Concord, 31 May 1828, age 78 (CBMD 345); m. there 26 June 1776 (CBMD 241), Sarah Gardner, b. ca. 1754, d. Concord, 22 March 1827, age 73 (CBMD 344). Five children.

3.18 ABIGAIL3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 1.3.81 [1 May 1681] (CBMD 24) and she died at Weston, 8 October 1756, age 75 (WVR 300). She married at Concord, Rev. John Whiting officiating, 24 June 1718 (CBMD 96; Weston VRs 276), SHUBAEL3 CHILD, who was born at Watertown, 8 September 1693 (WVR 2:27) and died at Weston, 24 September 1756, age 63 years (WVR 300), son of Shubael2 (Richard1) and Abigail (Sanders[on]) Child. Abigail was received into the church at Weston on 7 June 1719. 56 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born at Weston: i. RICHARD CHILD (twin), b. 23 Sept 1719 (WVR 8); d. -- Jan 1719/20 (WVR 399). ii. MARY CHILD (twin), b. 23 Sept 1719; d. young (WVR 399). iii. SHUBAEL CHILD, b. 16 July 1721 (WVR 12); bap. 23 July 1721; d. “in the war” 17 April 1748 (WVR 457); m. Weston, William Williams, minister of the gospel offici- ating, 11 Feb 1744 (WVR 62), SARAH STRATTON of Waltham. Children, recorded at Weston: 1. Mary Child, b. -- Nov 1745 (WVR 60, 452); m. Weston, 22 Dec 1762 (WVR 115; not 1752 as in HOA), Joseph Allen, probably the son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Gleason?) Allen, b. Weston, 4 Aug 1736 (WVR 37). 2. Sarah Child, b. 16 Jan 1747/8 (WVR 85, 455); d. Phillipston, 23 Aug 1846, age 98y 6m 27d (PVR 117); m. Weston, 20 Sept 1768 (WVR 131), Jonathan Stratton, Jr., b. Weston, 8 March 1746 (WVR 63), d. Phillipston, 1 Dec 1819, age 73 (PVR 117), son of Jonathan and Dinah (Bemis) Stratton. Jonathan was a Private in the Revolution. Ten children.

3.19 REBECCA3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 14.12.82 [14 February 1682/3] (CBMD 25) and she died there, as “Mrs. Rebekah Temple, in the 94th year of her age, formerly the wife of Mr. Simeon Hayward,” 29 March 1776 (CBMD 436). She married first, Rev. Mr. Joseph Estabrook officiating, 23 October 1705 (CBMD 64), SIMEON3 HAYWARD, who was born 18 June 1683 and died at Concord, 18 May 1719, age 35y 11m (CBMD 97), son of Joseph2 (George1) and Elizabeth (Treadwell) (Hapgood) Hayward. Rebecca’s second husband, whom she married before 12 February 1721/2 when she is called Rebeckah Temple in her father’s will, remains unidentified. [Note: HOA’s speculation that he was perhaps the Benjamin Temple who died at Concord 6 March 1753, in the 64th year of his age (CBMD 433) cannot be correct, since Third Generation 57 this Benjamin Temple married at Weston, 18 September 1718, Abigail Wait (WVR 7), who died at Concord, 26 April 1771. Benjamin and Abigail (Wait) Temple are buried side by side in Concord’s Hill Burying Ground.] Children, all by first husband, all born at Concord: i. JOSIAH HAYWARD, b. 29 May 1707 (CBMD 67); d. Acton, 6 May 1783, age 76 (AVR 274); m. Concord 17 Feb 1730/1 (CBMD 124), MARY HOSMER, b. Concord, 17 Dec 1711 (CBMD 78), d. Acton, 22 Jan 1790, age 70 (AVR 274), dau. of John and Mary (Billings) Hosmer. Josiah “was a representative from Acton in 1744/5, and a delegate to the Provincial Congress” (HOA). He is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as having performed public service during the Revolution. Children, born at Concord and Acton: 1. Rebecca Hayward, b. 3 April 1732 (CBMD 133); m. Acton, 15 Jan 1756 (AVR 179), Samuel Dudley, b. Littleton, 4 Jan 1729 (LVR 49), son of Samuel and Abigail (Waters?) Dudley. Five children born at Littleton. 2. Josiah Hayward, b. 4 Nov 1733 (CBMD 135); d. 3 Aug 1736 (CBMD 128). 3. Mary Hayward, b. 31 March 1736 (CBMD 140); d. Concord, 23 March 1831, age 95 (CBMD 428); m. Francis4 Wheeler, b. Concord, 31 July 1728 (CBMD 119), d. there 25 June 1778, age 49y 10m 17d (CBMD 244), son of Francis3 (William2, George1) and Mary (Meriam?) Wheeler. “He was a Lieut. in Capt. Charles Miles’s company of Minute Men and was in the first encounter at the bridge in Concord. He was wounded in the Revolution” (HOA). Ten children. 4. Josiah Hayward, b. 15 Feb 1737/8 (CBMD 147); d. Concord, 9 Oct 1821, age 84 (CBMD 339); m. Acton, (int.) 27 Nov 1761 (AVR 178), Lucy Conant, b. Acton, 58 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

27 March 1740 (AVR 29), d. Concord, 22 April 1828, age 88 (CBMD 345), dau. of William and Mary (Lamson) Conant. Five children. 5. John Hayward, b. 29 April 1740 (CBMD 156), d. ca. 1825 (DARPI); m. Acton, (int.) 26 Sept 1761 (AVR 179), Miriam Forbush, b. Acton, 16 Dec 1743 (AVR 47), dau. of David and Ruth (Wood) Forbush. John was a Captain in the Revolution (DARPI). Nine children recorded at Acton. 6. Sarah Hayward, b. 17 July 1742 (HOA; not in VRs); m. Acton “1st Thursday of Nov” (AVR 179), David Forbush, b. Acton, 24 Dec 1739 (AVR 46), son of David and Ruth (Wood) Forbush. 7. Daniel Hayward, b. Acton, 8 Dec 1744 (AVR 58); d. there 30 March 1770, age 25y 3m 10d (AVR 274). 8. Ruth Hayward, b. 11 Sept 1746 (AVR 60); m. Acton, 16 Jan 1772 (AVR 179), Elias Sawyer, b. Bolton, 11 March 1746 (BVR 75), son of Elijah and Lucy (Sawyer) Sawyer. 9. Lydia Hayward, b. prob. 30 March 1749 (AVR 11; AVR 59 gives 19 -1749); d. Lowell, 30 April 1836, age 87 (AVR 249); m. Acton, 23 Feb 1770 (AVR 179), John Adams, Jr., b. Acton, 16 Sept 1746 (AVR 11), d. there 7 April 1801, age 54 (AVR 249), son of John and Mercy (Warner?) Adams. Seven children recorded at Acton. 10. Elizabeth Hayward, b. 21 July 1752 (AVR 58); n.f.r. 11. Simeon Hayward, b. 15 March 1755 (AVR 60); d. Acton, 5 June 1803, age 48 (AVR 275); m. (1) Acton, 12 Dec 1786 (AVR 180), Lucy Marble, b. Stow, 9 April 1761 (SVR 56), d. Acton, 13 Feb 1788, in her 27th year (AVR 274), dau. of John and Rebekah (Farnsworth) Marble. Simeon m. (2) Acton, 30 Oct 1792 (AVR 180), Elizabeth “Betsey” Randall, b. Stow, 15 Aug 1770 (SVR 68), dau. of Silas and Elizabeth Third Generation 59

(Witt) Randall. After Simeon’s death, Elizabeth m. (2) Acton, 7 May 1812 (AVR 178), as his 2nd wife, Alpheus Gale of Waltham; HOA is in error in accord- ing Simeon three wives. 12. Micah Hayward, b. ca. 1756 (HOA: not in VRs); n.f.r. ii. MARY HAYWARD, b. 6 Dec 1708 (CBMD 71); d. prob. Brookfield, 30 July 1803 (HOA); m. (1) Concord, 12 Sept 1728 (CBMD 107), Captain EPHRAIM4 JONES, b. Boston, 20 Sept 1706, d. Concord, 29 Nov 1756, age 51 (CBMD 183), son of Ephraim3 (Samuel2, John1) and Hepzibah (Chandler) Jones; m. (2) Concord, 26 Jan 1758 (CBMD 198), Captain NATHANIEL WOOLCOT of Brookfield; m. (3) Brookfield, 25 Oct (C.R.) or 23 Dec 1772 (BVR 445), WILLIAM AYRES, Esq., who d. Brookfield, 29 Aug 1789, age 89 (BVR 457). Children, all by first husband, all born at Concord: 1. Ephraim Jones, b. 1 May 1730 (CBMD 126); d. Concord, 21 Sept 1787, age 56 (CBMD 419); m. Cambridge, 16 Nov 1752 (CVR 2:221), Alice Cutler, b. Cambridge, 27 Nov 1729 (CVR 1:181), d. Concord, 28 Feb 1792, age 62 (CBMD 420), dau. of James and Alice (—) Cutler. Five children. 2. Mary Jones, b. 17 May 1738 (CBMD 130); m. Bedford, 29 Aug 1754 (BVR 103; CBMD 185), Jonathan Taylor, b. Bedford, 27 Feb 1729/30 (BVR 52), d. 29 Oct 1811 (DARPI), son of David and Hannah (—) Taylor. Six children. 3. Hepzibah Jones, b. 6 May 1734 (CBMD 136); d. Medford, 11 Aug 1790, age 56 (MVR 388); m. Concord/Medford, 3 May 1753 (CBMD 184; MVR 233), Benjamin Hall, b. Medford, 27 Jan 1730/1 (MVR 70), d. there 6 Feb 1817, age 86 (MVR 383), son of Andrew and Abigail (Walker) Hall. Five children. 60 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4. Jonas Jones, b. 10 July 1736 (CBMD 140); m. his second cousin, ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL (see #5.95). 5. Rebekah Jones, b. 11 Dec 1738 (CBMD 148); d. Concord, 6 Sept 1823, age 88 (CBMD 341); m. Concord, 15 March 1757 (CBMD 198), Capt. David Wheeler, b. Concord, 22 July 1730 (CBMD 125), d. there 10 Nov 1803, age 73 (CBMD 326), son of Timothy and Abigail (Munroe) Wheeler. Seven children. 6. Peter Jones, b. 26 July 1741 (CBMD 153); n.f.r. 7. Lucy Jones, b. 13 Oct 1745 (CBMD 164); n.f.r. 8. Lois Jones, b. 8 Dec 1747 (CBMD 172); d. 25 March 1750 (CBMD 171). 9. Martha Jones, b. 19 June 1750 (CBMD 178); n.f.r. iii. ABIGAIL HAYWARD, b. 21 Jan 1710/11 (CBMD 76); d. Bedford, 5 or 15 Nov 1793, age 83 (BVR 126); m. (1) Bedford, 23 March 1730/1 (BVR 83, as “Abigail Howard”), Lieut. JOHN MERIAM, b. Concord, 16 May 1704 (CBMD 61), d. Bedford, 20 Sept 1767 (BVR 129), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Taylor) Meriam. Abigail m. (2) Bedford, 20 Jan 1774 (BVR 129; not 1744 as in HOA), as his 4th wife, Capt. JAMES LANE, and did not have any children by Lane as stated in HOA. Children, all by first husband, all born at Bedford (BVR 39): 1. Rebecca Meriam, b. 28 Sept 1731; d. 23 Oct 1819 (HOA); m. Bedford, 13 Jan 1758 (BVR 102), Joseph Stone, b. Framingham, 27 Aug 1731 (FVR 187), living in 1809, son of Joseph and Lydia (Parkhurst) Stone. Joseph was a soldier in the French & Indian War. Five children. 2. Mary Meriam, b. 25 July 1733; d. Billerica, 30 Nov 1814 (BVR 352); m. Billerica, 13 Oct 1755 (BVR 238), Ephraim Crosby, b. Billerica, 13 Oct 1731 (BVR 44), d. there 29 Feb 1808, age 77 (BVR 351), son of Simon Third Generation 61

and Abigail (Kidder) Crosby. Five children recorded at Billerica. 3. John Meriam, b. 13 Feb 1734/5 (BVR 39, incorrectly as son of John and “Rebecca”); d. Bedford, 26 Nov 1794, in his 60th yr (BVR 129); m. Bedford, 4 Dec 1760 (BVR 90), Hannah Brooks, b. Lincoln, 2 Oct 1748 (LVR 21), dau. of Joshua Jr. and Hannah (Symonds?) Brooks. Four children. 4. Anna Merriam, b. 13 July 1737; d. Bedford, 10 July 1810, age 73 (BVR 131); m. Bedford/Lexington, 1 Jan 1756 (BVR 92), Thomas Page, b. Bedford, 5 May 1733 (BVR 43), d. there 31 July 1809 (BVR 132), son of Nathaniel and Hannah (—) Page. 5. Nathaniel Meriam, b. 15 Dec 1739; d. “in His Majesty’s service at Lake George” 15 Sept 1758 (BVR 129). 6. Lydia Meriam, b. 6 April 1742; m. 1 March 1759, Rev. Nathaniel Sherman of Bedford, b. 5 March 1726, d. 18 July 1797, a brother of Roger “the Signer” Sherman. 7. William Meriam, b. 3 Feb 1744 (HOA; not in VRs); d. Bedford, 15 Aug 1749 (BVR 130). 8. Abigail Meriam, b. 28 April 1746; d. Bedford, 16 Aug 1749 (BVR 129). 9. Thaddeus Meriam, b. 17 April 1748 (BVR 40); d. Bedford 24 Oct 1754 (BVR 130). 10. William Meriam, b. 25 Aug 1750 (BVR 40); m. (1) Bedford, 30 Nov 1769 (BVR 90), Esther Bellamy, b. 9 June 1751 (calc.), d. Bedford, in childbed, 17 March 1785, age 33y 9m 8d (BVR 130); m. (2) 28 March 1786 (BVR 90), Rebecca (Howe) Fiske of Lexington. Five children by 1st wife, three by 2nd (not “no children” as stated in HOA). 62 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

iv. SAMUEL HAYWARD, b. 5 April 1713 (CBMD 82); d. Acton, 6 March 1791, age 78 (AVR 275); m. Acton, 3 June 1739 (AVR 179), MARY STEVENS, b. Marlborough, 18 May 1718 (MVR 170), d. Acton, 18 Sept 1797, age 82 (AVR 274), dau. of Samuel and Thankful (Stow) Stevens. Samuel is called Captain on his son James’s monument, and is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as having performed public service during the Revolution. His death record says, “for many years he commanded militia in Acton.” Children, all born probably at Acton: 1. Samuel Hayward, bap. 19 Aug 1741 (AVR 60); d. prob. young. 2. Samuel Hayward, b. 18 Sept 1742 (AVR 60); d. Acton, 14 Aug 1824, age 82 (AVR 275); m. (1) Acton, 20 Oct 1764 (AVR 179), Mary Brown, b. Concord, 8 March 1744 (CBMD 170), d. Acton, 13 May 1798, age 54 (AVR 274), dau. of Daniel and Abigail (—) Brown; m. (2) Acton, 29 Oct 1799 (AVR 179), Judith Wheeler, b. ca. 1761, d. Acton, 6 Feb 1813, age 52 (AVR 274); m. (3) 18 Sept 1817 (AVR 179), “Mrs.” Mary Blanchard of Acton. Seven children by 1st wife. 3. Paul Hayward, b. 2 April 1745 (AVR 60); d. Box- borough, 16 May 1825 (BVR 68-9); m. Acton, 14 July 1768 (AVR 179), Anna White, b. Acton, 26 June 1745 (AVR 116), d. Boxborough, 28 Dec 1839, age 92 (BVR 68), dau. of Mark and Anna (Chamberlain) White. Ten children recorded at Stow. 4. Lucy Hayward, b. 19 June 1747 (AVR 59); d. ca. 1822; m. Acton, 31 July 1766 (AVR 178), Nehemiah Batchelor. Three children. 5. James Hayward, b. 4 April 1750 (AVR 58); d. 20 April 1775, having been mortally wounded in the Concord fight. “This monument may unborn ages tell / How brave Young Hayward, like a hero fell / When Third Generation 63

fighting for his countrie’s liberty / Was slain, and here his body now doth lye, / He and his foe were by each other slain, / His victim’s blood with his ye earth did stain; / Upon ye field he was with victory crowned, / And yet must yield his breath upon that ground. / He express’t his hope in God before his death, / After his foe had yielded up his breath. / O may his death a lasting witness lye, / Against Oppressors’ bloody cruelty” (Gs:Acton). 6. Benjamin Hayward, b. 1 Dec 1752 (AVR 58); d. Acton, 20 Oct 1838, age 86 (AVR 274); m. (1) 6 April 1780 (AVR 178), Lucy Hunt, b. Acton, 8 July 1758 (AVR 69), d. there 26 April 1784, age 26 (AVR 274), dau. of Simon and Lucy (Marble) Hunt; m. (2) (int.) 18 Nov 1784 (AVR 178), Tabitha Houghton “of Lunningborough,” b. ca. 1757, d. Acton, 17 Dec 1817 or 1818, age 60 (AVR 275); m. (3) (int.) Acton, 9 Dec 1821 (AVR 178), Rachel Heywood “of Worcester,” b. ca. 1758, d. Acton, 30 Aug 1835, in her 77th yr (AVR 274). Two children by 1st wife, five by 2nd. 7. Mary Hayward, b. 26 April 1755 (AVR 59); d. Acton, 10 Dec 1839, age 85 (AVR 255); m. (1) (int.) 27 Sept 1774 (AVR 179), Ebenezer White, b. Acton, 10 Jan 1751 (AVR 117), d. in the army, 25 Dec 1776, son of Mark and Anna (Chamberlain) White; m. (2) 4 March 1779 (AVR 239), Jonas Brooks, b. Acton, 31 July 1747 (AVR 20), d. there, 8 Nov 1825, age 78 (AVR 255), son of John and Lydia (—) Brooks. One son by first husband. 8. Rebekah Hayward, b. 12 Nov 1758 (AVR 60); d. Acton, 6 Oct 1838, age 80; m. Acton, 2 Sept 1779 (AVR 179), James Davies, b. 27 Sept 1750, son of Ebenezer and Esther (Conant) Davies. Nine children. 64 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

9. Stevens Hayward, b. ca. 1761 (calc.); d. Acton, 6 Oct 1817, age 56 (AVR 275); m. (1) Acton, 23 May 1782 (AVR 180), Hannah Hunt, b. Concord, 13 Sept 1763 (CBMD 216; AVR 69), d. Acton, 11 Feb 1810, age 46 (AVR 274), dau. of John and Hannah (—) Hunt; m. (2) 3 March 1811, Rebecca Hunt, b. Acton, 12 Sept 1771 (AVR 69), d. there 9 Nov 1815, age 44 (AVR 275), sister of his first wife; m. (3) 14 Nov 1816 (AVR 158), widow Lucy (Hunt) Durant, b. Acton, 5 March 1775 (AVR 69), d. 8 July 1850 (HOA), widow of Henry Durant and sister of his first two wives! [Note: HOA is in error in stating that Stevens’s 3rd wife was a niece of Hannah and Rebecca Hunt. Their niece, Lucy Durant, b. 11 Feb 1800, dau. of Henry and Lucy (Hunt) Durant, m. Acton, 9 April 1822, Luke Brooks of Stow (AVR 158), not Stevens Hayward.] v. JOSEPH HAYWARD, b. 16 April 1715 (CBMD 85); d. Concord, 4 Feb 1802, age 87 (CBMD 324); m. (1) Concord, 4 Oct 1738 (CBM 145), ABIGAIL HOSMER, b. Concord, 31 Dec 1719 (CBMD 98), d. there 10 July 1798, age 78 (CBMD 323), dau. of Stephen and Prudence (Billings) Hosmer and sister of Sarah (Hosmer) Hayward (see #3.19 below). Joseph m. (2) Concord/Littleton, (int.) 4 Oct 1798 (CBMD 386; LVR 277), as her 3rd husband, ANNA (JEWETT) (PINGRY) SAUNDERSON, widow respectively of Stephen Pingry and Moses Sanderson. Joseph was a Minute Man and public servant during the Revolution (DARPI). Children, all by 1st wife, all born at Concord: 1. Simeon Hayward, b. 27 June 1739 (CBMD 149); n.f.r. 2. Stephen Hayward, b. 15 June 1741 (CBMD 153); d. 21 Dec 1754 (HOA). 3. Prudence Hayward, b. 1 Jan 1743/4 (CBMD 160, 164); m. Concord, 29 Jan 1767 (CBMD 221), Thomas White of Templeton. Third Generation 65

4. Joseph Hayward, b. 16 Jan 1745 (CBMD 167); d. prob. in NH, 9 May 1835; m. Rebecca Prescott, b. Concord, 19 Oct 1746 (CBMD 169), d. 30 Oct 1825, dau. of Charles and Elizabeth (—) Prescott. Joseph was in the Saratoga campaign. One child. 5. Abigail Hayward, b. 22 Sept 1748 (CBMD 187); m. Concord, 10 July 1771 (CBMD 237), William Horsley of Westminster. 6. Hannah Hayward, b. 11 or 21 Jan 1750/1 (CBMD 189, 192); m. Concord, 19 June 1769 (CBMD 232), David Beard, perhaps the son of Aaron and Susanna (Frost) Beard, b. Tewksbury, 25 July 1746 (TVR 12), d. ca. 1836 (DARPI). One child. 7. Mary Hayward, b. 18 Jan 1753 (CBMD 192); m. Concord, 7 Dec 1773 (CBMD 237), as his 1st wife, Abijah Wheeler, b. Concord, 18 Sept 1751 (CBMD 180), d. prob. Temple, NH, 28 Dec 1812 (DARPI), son of Josiah and Mary (Lee) Wheeler (also see #4.16-ii). 8. Rebecca Hayward, b. 13 Feb 1756 (CBMD 192); n.f.r. 9. Asa Hayward, b. 15 Nov 1758 (CBMD 192); d. Concord, 3 Dec 1777 (CBMD 224). 10. Sarah Hayward, b. 13 Feb 1761 (CBMD 192); n.f.r. 11. John Hayward (twin), b. 2 April 1764 (CBMD 217); m. Concord, 9 Sept 1785 (CBMD 255), Betty Lee, perhaps Elizabeth, dau. of Woodis and Mary (—) Lee, b. Concord, 26 Oct 1761 (CBMD 214). 12. James Hayward (twin), b. 2 April 1764; m. Concord (in a double wedding with his twin brother), 9 Sept 1785 (CBMD 255), Elizabeth Brown. vi. SIMEON HAYWARD, b. 17 April 1717 (CBMD 92); d. Sutton, 18 June 1797 (DARPI); m. Concord, 13 March 1744 (CBMD 161), SARAH HOSMER, b. Concord, 25 June 1725 (CBMD 114), d. Millbury, 12 Jan 1825, age 99 (MVR 141), dau. of 66 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Stephen and Prudence (Billings) Hosmer and sister of Abigail (Hosmer) Hayward (see #3.19 above). [Note: HOA’s identification of Simeon’s wife as his 1st cousin Sarah Hosmer, b. 7 Oct 1700, is not correct. This Sarah would have been too old to have had children on the dates given below, and would have been considerably older than 99 at the time of her death!]. Simeon removed to Sutton about 1745 and performed public service during the Revolution (DARPI). In his will, written 25 Dec 1794, Simeon mentions wife Sarah, three oldest sons: Simeon, Stephen and James; two daughters: Abigail Willard and Rebecca Pulling; three youngest sons: Joseph, John and Hartwell; son Stephen is named sole executor (Worcester County Probate File A:28774). Children, all except first one born at Sutton: 1. Sarah Hayward, b. Concord, 7 April 1746 (CBMD 169); d. Sutton, 26 Sept 1760, in 15th yr (SVR 429). 2. Simeon Hayward/Howard, b. Sutton, 10 Aug, bap. 23 Oct 1748 (SVR 86, 94); a housewright “of Millbury” in 1792 (Worcester Deeds 189:518 and 225:604). 3. Abigail Hayward/Howard, b. 28 April, bap. 25 Aug 1751 (SVR 85, 94); m. Sutton, 5 Jan 1773 (SVR 279), James Willard, b. Worcester, 12 Feb 1749/50, d. 23 May 1795, son of Isaac and Sarah (Whipple) Willard (History of Worcester), and brother of James’ wife Molly (see #3.19 above). James was a Private in the Revolu- tion (DARPI). 4. Rebekah Hayward/Howard, b. 8 Jan, bap. 7 April 1754 (SVR 86, 94); d. Guilford, VT, 17 Dec 1843 (NEHGR 126[1972]:121]; m. (1) Sutton, 24 Feb 1784 (SVR 279), Matthew Pullen, who is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Guilford, VT, consisting of 2 males over 16, 1 male under 16, and 2 females. Rebecca m. (2) Guilford, 15 Nov 1808, as his 2nd wife, Peter Briggs, b. Norton, Third Generation 67

13 May 1749, d. Guilford, 28 July 1825 (NEHGR 126[1972]:121). 5. Stephen Hayward/Howard, b. 5 Aug, bp. 24 Oct 1756 (SVR 86, 94); d. before 1792; m. Sutton, 24 Dec 1788 (SVR 279), Rachel Snow. 6. James Hayward/Howard, b. 5 Jan, bp. 25 Feb 1759 (SVR 85, 94); m. Sutton, 30 March 1786 (SVR 279), Molly Willard, b. Worcester, 5 March 1765, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Whipple) Willard, and sister of Abigail’s husband James (see 3.19 above). 7. John Hayward (twin?), bp. 7 July 1765 (SVR 86); m. (1) Leicester, 15 Dec 1793 (SVR 287), Amity Washburn, b. ca. 1767, d. Leicester, 22 June 1794, age 27; m. (2) Leicester, 1 July 1795 (SVR 279), Anna Sargeant. Six children by 2nd wife, recorded at Leicester. 8. Joseph Hayward (twin?), bp. 7 July 1765 (SVR 86); n.f.r. 9. Prudence Hayward, bap. 27 July 1766 (SVR 86); not mentioned in her father’s will of 1794. 10. Hartwell Hayward/Howard, bap. 10 Sept 1769 (SVR 85); d. Millbury, ca. 1858 (Worcester County Probate File A:); m. Sutton (int.) 30 Nov 1799 (SVR 279), Lucy Prentice of Ward [Auburn], who d. Niagara Co., NY, ca. 1851. [Note: Auburn VRs give Hartwell Hayward’s name as “Howard Hartwell.”] vii. EBENEZER HAYWARD/HOWARD, b. (posthumously) 11 July 1719 (CBMD 99); “of Killinglee,” CT when he m. Sutton, 26 Nov 1747 (SVR 202), his first cousin once removed, MARY ARNOLD, dau. of Joseph and Dorothy4 (Hartwell) Arnold (see #4.49). Known children, born at Killingly, CT (Barbour Index): 1. Simeon Howard, b. 22 Nov 1748. 68 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Dorothy “Dolly” Howard, b. 7 April 1750; m. Oxford, (int.) 17 Sept 1768, Solomon Shumway, b. Oxford, 19 Feb 1747, son of Jeremiah and Experience (?) Shumway. 3. Ebenezer Howard, b. 30 July 1751; n.f.r. 4. Mary Howard, b. 5 Aug 1757; n.f.r.

3.21 JONATHAN3 HARTWELL (Samuel2, William1) was born probably at Concord, ca. 1686 and he died at Littleton, 19 Decem- ber 1770, in the 84th year of his age (LVR 362; Gs:Old Common Burying Ground). He is the only one of Samuel and Ruth Hartwell’s children whose birth is not recorded in the Concord records, but he is mentioned in his father’s will. Care must be taken not to confuse this Jonathan with his first cousin Jonathan3, son of John2 Hartwell, since both Jonathans lived in the vicinity of Littleton. Jonathan married at Concord, Justice Minott presiding, 11 June 1713 (CBMD 83), HANNAH4 BLANCHARD, who was born at Woburn, 29 November 1690 (WB 21) and died at Littleton, 1 January 1763 (LVR 362), daughter of Thomas3 (John2, Joseph1) and Tabitha (Lepingwell) Blanchard. [Note: HOA incorrectly credits Jonathan with a second wife, who was actually the second wife of his son Josiah.] No probate records for Jonathan have been found in Middlesex County, but in 1757 he declined to administer the estate of his sister Ruth, stating that he was “very aged” and “would rather not” and requesting the judge of probate to appoint his son Josiah in his stead (Middlesex Probate File 10585). Children, first three born at Concord, rest at Littleton: +4.55 i. JAMES4 HARTWELL, b. 30 July 1715 (CBMD 86); m. JEMIMA FROST. +4.56 ii. JOSIAH HARTWELL, b. 11 Sept 1717 (CBMD 92); m. (1) BETHIAH WOOD, (2) HANNAH (HASKELL) WILLARD. Third Generation 69

+4.57 iii. NATHAN HARTWELL, b. 4 Dec 1719 (CBMD 97); m. MARY PATCH. 4.58 iv. SIMON HARTWELL, b. 24 Sept 1721 (LVR 14, 22); n.f.r. +4.59 v. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 12 April 1723 (LVR 14, 22); m. NATHANIEL POWERS. 4.60 vi. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 27 Jan 1724/5 (LVR 14, 22); d. Littleton, 24 Oct 1739 (LVR 96). 4.61 vii. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 11 June 1734 (LVR 22); d. Littleton, 8 Sept 1739 (LVR 96). 70 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Fourth Generation

Descendants of Ebenezer3 and Sarah (Smedley) Hartwell

4.1 JOHN4 HARTWELL (Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 12 April 1691 (CBMD 34) and he died there 20 December 1780, age 89y 7m 27d (CBMD 434; Gs:Hill Burying Ground). He married, ca. 1717, his second cousin, MARY PARLIN, who was born at Concord, 8 October 1692 (CBMD 37) and died there 5 March 1774, age 81y 4m (CBMD 434; Gs:Hill Burying Ground), daughter of John and Mary3 (Hartwell) Parlin (see #3.11-ii). John, a man of gigantic strength, was a schoolteacher for several years between 1733 and 1738, tithingman, highway surveyor, ensign of militia before 1741, selectman of Concord, and district clerk of Carlisle when it was first set off from Concord in 1754. About 1715, he built a handsome saltbox house on the Concord/Carlisle line (see illustration, below) that stood until March of 1956, when it was lost to a fire.

John4 Hartwell’s Saltbox House on the Concord/Carlisle line.

John wrote his will 3 January 1756, “being very sick and week [sic] in body, but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given to 72 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

God therefor,” and mentioned beloved wife Mary, sons Simon and David, daughters Mary Hartwell and Sarah Merriam (Middlesex Probate File 10565). He apparently made a remarkable recovery from the illness that caused him to make his will, because he lived nearly 25 more years. Children, all born at Concord: 5.1 i. JOHN5 HARTWELL, b. 8 Jan 1718 (CBMD 95); d. Concord, 8 Aug 1741, age 22y 7m (CBMD 432; Gs:Hill Burying Ground). 5.2 ii. MARY HARTWELL, b. 31 Dec 1720 (CBMD 100); unmarried when her father wrote his will in 1756; n.f.r. +5.3 iii. SIMON HARTWELL, b. 28 Sept 1722 (CBMD 107); m. MARY WOOLEY. +5.4 iv. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 23 Nov 1725 (CBMD 115); m. WILLARD MERRIAM. +5.5 v. DAVID HARTWELL, b. 22 Jan 1730/1 (CBMD 115); m. RACHEL WOOLEY.

4.3 SARAH4 HARTWELL (Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 28 July 1694 (CBMD 39) and she died at Worcester, sometime prior to 26 January 1769, the date her will was presented for probate. She married first, at Concord, Justice Minott offici- ating, 28 February 1714[/5] (CBMD 87), JONATHAN MELVIN (not John as in HOA), who was born at Charlestown, 29 May 1688 (ChVR 138) and died at Concord, 11 February 1737, “in the 49th year of his age” (CBMD 432; Gs:Hill Burying Ground), son of John and Hannah (Lewis) Melvin. Jonathan and Sarah “lived on a farm adjoining her brother John, on the south” (HOA). Jonathan Melvin wrote his will 26 May 1736, giving 208 acres of land in Dunstable that he had purchased from David Raymond to sons Jonathan, John and Ebenezer, with Jonathan, as eldest, to have twice as much as the other two. He left his lands in Concord and Acton to sons Josiah, Nathan and Amos, with Josiah to have ½ the house. Since these sons were all under age, wife Sarah was to be the executor. Daughter Sarah Barnes was Fourth Generation 73 left 90 pounds, and wife Sarah received all the household goods, and a negro servant called Rose who was 4 years old. He left his guns to John and Jonathan and his sword to Ebenezer. Some of the estate was distributed in 1748, with Sarah Smith of Worcester, Josiah, Nathan and Amos signing this document (Middlesex Probate File 15036). On 29 August 1747, Nathan and Amos chose Abishai Brown of Concord to be their guardian, and Abishai Brown, innholder, and Timothy Wesson, housewright, gave bond for Nathan in his 18th and Amos in his 16th year (Middlesex Probate File 10537). Sarah married second, at Concord/Worcester, Justice Flint officiating, 12 August 1741 (CBMD 152; WVR 388), as his second (or third?) wife, ELISHA SMITH of Worcester. Elisha, the son of John and Jane (Peabody) Smith, was born at Watertown, 11 January 1691[/2] (WVR 1:64) and died at Worcester between 29 July 1765, the date he wrote his will, and 19 February 1766, the date the will was presented for probate (Worcester Probate File A:54148). Elisha was the father of eight children by his first wife, PATIENCE BROWN, whom he married at Weston, 25 March 1713[/14]. His will provides handsomely for his “beloved wife Sarah,” but makes no mention of any of her children. In her very simple will, Sarah Smith left all her wearing apparel to her daughter Sarah Barnes, with the remainder of her estate to be equally divided between her four sons, John, Ebenezer, Josiah and Nathan Melvin, with son John being named executor (Worcester County Probate File A:54715). Children, all by first husband, all born at Concord: i. SARAH MELVIN, b. 23 June 1716 (CBMD 87); living in 1769 when she is mentioned in her mother’s will; m. Concord, 18 March 1735/6 (CBMD 132), JOSEPH BARNES, perhaps the son of Joseph and Hannah (Boynton) Barnes, b. Bradford, 11 June 1713 (BVR 19), although this is not proved for certain. Joseph died at Concord before 22 Oct 1759, when “Joseph Lee of Concord, physician, Jonathan Kitteridge of Tewksbury, yeoman, and Samuel Meed of Harvard” gave bond to administer Joseph’s insolvent 74 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

estate. Widow Sarah Barns was given her widow’s thirds, but no children are mentioned in the probate file (Middlesex Probate File 1109). Children, born as indicated: 1. Joseph Barns, b. Acton, 16 March 1736/7 (AVR 16); m. ca. 1763, Sarah (Melvin?) (see Note, below). 2. Sarah Barns, b. Acton, 25 July 1738 (AVR 16); perhaps m. (int.) Acton, 15 June 1767 (AVR 132), David Fish of Westford. 3. John Barns, b. Acton, 8 Sept 1740 (AVR 16); n.f.r. 4. Hannah Barns, b. Acton, 29 April 1742 (AVR 16); perhaps m. James Spaulding, Jr. of Westford. 5. Jonathan Barns, b. Concord, 19 May 1744 (CBMD 165); n.f.r. 6. Josiah Barns, b. Concord, 11 June 1746 (CBMD 168); d. there 8 April 1809, age 64 (CBMD 330); m. Townsend, 11 Dec 1783 (TVR 25), Lucy Hildreth, b. Townsend, 14 Oct 1758 (TVR 213), dau. of Oliver and Anna (—) Hildreth. 7. Betty Barns, b. Acton, 29 July 1748 (AVR 16); n.f.r. 8. Lucy Barns, b. Acton, 14 May 1750 (AVR 16); n.f.r. 9. Mary Barns, b. Groton, 21 April 1754 (GVR 1:21); d. the same day (GVR 2:199). 10. Molly Barns, b. Groton, 9 April 1755 (GVR 1:21); n.f.r. 11. Amos Barnes, b. Groton, 9 Jan 1757 (GVR 1:21); d. North Conway, NH, 6 Dec 1840 (correspondence w/Helen Barnes); m. Polly Eastman. 12. [?]Rebekah Barnes, b. Concord, 15 June 1759; n.f.r. [Note: HOA assigns Joseph, b. 26 April 1764, Hannah, b. 3 March 1766, Asa, b. 3 June 1769, and Phineas, b. 10 Jan 1772 (all born at Concord), to Joseph and Sarah (Melvin) Barns. Since Joseph Barnes d. ca. 1759, it is more likely that these Fourth Generation 75

children belong to son Joseph, whose marriage record has not been found.] ii. JONATHAN MELVIN, b. 12 Oct 1718 (CBMD 95); d. prob. before 1766, as he is not mentioned in his mother’s will. As seen above, he was bequeathed 104 acres of land in Dunstable per his father’s will. He is almost certainly the Jonathan Melvin who signed a petition dated Dunstable, 18 June 1744, requesting six garrisons and 25 soldiers to be sent to the area for protection. Among other signers of this petition were William Hartwell (see #4.47), Benjamin Parker (perhaps #2.1-1-3) and Samuel Parker (Samuel T. Worcester, History of the Town of Hollis, NH from its first settlement to the Year 1879). Jonathan married at Hollis, NH, 4 Dec 1750 (NH VRs), MARY BROOKS, probably the dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Haywood) Brooks b. Concord, 24 July 1734 (CBMD 137). (Benjamin and Sarah moved from Concord to Townsend.) Mary (Brooks) Melvin prob. m. (2) Moses Foster, Jr., brother of Nathan Melvin’s wife, Anna (see below), by whom she had up to eight more children (correspondence w/Phoebe Cortessis). Children: 1. Jonathan Melvin, Jr., b. Hollis, NH, 14 Jan 1752 (NH VRs); d. Phelps, NY, 29 May 1841; m. Conway, (int.) 27 Oct 1777 (CVR 169), Beulah Leland, b. Grafton, 14 June 1762, d. Phelps, NY, 16 Sept 1828, age 67y 3m 2d (P. Cortessis), dau. of James, Jr. and Lucy (Warren) Leland. 13 children. 2. [?]Mary Melvin, d. Phelps, NY; m. Ashburnham, 11 Sept 1770 (AVR 101), John Bigelow, b. ca. 1743, d. Conway, 14 Feb 1822, age 79 (CVR 214), a second cousin of Beulah Leland (above). iii. JOHN MELVIN, b. 31 May 1721 (CBMD 103); d. ca. 1776 when administration on his estate was granted to Hannah Melvin, widow. Amos Melvin, Ephraim Farrar and Nehemiah Davis stood bond (Middlesex Probate File 15032); 76 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

m. ca. 1745, HANNAH HEALD, prob. the dau. of Timothy and Hannah (—) Heald b. Concord, 1 April 1727 (CBMD 118). Children, all born at Concord: 1. Hannah Melvin, b. 4 Aug 1746 (CBMD 181); m. -?- Parker. 2. Sarah Melvin, b. 23 Nov 1748 (CBMD 181); m. Worcester, 3 Feb 1769, Jonathan Smith, b. Worces- ter, 11 Oct 1746, son of Elisha, Jr. and Susanna (Gleason) Smith, and grandson of Elisha Smith, Sarah (Hartwell) (Melvin) Smith’s second husband. Nine children recorded at Westminster. 3. Amos Melvin, b. 15 June 1751 (CBMD 181); d. Concord, 13 Aug 1806 (CBMD 328); m. Anna Flatt (DARPI), b. ca. 1764 (calc.), d. Concord, 24 Jan 1830, age 66 (CBMD 427). 4. Sibill Melvin, b. 11 Feb 1754 (CBMD 189); d. Concord, 11 Aug 1770, age 16y 6m (CBMD 433). 5. Molly Melvin, b. 17 May 1756 (CBMD 203); m. -?- Davis. 6. Eunice Melvin, b. 7 June 1758 (CBMD 203); m. Concord, 14 Nov 1780 (CBMD 256), Joseph Polley “of Fitchburg.” Joseph was b. Leominster, 25 Dec 1756 (LVR 115), d. Fitchburg, 28 Feb 1806 (ORF 2:318), son of Joseph and Dorcas (Coburn) Polley. [Note: Two of Joseph’s sisters married into the Hartwell family: Dorcas Polley m. SOLOMON HARTWELL (see #5.36) and Betty Polley m. EPHRAIM HARTWELL (see #5.62)]. 7. Melicent Melvin, b. 8 Aug 1760 (CBMD 209); n.f.r. 8. Ruth Melvin, b. 1 Aug 1764 (CBMD 217); n.f.r. iv. EBENEZER MELVIN, b. 10 Nov 1725 (CBMD 115); d. in NH after 1790; m. (1) SUSANNAH DENSMORE, b. Bedford, 8 July 1727 (BVR 21), dau. of Thomas and Hannah (—) Fourth Generation 77

Densmore. [Note: Susannah is listed on the IGI as having been born in both Bedford, MA and Bedford, NH, on the same day to the same parents.] Ebenezer m. (2) MARY BAYLEY, and (3) SUSANNAH BROWN (DARPI). Children, all by first wife, all except Isaac b. at Hollis, NH: 1. Ebenezer Melvin, b. 28 Dec 1752; d. Groton, NH, 16 May 1825; m. Joanna Bailey. Six children recorded at Groton, NH. 2. Nathan Melvin, b. 20 Nov 1755. 3. Eunice Melvin, b. 9 Feb 1759. 4. Daniel Melvin, b. 8 Sept 1761. 5. Susannah Melvin, b. 23 Oct 1764; m. William Crawford. 6. Seth Melvin, b. 28 April 1767. 7. Enoch Melvin, b. 20 Aug 1769; d. Bridgewater [NH?], 27 Oct 1824; m. 27 March 1794, Mary Read, dau. of Joseph Read. 8. Isaac Melvin, b. Groton, NH, 11 Aug 1772; d. Washington Co., OH, 8 Oct 1843; m. 27 March 1796, Abigail Dearborn, dau. of Samuel. v. JOSIAH MELVIN, b. 14 June 1727 (CBMD 118); d. 23 Feb 1809 (DARPI); m. Concord, 3 March 1757 (CBMD 198), LYDIA BARRETT, b. there 6 June 1738 (CBMD 174), d. ca. 1800, dau. of James and Rebecca (Hubbard) Barrett. Children, all born at Concord: 1. Josiah Melvin, b. 24 Aug 1758 (CBMD 199); d. 8 Jan 1818 (HOA); “of Peckersfield” [Nelson, NH] when he m. Concord, 28 Jan 1790 (CBMD 357), Sarah “Sally” Minot, b. Concord, 14 Jan 1763 (CBMD 213), dau. of Jonas and Mary (—) Minot. 2. Stephen Melvin, b. 9 Jan 1760 (CBMD 202); d. prob. young. 78 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Lydia Melvin, b. 21 March 1761 (CBMD 209); m. Concord/Rutland, 13 Nov 1783 (CBMD 254; RVR 117), Abel Brigham, b. Sudbury, 25 March 1760 (SVR 22), son of Abijah and Eunice (Willis) Brigham. Three children recorded at Rutland.. 4. Stephen Melvin, b. 25 March 1763 (CBMD 213). 5. Rebecca Melvin, b. 18 Dec 1764 (CBMD 218); d. Concord, 29 May 1789, aged 23 (CBMD 419, as “Miss Becky”). 6. James Melvin, b. 11 Dec 1766 (CBMD 224). 7. Lucy Melvin, b. 7 March 1769 (CBMD 228); d. Concord, -- Aug 1784, age 14 (CBMD 418). 8. Joel Melvin, b. 3 March 1771 (CBMD 233). 9. Persis Melvin, b. 17 April 1773 (CBMD 238); d. Concord, 19 Oct 1790, age 15 [sic] (CBMD 420). 10. John Melvin, b. 14 Feb 1776 (CBMD 240). vi. NATHAN MELVIN, b. 25 June 1729 (CBMD 122); d. Cambridge, Lamoille Co., VT, 6 Jan 1807 (correspondence w/Rev. Lloyd Hohenstein); m. ca. 1759, ANNA FOSTER, b. Littleton, 9 Dec 1739 (LVR 47), d. Cambridge, VT, 14 Dec 1818 (L. Hohenstein), dau. of Moses and Mary (—) Foster. Children, born as indicated: 1. Anna Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 8 Nov 1760 (AVR 56); m. (1) there, 5 July 1781 (AVR 138), Jacob Holt, b. Harvard, 23 June 1759 (HVR 61), son of Uriah and Annis (Willard) Holt; m. (2) Unknown. 2. Sarah Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 15 Sept 1762 (AVR 56). 3. Phebe Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 27 March 1765 (AVR 56). 4. Hepsibah “Polly” Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 24 March 1767 (AVR 56); d. Chateaugay, NY, ca. 6 Jan 1843 (correspondence w/Laurel Dickinson); m. Jonah Whipple, b. Fourth Generation 79

Rhode Island, 22 Oct 1761, d. Chateaugay, NY, 6 Jan 1843 [sic] (ibid.). 5. Nathan Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 1 March 1769 (AVR 56); made freeman Cambridge, VT, 2 Sept 1794 (B&T 15:86). 6. Theodore Melvin, b. Ashburnham, 1 May 1771 (AVR 56); d. ca. 1836 (L. Dickinson); m. Cambridge, VT, Bethiah Ellis (ibid.); made freeman Cambridge, VT, 2 Sept 1794 (B&T 15:86). 7. Jonathan Melvin, b. prob. Cambridge, VT, ca. 1773; made freeman there 10 Feb 1797 (B&T 15:86). 8. Moses Melvin, b. Cambridge, VT, ca. 1775; made freeman there 10 Feb 1797 (B&T 15:86); d. there ca. 1811; m. Fletcher, VT, ca. Nov 1800, Mary Crocker Runnels/Reynolds, who m. (2) William Elmer of Orange, VT. Seven children. 9. Asenath Melvin, b. 22 June 1779 (HOA); d. Lancaster, WI, 28 May 1859 (L. Dickinson); m. Georgia, VT, 10 June 1802, Judge Joel Barber (ibid.), b. West Simsbury, CT, 17 Feb 1776, d. Lancaster, WI, 11 Sept. 1863, son of Joel and Mary (Phelps) Barber. [Note: The History of Ashburnham [MA] suggests that Mary Melvin who m. there 11 Sept 1770, John Bigelow, was a dau. of Nathan and Anna, b. prior to Nathan’s move to Ashburnham. Phebe Cortessis and this compiler feel that it is more likely that she is a daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Brooks) Melvin (see #4.3-ii-2).] vii. AMOS MELVIN, b. 4 July 1731 (CBMD 126); living in 1747 when he chose Abishai Brown of Concord to be his guardian; d. prob. before 1766 as he is not mentioned in his mother’s will of that date.

4.5 EBENEZER4 HARTWELL (Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 22 March 1698/9 (CBMD 47) and he died at Groton, -- 80 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

May 1739 (Middlesex Probate File 10559). He married at Groton, 4 August 1727 (GVR 2:82), RACHEL3 FARNSWORTH, who was born there 8 December 1704 (GVR 1:79) and died probably on or about 12 February 1765, daughter of John2 (Matthias1) and Hannah (Aldis) Farnsworth. Ebenezer “being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory” wrote his will 5 March 1738[/9], making “dearly beloved wife Rachel” his sole executrix, and providing for his son Ebenezer and the child that Rachel was “now big with.” The will was witnessed by Phinehas Wait, Benjamin Stone and William Lawrence; Rachel and Nathaniel Russell of Littleton gave bond 3 July 1739. Rachel did not long remain a widow, marrying second, at Littleton, 17 June 1740 (LVR 92), Dr. BENJAMIN CHASE, who was born at Newbury, 21 June 1717 (NVR 87) and died of smallpox at Kent, Connecticut, 14 April 1778 (John Carroll Chase and George Walter Chamberlain, Seven Generations of the descendants of Aquila and Thomas Chase [1928], hereinafter Chase), son of Joseph and Abigail (Thurston) Chase. Benjamin and Rachel had five sons recorded at Groton: 1. Benjamin Chase, b. 1 October 1741; 2. Solomon Chase, b. 8 September 1743; 3. Ebenezer Chase, b. 4 June 1745; 4. John Chase, b. 4 September 1747, d. 1 October 1749; 5. John Chase (again), b. 12 February 1749[/50]. According to Chase, Benjamin divorced Rachel on 12 February 1765 and married second, at Amenia, New York, 15 May 1766, MARY DAY/DAYTON of New Milford, CT, by whom he had two more children. It seems more likely that the date given for this divorce is actually Rachel’s death date. Dr. Benjamin Chase of Kent, Connecticut, “in perfect health” made his will 15 May 1770, leaving his wife Mary the use of his estate until his son Stephen reached the age of 21. To sons [by Rachel], Benjamin, Solomon and John he left 5 shillings each (Donna Valley Russell, Sharon, CT Probate Records, 1757-1783). Children, born at Groton: +5.6 i. EBENEZER5 HARTWELL, b. 21 April 1736 (GVR 1:106); m. MARY FARNSWORTH. Fourth Generation 81

+5.7 ii. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. 22 April 1739 (GVR 1:107); m.? (1) RUTH FARNSWORTH, (2) HANNAH (BENEDICT) OSBORN.

4.6 SAMUEL4 HARTWELL (Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 30 April 1702 (CBMD 53) and he died at Groton, 26 May 1782, in the 81st year of his age (son’s diary). He married first, ca. 1728, “in the 26th year of his age” (HOA), SARAH3 FARNSWORTH, who was born at Groton, 20 November 1707 (GVR 1:79) and died ca. 1732 (HOA; Farnsworth), daughter of John2 (Matthias1) and Hannah (Aldis) Farnsworth, and sister of his brother Ebenezer’s wife. Samuel married second, at Groton, 9 June 1737 (GVR 2:83), SARAH HOLDEN, who was born there 5 September 1717 (GVR 1:117), and died 5 March 1798 (diary), daughter of John and Sarah (Davis) Holden. Samuel, “being aged and weak in body,” made his will 4 January 1773, and although he was to live nine more years, he did not update this will. He left well beloved wife Sarah all his estate until “beloved son Samuel, now in 12th yr of his age,” reached the age of 21. He left 3 pounds, 6 shillings and 8 pence to daughters Sarah Shattuck and Priscilla Green, while Hannah Hartwell and Lois Hartwell each received 6 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pence. Grand- daughter Rachel Shattuck (then five years old) was given his Bible (Middlesex Probate File 10588). Children by first wife, born at Groton: 5.8 i. SARAH5 HARTWELL, b. 29 May 1733 (GVR 1:107); d. prob. young. 5.9 ii. UNNAMED CHILD, d. young (diary). Children by second wife, first four born at Groton, others at Pepperell: +5.10 iii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 19 March 1737/8 (GVR 1:105); m. JOB SHATTUCK. 5.11 iv. RACHEL HARTWELL, b. 19 Dec 1739 (GVR 1:105); d. of a fever, 16 Aug 1758, in her 19th year (diary). 82 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5.12 v. UNNAMED DAUGHTER, b. 21 May 1742; d. 27 May 1742 (diary)

+5.13 vi. PRISCILLA HARTWELL, b. 25 Feb 1745 (Diary; GVR 1:107 has 20 Feb); m. JAMES GREEN, JR. 5.14 vii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 11 July 1748 (GVR 1:107); bap. Pepperell, 17 July 1748 (PVR 46); d. 22 Oct 1753 (diary). +5.15 viii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 27 Sept 1751 (diary); bap. Pepperell, 29 Sept 1751 (PVR 46); m. SAMUEL SHATTUCK, JR. 5.16 xi. MARY HARTWELL, b. 7 July 1754 (diary); bap. Pepperell, 14 July 1754 (PVR 46); d. of a fever, 2 Oct 1758, in her 5th year (Diary). +5.17 x. LOIS HARTWELL, b. 19 Dec 1758 (diary); bap. Pepperell, 1 Jan 1758 [sic] (PVR 46); m. SIMEON LAKIN. +5.18 ix. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 7 Aug 1761 (diary); bap. Pepperell, 16 Aug 1761 (PVR 46); m. CAROLINE MATILDA WRIGHT.

Descendants of John3 and Sarah (Shepard) Hartwell

4.9 MARY4 HARTWELL (John3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 23 December 1705 (CBMD 64) and her death record has not been located. She married at Lebanon, Connecticut, 7 November 1722 (Early CT Marriages II:29), GEORGE4 WOLCOTT, who was born probably at Wethersfield, Connecticut, 15 January 1700/1 (HOA), and died at Newington, Connecticut (HOA, who gives no date), son of George3 (George2, Henry1) and Elizabeth (Curtis) Wolcott. Children, per HOA unless otherwise noted: i. MARY WOLCOTT, b. 27 Oct 1724 (Barbour Index gives 1734); m. Farmington, CT, 7 Sept 1748 (IGI), MOSES BARNES, b. 12 Aug 1724, son of Jacob and Grace (Bronson) Barnes. Children, per HOA unless otherwise noted: 1. Patience Barnes. 2. Hartwell Barnes, b. ca. 1748 (DAR PI); d. Onondaga Co., NY, 11 Sept 1820 (ibid.); m. 27 May 1783, Fourth Generation 83

Hannah Clark, b. Wethersfield, CT, ca. 1765. Two children. 3. Moses Barnes, b. Farmington, CT, 9 April 1752 (IGI). ii. SARAH WOLCOTT, b. 5 Oct 1726; d. Newington Parish, CT, 18 Aug 1805, in her 79th yr (NEHGR 143[1989]:319); m. before 1759, prob. as his second wife, JONATHAN BLINN, b. Wethersfield, CT, 1 Oct 1711 (Wethersfield VRs), d. there 17 July 1789 in his 78th yr (Gs), son of Jonathan and Hannah (Clark) Blinn. Children, born at Wethersfield: 1. Sarah Blinn, b. 1 Feb 1759. 2. Jonathan Blinn, b. 28 Sept 1762. 3. Lucy Blinn, b. 8 Jan. 1766. iii. CALEB WOLCOTT, b. 19 Dec 1728; said to have died in Chemung Co., NY; m. JERUSHA PRICE of Glastonbury, CT. Child: 1. Eunice Wolcott, bap. 23 Feb 1755; m. “in the west.” iv. GEORGE WOLCOTT, b. 28 Feb 1731; d. 18 June 1744. v. JAMES WOLCOTT, b. 1 Oct 1734; m. Mrs. HULDAH B. CASE of Glastonbury, CT. vi. JUSTUS WOLCOTT, b. Windsor, CT, 1 Feb 1735/6 (Barbour); d. Painted Post, NY, 29 April 1831; m. (1) 24 March 1760 (Ancient Weathersfield), RACHEL BIDWELL, b. Glaston- bury, CT, b. 27 March 1737, d. 29 May 1778; m. (2), as her second husband, EDIFY (LOOMIS) SCOTT, b. 25 Aug 1746, d. Steuben Co., NY, 26 Sept 1837, dau. of Daniel Loomis. Justus lived in Newington, CT, moved to New Lebanon, NY, in 1772, and to Painted Post, NY in 1792. He is listed on the DAR Patriot Index as having served as a private from NY during the Revolution. 84 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children by first wife, b. in CT and NY, per HOA unless otherwise noted: 1. Joseph Wolcott, b. 27 July 1760; m. Ruth (—). Seven children. 2. Hannah Wolcott, b. 7 Jan 1762; m. Daniel Loomis of Caton, NY. 3. Justus Wolcott, b. 20 Feb 1763; m. Wethersfield, CT, 12 Dec 1785, Rosetta Squier (Barbour). Eight children. 4. Sabiah Wolcott, b. 3 Jan 1765; m. Ezra Rowley. 5. Norman Wolcott, b. 4 Oct 1766; d. 18 Sept 1858; m. Sarah Cook, b. 29 Dec 1776, d. 20 March 1873. Six children. 6. Charles Wolcott, b. 13 Nov 1768; d. 18 Nov 1858; m. (1) 13 June 1793, Lydia Keeler of Painted Post, NY, who d. 11 March 1816; m. (2) as her second husband, Elizabeth (—) Thurber, who d. 25 June 1851, age 88. Charles held a captain’s commission. Seven children. 7. Roger Wolcott, b. 26 Oct 1770; m. 10 Jan 1792, Elizabeth Bosworth of Williamstown. He lived in Painted Post; served in the last war with Great Britain [sic]. Five children. 8. David Wolcott, b. 23 Feb 1774; d. 11 Aug 1775. 9. Rachel Wolcott, b. 21 Feb 1776; m. 3 Sept 1795, Benjamin Gorton, b. 1772. Eight children. Children by second wife, b. probably in New York: 10. John Wolcott, b. 29 Jan 1780; d. 29 April 1864; m. 13 Dec 1806, Harriet Jones of Painted Post, b. 10 March 1789, d. 17 May 1838. They lived in Corning, NY. Ten children. 11. David Wolcott, b. 11 Dec 1781; d. 16 Nov 1854; m. 10 Oct 1816, Elizabeth Mulhollan [sic]. They lived in Erwin, NY. Three children. Fourth Generation 85

12. Lucy Wolcott, b. 9 Feb 1784; m. Painted Post, NY, 24 Dec 1806, William Chilson (research by Sue Roe, Chilson family genealogist, not William Chisholm as in HOA), b. MA 10 July 1782, d. Steuben Co., NY 25 July 1846, parents unknown. 13. Mary Wolcott, b. 10 July 1786; m. Caleb Mallory. 14. George Wolcott, b. 19 July 1789; m. Sarah Baird; lived in Big Flats, NY; [he] was a justice of the peace. vii. ROSEANNA WOLCOTT, b. Windsor, CT, 30 March 1737/8 (Barbour); m. 12 April 1764, LEVI WARNER. viii. LOIS WOLCOTT, b. 27 July 1742; m. JAMES BLINN. ix. EUNICE WOLCOTT, b. 29 June 1744; d. 30 Nov 1747. x. GEORGE WOLCOTT, b. 18 Jan 1747; d. 23 July 1809; m. -- March 1774, ELIZABETH NOTT. George served as an ensign in the Revolution (DARPI). Children, born at Wethersfield, CT (Barbour Index), other information per HOA unless otherwise stated: 1. George Wolcott, b. 16 Aug 1774; d. 16 Oct 1819; m. Jemima Andros, who d. 10 April 1828, age 69 [sic]. Five children. 2. William Nott Wolcott, b. 24 April 1776; d. 1 July 1807; m. 23 Nov 1803, Cynthia Clark. One child. 3. Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 18 April 1780; m. Horace Andrews of Hartford. 4. Sarah Wolcott, b. 20 June 1782; m. Abner Roberts.

4.10 HEPZIBAH4 HARTWELL (John3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 27 September 1709 (CBMD 73) and her death record has not been found, although she probably died at or near Carmel, Dutchess County, New York. She married at Lebanon, Connecticut, 7 September 1726 (Early CT Marriages, II:29), JOHN SPRAGUE, who was born at Lebanon, 4 May 1708 (HOA), death record not found, 86 Descendants of William1 Hartwell probably the illegitimate son of John Sprague and Abigail Calkins. [Note: Although HOA says John was the son of Ephraim and Deborah (Woodworth) Sprague, Sprague family records indicate no such child for them.] Children, per HOA unless otherwise noted: i. ELEAZER SPRAGUE, b. Lebanon, CT, 23 March 1727 (IGI); d. Hinesburg, VT, 25 Aug 1806; m. DESIRE HAMLEN, b. ca. 1730 (calc.), d. Hinesburg, VT, 21 Aug 1806, age 76, dau. of Reuben and Dorothy (—) Hamlin, as shown by a quitclaim deed from Reuben’s heirs (Donna Valley Russell, Sharon, CT, Probate Records, 1757-1783, 67-68). Eleazer “went with his parents to Light’s Corners, near Carmel, NY. Members of the Congregational Church; moved to Lanesboro, where they were admitted to the church in 1769. No probate record.” Eleazer Sprague is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Hinesburg, VT, consisting of one male over 16 and two females. Children, probably incomplete, per HOA unless otherwise indicated, order of birth not certain: 1. Eleazer Sprague, m. Dorcas (—). 2. Reuben Sprague, m. Mary (—). 3. Peter Sprague, m. Lanesboro, 24 Sept 1786 (IGI), Polly Farnum. 4. Abraham Sprague, b. Lanesboro, ca. 1762 (IGI). 5. Triphena Sprague, bap. 1769. 6. Desire Sprague, bap. 1771. ii. SARAH SPRAGUE, b. ca. 1729; d. Carmel, NY; m. ca. 1756, JOHN RYDER, b. Flushing, NY, ca. 1732, d. Delaware Co., NY, ca. 1812, son of John and Bridget (Farrington) Ryder. John served as a private from NY during the Revolution (DARPI). Fourth Generation 87

Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. John Ryder, b. 1757; d. March 1838; m. Yorktown, NY, 28 Jan 1789 (IGI), Mary MacFarland; removed to Bovina, DE. Two children. 2. Hepsibah Ryder, b. ca. 1761; d. 16 June 1831; m. 17 March 1791, Gilbert Field, b. Southeast, NY, 17 June 1743, d. there 17 June 1832, son of Joseph and Mary (Denton) Field. Five children (see HOA 1:18). 3. Bridget Ryder, m. Sylvester Palmer. Four children. 4. Eleazer Ryder, b. 5 Nov 1764; d. 25 May 1840; m. Mary Coe. Four children. 5. Absalom Ryder, b. 20 April 1767; d. ca. 1839; m. (1) Tamson Townsend, dau. of Uriah; m. (2) Elizabeth Farmer; m. (3) Beulah Shepherd. One child (see HOA 1:18). iii. HEPZIBAH SPRAGUE, b. ca. 1733; m. Philips Patent, NY, 3 Nov 1756, MICHAL EVANS (“A Register of Marriages in the West Society of Philips Patent since the Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe was ordained there” NYGBR 34:182).

4.11 PETER4 HARTWELL (John3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 16 July 1712 (CBMD 79) and he died at Carmel, Dutchess Co., New York, 16 December 1760, age 48 (NYGBR 34:182; Gs:Tilley Foster Cemetery, Carmel, NY). He married first, at Lebanon, Connecticut, 22 April 1736 (Early Connecticut Marriages), MARY COLEMAN (called “Ruth Mary” in HOA), who was born at Colchester, CT, 8 April 1718 (Barbour Index) and died at Carmel, NY, 15 July 1758, age 41 (NYGBR 34:182; Gs:Tilley Foster Cemetery), daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth (Niles) Coleman. Peter married second, at Philips Patent, NY, 18 February 1759 (NYGRB 34:182), JEAN LANGDON, about whom nothing further is known. [Note: It may be of significance that John Langdon and Mary Purdy were married in the same place by the same minister on 15 June 1758, but what the relationship between Jean and John was 88 Descendants of William1 Hartwell has not been researched.] Children by first wife, born probably at Dutchess Co., New York, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +5.19 i. ABRAHAM5 HARTWELL, b. 2 June 1743; m. (1) MARY LAWRENCE, (2) PATIENCE (—). +5.20 ii. EBENEZER HARTWELL, b. ca. 1745; m. HANNAH BANGS. 5.21 iii. MARY HARTWELL, b. ca. 1747; m. -?- GENUNG of Carmel, NY. +5.22 iv. PETER HARTWELL, b. ca. 1749; m. OLIVE WALDO. +5.23 v. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 12 July 1751; m. JAMES REYNOLDS. +5.24 vi. MARTHA HARTWELL, b. 9 Feb 1753; m. JAMES SCHOFIELD. +5.25 vii. JAMES HARTWELL, b. ca. 1755; m. MARY (?) (—). Child by second wife, born at Fredericksburg, New York: +5.26 viii. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. 15 July 1759 (Rev. Pension File S13301); m. HANNAH ASHE.

Descendants of Joseph3 and Ruhamah (Cutter) Hartwell

4.12 RUHAMAH4 HARTWELL (Joseph3, John2, William1) was baptized at Woburn, 12 April 1708 (WB 116) and she died at Malden, 10 January 1733/4, age 25 (MVR 347). She married at Charlestown/ Malden, the Rev. Mr. Hull Abbott officiating, 6 July 1727 (ChVR 298; MVR 238), JAMES GREEN, who was born at Malden, 22 Novem- ber 1702 (MVR 32) and died at Mansfield, 21 August 1779 (MVR 195), son of Samuel and Martha (Green) Green. After Ruhamah’s death, James married second, at Cambridge, 20 March 1734/5 (CVR 2:171), DEBORAH BROWN, by whom he had several more children. James “was a selectman, removed in 1751 to Mansfield” (HOA). Fourth Generation 89

Children, by first wife, born at Malden (MVR 33): i. JAMES GREEN, b. 4 July 1728; d. prob. young, as he is not mentioned in the settlement of his grandfather, Joseph Hartwell’s estate, although his sister, Jerusha is. ii. RUHAMAH GREEN, b. 9 June 1730; d. prob. young. iii. JERUSHA GREEN, b. 9 July 1733; m. Malden, 16 Feb 1755 (MVR 239) or Reading, 19 June 1755 (RVR 421), SAMUEL POOL of Reading. Jerusha Poole was left 1 pound, 6 shillings, 8 pence in her grandmother, Ruhamah Hartwell’s will of 1756 (Middlesex Probate File 10584). Known child: 1. Darius Pool, b. Reading, 11 Sept 1756 (RVR 184); n.f.r.

4.14 JOSEPH4 HARTWELL (Joseph3, John2, William1) was born at Charlestown, 15 August 1712 [ChVR 236] and he died before 21 May 1759, when administration of his estate was granted to Hannah Hartwell, Henry Putnam and Thomas Hutchinson (Middlesex Probate File 10572; Charlestown Genealogies and Estates, 479). Joseph was “of Woburn” when he married at Concord, Justice Flint officiating, 21 September 1738 (CBMD 145; WM 125), HANNAH REED. Hannah was born at Woburn, 27 August 1720 [WB 205], and died at Arlington, 31 January 1776 [AVR5 148], daughter of Israel and Hannah (Wyman) Reed. [Note: HOA’s assertion that Joseph “prob. m. (1) LYDIA (—) who d. 15 Nov 1732 in her 19th year” has not been verified, and seems unlikely.] Joseph participated in the French & Indian Wars as a private in Samuel Clarke’s Co. in the Crown Point Campaign, 15 Septem- ber 1755 to 16 December 1755 (Mass. Archives Vol. 94A), and later he was a private in Thomas Hartwell’s Co., Bagley’s Regt. at Fort William, where he was reported “present & Fit” in October 1756 (Mass. Archives Vol. 94B). 90 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Joseph’s modest estate was inventoried by Caleb Brooks, Seth Reed and Thomas Wright. The only heirs mentioned are wife Hannah, son Joseph and daughters Hannah and Elizabeth. Hannah Hartwell, “widow of Charlestown,” married second, at Arlington/Cambridge/Charlestown, 17 October 1764 (AVR 80; CVR; ChVR), WILLIAM ROBBINS, who was born ca. 1709 and died of fever at Arlington, 3 September 1773, in his 64th year (AVR5 149). William and Hannah had a stillborn child, born at Arlington 23 May 1765 (AVR 38). Children, all probably by wife Hannah, order of birth uncertain: +5.27 i. JOSEPH5 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1740; m. ANNA HODGE. +5.28 ii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. ca. 1742; m. SAMUEL CUTTER. +5.29 iii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL (not in HOA), b. before 1748; m. GEORGE TUFTS.

4.16 ABIGAIL4 HARTWELL (Joseph3, John2, William1) was born probably at Charlestown, ca. 1719 (calc.) and she died at Woburn, 3 August 1772, age 53 (WD 214). She married at Charlestown/Woburn, the Rev. Mr. Hull Abbott officiating, 30 December 1742 (ChVR 366; WM 125), SAMUEL WYMAN, who was born at Woburn 4 April 1717 (WB 287) and died there 14 June 1787, age 70 (WD 215), son of Samuel and Susanna (Simonds) Wyman. Samuel is called “Deacon” on his wife’s death record, and is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as having performed public service during the Revolution. Abigail’s gravestone is inscribed “Here lies the Wife of my Youth, the desire of my Eyes.” Children, all recorded at Woburn (WB 290): i. ABIGAIL WYMAN, b. 30 April 1744; d. Woburn, 18 Aug 1775 (WD 215); unmarried. ii. SAMUEL WYMAN, b. 24 March 1746; d. Woburn, 29 Nov 1789, age 43 (WD 215); m. Woburn, 22 April 1773 (WM 318), CATHERINE FOWLE, b. ca. 1749, d. 13 June 1822, dau. of James and Mary (Reed) Fowle (Fowle Genealogy). Samuel was a private in the Revolution (DARPI). Fourth Generation 91

Catherine m. (2) as his 3rd wife, ABIJAH WHEELER, b. Concord, 18 Sept 1751 (CBMD 180), d. prob. Temple, NH, 28 Dec 1812, son of Josiah and Mary (Lee) Wheeler and a Lieut. in the Revolution (DARPI) (also see #3.19-v). Children, born at Woburn: 1. Abigail Wyman, b. 26 Oct 1773 (WB 291); d. 18 Aug 1775 (Fowle). 2. Joshua Wyman, b. 23 May 1775 (WB 291); living in Feb 1790; n.f.r (Fowle). 3. Samuel E. Wyman, b. ca. 1776; n.f.r. 4. Catherine Wyman, b. ca. 1778; d. Woburn “of canker rash” 15 Feb 1795, age 17y (WD 215). 5. Mary Wyman, b. ca. 1780; n.f.r. iii. RUHAMAH WYMAN, b. 8 Nov 1747; d. Woburn, 27 Nov 1776 (WD 73); m. Woburn, 23 Oct 1766 (WM 317), JAMES FOWLE 3D, b. Woburn, 25 May 1743 (WB 98), d. there 18 Feb 1796, age 53 (WD 73), son of James and Susanna (Wyman) Fowle. After Ruhamah’s death, James m. (2) Woburn, 15 Nov 1781 (WM 102), JANE WATTS. Children, born at Woburn (WB 98): 1. Susanna Fowle, b. 2 Feb 1767. 2. James Fowle, b. 30 Dec 1768. 3. Samuel Fowle, b. 16 June 1771. 4. Benjamin Fowle, b. 31 March 1773. 5. Ruhamah Fowle, b. 30 June 1775; d. 21 July 1775 (WD 73). iv. SUSANNAH WYMAN, b. 22 June 1761; m. Woburn, 10 Aug 1780 (WM 318), THOMAS BRUCE, JR., b. Woburn, 9 March 1757 (WB 32), d. 2 May 1819 (DARPI), son of George and Mary (—) Bruce. Thomas was a sergeant during the Revolution. 92 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all except Thomas recorded at Woburn (WB 32): 1. Thomas Bruce, b. ca. 1781; d. Woburn, 12 Sept 1782 (WD 22). 2. Thomas Bruce, b. 18 March 1783. 3. Sukey Bruce, b. 14 May 1786. 4. Nancy Bruce, b. 25 April 1788. 5. Charles Bruce, b. 20 March 1791. 6. Franklin Wyman Bruce, b. 22 Oct 1793. 7. Sally Bruce, b. 29 Sept 1796. 8. Tryphena Bruce, b. “Hampstead, NH” 22 April 1801. v. JOSEPH WYMAN, b. 5 July 1763; m. Woburn, 15 March 1781 RUTH/ MARY FOWLE (m. record says Ruth, but three children of Joseph and Mary are recorded: Joseph, b. 13 June 1782, Susanna, b. 13 March 1784, and William, b. 9 July 1787 (WB 291-2).

4.17 MARY4 HARTWELL (Joseph3, John2, William1) was born ca. 1723, as she was in her 21st year on 19 November 1744 when she chose Seth Reed to be her guardian. Seth Reed, yeoman of Charlestown, and Samuel Gookin, gentleman of Cambridge, stood bond (Middlesex Probate File 10571). HOA incorrectly claims that Mary, “with an eye to the main chance,” chose Israel Reed, father of her future husband, as her guardian. While this makes a good story, it is not the case. Seth Reed, son of Daniel and Susanna (—) Reed, was born at Woburn, 23 March 1705 and was living in Charlestown with his wife, Lydia (Cutter) Reed, when Mary chose him as her guardian; the reasons for her choice have not been determined. Mary married at Charlestown (int.) 9 November 1745 (ChVR 471), ISRAEL REED, who was born at Woburn, 16 November 1722 (WB 205) and died there 5 July 1792, age 70 years (WB 154), son of Israel and Hannah (Wyman) Reed. Israel Reed is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Woburn Fourth Generation 93 consisting of one male over 16 and two females, so Mary may have been still living at that time. Known child: i. ISRAEL REED, b. Woburn, 16 June 1747; d. Alstead, NH, before 20 Dec 1815, when administration on his estate was granted to widow Marcy Reed (Cheshire Co. [NH] Probate File 127). [Note: The DAR Patriot Index is in error in giving Israel’s death date as “about 1786.”] Israel m. (1) Littleton, 21 May 1768 (LVR 100), JEMIMA TEMPLE, b. Westford, 19 Aug 1749 (WVR 112), d. Littleton, 18 Nov 1783, age 34y (LVR 161, 336), dau. of Christopher and Jemima (Hunt) Temple. Israel m. (2) Littleton, 15 Feb 1784 (LVR 231), MERCY DAVIS, b. Harvard, 21 Oct 1764 (HVR 31), death record not found, dau. of Jonas and Elizabeth (Cheney) Davis. Israel Reed is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Littleton consisting of three males over 16, one male under 16 and eight females; he is no doubt the Israel Reed shown on the 1800 Federal Census residing in “Worchester” Co., with a family consisting of three males under 10, one male 10-16, one male over 45, two females 10-16 and one female 26-45. He was “of Athol, Worcester Co., MA” when he purchased land in Alstead, NH from on 2 Feb 1802 (Cheshire Co. [NH] Deed 39:233). Children by first wife, all born at Littleton (LVR 160): 1. Israel Reed, b. 19 Dec 1768; d. Harvard, of smallpox, 19 March 1822, age 54y (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. Harvard, 1 Feb 1795 (HVR 205), Anna Park, b. Groton, 2 Nov 1722 (GVR 1:167), dau. of stonecutter Thomas and Rosanna (Conn) Park. Israel is a noted stonecutter of the area (Society for Gravestone Studies). Five children, recorded at Harvard. 2. Jeremiah Reed, b. 15 Sept 1770. 94 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Joseph Reed, b. 29 Nov 1772. 4. Lucy Reed, b. 27 June 1779. 5. Mary Reed, b. 20 Nov 1781. Children by second wife, born at Littleton (LVR 160): 6. Marcy Reed, b. 26 Nov 1784; bap. there as “Mercy” 10 April 1785 (LVR 318). [Note: she may be “Mercy Reed of Alstead [NH]” who m. Harvard, (int.) 27 Oct 1806 (HVR 205), David Fleeman/Fleming, possibly the son of Adam and Margaret (—) Fleming, b. Lancaster, 7 April 1756 (LVR 79). 7. Betey Reed, b. 11 Oct 1786; bap. as “Betsey” 15 Oct 1786 (LVR 318); prob. “Betsey Royce” mentioned in her father’s probate file. 8. John Reed, b. 7 Feb 1789; mentioned in his father’s probate file. 9. Herman Reed, b. 9 Aug 1791; bap. 14 June 1791 [sic] (LVR 319); mentioned in his father’s probate file. 10. Augustus Reed, b. 1 May 1796 [sic]; bap. 12 May 1793 (LVR 320). 11. William Reed, b. 30 July 1796 [sic].

Descendants of Edward3 & Sarah (Wilder) Hartwell

4.19 SARAH4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was baptized at Lancaster, 27 July 1712 (LBMD 274) and she died at Lunenburg, 17 June 1801 (Cunningham). She married first, at Lancaster, 14 May 1728 (LBMD 397, which incorrectly calls Jacob “Thomas”), JACOB3 STILES, who was born at Boxford, 6 February 1702/3 (BVR 93) and died at Lunenburg, 21 April 1750 (ERL 350), son of Timothy2 (Robert1) and Hannah (Foster) Stiles. Jacob was fence viewer for Lunenburg in 1728 and 1746, constable in 1736 and tithingman in 1741 (ERL). Sarah married second, at Lunenburg, 9 November 1752 (Cunningham; not 1772 as in HOA), as his third wife, STEPHEN Fourth Generation 95

BOYNTON, who was born at Rowley, 7 April 1710 (RVR 28) and died at Lunenburg, 9 May 1800 (Cunningham), son of Benoni and Ann (Mighill) Boynton. [Note: Stephen’s son of the same name by his first wife married Sarah’s granddaughter, Tabitha Foster (see #4.19- i-2 below).] Children, all by first husband, all born at Lunenburg: i. LUCY STILES, b. 6 May 1729 (ERL 326); m. (1) Lunenburg, 24 March 1748/9 (ERL 249), BENJAMIN FOSTER, JR., b. Andover, 29 Jan 1729, d. Lunenburg, 8 Sept 1755, age 27, son of Benjamin and Mehitable (Steward) Foster; m. (2) 7 March 1756 (ERL 258), ALEXANDER SWAN. Children, per Cunningham unless otherwise indicated: 1. Daughter, d. 7 Feb 1767. 2. Tabitha Foster, b. ca. 1752; d. Winchendon, 10 Feb 1845, age 96 (WVR 191; Gs:Centre Cemetery); m. (1) Lunenburg/Winchendon, 29 Jan 1772 (WVR 103), Stephen Boynton, Jr., b. ca. 1750, d. Winchendon, 1778, son of Stephen and Sarah (Johnson) Boynton; m. (2) Winchendon, 13 May 1779 (WVR 103), as his 2nd wife, Levi Bixby, b. Lancaster, 7 Aug 1743 (Cunningham), d. Winchendon, 5 Oct. 1803, age 60 (WVR 185; Gs:Centre Cemetery), son of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Houghton) Bixby and widower of Ruth Darling; m. (3) 13 Nov 1810 (WVR 101), Benjamin Eddy of Royalston. Three children by Boynton; four by Bixby, all recorded at Winchendon. ii. LEVI STILES, b. 18 Feb 1732/3 (ERL 326); d. 21 Dec 1810 (DARPI); m. Lunenburg, 16 Dec 1755 (ERL 258), PATIENCE SMITH, b. Lunenburg, 28 April 1737 (ERL 327), d. there 21 March 1828, dau. of Jonathan (Elisha, John) and Susannah (Stearns) Smith, and step-grand-daughter of Sarah4 (Hartwell) (Melvin) Smith (see #4.3). 96 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, first ten born at Lunenburg (ERL 326), last three per HOA: 1. Jonathan Stiles, b. 5 Oct 1756; m. Hannah Tyler. Nine children. 2. Susannah Stiles, b. 4 Oct 1758; m. Fitchburg, 20 Nov 1777 (ORF 2:258), Oliver Upton. 3. Nahum Stiles, b. 14 May 1761; d. 27 March 1818; m. 8 Jan 1789, Betsey Davis, who d. 11 Nov 1847, age 82. Eight children. 4. Patience Stiles, b. 16 Sept 1763; d. 1814; m. Winchendon, (int.) 8 July 1782 (WVR 163), Joseph Priest. Six children. 5. Peleg Stearns Stiles, b. 25 March 1766; d. 6 Dec 1834; m. (1) 15 Dec 1787, Rebecca Wyman, b. 21 April 1767, d. 8 March 1806; m. (2) 3 Sept 1806 (HOA), as her 2nd husband, Sally (Buck) McElroy of Sutton, b. 17 Aug 1784, d. 1 Jan 1858. Eight children by 1st wife, 11 by 2nd. 6. Levi Stiles, b. 14 March 1768; m. Greenfield, 24 April 1793 (GVR 223), Diana Martindale (not Dinia as in HOA), b. there 28 Nov 1772 or 29 Dec 1773 (GVR 78), dau. of Lemuel and Christian (—) Martindale. Levi was a doctor in Greenfield where eight children were recorded to this couple. 7. Lucy Stiles, b. 3 Sept 1770; m. -?- Upton (or has HOA confused Lucy with her sister Susannah?). 8. Jacob Stiles, b. 9 July 1772; d. Boston; “of Boxford” when he m. Methuen, (int.) 23 April 1798 (MVR 274), Hannah Harris, b. Methuen, 17 July 1778 (MVR 58), d. Boston, dau. of Peter and Sarah (Merriel) Harris. Two children. 9. Caleb Stiles, b. 20 Aug 1774; m. 22 Dec 1796, Betsey Willard, who d. 13 Sept 1841. Seven children. 10. Hannah Stiles, b. 31 Aug 1780 (ERL 326); unmarried. Fourth Generation 97

11. Mary Stiles, b. 14 Aug 1776 (HOA; not in ERL); m. Dr. Lyman Lewis. Six children. 12. Eunice Stiles. 13. [?]Sarah Stiles (HOA; not in ERL), m. the Rev. Mr. Wetherly. iii. SARAH STILES, b. 24 May 1735 (ERL 326); d. 3 June 1818; m. Lunenburg, 28 March 1758 (ERL 247), MOSES CHILD, b. Watertown, 6 April 1731 (WVR 3:91), d. 8 Feb 1793, son of Isaac and Anna (Adams) Child. Moses was a lieut. in the Revolution. Ten children. [Note: HOA says Moses was “b on shipboard in Casco Bay; honored and trusted by Washington.”] iv. JACOB STILES, b. 26 Sept 1737 (ERL 326); d. Cavendish, VT, ca. 1828 (DARPI; HOA has 1838); m. ABIGAIL LINCOLN, b. 7 Aug 1742 (HOA), d. 25 Dec 1819 (HOA), probably a daughter of Josiah and Susan (—) Lincoln of Hingham. Jacob was a Captain in the Revolution; Jacob and Abigail are buried in Twenty Mile Stream Cemetery, Cavendish, VT. [Note: thanks to Joann Nichols for providing infor- mation on Twenty Mile Stream Cemetery from Ceme- teries of Cavendish, VT, 1776-1976, Bicentennial Project compiled by Mary Churchill [1976], hereinafter, TMSC.] Children, first four born at Keene, NH (KVR 62), rest per HOA: 1. Charlotte Stiles, b. 26 Sept 1763; d. Cavendish, VT, 19 April 1811, in 47th yr (TMSC); “of Lunenburg” when she m. Fitchburg, 28 June 1783 (ORF2:228), Samuel Hutchinson, b. 1 Jan 1760 (calc.), d. Cavendish, 14 Nov 1826, age 66y 10m 13d, a Revolutionary soldier (TMSC). 2. Lincoln Stiles, b. 7 Aug 1765; d. Cavendish, VT 31 Oct 1857, age 92y, a Revolutionary soldier (TMSC); m. (1) Patience (—), b. ca. 1768, d. Cavendish 10 98 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

April 1820, age 52 (TMSC); m. (2) Ruth (—), b. ca. 1772, d. 16 Aug 1854, age 82 (TMSC). 3. Asenath Stiles, b. 27 Jan 1768. 4. Abigail Stiles, b. 25 Nov 1769. 5. Sarah Stiles, b. 2 Nov 1774; n.f.r. 6. Content Stiles, b. 10 Jan 1777; n.f.r. 7. Jacob Stiles, b. 13 April 1779; n.f.r. v. NAHUM STILES, b. 21 April 1740 (ERL 326); d. before 25 April 1759 when administration of his estate was granted to “eldest brother, Levi,” who was given the estate pro- vided he pay “Sarah, his mother, Jacob, Jeremiah and John Stiles, his brothers, Lucy Swan, Sarah Child, Hannah and Prudence Stiles, his sisters” their share of the value of the property (Worcester County Probate File A:56179); unmarried. vi. HANNAH STILES, b. 19 Jan 1742; d. Fitchburg, 21 March 1779 (ORF 2:304); m. 26 May 1767 (HOA), as his 1st wife, OLIVER STICKNEY, b. Newbury, 22 Feb 1739, d. Fitchburg, 25 April 1811 (ORF 2:304), son of Stephen and Mehitable (Goodridge) Stickney. Children, per HOA: 1. Joshua Stickney, b. 8 June 1768; d. 18 Oct 1825; m. -- Sept. 1799, Alice Shedd of Billerica. 2. Jacob Stickney, b. 8 Feb 1770; d. 18 April 1857; m. 12 Dec 1822, Sarah Simpson of Ashburnham. vii. JEREMIAH STILES, b. 23 Feb 1744/5 (ERL 326); d. Keene, NH, 3, 5 or 6 Dec 1800, age 56 (KVR 230); m. Keene, 13 Dec 1768 (KVR 98) MARY SANGER (not Sawyer as in HOA), b. Hardwick, 2 May 1741 (HVR 101), d. Keene, NH, 22 March 1810 (KVR 230), dau. of Eleazer and Mary (—) Sanger. Fourth Generation 99

Children, born at Keene, NH (KVR 62): 1. Elizabeth Stiles, b. 13 July 1769; d. Keene, 23 March 1819, age 49y (KVR 154); m. Keene, 25 Oct 1787, as his first wife, Eliphalet Briggs, b. Norton, 26 Jan 1762, d. Keene, NH, 23 March 1827, age 64, son of Eliphalet and Mary (Cobb) Briggs (NEHGR 126[1972]:211-12). Ten children. 2. Jeremiah Stiles, b. 26 May 1771. 3. Joseph Stiles, b. 5 July 1773. 4. John William Stiles, b. 22 Feb 1777; “of Templeton” when he m. Keene, 30 Nov 1801 (KVR 110), Polly Maccarty. 5. Mary Stiles, b. 16 April 1781; d. 18 April 1781. viii. PRUDENCE STILES, b. 3 April 1747 (ERL 326); d. Dunstable, 20 March 1780, age 32y 11m 26d (DVR 231; Gs:Swallow private burying ground); m. Dunstable/Groton, 23 July 1770 (DVR 190; GVR 2:168), as his first wife, PETER SWALLOW, b. Dunstable, 9 Oct 1743 (GVR 1:236), d. there 6 or 7 April 1813, age 69 or 70 (DVR 231), son of John and Sarah (—) Swallow. Peter was a Private in the Revolution (DARPI). He m. (2) Pepperell, 13 March 1783 (PVR 228), SYBEL BLOOD, by whom he had five more children. Children, born at Dunstable (DVR 83-84): 1. Nahum Swallow, b. 23 June 1771; d. Windsor, VT, 15 Jan 1851 (Stiles); m. Pepperell, 22 Dec 1796 (DVR 190; PVR 228), Diadamia Woods, b. Groton, 28 Oct 1778 (GVR 1:260), d. Whitehall, IL, 5 Sept 1858 (Stiles), dau. of Solomon and Mary (Taylor) Woods. 2. Prudence Swallow, b. 26 July 1773 (DVR 83); d. 6 Jan 1868 (Stiles); m. Dunstable, 22 Nov 1792 (DVR 190), Temple Kendall, Jr., b. Dunstable, 28 May 1768 (DVR 52), d. 20 Aug 1850 (Stiles), son of Temple and Abigail (Cummings) Kendall. 100 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Larnard Swallow, b. 30 July 1775 (DVR 83); d. Dunstable, 24 April 1776, age 8m 25d (DVR 231). 4. Larnard Swallow, b. 18 June 1777 (DVR 83); m. Olive Fletcher. 5. Sarah Swallow, b. 17 Feb 1780 (DVR 84); m. Dunstable, 30 Oct 1800 (DVR 190), Amos Eastman, b. Dunstable, 16 Sept 1770 (DVR 28), son of Dorothy Robins [sic]. ix. JOHN STILES, b. 27 July 1749 (ERL 326); d. 25 April 1818 (DARPI); m. KEZIAH DIVOLL. John was a Corporal in NH during the Revolution (ibid.); went to St. Johnsbury, VT (HOA). Eight children.

4.21 ELIZABETH4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was baptized at Lancaster, 22 January 1715/16 (LBMD 275) and is undoubtedly the “Widow _____ of _____ Gates” who died at Harvard, 1 February 1792 (HVR 271). She married first, at Lunenburg, her father Esquire Edward Hartwell officiating, 9 November 1737 (ERL 250), Captain JOHN4 GIBSON, who was born at Sudbury, 28 April 1708 (SVR 62) and died at Lunenburg, 10 June 1761, age 54 (Gs:South Cemetery; not 1861 as in HOA), son of Deacon Timothy3 (John2-1) and Rebecca (Gates) Gibson. John Gibson “was a man of gigantic size and strength, and held an important place in public affairs–surveyor of highways 1736, 1742 and 1754, constable 1741, tithingman 1744, selectman 1747, 1748, 1751-1753, school committee 1748, 1754 and 1756, moderator at town meetings 1753 and 1757, captain of militia, probably chosen prior to 4 March 1754. He served also on various temporary committees—in 1745 ‘to repair the old meeting House,’ the church which he and Elizabeth had joined 3 August 1740, and in 1761, only a few months before his death, one of three ‘to Enquire into the Bounds of the Buring [sic] yard’” (Gibson Genealogy). Elizabeth married second, at Lunenburg, her father again officiating, 9 May 1764 (HVR 169), as his third wife, Ensign JACOB4 GATES, who was born probably at Stow, ca. 1698 and died at Fourth Generation 101

Harvard, 22 August 1769, in his 71st year (HVR 271), son of Isaac3 (Stephen2-1) and Mercy (Benjamin) Gates. Child by first husband, born at Lunenburg: i. SARAH GIBSON, b. 8 June 1743 (ERL 293; Gs has 19 June); d. Leominster, 15 Aug 1817, age 74 (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery); m. 5 Oct 1762, the Rev. FRANCIS4 GARDNER, b. Stow, 29 Feb 1735/6, d. Watertown, 2 June 1814 (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery), son of Rev. John3 (Henry2, Richard1) and Mary (Baxter) Gardner. Francis graduated from Harvard College in 1755 and was ordained pastor of the First Church in Leominster 22 Dec 1762. His death after a long pastorate of 52 years was greatly lamented by the parish and town, and his remains were interred in Leominster cemetery “with every mark of respect due to so venerable and highly esteemed a divine” (Gibson).

Reverend Francis Gardner Tablet. 102 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all recorded at Leominster (LVR 60-61): 1. Sarah Gardner, b. 7 Sept 1763; d. Boston, 24 April 1838, age 75 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); m. Leominster, 29 April 1792 (LVR 204), Jotham Johnson, b. ca. 1754 (calc.), d. 6 Sept 1815, age 61 (LVR; Gs:Pine Grove Cem.). One child, Sarah (or Mary in Gibson) m. Hon. Benjamin Seavey, mayor of Boston. 2. Mary Gardner, b. 31 Oct 1764; d. Bolton, 22 Nov 1852, age 88 (Gs:Old South Burial Ground); m. Leom- inster, 18 Oct 1796 (LVR 204), Jonathan Whitcomb, b. Bolton, 26 Jan 1749/50, d. there 14 Feb 1830, age 80 (Gs), son of John and Becke (Whitcomb) Whitcomb. Six children. 3. Elizabeth Gardner, b. 21 May 1766; d. Leominster, 11 March 1849, age 82y 9m 15d (LVR 314; Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. 4. John Gardner, b. 2 Jan 1768; d. Leominster, 24 Aug 1846, age 88 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); m. 21 Oct 1795, Elizabeth Greenleaf “of Boston.” John was the first federal postmaster in Leominster, a position he held for 40 years. Nine children. 5. Susanna Gardner, b. 21 Nov 1769; d. Worcester, 2 Nov 1852, age 82 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. 6. Francis Gardner, Jr., b. 26 Nov 1771; d. Boston, 26 June 1835; m. 1 Nov 1804, Mary (Margaret in Gibson) Leonard of West Springfield. Francis was graduated from Dartmouth (Harvard per Gibson) in 1793, and was an eminent lawyer in Walpole, NH and Boston, MA. Five children. 7. Electa Gardner, b. 7 Dec 1773; d. Leominster, 30 Oct 1851 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. 8. Katharine Gardner, b. 23 Oct 1775; d. Leominster, 8 Dec 1863 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. Fourth Generation 103

9. Joseph Gardner, b. 21 Feb 1777; d. Leominster, 25 March 1777, age 1m 4d (LVR 315; Gs:Pine Grove Cem.). 10. Sophia Gardner, b. 27 March 1778; d. Leominster, 8 Oct 1857 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); m. there 19 Nov 1795 (LVR 204), Charles Prentiss, b. Reading, 8 Oct 1774 (RVR 192), d. prob. Leominster, 20 Oct 1820 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.), son of the Rev. Caleb and Pamela (Mellen) Prentiss. Charles graduated from Harvard in 1795, published several newspapers in Leominster; removed to Brimfield in 1811. One child. 11. Hannah Gardner, b. 10 Nov 1780; d. Worcester, 21 Aug 1857; m. Leominster, 8 April 1804 (LVR 204), Hon. , b. Westminster, 5 Dec 1775 (WVR 14), d. 5 April 1860 (HOA), son of Elisha and Sarah (Goodridge) Bigelow. Abijah graduated from Dartmouth in 1795, was representative from Leomin- ster for two years, M.C. 1811-15, clerk of Worcester County Court until 1834. Four or six children. 12. Lucinda Gardner (twin), b. 18 June 1783; d. Leom- inster, 14, 17 or 19 April 1826, “suicide, age 43” (LVR 315; Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. 13. Lucretia Gardner (twin), b. 18 June 1783; d. Hollis, NH, 30 April 1813; m. Leominster, 19 Sept 1805 (LVR 204), Major Benjamin Mark Farley, b. Hollis, NH, 8 Aug 1783 (NEHGR 136[1982]:147), son of Benjamin5 (Samuel4, Benjamin3, Caleb2, George1) and Lucy (Fletcher) Farley. Benjamin was an emi- nent attorney. Four children. 14. Nancy Gardner, b. 13 April 1786; d. 4 May 1865; m. Leominster, 15 or 18 July 1806 (LVR 204), Samuel (not Stephen as in HOA) Salisbury, Jr., a Boston merchant who d. 29 Jan 1849. Seven children. 104 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4.22 EDWARD4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was baptized at Lancaster, 29 September 1717 (LBMD 275) and he died at Lunenburg, 4 January 1799, age 82 (Cunningham). Although Cunningham indicates that Edward is buried in Lunenburg’s South Cemetery, there seems to be no documentation of this in either the cemetery or its records. He may have been living in Fitchburg with his son Thomas at the time of his death. Edward married at Lunenburg, Rev. Mr. David Stearns officiating, 7 August 1739 (ERL 251), ELIZABETH KNEELAND, who was born ca. 1719 and died at Alstead, New Hampshire, 1 October 1805 (Gs:North Cemetery, East Alstead), age 86 (Columbian Centinal of 10/30/1805). She was perhaps the EK born at Boston, 17 February 1719 (BRC 21), daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith) Kneeland, although positive proof of this has not been found. Edward and Elizabeth were admitted to the church in Lunenburg 24 August 1740, and Edward was on the school committee in 1755 and 1757 (Cunningham). In a deed dated 23 April 1761 and filed 16 August 1768, Edward received from his father, for “diverse good will and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving son” 40 acres on the west side of the town road, “which is his full part and portion out of my estate with what he had already” (Worcester County Deed 59:189). Children, all born at Lunenburg (ERL 297-8): 5.30 i. THOMAS5 HARTWELL, b. 5 June 1740 (not 5 Jan 1740/1 as in HOA); bap. 24 Aug 1740 (Cunningham); d. Alstead, NH, 9 Nov 1820 “Major . . . in 81st yr” (Gs:North Cemetery, East Alstead); m. Lunenburg, 9 May 1765 (Cunningham), PRUDENCE CARTER, b. Lunenburg, 15 June 1746 (ERL 280), d. East Alstead, NH, 29 Jan 1818, age 72 (Gs:North Cemetery), dau. of Thomas and Bette (Sawyer) Carter. Thomas had a distinguished Revolutionary career, beginning as a Private in Capt. Ebenezer Woods’s co. of Minute-men which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775, and ending with the rank of Major. He is listed on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Fitchburg consisting of two males over 16 and three Fourth Generation 105

females, indicating that perhaps his parents and an unmarried sister may have been living with him at that time. He was called “gentleman . . . of Fitchburg” as late as 1792, when he sold land there (Worcester County Deed 112:145), so he apparently did not move to Alstead until after that date. No recorded children. 5.31 ii. SOLOMON HARTWELL, b. 2 Dec 1741 (not in HOA); d. Lunenburg, 1 Jan 1741/2, age 30 days (ERL 345; Gs:South Cemetery). 5.32 iii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 5 Dec 1742; death record not found. She was “of Ward” [now Auburn, MA] when she m. at Sutton, 8 May 1780 (SVR 70; also recorded at Auburn and Princeton), JAMES ARCH of Princeton. According to HOA, James Arch was “one of Burgoyne’s soldiers, of Irish birth, escaped from camp in Cambridge, removed to Alstead, NH, settled on the north side of Arch’s pond.” Why Elizabeth is called “of Ward” on her marriage record when none of her family lived in that place, and why Cunningham’s History of Lunenburg (giving Z[abdiel] A[dams] as his authority) states that she mar- ried 16 Oct 1769, William Bourk/Burk of Lancaster, are unanswered questions. Correspondence with Harry Arch of Bedfordshire, England (who is researching the ARCH family) has revealed that James Arch enlisted at Wexford, Ireland, 3 May 1775, in the 24th Regt. of Foot, when he was noted as being English. He participated in the 2nd battle of Saratoga on 17 Oct 1777, and was naturalized at Princeton, 24 Jan 1780. Alstead legend has it that James, with three other men, deserted from Burgoyne’s army, then stationed in New York, and made their way through the wilds of Vermont to Alstead. Along the route from Vermont, they took shelter in a deserted farmhouse that was searched by British soldiers. James hid behind the door as the British entered, escaping while the British 106 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

killed his two companions (Marion Nicholl Rawson, New Hampshire Borns a Town). A prosiac, but more likely, explanation is that James was taken prisoner after the battle of Saratoga and brought to Rutland, which was the site of a large POW camp. As winter was approaching, the Americans decided to transfer the POW’s to a camp at Cambridge, where it would be less difficult to keep them warm. During this transfer, at least 300 British soldiers “escaped.” Many of the British had no really firm allegiance to England’s war against the Americans, and the Americans, in turn, seem to have accepted these “deserters” into their new commu- nities as equals. In some cases, the Americans may have even facilitated the “desertion.” James Arch probably met the Hartwell family through Thomas or one of his brothers, all of whom served in the Revolution. The Alstead legend that James took shelter in the house of Thomas, and subsequently married Thomas’ sister Elizabeth, is without foundation, as Thomas apparently did not move to Alstead until 1792, and Elizabeth was his sister, not his daughter. James Arch is shown on the 1790 federal census for Alstead, NH with one male over 16 (probably himself), one male under 16 (Edward Savage, son of Lydia Hartwell) and one female (wife Elizabeth). James and Elizabeth had no children, but apparently reared Lydia’s child. 5.33 iv. MARY HARTWELL, b. 22 Oct 1744 (not in HOA); d. Lunenburg, 22 Sept 1746, age 1y 11m (ERL 345; Gs:South Cemetery). +5.34 v. EDWARD HARTWELL, b. 22 Aug 1747; m. LYDIA WHITE. +5.35 vi. ASAHEL HARTWELL, b. 24 Aug 1749; m. ABIGAIL WALKER. +5.36 vii. SOLOMON HARTWELL, b. 18 July 1751; m. (1) DORCAS POLLEY, (2) MARY (—) (EDDY) HODGES. Fourth Generation 107

5.37 viii. MARY HARTWELL, b. 1 Sept 1753; d. Andover, 5 Feb 1781, age 27 yr (AVR 2:441); m. (int.) 5 June 1779 (ORF 2:257) or 10 Aug 1779 (AVR 2:167), ISAAC FORSTER [sic], prob. the son of Jacob and Abigail (Frost) Foster, b. Andover, 23 Dec 1751 (AVR 1:153). Isaac apparently m. (2) ca. 1784, MARY HART. +5.38 ix. MARTHA HARTWELL, b. 14 Aug 1755; m. BENJAMIN ROGERS. +5.39 x. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 2 April 1758; m. (1) HANNAH MOORE, (2) MERCY CARTWRIGHT, (3) Mrs. MARY BROWN. +5.40 xi. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 20 April 1760; m. ANN (HAWLEY) BARNUM. +5.41 xii. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 11 April 1765; had child by EDWARD SAVAGE.

4.23 JONATHAN4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was baptized at Lancaster, 29 November 1719 (LBMD 276; HOA says b. 21 September 1719) and he died at Lunenburg, 11 July 1816 (Cunningham). He married at Lunenburg, Rev. Mr. David Stearns officiating, 3 December 1745 (ERL 251), ELIZABETH TARBELL, who was born at Groton, 13 April 1729 (GVR 1:138) and died at Lunenburg, 20 October 1819, age 90y 6m 7d (Cunningham), daughter of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Bowers) Tarbell. Jonathan was a farmer in Lunenburg. He is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Lunenburg consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16, and three females. Children, all born at Lunenburg (ERL 298): +5.42 i. SARAH5 HARTWELL, b. 23 Nov 1746; m. ADFORD JAQUITH. +5.43 ii. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 25 Oct 1748; m. NANCY DAGGETT. +5.44 iii. ELISABETH HARTWELL, b. 14 April 1751; m. ISAAC WOOD. 5.45 iv. TAMAR HARTWELL, b. 5 Aug 1753; d. Lunenburg, 13 June 1837, age 83y 10m 8d (Gs:South Cemetery); unmarried. 108 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5.46 v. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 24 Aug 1758; d. Lunenburg, 11 June 1830, age 71y 9m 18d (Gs:South Cemetery); unmarried. 5.47 vi. EUNICE HARTWELL, b. 20 May 1761; d. Leominster, 6 March 1833, age 71 (LVR ?; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery); m. Leominster, 17 Sept 1785 (LVR 212), CALEB WOOD, b. there 8 Nov 1764 (LVR 157), d. there 24 Feb 1834, age 69y (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery), son of Joshua and Elizabeth (—) Wood. In his will, written 21 Dec 1818 and allowed 1 April 1834, Caleb left all his property to beloved wife Eunice, with nephew James Wood as executor and resid- ual legatee (Worcester County Probate File A:66863). The inven- tory of his estate shows that Caleb received a pension for his service in the Revolution. No recorded children. +5.48 vii. SUSANNA HARTWELL, b. 22 Sept 1763; m. ABEL STEARNS. 5.49 viii. ELEAZER HARTWELL, bap. Lunenburg, 27 March 1768 (Cunningham; not in HOA); d. there 17 July 1800, age 33 (Gs:South Cemetery); m. 25 Nov 1799 (Cunningham), PHEBE TYLER, b. ca. 1775 (calc.), d. Princeton, “at James P. Lindall’s,” 30 Sept 1841, age 67 (PVR 168). Eleazer was one of the witnesses to the will of his uncle Asael Hartwell (see #4.2-iii). No recorded children. 5.50 ix. [?]WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. ca. 1769; d. Lunenburg, 31 Aug 1805, age 36 (Gs:South Cemetery). Perhaps the William Hartwell attributed by HOA to Joseph and Tabitha (Dodge), who was described as being “feeble in mind and body.”

4.25 JOSEPH4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 14 May 1727 (ERL 297), and he died there 8 April 1807 (DARPI). He married first at Lunenburg, his father, Esquire Edward Hartwell, officiating, 22 September 1747 (ERL 252), TABITHA DODGE, who was born at Wenham, 1 January 1726 (WVR 30) and died at Lunenburg 25 April 1756 (ERL 345; not 11 April 1754 as in HOA), daughter of Josiah and Prudence (Dodge) Dodge. Fourth Generation 109

Joseph, called “Josiah of Lunenburg,” married second, at Reading/Wakefield, 9 February 1757 (RVR 362; WVR 198), as her second husband, PHEBE (EATON) HART, who was born at Reading, 1 August 1731 (RVR 79) and died at Lunenburg 15 September 1817 (Gs:South Cemetery), daughter of Noah3 (Jonathan2, Jonas1) and Phebe (Lilley) Eaton. Phebe was the widow of THOMAS HART of Lynn, whom she married 24 August 1749 (RVR 328). [Note: Phebe had at least one child, Rebecca, by Thomas Hart. Rebecca Hart married at Leominster, Benjamin Daby, and they named a child Joseph Hartwell Daby in honor of Rebecca’s step-father.] Joseph was a “Private [in] Capt. George Kimball’s co., which marched 20 April 1775, in response to the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 3 days; also, petition endorsed 21 September 1778, signed by said Hartwell and William Clark, of Lunenburg, stating that they were drafted, one from the militia, the other from the alarm list, ‘last year,’ to serve at the Northward against Gen. Burgoyne, which service they performed, but having been omitted from the pay roll by mistake of their Captain, they had not received the pay and mileage due them, and asking that their case be given consideration; also, warrant dated Council Chamber, 13 October 1778, drawn in favor of said Hartwell and William Clarke for wages for service at Bennington, they having been omitted from Capt. Bellows’s roll by mistake” (MSSR). Joseph “was a farmer in Lunenburg, an influential citizen and held most town offices” (HOA). In a deed dated 13 March 1781 and filed 23 June 1786, his father, Edward, for “diverse good causes and considerations,” gave Joseph the 57 acres comprising his homestead farm with all the buildings in the town of Lunenburg, as well as land in Leominster and the pew in the meeting house (Worcester County Deeds 100:338). He is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Lunenburg consisting of three males over 16, one male under 16, and three females. In his will, written 9 March 1792 and proved 19 May 1807, Joseph left one-third of his real estate and all household goods to beloved wife, Phebe; 5 shillings to son Josiah “as his full part and 110 Descendants of William1 Hartwell portion, he having his time in learning a trade;” 5 shillings “with what I have given her before” to daughters Prudence Kendall and Ruth Kneeland; 10 pounds or “his full part and portion” to son William; 10 pounds each to sons Benjamin, Reuben and Jacob; one-half the household goods “at her mother’s decease together with what I gave her before” to daughter Tabitha Tyler; youngest daughter Catherine was to have “10 pounds at marriage and as long as unmarried, convenient house room in my house and ½ the household goods on her mother’s decease.” Son John was given all real estate in Lunenburg and Leominster, one-half the pew in the meeting house and all husbandry tools. Other personal estate went to sons Benjamin, Reuben and Jacob; with Benjamin and John being named sole executors. A codicil dated 21 August 1800 gave Catherine, “now married, equal portion as Tabitha Tyler’s.” The will was witnessed by Moses Tyler, John P. Heywood and Nathan Adams, Jr., and the inventory, dated 28 May 1807 and taken by Moses Tyler, John P. Heywood and Elijah Fairbanks, showed an estate valued at $2,865.17.40 [sic] (Worcester County Probate File A:27683). Children by Tabitha Dodge, all born at Lunenburg (ERL 298): +5.51 i. JOSIAH5 HARTWELL, b. 7 Aug 1748; m. (1) REBECCA WALKER, (2) RHODA (—). +5.52 ii. PRUDENCE HARTWELL, b. 19 Feb 1751; m. (1) EDWARD KENDALL, (2) DAVID KENDALL. +5.53 iii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 15 Feb 1752; m.? (1) LUCY DAWES, (2) POLLY DAWES. +5.54 iv. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 11 April 1754; m. JOSEPH KNEELAND. Children by Phebe (Eaton) Hart, all born at Lunenburg (ERL 298-99): 5.55 v. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 28 Dec 1757; d. of sunstroke, “melted” near , 25 Sept 1776, while with the American army, age 18y 7m 26d (Cunningham; HOA). +5.56 vi. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 18 July 1759; m. MERRIEL NICHOLS. Fourth Generation 111

+5.57 vii. REUBEN HARTWELL, b. 4 July 1762; m. (1) ABIGAIL RUGGLES, (2) ABIGAIL BLANCHARD. +5.58 viii. JACOB HARTWELL, b. 1 June 1765; m. LOIS CHAPLIN. +5.59 ix. TABITHA HARTWELL, b. 14 July 1768; m. PHINEAS TYLER, JR. +5.60 x. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 4 Sept 1770; m. (1) POLLY FARWELL, (2) SARAH (GOODRICH) FAIRBANKS, (3) BETSEY (HALE) SNOW. +5.61 xi. KATHERINE HARTWELL, b. 27 Aug 1772; m. DANIEL GARDNER, JR.

4.27 PHINEAS4 HARTWELL (Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 2 January 1731/2 (ERL 297), and he died at Fitchburg, Friday, 18 March 1803 “in the 72nd year of his age” (ORF 2:317). He married at Lunenburg, his father Esquire Edward Hartwell officiating, 28 November 1754 (ERL 252), MARY PEIRCE, who was born at Lunenburg 5 March 1733/4 (ERL 313) and died at Westminster, 28 June 1819, age 95 [sic] (WVR 228), daughter of Ephraim and Esther (Shed) Peirce. Phineas “removed to Fitchburg about 1766, settling on the Hill place, where the Scott Reservoir since stands; was a leading man in town affairs the rest of his life, covering an important period in the history and development of the town and state” (HOA). Phineas is listed on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Fitchburg consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16, and four females. He was town clerk of Fitchburg for many years, recording the births of most of his own children. Phineas wrote his will 4 March 1803, leaving wife Mary 1/3 of his estate, and sons Ephraim and Phineas, Jr. (who were named as joint executors) all his real and personal estate. Son Abijah received $80; dau. Molly Flint, $44.53; dau. Esther Whitney, $46; dau. Relief Gibson, $18.25; dau. Elizabeth Phelps, $44.57. Son Phineas was to support dau. Prudence Hartwell during her natural life. The will was witnessed by Abraham Farewell, Stephen Thurston and 112 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Peter Snow, and approved 10 May 1803, despite the fact that Samuel Phelps appealed the will on behalf of his wife and the other heirs (Worcester County Probate File A:27705). Mary Hartwell wrote her will 29 May 1809, leaving all her personal estate and household furnishings to be equally divided among her four daughters: Molly Flint, Esther Whitney, Relief Gibson, and Elizabeth Phelps, and stating that her three sons, Abijah, Ephraim, and Phineas had already had their full share (Worcester County Probate File A:27697). Children, first five born at Lunenburg (ERL 298), rest at Fitchburg, all recorded at Fitchburg (ORF 2:317): +5.62 i. EPHRAIM5 HARTWELL, b. 7 Oct 1755; m. BETSEY POLLEY. +5.63 ii. MOLLY HARTWELL, b. 7 Feb 1757; m. JOSEPH FLINT. 5.64 iii. ESTHER HARTWELL, b. 15 Jan 1759; d. Westminster, of “colera morbus” 7 Sept 1846, age 87y 7m (WVR 254); m. Westminster (int.) 26 Feb 1792 (WVR 148), ALPHEUS WHITNEY, b. Westminster, 25 Feb 1759 (WVR 97), d. there 7 March 1821, age 62y (WVR 253), son of Samuel and Abigail (Fletcher) Whitney. On 8 Feb 1815, Alpheus Whitney was declared “non- compos” and his brother Hananiah Whitney, was appoint- ed guardian for him. Hananiah deposed 2 May 1815 that all of Alpheus’s property consisted of [first], “a bond made by Phineas Hartwell to the said Alpheus on the 30th day of April 1807 in the sum of seventy two hundred dollars conditioned for the support of the said Alpheus and his wife and second, by a mortgage deed of certain lands as will appear by the record of said deed in the clerk’s office book 168, page 439” (Worcester County Probate File A:64709). No recorded children. +5.65 iv. ABIJAH HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1761; m. (1) OLIVE SMITH, (2) SARAH “SALLY” GRAY. +5.66 v. RELIEF HARTWELL, b. 12 July 1765; m. THOMAS GIBSON. Fourth Generation 113

5.67 vi. 4TH DAUGHTER, b. & d. Fitchburg, 10 March 1768; buried 12 March 1768 (ORF 2:317). 5.68 vii. PRUDENCE HARTWELL, b. 27 June 1769; d. 12 June 1816; apparently either physically or mentally handicapped. +5.69 viii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1772; m. SAMUEL PHELPS. +5.70 ix. PHINEAS HARTWELL, b. 25 July 1781; m. BETSEY WILLARD.

Descendants of Jonathan3 & Sarah (Wheeler) Hartwell

4.32 SARAH4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, John2, William1) was born at Chelmsford, 22 September 1723 (CVR 76) and she died, probably at Bolton, before 11 October 1787, when William Baker gave bond to administer her estate (Middlesex Probate File 7932). She married at Acton/Westford, 12 November 1741 (AVR 176; WVR 163), DANIEL5 F LETCHER, who was born at Concord, 18 October 1718 (CBMD 95) and died at Acton, 15 December 1776, in his 59th year (AVR 267; Gs:Woodlawn Cemetery), son of Joseph4 (Samuel3, Francis2, Robert1) and Hephzibah (Chandler) (Jones) Fletcher. Daniel was a blacksmith and a cooper. He served in the French and Indian War (1755-1763) as a Captain, and was at Crown Point in 1755, the Canada Expedition in 1758, and Nova Scotia in 1760. In 1768 he represented Acton in a committee at the General Court and in 1772 was a member of a committee of public affairs for that town. He served as a major in Col. Jonathan Reed’s regiment of Massachusetts militia; list of field officers of regiments to be raised for service at Quebec and New York (MS&S). His gravestone is inscribed: ‘Tis danger great he has gone through From en’mies hands his God him drew When fighting for that noble cause His Country and its famous laws. But now we trust to rest he’s gone 114 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Where wars and fighting there is none. (Gs:Woodlawn Cemetery). Children, all recorded at Acton (AVR 44-45): i. DANIEL FLETCHER, b. 21 Nov 1742; m. Acton, 11 Sept 1766 (AVR 164), ANNA BARKER, b. Acton, 6 June 1743, dau. of Joseph and Ann (White) Barker. Known children, born at Acton: 1. Hepsibah Fletcher, b. 15 Dec 1766. 2. Ann Fletcher, b. 12 Nov 1769; m. Acton, 27 May 1788, James Law. ii. CHARLES FLETCHER, b. 18 Jan 1743/4; d. Acton, 25 Dec 1747, age 3y 11m 4d (AVR 266; Gs:Woodlawn Cemetery). iii. PETER FLETCHER, b. Holden, 1 Jan 1745/6; d. Acton 29 April 1806, age 61 (AVR 267); m. Acton, 23 Jan 1768 (AVR 168), MARTHA FARRAR, b. Framingham, 7 June 1749 (FVR 74), d. Acton, 30 July 1835, age 88 (AVR 267), dau. of Major John and Martha (Swift) Farrar. Peter served as a corporal in the Revolution (DARPI). Children, born at Acton (AVR 44-45): 1. John Swift Fletcher, b. 28 Aug 1769; d. prob. before 1780, when another child was given the name. 2. Tille Fletcher, b. 27 Aug 1771; d. probably young. 3. Mary “Molly” Fletcher, b. 15 Feb 1774; m. Acton, 4 June 1799 (AVR 165), Tilly Robbins. Four children. 4. Nabby Fletcher, bap. 2 Nov 1778; d. 1 Dec 1826 (HOA); m. Acton, 4 Feb 1800 (AVR 165), Danforth Law, b. 15 July 1770 (HOA), brother of Catherine (below). Three children. 5. John Swift Fletcher, b. 7 May 1780; d. 25 or 27 May 1848, age 67 or 68, “farmer, thrown out of wagon” (AVR 267); m. Acton (int.) 23 March 1800 (AVR 164), Lucy Forbush, b. Acton, 7 Aug 1785 (AVR 46), d. 6 Fourth Generation 115

Nov 1851, dau. Ephraim and Mary Forbush. Nine children. 6. Peter Fletcher, b. 6 Feb 1783; d. Acton, 7 Dec 1839 (AVR 267). 7. Moses Fletcher, b. 6 June [sic] 1786, bap. 29 Jan [sic] 1786; d. Acton, 27 Sept 1835, age 50 (AVR 267); m. (1) Littleton, 16 Sept 1811 (LVR 247), Miss Mary Wright of Littleton, b. “in Vermont” 6 Oct 1788 (LVR 178), d. Acton, 5 July 1814, age 26 (AVR 267), dau. of Ephraim and Mary (—) Wright; m. (2) Acton, 20 April 1817 (AVR 165), Catherine Law, bap. Acton, 14 Oct 1798, d. there 10 Jan 1838 [or 9 Jan 1837], age 42 (AVR 266), dau. of Thomas and Rachel Law. Six children. 8. Daniel Fletcher, b. 5 May 1787; m. 20 Feb 1812, Nancy Tuel, dau. of Charles and Mary (Stoddard) Tuel (History of Westmoreland, NH [1979]). HOA has “m. Lucy Tuell, removed to Penn Yan, NY.” 9. Betty Fletcher, b. 1 Nov 1789; n.f.r. 10. William Fletcher, b. 1 Nov 1790, bap. 31 Jan 1790 [sic, prob. 1791]; living Brighton in 1839 according to his brother Peter’s will. iv. SARAH FLETCHER, b. 4 March 1748; d. Concord, 26 Dec 1792 (HOA: not in VRs); m. Stow, 8 Dec 1769 (AVR 165), WILLIAM BAKER, b. Littleton, 26 March 1746 (LVR 57), d. prob. Charlotte, VT, 26 March 1815 (DARPI), son of William and Rebecca (Conant) Baker. Children, per Holman mss. unless otherwise indicated: 1. Rebecca Baker, b. Templeton, 27 July 1769 (TVR 10). 2. William Baker, b. Templeton, 27 Nov 1770 (TVR 11); d. Charlotte, VT, 23 March 1823, age 52 (Gs:Barker Cemetery). 116 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Jonathan Hartwell Baker, b. Templeton, 9 Aug 1772 (TVR 10). 4. Daniel Fletcher Baker, bap. Templeton, 19 Feb 1775 (TVR 10); d. Utica, NY, ca. 1817 (Littleton VR); m. 6 June 1797, Elisabeth Marsh, b. 21 Nov 1776, dau. of James and Molly (Law) Marsh. 5. Sarah Baker, b. Acton, 9 Jan 1776; n.f.r. 6. Joel Baker, bap. Acton, 4 Oct 1778; n.f.r. 7. Amos Baker, b. 25 July 1780; bap. 30 July 1780; n.f.r. 8. Moses Baker, b. Concord, 18 May 1782; drowned there, 10 Sept 1787, age 4 (CBMD 419). 9. Susanna Baker, b. 2 May 1784; n.f.r. 10. Aaron Baker, b. 15 April 1786. 11. Moses Baker, b. 31 July 1791; d. in the army 1817. v. RUTH FLETCHER, b. 25 Jan 1749/50; d. Acton, 31 Oct 1826, age 78 (AVR 251); m. Acton, 23 Jan 1768 (AVR 165), JOSEPH BARKER, b. Acton, 20 May 1744 (AVR 14), d. there 14 Feb 1831, age 87 (AVR 251), son of Joseph and Ann (White) Barker. Children, born at Acton (AVR 13-15): 1. Ruth Barker, b. 14 May 1769; d. prob. young. 2. Mehitable Barker, b. 24 Jan 1771; m. Acton, 7 June 1791 (AVR 131), Silas Piper, b. Acton, 25 April 1767 (AVR 90), d. there 5 Dec 1838, age 72 (AVR 290), son of Joseph and Esther (Wright) Piper. 3. Sarah “Sally” Barker, b. 8 March 1773; d. Littleton, 13 Dec 1843, age 71 (LVR 169); m. (1) Acton, 13 Feb 1797 (AVR 132), Joseph Cole, b. Concord, 11 March 1774 (CBMD 262), d. Acton, 26 Dec 1815, age 42 (AVR 258), son of John and Mary (Dudley) Cole; m. (2) Acton, 19 March 1818 (AVR 164), as his 2nd wife, Joseph Fletcher, b. Littleton, 6 Aug 1769 (LVR 71), d. Fourth Generation 117

there 3 April 1844, age 73 (LVR 169), son of Eleazer and Mary (Fletcher) Fletcher. Seven children by first husband. 4. Joseph Barker, b. 21 June 1775; m. Acton, 4 April 1805 (AVR 131), Lucy Hosmer, b. Acton, 28 Feb 1778 (AVR 66), dau. of Stephen and Sarah (Davies) Hosmer, and sister of Rebecca and Esther (#5 and #6 below). 5. Jonathan Barker, b. 6 Aug 1777; d. Acton, 21 Oct 1855 (HOA); m. Acton, 14 Sept 1800 (AVR 151), Rebecca Hosmer, b. 18 Nov 1780 (AVR 67), sister of Lucy (#4 above) and Esther (#6 below). [Note: HOA suggests that Jonathan may have married, 18 June 1798, Nancy Swan, but Acton VRs give the date of the marriage of Jonathan Barker and Nancy Swan as 1788, so it is unlikely that this Jonathan made that particular marriage.] 6. Daniel Fletcher Barker, b. 31 Dec 1779; d. ca. 1840; m. 8 April 1802, Esther Hosmer, b. Acton, 15 July 1783 (AVR 65), sister of Lucy and Rebecca (#s 4 and #5 above). 7. Ruth Barker, b. 15 July 1782; m. 15 April 1806, Lemuel Dole, b. Littleton, 19 Sept 1781 (LVR 174), d. 2 Dec 1835, age 56, son of Lemuel and Rebecca (Dole) Dole. 8. Ann Barker, b. 9 July 1784; d. 19 Aug 1805, age 21. 9. Reuben Barker, b. 12 July 1786; m. (1) 27 Aug 1809, Rebecca Davis; m. (2) 13 May 1825, as her 2nd husband, Eunice (Wright) Hosmer, b. 15 Dec 1780, dau. of Oliver and Lois (Johnson) Wright and widow of Asahel Hosmer. Five children baptized in 1822. 10. Dolly Barker, bap. 30 Nov 1788; n.f.r. 11. Betsey Barker, bap. 18 March 1791; m. Acton, 3 May 1821 (AVR 183), as his 2nd wife, John Hoar of Littleton, whose 1st wife was Harriet6 Hartwell. 118 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

[Note: HOA lists three more children: Abel, Cyrus, and Rebecca Barker, but no documentation on these children has been found.] vi. JOSEPH FLETCHER, b. 23 Oct 1752; d. before 20 May 1806; m. Lincoln, 26 May 1778 (AVR 129; LVR 107), ABIGAIL BACON, b. 15 March 1754, prob. the unnamed widow Holt who d. Bolton ca. 1811 [BVR ?]. Abigail m. (2) Bolton, 20 May 1806 [BVR ?], as his 2nd wife, THOMAS HOLT, “of Marlborough,” b. Lancaster, 1 March 1749, d. Bolton, 29 Sept 1808, age 60, son of Thomas and Susannah (Parker) Holt. Children, born as indicated: 1. Daniel Fletcher, b. Acton, 25 Aug 1779 (AVR 44); d. prob. young. 2. Joseph Fletcher, b. Lincoln, 12 Jan 1781 (LVR 36). 3. Daniel Fletcher, b. Lincoln, 8 Aug 1782 (LVR 36); m. Bolton, 27 Dec 1804 (BVR 128), Polly Miles. Four children recorded at Bolton. 4. Luther Fletcher, b. Bolton, 3 Feb 1791 (BVR 28). 5. Calvin Fletcher, b. Bolton, 5 June 1793 (BVR 28). vii. CHARLES FLETCHER, b. 26 Nov 1754; n.f.r. viii. JONATHAN FLETCHER, b. 21 Jan 1757; d. Boston, 16 Jan 1807 (T. C. Bates, Bates and Fletcher Families [1892], hereinafter Bates); m. Acton, (int.) 25 Jan 1783 (AVR 164), LUCRETIA EMERSON, b. Acton, 4 Aug 1764 (HOA: not in VRs), d. Thomaston, ME, 7 July 1800 (Bates). Jonathan served as a Captain in the Revolution (DARPI). Children, born as indicated: 1. Frances “Fanny” Fletcher, b. Acton, 20 Feb 1784 (AVR 45); d. Claiborne, AL, 20 Sept 1824; m. (1) Boston, 4 July 1810, as his 7th wife, Nathaniel Thurston of Bradford; m. (2) Andrew Henshaw of Leicester. No children. Fourth Generation 119

2. Susan Fletcher, b. Boston, 27 Feb 1789; d. Mobile, AL, 3 May 1876; m. (1) James Rouse, b. Medford, d. Blakeley, AL; m. (2) Nathan Whiting. 3. Lucretia Fletcher, b. Boston, 8 Sept 1797; d. there 2 Sept 1800. 4. Sarah Fletcher, b. Boston, 3 May 1799; d. Worcester, 28 Sept 1890; m. Boston, 2 Aug 1818, Elijah Bates (Bates). ix. BETTY (“BETSEY” in HOA) FLETCHER, b. 29 Oct 1759; m. ca. 1777, SAMUEL BROWN (W. L. Holman, Fletcher mss. at NEHGS, suggests a study of Middlesex deeds might determine Samuel Brown’s identity. Betsey did not marry Abraham Whitcomb as in HOA). Children, per Holman mss.: 1. Betty Brown, b. 8 Jan 1776; n.f.r. 2. Samuel Brown, b. 7 Nov 1779; n.f.r. 3. Richard Montgomery Brown, b. 15 Dec 1781; d. 12 Jan 1782, age 18 days (Gs:Woodlawn Cemetery; Holman mss has m. Mary Mann). 4. Elijah/Elisha Brown, b. 5 Dec 1782; n.f.r.

4.34 THOMAS4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, John2, William1) was born at Chelmsford, 6 March 1726/7 (ChVR 76) and he died before February 1758, when he is listed as deceased in the record of his daughter’s birth (LVR 73). During the French & Indian War, Thomas Hartwell was a Captain in Bagley’s Regiment, sent to Fort William Henry (Mass. Archives, Vol. 948). In October 1756, he was reported “present and fit,” but he seems the most likely candidate to be the “_____ Hartwell, Capt. of the Massachusetts forces at Fort Edward, Lake George,” whose death on 23 July 1757 was reported in both the Gazette and the Newsletter (Index of Obituaries in Boston Newspapers, 1704-1800). 120 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Thomas married at Littleton, 26 April 1757 (LVR 86), MARY4 H OAR, who was born at Littleton, 18 July 1731 (LVR 22) and died there 17 April 1793, age 62 (LVR 342, 365), daughter of Benjamin3 (Daniel2, John1) and Esther (?) Hoar. Mary married second, at Littleton, 24 July 1759 (LVR 83, 222), JONATHAN WHEELER, by whom she had eight more children. On 17 April 1758, Mary Hartwell widow, Benjamin Hoar, yeoman, and John Fox, gentleman, gave bond for Mary to administer the estate of Thomas Hartwell, deceased. Capt. Joseph Baker, Lieut. Joseph Harwood, and Mr. Abraham Patch were appointed to take the inventory. They reported that Thomas left an estate valued at 7 pounds, 1 shilling, 5 pence, but on 27 August 1759, Mary (now Mary Wheeler) submitted an account showing an estate of 52 pounds, 19 shillings, less her expenses of 12 pounds, 1 shilling, 9 pence, leaving an estate of 40 pounds, 17 shillings, 3 pence (Middlesex Probate File 10596). Child, born at Littleton (LVR 73, 120): 5.71 i. SARAH5 HARTWELL, b. (posthumously) 10 Feb 1758; m. DANIEL5 HARTWELL (see #5.149).

4.35 OLIVER4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, John2, William1) was born at Chelmsford, 9 March 1728/9 (ChVR 76), and he died between 24 February 1773 when he witnessed a deed from his father to his brother-in-law Josiah Hastings (Cheshire [NH] Deed 1:95) and 1778, when he is called “deceased” in both his father’s will and his widow’s administration papers. He married at Littleton, 1 March 1758 (LVR 85), LOIS4 DUDLEY, who was born at Littleton, 12 June 1737 (LVR 49) and died before 20 November 1778, daughter of Samuel3 (Samuel2, Francis1) and Abigail (Waters?) Dudley. Oliver was a member of William Pierce’s Company during the Crown Point Campaign, 9 April to 15 November 1755 (Mass. Archives Vol 94A). Although both HOA and DAR records credit the following Revolutionary service to Oliver6 Hartwell (see #5.7-I and/or #6.14), it may belong to the subject of this paragraph. The Fourth Generation 121 phrase “reported sick and absent” perhaps gives a clue to Oliver’s decease. Hartwell, Oliver, Littleton. Private, Lieut. Aquila Jewett’s co. of Minute-men, Col. James Prescott’s regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 7 days. Also, Hartwell, Oliver, Stow. Private; list of men returned as serving on main guard under Lieut. Col. L. Baldwin, dated 22 June 1775; also, Capt. Samuel Patch’s co., Col. William Prescoat’s (Prescott’s) regt.; company return dated Oct. 7, 1775; reported sick and absent (MS&S). Also, Hartwell, Oliver. Capt. Samuel Patch’s co., Col. William Prescoat’s (Prescott’s) regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, 26 December 1775 (MS&S). Administration of Lois Hartwell’s estate was granted to her brother, Stephen Dudley on 20 November 1778, when Stephen Dudley and John Robbins, both of Littleton, gentlemen, and Lemuel Blanchard of Cambridge, innholder, gave bond. These same three men also gave bond for Stephen Dudley to be “appointed guardian of Lois, a minor (having signified her choice) above 14 years of age, daughter of Oliver Hartwell of Littleton, gentleman, deceased.” Lois is called “the only surviving heir of her mother’s estate” (Middlesex Probate File 10577). Oliver Tenny, Joseph Harwood and William Henry Prentice, all of Littleton, were appointed to take the inventory, which was dated 13 February 1779, and showed an estate of 364 pounds, 3 shillings (ibid.). Child, born at Littleton (LVR 77): +5.72 i. LOIS5 HARTWELL, b. 8 Jan 1761; m. SAMUEL5 HARTWELL (see #5.148).

4.37 ELISABETH4 “BETTY” HARTWELL (Jonathan3, John2, William1) was born at Westford, 13 February 1731/2 (WVR 49), and she died there 10 February 1826, age 95 (WVR 278, as “mother of Capt. Jonathan Keyes”). Betty married first, at Littleton, 7 November 1751 (LVR 99), PETER5 REED JR., who was born at Lexington, 16 February 1728/9 (LVR 62), son of Peter4 (Philip3-2, Elias1) and Abigail (—) Reed. Peter died, probably at Littleton, prior to 16 February 1761, when administration on his estate was granted to 122 Descendants of William1 Hartwell widow Betty Reed. Peter Reed, cooper, and Richard Goldsmith, bricklayer, both of Littleton, stood bond (Middlesex Probate File 18585). Betty married second, at Westford, 1 July 1762 (WVR 244), as his second wife, JONATHAN KEYES, who was born at Chelmsford, 21 January 1721/2 (ChVR 88) and died at Westford, 20 June 1781 “in his 60th yr” (WVR 293), son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Fletcher) Keyes. Jonathan’s first wife was ELIZABETH FLETCHER, who was born at Chelmsford, 9 March 1719/20 (ChVR 63), and died at Westford, 23 July 1761, age 41y 4m 3d (WVR 203), daughter of Samuel and Hannah (—) Fletcher. Jonathan and Elizabeth had seven recorded children, but at least three of these died before Jonathan married Betty. On 24 January 1763, Jonathan Keyes was appointed guardian to Betty, Charles, Abijah, Sarah, Abigail and Molly Reed, all minors under the age of 14 years, children of Peter Reed, Jr. of Littleton, deceased (Middlesex Probate File 18586). Betty married third, at Westford, 15 October 1782 (WVR 194), as his second wife, Capt. PELETIAH FLETCHER, who was born at Westford, 3 May 1727 (WVR 40) and died there 23 February 1807, age 79 (WVR 280), son of Joseph and Sarah (Adams) Fletcher. Peletiah had been a Captain in the Revolution (DARPI). Betty and Peletiah had no children, but Peletiah had twelve children by his first wife, DOROTHY HILDRETH, who was born at Westford, 26 August 1736 (WVR 53) and died there 14 June 1782, in her 46th year (WVR 278), daughter of James and Dorothy (Prescott) Hildreth. Two of Peletiah and Dorothy’s children are known to have died in infancy, and one died shortly after Peletiah’s marriage to Betty. Two of Peletiah’s children subsequently married two of Betty’s children by Jonathan Keyes. HOA says “Elizabeth is noted as the mother of three sets of twins. It is said that there were about 40 who called her mother either by blood or marriage. About the time she died her grandchildren numbered 119, and her great grandchildren about 90. There were at one time 5 generations at one table in the old Keyes mansion.” Attempts to prove this statement have so far resulted in identifying the following 13 children and 103 grandchildren. Fourth Generation 123

Perhaps HOA counted some of Betty’s step-grandchildren in his total. Children by Peter Reed, born at Littleton (LVR 67): i. BETTY REED (twin), b. 22 Aug 1752. On 20 March 1769, Betty and her brother Abijah chose Zaccheus Wright to be their guardian (Middlesex Probate File 18586); n.f.r. ii. CHARLES REED (twin), b. 22 Aug 1752. On 10 Oct 1766, Charles chose his “honored grandfather” Peter Reed of Littleton to be his guardian (Middlesex Probate File 18586); n.f.r. unless Charles changed his name to Peter Reed. There is an unidentified Peter Reed “of Littleton” who m. (int.) 22 Aug 1772 (LVR 271), Miss DOROTHY PARKER of Westford. iii. ABIJAH REED, b. 15 July 1754; d. Westford “of old age” 27 March 1844, age 89y 9m (WVR 309); m. (1) Westford, 23 March 1766 (WVR 224), ELIZABETH BOYNTON, b. Westford, 26 May 1760 (WVR 16), d. there 29 Aug 1790, age 31 yr (WVR 307), dau. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Barrett) Boynton; m. (2) Westford, 26 Dec 1793 (WVR 227), SUSANNA COLMAN, who has not been identified. Abijah was a Private in the Revolution (DARPI). Children by first wife, born at Westford (WVR 92-95): 1. Elizabeth Read, b. 31 Dec 1787; n.f.r. 2. Abijah Read, b. 26 Aug 1789; d. Westford, 6 Dec 1789, age 3m 5d (WVR 307). 3. Susan Read, b. 21 June 1794; n.f.r. 4. Abijah Read, b. 16 Feb 1796; n.f.r. 5. Orpa (Orphelia) Read, b. 1 Feb 1798; m. Westford, 26 March 1820 (WVR 228), Andrew Gage. 6. Permelia Read, b. 27 Nov 1799; m. (–) Cheney. 7. Jeremy Boynton (Jeremiah B.) Read, b. 9 Nov 1801; m. (1) Westford, 14 Sept 1823 (WVR 228), Louisa Hildreth, b. ca. 1801, d. Westford, 26 Sept 1827, in 124 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

26th yr (WVR 308); m. (2) Westford (int.) 13 Sept 1828 (WVR 225), Rachel Parker; m. (3) -- Jan 1831 (WVR 225), Nancy Chandler. 8. Charles Hartwell Read, b. 29 March 1804; n.f.r. 9. Harriet Read, b. 3 March 1806; n.f.r. 10. Mary Ann Read, b. 8 Feb 1808; m. 10 Oct 1826, Dexter Richardson of Lowell. 11. Nancy Irene Read, b. 27 May 1810; n.f.r. 12. James Madison Read, b. 30 April 1813; n.f.r. 13. Alvira Read, b. 7 April 1816; n.f.r. iv. SARAH REED (twin), b. 17 Jan 1757; d. prob. Wallingford, VT, 23 April 1856, age 99y 3m 18d (DAR Application #620322); m. Westford, (int.) 18 Nov 1775 (WVR 266), JONAS HOLDEN, b. Groton, 8 Sept 1751 (GVR 1:117), d. Wallingford, VT, 19 April 1835 (DAR Application 620322), son of Stephen and Sarah (Cressey) Holden. Children, per DAR Application, b. probably at Wallingford, VT: 1. Ruth Holden, b. 17 Jan 1776; n.f.r. 2. Charles Holden, b. 4 Dec 1779; m. Polly Bigelow. 3. Sarah Holden, b. 27 Dec 1780; m. Cornelius Whitcomb. 4. Luther Holden, b. 9 Jan 1782; m. Patty Howard. 5. Stephen Holden, b. 10 Nov 1788; m. Priscilla Barnard. 6. Harriet Holden, b. 10 March 1791; m. John Bigelow. 7. Matilda Holden, b. 14 March 1793; m. Rodolphus Field. 8. Jonas Holden, b. Mt. Holly, VT, 22 July 1795; d. Dickenson, NY, 21 Jan 1860; m. 21 Dec 1820, Olive Mehitable Lee, b. Springfield, VT, 11 Feb 1802, d. 17 Aug 1894. Fourth Generation 125

9. Hannibal Holden, b. 15 May 1799; m. Hulda Bailey. v. ABIGAIL REED (twin), b. 17 Jan 1757; d. Littleton, 12 June 1836, age 79 (LVR 360, 393); m. Westford, (int.) 5 July 1777 (WVR 224), CALVIN BLANCHARD, b. Littleton, 27 Feb 1754 (LVR 67), d. there “by the fall of a tree” 2 Jan 1800 (LVR 199), son of Simon and Sarah (Fales) Blanchard. Children, born at Littleton (LVR 118, 199): 1. Abigail Blanchard, b. 27 July 1778; m., as his second wife, REUBEN5 HARTWELL (see #5.57). 2. Calvin Blanchard, b. 26 May 1780; m. (1) 9 June 1803 (LVR 244), Hannah Hoar, b. Littleton, 6 Sept 1786 (LVR 150), d. there 30 May 1813 (LVR 125), dau. of Samuel Jr. and Rebekah (Dutton) Hoar; m. (2) 25 Aug 1814 (LVR 249), Nancy Warren, b. Littleton, 16 Feb 1793 (LVR 139), dau. of Sampson and Huldah (Wright) Warren. 3. Luther Blanchard, b. 27 April 1782; d. prob. young. 4. Simon Blanchard, b. 3 April 1784; m. 14 April 1807 (LVR 245), Martha Shattuck. 5. Jemima Blanchard, b. 5 May 178[6?]; d. 2 June 1787 (ibid.). 6. Joseph Blanchard, b. 7 June 1788; m. Tewksbury, 20 Dec 1815 (TVR 102), Louisa Marshall, b. Tewksbury, 7 Aug 1792 (TVR 64), dau. of Joel and Ann (Mooar) Marshall. 7. Lucy Blanchard, b. 29 June 1791; n.f.r. 8. John Blanchard, b. 17 Aug 1794; n.f.r. 9. Susannah Blanchard, b. 7 Nov 1796; m. 13 Jan 1820 (LVR 251), Abner Wheeler of Concord. vi. MOLLY REED, b. 29 May 1759; d. Westford (“Mary W., w. Elijah, dau. Peter Read”), 22 Feb 1843, age 83 (WVR 288); m. Westford (int.) 13 Jan 1776 (WVR 226), ELIJAH HILDRETH, b. 21 Feb 1751 (DARPI), d. Westford, 17 126 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

March 1798, age 47y 12d (WVR 287), a drummer in the Revolution. Children, born at Westford (WVR 52-56): 1. Elijah Hildreth, b. 25 July 1776; n.f.r. 2. Molly Hildreth, b. 20 Nov 1777; n.f.r. 3. Salla Hildreth, b. 24 Nov 1779; n.f.r. 4. Rebekah Hildreth, b. 11 Sept 1781; n.f.r. 5. Abijah Hildreth, b. 24 Oct 1783; m. Susanna (—). 6. Betsey Hildreth, b. 14 Aug 1786; n.f.r. 7. Jonathan Hartwell Hildreth, b. 18 Dec 1788; d. 3 Feb 1812, age 23 (WVR 288). 8. Hannah Hildreth, b. 30 May 1792; d. -- 1823 (WVR 288). 9. Charles Hildreth, b. 14 March 1794; d. 5 July 1830, age 36 (WVR 286). 10. Ephraim Hildreth, b. 17 July 1796; n.f.r. 11. Joseph Hildreth, b. 30 Nov 1798; n.f.r. Children by Jonathan Keyes, born at Westford (WVR 65-66): vii. JONATHAN KEYES, b. 30 March 1763; d. Westford, 25 May 1828, age 65y (WVR 293); m. 25 Nov 1787 (WVR 194), MARTHA “PATTY” WOODWARD, b. Dunstable, 7 Aug 1766 (DVR 96), d. Westford, 4 Sept 1841, age 65y (WVR 293), dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Read) Woodward. Children, born at Westford (WVR 64-66): 1. Patty Keyes, b. 11 Aug 1788; prob. the “Martha Keyes” who m. 13 April 1815 (WVR 195), Levi Hayward. 2. Jonathan Keyes, farmer, b. 25 Oct 1789; d. Westford, “of disease of the brain” 4 May 1845, age 55y 6m 9d (WVR 293); m. Westford (int.) 16 June 1841 (WVR 194), Irene Harriman. Fourth Generation 127

3. Aaron Keyes, b. 14 April 1791; n.f.r. 4. Lydia Keeyes, b. 7 Nov 1792; n.f.r. 5. Betsy Keeyes, b. 22 May 1794; n.f.r. 6. Joseph Keyes, b. 7 March 1796; d. Westford, 26 Jan 1836, age 40 (WVR 293); m. 15 June 1820 (WVR 194), Sophia Strong Blake, b. Westford, 20 April 1801 (WVR 13), dau. of Rev. Caleb and Patty (?) Blake. Sophia m. (2) Joseph’s brother, Trueworthy (#11 below). 7. Charlottee Keyes, b. 11 Oct 1797; m. 25 Dec 1823, Samuel Dunn, b. Dunstable, 21 Feb 1797 (DVR 28), bap. Chelmsford, 24 Aug 1800 (ChVR 56), son of Samuel and Relief (Dunn) Dunn. 8. Nancy Keyes, b. 28 Nov 1799; m. 3 May 1821, Benjamin F. Tidd of Lancaster. 9. Benjamin Franklin Keyes, b. 7 March 1801; n.f.r. 10. Sally Keyes, b. 19 July 1803; d. of consumption, 18 June 1843, age 40 (WVR 294); unmarried. 11. Trueworthy Keyes, b. 28 July 1805; m. Westford, 9 April 1837 (WVR 195), Mrs. Sophia S. (Blake) Keyes, widow of his brother, Joseph (#6 above). 12. Stephen Adams Keyes, b. 3 Aug 1807; d. of typhus fever, 24 Nov 1842, age 35 (WVR 294); unmarried. 13. Wright Sumner Keyes, b. 5 March 1809; n.f.r. 14. Laurinda Keyes, b. 11 Jan 1811; d. 13 Oct 1839, age 28 (WVR 293); unmarried. viii. LYDIA KEYES (twin), b. 17 Dec 1764; d. Westford, 8 Jan 1838, age 73; m. Westford, 8 Sept 1782 (WVR 194), ISAAC PATTEN, b. Chelmsford, 6 March 1761, d. Westford, 31 Oct 1836, age 75, son of Isaac and Lydia (Chamberlain) Patten. Isaac was a Private in the Revolution (DARPI). 128 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, recorded at Westford (WVR 81-82): 1. James Pollard Pattin, b. Chelmsford, 4 Dec 1783; d. Sterling, 22 Nov 1860, age 77 (Gs:Chocksett Burial Ground); m. Sterling, 26 June 1816 (SVR 75), Hannah Hildreth, b. ca. 1788, d. Sterling, 30 July 1838, age 50 (Gs:Chocksett Burial Ground). 2. Isaac Pattin, b. Chelmsford, 25 Feb 1784 [sic]; n.f.r. 3. John Pattin, b. Chelmsford, 14 Feb 1786; n.f.r. 4. Oliver Pattin, b. Ashby, 12 Feb 1788; n.f.r. 5. Thomas Patting, b. Ashby, 8 Oct 1792; d. Westford, 23 June 1811, age 21. 6. Lydia Pattin, b. Westford, 9 Nov 1794; m. 8 June 1824 (HOA), Dr. Calvin Brown. 7. William Pattin, b. Westford, 7 Sept 1796; n.f.r. 8. Mary Pattin, b. Westford, 12 Oct 1798; n.f.r. 9. Betsy Pattin, b. Westford, 14 Sept 1800; m. 18 Feb 1829, Stephen Richardson of Lowell. 10. Rufus Pattin, b. 7 Sept 1802; m. Westford, 2 Dec 1836 (WVR 212), Sarah B. Hall. 11. Joseph Pattin, b. 24 Nov 1804; n.f.r. 12. Jane Ann Pattin, b. 22 May 1807; m. 14 April 1831, Dr. Kendall Davis of “Reading South Parish.” 13. Jonathan Patten, b. before 1837? [sic]; n.f.r. ix. LUCY KEYES (twin), b. 17 Dec 1764; d. Ludlow, VT, 10 March 1846 (Fletcher; VF 1791); m. Westford, 8 Aug 1782 (WVR 165), JESSE6 FLETCHER, b. Westford, 9 Nov 1762 (WVR 37), d. Ludlow, VT, 14 Feb 1831, age 68 (VF 1791), son of Timothy Jr.5 (Joseph4, Joshua3, William2, Robert1) and Bridget (Richardson) Fletcher. According to the DARPI, Jesse was a Private in the Revolution and m. (2) Sarah Hill, but Vermont Families in 1791 accords him only one wife, Lucy, who outlived him. Fourth Generation 129

Children, all except first two born at Ludlow, Vermont, per Vermont Families unless otherwise indicated: 1. Charlotte Fletcher, b. prob. Westford, 23 Nov 1782; d. Ludlow, VT, 22 Feb 1795, age 12. 2. Stephen Fletcher, b. prob. Westford, 23 Jan 1784; d. Ludlow, VT, 18 Feb 1790, age 6, having been run over by an ox sled. His was the first death in Ludlow (Hist. Ludlow). 3. Michael Fletcher, b. 12 Feb 1785; d. after 1850; m. (1) Sally Fowle, b. Woburn, 29 March 1785, d. Concord, NH, 12 Aug 1861, dau. of Samuel and Rachel (Lawrence) Fowle; prob. m. (2) Elizabeth (—); lived in Lyndeboro and Temple, NH. Four known children. 4. Fanny Fletcher, b. 14 May 1786; m. there 12 May 1812, Dr. Calvin Bliss. 5. Jesse Fletcher, b. 21 Sept 1787; d. Mt. Clemens, Macomb Co., MI, 6 March 1843; m. ca. 1813, Betsey Potwin, b. ca. 1792, d. Burlington, VT, 1 Oct 1832, age 40 (Gs:Elmwood Cemetery), dau. of George and Abigail (—) Potvin/Potwin. Seven children. 6. Elijah Fletcher, b. 28 July 1789; m. near New Glasgow, VA, 15 May 1813, Marie Antoinette Crawford, dau. of William S. Crawford. Four children b. prob. VA. 7. Timothy Fletcher, b. 10 March 1791; d. there 5 Aug 1870, age 79y 4m 19d; unmarried. 8. Lucy Fletcher, b. 25 June 1792; m. there 22 Feb. 1816, Dr. Richard P. Williams of Newark, Wayne Co., NY. 9. Stephen Fletcher, b. 10 Jan 1794; d. New Orleans, LA, 17 Aug 1818; unmarried. 130 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

10. Lorania Fletcher, b. 1 Sept 1795; d. Newark, NY, ca. 1844; m. Ludlow, 4 Feb 1821, Cyrus S. Button. 11. Calvin Fletcher, b. 4 Feb 1798; d. Indianapolis, IN, 26 May 1866; m. (1) near Urbana, IL, 1 May 1821, Sarah Hill, b. Fleming, KY, 21 Nov 1801 (DAR Application paper 528723), d. Indianapolis, IN, 28 Sept 1854 (ibid.); m. (2) Hallowell, ME (he of Indianapolis, IN), 4 Nov 1855, Keziah Price (Backhurst) Lester. Eleven children by 1st wife. 12. Miles Johnson Fletcher, b. 11 Nov 1799; living Marlboro, Ulster Co., NY, 1850; m. ca. 1827, Eliza (—). Seven children. 13. Dexter Fletcher, b. 5 June 1801; d. there 25 Oct 1803, age 2. 14. Lovisa Fletcher, b. 12 April 1804; m. Joseph Miller. 15. Dexter Fletcher, b. 25 Oct 1805; n.f.r. 16. Stoughton Alphonso Fletcher, b. 22 Aug 1808; living Indianapolis, IN, 1881; m. (1) Newark, NY, 25 Aug 1836, Maria Kipp, who d. ca. 1841; m. (2) 20 Feb 1844, Julia Bullard, b. ca. 1817, d. ca. 1856; m. (3) Chester, OH, 8 Aug 1859, Julia A. Johnson. x. MERIAM/MIRIAM KEYES, b. 13 March 1767; d. Westford, 1 March 1869, “wanting a few days of 102”; m. Westford, 14 Dec 1786 (WVR 168), as his 2nd wife, Deacon SAMUEL FLETCHER, b. Westford 24 Jan 1754 (WVR 41), d. there 25 Aug 1838, age 85 (WVR 280), son of Samuel and Mary (Lawrence) Fletcher. Samuel first m. LUCY JONES of Concord, by whom he had probably four children, three of whom were living when he married Miriam. Children, born at Westford (WVR 35-40): 1. Anna Fletcher, b. 27 Jan 1788. 2. Betsey Fletcher, b. 6 June 1791. Fourth Generation 131

3. Clarissa Fletcher (twin), b. 28 March 1796; d. Westford 1 Aug 1813, age 17y (WVR 277). 4. Horatio Fletcher (twin), b. 28 March 1796; m. Acton, 26 Oct 1826 (AVR 164), Nancy Edwards. 5. Mary Ann Fletcher, b. 14 April 1798; m. Westford, 29 Dec 1825 (WVR 167), Leonard Lyman Gibson of Boston. 6. Almira Fletcher, b. 18 April 1805; m. Westford, 23 Dec 1830 (WVR 163), Jesse Minott. 7. Elbridge Fletcher, b. 24 Aug 1807; m. Westford, (int.) 11 Oct 1831 (WVR 164), Abigail Fletcher of Boxborough. xi. PATTY KEYES, b. 15 Jan 1769; d. Westford, 9 Dec 1787, age 17y 10m 25d (WVR 279); m. Westford, 5 Dec 1785 (WVR 167), her step-brother, PELETIAH FLETCHER, b. Westford, 4 April 1767 (WVR 40), d. there 7 May 1811, age 44 (WVR 280), son of Peletiah and Dorothy (Hildreth) Fletcher. Child, born at Westford (WVR 38): 1. Joel Fletcher, b. 23 Feb 1786; n.f.r. xii. FRANCES GRANT KEYES, b. 31 Aug 1771; m. Westford, 7 April 1794 (WVR 194), her step-brother, JOSEPH FLETCHER, b. Westford 13 May 1769 (WVR 38), d. there, of “dropsy in the chest” 23 Jan 1843, age 74y (WVR 279), son of Peletiah and Dorothy (Hildreth) Fletcher. Children, all recorded at Westford (WVR 34-40): 1. Joseph Fletcher, b. “Chelmsford,” 25 Dec 1794. 2. Frances Grant Fletcher, b. “Groton,” 12 May 1796; m. Westford, 9 May 1815 (WVR 164), Gardner Fletcher of Chelmsford. 132 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Walter Fletcher, b. “Groton,” 9 Nov 1797 (WVR 43); m. Westford, 31 Aug 1828 (WVR 169), Mary Chamberlain. 4. Loiza Fletcher, b. “Westford,” 28 Oct 1799. 5. Charles Hartwell Fletcher, b. 6 Feb 1801. 6. Polly Fletcher, b. 13 June 1802. 7. Nancy Fletcher, b. 22 Jan 1805; d. prob. young. 8. Abijah Fletcher, b. 28 Jan 1807; m. Westford, (int.) 12 Feb 1831 (WVR 163), Louisa W. Lawrence of Hollis, NH. 9. Nancy Fletcher, b. 28 Nov 1808. 10. Jonathan Varnum Fletcher, b. 28 Feb 1812. xiii. AARON KEYES, b. 29 May 1774; d. Westford, 7 Sept 1775, age 15m (WVR 293).

4.38 MARY4 “MOLLY” HARTWELL (Jonathan3, John2, William1) was born at Westford, -- May 1738 (WVR 49), and she died at Chesterfield, New Hampshire, where her gravestone is too broken to determine the date of her death. She married at Littleton, 11 April 1757 (LVR 88), JOSIAH4 HASTINGS, who was baptized at Lexington, 27 August 1727 (LVR 35) and died at Chesterfield, New Hampshire, 14 December 1810, in his 84th year (Oran E. Randall, History of Chesterfield, NH [1882]; Gs.), son of Thomas3 (John2, Thomas1) and Sarah (White) Hastings. On 24 February 1773, Jonathan Hartwell of Littleton, gentleman, deeded to Josiah Hastings of Chesterfield, NH, for 20 pounds, 50 acres on house lot #7 in Chesterfield (Cheshire Deed 1:95). Mr. Randall puts Josiah’s arrival in Chesterfield as “about 1768,” which may be a little premature. Josiah was a soldier in 1775 and 1777 (Hist. Chesterfield). As we have seen, “Molly Hastings, wife of Josiah Hastings of Chesterfield,” was remembered in her father’s will of 1778 (Middlesex Probate File 10569). Fourth Generation 133

Children, born as indicated: i. LUCY HASTINGS, b. Littleton, 19 April 1758 (LVR 74); d. between Oct 1780 and April 1781 when another daughter was given this name (Hist. Chesterfield); m. JACOB DAVIS, son of Capt. Isaac and Elizabeth (—) Davis. ii. THOMAS HASTINGS, b. Littleton, 11 Aug 1760 (LVR 74); d. Chesterfield, NH, 9 May 1776, age 16 (Gs). iii. SARAH HASTINGS (twin), b. Littleton, 12 Sept 1762 (LVR 75); m. ca. 1783, CHARLES HIGGINS, who d. ca. 1810, son of Joseph Higgins (Hist. Chesterfield). iv. MOLLY HASTINGS (twin), b. Littleton, 12 Sept 1762 (LVR 75); d. Chesterfield, NH, 28 Aug 1810, in her 48th yr. (Hist. Chesterfield); m. EBENEZER SAFFORD from Warwick [sic], MA (ibid.). [Note: probably Ebenezer Safford, b. Hardwick, 9 Dec 1759 (HVR 101), son of Ebenezer and Abiel (Higgins) Safford.] v. PETER HARTWELL HASTINGS, b. Littleton, 30 Dec 1764 (LVR 75); d. Chesterfield, NH, 9 May 1776, age 12 (Gs w/Thomas, who d. the same day). vi. SABRINA HASTINGS (not Aaron in HOA), b. Chesterfield, NH, 30 June 1767; d. there 7 July 1857 (correspondence w/George Wanstall); m. ca. 1785, MOSES FARR, b. Hardwick 18 May 1762 (HVR 41), d. Chesterfield, NH, 14 July 1829 (GW), son of Jonathan and Mercy (Winslow) Farr. Children, per George Wanstall unless otherwise noted: 1. Achsah Farr, b. 2 July 1785; d. 21 Nov 1824, age 39; m. ca. 1803, John Snow, b. ca. 1778, d. 3 May 1829, age 51y. 2. Ora Farr, b. 25 July 1786; d. 30 June 1828, age 42; m. ca. 1814, Hannah Harris, b. 20 June 1795, d. Sutton, VT, 31 July 1852, dau. of John and Hannah (Colburn) Harris. She m. (2) Luther Stoddard. Six children. 134 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Mary Farr, b. 20 Feb 1788; m. ca. 1809, Ezra Church. 4. Roxanna Farr, b. 21 Aug 1789; d. 4 July 1825, 31; m. Loring Farr. 5. Jason Farr, physician, b. ca. 1794; d. Chesterfield, NH, 11 Oct 1825, age 31; m. Rachel Day. 6. Sally Farr, b. ca. 1796/7; d. 13 May 1828, age 32y; m. ca. 1815, Roswell Powers, b. ca. 1793, d. 4 June 1845, age 52. 7. Polly Farr, b. ca. 1799; d. 8 May 1840, age 41; m. ca. 1829, as his 2nd wife, Roswell Powers, widower of her sister Sally (above). 8. Sabrina Farr, b. ca. 1809/10; d. 10 Dec 1829, age 20; unmarried. vii. JONATHAN HASTINGS, b. Chesterfield, NH, 26 April 1769 (Hist. Chesterfield); d. Hartford, CT; m. ca. 1789, SALOME BURT. Children, born at Chesterfield, NH, per History of Chester- field unless otherwise indicated: 1. Wilder Hastings, b. 20 Sept 1790; m. 11 Jan 1815, Elizabeth Day, dau. of John Day. No children. 2. Oliver Hastings, b. 31 Dec 1791; m. Sybil Emmons. 3. Lybeus Hastings, b. 23 June 1793; m. LeRoy, NY, Sophia Barrett. 4. Sarah Sawyer “Sally” Hastings, b. 2 Feb 1795; m. ca. 1814, Gardner Snow, son of James Snow. 5. Orpha/Orphia Hastings, b. 4 Sept 1797; removed to Utah. viii. OLIVER HASTINGS, b. Chesterfield, NH, 25 June 1773; d. there 13 Feb 1858, age 84; m. ca. 1796, SUSANNAH BARRETT, b. prob. Hinsdale, NH, ca. 1776, d. Chester- field, NH, 12 Nov 1865, age 89, dau. of Silas Barrett. Fourth Generation 135

Children, per History of Chesterfield unless otherwise noted: 1. Harriet Hastings, b. 9 Sept 1798; d. 4 April 1879; m. ca. 1818, Jonathan Cobleigh (see also #5.140-vi-4). 2. Norman Hastings, b. 26 Oct 1800; living in Auburn, NY, in 1882; m. ca. 1819, Deborah Harris, dau. of John Harris. Ten children. 3. Maria Hastings, b. 29 May 1803; m. -- Nov 1821, Arad Harris. 4. Mary Ann Hastings, b. 11 Nov 1805; m. Otis Barrett of Hinsdale. 5. Phenicy Hastings, b. 31 Aug 1807; m. ca. 1827, Oliver Farnsworth. 6. Oliver Hastings, b. 31 May 1813; d. Chesterfield, NH, 12 May 1871; m. (1) Miranda Powers, who d. 6 May 1860, dau. of Roswell Powers; m. (2) -- March 1865, widow Bethana (—) Pierce of Hinsdale. Four children. 7. Josiah Hastings, b. 5 Feb 1816; d. 12 May 1861; m. Adeline Barrett, b. prob. Hinsdale, ca. 1823, d. Chesterfield, NH, 5 Jan 1873, age 50. Two children. ix. JOSIAH HASTINGS, b. 3 Feb 1776; froze to death in the vicinity of Malone, NY, ca. 1821; m. (1) UNKNOWN; m. (2) Chesterfield, NH, 9 Dec 1800, POLLY WHEELER, b. 9 Jan 1782, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Harris) Wheeler. Child by first wife (Hist. Chesterfield): 1. Charlotte Hastings, b. 24 March 1796; m. Bradley Mead. Children by second wife (Hist. Chesterfield): 2. Shubel Hastings (not Shuben as in HOA), b. ca. 1801; d. Chateaugay, NY, 2 May 1879; m. ca. 1825 136 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Rhoda Farr, dau. of Washington Farr. Shubel resided in Malone, NY, for a number of years. 3. Jonathan Hastings, b. ca. 1803; removed to Malone, NY. 4. Salome Hastings, b. ca. 1805; m. ca. 1820, William C. Clark, son of Solomon Clark. 5. Adaline Hastings, b. ca. 1807; d. prob. Malone, NY; m. Thaddeus Hastings, b. Chesterfield, NH, 26 Nov 1799, son of Levi and Edith (Farr) Hastings. 6. Arvilla Hastings, m. Malone, NY, -?- Sargent. x. ROXANNA HASTINGS, b. Chesterfield, NH, 25 Aug 1778; m. there 26 Feb 1797, ABIJAH FARR, b. Chesterfield, 15 March 1772, son of David Farr. xi. LUCY HASTINGS (again), b. Chesterfield, NH, 25 April 1781; d. there 1 Sept 1863; m. there 23 April 1797, BARNEY PRATT.

Descendants of Samuel3 and Abigail (Stearns) Hartwell

4.40 SAMUEL4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 12 November 1693 (CBMD 38) and he died at West Bridge- water, 25 December 1760, age 67 (WBVR 197; Gs:Jerusalem Cemetery). He married ca. 1717, HANNAH (—), who died at Stoughton, 19 April 1736 (HOA), identity not established. [Note: The 1962 Supplement to HOA gives her surname as “Chaucer,” but this undocumented statement is undoubtedly incorrect, as the surname Chaucer appears to be unknown in Massachusetts at that time.] Samuel “appears as a resident of that part of Dorchester cut off as Stoughton [in 1726], later divided to form Canton in 1797. He was examined 27 June 1717 for admission to a new church society gathered by Rev. Joseph Morse. He settled on a farm near the Sharon line, on the Walpole road, near Hartwell Brook; appears in 1733 as an appraiser of the estate of the Rev. Morse; removed in 1736 to West Bridgewater [sic; West Bridgewater was formed in Fourth Generation 137

1822], and was highway surveyor the same year; bought of Thomas Haywood the farm in the northern part of that parish on which the Hartwell and Copeland shoe factory was erected” (HOA). Samuel wrote his will 4 March 1760, being “weak in body, but of sound mind, thanks be to God.” He left his oxen and other goods to son Jonas, whom he named administrator. Also left legacies were: son Nathan; children of deceased daughter Abigail Adams; children of deceased daughter Hannah Reynolds; daughter Sarah Carver; daughters Silence and Experience Hartwell; and daughter Martha Packard, wife of Joshua Packard. He mentioned his right in the estate of his aunt Ruth Hartwell (giving further proof that the story of family resentment about the distribution of Ruth’s estate is an exaggeration), and the legacy left him by his father. The will was witnessed by Shepard Fisk, Adam Bailey and Matthew Bush, and the inventory was taken by Daniel Littlefield, Jonathan Burr and Shepard Fisk (Plymouth County Probate File 9372). Since Jonas died before the estate could be administered, administration was granted to Nathan Hartwell in 1761 (Plymouth County Probate File 9373). Children, birthdates per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +5.73 i. ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL, b. 26 Jan 1717/8; m. NATHANIEL ADAMS. +5.74 ii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 20 Dec 1719; m. NATHANIEL REYNOLDS. +5.75 iii. JONAS HARTWELL, b. Dorchester, 29 Sept 1721 (BRC 21:70); m. RUHAMAH FENNO. +5.76 iv. NATHAN HARTWELL, b. 31 May 1724; m. (1) SUSANNA FIELD, (2) BETTEE CUSHMAN, (3) SARAH BONNEY, (4) LYDIA COVELL. +5.77 v. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 26 March 1726; m. JOSEPH CARVER, JR. 5.78 vi. MARY HARTWELL, b. 7 Jan 1727; d. prob. young. +5.79 vii. SILENCE HARTWELL, b. 21 Dec 1729; m. ROBERT KEITH, JR. 138 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+5.80 viii. EXPERIENCE HARTWELL, b. 21 Jan 1732/3; m. JONATHAN LEACH, JR. +5.81 ix. MARTHA HARTWELL, b. 18 May 1735; m. JOSHUA PACKARD, JR.

4.41 ABIGAIL4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 27 November 1695 (CBMD 41), and she died in childbirth at Stoughton, 13 October 1727 (CVR 35). She married at Concord, the Rev. John Whiting officiating, 10 December 1716 (CBMD 92), her second cousin, WILLIAM4 WHEELER, who was born probably at Oyster River [Durham], New Hampshire, ca. 1694 and died at Stoughton, 16 July 1773 (CVR 69), son of John3 (William2, George1) and Elizabeth (Wells) Wheeler (not the WW born at Concord, 9 January 1693/4, as identified by HOA). William became a ward of his uncle, William Wheeler of Concord, after his parents were killed by Indians on 27 April 1706. Following his marriage to Abigail, he removed to ancient Dorchester, where he bought land from the Puncapoag Indians in 1726 under a special authorization of the General Court (Acts and Resolves 10:706). The land is in the Canton of today. After Abigail’s death, William married second, at Stoughton, 21 May 1729 (CVR 30), SARAH STEARNS, by whom he had five more children (for more about William see NEHGR 104[1950]:244). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. ELIZABETH WHEELER, bap. 20 July 1717; funeral 14 Dec 1731. ii. ABIGAIL WHEELER, b. 23 Oct 1720; d. Stoughton, 3 Nov 1750 (CVR 69); m. Stoughton, 5 Dec 1744 (CVR 33), PETER TALBOTT, SR., b. 17 Feb 1716, d. Stoughton, 18 Oct 1793, in 77th yr (CVR 128). Peter was a Captain in the Revolution. He m. (2) Stoughton, 8 Jan 1752 (CVR 64), MARY BAILEY. Fourth Generation 139

Children, born at Stoughton: 1. Peter Talbott, b. 6 Nov 1745 (CVR 19); d. 28 April 1836; m. Lucy Hammond. Peter was a Captain in the Revolution. 2. Samuel Talbott, b. 24 Feb 1746/7 (CVR 53); n.f.r. 3. Abigail Talbott, b. 14 June 1749 (CVR 51); m. Peter Paul. iii. JOHN WHEELER, b. Dorchester, 9 May 1722 (BRC 21:71); d. New Ipswich, NH, ca. 1797; m. Bedford, 23 May 1754 (BVR 106), HANNAH TAYLOR, b. Bedford, 28 May 1725 (BVR 52), dau. of David and Hannah (?) Taylor. Known children: 1. John Wheeler, b. Bedford, 27 Dec 1755 (BVR 54). 2. Hannah Wheeler, b. Bedford, 22 March 1758 (BVR 54). 3. Richard Wheeler, b. Bedford, 17 May 1760 (BVR 54). 4. Samuel Wheeler, b. Acton, 11 Aug 1762 (AVR 115). 5. William Wheeler (NEHGR 104[1950]:244). iv. HANNAH WHEELER, b. ca. 1725; d. -- March 1804; unmarried. In her will she left legacies to the children of her sister, Abigail Talbott, deceased. v. SAMUEL WHEELER, b. Stoughton, 7 Oct 1727 (CVR 20); funeral 23 Oct 1751.

4.42 JOSEPH4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 11 August 1698 (CBMD 45) and he died at Stoughton, 6 February 1786, in the 88th year of his age (CVR 164). He married at Dorchester, the Rev. Mr. Joseph Morse officiating, 8 December 1725 (BRC 21:112), MARY (RICE) TOLMAN, who was born probably at Dedham, 27 December 1695 and died 10 November 1782, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Wilson) Rice, and widow of THOMAS TOLMAN, who died at Dorchester, 3 February 1724/5 140 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

“eldest son of Thomas and Experience Tolman.” [Note: Thomas and Mary Tolman had a daughter, Mary, who subsequently married, as his second wife, NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, widower of Hannah5 (Hartwell) (see #5.74), an interesting example of “keeping it all in the family.”] Joseph “went to Dorchester in 1725 and bought a farm near his brother Samuel, in what is now Canton. He was a deacon of the church” (HOA). Children, first one born at Dorchester, rest at Stoughton: +5.82 i. ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL, b. 31 Aug 1726 (BRC 21:77); m. ROGER “THE SIGNER” SHERMAN. +5.83 ii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 20 Aug 1728 (CVR 16); m. REBECCA SHERMAN. +5.84 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 15 Sept 1730 (CVR 16); m. DORCAS THURSTON. +5.85 iv. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 12 July 1733 (CVR 44); m. JEREMIAH INGRAHAM. 5.86 v. MOSES HARTWELL, b. 24 July 1735 (CVR 42); d. at the residence of his brother-in-law, Roger Sherman, 25 Aug 1769. Moses “taught school in Stoughton 1755-7, was graduated from Yale University in 1762, taught school later in New York City. He possessed fine musical talent” (HOA). +5.87 vi. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 31 Aug 1738 (CVR 45); m. BENJAMIN BUSSEY.

4.43 MARY4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 13 January 1700/01 (CBMD 50) and she died at Lexington, 6 November 1776, age 79 (LVR 172). She married ca. 1722, BENJAMIN CUTLER, who was born at Lexington, 4 July 1697 (LVR 18) and died there 2 November 1776, age 79 (LVR 72), son of Thomas and Abigail (—) Cutler. Benjamin was a constable in 1739 and 1741 (HOA). Fourth Generation 141

Children, born at Lexington (LVR 18-19): i. ABIGAIL CUTLER, b. 4 June 1723; m. 25 July 1747, JOHN TOLMAN of Stoughton. Children: 1. Abigail Tolman, b. 17 Jan 1750/1; d. -- Oct 1821; m. 11 Dec 1770, Stephen Wentworth, b. 1 June 1749, d. 12 May 1816, son of Zebediah and Judith (Stimpson) Wentworth of Milton and/or Dorchester. Seven children. 2. Elizabeth Tolman, b. 14 June 1753; m. 25 Oct 1769, William Ensign Shepard, b. 9 June 1746, d. prob. 7 July 1826, son of Thomas and Amith (Morse) Shepard. Two children. 3. John Tolman, b. 22 May 1757; m. 1 Jan 1778, Sarah Hewins, prob. the dau. of Jacob and Damaris (Bird) Hewins, b. 15 June 1755. ii. BENJAMIN CUTLER (twin), b. 4 Sept 1724; d. 20 June 1806 (HOA); m. Harvard/Lexington, 23 Nov 1758 (HVR 151; LVR 108), ELIZABETH BUTTRICK, b. Harvard, 11 Aug 1739 (HVR 22), dau of William and Elizabeth (Whitcomb) Buttrick. According to the DAR Patriot Index (which gives Benjamin’s death date as 1814), Elizabeth d. and Benjamin m. (2) Mrs. MARY (COZAD) COON. He was a Sgt. in the Revolution. Children, all by first wife: 1. Dolly Cutler, b. Lexington, 13 May 1759 (LVR 19); d. Harvard, -- June 1771 (HVR 258). 2. William Cutler, b. Lexington, 10 Feb 1761 (LVR 19); d. there 18 Oct 1762 (LVR 172). 3. Betty Cutler, b. Lexington, 16 Jan 1763 (LVR 19); perhaps the unnamed child who d. Harvard, 12 Sept 1778 (HVR 258). 4. Lucy Cutler, bap. Harvard, 11 Nov 1764 (HVR 28). 142 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5. Mary Cutler, bap. Harvard, 23 Nov 1766 (HVR 28); d. prob. before 27 June 1773. 6. Sarah Cutler, bap. Harvard, 31 March 1769 (HVR 28). 7. William Buttrick Cutler, bap. Harvard, 3 Feb 1771 (HVR 28); m. 9 Feb 1800 (HOA), Polly Beckwith, b. 6 June 1782, d. Westminster, VT. Ten children, three of whom were recorded at Rockingham, VT, between 1802-1807 (Rockingham VR). 8. Mary Cutler, bap. Harvard, 27 June 1773 (HVR 28). 9. Anna Cutler (twin?), bap. Harvard, 8 July 1777 (HVR 28); m. Thomas Brown of Newport, NH, a Baptist minister(?). Six children. [Note: the IGI lists a mar- riage at Boston, 7 Dec 1802 between Anna Cutler and Ephraim Brown, which could possibly be this couple. 10. Benjamin Cutler (twin?), bap. Harvard 8 July 1777 (HVR 28). He was a mariner (HOA). 11. Eunice Cutler, bap. Harvard, 28 Nov 1779 (HVR 28). [Note: HOA lists only 9 children, among whom are three unnamed/undated daughters, one of whom “m. a Heath of Croydon, NH [sic],” one “m. (1) Blodgett, (2) Wellington,” and one “m. and lived in Boston.” It is not known which daughter (if any) matches which description.] iii. MARY CUTLER (twin), b. 4 Sept 1724; d. Lexington, 20 Jan 1808, age 83 (LVR 172); m. 11 Sept 1770, as his 2nd wife, her 1st cousin, ELISHA CUTLER, b. 30 April 1725, d. ca. 1779, son of Capt. Ebenezer and Anna (Whitney) Cutler. iv. HANNAH CUTLER, b. 24 Dec 1729; d. 1 Oct 1805 (HOA); a weaver. v. ELIZABETH CUTLER, b. 11 May 1732; d. Dunstable, 3 March 1804, in 71st yr (DVR 220; Gs:Central Cemetery); m. Lexington, 7 April 1761 (DVR 150), JACOB KENDALL, b. Dunstable, 9 Aug 1729 (DVR 53), d. there 25 Feb 1809, in Fourth Generation 143

80th yr (DVR 221), son of John and Deborah (Richardson) Kendall. Jacob was a private in the Revolution (DARPI). Children, born at Dunstable (DVR 50-51): 1. Jacob Kendall, b. 30 March 1762; d. 1 June 1836 (DVR 221). 2. Elisabeth Kendall, b. 7 Oct 1763; d. Dunstable, 8 Oct 1801, age 38 (DVR 225); m. Groton, 8 Feb 1787 (DVR 167), Ebenezer Parkhurst, b. Dunstable, 5 March 1761 (DVR 62), d. there 19 Oct 1831, age 70y 7m (DVR 225), son of Joseph and Deborah (Spaulding) Parkhurst. Five children. 3. Susannah Kendall, b. 10 June 1766; d. in childbirth, 24 June 1792 (DVR 232); m. Pepperell, 29 June 1791 (DVR 189), as his first wife, Asa Swallow, b. Dunstable, 1 May 1767 (DVR 82), d. there 15 Feb 1813, age 45 (DVR 231), son of Amaziah and Elizabeth (Kendall) Swallow. One child. 4. Esther Kendall, b. 20 Oct 1767; d. Dunstable, 23 Nov 1816, age 49 (DVR 212); m. Dunstable, 24 Jan 1793 (DVR 150), Major Nathaniel Cummings, b. Dunstable, 20 June 1767 (DVR 24), d. there 17 April 1813, age 45 (DVR 213), son of Capt. Oliver and Sibbel (Whitney) Cummings. No children. 5. Benjamin Kendall, b. 12 Nov 1768; “of Thetford” when he m. Tyngsborough, 27 Jan 1795 (DVR 149), Sibble Cummings, b. Dunstable, 14 Aug 1773 (DVR 24), d. there 27 April 1841, age 68 (DVR 221), dau. of Oliver and Sibbel (Whitney) Cummings, and sister of Nathaniel (#4 above). Ten children. 6. Jonas Kendall, b. 24 Feb 1771; d. 29 May 1771 (DVR 220). 7. Jonas Kendall, b. 16 Sept 1772; m. Tyngsborough, 19 April 1795 (DVR 150), Olive Butterfield, b. 144 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Tyngsboro, 19 April 1773, dau. of Leonard and Olive (—) Butterfield. Eight children. vi. SARAH CUTLER, b. 15 June 1734; d. Lexington, 3 March 1812, age 78 (LVR 170); m. Lexington, 27 Oct 1763 (LVR 108), ABIJAH CHILD, who has not been positively identi- fied. HOA suggests that he was the son of Isaac and Eunice (Pierce) Child, b. Waltham, 23 April 1739, but this is not certain. Children, born at Lexington (LVR 15): 1. Sarah Child, b. 17 Dec 1764; d. Lexington, 28 Aug 1778 (LVR 170). 2. Eunice Child, b. 15 May 1766; d. 23 Aug 1778 (LVR 170). 3. Abijah Child, b. 1 Aug 1767; d. 6 Sept 1778. 4. Abigail Child, b. 18 Jan 1771; d. 29 Aug 1778. 5. Benjamin Child, b. 16 Nov 1773; d. 24 Dec 1778. 6. Moses Child, b. 11 Sept 1776; d. 19 Aug 1778. 7. Isaac Child, b. 11 Oct 1777; d. 20 Nov 1811; m. Waltham, 6 March 1806, Mary Peak, bap. Lexington, 17 Jan 1779, d. there 4 May 1854, dau. of John and Hitty (Hastin) Peak. Two children. vii. LYDIA CUTLER, b. 31 Aug 1736; d. Lexington, 31 Oct 1740 (LVR 172). viii. NATHAN CUTLER, b. 18 Aug 1738; d. Nashua, NH, 22 Feb 1830 (HOA); m. (1) Tewksbury, 3 Oct 1759 (TVR 116), Mrs. SARAH HARDY, b. prob. Tewksbury, 23 July 1735, d. ca. 1806, dau. of Zachariah and Hepzibath (Wallingford) Hardy; m. (2) Dunstable, 16 Nov 1813 (DVR 121), Mrs. RACHEL HAMBLET of Nottingham West [Amherst], NH, who d. 1849. Nathan was a surgeon in the Revolution. Fourth Generation 145

Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Nathan Cutler, b. 1765; d. Bedford, NH, 31 May 1809; m. ca. 1790, Elizabeth Swett, b. ca. 1772 (calc.), d. 3 April 1836, age 64. Eight children. 2. Benjamin Cutler, b. ca. 1768; d. 21 Feb 1826; m. (1) unknown; m. (2) Rachel Blodgett of Hudson, NY. Two children by 1st wife; four by 2nd wife. 3. Mary “Polly” Cutler, m. and had several children. 4. Sarah “Sally” Cutler, m. and left a family at her death. 5. Isaac Cutler, d. young. ix. LYDIA CUTLER, b. 26 Feb 1745/6; m. Tewksbury, 25 May 1790 (TVR 116), as his 2nd wife, NEHEMIAH KIDDER, b. Tewksbury, 9 April 1749 (TVR 52), d. 7 Dec 1811 (DARPI), son of Joseph and Abigail (Kittredge?) Kidder. Nehemiah had nine children by his first wife, Abigail Kittredge.

4.45 EPHRAIM4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 14 January 1706/7 (CBMD 66), and he died at Lincoln, 7 May 1793, in his 87th year (LVR 164). He married at Concord, 7 November 1732 (CBMD 131), ELIZABETH HEYWOOD, who was born at Concord, 3 June 1714 (CBMD 84) and died at Lincoln, 20 June 1808, age 94 (LVR 164), daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hubbard) Heywood. “The youngest son, [Ephraim] remained on the homestead, caring for his father” (HOA). Although HOA says that Ephraim was “residuary legatee of the wills of his aunt Ruth and his father, and therefore was looked upon with a jealous eye by members of the other branches of the family, this statement would appear to be inaccurate in light of the fact that both Ruth (see #3.12) and Samuel died intestate, and their estates were settled by agreement among the heirs. “He received in 1735 the share of the Narragansett lands alloted as compensation for his grandfather’s services in King 146 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Philip’s war. In his will, made in 1786 [sic], he bequeathed a slave, Violet, to his widow. This bequest, however, in nowise contravened the spirit of the law or of the courts, as it was in point of fact a fitting provision for an old and faithful family servant. He lived on the homestead of his father, which fell just over the line in Lincoln when that town was set off from Concord, and kept a tavern on the detour formerly made by the Bay Road to the left of its present course, a little to the eastward of the Brooks tavern, later occupied by his great-grandson, Samuel7 Hartwell” (HOA).

Hartwell Tavern. Print Courtesy of Minuteman National Historical Park.

Although there is no evidence that he ever lived there, Ephraim was a large landowner in Worcester County, Massachusetts, in the area of Rutland, Holden and Princeton. Beginning in 1744, he purchased land there, primarily from the estate of Robert Blood, and he eventually owned more than 200 acres (Worcester County Deeds 18:313, 21:144, 22:66, 35:81, 35:82, 53:479, 60:343, 74:466). He deeded land in Princeton to sons Ephraim, Jr. and Isaac. Ephraim is listed on the 1790 federal census as the head of a family in Lincoln, consisting Fourth Generation 147 of one male over the age of 16, one female, and one other person, possibly his former slave, Violet. [Note: Although slavery was abolished in Massachusetts in 1780, many former servants remained with their old masters.]

Hartwell Tavern Sign, view looking east to Boston along Battle Road, the route traversed by the British troops on the morning of April 19, 1775.

Ephraim’s will, written in 1793, left beloved wife Elizabeth 1/3 part of the house, etc., and a negro woman named Violet. Son Samuel received land, a house, etc. in Lincoln and Bedford and 10 acres in Princeton provided he pay daughter Elizabeth Putnam 13 pounds, 6 shillings, 8 pence lawful silver money. Son Ephraim received 60 acres of land in Princeton and son Isaac 90 acres, also in Princeton. Son John received the dwelling house in Lincoln and the new addition (reserving liberty for wife’s improvement), and land in Bedford and Princeton. Daughters Abigail Jones and Mary Brown were to receive 13 pounds, 6 shillings, 8 pence each. Grandson Ephraim Hartwell was given a pair of silver shoe buckles and grandson Jonas Stratton was to have “a pair of 3 year old stears when [he] comes to age 21.” Also a cow to granddaughter Lydia 148 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Stratton when she comes of age. John Hartwell was named sole executor. On 11 April 1794, Ephraim Hartwell, Jonas and Abigail Jones, Caleb and Lydia Campbell, Isaac Hartwell, Jonas Stratton, Roger and Mary Brown all certified that they had received of John Hartwell the legacy and bequests given them in Ephraim’s will (Middlesex Probate File 10560). Children, all except Jonas born at Concord: 5.88 i. EPHRAIM5 HARTWELL, b. 29 Oct 1733 (CBMD 136); d. Concord 9 Oct 1740. 5.89 ii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 27 April 1735 (CBMD 138; d. 11 Oct 1740. 5.90 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 1 Sept 1736 (CBMD 140); d. 7 Oct 1740. 5.91 iv. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 8 Dec 1737 (CBMD 142); d. 27 Oct 1740. 5.92 v. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 5 Sept 1739 (CBMD 150); d. 5 Oct 1740. “The above five children died of the throat distemper” [scarlet fever] (CBMD 144). +5.93 vi. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 20 April 1741 (CBMD 155); m. (1) JONAS STRATTON, (2) ENOCH PUTNAM. +5.94 vii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 25 June 1742 (CBMD 155); m.? (1) MOLLY ESTABROOK, (2) MARY FLINT. +5.95 viii. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 5 June 1744 (CBMD 162) m. JONAS JONES. +5.96 ix. EPHRAIM HARTWELL, b. 8 Jan 1745 (CBMD 164); m. MARY BROWN. +5.97 x. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 21 Aug 1747 (CBMD 172); m. HEPZIBAH BROOKS. +5.98 xi. MARY “POLLY” HARTWELL, b. -- Jan 1749 (CBMD 175); m. ROGER BROWN. 5.99 xii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 10 Aug 1750 (CBMD 179); d. prob. in childbirth 21 Aug 1773; m. Lincoln, (int.) 14 Jan 1773 (LVR 115), the Rev. JACOB BIGELOW, b. Waltham, 2 Fourth Generation 149

March 1743 (HOA), d. Sudbury, 12 Sept 1816, age 73 (SVR 297), son of Jacob and Susanna (Mead) Bigelow. Jacob was graduated from Harvard in 1766, and received his M.A. there in 1769; was ordained a Congregational min- ister in 1772, and preached in Sudbury all his life. He m. (2) Sudbury, 23 Nov 1775 (SVR 170), ELIZABETH WELLS of Lancaster, by whom he had three recorded children. According to HOA “there is said to have been a daughter by the first marriage,” but neither the Sudbury records or Ephraim’s will contain any indication of such a child. +5.100 xiii. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 8 July 1752 (CBMD 186); m. EUNICE MIRICK. 5.101 xiv. JONAS HARTWELL, b. Lincoln, 26 June 1754 (LVR 43). He “graduated from Harvard in 1777. He went to Bilboa, Spain, engaging in trade and accumulating wealth. When, in 1784, about to return home, he was seized and imprisoned at Leon by order of the Holy Inquisition. The captain of one of his ships, just arrived at Bilboa, had discharged ballast for repairs; hearing of the impris- onment of Mr. Hartwell, he set sail without ballast for America, by singular good fortune arriving safely in Boston. The family and friends at once appealed to the President of Congress [sic], who dispatched a swift sailing vessel with a demand on the Spanish government for the release of Mr. Hartwell, who died, however, about six weeks after his liberation, as is believed from the effects of slow poison administered during his confine- ment” (HOA).

4.46 LYDIA4 HARTWELL (Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 2 May 1709 (CBMD 72) and she died probably at Amherst, New Hampshire, between 1749 and 1757 (Shepard Families of New England: John Shepard of Concord, MA, Vol. 3, hereinafter Shepard). As we have seen, Lydia’s brother Isaac, in his will dated 18 November 1785, willed a legacy left him by his father to the heirs of sister 150 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lydia Shepard deceased, stating that she “had more than her sister or heirs of her sister deceased.” Lydia married ca. 1729, JOHN SHEPARD, who was born at Concord, 30 May 1706 (CBMD 64) and died 29 November 1785 (Shepard), son of Daniel and Mary (Smedley) Shepard. After Lydia’s death, John married second, SARAH FRENCH, who died 31 October 1802, age 80, and by whom he had four more children. Children, born as indicated (information per Shepard unless otherwise indicated): i. JOHN SHEPARD, b. Concord, 25 Dec 1730 (CBMD 125); d. Amherst, NH, 4 Dec 1802; of “Souhegan West” [i.e., Amherst, NH] when he m. Danvers, 26 Oct 1757 (DVR 2:264; also recorded at Middleton, MA), MARCY/MERCY WILKINS, b. Middleton, 26 Feb 1730/1 (MVR 61), d. Mason, NH, 11 Aug 1825, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Hutchinson) Wilkins. John performed public service during the Revolution (DARPI). Children: 1. Elizabeth Shepard, b. 16 April 1759. 2. Mary Shepard, b. 5 Oct 1760; d. 8 Oct 1841; m. James Gilman. 3. Jonathan Shepard, b. 31 Oct 1762; d. 13 Jan 1820. 4. Sarah Shepard, b. 28 Nov 1767; d. -- Dec 1845; m. William Crosby of Amherst. 5. Lydia Shepard, b. 12 June 1770; d. 1 June 1796; m. 24 May 1795, Daniel Staniford. ii. LYDIA SHEPARD, b. date not recorded; d. 14 June 1791; m. -?- HOWE. iii. ABIGAIL SHEPARD, b. Amherst, NH, 6 April 1738; d. Lyndeborough, NH, 23 Aug 1822; m. ca. 1766, JOHN STEPHENSON, b. prob. England before 1736, d. prob. Lyndeborough, NH, before 1786, “first of the name to come to Salem-Canada” (History of Lyndeborough, NH). Fourth Generation 151

Children, b. at Lyndeborough, NH (History of Lyndeborough, NH): 1. John Stephenson, b. 8 Dec 1767; d. -- May 1847; m. Mary Hildreth of Amherst, NH, who d. 17 Nov 1845. Six children. 2. Abigail Stephenson, b. 3 Oct 1769; n.f.r. 3. Lydia Stephenson, b. 2 Dec 1772; m. (1) Lyndeboro, NH, 2 July 1789 (NH VRs), John Richardson, who has not been identified; m. (2) -?- Davis. Four children by first husband, born at Lyndeborough. 4. Sarah Stephenson, b. 11 Feb 1778; d. 4 Dec 1866; m. Supply Wilson, b. New Ipswich, NH, ca. 1778, son of Supply and Susannah Wilson (History of New Ipswich). 5. William Stephenson, b. 29 April 1780; d. 4 May 1830. 6. Lucy Stephenson, b. 25 Nov 1782; d. 1 Feb 1814. [Note: the Hartwell name was apparently commemorated in this family for generations. The 1880 federal census for Lyndeborough, NH, contains a Hartwell M. Stephenson, age 14, son of Jotham S. and Sarah A. Stephenson (T9-0762:386A).] iv. BENJAMIN SHEPARD, b. 18 March 1744; d. 26 March 1810; m. Dunstable, 21 March 1776 (DVR 157), LUCY LUND, b. Dunstable, 31 Jan 1745 (DVR 57), d. prob. 6 Nov 1822 (HOA gives this as birth date, probably meant death date), dau. of Phineas and Rachel (French?) Lund. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. James Shepard, b. 14 June 1777. 2. , b. 29 July 1780; m. Miss Lund and settled in Vermont. 3. John Shepard, b. 22 Sept 1783; d. Bedford, NH, 11 May 1870; m. Milford, NH, 4 June 1811, Lucy B. 152 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Nichols, b. Bedford, NH, 18 April 1791, d. there 31 March 1874, age 83, dau. Benjamin and Elmira (Blanchard) Nichols. 4. Benjamin Shepard, b. 24 March 1786; d. 6 Oct 1864; m. 8 May 1814, his 3rd cousin, Rebecca D. Skelton (see #5.121-viii). v. MARY SHEPARD, b. 21 Sept 1747; m. JACOB HILDRETH. vi. SAMUEL SHEPARD, b. ca. 1749; d. 12 Jan 1815; m. ELIZABETH LUMMERS, who d. 16 Jan 1838, age 84. Children, born at Amherst, NH (per Shepard unless otherwise indicated): 1. John Shepard, b. -- Dec 1780 (calc.); d. Manchester, NH, 24 Sept 1855, age 74y 9m; m. Sarah B. Fairchild, b. Salisbury, NH, 15 Dec 1800 (calc.), d. Manchester, 15 Nov 1879, age 78y 11m. Three children born at Amherst, NH. 2. Elizabeth Shepard, b. ca. 1782; d. Amherst, NH, 19 Oct 1866, age 87 [sic]. 3. Samuel Shepard. 4. Lummers Shepard, b. 3 Jan 1786; killed Amherst, NH, by a falling tree, 14 May 1849; m. Milford, NH, 11 March 1812, Edna Towne, b. Lyndeboro, NH, 12 Oct 1786, d. 24 Nov 1856, age 70, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Cole) Towne. Five children recorded at Amherst, NH. 5. Nehemiah Shepard, b. ca. 1787; d. Amherst, NH, 22 July 1857, age 70; unmarried. 6. Hartwell Shepard, “went West.” 7. Charles Shepard. vii. SARAH SHEPARD, b. 17 Oct 1757; d. 5 Sept 1840; m. (1) STEPHEN KENDRICK, b. 13 Jan 1756, d. 7 June 1811, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Harris) Kendrick; m. (2) 20 Fourth Generation 153

March 1819, JOHN HARTSHORN, b. 21 June 1759, d. 28 Nov. 1824. Children, all by 1st husband, per Shepard: 1. Benjamin Kendrick, b. 27 Sept 1779. 2. Sarah Kendrick, b. 3 Nov 1781. 3. Sophia Kendrick, b. 5 Feb 1784. 4. John Kendrick, b. 30 Dec 1785. 5. Stephen Kendrick, b. 2 June 1788; d. prob. young. 6. Stephen Kendrick, b. 6 Jan 1790. 7. Rachel Kendrick, b. 30 Jan 1793. 8. Daniel Kendrick, b. -- Jan 1795. 9. Caleb Kendrick, b. 17 Aug 1796. 10. Rufus Kendrick, b. 18 June 1798.

Descendants of William3 & Ruth (Hosmer?) Hartwell

4.47 WILLIAM4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 5 November 1703 (CBMD 60) and he died at Bedford, 20 April 1746 (BVR 124). He married, ca. 1726, DEBORAH (—), who died at Bedford 31 December 1745 (BVR 124). HOA speculates that Deborah was “probably Deborah Wheeler of Concord, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (How) Wheeler of Plainfield, CT, b. 13 Jan. 1701. There was a Deborah Wheat in Concord at the same time, dau. of Joseph and Priscilla (Flagg) Wheat, b. 5 March 1705.” [Note: Since William and Deborah named their second son Joseph, this latter identification seems the more likely; further research might help positively identify Deborah.] William served in the military in the area of Berwick, Maine, ca. 1722-25, at the end of Queen Anne’s War. His name appears as a “Centll” on the muster roll of Col. John Wheelwright & Co. for August 22 to November 27, 1722 (Mass. Archives 91:58-61); on that of Capt. Samll Wheelwright & Co. for June 2 to November 16, 1725 154 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

(Mass. Archives 91:209-210). For more about this military action see “Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook & Others Relative to Indian Affairs in Maine” (NEHGR 48 & 49 [1894]). On 10 June 1743, William Hartwell of Bedford, purchased from Peter Powers of Dunstable West Precinct [now Nashua, NH], 145 acres of land in Dunstable W.P. (Rockingham Co. [NH] Deed 33:6) and on 10 June 1744 he was one of the signers of a petition to have garrisons and soldiers sent to the area (History of Hollis, NH). HOA appears to have believed that the signer of this petition was William3 Hartwell, son of John and Priscilla (Wright) Hartwell (see #2.2-v), but a deed from Joseph Hartwell, “son of William, deceased” selling this same piece of property, proves beyond question that it was this William Hartwell who owned land in Dunstable. On 26 January 1746[/7?], Thomas Fox, housewright of Concord, and Jonathan Wooley, housewright of Bedford, gave bond to be guardians of Ruth Hartwell “in her fifth year,” James Hartwell, “about 8 years of age,” and William Hartwell, “about 10 years of age” (Middlesex Probate File 10602). These guardianship appointments may contain clues to Deborah’s identity. Children, order of birth uncertain: 5.102 i. OLIVER5 HARTWELL, b. Concord, 13 Jan 1727/8 (CBMD 119) or Bedford, 30 Jan 1727/8 (BVR 29); d. Bedford, 14 Dec 1745 (BVR 124). Oliver “was a soldier in the expedition against Louisburg, C.B., prob. d. before the return of the expedition, as Joseph Arnold, administrator of his fa- ther’s estate, charges himself in 1749 with 16 pounds pay collected for his services” (HOA). +5.103 ii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Bedford, 3 Nov 1730 (BVR 28); m. SARAH SKINNER. 5.104 iii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. Bedford, 9 June 1733 (BVR 28); d. there 13 April 1736 (BVR 123). 5.105 iv. WILLIAM HARTWELL (not in HOA), b. ca. 1736/7, as he was about 10 years of age in 1746 when Thomas Fox and Fourth Generation 155

Jonathan Wooley were appointed his guardians (Middlesex Probate File 10602). He is almost certainly the William Hartwell to whom several otherwise unaccounted-for records pertain. Chronologically these records are: 1) marriage intentions published at Westford, 21 Nov 1761 (WVR 178) between William Hartwell and Abigail Stratton. Despite the intentions, the marriage seems not to have taken place, since “Abigail Stratton of Concord” m. 29 Nov 1764, Solomon Wheeler of Kingston (CBMD 221); 2) a deed dated 2 Feb 1762 from Jonathan Stevens of Lunenburg to William Hartwell of Westford, black- smith, for 40 acres of land in Lunenburg, being a farm with a house, blacksmith shop, etc... (Worcester Deeds 45:437); 3) a deed dated 8 March 1762 from William Hartwell of Westford, blacksmith, to Samuel Hunt of Lunenburg, gentleman, for 40 acres of land in Lunenburg, which, from the description of the bounds, was the same parcel of land and buildings William had purchased from Jonathan Stevens the previous month (Worcester Deed 45:478); 4) administration on the estate of William Hartwell of Concord, deceased intestate, granted to Jonathan Stevens, undoubtedly the same Jonathan Stevens from whom William had purchased land in Lunenburg. Jonathan Stevens, blacksmith, and Ephraim Lawrence, physician, both of the district of Pepperill, and Thomas Chamberlain of Deerfield in the county of Hampshire, stood bond. In due course, Jonathan Stevens declared the estate insolvent (Middlesex County Probate File 10604). These documents raise more questions than they answer, but certainly do not seem to pertain to William3, son of John2 and Priscilla (Wright) Hartwell, who was accorded the above death date by HOA. The fact that Joseph4 Hartwell married at Chelmsford lends credence to the theory that it was his brother William and not his third cousin William to whom these records belong. 156 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+5.106 v. JAMES HARTWELL, b. 1 June 1739; m. ABIGAIL WILSON. 5.107 vi. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 17 Jan 1741 (calc.); d. Bedford, 8 Feb 1772 (BVR 123); unmarried. 5.108 vii. TIMOTHY HARTWELL, died Bedford, 21 Sept 1745 (BVR 124).

4.48 RUTH4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 14 May 1705 (CBMD 63) and she died at Sutton, “after a long weakness” 25 or 27 October 1779, age 74 yrs (SVR 397; not 1759 as in HOA). She married ca. 1727/8, JONATHAN BACON, who was born at Billerica, 18 December 1700 (BVR 13) and died at Sutton, 14 October 1750, age 50 (SVR 397), son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Giles) Bacon. On 4 October 1750, ten days before his death, Jonathan deeded his extensive holdings in Sutton and Uxbridge to his son, Jonathan, Jr. (Worcester Deed 30:497). On 2 November 1750, Jonathan Bacon of Uxbridge, “for 135 pounds paid by my brother William Bacon of Uxbridge, and more especially in consideration of the instructions left me by my Honored father, Jonathan Bacon, late of Sutton, deceased,” sold William 550 acres of land, partly in Sutton and partly in Uxbridge (Worcester Deed 29:463). Then, on 2 February 1761, Jonathan of Uxbridge, “in consideration of 135 pounds paid by my brother Timothy of Sutton and more especially in consideration of instructions left me by my Honored father Jonathan Bacon late of Sutton, gentleman, deceased, all my interest in a certain tract and parcel of land and buildings in Sutton to wit: one half of the homestead where my honored father lived at his decease excepting the improvement I have conveyed to my Honored mother Ruth Bacon. . . .” (Worcester Deed 49:353). On 20 July 1764, Timothy of Spencer District “for 40 pounds paid by my Honored mother Ruth Bacon of Sutton, spinster [sic], release my claim to all my right which I have or ever expect to have in the dwelling house and barns and outhouses and interest in three acres of land adjoining, which land was formerly my Honored father, Jonathan Bacon’s late of Sutton deceased and purchased by my brother Jonathan Bacon of Fourth Generation 157

Uxbridge” (Worcester Deed 51:169). Still later, on 6 March 1770, Ruth Bacon of Sutton, spinster [sic], for 40 pounds paid by David Bacon of Sutton sold “all my right in three acres of land lying and being around my now dwelling house and buildings that is one half of my dwelling house that I [blank] of my son Timothy Bacon” (Worcester Deed 137:509). Children, born as indicated: i. JONATHAN BACON, b. prob. Bedford, ca. 1728/9; d. Dudley, 25 June 1815, in his 87th yr (DVR 248); m. (1) Uxbridge, 1 Jan 1750/1 (UVR 208), MARTHA WOOD, b. ca. 1728, d. Dudley, 17 Dec 1783, in her 55th yr (DVR 248), parents not identified; m. (2) Dudley, 3 Feb 1785 (DVR 136), widow SARA (—) KIDDER, b. ca. 1741, d. Dudley, 16 Feb 1831, age 90 (DVR 248), widow of Samuel Kidder by whom she had at least seven children. Children, all by first wife, born at Uxbridge (UVR 26): 1. Zipporah Bacon, b. 19 Jan “beginning the year 1750 ”; m. Uxbridge, 22 April 1773 (UVR 208), as his 2nd wife, Samuel Morduck [Murdoch], b. 4 March 1752, d. 20 Nov 1814, a corporal in the Revolution (DARPI). 2. Jonathan Bacon, b. 27 Oct 1754; d. 19 July 1758 (UVR 356). 3. Damerus Bacon, b. 26 Feb 1757; m. Dudley, 16 Feb [1809] (DVR 136), Enos Armsby of Sutton. 4. Jonathan Bacon, b. 30 April 1759; d. 11 Oct 1845 (DARPI); m. Northbridge, Mary Adams (ibid.). 5. Solomon Bacon, b. 3 July 1763; d. the same day (UVR 356). 6. Bulah Bacon, b. 19 May 1764; m. Dudley, 23 Nov 1784 (DVR 136), James McClallen Jr. of Sutton. 7. Zilpha Bacon, b. 6 Feb 1767; m. Dudley, 27 Sept 1787 (DVR 136), Samuel Kidder, b. Dudley, 3 May 158 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1763 (DVR 77), son of Samuel and Sarah (—) Kidder, and almost certainly Zilpha’s step brother. 8. Jepthah Bacon, b. 31 March 1770; m. Dudley, (int.) 19 Jan 1801 (DVR 136), Mrs. Joanna Child of Wood- stock [CT], who d. Warren, -- May 1834 (DVR 248). 9. Diadame Bacon, b. 12 March 1772; m. Dudley, 25 Aug? 1792? (DVR 136), Eliphalet Perry of Thompson [CT]. ii. WILLIAM BACON, b. Bedford, 5 Nov 1730 (BVR 12); d. of consumption at Conway, 11 July 1801, in his 73rd yr [sic] (CVR 210; not “young” as in HOA); m. ca. 1754, MARY DALRYMPLE, born ca. 1729, d. Conway, 15 December 1817 (CVR 210), dau. of Andrew and Dorothy Dalrymple, as is shown by Andrew’s will (Worcester County Probate File #A:???). Children, all except 1st one recorded at Sutton (SVR 12): 1. Dorothy Bacon, bap. Uxbridge, 4 May 1755 (UVR 26); d. prob. young. 2. Dorothy Bacon, b. Sutton, 17 Sept 1755; d. prob. young. 3. William Bacon, b. 27 Dec 1756; bap. Uxbridge, 10 April 1757 (UVR 26). 4. Dorothy Bacon, b. 22 Jan 1760, bap. Uxbridge, 15 June 1760 (UVR 26); d. Sutton “had ye measles, afterwards proved weakly & died in about 4 or 5 weeks” 1 July 1773, age about 14 (SVR 397). 5. Ruth Bacon, b. 9 Feb 1762, bap. Uxbridge, 23 Sept 1764 (UVR 26); m. Conway, (int.) 17 Aug 1785 (CVR 122), Caleb Sherman. 6. Nathan Bacon, b. 17 April 1764, bap. Uxbridge, 23 Sept 1764 (UVR 26); m. (1) Conway, (int.) -- Sept 1784 (CVR 122), Lydia Warren, b. Conway, 5 Feb 1767 (CVR ?), d. there, of either consumption or a liver disorder, 10 March 1810, age 43 (CVR 210), dau. Fourth Generation 159

of William and Elizabeth (—) Warren; m. (2) Conway, (int.) 22 May 1811 (CVR 122), Mary Tobey. Nine children by first wife, four by second. 7. Eunice Bacon, b. 16 July 1767, bap. Uxbridge, 30 Aug 1767; n.f.r. 8. Joel Bacon, b. 29 Nov 1770, bap. Uxbridge, 10 Nov 1771 (UVR 26); d. Conway, 13 Aug 1826, age 56 (CVR 210); m. Conway, 22 Aug 1793 (CVR 122), Mehitabel Warren, b. Conway, 21 Feb 1769 (CVR ?), dau. of William and Elizabeth Warren. Eleven children born at Conway. iii. TIMOTHY BACON, b. Uxbridge, 23 Feb 1734/5 (UVR 26); prob. m. Sutton/Mendon, HANNAH MAN. iv. RUTH BACON, b. Uxbridge, 20 May 1736 (UVR 26); d. prob. young. v. NATHAN BACON, bap. Uxbridge, 8 May 1737 (UVR 26); d. Sutton, 14 Aug 1750, age 14 (SVR 397). vi. AMOS BACON, bap. Uxbridge, 15 April 1739 (UVR 26); d. Sutton, 12 Sept 1741 (SVR 397). vii. ELIZABETH “BAKEN,” b. Sutton, 28 Aug 1741 (SVR 12); d. there 6 Feb 1815; m. Sutton, 23 Aug 1759 (SVR 203), JOSHUA HICKS, b. Westborough, 27 Aug 1735 (WVR 62), death record not found, son of John and Rebecca (Champrey) Hicks. Children, born at Sutton (SVR 87): 1. Joshua Hicks, b. 23 Oct 1761; n.f.r. 2. Nathan Hicks, b. 26 March 1763; n.f.r. 3. Olive Hicks, b. 20 Jan 1765 [sic]; n.f.r. 4. Jonathan Hicks, b. 29 Aug 1765 [sic]; n.f.r. 5. Chloe Hicks, b. 7 July 1768; n.f.r. 6. Israel Hicks, b. 12 May 1770; n.f.r. 160 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

viii. DAVID BACON, b. 26 April 1744; death record not found; m. Sutton, 17 Dec 1767 (SVR 203), TABITHA WAKEFIELD, b. Sutton, 11 Feb 1740/1 (SVR 117), dau. of Jonathan and Abigail (Smith) Wakefield. No recorded children. ix. RUTH BACON, b. Sutton, 28 May 1746 (SVR 12); death record not found; m. Sutton/Uxbridge, 5 Nov 1765 (SVR 203; UVR 208), DAVID KEITH, b. Uxbridge, 21 Jan 1744/5 (UVR 96), son of Gershom and Mary (—) Keith. Known children (probably others), born at Uxbridge (UVR 96): 1. Chloe Keith, b. 24 Oct 1766; n.f.r. [Note: HOA says she m. (int.) 28 May 1781, Nathan Bolster, but DAR records show that it was a different Chloe Keith who made that marriage (DAR Application Paper #575691 of Esther Kimmens Whitcomb).] 2. Amos Keith, b. 17 June 1768; n.f.r.

4.49 DOROTHY4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 27 March 1707 (CBMD 67), and she died, probably at Grafton, before 9 October 1755, when her husband remarried. She married ca. 1726, JOSEPH3 ARNOLD, who was born at Reading, 8 December 1692 (RVR 11), and died at Grafton, between 16 August 1774 when he made his will and 19 August 1777 when his will was lodged by his executor (Worcester County Probate File #A:1925), son of William2 (Joseph1) and Elizabeth2 (Thomas1) (Clark) Arnold. Dorothy and Joseph apparently remained in the Stoneham/ Wakefield area for a few years, but on 10 December 1744, Joseph was “of Smithfield, Providence Co., Rhode Island” when he purchased from Thomas Arnold of Smithfield, for 700 pounds, a tract of land Thomas had bought of Jonathan Gaskill of Mendon (Worcester Deeds 19:437). This land was probably some of that containing “a dwelling house and two blacksmith shops” that Joseph Arnold, blacksmith of Grafton, Worcester Co., deeded for 14 pounds to his son Joseph Arnold, blacksmith of Shrewsbury, on 1 November 1760 (Worcester Deeds 46:486). Fourth Generation 161

Joseph Arnold, his wife and three children were warned out of Grafton, 14 May 1751 (Worcester County Warnings), but settled there nevertheless. Joseph Arnold married second, at Grafton, 9 October 1755 (GVR 161), ABIGAIL (—) NEWTON, widow of Obadiah Newton, who had died at Grafton 11 May 1753, and by whom she had at least nine children. Abigail’s birth date and parentage are not known, but she is doubtless the Abigail Arnold, late of Shrewsbury, deceased, for administration of whose estate Calvin Newton, gentleman of Shrewsbury, Jonathan Champney, Esq. of South- borough, and Daniel Newton of Shoreham, Addison Co., Vermont, gentleman, gave bond 5 February 1793 (Worcester County Probate File #A:1893). In his will Joseph Arnold left “beloved wife Abigail” every- thing left her by her late husband Obadiah Newton, as well as all that was left her by her late daughter Persis Newton [which was] in the hands of Colonel of Shrewsbury “provided she shall quit all right to my tools, wearing apparel and estate that came to me by the decease of John Arnold late of Westborough and all my other estate.” Sons Joseph [Jr.], Thomas and William were left all Joseph’s wearing apparel, husbandry tools, and stock, to be equally divided between them. Daughter Mary, wife of Ebenezer “Howard,” was left 5 shillings out of the household goods. Daughters Dorothy (now wife of Benjamin Jacobs), Elizabeth and Rebecca (now wife of Unite Brown) were left the remainder of the household goods. Son Joseph [Jr.] was given 4 pounds out of a bond signed by him 19 August 1773, and son Thomas was given 19 shillings 4 pence out of the same bond “if that amount remain.” Son Joseph [Jr.] was named sole executor, and the will was witnessed by Aaron Hutchinson, Timothy Darling and Nathan Morse. Gershom Bigelow, Jonas Morse and William Morse, all of Marlborough, were appointed to take the inventory which amounted to 99 pounds, 7 shillings. When all the distributions and debts were paid, the balance of the estate was only 8 pounds, 16 shillings, and 8 pence. 162 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born as indicated, order of birth uncertain: i. MARY ARNOLD, b. Stoneham, 9 April 1727 (SVR 9), bap. Wakefield, 16 April 1727 (WVR 10); d. prob. Killingly, CT, ca. 1804 (query in BTGC); m. Sutton, 26 Nov 1747 (SVR 202), her first cousin once removed, EBENEZER HAWARD, b. Concord, 11 July 1719 (CBMD 99), d. prob. Killingly, CT, ca. 1788 (BTGC), son of Simeon and Rebecca3 (Hartwell) Hayward (see #3.19-vii for children of this couple). ii. “DORTY” [DOROTHY] ARNOLD, b. Stoneham, 6 Dec 1729 (SVR 9); living Killingly, CT, 8 Sept 1775; m. Killingly, 27 Dec 1750, as his second wife, BENJAMIN JACOBS, b. Bristol, RI, 26 April 1719, d. Killingly after 8 Sept 1775 (date of will), son of Nathaniel and Mercy (Whitman) Jacobs, and widower of Huldah Bosworth, who d. Killingly, apparently as a result of child birth, 17 Sept 1749. Children, b. Killingly, CT (Barbour; History of Woodstock, CT): 1. Joseph Jacobs, b. 22 Sept 1751; perhaps d. Guilford, VT, 25 July 1817, age 67 (VT VRs). 2. Dorothy “Dolly” Jacobs, b. 23 Nov. 1753; m. (int.) Oxford, 1 March 1776 (OVR 186), Samuel Baker, b. Oxford, 29 Aug 1753, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (—) Baker. 3. Huldah Jacobs, b. 7 Oct 1755; d. prob. young (not mentioned in father’s will). 4. Peter Jacobs, b. 7 March 1758; n.f.r. 5. Nathaniel Jacobs. 6. Nathan Jacobs. 7. Stephen Jacobs. 8. Elizabeth Jacobs. Fourth Generation 163 iii. ELIZABETH ARNOLD, perhaps the Elizabeth Arnold warned out of Shrewsbury, 9 May 1759 (Worcester Warnings, 59); living when her father wrote his will in 1774; n.f.r. iv. JOSEPH ARNOLD [JR.], b. ca. 1738 (calc.); d. Marlborough, 15 Nov 1796, age 58 (MVR 338); m. (1) Shrewsbury, 10 Dec 1762 (Early Mass. Marriages), LYDIA FAY, b. South- borough, 21 May 1743, d. Marlborough, in child birth, 19 Nov 1776, in 33rd yr (MVR 338), dau. of John and Thankful (Taylor) Fay; m. (2) ca. 1777, PERSIS (—), b. ca. 1741, d. Marlborough, 20 Feb 1825, age 84 (MVR 338). Children by 1st wife, recorded at Marlborough (MVR 11-12): 1. Joseph Arnold [3rd], b. 25 Aug 1763; d. 10 Oct 1840, age 77; m. 1 Feb 1786, Molly Barns, b. Marlborough, 27 Aug 1765, dau. of Silas and Betty (Bigelow) Barns. Thirteen children recorded, but not necessarily born, at Marlborough. 2. William Arnold, b. 27 Oct 1765; d. 12 Oct 1828, age 63; m. (1) Marlborough, -- Jan 1790, Mary “Polly” Rice, b. Framingham, 20 Sept 1763, d. 6 Oct 1795, age 32, dau. of Ezekiel and Hannah (Edmunds) Rice; m. (2) Marlborough, 3 Jan 1797, Relief Rice, b. Marlborough, 17 April 1774, d. 15 Nov 1811, age 38, dau. of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Darling) Rice; m. (3) Marlborough, 23 April 1812, Susanna Gates, b. 21 June 1771, d. 7 or 9 May 1845, age 73y 11m 9d, dau. of Silas and Elizabeth (Bragg) Gates. Six children, three by each of his first two wives. 3. Lydia Arnold, b. 4 Aug 1767; d. prob. young. 4. Rebecca Arnold, b. 20 Sept 1768; d. 17 Feb 1838, age 69 (MVR 355); m. 9 Oct 1793, as his 1st wife, Daniel Darling; four children. 5. Winslow Arnold, b. 16 July 1770; d. Marlborough, 24 Dec 1839, age 69 (MVR 338); m. Marlborough, 17 Aug 1791 (MVR 213), Abigail Hagar. Four children. 164 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6. John Arnold, b. 15 Sept 1771; m. Marlborough, 22 July 1793 (MVR 213), Rachel Hill, b. ca. 1770, d. 18 March 1829, age 59. Five children recorded at Marlborough. 7. Anna Arnold, b. 18 July 1773; d. 17 July 1845, age 71y 11m 29d; apparently unmarried. 8. Lydia Arnold, b. 11 April 1774; d. Marlborough, 7 Sept 1818, age 43y 5m (Gs:Spring Hill Cemetery); m. 27 March 1796, Silas Temple. Eight children. 9. A son, b. ca. 1776, “was buried in the grave with his mother” (Gs:Brigham Cemetery, Marlborough). Childen by second wife, born at Marlborough: 10. Molly Arnold, b. 16 Feb 1778; d. Marlborough, 9 Sept 1806; m. 8 March 1798, as his 1st wife, Ephraim Bigelow, b. Marlborough, 13 May 1768, d. there of typhus fever, 26 Oct 1843, son of Timothy and Miriam (Howe) Bigelow. Six children recorded at Marlborough. 11. Levi Arnold, b. 13 Sept 1779; m. 27 Nov 1800, Miriam Bigelow, b. Marlborough, 21 April 1778, dau. of Timothy and Miriam (Howe) Bigelow. Two children recorded at Marlborough. 12. Aaron Arnold, b. 10 Oct 1781; d. Marlborough, 12 March 1832, age 54 (MVR 338); m. Marlborough, 9 Sept 1804, Sarah Tayntor, b. Marlborough, 5 May 1787, dau. of John and Esther (Goodenow) Tayntor. Six children recorded at Marlborough. 13. Lucy Arnold, mentioned in Middlesex Probate File #493 as under the guardianship of Stephen Morse. v. REBECCA ARNOLD, b. ca. 1739; d. prob. Winthrop, ME, after 1790; m. Shrewsbury, (int.) 26 June 1759 (SVR 120), UNITE/UNITY BROWN “of Dorchester, Canada” [Ashburnham, MA], b. Dorchester, 22 Jan 1728/9 (BRC Fourth Generation 165

21:80), d. Winthrop, ME, after 1790, son of John and Mary Brown. Children, order of birth uncertain: 1. Rebecca Brown, b. say 1760; d. before 1791; m. ca. 1783, Thomas Craig, b. Deighton, North Yorkshire, England, 27 Sept 1764, d. Readfield, ME, 5 March 1814, son of James and Anna Craig. Two known daughters. 2. Jeremiah Brown, m. Winthrop, ME, 24 April 1793, Polly Dailey, b. ca. 1773, d. Winthrop, ME, 19 Feb 1835, age 62. Seven children. 3. John Brown, m. (1) ca. 1795, Hannah Oldham; m. (2) ca. 1802, Abigail Peterson. One known child. 4. Dorcas Brown, m. Winthrop, ME, 22 Feb 1789, Alexander Thompson of Wales, ME. Five children. 5. Joseph Brown, d. prob. young. 6. Polly Brown, m. 1798, Solomon Towle, b. Epping, NH, 25 June 1761, d. Canaan, ME, 3 Feb 1832, son of Matthais and Hannah (Jenness?) Towle. Five children born at Winthrop, ME. 7. William Brown, b. Winthrop, ME, 1 Jan 1777; d. there 18 Oct 1860; m. (1) there 25 March 1800, Polly Cochran; m. (2) there 25 April 1836, Hannah Gazelin. Seven children, three by 1st wife, four by 2nd. 8. Dorothy Brown, m. ca. 1805, Reuben Ham, Jr., of Wales, ME. 9. [?]Betsey Brown, m. Winthrop, ME, 20 Sept 1807, Luther Marrow, b. Winthrop, 26 Aug 1787, son of Daniel and Hannah (Chandler) Marrow. vi. WILLIAM ARNOLD, bap. Stoneham, 6 Dec 1741 (SVR 9); d. Framingham, ca. 1813, age 70; m. ca. 1772, MARY “MOLLEY” MORSE, b. Framingham, 25 Nov 1752 (FVR 166 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

145), d. there, a widow, 25 Feb 1836, age 83 (FVR 408), dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Cloyes) Morse. Children, born at Framingham (FVR 13): 1. John Arnold, b. 24 March 1773; d. 30 Oct 1776 (FVR 408). 2. Nathan Arnold, b. 7 June 1774; d. 1 Nov 1776. 3. William Arnold, b. 12 March 1776; d. 1 Nov 1776. 4. William Arnold, b. 13 Oct 1777; d. in an explosion at Fort Independence, 28 June 1803. 5. Nathan Arnold, b. 9 Jan 1780; later of Cherryfield, ME. 6. John Arnold, b. 21 July 1781; m. Catherine Spink. 7. Leonard Arnold, b. 4 Feb 1783; d. Framingham, 25 Dec 1851; m. Elizabeth Chandler, b. ca. 1782, d. Marlborough, 25 March 1845, age 63. Five children recorded at Framingham. 8. Thomas Arnold, b. 2 Aug 1785; m. Natick, 25 July 1810, Sally Frost, b. Framingham, 28 Dec 1788, d. there 4 Oct 1858, age 70y 9m 20d, a pauper (MA VRs 121:108), dau. of Samuel and Mary (Heard) Frost. Three children. 9. Polly Arnold, b. 22 July 1789; d. Framingham, 16 Jan 1809. 10. Relief Arnold, b. 3 Oct 1791; d. Framingham, 17 Sept 1864; m. there, 24 Jan 1815, Henry Richardson, b. 25 July 1791, d. Framingham, 4 Aug 1870, age 79y 4m (MA VRs 230:139); eight children recorded Framingham. vii. THOMAS ARNOLD, bap. Stoneham, 1 April 1744; d. record not found; m. Westborough, 24 Nov 1768 (WVR 117), MARGERY PRATT, b. Westborough, 8 Dec 1743 (WVR 85), dau. of Hezekiah and Rachel (Knowlton) Pratt. Rev. Ebenezer Parkman of Westborough noted in his diary, 3 Fourth Generation 167

March 1773, “Mr. Thomas Arnold and his family move from this town to go to Hadley” (MASSOG 16[1992]:42), where Thomas was “perhaps a trader during the Revo- lution” (History of Hadley). Known children: 1. Mary Arnold, b. Westborough, 14 Nov 1769. 2. Hepsebel Arnold, b. Westborough, 17 May 1771. 3. John Arnold, b. Westborough, 5 Jan 1773. 4. Rachel Arnold, bap. Hadley, 15 Jan 1775. 5. Thomas Arnold, bap. Hadley, 22 Dec 1776. 6. Betsey Arnold, bap. Hadley -- Oct 1778. viii. JOHN “ARNAL,” bap. Sutton, 23 Aug 1747 (SVR 11); killed “by the fall of a tree at Hencher” [Henniker?] before 7 May 1773, when Rev. Ebenezer Parkman noted in his diary, “Mr. Joseph Arnold of Grafton here, very mournful for the loss of his son John” (MASSOG 16[1992]:43).

4.50 DANIEL4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 20 March 1708/9 (CBMD 73) and he died at Bedford, 10 July 1745 (BVR 124; not 2 July 1795 as in HOA). He married at Bedford, 13 June 1734 (BVR 80), “Mrs.” [sic] SARAH4 WILSON, who was born at Billerica, 20 February 1711/12 (BVR 205) and died a widow at Charlemont, 2 April 1795, in her 86th year” (CVR 144; not 12 July as in HOA), daughter of Francis3 (John2-1) and Patience (—) Wilson. In his simple will, Daniel left everything to “beloved wife, Sarah,” and named her executor. He mentions sons Daniel, Solomon, Francis, and William, daughter Sarah, and the unborn child his wife is carrying (Middlesex Probate File 10551). In 1765, widow Sarah Hartwell was granted administration on the estate of her father, Francis Wilson. In an undated letter to the judge of probate, Sarah’s younger sisters, Joanna and Rebecca Wilson, complain that they are caring for their aged mother, which is a heavy burden, and the executor of the estate is doing nothing to 168 Descendants of William1 Hartwell help them, and is, indeed, cutting the hay and mowing the grass, and keeping it for her own use (Middlesex Probate File 25134). Children, all born at Bedford (BVR 28-29): 5.109 i. DANIEL5 HARTWELL, b. 14 March 1734/5; d. before 19 June 1760. On 13 March 1752, Daniel Hartwell, age 17, son of Daniel deceased, chose his uncle Timothy Hartwell of Bedford to be his guardian; Timothy Hartwell and Israel Putnam gave bond (Middlesex Probate File 10552). HOA states that, according to tradition, Daniel was a soldier in the French War, and the probable date of his death bears this out. On 19 June 1760, Sarah asked the court to appoint Solomon to administer Daniel’s estate. Solomon Hartwell, yeoman, Josiah Fassett, gentleman, both of Bedford, and Jessaniah Crosby of Billerica gave bond, 23 June 1760. Daniel’s estate was deemed too small to divide among his heirs, and Sarah Hartwell, Solomon Hartwell, Sarah Hartwell, and Isaac Willard, guardian [for William and Elizabeth], agreed that Solomon should have the entire estate (Middlesex Probate File 10555). +5.110 ii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 4 Oct 1736; m. JEREMIAH BLOOD. +5.111 iii. SOLOMON HARTWELL, b. 20 April 1739; m. ABIGAIL DAVIS. 5.112 iv. FRANCIS HARTWELL, b. ca. 1741; d. probably young. HOA says Francis “was mentioned in his father’s will made in 1745, and his memory is preserved among the Kemps, descended from his brother William5, who have a tradi- tion that he and his eldest brother Daniel were in military service. If this be true, Daniel must have been in one of the expeditions against Canada in 1758-9. Mrs. Mary Nelson of Cherokee, IA, wrote to Mr. Densmore before 1887 that her mother’s great uncle Francis was killed in one of the battles of the Revolution, the news reaching her father’s house during breakfast one morning.” Francis is indeed mentioned in his father’s will, but he is not mentioned in the settlement of his brother Daniel’s estate, Fourth Generation 169

nor was any guardian for him ever appointed, although all the other children had guardians. It is unlikely that Francis lived long enough to participate in any war. +5.113 v. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 1 Sept 1743; m. MARY LOVELL. +5.114 vi. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. (posthumously) 20 Oct 1745; m. ROBERT REED.

4.51 TIMOTHY4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 15 September 1712 (CBMD 81) and he died at Bedford, 27 Dec 1797 “with a complicated disorder, age 85” (BVR 123). He married at Bedford, 24 March 1736/7 (BVR 80), MARY DAVIS, who was born at Concord, 4 April 1719 (CBMD 96) and died of “lung fever” at Bedford, 22 April 1808, age 89” (BVR 123), daughter of Daniel and Mary (Hubbard) Davis. Nearly all that is known of Timothy is the fact of his acting as co-executor with John4 Hartwell of the will of his uncle John3 Hartwell, the money lender, and at the final settlement rendered a bill for services nearly five times as great as that of his co-executor, who seems to have performed about as much service, and which so took the probate judge aback that he ordered both accounts to “lie over for further examination” (HOA). Timothy is listed on the 1790 federal census as the head of a family in Bedford consisting of one male over 16 and one female. Children, born at Bedford: 5.115 i. UNNAMED DAUGHTER, b. 4 June 1750, d. 5 June 1750 (BVR 124). 5.116 ii. UNNAMED DAUGHTER, b. & d. 28 March 1753 (BVR 123).

4.52 STEPHEN4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born probably at Concord, ca. 1716 (calc.) and he died at Bedford, 12 July 1792, age 76 (BVR 123). He married first at Bedford, 31 December 1741 (BVR 81), MARY RAYMOND, who was baptized at Salem, 6 May 1723 (SVR ?:???) and died at Bedford, 12 July 1752 170 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

(BVR 124), daughter of Paul and Tabitha (Balch) Raymond. Stephen married second, at Bedford, 15 February 1753 (BVR 82), as her second husband, REBECCA (CHANDLER) DAVIS, who was born at Concord, 2 December 1711 (CBMD 80) and died at Bedford, 13 August 1790, age 79 (BVR 123), daughter of Samuel and Dorcas (Buss) Chandler and widow of ELEAZER DAVIS, whom she married at Concord, 17 June 1731 (CBMD 124). Stephen “settled in the south part of Bedford on a farm later owned by John McGovern” (HOA). He is listed on the 1790 census as the head of a family in Bedford consisting of two males over 16 and two females. Children by first wife, born at Bedford (BVR 30): +5.117 i. MARY5 HARTWELL, b. 19 Dec 1742; m. FRANCIS WILLSON, JR. +5.118 ii. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 15 Aug 1744; m. JOHN SIMONDS. +5.119 iii. TABITHA HARTWELL, b. 24 Nov 1746; m. JUDAH [W]RIGHT. +5.120 iv. STEPHEN HARTWELL, b. 12 Oct 1749; m. SARAH REED. +5.121 v. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 1 March “175 [sic] new stile”; m. DAZE SKELTON. Child by second wife, born at Bedford (BVR 29): 5.122 vi. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 8 Feb 1756; d. Bedford, 2 April 1823, age 67 (BVR 123); m. Bedford, 26 Oct 1779 (BVR 80), DESIRE BROWN, b. Lincoln, 10 June 1756 (LVR 24), d. Bedford, 30 Aug 1824, age 68y 2m (BVR 123), dau. of Joseph and Desire (Batchelder) Brown. Samuel is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Bedford consisting of one male over 16 and one female. He made his will 9 Aug 1822, leaving $300 to the town of Bedford “for the support of the Congregational minister and sacred music.” He left the west end of his dwelling house “built just before her husband died” to widow Hannah Putnam. Samuel Heartwell Fassett, Samuel Hartwell Mead and Samuel Heartwell Putnam were all left $50 each, as was his nephew Judah Wright. Wife Desire was Fourth Generation 171

to have all the rest of the estate, and William Webber was named executor. Joseph Hartwell, Joel Wright and William Hartwell were witnesses (Middlesex Probate File 10589). Desire Hartwell, widow of Bedford, made her will 11 Oct 1823, leaving $100 to the American Education Society; $100 to the Rev. Samuel Stearns of Bedford and his heirs; $20 each to sisters-in-law Abigail Simonds, Tabatha Wright and Ruth Skelton; $20 to brother Stephen Mead; her pew in the meeting house to sister Elizabeth Hartwell and her heirs; her muff and tippett to sister Submit Richardson; her brass candlesticks to niece Eliza Mead; 6 silver spoons and the 2nd salt to niece Abigail Mead; a small waiter to niece Lois Mead; and $30 to nephew Hosea Evans and his heirs. Also mentioned are Lucy Desire Mead; her niece the widow Hannah Putnam; brother Asa Mead, who was named trustee for sister Esther Mead; and the children of sister Lydia Thompson, viz: Abijah, Franklin and Abigail Thompson. William Webber and John Meriam were appointed executors and John Webber, Zebedee Simonds, and Amos Hartwell took the inventory, which showed considerable personal property (Middlesex Probate File 10557).

4.53 MARY4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born probably at Concord, ca. 1719 (calc.), and was living in Sanford, Maine as late as 1771, when she is shown on the Massachusetts Tax Evaluation List. She was “of Bedford” when she married at Concord, Justice Minott officiating, 11 June 1741 (CBMD 152), as his second wife, WALTER3 POWERS of Bedford. Walter was born ca. 1708 and died at Sanford, Maine before 1771 (Early Families of Sanford- Springvale, Maine). His first wife, by whom he had several children, was SARAH FASSETT, daughter of John Fassett. On 4 December 1742, William Hartwell bequeathed “unto the children of my daughter, Mary Powers, and to their heirs and 172 Descendants of William1 Hartwell assigns forever, 15 acres of land, being in said Bedford, near the dwelling house of William Hastings.” In 1774, John Moore wanted to purchase this land, and the court divided the property into nine parts, “4/9 for the minor heirs and 5/9 for John Moore to purchase from the heirs who are of age.” James Hartwell was appointed to carry word of the court’s decision to the heirs (Middlesex Probate File 10600). HOA accords Mary five children: David, Nahum, Maria, Rebecca and Kezia, but Early Families of Sanford-Springvale, Maine gives her nine children none of whom bear the names cited by HOA. The account of the family in Early Families... seems well documented and matches the court’s division of land to the heirs, and is, therefore, cited here. [Note: Adeline Stack of South Port- land, Maine, did much of the research on this family]. “Thomas Walter Powers . . . apparently d. Sanford before 1771, when the Massachusetts Tax Evaluation List shows only Mary, Stephen, Walter and John Powers as Sanford taxpayers. He, his wife Mary, and children, John, Ruth, Stephen and Walter, were warned out of Newton, NH, 2 July 1751 (NH Rec. and Archives). According to Emery (p. 98) he was, however, an elder in the Baptist church of Sanford being ordained as a minister in Newton, NH, 1755. NH Archives also has a record from the Church of Christ in Concord (probably MA) making a strong condemnation of Power’s moral character as early as 1740 in that community. The first record of him in Sanford was 1 April 1768 when he acquired land in Sanford from Jeremiah Moulton and Joseph Simpson (YD 40:104). As a resident of South Sanford he helped ‘in building up a society of Baptists’ in that district of the town (Emery, 98). His deed of 2 April 1768 conveyed ‘lot 6 in Phillipstown, now Sanford’ to his ‘son, Walter Powers of Sanford’ (YD 40:104). Revolutionary records show that John, Jonathon, Nathan, Walter and William Powers, all of Sanford, served in the American Revolution. Given the inclusion of three of the above in the 1751 ‘warning out’ it is believed that all Powers men in Sanford were sons of Thomas Walter Powers” (Early Families of Sanford-Springvale). Fourth Generation 173

Children, born probably at Bedford, Massachusetts and/or Newton, New Hampshire, order of birth uncertain: i. STEPHEN POWERS, posthumously given a deed by Enoch Hale, 10 Nov 1808, witnessed by John Powers and Henry Hamilton (YD 71:98). The deed was written to replace one which had been mislaid and written “twenty odd years” before and names the following as Stephen’s heirs: “Rebecca Fogg, Hannah Powers, and Miriam Choat, all of Limington, spinsters.” The History of Limington (1975, p. 167) states that Lemuel Fogg, b. Limington 9 May 1771, son of Joseph and Mercy (Berry) Fogg, m. Rebecca Powers at Limington 6 Sept 1797. She d. Standish 13 April 1851, age 70y 3m [b. Jan 1781].” ii. RUTH POWERS, b. before 1751 when the family was warned out of Newton, NH. iii. WALTER POWERS, b. prob. Bedford, 14 March 1747 (Belmont NH VRs). As a deacon in the Baptist Church of Sanford, ME, he was chosen elder, 1774, and later served as min- ister of the Baptist Church in Gilmanton, NH (Emery, 100). As Walter Powers of Gilmanton, NH, clerk, he conveyed Sanford property in 1786 to Jonathon Powers of Sanford, his assumed brother (YD 96:185). By 17 Sept 1794 he sold additional Sanford land to Nathan Powers of Sanford, another assumed brother (YD 90:58). He married at Belmont, NH, 12 April 1768 (NH VRs), SARAH (WILLARD) HARMON, b. ca. 1748, dau. of Samuel and Dorothy Willard (Sanford and Belmont VRs). Children, recorded at Sanford, Maine (SVR): 1. Eleanor Powers, b. -- Feb 1768; d. prob. young. 2. Eleanor Powers, b. -- Feb 1770; n.f.r. 3. Calvin Powers, b. 13 April 1771; d. 1 May 1773. 4. Sarah Powers, b. 30 Dec 1773; n.f.r. 5. Molly Powers, b. 16 June 1775; n.f.r. 174 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6. Bulah Powers, b. 25 Oct 1777; n.f.r. 7. Walter Powers, b. 2 March 1780; n.f.r. iv. JOHN POWERS, b. prob. NH, ca. 1750; d. Sanford, ME, 16 June 1821, “said to be about 71 years”; m. before 1780, ANNE STANLEY, b. ca. 1759, d. Sanford, ME, 6 April 1840, ae 81, dau. of Edward and Hannah Stanley. v. MARY POWERS, b. Kingston, NH, 12 April 1754 (Gowen Family Bible); m. STEPHEN GOWEN, b. 17 June 1753, d. 14 March 1846 (DARPI). vi. JONATHAN POWERS, b. ca. 1756 (ME Soldiers, 634); d. Alfred, ME, 23 Nov 1819 (Rev. pension application W26918); m. Sanford, ME, -- Oct 1780, OLIVE HARMAN/HANNAN, b. ca. 1762. Olive applied for a widow’s pension 8 Nov 1838. Jonathan was a Baptist church elder, preached in Back Street (Emery, 82). He lived in that section of the town which became Alfred. In 1790 he was enumerated in Sanford with a family of three males under 16. vii. TIMOTHY POWERS, n.f.r. viii. WILLIAM POWERS, n.f.r. ix. NATHAN POWERS, b. 1761 (ME Soldiers, 634).

4.54 JOSEPH4 HARTWELL (William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 17 January 1722/3 (CBMD 107) and he died at Bedford, 7 July 1792, age 69 (BVR 123). He married at Bedford/Beverly, 12 December 1750 (BVR 80; BVR 2:150), JEMIMA BATCHELDER, who was baptized at Beverly, 26 January 1728/9 (BVR 1:38) and died at Bedford, 13 July 1786, age 56 (BVR 123), daughter of John Jr. and Jemima (Conant) Batchelder. Joseph served in the Revolution as a Private, and also per- formed public service (DARPI). Part of the public service may have consisted in sending his slave, Jeffrey (also called Jeffries and Jesse), to serve in his stead (see Appendix C for Jeffrey Hartwell’s story). Joseph is listed on the 1790 census as the head of a Fourth Generation 175 household in Bedford consisting of four males over 16, one male under 16, and three females. Children, all born at Bedford (BVR 28-29): 5.123 i. JOSEPH5 HARTWELL, b. 13 May 1752; d. Bedford, 28 Sept 1753 (BVR 123). +5.124 ii. JEMIMA HARTWELL, b. 6 Sept 1753; m. EBENEZER CUMMINGS. +5.125 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 18 May 1755; m. (1) ELIZABETH MOORE, (2) EUNICE COLE. 5.126 iv. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 1 Nov 1757; d. Bedford, 13 Feb 1788, age 30 (BVR 123); unmarried. 5.127 v. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 9 July 1759; d. Littleton, 8 Sept 1831 (LVR 209); m. Bedford, 4 June 1805 (BVR 80), as his 2nd wife, JOHN SKELTON, b. Woburn, 31 Dec 1744, d. Billerica, ca. 1821 (Middlesex Probate File 20503), son of Thomas and Ruth (Reed) Skelton. John had a number of children by his first wife, Joanna Johnson, but he and Hannah had no children. Hannah’s estate was adminis- tered by John Moore Hartwell, and the probate file shows that Hannah was wealthy enough to loan large sums of money to various relatives (Middlesex Probate File 20502). 5.128 vi. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 2 Feb 1761; d. Danvers, 24 Nov 1843, age 82y 9m 25d (DVR 2:433); m. Bedford/Danvers, 3 June 1788 (BVR 80; DVR 2:130), JOSEPH PORTER JR., b. Danvers, 22 June 1763 (DVR 1:277), d. there 30 June 1820, age 57, son of Joseph and Sarah (Putnam) Porter. No recorded children. +5.129 vii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 9 May 1762; m. ELIZABETH MEAD. +5.130 viii. DOROTHY “DOLLY” HARTWELL, b. 10 Jan 1764; m. ABRAHAM WHITCOMB. +5.131 ix. TIMOTHY HARTWELL, b. 7 Sept 1765; m. LUCY DAVIS. +5.132 x. MARY “MOLLY” HARTWELL, b. 5 April 1769; m. POULTER REED. 176 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+5.133 xi. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 25 June 1770; m. (1) JOANNA DAVIS, (2) MARY LAKE.

Descendants of Jonathan3 & Hannah (Blanchard) Hartwell

4.55 JAMES4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 30 July 1715 (CBMD 86) and his death record has not been found. He was “of Littleton” when he married at Groton, 22 February 1737/8 (GVR 2:82), JEMIMA FROST, who was born at Groton, 16 January 1714/15 (GVR 1:89), death record not found, daughter of John and Ruth (Scripture) Frost. James Hartwell, housewright of Groton, sold 26 acres of land in Groton to Thomas White, also of Groton, for 20 pounds, on 5 March 1760 (Middlesex Deeds 57:345). On 23 July 1762, James, still described as a housewright, sold Thomas White 100 acres of land with the buildings thereon, and Jemima gave up her dower rights (Middlesex Deeds 58:592); this property may have been their homestead. This deed is the last record of James so far found. James “must have been one of the earliest residents of that part of Groton now known as Shirley. He lived in an easterly section of the town, on a farm now owned by a descendant of the fourth generation—Sumner Stuart. He occupied the soil on which he lived and died long before the town had a corporate existence, yet his name does not appear on the list of petitioners for an independent organization” (Hazen, History of Shirley, [1883]). Children, all except James recorded at Groton (GVR 1:106): 5.134 i. [?]JAMES5 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1739; d. prob. Wells, ME, ca. 1806; m. Wells, ME, 30 Jan 1771 (Wells VRs), SARAH KIMBALL, b. Wells, ME, 19 July 1743; bap. there 30 Oct 1743, dau. of Joshua and Sarah (Thompson) Kimball. James has been added here in order to account for several unexplained references to a James Hartwell in Maine. These include: 1. James Hartwell witnessed deeds for Robert Miller of Sanford on 30 Aug. 1769 and 28 March 1774 (NEHGR 140 [1986]:19). 2. On 4 Dec. 1742, William Fourth Generation 177

Hartwell had bequeathed “unto the children of my daughter, Mary Powers, and to their heirs and assigns forever, 15 acres of land, being in said Bedford [MA], near the dwelling house of William Hastings.” In 1774, John Moore wanted to purchase this land and the court divided the property into nine parts, “4/9 for the minor heirs and 5/9 for John Moore to purchase from the heirs who are of age.” Mary (Hartwell) Powers was at this point living in Sanford, Maine, and James Hartwell was appointed to carry word of the decision to the heirs (Middlesex [MA] Probate file 10600). 3. James Hartwell was a Private in Capt. James Littlefield’s co., (late) Col. Storer’s regt.; enlisted 14 Aug. 1777; discharged 23 Oct. 1777 at Queman’s Heights; service 2 mos, 25 days, with Northern army, including 15 days (300 miles) travel home (MS&S). This co. and regt. were from Wells and Sanford, York Co., Maine. 4. James Hartswell [sic] of Sanford published marriage int. 25 Nov 1786 to Abigail Gould of Kittery (Vital Records of Kittery, Maine to the Year 1892, Maine Gen. Soc. Special Publication #8 [1991]). 5. April 5, 1802. “Voted the selectmen take Care of hartwell Best way they can” (History of Sanford, ME, page 227, citing Overseers of the poor records). 5. In 1806 the town [Sanford] voted unanimously to “prosecute villain or villains who took the body of James Hartwell from his grave,” and the next year Sheldon Hobbs was agent to York term of court to prosecute. Peter Whittemore and Caleb Emery were indicted for digging up the body of Hartwell, proved guilty, and fined ten dollars each and costs, May, 1807 (History of Sanford, p. 256). 5.135 ii. JEMIMA HARTWELL, b. 27 March 1741; d. Shirley, 1 March 1819 (HOA: Hazen). According to Hazen (apparent source of Densmore’s information) Jemima “was never married, but had two illegitimate children, HENRY FARWELL and SIMEON FISK. Henry married and had a large family of 178 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

children, all of whom, with father and mother were inmates of the Shirley almshouse for several years. Jemima lived a wandering and scandalous life, until in old age she became a town pauper.” [Note: None of this information is documented in the Shirley VRs.] A Jemima Hartwell is listed on the 1790 census as the head of a family in Shirley consisting of two females. It is not certain whether this Jemima is the mother or the daughter. +5.136 iii. MOLLY HARTWELL, b. 19 March 1742/3; m. REUBEN KENDALL. +5.137 iv. AMASA HARTWELL, b. 28 Feb 1745; m. LYDIA MOORS. +5.138 v. SUSANNA HARTWELL, b. 15 April 1748; m. DAVID PRATT. +5.139 vi. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 20 April 1750; m. MOLLY BOYNTON. +5.140 vii. ELISABETH HARTWELL, b. 3 April 1753; m. SAMUEL WALKER JR. +5.141 viii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 21 Nov 1756; m. THOMAS KILLCUTE.

4.56 JOSIAH4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 11 September 1717 (CBMD 92) and he died at Littleton, 20 January 1791, in the 74th year of his age (Gs:Old Common Burying Ground). He married first, 16 February 1741 (HOA), BETHIAH WOOD, who was born at Bradford, 22 July 1722 (BVR 68) and died at Littleton, 30 January 1776, age 54 (Gs:Old Common Burying Ground), daughter of John Jr. and Sarah (Kimball) Wood. He married second, at Harvard/ Littleton (int.) 5 January 1777 (HVR 175; LVR 272), as her second husband, HANNAH (HASKELL) WILLARD, widow of Lemuel Willard of Harvard, birth and death dates not found. Hannah was the mother of eight children by Lemuel Willard. [Note 1: HOA incorrectly attributed this marriage to Josiah’s father, Jonathan. Note 2: HOA gives 15 January 1773 as Hannah’s death date in his sketch of Jonathan and 26 January 1803 in his sketch of Fourth Generation 179

Josiah. The first date is obviously incorrect, but neither of these dates has been found in published vital records.] Josiah was a farmer in Littleton, a deacon of the church, and prominent in town affairs (HOA). He is listed on the 1790 federal census as the head of a family in Littleton consisting of one male over 16 and three females. In his will, written 6 June 1787, Josiah Hartwell, gentleman, bequeathed beloved wife Hannah 1/3 part of all his estate. To son Joseph and his heirs he left 5 shillings “with what I gave him before,” to be his full share. Son John received one-half of a 65-acre lot lying on Oak Hill “with what he has already had.” Sons Benjamin and Samuel each received 5 shillings in addition to “what they already had.” Son Daniel was to have the “land and house where he now dwells.” Son Thomas received 40 pounds, “with what he already had. . . .” The heirs of daughter Sarah Melvin, deceased, received 5 shillings “with what they had before. . . .” Daughter Elizabeth Russell, wife of John Russell, was left 15 pounds. Son Simon was appointed sole executor, and was to have all messuages, tenements and estate not previously given. The will was witnessed by John Tuttle, Jude Gilbert of Acton, and Joseph Jewett, and was filed on 7 February 1791 (Middlesex Probate File 10575). Children, all by first wife, all born at Littleton (LVR 55-56): +5.142 i. JOSEPH5 HARTWELL, b. 2 Feb 1742/3; m. ELIZABETH PIERCE. +5.143 ii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 24 Sept 1744; m. ELEAZER MELVIN. +5.144 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 23 Jan 1746[/7]; m. MARY DIX. +5.145 iv. BETHIAH HARTWELL, b. 25 Jan 1748[/9]; m. JOHN PATCH. +5.146 v. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 4 Nov 1750; m. SARAH SANDERSON. 5.147 vi. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 24 Sept 1752; d. Littleton, 12 May 1754 (LVR 55). +5.148 vii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 25 Nov 1754; m. LOIS HARTWELL. 180 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+5.149 viii. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. 23 Nov 1756; m. (1) SARAH HARTWELL, (2) LUCY (DUTTON) KIMBALL. 5.150 ix. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. 1 Jan 1759; d. Littleton, 23 June 1761 (LVR 56). +5.151 x. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. 13 Nov 1761; m. BETTY HAYWARD. +5.152 xi. SIMON HARTWELL, b. 6 Dec 1763; m. RACHEL ATHERTON. +5.153 xii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 22 Sept 1765; m. JOHN RUSSELL.

4.58 NATHAN4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Concord, 4 December 1719 (CBMD 97) and he died at Harvard, 8 December 1768, in his 49th year (HVR 276; Gs:Old Cemetery, Harvard Center). He married at Littleton, 11 March 1744 (LVR 98), MARY PATCH, who was born at Littleton, 27 July 1723 (LVR 13, 25) and died at Harvard, 21 October 1800, age 77 (HVR 276; Gs:Old Cemetery), daughter of Abraham and Hannah (Herrick) Patch. Nathan Hartwell “of Littleton in the County of Middlesex and province of Massachusetts” purchased 53 acres in the southern part of Harvard from Solomon Taylor on 28 December 1764 (Worcester County Deeds 59:373). Despite this purchase, Nathan, wife Mary, and children Mary and Lois were warned out of Harvard on 7 January 1766 (Worcester County Warnings 1757-1788 [1899]). The reason for the warning is not clear. HOA’s biography of Nathan contains speculations that the above deed and warning seem to disprove. HOA indicates that Nathan “may have lived somewhere other than Littleton during the 10 years between the time of his marriage and the birth of his first child,” and credits him with a son, James, born during those years. Since Nathan was “of Littleton” in 1764, and since, if he had had a son, that son would probably be mentioned in the warning out of 1766, this compiler has concluded that Nathan probably stayed in Littleton until his purchase of land in Harvard, and that James undoubtedly belongs to some other father, most probably Nathan’s brother James, who was married long enough before his first Fourth Generation 181 recorded child to have had a child in the interim, and who would have had more reason to name a child “James” than Nathan. A further reason to doubt that James belongs to Nathan is found in the deed of Mary Hartwell to Philemon Priest cited below. Nathan adopted Benjamin J. Lawrence, who died at Harvard 26 August 1775, age 23. Benjamin’s unknown father had died in 1767. Mary was named administratrix of her husband’s estate, which the inventory, taken by Israel Taylor, Oliver Whitney and Phineas Fairbank, showed amounted to 260 pounds, 18 shillings, and 4 pence, the bulk of which was the 53 acres purchased by Nathan in 1764 (Worcester County Probate File A:27703). Mary is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Harvard consisting of two females. Children, born at Littleton (LVR 70): +5.154 i. MARY5 “MOLLY” HARTWELL, b. 6 July 1755; d. Harvard, 13 Jan 1821, age 65 (HVR 295); m. Harvard, 11 Feb. 1817 (HVR 175), as his 2nd wife, PHILEMON PRIEST, whose first wife was her sister Lois (see below). On 27 May 1777, Mary Hartwell of Harvard, single woman, deeded to “my brother-in-law,” Philemon Priest, yeoman, for the sum of 80 pounds, “any part of the 2/3 of my late Honored Father’s real estate which by right of law falls to my sister, Lois Priest, and myself, reserving to myself only right in the 1/3 which belongs to my Honored Mother during her natural life” (Worcester Deeds 77:165). This deed is further indication that Nathan had no son, as any such son would surely have been entitled to a share in Nathan’s estate. +5.155 ii. LOIS HARTWELL, b. 12 July 1757; m. PHILEMON PRIEST.

4.60 HANNAH4 HARTWELL (Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 12 April 1723 (LVR 14, 22) and her death record has not been found. She married at Littleton, 4 April 1743 (LVR 98), 182 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

NATHANIEL4 POWERS, who was born at Littleton, 15 July 1720 (LVR 13, 25), son of Joseph3 (Thomas2, Walter1) and Hannah (Whitcomb) Powers. HOA states that Hannah was Nathaniel’s second wife, and the FHL’s IGI indicates that he may have married first, HANNAH HOAR, but there is no evidence for this in any published records so far found. The original marriage record is worn, and it is possible that the name was mis-read at some point in time. Since Nathaniel was only 23 at the time of his marriage to Hannah Hartwell, it seems unlikely that this was a second marriage for him. Nathaniel and Hannah appear to have removed to the Greenwich/New Salem area of Massachusetts ca. 1750, then up the Connecticut River Valley to Charlestown, New Hampshire ca. 1757, then across the river to Springfield, Vermont. Some of their children later appear in Ferrisburg, Addison County, Vermont. Known children, order of birth uncertain: i. LOIS POWERS, b. Acton, 5 Aug 1743 (AVR 90: Powers); n.f.r. ii. [?]SIMON POWERS, b. Littleton, 30 Oct 174- (LVR 56); d. Charlestown, NH, before 8 Oct 1776 (Charlestown records, 85); m. ca. 1773, PRUDENCE (—), about whom nothing is known except that she was named administratrix of her husband’s estate, 22 April 1777. [Note: Simon is ques- tionable as a child of Nathaniel and Hannah, although his name does appear as such in Littleton records. It seems strange that Nathaniel and Hannah would have named succeeding sons “Simon” and “Simeon,” and “Simon” is referred to as “Simeon” in his probate file, but this is later corrected to “Simon.” Also, there seems to be scarcely room for all the children listed as belonging to Nathaniel and Hannah born in the 1740s, given the average span of two years between children. Possibly there is a mistake in Littleton’s published records, that a reading of the original records might reveal.] Fourth Generation 183

Children, b. probably at Charlestown, NH (IGI, which lists these births as occurring in both Charlestown, NH and Fairfax, VT): 1. Patty Powers, b. 10 June 1774; n.f.r. 2. Simon Powers, b. 15 June 1776; n.f.r. iii. SIMEON POWERS, b. Littleton, 1 Dec 17-- (LVR 56, poss. the Simeon Powers on the DARPI listed as “b 12-7-1745, d. about 1820, m. LYDIA DWINNEL, Cpl. NH”). A clue to the whereabouts of Simeon Powers may possibly be found in a deed, signed 14 Feb 1769, whereby Simeon Powers of Springfield, NY [now VT] sold Simon Stevens land in Pelham, NH, granted to Simeon Powers as an Original Grantee of Pelham (Rockingham Co. [NH] deed 880:350). The Simeon Powers shown on the 1790/1 census for Ferrisburg, Addison Co., VT with three males over 16, three males under 16 and three females is perhaps this Simeon Powers. A Simeon Powers, age 73 of Cuyahoga Co., OH, applied for a Revolutionary war pension 2 June 1818, stating that he enlisted at Charlestown, NH. In 1820 he had a wife aged 76 and no children dependent on him and he had lived with a son (not named) for a number of years (Revolutionary pension file S40284, BLW #489-100). Children, born at Rutland, Vermont: 1. Simeon Powers, b. 6 Feb 1769; n.f.r. 2. William Powers, b. 23 Sept 1770; n.f.r. 3. Joseph Powers, b. 6 Sept 1773; n.f.r. 4. Jonathan Powers, b. 5 July 177-5; n.f.r. 5. Lydia Powers, b. 9 Nov 1783; n.f.r. 6. Asahel Powers, b. 17 Aug 1784; n.f.r. iv. HANNAH POWERS, b. Littleton, 30 Aug 1747 (LVR 61); d. prob. young. v. MARY POWERS, b. Littleton, 19 Jan 1748[/9] (LVR 61); according to HOA she m. Littleton (int.), 17 March 1765, 184 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

ELIJAH POWERS, but given the fact that her parents left Littleton soon after her birth, seems unlikely. vi. JOSEPH POWERS, b. Greenwich, 27 Aug 1750 (GVR 3; HOA; Powers); bap. New Salem, 14 July 1751 (NSVR 39); d. Ferrisburg, VT, 1 Dec 1826 (PAM); m. (1) SALLY or MARY HART, b. ca. 1754 (calc.), d. Charlestown, NH, 28 Jan 1777, age 23 (Gs); m. (2) ca. 1777/8, ELIZABETH or SUSAN LARABEE; m. (3) 14 May 1790, REBECCA STEARNS, b. Hollis, NH, 16 Dec 1767, d. Ferrisburg, VT, 18 July 1856, dau. of Isaac and Rebecca (Jewett) Stearns. Although Joseph’s birth date is given as 7 Sept 1748 on his gravestone, this would seem to be an impossibility, given the birth dates of sisters Hannah and Mary; the difference between 27 Aug and 7 Sept can be explained by the 1752 calendar change, but the discrepancy between 1748 and 1750 is not so easily explained. Evidently Joseph was not quite as old as he and/or his family believed. Joseph was a soldier in the Revolution. In his pension application of 6 April 1818 he stated that he had sup- ported a family of 21 children of which 18 were then living (Pension application W18772). Known children by second wife, born at Ferrisburg, VT (PAM; CR): 1. Orma Lockwood Powers, b. 24 March 1786; d. Canton, NY, -- Sept 1879; m. Ferrisburg, NY [sic], 29 April 1804, Henry C. Allen, b. Manchester, VT, 9 Dec 1776, d. Canton, NY, -- Sept 1842, son of Jonathan and Margaret (Huffcut) Allen. 13 children per Allen genealogy. 2. Parcy Powers. 3. Ai Powers. 4. Seely Powers. Fourth Generation 185

Known children by third wife, born at Ferrisburg, Vermont (PAM): 5. Horace Powers, b. 2 Jan 1791; d. Ferrisburg, VT, 27 Feb 1874 (Gs:Gage Cemetery); m. Susan Tupper. 6. Hartwell Powers, b. 20 Oct 1792; d. Ferrisburg, VT, 1 Sept 1876, age 83y 10m 11d; m. Monkton, VT, 21 Oct 1827, Belinda Tracy. 7. Oranzo Powers, b. 17 March 1796; d. Ferrisburg, 16 Feb 1816. 8. Sally Almeda Powers (twin), b. 17 Sept 1798; d. Wright Twp., MI, 11 Oct 1880; m. ca. 1822, John Sevey. 9. Susan Louise Powers (twin), b. 17 Sept 1798; d. Lamont, MI, 18 May 1887; m. Ferrisburg, VT, 12 Jan 1819, William Blakeney. 10. Laura Louise Powers, b. 22 June 1801; d. before 1856; m. Ferrisburg, 4 Jan 1826, Almon Barns. 11. Harriet Powers, b. 24 Dec 1803; d. before 1882; m. Ferrisburg, 29 Jan 1826, George Campbell. 12. Rebecca A. Powers, b. 12 March 1806; d. Ferrisburg, 12 March 1883; m. Ferrisburg, 28 Dec 1828, Thomas F. Tracy. 13. Joseph Alvera Powers, b. 15 May 1808; m. 25 Sept 1825, Esther Gibson. 14. Jane Aretta Powers, b. 31 Aug 1810; d. Waupun, WI, 23 Feb 1907; m. 30 March 1837, Levi Osgood Walker. vii. LUSE [LUCY] POWERS, b. Greenwich, 28 Jan 1751/2 (GVR 5); n.f.r. Incorrectly called “LUKE” in both HOA and Powers, this child is called “daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah” in Greenwich records. She is perhaps the un- named child born [sic, prob. baptized] New Salem, 1 April 1752 (NSVR 39). 186 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

viii. NATHANIEL POWERS, b. Brattleboro?, VT, ca. 1753/4 (IGI: PAM); m. JERUSHA HART. ix. WHITCOMB POWERS, b. Charlestown, NH, 5 Jan 1756 (PAM); n.f.r. x. HANNAH POWERS, b. Charlestown, NH, 12 July 1757; d. prob. young. xi. HANNAH POWERS, b. Charlestown, NH, 10 Oct 1758; perhaps m. SYLVESTER DUNBAR. xii. ABNER H. POWERS, b. Springfield, VT, 15 Dec 1760 (PAM); d. St. Charles, Kane Co., IL, 19 Oct 1852; m. (1) Charlestown, NH, 12 Oct 1784, SABRA PORTER; m. (2) Chelsea, VT, ca. 1790, BETSY CARLISLE. Known children: 1. Manley Powers. 2. Alanson Powers, b. Chelsea, VT, 22 Oct 1800. Fifth Generation

Descendants of John4 and Mary (Parlin) Hartwell

5.3 SIMON5 HARTWELL (John4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 28 September 1722 (CBMD 107) and he died there 16 August 1783, in his 61st year (CBMD 434), as a result of stumbling in a hole in the fifty-acre meadow near his residence and receiving a cut in the thigh by a scythe (HOA). He married at Concord, 13 February 1752 (CBMD 184), MARY WOOLEY, who was born there 18 January 1722/3 (CBMD 107) and died at Hillsborough, New Hamp- shire, 18 October 1806 (HOA), daughter of Samuel and Mary (—) Wooley. Mary Hartwell is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Carlisle consisting of one female, so she must have moved to Hillsborough after that date. Children, born as indicated: +6.1 i. JOHN6 HARTWELL, b. Carlisle, 10 April 1753 (CVR 18); m. SUSANNA FOSTER. +6.2 ii. MARY HARTWELL, b. Carlisle, 18 Aug 1755 (CVR 18); m. EBENEZER STOW. +6.3 iii. SIMON HARTWELL, b. Concord, 3 Oct 1758 (CBMD 200); m. MOLLY HUTCHINS. +6.4 iv. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. Concord, 10 Aug 1762 (CBMD 213); m. BEULAH HOSMER.

5.4 SARAH5 HARTWELL (John4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 23 November 1725 (CBMD 115) and she died at Littleton, 12 April 1785, age 60 (LVR 150) or 23 April 1785 (Gs:Old Common Burying Ground; church record says she was buried 14 April). She married at Concord, the Rev. Mr. Daniel Bliss officiating, 11 April 1749 (CBMD 175), WILLARD MERIAM, who was born at Littleton, 6 September 1723 (LVR 13, 24) and died there 15 December 1811, age 89 (LVR 352), son of John and Hannah (—) Meriam. After Sarah’s death, Willard married second, 29 September 1785 (LVR 232), MARTHA “PATTY” PHIPPS, who was born at 188 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Charlestown, 24 June 1735 (ChVR 340) and died at Littleton, 24 October 1793 “in the 60th yr of her age” (LVR 363), daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth (—) Phipps. Willard is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Littleton consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16 and four females. It is not known who the extra people are. Willard married third, 29 May 1794 (LVR 237), ELIZABETH PHIPPS, who was born at Charlestown, 3 April 1730 (ChVR 308) and died at Littleton, 18 July 1817, age 86 (LVR 354), sister of his second wife. Children, all recorded at Littleton (LVR 62): i. SARAH MERIAM, b. 16 Jan 1749[/50]; d. 2 July 1764, age 14y 5m 16d (LVR 363). ii. MOLLEY MERIAM, b. 24 Aug 1758; d. 30 June 1764, age 5y 10m 6d (LVR 363). iii. DANIEL MERIAM, b. 5 May 1761; d. 27 June 1764, age 3y 1m 22d (LVR 363).

5.5 DAVID5 HARTWELL (John4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Concord, 22 January 1730/1 (CBMD 125) and he died of cancer, probably at Carlisle, 8 April 1815 (HOA). He married at Carlisle/Concord, 23 October 1755 (CVR 56; CBMD 191, with bride as “Ruth”), RACHEL WOOLEY, who was born at Concord, 12 August 1733 (CBMD 134) and died there 14 April 1799, age 65 (CBMD 434), daughter of Samuel and Mary (—) Wooley, and sister to Mary who married David’s older brother Simon (see #5.3). David was a farmer on part of his father’s farm in the northern part of Concord (HOA). He is perhaps the “David Hartwell, Ser- geant, Capt. James Rusel’s (Russell’s) co., Col. Eleazer Brooks’s regt.; service 5 days; company marched to Dorchester 4 March 1776 to reinforce the army” (MS&S VII:391), although this service could also apply to his son, David Jr. He is almost certainly the “Daniel” Hartwell shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a Fifth Generation 189 household in Carlisle consisting of three males over 16 and five females, as this matches with his known family at this time. Children, all recorded at Concord: 6.5 i. SARAH6 HARTWELL, b. 5 Sept 1757 (CBMD 200); d. Carlisle, of “old age” 27 March 1850, age 92y 6m 28d (MA VRs 49:43); unmarried. +6.6 ii. DAVID HARTWELL JR., b. 14 Oct 1759 (CBMD 207); m. SUSANNA HEALD. +6.7 iii. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 20 Oct 1762 (CBMD 219); m. EBENEZER SHED. +6.8 iv. SILAS HARTWELL, b. 14 Nov 1765 (CBMD 219); m. (1) SALLY KEYES, (2) ESTHER (HEALD?) ROBBINS. +6.9 v. ASA HARTWELL, b. 17 Oct 1767 (CBMD 226); m. RACHEL BLOOD. +6.10 vi. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 22 July 1770 (CBMD 231); m. REUBEN GREEN. 6.11 vii. BETTY/BETSEY HARTWELL, b. 14 Nov 1773 (CBMD 250); death record not found; m. Carlisle/Chelmsford, 14 June 1810 (CVR 56; ChVR 245), apparently as his second wife, REUBEN PARKER, b. Chelmsford, 20 Dec 1771 (ChVR 110), son of Reuben and Sarah (Kimball) Parker.

Descendants of Ebenezer4 and Rachel (Farnsworth) Hartwell

5.6 EBENEZER5 HARTWELL (Ebenezer4-3, John2, William1) was born at Groton, 21 April 1736 (GVR 1:106) and he died there -- April 1767 (GVR 2:229). He married at Groton, 7 December 1763 (GVR 2:82), as her second husband, MARY (NICHOLS) FARNSWORTH, who was born ca. 1739 and died at Groton 19 March 1832, age 93 years (GVR 2:229), widow of Ebenezer Farnsworth Jr., whom she married 20 February 1755 and by whom she had three sons. Although both HOA and the Farnsworth genealogy claim that Ebenezer Hartwell married Mary Farnsworth, daughter of Matthias 190 Descendants of William1 Hartwell and Abigail (Shedd) Farnsworth, his wife’s true identity is proved by the following deposition dated 24 June 1778 and signed by Mary Hartwell’s mark: The widow Mary Hartwell of Groton Testifies & saith that her Son Edmund Farnsworth went & Lived with a man at acton and was to have been bound as an apprentice if he had liked his place; but being Discontented, he inlisted into the army in the Sixteenth year of his age, upon which his master never paid him any wages and withheld his Cloathing– That he served as a Soldier in Capt. Moors Compy and went to York; after his return from York came to Groton and lived with the Dopenant all winter and on the 17th of march 1777, inlisted into the Continental army for during the Warr & Received his Bounty from Groton and lived with her untill he marched again (S. A. Green, Groton During the Revolution, p.166.) S. A. Green also credits Mary with donating one pair of stockings to the army on three different occasions. Mary is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Groton consisting of two females (probably herself and her daughter Molly). Children, born at Groton: 6.12 i. MOLLY6 HARTWELL, b. 22 Oct 1764 (GVR 1:107); apparently living in 1790, she may be the Molly Hartwell who m. Groton, 1 Oct 1810 (GVR 2:83), as his 3rd wife, ELIJAH PIERCE. No death record for a Mary or Molly Pierce has been found. 6.13 ii. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 14 May 1766 (GVR 1:106); d. infancy (HOA).

5.7 OLIVER5 HARTWELL (Ebenezer4-3, John2, William1) was born at Groton, 22 April 1739 (GVR 1:107) and he died at Norwich, Chenango Co., New York, 17 July 1835 (Gs:Norwich Cemetery; Rev. Pension File S-44187). Oliver’s somewhat questionable biography as given in HOA reads: [M]ar. (1) RUTH FARNSWORTH, b. at Groton 22 March 1740, d. in Canada, age 100, dau. William and Ruth (Hobart) Farnsworth. (She m. 2d hus as his 2d w. 30 Sept. 1770 Ezekiel Foster, b. about 1730 in Mass., d. 29 Jan. 1819). [Oliver] mar. 2d w. HANNAH BENEDICT, who d. 28 July 1785, age 38, buried in Canaan Valley Cemetery, No. Canaan, Conn. . . . Oliver and Ruth were divorced, and after the birth Fifth Generation 191

of their son, Olive [sic], he went to Conn., where he re-married, removed in a few years to Dutchess Co., NY, and later to Norwich, Chenango Co., NY, where he died. . . He was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. Either he believed his first born dead, or was disposed to cast aside the past and begin life de nova in his new surroundings. Attempts to document these statements have so far resulted in no evidence of a marriage (or a divorce) between Oliver and Ruth Farnsworth, no record of a son named Oliver born to them, or any record of a second marriage for Ruth. The Shattuck Memorial by Lemuel Shattuck [1855], rather quaintly states that [Oliver’s] “mother, Ruth Farnsworth, afterwards married, removed to Canada, and died over 100 years of age,” the “afterwards” presumably referring to Oliver’s birth. In 1760 Oliver was given permission by the Groton selectmen to enlist in Captain Farrington’s company, Col. William Lawrence’s regt. for His Majesty’s service in Canada, and his name appears on the roll of men who enlisted 14 February to 9 April 1760 (Green, Samuel A., Groton During the Indian Wars [1883]). Since this service is about the time of his supposed marriage to RUTH FARNSWORTH, it is possible that Oliver never knew that he had left her with child, and the story of the marriage may have been concocted to protect her reputation. As was the custom in those days, Ruth would have named the child for its purported father, regardless of whether the father acknowledged (or knew about) the child. Oliver, perhaps following his step-father, Dr. Benjamin Chase, apparently went to Connecticut ca. 1764, where he soon married, as her second husband, HANNAH (BENEDICT) OSBORN, who died at North Canaan, CT, 28 July 1785 (Gs:Canaan Valley Cemetery), daughter of Benjamin4 (Benjamin3, John2, Thomas1) and Hannah (Bostwick) Benedict, and widow of (–) Osborn (Benedict Genealogy 2:38). It is interesting that in his will, written 20 September 1779, Benjamin “Benedick” of Canaan, CT, left to daughters Hannah and Rachel, “money I paid toward the farm where Oliver Hartell(?) lives equally” (Donna Valley Russell, Sharon, Conn., Probate Records, 1757- 1783, 71). Benjamin’s will also specifies that “certain stock” be given 192 Descendants of William1 Hartwell to Noah Osborn, leading to speculation that Noah might be a son of Hannah’s by her first marriage. Oliver was in Norwich, New York, before 25 August 1818, when he applied for a pension. His application states that he was a resident of Norwich, NY, 78 years of age, and was a resident of Canaan in the State of Connecticut in 1776 when he enlisted as a private for the term of one year in the Continental Service of the United States. He was attached to the company commanded by Captain Cochran and the Regiment commanded by Colonel Samuel Elmore of the Regular Continental Troops, and continued to serve until sometime in the month of February 1777, when he was honor- ably discharged at Fort Deighton (Dayton) near the German Flats on the Mohawk River in the State of New York. He further states that he is in reduced circumstances, has no property or means of support but the industry of his own hands, and is now unable to do any labor or work and is truly indigent and necessitous and in need of the assistance of his country for support (Revolutionary Pension File #17225). On 4 January 1820, Wyatt Chamberlin of Gilford and John Smith of Smithville in the County of Chenango, attested before Judge Isaac Sherwood that they served with Oliver Hartwell under the command of Capt. Joel Dickerson in the Regiment commanded by Col. Samuel Elmore. On 11 October 1820, Oliver, still resident in Norwich, 81 years old, testified that he had secured a pension certificate dated 30 May 1820 and that he had not since that time “disposed of any property with intent to bring myself under the provisions of an act of Congress to provide for persons engaged in the Revolutionary War.” He further stated that he was a cooper and so infirm that he was unable to do any labor of consequence. [Note: This pension file makes no mention of Oliver’s presence at the surrender of Cornwallis. It may be that this was an embellishment added by his descendants to impress Mr. Densmore. Several descendants of Oliver have joined the DAR on the basis of Oliver’s service from Groton, but since he left Groton before the Revolution began, this service must apply to some other Oliver.] Fifth Generation 193

Child by Ruth Farnsworth, born probably at Groton: +6.14 i. OLIVER6 HARTWELL, b. 7 Sept 1761 (HOA); m. (1) RACHEL SHATTUCK, (2) KEZIAH (MATTHEWS) CHASE. Children by Hannah (Benedict) Osborn, born at Canaan, Connecticut: +6.15 ii. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. ca. 1765; m. CATHERINE SHRYOCK. +6.16 iii. EBENEZER HARTWELL, b. 25 June 1768 (HOA); m. RACHEL MEAD. +6.17 iv. BENJAMIN HARLOW HARTWELL, b. ca. 1772; m. MARGARET DIES. 6.18 v. UNNAMED SON (twin), b. and d. -- Feb 1776 (Gs:Canaan Valley Cemetery). 6.19 vi. UNNAMED SON (twin), b. and d. -- Feb 1776 (Gs:Canaan Valley Cem.).

Descendants of Samuel4 and Sarah (Holden) Hartwell

5.10 SARAH5 HARTWELL (Samuel4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Groton, 19 March 1737/8 (GVR 1:107) and she died there 5 May 1798, in her 61st year (Diary; GVR 2:266 also gives 1796). She married at Groton/Pepperell, 25 May 1758 (GVR 2:83; PVR 174), JOB SHATTUCK, who was born at Groton, 11 February 1735/6 (GVR 1:216) and died there 13 January 1819, age 84 (Gs:Old Cemetery; GVR 2:266), son of William Jr. and Margaret (Lund) Shattuck. After Sarah’s death, Job married second, 26 May 1800 (GVR 2:155), ELIZABETH (LAKIN) GRAGG, widow of John Gragg. Elizabeth died at Groton, 1 June 1824 (GVR 2:265). Sarah is one of the rare women recognized by the DAR for their contribution to the Revolutionary War effort (DAR Application #470199). She was one of the band of women who, in April 1775, arrested Leonard Whiting of Hollis, NH, a noted Tory, bearing dispatches from Canada to the British in Boston. 194 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Job Shattuck “was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and later, during the Revolution, he was engaged at Lexington and Bunker Hill. Subsequently he was commissioned a captain, serving with zeal and marked ability in 1776, 1777, and 1779. He was involved in Shays’ Rebellion and had the courage and ability to become conspicuous. He was arrested, tried and sentenced to be hanged. His unblemished character and his former good service to his town and to the state could not be set aside and he was pardoned. Subsequently he enjoyed the confidence and respect of his townsmen” (Thirty Dunstable Families, 63). “He was a large land owner, resolute, uncompromising, and a leader among his townsmen.” (HOA). Children, all born at Groton: i. JOB SHATTUCK, b. 10 Dec 1758 (GVR 1:216); d. 4 May 1827, age 68 (GVR 2:266); m. ca. 1781, ELIZABETH BLOOD, b. Groton, 14 July 1762 (GVR 1:31), d. there 26 April 1840 (GVR 2:265), dau. of Simon and Anna (Shattuck) Blood. Children, born at Groton, (GVR 1:214-19): 1. Job Shattuck, b. 22 Jan 1782; d. 23 Feb 1813, age 31 (GVR 2:266); m. Groton, 19 April 1803 (GVR 2:155), Polly Prescott Sawtell, b. Groton, 1 Jan 1784 (GVR 1:211), d. there 2 June 1849, age 65y 4m 21d (GVR 2:218), dau. of Elnathan and Ruth (Patch) Sawtell, and sister of Joanna Sawtell, below. 2. Anna Shattuck, b. 31 March 1784; m. James Bennett, son of Theodore (HOA). 3. Sampson Shattuck, b. 17 Nov 1787; d. 11 May 1837 (GVR 2:266); m. Groton (int.) 22 Nov 1812 (GVR 2:156), Joanna Sawtell, b. Groton, 3 Feb 1790 (GVR 1:209), d. 3 June 1831 (HOA), dau. of Elnathan and Ruth (Patch) Sawtell, and sister of Polly P. Sawtell, above. 4. Sarah Shattuck, b. 8 May 1790; d. there 19 Sept 1840 (GVR 2:241); m. Groton, 20 March 1808 (GVR 2:156), Nathaniel Lawrence Jr., b. Groton, 25 July 1780 Fifth Generation 195

(GVR 1:142), d. there 1 July 1831 (GVR 2:241), son of John and Abigail (—) Lawrence. 5. George Shattuck, b. 1 April 1792; d. 12 Sept 1796, age 4 (GVR 2:265). 6. Luther Shattuck, b. 1 Dec 1794 (HOA; not in GVRs); m. Groton, 15 April 1821 (GVR 2:155), Polly P. (Sawtell) Shattuck, widow of his brother, Job (see #5.10-i-1 above). 7. George Shattuck, b. 11 April 1796 (HOA; not in GVRs); d. 22 Aug 1797 (ibid.). 8. Rachel Shattuck, b. 28 Aug 1799; d. there, of consumption, 3 Jan 1844, age 44 (GVR 2:244); m. James McLean. 11 children recorded at Groton. 9. Eliza Shattuck, b. 11 Dec 1801 (GVR 1:214); d. Dunstable, of consumption, 12 Jan 1849, age 43 [sic] (DVR 237); m. Groton, 26 March 1821 (GVR 2:154), Isaac Woods, b. Dunstable, 24 May 1800 (DVR 95), d. Groton, -- Aug 1841 (GVR 2:282; Woods has 29 Oct 1841), son of Isaac and Prudence (Lakin) Woods. 10. Warren Shattuck, b. 10 Feb 1803; m. Groton, 29 March 1825 (GVR 2:157), Olive Proctor, b. 2 March 1807 (HOA). 11. Merrie/Merrick Shattuck, b. 17 June 1805; d. Pepperell, of fever, 20 July 1833, age 28 (PVR 303); m. (1) Groton, 16 Oct 1828 (GVR 2:156), Elmira Shattuck, b. 10 Sept 1809 (HOA), d. Pepperell, of consumption, 23 June 1831, age 23 (PVR 300), dau. of John and Mary (Bennett) Shattuck; m. (2) Pepperell, 23 Sept 1832 (PVR 219), Permelia Parker. ii. SARAH SHATTUCK, b. 27 Dec 1760 (GVR 1:219), bap. Pepperell 15 Feb 1761 (PVR 96); d. Winslow, ME, 20 Sept 1849 (HOA); m. Boston, 28 March 1781 (HOA), BENJAMIN SIMPSON, b. 25 Dec 1754 (DARPI; HOA has 1745), d. Winslow, ME, -- Sept 1839 (HOA). Benjamin was a 196 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

private in the Revolution, in battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, removed to Winslow, ME, farmer and horse dealer (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Roxana Simpson, m. (1) John Witherell of Norridgewock, ME, by whom she had three children; m. (2) Joseph Foss of Clinton, ME, by whom she had eight children. 2. Daniel Simpson, b. 29 Sept 1790; d. South Boston, 28 July 1886; was a noted drummer; m. 29 Sept 1816, Harriet Simpson. 3. Tufton Simpson, b. 20 May 1793; d. 7 May 1865; m. (1) 27 March 1817, Susan Reynolds, b. 14 Feb 1798, d. 22 Feb 1842, dau. of Thomas Reynolds of Winslow, ME; m. (2) Harriet N. Getchell of Winslow. 11 children by 1st marriage, one by 2nd. 4. Ezekiel Simpson, b. 1795; m. Roxana Simpson, dau. of Benjamin [sic; this must be wrong]. 5. Sarah Simpson, b. 9 June 1798; m. 5 Aug 1819, her cousin Simon Shattuck, b. 25 Feb 1793 (see #5.10-iv- 3 below). 6. Harriet Simpson, b. 10 May 1801; m. 10 May 1821, Noah Chase, b. 14 Nov 1797, d. 3 Sept 1849, son of John Chase. 7. Sophronia Simpson, b. 4 Sept 1803; m. -- Nov 1825, Jonathan Stanley, b. 1800. iii. EZEKIEL SHATTUCK, captain, b. 12 April 1763 (GVR 1:215); d. Boston, 1 April 1813, age 48 (HOA); m. Pepperell, 25 Sept 1788 (PVR 216; GVR 2:154), PRUDENCE BLOOD, b. 31 Oct 1770 (HOA), d. Groton “about” 2 Sept 1819, age 49 (GVR 2:266). Fifth Generation 197

Children, born at Groton (GVR 1:213-218): 1. Prudence Shattuck, b. 8 May 1789; d. 7 Sept 1802 (GVR 2:266). 2. Amelia Shattuck, b. 6 Sept 1791; m. 9 April 1818 (HOA), Stephen Sheple, b. 1 Aug 1791 (HOA), son of John and Mary (—) Sheple. 3. Sarah Shattuck, b. 29 Sept 1794 (HOA), bap. Groton, 3 July 1803 (GVR 1:219); m. (1) Samuel Bennett (HOA), b. ca. 1794 (calc.), d. 29 Sept 1819, age 25 (HOA); m. (2) 25 April 1826 (HOA), Jonas Merriam of Shirley. 4. Ezekiel Shattuck, b. 3 June 1796; unmarried (HOA). 5. Rufus Shattuck, b. 16 June 1798; m. 10 May 1834 (HOA), Elizabeth Martin. No children. 6. Harriet Shattuck, b. 2 May 1800; d. Dunstable, of consumption, 22 Jan 1847, age 46y (DVR 207); m. William Shattuck Bennett (HOA) (see #5.10-viii-3 below). iv. WILLIAM SHATTUCK, b. 8 March 1765 (GVR 1:219); d. 9 Oct 1806 (GVR 2:267); m. ca. 1788, EUNICE BLOOD, b. 25 Feb 1766 (HOA), d. Groton, 10 Feb 1807, age 41 (GVR 2:265), dau. of Simon and Anna (Shattuck) Blood. Children, recorded at Groton (GVR 1:213-219), unless otherwise indicated: 1. William Shattuck, b. 12 Dec 1788; m. 13 May 1819 (HOA), Sarah Parker, b. 19 Oct 1801 (HOA). 2. Alexander Shattuck, b. “between 1788-1793”; d. 14 Aug 1793 (GVR 2:265). 3. Simon Shattuck, b. 25 Feb 1793 (HOA); m. 5 Aug 1819 (HOA), his cousin, Sarah Simpson, b. 9 June 1798 (HOA) (see #5.10-ii-5 above). 198 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4. Margaret Shattuck, b. 9 Sept 1795 (GVR 1:217); d. 30 Aug 1853 (HOA); m. 20 Dec 1820 (HOA), George Bingham, b. 19 Oct 1784 (HOA). 5. Alexander Shattuck, b. 9 Sept 1797 (GVR 1:213); d. Columbus, OH (HOA, no date); m. 17 Feb 1830 (HOA), Flora Andrews, b. 24 July 1808 (HOA). 6. Sarah Shattuck, b. Washington, NH, 6 Aug 1799 (GVR 1:219); d. 7 Nov 1806 (Diary). 7. Anna Shattuck, b. Washington, NH, 3 Oct 1802 (GVR 1:214); d. 10 Nov 1823 (HOA); m. 30 April 1822 (HOA), Stephen Bates. One child, Emily Bates. 8. Mary Shattuck, b. 27 Aug 1804 (GVR 1:217); m. 16 Dec 1824 (HOA), Simon Boynton, b. 21 Aug 1800 (HOA), son of Calvin and Patty (Sawtell) Boynton. No children. v. RACHEL SHATTUCK, b. 12 June 1767 (GVR 1:218); m. her cousin, OLIVER6 HARTWELL (see #6.14). vi. DANIEL SHATTUCK, b. 11 Feb 1770 (GVR 1:214); d. 8 April 1831 (GVR 2:265); m. (1) 28 March 1799 (HOA), ABIGAIL “NABBY” SHEPLE, b. Groton, 15 Jan 1776 (GVR 1:223), d. 8 April 1814 (HOA), dau. of Jonathan and Anna (Blood) Sheple; m. (2) 7 July 1815 (HOA), CATHERINE SHEPLE, b. 30 March 1795 (HOA), d. Groton, 30 May 1825 (GVR 2:265), sister of his first wife; m. (3) 30 April 1826 (HOA), as her second husband, HANNAH (DAVIS) WHITE, b. Townsend, 23 April 1789 (TVR 262), dau. of Josiah and Sarah (Sartell) Davis, and widow of Joel White. Daniel was a farmer and tavern keeper in Groton. Children by 1st wife, born at Groton (GVR 1:213-218): 1. Rosilla Shattuck, b. 10 Nov 1799; d. 15 Dec 1845 (HOA); m. Groton, 17 May 1821 (GVR 2:156), James M. Colburn “of Dunstable, NH,” b. 26 Dec 1797 (HOA). Fifth Generation 199

2. Daniel Shattuck, b. 10 Feb 1802; d. 28 July 1850 (HOA); m. Groton, 10 May 1827 (GVR 2:154), Maria Richardson. No children. 3. Charles Barrett Shattuck, b. 28 June 1804 (HOA), bap. 2 Sept 1804 (GVR 1:214); d. unmarried (HOA). 4. James Shattuck, b. 30 Aug 1806; d. at sea (HOA); unmarried. 5. Francis Shattuck, b. 30 Nov 1808; unmarried (HOA). 6. Otis Shattuck, b. 28 Nov 1810; unmarried (HOA). 7. Abigail Shattuck, b. 9 Sept 1812; d. 8 Oct 1818 (GVR 2:265). Children by second wife: 8. Cortland Wilkins Shattuck, b. 23 Sept 1816 (HOA); d. 13 Oct 1847, age 31, “Rev.” (GVR 2:265); graduated from Dartmouth College in 1840 (HOA). 9. Jerome Marshall Shattuck, b. 12 Sept 1817 (GVR 1:216); d. 12 Aug 1845, age 28y 11m (GVR 2:266). 10. Abigail Kosilandia Shattuck, b. 7 March 1820 (GVR 1:213); d. 4 Dec 1854 (HOA); m. 9 Nov 1838 (HOA), Albert Decater Spalter, son of John and Betsey (Child) Spalter. 11. Alvin French Shattuck, b. bet. 1820-1825 (GVR 1:213); d. infancy (HOA). 12. Catherine F. Shattuck, b. bet. 1820-1825 (GVR 1:214); d. infancy (HOA). Children by third wife: 13. Sarah [Elizabeth] Shattuck, b. 16 Nov 1826 (GVR 1:219); d. 9 Sept 1827 (GVR 2:266). 14. Hannah Marie Shattuck, b. 29 Feb 1828 (GVR 1:216); m. 1 Jan 1849 (HOA), John S. P. Wheeler. One child, Lizzie Lincoln Wheeler, b. 2 March 1851 (HOA). 200 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

15. Bigelow Shattuck (twin), b. 23 Dec 1829 (HOA: not in VRs); d. infancy (HOA). 16. Bancroft Shattuck (twin), b. 23 Dec 1829 (HOA; not in GVRs); d. infancy (HOA). vii. NOAH SHATTUCK, b. 30 Aug 1772 (GVR 1:218); m. 25 Nov 1798 (HOA), ANNA SHEPLE, b. Groton, 22 April 1778 (GVR 1:221), dau. of Jonathan and Anna (Blood) Sheple (see #5.10-vi above). Noah “was a leading citizen, held all town offices, much employed as justice and in settle- ment of estates; captain of militia; commanded garrison of Fort Warren in Boston in the fall of 1814” (HOA). Children, born at Groton (GVR 1:213-219): 1. Noah Shattuck Jr., b. 4 Sept 1799; m. Groton, 27 April 1823 (GVR 2:156), Prudence Wright, b. 2 Feb 1806 (HOA). 2. Walter Shattuck, b. 9 Aug 1801; m. Groton, 28 May 1827 (GVR 2:157), Roxana Fletcher, b. 7 Dec 1804 (HOA). 3. Anna Shattuck, b. 23 Dec 1803; n.f.r. 4. Andrew Shattuck, b. 28 Dec 1805; m. 24 April 1832 (HOA), Cynthia Stone, b. Harvard, 30 April 1804 (HOA), dau. of Joseph and Rachel (Green) Stone. 5. Susannah Shattuck, b. 3 May 1807; m. (1) Groton, 25 April 1832 (GVR 2:156), Dr. Richard Williams, b. Groton, 12 Jan 1803 (GVR 1:255), d. 1842 (HOA), son of Jacob and Hannah (Sheple) Williams; m. (2) 21 March 1844 (HOA), Leonard Chase, b. 4 Aug 1810 (HOA). 6. George Shattuck, b. 1 May 1809; m. there (int.) 18 July 1835 (GVR 2:154; HOA has 4 Aug 1835), Louisa Capell, b. Groton, 26 April 1800 (GVR 1:48), dau. of John and Mary (—) Capell. Fifth Generation 201

7. Caroline Shattuck, b. 14 Oct 1811; m. her 1st cousin once removed, JOHN HOLDEN6 HARTWELL (see #6.22). 8. William Shattuck, b. 5 June 1816; m. 10 Dec 1839, Lucy Burgess, b. 20 July 1819 (HOA). 9. Norman Shattuck, b. 6 Sept 1818; m. Groton, 19 June 1838 (GVR 2:156), Asenath [Mary in int.] Brown, b. 23 Sept 1820 (HOA). viii. MARGARET SHATTUCK, bap. 8 May 1774 (GVR 1:217); d. 29 Nov 1852 (HOA); m. Groton, 11 May 1800 (GVR 2:155), JONATHAN BENNETT, b. Groton, 28 Nov 1775 (HOA), d. Amherst, NH, 20 Feb 1829 (HOA), parents not given. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Sarah Bennett, b. Groton, 13 Oct 1800 (GVR 1:24); m. Dunstable, 11 May 1826 (DVR 104; HOA has 6 April 1846), Dr. Hezekiah Eldridge, b. Princeton, 6 Feb 1798 (DVR 28), son of Micah and Sally (—) Eldridge. Two children recorded at Dunstable. 2. Jonathan Bennett, b. 1 Sept 1802 (GVR 1:24); m. Dunstable, 1 Dec 1831 (DVR 104), Mary Taylor, b. Dunstable, 20 Jan 1809 (DVR 86), dau. of Isaac and Polly (Stevens) Taylor. 3. William Shattuck Bennett, b. 28 Sept 1804 (GVR 1:24); m. 2 April 1828 (HOA), Harriet Shattuck (see #5.1-iii- 6 above). 4. Margaret Bennett, b. Dunstable, 2 Sept 1806 (DVR 11); m. there 24 Nov 1825 (DVR 104), Jefferson Taylor, b. Dunstable, 11 Jan (or June) 1802 (DVR 86), son of Jonas and Hannah (Roby) Taylor. 5. Louisa Bennett, b. Dunstable, 13 July 1808 (DVR 11); d. 11 April 1889, age 80y 8m (HOA); m. Acton/ Dunstable, (int.) 22 May 1830 (AVR 205; DVR 104; HOA 202 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

has June 1830), Joel F. Osgood “of Acton,” b. ca. 1807, d. 21 Nov 1891, age 84y 4m (HOA). 6. James Bennett, b. 2 Sept 1811 (HOA); m. Dunstable, 29 May 1834 (DVR 104), Rebecca Swallow, b. Dunstable, 11 March 1813 (DVR 84), dau. of James and Sibbel (Parkhurst) Swallow. 7. Wilder Bennett, b. 17 April 1813 (HOA), bap. Dunstable, 15 March 1818 (DVR 11); m. -- Nov 1840 (HOA), Mary Ann Davis. 8. Alden Bradford Bennett, bap. Dunstable, 15 March 1818 (DVR 11; HOA has b. 18 April 1818, a seeming impossibility); d. 15 May 1891 (HOA); m. -- Nov 1876 (HOA), Elizabeth Stebbins, b. 17 Sept 1814 (HOA), d. 20 Feb 1892 (HOA). ix. ASAHEL SHATTUCK, bap. 12 March 1778 (HOA); n.f.r. x. ANNA SHATTUCK, bap. 4 April 1779 (GVR 1:214); d. 7 Feb 1843 (HOA); m. Groton, 25 Nov 1798 (GVR 2:156, as Nancy), THOMAS BENNETT, b. Groton, 23 April 1778 (GVR 1:26), son of Thomas and Mary (—) Bennett. They settled in Brookline, NH, where Thomas was a justice, deacon, and representative in the legislature. Children, per HOA unless otherwise noted: 1. Asher Bennett, b. 2 April 1799; m. 1828, Sally Hall. 2. Nancy Bennett, b. 22 June 1801. 3. Almira Bennett, b. 11 Jan 1804; m. ca. 1828, Leonard French. 4. Philishasse/Philomelia Bennett, b. 16 Aug 1806; d. 1871; m. 12 April 1832, John Burge, b. ca. 1806, d. ca. 1876. 5. Beri Bennett, b. 19 Sept 1808; m. 12 June 1828, Margaret Russell. 6. Thirza Bennett, b. 14 Jan 1811; m. 23 June 1835, Calvin R. Shedd. Fifth Generation 203

7. Thomas Bennett, b. 9 Jan 1814; d. young. 8. Rodolphus Bennett, b. 3 Feb 1817; m. 14 May 1840, Mary Woodward. 9. Rosella Bennett, b. 10 Feb 1819; m. 8 March 1838, Adolphus Malendy. 10. Mary C. Bennett, b. 27 Oct 1820; d. 19 Jan 1847; m. 6 April 1843, Jere Baldwin.

5.13 PRISCILLA5 HARTWELL (Samuel4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born at Groton, 20 February 1745 (GVR 1:107) and she died of “old age” at Pepperell, 17 February 1828, age 84 (PVR 272). She married at Pepperell, 9 September 1766 (PVR 174), JAMES GREEN, JR., who was born there 5 September 1742 (PVR 42) and died there 23 February 1815, age 73 (Diary; PVR 272, not 1835 as in HOA), son of James and Sarah (Shattuck) Green. Children, all recorded at Pepperell (PVR 42-44): i. PRISCILLA GREEN, b. 2 July 1766 [sic]; d. 20 Sept 1775, age 10y 2m 18d (PVR 272). ii. UNNAMED DAUGHTER, b. 1767, “not baptized.” iii. SARAH GREEN, b. 6 Nov 1770; d. 15 Sept 1776, age 5y 10m 9d (PVR 272). iv. JAMES GREEN, b. 1 July 1773; n.f.r. v. RACHEL GREEN, b. 12 Aug 1776; d. Springfield, VT, 23 April 1799, age 23 (VT VRs); m. Pepperell, 4 Jan 1798 (PVR 171), JOHN BISBEE, b. Springfield, VT, 3 Sept 1777 (VT VRs), son of Captain Abner and Mary (Hall) Bisbee. John m. (2) ca. 1801, NANCY CHAMBERLAIN. [Note: HOA’s speculation that Rachel may have married Joseph Stone is incorrect; the Rachel who made that marriage was born at Groton 1771, dau. of Jonas and Jemima Green.] vi. PRISCILLA GREEN, b. 9 April 1779; d. 11 Oct 1816 [or 1817], age 37 (PVR 285); m. Pepperell, 31 Jan 1797 (PVR 204 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

171), ABSALOM LAWRENCE, b. Pepperell, 11 March 1770 (PVR 59), death record not found, son of James Jr. and Elisabeth (Green) Lawrence. Absalom m. (2) Pepperell (int.) 27 Dec 1817 (PVR 188), ELIZABETH HOBART of Hollis, NH, by whom he had five more children. Children, all recorded at Pepperell: 1. Absalom Lawrence, b. 13 Feb 1797 (PVR 59); published int. 1 June 1824 (PVR 188) to marry Elizabeth Hobart, prob. a daughter of his father’s 2nd wife. There are no children recorded to this couple, nor any death record for Elizabeth, so perhaps the marriage never took place, since Absalom, now “of Hollis, NH,” is recorded as marrying 18 Aug 1825 (PVR 188), Submit Pierce, b. Pepperell, 29 April 1795 (PVR 82), dau. of Ephraim and Patty (Chamberlain) Pierce, and almost certainly the Submit Pierce who was originally published to marry ELIAB GOWEN HARTWELL (see 6.331-viii). 2. Ransom Lawrence, b. 16 Feb 1799 (PVR 64); m. there (int.) 4 May 1821 (PVR 191), Elsey Ridout; n.f.r. 3. Hartwell Lawrence, b. 27 Aug 1801 (PVR 61); n.f.r. 4. Priscilla Lawrence, b. 10 Feb 1804 (PVR 64); d. 10 Feb 1824, age 20 (PVR 285). 5. Jefferson Lawrence, b. 5 Oct 1806 (PVR 62); d. 1 Nov 1818, age 12y 27d (PVR 284). 6. James Lawrence, b. 23 Oct 1808 (PVR 61); n.f.r. 7. Miles Lawrence, b. 7 June 1810 (PVR 63); m. there 16 Aug 1837 (PVR 191), Nancy M. Houghton of Nashua, NH. Eight children recorded at Pepperell. 8. Manly Lawrence, b. 9 Nov 1811 (PVR 63); d. 23 April 1815, age 1y 7m [sic] (PVR 285). Fifth Generation 205

9. Sarah “Sally” Lawrence, b. 13 Dec 1814 (PVR 64); d. 21 April 1815, age 4½m (PVR 286). 10. Almira Lawrence, b. 15 April 1816 (PVR 59); d. 4 Nov 1816, age 7m (PVR 286). vii. SARAH GREEN, b. 13 Oct 1781; d. Pepperell, of consump- tion, 25 Nov 1812, age 31 (PVR 266); m. Pepperell, 29 Dec 1803 (PVR 171), Capt. JEREMIAH ELIOT, JR., b. Pepperell, 7 Aug 1769 (PVR 32), d. there 4 Dec 1847, age 84 (PVR 266 citing town record) or 3 Dec 1847, age 78 (ibid., citing church record), son of Jeremiah and Rachel (Peirce) Elliott. Children, born at Pepperell (PVR 32-33): 1. Ruth Elliott, b. 1 Nov 1804; m. Pepperell, 29 Jan 1835 (PVR 195), John Dixon Shedd, b. Pepperell, 7 April 1808 (PVR 98), son of Joshua and Sarah (Dixon) Shedd. Five children recorded at Pepperell. 2. Jane Boynton Elliott, b. 6 July 1806; m. Pepperell, 27 Nov 1827 (PVR 159), Calvin Pierce, b. Pepperell, 4 April 1802 (PVR 81), son of Ebenezer and Asenath (Blood) Pierce. Ten children recorded at Pepperell. 3. Joseph Warren Elliott, b. 23 Aug 1807; n.f.r. 4. Achsah Caroline Elliott, b. 1 May 1809; m. Pepperell, 11 April 1833 (PVR 159), James Pierce, b. Pepperell 6 Jan 1808 (PVR 81), son of Ebenezer and Asenath (Blood) Pierce. Five children recorded at Pepperell. viii. LOIS GREEN, b. 13 March 1786; m. Pepperell, 2 Nov 1809 (PVR 171), ELIJAH CHAPMAN of Dunstable. Children, born at Pepperell (PVR 27-28): 1. Rachel Green Chapman, b. 28 Sept 1810; m. Pepperell, 14 March 1833 (PVR 151), Daniel E. Lawrence, b. Pepperell, 23 Jan 1806 (PVR 60), son of Daniel Hall and Keziah (Shattuck) Lawrence. Eight children recorded at Pepperell. 206 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Lois Hartwell Chapman, b. 4 May 1812; m. Pepperell, 4 April 1839 (PVR 151), Elijah A. Flagg of Townsend. 3. Elias Chapman, b. 7 Dec 1813; m. Pepperell, 30 May 1839 (PVR 151), Harriet Elizabeth Tarbell, b. Pepperell, 29 Sept 1817 (PVR 105), dau. of Luther and Phebe Miranda (Shattuck) Tarbell. Four children recorded at Pepperell. 4. Sarah Eliott Chapman, b. 20 July 1815; d. 18 March 1822, age 6y 7m 28d (PVR 263). 5. Elizabeth Patten Chapman, b. 12 June 1817; m. Pepperell, 28 April 1841 (PVR 151), Sumner B. Mace. 6. Almira Eldridge Chapman, b. 19 March 1819; m. Pepperell, 7 April 1841 (PVR 151), Lloyd H. Snell. Two children recorded at Pepperell. 7. Catharine Hutchinson Chapman, b. 27 Feb 1821; m. Pepperell, 24 Nov 1842 (PVR 151), Sumner Carter, b. ca. 1818 (PVR 27). Two children recorded at Pepperell. 8. James Davis Chapman, b. 17 May 1823; m. Pepperell, 27 May 1845 (PVR 151), Mary Elizabeth Ives, b. Beverly, 14 Oct 1824 (BVR 1:190), d. Pepperell, of typhoid fever, 14 March 1849, age 24y (PVR 263), dau. of Samuel and Mary (Dyson) Ives. 9. Mary Jane Chapman, b. 24 Oct 1824; m. Pepperell, 1 May 1845 (PVR 151), Jonas Shattuck, b. Pepperell, 21 Nov 1820 (PVR 92), son of Roland and Betsey (Shattuck) Shattuck. 10. Samuel Hartwell Chapman, b. 19 June 1827; n.f.r. 11. William Augustus Chapman, b. 4 May 1829; n.f.r.

5.15 HANNAH5 HARTWELL (Samuel4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was baptized at Pepperell, 29 September 1751 (PVR 46) and she died at Springford, Ontario, Canada, 18 May 1850 (HOA). She married at Fifth Generation 207

Pepperell, 14 December 1780 (PVR 175), SAMUEL SHATTUCK, JR., who was born at Pepperell, 17 September 1757 (PVR 96) and died at Springfield, Vermont, 6 September 1835, age 78 (VT VRs), son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wesson) Shattuck. Samuel “first settled as a farmer in his native town, but removed to Springfield, Vermont in 1805” (HOA). [Note: In light of the fact that Samuel and Hannah’s youngest child was born at Springfield, VT, in 1796, they must have gone there ca. 1795.] Children, all but youngest born at Pepperell: i. SAMUEL SHATTUCK, b. 17 Sept 1781 (PVR 96); m. Springfield, VT, 23 Sept 1804, MERCY TOWER (VT VRs); “removed in 1816 to Crown Point, NY, later to Linesville, Chester Co., PA . . . he was postmaster of that place” (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Horatio Shattuck, farmer in Jefferson, OH. 2. Lorenzo D. Shattuck, manufacturer of sash and blinds in Linesville, PA. He had six children of whom 2 sons and 2 dau were living in 1854. 3. Frederick Shattuck, trader in Sadsbury, PA. 4. Daughter, m. and went to southern OH, had one child. 5. Daughter, m. a house joiner; no children. ii. DANIEL SHATTUCK, b. 18 July 1783 (PVR 88); m. LOUISA D. ORGAN, b. 1796, d. 16 Jan 1844. Daniel “was a cooper in Springfield, VT, until 1816 and in Boston until 1847, when he removed to Linesville, PA.” Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Samuel Shattuck, b. Springfield, VT, 7 Aug 1810 (VT VRs); m. 24 March 1836, Susan N. Rumrill, b. 30 Nov 1809. He was a printer in Boston. Six children. 208 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Charles F. Shattuck, b. Springfield, VT, 23 Dec 1812 (VT VRs); m. (1) 3 Nov 1834, Martha Faye, b. Port- land, ME, 16 Aug 1816, d. 26 April 1839; m. (2) 4 Sept 1841, Jane B. Remick, b. Portsmouth, NH, 18 Aug 1818. He resided in Boston, Kittery, ME, and Gardner, MA. Seven children. 3. William G. Shattuck, b. 23 Sept 1815; m. 17 March 1841, Eliza R. Clark, b. Boston, 30 April 1816. He was a chair maker in Boston. Two children. 4. James B. Shattuck, b. 7 Aug 1817; resided in Boston. 5. John H. Shattuck, b. 2 Dec 1821; m. 15 Nov 1843, Mary Cook, b. Boston, 28 May 1827. Four children. iii. WESSON/WESTON SHATTUCK, b. 15 Oct 1785; m. Spring- field, VT, 30 Jan 1816 (VT VRs), BETSEY MATHER, “a descendant of Israel Increase Mather, first president of Harvard College” (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Lydia Eliza Shattuck, b. Springfield, VT, 13 March 1817 (VT VRs); not in HOA, unless she is one of two unnamed daughters, one of whom “m. George M. Blake, a judge during Vigalantes [sic] in San Fran- cisco” and the other who “m. Judge Havens and had several children.” 2. Francis Kittredge Shattuck, b. Crown Point, NY, 6 March 1824; d. 9 Sept 1898. He went to Calif. in 1850, spent some time in the mines, and later ac- quired land where the city of Berkeley now stands. He brought his sisters to Calif. where they founded an academy for girls in Oakland. He became very wealthy. The main street of Berkeley bears his name. 3. Mary Shattuck, (see Lydia Eliza above). iv. HARTWELL SHATTUCK, b. 19 Feb 1788 (PVR 91); d. Ontario [sic], 2 Dec 1875; m. Springfield, VT, 5 Dec 1811 (VF 1791:1), MERCY SAFFORD, b. Rockingham, VT, 9 May Fifth Generation 209

1788 (RVR 92), d. Ontario [sic], 24 Dec 1869, dau. of Philip and Elizabeth (Bigelow) Safford. Hartwell first settled in Crown Point, but removed in 1831 to Springford, Ontario, Canada. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. George Nelson Shattuck, b. Springfield, VT, 6 Dec 1812 (VT VRs); m. Cynthia Heath. Four children. 2. Noah Shattuck, b. & d. 10 May 1814. 3. Lucretia Shattuck, b. Springfield, VT, 6 April 1815 (VT VRs); m. Edmund Beard. Seven children. 4. Hiram S. Shattuck, b. 21 June 1817; m. Phoebe Fuller. Five daughters. 5. Elliot Shattuck, b. 14 Sept 1819; d. Nov 1820. 6. Harriet Shattuck, b. 4 March 1822; m. John Miller. Six children. 7. Joseph Elliot Shattuck, b. 14 Feb 1823; d. 29 July 1892; m. 21 April 1844, Margaret MacInnes, b. Scotland, 1 March 1824, d. 4 Dec 1911. Six children. 8. Elizabeth Shattuck, b. 7 April 1826; d. -- Sept 1826. v. HANNAH SHATTUCK, b. 29 July 1790 (PVR 90); d. 22 Aug 1790, age 24 days (PVR 301). vi. CLEMENTINA SHATTUCK, b. 4 Sept, bap. 13 Nov 1791 (PVR 88); d. Springfield, VT, 27 Dec 1852, age 61 (VT VRs); m. Springfield, VT, 29 Nov 1818 (VT VRs), DAVID MARBLE MERRITT, b. Dorchester?, ca. 1800 (calc.), d. Springfield, VT, 21 Aug 1845, age 45, buried Summer Hill Cemetery (VT VRs). Children, all born at Springfield, Vermont (VT VRs): 1. George Merritt, b. 24 Aug 1819; m. (2?) 30 March 1846 (HOA), Lucina Haseltine, b. Andover, VT, 6 June 1820, dau of John and Sally (Baldwin) 210 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Haseltine. [Note: VT VRs have “Clarissa Merritt, wife of George, d. 21 Jan 1843.”] 2. Mary Ann Merritt, b. 29 Aug 1822; m. Springfield, VT, 17 Oct 1858 (VT VRs), Isaac Wiswal. 3. Clementina Merritt, b. 25 Nov 1825; m. (1) Andover, VT, 17 Nov 1854, Sewell Haseltine, b. Andover, 17 Dec 1810, d. there, 5 June 1861, age 50y 4m 9d, son of John and Sally (Baldwin) Haseltine, and brother of Lucina (#1 above); m. (2) Springfield, VT, 3 April 1864, Rufus E. Edson. 4. Thomas Marble Merritt, b. 30 April 1831; m. (1) Springfield, VT, 14 March 1859, Louisa Howe; m. (2) Springfield, 9 Dec 1867 (VT VRs), Emma S. Stearns. vii. ROXANNA SHATTUCK, b. Springfield, VT, 3 April 1796 (VT VRs); m. there 9 Nov 1817, SAMUEL LITCHFIELD. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Caleb Lincoln Litchfield, b. 7 Oct 1818; m. 22 Oct 1840, Mary Litchfield. 2. Samuel H. Litchfield, b. 11 Oct 1820; n.f.r. 3. Hartwell Litchfield, b. 3 Nov 1821; m. Joan Hiland. 4. Charles A. Litchfield, b. 23 Nov 1826; removed to California. 5. Roxana Litchfield, b. 23 Nov 1826; m. Washburn Turner. 6. Harvey Thomas Litchfield, b. 29 Oct 1830; m. Mary Ann Fletcher. 7. William Litchfield, b. -- Nov 1833. 8. George W. Litchfield, b. 22 Feb 1837.

5.17 LOIS5 HARTWELL (Samuel4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was baptized at Pepperell, 1 January 1758 (PVR 46) and she died at Hancock, New Hampshire, 4 December 1852 (HOA). She married Fifth Generation 211 at Groton, 27 July 1786 (GVR 2:83), SIMEON LAKIN, who was born there 6 March 1760 (HOA: not in GVRs), baptized at Pepperell (along with two of his sisters), 21 September 1766 (PVR 58) and died at Hancock, New Hampshire, 10 December 1842 (HOA: DARPI), son of Josiah and Esther (—) Lakin. Simeon “was in six different terms of service in the Revolution, removed soon after to Hancock, NH, farmer, of iron constitution and great physical strength” (HOA). Children, all born probably at Hancock, New Hampshire, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. SIMEON LAKIN, b. 9 Oct 1788; d. 16 Feb 1869, age 80y; m. 18 Dec 1815, BETSEY DENNIS, b. ca. 1791, d. 10 Feb 1872, age 81y. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Martha Elizabeth Lakin, b. 18 Feb 1817; d. 15 June 1880; m. 18 Dec 1834, Ebenezer Ware, farmer, b. Hancock, NH, 28 March 1806. Nine children. 2. Rodney S. Lakin, b. 13 June 1819; d. 11 Oct 1846 [sic]; m. (1) Susan P. Gilbert, b. Hillsboro, NH, 26 Jan 1830, d. 7 June 1852; m. (2) 17 Nov 1863 [sic; 17 years after his death?], Martha A. Stiles, b. Amherst, NH, 5 June 1832. Rodney was a merchant in Hancock, NH to 1851, in 1855, bookkeeper, in 1860, paymaster Howard Watch factory in Boston; four children. 3. Mary A. Lakin, b. 18 Sept 1822; m. Franklin J. Ware, b. Hancock, NH, 11 June 1820. Two children. 4. Giles C. Lakin, b. 1 Oct 1828; m. (1) Elizabeth Bohonon, b. Peterboro, NH, 5 June 1836, d. 24 July 1864; m. (2) 9 April 1867, Elizabeth Gribbin, b. Galdaff, Ireland, 20 Aug 1837. He was a farmer in Hancock, NH. Three children. ii. MOODY LAKIN, b. 4 Feb 1790; d. 1 Feb 1872, 83y; m. 20 March 1815, BETSEY GOVE, b. Kensington, NH, 17 Dec 212 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1787, d. 15 March 1863, 76y. Moody was a farmer in Greenfield, NH. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Lovina Lakin, b. 29 Dec 1815; d. 20 Nov 1822. 2. Eliza Lakin, b. 8 June 1818; m. (1) 26 March 1844, E. Sullivan Wilkins, b. Greenfield, NH, 10 Oct 1807; div.; m. (2) 25 June 1859, Charles Gray, b. Hancock, NH, 19 Dec 1800, d. 12 May 1876; m. (3) 31 May 1881, Mark N. Spaulding, b. Hollis, NH, 22 Oct 1812, a farmer in Hancock, NH. Two children. 3. Hartwell Lakin, b. 7 July 1820; m. 25 Feb 1851, Minda G. Barker, b. Hancock, NH, 23 March 1823. He was a jeweler in Bennington, NH. 4. Dearborn Lakin (twin), b. 7 Aug 1822; m. 28 Nov 1861, Emeline Richardson, b. Peterboro, NH, 19 Feb 1833. He was a farmer in Greenfield, removed to Antrim, NH in 1884. 5. Harrison Lakin (twin), b. 7 Aug 1822; d. 6 Feb 1897; m. 24 Feb 1864, Elizabeth (Cudworth) Leathers, b. Greenfield, 2 June 1818, d. 15 Sept. 1909, age 91y 3m 13d. He was a farmer in Greenfield, NH. iii. LOIS LAKIN, b. 19 Nov 1791; d. 27 July 1834; m. 2 Nov 1813, CHARLES H. BROOKS, b. Hancock, NH, 7 April 1798, d. 8 Nov 1846, removed to Unadilla, NY. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Lois H. Brooks, b. 25 March 1815; d. 20 Sept 1844; m. 11 Feb 1837, Joseph H. Baker, stage driver, b. Pittsfield, VT, 29 Aug 1810. One child. 2. Warren W. Brooks, b. 24 Sept 1816; d. 11 April 1854; m. (1) 18 May 1841, Abby K. Mills, b. Deering, NH, 2 June 1819, d. 6 Nov 1845; m. (2) 24 Sept 1848, Harriet L. Whittaker, b. Bradford, NH, 9 April 1827. He was a tailor in Bennington, NH. Two children. Fifth Generation 213

3. Charles H. Brooks, b. -- June 1818; d. 14 Aug 1845. 4. James H. Brooks, b. 26 Sept 1819; m. 18 Dec 1852, Caroline C. Farwell, b. Nelson, NH, 21 Sept 1833. He was a tanner and currier; went to Harrisville, NH in 1853; watchman in a factory. Two children. 5. William H. Brooks, b. 3 May 1823; d. 3 May 1883. One child. 6. Isaac Brooks, b. 16 June 1824; d. 22 July 1868; m. 23 Sept 1846, Jemima Piper, b. Tuftonboro, NH, 30 Oct 1824. He owned an express business in Boston. Two children. 7. Sally A. Brooks, b. 16 May 1823 [sic]; d. Quincy, [MA?], 14 June 1861; m. 5 Jan 1846, Isaac Templeton, b. Hillsboro, NH, 22 Sept 1824, d. Hilton Head, SC, of yellow fever, 3 Nov 1862, enlisted in 8th Maine Vols. 8. George W. Brooks, b. 10 April 1828; m. 6 Nov 1856, Maria J. Nightingale, b. Quincy, 30 Jan 1830. He was a provision dealer in Quincy. Two children. 9. Hartwell L. Brooks, b. 9 June 1830; d. 18 Aug 1856. iv. DANIEL LAKIN, b. 6 May or 13 July 1795 (HOA gives both dates); d. 20 Sept 1864; m. 1 Oct 1832 [sic; prob. should be 1823], MARY F. TAYLOR, b. Hancock, NH, 12 March 1802, d. 24 Sept 1893, age 91y 6m 12d. Daniel was a farmer on the homestead. Child, per HOA: 1. Daniel Taylor Lakin, b. 29 June 1824; d. 1898; m. (1) 1 Sept 1846, Melinda A. Needham, b. Milford, NH, 12 Aug 1824; div.; m. (2) 3 Nov 1868, Ann Augusta Dales, b. Bennington, NH, 20 March 1838, d. 1914. Daniel T. was a machinist and millwright in Hancock, NH; removed to a farm in Greenfield, NH, 214 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

in 1868; a skillful mechanic and an inventor. Six children. v. SALLY LAKIN, b. 6 May 1801; d. 21 Oct 1856; m. 25 Dec 1823, JOSIAH TAYLOR, b. 9 Sept 1736 [sic], d. 13 June 1856, brother of Mary Taylor (above). Josiah was a farmer in Hancock, NH. Children, per HOA: 1. William L. Taylor, b. 31 Oct 1824; m. (1) 7 April 1854, Angeline M. Dodge, b. Stoddard, NH, 4 July 1827, d. 20 Aug 1871; m. (2) 8 Feb 1872, Josephine N. Burns, b. Milford, NH, 10 May 1837. William was a farmer in Burlington, NH [sic]. Two children. 2. Sarah M. Taylor, b. 11 June 1833; a school teacher in North Chelmsford for many years, residing in Bennington, NH [sic].

5.18 SAMUEL5 HARTWELL (Samuel4, Ebenezer3, John2, William1) was born 7 August 1761 (family register), baptized at Pepperell, 16 August 1761 (PVR 46) and he died at Groton, 24 March 1842 (GVR 2:229). He married at Groton, 15 August 1791 (GVR 2:83), CAROLINE MATILDA WRIGHT, who was born at Pepperell, 21 August 1772 (PVR 124) and died of “old age” at Groton, 5 March 1853, age 80y 6m 12d (MA VRs 76:70), daughter of David and Prudence (Cummings) Wright. Samuel was a farmer, a man of great physical strength (HOA). He is probably the Samuel shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Groton consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16, and one female. [Note: referenced as “Samuel Holden” in HOA, this compiler has found no public records calling him anything but Samuel, although his wife is always referenced as Caroline M. and/or Caroline Matilda.] Children, all recorded at Groton (GVR 1:106-7):

6.20 i. SAMUEL6 HARTWELL, b. 7 Nov 1804; d. of typhus fever, 11 June 1825 (GVR 2:229). Fifth Generation 215

6.21 ii. HANNAH HARTWELL (adopted), bap. 15 July 1806; n.f.r. +6.22 iii. JOHN HOLDEN HARTWELL, b. 11 Nov 1806; m. CAROLINE SHATTUCK. +6.23 iv. DAVID HARTWELL, b. 2 Aug 1808; m. HARRIET NEWELL HAYWOOD. 6.24 v. DANIEL WILKES HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1810; d. of dys- entery, 30 July or Aug 1854, age 43, carpenter, insane, bachelor (MA VRs 85:75). 6.25 vi. CAROLINE HARTWELL (twin), b. 3 Dec 1812; d. of con- sumption, 9 July 1844, age 31 yrs (GVR 2:229). 6.26 vii. MATILDA HARTWELL (twin), b. 3 Dec 1812; d. 8 March 1848 (Family Register); m. Groton/Littleton, 2 July 1842 (GVR 2:83 & LVR 287, not 24 Sept 1840 as in HOA), JOSHUA HARRISON SEARLES of Westford, a carpenter in Littleton. An unnamed child of “Harison Searls” d. Littleton, 22 Dec 1843, age 6m (LVR 395). +6.27 viii. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HARTWELL, b. 5 Nov 1814; m. EMMA WHITMAN. +6.28 ix. JAMES CHAPLIN HARTWELL, b. 12 May 1817; m. MARY G. COREY.

Descendants of Peter4 and Mary (Coleman) Hartwell

5.19 ABRAHAM5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably at Northeast, Dutchess County, New York, 2 June 1743 (HOA) and he died there 24 August 1820, age 78 (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground). He married, first, 2 April 1761 (HOA), MARY LAWRENCE, who was born at Northeast, NY, 25 December 1744 (HOA) and died there 10 September 1807, age 64 (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Grund), daughter of “Esquire” Uriah and Mary (Clark) Lawrence. He married second, 24 October 1810 (Dutchess County Wills, Book F, Vol. 12, #2), PATIENCE (—), who outlived him. 216 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Abraham “settled on the turnpike from Salisbury, CT to Rheinbeck, NY, about 3/4 of a mile north west of Spencer’s Corners, buying the land in 1766. He was conspicuous for his great physical strength, and the nerve and daring with which he met and overcame his enemies and those of his country. He was a Captain in the Revolution (DARPI), and more than once detached on special duty to rid his own neighborhood of the cowboys who harried that section of the country unmercifully at frequent intervals during that period” (HOA). Abraham is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Northeast Town, NY, consisting of two males over 16, three males under 16, and five females. In his will, written 12 October 1818 and proved 31 August 1820, Abraham mentions wife Patience, sons Abraham, Lawrence, Niles and Nathaniel, daughters Mary, Chloe, Charlotte, Clarissa’s heirs, Phebe and Sarah, and grandson Luther, son of Abraham. Other references are to “Henry Dakin’s lands, Bazaliel Rudd’s lands, and Hamlin’s lands.” He specified that his wife’s furniture and belongings prior to marriage should be hers and “what she has made since their marriage.” James Winchell and Enos Hopkins were named executors, and the will was witnessed by Thirza Sherwood, Isabel Miller and Yates Perry (Dutchess County Wills, Book F, Vol. 12, #2). [Note: The marriage of an unidentified Thirza Hartwell to Samuel Sherwood was recorded at Great Barrington, “between 27 April 1818 and 27 April 1819” (GBVR). Since Abraham’s daughter Thirza died in 1798 and would not have witnessed his will in any case, perhaps the Thirza Sherwood who witnessed the will was a niece. More research is indicated.] Children, all born probably at Northeast, Dutchess County, New York, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 6.29 i. MARY6 HARTWELL, b. 7 Feb 1762; d. Millerton, NY, “in the house of Deacon Orrin Wakeman” 30 Oct 1856; m. before 1 June 1784, DUNCAN MCLEAN; lived in New Milford, CT and Claverack, NJ. [Note: A Mary McLean, age 88, is shown on the 1850 Federal Census for Fifth Generation 217

Millerton, Dutchess Co., NY, living in the house of Walter Wakeman, a 61-year old farmer (Reel #579:316). Orrin Wakeman is living next door to Walter.] 6.30 ii. CHLOE HARTWELL, b. 13 Feb 1764; d. 4 June 1838; m. ca. 1785 Deacon JAMES WINCHELL, b. Northeast, NY, 5 March 1763, d. 8 April 1834. James was a carpenter, built the first mill where Irondale furnace later stood. 6.31 iii. CHARLOTTE HARTWELL, b. 8 May 1766; m. (–) HAMBLIN. +6.32 iv. CLARISSA HARTWELL, b. 10 Nov 1768; m. MARTIN EBENEZER WINCHELL. +6.33 v. ABRAHAM HARTWELL, b. 29 July 1772; m. (–) FULLER. 6.34 vi .PHEBE HARTWELL, b. 7 Oct 1774; d. 21 April 1820; m. (1) (–) KINNEY, (2) (–) COLVIN of Ohio. +6.35 vii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 8 Nov 1776; m. THOMAS B. PAYNE. +6.36 viii. LAWRENCE HARTWELL, b. 29 Oct 1779; m. (1) ESTHER HILL, (2) BETSEY (—). +6.37 ix. NILES HARTWELL, b. 29 July 1782; m. MARY WINCHELL. 6.38 x. THIRZA HARTWELL, b. 7 May 1785; d. 10 Nov 1798. +6.39 xi. NATHANIEL HARTWELL, b. 29 Sept 1787; m. SUSAN REED.

5.20 EBENEZER5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably at Northeast, Dutchess County, New York, ca. 1746 (calc.) and he died at Castleton, Vermont, 2 April 1813, age 67 (Gs:Cong’l Cemetery; DAR Application Paper #47283 of Louise Northrop Robinson). He married about 1768, HANNAH5 BANGS, who was born probably at Dutchess County, New York, ca. 1747 and died at Wilson, New York, 19 October 1820, daughter of Samuel4 (Jonathan3-2, Edward1) and Hannah4 (John3-2-1 Wing) Bangs. Hannah’s identity is confirmed by Samuel Bang’s will, which mentions daughter Hannah Hartwell. [Note: Hannah is a direct descendant of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower.] 218 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

In 1768 Ebenezer purchased from Amos Bird of Salisbury, Connecticut, land in Castleton, Vermont, although he apparently did not move there until about 1786. Ebenezer and his brother Abraham signed the “Association” in June or July 1775 at Northeast, New York, as reported by Uriah Lawrence, Esquire, committee. He was a sergeant in Capt. Abraham Hartwell’s co., Col. James Vanderburgh’s Regiment, as shown by a payroll dated Clinton, NY, 25 September 1778; service 20 days, and his name also appears on the list of “Land Bounty Rights” (DAR Application Paper 47283). Ebenezer is listed on the 1790 Census as the head of a house- hold in Castleton, VT, consisting of three males over 16 years (prob. himself, Ebenezer and John), five males under 16 (prob. James, Coleman, Ira, Thomas and Oramel), and five females (prob. wife Hannah and daughters Asenath, Roxana, Sarah and Hannah). In his will, dated 1 April 1813, and allowed 7 April 1813 (Fair Haven, VT Probates, Book 8:532), Ebenezer named beloved wife Hannah, and gave the following bequests: to sons Peter and James $4 each; to sons Ebenezer, John and Thomas $50 each; to daughters Sina Gill and Roxy Castle $10 each; to daughter Salla Porter $2; sons Coleman, Ira, Oramel and daughter Hannah Hartwell received the residue of the estate. Son Hiram is also mentioned, but son Horace is not. However, Fair Haven deeds show that Horace sold his share of Ebenezer’s estate to Coleman Hartwell on 12 April 1816 (Fair Haven Deeds 5:100), leading to speculation that perhaps Horace’s name was misread as Hiram when the will was transcribed into the Fair Haven probate book. [Note: Several Rutland County Vermont court records relate to “Horace Hartwell alias Stephen Gary alias William Munson.” This compiler has photocopies of these court records, but they do not serve to shed any light on whether there was a Horace Hartwell who used the name Stephen Gary, or whether Ruth Hartwell’s purported husband, Stephen Gary, used the alias Horace Hartwell. It is interesting that Ebenezer did not mention either Ruth or Horace in his will, although Vermont newspaper articles show that he did have a daughter named Ruth. Possibly she died before he wrote his will.] Fifth Generation 219

Assuming that Ebenezer named his children in chronological order (which may not be the case), the listing in his will differs somewhat from the listing given in the 1962 Supplement to HOA, which revised and corrected the listing in the 1956 edition, copied verbatim from Densmore’s 1887 work on the Hartwell family. This list is evidently based on copies of Bible records obtained by Isabel (Treadwell) Towne, who did a great deal of genealogical research on her lines during the 1920s and 1930s, and to whom much of the information on Ebenezer and Hannah (Bangs) Hartwell, their ancestry and descendants, should be credited. Isabel searched long and hard for the original Bible, which was carried to Oregon by Harriet Sophia (Hartwell) (Deane) Segerdahl, but she was never able to find what happened to it. Isabel’s files contain several copies of transcriptions of these Bible records in different handwritings, but all have the same dates. Curiously, there is less than a 9-month span between the births of three sets of the children: Ebenezer/ John, Thomas/“Roxada” and Oramel/Sarah. Correspondence from Helen (Mrs. Wilfred) Lewis in 1980 provided a date of January rather than HOA’s July 1784 for Thomas Hartwell, thus solving one of the problems. Also, John’s birth date might be explained by the fact that the recorder “forgot” that a new year had started, but this explanation does not apply to Oramel/Sarah. Ebenezer’s gravestone is inscribed: “Here lies my kind companion dear / A mouldering back to clay / For death on him hath laid his hand / But thru the goodness of the Lord / I trust He’s won the prize / Let Angels guard his sleeping dust / Till Jesus bids its rise.” Children, per above mentioned birth record, actual dates uncertain: +6.40 i. PETER6 HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 11 Oct 1767 (probably actually 1769); m. LUCY SCHOFIELD (see #5.24-i). +6.41 ii. RUTH HARTWELL, b. say, 1770/71; m.? STEPHEN GARY. +6.42 iii. EBENEZER HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 14 June 1772; m. MARY LOVEKIN. 220 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.43 iv. JOHN HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 11 Feb 1773 (probably actually 1774); m. ELIZA LOVEKIN. 6.44 v. JAMES HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 7 Dec 1775 (sic; age 68 on 1850 census); death record not found. Accord- ing to HOA he was “a man of irregular habits, twice m., had ch by 2d w; left Castleton in 1853 to visit relatives in Niagara Co., NY, not heard from afterwards.” James is shown on the 1850 federal census for Newfane, Niagara, Co., NY, in the household of his brother-in-law, David Porter (see below), so he apparently left Castleton before 1853 (Reel #561:382-3). No evidence of wives or children has been found. +6.45 vi. ASENATH HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 23 Dec 1777; m. DANIEL GILL. +6.46 vii. COLEMAN HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 5 Dec 1779; m. EUNICE “EMMA” A. CUSHMAN. +6.47 viii. IRA HARTWELL, b. Barrington, CT, 5 July 1782 (Gs); m. SUSAN GILL. +6.48 ix. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 11 Jan 1784 (birth record has July, which is unlikely); m. TAMZON NETTLETON(?). +6.49 x. ROXANA HARTWELL, b. prob. Dutchess Co., NY, 23 Feb 1785; m. ROSWELL CASTLE. +6.50 xi. ORAMEL HARTWELL, b. prob. Castleton, VT, 5 Dec 1786 (calc. from age at death; birth record has 5 Dec. 1788); m. EMMA MUDGE. +6.51 xii. SARAH “SALLY” HARTWELL, b. Castleton, VT, 16 Aug 1789 (62 on 1850 census); m. DAVID PORTER. +6.52 xiii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. Castleton, VT, 4 Aug 1791; m. Major W. H. SMITH. +6.53 xiv. HIRAM HARTWELL, b. Castleton, VT, 11 July 1793; m. MARY? (—). Fifth Generation 221

6.54 xv. HORACE HARTWELL, b. Castleton, VT, 19 March 1795. Not mentioned in Ebenezer’s will of 1813, Horace sold his share of Ebenezer’s estate to Coleman in 1816 (Fair Haven Deeds 5:100). Since Horace Hartwell was one of the aliases used by Ruth’s purported husband, Stephen Gary, this record may refer to him. According to HOA, Horace “kept stable for racing stock near New York City; unm.” However, HOA uses these exact same words in his biography of Horace Castle, Horace Hartwell’s purported nephew by his sister Roxana. It is not known at this time to which Horace, if either, these words actually apply.

5.22 PETER5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably at Dutchess County, New York, ca. 1749 (calc.) and he died probably at Granville, Washington Co., New York, sometime after the taking of the 1830 Federal census, when he is listed as the head of a household consisting of one male 80-90 (himself), one female 40-50 and one female 70-80 (wife Olive). He married ca. 1775, OLIVE WALDO, who was born at Windham, Connecticut, 24 November 1753 (Waldo Family in America, NEHGR 52[1898]:225) and died at Granville, New York, 6 December 1848, age 96 (Gs), daughter of John4 (Edward3, John2, Cornelius1) and Jemima (Abbott) Waldo. HOA indicates that after Olive’s death, given as “about 1850,” Peter married a second time, but in view of the fact that he would have been nearly 100 years old when Olive died, plus the fact that census records indicate that he predeceased Olive, this seems highly unlikely. HOA further states that, “they lived in Washington County, NY, and raised a family there,” then proceeds to list only one son, Phipps, “born about 1792.” However, Peter is shown on the 1790 census as the head of a household in Granville, New York, consisting of one male over 16 (himself), one male under 16 (probably Phipps), and two females (perhaps his wife and an unnamed daughter), indicating that he probably had at least two children born before 1790. In 1800 Phipps is shown on the federal census as the head of his own household, making it virtually certain 222 Descendants of William1 Hartwell that he was born at least 20 years prior to the taking of that census. His mother, Olive, had a older brother, Phipps Waldo, who was killed in the Revolution in January of 1776 (Waldo Family, op. cit.). Chances are good that Phipps was her first son, and, since she named him in honor of this brother, he was probably born not long after the brother’s death. Other indications that Phipps was much older than HOA says are discussed under the biography of Phipps himself (see #6.55). It is apparent that HOA skipped an entire generation. Further research on Peter4 and Peter5 Hartwell might reveal more data on this branch of the family. Children, born probably at Granville, New York: +6.55 i. PHIPPS6 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1776 (calc.); m. ELIZABETH MCDONALD. 6.56 ii. UNNAMED DAUGHTER, b. ca. 1785 (calc.); prob. unmarried.

5.23 SARAH5 “SALLY” HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably near Carmel, Dutchess County, New York, 12 July 1751 (HOA) and she died at Amenia, New York, 8 March 1836, age 84y 7m 27d (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground). She married, ca. 1772, JAMES FOWLER5 REYNOLDS, who was born at Greenwich, Connecticut, 1 January 1746 and died at Amenia, New York, 1 August 1825, age 80 (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground), son of James4 (James3, John2-1) and Phebe (Fowler) Reynolds. [Note: Neil B. Todd of Newtonville, generously shared his research on this family.] Children, all born probably in Dutchess County, New York: i. JAMES REYNOLDS, JR., b. ca. 1773 (calc.); d. 29 March 1799, age 26 (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground). ii. ?ELIAS REYNOLDS, b. 18 Oct 1774 (calc.); d. 9 Aug 1857, age 82y 9m 21d; m. ca. 1810, BETSY (—), b. 14 April 1787 (calc.), d. 29 Jan 1869, age 81y 9m 15d. Children: 1. John D. Reynolds, b. ca. 1811; d. 23 Nov 1849, age 38y. Fifth Generation 223

2. Robert Reynolds, b. ca. 1814; d. 18 Feb 1866, 52y 2m 18d. 3. Josiah Reynolds, b. ca. 1820; d. 18 Nov 1854, age 34y. iii. ?JONATHAN REYNOLDS. iv. SAMUEL REYNOLDS, b. 15 Nov 1778; d. Windham, NY, 1 May 1843; m. -- April 1808, LYDIA SMITH, b. Amenia, NY, 5 Jan 1784, d. Windham, NY, 6 April 1846, dau. of Ephraim and Miriam (Thurston) Smith. Children, (Jesse Smith, His Ancestors and Descendants, p. 39): 1. Sally Reynolds, b. 5 Dec 1808; m. Joseph Bell. 2. Caroline Reynolds, b. 19 Sept 1811; d. 2 Feb 1838; unm. 3. Lydia Ann Reynolds, b. 24 Aug 1813; m. Sylvester Simpson. 4. Smith Ephraim Reynolds, b. 5 July 1816; m. Laura A. Parsons. 5. Miriam Reynolds, b. 24 May 1818; m. Schuyler Ives. 6. Samuel Warren Reynolds, b. 3 Aug 1820; m. Elizabeth Osborn. 7. Elias J. Reynolds, b. 11 Aug 1822; m. Sarah A. Sweet. v. SALLY REYNOLDS, b. 9 Dec 1780 (calc.); d. 22 Feb 1800, age 19y 2m 13d (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground). vi. ?ISAAC REYNOLDS, b. 6 March 1783 (calc.); d. 21 May 1839, age 56y 2m 15d (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground); m. ca. 1823, ZADA (—), b. 11 April 1783 (calc.), d. 30 Nov 1864, age 71y 7m 19d (ibid.). Children: 1. Isaac Newton Reynolds, b. ca. 1824; d. 3 March 1867, age 44y 3d; m. Rachel (—), b. ca. 1827, d. 17 July 1875, age 48y 1m 7d. 224 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. James John Reynolds, b. ca. 1825; d. 4 June 1842, 17y 3d. 3. Clark Reynolds, b. ca. Feb 1828; d. 12 July 1838, 10y 12d. 4. Harwill [sic] Reynolds, b. 2 Dec 1831; d. 7 Sept 1907. vii. CHLOE REYNOLDS, b. Northeast, NY, 9 March 1785; d. Troy, NY, 10 Nov 1833; m. 15 Sept 1813, Dr. ASAPH CLARK. Children: 1. James Cushman Clark, b. Wynantskill, NY, 7 Dec 1814; d. Troy, NY, 5 Sept 1864; m. Sarah A. M. Betts. 2. Sarah Clark, b. Wynantskill, NY, 21 April 1818; d. Monroe, MI, 23 Nov 1886; m. Erasmus J. Boyd. 3. Samuel Edward Clark, b. Wynantskill, NY, 18 Sept 1821; d. Parkersville, WV, 13 July 1881; m. Harriet Mather Betts. viii. ?HIRAM REYNOLDS, b. ca. 1787 (Gs:Spencer’s Corners Burying Ground). ix. LORENDA REYNOLDS, b. 2 July 1791; d. Amenia, NY, 30 Dec 1793, age 2y 6m 28d (ibid.).

5.24 MARTHA5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably at or near Carmel, Dutchess County, New York, 9 February 1753 (HOA) and she died 2 May 1832 (HOA). She married Dr. JAMES SCHOFIELD and removed to Canada about 1800, settling in Bastard, Ontario (HOA). [Note: James may be the son of that name born at Albany, NY, 14 March 1747, to John and Sarah (Holly) Schofield (IGI).] Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. LUCY SCHOFIELD, m. PETER6 HARTWELL (see #6.40). Fifth Generation 225 ii. PETER SCHOFIELD, m. DEBORAH CUSHING. Peter was a physician. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. William A. Schofield, lived in Brockville, Ont.; m. his cousin, Amelia Schofield (see #iv-7, below). 2. Milton Schofield, lived in Guelph, Ont.; no family. 3. Harmon Schofield, m. and had a family. iii. JAMES SCHOFIELD, m. Dundas, Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada, 10 July 1813 (IGI), HANNAH CHESLEY. James was a merchant at Cornwall, Ont. Children, order of birth uncertain, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Mary Anne Schofield, bap. Glengarry, Williamstown, Ont., 21 May 1814. 2. Eliza Ann Schofield, m. Smith’s Falls, Rideau Canal, 25 March 1832 (Marriage Notices of Ontario), George C. Mittleberger; had a dau. who m. W. W. Powers of Meadville, PA. 3. Maria Schofield, m. Dr. Burritt of Peterboro, Ont., and had a large family; one son was a physician. 4. Leonora Schofield, m. Frederick Rathbun of Rochester, NY, and had a large family. 5. Sophia Schofield, lived at Conneautville; unmarried. 6. James Schofield, m. Bulah Soper (IGI), and lived at Harlem, Ont. 7. Adelaide Schofield, m. John Jameson of Harlem, and had a large family. 8. Julia Schofield, m. Ebenezer J. Wright of Bay City, MI, and had a large family with grandchildren. iv. IRA SCHOFIELD, m. RUTH (—). 226 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, order of birth uncertain, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. James Lancaster Schofield, b. ca. 1802; d. Brockville, Ont., ca. 1873; m. 23 Oct 1833 (Berkshire Genealogist [1993] 14:79), Maria Campbell, b. 20 May 1803 or 1809, d. Brockville, 1862, dau. of James and Phoebe (Booth) Campbell. 2. Frederick Schofield, at Brockville, Ont. 3. Catherine Schofield, m. James Morris of Guelph, Ont., and had a large family. 4. Martha Maria Schofield, b. ca. 1807; m. WILLIAM7 HARTWELL. 5. William Schofield, m. and had a large family. 6. Amelia Schofield, m. (1) G. Breckenridge, who d; m. (2) William A. Schofield (see #ii-1, above). 7. George Schofield, lived in Rochester, NY. 8. Ira Schofield, m. and had a large family. v. MARTHA SCHOFIELD, m. (–) TOFFEY. Children, per HOA: 1. Son Toffey 2. George Toffey, lived in Portland, OR. 3. Daughter Toffey. 4. Daughter Toffey m. (–) Judd. vi. ANN SCHOFIELD, b. ca. 1796; d. 1840; m. (1) ca. 1820, ALBERT FREDENBURGH, who d. Lyndhurst, Ont., ca. 1831; m. (2) prob. Bastard, Ont., 31 Dec 1834 (Marriage register of Rev. William Smart), CHESTER GURNEY of Leeds. Children by first husband: 1. William H. Fredenburgh, b. 1822; m. (1) ca. 1846, Catherine Belton, who d. 1859; m. (2) Jane Erving; they lived in Westport, Ont. Five children. Fifth Generation 227

2. George Fredenburgh, b. 1825; d. 1830. Children by second husband: 3. Chester Gurney, b. 1836; d. 1838. 4. Albert N. Gurney, b. 1838; m. -?-; an accountant in Cleveland, OH.

5.25 JAMES5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born probably at or near Carmel, Dutchess County, New York, ca. 1750 and he died after 1800, when he is listed on the 1800 federal census. According to HOA “there is no proof of any description that James was the son of Peter. However, it is so stated in the Farwell Genealogy, and in Cutter’s Northern New York, authority in both cases unknown, but the fact that James did live in Carmel lends some color to the statement.” HOA further states that James “served as a private in the Revolution in Col. John Field’s Dutchess County Regiment, Capt. David Hecock’s company.” James appears on the 1790 federal census for South East, Dutchess Co., NY, with two males over 16, four males under 16, and two females. HOA concludes that this means he had one son over 16, four sons under 16 and one daughter, plus his wife, and while that interpretation of the census figures may very well be correct, it is not necessarily so, since the 1790 census does not indicate relationships. There is a James Hartwell Jr. on the 1810 Census, leading one to conclude that the two males over 16 on the 1800 census probably are James and a son of the same name. No marriage record has been found for James, but his wife may have been named MARY (—), as a Mary Hartwell, age 94, was found on the 1850 federal census living in the household of Orrin Jenks. More research needs to be done on this family. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +6.57 i. JAMES6 HARTWELL, b. 24 June 1771; m. SARAH WOOD. +6.58 ii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. ca. 1777; m. ELIZABETH COOPER. 228 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Descendants of Peter4 and Jean (Langdon) Hartwell

5.26 THOMAS5 HARTWELL (Peter4, John3-2, William1) was born at Fredericksburg, Dutchess County, New York, 15 July 1759 (Rev. Pension File #S13301) and he died at Rome, New York, 15 July 1835 (Gs:Old Niles Burying Ground; HOA has 16 Aug 1838). Thomas was “of Fredericksburg, New York” when he enlisted in the spring of 1776 and served as a private in Capt. Joshua Barnum’s company, Col. Humphrey’s New York regiment. He re- enlisted 3 March 1777, in Capt. Philip D. Bevier’s company, Col. Lewis DuBois’s 5th New York regiment, and was severely wounded on 6 October 1777 at Fort Montgomery, “being shot through the ankle and cut on the hip by a bayonet, was captured, taken to New York and confined in the North Church prison and on the Jersey prison ship for one year and 10 months, was then released and later discharged.” He was allowed a pension on his application of 31 August 1832 when he was a resident of Rome, Oneida Co., New York, prior to which he lived in Hoosick (Revolutionary Pension File S13301). In 1778, Thomas apparently went from New London, Connecticut, where his mother was said to have taken him after his father’s death, to Hoosick Falls, and was the first doctor there. He married at Hoosick, New York, Samuel Guthrie, Esq. officiating, 16 August 1784 (NEHGR 82[1928]:255-256), HANNAH ASHE, who was born at Hoosick Falls, ca. 1768 and died 19 April 1829 (HOA), daughter of John and Mary (Green) Ashe. He is shown on the 1790 federal census as head of a household in Hoosick consisting of one male over 16 (himself), four males under 16 and two females, which seems like more children than he had at the time. He evidently moved to Rome, New York, about 1800. “He was a surgeon’s mate in 1791 and a surgeon in 1798. He built the homestead known as the Melinda Wells place, and in 1793 he founded the first Federal Lodge, #33, of the Order of Free Masons. In Rome, he lived on a farm of 100 acres on the road from Rome to Whitesboro . . . mentioned in Rome Medical Records in 1802. . . . Fifth Generation 229

Attended a Medical Congress in 1806. . . . Practiced medicine in Rome until his death” (HOA). Children, first eight born at Hoosick, NY (NEHGR 82[1928]:255-256), rest at Rome, NY, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +6.59 i. JOHN PERAGO6 HARTWELL, b. 22 Aug 1785; m. MARY SMITH. +6.60 ii. MARTHA HARTWELL, b. 12 April 1787; m. CYRUS HAWLEY. +6.61 iii. PETER HARTWELL, b. 27 Jan 1789; m. HANNAH PEASE. +6.62 iv. ABRAHAM HARTWELL, b. 2 June 1791; m. SAMANTHA BURNHAM. +6.63 v. THOMAS ASHE HARTWELL, b. 21 Sept. 1792; m. ELIZABETH SWAN. +6.64 vi. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 8 Oct 1795; m. NATHANIEL PERKINS. +6.65 vii. EBENEZER HARTWELL, b. 10 April 1798; m. PAMELA BALDWIN. +6.66 viii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 27 Aug 1799; m. LEVI HOWARD. +6.67 ix. JAMES L. HARTWELL, b. 9 Oct 1801; m.? MARY JANE EATON. +6.68 x. MARY HARTWELL, b. 15 April 1804; m. GIDEON NILES. +6.69 xi. LYMAN N. HARTWELL, b. 16 May 1806; m. CHRISTINA RACE. +6.70 xii. SALYNA JANE HARTWELL, b. 1 May 1808; m. JABEZ BUTLER. +6.71 xiii. HARRIET VIRGINIA HARTWELL, b. 11 March 1811; m. VAN VLACK SHULER.

Descendants of Joseph4 and Hannah (Reed) Hartwell

5.27 JOSEPH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4-3, John2, William1) was born probably at Boston, ca. 1740 and he died before 1797, when his 230 Descendants of William1 Hartwell widow was residing in Boston. He married at Charlestown, the Rev. Mr. Thos. Prentice officiating, 31 May 1763 (ChVR 427), ANNA HODGE, who was born ca. 1743 (calc.) and died at Boston, -- December 1813, age 70 (NEHGR 79[1925]:46), parents not identified. [Note: Joseph’s wife is possibly the Ann Hodges who was born at Boston, 2 May 1741, dau. of James and Katherine Hodges (BRC 24:243)]. According to HOA, Joseph “settled in Medford, was a lieutenant during the Revolution, was innkeeper at Metonomy [sic] in 1785.” Mass. Soldiers & Sailors in the Revolution makes no mention of any Lt. Joseph Hartwell from the Boston area, and there is no pension record for either Joseph or his widow. Although HOA accords him five children, born in Medford, the only children of record are Sarah, who died in 1778, and an unnamed son, born 1783, both recorded in Arlington. There is no Hartwell household on the 1790 federal census in the vicinity of Boston. Where HOA obtained his information has not been learned. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 6.72 i. SARAH6 HARTWELL, bap. 21 Oct 1764 (HOA); d. Aug 1775 (HOA). +6.73 ii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. say 1768; m. (1) ESTHER MCCLARY, (2) MARY (MUNCRIEF) FULLER. 6.74 iii. ANNE HARTWELL, bap. 12 Aug 1772 (HOA); n.f.r. 6.75 iv. SARAH HARTWELL, b. ca. 1775 (calc.); d. Arlington, 10 Aug 1778, age 3y (AVR 138). 6.76 v. WILLIAM HARTWELL, auctioneer, b. ca. 1777; d. of “old age” at Deer Island, Boston, 23 May 1857 (not 1757 as in HOA), age 80; death record says he was “b. Charlestown, son of Joseph and Annabel” (MA VRs 113:34). [Note: Per- haps the unnamed son listed below.] 6.77 vi. UNNAMED SON, b. Arlington, 28 Aug 1783 (AVR 26).

5.28 HANNAH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4-3, John2, William1) was born probably at Boston, ca. 1743 (calc.), and she died at Arlington, 15 Fifth Generation 231

February 1799, age 56 (AVR 131). She married at Cambridge, 1 December 1760 (CVR 2:185), SAMUEL CUTTER 2d, who was born at Arlington, 17 May 1740 (AVR 18), and whose death record has not been found, son of Nehemiah and Martha (Bowman) Cutter. Samuel was a soldier in the French Wars (HOA). Children, born at Arlington: i. SAMUEL CUTTER, b. 1 Dec 1760 [sic] (AVR 19, as “____, s. Samuel 2d”); d. ca. 1835; m. 21 Jan 1787 (Cutter; HOA has 1769, which is unlikely), ABIGAIL CUTTER, b. Arlington, 19 Jan 1769 (AVR 16), d. 17 Oct 1803, dau. of Samuel and Susanna (Francis) Cutter. Samuel was a card maker, lived on Charlestown neck (HOA). Children: 1. Oliver Cutter, b. Charlestown, 23 June 1788 (ChVR 438); d. Arlington ca. 1873; a seaman. 2. Samuel Cutter, d. Texas ca. 1817. 3. Joseph Cutter, b. 2 March 1800; m. Sarah Jewett of Ipswich; went to Maine. Three known children, probably others. 4. Abigail Cutter, m. Charlestown (int.) 22 Sept 1811 (ChVR 536), William Cunningham. ii. HANNAH CUTTER (twin), b. 18 July 1763; m. Arlington, 29 April 1783 (AVR 69), WILLIAM CUTTER, “Continental,” b. Charlestown, 15 July 1759 (ChVR 394), d. Arlington, of fever, 28 Nov 1846 (AVR 132), son of Samuel and Susanna (Francis) Cutter, and brother of Abigail (above). William, “a soldier of the Revolution who served during the war, and was for many years a Pensioner. He was in several engagements and was made a Prisoner though always distinguished for his Bravery” (AVR 132). Children, born probably at Arlington: 1. William F. Cutter, b. 15 Aug 1783 (AVR 19, as “_____, s. Wm 3d”); d. ca. 1837; m. Hannah Mallett of 232 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Charlestown; lived in Cambridge, Charlestown and Sandwich. Two daughters and one son (HOA). 2. Ezekiel Cutter, m. Arlington, 29 Nov 1809 (AVR 67), Sophia Whittemore, bap. 26 June 1797, dau. of Josiah and Olive (Winship) Whittemore. Ezekiel removed to Montreal, Quebec, was a manufacturer of cards and nails. 3. Samuel Cutter, n.f.r. 4. Elizabeth Cutter; n.f.r. 5. Hannah Cutter, b. 13 Nov 1794; d. Stow, 17 Oct 1826, age 31 (SVR 241); m. Weston (int.) 17 Oct 1824 (WVR 209), as his 2nd wife, Robert Derby of Salem, a tailor (see #6, below); lived in Cambridge, Weston, Stow. One son, William Derby, b. 27 Sept 1825 (HOA). 6. Eliza Cutter, b. 13 April 1797; d. Stow, 24 Dec 1823, age 26 (SVR 241); m. Arlington, 12 March 1818 (AVR 66), as his 1st wife, Robert Derby (see #5, above). Robert Derby m. (3) Eleanor Warren. Three daugh- ters with Eliza. iii. ELIZABETH CUTTER (twin), b. 18 July 1763; d. 18 July 1806, age 43; m. Cambridge, 2 Nov 1783 (CVR 2:101), WILLIAM WHITTEMORE, b. 29 Jan 1761, d. 2 Nov 1842, age 81, son of Thomas and Anna (Cutter) Whittemore. Children: 1. Eliza Whittemore, b. 17 Feb 1784; d. Arlington, 16 June 1812 (AVR 156), age 26 (HOA). 2. Hannah Maria Whittemore, b. 9 July 1787, bap. 16 Jan 1814, age 27; d. Arlington, 9 March 1814 (AVR 155); unmarried. 3. Sarah Ann Whittemore, b. 3 Nov 1789; d. Arlington, 10 June 1810 (AVR 155), age 21 (HOA); unmarried. Fifth Generation 233

4. William Whittemore, b. 8 April 1791; d. Arlington, 26 May 1812 (AVR 156), age 19 (HOA). 5. Caroline Whittemore, b. 4 June 1793; d. Arlington, 3 Oct 1812 (AVR 155), age 19 (HOA). 6. James Madison Whittemore, b. 9 July 1795; d. Brighton, 7 Dec 1863; m. (1) unknown; m. (2) Lan- caster, (int.) 1 Aug 1846 (LBMD 250), Catharine Prescott Carter, b. Lancaster, 14 Feb 1806 (LBMD 202), dau. of Oliver and Emily (Harrington) Carter. James M. graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1822. 7. Thomas Jefferson Whittemore, b. 30 Oct 1797 (HOA); m. and removed to New York. 8. Mary Ann Whittemore, m. Henry S. Low of Boston, who d. Frankfort Arsenal, 24 June 1877, age 55 (HOA), son of Capt. W. H. Low, U.S.A. 9. John Hancock Whittemore, d. ca. 1851; had name changed to William; went to Charleston, SC; m. Lucinda King; served in Mexican War, went to OR. iv. MARY BOWMAN CUTTER, b. 13 March 1766; d. 6 Jan 1803; m. Cambridge, 10 Feb 1791 (CVR 2:103), ISAAC LAWRENCE. Children: 1. Isaac Lawrence, went to NJ; d. in Cuba. 2. James Lawrence, d. in India. 3. Samuel Lawrence, d. Albany, NY. v. JOSEPH CUTTER, b. -- Nov 1776; d. Arlington, 13 Dec 1846, age 71 (AVR 131); m. Salem, 26 Dec 1797 (SVR 3:538), ANN GARDNER “NANCY” IRELAND, bap. Salem, 7 Feb 1773 (SVR 1:465), d. Charlestown, 1 March 1861, 88y 1m (MA VRs 148:82), dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Mallet) Ireland. 234 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children: 1. Nancy Cutter, b. 10 April 1798; d. Arlington, 25 Sept 1799, age 17m 15d (AVR 132). 2. Ann Cutter, b. 14 Dec 1801; d. 1802. 3. Joseph Cutter, b. 9 Sept 1802; d. Boston, ca. 1837; m. Sarah (—). He was a card maker in Boston in 1836; had a dau, Sally Cutter. 4. Thomas Cutter, b. 30 Aug 18--; d. 1805. 5. Elizabeth M. Cutter, b. 7 Oct 1809; d. 1858; m. (–) Hastings.

5.29 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4-3, John2, William1) was born probably at Boston, before 1748 and she is most likely “_____, wid. George, towns poor” who died of dysentery at Medford, 23 September 1823, age 82 (MVR 449). She married at Cambridge, (int.) 12 November 1767 (CVR 2:185), GEORGE5 TUFTS, who was born at Medford, 10 January 1746/7 (MVR 148) and died there of “compli- cation of diseases” 25 August 1796, age 50 (MVR 442), son of William4 (James3, Jonathan2, Peter1) and Katherine (Wyman) Tufts. Children, born at Medford [MVR 147-153; Herbert F. Adams, Tufts Kinsmen, hereinafter, Tufts]: i. GEORGE TUFTS, b. 1 June 1768 [Tufts]; d. “a poor debtor” in prison at Concord, 11 Feb 1818 [CBMD 337]; “of Boston” when he m. Billerica, 18 Sept 1792 [BVR 326], REBECCA FROST, b. Billerica, 27 Aug 1766 [BVR 89], d. Hopkinton, NH, 23 Nov 1838 [Tufts], dau. of Joshua and Hannah (Dutton) Frost. She m. (2) Boston, 17 June 1823 [Tufts], Deacon Asa Robbins. Children [Tufts]: 1. George Tufts, b. Medford, 22 Feb 1793 [MVR 153]; d. Nashua, NH, -- May 1841; m. ca. 1811, Susannah Farmer, b. Billerica, 26 Aug 1792 [BVR 74]; d. Fifth Generation 235

Hooksett, NH, 17 June 1880, dau. of Jonathan and Betty (—) Farmer. Three children born at Billerica. 2. Elizabeth Tufts, b. ca. 1793 [sic]; d. before 1840; m. Boston, 1 July 1817, John Britton Tates. 3. Hannah Dutton Tufts, b. Medford, 2 Dec 1794 [MVR 154, as unnamed child]; d. after 1846; m. Boston, 10 Dec 1820, William Herrick 2d, b. Boston 16 Feb 1778, d. Beverly, 9 Aug 1846, son of William and Mary (Willis) Herrick. 4. Rebecca Frost Tufts, b. ca. 1795; d. -- Nov 1841; m. Boston, 2 Nov 1814, Daniel Prescott, b. Chester, NH, 17 Nov 1797, d. Boston 6 Sept 1865, son of Edward and Mary (Plumer) Prescott. Three children recorded in Boston. 5. Joshua Frost Tufts, b. Billerica, 11 Aug 1799 [BVR 194]; d. Hopkinton, NH, 4 April 1839; m. (1) Roxbury, 2 Dec 1819, Rosalinda Swazey, m. (2) Boston, 18 Sept 1823, Mary Naningo; m. (3) Mary (Berry) Berg. 6. Joseph Tufts, b. Billerica, 24 May 1801 [BVR 193]; d. Merrimack, NH, 30 July 1841; m. ca. 1824, Lydia Bixby, b. Litchfield, NH, 12 Aug 1803, d. there ca. 1838, dau. William and Sarah (Thompson) Bixby. Four children. 7. John Tufts, b. Billerica, 31 March 1803 [BVR 194]; d. Newton, ca. 184-; m. Wilton, NH, 11 Nov 1824, Roxana Holt, b. Wilton, 19 Jan 1805, d. there 23 Dec 1890, dau. of Simeon and Esther (—) Holt. No children. 8. William Tufts, b. Billerica, 31 Oct 1805 (BVR 194); d. Erin Shades, VA, -- Feb 1872; m. Charlotte M. (—) Corbet, b. ca. 1806, d. -- June 1891. Three children. 9. Samuel Tufts, b. Billerica, 27 April 1807 (BVR 194); n.f.r. 236 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

ii. JOSEPH TUFTS, b. 6 Jan 1770; d. Boston, 11 March 1824; m. Medford, 9 Feb 1792 (MVR 310), SARAH TURNER, b. Medford, 18 Jan 1772 (MVR 155), dau. of William and Mary (Bucknam) Turner. iii. JOHN TUFTS, b. 29 Aug 1773; d. 9 Sept 1773. iv. ELIZABETH TUFTS, b. 14 Sept 1778; buried Medford, 26 Jan 1796, age 17 (MVR 447, as “eldest dau. George”). v. JOHN TUFTS, b. 30 Oct 1781; d. Medford -- Jan 1826 (MVR 449); m. Medford, 2 Nov 1817, BETSEY JOHNSON, b. Lynn, 4 Dec 1796, d. Medford, 4 Jan 1824, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Ingalls) Johnson. vi. CALL TUFTS, b. 25 Aug 1785; m. Billerica, 10 Feb 1807 (BVR 326), MARY SAUNDERS, b. Billerica, 31 Jan 1787 (BVR 169), dau. of Jonas and Hannah (Frost) Saunders. Children, born at Billerica (BVR 193-4): 1. Call Tufts, b. 8 Nov 1807. 2. John Tufts, b. 30 Dec 1810. 3. Mary Tufts, b. 31 Dec 1816. vii. AARON TUFTS, b. 3 May 1788; d. infancy. viii. HANNAH TUFTS, b. 29 July 1791; n.f.r.

Descendants of Edward4 and Elizabeth (Kneeland) Hartwell

5.34 EDWARD5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 22 August 1747 (ERL 297) and he died probably at St. Albans, Maine, 30 March 1844, age 96 (Gs:South Cemetery, Skowhegan, ME). He married at Lunenburg, 9 December 1776 (Cunningham), LYDIA5 ITEWH , who was born at Lunenburg, 5 March 1755 (ERL 331) and died at Canaan, Maine, 21 April 1837, daughter of John4 (Josiah3-2, John1) and Mary (Whitney) White. In 1765 Edward was sent with a detachment of soldiers to Kennebec Fort, now Gardiner, Maine (HOA). During the Revolution, Edward Hartwell [of] Fitchburg [was a] Corporal in Capt. Ebenezer Fifth Generation 237

Bridge’s Co., Col. John Whetcomb’s Regt. of Minute-men which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775 to Cambridge; left place of rendezvous 25 April 1775; service 6 days; also Sergeant, Capt. John Fuller’s Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb’s Regt.; company receipts for wages for Aug. and Sept. 1775, dated camp at Prospect Hill; also, company return dated 6 Oct. 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Prospect Hill, 14 Nov. 1775 (MS&S 7:392). Edward moved to Maine about 1780, and is shown on the 1790 census as the head of a household in Canaan, ME, consisting of one male over 16, seven males under 16, and one female. In his pension application, dated 23 July 1832, Edward stated that he was 84 years of age, was born in Lunenburg, in 1747, lived in Bloomfield, ME, for 48 years, and was now a resident of St. Albans (Pension File #S31087). He “was a remarkable and highly educated man, Maine’s first noteworthy musician and one of its earliest composers. His song book “Chorister’s Companion” published in 1815 is of especial interest because it contains both secular and religious music and it was used in what is now Skowhegan for many years. Other works include ‘Skowhegan,’ which is entirely secular, ‘Independence’ or ‘The Conqueror’s Song’ to be sung on the Fourth of July, ‘Charazin’ made in a great sudden thunder storm in 1697 by his father or grandfather who were also musicians, and several other pieces of music. Some of Edward’s children became well known singers or performers on musical instruments” (Louise Helen Coburn, “Skowhegan on the Kennebec” [1941]). Children, born in Massachusetts and Maine, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 6.78 i. THOMAS6 HARTWELL, b. prob. Lunenburg, 27 March 1777; d. 23 Oct 1807. 6.79 ii. EDWARD HARTWELL, b. prob. Lunenburg, 17 April 1778; d. 10 Sept 1814; he was in the army, wounded fighting Indians. 238 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6.80 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. prob. Lunenburg, 15 Sept 1779; perished at sea in June 1804; m. UNKNOWN; lived in Wiscasset, ME; left a daughter. +6.81 iv. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 15 Dec 1780; m. MARY STEWART. 6.82 v. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Bloomfield, ME, 25 Dec 1782; d. in IL; unmarried. 6.83 vi. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. Bloomfield, ME, 21 May 1784; d. in NY ca. 1829; unmarried. 6.84 vii. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 3 March 1786; d. infancy. 6.85 viii. BETTY HARTWELL, b. 27 May 1787; d. prob. before the taking of the 1790 federal census. +6.86 ix. STEPHEN HARTWELL, b. Canaan, ME, 4 Aug 1788; m. PRISCILLA KAVANAUGH. +6.87 x. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. Canaan, ME, 3 Dec 1791; m. MARY HILTON. 6.88 xi. MARY HARTWELL, b. 28 Jan 1794; d. 4 Feb 1839. 6.89 xii. LUCINDA HARTWELL, b. 23 Aug 1796; d. infancy. 6.90 xiii. ISAIAH HARTWELL, b. 16 Feb 1799; d. infancy.

5.35 ASAHEL5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 24 August 1749 (ERL 297) or 3 September 1751 (Pension File #R4707) and he died at Northumberland, New York, 3 February 1844, age 93y 5m 5d (ibid.). He married at Lunenburg, 3 February 1774 (Cunningham), ABIGAIL WALKER, who was born at Lunenburg, 21 January 1753 (ERL 335) or 3 November 1753 (Pension File #R4707) and died at Saratoga, New York, 10 February 1823 (ibid.), daughter of Obadiah4 (Nathaniel3, Shubael2, Capt. Richard1) and Abigail (Gary) Walker. HOA says Asahel “was a soldier in the Revolution, settled in Westmoreland, NH, removed in 1792 to Stillwater, NY.” Asahel’s application for a Revolutionary pension (R4707) is confusing. Not only does his birthdate and that of his wife not correspond with the Fifth Generation 239 records of the town of Lunenburg, but his Revolutionary service is in doubt. Asahel testified on 31 December 1833 that he had served as a private in the company of John Fuller, and marched to Cambridge on the alarm of 19 April 1775. He was discharged in January 1776, returned to Lunenburg, and again volunteered 1 February 1776, under Capt. William Pope, when he again went to Cambridge, this time for two months. While at Cambridge, General Washington passed through the camp, patted him on the head and told him he was a “fine fellow.” Despite many affidavits to his veracity, his application for a pension was refused on the grounds that the rolls for John Fuller’s company showed a Sergeant Josiah Hartwell, but no Private Asahel Hartwell. Undaunted, Asahel responded that he was sometimes called Josiah, and sometimes Jonah, and sent in the family Bible (written in his own hand) showing his name as “Asahel Jonah” to prove his claim. This did not impress the government, and as late as 1852, Asahel’s heirs were still trying to get the pension. Finally they gave up and asked for a return of the Bible. A receipt, dated Schuylersville, New York, 11 August 1879, and signed by Asahel’s grandson, George W. Hartwell, shows that the Bible was returned to the family. The “Asahel Hartwell, Fitchburg, Private, Capt. Ebenezer Wood’s Co. of Minute-men, Col. Asa Whitcomb’s Regt. which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; returned 30 April 1775; service 12 days” (MS&S) is undoubtedly the same man who applied for a pension in New York, as there is no other Asahel Hartwell to whom this service could reasonably apply. The likelihood is that Asahel was telling the truth about his service, but couldn’t remember the names of his superior officers, something not to be wondered at in a man who apparently couldn’t remember his own birth date. According to his pension application, Asahel lived in Lunenburg and/or Fitchburg, removed to Westmoreland, NH “for about 10 years,” then Stillwater, Saratoga Co., New York, for another 10 years, and finally, Northumberland, New York. He is 240 Descendants of William1 Hartwell listed on the 1790 census as the head of a household in Westmoreland, New Hampshire, consisting of one male over 16 (himself), two males under 16 (Thomas and Josiah), and three females (wife Abigail, daus. Abigail and Prudence). He is appar- ently still in Westmoreland for the taking of the 1810 census, although this listing could be that of his nephew of the same name. Children, first two born probably at Lunenburg or Fitchburg, last two born probably at Westmoreland, NH (1850 federal census), birthdates per HOA: +6.91 i. ABIGAIL6 HARTWELL, b. 15 March 1778; m. ORRISON WHITFORD. +6.92 ii. PRUDENCE HARTWELL, b. 3 July 1780; m. BENJAMIN ROGERS (see #5.38). +6.93 iii. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. prob. Westmoreland, NH, 22 Sept 1784; m. PHEBE ROGERS. +6.94 iv. JOSIAH HARTWELL, b. prob. Westmoreland, NH, 19 March 1787; m. AZUBAH ROGERS.

5.36 SOLOMON5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 18 July 1751 (ERL 297) and he died at Worcester, Otsego Co., New York, 22 October 1847 (DAR application paper #397701). He married first, at Fitchburg, Rev. John Payson offici- ating, 21 September (or December) 1774 (ORF 2:254 gives both dates), DORCAS POLLEY, who was born at Leominster, 24 October 1754 (LVR 115) and died at Worcester, New York, 20 June 1820, age 65 (DAR appl. paper), daughter of Joseph and Dorcas (Coburn) Polley (also see #5.62). Solomon married second, 21 August 1831, as her third husband, MARY (—) (EDDY) HODGES, widow respectively of James Eddy and David Hodges, both soldiers in the Revolution. Mary died 19 February 1853. Solomon was a “Private [in] Capt. Ebenezer Bridge’s co., Col. John Whetcomb’s regt. of Minute-men, which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775 to Cambridge; left place of rendezvous 3 May 1775; service 14 days; also, Capt. William Thurlo’s co.; travel Fifth Generation 241 out and home 180 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 9 days; mileage (180 miles) also allowed; company marched on an alarm at Bennington 22 Aug. 1777, under command of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge by order of Gen. Stark and Col. Warner and was dismissed by Gen. Lincoln after proceeding 90 miles” (MS&S). Solomon is listed on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Fitchburg, consisting of one male over 16, three males under 16, and five females, which matches perfectly with his known family at that time. In 1832, Solomon applied for and received a pension for his Revolutionary service (Pension File #13329). Children, all by first wife, all born at Fitchburg (as recorded by Phineas Hartwell, town clerk) (ORF 2:323-4): +6.95 i. DORCAS6 HARTWELL, b. 4 Aug 1775; m. JOHN RAND. +6.96 ii. SOLOMON HARTWELL, b. 9 June 1777; m. CATHERINE FURNELL/TANNER. +6.97 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 1 April 1779; m. SEEBEE/SEBA OSBORN. 6.98 iv. MARY “POLLY” HARTWELL, b. 29 April 1781; d. 18 Jan 1844; m. (1) LUTHER FLINT, bap. Reading, 4 Oct 1767 (RVR 98), d. 25 Dec 1822, son of Joseph and Hannah (Herrick) Flint (see #151). Mary removed to Schenevus, NY; m. (2) JOHN BRADLEY, b. CT (HOA). +6.99 v. SARAH “SALLY” HARTWELL, b. 2 May 1783; m. CHARLES TAYLOR. +6.100 vi. EUNICE HARTWELL, b. 19 Nov 1785; m. ASA CRIPPEN. +6.101 vii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 16 March 1788; m. (1) ELIZABETH GOTT, (2) LUCY (LAKE) BIGELOW.

5.38 MARTHA5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 14 August 1755 (ERL 297) and she died at Stillwater, New York, ca. 1820 (HOA). She went with her brother, Asahel, to Westmoreland, New Hampshire, and married 4 October 1784 (HOA), BENJAMIN ROGERS, who emigrated later to Stillwater, NY. 242 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

[Notes: 1) Since it is doubtful if Asahel went to Westmoreland much before 1790, it is possible that Martha and Benjamin Rogers preceded him there; 2) HOA’s cryptic remark that Benjamin and Martha “may have been the parents of Benjamin Rogers and Prudence-6 Hartwell,” must mean that they may have been the parents of Benjamin who married Prudence6 Hartwell, since Asahel’s pension file clearly shows that he was the father of Prudence (Hartwell) Rogers.] Child, per HOA: i. BENJAMIN ROGERS, m. PRUDENCE6 HARTWELL (see #6.92).

5.39 JOHN5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 2 April 1758 (ERL 297) and he died at Rush, Monroe County, New York, 28 September 1832 (Pension File 544197). He married first, ca. 1779 (calc.), HANNAH MOORE, who died ca. 1793, parents not identified. He married second, ca. 1802 (HOA), MERCY CARTWRIGHT, who was born at Sharon, Connecticut, ca. 1762 and died 5 February 1826 (HOA). He married third, ca. 1827, MARY (BUGBEE) BROWN, about whom nothing further is known. John Hartwell of Lunenburg served as a “private [in] Capt. Joseph Bellows’s co.; enlisted 1 Oct 1777; service to 19 Oct 1777, 25 days, at Saratoga, including 7 days (140 miles) travel home; also, Capt. Elisha Jackson’s co.; enlisted 25 June 1778 [service not given]; roll dated Middleton, RI, 27 Aug 1778; also, Capt. Benjamin Edgell’s co., Col. John Jacobs’s regt.; enlisted 25 June 1778; service, 6 mos. 9 (also given as 6 mos. 11) days, including travel (80 miles) home; enlistment to expire 1 Jan 1779; also, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated Freetown, 13 Sept 1778” (MS&S). [Note: John’s service is extraordinarily similar to that of his brother Samuel.] Efforts to “track” John and reconstruct his family have been difficult. HOA states that “about the age of 20 he went to Windham Co., VT, in the neighborhood of his brother, Asahel, who lived in Westmoreland, NH. He appears to have transacted business in Fifth Generation 243

Putney, VT, the records of which place do not mention his marriage or the births of his children, which may have occurred in Athens, where he apparently was a member of the Baptist church. Tradition assigns him a residence in Rutland Co., probably doubtful” (HOA). John is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a family in Athens, VT, consisting of one male over 16 (himself), three males under 16 (probably John, Thomas and Benjamin) and three females (probably wife Hannah and daughters Polly and Sophia). “About 1790 [sic] or 91, he removed to Delaware Co., NY, settling on Charlotte River, living in Harpersfield, Cartwright (Kortwright) or both, six or eight years, then going to Elmira, and later to Rush, NY, where he died” (HOA). John is, indeed, shown on the 1800 census as the head of a family in Delaware Co., NY, consisting of one male under 10 (prob. Daniel), two males 10-16, one male 26-45, one female under 10, one female 10-16, one female 16-26, and one female 26-45. “He was a blacksmith, a soldier of the Revolution; according to tradition helped to forge the chain that barred the North River against British vessels. This, however, presupposes that he was in New York state before going to VT, and is doubtful. He may have helped later on repairs or fastenings of the chain after entering the army. He was a local Baptist preacher” (HOA). John was a 60-year old resident of Rush, New York, when he applied for a pension on 27 April 1818, stating that he enlisted at Lunenburg, Massachusetts. The pension application mentions only sons Daniel and Thomas, an unnamed daughter, wife Mary, and her son Stephen, under 10 years of age (Pension File #544917). His will mentions his wife Mary and his children: Polly, wife of William Straight of Ohio; Elsy, wife of (–) Westfall; Daniel of Cattaraugus Co.; John B. of Avon, NY; Benjamin of Ohio, and John, a son who died leaving seven children in Ohio (Tree Talks 5:11, citing File 1833-11). Children by first wife, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +6.102 i. MARY6 “POLLY” HARTWELL, b. prob. Athens, VT, -- Dec 1780; m. WILLIAM STRAIGHT. 244 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.103 ii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. prob. Athens, VT, ca. 1782; m. MARY “POLLY” CARTWRIGHT. +6.104 iii. SOPHIA HARTWELL (incorrectly called “Elsie” in HOA), b. prob. Athens, VT, ca. 1784; m. NATHAN PORTER. +6.105 iv. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. prob. Athens, VT, 17 Nov 1786; m. SAMANTHA ROBERTS. +6.106 v. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. prob Athens, VT, ca. 1788; m. (1) POLLY LEMON, (2) SOPHIA (—). +6.107 vi. RELIEF “ELSY” HARTWELL, b. prob. Delaware Co., NY, 22 March 1791; m. JOHN N. WESTPHALL. +6.108 vii. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. prob. Delaware Co., NY, 14 Dec 1792; m. CLARISSA BROWN. Child by third wife: +6.109 viii. JOHN B. HARTWELL, b. 19 Jan 1829; m. (1) EUGENIA N. PECKHAM, (2) LYDIA PATTERSON.

5.40 SAMUEL5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 20 April 1760 (ERL 297) and he died at Worcester, Otsego County, New York, 8 June 1847, age 87 (Gs:Worcester, NY). He married, ca. 1798 (HOA), as her second husband, ANNA (HAWLEY) BARNUM, who was born at ?, Connecticut, ca. 1758 and died at Worcester, New York, 12 December 1844, age 86 (Gs). Anna’s parents have not been identified, but her death record identifies her as “former wife of D. H. Barnum.” Anna Hawley married at Fairfield, Connecticut, 8 May 1793 (IGI), David H. Barnum. Samuel served as a “Private [in] Capt. Elisha Jackson’s co.; enlisted 25 June 1778 [service not given]; roll dated Middleton, RI, 27 Aug. 1778; also, Capt. Benjamin Edgell’s co., Col. John Jacob’s regt.; service 6 mos. 11 days, including travel (80 miles) home; enlistment to expire 1 Jan. 1779; also, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated Freetown, 13 Sept. 1778; also, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated Freetown, 18 Oct. 1778; reported sick and absent” (MS&S). [Note similarities of service with that of his brother John, Fifth Generation 245 above.] Samuel applied for, and received, a pension; his brother Solomon attested to his service (Revolutionary Pension file #S10817). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 6.110 i. KNEELAND6 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1801; never married, a somewhat unreliable Methodist exhorter, taking frequent fits of wandering, thought to have been found dead in Delaware Co., NY. [Note: Kneeland Hartwell, age 50, is listed on the 1850 federal census for Worcester, Otsego Co., NY, as head of a household consisting of himself and Ann Smith, age 48, no doubt his sister (Reel #579:167, listed in index as “Freeland”).] +6.111 ii. ANNA HARTWELL, b. 19 Dec 1803; m. RICHARD SMITH. +6.112 iii. ROXA HARTWELL, b. 8 May 1805; m. SILAS JOHNSON.

5.41 LYDIA5 HARTWELL (Edward4-3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 11 April 1765 (ERL 298) and she died at Alstead, New Hampshire, 10 March 1796, age 31y (Gs:North Cemetery, East Alstead). The inscription on her gravestone reads: “Affliction for long time I bore / Physicians were in vain / Till death gave ease when God / [was pleased] to ease me of my pain.” According to HOA Lydia “went to visit her sister, Elizabeth Arch, in Alstead, NH, met EDWARD SAVAGE, of English birth, who afterwards returned to England.” A somewhat different version of Edward’s parentage is given in The History of Acworth, NH, which states that Edward was the 3rd generation in America, a descendant of Edward Savage of Rutland, but “went to Europe at the birth of his son, Edward, and death of his wife, 1786 [sic].” Both versions agree that Lydia’s son was raised by his aunt, Elizabeth Arch. Following clues given in The History of Acworth, NH about the origin of the Savage family in Rutland, has revealed that the father of Lydia’s child may very well have been Edward Savage, the American portrait painter and engraver noted for his portraits of George Washington, who sat for him several times (Encycl. Americana [1957] 24:321). Edward was born at Princeton, 26 November 1761 and 246 Descendants of William1 Hartwell died there 6 July 1817, age 56 (PVR 187), the son of Seth and Lydia (Craige) Savage. He did go to England in 1791 to study under Benjamin West, and later went to Italy, but returned to the United States and opened a studio in Philadelphia. He married at Boston, 14 November 1795, SARAH SEAVER, who is named as Edward’s widow and was apparently the mother of the children named in the administration of his estate: Charlotte B., Lydia, George, Sarah S., Elisabeth S., and Stephen B. Savage; the two youngest children, Elisabeth and Stephen, were under the guardianship of . The estate was administered by Edward Savage, whose relationship to the deceased is not stated, nor is his residence given, although he received $291.42 for his trouble in administering the estate (Worcester County Probate File A:52130). There are also no references to Hartwells or Archs in the probate file, but that may not be significant. The families probably tried to cover up the fact that Edward returned to America and married another, while Lydia languished in Alstead. Child of Lydia Hartwell and Edward Savage: i. EDWARD SAVAGE, b. prob. Fitchburg, 25 Dec 1786 (Cunningham; HOA); d. Acworth, NH, ca. 1862, age 75y 8m (History of Acworth); m. (1) ABIGAIL VICKERY, who d. 31 May 1842, dau. of Benjamin and Rhoda (Holbrook) Vickery of Lempster, NH; m. (2) LYDIA (DAVIS) SLEEPER of Leominster, who d. 13 Nov 1878. Edward was a Capt. in the War of 1812; settled in Acworth, NH, in 1824. Children (History of Acworth, NH): 1. Edward Hartwell Savage, b. ca. 1811; m. (1) Zoe Huston, b. 4 Oct 1808, d. 1 Nov 1859; m. (2) Fanny M. Baker, dau. of Capt. Nathaniel Baker of York, ME. E. H. Savage was a merchant in Marlow, NH, removed to Boston, where he was appointed a member of the Boston Police Dept. in 1850, Captain of Police in 1854, and Deputy Chief in 1861; author of History of the Boston Watch and Police 1631-1865 Fifth Generation 247

and Annual Report of the Chief of Police [City of Boston] for 1871 (NEHGR 26[1872]:214). Four children. 2. James Hervey Savage, b. 6 Nov 1820; d. 13 March 1850, age 29y 4m 7d; m. Clarissa E. Bartlett (History of Acworth).

Descendants of Jonathan4 and Elizabeth (Tarbell) Hartwell

5.42 SARAH5 HARTWELL (Jonathan4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 23 November 1746 (ERL 298) and she died at Ashby, 19 September 1823 (Jaquith; HOA). She married at ?, 8 November 1773, ADFORD5 JAQUITH, who was born at Dunstable, 16 October 1748 (DVR 47) and died at Ashby, 19 November 1824, son of Adford4 (Abraham3-2-1) and Margaret (Jaquith) Jaquith. [Note: for more about the JAQUITH family, refer to George Oakes Jaquith & Georgetta Jaquith Walker, The Jaquith Family in America, NEHGS 1982. This excellent genealogy has been used to correct some of the information on this family as given in HOA.] Children, all born at Ashby, per “Jaquith” unless otherwise indicated: i. BENJAMIN JAQUITH, b. 14 May 1775; d. 19 Oct 1849; m. (1) 20 May 1802, REBECCA SPAULDING; m. (2) 29 March 1831, SUSAN LANE of Ashburnham. Children: 1. Joseph Jaquith, b. 28 Feb 1803; d. unmarried. 2. Benjamin Jaquith, b. 16 Oct 1806. 3. Elbridge G. Jaquith, b. 3 Jan 1811; m. 8 Nov 1836, Sarah Cate of Fitzwilliam, NH; two or three children. 4. Andrew Jaquith, b. 7 March 1816; d. Langdon, NH, 27 Aug 1864; m. 17 April 1842, Abby G. Warren of Ashby. He was a Congregational minister. Two children. ii. POLLY JAQUITH, b. 12 Sept 1776; n.f.r. 248 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

iii. JOSEPH JAQUITH, b. 24 March 1779; n.f.r. iv. ASA JAQUITH, b. 25 Feb 1781; d. 19 Sept 1860; m. SIBBEL DAVIS, b. 25 April 1782, d. 23 Feb 1871. Children: 1. Asa Hartwell Jaquith, b. 16 Jan 1808; went to Troy, NY, was a physician, later in a stove foundry. 2. Sibel H. Jaquith, b. 30 July 1811; d. age 12. 3. Caleb Wood Jaquith, b. 16 April 1813; m. (1) Roxanna Putnam of Sutton; m. (2) Eunice White of Westmoreland, NH. He was a farmer in Fitchburg and kept a livery stable. 4. Leonard W. Jaquith, b. 9 Dec 1815; d. ca. 1860; m. Abigail Peaslee of Lowell; he was a mill overseer in Lowell, later mill supt. in Lawrence. Three children. 5. John S. Jaquith, b. 16 April 1818; d. 17 Oct 1873; m. 20 April 1841, Sarah B. Maxwell of Dunstable, b. 21 April 1817. He was a farmer in Ashby. Six children. v. JONAS JAQUITH, b. 16 Nov 1783; n.f.r. vi. ADFORD JAQUITH, b. 15 Feb 1785; d. 24 April 1862; m. 3 July 1808, ABIGAIL C. WHITNEY, b. 14 March 1786, d. 21 Dec 1866. Children: 1. Mary Reed Dinsmore Jaquith, b. 2 April 1809; d. 21 Nov 1810. 2. Eliza Ann D. Jaquith, b. 17 Aug 1810; d. 5 Feb 1876; m. ca. 1842, Abram Garfield, a stonecutter in Gardner. One son, Warren Garfield. 3. Rensselaer O. Jaquith, b. 20 Feb 1814; d. 11 April 1814. 4. Adde G. Jaquith, b. 13 Aug 1815; m. Almira S. Emmons of Londonderry, VT, b. 28 Feb 1813. He was a farmer, settled in Londonderry, removed to Fifth Generation 249

No. Ipswich, NH in 1874, then to Amesbury. Four children. 5. Warren T. Jaquith, b. 31 Aug 1817; d. 20 March 1841. 6. Solomon E. Jaquith, b. 16 June 1820; d. 28 Dec 1875; m. Ashburnham, 12 Dec 1743 (AVR 128), Lucy A. Sawyer, b. Westminster (recorded Ashburnham), 28 July 1823 (AVR 70), d. 7 May 1870, dau. of Abel and Lucy (—) Sawyer. Solomon was a farmer in Ashby. Two children. 7. George D. Jaquith, b. 18 Nov 1821; d. 4 Dec 1879; m. 13 July 1847, Mary S. Davis, b. Enosburg, VT, 29 April 1827. He was a woodworker, removed to No. Ipswich, NH in 1856. Four children. 8. Charles B. Jaquith, b. 4 May 1823; m. 27 Nov 1848, Almira Fletcher of Berkshire, VT. He was a wood- worker, removed to Keene, NH, in 1870. Two children. 9. Susan Jaquith, d. young. vii. SALLY JAQUITH, b. 25 Jan 1789; m. (–) KENDALL.

5.43 JONATHAN5 HARTWELL (Jonathan4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 25 October 1748 (ERL 298) and he died at Lancaster, New Hampshire, 11 May 1800 (DAR Application #542256). He married, ca. 1776, NANCY DAGGETT, who was born probably in Ireland (Lincoln Genealogy) ca. 1753 and died at Burke, Vermont, 21 April 1838 (Buckman Genealogy), parents not determined. Nancy married second, as his second wife, EDWARD BUCKMAN/ BUCKNAM, who was born 21 June 1741 and died 29 March 1813, a scout in the Revolution (DARPI). Jonathan “went to New Hampshire, locating first in Walpole, the church in which town dismissed them in 1779 to the church in Lunenburg [MA], from whence he removed soon after to Lancaster, 250 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

NH, before the close of the Revolution, appearing in one case as petitioner for a garrison as protection against Indians, in another as petitioner for a new road” (HOA). [Note: This removal from Lunenburg to New Hampshire, back to Lunenburg, and back to New Hampshire, caused Cunningham, in his History of Lunenburg, Mass. to badly confuse two Jonathan Hartwells.] Jonathan was apparently living in Walpole, New Hampshire when he served as “Sergeant in the reinforcements sent from Cheshire County, NH at the requisition of General Gates to rein- force the army at Ticonderoga, October 1776, service 25 days” (NH Revolutionary Rolls, IX:103). He also served “as Sergeant in Capt. Benj. Flood’s [Alstead, NH] Co., Col. Benj. Bellows’ regiment, which went to reinforce the United States Continental Army at Saratoga under the command of General Gates, 21 Sept. to 21 Oct. 1777” (ibid. II:369). “He was a justice of the peace in Northumberland, NH in 1783 . . . taxed in Lancaster 1791-5, and hog reeve in 1795. The site of his dwelling is about two miles south of Lancaster village, in a pasture by the roadside; his grave, unmarked by a headstone, on a knoll in the same enclosure” (HOA). Jonathan is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Lancaster, NH, consisting of one male over 16, three males under 16, and four females. Children, per family record from Hartwell Scrapbook: +6.113 i. MARY6 “POLLY” HARTWELL, b. 20 Aug 1777; bap. Walpole, NH, 3 May 1778; m. JOSEPH EMERSON. +6.114 ii. DAVID HARTWELL, b. 10 Jan 1782; m. (1) ELIZABETH BARRON, (2) LOIS CLARK. +6.115 iii. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 18 Jan 1784; m. (1) LOIS KIMBALL, (2) LYDIA (TYLER) DAVIS. +6.116 iv. BETSEY HARTWELL, b. 15 Feb 1786; m. BRADSTREET STEVENS. +6.117 v. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 20 Feb 1788; m. HANNAH TYLER. Fifth Generation 251

+6.118 vi. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 1 March 1790; m. RUTH J. CROSS. +6.119 vii. MARTHA HARTWELL, b. 25 Dec 1791; m. (–) BEAN. +6.120 viii. CHASTINE HARTWELL, b. 6 May 1793; m. EZRA LINCOLN. +6.121 ix. RUFUS GRAVES HARTWELL, b. 11 Nov 1794; m. ESTHER CLARK. +6.122 x. ALFRED HARTWELL, b. 20 Dec 1796; m. FRANCES M. BROWNSON. +6.123 xi. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 17 June 1798; m. SERAPHINA (—).

5.44 ELISABETH5 HARTWELL (Jonathan4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 14 April 1751 (ERL 298) and she died, presumably at Rindge, New Hampshire, 20 November 1819 (HOA). She married at Lunenburg, 11 January 1770, ISAAC WOOD, who was born at Lunenburg, 7 September 1746 (ERL 333) and died 5 May 1835 (HOA), son of Michael and Mary (Platts) Wood. Isaac was a Minute-man at Lexington, signer of the Patriot’s Declaration, and a leading man among the early settlers of Rindge, New Hampshire (HOA). Children, all born at Rindge, New Hampshire, dates per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. AMASA WOOD, b. 2 Sept 1771; d. 17 Feb 1852; m. 10 Sept 1797, ABIGAIL MOORE, who d. 8 Aug 1824. He settled in Plymouth, VT. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Eliphalet Wood, b. 31 Jan 1801; d. 27 Dec 1864; m. Lydia P. Snow of Plymouth, VT. Four children. 2. Charles Wood, b. Plymouth VT, 6 July 1804 (Cambridge, MA VRs, citing Mt. Auburn Cemetery Record); d. 11 Dec 1884; merchant in Cambridge until 1868, then in Worcester; he accumulated a handsome for- tune, which was divided among certain of his heirs. 252 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Lyman Wood, b. 29 June 1806; d. 15 March 1883; farmer on the homestead; m. [name of wife not given]. Two children. 4. Caleb Wood, b. 21 March 1808; d. 29 Aug 1877; m. Cambridge, (int.) 8 May 1837 (CVR 2:432), Caroline A. Slack, b. Plymouth, VT, 3 May 1813, d. 6 Dec 1886. He was a merchant in Cambridge with his brother, Charles, and was burnt out; left the business to go in partnership as Wood and Dresser, blank book manufacturers; amassed a fortune of $300,000, two thirds of which was disposed of in benevolences by his widow at her death. 5. Abigail Wood, b. 27 Oct 1809; d. 21 Jan 1872; m. 25 Aug 1833, William G. Smith, b. Bridgewater, VT, 19 May 1807, d. 16 Nov 1882. He was a clothier until 1835, farmer in Woodstock, VT, until 1848, then returned to Bridgewater. Two children. 6. Jonas Wood, b. -- March 1812; d. 10 Aug 1868. ii. JONATHAN WOOD, b. 11 April 1773; d. Ashburnham, “in a well from which the vital air had been extracted by the burning of a house near it,” 1 Sept 1825, age 51 (AVR 214); “of Rindge” [NH] when he m. (1) Ashburnam, 11 April 1799 (AVR 167), DOLLY JONES, b. Ashburnham, 28 May 1777 (AVR 45), d., probably as a result of childbirth, 8 Jan 1818, dau. of Enos and Mary (Whitmore) Jones; m. (2) Ashburnham, (int.) 29 Oct 1820 (AVR 167), widow SALLY (LAKE) ROBINSON, b. Rindge, NH, 29 Nov 1794. [Note: after Jonathan’s death, Sally married (3) Winchendon, (int.) 9 March 1829 (WVR 162), as his 3rd wife, AMOS STEARNS of Winchendon, by whom she had more children. When Amos died, Sally married (4) as his 2nd wife, JOSIAH6 HARTWELL (see #6.359). Children, by 1st wife, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Zulima Wood, b. 3 Nov 1799; m. Ashburnham, 19 Aug 1823 (AVR 167), Asa Dunn of Fitchburg (HOA Fifth Generation 253

has “of Lancaster”), a factory owner (HOA). Asa and “Luzima” Dunn from Lancaster joined Hillside Church in Bolton 1 January 1832 (LBMD 392); “re- moved to Kentucky. Four children” (HOA). 2. Laura Wood, b. 29 Jan 1801; d. 17 Jan 1875; m. Ashburnham, 22 April 1823 (AVR 167), John Vose, combmaker, b. Leominster, 16 June 1797 (LVR 143), d. 18 Aug 1882, [illegitimate] son of (–) and Triphena Hale. Four children. 3. Dolly Wood, b. 3 Feb 1803; d. 12 March 1884; m. Ashburnham, 8 April 1823 (AVR 167), Zachariah Parker, b. No. Ipswich, NH, 21 Sept 1797, d. 21 July 1883; a farmer in Ludlow, VT. Nine children. 4. Elnathan Wood, b. 20 Sept 1804; d. 29 June 1829. 5. George Wood, b. 29 Sept 1806; d. 19 Jan 1864; m. (1) Ashburnham, 16 Sept 1827 (AVR 167), Luana Lawrence, b. Rindge, NH, ca. 1810, d. 18 June 1828; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (—) Walker. He was a hotel keeper at Ludlow, VT. Six children. 6. Betsey Wood, b. 25 June 1808; d. 27 March 1883; m. 6 Feb 1827, Luther Perkins, farmer, b. Perkinsville [Weathersfield], VT, 3 April 1801, d. 3 Feb 1881. Eight children. 7. Zoe Wood, b. 24 Jan 1810; d. Ashburnham, 7 Sept 1822, age 12 (AVR 214). 8. Lurana Wood, b. 12 Dec 1812; d. Hudson, 1 March 1887 (Gs:Main St. Cemetery); m. Stow, 16 Jan 1831 (SVR 231), Freeman Walcott of Bolton, an architect and builder, who d. Hudson, 27 March 1881 (Gs). They had children. 9. Hartwell Wood, b. 27 Oct 1814; d. 26 July 1847; m. 7 Oct 1841, Laura Snell of Ludlow, who d. 1 June 1843. A son d. infancy. 254 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

10. Jonas J. Wood, b. 1 Jan 1818; m. (1) (–) Wood of No. Ipswich, NH; m. (2) Lydia Parker of Lawrence. Child, Eva, lived with her aunt Lurana Walcott (see above). Children by 2nd wife: 11. Eunice Wood, b. 22 March 1823; m. 22 July 1847, George Perkins Ward, b. Ashburnham, 18 Aug 1826 (AVR 79), son of Alvin and Eusebia (Russell) Ward. He was a farmer, sawyer, woodworker in Troy, NY, was in the Civil War. 12. Eliphalet S. Wood, b. 2 Feb 1826; m. Ashburnham, (int.) 31 Aug 1846 (AVR 167), Susan H. Farrar of Ashburnham. He was an express agent, constable, deputy sheriff in Winchendon. Eight children. iii. JONAS WOOD, b. 30 Dec 1774; removed to Lenox, NY. iv. ISAAC WOOD, b. 30 Nov 1776; d. 1 July 1848; m. 8 Jan 1806, ABIGAIL EARL, b. Rindge, NH, 16 Aug 1779, d. 18 July 1859, sister of his brother David’s wife (see below). He was a farmer and manufacturer of nest boxes. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Addison M. Wood, b. 27 Oct 1806; d. 14 March 1886; m. (1) 2 Sept. 1830, Ann Plummer, who d. 1 Feb 1843; m. (2) 8 Jan 1856, Mary A. Dickinson of Keene, NY, who d. 22 Feb 1886. Six children. 2. Elbridge Wood, b. 24 Oct 1808; m. (1) REBECCA7 HARTWELL (to be continued in volume 2). v. BETTY WOOD, b. 11 Oct 1778; d. young. vi. RUTH WOOD, b. 7 Nov 1780; d. Orford, NH, 24 June 1820 (Lovejoy); m. 10 April 1798, BENJAMIN LOVEJOY, b. Rindge, NH, 22 March 1774, d. ca. 1818, son of John and Sarah (Pierce) Lovejoy. Fifth Generation 255

Children, born at Rindge, NH, per Lovejoy unless otherwise indicated: 1. Louisa P. Lovejoy, b. 13 July 1800. 2. LasCasas Lovejoy, b. 28 July 1803; d. infancy. 3. Charles G. Lovejoy, stone mason, b. 7 Nov 1805; d. Orford, NH, 31 July 1876; m. 29 Nov 1829, Melinda Amsden of Grafton, VT, b. 9 April 1808, d. 31 Dec 1865. Six children. 4. LasCasas Lovejoy, b. 1 July 1807. 5. Leander Lovejoy, b. 4 Dec 1809. 6. Susan Lovejoy, b. 11 Jan 1812; m. (–) Lawrence of Ashby. 7. Laura Lovejoy, b. 5 April 1814. 8. Emeline Lovejoy, b. 20 Oct 1816. 9. Henry L. Lovejoy, b. 22 Jan 1818; d. 5 Jan 1880; m. 1 Nov 1842, Jane A. Stickney of Troy, NH. vii. DAVID WOOD, b. 19 July 1783; d. 30 Aug 1861; m. 26 Feb 1808, MARY EARL, b. 11 Nov 1784, d. 7 April 1883, sis- ter of his brother Isaac’s wife (see above). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Stephen E. Wood, b. 7 Dec 1808; m. (1) Cambridge, 22 Nov 1832 (CVR 2:433; HOA has March), Lydia R. Farrar, b. Townsend [VT?; not in Townsend, MA VRs], 20 May 1796, d. 11 Jan 1865; m. (2) 14 March 1867, Caroline Sinclair of Ludlow, VT, b. 17 Dec 1814. Two children. 2. Mary Ann Wood, b. 27 Feb 1810; m. (1) Cambridge, (int.) 1 June 1837 (CVR 2:433; HOA has 20 June 1837), Henry Stickney, b. Grafton, VT, 29 Jan 1807. Henry was knocked down and killed by a runaway team, 16 Nov 1866, a grain dealer in Cambridge, removed to Woodhull, IL, in 1852; m. (2) 1 July 1869, Deacon 256 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Isaac M. Wetmore of Ontario, IL, b. Whitesboro, NY, 6 Aug 1809, d. 12 May 1881; a merchant in NY, removed to IL in 1836. Four children. 3. Caleb Wood, b. 5 June 1812; d. infancy. 4. Alfred Wood, b. 5 Feb 1814 (Cambridge, VR, citing Mt. Auburn Cemetery record); m. Cambridge, (int.) 23 July 1841 (CVR 2:432; HOA has 16 Aug 1841), Laura Stickney, b. prob. Grafton, VT, 9 Aug 1817. Two children. 5. Caleb Wood, b. 26 March 1817; d. 15 Oct 1866; was in the grocery trade in Boston. 6. Jonas Wood, b. 15 Oct 1819; d. 16 Feb 1859, m. (1) Sarah Leathe, b. New York City, 11 Jan 1839, d. 24 Oct 1874; m. (2) 14 Oct 1875, Emma Lincoln (Stearns) Burnap. Jonas was in the shoe trade in Cambridge, later a farmer in Rindge, NH. Three children. 7. Elizabeth H. Wood, b. 22 June 1821; m. Harrison G. Rice, b. No. Ipswich, NH, 24 Dec 1821, a farmer in Rindge, representative in Legislature 1882; held several town offices. 11 children. 8. John E. Wood, b. 1 May 1823; m. (1) 16 Nov 1848, Almira S. Brown, b. Ashby, 11 Nov 1827, d. 6 Feb 1867; m. (2) 15 Oct 1868, Ann M. Tuckerman of Ashburnham. One child. 9. Emily A. Wood, b. 31 May 1826; m. 21 June 1858, Washington F. Somerby of Portsmouth, NH, who d. 10 July 1873; a real estate dealer in Cambridge. 10. Charles P. Wood, b. 11 July 1828; m. 12 Oct 1852, Harriet M. Somerby, b. 21 Nov 1830, sister of Washington Somerby (above). One dau. d. infancy. viii. ELIZABETH WOOD, b. 10 Sept 1785; d. 2 March 1807; m. 15 Feb 1804, STEPHEN EMERY, b. Rindge, NH, 13 May 1778, d. 13 Jan 1874, a farmer. Fifth Generation 257

Child, per HOA: 1. Derastus W. Emery, b. 22 Feb 1807; m. Mary Pierce of Rindge, NH, b. 2 Aug 1806. Seven children. ix. SUSAN WOOD, b. ca. 1787; d. ca. 1873; m. 9 March 1826, Deacon JOHN W. BINNEY of New Ipswich, NH; lived in Keene, NH. x. CALEB WOOD, b. 1 July 1789; d. ca. 1807. xi. EUNICE WOOD, b. 25 Aug 1792; m. JOSEPH6 HARTWELL (see #6.126).

5.48 SUSANNA5 HARTWELL (Jonathan4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 22 September 1763 (ERL 298) and she died at Ashby, 4 July 1841, age 77y 9m 14d (AVR 238; Cunningham). She married 28 December 1786, ABEL STEARNS, who was born at Billerica, 9 April 1756 (BVR 181) and died at Newton, 13 January 1849 (HOA), son of Thomas and Betsey (Manning) Stearns of Ashby. Abel was a soldier in the Revolution (Cunningham; HOA). Children, all born probably at Ashby, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. JOHN STEARNS, b. 15 Dec 1788 (AVR 75); m. ABIGAIL6 HARTWELL (see #6.145). ii. ABEL STEARNS, b. 1 April 1796; d. 20 Nov 1874; m. Ashby, 4 Dec 1817 (AVR 171), PERSIA LAWRENCE, b. Ashby, 30 Oct 1794, d. 12 Sept 1876, sister of his brother Isaac’s wife (see below). Abel was a farmer, removed to Lunenburg, and later to Cavendish, VT. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. John Stearns, b. Lunenburg, 31 Oct 1819 (Newton VR); m. (1) Newton, (int.) 14 Feb 1841 (NVR 381; HOA has 4 March 1841), Mary Ann Davis Parker, bap. Newton, 30 July 1816 (NVR 381, as Mary Ann Davis Parke), d. there 21 Jan 1842, age 25 (NVR 502), dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Davis) Parker; m. (2) Newton, 13 April 1843 258 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

(NVR 381), Mary C. Livermore “of Alstead, NH” (HOA), b. 12 March 1815. John was a farmer and milkman in Newton Center. Six children (two rec- orded Newton). 2. William Stearns, b. 6 May 1821; m. 24 March 1850, Ann M. Hall of Oak Hill, Newton, b. 3 Dec 1828. William was a farmer in Newton Center. Four children. 3. Cyrus Stearns, b. ca. 1823; d. Somerville, -- March 1845. 4. Emerline Stearns, b. 10 March 1825; m. Ashburnham, 18 May 1843 (AVR 153), John Howard Billings, b. Ashburnham, 6 Jan 1813 (AVR 15), d. 5 May 1860, son of James and Lefe (Petts) Billings. John was a farmer. Three children. 5. Augusta Stearns, d. 5 Nov 1876; m. Charles H. Bean of Waltham, who d. 3 Sept 1856. Two children. 6. Marcia Stearns, m., as his 2nd wife, William O. Hosmer of Chester, VT, b. prob. 22 April 1822, d. 11 Jan 1899 (B&T 22:86). 7. Otis Stearns, b. 25 Dec 1834; m. 9 Jan 1862, Helen A. Davis of Cavendish, VT, b. 4 April 1839. Otis was a farmer in Perkinsville, VT. Five children. iii. ISAAC STEARNS, b. 3 Feb 1800; d. Ashby, 17 July 1885; m. Ashby, 4 Sept 1821 (AVR 171), TILA O. LAWRENCE, b. 30 Sept 1799, sister of his brother Abel’s wife (see above). Isaac was a farmer in Ashby. Children, born at Ashby (AVR 75), other dates per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. John Stearns, b. 20 Nov 1821; m. 30 May 1847, Elizabeth E. Fales of New London, NH, b. 11 Jan 1847 [sic]. John was a clerk, removed in 1851 to So. Amherst and in 1861 to Lawrence. Four children. Fifth Generation 259

2. Sarah A. Stearns, b. 6 July 1828; d. 30 Oct 1845. iv. SUSANNA STEARNS, b. ca. 1803; d. young.

Descendants of Joseph4 and Tabitha (Dodge) Hartwell

5.51 JOSIAH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 7 August 1748 (ERL 298) and he died at Sangerfield, Oneida County, New York, 19 (DARPI) or 23 Novem- ber 1822 (Gs:? Cemetery), age 75y. He married first, at Lunenburg, 27 December 1770, REBECCA WALKER, who was born at Lunenburg, 16 August 1746 (ERL 335) and died 13 May 1816, age 70 (Gs), daughter of Obadiah and Abigail (Gary) Walker (see also #5.35). Josiah married second, RHODA (—), who evidentally outlived him, as she is mentioned in his will. Josiah and Rebecca lived in the southeastern part of Lunenburg. Both were admitted to the church 15 December 1771. Josiah was a “Sergeant in Capt. John Fuller’s co., Col. Asa Whitcomb’s regt.; muster roll dated 1 Aug. 1775; enlisted 25 April 1775; service, 3 mos. ½ day; also, company return dated 6 Oct 1775; reported deserted 21 Sept 1775.” Later he served as a “private in Capt. Joseph Bellows’s co.; marched 22 Aug 1777; travel out and home 180 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 9 days, with Northern army; company marched on an alarm at the Northward under command of Maj. Bridge at request of Gen. Stark and Col. Warner” (MS&S). There is no evidence that he was a Captain in the Revolu- tion as stated by HOA. The family moved to Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire about 1779, where Josiah is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16, and two females. They returned to Lunenburg about 1793, and were readmitted to the church from the church in Fitzwilliam on 3 September 1797. Josiah was on the school committee in 1794, and a selectman in 1798 (Cunningham). As we have seen, his uncle, Asahel Hartwell, left Josiah “formerly of Fitzwilliam, NH, now of 260 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lunenburg,” all his real estate, and named Josiah executor of his estate (Worcester County Probate File A:27652), possibly because Josiah named his first born son Asahel. Josiah must have moved to New York after 1804, the date of the settling of Asahel’s estate. Possibly the confession in church of his brother John’s wife, Polly, of adultery with him (Cunningham) influenced his decision to leave Lunenburg. In his will, dated at Sangerfield, New York, 23 March 1822, and recorded 5 September 1823, Josiah left 1/3 part of his estate, both real and personal, to wife Rhoda. “Sons Asahel and Joseph, and daughter Rebecca Johnson, deceased, have heretofore received property so much as I intended as their shares in my estate.” Monetary bequests were left to grandsons William S. Johnson, Franklin Johnson, Josiah Johnson and granddaughter Rebecca W. Johnson. Grandson Luther H. Johnson was to be executor, and to receive the farm, and the remainder of the real and personal estate after the death of Rhoda. The will was witnessed by Thomas Jeffers, Norman Benedict, and Atriah Williams (Tree Talks 24:48). Children, all by first wife, born as indicated: +6.124 i. ASAHEL6 HARTWELL, b. Lunenburg, 25 Jan 1772; m. ELIZABETH COLLINS. 6.125 ii. JOSIAH HARTWELL, b. Lunenburg, 25 April 1774; d. Fitzwilliam, NH, 3 Feb 1786. +6.126 iii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Fitzwilliam, NH, 10 July 1780; m. (1) BETSY JOHNSON, (2) EUNICE WOOD, (3) MATILDA (HOBBS) SMITH. +6.127 iv. REBECCA WALKER HARTWELL, b. Fitzwilliam, NH, 13 July 1783; m. EZEKIEL JOHNSON. 6.128 vi. LUTHER HARTWELL, b. Fitzwilliam, NH, 3 April 1788; n.f.r.

5.52 PRUDENCE5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 19 February 1750[/1] (ERL 298) and she died at Leominster, 8 February 1822, age 71 (LVR 331; Gs:Pine Grove Fifth Generation 261

Cemetery). She married first at Lunenburg, 12 February 1769, EDWARD KENDALL “of Monadnock #4 [now Fitzwilliam, NH]. Edward was born at Leominster, 18 September 1743 (LVR 87) and died “of camp fever” (HOA) 19 January 1776 (LVR 330), son of Timothy and Esther (Walker) Kendall. Prudence married second, 9 October 1777 (LVR 225), as his second wife, DAVID KENDALL, who was born “at Woburn” 5 December 1746 (LVR 78) and died at Leominster, 15 September 1825, age 78 (LVR 330; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery), son of Amos and Mary (Evans) Kendall. David had mar- ried first, 17 January 1771, ANNIS JOHNSON, born Leominster, 28 March 1750 (LVR 80), died there 3 April 1777, “age 27 wanting 3 days” (LVR 330), daughter of David and Mary (Warner) Johnson. David and Annis had three children: 1. Annice Kendall, b. 28 October 1771; m. 19 December 1793, Nathaniel Low, Jr. 2. David Kendall, b. 25 Aug. 1773; d. ca. 1776. 3. Luke Kendall, bap. 9 July 1775; d. 4 Sept. 1777, age 2. Children by Edward Kendall, all recorded at Leominster (LVR 88-89): i. JOANNA KENDALL, b. “Fitzwilliam, NH” 28 March 1772; d. Leominster, 9 Feb 1776 “in 4th year” (LVR 330). ii. TABITHA KENDALL, b. “Fitzwilliam, NH” 1 Nov 1773; d. Leominster, of “lung fever” 12 Feb 1849, age 76 (LVR 335; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery); m. Leominster, 25 June 1797 (LVR 231), WILLIAM LINCOLN, farmer, b. Leominster (not Leicester as in HOA), 25 Oct 1769 (LVR 95), d. there 28 Dec 1846, age 77 (LVR 335; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery), son of William and Prudence (Buss) Lincoln. Children, born at Leominster (LVR 94-95): 1. Prudence Lincoln, b. 25 Jan 1798 (calc.); d. 12 June 1799, age 1y 4m 18d (LVR 335; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery). 2. Luke Lincoln, b. 12 Feb 1801; d. 22 Aug 1870 (HOA); m. (1) Leominster, 9 Oct 1830 or 1831 (LVR 230), Martha Wilder Carter, b. Leominster, 22 Sept 1810 (LVR 34), d. 17 Jan 1861 (HOA), dau. of Abel and Lucy (Wilder) Carter; m. (2) 11 Nov 1863, Caroline M. 262 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Colburn, b. Leominster, 18 March 1834. Called “Col.” on his marriage record, HOA says Luke was a carriage maker to 1849, later a farmer. Four chil- dren by 1st wife, recorded at Leominster. 3. Edward Kendall Lincoln, b. 10 Aug 1802; d. 13 Sept 1870 (HOA); m. Leominster, 1 Sept 1836 (LVR 230), Sally Merriam, b. 5 Sept 1805, d. 9 April 1883 (HOA), dau. of Jonathan and Polly (Gowing) Merriam. Three children recorded at Leominster. 4. Dr. Henry Lincoln, b. 11 Aug 1804; d. 29 Feb 1860; m. Lancaster, 14 Feb 1838 (LBMD 244), Martha Bond, b. North Brookfield, 31 Oct 1813 (HOA), d. Lancaster, 5 Sept 1901, dau. of Moses and Lucy (Fisk) Bond. Henry “was graduated from Harvard in 1830, in medicine at Philadelphia in 1834; in practice at Lancaster” (HOA). Six children. 5. Mary Ann Lincoln, b. 3 Aug 1806; d. Leominster, 4 Sept 1906, age 100 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.); unmarried. 6. Sarah “Sally” Lincoln, b. 7 June 1812; d. Leomin- ster, -- -- 1865, age 53 (Gs:Pine Grove Cem.). 7. Augusta Lincoln, b. 21 Nov 1815; d. Leominster, 10 Sept 1825, age 9y 9m (LVR 334; Gs:Pine Grove). iii. EDWARD KENDALL JR., b. 17 Sept 1775; d. Westminster, of cancer, 19 March 1846, age 70y 6m 2d (WVR 232); m. Westminster, 19 Oct 1801 (WVR 158), POLLY GERRISH, b. Sterling, 24 April 1772 (WVR 53, 232), d. Westminster, of palsy, 31 Oct 1844, age 72y 6m 7d (WVR 232), dau. of Samuel and Abigail (—) Gerrish. Edward “was a cabinet- maker . . . town clerk for 32 years, much employed in probate business” (HOA). Children, all recorded at Westminster (WVR 52-53): 1. Samuel Gerrish Kendall, b. 2 May 1804; d. -- June 1885 (HOA); m. Westminster, (int.) 18 Nov 1834 (WVR 158), Mary W. Fowle of Woburn. He was a Fifth Generation 263

school teacher, merchant, post master, town clerk, insurance agent (HOA). 2. Edward Kendall, b. 7 April 1807; m. (1) West- minster, 2 July 1833 (WVR 158), Pamela Bigelow, b. Westminster, 2 Nov 1805 (WVR 15), d. ca. 1850 (HOA), dau. of Luke and Asenath (Winship) Bigelow; m. (2) 15 Sept 1853 (HOA), Mary A. (Blanchard) Wood “of Charlton.” He “was a school teacher and painter, removed to Worcester in 1858, connected with the city government” (HOA). Five children. 3. Mary Kendall, b. 14 July 1809; d. -- April 1884 (HOA); m. Westminster, 11 Sept 1833 (WVR 158), Franklin Jones “of Bowling Green, KY,” b. prob. Royalston, ca. 1801, d. 16 Aug 1846, “a college graduate, opened a flourishing school at Bowling Green, KY, continued by Mary until broken up by the Civil War” (HOA). Six children. 4. George Kendall, b. 5 June 1811; d. “at his post, March meeting day, 1855” (HOA); m. (1) Westmin- ster, 5 July 1838 (WVR 158), Sarah Miller, b. West- minster, 25 April 1812 (WVR 53), d. there 31 July 1844, age 32y 3m 6d (WVR 232), dau. of Asa and Bethiah (—) Miller; m. (2) Westminster, (int.) 2 Nov 1845 (WVR 158), Harriet Howe “of Bernardston,” b. Marlborough, 15 April 1813 (MVR 100; Gs), dau. of Capt. Abraham and Elizabeth (Spofford?) Howe. George “was a cabinetmaker, town clerk at the death of his father” (HOA). Five children. 5. Charles Kendall, b. 14 Feb 1813; d. 19 March 1873 (HOA); “of Westminster” when he m. (1) Marlborough, 25 July 1842 (MVR 278), Merriam/ Miriam Howe, b. Marlborough, 30 Sept 1815 (MVR 104), d. Petersham, sister of Harriet, above; m. (2) Sarah E. Gilbert of Stamford, NY. Charles “was graduated from Amherst and Andover Theological 264 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Seminary; a Congregation minister at Hinsdale, NH, So. Royalston, Bernardston, Petersham, Auburn, and Windham, NY” (HOA). Five children. 6. Sylvanus Kendall, b. 23 Oct 1816; m. Royalston, 15 Sept 1840 (RVR 95), Emily M. Chase, b. 28 Nov 1823 (HOA). Sylvanus “was a painter, removed to Worces- ter in 1865” (HOA). Four children. Children by David Kendall, recorded at Leominster (LVR 87-89): iv. PRUDENCE KENDALL, b. 6 April 1782; d. Gardner, 28 Dec 1830, funeral 30 Dec 1830, age about 50y (GVR 124); m. Leominster, 13 Oct 1799 (LVR 226), MARTIN KENDALL, b. Sherborn, 8 Sept 1778 (SVR 52), d. 27 May 1863, son of Benjamin Jr. and Keziah (Twitchell) Kendall. Martin “was a cooper, settled in Gardner in 1800, removed to Westmoreland, NH, and to Winhall, VT in 1839” (HOA). Children, all except 1, 11 and 12, recorded at Gardner (GVR 39-40): 1. Miranda Kendall, b. 15 Dec 1799 (HOA); d. 31 Dec 1870 (HOA). 2. Isaac P. Kendall, b. 6 Sept 1801; d. 11 Dec 1883 (HOA); m. Gardner, 15 March 1829 or 15 April 1830 (GVR 90 gives both dates). Caroline Partridge, b. Gardner, 13 Nov 1808 (GVR 48), dau. of Adam and Polly (Jackson) Partridge. Isaac “settled in that town, removed in 1833 to Jamaica, VT, returned in 1867, a mechanic” (HOA). Five children. 3. Mary Kendall, b. 8 Sept 1803; d. 4 April 1875 (HOA); m. Gardner, 21 Oct 1821 (GVR 90), Asa Perley of Templeton, b. 7 Oct 1797, d. 3 Sept 1867, son of Allen and Juda (Chase) Perley. 11 children. 4. Alvin Kendall, b. 13 Dec 1805; d. Ashburnham, of lung fever, 8 Feb 1849, age 43y 1m 28d (AVR 191); m. 29 Nov 1832, Hannah Bemis, b. Westminster, 8 July 1812 (WVR 13), d. 7 July 1886 (HOA), dau. of William Fifth Generation 265

Jr. and Hannah (Darby) Bemis. Alvin “was a mechanic at Ashburnham” (HOA). Six children. 5. Annis Kendall, b. 18 Dec 1807; d. 24 April 1863 (HOA); m. Gardner, 5 Nov 1829 (GVR 90), Robert Powers, Jr. Eight children. 6. David Kendall, b. 27 Feb 1810; m. Gardner, 24 Oct 1835 (GVR 90), Lucy Kemp, b. Gardner, 26 Jan 1816, dau. of John and Sarah (Shattuck) Kemp. David “was a teamster in Gardner; lost a hand, taken off by a circular saw in a chair shop, 4 May 1866.” 11 children. 7. Adeline Kendall, b. 23 May 1812; d. 30 Sept 1881 (HOA); m. 15 Feb 1841, Rufus Stickney. Rufus “set- tled in Templeton, removed to Waltham” (HOA). Five children. 8. Bartlett Stoddard Kendall, b. 25 March 1814; d. 16 Jan 1881 (HOA); m. 15 Feb 1841, Martha H. Hinds of Gardner, b. 7 June 1817, dau. of Abijah and Susanna Hinds. Bartlett “was a farmer, removed to Jamaica, then to Winhall, VT” (HOA). Four children. 9. Benjamin F. Kendall, b. 30 June 1816; “of So. Gardner” when he m. (1) Leominster, 4 Dec 1845 (LVR 225), Isabella Chase, b. ca. 1816, d. Leominster, 26 April 1849, age 33 (LVR 330); m. (2) 9 Oct 1850, Mrs. Mary B. Kendall. Benjamin “was a farmer in Gardner” (HOA). Three children. 10. Martin Kendall, b. 23 July 1818; d. Gardner, 19 Nov 1821 (GVR 124). 11. Timothy Kendall, b. 6 Nov 1821 (HOA); d. 6 Aug 1879 (White); m. ca. 1850, Cynthia E. Hosley, b. 18 June 1830, dau. of Henry and Abigail (Carpenter) Hosley (History of Hancock, NH). Timothy “was a lumberman in Arlington, VT; served in the Mexican 266 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

War, and a year in the Civil War” (HOA). Four children. 12. Maria K. Kendall, b. 19 Jan 1825 (HOA); unmarried. v. ABIGAIL KENDALL, b. 27 Dec 1784; bap. “Nabby” 9 Jan 1785 (LVR 89); d. Leominster, 10 May 1868, age 85y (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery); m. Leominster, 3 Jan 1802 (LVR 225), JONATHAN CUMMINGS, b. Fitchburg, 1 January 1775, d. 8 Feb 1822, age 46y (Gs:PGC), son of Jonathan and Hannah (Fletcher) Cummings. He was a tavern keeper in Leominster. Children, recorded at Leominster (LVR 47): 1. Franklin Cummings, b. 27 April 1802; d. Boston, 12 Sept 1894 (White); “of Troy,” [NH] when he m. Leom- inster, 7 Sept 1828 (LVR 191), Anna Taylor, b. Leom- inster, 27 Nov 1802, d. Boston, 18 May 1896 (White), dau. of John and Anne (Buckley) Taylor. Franklin “was in the boot and shoe trade in Troy, NH and in Cambridge” (HOA). Three children; five per White. 2. Christopher Cummings, b. 20 May 1804; m. ca. 1832, Clementina Beach Gardner, b. Boston, 3 Nov 1811, dau. of Abner and Mary (Miles) Gardner. Christopher “went to California in 1849 and never returned” (White). Two children. 3. Mary Cummings, b. 5 Sept 1806; d. 28 Sept 1882 (HOA); m. -- April 1827, Clement Willis, b. Bridge- water, 25 June 1801, d. 20 June 1889 (White). He was in the grocery trade in Boston. Nine children. 4. Emeline Cummings, b. 25 Oct 1809; d. Leominster, either 1 April 1813, age 3y (Gs) or 1 April 1814, age 5y (LVR 306). 5. Rufus Kendall Cummings, b. 29 May 1811; d. 29 March 1866, age 52y (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery; HOA has 28 March 1856); m. Rachel Avery, b. Maine. One child. Fifth Generation 267

6. Abigail Cummings, b. 4 Nov 1813; d. 8 May 1868; m. Charles Langdon Gibson, b. 1 April 1815, d. 31 Dec 1863, son of Abram Gibson. Five children. 7. Timothy Stearns Cummings, b. 20 Jan 1817; d. Leominster, 31 Aug 1836, 19y (Gs) or 19y 7m 11d (LVR 306). 8. Charles Justin Cummings, b. 1 Jan 1821; d. Leom- inster of “dropsy in the head” 12 Sept 1821, age 8m 12d (LVR 306). vi. POLLY KENDALL, b. 3 May 1787; d. ?Westmoreland, NH (HOA), buried Pine Grove Cemetery, 27 Oct 1866, age 73 (Gs; HOA has d. 27 Oct 1860); m. (1) Leominster, 17 April 1807, TIMOTHY STEARNS, b. Leominster, 6 May 1783 (LVR 134), d. Lancaster, of lung fever, 22 March 1811, age 28 (LBMD 190, 357; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery; not 1831 as in HOA), son of Timothy and Mary (Lincoln) Stearns. Timothy was a blacksmith in Fitchburg and Lancaster. According to HOA, Polly m. (2) -- April 1833, ELIJAH FULLER, who d. 10 Oct 1836; m. (3) Leominster, 8 June 1838 (LVR 226), REUBEN KENDALL “of Westmoreland, NH.” Children, all by first husband, all recorded at Leominster (LVR 132-134): 1. Abigail Hoar “Nabby” Stearns, b. 17 April 1807; bap. 31 Oct 1813, as “dau. of widow Polly”; n.f.r. 2. Cecilia Stearns (twin), b. “Fitchburg” 4 Feb 1809; d. Leominster, 24 March 1827, age 18y (LVR 132; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery). 3. Christiana Stearns (twin), b. “Fitchburg” 4 Feb 1809; d. 4 May 1826, age 17y. 4. Susan Kendall Stearns, b. “Lancaster” 3 Jan 1811; d. Leominster, 13 March 1821, age 10y. vii. DAVID KENDALL, b. 20 Oct 1796; m. 14 Jan 1817, KEZIAH PUTNAM; n.f.r. 268 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5.53 WILLIAM5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 15 February 1752 (ERL 298) and is the most likely candidate to be the William Hartwell who died at Surry, New Hampshire, 5 April 1814 (History of Westmoreland, NH; History of Surry, NH), although there is only circumstantial evidence to support this theory. HOA, copying Densmore, states that William of Lunenburg “was feeble in mind and body” and died there 31 August 1805, unmarried, but there is no hard evidence to support these state- ments. As we have seen, Joseph4, in his will, gave William 10 pounds, the same amount he left all his other sons. There is no provision for one of the other children to care for William “during his natural life,” as was the custom when a handicapped child existed in a family. Moreover, the gravestone for the William Hartwell who died 31 August 1805 is distinctly inscribed, “age 36,” indicating someone born ca. 1769—some 17 years after our subject. [Note: William Hartwell, b. ca. 1769, d. 1805, has not been iden- tified as of this writing, but he could possibly be an unrecorded son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Tarbell) Hartwell, who have an uniden- tified male in their household on the 1790 federal census.] Both Densmore and HOA attributed the wives and children of William Hartwell of Surry, New Hampshire to William6, the son of Joseph5 (William4-3, Samuel2, William1) and Sarah (Skinner) Hartwell (see #6.253). After publication of his 1956 edition, John F. Hartwell received much correspondence from Marie Lucas of Nampa, Idaho, who was trying to identify her great-great-grand- father, Joseph Hartwell. All Marie knew was that her Joseph had married Huldah Andrews and had six children born in New York state before removing to Indiana, where he died in 1829. Using census, land, and court records, Marie came to the conclusion that her Joseph’s father was William6 Hartwell, son of Joseph5 and Sarah (Skinner) of Putney and Lyndon, Vermont. This William had gone from Vermont to New York, and then to Indiana, where he was shown on the 1830 Federal census as “between 70 and 80 years old.” Since the same William could not be in Indiana in 1830, while Fifth Generation 269 having died in Surry, New Hampshire in 1814, a search was made for another William of approximately the same age, and the only one found was William of Lunenburg. An unplaced William Hartwell, who may be the subject of this biography, appears on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Fitchburg, consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16 and two females. The first event that can be definitely ascribed to the William of this biography is his marriage at Westmoreland, New Hampshire, 22 July 1792, to POLLY DAWES (Histories of Surry & Westmoreland, NH, op. cit.). HOA accords this date to William’s marriage with “LUCY” DAWES, and gives no date for the marriage to Polly. Whether William had a previous wife named Lucy Dawes is a matter for speculation, but if the above-cited 1790 census entry applies to this William, then he seemingly had a wife prior to 1790, and her name may well have been Lucy. The fact that William and Polly named their first child Lucy may be an indication of this, although this theory presumes an unrecorded marriage, two (or more) unrecorded births, and two or three unrecorded deaths. On 24 November 1792, shortly after his marriage to Polly, William Hartwell “of Westmoreland” purchased from Thomas Wheelock of Alstead, NH, for 35 pounds, a tract of land in Surry, NH, being Lot #9 in the first range, estimated at 50 acres. Witnesses were Timothy Watts and Elizabeth Watts (Cheshire County Deed 23:194). Despite this purchase, William, Polly, and Lucy Hartwell were warned out of Surry on 18 October 1794 (History of Surry). On 20 March 1795, William Hartwell of Surry sold “10 acres of land I now live on” to Jepthah Dawes and his wife for them to live on “the rest of their natural lives.” This deed was witnessed by Jesse Streeter and David Streeter (Cheshire Co. Deed 26:372). William “Harwall” appears on the 1800 federal census as the head of a household in Surry consisting of two males under 10, two males over 45, two females under 10, one female 26-45, and one female over 45. On 30 June 1801, William Hartwell sold, for $400 paid by Robert Dawes of Harvard, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, goldsmith, a tract of land or farm in Surry, being Lot #9 in the first 270 Descendants of William1 Hartwell range, approximately 50 acres. Witnesses were Mary Daws and Moses Hale, J.P. (Cheshire Co. Deed 37:135). On the 1810 federal census, William Hartwell and “Japher” Daws are shown as joint heads of a household in Surry consisting of one male 10-16, two males over 45, one female 10-16, one female 16-26, one female 26- 45, and one female over 45. Four years after William’s death, on 12 February 1818, widow Polly Hartwell of Surry, NH, for $100, sold Elijah Fuller of Surry land and tenements left her by her late husband, William Hartwell of Surry, deceased. Witnesses were Ariel Carpenter and David Shaw, and “Polly Hartwell, State of Vermont, Windham SS at Rockingham, personally appeared and acknowledged this deed to be her free will . . . .” (Cheshire Co. Warranty Deed 79:51). Curiously, in 1819, the U.S. Collector granted Elijah Fuller, “land of widow Polly Hartwell, she not having paid taxes on same . . . .” (Cheshire Co. Deed 81:247). Elijah Fuller is probably the second husband of William’s purported niece, Polly (Kendall) (Stearns) (Fuller) Kendall (see #5.52-vi above). Efforts to identify the elusive DAWES family have been frus- trating. If we assume, as does The History of Westmoreland, that Jepthah was Polly’s father, a reasonable assumption in light of William’s sale of land to Jepthah and his wife “for the rest of their natural lives,” then it would seem that Robert must be a son of Jepthah’s, and a brother to Polly. Robert Daws was “of Boston” when he married there, 8 November 1790, Mary Pain Bentley (BRC 30:115). He appears to have lived in Harvard only from about 1794 until about 1813, when he is called “of Boston” on a deed selling his property in Harvard to Jeremiah Dyer of Lancaster. No records of a Jepthah Dawes have been found; apparently his marriage to “Marah” and the births of his children are all unrecorded. Children, born as indicated (Histories of Surry & Westmoreland, NH): 6.129 i. LUCY6 HARTWELL, b. Westmoreland, NH, 29 April 1793; m. Surry, 15 July 1812, JAMES FRANCIS of Walpole, NH. +6.130 ii. JOHN H. HARTWELL, b. Surry, NH, 15 May 1795; m. ELIZABETH VAN SIZE. Fifth Generation 271

+6.131 iii. ROBERT H. HARTWELL, b. Surry, NH, 20 March 1797; m. ANNA VAN SIZE. 6.132 iv. MILLE HARTWELL, b. Surry, NH, 18 Dec 1799; n.f.r.

5.54 RUTH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 11 April 1754 (ERL 298) and she died probably at Hartford, Vermont, at an unknown date. She married, at Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, 15 January 1776 (Hist. Fitzwilliam), JOSEPH KNEELAND, who was born at Harvard, 22 November 1752 (HVR 68) and died probably at Hartford, Vermont, ca. 1828 (DARPI), son of Joseph and Miriam (Averill) Kneeland. According to HOA, Joseph “lived Fitzwilliam, NH, removed to Thetford, VT” (HOA), but his children’s birth records indicate that he must have gone from Fitzwilliam to Holland [Mass.], and then to Sturbridge, before going to Vermont. Also, the Kneeland Genealogy states that he went to Hartford, Vermont. Further research is encouraged. Children, all recorded at Sturbridge (SVR 77): i. PRUDENCE KNEELAND, b. “Fitchwilliam”15 Oct 1776; m. A. PERLEY (Kneeland Gen.). ii. RUTH KNEELAND, b. “Fitchwilliam” 3 March 1778; m. “Mr. Hazen” (Kneeland Gen.). iii. JOSEPH HARTWELL KNEELAND, b. “Fitchwilliam” 25 Jan 1780; m. UNKNOWN. Known child: 1. Malvina Kneeland, b. Hartford, VT, 22 March 1808; m. -?- iv. EDWARD KNEELAND, b. “Fitchwilliam” 17 March 1782; n.f.r. v. CHRISTOPHER KNEELAND, b. “Holland” 6 March 1784; d. Boston, 9 Feb 1814, age 30 (Gs:Granary Burial Ground); m. RUTH THAYER (White). He was a grocer in Boston. 272 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Child: 1. Charles Kneeland, b. ca. Aug. 1812 (calc.); d. Boston, 6 Nov 1813, 1y 3m (Gs:Granary Burial Ground). vi. DAVID KNEELAND, b. 8 April 1786; n.f.r. vii. LYDIA KNEELAND, b. 2 Nov 1788; m. MR. HALL (Kneeland Gen.). viii. MIRIAM KNEELAND, b. 19 July 1792; n.f.r.

Descendants of Joseph4 and Phebe (Eaton) (Hart) Hartwell

5.56 BENJAMIN5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 18 July 1759 (ERL 298) and he died at Shirley, 17 March 1844, age 84y 7m 24d (SVR 191: Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery). He married at Leominster, the Rev. Francis Gardner officiating, 15 September 1782 (LVR 212), MARIEL NICHOLS, who was baptized at Leominster, 7 November 1762 (LVR 106) and died “of old age” at Shirley, 23 September 1851, age 89y 3m 17d (MA VRs 58:97; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery), daughter of Israel and Desire (Holbrook) Nichols. Benjamin was of Lunenburg when he served as “Sergeant, Capt. Elisha Jackson’s co.; enlisted 25 June 1778; [service not given]; roll dated Middleton, RI, 27 Aug 1778; also, Capt. Benjamin Edgell’s co., Col. John Jacobs’s regt.; engaged 25 June 1778; service, 6 mos. 5 days, including travel (80 miles) home; enlistment to expire 1 Jan 1779; also, same co. and regt.; muster rolls dated Freetown, 13 Sept and 18 Oct 1778” (MS&S). [Note: Neither this entry nor the DAR Patriot Index accords Benjamin a higher rank than Sergeant, contradicting HOA’s statement that he was a Captain.] Benjamin is shown on the 1790 census as the head of a household in Shirley, consisting of one male over 16 and five females. He “was educated as a physician, and settled (about 1781) in Shirley, being the first of his profession who established himself in that town after its incorporation. For about 45 years he was the Fifth Generation 273 only physician in the town, and he practiced extensively and successfully in the neighboring towns, as well as in his own. He retained his vigor of body and of mind so that he was able to attend to his professional duties until within a short time of his decease. His obituary appeared in the Worcester Palladium, 8 May 1844” (Cunningham).

Dr. Benjamin Hartwell House.

Children, all recorded at Shirley (SVR 41-2): 6.133 i. SOPHIA6 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1783; bap. 23 Jan 1785; d. (two days after her wedding), 27 Dec 1804, age 21; m. Shirley, 25 Dec 1804 (SVR 132; Marriages in Boston Newspapers), LUTHER PARKER, b. Harvard, 24 June 1781, son of Isaiah and Sibyl (Willard) Parker. +6.134 ii. ABI HARTWELL, bap. 20 Oct 1785; m. Dr. JOSEPH MANSFIELD. +6.135 iii. DESIRE HARTWELL, bap. -- Feb 1788; m. (1) ARTEMAS LONGLEY, (2) MOSES LAWRENCE. 274 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.136 iv. MARY ANN HARTWELL, bap. 15 Nov 1788; m. BENJAMIN WASHBURN EDGARTON. 6.137 v. MARIAH HARTWELL, b. 7 Nov 1791 (calc.), bap. 10 Aug 1794; d. Shirley, 5 Jan 1797, age 5y 1m 29d (SVR 191: Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery). +6.138 vi. JEPTHAH RICHARDSON HARTWELL, bap. 10 Aug 1794; m. BETSEY BOYNTON. 6.139 vii. SARAH SMITH HARTWELL, b. 9 Dec 1797 (Gs), bap. 25 Aug 1805; d. Shirley, 25 Aug 1891, age 93y 8m 15d (MA VRs 419:325); m. (at age 47) 3 Aug 1844 (SVR 132; MA VRs 13:56), as his 2nd wife, THOMAS HAZEN, widower, farmer, b. 3 March 1775, d. 2 Nov 1856, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Little) Hazen. +6.140 viii. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 1 July 1799 (HOA), bap. 25 Aug 1805; m. SARAH BROOKS. 6.141 ix. CLARISSA HARTWELL, b. 8 Nov 1801 (Gs), bap. 25 Aug 1805; d. of pneumonia, 1 Jan 1882, age 80y 1m 24d (MA VRs 338:174; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery); unmarried. 6.142 x. MARIA HARTWELL, b. 11 Feb 1804 [sic]; d. of pneumonia, 9 Dec 1876, age 71y 1m 19d (MA VRs 284:159; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery); unmarried.

5.57 REUBEN5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 4 July 1762 (ERL 298) and he died at Shirley, 7 January 1838, age 76 (SVR 191: Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery). He married first, at Leominster, 27 April 1786 (LVR 212), ABIGAIL RUGGLES, who was born at Waltham, 5 March 1769 (recorded Leominster VRs 125) and died, apparently in childbirth, at Shirley, 15 November 1803, in her 35th year (SVR 191; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery), daughter of William and Abigail (—) Ruggles. Reuben married second, at Littleton, the Rev. Edmund Foster officiating, 25 May 1805 (LVR 244), ABIGAIL BLANCHARD, who was born at Littleton, 27 July 1778 (LVR 118) and died at Shirley, 11 October 1869, age 91 (Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery), daughter of Calvin Fifth Generation 275 and Abigail (Reed) Blanchard, and granddaughter of Peter and Betty4 (Hartwell) Reed (see #4.37-v-1). Reuben is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Lunenburg consisting of one male over 16 (himself) and three females. “He was a resident of Shirley in 1792; owned a farm in the north section of town, in center school district No. 6, which was his home for life” (HOA). Children by first wife, first three born probably at Lunenburg, rest at Shirley (SVR 41-42): +6.143 i. TABITHA6 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1787, bap. Shirley 15 Nov 1799; m. NATHANIEL LONGLEY, JR. +6.144 ii. RELIEF HARTWELL, b. ca. 1789, bap. Shirley 15 Nov 1799; m. PETER TARBELL. +6.145 iii. ABIGAIL HARTWELL, b. 1 July 1791 (HOA), bap. 15 Nov 1799; m. JOHN STEARNS. 6.146 iv. ELIZA HARTWELL, b. 19 July 1793 (calc.); d. Shirley, 7 Jan 1795, age 1y 5m 19d (SVR 191). +6.147 v. KATHERINE HARTWELL, b. 9 May 1795 (HOA), bap. 15 Nov 1799; m. DANIEL ADAMS. +6.148 vi. OZIAS HARTWELL, b. 29 Jan 1797 (HOA), bap. 15 Nov 1799; m. (1) HANNAH PATCH, (2) ELVIRA SMITH. +6.149 vii. REUBEN HARTWELL, JR., b. 25 July 1799 (HOA), bap. 15 Nov 1799; m. MARY PIERCE. 6.150 viii. JULIA HARTWELL, b. 25 March 1802; d. Shirley 24 Feb 1819, in her 17th year (SVR 191). 6.151 ix. UNNAMED SON, b. 18 [sic] Nov 1803; d. prob. infancy. Children by second wife, born at Shirley (SVR 41-42): +6.152 x. CALVIN BLANCHARD HARTWELL, b. 5 Jan 1806; m. (1) SUSAN HAMMOND, (2) ELIZABETH RAGSDALE. 6.153 xi. JAMES SULLIVAN HARTWELL, b. 2 May 1808; d. Shirley, of typhus fever, 29 Aug 1849, age 41y 3m 3d; unmarried (SVR 191; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery). 276 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.154 xii. NATHANIEL HARTWELL, b. 10 June 1810; m. ABIGAIL J. RANDALL. 6.155 xiii. SOPHIA HARTWELL, b. 15 Oct 1812; d. Shirley, 10 Feb 1814, age 16m 5d (SVR 191). +6.156 xiv. LUCY ANN HARTWELL, b. 19 Nov 1815; m. HEZEKIAH SPAULDING. +6.157 xv. SUSAN HARTWELL, b. 23 April 1817; m. IRA B. DODGE.

5.58 JACOB5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 1 June 1765 (ERL 298) and he died there 26 October 1844, age 79 (Gs:South Cemetery). He married at Shirley, 17 March 1793 [sic; prob. should be 1794, since int. are dated 22 Sept 1793] (SVR 132), LOIS CHAPLIN, who was baptized at Ipswich, 27 September 1772 (IVR 1:81) and died at Lunenburg, 5 August 1863, age 91y 10m (MA VRs 167:241; Gs:South Cemetery), daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (Hazen) Chaplin. Jacob and Lois lived at the foot of Flat Hill, where he was a farmer. Children, all born at Lunenburg (Cunningham): 6.158 i. JANE LITTLE6 HARTWELL, b. 8 Aug 1794; d. Lunenburg, 10 Dec 1880, age 86y 4m 2d (MA VRs 321:394; Gs:South Ceme- tery); unmarried. 6.159 ii. SARAH HAZEN HARTWELL, b. 11 Sept 1796; d. Lunenburg, of “old age” 20 May 1877, age 80y 8m 9d (MA VRs 294:330); unmarried. +6.160 iii. JOSIAH HUNT HARTWELL, b. 23 Jan 1799; m. SUSAN HAPGOOD. +6.161 iv. ABRAHAM HARTWELL, b. 27 Aug 1801; m. EUNICE B. FAIRBANKS. +6.162 v. JAMES HARTWELL, b. 23 March 1803; m. BETSY PHILLIPS. +6.163 vi. JEREMIAH CHAPLIN HARTWELL, b. 31 Aug 1807; m. (1) PAMELIA PARKER, (2) LYDIA HASKELL HAPGOOD. Fifth Generation 277

6.164 vii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 6 June 1812; d. Lunenburg, of “fits” 30 July 1849, age 36y 1m 24d (MA VRs 41:293); unmarried.

5.59 TABITHA5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 14 July 1768 (ERL 298) and she died at Charlestown/Leominster, 25 March 1850, age 82 yrs (MA VRs 49:47 & 50:115; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery, Leominster). She married at Leominster, 16 October 1788 (LVR 212, 268), PHINEAS TYLER, who was born at Andover, 14 February 1765 (AVR 1:269), baptized at Boxford, 17 February 1765 (BVR 102) and died of lung fever at Leominster, 21 January 1847, age 82 (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery), son of Phineas and Hannah (Foster) Tyler. Phineas lived at one time in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, where he built on “Tyler Hill” (HOA). Children, births all recorded at Leominster (LVR 142); other data per HOA unless otherwise indicated: i. MOODY TYLER, b. 24 Feb 1789; d. 3 July 1870; m. Leomin- ster, 9 Dec 1819 (LVR 268), BETSEY BARKER, b. Stoddard, NH, 4 July 1795, d. 30 May 1877. Children, per Leominster VRs and HOA: 1. Elizabeth Tyler, b. Leominster, 3 July 1820 (LVR 141); d. 5 May 1844; m. Merrill Williams. 2. Sarah Tyler, b. 6 Jan 1822; d. 4 April 1890; m. -- Oct 1843, Albert G. Williams, brother of Merrill, above. Four children. 3. Marcus Tyler, b. “Union, ME”20 June 1823; d. 22 June 1899; m. 30 Dec 1848, Esther O. Sawyer, b. Bradford, NH, 19 Nov 1824. Four children. 4. Lucy Tyler, b. 10 Jan 1825; d. 10 April 1890; m. 26 March 1854, Daniel L. Farnum. One child. 5. Elmira Tyler, b. “Gardner, ME,” 19 April 1827; m. James D. Ward, b. 18 Feb 1820, d. 4 Dec 1892. Two children. 278 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6. Esther Richardson Tyler, b. 11 Nov 1828; d. 13 Sept. 1848. 7. John Barker Tyler, b. 21 June 1830; lived in MI in 1897. 8. Henry Kendall Tyler, b. 27 April 1832; m. (1) 1850, (2) 1861, names of wives unknown. He was a Baptist minister. Five children. 9. Tyler, b. 5 May 1834; d. 23 May 1878; m. 17 May 1859, Emily Brown, b. 28 May 1835. He was a Civil War veteran. Three children. 10. D. Waldo Tyler, b. 22 June 1836; m. 26 July 1861, Harriet M. Freeman. He lived in KS in 1897. Four children. 11. Jane L. Tyler, b. 22 Aug 1838; d. 3 May 1898; m. 20 Feb 1867, John W. Maynard, b. 6 May 1831. Four children. ii. STEPHEN TYLER, bap. 7 Nov 1790; d. Leominster, 15 July 1806, in the 15th year of his age (LVR 360; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery). iii. CATHERINE TYLER, bap. 6 Jan 1793; d. Jaffrey, NH, 18 Dec 1867; m. Leominster, 8 Feb 1814 (LVR 171), NATHANIEL BIGELOW, b. Leominster, 26 May 1789 (LVR 16), d. Jaffrey, NH, 28 July 1876, son of Nathaniel and Anna (Rider) Bigelow. Children, per HOA: 1. Perkins Bigelow, b. 11 Nov 1814; m. Oct 1846, Ann M. Palmer of Zanesville, OH. He went to Mansfield, OH, and engaged in the drug trade; was the first mayor of Mansfield under city government. Two children. 2. Catherine Bigelow, b. 29 March 1817; d. 5 Dec 1901; m. 2 June 1841, William Carter of Jaffrey, b. 1 May 1816. He was a tanner, removed to Fitchburg in 1873, carpenter and builder. Two children. Fifth Generation 279

3. Joseph Tyler Bigelow, b. 15 Sept 1819; d. Jaffrey, NH, of pneumonia, 18 May 1892; m. Boston, 22 Aug 1849, Mary Chellis, b. Hancock, NH, 13 March 1826, d. Jaffrey, 22 March 1896. Two children. iv. JOSEPH TYLER, b. “Jaffrey, NH,” 16 June 1795; d. Irving, NY, 8 March 1878; m. 11 June 1820, SALLY WYLLYS HALL, bap. Greenfield, 12 Feb 1797 (GVR 58), d. 23 Oct 1844 (HOA), dau. of Timothy and (–) Hall. Joseph was a bookbinder in Greenfield. Children, born at Greenfield (GVR 124): 1. Sarah Hall Tyler, b. 25 April 1821; d. 20 July 1849 (HOA); m. 28 Aug 1837 (HOA), Preston Mitchell of New York state. 2. Harriet Stone Tyler, b. 23 Nov 1826; m. 11 April 1848 (HOA), Charles H. Lusk of Albany, NY. Three children. 3. Joseph Tyler, b. 24 Oct 1828; d. 28 May 1896 (HOA); m. (1) 23 Oct 1854 (HOA), Emma S. Greeland, who d. 15 Feb 1877; m. (2) 1879, Anna Pike. 4. George Burt Tyler, b. 14 April 1830; d. Helena, MT, 6 Oct 1881; m. 24 Aug 1860, Sarah E. Harrell, b. 26 Aug 1844. Three children. 5. Henry Pierce Tyler, b. 9 Feb 1832; d. 1 July 1832. 6. Cornelia Annah Tyler, b. 6 May 1838. v. PHINEAS TYLER, b. “Jaffrey, NH,” 25 Jan 1798; d. Rockland, ME, 28 Sept 1856 (HOA); m. (1) 28 Aug 1823 (HOA), LOUISA ALDEN, b. 30 Jan 1802, d. 29 Sept 1827, dau. of Ebenezer Alden; m. (2) 9 May 1832, ELECTA PARSONS ROBINSON of Thomaston, ME. He lived in Leominster, Union, ME, and was a merchant for years in Thomaston, ME. Children, per HOA: 1. William Parker Tyler, b. 30 March 1824; d. at sea. 280 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Edwin Tyler, b. 25 Oct 1826. 3. Louisa Augusta Tyler, b. Thomaston, ME, 6 May 1833. 4. Julia Caroline Tyler, b. 29 May 1835; d. 22 Aug 1855; m. Nathaniel P. Leeman of Thomaston. 5. Lucretia George Tyler, b. 29 Dec 1836; m. Howard A. Field of Portland, ME. 6. Clara Hartwell Tyler, b. 25 Aug 1838; d. 15 Aug 1896; m. (1) James N. Brown of Rockland, [ME]; m. (2) William E. Rivers of Thomaston. Four sons by 1st marriage. 7. Lucy Copeland Tyler, b. 26 July 1842. vi. LABAN AINSWORTH TYLER, bookbinder, b. 8 June 1800; d. Boston, 26 Dec 1869; m. Mrs. MARY (FELLOWS) RANLET. Children, per HOA: 1. Charles Ainsworth Tyler, b. 10 April 1825; went to CA in 1848 with Gen. Fremont’s party; unmarried. 2. Catherine Maria Tyler, b. 2 Nov 1827; d. 19 Dec 1850; m. 14 May 1848, Albert G. Lyon of Leom- inster. One son. 3. Joanna Odion Tyler, b. 13 April 1830; d. 19 Jan 1854. 4. Mary Elizabeth Tyler, b. 13 Oct 1833; m. 19 July 1862, Hannibal Franklin Ripley, who d. 28 Feb 1894. One daughter. 5. Henry Rollins Tyler, b. 9 Aug 1836; d. 27 Oct 1837. 6. William Henry Tyler, b. 18 May 1839. vii. LUCY HARTWELL TYLER, b. 14 April 1803; m. Leominster, 15 June 1824 (LVR 268), JOHN WOODCOCK of Union, ME. John was b. “Newtown,” 17 May 1800 (LVR 159), and d. ca. 1893, age 93 (HOA), son of Nathan and Elizabeth (—) Woodcock. Fifth Generation 281

Children, per HOA: 1. Jane Sophia Woodcock, b. 27 June 1825; m. Charles S. Hildreth. 2. Lucy J. Woodcock, b. 14 May 1860 [sic]; m. Charles Osgood; she was a music teacher. 3. Ann S. Woodcock. 4. William J. Woodcock, a merchant tailor; had a family. viii. LUKE TYLER, b. 10 Dec 1805; d. 18 July 1831 [sic]; m. 22 March 1839 [sic], JANE SULLMEN RICHARDSON, who d. Lowell. Child, per HOA: 1. Rinaldo Tyler. ix. STEPHEN GARDNER TYLER, b. 25 Feb 1809; m. (1) 12 Nov 1833, JANE DUNSTER; m. (2) UNKNOWN; went to St. Louis, MO. Children, per HOA: 1. Mary J. Tyler, m. a German in St. Louis. 2. Adeline Tyler. x. ELEAZER SPOFFORD TYLER, b. 2 Jan 1813; went to Indiana; m. 27 Oct 1841, MARTHA JANE FARQUHAR. He was an original settler of Indianapolis; a book binder and musician. xi. HARRIET NEWELL TYLER, bap. 9 March 1815; prob. the unnamed child of Phineas and Tabitha who d. Leom- inster, of measles, -- May 1815 (LVR 360).

5.60 JOHN5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 4 September 1770 (ERL 299) and he died there 1 October 1817, age 47y 0m 27d (Gs:South Cemetery; Cunningham). He married first, at Fitchburg, William Nichols, Esq. officiating, 7 May 1792 (ORF 2:210), “Mrs.” POLLY FARWELL, who was born at Fitchburg, 2 July 1775 (HOA: not in VRs), and died at Lunenburg, 18 282 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

December 1813, age 42 [sic] (Gs:South Cemetery; Cunningham), daughter of Edmund and Mary (Russell) Farwell. She was admitted to the church in Lunenburg, 9 April 1797, and on 28 October 1804, made a confession before the church of adultery with Josiah Hartwell, her husband’s brother (see #5.51). Her gravestone in South Cemetery, Lunenburg, reads “The die is cast, my hope, my fear / My joy, my pain lie buried here / And reader, you ere long must try / This dreadful change as well as I.” John married second, -- April 1814, Mrs. SARAH GOODRICH FAIRBANKS, who was born ca. 1782 and died “suddenly, vomiting, after long general debility, and great emaciation” 12 April 1816, age 34 (Gs:South Cemetery; Cunningham), parents not identified. Her gravestone reads “She kindly says, oh! why complain / That death has made me free? / Why should my pleasure give you pain? / Why will you grieve for me? / Those eyes that clos’d appear to you / Are open’d to eternal view.” John married third, at Leominster, 10 December 1816 (LVR 212), as her second husband, BETSEY (HALE) SNOW, who was born at Leominster, 15 April 1784 (LVR 67), and died there 12 December 1868, age 84y, 7m. 27d (MA Vrs 213.276), daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wilder) Hale and widow of Lt. WILLIAM SNOW, who died at Leominster, 27 October 1814, age 32. [Note: HOA’s identi- fication of Betsey as the dau. of Moses and Betty (Colburn) Snow of Leominster is incorrect; Betsey was definitely a widow when she married John. Betsey and William Snow were married at Leom- inster, 12 February 1804, and had two children: 1. Susan Elizabeth Snow, b. 8 Oct 1804; d. 8 Dec 1816, age 12 (Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery); 2. George William Snow, b. 8 Feb 1807; n.f.r.] John was a farmer in Lunenburg. Administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Betsey, on 18 November 1817; Betsey Hartwell, Joseph Hartwell, gentleman, and Lincoln Haywood, yeoman, all of Lunenburg, stood bond. On 30 December 1818, Beraleel Lawrence, guardian for Joseph and William B. Hartwell, Stephen Gibson and Samuel Davis signed their agreement with Betsey’s account of the estate (Worcester County Probate File A:27680). Fifth Generation 283

John’s gravestone is inscribed, “Smitten friends are angels / Sent on errands full of love. / For us they languish and for us they die; / and shall they languish, shall they die in vain?” Children, all probably by first wife, all born probably at Lunenburg: +6.165 i. MARY6 “POLLY” HARTWELL, b. 16 July 1792; m. STEPHEN GIBSON. +6.166 ii. NANCY HARTWELL, b. 15 Sept 1796; m. SAMUEL DAVIS. +6.167 iii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 19 Aug 1798; m. (1) CLARISSA READ, (2) MARTHA M. (BRUCE) DOANE. 6.168 iv. WILLIAM BASCOMB HARTWELL, b. between 1810 (Gs) and 13 Dec 1814 (Cunningham); d. Sherborn, 22 Oct 1895, age 83 (MA VRs 455:360; Gs:Gibson lot, South Cemetery, Lunenburg); unmarried. [Note: Cunningham says William “was under general guardianship in 1842, being mentally imbecile, a ‘non compas-mentus’ as the erudite town clerk calls him . . . living in Ware in 1865.” His death record gives no indication of this, merely stating that he was a farmer. Cunningham may have confused him with some other William Hartwell.]

5.61 KATHERINE5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 27 August 1772 (ERL 299) and she died, probably at Gardiner, Maine, 1 May 1827 (Bicknell Bible Records as published in Second Boat, hereinafter BBR). She married, 2 July 1793, DANIEL GARDNER, who was born probably at Lunenburg, ca. 1767 and died probably at Gardiner, Maine, 7 January 1834 (BBR), son of Daniel and Emma (Rea) Gardner of Danvers. Children, all born probably at Lunenburg, per BBR unless otherwise indicated: i. BENJAMIN GARDNER, b. 22 Dec 1793; d. 27 Dec 1835; m. 9 Jan 1815, RUTH HOLBROOK. ii. HENRY GARDNER, b. 3 Dec 1795; d. 1 April 1877; m. 10 Aug 1834, RUBY R. HOLBROOK. 284 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

iii. PHEBE HART GARDNER, b. 21 Feb 1798; d. Auburn, ME, 14 Aug 1872, age 74y 5m 21d; m. 24 Dec 1818, SAMUEL HERRICK. iv. SAMUEL GARDNER, b. 8 June 1800; d. 16 Jan 1874; m. 30 Sept 1830, LOUISA DICKEY. v. NANCY GARDNER, b. 22 Sept 1802; d. Belfast, ME, 17 Aug 1871, age 68y 10m 20d; m. Northport, ME, 10 March 1825, EDMUND BICKNELL, b. Lunenburg, 27 Sept 1802, d. Belfast, ME, 26 Feb 1866, age 63y 11m, son of James and Hannah (Marshall) Bicknell. Children: 1. James Marshall Bicknell, b. 14 May 1827; d. Belfast, Me, 9 March 1863, age 35y 10m; m. 21 Sept 1851, Sarah Stevens, b. 2 Nov 1829. 2. Steven Giddings Bicknell, b. 29 Oct 1828; m. 14 May 1854, Sarah W. Spratt, b. 4 Oct 1834. 3. Abbie Sarah Bicknell, b. 25 May 1835; d. Brooks, ME, 8 Sept 1896; m. 19 Nov 1857, Joseph Ellis, Jr., b. 20 Oct 1835, d. Brooks, ME, 11 March 1871. vi. CATHERINE GARDNER, b. 19 May 1806; d. 11 March 1894; m. 29 Oct 1833, Rev. JOHN HATCH. vii. DANIEL HARTWELL GARDNER, b. 14 Feb 1809; d. 28 July 1876; m. 10 April 1834, LAVINIA FROHOCK. viii. JOHN GARDNER, b. 21 June 1811; d. 8 March 1884; m. 31 Oct 1845, HARRIET HENDERSON. ix. WILLIAM GARDNER, b. 10 Nov 1813; d. Belfast, ME, of typhoid fever, 28 Dec 1865, age 43 (BVR 2:546); m. Belfast, 14 March 1841 (BVR 2:165), ROXANNA HINDS, b. 1 Nov 1815 (BVR 1:99), dau. of Josiah D. and Hepsebeth G. (—) Hinds. x. JOSEPH EDWARD GARDNER, b. 15 Nov 1818; d. 28 Feb 1888; m. 15 July 1849, MARY JONES. Fifth Generation 285

xi. HARRIETT ALLISON GARDNER, b. 21 Sept 1821; d. 11 June 1888; m. 1 May 1841, GEORGE BILLINGS.

Descendants of Phineas4 and Mary (Pierce) Hartwell

5.62 EPHRAIM5 HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 7 October 1755 (ERL 298; ORF 2:317) and he died at Fitchburg, 13 November 1838 (Worcester County Probate File A:27666). He married at Fitchburg, (int.) 21 June 1778, BETSEY “BETTY” POLLEY, who was born at Leominster, 7 March 1759 (LVR 115) and died 9 February 1833, daughter of Joseph and Dorcas (Coburn) Polley (see also #5.36). Ephraim Hartwell of Fitchburg was a “fifer, Capt. Ebenezer Bridge’s co., Col. John Whetcomb’s regt. of Minute-men, which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775 to Cambridge; left place of rendezvous 4 May 1775; service, 15 days; also, Private, Capt. William Thurlo’s co.; travel out and home, 180 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 9 days; mileage (180 miles) also allowed; company marched on an alarm at Bennington, 22 August 1777, under command of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge by order of Ben. Stark and Col. Warner and was dismissed by Gen. Lincoln after proceeding 90 miles; roll sworn to in Worcester Co.” (MS&S). Ephraim is shown on the 1790 federal census as the head of a household in Fitchburg consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16, and five females. On 5 December 1838, Asia Phillips of Fitchburg deposed that he had “heretofore been well acquainted with Ephraim Hartwell of this town, a pensioner of the United States. . . . Said Hartwell died in this town on the 13th day of November A.D. 1838, I being present at the time and place of his death. . . . The said Ephraim Hartwell at the time of his death left one son, Ephraim Hartwell and two daughters, vis: Polly May, wife of Moses May and Eunice Wood, wife of Calvin Wood, his only surviving children. He left no widow, and at his decease was a pensioner of the United States” (Worcester County Probate File A:27666). 286 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born at Fitchburg (ORF 2:318): +6.169 i. POLLY6 HARTWELL, b. 2 Aug 1779; m. (1) JOHN FARRAR BROWN, (2) MOSES MAY. +6.170 ii. BETSEY HARTWELL, b. 7 Nov 1781; m. JOSEPH CARTER. +6.171 iii. EPHRAIM HARTWELL, b. 4 Sept 1784; m. (1) NANCY WHEELER, (2) CHARLOTTE CHEEVER. +6.172 iv. EUNICE HARTWELL, b. 25 March 1787; m. (1) JONAS SMITH, (2) CALVIN WOOD. +6.173 v. MILLY HARTWELL, b. 5 July 1790; m. GEORGE WOOD.

5.63 MARY5 “MOLLY” HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 7 February 1757 (ERL 298; ORF 2:317) and she died at Worcester, Otsego County, New York, 12 April 1819 (First Presbyterian Church of Worcester, NY record). She married at Westminster, 20 February 1777 (WVR 148), as his second wife, JOSEPH FLINT, who was born at Reading, 23 June 1737 (RVR 97) and died at Worcester, New York, 8 May 1815 (church record), son of Thomas and Priscilla (Porter) Flint. Joseph had first married, at Reading, 8 December 1762, HANNAH HERRICK, by whom he had several children born at Reading, including Porter Flint, bap. 2 April 1765, Joseph Flint, bap. 22 Sept 1765, and Luther Flint, bap. 4 Oct 1767, who later married MARY6 HARTWELL (see #6.98). Joseph Flint served as a 2nd Lieut. during the Revolution (DARPI), and is shown of the 1790 census as the head of a household in Westminster, consisting of three males over 16, three males under 16, and six females. On 2 March 1791, Joseph and Molly Flint sold their homestead farm in Westminster to John Hadley for 200 pounds lawful money (Worcester County Deed 110:476), and on 10 May 1792, Joseph was one of the founders of the Second Congre- gational Church of Worcester, New York [later the First Presby- terian Church], where he and Molly were two of the first five members. Children, all born probably at Westminster (not in WVR; dates from IGI): i. PHINEAS FLINT, b. 28 March 1780; n.f.r. Fifth Generation 287

ii. MARY/MOLLY/POLLY FLINT, b. 3 Aug 1781; n.f.r. iii. ESTHER FLINT, b. 7 Sept 1783; n.f.r. iv. HANNAH FLINT, b. 22 July 1785; n.f.r. v. ASA FLINT, b. 17 Oct 1787; n.f.r. vi. SALLY FLINT, b. 4 Aug 1789; n.f.r.

5.65 ABIJAH5 HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 28 July 1761 (ERL 298; ORF 2:317) and he died at Fitchburg, 30 April 1820 (ORF 2:310). He married first, at Fitchburg, 30 April 1805 (ORF 3:70), Daniel Putnam, J.P. presiding, OLIVE SMITH, who was born 11 December 1761 (calc.) and died at Fitchburg, 7 July 1806, age 34y 6m 2d (ORF 2:309), parents not found. Abijah married second, at Fitchburg, 29 April 1809 (ORF 3:82), Miss SALLY GRAY, who was born at Amherst, New Hamp- shire, 11 February 1771 (HOA) and died at Fitchburg, 15 June 1850, age 78 (ORF 8:165; MA VRs 50:104). Abijah served as a “Private [in] Capt. William Thurlo’s co.; travel out and home 100 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 9 days; mileage (180 miles) also allowed; company marched on an alarm at Bennington 22 Aug 1777, under command of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge by order of Gen. Stark and Col. Warner and was dismissed by Gen. Lincoln after proceeding 90 miles; roll sworn to in Worcester Co.; also, same co.; service 25 days under Maj. Ebenezer Bridge at Saratoga; travel from camp home, 7 days (140 miles) allowed; roll sworn to in Worcester Co., 4 April 1778; also, Capt. William Thurlo’s co., Col. Josiah Whitney’s regt.; service from 30 July to 13 Sept 1778, 1 mo. 15 days, at Rhode Island” (MS&S). Children by first wife, born at Fitchburg (ORF 2:310-12): +6.174 i. ABIJAH6 HARTWELL, b. 21 or 24 June 1800; m. MARY “POLLY” D. SCOTT. 6.175 ii. SUSAN “SUKEY” HARTWELL, b. 10 June 1805; d. Fitchburg, of typhoid pneumonia, 26 Nov 1864, age 59y 5m 16d 288 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

(MA VRs 176:236); m. Westminster, (int.) 26 March 1842 (WVR 149), JOTHAM KEYES. Children by second wife, born at Fitchburg: +6.176 iii. SARAH WINCH HARTWELL, b. 23 April 1811; m. HORACE P. MESSENGER. +6.177 iv. PORTER HARTWELL, b. 29 July 1812; m. MARY J. COREY.

5.66 RELIEF5 HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Lunenburg, 12 July 1765 (ERL 298; ORF 2:317) and she died of “old age” at Ashburnham, 19 or 20 October 1849, age 85y 3m (AVR 185). She married at Fitchburg, (int.) 1 June 1782 (ORF; HOA gives 24 May 1783), THOMAS GIBSON, who was born at Lunenburg, 19 November 1753 (Gibson) and died at Ashburnham, 11 June 1841, age 87y 6m (AVR 185), son of Capt. Reuben and Lois (Smith) Gibson. Thomas was a soldier in the Revolution, serving as a private in Capt. Josiah Stearns’s co. (DARPI). Shortly after marriage, the couple moved to Ashburnham and settled in the southeast part of town (Gibson). Children, all born at Ashburnham (AVR 36): [Note: there are instances where Gibson, HOA and/or the published Vital Records, when available, do not agree on dates. In all instances, the published VRs, although not infallible, have been used.] i. THOMAS GIBSON, b. 4 July 1784; d. Salisbury, VT, 187-; m. (1) Ashburnham, 24 April 1808 (AVR 121), HANNAH CUTTER, b. Cambridge, 29 July 1790 (CVR 1:178), d. Ashby, 31 Jan 1842, dau. of Ammi and Hannah (Holden) Cutter; m. (2) Ashburnham, (int.) 6 Nov 1842 (AVR 121), MARTHA WILKER, who d. Ashby, 1 June 1846; m. (3) 16 Oct 1846, Mrs. ANNIS (—) WHITCOMB. Children, all by 1st wife, all born at Ashby (AVR 31-33): 1. Eveline Gibson, b. 8 Dec 1809; m. 6 Jan 1836, George Wood of Fitchburg. Fifth Generation 289

2. Almira Gibson, b. 28 Sept 1811; m. Elijah Fowler of Peterboro, NH, a butcher; removed to Buffalo, NY ca. 1836, later to IA, MN, and Dakota. Four children. 3. Hannah E. Gibson, b. 22 Feb 1813; d. ca. 1880; m. Ashby, 7 June 1835 (AVR 130), Joseph E. Wilkins of Ashby and Peterboro, NH, who d. ca. 1871. He went to Buffalo ca. 1839; whipmaker and farmer. Four children. 4. Thomas Dexter Gibson, b. 14 Feb 1815; d. 6 June 1858 (HOA) or 1868 (Gibson); m. 19 Oct 1840, Elizabeth O. Austin of Vergennes, VT, b. 9 July 1825. Thomas was a carpenter; Elizabeth was a teacher and physician, was graduated in medicine at Cincinnati, OH, in 1859, and entered the medical dept. of the army in Oct 1861, serving four years as head nurse amid great responsibilities. She aban- doned her practice in 1878. One child (HOA) or two children (Gibson). 5. Relief Gibson, b. 25 June 1817; m. John Fellows of Buffalo. Two children. 6. Melvina Gibson, b. 16 Aug 1820; m. (–) Bristol of Buffalo. 7. Jerome Sebastian Gibson, b. 24 Oct 1822; m. 20 April 1847, Abigail Sawyer of Westminster, b. 13 June 1828, d. 2 Sept. 1886. He was a carpenter and dairy farmer, settled in Ashburnham, removed to his father’s homestead in Ashby in 1866. Two children. 8. Rosella Rebecca Gibson, b. 20 Sept 1825; m. Henry Perkins of Westminster, a farmer. They went to Monticello, MN, and to Dixon, CA, where both died. Two children. 9. Infant, d. young. 10. Andrew Cutter Gibson, b. 27 Aug 1832; d. 23 July 1873; m. 23 March 1858, Charlotte A. Billings. 290 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

He was a soldier in the Civil War. Three or four children. ii. RELIEF GIBSON, b. 29 May 1789; d. Leominster, 29 Aug 1841, age 55 (LVR 292); m. Leominster, 3 Oct 1813 (LVR 174), RUFUS BOWERS, b. Leominster, 27 June 1789 (LVR 20), son of Samuel and Rebekah (Nichols) Bowers. Children, born at Leominster (LVR 20): 1. Malvina Bowers, b. 11 April 1816; d. Leominster, of lung fever, 21 Oct 1818, age 2y 6m 10d (LVR 292). 2. Oscar Thomas Bowers, b. 11 April 1817; prob. m. 26 Nov 1840, Acsah Houghton. He was a comb maker in Clinton. Six children. 3. Henry F. Newton Bowers, b 4 or 14 July 1820; m.; was a shoemaker in Upton, removed to Worcester about 1870. 4. Rufus Gibson Bowers, b. 25 April 1822; m. Roxana (—), an Irish girl; he was a comb maker. Five children. 5. Arlo Bowers, b. 28 Feb 1823; d. Leominster, of dysentery, 27 Sept 1823, age 7m (LVR 292). 6. Malvina G. Bowers, b. 21 Jan 1825; m. Leominster, 12 April 1848 (LVR 174), Daniel Harding, b. Holliston, ca. 1821, son of Richard and Catherine (—) Harding. 7. Edwin Bowers, b. 5 Feb 1826; d. 20 Sept 1878; m. 18 Dec 1856, Jane (Wilson) Anderson, b. Ireland, 1827. He was a comb maker. 8. Sophronia Elizabeth Bowers, b. 25 Jan 1833; unmarried. iii. LUCINDA GIBSON, b. 25 March 1790; d. Leominster 4 or 8 Sept 1852; m. Ashburnham/Leominster, (int.) 22 April 1810 (AVR 120; LVR 206), BEZALEEL GIBSON, b. 21 Feb 1785, d. Leominster, 6 Aug 1855, son of Bezaleel and Fifth Generation 291

Lois (Billings) Gibson. He was a comb maker in Leominster. Children, born at Leominster (LVR 63-64): 1. Alexander Bezaleel Gibson, b. 5 Jan 1811; d. 3 Sept 1866; m. Leominster, (int.) 20 March 1834 (LVR 206), Roxana Brittan, b. Leominster, 11 June 1810 (LVR 22), d. there, 28 Jan 1882 (MA VRs 339:396), dau. of William and Eunice Brittan. Alexander was a trader in Leominster. Three children. 2. Caroline Lucinda Gibson, b. 16 Sept 1812; d. Medway, 4 Aug 1857 (MA VRs 112:227); m. Leom- inster, 7 June 1836 (LVR 206), William T. Allen of Boston, b. 12 Oct 1809, d. East Boston, 7 June 1842. She was a graduate of Ipswich; matron of a young ladies’ school in Burlington, VT; established a young ladies’ school at Medway in 1856; a successful instructor. Two children. 3. Irene Louisa Gibson, b. 29 Nov 1815; d. Leominster, 20 Oct 1817, in 2nd yr (LVR 317). 4. James Lyman/Lyman J. Gibson, b. 17 June 1819; m. (1) Leominster, 3 May 1841 (LVR 207), Harriet Bennett of Groton, who d. Burlington, VT; m. (2) Wisconsin, Amelia (—); m. (3) 28 Jan 1878, Caroline E. (Copp) Douglass of Chazy, NY, b. 19 May 1827. He was an upholsterer in Leominster. One child. 5. Alden Thomas Gibson, b. 27 April 1821; d. Walpole, NH, 19 June 1853. He was a 25-year old bookseller of Peterboro, NH when he m. Fitchburg, 18 Nov 1846 (ORF 8:116), Lucy G. Wyman, b. ca. 1824, d. March 1861, dau. of William and Anna (Noyes) Wyman. One child. 6. George Payson Gibson, b. 15 Oct 1824; m. Leom- inster, 14 Feb 1847 (LVR 206), Lydia Symonds of Ashby, b. 2 June 1825. He was a farmer on the 292 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

homestead in Leominster and a comb manufacturer. Five children. 7. Adelia Maria Gibson, b. 24 Oct 1828; d. Leominster, 21 April 1830, age 1y 6m (LVR 317; Gs:Pine Grove Cemetery). iv. BETSEY GIBSON, b. 22 Sept 1791; d. 10 Oct 1860; unmarried. v. JOHN GIBSON, b. 12 Feb 1796; d. 23 or 28 July 1881; m. Ashburnham, 23 Nov 1820 (AVR 120), REBECCA W. MUNROE, b. Ashburnham, 7 June 1798 (AVR 60), d. there, of heart disease, 9 Aug 1873, age 75y 2m 2d (MA VRs 258:285), dau. of Lt. Ebenezer and Lucy (Simonds) Munroe of Lexington and Ashburnham. Ebenezer was said to have fired the first shot at the battle of Lexington in 1775. John was a farmer on the homestead, sold out after his wife’s death and lived with his nephew Porter in Brattleboro, VT. Child: 1. John Austin Gibson, d. Ashburnham, age 28y; appar- ently married and the father of two children. vi. PORTER GIBSON, b. 20 Sept 1798; d. St. Johnsbury, VT, 15 May 1854; m. CHARLOTTE NEWELL/NEWHALL, b. Leominster, 14 May 1799 (LVR 104), d. Nottingham, OH, 12 Oct 1885 (HOA), dau. of Daniel and Lettice (Johnson) Newhall. Porter was a comb maker in Leominster, removed to St. Johnsbury, VT, where Charlotte was a milliner. Children, per HOA: 1. William P. Gibson, a dentist in OH; one dau. married a Pollard. 2. Sarah Gibson, m. a dentist in St. Johnsbury, removed to Nottingham, OH, had a married dau. there. vii. SOPHIA GIBSON, b. 6 April 1800; d. 4 March 1880; m. Ashburnham, 6 May 1819 (AVR 120), JOHN MUNROE, b. Ashburnham, 4 Oct 1793 (AVR 59), d. Cleveland, OH, 29 Fifth Generation 293

July 1841 (HOA), son of Lt. Ebenezer and Lucy (Simonds) Munroe. Children: 1. Orison J. Munroe, b. 28 Oct 1819; d. 4 Nov 1893; m. 24 April 1843, Ann E. Newton of Hinsdale, NH, b. 24 Oct 1823. He lived in Fitchburg 37 years, then in Leominster, operating a planing mill, sash and door factory, etc. Three children. 2. Sophia Hartwell Munroe, b. 27 March 1821; d. Fitchburg, 17 June 1895; m. 27 Feb 1846, Winchester Wyman, b. Cambridge, 7 Nov 1821, son of Capt. William and Anna (Palmer) Wyman. Three children. 3. Porter Munroe, b. 23 June 1826; d. 30 Oct 1880; m. 1 Jan 1849, Harriet Maynard of Templeton/ Winchendon, b. 5 Aug 1827. They lived in So. Acworth, NH, and Brattleboro, VT. Five children. 4. Sophronia Munroe, b. 4 June 1831; educated at Bur- lington Female Seminary in PA, taught music and painting in PA and MD until 1861, after which she was a private instructor in the northern states; opened a studio in Salt Lake City, UT in 1883. viii. HOSEA B. GIBSON, b. 21 Aug 1802; m. April 1830, IRENE WILKINSON of Marlboro, NH, b. 31 Aug 1809. He was a manufacturer of paper hangings, removed to Boston in 1880. Children: 1. Caroline I. Gibson, b. 30 Aug 1831; school teacher, went to CA in 1864, returned in 1871; went in 1881 to McIntosh, GA, in employ of American Missionary Society, teaching African American youth, returned in 1884 to teach oil painting in Boston. 294 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. George Gibson, b. 25 Dec 1836; m. 1 Jan 1872, Mary E. Moores of Pittston, ME, b. 18 Sept 1850. He was a clerk and salesman in Boston. Two children. 3. Infant, d. 4. Delia R. Gibson, d. young.

5.69 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Fitchburg, 28 July 1772 (ORF 2:317) and she died there 17 September 1849, age 77 (ORF 8:179). She married at Fitchburg, 18 November 1794, SAMUEL PHELPS, who was born 7 July 1770 and died 19 January 1823, parents not identified. Children, born at Fitchburg (ORF 2:366-367): i. POLLY HARTWELL PHELPS, b. 9 Sept 1795; d. Fitchburg, 26 March 1847 (ORF 8:179); m. there 13 Feb 1816 (ORF 3:254), SAMUEL PHELPS “of Grafton, VT” (HOA), b. 21 March 1794, d. 9 Feb 1869. Children, born at Fitchburg (ORF 3:330): 1. Alonzo Phelps, b. 18 Dec 1815 [sic]; d. Leominster, 7 Jan 1886; m. (1) Harriet Fairbanks of Fitchburg, b. 13 July 1817, d. 6 Jan 1884; m. (2) 17 July 1885, Cynthia A. Whiting, b. 23 Jan 1828. He was a farmer for twenty odd years in Townsend. 2. Alden Phelps, b. 13 Dec 1820; m. Marlborough, 5 April 1849 (MVR 296), Catherine Elizabeth Brigham, b. Marlborough, 27 Feb 1831 (MVR 37), dau. of Abel and Mary (—) Brigham. Alden was a shoemaker in Marlborough, Fitchburg and Leominster; four children. 3. Mary E. Phelps, b. 10 March 1823; m. Fitchburg, 1 Jan 1847 (ORF 8:127), William S. White of Whitefield, NH, a farmer in So. Framingham. 4. Andrew Phelps, b. 13 Aug 1826; d. 3 May 1854; m. 8 April 1850, Caroline Felton of Marlborough; two children. Fifth Generation 295

5. Rebecca J. Phelps, b. 7 Nov 1832; d. 25 Nov 1843. 6. William D. Phelps, b. 10 April 1836; m. 10 Nov 1861, Josephine Wilcox of Wilmington, b. 3 May 1845. He was a wood worker, lived in Townsend, Ashburnham, Leominster; worked in a piano factory; one child. ii. ELIJAH PHELPS, b. 31 Dec 1796; d. 13 May 1822. iii. BETSY PHELPS, b. 26 Dec 1798; d. 4 Sept 1865; m. Sept 1819, DANIEL LOWE, b. Fitchburg, 17 Aug 1796 (ORF 2:389), d. 3 April 1863, son of Joseph and Polly (—) Lowe. Children, born at Fitchburg (ORF 3:330): 1. Dennis Flint Lowe, b. 26 Sept 1822; d. 28 Jan 1866; m. Fitchburg, 26 Nov 1846 (ORF 8:122), Sarah F. Brown. He was a tailor in Walpole, NH, and in Leominster. Five children. 2. Joseph Lowe, b. 11 June 1824; d. Aug 1868; m. Fitchburg, 29 Nov 1848 (ORF 8:122), Sarah E. Gerry; removed to Kansas. 3. Willard Hartwell Lowe, b. 26 Aug 1832; d. 10 Jan 1886; m. 24 Aug 1854, Caroline A. Hall of Boston, b. 30 May 1830, d. 22 Feb 1886. He was an expressman in Fitchburg. Six children. 4. Daniel Augustus Lowe, b. 17 March 1834; d. 21 Jan 1851. iv. SAMUEL DENNIS PHELPS, b. 28 June 1802; d. 4 April 1878; m. ANN M. ALLEN of Sturbridge, b. 15 Feb 1811. v. WILLIAM BASCOM PHELPS, b. 2 March 1811; d. Fitchburg, 2 April 1882; m. there, 12 Dec 1833, HANNAH P. FLINT, b. Fitchburg, 9 July 1806, d. 17 June 1858. He was a farmer. 296 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children: 1. William A. Phelps, b. 7 Oct 1834; d. 2. Emily J. Phelps, b. 30 July 1839; d. Fitchburg, 9 July 1855, age 16 yrs (ORF 8:179). 3. Elizabeth Lowe Phelps, b. 10 July 1841; m. her cousin, John C. Goodridge of Westminster (see #6.178).

5.70 PHINEAS5 HARTWELL (Phineas4, Edward3, John2, William1) was born at Fitchburg, 25 July 1781 (ORF 2:317) and he died of consumption at Westminster, 29 October 1853, age 72y 3m 4d (MA VRs 77:185). He married at Fitchburg, the Rev. Titus T. Barton officiating, 16 June 1807 (ORF 3:80), ELIZABETH “BETSY” WILLARD, who was born at Fitchburg, 7 October 1779 and died of pleurisy at Westminster, 5 March 1862, age 82y 4m 28d (MA VRs 158:300), daughter of Charles and Jerusha (—) Willard. Phineas was a farmer in Westminster (HOA). Children, born at Westminster (WVR 44): +6.178 i. LUCY WILLARD6 HARTWELL, b. 20 April 1808; m. CALVIN G. GOODRIDGE. 6.179 ii. JOSIAH WILLARD HARTWELL, b. 6 Dec 1810; d. West- minster, 11 Sept 1830, age 20y 9m 5d (Gs: WVR 222, as age “29”). 6.180 iii. PHINEAS PHILANDER HARTWELL, b. 22 Dec 1812; d. West- minster, of heart disease, 13 June 1885, age 72y 4m 8d (MA VRs 366:487); m. Westminster, 29 June 1846 (WVR 149), ABIGAIL DESIRE POLLEY, b. Pelham, 15 Sept 1823 (PVR 65), d. Westminster, of heart disease, 8 Jan 1851, age 27y 3m 24d (MA VRs 59:207), dau. of Amos and Jerusha (Sawyer) Polley. 6.181 iv. CHARLES HARTWELL, b. 15 Nov 1815; d. Westminster, 21 Aug 1822, age 6y 9m 6d (WVR 228). Fifth Generation 297

+6.182 v. LEANDER HARTWELL, b. 1 June 1818; m. PERSIS B. BRIGHAM. 6.183 vi. MARY ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 11 Sept 1821; d. Westminster, 21 May 1843, age 21y 8m 10d (WVR 228).

Descendants of Samuel4 and Hannah (—) Hartwell

5.73 ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born prob- ably at Stoughton, 26 January 1717/8 (HOA), and she died there 1 October 1743, “in her 26th year” (CVR 37). She married at Stoughton, 8 December 1735 (CVR 32), NATHANIEL ADAMS, also “of Stoughton.” After Abigail’s death, Nathaniel married second, at Stoughton, 9 May 1744 (CVR 33), MARY WENTWORTH. Children, all born at Stoughton: i. NATHANIEL ADAMS, b. 4 Dec 1736 (CVR 18); d. 28 Oct 1737 (CVR 37). ii. ABIGAIL ADAMS, b. 15 Oct 1738 (CVR 48). iii. HANNAH ADAMS, b. 12 Jan 1740/1 (CVR 44); m. Stoughton, 21 Oct 1762 (CVR 178), Thomas Jordan, b. Stoughton, 12 May 1734 (CVR 54), son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Wentworth) Jordan. Children, born at Stoughton: 1. Mary Jordan, b. 16 May 1764 (CVR 102); m. (1) Stoughton, 7 April 1785 (CVR 149, as Polly), Jedidiah Wentworth, son of Paul and Abigail (Jordan) Wentworth; m. (2) Stoughton, 28 Nov 1799 (CVR 166), Samuel Morse. Four children named Jordan [sic]; several named Morse (HOA; not in CVRs). 2. Hannah Jordan, b. 16 Aug 1766 (CVR 102); “may have m. 25 Aug 1822, Jonathan Belcher of Randolph” (HOA). iv. RACHEL ADAMS, b. 31 March 1743 (CVR 52); d. Stoughton, 10 Nov 1766 (CVR 125); m. there 2 Jan 1766 (CVR 144), 298 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Jacob Copeland, b. Braintree, 10 July 1746 (HOA), d. Stoddard, NH, 7 Feb 1837, son of Samuel, Jr. and Mary (Owens) Copeland. Jacob was a private in the Revolution (DARPI), a selectman in Stoddard, NH, for many years, and representative in 1797 (HOA). He m. (2) MARY DANIELS, and (3) EXPERIENCE WHITE. Child (of Rachel): 1. Rachel Copeland, b. Stoughton, 10 Aug 1766 (CVR 100); m. Joel Wright of Stoddard, NH. Six children (HOA).

5.74 HANNAH5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born probably at Stoughton, 20 December 1719 (HOA), and she died at Bridgewater, 12 August 1742 (BVR 2:548). She married at West Bridgewater, 12 December 1739 (WBVR 141), NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, who was born at Bridgewater (not Bristol, RI as in HOA), 19 March 1718 (BVR 1:277) and died at Sidney, Maine, 26 November 1807 (HOA), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Snell) Reynolds. After Hannah’s death, Nathaniel married second, at Bridge- water, 14 June 1744 (BVR 2:320), MARY TOLMAN, who was born at Stoughton, 4 November 1724, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Rice) Tolman, by whom he had eleven more children. [Note: Mary (Tolman) Reynolds’ mother, Mary (Rice) Tolman, married, as her 2nd husband, Hannah (Hartwell) Reynolds’ uncle, Joseph Hartwell (see #4.42)]. Nathaniel paid the fornication fine for his sister-in-law, Silence Hartwell, in May 1755 (MD 43[1993]:1). He is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as having done public service during the Revolution. Children, born at Bridgewater: i. PHILIP REYNOLDS, b. 19 Sept 1740 (BVR 1:277); d. West Bridgewater, 3 Jan 1775 in his 35th yr (WBVR 214, citing Jerusalem Cemetery Records; BVR 2:548); m. Bridgewater, 29 Oct 1765 (BVR 2:320), HANNAH PACKARD, b. Bridgewater, 23 Feb 1743 (BVR 1:241), d. 23 May 1780 (HOA), dau. of Fifth Generation 299

William and Sarah (Richards) Packard. Philip was in the French and Indian War (HOA). Children, born at Bridgewater: 1. William Reynolds, b. 23 June 1767 (BVR 1:277); d. Winthrop, ME, 1854 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 3 Nov 1791 (BVR 2:320), Martha Snell, b. Bridgewater, 18 Dec 1769 (BVR 1:297), d. Garland, ME, 1847 (HOA), dau. of Zebedee and Martha (Howard) Snell. William was a joiner and architect, removed soon after mar- riage to Hebron, ME, later to Buckfield and in 1802 to Minot, ME. Eight children (HOA). 2. Hannah Reynolds, b. 27 April 1769 (BVR 1:276); d. West Bridgewater, 23 Dec 1774, age 6 (WBVR 214). 3. Charity Reynolds, b. 7 March 1771 (BVR 1:276); d. 1863 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 13 Sept 1797 (BVR 2:319), Leonard Orcutt, b. Bridgewater, 31 Dec 1768 (BVR 1:236), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Leonard) Orcutt. Three children. 4. Philip Reynolds, b. say 1773; m. (1) Stoughton, (int.) 4 Feb 1797 (CVR 166), Phebe Wadsworth, b. Stough- ton, 16 Oct 1779 (CVR 115; HOA gives the date of her sister of the same name, who died in infancy), dau. of Christopher and Abigail (Withington) Wadsworth; m. (2) Cynthia Wadsworth, b. Stoughton, 14 June 1786 (CVR 129), dau. of George and Hannah (Bird) Wadsworth (not the sister of Phebe as in HOA). He settled at first marriage in Stoughton, and with the 2nd marriage removed West. Five children by 1st wife; two by 2nd (HOA). 5. Mary Reynolds, b. say 1775; d. 1832 (HOA); m. “Stoughton,” 20 May 1799 (BVR 2:48), Oliver Belcher, b. Stoughton, 10 Dec 1770 (CVR 106), son of John and Abigail (Bracket?) Belcher. He settled near Easton (HOA). 300 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

ii. JONAS REYNOLDS, b. 28 Jan 1741/2 (BVR 1:276); d. 3 or 5 Aug 1795 (HOA); m. Bridgewater (int.) 19 March 1768 (BVR 2:320), ANNA PERKINS “of Stoughton,” b. Bridge- water, 12 May 1750 (BVR 1:251), d. 20 April 1800 (HOA), dau. of Luke and Rebecca (Packard) Perkins. Jonas was a Revolutionary soldier, private in Capt. Josiah Hayden’s Co., Col. Bailey’s regiment of Minute-men which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 4 days; also, Corporal, Capt. Nathan Packard’s Co., Col. Edward Mitchell’s regiment; service 5 days; company ordered to march to Squantum 4 March 1776 on alarm (HOA). After his death, his widow, Anna, m. (2) 24 Nov 1798, Deacon Elijah Snell. Children, all born probably at Bridgewater: 1. Anna Reynolds, b. 27 Nov 1769 (BVR 1:276); d. 18 June 1846 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 14 Jan 1790 (BVR 2:319), Josiah Perkins, Jr., b. Bridgewater, 9 Oct 1762 (BVR 1:255), d. 7 Sept 1848 (HOA), son of Josiah and Abigail (Edson) Perkins. Three children. 2. Jonas Reynolds, b. 28 Sept 1772 (BVR 1:276); d. 22 June 1842 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 30 May 1798 (BVR 2:320), Rebecca Hayward, b. Bridgewater, 17 June 1778 (BVR 1:153), dau. of Joseph and Olive (Manley) Hayward. Seven children. 3. Isaac Reynolds, b. 22 April 1774 (BVR 1:276); d. 15 March 1850 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 23 Dec 1806 (BVR 2:320), Mehitable Ford, b. Bridgewater, 15 Oct 1781 (BVR 1:112), d. 23 Jan 1863 (HOA), dau. of Mark and Hannah (Brett) Ford. Seven children. 4. John Perkins Reynolds, b. 15 Nov 1780 (HOA); d. 19 June 1838 (HOA); m. Bridgewater (int.) 28 Nov 1802 (BVR 2:320), Falley [sic] Wales, b. Stoughton, 4 Dec 1778 (CVR 124), d. West Bridgewater, 6 March 1864, age 85y 3m 2d (MA VRs 175:330), dau. of Joshua and Fifth Generation 301

Elizabeth (Porter) Wales. John was in the War of 1812. Nine children. 5. Mary Reynolds, b. 1782 (HOA); d. 3 Dec 1806 (HOA); m. 26 Nov 1801 (HOA), Isaac French of Stoughton, son of Levi and Amy (Packard) French. One daughter. 6. David Reynolds (twin?), b. 5 July 1787 (HOA); d. 29 Aug 1867 (HOA); m. Bridgewater, 21 April 1818 (BVR 2:319), Sarah Bartlett. 7. Jonathan Reynolds (twin?), b. 5 July 1787 (HOA); d. Stoughton, 28 Jan 1856 (HOA). He was a captain of militia; unmarried.

5.75 JONAS5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born at Dorchester, 29 September 1721 (BRC 21:70), and he died at West Bridgewater, 8 February 1761, in his 40th year (WBVR 197, as “Jonathan”). Bridgewater records call him “Jonah” and state that he died 18 February 1761 (BVR 2:480). He is buried in Jerusalem Ceme- tery, Bridgewater. According to HOA Jonas, his daughter Hannah, and his father Samuel all died of smallpox and are buried in the same grave, which may well be the case. Jonas married at Stoughton, 7 November 1751 (CVR 64; also recorded Bridgewater VR 2:161, as “James”), Rev. Samuel Dunbar officia- ting, RUHAMAH FENNO, who was born at Stoughton, 6 December 1732 (CVR 20) and died at West Bridgewater, 25 January 1792, in her 61st year (WBVR 217), daughter of John and Hannah (Billings) Fenno. Ruhamah married second, at West Bridgewater, 26 May 1763 (WBVR 141), as his second wife, JOSIAH SNELL, JR., who was born at Bridgewater, 27 March 1730 and died there 17 February 1803, son of Josiah and Abigail (Fobes) Snell. Ruhamah is buried in Powder House Cemetery, Bridgewater. “Jonas settled in that part of his farm where the shoe factory stood, known since 1746 as the Hartwell farm” (HOA). “Jonah” Hartwell appears as a Sergeant on the Roll of Capt. Jonathan 302 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Howard’s Co. dated 4 November 1754 (NEHGR 51[1897]:159). [Note: Jonas also appears on the DAR Patriot Index as having served in the Revolution, a seeming impossibility given his death date of 1761.] Administration of Jonas’s estate was granted to widow Ruhamah Hartwell in 1761 (Plymouth County Probate File 9370). Daniel Manley was appointed guardian to Isaac, Samuel, and Jonas on 4 April 1763 (Plymouth County Probate Files 9374). Children, all born at Bridgewater (BVR 1:133): +6.200 i. ISAAC6 HARTWELL, b. 27 Nov 1752 “N.S.”; m. ABIHAIL (not Abigail as in HOA) LATHROP. +6.201 ii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 8 Sept 1755; m. SUSANNA BURR. 6.202 iii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 21 May 1758; bap. West Bridge- water, 9 July 1758 (WBVR 47); d. there 30 Jan 1761 (WBVR 197, as “dau. Jonathan, in 3d yr.”); buried Jerusalem Cemetery. +6.203 iv. JONAH/JONAS HARTWELL, b. (posthumously) 30 March 1761; m. SALLY SMALLCORN.

5.76 NATHAN5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born prob- ably at Stoughton, 31 May 1724 (HOA), and he died at Bridgewater, 27 January 1811 (BVR 2:480). He married first, at Bridgewater/ Brockton, 16 October 1746 (BVR 2:161; BVR 214), SUSANNA FIELD, who was born at Bridgewater, 8 May 1725 (BVR 1:111) and died there 6 August 1758 (BVR 2:480), daughter of Richard and Susanna (Waldo) Field. He married second, at Bridgewater/Halifax, 20 August 1761 (BVR 2:161; HVR 31), John Willis, J.P., officiating, BETTEE CUSHMAN, who was born at Halifax, 3 September 1735 (HVR 42) and died at West Bridgewater, 28 February 1762, age 26y 6m (WBVR 197), daughter of Moses and Mary (Jackson) Cushman. He married third, at Bridgewater, 19 June 1762 (BVR 2:161), SARAH BONNEY, who was baptized at Pembroke, 18 April 1742 (PVR 46), and died before June 1773, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Parris) Bonney. Nathan married fourth, at Killingly, Connecticut, 30 June 1773 (Early CT Marriages), LYDIA COVELL, who was born there 14 August 1736, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Lamb) Covell. Lydia’s death record has not been found. Fifth Generation 303

“Nathan was a housewright, settled near his father, moved, probably to Pembroke or Plympton, returned to Bridgewater, and died there” (HOA). Nathan is called “Nathaniel” on the 1790 Census, where he is shown as the head of a household in “Killingley,” CT, consisting of one male over 16 and two females. Children by first wife, born at Bridgewater (BVR 1:133-134): 6.204 i. ZILPAH6 HARTWELL, b. 25 Oct 1747, bap. West Bridge- water, 10 A April 1748 (WBVR 47); d. Bridgewater, 28 Dec 1753 (BVR 2:480). 6.205 ii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 26 Feb 1749/50, bap. West Bridge- water, 2 Dec 1750 (WBVR 47); d. Bridgewater, 20 Dec 1753 (BVR 2:480). 6.206 iii. SUSANNAH HARTWELL, b. 11 Feb 1752; d. 20 Dec 1753 (BVR 2:480). +6.207 iv. MARY HARTWELL, b. 3 July 1753; m. ABNER SHELLY/ SHIRLEY. +6.208 v. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. 11 Oct 1755; m. MEHITABEL COPELAND. +6.209 vi. SUSANNAH HARTWELL, b. 23 May 1758; m. ASA KEITH. Children by third wife, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +6.210 vii. NATHAN HARTWELL, b. 11 Oct 1765; m. SALLY RIPLEY. +6.211 viii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. July 1769; m. ALBAN RUSSELL. +6.212 ix. SARAH HARTWELL, b. say 1771; m. ABIJAH LAPHAM. +6.213 x. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. ca. 1773; m. WILLIAM ORCUTT.

5.77 SARAH5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born probably at Stoughton, 26 March 1726 (HOA), and she died at Scituate, Rhode Island, June, 1817 (HOA). She married at Bridgewater, 25 December 1746 (BVR 2:161), Joseph Carver, Jr., who was born there 23 March 1727 (BVR 1:65) and died 6 January 1787 (DARPI), son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Snow) Carver. “He was a descendant of John Alden and an Ensign in the Revolution” (HOA).1. 304 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born at Bridgewater: i. HANNAH CARVER, b. 19 May 1747 (BVR 1:65); m. Providence, RI, 11 Dec 1768 (HOA), JOHN CARDER, son of John. Child (correspondence from Gertrude Elms, Seattle, WA): 1. Eunice Carder, b. 1778; d. 1821; m. Jedediah Sabin, b. ca. 1774 (calc.), d. 1861, age 87, son of Jonathan and Mary (May) Sabin. ii. RHODA CARVER, b. 9 Oct 1749 (BVR 1:66); d. 15 Dec 1841 (HOA); m. Providence, RI, 26 April 1771 (HOA), WILLIAM BARTON, b. 26 May 1748, d. 22 Oct 1831 (DARPI), son of Benjamin Barton. “Gen. Barton entered the Revolution- ary army in 1775 as a corporal, and was rapidly advanced to captain. He was appointed colonel of militia for the defense of RI. In 1777 he conceived and executed the daring exploit of capturing Gen. Prescott. He was made Gen. of Militia, and was later wounded in a skirmish with the British at Bristol, RI. [Note: DARPI accords him only the rank of Colonel.] He was elected to the General Assembly from Providence. As the result of a law suit, the cost of which he refused, in principle, to pay, he was ‘detained’ in Danville, VT, for fourteen years, until set at liberty by Lafayette, who discharged the debt. He was a member of the Calvinistic Congregational Church in Providence” (HOA). Children, born at Providence, RI, per HOA unless other- wise indicated: 1. William Barton, b. 16 Dec 1771. 2. Benjamin Barton, b. 20 Dec 1773. 3. George Barton, b. 6 Feb 1776. 4. Daniel Barton, b. 20 July 1778; d. 9 April 1780. 5. Henry Barton, b. 18 Nov 1780. 6. Robert Barton, b. 19 Dec 1782. Fifth Generation 305

7. John Barton, b. 3 April 1785. 8. Anna Maria Barton, b. 5 March 1788; m. 21 June 1809, Apollos Cushman, b. Middleboro, 9 Aug 1782, son of Zebedee and Sarah (Paddleford) Cushman. Apollos was graduated from Brown Univ. in 1802, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1806; he was an acute, sagacious and successful lawyer of first standing. Seven children 9. Sarah Barton, b. 30 Aug 1790. iii. OLIVER CARVER, b. 12 May 1751 (BVR 1:66); m. Bridge- water, 9 Jan 1774 (BVR 2:73), MARY PERKINS, b. Bridge- water, 7 March 1750 (BVR 1:256), dau. of Thomas and Mary (Pratt) Perkins. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Elizabeth Carver, b. 1776; d. So. Butler, NY, 12 Sept 1858; m. Foster, RI, 7 Aug 1794, Stephen Wescott, b. So. Butler, 15 April 1775, son of John and Amey (Clarke) Wescott. One child. 2. Rhoda Carver, m. Foster, RI, Pardon Potter of Windsor, CT. 3. John G. Carver, b. ca. 1785; d. 18 Dec 1828; m. (1) 16 Nov 1806, Amey Clark of Hopkinton, RI, b. ca. 1785, d. 8 March 1813, dau. of David Clark; m. (2) 10 Jan 1826, Susan Brown of Providence. No re- corded children. iv. BERNICE CARVER, b. 8 Dec 1753 (BVR 1:65); perhaps m. OLIVER CARVER (HOA). v. SARAH CARVER, b. say, 1755; m. Scituate, RI, 7 March 1781 (HOA), TIMOTHY HOPKINS, JR. vi. JOSEPH CARVER, b. say, 1757; d. Richfield, NY, 8 June 1815 (HOA); living at Scituate in 1790 with wife and one son under 16 years of age (ibid.). [Note: HOA apparently based this conclusion on information from the 1790 306 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

federal census, which he may or may not have interpreted correctly.]

5.79 SILENCE5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born probably at Stoughton, 21 December 1729 (HOA), although her gravestone indicates that the date was “1730” (BVR 134), and she died at Bridgewater, 19 January 1808 (BVR 2:506, as “dau. of Samuel Hartwell”). She is buried in Scotland Graveyard, Bridgewater. Mar- riage intentions between Silence and SETH LATHROP were published at Bridgewater, 7 December 1754 (BVR 2:161), but “the banns . . . were forbiden by the s[ai]d Silence Hartwell.” Considering that Silence was pregnant at the time, she must have had a good reason not to go through with the marriage. In May 1755, “Silance” Hartwell was fined for fornication and her fine was paid by her brother-in-law, Nathaniel Raynolds (MD 43:62). Nearly nine years after the birth of her son by Seth Lathrop, Silence married, 6 December 1763 (BVR 2:161), ROBERT KEITH, who was born at Bridgewater, 18 October 1742 and died there 10 July 1818 (BVR 2:505), son of Robert and Tabitha (Leach) Keith. Robert was a Sergeant during the Revolution (DARPI). Child by Seth Lathrop: i. SETH LATHROP HARTWELL, “child of Silence,” bap. West Bridgewater, 24 August 1755 (WBVR 47). Both HOA and Mitchell’s “History of Bridgewater” say he is probably Seth Lathrop of South Carolina. Children by Robert Keith, all recorded at Bridgewater: ii. HARTWELL KEITH, b. 26 Aug 1764 (BVR 1:185); d. Bridge- water, 21 April 1801 (BVR 2:503, citing Scotland Graveyard records); m. (int.) 8 July 1786, SEABURY WILBUR, b. Bridgewater, 4 June 1767 (BVR 1:349), d. there 23 Feb 1834 (BVR 2:506), dau. of George and Lydia (?) Wilbur. She m. (2) Bridgewater, 17 Nov 1813 (BVR 2:217), THADDEUS HOWARD, d. 1813, father-in-law of her son, Davis. Fifth Generation 307

Children, born at Bridgewater: 1. Silence Keith, b. 30 July 1786 (BVR 1:192); m. 9 Feb 1805 (BVR 2:218), Silvanus French of Stoughton. 2. Sebra Keith, b. 16 March 1789 (BVR 1:191). 3. Jonas H. Keith, b. 18 Jan 1791 (BVR 1:187); m. 4 Aug 1816 (BVR 2:213), Susan[na] Manley, b. Bridgewater, 24 April 1797 (BVR 1:224), dau. of Nathaniel and Betty (Hayward) Manley. 4. Hartwell Keith, b. 23 March 1793 (BVR 1:185); m. 8 April 1816 (BVR 2:212), Mary Bassett, b. Bridgewater, 3 June 1795 (BVR 1:44), dau. of Joseph and Ruth (Leach) Bassett. They removed to Dudley, Massa- chusetts. Four children. 5. Davis Keith, b. 5 Sept 1795 (BVR 1:183); m. 20 Feb 1820 (BVR 2:210), Harriet Howard, b. Bridgewater, 18 Oct 1794 (BVR 1:168), dau. of Thaddeus and Kezia (Ames) Howard. 6. Gideon Keith, b. 23 Feb 1798 (BVR 1:184). 7. Eliza Keith, b. 1 Aug 1800 (BVR 1:183); m. 3 Sept 1818 (BVR 2:211), Peres Lathrop/Lothrop, b. Bridge- water, 13 Aug 1797 (BVR 1:203), son of Zephaniah and his 2nd wife Sylvia (Manley) Lathrop (not the son of Zephaniah and Sarah (Packard) Lathrop as in HOA). iii. JONATHAN KEITH, b. 17 March 1766 (BVR 1:187); d. Bridge- water, of “palpitation of the heart” 16 Aug 1824, age 58 “last March” (BVR 2:504); m. Bridgewater, 26 Jan 1792 (BVR 2:213), SARAH “SALLY” LEACH, b. there 11 Aug 1767 (BVR 1:211), d. there, 5 Nov 1842 (BVR 2:506), dau. of James and Hazadiah (Keith) Leach. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated, all born probably at Bridgewater: 308 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1. Sylvanus Keith, b. 1792; d. 1875; m. 1838, Almira S. Paull, d. 1891, dau. of Dea. Edward Paull of Taunton. Three children. 2. Jonathan Keith, b. 17 Aug 1794 (BVR 1:187); “killed by the horse” 24 March 1805 (BVR 2:504, citing Scotland Graveyard records). 3. Sarah Keith, b. 24 Aug 1796 (BVR 1:191); d. 1863. 4. Robert Keith, b. 15 March 1799 (BVR 1:190); d. Bridgewater, 15 Feb 1849 (BVR 2:505, citing Scotland Graveyard record). 5. Olive Keith, b. 1801. 6. Edwin Keith, b. 1804; d. 1881; m. 1831, Betsey Field, d. 1884, dau. of Zebulon Field. One child. 7. Albert Keith, b. 16 May 1807 (BVR 1:180); d. 1873. 8. Harriet Keith, b. 10 Feb 1810 (BVR 1:184); d. 1870. iv. SILVENUS KEITH, b. 22 June 1767 (BVR 1:192); “lost on board the Pulaski in the passage from Charleston (HOA) or Savannah (Mitchell) to Norfolk” 14 June 1838 (Bridge- water VR). He m. ca. 1806, MARGARET HOWARD, who d. in 1816, age 41 (HOA). He settled in Charleston, SC, and died, along with his daughter, son-in-law, and grand- daughter, Caroline Keith Coy (b. ca. 1829), on the ill- fated Pulaski. Child: 1. Caroline Eliza Keith, b. 1807; d. 14 June 1838; m. 1828, George W. Coy of Providence, RI, who d. 14 June 1838.

5.80 EXPERIENCE5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born probably at Stoughton, 21 January 1732/3 (HOA), and her death record has not been found. She married at Bridgewater, 23 February 1768 (BVR 2:160), JONATHAN LEACH, JR. [or 2d], who was born there 26 July 1742 and died 2 September 1794 (DARPI), son of Fifth Generation 309

William and Frances (Cahoon) Leach. He was a Sergeant during the Revolution (ibid.). Children, all but Jonathan recorded at Bridgewater: i. SILENCE LEACH, b. 23 Sept 1768 (BVR 1:211); m. Dudley/ Sturbridge, 28 Sept 1794 (SVR 226; int. at Charlton), AMASA ALTON, b. Charlton, 18 April 1772 (CVR 11), son of Benjamin and Susanna (Blood) Alton. ii. OLIVE LEACH, b. 22 June 1770 (BVR 1:210); m. 30 Oct 1794 (BVR 2:238), AZARIAH FOBES of Middleborough. iii. EUNICE LEACH (twin), b. 15 March 1772 (BVR 1:207); d. West Bridgewater, July 1827 (WB 209); m. 22 July 1817, SETH BRITTON of Raynham. iv. LOIS LEACH (twin), b. 15 March 1772 (BVR 1:210); d. ca. 1854; m. Dudley, 28 Sept 1794 (DVR 231), LYMAN VINTON, b. 5 March 1772, d. Aug 1841, son of John and Dorothy (Holmes) Vinton. [Note: HOA, apparently copy- ing incorrect information from the Leach Genealogy, has Lois marry Barek Wilbur. David McNeal of Warren, PA, supplied the correct information, which he documented in deeds he found at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds.] Children: 1. Sybil Vinton, m. 1821, Stephen Reynolds of Palmer. 2. Cynthia Vinton, b. Dudley, 7 March 1795 (DVR 116); m. 1833, Amasa Allard of Southbridge. 3. Caroline Vinton, d. 15 Dec 1837; m. Richard Morse of Bradford Co., PA. 4. Francis Vinton, b. 1801; d. 1812. 5. Clementine Vinton, m. Hosea Vinton. 6. Louisa Vinton, m. 1833, Charles Richmond, lived in PA. 310 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

v.JONATHAN LEACH, b. 31 Jan 1776 (HOA); d. 12 March 1866; m. (1) CHLOE ATTWOOD, b. -- May 1772, d. Kirby, VT, 18 March 1811, dau. of Francis and Elizabeth (Lucas) Attwood; m. (2) ANNA BABBITT, b. 24 May 1773, d. 21 Dec 1865. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated, all born probably at Kirby, VT: 1. Jacob Larned Leach, b. 31 Oct 1797; d. Kirby, VT, 31 Jan 1879; m. (1) June 1811, Betsey Smith, who d. 14 Jan 1832; m. (2) 2 April 1832, Electa Aldrich, b. 27 May 1804, d. 16 Oct 1853, dau. of Squire and Abigail (Ide) Aldrich. 2. Nancy Roxana Leach, b. 13 March 1799; m. Alexander Frasier of St. Johnsbury, VT. Three children. 3. Experience Leach, b. 19 Sept 1800; d. St. Johnsbury, VT, 26 Aug 1840; m. Hiram Ayer. No children mentioned. 4. Silence Leach, b. 9 March 1802; d. Kirby, VT, 14 June 1864; m. Nathan Wetherbee. No children mentioned. 5. Betsey Leach, b. 23 Sept 1803; d. Sheffield; m. Cyrel Williams. 6. George Washington Leach, b. 17 Sept 1805; d. 1849; m. Sarah Walter. One child. 7. Mary Leach, b. 1807; d. Sutton, 23 March 1874; m. Smith Harvey. 8. Amasa Leach, b. 2 Sept 1809; d. Albany, NY; unm. 9. Chastina Leach, b. 30 July 1812; d. infancy. 10. Arunah Leach, b. 6 Dec 1813; d. in Minnesota, 26 Sept 1873; m. 5 Jan 1835, Electa Mason. Three children. Fifth Generation 311

11. Dr. Henry Cran Leach, b. 21 March 1816; d. Brookline, WI; m. Elvina Mason. Two children.

5.81 MARTHA5 HARTWELL (Samuel4-3-2, William1) was born prob- ably at Stoughton, 18 May 1735 (HOA), and her death record has not been found. She married at Bridgewater, 24 October 1756 (BVR 2:161), JOSHUA PACKARD, JR., who was born there 10 August 1735 (BVR 1:244), twin son (with Caleb) of Samuel and Anne (Leach) Packard. “Mitchell’s History of Bridgewater states that Martha married David Packard, evidently an error” (HOA). Joshua and Martha appear to have removed to Franklin County; further research on this family is encouraged. Known children, born at Bridgewater: i. CHLOE PACKARD, b. 9 Jan 1758 (BVR 1:240). [Note: HOA states she prob. m. 23 Jan 1790, EPHRAIM PACKARD, but given the family’s probable removal to Franklin County, is unlikely. ii. CALEB PACKARD, b. 6 June 1760 (BVR 1:239); d. Ashfield, 13 May 1846, age 86, “a Revolutionary patriot” (AVR 254); m. 20 June 1782, RHODA ARNOLD, b. 19 Feb 1763, d. Ashfield, 20 May 1832 (AVR 254), parents not identified. Children: 1. Unknown Packard, b. ca. 1787; d. 24 Dec 1803. 2. Caleb Packard, b. ca. 1790; m. Ashfield (int.) 7 Feb 1811 (AVR 185), Sally Stowell of Plainfield. Four children. 3. Unknown Packard, d. 14 June 1794. 4. Joshua Packard, m. (1) 15 Oct 1829, Nancy Parker, (2) -- May 1830, Clarinda Whitman. 5. Betsey Packard, b. Ashfield, 22 Aug 1799; d. 20 Jan 1884. 312 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Descendants of Joseph4 and Mary (Rice) (Tolman) Hartwell

5.82 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Dorchester, 31 August 1726 (BRC 21:77), and she died at New Milford, Connecticut, 19 October 1760, age 34 years (Gs:New Milford, CT), 21 days after the birth of her seventh child. She married at Stoughton, 17 November 1749 (CVR 63), Rev. Mr. Samuel Dunbar officiating, ROGER4 SHERMAN “of New Milford, CT.” Roger “The Signer” Sherman was born at Newton, 19 April 1721 (NVR 174), and he died at New Haven, Connecticut, 23 July 1793, son of William3 (Joseph2, Capt. John1) and Mehitable (Wellington) Sherman. After Elizabeth’s death, Roger married second, at Danvers, 12 May 1763 (DVR 2:264, as “Esq. Sherman of New Haven,” REBECCA PRESCOTT, by whom he had eight more children, seven of whom were living at the time of his death (NEHGR 8[1854]:308). Roger “was apprenticed to a shoemaker when a child, but in 1743 he removed to New Milford, Conn., where he was engaged with his brother in keeping a small store. He studied law, politics and mathematics without a teacher, was appointed surveyor for his county in 1745 and for several years made the astronomical observations for an almanac published in New York. In 1754 he was admitted to the bar, served for several terms in the provincial assembly, and in 1761 removed to New Haven, Conn. He became judge of the Court of Common Pleas there in 1765 and served in that position and as judge of the Superior Court for 23 years. He was assistant governor in 1766-85, treasurer of Yale College in 1766-76, and a member of Congress from 1774-91, when he was elected senator in which capacity he served the remainder of his life. He was one of the committee of five to draft the Declaration of Independence, which he afterward signed, was an active member of various war and ordinance committees, served on the treasury board and in 1777 was one of the framers of the original Articles of Confederation. He assisted in the codification of the laws of Fifth Generation 313

Connecticut, was a delegate to the Federal Constitutional Conven- tion in 1787, where he played a prominent part, and from 1784 until his death was mayor of New Haven” (Encyc. Americana 24:704). Children, all born at New Milford, Connecticut (Barbour): i. JOHN SHERMAN, b. 10 July 1750; d. 8 Aug 1802, buried Canton; m. (1) 28 Aug 1771, REBECCA AUSTIN, bap. New Haven, CT, 16 Dec 1753, d. 12 March 1830, dau. of David and Mary (Mix) Austin; div. 1793; m. (2) 4 Sept 1794, NANCY TUCKER, b. 27 Sept 1762, d. 7 Dec 1848, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Dana) Tucker. He was a 1st Lieut. in the Revolution (DARPI). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. John Sherman, b. 30 June 1772; d. 2 Aug 1828; m. 13 Feb 1798, Abigail Perkins, b. 15 May 1774, d. 8 Dec 1860. John “was licensed to preach 18 Oct 1796.” Nine children. 2. Maria Sherman, b. 30 Sept 1774; m. 3 Dec 1798, Rev. Ira Hart, b. Bristol, CT, 18 Sept 1771, d. 29 Oct 1829, Five children. 3. Harriet Sherman, b. 30 Sept 1776; d. 2 May 1795; unmarried. 4. Elizabeth Sherman, b. 10 Sept 1778; d. 3 Nov 1834; m. Rev. Erastus Ripley, b. 17 June 1770, d. 17 Nov 1843. No children. 5. David Austin Sherman, b. 10 Dec 1781; d. 4 Dec 1843; called “Rev.” in HOA; m. 1 Oct 1813, Mary Ann Babcock, b. 3 April 1792, d. 3 Aug 1815. One child d. young. 6. Charles Sherman, b. 28 Nov 1783; d. Suffield, CT ca. 1844; m. Jennet Taylor, b. ca. 1794, d. ca. 1843. Charles is called “Major” in HOA. ii. WILLIAM SHERMAN, b. 12 Nov 1751; d. prob. New Haven, CT, 26 June 1789; m. -- Nov 1773, SARAH LAW, b. ca. 314 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1753, d. Paris, France, 22 Jan 1836. Sarah claimed desertion, was divorced in 1781, and m. (2) MARK LEAVENWORTH. William was a pay-master with the rank of Lieut. in Col. Seth Warner’s Conn. Regt. from Jan 1777 to Jan 1781. [Note: DARPI credits him only with Public Service during the Revolution.] Child, per HOA: 1. Elizabeth Sherman, b. New Haven, CT, 31 July 1775; d. 9 Oct 1813; m. 23 June 1795, Oliver Leicester Phelps, who d. 11 March 1813. Seven children. iii. ISAAC SHERMAN, b. 17 June 1753; d. prob. Westfield, NJ, 16 Feb 1819; received his B.A. at Yale Univ. in 1770; unmarried. iv. CHLOE SHERMAN, b. 26 Dec 1754; d. 13 Nov 1757, 2y 10m 17d. v. OLIVER SHERMAN, b. 25 July 1756; d. 16 June 1757, 10m 22d. vi. CHLOE SHERMAN, b. 19 May 1758; d. New Haven, CT, 6 Dec 1840; m. 9 Feb 1794, Dr. JOHN SKINNER, b. Windsor, CT, 29 April 1765, d. New Haven, 25 June 1850, son of John and Sarah (Kennedy) Skinner. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Roger Sherman Skinner, b. Hartford, CT, 19 Jan 1794; d. Peru, IL, 6 Dec 1838; m. 27 Sept 1817, Mary Lockwood DeForest, b. Monroe, CT, 17 Feb 1797, d. New Haven, CT, 20 June 1889, dau. of Lockwood and Mehitable (Wheeler) DeForest, and a descendant of Jesse DeForest credited with founding New York in 1624. Roger S. S. DeForest [sic] was an attorney in New Haven, was graduated from Yale Univ. in 1813, studied law with Judge Baldwin. Six children. 2. & 3. Child, d. young. Fifth Generation 315

vii. ELIZABETH SHERMAN, b. 28 Sept 1760; d. New Haven, CT, 4 Dec 1762.

5.83 JOSEPH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Stoughton, 20 August 1728 (CVR 16), and he died at New Milford, Connecticut, 18 April 1811, age 88 years (Gs:New Milford, CT). He married at New Milford, 24 May 1751 (Early CT Marriages, 111), REBECCA SHERMAN, daughter of William and Mehitable (Wellington) Sherman, and sister of Roger “The Signer” Sherman, who married Joseph’s sister Elizabeth (see #5.82). Rebecca was born at Newton, 30 July 1731 and died in Yates County, New York, ca. 1821, age 90. Joseph “removed soon after marriage to New Milford, CT, settled on Second Hill, three miles east of the village, where he bought and improved a large tract of land, part of which was later occupied by his grandson, William D. Hartwell. He was one of the ‘separates’ a number of persons who severed their relations with the church in 1773. His wife later became a follower of Jemima Wilkinson, and accompanied her children, Samuel and Mary Botsford to Yates County, NY” (HOA). Joseph is listed in the DAR Patriot Index by virtue of having served on a committee of inspection on provisions, 13 March 1780 (DAR Application paper #628805; Samuel Orcutt, History of Towns of New Milford and Bridgewater, CT 1703-1882 [1882] p. 221). Joseph appears on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in New Milford, consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16, and two females. Children, all born at New Milford, Connecticut (Barbour Index): +6.214 i. MARY6 HARTWELL, b. 30 Sept 1752; m. ABEL BOTSFORD. +6.215 ii. RUTH HARTWELL, b. 6 March 1755; m. NATHAN GAYLORD. +6.216 iii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 15 June 1757; m. (1) PETER GAYLORD, (2) ABEL MERWIN. +6.217 iv. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 13 April 1760; m. ELIZABETH WILKINSON. 316 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.218 v. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 24 April 1763; m. BENJAMIN STONE. +6.219 vi. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 7 March 1766; m. (1) RACHEL STONE, (2) LOIS (BISSELL) FARRER. +6.220 vii. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 14 June 1768; m. MARY PITCHER. +6.221 viii. REBECCA HARTWELL, b. 1 Aug 1770; m. NATHAN BOTSFORD BUCKINGHAM. 6.222 ix. AMEY HARTWELL (not in HOA), b. 18 Aug 1773; d. Sanford’s Ridge, Warren Co., NY, ca. 1835; m. New Mil- ford, CT, 1 July 1790, DAVID SANFORD, b. New Milford, CT, 14 Nov 1769, d. Sanford Ridge, NY, 4 April 1815, son of Zachariah and Rachel (Gould) Sanford (genealogical notes of Isabel Treadwell Towne, from Stebbins Genealogy by Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee, Chicago, 1904).

5.84 JOHN5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Samuel3-2 , William1) was born at Stoughton, 15 September 1730 (CVR 16), and he died 24 Sep- tember 1809 (HOA). He married at Stoughton/Wrentham, 12 July 1759 (CVR 264; WVR 2:315), DORCAS THURSTON, who was born at Wrentham, 26 September 1735 (WVR 1:197) and died at the residence of her son-in-law, Simeon Tucker, 19 June 1826 (HOA), daughter of Thomas and Dorcas (Grey) Thurston. John was a farmer and settled near his father (HOA). As we have seen, his father left him all his real estate, wearing apparel, utensils of husbandry, etc., and made him sole executor of his estate. John is undoubtedly the John Hartwell listed on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in Stoughton consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16 and three females. Children, all born at Stoughton: +6.223 i. OLIVE6 HARTWELL, b. 24 July 1760 (CVR 11, 109); m. SAMUEL TUCKER, JR. +6.224 ii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 8 June 1763 (CVR 104); m. GEORGE JORDAN. Fifth Generation 317

+6.225 iii. DAVID HARTWELL, b. 9 July 1765 (CVR 89); m. CATHERINE BEMIS. +6.226 iv. MILLE HARTWELL, b. 3 May 1770 (CVR 92); m. SIMEON TUCKER. +6.227 v. EUNICE HARTWELL, b. 23 June 1772 (CVR 109); m. JESSE EVERETT, JR.

5.85 ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Stoughton, 12 July 1733 (CVR 44) and she died at Augusta, Maine, 28 July 1827, age 94 (AVR 2:337). She married at Stoughton, 13 February 1755 (CVR 65), Rev. Mr. Samuel Dunbar officiating, JEREMIAH4 INGRAHAM JR., who was born at Attleboro, 20 or 31 May 1733 (AVR 159) and died at Augusta, Maine, 22 February 1814 (AVR 2:337; HOA has 1813), son of Jeremiah3 (Jared2, Richard1) and Susanna (Tucker) Ingraham. Jeremiah “was a farmer, removed in 1780 to Fort settlement, now Augusta, Maine” (HOA). In her book, A Midwife’s Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich relates how Martha Ballard referred to “Old Lady Ingraham” as another midwife practicing in the Augusta area. Ms. Ulrich is unsure whether this reference was to Beriah Ingraham’s wife or to his mother. It would seem that Martha Ballard, who was born in 1735, must have been referring to the mother, Abigail (Hartwell) Ingraham, since Beriah’s wife, Sarah, born in 1759, would have been younger than Martha. Children, all born at Stoughton (also recorded at Augusta, Maine): i. BERIAH INGRAHAM, b. 8 March 1756 (CVR 68); d. Augusta, ME, 6/7 March 1811 or 1814 (AVR 2:337 gives both dates); “of Hollowell” when he m. Stoughton, 31 Oct 1780 (CVR 146), SARAH FISHER, b. Stoughton, 24 March 1759 (CVR 82), d. Augusta, ME, 18 Aug 1818, age 59 (AVR 2:338), dau. of Ezekiel and Susanna (Wadsworth) Fisher. Beriah “went to Augusta, Maine in 1778 and was a leading 318 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

citizen, much employed in town business. He was select- man from 1796 to 1810” (HOA). Children, first five born Hallowell, ME (HVR 157-8), all except #2 also recorded Augusta, ME (AVR 1:78): 1. Elijah Ingraham, b. 18 March 1782; d. 25 May 1798, age 16 (AVR 2:337). 2. Abigail Ingraham, b. 9 March 1784; d. prob. before 1798, when another Abigail was born to the family. 3. Susanna Ingraham, b. 29 May 1786; m. Augusta (int.) 15 Aug 1810 (AVR 1:407), Jonathan Matthews “of Sidney.” 4. Luther Ingraham, b. 5 Sept 1788; m. 7 March (HOA) 1816 (AVR 1:407), Ruth Fisher, who d. Augusta, ME, -- Sept 1849 (AVR 2:338). 5. Tiley Ingraham, b. 30 July 1791; m. Augusta, 7 March 1816 (AVR 1:407), Gideon Springer. 6. Abigail Ingraham, b. 9 March 1798. ii. EZRA INGRAHAM, b. 16 Sept 1758 (CVR 84; AVR 1:78 gives 16 Sept 1759); d. Stoughton, 19 July 1760 (CVR 86). iii. ZILPHA INGRAHAM, b. 16 April 1761 (CVR 86); d. Augusta, ME, 20 Sept 1845, age “84 or 5” (AVR 2:473); m. there 1 Jan 1781 (AVR 1:407), Capt. SETH WILLIAMS, b. 13 Dec 1756 (HOA), d. Augusta, ME, 18 March 1817 (AVR 2:473), son of Seth and Susanna (Fobes) Williams. “He was a 4th gen. descendent of Richard Williams of Taunton (1657), and removed to Augusta, ME in 1799” (HOA). Children, born at Hallowell, ME: 1. Hartwell Williams, merchant, captain, b. 15 Nov 1781 (HVR 314); d. New Orleans, LA (recorded Augusta), 13 Oct 1818 (AVR 2:471); m. Augusta, 25 May 1808 (AVR 202; HOA has 1818), Sarah Bridge “of Dresden,” b. ca. 1789, d. Augusta, 10 Sept 1834, age 45y (AVR 2:472). Three children. Fifth Generation 319

2. Reuel Williams, lawyer, b. 2 June 1783 (HVR 14); d. Augusta, 25 July 1862 (AVR 2:472); m. 19 Nov 1807, Sarah Lowell Cony. Reuel studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1802; representative in the state legisla- ture, 1822-26 and 1829; state senator, 1826-28; com- missioner of public buildings, 1831; presidential elector on the Van Buren and Johnson ticket, 1836; U.S. senator from Maine, 1837-1842; president of the railroad between Augusta and Boston, 1847-51; commissioner to Washington, DC in charge of the defences of Maine (The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, X:431). Nine children, including Joseph Hartwell Williams (1815-1896), acting , 1857-58. 3. Moses Williams, b. 25 July 1785 (HVR 314); d. Augusta, 3 Sept 1818, age 33 (AVR 2:472). 4. Seth Williams, tanner, b. 5 Nov 1787 (HVR 314; AVR 1:158); d. Augusta, 11 Jan 1838, age 50y (AVR 2:472); m. 8 Aug 1816, Hannah Waters, b. ca. 1795, d. Augusta, ME, 16 July 1866, age 71y (AVR 2:471). Five children. 5. Sarah “Sally” Williams, b. 19 May 1789 (HVR 314); d. Augusta, ME, 28 March 1845 (AVR 2:472); m. there 30 Nov 1815 (AVR 2:158), her first cousin, Charles Williams of Augusta. 6. Elizabeth Williams, b. 2 Feb 1792 (AVR 1:156); d. Augusta, 3 March 1794, age 2y 1m (AVR 2:471). 7. Abigail Williams, b. 3 Feb 1794 (AVR 1:155); d. Augusta, 24 Sept 1848; unmarried (AVR 2:470). 8. Daniel Williams, b. 12 Nov 1795 (AVR 1:156); d. Augusta, 28 May 1877, age 81y 6m (AVR 2:470); m. (1) Mary Sawtelle, who d. 8 Jan 1827, age 29 (AVR 2:472); m. (2) 11 Sept 1832, Hannah Bridge. Daniel “was a lawyer, member of Maine legislature 1831; 320 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

state treasurer 1837-40, mayor Augusta, 1868. Five children” (HOA). 9. Edward Williams, b. Augusta, 17 Nov 1797 (AVR 1:156); d. there 10 July 1837 (AVR 2:470); m. (1) Louise Lithgoe, b. ca. 1798 (calc.), d. 1 March 1824, age 26 (AVR 2:471); m. (2) 17 Nov 1832, Eliza Jane Perkins. “Col. Williams was in the wholesale grocery business in Augusta as White and Williams. He was Gov. Lincoln’s aide in 1827, and on Gov. Dunlap’s Coun- cil in 1834” (HOA). 10. Eliza Williams, b. Augusta, 30 Oct 1799 (AVR 1:156); m. 21 Dec 1821, Eben Fuller of Readfield, ME. Eben “was a druggist in Augusta. Nine children” (HOA). 11. Helen Marcia Williams, b. Augusta, 3 Jan 1802 (AVR 1:157); d. there 23 March 1873, age 71y (AVR 2:471). iv. EZRA INGRAHAM, b. 3 Dec 1763 (CVR 104); d. Augusta, ME, 23 Sept 1826, age 63 (AVR 2:337); m. ELIZABETH STONE. v. TILEE/TILLEY INGRAHAM, b. 19 March 1766 (CVR 102); d. Augusta, ME, 1 April 1825 (AVR 2:422); m. (1) Hallowell, ME (int.) 25 Nov 1785 (HVR 4:14), ELIAB PERKINS “of Vassalborough,” b. 19 March 1766, d. Hamilton, NY [sic], ca. 1795 (VVR 1:9; HOA has 1811); m. (2) Vassalborough, ME, 26 Feb 1797 (VVR 1:9), JOHN BABCOCK, who d. Augusta, ME, 9 May 1803 (AVR 2:227); m. (3) Augusta, 14 Feb 1807 (AVR 1:178, 2:107), JOHN SAVAGE. Child by first husband, per HOA: 1. Joseph Hartwell Perkins, b. 6 July 1786. Children by second husband, per HOA: 2. John Babcock. 3. Polly Babcock. Child by third husband, per HOA: 4. Belinda Savage. Fifth Generation 321 vi. MATILDA INGRAHAM, b. 21 March 1768 (CVR 104); d. Augusta, ME, 12 March or May 1805, age 38 (AVR 2:327); m. Vassalborough, 22 May 1789 (VVR 1:5), WILLIAM HEWINS, b. Sharon, 12 March 1762 (SVR 36), d. Augusta, ME, 4 or 5 June 1801, age 39 (AVR 2:327), son of William and Ruth (Comins) Hewins. William “removed to Hallowell, ME (taxed in 1783), later to the Fort Settle- ment” (HOA). Children: 1. Amasa Hewins, b. 19 Oct 1789; d. Augusta, 16 Feb 1848, age 58 (AVR 2:327); m. 20 June 1813, Philena Church, dau. of Samuel and Ruth (Pettingill) Church. Six children. 2. James Hewins, b. 29 Sept 1791; d. Augusta, 27 Nov 1791 (AVR 2:327). 3. Ezra I. Hewins, “3d son of William and Matilda,” b. 28 Aug 1793; d. Augusta, 11 April 1803, age 9 (AVR 2:327). 4. Rebecca Hewins, b. 29 July 1795; m. 7 Jan 1818, Samuel Church, b. 26 Aug 1792, brother of Philena (above). 5. Oliver Hewins, b. 30 Dec 1798; d. 1847. 6. Daniel Hewins, b. 11 Aug 1800; d. Augusta, 22 Dec 1888, age 88 (AVR 2:327); m. 6 May 1826, his 1st cousin, Zeniah/Zeruah Wall, dau. of David and Cynthia (Ingraham) Wall of Augusta (see #5.85-viii-2 below). Six children. vii. MOSES INGRAHAM, b. 19 Feb 1770 (CVR 105); d. Vassalboro, ME, 6 April 1848; m. Hallowell/Augusta, ME, 31 March 1796 (AVR 1:407; VVR 9), ABIGAIL “NABBY” STURGIS of Vassalborough, b. ca. 1772, d. Augusta, 23 March 1852, age 82 (AVR 2:337). 322 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born Augusta, Maine (AVR 1:78): 1. Samuel I. Ingraham, b. 15 Dec 1796. 2. Elijah Ingraham, b. 20 Aug 1798. 3. Hartwell Ingraham, b. 3 Sept 1800. 4. Olive P. Ingraham, b. 19 March 1802. 5. Celina Ingraham, b. 20 March 1804. 6. Beriah P. Ingraham, b. 5 April 1806; d. there 22 Aug 1848, age 42 (AVR 2:337). 7. Nabby Ingraham, b. 23 Sept 1809. 8. Theodore Ingraham, b. 23 June 1810. viii. CYNTHIA INGRAHAM, b. 4 June 1773 (CVR 105); d. Augusta, ME, 1 Dec 1848, age 74½ (AVR 2:458); m. Hallowell, (int.) 14 April 1796 (HVR 4:14), DAVID WALL JR., b. Hallowell, 29 Sept 1772 (HVR 1:299), d. Augusta 14 or 15 Jan 1852, age 78 or 78½ (AVR 2:458), son of David and Hannah (Turner) Wall. Children, all born at Augusta, Maine: 1. Augusta Wall, b. 7 Dec 1799; d. 19 Feb 1835; m. 28 Dec 1822, Ephraim Ballard II, perhaps son of Ephraim and Mary (Farwell) Ballard. 2. Zeniah/Zeruah Wall, b. 25 Nov 1800; d. Augusta, 13 Feb 1865, age 64 (AVR 328); m. 6 May 1826, her 1st cousin, Daniel Hewins, son of William and Matilda (Ingraham) Hewins (see above). 3. Wall, b. 14 Dec 1802; d. Augusta, 15 April 1860; m. 4 May 1828, Phebe Chase, b. Dennis, 9 May 1806, d. Augusta, ME, 2 Feb 1889, dau. of Benjamin and Catharine (Crowell) Chase. Seven children. 4. Ezra Ingraham Wall, b. 1 Jan 1805; d. 3 Feb 1872; m. 26 Nov 1835, Elizabeth Seidus. Fifth Generation 323

5. Joseph Hartwell Wall, b. 12 Jan 1807; d. 28 July 1865; m. (1) 6 Nov 1842, Mary F. Savage, who d. 2 Dec 1852; m. (2) 1 Jan 1854, Caroline N. Robbins. 6. William Alanson Wall, b. 5 July 1809; d. 25 July 1834; unmarried. 7. Luther Ingraham Wall, b. 4 Dec 1811; d. 14 Sept 1863; m. 2 Aug 1835, Belinda Savage (perhaps his cousin, #173-v-4 above). 8. Avis Matilda Wall, b. 21 April 1814; d. 22 Oct 1835; unmarried. ix. MILESON [sic; prob. MILLICENT; HOA has Melissa] INGRAHAM, b. 7 June 1775 (CVR 105); d. Augusta, ME, 31 Jan 1837, age 61 (AVR 2:353); m. Hallowell, ME, 12 May 1793 (HVR 4:14), SUITLIFF LAWSON, b. ca. 1763 (calc.), d. Augusta, 24 March 1831, age 67 or 68 (AVR 2:353). Known child: 1. Mary H. Lawson, b. ca. Oct 1813 (calc.); d. Augusta, 13 Feb 1815, age 16m 21d (AVR 353).

5.87 RUTH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Stoughton, 31 August 1738 (CVR 45), and she died of smallpox, 6 December 1776 (HOA). She married at Stoughton, 26 November 1756 (CVR 65), Rev. Mr. Samuel Dunbar officiating, BENJAMIN BUSSEY, who was born at Stoughton, 26 February 1734 (CVR 68) and died 15 August 1808 (HOA), son of William and Olive (Jordan) Bussey. After Ruth’s death, Benjamin married second, at Stough- ton, 20 August 1778 (CVR 146), RUTH WENTWORTH, who died there, 20 December 1839, age 88 (CVR 214). Children, born at Stoughton: i. BENJAMIN BUSSEY, b. 1 March 1757 (CVR 83); d. 13 Jan 1842 (HOA); m. Dedham, 24 Aug 1780 (DVR 202), JUDITH GAY, b. Dedham, 30 Aug 1762 (DVR 99), d. 1 May 1849, dau. of Joshua and Sarah (?) Gay. Benjamin “was born in 324 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

the house of Dea. Jonathan Hartwell while his father was absent at sea; settled near ; endowed a professorship in Harvard College” (HOA). He is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as having served as a Private in the Revolution, but this same entry gives his death as “about 1780” which must be incorrect. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Benjamin Bussey, b. 16 Oct 1781; bap. Dedham, 15 Jan 1786 (DVR 77); d. 21 Jan 1808. 2. Betsey Bussey, b. 12 March 1783; bap. Dedham, 15 Jan 1786 (DVR 77); d. 29 Jan 1841; m. 22 Nov 1803, Charles Davis. Four children. ii. OLIVE BUSSEY, b. 6 March 1764 (CVR 88); m. Canton, 17 Dec 1786 (CVR 149), ROBERT BILLINGS, b. Canton, 29 Dec 1759 (CVR 10), son of Seth and Jerusha (?) Billings. Robert “resided in North Carolina in 1795” (HOA). Children, b. at Canton (CVR 182): 1. Jesse Billings, b. 2 April 1788. 2. Urana Billings, b. 5 June 1790. 3. Robert Billings, b. 25 April 1792. 4. Ruth Billings, b. 22 July 1795. 5. Olive Billings, b. 10 Dec 1802. iii. RUTH BUSSEY, b. 6 Feb 1766 (CVR 88); m. Canton, 17 Dec 1786 (CVR 149), SAMUEL LOWDER; lived in Dedham (HOA). iv. JAAZANIAH BUSSEY, b. Canton, 21 June 1768 (CVR 105, as “dau. of Benjamon and Hannah”). HOA’s statement that Jazaniah (usually a male name) was a “partner with his brother, Benjamin, went to England and died on passage” is at odds with the Canton record that calls Jazaniah a “daughter of Benjamin and Hannah.” Further research in wills and deeds might solve this puzzle. Fifth Generation 325

Descendants of Ephraim4 and Elizabeth (Heywood) Hartwell

5.93 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 20 April 1741 (CBMD 155), and she died 2 June 1823 (HOA). She married first, at Lincoln, 3 September 1764 (LVR 114), Lt. JONAS STRATTON, who was born at Concord, 18 Sep- tember 1732 (CBMD 133) and was killed by the falling of a tree at Alexandria, New Hampshire, in 1774 (HOA), son of Joseph and Rachel (Wooley) Stratton. Elizabeth and Jonas removed soon after marriage to New Ipswich, New Hampshire. Elizabeth married second, at Lincoln, 24 May 1778 (LVR 137), Colonel ENOCH PUTNAM of Danvers, born probably 8 February 1732. Children by first husband, born at Concord: i. LYDIA STRATTON, b. 21 June 1769 (CBMD 228); d. 1822; m. (1) 22 April 1794, as his 2nd wife, CALEB CAMPBELL, b. ca. 1741, d. 1800, son of Robert Campbell of Scotland. Possibly two children (HOA). She m. (2) as his 2nd wife, Capt. ABNER CHICKERING, b. Holden, 5 Oct 1765 (HOA; not in HVRs), d. 1841, son of John and Elizabeth (Gay) Chickering. He was a blacksmith at Mason Village, NH, removed in 1800 to New Ipswich, father by his first mar- riage of Jonas Chickering, the famous piano maker, who was born at Mason Village in 1798. ii. JONAS STRATTON, b. 20 Aug 1771 (CBMD 233); d. 20 Dec 1812 [sic] (HOA); m. Lincoln, 5 Dec 1802 (LVR 137), POLLY SMITH, b. Lincoln, 15 Aug 1779 (LVR 67), dau. of Jonathan and Lucy (Billing) Smith. Children, born at Lincoln (LVR 69): 1. Laurinda Stratton, b. 12 Feb 1803. 2. Mary Stratton, b. 20 Feb 1805. 3. Eliza Stratton, b. 11 March 1808. 4. Charles Stratton, b. 30 Nov 1810; d. Lexington, 30 Sept 1892, age 81y 11m (LVR 474); m. Sarah J. 326 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Brown, b. ca. 1820 (calc.), d. Lexington, 4 July 1891, age 70y 10m (LVR 474), dau. of Abel-Parlin and Susanna (W[a]yman) Brown. 5. Jonas Stratton, b. 20 Dec 1812; d. 24 Dec 1891 (HOA); m. 3 Nov 1839, Harriet Johnson Hodgman, b. 3 Oct 1817, d. 16 Oct 1896, dau. of Job and Lydia (Taylor) Hodgman. 6. Caroline Stratton, b. 15 May 1815. [Note: Caroline appears to have been born three years after her fa- ther’s supposed death.]

5.94 SAMUEL5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 25 June 1742 (CBMD 155) and he died at Lincoln, 12 August 1829, age 87 (LVR 164). Marriage intentions between Samuel Hartwell “of Grafton” and MOLLY ESTABROOK of Rutland were published at Rutland, 10 January 1767 (RVR 149), although the actual marriage apparently did not take place. Samuel was perhaps living on some of the land his father had purchased in “Holdin” and Rutland, though why he would be styled “of Grafton” is not clear. Both Densmore and HOA credit him with being the father of Samuel Estabrook Hartwell, although neither of them mention these marriage intentions, nor do they refer to Molly Estabrook, thereby making it look as though Samuel and Mary Flint had a child two years before they were married. Molly4 Estabrook, daughter of Samuel3 (Daniel2, Rev. Joseph1) and Abigail (Flagg) Estabrook, was born at Sudbury, 22 February 1746[/7] (SVR ?). Except for the baptism of her son, Samuel Estabrook, in Rutland, 12 July 1767 (RVR 38), no further records of Molly have been found. Samuel married at Lincoln, 12 September 1769 (LVR 115), “Mrs.” MARY FLINT, who was born at Concord 22 March 1747 (CBMD 172) and died at Lincoln, 21 or 23 July 1846, age 98 (LVR 164), daughter of Ephraim and Ruth (Wheeler) Flint. [Note: Molly Estabrook’s grandmother was Abigail Flint, but the relationship between Molly and Mary (Flint) Hartwell has not been researched.] Fifth Generation 327

Samuel was a clock maker, and built a house on part of the homestead (HOA). During the Revolution, “Samuel Hartwell,

The Samuel Hartwell House (shown in 1955).

Lincoln, [was] Sergeant, Capt. William Smith’s co. of Minute-men, Col. Abijah Pierce’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 1 mo. 4 days.” Also, “Quarter Master, Col. Eleazer Brooks’s regt.; list of officers of a regiment drafted from Middlesex Co. militia and ordered to march to Horse Neck by Brig. Oliver Prescott 26 Sept 1776; also, same regt.; engaged 17 Sept 1776; discharged 16 Nov 1776; service 62 days, including 11 days (212 miles) travel home; order for payment of amount of roll dated at North Castle and signed by Col. Brooks; also, Quarter Master; list of officers of Suffolk Co. militia; commissioned 27 Sept 1777; said Hartwell, with others, stationed with guards at or near Charlestown guarding Gen. Burgoyne’s army, prisoners in Massachusetts (MS&S). 328 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

The Samuel Hartwell House was destroyed in a tragic 1968 fire and only its protected center chimney remains may be seen (shown in 2006).

Mary is noted for helping to carry the alarm on the evening of 19 April 1775, and for being the sole mourner of the British soldiers who lost their lives in that battle (Abram English Brown, Beneath Old Rooftrees, Chapter 18), and is listed on the DAR Patriot Index in

Burial of British Soldiers, April 20, 1775. Fifth Generation 329 recognition of her bravery. She applied for, and received, a pension based on Samuel’s service during the Revolution (Revolutionary Pension File W14841). Samuel is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in Lincoln consisting of two males over 16, four males under 16 and five females, indicating that his son by Molly Estabrook may possibly have been living with him at this time. He wrote his will 24 January 1820, leaving his beloved wife Mary 1/2 the house and cellar, use of all the household goods, and specifying the quantities of food she was to be given annually. He left his son Samuel his dwelling house in Lincoln, all his lands in Lincoln, Bedford, and Princeton (except what he gave to Jonas and Abel), all his livestock and farming tools, his blacksmithing tools, all his money (or money due him), and half his crosscut saw owned jointly by Samuel and his brother John, his money scales and several books. These bequests were contingent on Samuel’s paying “all my just debts and caring for my wife, giving her a decent burial at his own cost with decent gravestones for me and my wife.” He gave son Abel 1/3 part of his Princeton pasture, 1/2 of his cider mill, 1/2 his double sleigh and harness, his small iron bar, and his books on the history of Massachusetts. He gave son Ephraim a note he held against him for $27.53 and his great Bible. To son Jonas he gave 1/3 part of his Princeton pasture, his clock and watch tools, and several books. To daughters Polly Adams, Sally Munroe, and Elizabeth Rich, he left $25 each (besides the valuable sums they had already received). To daughter Lucy Hartwell he left $200 to be on interest, the west chamber in the front part of the house, and his loom and tackling. He named son Samuel as sole executor (Middlesex Probate File 10590). Child by Molly Estabrook, born at Rutland: +6.228 i. SAMUEL ESTABROOK6 HARTWELL, bap. 12 July 1767 (RVR 38); m. ABIGAIL HOLBROOK. 330 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children by Mary Flint, all born at Lincoln (LVR 43-44): 6.229 ii. POLLY HARTWELL, b. 13 Nov 1770; d. Lincoln, 30 Nov 1840, “widow, age 70” (LVR 152); m. there 11 Sept 1795 (LVR 115), ANDREW ADAMS, bap. Lincoln, 9 Oct 1768 (LVR 12), d. there 19 June 1840, age 71 (LVR 151), son of James and Deliverance (Adams) Adams. No recorded children. 6.230 iii. SARAH “SALLY” HARTWELL, b. 25 Jan 1773; d. Lincoln, of “dysenteria,” 25 Oct 1847, age 75 (LVR 168); m. there 20 Jan 1813 (LVR 115), as his 2nd wife, ISAAC MONROE, b. Lincoln, 10 March 1758 (LVR 57), d. there 5 Aug 1840, age 85 [sic] (LVR 168), son of Benjamin and Mary (Merriam) Monroe. 6.231 iv. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 15 Nov 1774; d. Lincoln, of “old age” 2 Sept 1858, age 84, (MA VRs 121:115, as “maid”). “She was ‘Aunt Lucy’ to two generations of nephews and nieces, her mind richly stored with family and antiquarian lore, which it was her pleasure to recount to younger ears” (HOA). +6.232 v. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 15 March 1777; m. THOMAS W. RICH. +6.233 vi. EPHRAIM HARTWELL, b. 16 Nov 1779; m. MARY HITCHCOCK. +6.234 vii. JONAS HARTWELL, b. 3 Aug 1782; m. ELIZA DUREN. +6.235 viii. ABEL HARTWELL, b. 11 Oct 1784; m. ESTHER FLINT. +6.236 ix. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 28 March 1789; m. MARY “POLLY” HAGAR.

5.95 ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 5 June 1744 (CBMD 162), and she died 8 March 1809 (HOA). She married at Lincoln/Shrewsbury, 6 September 1763 (LVR 115; SVR 176), her second cousin, JONAS JONES of Shrewsbury. Jonas was born at Concord, 19 July 1736 (CBMD 140), son of Capt. Ephraim and Mary (Hayward) Jones (see #3.19-ii-4). News of Fifth Generation 331

Jonas’s death by a fall from a horse at New Ipswich, New Hampshire, 15 July 1817 (Hist. New Ipswich) was received at Medford, 16 July 1817 (MVR 397). Jonas “accompanied his father to the siege of Louisburg in 1745 [sic]; under officer in expedition against Crown Point in 1758; saw much service in later French Wars; settled in Shrewsbury as a tanner; removed late in life to New Ipswich, NH” (HOA). Children, all but Peter born at Shrewsbury (SVR 60): i. LUCY JONES, b. 14 Oct 1764; d. Lincoln, 2 June 1851 (MA VRs 58:60); m. Lincoln, 21 Feb 1788 (LVR 121), GREGORY STONE, b. Lincoln, 5 Feb 1754 (LVR 68), d. there 12 April 1807, age 53 (LVR 175), son of Gregory and Hepzibah (Brooks) Stone. He was a farmer, and a private during the Revolution, as Lucy received a widow’s pension (DARPI). Children, all born at Lincoln (LVR 68): 1. Hepzibah Stone, b. 25 Oct 1789; d. Lincoln, 26 June 1808, age 19 (LVR 175). 2. Lucy Hall Stone, b. 4 July 1791; d. South Boston, 15 Dec 1880 (MA VRs 321:249); unmarried. 3. Gregory Stone, b. 19 April 1793; d. Lincoln, 10 Aug 1870 (MA VRs 230:149); m. Concord, 1 Dec 1845 (CMBD 406), Edith Z. Patch, b. Ashby, 24 Oct 1808 (HOA), d. Lowell, 22 Nov 1892, age 84 (MA VRs 428:258), dau. of Stephen and Zulima (Lawrence) Patch. No children. 4. Lydia Stone, b. 13 April 1795; d. Augusta, ME, 27 Sept 1867 (HOA); unm. 5. Abigail Stone, b. 30 Nov 1796 (LVR 68; HOA has March); d. 6 April 1878 (HOA); m. 11 Oct 1836 (HOA), as his 3rd wife, Col. Joseph Adams, b. Lincoln, 6 May 1784 (LVR 12), d. 26 Sept 1872 (HOA), son of James and Deliverance (Adams) Adams of Cherry-field, ME. He was a teacher at Bradford Academy. No children. 332 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6. Louisa Stone, b. 14 Nov 1798; d. Lincoln, 14 Aug 1806 (LVR 175). 7. Mary Stone, b. 8 Nov 1800; d. 8 May 1875 (HOA); m. Lincoln, 18 June 1839 (LVR 137), as his 2nd wife, her 1st cousin, Henry Hall Jones (see #5.95-ii-4 below). 8. Eliza[beth] Hayward Stone, b. 27 Feb 1803; d. Bangor, ME, 9 Jan 1861 (HOA); m. Lincoln, 25 Feb 1840 (LVR 136), as his 2nd wife, Dr. William Gallup “of Concord,” b. 30 Aug 1805 (HOA), d. 13 Feb 1883, son of Benjamin and Sally (Park) Gallup. Two children. 9. Daniel Stone, b. 3 May 1805; d. Plymouth, ME, 28 May 1872 (HOA); m. 25 Jan 1832 (HOA), Rebecca Hopkins, b. 7 March 1810, d. 17 Aug 1891, dau. of Josiah and Sarah (Rackliffe) Hopkins. Three children. ii. EPHRAIM JONES (twin), b. 29 Nov 1765 (SVR 59); d. 25 Jan 1839 (HOA); m. (1) 3 Oct 1793 (HOA), ELIZABETH CROSBY, b. Quincy, 4 March 1770 (HOA), d. 30 March 1806 (HOA), dau. of Samuel and Rachel (?) Crosby of Lunenburg; m. (2) 19 Oct 1806 (HOA), MARTHA FESSENDEN, b. 30 June 1760 (HOA), d. 25 Oct 1826 (HOA), dau. of Jonathan and Martha (?) Fessenden of Quincy; m. (3) 6 Dec 1827 (HOA), KEZIAH ADAMS, b. Lincoln, 19 Feb 1773 (LVR 12), d. 16 Jan 1839 (HOA), dau. of James and Deliverance (Adams) Adams. “He was a distiller in Boston, but abandoned the business about 1820, when the temperence reform sprang up. About 1830 he gave much attention to genealogy, and three vols. of the results are in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Soc” (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Ephraim Jones, b. 12 July 1794; d. 28 July 1794. 2. Eliza Jones, b. 13 Sept 1796; d. 11 Sept 1826. Fifth Generation 333

3. Ephraim Jones, b. 10 April 1799; d. Bedford, 27 Nov 1861; m. 14 April 1844, Eliza Brown of Lincoln, b. 7 Aug 1805, d. Natick, 7 June 1885. One child. 4. Henry Hall Jones, b. 15 March 1802; d. 10 March 1876; m. (1) Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 May 1835, Caroline Allen, b. Townsend, 3 July 1806 (HOA; not in TVR), d. Boston, 29 Dec 1836; m. (2) 18 June 1839, Mary Stone (see #5.95-i-7 above). “He was a woolen manufacturer in Saxonville, where he failed, then established a business in Buenos Aires, returning after a few years to Boston. In the panic of 1857 he was badly crippled, and in his efforts to preserve his business intact, his mind was unsettled, and he died in an asylum. Two children by 2nd wife” (HOA). iii. JONAS JONES (twin), b. 29 Nov 1765 (SVR 59); d. Medford, of fever, 20 Nov 1818, age 53 (MVR 397); m. Medford, 17 May 1807 (MVR 249), SALLY MANNING. No children. iv. RICHARD HALL JONES, b. 1 Oct 1767 (SVR 60); d. Cleveland, OH, 13 July 1813 (HOA). v. STEPHEN JONES, b. 11 Sept 1769 (SVR 60); d. young (HOA). vi. HEPZIBAH JONES, b. 22 Dec 1770 (SVR 59); d. 20 Oct 1853 (HOA); m. 16 Nov 1798, Capt. ISAIAH5 KIDDER, b. 3 Feb 1770, d. 28 April 1811, son of Reuben4 (Thomas3, John2, James1) and Susanna (Burge) Kidder of New Ipswich, NH (see also #5.95-vii below). He was in trade at Mason Village, now Greenville, NH, in 1799-1805; in 1806 was in the cotton manufacturing business in New Ipswich. He was a member of the Legislature in 1810-11. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated, b. at Mason Village and New Ipswich, NH: 1. Ann Kidder, b. 25 June 1801; d. Boston, 13 July 1858; unm. 2. Sophia Helena Kidder, b. 13 March 1803; d. Charleston, SC, 17 Feb 1856; m. 26 June 1823, 334 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Christofore G. Salinas; resided Beaufort, Charleston, SC. Five children. 3. Frederick Kidder, b. 16 April 1804; d. Melrose, 19 Dec 1885; m. 11 Jan 1841, Harriet Marie Hager, b. 26 Oct 1817, d. 22 Dec 1875. He entered a prepara- tory school at Hanover, NH, when fifteen years old, and until 1868 was engaged in various business ventures in Boston and Wilmington, NC. He was a man of scholarly tastes, and published a History of New Ipswich in 1852; Adventure of Capt. Lovewell; Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia in the Revolution, and other works. For 25 years he was a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and an active promoter of the public library in Melrose. No children. 4. Edward Kidder, b. New Ipswich, NH, 19 Oct 1805; d. Wilmington, NC, 25 Feb 1885; m. 11 Aug 1836, Ann M. Potter of New London, CT, who d. 24 Feb 1872. He went to Boston before he was 20, then to Wilmington, NC, with his brother, Frederick. He was a staunch Union man during the war, remained in business, lost heavily, but maintained his ground, respected by the rebels for his firmness. Six or seven children. 5. George Kidder, b. 26 Nov 1807; d. 7 March 1815. 6. Harriet Kidder, b. 26 Aug 1809; d. Mississippi, 1847; m. 14 Oct 1832, Dr. Charles Wood of Groton, b. 5 Feb 1806. Two children. 7. Isaiah Kidder, b. 18 March 1811; d. Lincoln, 30 Nov 1822 from the bite of a rabid raccoon. vii. STEPHEN JONES, b. 26 Nov 1775 (SVR 60); d. Ashby, 30 March 1842 (HOA); m. LYDIA KIDDER, b. 2 Feb 1777, d. 24 Feb 1862, dau. of Reuben and Susanna (Burge) Kidder (see also #5.95-vi above). He removed to northern Vermont in 1800, returning in 1802 and removed to Fifth Generation 335

Ashby in 1810. He held many town offices, and was a Representative in the Legislature. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Isaac Jones, b. New Ipswich, NH, 3 Feb 1809; m. 2 June 1834, Rebecca Wellington of Ashby, who d. 29 Sept 1876. He was a mason in Walpole, NH, removed in 1835 to South Boston; was a member of the City Council; in legislature 1851-2. Two children. 2. Charles Jones, b. New Ipswich, NH, 4 June 1810; d. Newton in 1880; m. (1) 22 Feb 1837, Lucy Esterbrook of New Ipswich, NH, who d.; m. (2) 30 Sept 1851, Mary Heald/Heard of Bedford. He was a member of the Boston firm of Peters & Jones. Two children. 3. Andrew Jones, b. New Ipswich, NH, 22 Feb 1814; d. 30 May 1880; m. Concord, 16 April 1840 (CBMD 383), Sarah Elizabeth Wright, b. there 28 April 1813 (CBMD 288), dau. of Nathan M. and Sally (Tuttle) Wright. He was a mason, resided in East Cambridge, and was in the city council from 1849 to 1853. 4. Harriet Jones, b. 15 Sept 1816; m. 1847, H. W. Seamens of New London, NH, who d. 16 Nov 1866. He was a resident of Boston, and a member of the legislature. 5. Stephen Jones, b. 29 Jan 1818; d. 1878; m. 1 May 1849, Sidney [sic] Boggs of Ross Co., OH. He was graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1842, practiced 8 years in Rindge, NH, removed in 1845 to Piqua Co., OH, and in 1855 to Tippecanoe Co., IN; bought large tract of land; farmer; made a fortune. Four children. 6. Francis Jones, b. 4 July 1823; m. 1851, Julia Augusta Fletcher, b. Cavendish, VT, 30 Sept 1826 (VTF1), dau. of the Rev. Horace and Harriet (May) 336 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Fletcher; removed to Boston in 1841 in fruit trade with Jones and Farley. Two children. viii. HENRY JONES, b. 5 July 1777 (SVR 59); d. Portland, ME, 22 Feb 1822 (HOA); m. 15 April 1804, MARY WINSHIP, b. 29 April 1783, dau. Joshua and Mary (?) Winship of Brook- line, NH. Mary m. (2) 15 Oct 1829, John Daggett of Boxton, Maine. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Mary C. Jones, b. 9 Feb 1806; m. 17 Oct 1826, John D. Pearson, son of William and Mary Pearson. They resided in Boston. 2. Frances C. Jones, b. 29 Jan 1809; d. 5 Dec 1811. 3. Frances C. Jones, b. 27 May 1812; m. 25 Dec 1834, Paul Alden of Boston. One son. 4. Abigail Jones, b. 24 April 1814; d. 13 Sept 1833; m. 10 July 1833, Samuel B. Dyer of Boston. 5. Richard Hall Jones, b. 18 May 1818. 6. George E. Jones, b. 24 July 1820. ix. ISAAC JONES, b. 2 March 1780 (SVR 59); d. 16 Jan 1806 (HOA). x. PETER JONES, b. “Lunenburg” 18 Feb 1783, recorded Lincoln (LVR 51); d. Lincoln, 12 March 1824 (LVR 166).

5.96 EPHRAIM5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 8 January 1745 (CBMD 164), and he died at New Ipswich, New Hampshire, 30 May 1816, age 70 (Index of deaths in Boston Newspapers; History of New Ipswich, NH). He married at Lincoln, 1 June 1769 (LVR 114), “Mrs.” MARY BROWN, who was born possibly at Waltham, 26 December 1749 (HOA; not in VRs) and died at New Ipswich, NH, 30 November 1824 (HOA), daughter of Isaac and Mary (Balch) Brown. Ephraim evidently moved to Princeton, shortly after his marriage, as his only child was born there, and he was a resident of Fifth Generation 337

Princeton during the Revolution when he served as a “Private, Capt. Boaz Moore’s co. of Minute-men, Col. Ephraim Doolittle’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 9 days” (MS&S). Later, by “official record of a ballot by the House of Representatives, dated 23 January 1776, showing officers chosen to command the 6 regiments raised to serve before Boston until 1 April 1776; name of said Hartwell appears in place of that of Caleb Clap, which is crossed out, and who was chosen Quarter Master of Col. Josiah Whitney’s (Worcester Co.) regt.; also, list of officers of the militia which reinforced the American army; said Hartwell chosen Quarter Master of the regiment raised in Worcester Co. in place of Mr. Clap, who declined to accept the appointment; commissioned 14 February 1776; also, Adjutant, Col. Josiah Whitney’s regt.; service 25 days, at the Northward; regiment marched agreeable to order of General Court of 22 September 1777; also, Captain, 12th co., Col. Josiah Whitney’s (2d Worcester Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers; commissioned 17 June 1779; also, Captain of a company of guards stationed at Rutland; entered service 14 October 1779; discharged 20 April 1780; service, 6 mos. 6 days” (ibid.). About 1782 he moved to New Ipswich, NH, where he pur- chased a house and a store of Josiah Rogers. “He entered into trade, which he pursued with energy and success for about thirty years. His public spirit and enterprize made him popular, and he was elected to many important offices; he was candidate for Senator for several years, and often held town offices. He was an early and constant friend to the Academy; and it was owing to his energy that several kinds of manufactures were introduced here. He owned the Scythe factory on the South road; the first Linseed Oil mill, where the Factory in Bank village now stands. He had Pearlash works near his house; was one of those most deeply interested in the turnpike, as also in some other enterprizes” (History of New Ipswich, NH). He is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in New Ipswich, NH, consisting of nine males over 16, one male under 16 338 Descendants of William1 Hartwell and eight females, an entry which underscores the dangers of attributing all members of a household to the same parents. Child, born at Princeton (PVR 34): +6.237 i. MARY6 HARTWELL, b. 24 Aug 1770; m. CALEB BELLOWS.

5.97 JOHN5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 21 August 1747 (CBMD 172) and he died at Lincoln, 2 November 1820, age 73 (Index of deaths in Boston Newspapers; LVR 164). He was called “Capt.” when he married at Lincoln, 18 December 1783 (LVR 116), HEPZIBAH BROOKS, who was born at Lincoln, 19 April 1753 (LVR 21) and died there 13 March 1837, age 83y 10m 22d (LVR 164), daughter of Joshua, Jr. and Hannah (Symonds?) Brooks. John Hartwell of Lincoln was a “Sergeant, Capt. William Smith’s co. of Minute-men, Col. Abijah Pierce’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 5 days; also, Ensign, Capt. William Smith’s co.; list of officers of Col. John Nixon’s regt.; resolved in Committee of Safety at Cambridge, 5 June 1775, that said officers be approved and recommended to Congress for commissions; ordered in Provincial Congress 5 June 1775, that commissions be delivered said officers; also, 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Smith’s co., Col. Nixon’s regt.; muster roll dated 1 Aug 1775; enlisted 24 April 1775; service 3 mos. 15 days; also, Ensign; list of men appearing under the heading ‘Hartwell Brook the first Everidge;’ said Hartwell appears among men in a detachment with Col. Thatcher [year not given]; also, Captain, Col. Eleazer Brooks’s regt.; service 5 days; mileage from Lincoln to encampment and return (40 miles) allowed; company called out at the time of fortifying Dorchester Heights 4 March 1776; also, Lieutenant, Capt. John Minott’s co.; return of company officers of Col. Dike’s regt., showing number of men present and also those not joined, dated Dorchester, 21 Sept 1776, and endorsed ‘officers to be commissioned;’ said Hartwell probably belonged to Col. Brooks’s or Col. Sawtell’s regt., Brig. Prescott’s brigade; also, Lieutenant, Capt. John Minot’s co.; return of officers who marched Fifth Generation 339 to camp to join Col. Dike’s regt., dated Dorchester, 27 Sept 1776; said Hartwell, with other officers of Capt. Minot’s co., marched 21 Aug 1776; ordered in Council 27 Sept 1776, that said officers be commissioned; also, Capt. Minot’s co., Col. Dike’s regt.; pay abstract for mileage to and from Dorchester Heights and travel allowance home; said Hartwell credited with allowance for 1 day; mileage (40 miles) also allowed; warrant for pay allowed in Council 30 Nov 1776; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. John Minott’s co., Col. Nicholas Dike’s regt.; list of officers of regiments raised for defence of Boston [year not given]; also, Captain, Col. Nicholas Dike’s regt.; muster roll for Dec 1776-Feb 1777; engaged 1 Dec 1776; credited to town of Lincoln; regiment raised to serve until 1 March 1777; also, same regt.; muster roll for Feb 1777; reported sick and absent; also, same regt.; list of officers who engaged to tarry at Dorchester Heights until 1 March 1777” (MS&S). He was selectman in Lincoln for several years; deacon of the church in 1803 (HOA), and is called “Deacon” on his death record. John is probably the head of a household on the 1790 Census in Lincoln with three males over 16, two males under 16 and five females, although it is not known who the extra people are. Children, all born at Lincoln (LVR 43-44): 6.238 i. LYDIA6 HARTWELL, b. 25 April 1785; d. Lincoln, 5 March 1855, age 69y 11m, (MA VRs 94:69, as “dau John & Elizabeth”); unmarried. +6.239 ii. JOHN H. HARTWELL, b. 2 Jan 1787; m. ELIZA BROOKS. +6.240 iii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. 24 Oct 1788; m. ABIJAH HOAR PIERCE. +6.241 iv. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 9 Nov 1790; m. WILLIAM B. JOHNSON. 6.242 v. WILLIAM B. HARTWELL, b. 13 March 1793; d. Lincoln 29 Jan 1815, age 22 (Index of Deaths in Boston Newspapers; LVR 164). 340 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5.98 MARY5 P“ OLLY” HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, -- January 1749 (CBMD 175; HOA has 5 Jan.) and she died there 21 April 1813 (CBMD 333). She married at Concord, Rev. Ezra Ripley officiating, 14 January 1779 (CBMD 242), ROGER BROWN, who was born at Framingham, 12 September 1749 (FVR 33) and died at Concord, 6 March 1840, age 90 (CBMD 353), son of William and Elizabeth (Conant) Brown. After Polly’s death, Roger married second, at Concord, 5 February 1815 (CBMD 370), as her 2nd husband, HEPZIBAH (JONES) JONES, who was born at Concord, 2 December 1753 (CBMD 188) and died there 19 June 1839, age 85 (CBMD 352), daughter of Ephraim and Alice (?) Jones and widow of Samuel Jones, whom she married in 1771. Roger is styled Captain at the time of his son John’s birth in 1783, Major at the time of son Jonas’s birth in 1788, and Colonel when daughter Lucy was born in 1790. Children, all born at Concord: i. WILLIAM BROWN, b. 20 Jan 1781 (CBMD 262); d. Concord, 26 May 1825, age 45 (CBMD 342); m. Marlborough, 28 Jan 1812 (MVR 311), BEULAH MINOT STOW, b. Marlborough, 27 April 1784 (MVR 173), dau. of Heman and Abigail (?) Stow. William was a farmer in Concord; Capt. in War of 1812. Children, per HOA unless otherwise noted: 1. Mary H. Brown, b. 28 May 1813; d. April 1873; m. Acton, 2 Feb 1836 (AVR2 184), Rufus Holden; removed to Woburn, Beverly, and returned to Acton. Five or six children. 2. Abigail Brown, b. 4 July 1814. 3. Harriet Brown, b. 27 July 1816; m. 9 May 1836, George Pierce of Providence, RI, b. April 1810; foreman in foundry in So. Boston, removed to Warren, RI, in 1843, to Norwich, CT, in 1846. Three children. 4. Hepzibah Brown, bap. 1818; d. age 7 years. Fifth Generation 341

5. George M. Brown, b. ca. 1820; d. Concord, 25 April 1822 (CBMD 340). ii. JAMES BROWN, b. 11 April 1782 (CBMD 262); d. 25 Dec 1872; m. 4 Nov 1807, NANCY FISK (not Mary Fisk as in HOA), b. Framingham, 26 Jan 1789 (FVR 76), dau. of Cornet John and Abigail (Howe?) Fisk. James was a far- mer, clothier, built a mill in Somerville. He was a Colonel in the War of 1812. Children, born at Framingham (FVR 32-33): 1. Maria Boyle Brown, b. 30 July 1808; d. 28 Dec 1860 (HOA); m. Framingham (int.) 12 May 1833 (FVR 247; HOA has 29 May 1833, which well may be correct), Rev. James A. Kendall of Medfield (HOA has of Plymouth). James was b. 1 Nov 1803 (HOA) and d. 16 May 1884 (ibid.). He was graduated from Harvard in 1823, settled in Medford [sic], resigned the pastorate in 1837, lived later in Framingham, Stow, Cambridge, and removed to Saxonville in 1857. Three children. 2. Lucy A. Brown, b. 20 Nov 1809; m. (1) Framingham, Thursday, 9 April 1835 (FVR 247), Augustin[e] Leland, a schoolteacher in Pawtucket, RI (HOA). Augustin was b. Sherborn, 28 Nov 1808 (SVR 60), and d. Pineville, SC, 15 Oct 1836, age 28 yrs (SVR 211; FVR), son of Micah and Lois (?) Leland. Lucy m. (2) Framingham, 14 May 1840 (FVR 247), Benjamin Brown, an ordained minister “of Saxonville, removed to Beloit, WI about 1846. One child by 1st husband, three by 2nd.” 3. Ellen Brown, b. 30 Jan 1811; d. ca. 1853 (calc.) age 42 (HOA); m. Framingham, 10 May 1838 (FVR 247), Anson L. Hobart, M.D., of Freehold, NJ. HOA says he was “of Wayland; they lived in Southboro.” 4. James Watson Brown, b. 18 April 1813; m. Framingham, 14 April 1841 (FVR 247), Mary J. 342 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Brewer, b. Framingham, 24 June 1818 (FVR 20), dau. of Rufus and Mary (Nurse) Brewer. James W. was graduated from Williams College in 1840, graduated in medicine at Philadelphia, practiced in Framing- ham. Five children. 5. Nancy “Anna” Fisk Brown, b. 16 Sept 1817; d. 1876 (HOA); m. Framingham (int.) 17 Jan 1847 (FVR 246), Charles Washburn of Worcester. She was a high school teacher, a woman of much ability. Three children. iii. JOHN BROWN, b. 31 July 1783 (CBMD 262); d. Oct 1865 (HOA); m. Concord (int.) 6 Sept 1812 (CBMD 388), SALLY COGSWELL, b. Marlborough, 2 Oct 1790 (MVR 57), d. 11 July 1880 (HOA), dau. of William and Abigail (?) Cogswell. John resided in Concord; served at Boston in the fall of 1814 in coast defense. Children, born at Concord: 1. Sarah Cogswell Brown, b. 18 March 1815 (CBMD 290); d. Feb 1883 (HOA). 2. Matilda Coolidge Brown, b. 29 Oct 1816 (CBMD 293). 3. John Brown Jr., b. 7 Aug 1818 (CBMD 293); m. there (int.) 9 Nov 1846 (CBMD 395), Amanda M. Willis of Fitchburg, b. 22 June 1819. He was a merchant in Concord. Nine children. 4. William D. Brown, b. 23 Nov 1820 (HOA); d. 18 May 1887 (HOA); m. 30 June 1856 (HOA), Martha E. Swan of Springfield. He was a farmer on the homestead of [his grandfather] Col. Roger Brown (HOA). 5. Abigail D. Brown, b. 2 Sept 1823 (HOA); d. Concord, 18 May 1825 (CBMD 342). 6. Elizabeth Brown, b. 13 Feb 1827 (CBMD 304); m. 18 Nov 1856 (HOA), Nathan Brooks Stow, farmer, b. Concord, 28 Nov 1822 (CBMD 300), son of Nathan and Polly (Barrett) Stow. One child, Mary E., d. young. Fifth Generation 343

7. James Hartwell Brown, b. 3 June 1828 (CBMD 304); d. Concord, 31 Jan 1835, age 6 yrs (CBMD 349). 8. Roger Gibbon Brown, b. 2 Feb 1830 (CBMD 304); d. Concord, 21 Feb 1835, age 5y (CBMD 349). iv. MARY BROWN, b. 4 Aug 1784 (CBMD 263); d. Marlborough, of erysipelas, 10 or 11 Nov 1844, age 60 (MVR 365, citing Spring Hill Cemetery record); m. Concord, 24 May 1810 (CBMD 368), Dr. BENJAMIN WARREN HILDRETH, b. Concord, 29 March 1784 (CBMD 271), d. Marlborough, of dysentery, 25 Jan 1848, age 64y 10m 6d (MVR 365), son of Jonathan and Eunice W. (Prescott?) Hildreth. [Note: HOA gives only two children for this couple, but Marl- borough records list 13 as given below.] Children, born at Marlborough (MVR 92): 1. Benjamin Warren Hildrith, b. 21 Feb 1811. 2. Mary Hildrith, b. 2 May 1812; d. 18 March 1827, age 14y 10m 16d (MVR 365). 3. John Hildreth, b. 28 April 1813; d. 27 April 1814 [1815], age 1y 11m 29d (MVR 365). 4. Sarah Brown Hildrith, b. 24 July 1814; m. Marl- borough, 4 July 1834, Dana Stone of Framingham. 5. Jonathan Hildreth, b. 28 Aug 1815; d. 22 Feb 1840, age 24y 5m 26d (MVR 365). 6. Ellen Hildreth, b. 5 Feb 1817; n.f.r. 7. George Washington Hildreth, b. 23 Sept 1818; n.f.r. 8. Eunice Hildreth, b. 14 May 1820. 9. Franklin Hildreth, bap. 14 Oct 1821; n.f.r. 10. Roger Brown Hildreth, bap. 28 June 1823; n.f.r. 11. James Hildreth (twin), b. 14 Oct 1824; d. 15 Aug 1825, age 10m 1d (MVR 365). 12. Jane Hildreth (twin), b. 14 Oct 1824; d. 10 Nov 1824, age 1y [sic] 27d (MVR 365). 344 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

13. James Hildreth, bap. 20 May 1826; n.f.r. v. SALLY BROWN, b. 15 Oct 1786 (CBMD 263); m. her 1st cousin once removed, EPHRAIM HARTWELL BELLOWS (see #6.237-i). vi. JONAS BROWN, b. 3 May 1788 (CBMD 263); d. Concord 27 June 1822, age 34 (CBMD 262); m. Concord, 23 Jan 1812 (CBMD 369), ALICE FLINT, b. Concord, 24 Aug 1788 (CBMD 269), dau. of Edward and Mary (Buttrick) Flint. [Note: HOA says that both Jonas and Alice d. 27 June 1822, and that Jonas m. (2) Mrs. RICHARDSON of Mobile, AL, a feat that would seem impossible. Concord records indicate that only Jonas died in 1822, and that Alice apparently m. (2) Concord (int.) 25 Dec 1833 (CBMD 392), Levi Baxter. Child: 1. Phebe Brown, b. Concord, 20 Feb 1813 (CBMD 301); m. there 13 Aug 1832 (CBMD 380), Ezekiel Proctor of Carlisle. vii. LUCY BROWN, b. 16 Sept 1790 (CBMD 263); d. Concord, 4 April 1791 (ibid.). [Note: HOA adds a son, John, b. 2 Jan 1787, a virtual impossibility given the evidence of a daughter Sally born Oct 1786. Concord records do not indicate such a child.]

5.100 ISAAC5 HARTWELL (Ephraim4, Samuel3-2, William1) was born at Concord, 8 July 1752 (CBMD 186), and he died at Princeton, 12 September 1831, age 79 (PVR 168). He married at Princeton, 9 February 1786 (PVR 104), EUNICE MIRICK, who was born there 31 August 1759 and died there 28 June 1823, age 64 (PVR 168), daughter of Caleb and Eunice (?) Mirick. Isaac Hartwell, Lincoln, served as “private, Capt. William Smith’s co. of Minute-men, Col. Abijah Pierce’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 4 days; also, Sergeant, Capt. John Hartwell’s co., Col. Eleazer Brooks’s regt.; Fifth Generation 345 service, 5 days; mileage from Lincoln to encampment and return (40 miles) allowed; company called out at the time of fortifying Dorchester Heights 4 March 1776; also, same co. and regt.; com- pany receipt dated Lincoln, 21 Sept 1776, for wages for service in March, 1776, at the time of taking Dorchester Heights; also, Lieutenant, Capt. Nathan Smith’s co., Col. John Jacobs’s regt.; list of officers of the two regiments raised for defence of New England states, and commanded by Col. Jacobs and Col. Wade” (MS&S). Later, he was “Lieutenant, Capt. Joseph Griffith’s co., Col. John Jacobs’s regt.; engaged 1 Jan 1778; service 5 mos. 19 days; engage- ment to expire 1 Jan 1779” (ibid.). Isaac is listed on the 1790 census as the head of a household in Princeton consisting of two males over 16, one male under 16, and four females. Children, born at Princeton (PVR 34): +6.243 i. JONAS6 HARTWELL, b. 22 Nov 1786; m. MARY WHITTEKER. +6.244 ii. POLLY HARTWELL, b. 14 Jan 1788; m. JOHN NICHOLSON. +6.245 iii. SUKEY HARTWELL, b. 23 Oct 1789; m. Dr. HENRY BAGG. 6.246 iv. EPHRAIM HARTWELL, b. 7 July 1791; d. Charleston, WV, 3 June 1825 (HOA). 6.247 v. UNNAMED SON, b. -- Jan 1793; d. the same day (PVR 168). +6.248 vi. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 14 April 1795; m. SUKEY DAVIS. +6.249 vii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 8 Oct 1796; m. SALLY COBB. +6.250 viii. LOUISA HARTWELL, b. 17 Jan 1799; m. REUBEN BROOKS. +6.251 ix. LAURENDA HARTWELL, b. 17 March 1801; m. CALEB DANA.

Descendants of William4 and Deborah (Wheat?) Hartwell

5.103 JOSEPH5 HARTWELL (William4-3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 3 November 1730 (BVR 28) and he died at Lyndon, Vermont, in the spring of 1805 (Caledonia Co. Probate File 3:76-77). He 346 Descendants of William1 Hartwell married at Chelmsford, (int.) 1 June 1751 (CVR 245), SARAH SKINNER, who was born at Westford, 11 May 1733 (WVR 104), daughter of William and Elizabeth (“Berrd” [Burt?]) Skinner. [Note: HOA’s speculation that Sarah was the daughter of Abraham and Phebe (Dickinson) Skinner is not correct, as Abraham Skinner’s daughter died before he made his will (Mrs. Gordon Wahl, Skinner Kinsmen).] A death record for Sarah has not been found, but she probably died between 1791, when she is most likely the female shown in Joseph’s household on the federal census of that year, and 1805, when there is no mention of her in Joseph’s probate file. In 1748, Joseph chose Nathaniel Whittemore of Concord to be his guardian (Middlesex Probate File 10603). Joseph was “of Westford” [MA] on 27 December 1752, when he sold “about 200 acres called Ruck’s Farm” in Dunstable [Nashua], NH, to Samuel Read and Ebenezer Stone, both of Westford. The deed states that this is land Joseph received as the heir of his father, William, deceased (Rockingham Co. [NH] Deed 41:249). Joseph is almost certainly the Joseph Hartwell shown on Capt. Thomas Lawrence’s billeting roll in 1758, indicating that he was still in Massachusetts at that time, apparently in the Westford/ Groton area, where most of the men in Thomas Lawrence’s com- pany resided (NEHGR 50[1896]:353). He enlisted 2 May 1758 and served 24 days for a total of 12 shillings pay. Joseph moved to Westmoreland, New Hampshire (HOA), and was in Putney, Vermont as early as 1771, where his name appears on the Vermont 1771 census (PVR 391). He was Highway Surveyor of Putney in 1780, and apparently was a member of Capt. Fish’s company in 1781, although this reference gives his residence as “Townshend” (Soldiers, Sailors and Patriots of the Revolutionary War - Vermont). On 15 October 1783, Joseph Hartwell of Putney, husbandman, sold, for 25 pounds lawful silver money, to Timothy Hartwell of Putney, husband-man, a dwelling house and lot #18 in the first range (Putney deeds, 2:75). He was in Putney for the taking of the 1791 Federal Census, where he is shown as the head of a family Fifth Generation 347 consisting of one male over 16 and one female, probably his wife, Sarah. On 26 April 1799, Joseph Hartwell, yeoman of Putney, sold to John Campbel, lot #19 range 1 (Putney deeds, 3:357). Children, all except Timothy born probably in order of birth uncertain, dates per HOA unless otherwise indicated: +6.252 i. CATHERINE6 HARTWELL, b. ca. 1752; m. JOSIAH UPTON. +6.253 ii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. ca. 1753; m. (1) SUSANNAH SKINNER, (2) SUSANNA (SPERRY?) COLE. +6.254 iii. BETSEY HARTWELL, b. 7 June 1754; m. STEPHEN DUTTON. +6.255 iv. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. ca. 1756; m. HANNAH KELLEY. +6.256 v. RELIEF HARTWELL, b. ca. 1760; m. ELIJAH COOK. +6.257 vi. TIMOTHY HARTWELL, b. 23 June 1763; m. LYDIA COLE.

5.106 JAMES5 HARTWELL (William4-3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 1 June 1739 (BVR 28), and he died, probably at Stockbridge, before 21 September 1784, when James Wilson deeded land there to “my daughter Abigail Hartwell, widow” (Ken Stevens, Wilsons from New England, Vol. J:35). He married ca. 1764, ABIGAIL WILSON, who was born probably at Leicester, ca. 1734 (calc.) and died at West Stockbridge, 3 October 1817, in her 84th year (WSVR 98), daughter of James and Mehitable (Leavens) Wilson. HOA states that James Wilson was one of eighteen heads of fami- lies who removed to Stockbridge from Charlton [sic], and that after James [Hartwell’s] death, Abigail returned to Charlton, joining the church there in 1769. This may be true, but she must have returned again to Stockbridge, because she is listed on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a family in West Stockbridge consisting of two males under 16 and five females, and she definitely died there. According to Ken Stevens, James Wilson was “of Leicester” when he purchased land in Stockbridge in 1757, and there are no references to Charlton in his genealogical sketch of James and his family, so it would seem that HOA was misinformed. Further research on this family might reveal more details, although 348 Descendants of William1 Hartwell extensive research by eminent genealogist, Donald Lines Jacobus, among others, has failed to discover the parents of daughter Elizabeth’s first husband. Children, born probably at Stockbridge, dates per HOA: +6.258 i. ELIZABETH6 HARTWELL, b. 9 March 1765; m. (1) FRANCIS PAYNE, (2) EBENEZER STRONG. +6.259 ii. JAMES HARTWELL, b. 20 June 1766; m. REBECCA ATKINS.

Descendants of Daniel4 and Sarah (Wilson) Hartwell

5.110 SARAH5 HARTWELL (Daniel4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 4 October 1736 (BVR 28) and she died sometime after the taking of the 1790 Federal Census, on which she is shown as the head of a household in Bedford consisting of one female. She married ca. 1759, JEREMIAH BLOOD, who was born at Concord, 20 September 1741 (CBMD 186) and died between April and June 1790, son of John and Sarah (Coburn) Blood. Jeremiah answered the alarm of 19 April 1775 (MS&S). Children, all except last Sarah born at Bedford (BVR 13): i. SARAH BARRAS BLOOD, “ch. of Sarah,” b. 15 Jan 1761; d. Concord, 5 Nov 1839 (CBMD 353); m. (1) Bedford, 13 Nov 1783 (BVR 65), BENJAMIN BARRON, b. Concord, 10 May 1763 (CBMD 216, as “Barnes”), d. there 21 Nov 1800, age 37 (CBMD 324), son of Oliver and Mary (Williams) Barron. Sarah m. (2) Concord, 24 July 1804 (CBMD 365), as his 2nd wife, NATHANIEL NUTTING, b. ca. 1740, d. Concord, 2 Nov 1824, age 84 (CBMD 342). Children, all born at Concord (CBMD 275): 1. Persis Barron, b. 29 May 1785; m. (1) Concord, 10 Jan 1805 (CBMD 363), Lawrence Hook, who d. ca. 1817; m. (2) Concord, (int.) 21 April 1819 (CBMD 390), Augustus B. Arnold of Framingham. At least two Hook children. Fifth Generation 349

2. Benjamin Barron, b. 7 April 1787; n.f.r. 3. Sarah Barron, b. 17 Feb 1789; n.f.r. 4. Lucy Barron, b. 25 June 1792; n.f.r. 5. Esther Barron, b. 26 Oct 1794; n.f.r. 6. Unnamed son, b. -- July 1796; d. Concord 25 July 1796, age 2 weeks (CBMD 422). 7. David Barron, b. 16 Aug 1797; n.f.r. 8. George Washington Barron, b. 11 May 1800; n.f.r. ii. ISRAEL MEADS BLOOD, b. 17 Aug 1763; d. Victor, Ontario Co., NY, 27 Feb 1843; m. ca. 1796, his 2nd cousin once removed, SARAH UPTON, b. Charlemont, 18 June 1776 (CVR 82), d. Victor, NY, 10 July 1835, dau. of Josiah and Catherine6 (Joseph5, William4-3, Samuel2, William1) (Hartwell) Upton (see #6.252). Children, b. Bloomfield/Victor, Ontario Co., NY (Upton genealogy): 1. Anna Blood, b. 7 June 1797; m. E. Calkins. 2. Lucy Upton Blood, b. 2 April 1799; m. James Manwaring. 3. Rosel L. Blood, b. 14 Nov 1800; m. Clarissa Phillips. 4. Norman B. Blood, b. 4 Feb 1802; d. Albany, NY, ca. 1831/2; unmarried. 5. Nathaniel Upton Blood, b. 2 Feb 1804; m. Hannah Shute. 6. Stephen Hartwell Blood, b. 26 Feb 1806; d. prob. in Michigan after 1880; m. Louisa Knapp. 7. James Mitchell Blood, b. 14 Feb 1808; d. in Michi- gan ca. 1850/60; m. Lydia Ann Nelson. 8. Daniel Hartwell Blood, b. 7 Jan 1810; d. Victor, Clinton Co., MI, 2 March 1883; m. ca. 1831/2, Susan Turner, b. Rochester, NY, 14 Jan 1815, d. Victor, 350 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

MI, 5 April 1904, dau. of John I. and Margaret (Van Atter) Turner. Daniel was a lay minister and mission- ary to the Indians. 13 or 15 children (accounts differ). 9. Hannah Blood, b. 19 Jan 1812; n.f.r. iii. DANIEL HARTWELL BLOOD, b. 20 Aug 1765; d. Bedford, 4 Sept 1791, “in 27th year” (BVR 116). iv. JEREMIAH BLOOD, b. 13 Sept 1767; living in Deering, NH in 1806 (HOA Suppl). +6.260 v. FRANCIS HARTWELL BLOOD, b. 5 Aug 1769; m. MARY ELIZABETH SMITH. vi. HANNAH BLOOD, b. “Lincoln,” 31 Aug 1771 (BVR 13). vii. SOLOMON BLOOD, b. 23 Sept 1773; was overseer of high- ways 7 April 1801 in Old Northampton, NY (R. D. Harris, Story of the Bloods). viii. ABRAHAM BLOOD, b. 26 Oct 1776; d. Bedford, 8 Aug 1778 (BVR 116). ix. [?]SARAH BLOOD, b. Woburn, 22 April 1786 (WB 23); d. Feb 1841; m. Woburn/Burlington, Massachusetts (not Ver- mont as in HOA), 27 May 1808 (WM 27; BVR 56), NEWHALL/NEWELL REED, b. Lexington, 5 April 1783 (LVR 64), son of Newhall and Mary (Harrington) Reed. [Note: This second Sarah, born ten years after Abraham, when her purported mother would have been 50 years old, may not belong to this family. Further research is encouraged.]

5.111 SOLOMON5 HARTWELL (Daniel4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 20 April 1739 (BVR 29) and he died “of mortification” at Conway, -- June 1805, age 75 [sic] (CVR 239). He married at Bedford, 9 August 1759 (BVR 81), ABIGAIL DAVIS, who was born there 23 October 1741 (ibid.) and died of “old age” at Conway, 27 April 1834, age 92 (CVR 239), daughter of Eleazer and Rebecca (Chandler) Davis. [Note: Abigail’s mother, Rebecca Fifth Generation 351

(Chandler) Davis, married second, as his 2nd wife, Solomon’s uncle Stephen Hartwell (see #4.52).] On 5 September 1754, Solomon Heartwell (being in 16th year), son of Daniel, late of Bedford, deceased, requested that his uncle Timothy Hartwell of Bedford be made his guardian. Nicholas Bowes witnessed the petition, and Timothy Hartwell stood bond for $300 on 16 December 1754 (Middlesex Probate File 10553). Although his name is mis-transcribed as “Sullivan” in Mass. Soldiers & Sailors in the Revolution, Solomon served as “Private [in] Capt. Thomas French’s co., Col. David Wells’s [Hampshire co.] regt.; service between 23 Sept 1777, and 18 Oct 1777, 18 days in Northern department” (MS&S). This is the same regt. in which Solomon’s brother, William, is known to have served on these same dates, lending further credence to the true identification of “Sullivan Hartwell.” Solomon is listed on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in Conway, consisting of one male over 16, two males under 16, and three females, which does not seem like enough people to account for his known family at that time. In his will, written 29 September 1804 and witnessed by William Merriam, Samuel Hartwell and Eleazer Davis, Jr., (all of Bedford), Solomon Hartwell of Conway in the County of Hamp- shire, yeoman, left all his household furniture and two good cows to dearly beloved wife Abigail. All the other estate, both real and personal, except for 11¼ acres of land, was to be sold by his executor “to the best advantage” and the proceeds divided as follows: 1/3 to wife, Abigail; the 11¼ acres previously mentioned to eldest daughter Abigail Rockwood; $70 to oldest son Daniel; $1 each to sons Solomon and Francis as their full portion with what they had before; $15 to dau. Rebekah Whitney; $1 each to daugh- ters Sarah Dwight, Betsey Luce, son Samuel and dau. Polly Curtis; son Stephen to have $100 when he arrived at full age. Any over- surplus from the sale of the estate was to be equally divided among all the children (Northampton Probate File 68:1). 352 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born as indicated: +6.261 i. ABIGAIL6 HARTWELL, b. Bedford, 11 April 1760 (BVR 28); m. EBENEZER ROCKWOOD. +6.262 ii. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. Bedford, 5 April 1762 (BVR 28); m. ELIZABETH KEYES. +6.263 iii. SOLOMON HARTWELL, b. Holden, 1 Aug 1764 (HVR 46); m. TABITHA HILL. +5.264 iv. FRANCIS HARTWELL, b. Holden, 12 April 1767 (HVR 47, incorrectly as 1761); m. SALLY JORDAN. +6.265 v. REBECCA HARTWELL, b. Holden, 19 Feb 1770 (HVR 48, as Rebekea); m. IRA WHITNEY. +6.266 vi. SARAH HARTWELL, b. Holden, 10 May 1772 (HVR 48); m. JOSIAH DWIGHT. +6.267 vii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 6 March 1775 (HOA); m. (1) MARGARET GRAY, (2) PHEBE STARKS. +6.268 viii. BETSY HARTWELL, b. 19 March 1779 (HOA); m. JOSEPH LUCE. +6.269 ix. POLLY HARTWELL, b. ca. 1782; m. ALPHEUS CURTIS. +6.270 x. STEPHEN HARTWELL, b. 19 March 1785 (HOA); m. POLLY MORTON.

5.113 WILLIAM5 HARTWELL (Daniel4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 1 September 1743 (BVR 30) and he died at Charlemont, 28 August 1820, age 77 (CVR 144). He was “of Rutland” when he married at Holden, 4 July 1765 (HVR 141), MARY LOVELL, who was born at Holden, 6 August 1740 (HVR 61), and died a widow at Charlemont, 6 November 1822, age 82 (CVR 144), daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Cheney) Lovell. On 13 April 1764, William Hartwell of Holden, for the sum of 51 pounds, 13 shillings and 4 pence, purchased 50 acres in Rutland from Abel Loring of Sudbury (Worcester County Deeds 53:546). This deed was witnessed by Andreas Smith and Henry Taft. Despite the Fifth Generation 353 fact that he owned land there, he was “warned out” of Rutland on 20 August 1765 (Worcester County Warnings, 1737-1788 [1899]). William and Mary “removed soon after marriage to the Deerfield River valley, settling on the farm in Rowe where the ‘Davis’ mine, a rock yielding sulphuric acid, was worked as late as 1887 . . . removing in 1768 to the central part of Charlmont, about two miles from the Deerfield River, where he died. He was one of the first deacons of the Baptist church of that town, followed in that office by a son and a grandson” (HOA). William served in the Revolution, first as a “Sergeant in Capt. Oliver Avery’s co. of Minutemen which marched 21 April 1775 (just 3 days after his son, Lovell, was born) in response to the alarm of 19 April 1775; service, 17 days; reported returned home” (MS&S 7:390). He then served as a private in Capt. Hugh Maxwell’s co., Col. William Prescott’s (10th) regt., where he is “listed on a muster roll dated 1 August 1775,” and where there is a record of an “order for a bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Sewall’s Point, 27 December 1775” (ibid., p.397 and p.677). He later participated in the march to Bennington, 15 August 1777, under General Stark (ibid.). William may have had earlier military service as he was one of the signers of a notice placed in the Greenfield Gazette on 18 Septem- ber 1810 notifying “Officers and soldiers who served between 1754 and 1764 to meet at the house of Widow Fales in Charlmont, re grants in Ohio” (G.G. Vol.19, #34 [970]). William is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a house- hold in Rowe, consisting of two males over 16, two males under 16 and five females. No probate records for William have been found in either Greenfield or Northampton Probate Courts. Children, born as indicated: +6.271 i. JONATHAN6 HARTWELL, b. Rutland, 14 Jan 1767 (RVR 49); m. HANNAH RUDD. 6.272 ii. MARY CHENEY HARTWELL, b. Charlemont, 18 Feb 1769 (CVR 37); d. ca. 1777, age 8, buried in North Yard Ceme- tery, Rowe (History of Rowe). 354 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.273 iii. JESSE HARTWELL, b. Charlemont, 24 Feb 1771 (CVR 37); m. (1) JERUSHA SHEPARD, (2) ANNA SMITH. 6.274 iv. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. Charlemont, 11 Dec 1772 (CVR 37); d. 1777, age 5, buried in North Yard Cemetery, Rowe (History of Rowe). 6.275 v. LOVELL HARTWELL, b. Charlemont, 18 April 1775 (CVR 37); d. 1777, age 2, buried in North Yard Cemetery, Rowe (History of Rowe). +6.276 vi. OLIVE HARTWELL, b. Charlemont, 15 March 1777 (CVR 37); m. CALEB JOHNSON. +6.277 vii. PHINEAS WARD HARTWELL, b. Jan 1779 (HOA); m. BETSEY DODGE. +6.278 viii. CHENEY HARTWELL, b. 8 June 1780 (HOA); m. JACOB SHEPARD. +6.279 ix. MARY HARTWELL, b. 6 Aug 1782 (HOA); m. NATHAN KEMP. +6.280 x. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. 14 Dec 1783 (HOA); m. DEBORAH SHEPARD.

5.114 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Daniel4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born posthumously at Bedford, 20 October 1745 (BVR 30) and she died at Lexington, 8 May 1792 (LVR 196). She married at Lexington, 2 March 1771 (BVR 80), ROBERT REED “of Woburn,” son of Swithin and Margery (Perry) Reed. Robert died between 3 June 1796, the date he wrote his will, and 2 November 1796, the date the will was proved. Thus he could not possibly be the Robert Reed who drowned with his son at Boston Harbor 5 June 1805 as stated in HOA, because his will would not have been presented for probate in 1796 if he were still living. Robert was in service in the campaign to Ticonderoga in 1777; was enrolled in Capt. Parker’s co., 1775-6 (HOA). In his will Robert left son Robert $100, son Daniel $133.34, daughter Elizabeth [Perkins] $116.68, son-in-law Ephraim Perkins $147.50, daughter Sarah, wife of Caleb Coolidge, $116.68, daughter Maxmily R., Fifth Generation 355

$133.34, and daughter Margery $133.34. Son Sweathron was to have all the rest and residue of the estate and was appointed sole executor (Middlesex Probate File 18518). On 2 November 1796, James Reed of Woburn, gentleman, gave bond to be guardian “to Daniel and Sarah Reed, minors of more than 14 years of age, children of Robert Reed” (Middlesex Probate File 18599) and on the same date, gave bond to be guardian “to Maximily and Marjorie Reed, under 14 years of age” (Middlesex Probate File 18560). Children, all born probably at Lexington: i. SWITHIN REED, b. 13 Aug 1771 (LVR 63; HOA has 1773); d. there 28 Oct 1834, “about 65y” (LVR 196); m. (1) Lexing- ton, 19 Nov 1795 (LVR 143), ANNA WYMAN, b. 8 March 1768, d. Chelsea, 4 June 1806, dau. of James and Anna (Porter) Wyman. He m. (2) 8 Feb 1807 (int. at Charlestown 25 Jan. 1807), SUKEY FILLEBROWN, b. ca. 1774, d. 30 Oct 1834, age 60 (HOA). ii. ELIZABETH REED, b. 8 April 1773 (LVR 63); m. Watertown, (int.) 30 March 1799 (WVR 3:229; HOA has 3 May), EPHRAIM PERKINS. iii. ROBERT REED, b. 4 Sept 1775 (LVR 64); possibly the Robert who drowned with his son in Boston Harbor, 5 June 1805 (HOA). Robert lived in Woburn and Burlington. Children, per HOA: 1. William Reed. 2. Augusta Reed. 3. Hiram Reed. iv. SARAH [DOLIVER] REED, b. 22 Feb 1778 (LVR 64); m. 2 Nov 1796, CALEB COOLIDGE, son of Caleb and Fanny (Winchester) Coolidge of Hartford, CT. Child, per HOA (who states that the Coolidge Genealogy gives mar. date as 3 May 1798, and says the couple had “no issue”): 1. Sallie Coolidge, m. John Francis Smith of Alsace, France. Seven children. 356 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

v.DANIEL REED, b. 11 Dec 1781 (LVR 64); death record not found; m. BRIDGET (—), b. ca. 1788 (calc.), d. Oakham, 10 June 1833, age 45 or 46 (Oakham VR). Three children per HOA, which gives only numbers (no names or dates) for them. vi. MAXMILY R./MAXIMILLA REED, b. ca. 1785; d. 15 Dec 1863; buried in Old North Cemetery, Hartford, CT (HOA). Child, per HOA, which states that Maximilla’s husband is unknown, and that her child was “rumored to be illegitimate.” 1. Alexander Hartwell Reed, b. Oakham, 9 Aug 1813 (HOA; not in VRs); d. Hillsdale, MI, 1 Sept 1888; m. 1 Sept 1835, Harriet Grace Kelsey, b. 24 March 1812, d. 7 Oct 1896, dau. of Levi and Elizabeth (Chandler) Kelsey. Five children. vii. MARGERY REED, b. ca. 1787; m. Hartford, CT [date not given], -?- BAKER. Child, per HOA: 1. Elizabeth Hartwell Baker, b. ca. 1824; m. (1) Hartford, CT, 5 April 1847 (Barbour), Oliver Phelps Brown, b. ca. 1824, by whom she had three children (HOA); m. (2) Dr. Hambleton. [Note: Oliver P. Brown, age 26, printer; Elizabeth Brown, 26; Harriet Brown, 2; James E. Avery, 30, joiner; and Margaret [sic] Baker, 63, b. Mass., are shown in household 140/183 on the 1850 Federal Census for New Britain, CT (Reel #40:27).

Descendants of Stephen4 and Mary (Raymond) Hartwell

5.117 MARY5 HARTWELL (Stephen4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 19 December 1742 (BVR 30) and she died, probably at Holden, ca. 1821 (DAR Application paper #4317 of Mary R. (Swan) Felton). She married at Bedford, 11 May 1762 (BVR 81), Fifth Generation 357

FRANCIS WILSON, JR., who was born ca. 1741 and died probably at Holden, 7 February 1820 (DAR Application 4317), possibly a son of Francis Wilson (Ken Stevens, “Wilsons of New England” Vol. J; hereinafter “Wilson”). Francis served extensively in the Revolution, beginning with the alarm of 19 April 1775; he rose to the rank of Captain in 1779; all his service was credited to the town of Holden (MS&S). He was selectman of Holden in 1781 and 1788 (History of Holden). Children, all born probably at Holden: i. FRANCIS WILSON, b. 2 Jan 1764 (HVR 91); m. MARY FOSTER (Wilson). Child: 1. Mary Hartwell Wilson, b. ca. 1789; m. Martin Howe and had a daughter, Sarah Maria Howe. ii. MARY WILSON, b. 25 Dec 1765 (HVR 91); d. prob. young. iii. STEPHEN WILSON, b. 21 July 1768 (HVR 91); d. Tyngsboro, 8 Sept 1820 (TVR 58); m. (1) Westford, 13 March 1791 (WVR ), RACHEL MANSFIELD, who d. Tyngsboro, 7 Jan 1805; m. (2) Tyngsboro, 27 Aug 1806, ABIGAIL (THOMPSON) WOOD, widow of Jonathan Wood. Children by 1st wife, prob. incomplete: 1. Unnamed child, b. ca. 1793; d. 6 March 1796. 2. Hannah Wilson, b. 8 Oct. 1801; d. in the fall of 1866; m. Danvers, 10 May 1824, Ira Hutchinson, b. Middletown, 5 April 1797, son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Peters) Hutchinson. Nine children. 3. Unnamed child, b. ca. 1803; d. 25 Oct 1804. 4. Stephen Wilson, b. Chelmsford, 21 Oct 1804; d. Manchester, 10 Jan 1899. 5. Abigail Wilson, b. ca. 1805; d. 1 March 1817, age 12y. 358 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Child by 2nd wife: 6. Unnamed child, b. ca. 1810; d. 30 March 1815. iv. JAMES WILSON, b. 8 Jan 1771 (HVR 91); d. prob. Pomfret, VT, between 1804 and 1810; m. Holden, 5 Nov 1795 (HVR 189), AMA “AMY” WHEELER, b. Holden, 19 Aug 1776 (HVR 89), d. Roxbury, VT, 25 Jan 1858, age 81y (Wilson), dau. of Jonathan and Freelove (—) Wheeler. Children: 1. James Wilson, b. Holden, 11 Dec 1797; d. Brook- field, VT, 4 May 1870. 2. Francis Wilson, b. poss. Pomfret, VT, ca. 1800; d. Brookfield, VT, 15 Aug 1835. 3. Amy Wilson, b. ca. 1802; m. Brookfield, 9 Nov 1823, as his second wife, Moody Johnson. Four children. 4. Walter M. Wilson, b. Pomfret, VT, 8 Dec 1804; d. Roxbury, (VT?), 17 Sept 1873. v. MARY “MOLLY” WILSON, b. ca. 1774 (DAR Application 4317); d. ca. 1851 (ibid.); m. Holden, 25 Feb 1796 (HVR 155), JESSE LOVERING, JR., b. Holden, 11 March 1773 (Wilson; not in VRs), d. Phillipston, 31 Aug 1860, son of Jesse and Mercy (Jennings) Lovering. Children: 1. Francis Wilson Lovering, b. 9 April 1797 (HVR 62; Phillipston VR); m. Mary H. Lamb. 2. Mary “Polly” Lovering, b. 16 Sept 1800 (HVR 62; PVR); killed by lightning at Phillipston, 15 June 1837, age 36 (PVR); m. there 6 Feb 1823, John Swan (1798- 1890). 3. Sally Lovering, b. Phillipston, 17 July 1803; m. Hachaliah Bridges of Palmer. 4. Jesse Lovering, b. Phillipston, 5 Sept 1806; m. Mary Ann Newton. Fifth Generation 359

5. Rusina Lovering, b. Phillipston, 27 March 1810; m. Thomas White of Boston. 6. Lydia Burbank Lovering, b. Phillipston, 4 June 1813; m. Lyman Bassett.

5.118 ABIGAIL5 HARTWELL (Stephen4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 15 August 1744 (BVR 30) and her death record has not been found. She was apparently living in 1823 when she was remembered in the will of her sister-in-law, Desire (Brown) Hartwell (see #5.122), although she is not mentioned in the guardianship papers for her husband, taken out in 1808. This omission may not necessarily indicate that she was deceased at that time. Abigail married at Bedford, 9 January 1766 (BVR 81), JOHN SYMONDS, whose birth date and parents have not been found. John was living in Holden on 5 January 1808 when he was judged to be “non compos and unable to care for himself” and John Gleson of Worcester was appointed his guardian. John Gleson, James Gleson, and Reuben Gleson, all of Worcester, stood bond. An inventory of his estate, taken by Samuel Daman, Lemuel Abbot, and Oliver Knowlton, showed an estate worth $307.50 (Worcester County Probate File A:53702). John served in the Revolution from Holden, answering the alarm of 19 April 1775 as a member of Major Paul Raymond’s Co., 1st Regt. (History of Holden; MS&S). Children, (order of birth uncertain), all born probably at Holden: i. DORCAS SIMONDS, b. 14 Jan 1768 (HVR 85); d. 9 Sept 1771, age 4 (HVR 231). ii. NABBY SIMONDS, b. say 1770; d. Holden, 23 April 1790 (HVR 231). iii. JOHN SIMONDS, b. 22 Jan 1774 (HVR 85); living in Holden on 28 Dec 1807 when he joined with John Gleson in a 360 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

petition to have a guardian named for his father (Worcester County Probate File A:53702). iv. DORCAS SIMONDS, b. 26 June 1776 (HVR 85). v. MOLLY/POLLY SIMONDS, b. 25 Aug 1778 (HVR 85); d. Worcester, 29 April 1829, age 51 yrs (History of Worcester); m. there 29 March 1801 (WVR 347), JOHN GLEASON, b. Worcester, 30 Sept 1773 (WVR 107), d. there 14 April 1823 (History of Worcester), son of Jonathan and Mary (Fiske) Gleason. Children, born at Worcester: 1. Mary Fiske Gleason, b. 9 Mar 1802 (WVR 108); m. Worcester, 12 May 1825 (WVR 348), Timothy Eaton of Boston. 2. Abigail Hartwell Gleason, b. 9 Feb 1805 (WVR 106). 3. John Gleason, b. 23 Jan 1807 (WVR 108). 4. Samuel Simons Gleason, b. 3 Nov 1808 (WVR 109). 5. Jonathan Edward Gleason, b. 18 July 1810 (WVR 108). 6. James Fiske Gleason, b. 31 Oct 1814 (WVR 107); d. Worcester, 17 Aug 1834, age 20 (WVR 479). 7. Elizabeth Gleason, b. 13 Feb 1817 (WVR 107). 8. Sarah Gleason, b. 17 Nov 1818 (WVR 109); d. Worcester, 19 Sept 1823 (History of Worcester). vi. STEPHEN HARTWELL SIMONDS, b. 16 March 1781 (HVR 85). vii. SUSANNA SIMONDS, b. 8 April 1784 (HVR 85); d. Worcester, 12 Feb 1830, age 49 [sic] (WVR 479); m. there 31 March 1805 (WVR 347), JAMES GLEASON, b. Worcester, 18 March 1784 (WVR 107), d. there 10 Jan 1844, age 60 (WVR 479), son of Jonathan and Mary (Fiske) Gleason. Children, born at Worcester: 1. James Gleason, b. 31 March 1806 (WVR 107). 2. Stephen Hartwell Gleason, b. 16 Nov 1807 (WVR 109). Fifth Generation 361

3. Susannah Gleason, b. 1 July 1810 (WVR 109). 4. Andrew Gleason, b. 27 Dec 1811 (WVR 106). 5. Jonathan Simons Gleason, b. 13 Sept 1814 (WVR 108). 6. Gardner Gleason, b. 6 Sept 1817 (WVR 107). 7. Leonard Gleason, b. 21 June 1821 (WVR 108). 8. George Gleason, b. 3 Dec 1827 (WVR 107). 9. Samuel Gleason, b. 3 Dec 1832 (WVR 109). viii. SAMUEL SIMONDS, b. 23 March 1788 (HVR 85). ix. NABBY SIMONDS, b. 22 Nov 1790 (HVR 85); d. Holden, 5 Aug 1792 (HVR 231).

5.119 TABITHA5 HARTWELL (Stephen4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 24 November 1746 (BVR 30) and her death record has not been found, although she was apparently living in 1823 when she was remembered in the will of her sister-in-law, Desire (Brown) Hartwell (see #5.122). She married at Lexington/ Woburn, 14 May 1767 (LVR ;WM 125), JUDAH [W]RIGHT, who was born 9 May 1743 and d. ca. 1786 (History of Holden), son of John and Mary (Locke) Wright. Children, born as indicated: i. TABITHA WRIGHT, b. Bedford, 25 Feb 1768 (BVR 58); m. Worcester, 9 June 1798, as his 3rd wife, SMITH BUTLER, b. Harvard, 24 Aug 1757, d. Rochester, NY, 11 April 1825, son of John and Abigail (—) Butler (NGSQ 64[1976]:171). Smith was a Revolutionary soldier. Child: 1. Lucy Butler, b. 12 June 1799 (ibid.). ii. ELIZABETH “BETTY” WRIGHT, b. Bedford, 11 Jan 1770 (BVR 57); m. JOHN FISK, b. in Connecticut ca. 1764, son of John Fisk. 362 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Wright Fisk, last descendants in Alleghany Co., NY. 2. Elizabeth Fisk. 3. Mahaley Fisk; a descendant is Edward Gale of Wellsville, NY. 4. Harvey Fisk; of Wellsville, NY. 5. John Fisk, b. 16 Aug 1796; d. 21 March 1866; m. 20 Oct 1816, Mildred A. Stevens, b. 5 Jan 1795, d. 16 Nov 1864, dau. of Capt. Gaylord Stevens. Eight children. 6. Polly Fisk, a descendant is Edward Hewitt of Wash- ington, NY. 7. Sarah Fisk, b. Nov 1800; d. 1828; m. Jobe Omans. Three children. 8. Alta Fisk, a descendant is Porter Omans of West Easton, NY. iii. PATTY WRIGHT, b. Bedford, 1 Feb 1772 (BVR 58); m. Holden, 20 Sept 1791 (HVR 191), BENJAMIN CALDWELL, who d. 1779? [sic]. Children, born at Holden: 1. Stephen Caldwell, b. 27 Feb 1792 (HVR ?). 2. Benjamin Caldwell, b. 2 April 1799 (HVR ?). [Note: HOA lists as child #2, Mary, b. 20 Sept 1791, which, since this was Patty and Benjamin’s marriage date, seems unlikely. There is no mention of Mary in the Holden VRs, but there is room for further children to have been born between Stephen and Benjamin.] iv. JUDAH WRIGHT, b. Holden, 1 April 1774 (HVR 93); d. there, of dropsy, 17 Feb 1844, age 69y 10m 17d (HVR 236). Judah became blind from cataract while still an infant. His father died when he was about twelve years old and from early life he supported himself, and his mother as well, by making baskets and bottoming chairs. He was Fifth Generation 363

endowed by nature with excellent mental powers, and he always showed an intense desire to acquire knowledge. The years between 1801 and 1806 he often humorously styled his “Collegiate Course,” as during this period he often visited the family of the Rev. Mr. Avery, and re- ceived much assistance from his daughters. Many others at different times read to him, or acted as his amanuenses. For nineteen years Major Paul Davis was accustomed to read the Massachusetts Spy to him, and it is said that not nineteen weeks were omitted during all that time. He thus became, by common consent, one of the best informed men in the town. His knowledge of history was both extensive and exact, and few were so well acquainted with the occurences of the day . . . . He was accustomed, frequently, to arrange his thoughts in rhyme. In 1812, he published a pamphlet entitled “Poems Upon Various Subjects,” and in 1823, another, entitled “Alonzo’s Dream: or an Allegorical Representa- tion of the Light in which Faults and Misfortunes are Frequently Viewed by the Unthinking Part of Mankind.” At the Centennial Celebration of Holden in 1841 a hymn composed by Judah was sung (History of Holden, which contains two of Judah’s poems). v. POLLY WRIGHT, b. Holden, 11 Nov 1776 (HVR 94); m. 22 Feb 1805, NATHAN ARNOLD (HOA), b. 9 Aug 1775, d. 1 April 1823. Children, per HOA: 1. Mary Arnold, b. 9 Aug 1775 [sic]; m. 1 Sept 1831, Samuel Stearns, b. 9 April 1809. 2. Julia Ann Arnold, b. 1 Feb 1812; m. 1 April 1835, Levi Sturtevant, b. 23 March 1812. Three children. vi. STEPHEN WRIGHT, b. Holden, 3 Feb 1779 (HVR 94); d. 1783 (HOA). 364 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

vii. HANNAH WRIGHT, b. Holden, 29 April 1781 (HVR 93); d. 3 Jan 1857 (HOA); m. Holden, 24 Nov 1803 (HVR 191), JOHN HOLT, b. 25 Jan 1777 (HOA), d. 1 April 1836, son of Ephraim and Sarah (Black) Holt. Children, all born probably at Holden: 1. Rendy Holt, b. 2 March 1804 (HVR 51); m. Holden, 18 Sept 1826 (HVR 145), Ephraim Childs. Eight children. 2. Sally Holt, b. 20 May 1806 (HVR 51); m. 28 Dec 1829 (HOA), John Muzzy, b. 5 Sept 1803. 3. Samuel Holt, b. 30 Oct 1807 (HVR 51); m. 13 Feb 1832 (HOA), Emily Davenport. No children. 4. Mary Holt, b. 24 Jan 1809 (HVR 51); m. 10 May 1832 (HOA), Josiah Q. Lamb. Three children. 5. Hannah Holt, b. 14 Oct 1810 (HOA; not in HVRs); unmarried. 6. Alony Holt, b. 28 Nov 1812 (HVR 50); m. 27 May 1831 (HOA), Augustus Wood. No children. 7. Nancy Holt, b. 9 Jan 1817 (HVR 51); d. 7 April 1876 (HOA). 8. Stephen Holt, b. 12 Nov 1820 (HOA; not in HVRs); d. West Boylston, ca. 1887 (Gs:Mt. Vernon Cemetery); m. Barre, 26 Oct 1842 (BVR 156), Mary M. Hastings, b. 19 April 1828, d. West Boylston, 23 March 1883, age 59y 11m 4d (Gs:Mt. Vernon Cemetery).

5.120 STEPHEN5 HARTWELL (Stephen4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 12 October 1749 (BVR 30) and he is almost certainly the “Mr. Hartwell” who died at Lexington, 7 December 1829, age 80 years (LVR 180). The DAR Patriot Index says he died “about 1775,” but this is extremely unlikely given the fact that his son Stephen was born in 1785 and that he is shown on the 1790 Federal Census as the head of a household in Bedford Fifth Generation 365 consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16, and three females. Stephen married at Bedford/Lexington, 19 January 1775 (BVR 81; LVR 142), SARAH REED, who was born at Bedford, 4 October 1757 (Bridge genealogy) and died at Lexington, 5 September 1838, age 83 (Index of Deaths in Boston Newspapers; LVR 180), daughter of Oliver and Sarah (Bridge) Reed. It is interesting that Desire (Brown) Hartwell, who seems to have remembered just about all her relatives in her extensive bequests, does not mention either Stephen or his wife, but they may have been estranged. Children, all born probably at Bedford: 6.281 i. SALLY6 HARTWELL, b. 5 May 1780 (BVR 29); n.f.r. +6.282 ii. STEPHEN HARTWELL, b. 18 May 1785 (BVR 30); m. LUCY H. ESTABROOK. 6.283 iii. [?]MARY HARTWELL, b. before 1790 (prob. one of the three females on the 1790 census); almost certainly the Mary Hartwell who married at Boxboro,(int.) 21 April 1828, as his 2nd wife, BENJAMIN PRIEST (see #5.154-iv).

5.121 RUTH5 HARTWELL (Stephen4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 1 March 175[2] “new stile” (BVR 30) and her death record has not been found, although she was evidently living in 1823 when she was remembered in the will of her sister-in-law, Desire (Brown) Hartwell (see #5.122). She married at Bedford/ Woburn, 19 June 1770 (BVR 80; WM 125), DAAZE/DAZE3 SKELTON, who was born at Woburn, 21 December 1742 (WB 240) and died “about 1794” [sic] (DARPI), son of Thomas2 (Thomas1) and Ruth (Reed) Skelton. “Dayz Skilton” was a Private [in] Capt. Joshua Walker’s co., Col. David Greene’s (2d Middlesex co.) regt., which marched probably on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service, 9 days; also, list of training soldiers belonging to 3d Woburn co. under Capt. Timothy Winn, dated 13 May 1775 (MS&S XIV:274). 366 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all born at Woburn: i. DAAZE SKELTON, b. 1 June 1771 (WB 240); d. Bedford, 18 Dec 1850 (HOA); m. Concord/Woburn, 12 Feb 1792 (CBMD 356, as “Dave Skilton”; WM 255), KEZIAH SIMONDS, also of Woburn. Children: 1. Horace Skelton, b. Woburn, 21 Nov 1793 [sic] (WB 240; also recorded at Bedford). 2. Artemus Skelton, b. Bedford, 21 May 1794 [sic] (BVR 50); m. 21 May 1822, Mary Hodgman, b. Carlisle, 13 July 1800 (CVR 22), dau. of Thomas and Sarah (?) Hodgman. Five children. 3. Lendel Skelton, b. Bedford, 6 Oct 1795 (BVR 50); d. “of worms” 30 Aug 1796, age 11m. 4. Lendell Skelton (twin), b. Bedford, 30 July 1797 (BVR 50). 5. Lowell Skelton (twin), b. Bedford, 30 July 1797 (BVR 50). ii. WILLIAM SKELTON, b. Woburn, 21 April 1773 (WB 240). iii. SAMUEL (not Daniel as in HOA) SKELTON, b. Woburn, 25 June 1775 (WB 240); d. there 8 Sept 1778, age 3y 1/2m [sic] (WD 177) or at Burlington, 9 Sept 1778 (BVR 96). iv. RUTH SKELTON, b. Woburn, 16 Oct 1777 (WB 240); m. there 8 June 1797 (WM 255), WILLIAM KENDALL, b. Woburn, 14 July 1774 (WB 141), son of Joshua and Susanna (Johnson) Kendall. Children, born at Burlington (BVR 27-28): 1. Unnamed son, b. Jan 1798; d. 17 Nov 1799, age 1y 10m. 2. Noah Kendall, b. 29 May 1799; m. (1) Woburn, 17 May 1821 (WM 153), Lydia Richardson, b. ca. 1801, d. Woburn, of consumption, 17 March 1845, age 44 Fifth Generation 367

(WD 105); m. (2) Woburn, 17 June 1845 (WM 153), Caroline Russell. 3. William Kendall, b. 3 Feb 1801. 4. Unnamed dau., b. Sept 1802; d. 23 March 1806, age 3-1/2 yr. 5. Unnamed dau., b. July 1804; d. 23 March 1806, age 1y 8m. 6. James Kendall (twin), b. 27 Feb 1806; d. Woburn, 15 Jan 1872, age 65y 10m 19d (WD 105). 7. John Kendall (twin), b. 27 Feb 1806; d. Woburn, 12 May 1882, age 76y 2m 14d (WD 87). 8. Joel Kendall, b. 16 July 1808. 9. Mary Raymond Kendall, b. 12 April 1810; d. Woburn, 14 Sept 1899, age 89y 3m 24d (MA VRs 493:699); m. Woburn, 4 Aug 1830 (WM 153), James Boutwell, b. Amherst, NH, 29 July 1805, d. Woburn, 20 Sept 1884, age 79y 1m 20d (MA VRs 356:224), son of Jonathan and Jemima (Hardy) Boutwell. Eight children. 10. Asa Skelton Kendall, b. 27 April 1814. 11. Joshua Kendall, b. 16 May 1816. 12. Ruth Hartwell Kendall, b. 13 May 1818; d. Ashburnham, 12 May 1890, age 71 (AVR); m. Bur- lington, 7 May 1844 (BVR 66), Orin Prentiss Ward, b. Ashburnham, 14 Aug 1819 (AVR ?), d. there, 18 July 1887, age 67 (AVR), son of Jacob and Sally (?) Ward. One son. v. SAMUEL SKELTON (again), b. 6 Sept 1781 [sic]; d. there -- May 1780 [sic], age 1/2m (WD 177; also recorded at Burlington). vi. STEPHEN SKELTON, b. 28 May 1784 (WB 240); m. Bur- lington, 8 May 1817 (BVR 74; WM 256), PHEBE SIMONDS, b. Woburn, 23 Oct 1789 (WB 239), d. Burlington, 1 April 368 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1843, age 54y (BVR 96), dau. of Jonathan and Phebe (Cummings) Simonds. Children, born at Burlington (BVR 40): 1. Stephen Skelton, b. 4 July 1818; m. Burlington, 3 Jan 1844 (BVR 74), Asenath Cutler, b. ca. 1822, dau. of Nathaniel and Phebe Cutler. 2. Jonathan Simonds Skelton, b. ca. 1822 (calc.); bap. Burlington, 9 Sept 1827; d. 7 March 1843, age 21 (BVR 96). 3. Nathan Blanchard Skelton, b. 27 Jan 1824; m. there 25 Nov 1847 (BVR 74), Elizabeth Locke, b. Lexington, ca. 1829, dau. of Joel and Abigail Locke. vii. REBECCA SKELTON, b. 9 July 1786 (WB 240); d. there 30 Oct 1787, age 1y 4m (WD 177; also recorded at Burlington). viii. REBECCA SKELTON, b. 13 Sept 1788 (WB 240); d. 22 Dec 1866 (HOA); m. Burlington/Woburn, 8 May 1814 (BVR 74; WM 256), her 3rd cousin, BENJAMIN SHEPARD “of Boston” (see #4.46-iv-4), b. 24 March 1786, d. 6 Oct 1864. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Benjamin F. Shepard; d. Napa City, CA, 28 June 1866 (HOA). 2. Erastus P. Shepard (twin), b. 1 Dec 1817; d. Concord, 1 Dec 1875. 3. Alonzo P. Shepard (twin), b. 1 Dec 1817; d. 18 Feb 1818. 4. Alonzo P. Shepard, b. 7 Sept 1821; m. Hattie A. (Swan) Tilton. 5. Rebecca A. Shepard, b. 23 Aug 1823; d. Canterbury, NH; unm. 6. Martha A. Shepard, b. 13 March 1826; m. (1) Nathaniel Drake; m. (2) Nathan Kemp. 7. Mary Amelia Shepard, b. 13 March 1826. Fifth Generation 369

8. Isaac N. Shepard, b. 1833; d. 1835. ix. DESIRE SKELTON, b. 2 Feb 1791 (WB 240). x. ASA SKELTON, b. 2 Aug 1795 (WB 240).

Descendants of Joseph4 and Jemima (Batchelder) Hartwell

5.124 JEMIMA5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 6 September 1753 (BVR 28) and she died at Woburn, 15 June 1809, aged 56 years (WD 46). She married at Bedford/ Woburn, 22 June 1774 (BVR 80; WM 125), EBENEZER CUMMINGS, who was born at Topsfield, 21 September 1749 (TVR 26) and died at Woburn, 4 June 1821, aged 73 yrs (WD 46), son of David5 (David4, John3, Isaac2-1) and Joanna (Jones) Cummings. After Jemima’s death, Ebenezer married second, at Woburn, 29 November 1810 (WM 66), LYDIA TAY, who was born 12 June 1770 (calc.) and died at Woburn, 27 October 1859, age 89y 4m 15d (WD 47), daughter of Joshua and Susanna (?) Tay. Ebenezer had two more children by Lydia: Susanna, b. Woburn, 3 Oct 1811 (WB 65), d. there 8 Sept 1837, 26 y (WD 46) and Stephen, b. Woburn, 7 March 1814 (WB 65), d. there of consumption, 8 Jan 1862, 48y (WD 47). Ebenezer is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as a Private in the Revolution. “[H]e was a tanner and currier, as was his father, who removed from Topsfield to Woburn in 1756 and built one of the first tanneries in that town. A predilection for the leather business seems to have been almost hereditary in the Cummings family of Woburn” (HOA). Children, all born at Woburn: i. EBENEZER JONES CUMMINGS, b. 18 Nov 1775 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 19 Nov 1775 (BVR 16); d. Burlington, 12 Jan 1845, age 69y 1m 24d (BVR 86); m. Burlington, 6 Nov 1804 (BVR 74; WM 66), RUTH SKELTON, b. Woburn, 1 Nov 1778 (WB 240), d. 11 Feb 1852, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Johnson) Skelton. 370 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all born probably at Burlington: 1. Ebenezer Cummings, b. 29 April 1805 (BVR 16); d. 10 Sept 1818, age 13 (BVR 86). 2. Emeline Cummings, b. 17 Jan 1808 (BVR 16); d. 10 July 1879 (HOA); m. Burlington, 26 May 1829 (BVR 60), Deacon John Marion of Burlington, b. 7 April 1807 (Gs), d. 4 Sept 1883, a farmer. Five children. 3. Susanna Cummings, bap. 13 Oct 1811 (BVR 17). 4. Stephen Cummings, bap. 20 March 1814 (BVR 17). ii. JEMIMA CUMMINGS, b. 28 June 1777 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 24 Aug 1777 (BVR 16); d. 16 Jan 1861 (HOA); m. Woburn, 5 Dec 1805 (WM 66), ZADOCK ROGERS, b. Tewksbury, 8 May 1774 (TVR 76), d. Lowell, of kidney disease, 16 Feb 1844, age 70 (LVR 4:257), son of Timothy and Ruth (Parker) Rogers. Zadock “was of the 6th gener- ation from John Rogers, the martyr, and settled at mar- riage on Fort Hill, to the eastward of what is now Lowell, and is now within the bounds of that city. They were a frugal and industrious pair. She was a notable housewife, most resembling her brother, John, in appearance and energy” (HOA). Children, born at Tewksbury (TVR 75-76): 1. Zadock Rogers, b. 21 Dec 1806; d. 25 Sept 1864 (HOA); m. 1861 (HOA), Harriet A. Bradley. One child. 2. Joseph Porter Rogers, b. 8 May 1809; d. 30 April 1870 (HOA). 3. Emily Rogers, b. 18 Sept 1811; d. 14 March 1884 (HOA). 4. Benjamin Parker Rogers, b. 19 Feb 1814; d. 21 May 1866 (HOA). 5. Elizabeth Rogers, b. 7 May 1819. “Towards the closing months of Emily’s life, a plan was matured by the sisters, proposing a gift of Fort Hill to the city Fifth Generation 371

of Lowell for a public park, in connection with the sale, at a low price, of an additional tract, the whole, when improved, forming a valuable acquisition to the city. They also provided for a bequest to the American Bible Society of $50,000.00” (HOA). iii. JOSEPH CUMMINGS, b. 6 Dec 1779 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 12 Dec 1779 (BVR 16); m. (1) (int.) 2 Oct 1807 (HOA), MARTHA PRIEST, who d. Littleton, 20 June 1832, age 47 (LVR 375); m. (2) Littleton, (int.) 29 Nov 1832 (LVR 284), Miss REBECCA F. PROCTOR of Westford. He was a farmer in Littleton. Child (adopted): 1. Joseph Cummings, bap. Littleton, 18 July 1819 (LVR 328). iv. PHEBE CUMMINGS, b. 8 Sept 1781 (WB 65); d. 29 Sept 1871 (HOA); m. Woburn, 15 July 1802 (WM 66), THOMAS EVANS, b. Reading, 15 Feb 1778 (RVR 82), d. 22 May 1832 (HOA), son of Thomas and Rebecca (Smith) Evans. He was a shoe manufacturer. Children, born at Reading (RVR 89): 1. Phebe Evans, b. 12 Aug 1804; d. 28 June 1860 (HOA); m. Nov. 1826 (HOA), Lowell Sweetzer of Wakefield, b. 28 June 1873 [sic] (HOA), a shoemaker. Four children. 2. Rebecca Evans, b. 31 July 1805; d. 15 April 1875 (HOA); m. 13 Jan 1825 (HOA), George Batchelder of Reading, b. 1798 (HOA), d. 9 Dec 1868 (HOA), a farmer. Two children. 3. Thomas Jefferson Evans, b. 9 Oct 1806; d. Woburn, 27 March 1881, age 74y 5m 18d (WD 53); m. Reading, 1 Dec 1836 (RVR 335), Mary D. Symonds of Reading, b. 17 June 1818 (HOA). He was a tanner and currier in Lowell from 1824. Four children. 372 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

4. James Madison Evans, b. 24 Aug 1809; m. 2 April 1833 (HOA), Sabina W. Wilson of Saugus, b. 9 Oct 1809 (HOA), d. 20 Sept 1881 (HOA). He was a shoe manufacturer in Wakefield. Three children. 5. Otis M. Evans, b. 6 Feb 1813 (HOA); d. 29 Sept 1822 (HOA). 6. Harriet N. Evans, b. 29 Aug 1815 (HOA); m. 11 June 1840 (HOA), Charles F. Flint of No. Reading, b. 8 Jan 1808 (HOA), d. 13 Jan 1860 (HOA), a farmer. 7. Lucius B. Evans, b. 21 Dec 1819 (HOA); d. 3 May 1881 (HOA); m. (1) 26 Dec 1846 (HOA), Lucy J. Moulton of No. Reading, b. 1830, d. 27 Nov 1851 (HOA); m. (2) 14 June 1853 (HOA), Emily Wilder, b. Nov 1828 (HOA), d. 15 April 1869 (HOA). Four children. 8. George W. Evans, b. 18 April 1821 (HOA); m. (1) Oct 1843 (HOA), Harriet Eaton of VT; divorced; m. (2) Dec 1854 (HOA), Martha J. Soten. [He was] a shoe manufacturer. 9. Charlotte W. Evans, b. 30 Sept 1822 (HOA). v. LYDIA CUMMINGS, b. 3 April 1783 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 27 April 1783 (BVR 16); m. Danvers, 15 March 1814 (DVR 2:118), DANIEL GOODHUE “of Andover,” b. Bradford, 27 June 1790 (BVR ?), son of Phineas and Hannah (?) Goodhue. Children, born at Danvers (DVR 1:152): 1. Daniel Goodhue, b. 24 Dec 1814; m. Danvers, 17 June 1841 (DVR 2:118), Mary Reed Flint. 2. Lydia Goodhue, b. 4 Oct 1817; d. 18 Jan 1833, age 15 (DVR 2:380). 3. Maria P. Goodhue, b. 11 April 1824. vi. JOHN CUMMINGS, b. 26 Feb 1785 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 15 May 1785 (BVR 16); d. Woburn “of natural decay” 8 Fifth Generation 373

June 1867, 82y 3m (WD 47); m. Woburn, 2 May 1811 (WM 66), MARCIA RICHARDSON, b. Woburn, 26 June 1793 (WB 220), d. there 8 June 1882, age 88y 11m 12d (WD 38), dau. of Jacob and Ruth (Wright) Richardson. John “was a tanner and currier in Woburn” (HOA). Children, born at Woburn (WB 65): 1. John Cummings, b. 19 Oct 1812; m. (1) 9 Feb 1837 (HOA), Sarah Phillips, b. Lynn, 3 Oct 1813 (LVR 1:325), d. Woburn, of pneumonia, 9 Feb 1877, age 63y (WD 38), dau. of James and Mary (Burrill) Phillips; m. (2) 25 Aug 1881 (WM 35), Mrs. Mary P. (Cowles) Hall, b. Oberlin, OH, 5 Aug 1839 (HOA). “He was for many years a selectman in Woburn; president of the Cummings Tanning Co.; and president of the Nation- al Shawmut Bank of Boston. He operated a large farm in Woburn and Burlington. His life was marked by an immense amount of energy and push in busi- ness affairs” (HOA). 2. Nancy Cummings, b. 16 Dec 1814; d. 24 March 1863 (HOA); m. (int.) 1 March 1835, Jonathan B. Winn of Woburn, b. 24 Aug 1811, d. 12 Dec 1873. He was descended from the ancient kings of Wales; a prince- ly benefactor of the Woburn Public Library. Three children. 3. Cyrus Cummings, b. 21 Sept 1817; d. Woburn, 19 Oct 1883, age 66 (WD 38); m. Woburn, 23 Aug 1848 (WM 67), Sarah S. Shedd, b. 17 Aug 1822. He was a patent leather manufacturer in Woburn. Six children. vii. DAVID CUMMINGS, b. 3 Dec 1786 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 28 Jan 1787 (BVR 16); d. 13 May 1860 (HOA); m. Stoneham, 20 Oct 1814 (SVR 92), HANNAH VINTON, b. there 19 July 1793 (SVR 92), d. 11 Jan 1871 (HOA), dau. of Ezra and Sarah (Green) Vinton. 374 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, born at Tewksbury (TVR 24): 1. Nancy Cummings, b. 13 Jan 1816; m. (1) 18 Nov 1840, Jonathan C. Rogers of Tewksbury, b. July 1812, d. 27 Oct 1845, a mechanic; m. (2) 29 Oct 1856, John Buchanan of Stoneham, b. June 1801, d. 11 July 1874, a farmer. Two children, both died young. 2. Martha Merritt Cummings, b. 25 July 1817; d. 11 Jan 1839; m. 6 May 1834, William White of Roxbury. Two children. 3. Adeline Cummings, b. 18 April 1819; m. Oct 1860, Ephraim W. Connor of Swedesboro, NJ, b. 1826. He was a job printer in Philadelphia. 4. David W. Cummings, b. 14 Dec 1821 (HOA); went to sea in a whaler and fell overboard off Cape Horn 9 Jan 1840 (HOA). 5. Charles H. Cummings, b. 16 Feb 1823 (HOA); m. 1 April 1844, Anna Rue of Philadelphia. He was in the grain trade in Philadelphia. Five children. 6. Henry K. Cummings, b. 4 April 1825 (HOA); m. Oct 1856, Louise Rue. He was a partner in grain trade with his brother Charles H. 7. George F. Cummings, b. 8 Jan 1827 (HOA); d. LaPaz, Lower California, 17 May 1864. He was graduated from the Univ. of Penna., and was a professor in a college in Kentucky. 8. Walter B. Cummings, b. 8 Feb 1830 (HOA). He was a clerk in Baltimore, later with his brother, Henry, in Philadelphia. 9. Sarah E. Cummings, b. 1 Aug 1833 (HOA); d. 22 Sept 1850. viii. HANNAH CUMMINGS, b. 24 Dec 1788 (WB 65); d. 20 April 1867; m. Woburn, 10 Jan 1815 (WM 67), EZEKIEL5 JOHNSON, b. Woburn, 18 Aug 1781 (WB 132), d. 30 March Fifth Generation 375

1866, son of Josiah and Sarah (Gardner) Johnson, and the fifth generation from Master Edward Johnson “father of the Woburn settlement.” He was in the coast defense of Boston in 1814; a deacon of the church. Children, born at Woburn (WB 132-3): 1. Hannah Johnson, b. 1 Nov 1815; m. Woburn, 14 Sept 1843 (WM 147), George F. Clark “of Woburn” (HOA has “of Hallowell, ME”), b. 31 Oct 1815 (HOA). He was a tanner in Woburn; returned to Maine in 1857. Three children. 2. Adeline Johnson, b. 10 Sept 1817; m. Woburn, 6 April 1843 (WM 147), Sylvester P. Cutler “of Woburn” (HOA has “of Burlington”), b. 26 Aug 1818 (HOA). He was supt. of a tannery in Woburn. Three children. 3. Mary Johnson (twin), b. 23 May 1819; d. 25 Feb 1892; m. 15 Oct 1846, John Bacon (see #9, below), b. Malden, 7 March 1822, d. 21 March 1898. Three children. 4. Joseph Johnson (twin), b. 23 May 1819; m. Woburn 28 Sept 1842 (WM 147), Susan W. Deland of Woburn, b. 20 Jan 1819, d. 19 Sept 1882. He was a tanner, enlisted 10 June 1861, Co. I, 5th Mass. Vols., re- enlisted 10 Sept 1862 in same regiment. Was in first Rull Run, later under Foster in Newburn Campaign. Four children. 5. Martha Johnson, b. 7 June 1821 (HOA); she was a tailoress. 6. Henry Johnson, b. 7 Feb 1823; d. in California, 19 Oct 1852 (HOA). 7. David Warren Johnson, b. 11 Dec 1824; m. 31 Jan 1854 (HOA), Sarah Angier of Lexington, b. 13 Aug 1820 (HOA). Two children. 376 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

8. Sophronia Johnson, b. 10 Nov 1828 (WB 133); she was a tailoress. 9. Elizabeth Johnson, b. 8 Nov 1830; m. 17 Oct 1854, Otis Bacon, brother of John (see #3, above), b. Henniker, NH, 14 Nov 1827 (HOA). He went to Woburn in 1846; leather dealer. Two children. ix. JOSHUA CUMMINGS, b. 7 Dec 1790 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 3 July 1791 (BVR 16); d. Woburn, of inflam- mation of the kidneys, 26 July 1872, 81y 7m 18d (WD 47); m. Woburn, 16 May 1813 (WM 66), DESIRE HARTWELL RICHARDSON, b. Woburn, 4 Nov 1794 [WB 220], d. there, “of old age,” 9 June 1873 (WD 38), dau. of Jesse and Submit (Brown) Richardson. “Joshua was a tanner and currier in Burlington” (HOA). Children, born at Burlington (BVR 16): 1. Louisa Cummings, b. 25 Oct 1813; d. 23 April 1855 (HOA). 2. Henry Cummings, b. 6 April 1816; m. Woburn, 27 Feb 1839 (WM 67), Eliza Brawn [sic], b. 8 Nov 1811 (HOA). He was a carpenter in Woburn. Two children. 3. Lucy F. Cummings, b. 8 Dec 1826 (HOA); m. Burlington, (int.) 19 May 1849 (BVR 60), Franklin Cutler, Jr., b. Burlington, 25 Aug 1822 (BVR 17), son of Franklin and Susan (Richardson) Cutler. He was a farmer. 4. Harriet N. Cummings, b. 1 Aug 1829 (HOA); d. Woburn, of consumption, 11 Aug 1864, age 32y (WD 47). x. RUTH CUMMINGS, b. 12 Nov 1792 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 23 June 1793 (BVR 17); d. Woburn, of paralysis, 27 April 1867, age 74y 5m 5d (WD 47). According to HOA she was “said to have been married and separated after three months,” but there is no indication of this in published vital records. Fifth Generation 377 xi. SAMUEL CUMMINGS, b. 8 Dec 1794 (WB 65), bap. Bur- lington, 14 Dec 1794 (BVR 17); d. Woburn, of “heart complaint,” 20 Oct 1847, 52 or 53y (WD 46); m. Burling- ton, 30 May 1819 (BVR 60) or 30 May 1820 (WM 67), his first cousin, JOANNA SIMONDS, b. Woburn, 7 March 1794 (WB 239), d. there, of dropsy, 26 Jan 1866, 71y 10m 19d (WD 47), dau. of Jonathan and Phebe (Cummings) Simonds. Samuel “was a farmer in Woburn” (HOA). Children: 1. Ebenezer Cummings, b. 26 Dec 1820 (HOA); d. Woburn, 17 April 1878, age 57y 3m (WD 38); m. (1) Woburn, 28 April 1845 (WM 67), Adeline A. Dame of Farmington, NH, b. ca. 1825 (calc.), d. Woburn, of consumption, 6 May 1846, 21y (WD 46); m. (2) Bur- lington/Woburn, 17 Oct 1847 (BVR 60; WM 67), Sarah- Wilson Haven, b. Burlington, 1 Sept 1823 (BVR 23), dau. of Jonas and Abigail S. Haven. He was a farmer. Twelve children. 2. Phebe S. Cummings, b. 23 July 1880 [sic] (HOA); m. Woburn, 6 Jan 1848 (WM 67), John R. Lane, b. 10 July 1824. xii. DANIEL CUMMINGS, b. 7 Jan 1797 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 16 July 1797 (BVR 16); d. Woburn, 24 July 1877 (WD 38); “of Bedford” when he m. Woburn, 1 June 1817 (WM 67), ABIGAIL WRIGHT, b. ca. May 1797 (calc.), d. Woburn, 21 Sept 1887, age 90y 4m 21d (WD 38), dau. of Jacob and Lucretia (?) Wright. He was a tanner until 1826, later a farmer. Children: 1. Daniel Cummings, b. 3 Aug 1817 (HOA); d. 2 Aug 1881 (HOA); m. Julia Fowle of Woburn, b. 1827. 2. Abigail Cummings, b. 17 July 1819 (HOA); m. Woburn, 19 April 1842 (WM 67), Charles Flagg, b. Wilmington, 31 Jan 1819 (HOA). He was a shoe cutter 378 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

in Woburn; enlisted in Co. G, 5th Mass. Vols., and was in Newburn campaign under Foster. Four children. xiii. MOSES CUMMINGS, b. 15 Oct 1800 (WB 65), bap. Burlington, 11 July 1802 (BVR 16); d. Woburn, 10 Sept 1840, 40y (WD 46); m. Burlington/ Woburn, 11 Nov 1824 (BVR 60; WM 67), HARRIET CUTLER, b. Burlington, 27 April 1807 (BVR 17), d. Woburn, 19 Aug 1887, age 80y 3m 22d (WD 38), dau. of James and Mary (Dean) Cutler. Moses “was a tanner and currier in Woburn” (HOA). Children, born at Woburn: 1. Harriet Cummings, b. 22 April 1825 (WB 65; also recorded at Burlington [BVR 16]); d. 22 March 1918; m. Woburn, 16 Feb 1843 (WM 67), Ebenezer Norton Blake, b. Farmington, ME, 30 July 1817 (HOA), d. 12 March 1891 (HOA), son of Thomas Dawes and Martha (Norton) Blake. He operated a tannery in Woburn and was in the jobbing leather trade in Boston, and was representative in General Court 1855-56. Seven children. 2. Moses Warren Cummings, b. 29 Jan 1827 (WB 65); d. Woburn, of erysipelas, 5 Nov 1852, 25y 9m (WD 46); m. Woburn, 24 April 1851 (WM 67), Isabel L. Tucker. 3. James Otis Cummings, b. 26 May 1829 (WB 65); m. Woburn, 2 Nov 1851 (WM 67), Susan L. Bennett, b. Cambridge, 30 July 1832. He operated a tannery in No. Woburn. Four children. 4. Mary Cummings, b. 4 Nov 1830 (WB 65); m. Woburn, 11 July 1850 (WM 67), Lewis (HOA has “Levi”) Shaw, b. Roxbury, 31 Dec 1813, d. 21 Feb 1879, a tanner in Woburn. Two children. 5. Martha Cummings, b. 22 April 1832 (WB 65); m. Woburn, 26 April 1852 (WM 67), Parker Eaton, b. 28 April 1826. He was a tanner and currier. One child. Fifth Generation 379

6. Eustace E. Cummings, b. 22 April 1834 (WB 65); m. (1) Woburn, 1 Jan 1854 (WM 67), Angeline Moore, b. Cambridgeport, -- Oct 1835, d. Woburn, in childbirth, 15 Dec 1863, age 28y 2m (WD 47), dau. of Clark and Mary J. (?) Moore; m. (2) Woburn, 18 July 1866 (WM 67), Susan C. Scott, b. Charleston, VT, ca. 1840, d. Woburn, “of phthisis,” 28 Nov 1866, age 25y 7m (WD 47), dau. of Darius and Lucy (?) Goodwin; m. (3) 9 July 1867, Ellen French of Exeter, NH, b. 6 March 1846. He was a tanner in Woburn. 7. John Hartwell Cummings, b. 21 Dec 1837 (WB 65); d. Woburn, 9 Sept 1888, age 51y 8m 19d (WD 38); m. 28 June 1865, Martha B. Smith of Lexington, b. 28 June 1841. He was a partner with his brother, Eustace. Two children. 8. Everett Cummings, b. 7 Nov 1838 (HOA); m. (1) 12 Sept 1868, Delia R. Evans; “of Malone, NY” when he m. (2) Woburn, 28 Sept 1875 (WM 38), Clara E. Farrington of Boston, b. 1839, a school teacher in Boston and Woburn. He was a leather manufacturer in Woburn to 1874; in Malone, NY in 1878; in Stroudsburg, PA to 1880; returned to Woburn; to Concord in 1883, then in the leather trade in Boston. Five children. 9. Adeline Cummings, b. 10 May 1840 (HOA); m. Woburn, 27 Nov 1862 (WM 67), Griffin Place of Louisville, NY, b. 22 Jan 1835. He went to Woburn in 1858 and worked for L. L. Shaw; in business for himself in 1864. One child.

5.125 JOHN5 HARTWELL “JR.” (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 18 May 1755 (BVR 28) and he died at Littleton, 17 March 1827, age 72, or 71y 10m (LVR 375, 388). He married first, at Bedford, 17 April 1787 (BVR 80), ELIZABETH 380 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

MOORE, who was born at Bedford, 12 August 1759 and died at Littleton, 5 July 1820, age 60y 10m 23d (LVR 169, 375, 388), daughter of John and Mary (Wheeler) Moore. He married second, at Littleton, Rev. Edmund Foster officiating, 20 July 1823 (LVR 252), Miss EUNICE COLE, who was born at Wellfleet, 8 February 1773 (IGI) and died at Littleton, 20 August 1863, age 90y 6m 12d (MA VRs 166:95), daughter of William and Eunice (Peabody?) Cole. John is probably the man on a “list of men between the ages of sixteen and sixty who were liable to bear arms, as returned to Col. Green, dated Bedford, 15 May 1775” (MS&S). “He was a farmer, bought the old Lawrence tavern stand a mile and a half south east of Littleton depot, where he died” (HOA). He may be the John, Jr. listed on the 1790 Census as the head of a household in Littleton consisting of two males over 16, two males under 16 and two females, even though this family seems much too large for him at this time. Children, all by first wife, all born at Littleton: +6.284 i. JOHN MOORE6 HARTWELL, b. 10 April 1790 (LVR 169); m. (1) SUSANNA HAYWARD, (2) ABIGAIL STEVENS. +6.285 ii. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. 12 Aug 1792 (LVR 169); m. LOWELL SPRAGUE. 6.286 iii. ELIJAH HARTWELL, b. 14 Oct 1794 (LVR 388), bap. 2 Nov 1794 (LVR 321); d. Littleton, 24 Nov 1800, age 6y 1m 10d (LVR 347, 362, 388; Gs:Old Common Burying Ground). 6.287 iv. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 27 Jan 1797 (LVR 388); d. 25 Nov 1800, age 3y 9m 28d (LVR 347, 362, 388). 6.288 v. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 15 Feb 1799 (LVR 388); d. 7 Dec 1800, age 1y 9m 23d (LVR 347, 362, 388). +6.289 vi. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 7 Nov 1801 (LVR 169); m. ALMEDA PORTER.

5.129 JOSEPH5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 9 May 1762 (BVR 28) and he died there 3 August 1840, age 78 (BVR 123). He married at Bedford, 3 July 1804 Fifth Generation 381

(BVR 80), ELIZABETH MEAD, who was born there 29 October 1767 and died there, of consumption, 16 August 1845, age 78 (BVR 123), daughter of Stephen and Desire (Batchelder) (Brown) Mead. Elizabeth was the half-sister of Desire, wife of Joseph’s cousin, Samuel Hartwell. Desire willed Elizabeth her pew in the meeting house (see #5.122). Joseph was called “old Joe” (HOA). His name appears on a Revolutionary list dated Bedford [year not given] (MS&S). Child, born at Bedford (BVR 28): +6.290 i. JOSEPH6 HARTWELL, b. 26 May 1806; m. (1) NAOMI S. THOMPSON, (2) ELIZABETH (PORTER) TAYLOR.

5.130 DOROTHY5 “DOLLY” HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 10 January 1764 (BVR 28) and she died at Stow, 10 August 1841, age 78y 7m (SVR 266). She married at Bedford, 27 May 1804 (BVR 80), as his second wife, ABRAHAM WHITCOMB, who was born at Stow, 18 September 1758 (SVR 95) and died there 23 November 1843, age 85 (SVR 265), son of William and Mercy (Wetherbee) Whitcomb. Abraham married first, at Stow, 11 December 1780, REBECCA FLETCHER, who was born at Acton, 10 August 1761 (AVR2 46) and died at Stow, 8 January 1800, age 38 (SVR 266), daughter of Timothy and Rebekah (?) Fletcher. Abraham and Rebecca had several children. Child, born at Stow (SVR 97): i. WILLIAM WHITCOMB, “JR.,” b. 13 Dec 1805; d. Stow, 29 Jan 1846, age 40y 1m (SVR 266). HOA indicates that he m. ABIGAIL WHITCOMB, b. 10 Feb 1814, and had one child who died in infancy, but the Stow VRs do not confirm this.

5.131 TIMOTHY5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 7 September 1765 (BVR 29) and he died at Ashby, 23 March 1830 (AVR 214). He married at Bedford, 7 382 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

October 1790 (BVR 81), LUCY DAVIS, who was born there, 11 July 1766 (BVR 19) and died, of “old age,” at Ashby, 8 August 1852, age 86y 26d (MA VRs 67:48), daughter of Eleazer and Rebekah (Putnam) Davis. Timothy moved to Litteton after the birth of his first child, and to Ashby about 1795, according to HOA, but children are recorded at Littleton through 1798. Children, born as indicated: +6.291 i. GEORGE6 HARTWELL, b. Bedford, 17 March 1791 (BVR 28; also recorded Littleton [LVR 172] and Ashby [AVR 37]); m. (1) SALLY WHITNEY, (2) DEBORAH YOUNG. +6.292 ii. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. Littleton, 5 Oct 1792 (LVR 172; also recorded Ashby as b. “Waltham” [AVR 37]); m. NANCY WATTS. 6.293 iii. STILLBORN CHILD, buried Littleton, 25 Nov 1794 (LVR 343). +6.294 iv. CHARLES HARTWELL, b. Littleton, 15 Jan 1796 (LVR 172; also recorded Ashby as b. “Waltham” [AVR 37]); m. (1) LUCY LAWRENCE, (2) LOUISA A. (ADAMS) MARBLE. +6.295 v. TIMOTHY HARTWELL, b. Littleton, 2 Jan 1798 (LVR 172; also recorded Ashby as b. “Lincoln” [AVR 37]); m. LUCINDA E. JONES. 6.296 vi. LUCY HARTWELL, b. Ashby, 26 Jan 1800 (AVR 37); d. there 3 March 1815 (AVR 214). +6.297 vii. MARY ANN HARTWELL, b. Ashby, 2 April 1802 (AVR 37); m. OBED SIMONDS. 6.298 viii. ELEAZER DAVIS HARTWELL, b. Ashby, 2 Nov 1804 (AVR 37); d. prob. New Orleans, Louisiana, about 1840 (HOA); “of New Orleans” when he m. Dunstable, (int.) 3 Oct 1836 (Index of Marriages in Boston Newspapers; DVR 140), EUNICE WOODS, b. Dunstable, 24 Dec 1808 (DVR 94), d. 27 June 1880 (HOA), dau. of Jonas and Eunice (Lakin) Woods. Eleazer “went to Louisiana, bought a plantation, and was accumulating property at the time of his death” (HOA). Fifth Generation 383

+6.299 ix. JOHN HARTWELL, b. Ashby, 6 Nov 1807 (AVR 37); m. LUCY WHITNEY. +6.300 x. LYDIA R. P. HARTWELL, b. Ashby, 1 Dec 1809 (AVR 37); m. OBED SIMONDS.

5.132 MOLLY5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 5 April 1769 (BVR 29) and she died at Littleton, 28 September 1827, age 58 (LVR 380). She married at Bedford, 1 September 1789 (BVR 80), POULTER REED, who was born at Bedford, 18 February 1767 (BVR 40) and died at Littleton, 18 December 1827, age 60 (LVR 380), son of John and Ruhamah (Brown) Reed. Poulter and Molly are buried in Westlawn Cem- etery, Littleton. Children, all born at Littleton (LVR 167): i. POLLY REED, b. 3 June 1791; d. Littleton, Oct 1802 (ibid.) or 1 Dec 1801, age 10y 6m (LVR 364); buried 3 Dec 1801 (LVR 347). ii. DOLLY HARTWELL REED, b. 6 Oct 1794; d. 7 Sept 1864 (HOA); m. Littleton, 11 April 1820 (LVR 251), JOEL WRIGHT “of Boxborough,” (HOA has of Jaffrey, NH), b. 7 July 1793, d. 21 Aug 1861, son of John and Tabitha (?) Wright. Joel “was a farmer, settled in Bedford, removed in 1820 to Concord, in 1829 to Littleton, and in 1849 to Acton. Dolly was a school teacher in Bedford” (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Joel Edward Wright, b. Bedford, 25 Feb 1821 (BVR 57); m. 31 Aug 1848, Lovey Parker, b. New York City. He was a foreman in a marble yard in Boston. One son, James P. Wright. 2. George Cleveland Wright, b. Bedford, 7 Jan 1823 (BVR 57); m. 31 Dec 1846, Susan Haskell Davis, b. Acton, 22 June 1823 (AVR2 37), dau. of Jonathan B. and Sally (Hosmer) Davis. George “was a member of 384 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

the firm of Dwinell, Hayward & Co., coffee mer- chants in Boston. Seven children” (HOA). 3. John R. Wright, b. 27 Oct 1824; m. (1) 25 Nov 1851, Eliza A. Barnard, b. Harvard, ca. 1828, d. there 7 March 1852 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. (2) Judith Sanborn of Wentworth, NH. He was foreman of gang in chair shop. Two children. 4. Mary H. Wright, b. 2 Feb 1827; m. 14 April 1844, Martin Hayward of Bridgewater, b. 21 May 1816, a member of the firm of Dwinell, Hayward and Co., coffee merchants of Boston. One child. 5. Sarah Burnett Wright, b. 25 Jan 1830, bap. Littleton, 4 July 1830 (LVR 330); m. Edwin Sawyer of Water- town, b. 20 July 1817, d. 21 July 1885, a manu- facturer of sash, doors and blinds. One child. 6. Emory F. Wright, b. 19 July 1832; m. 24 Oct 1853, Sophia B. Lamb, b. Biddeford, ME. He was with Dwinell, Hayward & Co. Three children. 7. Emeline A. Wright, b. 25 March 1834; m. 30 Oct 1858, J. Dexter Johnson of Newark, VT, b. 17 Nov 1822, d. 26 April 1887. Seven children. iii. HANNAH REED, b. 31 Jan 1797; m. (1) Acton/Littleton (int.) 22 Sept 1828 (AVR2 164; LVR 283), as his 2nd wife, JAMES FLETCHER, b. Acton, 25 Feb 1788 (AVR2 45), d. there 17 Sept 1831, age 43 (AVR2 267), son of James and Lydia (White) Fletcher. Hannah m. (2) Acton, 11 April 1844 (AVR2 164), ALMON WRIGHT “of Troy, NH.” Almon, son of John and Tabitha (?) Wright, was b. 5 April 1801, and was a brother of Joel, husband of Hannah’s sister, Dolly (see #142-ii). He was a dry goods clerk in Acton. Hannah had no recorded children, although James Fletcher had a daughter by his first wife. iv. MARY REED, b. 29 March 1802; d. 7 Dec 1864; m. Littleton, 30 Nov 1826 (LVR 257), SAMUEL WHITCOMB Fifth Generation 385

JR., farmer, b. Littleton, 4 Aug 1800 (LVR 386), d. 27 July 1852, son of Samuel and Lydia (Tenney) Whitcomb. Children, born at Littleton: 1. Allen Porter Whitcomb, carpenter and farmer, b. 21 Sept 1827 (LVR 215); m. (1) 19 Sept 1858, Susan Elizabeth Hill, b. Billerica, 1 Oct 1832 (BVR 101; not March 1853 as in HOA), d. 21 Feb 1864, dau. of Asa and Susan L. (?) Hill; m. (2) 29 March 1865, Sarah E. Reed, b. Raymond, NH, 8 Feb 1836. Two daus. 2. Oliver Adams Whitcomb, farmer, b. 23 Nov 1829 (LVR 215); m. Sept 1859, Harriet Asenath Sprague, b. Littleton, 31 March 1837 (LVR 212), dau. of John and Lydia (Sanderson) Sprague (see #5.132 below). Two children. 3. Lydia Ann Whitcomb, b. 2 Dec 1831 (LVR 215); m. 1 Jan 1857, George Lyman Wright, farmer and butcher, b. Littleton, 9 Nov 1829 (LVR 204), d. 25 May 1869, son of Augustus and Elizabeth (Tenny) Wright. Five children. 4. Marianna Whitcomb, b. 11 Nov 1833 (LVR 215); m. JOHN S.7 HARTWELL (see Vol. 2). 5. Harriet Frances Whitcomb, b. 12 Feb 1836 (LVR 215); d. 18 Sept 1865; m. 19 Feb 1857, Boynton Needham, b. Hillsboro, NH, 2 Oct 1823, a carpenter in Littleton. Four children. 6. Nahum Harwood Whitcomb, b. 29 July 1838 (LVR 304); m. 23 Dec 1861, Mary Frances Sprague, b. Littleton, 3 Oct 1843 (LVR 213), dau. of John and Lydia (Sanderson) Sprague (see #5.132 above). He enlisted 31 Aug 1862, Co. E, 6th Mass. Vols., d. 13 Dec 1862. One daughter. 7. Hannah Abia Whitcomb, b. 26 Nov 1842 (LVR 304); d. 16 Oct 1865; m. 29 Jan 1862, Albert Robbins, carpenter, b. 4 Feb 1839 (HOA), d. 5 Nov 1886, son of 386 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Nehemiah B. and Mary (Whitcomb) Robbins. One child. v. JOSEPH PORTER REED, farmer, b. 2 Nov 1804; m. there 1 Jan 1829 (LVR 258), RUTH COLE, b. Littleton, 20 June 1807 (LVR 196), dau. of Joseph and Sally (Barker) Cole (see #4.32-v-3). He was a farmer in Acton. Children, born at Littleton: 1. Joseph Everett Reed, b. 11 Oct 1830 (LVR 209); m. 1 May 1851, Frances M. Tuttle of Acton. He was a carpenter in So. Acton. Two children. 2. George S. Reed, b. 11 Dec 1830 [sic] (LVR 301); m. Orpha Tinker of Nashua, NH, and lived in Marlow, NH. One dau. 3. Nahum Cole Reed, b. 1 March 1838 (LVR 301); m. (1) Elizabeth Haynes; m. (2) Unknown. He was a post- master at Concord Junction. 4. Sarah Augusta Reed, b. 5 Nov 1843 (LVR 301); m. 3 March 1867, Charles Henry Whitcomb of Littleton, who abandoned her, after which she was a house- keeper in a hotel in Nashua, NH. One son. vi. JOHN POULTER REED, b. 22 Dec 1805; d. Lexington, 10 June 1895, age 89y 5m 16d (LVR 465); m. Littleton, 4 April 1832 (LVR 260), NANCY WHITCOMB, b. Littleton, 4 July 1808 (LVR 264), d. Lexington, 31 Dec 1897, age 89y 5m 25d (LVR 465), dau. of Peter and Nancy (Vinal) Whitcomb. Children, born probably at Bedford (per HOA; not in BVRs): 1. John H. Reed, b. 1 June 1833; d. infancy. 2. Nancy Jane Reed, b. 4 Oct 1835; m. Bedford, 28 Dec 1856 (MA VRs 100:89), Levi William Freeman Webber, b. Bedford, 17 Feb 1831 (BVR 53), son of Benjamin A. and Mary Ann (Twist) Webber. He was a wholesale grocery clerk in Boston. One son. Fifth Generation 387

3. John Morton Reed, farmer, b. 6 March 1840; m. 4 Dec 1861, Emeline A. Goodwin, b. Littleton, 5 June 1842 (LVR 295), dau. of Jonathan and Betsy (Litchfield) Goodwin. One daughter.

5.133 WILLIAM5 HARTWELL (Joseph4, William3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Bedford, 25 June 1770 (BVR 29) and he died there 8 May 1819, “in his 49th yr” (BVR 123). He married first, at Bedford, 11 October 1796 (BVR 82), JOANNA DAVIS, who was born at Bedford, 19 August 1769 (BVR 19) and died there 30 October 1808, age 39 (BVR 123), daughter of Eleazer and Rebeckah (Putnam) Davis, and sister of his brother Timothy’s wife, Lucy (see #5.131). He married second, at Bedford, 6 April 1809 (BVR 81), MARY LAKE, who was born at Princeton, 13 November 1782 (HOA; not in PVRs) and died of consumption at Bedford, 11 January 1854, age 71 (MA VRs 85:41), daughter of James and Rebecca (Davis) Lake, and a half-niece of his first wife. William was a farmer in the south part of Bedford (HOA). Children by first wife, all born at Bedford (BVR 28-30): +6.301 i. WILLIAM6 HARTWELL, b. 12 Jan 1797; m. RUHAMAH WEBBER. +6.302 ii. AMOS HARTWELL, b. 3 Aug 1798; m. LOUISA HODGMAN. +6.303 iii. BENJAMIN FARLEY HARTWELL, b. 8 June 1800; m. (1) LUCY WEBBER, (2) MARY FITCH, (3) NANCY (WEEKS) BROOKS. +6.304 iv. JOSEPH HARTWELL, b. 7 April 1802; m. HANNAH HODGMAN. 6.305 v. ISAAC HARTWELL, b. 1 March 1804; d. Bedford, of “old age,” 6 Dec 1884, age 80y 9m 6d (MA VRs 356:44); m. Billerica (at age 58), 19 June 1862 (MA VRs 154:90), LUCY ANN FROST, b. Billerica, 19 Aug 1819 (BVR 89), d. Billerica/Bedford, of “congestion of lungs,” 15 June 1896, age 75y 7m 26d (MA VRs 464:93 & 464:85), dau. of 388 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Benjamin and Beulah (Hodgman) Frost. Isaac was a shoemaker. No recorded children. 6.306 vi. MARY JOANNA HARTWELL, b. 17 May 1806; d. 24 April 1892 (HOA); m. 3 Nov 1863 (HOA), as his second wife, ROBERT BARTLEY of Londonderry, NH, b. 13 April 1797 (HOA), d. 26 Nov 1867 (HOA). +6.307 vii. JOHN BATCHELDER HARTWELL, b. 27 June 1808; m. JULIA ANN HARRINGTON. Children by second wife, born as indicated: +6.308 viii. SAMUEL CHANDLER HARTWELL, b. 4 Feb 1810 (BVR 29); m. Mrs. ELIZA THOMAS. +6.309 ix. LIZA (LOUISA in HOA) HARTWELL, b. 31 Dec 1811 (BVR 28); m. ELIAS SKELTON. +6.310 x. GEORGE HARTWELL, b. 4 Aug 1814 (BVR 28); m. MARY C. (GETCHELL) WHITNEY. 6.311 xi. UNNAMED MALE, b. 21 March 1818 (HOA; not in BVRs); d. infancy. +6.312 xii. ELDRIDGE HARTWELL, b. 5 Jan 1820 (History of Bedford; HOA; not in VRs); m. LUCY POLLARD REED.

5.136 MOLLY5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 19 March 1742/3 (GVR 1:107), and she died in Vermont after 1800. She married at Leominster, (int.) 10 July 1762 (LVR 212), REUBEN KENDALL, who was born at Woburn, 25 Novem- ber 1739 (WB 140) and died at Andover, Vermont, ca. 1796 (Crockett, 16), son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Thompson) Kendall. Reuben was a private in Capt. Haskell’s co., Col. Prescott’s regt. during the Revolution (DAR Application 6498). Reuben and Molly moved to Mason, NH, about 1785, and then to West Windsor, Vermont. Children, born as indicated: i. MOLLY KENDALL, bap. Groton, 8 May 1763 (GVR 1:128); d. Windsor, VT, 7 Oct. 1813 (Sylvia Richards, Jonathan Kendall Memorial, 1978); m. Shirley, (int.) 9 April 1786 (SVR 108), Fifth Generation 389

SEWALL BLOOD, b. Pepperell, 24 May 1765 (PVR 20), d. Windsor, VT, 16 Dec 1814, son of Moses and Elizabeth (Stone) Blood. Children, born as indicated: 1. Sewall Blood, b. Mason, NH, 16 Nov 1786 (SVR 18). 2. Nathaniel Blood, b. Shirley, 17 Aug 1788 (SVR 18); d. Windsor, VT, ca. 1874; m. Roxellana Proctor. 3. Lucas Blood, b. Shirley, 27 June 1790 (SVR 18). 4. Sullivan Blood, (Shirley Uplands and Intervales); m. Sophia Hall. ii. REUBEN KENDALL, b. Shirley, 17 June 1764 (SVR 57), bap. there 29 July 1764 (ibid.); d. Windsor Co., VT, 20 March 1850; m. 5 March 1788, HANNAH FRANCIS, b. Lexington, 17 Sept 1766, d. West Windsor, VT, 3 Nov 1822, dau. of Richard and Hannah (Winship) Francis (Cunningham; Bolton); removed to Westmoreland, NH, later to Windsor, VT. Child: 1. Betsey Kendall, b. Windsor, VT, 18 Aug 1795; d. East Conneaut, OH, 8 Oct 1879; m. (1) 13 June 1814, Adolphus Marcy, b. Hartland, VT, 13 June 1798, d. Conneaut OH, 20 Nov 1832 (DAR Application #527768); m. (2) 30 Jan 1837, Henry Ball. iii. [?]JAMES KENDALL, b. ca. 1766 [sic]. iv. SUSANNA KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 6 March 1768 (SVR 57); m. -?- SMITH. v. JEREMIAH KENDALL, bap. Shirley, Nov 1769 (unnamed in SVR 57). vi. LUCY KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 14 April 1771 (SVR 57); m. JESSE STONE. vii. HANNAH KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 10 Nov 1771 [sic] (SVR 57); m. -?- HALL. 390 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

viii. ELIZABETH “BETSY” KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 13 March 1774 (SVR 57); d. Mason, NH, 7 Nov 1790, age 18y (His- tory of Mason, NH). ix. JONATHAN KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 17 March 1776 (SVR 57); d. Fowler, NY, 22 Jan 1862, age 86y; m. ca. 1797, RUTH EDWARDS, who d. Fowler, NY. Children: 1. Olive Kendall, b. 29 Aug 1798; d. Fullerville, NY, 31 Jan 1882; m. the Rev. Calvin Jenkins, b. -- Oct 1818. 2. Riley Kendall, b. 1804; d. Corinth, NY, 30 March 1882; m. Nancy Reeves, b. -- April 1806/7, d. 24 April 1891. 3. Uriah Kendall, b. 1807; d. Wrightstown, WI, after 1880; m. Belinda Jefferson. 4. Sylvia Kendall, b. before 1810; m. -?- Rockwell, M.D. 5. Unnamed Male Kendall, under 10 on 1820 census for Corinth, NY; d. prob. young. 6. Lucy Kendall, b. Corinth, NY, 26 Aug 1817; d. Richmond, OH, 3 Nov 1904; m. Benjamin Barber Tanner. 7. Laura Kendall, b. Corinth, NY, 27 Sept 1820; d. Centerton, OH, 23 March 1908; m. Moses K. Kelley. 8. Edmund H. Kendall, b. 1825; m. Louisa M. Hodgins. 9. Unnamed Female Kendall, b. 1825-1830; d. prob. young. 10. Unnamed Female Kendall, b. 1825-1830; d. prob. young. 11. Ira Kendall, b. 5 Feb 1829; d. Polkton, NY, 23 May 1895; m. Abigail Wight. x. EBENEZER KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 28 June 1778 (SVR 56); d. Windsor, VT, 30 July 1854, age 76y 2m 21d; m. Fifth Generation 391

Windsor, VT, 8 Dec 1803 (B&T 24[1995]:10), SALLY ORVIS, b. Windsor, VT, 16 Nov 1779, d. there 6 July 1844. Child: 1. Uriel Hawley Kendall, b. Windsor, VT, 10 April 1814; d. Prairie du Sac, WI, 8 Oct 1895; m. ca. 1835, Mary Jane Waterbury, b. Stamford, CT, 31 July 1814, d. Prairie du Sac, WI, 22 June 1901 (DAR Appli- cation #527768). xi. EDMUND KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 17 Feb 1782 (SVR 56); m. Windsor, VT, 22 June 1809 (B&T 24[1995]:10), PHEBE MOULTON; lived in Brownville, VT. xii. SALLY KENDALL, bap. Shirley, 15 Jan 1785 (SVR 57); lived in Brownville, VT; m. BEN ROW.

5.137 AMASA5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 28 February 1745 (GVR 1:106) and he was buried at Shirley, 6 October 1807 (SVR 191; Gs:Shirley Center Cemetery). He married, ca. 1773, LYDIA MOORS, who was born at Groton, 10 March 1750 (GVR) and died “of old age” at Shirley, 5 April 1846, age 90y 11m (SVR 191), daughter of Timothy and Lydia (Nutting) Moors. Amasa is listed on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Shirley with one male over 16, two males under 16 and five females, which agrees with his known family at that time. Children, born at Shirley (SVR 41-42): +6.313 i. LYDIA6 HARTWELL, b. 28 Jan 1774; m. ABNER PIERCE. +6.314 ii. ABEL HARTWELL, b. 9 Feb 1776; m. ELIZABETH HALL. +6.315 iii. EMMA “AMY” HARTWELL, b. 16 Feb 1778; m. JOHN WILLIAMS, JR. +6.316 iv. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 5 April 1780; m. JEREMIAH STEWART. +6.317 v. AMASA HARTWELL, b. 26 March 1782; m. ABIGAIL BLOOD. 392 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.318 vi. ELIZABETH “BETSY” HARTWELL, bap. 13 Jan 1788; m. REUBEN BALCOM. +6.319 vii. PHILA “VILA” HARTWELL, b. 17 Aug 1795 (HOA); bap. -- Nov 1795 (SVR 42); m. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, JR.

5.138 SUSANNA5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 15 April 1748 (GVR 1;106) and she died at Shirley, (HOA, no date given). “Mrs. Susanah” Hartwell and DAVID PRATT “of Groton” published intentions to marry at Shirley, 28 December 1771 (SVR 132), but the actual marriage may not have taken place until some time later, as Susannah Hartwell of Shirley confessed to fornication and on 7 June 1772 gave birth to an illegitimate female child. On 8 September 1772 she charged David Pratt of Harvard with being the father (Middlesex Court Records). David, a soldier in the Revolution, was born at Groton, 29 October 1748 (GVR 1:188), son of John and Hannah (Bowers) Pratt. His death record has not been found. Further research on this family is encouraged. Known children, born at Shirley (SVR 80): i. ANNA PRATT, b. 7 (court record) or 27 June 1772. ii. HANNAH PRATT, b. 11 Feb 1774; d. unm. 17 Sept 1814 (HOA). iii. DAVID PRATT, b. 18 Oct 1775; n.f.r.

5.139 JONATHAN5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 20 April 1750 (GVR 1:106) and he died, probably at Townsend, 26 January 1814 (DARPI), although Townsend records indicate that Abijah Tarbell was paid on 12 August 1816 for “making a coffin for Jona Hartwell” (TVR 463). He married at Shirley, (int.) 6 April 1776 (SVR 132), MARY “MOLLY” BOYNTON, who was born at Lunenburg, 19 October 1761, and died probably at Shirley, 30 September 1835 (Chandler), daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wood) Boynton. Fifth Generation 393

Jonathan was a “Private, Capt. Job Shattuck’s co., Col. John Robinson’s regt.; pay roll made up from time of enlistment to time of marching to camp and dated Cambridge, March -, 1776; service, 8 days” (MS&S). He is listed as Jonathan, Jr., on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Lunenburg consisting of one male over 16, five males under 16, and two females. “Jona Hartwell and famaly from Sherley” were warned out of Townsend in 1801 (TVR 437). Children, all born probably at Shirley: +6.320 i. MARY6 “MOLLY” HARTWELL, b. 25 Oct 1776 (SVR 42); m. JOHN PROCTOR. 6.321 ii. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 30 July 1778 (SVR 41); d. Groton “suddenly of heart disease” (HOA) 21 Feb 1843 (GVR 2:229); m. (1) Townsend, Rev. David Palmer officiating, 27 May 1802 (TVR 60), ESTHER WARREN, b. Townsend, 3 Dec 1778 (TVR 239), d. before 1825, dau. of Ephraim and Mary (?) Warren. He m. (2) Groton, 27 Jan 1825 (GVR 2:83), as her second husband, MARY “POLLY” (SANDERS) BLOOD, b. Groton, 14 April 1784, dau. of Oliver and Elizabeth (Wentworth) Sanders and widow of Eben[ezer] Lewis Blood. After Jonathan’s death Mary married (3) Townsend, Paul Gerrish, J.P. presiding, 8 July 1844 (TVR 189), JOHN SEARLS, widower of Townsend. HOA says that Jonathan was a millwright in Pepperell, but this is doubt- ful considering that all known records about him are in either Groton or Townsend. 6.322 iii. THOMAS HARTWELL, b. 28 July 1780 (SVR 42). HOA says he was a carpenter, served in gunboat fleet on Lake Erie in the War of 1812, but HOA also attributes this service to another Thomas altogether, so the statement is suspect. More research might solve this problem. +6.323 iv. JEREMIAH HARTWELL, b. 2 Nov 1782 (SVR 41, as “Jeremy”); m. PHEBE KIBBEY. +6.324 v. EDMUND HARTWELL, b. 11 Jan 1785 (calculated); m. OLIVE LOVELL. 394 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

+6.325 vi. LEVI HARTWELL, b. ca. 1788; m. MARY PUTNAM. +6.326 vii. LUTHER HARTWELL, b. 14 Jan 1791 (HOA); m. (1) SALLY CUSHING, (2) DELILAH (DICKERSON) (HOLDEN) HOLDEN. 6.327 viii. ELIAB GOWEN/GOING HARTWELL, b. 18 May 1793 (HOA), bap. Shirley, 27 Aug 1797 (SVR 41); d. Boylston, 23 Aug 1826 (BVR). Eliab G. Hartwell of Townsend and SUBMIT PIERCE of Pepperell pub. marriage int. at Pepperell, 21 Jan 1816 (PVR 207) and at Townsend, 9 Feb 1816 (TVR 49), but this marriage apparently did not take place, as Submit married, 18 August 1825, ABSALOM LAWRENCE (see #5.13-vi-1). HOA says Eliab “was a shoemaker in West Townsend. He suffered a disappointment in love which unsettled his mind, led to bad habits and death.” Adminis- tration of Eliab’s estate was granted to Edmund Hartwell; Edmund of West Boylston, Leonard Hartwell of Lancaster, and Jonathan Hartwell of Groton gave bond. Nathan Tilton, Levi Whitney, and Joseph Flagg, all of Boylston, took the inventory, which consisted mostly of $15.26 worth of shoemaker’s tools (Worcester County Probate File A:27665). +6.328 ix. LEONARD HARTWELL, b. 25 Aug 1795 (HOA), bap. Shirley, 27 Aug 1797 (SVR 41); m. ABIGAIL “NABBY” PEIRCE. +6.329 x. BETTY/BETSEY HARTWELL, bap. Shirley, 27 Aug 1797 (SVR 41); m. LEWIS STILES.

5.140 ELISABETH5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 3 April 1753 (GVR 1:106) and she died February 1840 (HOA). She married at Shirley, (int.) 31 August 1776 (SVR 132), SAMUEL WALKER JR., who was born there 23 March 1753 and died probably at Chesterfield, NH, 22 January or 8 February 1830 (DARPI), son of Samuel and Mary (Stratton) Walker. HOA gives a very confused account of Elizabeth, listing several marriages she is supposed to have made. Ethel S. Bolton, in Shirley Uplands and Intervales [1914] clears up the confusion, which apparently began with Seth Chandler’s History of the Town of Fifth Generation 395

Shirley [1883]. It was Lydia Hale who married first, James Diggins, second, Moses Ritter and third, Ezra Clapp, not Elizabeth Hartwell. Lydia (Hale) Diggins was evidently widowed before 1782, and was living at the house of Amasa Hartwell, which is probably where the confusion started. It is not known why she was living with the Hartwell family, as she does not appear to have been related to them. Samuel Walker was a soldier in the Revolution. HOA says he served in 1759 in Col. Oliver Wilder’s regt., but since he was only six years old at the time, this statement is suspect. Children, (HOA; Frank B. Kingsbury, History and Genealogical Register of the Town of Langdon, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, from the Date of its Severance from Walpole and Charlestown, from 1787 to 1930 [1932], p. 717, 719): i. AIJA WALKER, b. 20 Aug 1778; d. 25 May 1840; m. Nov 1801, SALLY WHEELER, b. 20 April 1780, d. 18 May 1856, dau. of Peter Wheeler. Children, b. Chesterfield, NH, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Sophia Walker, b. 28 Jan 1803; d. 5 May 1843; m. 1827, Abel Parks of Hanover, NH. No children. 2. Mary Priscilla Walker, b. 8 May 1805; d. 9 July 1837; m. 26 April 1821, Rufus Harvey, who d. 29 March 1868. Two children. 3. Samuel Harry Walker, b. 17 Nov 1807; d. 4 Oct 1864; m. 30 Dec 1830, Laura Pierce, who d. 28 Jan 1861, dau. of John Pierce. One child. 4. Frances S. Walker, b. 26 Nov 1811; d. 3 Nov 1813. 5. Elizabeth Walker, b. 23 June 1814; d. 4 April 1849; m. 23 Aug 1837, William Francis Barnard, b. Holmanton, ME, 31 Jan 1811, d. Sauk Center, MN, 3 May 1865. Four children. 6. John Warren Walker, b. 8 Jan 1817; d. 17 July 1823. 7. Almina Walker, b. 26 July 1821; d. 18 Nov 1823. 396 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

8. John W. Walker, b. 19 Sept 1823; living at Bloom- field, OH, in 1875; “of Worcester” [MA] when he m. (1) Harvard, 5 April 1846 (HVR 222), Caroline S. Robbins, b. ca. 1827, dau. of Daniel and Esther (?) Robbins; m. (2) Unknown (HOA). One son by first wife (HOA). ii. SILVA WALKER, b. 24 Sept 1780; d. 18 Dec 1782. iii. JIMNA WALKER, b. 7 Sept 1782; d. Westmoreland, NH, 7 Jan 1861; m. March 1804, SALLY WOODS, b. 15 Aug 1785, d. 14 Dec 1876, age 91y 4m (Gs). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Caroline Walker, b. Westmoreland, NH, 28 Jan 1805; d. Detroit, MI, 10 May 1887; m. 2 July 1828, George Edmund Brewster, b. Walpole, NH, 25 Sept 1800, d. Detroit, MI, 17 March 1876. Eight children. 2. Almina Walker, b. Westmoreland, NH, 5 Nov 1814; d. 13 Dec 1862; m. (1) 3 April 1834, Jotham Lord, b. 11 April 1812, son of Jotham and Hannah Lord; m. (2) 12 Sept 1859, Chandler Ames Cressy, b. 2 Dec 1806, d. 25 July 1878, son of Joseph and Martha (Smite) Cressy. iv. ARZA WALKER, b. 6 June 1784; d. 17 May 1828; m. 1807, LYDIA BAKER, b. 26 June 1788, d. 26 June 1828. Children, born at Chesterfield, NH, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Sebrana Shaw Walker, b. 18 Jan 1809; d. Keene, NH, 28 March 1885; m. 14 July 1828, Hon. William Haile, b. Putney, VT, 6 May 1807, d. Keene, NH, 22 July 1876. Four children. 2. Horton Dudley Walker, b. 9 June 1811, d. 9 May 1872; m. (1) ca. 1834, Susan P. Rugg, b. May 1815, d. 27 June 1837; m. (2) 20 Aug 1839, Mary Ellen Cleaves of Portsmouth, NH, b. 3 Nov 1821; m. (3) 11 Oct 1865, Hannah Knowlton, b. 1825, dau. of Fifth Generation 397

Nathaniel and Rosanna (?) Knowlton. Two children by 2nd wife. 3. Polly Baker Walker, b. 16 Nov 1813; d. 16 Aug 1815. 4. Lawson Walker, b. 16 July 1816; m. (1) 13 Nov 1838, Mary Fisk Lovett, dau. of Josiah and Hannah (Standly) Lovett of Beverly, who d. 9 Nov 1840; m. (2) 27 Oct 1841, Ellen Maria Lovett, b. 18 Jan 1819, d. 23 April 1849, sister of his 1st wife; m. (3) 21 Nov 1849, Elizabeth Gage Masury, b. 2 March 1828, dau. of John and Sally (Hull) Masury of Beverly. Five children by 2nd wife. 5. Parker Davis Walker, b. 26 Aug 1820; d. 7 May 1875; m. ca. 1840, Margaret Jaynes. Six children. 6. Caroline Baker Walker, b. 3 May 1822; m. 4 Nov 1841, John B. Merrill, b. 15 July 1818, son of Pardon Hubbs and Emily (Taylor) Merrill of Hinsdale, NH. Two children. 7. William Porter Walker, b. 4 Feb 1825; m. 19 Aug 1851, Anna C. Peale of Salem, b. 21 Oct 1826. One child. v. BETSEY WALKER, b. 28 Oct 1786; d. Hanover, NH, Sept 1828; m. (1) Dec 1806, ELNATHAN CHAMBERLAIN of Chesterfield, NH; m. (2) 12 Jan 1815, JOSEPH DEWEY of Hanover, NH, who d. 30 June 1872. Child by first husband, per HOA: 1. Gardner Chamberlain, b. ca. 1807; d. 22 Sept 1811, age 4y 2m 21d (Gs). Children by second husband, per HOA: 2. Gardner Walker Dewey, b. Hanover, NH, 22 Jan 1816; d. 25 May 1872; m. 16 Sept 1839, Marcia Ann Clark of Enfield, NH, who was living in Des Moines, IA in 1883. 398 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

3. Catherine Elizabeth Dewey, b. Hanover, NH, 5 April 1826; m. 29 April 1852, J. Appleton Melcher of Alabama. They removed in 1883 to San Francisco, CA. One son. vi. PHILA WALKER, b. 21 April 1790; d. 10 April 1876; m. 28 Feb 1810, EBENEZER ROBERTSON, b. 7 July 1787, d. 22 April 1882. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Stratton Walker Robertson, b. 19 Feb 1812; d. Salem, 25 March 1881; m. (1) June 1834, Lucy Ann Curtis, b. 13 May 1813; m. (2) June 1868, Margaret J. (Noyes) Norris. Two children by 1st wife. 2. Arabell Robertson, b. 12 April 1815; d. 3 Oct 1876; m. 13 Nov 1838, John Boyle Fisk, son of Thomas and Lucinda (Trowbridge) Fisk of Chesterfield, NH. Three children. 3. Noyes Robertson, b. 4 Nov 1818; d. 31 Aug 1893; m. (1) 2 Nov 1842, Eveline Melissa Day, b. Feb 1823, d. 29 Jan 1852, dau. of David and Phebe (Fletcher) Day of Chesterfield, NH; m. (2) 9 June 1853, Helen Maria Cobb, b. Rockingham, VT, 12 Feb 1830 (RVR 174), d. 14 July 1883, age 53y 5m (Gs), dau. of Richard Cobb. Three children. 4. James Frederick Robertson, b. 1 Oct 1824; d. 6 March 1865; m. 17 March 1846, Mary Emeline Cobleigh, dau. of Jonathan and Harriet (Hastings) Cobleigh of Chesterfield, NH. Three children. vii. STRATTON WALKER, b. 18 May 1795; d. 10 Oct 1811.

5.141 SARAH5 HARTWELL (James4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Groton, 21 November 1756 (GVR 1:106) and her death record has not been found. She married at Shirley, (int.) 17 January 1778 (SVR 132), THOMAS KILLCUTE “of Groton.” Thomas was born at Dunstable, NH, 6 April 1750 (DVR 48), son of Thomas and Mary Fifth Generation 399

Kellecut. [Thomas’s parents] “must have come in the Scotch-Irish emigration, since the name is found nowhere else. . . . Thomas Killicutt of Shirley was paid on July 16, 1776, being a private in Captain William Burrows’s Company, ‘a Journeying to Exeter.’ In November of that same year he is recorded as having ‘set off home.’ In 1777, he was in a company whose roll was dated at Littleton. He is called ‘of Groton’ at the time his marriage inten- tions were published. He settled in Shirley. From Parker’s Diary it would seem that he lived in the south part of the town near Scripture Frost, and that he and Frost were either partners or he was Frost’s man. He was a shoemaker by trade and made shoes for James Parker in 1784. He was named by Sally Priest of Groton as being the father of her child, Timothy Killecut, b. at Groton 19 November 1784 (GVR), and he was ‘warned out’ of Townsend in 1801 (TVR 437). What became of the family later is a mystery” (Bolton, Ethel S., Shirley Uplands and Intervales [1914]). Known children, born at Shirley (SVR 58): i. SARAH KILLECUT, b. 18 Feb 1779; n.f.r. ii. THOMAS KILLECUT, b. 29 Feb [sic] 1781; d. 19 Jan 1782, age 1, “lacking 10 days” (SVR 197). iii. NAOMI KILLECUT, b. 6 Nov 1783; n.f.r.

Descendants of Josiah4 and Bethiah (Wood) Hartwell

5.142 JOSEPH5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 2 February 1742/3 (LVR 54, 383) and he died at Readsboro [Heartwellville], Vermont, 9 August 1812 (Gs:Heartwell- ville Cemetery). He married at Groton, 19 March 1767 (GVR 2:83; Littleton VRs date the int. as 26 July 1766), ELIZABETH PEIRCE, who was born at Groton, 7 May 1747 (GVR 1:ibid.) and died at Phelps, New York, 30 November 1844, age 99y [sic], 6m (Gs:Burnett-Hartwell bury- ing ground), daughter of William and Sarah (?) Peirce. 400 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Joseph “settled in Chesterfield, NH, was in the battle of Bennington, captain in the Revolution; apparently removed to Wilmington, VT, and settled in Readsboro, VT, about 1784, only the last three of his twelve children being born there. . . . He, with Throop Chapman, called the first town meeting in Readsboro in 1794. He owned at one time 3000 acres of land. At his first settle- ment in Readsboro his human neighbors were five miles away, but the wild beasts of the field were in sufficiently close proximity. His wife was a cousin of Gov. Benjamin Pierce of Hillsboro, NH, who was father of President Franklin Pierce. She removed late in life to Oaks Corners, NY, and died in the house of her son, Benjamin. Joseph is buried in the little cemetery in Heartwellville, VT, a settlement named for him about five miles from Readsboro, where the house he occupied and probably built was still standing in excellent repair in 1938” (HOA). Joseph is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Reedsboro [sic], VT, with two males over 16, four males under 16, and six females. The inscription on his tombstone reads: In / Memory of / Capt. Joseph Hartwell / who was a native / of the Town of Littleton, / County of Middlesex, Mass. / He settled at this place in April / 1786 where he resided until he / died in August 1812 / Age 72 years / He was an ardent Patriot and / soldier of the / Revolution of 1776. ------This stone was erected in the summer / of 1849, from an affectionate regard / to his memory by his son / Oliver Heartwell / of the City of New York / who was born at this place / 4th October 1786. Children, born as indicated: +6.330 i. ANNA6 HARTWELL, b. prob. Groton, 1 Dec 1768, bap. Littleton, 9 June 1771 (LVR 316); m. SAMUEL BUTLER. +6.331 ii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, b. prob. Groton, 12 Oct 1770, bap. Littleton, 9 June 1771 (LVR 316); m. -?- DRIVER. 6.332 iii. BENJAMIN HARTWELL (twin), b. Chesterfield, NH, 14 Oct 1772 (IGI); d. prob. young. Fifth Generation 401

+6.333 iv. JOSEPH HARTWELL (twin), b. Chesterfield, NH, 14 Oct 1772 (IGI); m. RHODA WINSLOW. +6.334 v. ELIZABETH HARTWELL, b. ca. 1774; m. JOSIAH LOCKE. +6.335 vi. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 15 Oct 1776; m. LUTHER LATHROP. +6.336 vii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. ca. 1778; m. (1) VARSAL DICKINSON, (2) JOHN OTIS ENSIGN. +6.337 viii. OLIVE HARTWELL, b. ca. 1780; m. ANSON WELCH. +6.338 ix. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 13 Jan 1782; m. (1) MARTHA HARTWELL, (2) BETSEY APTHORP (FESSENDEN) VILES. +6.339 x. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. Readsboro, VT, 4 Oct 1786; m. LUCY B. HATHAWAY. +6.340 xi. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. Readsboro, VT, 24 Dec 1787; m. JANE BURNETT. +6.341 xii. SARAH HARTWELL, b. Readsboro, VT, 28 May 1790; m. WILLIAM WHITNEY.

5.143 SARAH5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 24 September 1744 (LVR 55) and she died there 3 January 1783, age 39 (LVR 107, 336). She married at Concord, Thomas Whiting, Esq. officiating, 4 September 1764 (CBMD 215), ELEAZER4 MELVIN, who was born at Concord, 30 March 1743 (CBMD 207), son of Robert3 (David2, John1) and Sarah (—) Melvin. [Note: According to HOA, Sarah was Eleazer’s second wife, but no confirmation for this statement has yet been found, and, given the fact that Eleazer was only 21 years old at the time of his marriage to Sarah, it seems unlikely.] Although Eleazer is called a ship carpenter in HOA, he is described as a housewright in a deed from his father. Perhaps he plied both trades at different times. Eleazer served in the French & Indian War, 1758-1759, and remained a Loyalist during the Revolu- tion. As a result he “had his lands confiscated by the General Court [and] went to Nova Scotia, where he received liberal compensation from the British government” (Densmore). It is not known if Sarah 402 Descendants of William1 Hartwell accompanied her husband to Nova Scotia during his exile, but Eleazer evidently returned to Littleton, where, after Sarah’s death, he married second, (int.) 14 June 1783 (LVR 274), “Mrs.” ANNA BROWN of Lincoln, by whom he had a son, Arad, born at Lincoln, 16 October 1786 (LVR 55). Arad was “of Boston” when he married at Boxborough, 28 Aug 1810 (BVR 47), Lois Stone. Children, born as indicated: i. SARAH MELVIN, b. Littleton, 14 March 1767 (LVR 107); d. ca. 1807; m. (1) Littleton, 22 Jan 1789 (LVR 233), JONATHAN JEWETT, b. Littleton, 15 Aug 1764 (LVR 79), d. there 20 or 21 June 1789 (LVR 127, 363), son of Joseph and Rebecca (?) Jewett. Sarah m. (2) Littleton, 3 June 1790 (LVR 234, 358), EZEKIEL WRIGHT, b. Littleton, 8 March 1757 (LVR 72), d. prob. Ludlow, VT, ca. 1812 (LVR 498), son of Peter and Ellen (Chase) Wright. Children, born at Littleton (LVR 182): 1. Edmund Wright, b. 13 March 1791; m. Martha Haven. 2. Sarah Wright, b. 6 March 1793. 3. Peter Wright, b. 28 Oct 1794. 4. Lydia Wright, b. 8 April 1791 [sic; prob. should be 1797]. HOA suggests that she may be the Lydia Wright who m. Townsend, 23 March 1817 (TVR 50, 65), Levi Warren, son of Moses and Martha (Reed) Warren, although this is doubtful. Lydia (Wright) Warren d. Townsend, 27 Nov 1840, age 47 (TVR 302). 5. Ezekiel Wright, b. 9 Nov 1798. 6. Edy Prescott Wright, b. 6 April 1802; perhaps m. 7 Oct 1821, Elihu Holton of Erving [perhaps Erving, Franklin Co., MA?]. ii. LYDIA MELVIN, b. Littleton, 26 Sept 1768 (LVR 107); d. Putney, VT, 10 Feb 1833, age 64 yrs (PVR 349); m. Little- ton, 15 May 1794 (LVR 237), Capt. WILLARD TENNEY, b. Littleton, 5 Sept 1771 (LVR 121), d. Putney, VT, 17 Feb Fifth Generation 403

1844, age 72 (PVR 349), son of Oliver and Sarah (Reed) Tenney. Children, born at Ludlow, VT: 1. Martha Tenney, b. 8 April 1795 (IGI); m. Rufus Foster [and] went to Oswego, NY. Nine children (HOA). 2. Almond Tenney, b. 21 Aug 1797 (IGI); d. Putney, VT (HOA, who gives no date; not in Putney VRs). 3. Marshall Tenney, b. 14 Nov 1799 (IGI); d. Boston in 1868 (HOA), a dealer in grindstones (HOA). 4. Lydia M. Tenney, b. 10 April 1802 (IGI); d. 21 Dec 1883, age 82 (HOA); m. Humphrey Chadbourne and lived in or near Boston. Two children (HOA). 5. Nancy P. Tenney, b. 11 June 1804 (IGI); d. 21 April 1864 (HOA); m. Putney, VT, 18 Sept 1831 (PVR 237), Lorenzo D. Larrabee of Windham Co., VT, a tanner. They lived in Boston, removed to Jackson, PA. Ten children (HOA). 6. Marsylvia Tenney, b. 23 Feb 1807 (IGI); d. 27 March 1809, age 2y (HOA). 7. Sarah Coburn “Sally” Tenney, b. Ludlow, VT (not Weymouth, as implied by WVR 1:176), 27 Sept 1809 (IGI); d. prob. Weymouth, 17 Dec 1871 (WVR 1:176, citing Highland Cemetery, So. Weymouth records); m. Weymouth, (int.) 18 Nov 1837 (WVR 2:119), William Loud. HOA states that William was “of Boston, a Revolutionary soldier” but given the time frame, this is extremely doubtful. It is far more likely that he was the William Loud b. Weymouth/Abington, 24 Jan 1810 or 14 Oct 1810, son of John and Elizabeth (Pratt) Loud. iii. BETHIAH MELVIN, b. Littleton, 1 Aug 1770 (LVR 107); d. Ludlow, VT, 19 Jan 1813 (correspondence w/Vivian Reifschneider); m. Littleton, 20 Nov 1791 (LVR 235), 404 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

WILLIAM EATON, b. Reading, -- June 1764 (V. Reifschneider; not in RVRs), d. Ludlow, VT, 10 Nov 1815, son of William and Rebecca (Flint) Eaton (correspondence w/Phoebe Cortessis). At the time of their marriage, the couple are described as being “both of Lincoln.” Children (info provided by Phoebe Cortessis and/or Vivian Reifschneider unless otherwise noted): 1. William Eaton, b. Rindge, NH, 24 March 1793; d. N.E. of Forest, Grove, H., MO [sic] ca. 1851; m. Shutesbury, 23 Jan 1814, Eunice Peirce, b. Shutesbury, 13 Dec 1793, d. Manti, IA, 5 Dec 1862, dau. of Nathan and Anna (Hoar) Peirce. 2. Rebecca Eaton, b. Rindge, NH, 8 Aug 1794. 3. Nancy Eaton, b. Stoddard, NH, 19 March 1796; d. 21 May 1877; m. 13 Nov 1817, Stephen S. Spafford. 4. Polly Eaton, b. Stoddard, NH, 29 April 1797; m. 15 April 1818, Isaac Scott. 5. Nathan Eaton, b. Stoddard, NH, 10 June 1798; m. (1) Rozanna (—); m. (2) 24 Jan 1837, Eveline Ball. 6. James Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, ca. 1799; d. -- June 1811. 7. Jeramiah Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, ca. 1801; m. 20 May 1824, Nancy Potwine. 8. Sally Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, ca. June 1801; d. there 12 Sept 1853; m. 18 April 1824, Hosea Ballou6 (John5-4, David3, Peter2, Robert1) Dunbar, b. Grantham, NH, 7 June 1802, d. 8 Jan 1892 (Ann Theopold Chaplin, The Descendants of Robert A. Dunbar of Hingham, MA, 249). 9. Joel W. Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, 15 Feb 1805; m. (1) Indiana (—); m. (2) 7 Nov 1855, Juliette E. Newton. 10. Gardner Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, ca. 1807; m. 11 Feb 1828, Sally Frost. Fifth Generation 405

11. Rhoda Eaton, b. Ludlow, VT, ca. 1809; m. 6 March 1833, William T. Tucker. iv. JOSIAH MELVIN, b. Nottingham, NH, 5 Nov 1773 (V. Reifschneider; HOA); d. 31 March 1849; m. 16 April 1795, ESTHER MARSHALL “of Nottingham West, NH” (HOA), b. 16 Feb 1776, d. 11 Oct 1857, dau. of Richard and Esther (Pierce) Marshall (P. Cortessis), “a near relative of Presi- dent Franklin Pierce” (HOA). Joseph “was bound to his uncle by marriage, Reuben Spaulding, a hard master, who withheld from the friendless orphan at his majority the scanty pittance justly due him, setting him ‘afoot’ in the world. He settled in Pelham, NH, removed later to Brad- ford, and in 1826 to Warner, NH, where he built a mill on a branch of Blackwater river, which bears his name” (HOA). Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Esther Melvin, b. 11 Oct 1795; d. 13 Nov 1846; m. 1818, Harvey Crosby, who d. 1 Feb 1872, son of Seth and Mehitable (Kittredge) Crosby. Seven children. 2. Richard Melvin, miller, b. 5 Oct 1797; d. Bradford, NH, 4 March 1850, age 52y 4m (Gs:Melvin Cemetery, Bradford); m. Elizabeth Straw, b. prob. Bradford, NH, 13 Nov 1800, d. there 29 July 1881, age 80y 9m (Gs:Melvin Cemetery). Nine children. 3. Mary Melvin, b. 19 Dec 1799; d. 12 Nov 1874; m. (1) 20 Sept 1821, Jonathan Martin of Bradford, NH, b. 1 Jan 1797, d. 17 Feb 1837; m. (2) Jonathan Blaisdell of Bradford, b. 25 Sept 1812, d. 18 Nov 1880; farmer. Eight children. 4. Sarah Melvin, b. 25 June 1802; d. 1880; m. Daniel Straw, brother of Elizabeth, above; a farmer in Claremont, NH. Seven children. 406 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

5. Hartwell Melvin, millwright, b. 10 Aug 1805; d. 6 April 1863; m. June 1833, Judith Spaulding of Warner. Eight children. 6. Nathan R. Melvin, b. 15 Jan 1807; d. 31 Dec 1874; m. Nov 1833, Ruth Colby of Warner, who d. May 1863. Three children. 7. Susan M. Melvin, b. 4 Oct 1808; d. 11 March 1863; m. 1830, Thomas Colby of Warner, who d. 1880; farmer. Two children. 8. Lucy Melvin, b. 22 May 1811; d. Bradford, NH, 6 May 1853, age 41y 11m 14d (Gs:Melvin Cemetery); m. 24 April 1834, Amaziah Hall, farmer, b. 15 May 1807, d. Bradford, NH, 9 April 1887, age 79y 9m 28d (Gs:Melvin Cemetery). Two children. 9. Robert Melvin; n.f.r. 10. Ruth Melvin, b. 9 Nov 1816; m. 3 Sept 1839, Philemon Wheeler of Sutton, NH, b. 28 March 1817; school teacher in Manchester, NH; in 1847 in provi- sion trade in Manchester; in 1856 in grocery trade in Wakefield; in 1869 same business in Boston; in 1874 a farmer in Warner; in 1884, glove manufacturer. Three children. 11. Jonas G. a/k/a James Galusha Melvin, b. Bradford, NH, 6 Nov 1817; d. Nemaha, NE, 2 June 1862 (P. Cortessis); m., as her 2d husband, Elizabeth (Lambert) Munroe (HOA) or Monsel (P. Cortessis), b. Genessee Co., NY, 6 June 1823, d. Nemaha, NE, 17 Feb 1879, dau. of John and Polly (McLouth) Lambert and widow of Horace Monsel/Monroe whom she m. in 1839. After James/Jonas’s death, she m. (3) -?- Stevens. Two children. 12. Weare Tappan Melvin, b. 29 June 1820; m. 25 Dec 1849, Eliza J. Baker of Bath, Maine, b. 13 Dec 1829. Fifth Generation 407

He was in grain trade in Boston 1840 to 1882, returned to Warner in 1883; was postmaster. Three children.

5.144 JOHN5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 23 January 1746[/7] (LVR 55) and he died there 28 March 1825 (Index of Deaths in Boston Newspapers [C.C. 9 April 1825]). He married at Littleton, 24 August 1772 (LVR 227), MARY DIX, who was born there 11 February 1750[/1] (LVR 52) and died there 5 May 1827, daughter of Jonathan3 (John2, Ralph1) and Sarah (Shattuck) Dix. John is probably the John of Littleton on a “list of men drafted from the militia to march to Horse Neck under command of Col. Brooks [year not given], but who failed to join regiment; drafted from town of Littleton; drafted into Capt. Kidder’s co.” (MS&S). He is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Littleton consisting of two males over 16, three males under 16, and six females. Children, all born at Littleton (LVR 142-3): +6.342 i. MARY6 HARTWELL, b. 29 Jan 1773; m. EPHRAIM POLLARD. +6.343 ii. LUCY HARTWELL, b. 6 April 1775; m. TIMOTHY DIX. 6.344 iii. JOSIAH HARTWELL, b. 28 Nov 1776; drowned 20 May 1791, age 14y 5m 22d, buried Old Common Burying Ground (LVR 142, 143). +6.345 iv. ANNA HARTWELL, b. 15 Jan 1779; m. , JR. +6.346 v. JOHN HARTWELL, b. 22 Feb 1781; m. ANNA WHEELER. +6.347 vi. JONATHAN HARTWELL, b. 21 Aug 1783; m. (1) ELIZABETH BRIARD WALKER, (2) HANNAH (WOODBURY) PEABODY. +6.348 vii. RACHEL HARTWELL, b. 27 Aug 1785; m. JAMES KIMBALL. +6.349 viii. LYDIA HARTWELL, b. 19 July 1787; m. JOHN WHITCOMB. 6.350 ix. SOPHIA HARTWELL, b. 15 Aug 1790; d. 24 July 1792 (LVR 143). 408 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6.351 x. SOPHIA HARTWELL, b. 21 Jan 1793; d. 18 Feb 1829 (LVR 392); unmarried.

5.145 BETHIAH5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 25 January 1748[/9] (LVR 55) and died there 24 March 1826, age 77 (LVR 148). She married at Little- ton, 15 May 1777 (LVR 356), JOHN PATCH, who was born there 17 January 1744[/5] (LVR 42), and died there 20 March 1822, age 77 (LVR 148), son of Abraham and Mary (Sawyer) Patch. Children, born at Littleton (LVR 148): i. BENJAMIN PATCH, b. 18 April 1779; d. 20 June 1831; perhaps m. 9 April 1801 (LVR 243), PATTY FLETCHER, bap. Boxborough, 29 Aug 1784 (BVR 14), dau. of Eleazer Fletcher. ii. JOHN PATCH, JR., b. 23 July 1780; m. Littleton, 12 Dec 1811 (LVR 247), ABIGAIL TROWBRIDGE, b. 4 May 1791 (LVR 458). Children, born at Littleton (LVR 188): 1. Adeline Patch, b. 19 Dec 1812; d. Harvard, 8 Jan 1892, age 79 (Gs:Harvard Center Burial Ground); m. (1) Littleton, 3 July 1834 (LVR 261), Simon T. Conant, b. ca. 1808, d. Acton, 24 Sept 1835, age 27 (AVR 259); m. (2) Littleton, 14 May 1840 (LVR 265), Simri/Zimri Whitney, b. ca. 1795, d. Harvard, 19 Sept 1870, age 75 (Gs:Harvard Center Burial Ground). 2. Abigail Trowbridge Patch, b. 1 Sept 1814; m. DAVID WRIGHT7 HARTWELL (see Vol. 2). 3. John Henry Patch, b. 19 July 1817. 4. Andrew Patch, b. 6 July 1819; m. Boxborough, 20 April 1848 (BVR 49), Miss Maria Mead, b. Box- borough, 7 Sept 1827 (BVR 18), dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy (Taylor) Mead. Fifth Generation 409

5. Martha Trowbridge Patch, b. 26 Oct 1824; m. Newton, 12 Aug 1844 (NVR 353; int. Littleton dated 17 Aug [LVR 287]), J. Alpheus Sawtell. 6. George Patch, b. 8 April 1828; perhaps m. Mary Brown. iii. BETHIAH PATCH, b. 19 Dec 1781; d. 23 July 1845, age 63 (LVR 311); unmarried. iv. SARAH “SALLY” PATCH, b. 10 May 1787; d. 20 April 1840 (LVR 458); m. Littleton (int.) 25 Nov 1804 (LVR 278), EDWARD WHEELER, b. Littleton, 12 March 1776 (LVR 119), son of Jonathan and Mary (Hoar) (Hartwell) Wheeler (see #4.34).

5.146 BENJAMIN5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 4 November 1750 (LVR 55) and he died at Fitchburg, 3 April 1813 (ORF 2:323). He married at Littleton, Rev. Daniel Rogers officiating, 26 November 1778 (LVR 81, 228), SARAH5 SANDERSON, who was born at Waltham, 9 February 1752[/3] (WVR 80; also recorded at Littleton [VR 117]) and died probably at Fitchburg, ca. 1821, daughter of Moses4 (Samuel3, Jonathan2, Edward1) and Mary (Flagg) Sanderson. [Note: Both the Sanderson Genealogy (NEHGR 127[1973]:289) and LVR 471 claim that the Sarah Sanderson born in 1752 died young, and that Benjamin Hartwell’s wife, Sarah, was born 12 July 1757, but there is no confirmation of this in the Littleton Vital Records. Given the fact that Moses and Mary (Flagg) Sanderson spaced their children in typical two year intervals, and had sons born on 14 July 1756 and 24 August 1758, there seems scarcely room for a child born in 1757.] Benjamin served from Littleton as a “private, Lieut. Aquila Jewett’s co. of Minute-men, Col James Prescott’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service, 8 days; also, Capt. Jonathan Minott’s co., Col. Baldwin’s regt.; pay abstract for mileage from home to headquarters and return, dated Cambridge, 12 Jan 1776; mileage (54 miles) allowed said Hartwell” (MS&S). 410 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

In 1781 the family settled in the west part of Fitchburg, where Benjamin is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a household consisting of one male over 16, one male under 16 and five females, which matches nicely with his known family at that time. On 6 September 1813, widow Sarah Hartwell requested that administration on the estate of her late husband, Benjamin, be granted to Josiah Hartwell, oldest son of the deceased (Worcester County Probate File A:27653). The inventory of the estate, taken by Seth Phillips, Philip F. Cowden, and Samuel Phillips on 15 November 1813, showed an estate valued at $6,126.00, containing land in Fitchburg and Ashburnham. Children, all recorded at Fitchburg (ORF 2:323): 6.352 i. SARAH6 HARTWELL, b. Littleton, 6 May 1780 (LVR 143; also recorded Fitchburg); d. 19 April 1840 (HOA). +6.353 ii. LOIS HARTWELL, b. Fitchburg, 14 May 1782; m. EDWARD SMITH. +6.354 iii. HANNAH HARTWELL, b. 8 July 1784; m. WILLIAM HARRIS. +6.355 iv. JOSIAH HARTWELL, b. 1 May 1786; m. (1) REBECCA SAWYER, (2) SALLY (LAKE) (ROBINSON) (WOOD) STEARNS. +6.356 v. BETHIAH HARTWELL, b. 6 August 1789; m. WILLIAM JOHNSON. +6.357 vi. BENJAMIN HARTWELL, b. 10 April 1792; m. BETSEY BALDWIN. +6.358 vii. NATHAN HARTWELL, b. 29 Dec 1794; m. (1) POLLY SAWYER, (2) RHODA SAWYER.

5.148 SAMUEL5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 25 November 1754 (LVR 55) and is undoubtedly the “Mr. Hartwell” who died of fever at Winchendon, 27 August 1806 (WVR 197; Worcester County Probate File A:27708), although HOA says he died in 1833 by falling off a bridge. Probate records show that it was his son, Samuel Jr., who died in the 1833 accident. The two Samuels were combined into one man by HOA, Fifth Generation 411 and Samuel, Jr.’s children were attributed to Samuel Robert7 Hartwell of Conway, who never married, and is of the wrong generation. Samuel married at Littleton, 29 July 1779 (LVR 357), his 3rd cousin, LOIS5 HARTWELL (see #5.72), who was born at Littleton, 8 January 1761 (LVR 77), and died there “a widow, age 51” 2 April 1813 (LVR 353), daughter of Oliver4 and Lois (Dudley) Hartwell (see #4.35-i). Samuel was a “private [in] Lieut. Aquila Jewett’s co. of Minute-men, Col. James Prescott’s regt., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; service 12 days” (MS&S). He is shown on the 1790 Census as the head of a family in Littleton consisting of one male over 16, two males under 16 and three females. He probably moved to Winchendon in 1796 (HOA says “about 1790 ”) when he purchased Lot #114 in the second division from Abner Curtice, Jr. for $433 (Worcester Deeds). Samuel died intestate and insolvent. Lois declined to admin- ister the estate, and, stating that “none of the male heirs being 21 years of age,” requested the judge of probates to appoint Thomas Fisher, Esq. administrator. Lois evidently took the $121.18 the court allowed her as her widow’s portion and returned to Littleton. Samuel’s estate was finally settled in 1817, with each of the credi- tors receiving only a few cents on the dollar. Children, all except last one born at Littleton (LVR 155): +6.359 i. SALLY6 HARTWELL, b. 24 Sept 1781; m. JOSHUA WYMAN. 6.360 ii. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 17 June 1783; d. there 9 Sept 1786 (LVR 155). 6.361 iii. PATTY HARTWELL, b. 2 July 1785; d. there 12 Sept 1786 (LVR 155). +6.362 iv. SAMUEL HARTWELL, b. 8 June 1787; m. (1) ABIGAIL DAVIS, (2) LYDIA BROWN. 412 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

6.363 v. PATTY HARTWELL, bap. Littleton, 27 April 1788 (LVR 319); buried there 11 May 1788, “child of Samuel Hartwell & Wife Aged about two weeks” (LVR 339). 6.364 vi. OLIVER HARTWELL, b. 23 May 1789; death record not found; m. Royalston, 5 Feb 1816 (RVR 122), SARAH JACOBS, b. there 5 Feb 1793 (RVR 45), d. Circleville, OH, 24 May 1834 (Index of Deaths in Boston Newspapers [C.C. 16 July 1834]), dau. of Capt. Joseph and Sarah (Bragg) Jacobs. Oliver is almost certainly the Oliver Hartwell mentioned in The History of Monroe County, NY [1877] as having purchased in 1820 a farm [in Pittsford, NY?] from Mr. Pardee. “The place was known as Hartwell’s Basin for a number of years, and was known as Bushnell’s Basin in 1877. The [Erie] Canal was built through this farm. Oliver Hartwell kept a grocery, a warehouse, and built boats, doing quite a business.” HOA failed to identify this Oliver Hartwell, but given the fact that his brother, Samuel, is known to have gone to Monroe County, NY, and that both he and Oliver appear on the 1820 Census there, it seems reasonable to assume that Oliver accompa- nied him. Oliver was in Circleville, OH, for the taking of the 1830 and 1840 Federal Censuses. 6.365 vii. CLARISSA HARTWELL, bap. Littleton, 8 May 1791 (LVR 319); d. probably young. +6.366 viii. LUCRETIA HARTWELL, bap. Littleton, 28 April 1793 (LVR 320); m. NATHAN PATCH. +6.367 ix. CLARISSA HARTWELL, bap. Littleton, 8 Feb 1795 (LVR 321); m. AARON DAVIS. 6.368 x. LUCY HARTWELL, b. Winchendon, 3 Sept 1799 (WVR 41). No further record, unless she is the Lucinda Hartwell whose unnamed child died at Winchendon 14 Feb 1822 (WVR 197).

5.149 DANIEL5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 23 November 1756 (LVR 56) and he died there Fifth Generation 413

25 September 1836, age 79y 10m (LVR 393). He married first, at Littleton, 27 June 1782 (LVR 221, 230), his 3rd cousin, SARAH5 HARTWELL, who was born at Littleton, 10 February 1758 (LVR 73, 120) and died there either 21 January 1815, age 57 (LVR 353) or December 1815 (LVR 166), daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hoar) Hartwell (see #4.34-i). He married second, at Littleton, 26 January 1817 (LVR 249), LUCY (DUTTON) KIMBALL, who was born at Westford, 17 November 1752 (WVR 31) and died at Littleton, 8 February 1839, age 86 (LVR 156), daughter of James and Rebecca (Hildreth) Dutton, and widow of DANIEL KIMBALL, whom she married 1 July 1779, and by whom she had nine children. Children, all by first wife, born at Littleton: +6.369 i. THOMAS6 HARTWELL, b. 7 April 1783 (LVR 166); m. (1) TRYPHENA WRIGHT, (2) MARY A. HARRINGTON. +6.370 ii. SUSANNAH HARTWELL, b. 8 May 1785 (LVR 166); m. (1) SAMUEL FLETCHER, (2) AARON WHITNEY. +6.371 iii. SALLY HARTWELL, b. 15 Nov 1788 (LVR 166); m. JONATHAN FAIRBANKS. 6.372 iv. LUCINDA HARTWELL, bap. 8 Nov 1795 (LVR 321); buried 28 May 1797, age 1y 7m (LVR 344). 6.373 v. LUCINDA HARTWELL, bap. 1 July 1798 (LVR 322); prob. the infant child buried there 18 July 1798 (LVR 345). +6.374 vi. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. 13 April 1800 (LVR 166); m. (1) SARAH GOLDSMITH FAIRBANKS, (2) ELIZA AUGUSTA BOWERS.

5.151 THOMAS5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 13 November 1761 (LVR 56) and he died there 10 December 1809, age 48 (LVR 181). He married first, at Littleton, Jonathan Reed Justice of the Peace presiding, 15 December 1783 (LVR 229, as “Dr. Thomas Hartwell”), ELIZABETH “BETTY” HOWARD. Betty’s birthdate and parentage have not been determined, but she may have been a Hayward or a Heywood, or possible a Harwood. She died at Littleton, 3 February 1799 (LVR 414 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

181), and Thomas married second, 28 September 1800, “Mrs.” CAROLINE (LVR 237) or “Miss” CATHARINE (LVR 242) REED of Westford. Children, all by first wife, all born at Littleton (LVR 180-81): +6.375 i. BETSY6 HARTWELL, b. 27 Aug 1784; m. JOSIAH CROSBY. +6.376 ii. NATHAN HARTWELL, b. 3 May 1786; m. (1) SARAH WHEELER, (2) ALMIRA (BINGHAM) FOSTER. +6.377 iii. NANCY HARTWELL, b. 25 Sept 1788; m. FRANCIS KIDDER. +6.378 iv. SUKEY HARTWELL, b. 15 Jan 1791; m. EBENEZER BRIDGE. 6.379 v. PATTY HARTWELL, b. 6 March 1793; m. JONATHAN6 HARTWELL (see #6.387). 6.380 vi. THOMAS HAYWOOD HARTWELL, b. 23 Feb 1796; d. Littleton, 6 May 1818, age 22 (LVR 362). HOA says he was insane, a wanderer, and was found dead in Lincoln. +6.381 vii. HERMAN HARTWELL, b. 22 Dec 1797; m. Eliza Jordan.

5.152 SIMON5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 6 December 1763 (LVR 56) and he died there 27 January 1815, age 51 (LVR 185). He married at Harvard, 25 May 1790 (HVR 175), RACHEL ATHERTON, who was born at Harvard, 12 April 1761 (HVR 11) and died at Littleton, 14 May 1832, age 71 (LVR 185), daughter of Oliver and Rachel (Godfrey) Atherton. Simon was a farmer, held most of the town offices (HOA). Children, born at Littleton (LVR 184-85): +6.382 i. HARRIET6 HARTWELL, b. 18 June 1791; m. JOHN HOAR. +6.383 ii. CEPHAS HARTWELL, b. 21 March 1793; m. ASENATH ROBBINS. 6.384 iii. ALFRED HARTWELL, b. 5 Oct 1795; d. 1 Dec 1798 (LVR 185). +6.385 iv. MARY WILLARD HARTWELL, b. 27 Oct 1797; m. ALDEN WHEELER. Fifth Generation 415

+6.386 v. STEDMAN HARTWELL, b. 14 March 1800; m. (1) RHODA FLETCHER, (2) REBECCA DANA PERRY. +6.387 vi. CAROLINE HARTWELL, b. 8 Sept 1803; m. ANDREW WHITCOMB. 6.388 vii. LOUISA HARTWELL, b. 10 Nov 1806; d. Harvard, in child- birth, 18 Dec 1844, age 38 (LVR 384, 397; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. Harvard, 25 Nov 1841 (HVR 175), SIDNEY H. BULL, b. 18 Feb 1806, d. Harvard, 7 Aug 1889 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery), son of Merrit and Hannah (?) Bull. He was a merchant in West Acton, later a farmer in Harvard. He m. (2) 23 Dec 1846, Mercy W. Sawyer, b. 6 June 1812 (Gs), d. Harvard, 5 June 1901 (ibid.).

5.153 ELIZABETH5 HARTWELL (Josiah4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 22 September 1765 (LVR 56) and died, probably in Vermont, 9 December 1831 (ibid.). Although her death date is given in the Littleton records, it is doubtful that she actually died there. Littleton records also contain extracts from a Bible belonging to J. Hartwell Whitcomb, wherein “Betsy Hartwell b. 22 Sept 1765, died 30 Jan 1783 ” (LVR 383). This Bible record is puzzling, since “daughter Elizabeth Russell, wife of John Russell” was bequeathed 15 pounds in Josiah Hartwell’s will, written 6 June 1787 (Middlesex Probate File 10575), so she obviously did not die in 1783. Possibly at the time of her father’s second marriage, Elizabeth moved to Fitchburg to live with her brother Benjamin’s family, because she was “of Fitchburg” when she married there, the Rev. John Payson officiating, 17 October 1786 (ORF 233 [recorded by Phineas Hartwell, town clerk]), JOHN RUSSELL, who was born probably at Danvers, ca. 1760 and died at Stowe, Vermont, ca. 1820, age 60 (Stowe Center Cemetery record), son of Jonathan Jr. and Hannah (Flint) Russell. After their marriage, John and Elizabeth moved to Vermont, where they lived in both Windsor and Stowe (History of Columbia County, WI). 416 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Child of Elizabeth by an unknown father, born probably at Fitchburg: +6.389 i. SARAH6 “SALLY” HARTWELL, b. 5 Aug 1785; m. GEORGE W. DAKE. Children by John Russell, born probably at Windsor and Stowe, Vermont: ii. [?]ESTEY RUSSELL, b. 20 April 1787; d. prob. young. iii. HARTWELL RUSSELL, b. 25 April 1789; m. Stowe, VT, 12 Sept 1811 (VT VRs), [A]ZUBA BENNETT. Children, all born at Stowe, VT: 1. Stephen Russell, b. 5 Nov 1812. 2. Asa Russell, b. 15 Jan 1814. 3. Eliza Russell, b. 8 Oct 1815. 4. Hannah Russell, b. 8 July 1817. 5. George Russell, b. 6 Sept 1819. 6. Richard Russell, b. 8 May 1822. 7. Sophrona Russell, b. 31 March 1824. 8. Orenus Russell, b. 2 Jan 1825. 9. Unnamed son, b. 4 March 1826. 10. Unnamed son, b. 11 July 1827. iv. JOSIAH RUSSELL, b. Windsor, VT, 5 April 1791; d. Stowe, VT, 26 Nov 1867; m. (1) Stowe, 19 March 1812, ABIGAIL LUCE, b. 1789, d. 1827; m. (2) Mansfield, VT, 3 July 1844, ANNA SMITH of Stowe, b. ca. 1800. Children, per 1850 Census (Reel 925:141): 1. Daniel Russell, b. ca. 1821; m. Almira (?). 2. Charles Russell, b. ca. 1835. 3. Albert Russell, b. ca. 1840. v. [?]FLINT RUSSELL, b. 16 March 1793; d. prob. young. Fifth Generation 417

vi. STEPHEN FRANKLIN RUSSELL, b. Windsor, VT, 1 June 1796 (IGI); d. 1 Sept 1859 or 1860; m. Stowe, 4 Dec 1817, AMANDA LUCE, b. ca. 1816, d. ca. 1875. Children, born at Stowe, LaMoille co., VT (IGI): 1. Moses Russell, b. 10 May 1818. 2. Thomas H. Russell, b. 4 April 1819. 3. Byron Russell, b. 9 March 1826; m. Lovina J. Nason. 4. Lorenzo Russell, b. 16 April 1830. 5. Sarah Jane Russell, b. 14 July 1832. 6. Edwin Clifton Russell, b. 15 August 1835. vii. LORENZO FLINT RUSSELL, b. 25 Nov 1799; m. Stowe, VT, 13 Dec 1821, ELLENOR HAM of Mansfield, VT, b. ca. 1801. Children, per 1850 Census (Reel 925:141): 1. Sarah Russell, b. ca. 1832. 2. Laura S. Russell, b. ca. 1834. 3. Mary M. Russell, b. ca. 1837. 4. Ezra F. Russell, b. ca. 1838. 5. Franklin H. Russell, b. ca. 1841. viii. FRANKLIN B. RUSSELL, b. Windsor, VT, 28 Aug 1805 (IGI; History of Columbia Co., WI); d. Fall River, WI, 2 Oct 1884; m. Stowe, VT, 6 July 1828, SYLVIA PARCHER, b. ca. 1812, d. ca. 1890, dau. of Samuel and Betsey (Bigford) Parcher. They moved to Dodge Co., WI, in 1855, and to Fall River, WI, about 1868. Children, (family sheet by Vivian Nogle; History of Columbia County, WI): 1. Cordelia M. Russell, b. Stowe, VT, 31 May 1830 (IGI has 1831); d. Fall River, WI, 28 Dec 1892; m. Saranac, NY, 24 Dec 1846, Freeman Herman Coon. 418 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

2. Susan Jane Russell, b. Mansfield, VT, 14 Feb 1832 (IGI); d. Lisbon, ND, 16 Jan 1896; m. New York State, 29 Aug 1847, David Ash. 3. Alonzo Hartwell Russell, b. Stowe, VT, 6 May 1834 (IGI); d. Fall River, WI, 12 Jan 1906; m. there 27 Jan 1867 Mary A. Brayton of Portage, WI. 4. Ruel Parcher Russell, b. Saranac, NY, 16 March 1837; d. Green Bay, WI, 26 March 1916; m. (1) Russell, NY, 4 June 1855, Adelia P. Gilson, b. Russell, NY, 4 June 1839, d. Greenleaf, WI, 24 Dec 1877, dau. Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Moore) Gilson; m. (2) Kaukauna, WI, 28 Aug 1879, Jennie L. Walker, b. Pitcairn, NY, d. Wrightstown, WI, 28 Feb 1916. Six children by 1st wife. 5. Zebulon Baker Russell, b. Saranac, NY, 26 Dec 1839; d. Fall River, WI, 15 Oct 1912; m. Fox Lake, WI, 20 Nov 1864 or 1865, Eliza A. Simpson, b. 25 Dec 1842, dau. of R. C. and Matilda (Culver) Simpson. 6. Betsy A. Russell, b. Saranac, NY, 26 Aug 1841; d. Bijiou Hills, SD, 21 Dec 1893; m. (1) ca. 1860/1 Gilman Eno, (2) E. F. Russell of Dakota. 7. Philura L. Russell, b. Plattsburg, NY, 14 April 1843; d. Yankton, SD, 8 Aug 1924; m. 16 March 1867, Charles E. Thompson of Dakota. 8. Priscilla A. Russell, b. Franklin, NY, 9 July 1848; d. Fall River, WI, 28 Sept 1864, aged 16 years. 9. Franklin John Russell, b. Russell, NY, 18 July 1851; d. Edgerton, WI, 21 Dec 1921; m. Mason City, IA, 8 June 1875, Anna M. Ahlverson. 10. Ezra William Russell, b. Calamus, WI, 21 Sept 1855; d. Tacoma, WA, 21 Aug 1911; m. 21 Sept 1880, Emelia Ellen Walter. [Note: History of Columbia Fifth Generation 419

County, WI says he was umn., owned a barber shop and notion store in Ashland, WI]. 11. & 12. Two more children, died young.

Descendants of Nathan4 and Mary (Patch) Hartwell

5.155 LOIS5 HARTWELL (Nathan4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, William1) was born at Littleton, 12 July 1757 (LVR 70) and she died at Harvard, 9 January 1802, age 44 (HVR 295). She married at Harvard, 21 March 1776 (HVR 175), PHILEMON PRIEST, who was born at Harvard, 18 February 1753 (HVR 83) and died there 24 February 1837, age 84 yr. (HVR 295), son of John and Mary (Fairbank) Priest. Philemon was a private in Capt. Jonathan Davis’s co., Col. John Whitcomb’s regiment of minutemen in the Revolution, and a farmer in Harvard. After Lois’s death, he married second, at Harvard, 11 February 1817 (HVR 175), her sister, MARY “MOLLY” HARTWELL (see #84-i), who was born at Littleton, 6 July 1755 (LVR 70) and died at Harvard, 13 January 1821, age 65 (HVR 295). Children by first wife, born at Harvard (HVR 81-83): i. BETSY PRIEST, b. 21 July 1777; d. 9 Jan 1860, age 82 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. (1) Harvard, 30 Sept 1830 (HVR 202), DENNIS HUGHES; m. (2) Boxborough, 7 Sept 1848, as his 2nd wife, ABIJAH LAWRENCE, b. Box- borough, ca. 1777, d. Bolton, 28 Nov 1856, age 79 (Gs:West Burial Ground, Bolton), son of Thomas and Ruth (Raymond) Lawrence. ii. SARAH PRIEST, b. 5 Oct 1778; d. 2 March 1800, age 21 (HVR 296; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery). Sarah’s stone is in- scribed: “Fresh in the morn the summer rose / Hangs withering ere ‘tis morn; / We scarce enjoy the balmy gift / But mourn the pleasure gone.” iii. NANCY PRIEST, b. 18 Aug 1780; d. Adrian, MI, 17 Aug 1866 (HOA); m. Harvard, 13 Dec 1808 (HVR 203), NATHANIEL STACY STONE, b. Fitzwilliam, NH, 23 Aug 420 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

1780, d. Adrian, MI, 26 Aug 1866, son of Samuel and Anna (Stacy) Stone. Children, per HOA unless otherwise indicated: 1. Nahum Stone, b. Fitzwilliam, NH, 18 July 1811; d. in Michigan, 15 Feb 1908; m. 21 Aug 1838, Eliza Ann Buffum, b. Richmond, NH, 3 May 1821, d. 16 Sept 1844, dau. of Jedediah and Ruth (Buxton) Buffum. He was a farmer in NH and MI. Six children. 2. Charles Stone, b. Harvard, 25 Jan 1814; d. 12 Feb 1888; m. 12 Sept 1836, Sarah Maria Worcester, b. 2 Dec 1816, d. 8 Nov 1885, dau. of John and Sarah (Kimball) Worcester. Six children. 3. Gardner Stone, b. 7 Nov 1816; d. 29 Jan 1894; m. (int.) 14 Nov 1847, Sarah Jane Ward, b. Sutton, 17 Nov 1830, d. 17 July 1912, dau. of Avery and Jane (Maynard) Ward. One child. 4. Nathaniel Stacy Stone, b. 12 July 1819; d. 2 Nov 1837. 5. Nancy Stone, b. 7 March 1825; d. 12 July 1819 [sic]; m. (1) 2 Nov. 1837, Edward Clark Perkins, b. 11 March 1818, son of Edward and Ruth (?) Perkins; m. (2) as his 2nd wife, Joseph L. Parker, b. 20 March 1820, d. 4 July 1885, son of Lyman and Susan (Holbrook) Parker; m. (3) Dexter Collins, b. 29 Sept 1818, son of Ezekiel and Anna (Stone) Collins. iv. BENJAMIN PRIEST, b. 12 June 1782; d. Boxboro, of “old age,” 3 April 1867, age 83y 9m 22d (MA VRs 203:83); m. (1) Boxboro, 16 June 1808 (BVR 50), SALLY WETHERBEE, bp. 23 Nov 1788, d. Boxboro, 11 April 1827, age 38 (BVR 71), dau. of Simon and Mary (Robbins) Wetherbee; m. (2) Boxboro, (int.) 21 April 1828, MARY6 HARTWELL of Bedford, almost certainly a daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Reed) Hartwell (see #5.1230-iii). Fifth Generation 421

Children by 1st wife, born at Boxborough (BVR 20): 1. Adeline Hartwell Priest, b. 17 Aug 1809; d. Box- borough, 19 June 1848, age 38 or 39 (BVR 76); m. 28 Nov 1830, Stillman Whitcomb, b. 24 Feb 1808, d. Boxborough, 6 Oct 1840, age 33 (BVR 77), son of Peter and Sally (Bachellor) Whitcomb. 2. Sarah “Sally” Priest, b. 10 Jan 1811; d. Boxborough, 6 May 1848, age 37 (BVR 78); m. Boxborough, 10 July 1843 (BVR 60), Dr. Elbridge Gerry Wood, b. Marlborough, 2 Sept 1814, son of Jedediah and Betsey (Wilkins) Wood of Winchendon. 3. Jerome Priest, b. 1 Dec 1813; m. 20 April 1843, Louise Hoar. One son. 4. Benjamin Wetherbee Priest, b. 12 Feb 1817; d. Littleton, ca. 1900 (MA VRs 505:513); m. Boxborough/ Littleton, (int.) 20 Aug 1837 (BVR 60; LVR 264), Eunice Martha Wood, b. ca. 1819, d. 1904. Two sons rec- orded at Boxboro (not one as in HOA). 5. Lucy Amanda Priest, b. 13 Feb 1819; d. Boxborough, 3 May 1845, age 26y (BVR 78); m. Boxborough, 8 June 1841, John Harrison Wood, prob. the JHW b. 11 Oct 1811, son of John and Lois (Humphries) Wood. 6. Susan Priest, b. 9 April 1821; d. Boxborough, 6 Feb 1846, age 24y (BVR 77); m. Harvard, 8 April 1841 (HVR 203), Jerome H. Willard. v. PHILEMON PRIEST, b. 30 June 1785; d. Harvard, 10 April 1860, age 74 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. Bolton, 3 Nov 1806 (BVR 162), ANN P. HOUGHTON, b. ca. 1783, d. Harvard, 22 Oct 1861, age 78 (MA VRs 149:237; Gs). [Note: HOA accords him a second marriage to “_____ Eliza” [sic], but it was his son, Philemon, Jr. who made that marriage.] 422 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children, all born probably at Harvard: 1. Jabez Hartwell Priest, b. 11 Feb 1807 (HVR 82). 2. Sylvester Priest, b. 25 March 1809 (HVR 83); m. (—), b. ca. 1814, d. Harvard, 8 Feb 1841, age 27 (HVR 294). 3. Eliza Ann Priest, b. 9 June 1811 (HVR 82); m. Harvard, 24 Nov 1835 (HVR 202), Ezekiel Newton of Worcester. 4. David W. Priest, b. ca. March 1813 (calc.); d. Harvard, 7 April 1815, age 2y 1m (HVR 294; Gs; church record has 5 April 1816). 5. Philemon Priest, b. Feb 1816 (calc.); d. Watertown, 3 July 1885, age 69y 5m (MA VRs 365:226; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. ca. 1840, Eliza S. (—), b. ca. 1816 (calc.), d. Harvard, 1 Feb 1899, age 82y 7m (Gs). Son, Gardner Newton Priest, b. “Spencer” 16 Jan 1849 (HVR 82). 6. David Houghton Priest, b. 12 March 1819 (HVR 82). One daughter per HOA. 7. Rozalana Priest, birth not recorded; m. Harvard, 4 Feb 1846 (HVR 203), William H. Dadman, son of Willard and Joanna Dadmun. One son. vi. JABEZ PRIEST, b. 10 Aug 1788 (HVR 81); d. Harvard, of consumption, 16 Nov 1844, age 56y (HVR 295); m. Harvard, 21 Dec 1815 (HVR 202), SALLY FAIRBANK. Children, born at Harvard: 1. Martha Ann Priest, b. 4 Oct 1816 (HVR 83), bap. there 3 July 1828 (ibid.); m. Harvard, 21 Jan 1841 (HVR 203), Moses Hale. Four children per HOA, who says prob. only two of them are children of Moses and Martha(!). 2. Henry Harrison Priest, b. 8 March 1818 (HVR 82). Fifth Generation 423

3. Sarah Elizabeth Priest, b. 23 Sept 1819 (HVR 83 incorrectly gives the year as 1811; she was 25 when she married); d. of consumption 10 Dec 1844; m. Harvard, 23 May 1844 (HVR 203), Whitney Adams, b. 6 June 1821, d. of consumption, 21 May 1846, son of Jonathan and Alice (Whitney) Adams of Northborough. 4. Jabez Gilman Priest, bp. 3 July 1828 (HVR 82). 5. Louisa Hartwell Priest, b. ca. 1823/4 (calc.), bap. 3 July 1828 (HVR 83); d. Harvard, of consumption, 30 Jan 1848, age 24y (HVR 295); unmarried. 6. Mary Maria Priest, b. ca. 1825 (calc.), bap. 3 July 1828 (HVR 83); d. there, of consumption, 19 July 1848, age 23y (HVR 295). 7. Seraphina Young Priest, bp. 3 July 1828 (HVR 83). 8. Hannah Herrick Priest, bp. 7 Nov 1830 (HVR 82). 9. George Emery Priest, bp. 21 Oct 1832 (HVR 82). 10. Margaret Henrietta Priest, bap. 27 Sept 1835 (HVR 83). vii. JOHN PRIEST, bap. 7 Nov 1790 (HVR 83); d. Harvard, 1 July 1824, age 33y (HVR 295, as “son of Capt. Philemon & Mary”; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); unmarried. viii. SILVESTER PRIEST, b. 24 June 1792 (Cutter), bap. Harvard, 2 Sept 1792 (HVR 83); d. Watertown, 30 Jan 1879 (Cutter); m. (1) Harvard, (int.) 19 Nov 1819 (HVR 203), REBEKAH FULLER, b. Leominster, 17 March 1798, d. Harvard, 4 Dec 1831, age 33 (HVR 296), dau. of Edward and Nancy Fuller; m. (2) Harvard, (int.) 16 Jan 1833 (HVR 203), CYNTHIA EATON “of Boston” (Cutter 2474), b. Haverhill, 10 Oct 1796, d. Watertown, 4 July 1848, dau. of Timothy and Betsy (Frey) Eaton; m. (3) 18 Sept 1859, HANNAH FULLER, who d. July 1891, age 90 years (ibid.). 424 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Children by 1st wife (Cutter): 1. Mary Priest, b. ca. 1820; d. 4 Oct 1827, age 7y (HVR 295). 2. George Priest, b. May 1825; d. Harvard, 20 Dec 1827, age 2y 7m (HVR 295). 3. Caroline Priest, b. 4 Dec 1827. 4. Mary H. Priest, b. 19 July 1829. 5. Thurston S. Priest, b. 29 Oct 1831; m. Mary Anne Lee. 6. Charles Henry Priest, d. prob. young. 7. George Eaton Priest, b. Watertown, 30 Jan 1842; d. Marblehead, 22 July 1897; m. 30 Sept 1866, Mary Wallis Whittier, b. Cornville, ME, 21 Feb 1845, dau. of Joseph Whittier of Fairfax, ME. George E. Priest was a veteran of the Civil War. Five children. ix. JONATHAN PRIEST, bp. 25 Oct 1795 (HVR 83); d. Harvard, of consumption, 4 Nov 1849, age 54y (HVR 295; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); m. Harvard, 8 April 1834 (HVR 203), SOPHIA FARWELL, b. 23 April 1806, d. Harvard, 13 Sept 1888, age 82 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery), dau. of John and Arethusa (Whitney) Farwell. Children, born at Harvard: 1. Elisabeth Priest, bp. 30 June 1836 (HVR 82); d. Harvard, 20 April 1839, age 3y (HVR 294). 2. John Farwell Priest, b. 19 Sept 1838 (HVR 83); d. 19 March 1873, age 34y 6m, a veteran of the Civil War (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery). 3. Edward Hartwell Priest, b. 18 July 1840 (HVR 82); d. Harvard, of scarlet fever, 20 Aug 1845, age 5y (HVR 294). 4. Mary Elizabeth Priest, b. 17 March 1842 (HVR 83); d. Harvard, 22 June 1924, age 82 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); unmarried. Fifth Generation 425

5. Caroline Sophia Priest, b. 26 May 1845 (HVR 82); d. Harvard, 28 Nov 1926, age 82 (Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery); unmarried. 6. Henry A. Priest, b. Aug 1847 (calc.); d. Harvard, of dysentery, 8 Nov 1847, age 3m (HVR 295; Gs:Harvard Center Cemetery). 426 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Appendix A

The Probable Ancestry of William1 Hartwell

At some point after publishing the 1887 Handbook of Hartwell Genealogy, Lyman Densmore obtained, from a gentleman in Ken- tucky, a descendency chart purporting to show William’s descent from a Sir Simon Hartwell of Wold Hartwell in 1066. It is said that Densmore lamented that he was unable to go to England to research the statements on this chart for himself. Despite this lack of verif- ication, the chart was published in the front of the 1956 genealogy, and some descendants have accepted it as gospel. After publication of the 1956 genealogy, the Hartwells of America Association, evidently feeling that there was no more research to be done on the family in this country, turned their atten- tion to England. The “English Project” was instituted to try to discover the origins of the immigrant, William Hartwell, and to authenticate statements on the descendency chart. While there was controversy over the value of this project, and some reluctance to fund it fully, English genealogists were hired to search British records for Hartwells. Several editions of “The Beetle Gazette” were published by then family genealogist, Rodney Hartwell, explaining some of the results of this search, and the Hartwell Association even toyed with the idea of publishing a genealogy of all the Hartwells in England. After much research, the English genealogists came to the conclusion that while some of the statements on the descendency chart were correct, many were taken out of context or totally fabricated. Their conclusion was that someone had sold Mr. Densmore “a pup.” While no proof positive was found concerning William’s parentage and birth, several interesting leads were discovered. The most promising would seem to be records found in the area of Cranfield, Bedfordshire. Much has been made in the past of state- ments that William came from Kent, and this information appears on the IGI and several different web sites. However, Cranfield was the home of the numerous Wheelers who arrived in Concord, 428 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Massachusetts about the same time as William, and it seems likely that he may have come from the same area. The “Beetle Gazette,” Vol. 1, No. 1, presented extracts from Cranfield Parish records that indicated that “our” William was most likely the son of Francis Hartwell by his first wife, Mary. William was the second of the three sons baptized by Francis and Mary at Cranfield. This same edition of the “Beetle Gazette” abstracted the following probate record, without commenting on its apparent relevance: 17 September 1576, William Hartwell of Leighton Buzzard, Co. Bedfordshire. Gives to son Francis Hartwell a black cow of 20 pounds, 3 shillings, 4 pence. Unborn child to have a bullock of the said cow. Further bequests to each of his children. If one of them die before the other is 12 years old, the living one to be the heir of the other. Wife Agnes to bring up the children, and use their legacies till they be 12. She is to have residue and be exor. Landlord Robert Thornback and Nicolas Felfe his neighbour to be overseers. Witnesses, Robert Thornback, Nicholas Felfe, Robert Felde, Thomas Burack, Anthony Slater. Proved 23 March 1578. This probate record seems to indicate that Francis was still a relatively young (or at least newly married) man, with a young child named Francis and another child on the way. If we assume that Francis was approximately two years old at the time his father wrote his will, that makes him a good age to be the father of the immigrant William, who was obviously named for his grandfather. A marriage record exists for William Hartwell to Annetta Gillett at Leighton Buzzard Parish on 26 June 1574. Since the names Agnes and Annetta could be interchangeable, this could well be the marriage of our William’s grandparents.


WILLIAMB HARTWELL, born England ca. 1550; buried Leighton Buzzard Parish, 1 October 1576; m. there, 26 June 1574, ANNETTA (AGNES) GILLET. His will, written 17 September 1576 is abstracted above. Appendices 429

Children, baptized at Leighton Buzzard: + i. FRANCISA HARTWELL, bap. 4 Nov. 1574; m. (1) MARY (—), (2) ANN BARNWELL. ii. ANN HARTWELL, bap. posthumously, 16 Feb 1576/7; n.f.r. unless she is the Agnes Hartwell who m. at Leighton Buzzard, 6 May 1594, RICHARD FISHE.

FRANCISA HARTWELL (WilliamB), bap. Leighton Buzzard Parish, 4 November 1574; m. (1) ca. 1610, MARY (—), who was buried at Cranfield, 22 August 1616; m. (2) Cranfield, 19 November 1616, ANN BARNWELL. Children by first wife, baptized at Cranfield, Bedfordshire: i. RICHARD1 HARTWELL (Thomas on Bishop’s Transcript), bap. 20 Jan 1610/1. + 1. ii. WILLIAM HARTWELL, bap. 21 Dec. 1613; m. JEZAN (—); immigrated to America ca. 1636. iii. ROBERT HARTWELL, bap. 22 Aug 1616; n.f.r.

The major problems with this lineage would seem to be that there are no further records of William’s purported father, Francis, or his stepmother Ann, or of his purported brothers, Richard (Thomas?) and Robert. With the exception of Mary, the name of William’s purported mother, none of these names were used by William and Jezan in naming their children. Perhaps further re- search in and around Cranfield and Leighton Buzzard would yield more information on this family. 430 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Appendix B

Royal Ancestry of John3 and Edward3 Hartwell

Descendants of the children of John2 Hartwell can claim lineage going back to King Henry II of England through their mother, Elizabeth Wright. As explained in the biography of John2 Hartwell, his wives, although both surnamed Wright, could not have been sisters, so the royal lineage does not apply to John’s children by Priscilla Wright. While this royal line has long been known, its accuracy was confirmed in 1987 by eminent “royalty” genealogist, Gary Boyd Roberts, in an article entitled “Immigrants to New England for Whom Royal Descent Has Been Proved, Virtually Proved, Improved, or Disproved Since About 1960: A Bibliographical Survey” (NEHGR 141[April 1987]92-109). Martha (Bulkeley) Mellowes is listed in the section of the article entitled “‘Improved’ Royal Descents,” which refers readers to articles by John G. Hunt in TAG 35[1959]:100-106, TAG 37[1961]:45-51, and TAG 40[1964]:95- 99. This compiler has not seen these articles, but has no doubt as to their accuracy. The line is: Elizabeth Wright (1655-1704) m. John2 Hartwell (1640-1703) Edward Wright (1626-1691) m. Elizabeth (Mellowes) Barrett (1625-1691) Oliver Mellowes (1598-1638) m. Mary James (1597-before 1634) Abraham Mellowes (c1570-1639) m. Martha Bulkeley (c1572- 1639) Rev. Edward Bulkeley (d. 1620) m. Olive Irby (d. 1615) Thomas Bulkeley of Woore, Salop (d. 1591) m. Elizabeth Grosvenor Randall Grosvenor (1480-1560) m. Anne Charlton (1480-?) Richard Charlton (1450-1522) m. Anne Mainwaring of Ightfield Robert Charlton (1430-1471) m. Mary Corbet of Morton William de Knightley of Fawesley m. Anna (before 1380-1399) Thomas de Charlton (1345-1387) m. Unknown 432 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Alan de Charlton (?-1349) m. Margery Fitz Aer (1314-1349) Alan de Charlton (?-1360) m. Elena (1288-?) Alan la Zouche (1267-1314) m. Eleanor de Segrave Sir Roger la Zouche (?-1285) m. Ela Stephen Longspee (?-1260) m. Emmeline de Riddleford (?-1276) William Longespee, Earl of Salisbury (ca. 1175-1226) m. Ela FitzPatrick (1186-?), dau. of William & Eleanor (de Vitre) FitzPatrick Henry II, King of England (1133-1189) by Countess Ida*

According to The Encyclopedia Americana, “Henry II, king of England, first of the Plantagenet line, [was] b. Normandy, 5 March 1133; d. Castle of Chinon, near Saumur, France, 6 July 1189. The son of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou and the Empress Matilda, daughter of Henry I, he was invested with the duchy of Normandy by the consent of his mother in 1150. The next year he succeeded his father in the possession of Anjou and Maine, and by a marriage with Eleanor of Guienne, just divorced from Louis VII, king of France, annexed that province with Poitou to his other dominions. “Henry succeeded Stephen as king of England in 1154. Although involved with his brother Geoffrey, who attempted to seize Anjou and Maine, and in a temporary dispute with France, he reigned prosperously till the memorable contest with Thomas à Becket. Anxious to dominate the clergy, Henry in 1164 summoned a general council of nobility and prelates at Clarendon, which assembly passed the famous constitutions named for that place, the effect of which was to render the church and ecclesiastical dig- nitaries subject to the temporal authority. “After the murder of Becket, Henry receded from his position and restored the church to its rights. Before this matter was ter- minated, Henry, in 1171, undertook an expedition into Ireland, and having left Earl Richard in the post of seneschal of Ireland he returned to England—the proceedings so important to the future destinies of both countries having occupied only a few months. Appendices 433

“Being an indulgent father, Henry had assigned to each of his four sons a provision out of his extensive territories. The eldest son, Henry, was not only declared heir to England, Normandy, Anjou, Maine and Touraine, but actually crowned in his father’s lifetime. On paying a visit to the court of his father-in-law, Louis VII of France, the prince was induced by the French monarch to demand of his father the immediate resignation either of the kingdom of England or of the dukedom of Normandy. This request being refused, he withdrew from his father’s court and was openly sup- ported in his claim by Louis. “Henry’s various gallantries, exemplified in the popular and not altogether unfounded legend of fair Rosamond (italics mine) also embroiled him with his queen, Eleanor, who incited her other sons, Richard and Geoffrey to make similar claims. A general invasion of Henry’s dominions was in this way concerted, and began in 1173 by an attack on the frontiers of Normandy, but the king presently subdued his opponents and entered into an accom- modation with his sons on less favorable terms than they had previously rejected. Henry now employed himself in regulations and improvements which equally manifest his capacity and love of justice. He partitioned England into four judiciary districts, appointed itinerant justices to make regular excursions through them, revived trial by jury, discouraged that by combat, and demol- ished all the newly erected castles as shelters of violence and anarchy. The turbulence of his sons still disquieted him, but Henry, the eldest, was cut off by fever in 1183, and three years after the death of the equally restless Geoffrey occurred. Philip Augustus, then king of France, however, continued to foment the differences between Henry and his sons, and Richard was again prompted to rebel. A war followed, the event of which was so unfavorable to Henry, that he was at length obliged to agree that Richard should receive an oath of fealty from all his subjects. He also stipulated to pay a sum of money to the French king, and to grant a pardon to all Richard’s adherents. The mortification of Henry at these humili- ating terms was aggravated to despair when he saw the name of his 434 Descendants of William1 Hartwell favorite son, John, at the head of the list of deliquents whom he was required to pardon. Henry II ranks among the greatest kings of England. His wisdom and love of justice were acknowledged by foreign potentates, who made him arbiter of their differences and regarded him as the first prince of the age.”

* For information concerning the identity of Countess Ida, see Paul C. Reed, “Countess Ida, Mother of William Longespee, Illegitimate Son of Henry II: An assessment of a Crux in Medieval English Genealogy” (The American Genealogist, 77[April 2002]: 137-149), as well as the follow-up article “William Longespee, Ralph Bigod, and Countess Ida” by Raymond W. Phair (The American Genealogist, 77[October 2002]:279-281). Appendix C

A Hartwell Family of Color

Several years ago, this compiler attempted to match all the Hartwell records in the 17 volume set Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, with the man who actually performed the service. This exercise proved to be both enlightening and frus- trating. Perhaps the most frustrating was the record of a Jeffrey Hartwell, who could not be matched with any known descendant of William1 Hartwell of Concord. The mystery was eventually solved by information in The History of Dracut. Jeffrey Hartwell’s story is interesting and deserves to be included in this genealogy. 1. JEFFREY “JESSE” HARTWELL was born ca. 1751, as he was said to be about five years old on 6 July 1756, when Joseph Hartwell of Bedford purchased him from Joseph Fitch, for the sum of 24 pounds lawful money of New England (History of Dracut). Although there were several Joseph Hartwells in Bedford, Jeffrey’s owner was most likely Joseph4 Hartwell (see #4.54). Although this service is not listed in Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors, his daughter Frances’ obituary states that “her father, Jeffrey Hartwell, was in the battle of Bunker Hill, having gone on a three-months term as a substitute for his master, as he called him. Returning home, his master instead of allowing him his pay, took the money away and put it in his own pocket, upon which Jeffrey went off and enlisted until the close of the war” (Vox Populi, 27 March 1880). His documented service is: “Jeffrey Hartwell (also given as Jeffries) of Bedford [was a] Private in Capt. Edward Farmer’s co., Col. Jonathan Reed’s regt.; enlisted 29 Sept. 1777; discharged 8 Nov. 1777; service, 41 days; mileage home (185 miles) allowed; company marched to reinforce Northern Army; also, Private, Lieut. John Flint’s co., Col. Thomas Poor’s regt.; enlisted 16 June 1778; discharged 11 Feb. 1779; service, 8 mos. 9 days, at and about White Plains, including 12 days (240 miles) travel home; company raised to fortify passes of North [Hudson] river, NY; 436 Descendants of William1 Hartwell also, Capt. Asa Lawrence’s co., Col. Thomas Poor’s regt.; pay rolls for June-Aug. 1778 dated Fort Clinton; also, (late) Capt. Lawrence’s co. commanded by Lieut. John Flint, Col. Poor’s regt.; pay roll for Sept. 1778, dated West Point; also, Lieut. Flint’s co., Col. Poor’s regt.; pay roll for Nov. 1778, dated West Point; also, same co. and regt.; pay roll for Dec. 1778.” (MSSR VII:393). Less than a month after his discharge, an old Dracut journal entry, dated 4 March 1779, gives the information that “one Stephen Hartwell was here to advise relating to a Neagro named Jeffrey Hartwell. Spent considerable time with him at his request relating to said Neagro’s freedom. He would have given me a fee. I refused to take one (in a Neagro Cause).” Dracut town records from 1779 state that “ notified the town that he had received a laborer, a negro who calls himself Jeffrey Freeman, about twenty- eight years old from Joseph Hartwell in Bedford. Said Jefferey appears to be an able bodied laboring man and says he expects to earn his living at husbandry work.” (History of Dracut). Although a marriage record has not been found, Jeffrey apparently married, ca. 1782, MARIA (—), once a slave, who “was born in the old Royal Exchange in Boston, and was sent when a child to Dracut. There she lived in the Varnum family, and on her marriage . . . received for her wedding present two acres of land on which the present homestead stands.” Maria “was employed for many years by Joseph Butterfield Varnum” the man who made her the bridal gift of land. This land, located at the corner of Breakneck Hill Road [now Donahue Road] and Meadow Road [now Phineas Street], was where they built a house and where Violet and Frances made their home in later years. Their house “was once burned down and rebuilt” (Frances’ obituary). Jeffrey “Freeman” is shown on the 1790 federal census as head of a household in Dracut consisting of six “other free persons,” but whether this means that at that point in time he had four children is open to question. According to town records, “Jeffrey” Hartwell died at Dracut, 22 July 1816, age 75, but his gravestone calls him “Jesse” and gives a death date of 20 July 1816 (Dracut VRs to 1850). Maria died there 6 January 1839, age 90 (ibid.); Jesse, Maria, Violet, Appendices 437

Jesse Jr., Amaziah and Frances are buried in Dracut’s Hamblett Cemetery. Known children, born probably at Dracut, order of birth uncertain: i. VIOLET2 HARTWELL, b. -- Feb 1784 (calc.); d. Dracut, 9 May 1867, age 83y 3m (MA VRs 203:118); unmarried. Jesse Swain was appointed to administer the estate of Violet Hartwell, single woman, who left as her next of kin: Frances Hartwell of Dracut, sister; Elizabeth Offley, wife of G. W. Offley of New Bedford, a niece of the deceased and a daughter of Daniel Hartwell who was a brother of said Violet and is now deceased. Before adminstration of Violet’s estate was complete, administrator Jesse Swain died, and Henry Richardson was appointed to finish the job. An inventory taken on 22 October 1867 showed real estate valued at $1,659.98 and personal estate valued at $337.50. The probate packet contains receipts signed by Frances Hartwell and Elizabeth Offley’s marks, and Greensbury W. Offley’s signature (Middlesex Probate File 33720). ii. JESSE HARTWELL, b. say 1786; d. Dracut 23 March 1849, age 63 (Dracut Vrs to 1850); n.f.r. 2. iii. DANIEL HARTWELL, b. say 1788; m. BETSEY E. ADAMS. iv. FRANCES HARTWELL, b. 13 Nov 1792 (Gs); d. 13 March 1880, age 87y 4m (MA VRs 320:78); unmarried. Frances “received what little education she had at the village school. She was an inveterate reader, even in her old age... Unlike her brothers and only one sister, she spent a good deal of her life in travelling. When quite young she came to Boston and lived with some of its first families. With some of them she went to St. Petersburg, Rio Janeiro, the East Indies, France and England... She was accustomed herself to read her Prayer Book daily, and her last words were a repetition of the evening prayer” (obit.). v. AMAZIAH HARTWELL, b. say 1795; d. Dracut 2 October 1860, age 65 (MA VRs 139:90). 438 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

vi. [?]FRANCIS HARTWELL, b. say 1801; d. U. S. Marine Hos- pital, Charlestown, 8 Sept 1827, age 25 yrs (ChVRs 2:309).

2. DANIEL2 HARTWELL (Jeffrey1), b. say 1788; d. probably before 26 September 1842; almost certainly the Daniel “Hartwill” of Boston who married at Chatham, Connecticut, 13 April 1823 (Barbour), BETSEY E. ADAMS, who married second, at New Haven, 26 September 1842 (Barbour), GEORGE LORD. Records concerning Daniel are virtually non-existent. While the above marriage record does not identify Daniel and Betsey as colored, the record is attrib- uted to them based on the fact that there is no other Daniel Hartwell whose marriage is unknown. This, coupled with the fact that the only two Adams families in Chatham, CT on the 1820 and 1830 federal censuses are both named Joshua and both are “other free persons.” Also, the subsequent marriage in 1842 of a colored couple named Betsey Hartwell and George Lord, has prompted the identification. What brought Daniel to Chatham, Connecticut, and when and where he died are unknown aspects of his life. Known child, born at Hartford, Connecticut: 3. i. ELIZABETH3 HARTWELL, b. 1 March 1827 (calc); m. GREENSBURY WASHINGTON OFFLEY.

3. ELIZABETH3 HARTWELL (Daniel2, Jeffrey1), was born prob- ably at or near Hartford, Connecticut, 1 March 1827 (calc.) and she died at New Bedford, 22 September 1901, age 74y 6m 21d (MA VRs 516:322). She married at Boston, 17 March 1857 (MA VRs 110:23), as his second wife, GREENSBURY WASHINGTON OFFLEY, who was born at Centerville, Maryland ca. 1809 and died at New Bedford, 24 March 1896, age 87y 3m (MA VRs 463:299), son of John R. and Henrietta Offley. Greensbury is described as a clergyman on his marriage record and as a farmer on his death record. He was “of East Windsor” [CT] when he married first, at Hartford, 25 Novem- ber 1837 (Barbour), Rev. Heman Bangs officiating, ANN FREEMAN. Greensbury, age 45, black, minister, b. MD and Ann F., 43, black, b. CT were found on the 1850 federal census for Hartford, CT (Reel 41:160). In 1860 he was still in Hartford, age 50, Clergyman Meth., Appendices 439 with $7,640 worth of real estate and $300 worth of personal estate. Also in the household were Elizabeth Offley, age 28, black; Mary Brown, 16, black; Candace Augustus, 90, black, all born in Connecticut (Reel 78:936). According to Professor Thomas Doughton of Holy Cross College in Worcester, Greensbury W. Offley was a self-educated clergyman who was instrumental in founding the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Worcester. The “Anti-Slavery and Temperance Society of Colored Citizens,” an active political group sponsored by this church, raised money, participated in anti-slavery demonstrations across the state, and helped fugitive slaves to freedom. Although the marriage record of Adelaide I/J. Offley to Alexander C. Jones at New Bedford on 18 May 1876 (MA VRs 280:119) states that Adelaide, age 19 and born in Worcester, was the daughter of Greensbury W. and Elizabeth Offley, she was appar- ently actually the child of Mary Brown, and was adopted by the Offleys. Thus Jeffrey Hartwell’s line appears to end with his granddaughter, Elizabeth. 440 Descendants of William1 Hartwell Index

Note: For the following nicknames, see also the respective names. Amy. See also Ama; Emma Anna. See also Nancy Becky. See also Rebecca Betsey. See also Elisabeth; Elizabeth Betty. See also Betsey; Elisabeth; Elizabeth Dolly. See also Dorothy Dorty. See also Dorothy Emma. See also Eunice Fanny. See also Frances Molley. See also Mary Molly. See also Mary Nabby. See also Abigail Nancy. See also Ann Patty. See also Martha Polly. See also Hepsibah; Mary Roxy. See also Roxana Sally. See also Sarah Sukey. See also Susan Vila. See also Phila

Abbot Abigail (Stone), 331 Lemuel, 359 Alice (Whitney), 423 Abbott Andrew, 330 Dorothy, 24 Anna, 97 Jemima, 221 Betsey E., 437, 438 Mary (Hill), 23 Daniel, 275 Moses, 23 Deliverance, 330-332 Adams Deliverance (Adams), Abigail, 297 330-332 Abigail (Hartwell), 137, Hannah, 297 297 James, 330-332 442 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Adams (continued) Electa, 310 John, 58 Squire, 310 John, Jr., 58 Allard Jonathan, 423 Amasa, 309 Joseph, Col., 331 Cynthia (Vinton), 309 Katherine (Hartwell), 275 Allen Keziah, 332 Ann M., 295 Louisa A., 382 Caroline Lucinda (Gibson), Lydia (Hayward), 58 291 Mary, 157 Elizabeth (Gleason?), 56 Mary (Meed), 49 Henry C., 184 Mary (Wentworth), 297 Isaac, 56 Mercy (Warner?), 58 Jonathan, 184 Nathan, Jr., 110 Joseph, 56 Nathaniel, 137, 297 Margaret (Huffcut), 184 Polly (Hartwell), 329, 330 Mary (Child), 56 Rachel, 297 Orma Lockwood (Powers), 184 Sarah Elizabeth (Priest), 423 William T., 291 Thomas, 49 Alton Whitney, 423 Amasa, 309 Ahlverson Benjamin, 309 Anna M., 418 Silence (Leach), 309 Alden Susanna (Blood), 309 Ebenezer, 279 Ames Frances C. (Jones), 336 Kezia, 307 John, 303 Amsden Louisa, 279 Frances (Perriman), 34 Paul, 336 Melinda, 255 Aldis Anderson Hannah, 80, 81 Jane (Wilson), 290 Aldrich Andrews Abigail (Ide), 310 Elizabeth (Wolcott), 85 Index 443

Andrews (continued) Elizabeth (Thomas), 160 Flora, 198 Hepsebel, 167 Horace, 85 John, 161, 164, 166, 167 Huldah, 268 Joseph, 51, 67, 154, 160, Andros 161, 163 Jemima, 85 Julia Ann, 363 Angier Leonard, 166 Sarah, 375 Levi, 164 Arch Lucy, 164 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 105, Lydia, 163, 164 106, 245 Lydia (Fay), 163 Harry, 105 Margery (Pratt), 166 James, 105, 106 Mary, 67, 161, 162, 167, Lydia, 106 363 Armsby Mary (Morse), 165 Damerus (Bacon), 157 Mary (Rice), 163 Enos, 157 Miriam (Bigelow), 164 Arnal Molly, 164 John, 167 Molly (Barns), 163 Joseph, 167 Nathan, 166, 363 Arnold Persis (Barron), 348 Aaron, 164 Persis (—), 163 Abigail (Hagar), 163 Polly, 166 Abigail (—), 161 Polly (Wright), 363 Anna, 164 Rachel, 167 Augustus B., 348 Rachel (Hill), 164 Betsey, 167 Rebecca, 161, 163, 164 Catherine (Spink), 166 Relief, 166 Dorothy, 161, 162 Relief (Rice), 163 Dorothy (Hartwell), 50, 51, Rhoda, 311 67, 160 Sally (Frost), 166 Elizabeth, 161, 163 Sarah (Tayntor), 164 Elizabeth (Chandler), 166 Susanna (Gates), 163 444 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Arnold (continued) Averill Thomas, 160, 161, 166, 167 Miriam, 271 William, 160, 161, 163, Avery 165, 166 James E., 356 Winslow, 163 Oliver, Capt., 353 Ash Rachel, 266 David, 418 Ayer Susan Jane (Russell), 418 Experience (Leach), 310 Ashe Hiram, 310 Hannah, 88, 228 Ayres John, 228 Mary (Hayward), 59 Mary (Green), 228 William, 59 Atherton Babbitt Oliver, 414 Anna, 310 Rachel, 180, 414 Babcock Rachel (Godfrey), 414 John, 320 Atkins Mary Ann, 313 Rebecca, 348 Polly, 320 Atkinson Tilee (Ingraham), 320 Hannah, 13 Tilley (Ingraham), 320 Attwood Bachellor Chloe, 310 Sally, 421 Elizabeth (Lucas), 310 Backhurst Francis, 310 Keziah Price, 130 Augustus Bacon Candace, 439 Abigail, 118 Philip, 433 Abigail (Taylor), 42 Austin Amos, 159 David, 313 Benjamin, 42 Elizabeth O., 289 Bulah, 157 Mary (Mix), 313 Damerus, 157 Rebecca, 313 David, 157, 160 Index 445

Bacon (continued) Zilpha, 157 Diadame, 158 Zipporah, 157 Dorothy, 158 Bagg Elizabeth, 159 Henry, Dr., 345 Elizabeth (Giles), 156 Sukey (Hartwell), 345 Elizabeth (Johnson), 376 Bailey Eunice, 159 Adam, 137 Hannah (Man), 159 Hulda, 125 Jepthah, 158 Joanna, 77 Joanna (—), 158 Mary, 138 Joel, 159 Baird John, 375, 376 Sarah, 85 Jonathan, 51, 156, 157 Baken Jonathan, Jr., 156, 157 Elizabeth, 159 Lydia (Warren), 158 Baker Martha (Wood), 157 Aaron, 116 Mary (Adams), 157 Amos, 116 Mary (Dalrymple), 158 Daniel Fletcher, 116 Mary (Johnson), 375 Dorothy (Jacobs), 162 Mary (Tobey), 159 Elisabeth (Marsh), 116 Mehitabel (Warren), 159 Eliza J., 406 Nathan, 158, 159 Elizabeth (—), 162 Otis, 376 Elizabeth Hartwell, 356 Ruth, 158-160 Fanny M., 246 Ruth (Hartwell), 50, 51, Joel, 116 156, 157 Jonathan Hartwell, 116 Samuel, 44 Joseph H., 212 Sara (—), 157 Joseph, Capt., 120 Solomon, 157 Lois H. (Brooks), 212 Tabitha (Wakefield), 160 Lydia, 396 Timothy, 156, 157, 159 Margaret, 356 William, 156, 158 Margery (Reed), 356 446 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Baker (continued) Ephraim, 322 Moses, 116 Ephraim, II, 322 Nathaniel, Capt., 246 Martha, 317 Rebecca, 115 Mary (Farwell), 322 Rebecca (Conant), 115 Bang Samuel, 162 Samuel, 217 Sarah, 116 Bangs Sarah (Fletcher), 115 Hannah, 88, 217-219 Susanna, 116 Hannah (Wing), 217 William, 5, 113, 115 Heman, Rev., 438 Balch Samuel, 217 Mary, 336 Barber Tabitha, 170 Asenath (Melvin), 79 Balcom Joel, 79 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 392 Mary (Phelps), 79 Reuben, 392 Barker Baldwin Abel, 118 Betsey, 410 Ann, 117 Jere, 203 Ann (White), 114, 116 Mary C. (Bennett), 203 Anna, 114 Pamela, 229 Betsey, 117, 277 Sally, 209, 210 Cyrus, 118 Sarah (Hill), 26 Daniel Fletcher, 117 Susanna, 24 Dolly, 117 Thomas, 26 Esther (Hosmer), 117 Ball Eunice (Wright), 117 Betsey (Kendall), 389 Jonathan, 117 Eveline, 404 Joseph, 114, 116, 117 Henry, 389 Lucy (Hosmer), 117 Nathaniel, 41 Mehitable, 116 Thomas, 19 Minda G., 212 Ballard Rebecca, 118 Augusta (Wall), 322 Rebecca (Davis), 117 Index 447

Barker (continued) Betty, 74 Rebecca (Hosmer), 117 Betty (Bigelow), 163 Reuben, 117 Hannah, 74 Ruth, 116, 117 John, 74 Ruth (Fletcher), 116 Jonathan, 74 Sally, 386 Joseph, 74 Sarah, 116 Josiah, 74 Barnard Laura Louise (Powers), 185 Eliza A., 384 Lucy, 74 Elizabeth (Walker), 395 Lucy (Hildreth), 74 Priscilla, 124 Mary, 74 William Francis, 395 Molly, 74, 163 Barnes. See also Barns Phineas, 74 Amos, 74 Sarah, 74 Fortunatus, 53 Sarah (Melvin?), 74 Grace (Bronson), 82 Sarah (Melvin), 74 Hannah (Boynton), 73 Silas, 163 Hannah (Clark), 83 Barnum Jacob, 82 Ann (Hawley), 107 Jonathan, 53, 54 Anna (Hawley), 244 Joseph, 73, 74 David H., 244 Lucy, 53 Joshua, Capt., 228 Mary (Wolcott), 82 Barnwell Moses, 82 Agnes, 429 Persis (Hosmer), 53 Ann, 429 Polly (Eastman), 74 Barrett Rachel (—), 53, 54 Adeline, 135 Rebekah, 74 Elizabeth (Mellowes), 14, Sarah (Melvin), 72-74 15, 431 Barns. See also Barnes James, 77 Almon, 185 Lydia, 77 Asa, 74 Mary Ann (Hastings), 135 448 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Barrett (continued) George, 304 Mehettebell, 31 Henry, 304 Otis, 135 John, 305 Polly, 342 Rhoda (Carver), 304 Rebecca, 123 Robert, 304 Rebecca (Hubbard), 77 Sarah, 305 Silas, 134 Titus T., Rev., 296 Sophia, 134 William, 304 Susannah, 134 Bassett Thomas, 15 Joseph, 307 Barron Lydia Burbank (Lovering), Benjamin, 348, 349 359 David, 349 Lyman, 359 Elizabeth, 250 Mary, 307 Esther, 349 Ruth (Leach), 307 George Washington, 349 Batchelder Lucy, 349 Desire, 170, 381 Mary (Williams), 348 George, 371 Oliver, 348 Jemima, 51, 174, 369 Persis, 348 Jemima (Conant), 174 Sarah, 349 John, Jr., 174 Sarah Barras (Blood), 348 Rebecca (Evans), 371 Bartlett Batchelor Clarissa E., 247 Lucy (Hayward), 62 Sarah, 301 Nehemiah, 62 Bartley Bates Mary Joanna (Hartwell), Anna (Shattuck), 198 388 Elijah, 119 Robert, 388 Emily, 198 Barton Sarah (Fletcher), 119 Anna Maria, 305 Stephen, 198 Benjamin, 304 Baxter Daniel, 304 Alice (Flint), 344 Index 449

Baxter (continued) Bellows Levi, 344 Benjamin, Col., 250 Mary, 101 Caleb, 338 Bayley Ephraim Hartwell, 344 Mary, 77 Joseph, Capt., 242, 259 Bean Mary (Hartwell), 338 Augusta (Stearns), 258 Sally (Brown), 344 Charles H., 258 Belton Martha (Hartwell), 251 Catherine, 226 Beard Bemis Aaron, 65 Catherine, 317 David, 65 Dinah, 56 Edmund, 209 Hannah, 264 Hannah (Hayward), 65 Hannah (Darby), 265 Lucretia (Shattuck), 209 William, Jr., 264 Susanna (Frost), 65 Benedick Beckwith Benjamin, 191 Polly, 142 Hannah, 191 Beers Rachel, 191 Sarah, 41 Benedict Belcher Benjamin, 191 Abigail (Bracket?), 299 Hannah, 81, 190-193 Hannah (Jordan), 297 Hannah (Bostwick), 191 John, 299 Norman, 260 Jonathan, 297 Benjamin Mary (Reynolds), 299 Mercy, 101 Oliver, 299 Bennett Bell Alden Bradford, 202 Joseph, 223 Almira, 202 Sally (Reynolds), 223 Anna (Shattuck), 194, 202 Bellamy Asher, 202 Esther, 61 Azuba, 416 450 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Bennett (continued) Bentley Beri, 202 Mary Pain, 270 Elizabeth (Stebbins), 202 Berg Harriet, 291 Mary (Berry), 235 Harriet (Shattuck), 197, 201 Berry James, 194, 202 Mary, 235 Jonathan, 201 Mercy, 173 Louisa, 201 Betts Margaret, 201 Harriet Mather, 224 Margaret (Shattuck), 201 Sarah A. M., 224 Mary, 195 Bevier Mary (Taylor), 201 Philip D., Capt., 228 Mary (Woodward), 203 Bicknell Mary (—), 202 Abbie Sarah, 284 Mary Ann (Davis), 202 Edmund, 284 Mary C., 203 Hannah (Marshall), 284 Nancy, 202 James, 284 Philishasse, 202 James Marshall, 284 Philomelia, 202 Nancy (Gardner), 284 Rebecca (Swallow), 202 Sarah (Stevens), 284 Rodolphus, 203 Sarah W. (Spratt), 284 Rosella, 203 Steven Giddings, 284 Sally (Hall), 202 Bidwell Samuel, 197 Rachel, 83 Sarah, 201 Bigelow Sarah (Shattuck), 197 Abijah, 103 Susan L., 378 Abijah, Hon., 103 Theodore, 194 Ann M. (Palmer), 278 Thirza, 202 Anna (Rider), 278 Thomas, 202, 203 Asenath (Winship), 263 Wilder, 202 Betty, 163 William Shattuck, 197, 201 Catherine, 278 Index 451

Bigelow (continued) Billing Catherine (Tyler), 278 Lucy, 325 Elisha, 103 Billings Elizabeth, 209 Charlotte A., 289 Elizabeth (Wells), 149 Emerline (Stearns), 258 Ephraim, 164 George, 285 Gershom, 161 Hannah, 301 Hannah (Gardner), 103 Harriett Allison (Gardner), Harriet (Holden), 124 285 Jacob, 149 James, 258 Jacob, Rev., 148 Jerusha (—), 324 John, 75, 79, 124 Jesse, 324 Joseph Tyler, 279 John Howard, 258 Lucy (Lake), 241 Lefe (Petts), 258 Luke, 263 Lois, 291 Mary (Chellis), 279 Mary, 57 Mary (Melvin), 75 Olive, 324 Miriam, 164 Olive (Bussey), 324 Miriam (Howe), 164 Prudence, 53, 66 Molly (Arnold), 164 Robert, 324 Nathaniel, 278 Ruth, 324 Pamela, 263 Seth, 324 Perkins, 278 Urana, 324 Polly, 124 Bingham Sarah (Goodridge), 103 Almira, 414 Sarah (Hartwell), 148 George, 198 Susanna (Mead), 149 Margaret (Shattuck), 198 Timothy, 164 Binney Bigford John W., 257 Betsey, 417 Susan (Wood), 257 Bigod Bird Ralph, 434 Amos, 218 452 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Bird (continued) Sophia Strong, 127 Damaris, 141 Thomas Dawes, 378 Hannah, 299 Blakeney Bisbee Susan Louise (Powers), 185 Abner, Capt., 203 William, 185 John, 203 Blanchard Mary (Hall), 203 Abigail, 111, 125, 274 Nancy (Chamberlain), 203 Abigail (Reed), 125, 275 Rachel (Green), 203 Calvin, 125, 274 Bissell Elisabeth (Richardson), 25 Lois, 316 Elmira, 152 Bixby Hannah, 22, 24, 68, 176 Asa, 39 Hannah (Hoar), 125 Jerusha (Houghton), 95 Jemima, 125 Levi, 95 John, 13, 125 Lydia, 235 John, Jr., 25 Nathaniel, 95 Joseph, 125 Ruth (Darling), 95 Lemuel, 121 Sarah (Thompson), 235 Louisa (Marshall), 125 Tabitha (Foster), 95 Lucy, 125 William, 235 Luther, 125 Black Martha (Shattuck), 125 Sarah, 364 Mary, 62 Blaisdell Mary A., 263 Jonathan, 405 Nancy (Warren), 125 Mary (Melvin), 405 Sarah (Fales), 125 Blake Simon, 125 Caleb, Rev., 127 Susannah, 125 Ebenezer Norton, 378 Tabitha (Lepingwell), 68 George M., 208 Thomas, 68 Harriet (Cummings), 378 Blinn Martha (Norton), 378 Hannah (Clark), 83 Patty (—), 127 James, 85 Index 453

Blinn (continued) Lydia Ann (Nelson), 349 Jonathan, 83 Mary (Sanders), 393 Lois (Wolcott), 85 Mary Elizabeth (Smith), Sarah (Wolcott), 83 350 Bliss Molly (Kendall), 388 Calvin, Dr., 129 Moses, 389 Daniel, Rev., 187 Nathaniel, 389 Fanny (Fletcher), 129 Nathaniel Upton, 349 Blodgett Norman B., 349 Rachel, 145 Prudence, 196 Blood Rachel, 189 Abigail, 391 Robert, 146 Abraham, 350 Rosel L., 349 Anna, 198, 200, 349 Roxellana (Proctor), 389 Anna (Shattuck), 194, 197 Sarah, 17, 350 Asenath, 205 Sarah (Coburn), 348 Clarissa (Phillips), 349 Sarah (Hartwell), 168, 348 Daniel Hartwell, 349, 350 Sarah (Upton), 349 Ebenezer Lewis, 393 Sarah Barras, 348 Elizabeth, 48, 194 Sewall, 389 Elizabeth (Stone), 389 Simon, 194, 197 Eunice, 197 Solomon, 350 Francis Hartwell, 350 Sophia (Hall), 389 Hannah, 350 Stephen Hartwell, 349 Hannah (Shute), 349 Sullivan, 389 Israel Meads, 349 Susan (Turner), 349 James Mitchell, 349 Susanna, 309 Jeremiah, 168, 348, 350 Sybel, 99 John, 348 Blower Louisa (Knapp), 349 Alice, 21 Lucas, 389 Boggs Lucy Upton, 349 Sidney, 335 454 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Bohonon Jonathan, 367 Elizabeth, 211 Mary Raymond (Kendall), Bolster 367 Chloe (Keith), 160 Bowers Nathan, 160 Acsah (Houghton), 290 Bolton Arlo, 290 Ethel S., 394 Edwin, 290 Bond Eliza Augusta, 413 Lucy (Fisk), 262 Elizabeth, 107 Martha, 262 Hannah, 392 Moses, 262 Henry F. Newton, 290 Bonney Jane (Wilson), 290 Ebenezer, 302 Malvina, 290 Elizabeth (Parris), 302 Malvina G., 290 Sarah, 137, 302 Oscar Thomas, 290 Booth Rebekah (Nichols), 290 Phoebe, 226 Relief (Gibson), 290 Bostwick Roxana (—), 290 Hannah, 191 Rufus, 290 Bosworth Rufus Gibson, 290 Elizabeth, 20, 23, 84 Samuel, 290 Huldah, 162 Sophronia Elizabeth, 290 Botsford Bowes Abel, 315 Nicholas, 21, 50, 351 Mary, 315 William, 20 Mary (Hartwell), 315 Bowman Samuel, 315 Martha, 231 Bourk. See also Burk Boyd William, 105 Erasmus J., 224 Boutwell Sarah (Clark), 224 James, 367 Boynton Jemima (Hardy), 367 Ann (Mighill), 95 Index 455

Boynton (continued) Bragg Benoni, 95 Elizabeth, 163 Betsey, 274 Sarah, 412 Calvin, 198 Brawn Elizabeth, 123 Eliza, 376 Elizabeth (Wood), 392 Brayton Jonathan, 392 Mary A., 418 Mary, 392 Breckenridge Mary (Shattuck), 198 Amelia (Schofield), 226 Molly, 178 G., 226 Nathaniel, 39, 123 Brett Patty (Sawtell), 198 Hannah, 300 Rebecca (Barrett), 123 Brewer Sarah (Hartwell), 37, 94, 95 Daniel, 43 Sarah (Johnson), 95 Mary (Nurse), 342 Simon, 198 Mary J., 341 Stephen, 37, 94, 95 Phebe (Locke), 43 Stephen, Jr., 95 Rufus, 342 Tabitha (Foster), 95 Brewster Brackett Edmund, 396 Alice (Blower), 21 Elder William, 217 Elizabeth (Bosworth), 20, Bridge 23 Ebenezer, 414 Mary, 20-23 Ebenezer, Capt., 236, 240, Peter, 20, 21, 23 241, 285 Richard, 21 Ebenezer, Maj., 285, 287 Bradish Hannah, 319 Ebenezer, 35 Sarah, 318, 365 Bradley Sukey (Hartwell), 414 Harriet A., 370 Bridges John, 241 Hachaliah, 358 Mary (Hartwell), 241 Sally (Lovering), 358 456 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Briggs Eleazer, Col., 188, 327, Eliphalet, 99 338, 344 Elizabeth (Stiles), 99 Eliza, 339 Mary (Cobb), 99 George W., 213 Peter, 66 Hannah, 61 Rebekah (Hayward/ Hannah (Symonds?), 61, Howard), 66 338 Brigham Harriet L. (Whittaker), 212 Abel, 78, 294 Hartwell L., 213 Abijah, 78 Hepzibah, 148, 331, 338 Catherine Elizabeth, 294 Isaac, 213 Eunice (Willis), 78 James H., 213 Mary (—), 294 Jemima (Piper), 213 Persis B., 297 John, 63 Bristol Jonas, 63 Melvina (Gibson), 289 Joshua, Jr., 61, 338 Brittan Lois (Lakin), 212 Alexander Bezaleel, 291 Lois H., 212 Eunice (—), 291 Louisa (Hartwell), 345 Roxana, 291 Luke, 64 William, 291 Lydia (—), 63 Britton Maria J. (Nightingale), 213 Eunice (Leach), 309 Mary, 75 Seth, 309 Mary (Hayward), 63 Bronson Nancy, 387 Grace, 82 Reuben, 345 Brooks Sally A., 213 Abby K. (Mills), 212 Sarah, 274 Benjamin, 75 Sarah (Haywood), 75 Caleb, 35, 90 Warren W., 212 Caroline C. (Farwell), 213 William H., 213 Charles H., 212, 213 Index 457

Brown Elizabeth, 17, 38, 39, 65, Abel-Parlin, 326 342, 356 Abigail, 340 Elizabeth (Conant), 340 Abigail (Peterson), 165 Elizabeth Hartwell (Baker), 356 Abigail (—), 62 Ellen, 341 Abigail D., 342 Emily, 278 Abishai, 73, 79 Ephraim, 142 Alice (Flint), 344 George M., 341 Almira S., 256 Hannah (Gazelin), 165 Amanda M. (Willis), 342 Hannah (Oldham), 165 Anna, 402 Harriet, 340, 356 Anna (Cutler), 142 Hepzibah, 340 Asenath, 201 Hepzibah (Jones), 340 Benjamin, 341 Hepzibah (Robbins), 55 Betsey, 165 Hope, 55 Betty, 119 Isaac, 336 Betty (Fletcher), 119 James, 341 Beulah Minot (Stow), 340 James Hartwell, 343 Calvin, 128 James N., 280 Clara Hartwell (Tyler), 280 James Watson, 341, 342 Clarissa, 244 Jeremiah, 165 Daniel, 62 John, 165, 340, 342, 344 Deborah, 88 John Farrar, 286 Desire, 170, 171, 359, 361, 365 John, Jr., 342 Desire (Batchelder), 170, Jonas, 340, 344 381 Joseph, 165, 170 Dorcas, 165 Jotham, 55 Dorothy, 165 Lucy, 340, 344 Elijah, 119 Lucy A., 341 Elisha, 119 Lucy A. (Brown), 341 Eliza, 333 Lydia, 411 458 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Brown (continued) Sally, 344 Lydia (Pattin), 128 Sally (Cogswell), 342 Maria Boyle, 341 Samuel, 119 Martha E. (Swan), 342 Sarah Cogswell, 342 Mary, 62, 107, 148, 201, Sarah F., 295 336, 343, 409, 439 Sarah J., 325 Mary (Balch), 336 Stephen, 243 Mary (Bugbee), 242, 243 Submit, 376 Mary (Hartwell), 147, 148, Susan, 305 340 Susanna (Wayman), 326 Mary (—), 165 Susanna (Wyman), 326 Mary H., 340 Susannah, 77 Mary J. (Brewer), 341 Thomas, 38, 142 Matilda Coolidge, 342 Unite, 161, 164 Nancy (Fisk), 341 Unity, 164 Nancy Fisk, 342 William, 165, 340 Oliver P., 356 William D., 342 Oliver Phelps, 356 Brownson Patience, 73 Frances M., 251 Phebe, 344 Bruce Polly, 165 Charles, 92 Polly (Cochran), 165 Franklin Wyman, 92 Polly (Dailey), 165 George, 91 Polly (Hartwell), 286 Martha M., 283 Rebecca, 165 Mary (—), 91 Rebecca (Arnold), 161, 164 Nancy, 92 Richard Montgomery, 119 Sally, 92 Roger, 148, 340 Sukey, 92 Roger Gibbon, 343 Susannah (Wyman), 91 Roger, Col., 342 Thomas, 91, 92 Ruhamah, 383 Thomas, Jr., 91 Ruth (Hosmer), 55 Tryphena, 92 Ruth (Jones), 38 Index 459

Buchanan Louisa (Hartwell), 415 John, 374 Mercy W. (Sawyer), 415 Nancy (Cummings), 374 Merrit, 415 Buck Sidney H., 415 Sally, 96 Bullard Buckingham Julia, 130 Nathan Botsford, 316 Burack Rebecca (Hartwell), 316 Thomas, 428 Buckley Burge Anne, 266 Hannah, 26 Buckman John, 202 Edward, 249 Philishasse (Bennett), 202 Nancy (Daggett), 249 Philomelia (Bennett), 202 Bucknam Susanna, 333, 334 Edward, 249 Burgess Mary, 236 Lucy, 201 Nancy (Daggett), 249 Burk. See also Bourk Buffum William, 105 Eliza Ann, 420 Burnap Jedediah, 420 Emma Lincoln (Stearns), Ruth (Buxton), 420 256 Bugbee Burnett Mary, 242, 243 Jane, 401 Bulkeley Burnham Bulkeley, 15 Samantha, 229 Edward, Rev., 431 Burns Elizabeth (Grosvenor), 431 Josephine N., 214 Martha, 431 Burr Olive (Irby), 431 Jonathan, 137 Thomas, 431 Susanna, 302 Bull Burrage Hannah (—), 415 Mary, 13 460 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Burridge Samuel, 400 Hannah, 12 Smith, 361 Burrill Tabitha (Wright), 361 Mary, 373 Butterfield Burritt Joseph, 436 Maria (Schofield), 225 Leonard, 144 Burrows Olive, 143 William, Capt., 399 Olive (—), 144 Bush Button Matthew, 137 Cyrus S., 130 Buss Lorania (Fletcher), 130 Dorcas, 170 Buttrick Prudence, 261 Elizabeth, 141 William, 2 Elizabeth (Whitcomb), 141 Bussey Mary, 344 Benjamin, 140, 323, 324 William, 141 Betsey, 324 Buxton Jaazaniah, 324 Ruth, 420 Jazaniah, 324 Cahoon Judith (Gay), 323 Frances, 309 Olive, 324 Caldwell Olive (Jordan), 323 Benjamin, 362 Ruth, 324 Mary, 362 Ruth (Hartwell), 140, 323 Patty (Wright), 362 Ruth (Wentworth), 323 Stephen, 362 William, 323 Calkins Butler Abigail, 86 Abigail (—), 361 Anna (Blood), 349 Anna (Hartwell), 400 E., 349 Jabez, 229 Campbel John, 361 John, 347 Lucy, 361 Campbell Salyna Jane (Hartwell), 229 Caleb, 148, 325 Index 461

Campbell (continued) Lucy (Wilder), 261 George, 185 Martha Wilder, 261 Harriet (Powers), 185 Oliver, 233 James, 226 Prudence, 104 Lydia, 148 Sumner, 206 Lydia (Stratton), 325 Thomas, 104 Maria, 226 William, 278 Phoebe (Booth), 226 Cartwright Robert, 325 Mary, 244 Capell Mercy, 107, 242 John, 200 Carver Louisa, 200 Amey (Clark), 305 Mary (—), 200 Bernice, 305 Carder Elizabeth, 305 Hannah (Carver), 304 Elizabeth (Snow), 303 John, 304 Hannah, 304 Carey John G., 305 Hannah, 20 Joseph, 303, 305 Carlisle Joseph, Jr., 137, 303 Betsy, 186 Mary (Perkins), 305 Carpenter Oliver, 305 Abigail, 265 Rhoda, 304, 305 Ariel, 270 Sarah, 305 Carter Sarah (Hartwell), 137, 303 Abel, 261 Susan (Brown), 305 Betsey (Hartwell), 286 Cary Bette (Sawyer), 104 Ezra, 44 Catharine Hutchinson Hannah, 20 (Chapman), 206 Case Catharine Prescott, 233 Huldah B. (—), 83 Catherine (Bigelow), 278 Castle Emily (Harrington), 233 Horace, 221 Joseph, 286 462 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Castle (continued) Mary, 45 Roswell, 220 Nancy, 124 Roxana (Hartwell), 220, Rebecca, 51, 170 221 Samuel, 170 See also Castle, Roxy Seth, 394 Roxy, 218 Chaplin Cate Jacob, 276 Sarah, 247 Jeremiah, 276 Chadbourne Lois, 111, 276 Humphrey, 403 Lois (Chaplin), 276 Lydia M. (Tenney), 403 Sarah (Hazen), 276 Chamberlain Chapman Anna, 62, 63 Almira Eldridge, 206 Betsey (Walker), 397 Catharine Hutchinson, 206 Deborah (Jaco), 12 Elias, 206 Elnathan, 397 Elijah, 205 Gardner, 397 Elizabeth Patten, 206 John, 12 Harriet Elizabeth (Tarbell), Lydia, 12, 127 206 Mary, 132 James Davis, 206 Nancy, 203 Lois (Green), 205 Patty, 204 Lois Hartwell, 206 Thomas, 155 Mary Elizabeth (Ives), 206 Chamberlin Mary Jane, 206 Wyatt, 192 Rachel Green, 205 Champney Samuel Hartwell, 206 Jonathan, 161 Sarah Eliott, 206 Chandler Throop, 400 Dorcas (Buss), 170 William Augustus, 206 Elizabeth, 166, 356 Charlton Hannah, 165 Anne, 431 Hephzibah, 113 Anne (Mainwaring), 431 John, 93 Mary (Corbet), 431 Index 463

Charlton (continued) Chickering Richard, 431 Abner, 325 Robert, 431 Elizabeth (Gay), 325 Chase John, 325 Abigail (Thurston), 80 Jonas, 325 Benjamin, 80, 322 Lydia (Stratton), 325 Benjamin, Dr., 80, 191 Child Catharine (Crowell), 322 Abigail, 144 Ebenezer, 80 Abigail (Hartwell), 22, 55 Ellen, 402 Abigail (Sanders[on]), 55 Emily M., 264 Abijah, 144 Isabella, 265 Anna (Adams), 97 John, 80, 196 Benjamin, 144 Joseph, 80 Betsey, 199 Juda, 264 Eunice, 144 Leonard, 200 Eunice (Pierce), 144 Mary, 80 Isaac, 97, 144 Noah, 196 Joanna (—), 158 Phebe, 322 Mary, 56 Rachel (Farnsworth), 80 Mary (Peak), 144 Solomon, 80 Moses, 97, 144 Stephen, 80 Richard, 56 Susannah (Shattuck), 200 Sarah, 56, 144 Cheever Sarah (Cutler), 144 Charlotte, 286 Sarah (Stiles), 97, 98 Chellis Sarah (Stratton), 56 Mary, 279 Shubael, 22, 55, 56 Cheney Childs Mary, 352 Abigail, 19 Permelia (Read), 123 Ephraim, 364 Chesley Rendy (Holt), 364 Hannah, 225 464 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Chilson Mary, 215 Lucy (Wolcott), 85 Salome (Hastings), 136 William, 85 Samuel Edward, 224 Choat Sarah, 224 Miriam, 173 Sarah A. M. (Betts), 224 Church William, 109 Ezra, 134 William C., 136 Mary (Farr), 134 Clarke. See also Clark Philena, 321 Amey, 305 Rebecca (Hewins), 321 Samuel, 89 Ruth (Pettingill), 321 William, 109 Samuel, 321 Cleaves Clap Mary Ellen, 396 Caleb, 337 Cloyes Clapp Mary, 166 Ezra, 395 Cobb Lydia (Hale), 395 Helen Maria, 398 Clark. See also Clarke Mary, 99 Amey, 305 Richard, 398 Asaph, Dr., 224 Sally, 345 Chloe (Reynolds), 224 Cobleigh Cynthia, 85 Harriet (Hastings), 135, 398 David, 305 Jonathan, 135, 398 Eliza R., 208 Mary Emeline, 398 Elizabeth (Thomas), 160 Coburn Esther, 251 Dorcas, 76, 240, 285 George F., 375 Sarah, 348 Hannah, 83 Cochran Hannah (Johnson), 375 Polly, 165 Harriet Mather (Betts), 224 Coe James Cushman, 224 Mary, 87 Lois, 250 Cogswell Marcia Ann, 397 Abigail (—), 342 Index 465

Cogswell (continued) Dexter, 420 Sally, 342 Elizabeth, 260 William, 342 Ezekiel, 420 Colburn Nancy (Stone), 420 Betty, 282 Colman Caroline M., 261 Susanna, 123 Hannah, 133 Colvin James M., 198 Phebe (Hartwell), 217 Rosilla (Shattuck), 198 Comins Colby Ruth, 321 Ruth, 406 Conant Susan M. (Melvin), 406 Adeline (Patch), 408 Thomas, 406 Elizabeth, 340 Cole Esther, 45, 63 Eunice, 175, 380 Eunice (Farwell), 33 Eunice (Peabody?), 380 Israel, 33 John, 116 Jemima, 174 Joseph, 116, 386 Jonathan, 33 Lydia, 347 Lucy, 57 Mary (Dudley), 116 Martha (Lamson), 33 Ruth, 386 Mary, 33, 45 Sally (Barker), 386 Mary (Heywood), 33 Sarah, 152 Mary (Lamson), 58 Sarah (Barker), 116 Mary (Raymond), 33 Susanna (Sperry?), 347 Rebecca, 115 William, 380 Roger, 33 Coleman Simon T., 408 Ebenezer, 87 William, 58 Mary, 31, 87, 215 Conn Ruth (Niles), 87 Rosanna, 93 Collins Connor Anna (Stone), 420 Adeline (Cummings), 374 466 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Connor (continued) Mary, 431 Ephraim W., 374 Corey Cony Hannah, 20 Sarah Lowell, 319 Jane, 34 Cook Mary G., 215 Elijah, 347 Mary J., 288 Mary, 208 Countess Ida, 432, 434 Relief (Hartwell), 347 Covell Sarah, 84 Hannah (Lamb), 302 Coolidge Joseph, 302 Caleb, 355 Lydia, 137, 302 Fanny (Winchester), 355 Cowden Sallie, 355 Philip F., 410 Sarah (Reed), 355 Cowdrey Coon Mary (Thompson), 34, 42 Cordelia M. (Russell), 417 William, 42 Freeman Herman, 417 Cowles Mary (Cozad), 141 Mary P., 373 Cooper Coy Elizabeth, 227 Caroline Eliza (Keith), 308 Copeland Caroline Keith, 308 Experience (White), 298 George W., 308 Jacob, 298 Cozad Mary (Daniels), 298 Mary, 141 Mary (Owens), 298 Craig Mehitabel, 303 Anna (—), 165 Rachel, 298 James, 165 Rachel (Adams), 297 Rebecca (Brown), 165 Samuel, Jr., 298 Thomas, 165 Copp Craige Caroline E., 291 Lydia, 246 Corbet Crawford Charlotte M. (—), 235 Marie Antoinette, 129 Index 467

Crawford (continued) Simon, 14, 60 Susannah (Melvin), 77 William, 150 William, 77 Cross William S., 129 Ruth J., 251 Cressey Crowell Sarah, 124 Catharine, 322 Cressy Cudworth Almina (Walker), 396 Elizabeth, 212 Chandler Ames, 396 Culver Joseph, 396 Matilda, 418 Martha (Smite), 396 Cummings Crippen Abigail, 99, 267, 377 Asa, 241 Abigail (Kendall), 266 Eunice (Hartwell), 241 Abigail (Wright), 377 Crosby Adeline, 374, 379 Abigail (Kidder), 61 Adeline A. (Dame), 377 Betsy (Hartwell), 414 Angeline (Moore), 379 Elizabeth, 332 Anna (Rue), 374 Ephraim, 60 Anna (Taylor), 266 Esther (Melvin), 405 Charles H., 374 Harvey, 405 Charles Justin, 267 Jessaniah, 168 Christopher, 266 Josiah, 414 Clara E. (Farrington), 379 Mary, 13 Clementina Beach Mary (Meriam), 60 (Gardner), 266 Mehitable (Kittredge), 405 Cyrus, 373 Nathan, 24 Daniel, 377 Rachel, 24 David, 369, 373 Rachel (—), 332 David W., 374 Samuel, 332 Delia R. (Evans), 379 Sarah (Shepard), 150 Desire Hartwell (Richardson), 376 Seth, 405 468 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Cummings (continued) Julia (Fowle), 377 Ebenezer, 175, 369, 370, Louisa, 376 377 Louise (Rue), 374 Ebenezer Jones, 369 Lucy F., 376 Eliza (Brawn), 376 Lydia, 372 Ellen (French), 379 Lydia (Tay), 369 Emeline, 266, 370 Marcia (Richardson), 373 Esther (Kendall), 143 Martha, 378 Eustace, 379 Martha (Priest), 371 Eustace E., 379 Martha B. (Smith), 379 Everett, 379 Martha Merritt, 374 Franklin, 266 Mary, 266, 378 George F., 374 Mary P. (Cowles), 373 Hannah, 374 Moses, 378 Hannah (Fletcher), 266 Moses Warren, 378 Hannah (Vinton), 373 Nancy, 373, 374 Harriet, 378 Nathaniel, Maj., 143 Harriet (Cutler), 378 Oliver, Capt., 143 Harriet N., 376 Phebe, 368, 371, 377 Henry, 376 Phebe S., 377 Henry K., 374 Prudence, 214 Isabel L. (Tucker), 378 Rachel (Avery), 266 James Otis, 378 Rebecca F. (Proctor), 371 Jemima, 370 Rufus Kendall, 266 Jemima (Hartwell), 175, Ruth, 376 369 Ruth (Skelton), 369 Joanna (Jones), 369 Samuel, 377 Joanna (Simonds), 377 Sarah (Phillips), 373 John, 370, 372, 373 Sarah E., 374 John Hartwell, 379 Sarah S. (Shedd), 373 Jonathan, 266 Sarah-Wilson (Haven), 377 Joseph, 371 Sibbel (Whitney), 143 Joshua, 376 Sibble, 143 Index 469

Cummings (continued) Adeline (Johnson), 375 Stephen, 369, 370 Alice, 59 Susan C. (Scott), 379 Alice (—), 59 Susan L. (Bennett), 378 Anna, 142 Susanna, 369, 370 Anna (Whitney), 142 Timothy Stearns, 267 Asenath, 368 Walter B., 374 Benjamin, 42, 140-142, 145 Cunningham Betty, 141 Abigail (Cutter), 231 Dolly, 141 William, 231 Ebenezer, 142 Curtice Elisha, 142 Abner, Jr., 411 Elizabeth, 142 Curtis Elizabeth (Buttrick), 141 Alpheus, 352 Elizabeth (Swett), 145 Elizabeth, 82 Eunice, 142 Lucy Ann, 398 Franklin, 376 Polly (Hartwell), 351, 352 Franklin, Jr., 376 Cushing Hannah, 142 Deborah, 225 Harriet, 378 Sally, 394 Isaac, 145 Cushman James, 59, 378 Anna Maria (Barton), 305 Lucy F. (Cummings), 376 Apollos, 305 Lydia, 144, 145 Bettee, 137, 302 Mary, 142, 145 Eunice A., 220 Mary (Cozad), 141 Mary (Jackson), 302 Mary (Cutler), 142 Moses, 302 Mary (Dean), 378 Sarah (Paddleford), 305 Mary (Hartwell), 42, 44, Zebedee, 305 140 Cutler Nathan, 144, 145 Abigail, 141 Nathaniel, 368 Abigail (—), 140 Phebe (—), 368 470 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Cutler (continued) Nehemiah, 231 Polly (Beckwith), 142 Oliver, 231 Rachel (—), 144 Richard, 34 Sarah, 142, 144, 145 Ruhamah, 17, 34, 35, 88 Sarah (Hardy), 144 Sally, 234 Susan (Richardson), 376 Samuel, 90, 231, 232 Sylvester P., 375 Samuel, 2d, 231 Thomas, 140 Sarah, 43 William, 141 Sarah (Jewett), 231 William Buttrick, 142 Sarah (—), 234 Cutter Sophia (Whittemore), 232 Abigail, 231 Susanna (Francis), 231 Abigail (Cutter), 231 Thomas, 234 Ammi, 288 William, 231 Ann, 234 William F., 231 Ann Gardner (Ireland), 233 Daby Anna, 232 Benjamin, 109 Eliza, 232 Joseph Hartwell, 109 Elizabeth, 232 Rebecca (Hart), 109 Elizabeth M., 234 Dadman. See also Dadmun Ezekiel, 232 Rozalana (Priest), 422 Frances (Perriman), 34 William H., 422 Hannah, 231, 232, 288 Dadmun. See also Dadman Hannah (Cutter), 231 Joanna (—), 422 Hannah (Hartwell), 90, 230 Willard, 422 Hannah (Holden), 288 Daggett Hannah (Mallett), 231 John, 336 John, 35 Mary (Winship), 336 Joseph, 231, 233, 234 Nancy, 107, 249 Lydia, 92 Dailey Martha (Bowman), 231 Polly, 165 Mary Bowman, 233 Dake Nancy, 234 George W., 416 Index 471

Dake (continued) Elizabeth, 163 Sarah (Hartwell), 416 Rebecca (Arnold), 163 Dakin Ruth, 95 Henry, 216 Timothy, 161 Dales Davenport Ann Augusta, 213 Emily, 364 Dalrymple Davies Andrew, 158 Ebenezer, 63 Dorothy (—), 158 Ebenezer, Lt., 45 Mary, 158 Esther (Conant), 45, 63 Daman James, 63 Samuel, 359 Rebekah (Hayward), 63 Dame Sarah, 117 Adeline A., 377 Davis Dana Aaron, 412 Caleb, 345 Abigail, 168, 350, 351, 411 Laurenda (Hartwell), 345 Betsey, 96 Mary, 313 Betsey (Bussey), 324 Danforth Charles, 324 Abigail (Walker), 24 Clarissa (Hartwell), 412 Anna, 24 Daniel, 169 Jonathan, 24 Eleazer, 170, 350, 382, 387 Samuel, 13 Eleazer, Jr., 351 Sarah, 26 Elizabeth, 54 Thomas, 11 Elizabeth (Cheney), 93 William, 24 Elizabeth (Fletcher), 54 Daniels Elizabeth (—), 133 Mary, 298 Hannah, 47, 198 Darby Helen A., 258 Hannah, 265 Isaac, Capt., 133 Darling Jacob, 133 Daniel, 163 Joanna, 176, 387 472 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Davis (continued) Sukey, 345 John, 48 Susan Haskell, 383 Jonas, 93 Dawes. See also Daws Jonathan B., 383 Jepthah, 269, 270 Jonathan, Capt., 419 Lucy, 110, 269 Josiah, 198 Polly, 110, 269, 270 Kendall, Dr., 128 Robert, 269 Lucy, 48, 175, 382, 387 Daws. See also Dawes Lucy (Hastings), 133 Japher, 270 Lydia, 246 Mary, 270 Lydia (Stephenson), 151 Mary Pain (Bentley), 270 Lydia (Tyler), 250 Robert, 270 Mary, 51, 169, 257 Day Mary (Conant), 45 David, 398 Mary (Hubbard), 169 Elizabeth, 134 Mary Ann, 202 Eveline Melissa, 398 Mary S., 249 John, 134 Mercy, 93 Mary, 80 Nancy (Hartwell), 283 Phebe (Fletcher), 398 Paul, Maj., 363 Rachel, 134 Rebecca, 117, 387 Dayton Rebecca (Chandler), 51, Mary, 80 170, 350 de Charlton Rebeckah (Putnam), 387 Alan, 432 Rebekah (Putnam), 382 Elena (—), 432 Sally (Hosmer), 383 Margery (Fitz Aer), 432 Samuel, 282 Thomas, 431 Sarah, 39, 81 de Knightley Sarah (Flint), 48 Anna (—), 431 Sarah (Sartell), 198 William, 431 Sibbel, 248 de Riddleford Stephen, 54 Emmeline, 432 Index 473 de Segrave Hannah (Cutter), 232 Eleanor, 432 Robert, 232 de Vitre William, 232 Eleanor, 432 Dewey Dean Betsey (Walker), 397 Mary, 378 Catherine Elizabeth, 398 Deane Gardner Walker, 397 Harriet Sophia (Hartwell), Joseph, 397 219 Marcia Ann (Clark), 397 Dearborn Dickerson Abigail, 77 Delilah, 394 Samuel, 77 Joel, Capt., 192 DeForest Dickey Jesse, 314 Louisa, 284 Lockwood, 314 Dickinson Mary Lockwood, 314 Hannah (Hartwell), 401 Mehitable (Wheeler), 314 Mary A., 254 Deland Phebe, 346 Susan W., 375 Varsal, 401 Denison Dies Mary, 21 Margaret, 193 Dennis Diggins Betsey, 211 James, 395 Densmore Lydia (Hale), 395 Hannah (—), 76 Dike Lyman, 427 Nicholas, Col., 339 Susannah, 76, 77 Divoll Thomas, 76 Keziah, 100 Denton Dix Mary, 87 Jonathan, 407 Derby Lucy (Hartwell), 407 Eleanor (Warren), 232 Mary, 179, 407 Eliza (Cutter), 232 474 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Dix (continued) Rebecca (Hayward), 57 Sarah (Shattuck), 407 Samuel, 57, 120 Timothy, 407 Stephen, 121 Dixon Dunbar Sarah, 205 Hannah (Powers), 186 Doane Hosea Ballou, 404 Martha M. (Bruce), 283 Sally (Eaton), 404 Dodge Samuel, Rev., 301, 312, Angeline M., 214 317, 323 Betsey, 354 Sylvester, 186 Josiah, 108 Dunn Prudence, 108 Asa, 252, 253 Tabitha, 38, 108, 110, 259 Charlottee (Keyes), 127 Dole Relief, 127 Lemuel, 117 Relief (Dunn), 127 Rebecca, 117 Samuel, 127 Rebecca (Dole), 117 Zulima (Wood), 252, 253 Ruth (Barker), 117 Dunster Doolittle Jane, 281 Ephraim, Col., 337 Dunton Doughton Abigail, 25 Thomas, 439 Nathaniel, 25 Douglass Nathaniel, Jr., 25 Caroline E. (Copp), 291 Durant Drake Henry, 64 Martha A. (Shepard), 368 Lucy (Hunt), 64 Nathaniel, 368 Duren DuBois Eliza, 330 Lewis, Col., 228 Dutton Dudley Betsey (Hartwell), 347 Abigail (Waters?), 57, 120 Hannah, 234 Lois, 40, 120, 121, 411 Hannah (Burge), 26 Mary, 116 James, 413 Index 475

Dutton (continued) James, 404 Lucy, 180, 413 Jeramiah, 404 Mary (Hill), 26 Joel W., 404 Rebecca (Hildreth), 413 Juliette E. (Newton), 404 Rebekah, 125 Martha (Cummings), 378 Stephen, 347 Mary Jane, 229 Thomas, 26 Nancy, 404 Dwight Nancy (Potwine), 404 Josiah, 352 Nathan, 404 Sarah (Hartwell), 351, 352 Noah, 109 Dyer Parker, 378 Abigail (Jones), 336 Phebe, 38, 109, 110, 272 Jeremiah, 270 Phebe (Lilley), 109 Samuel B., 336 Polly, 404 Dyson Rebecca, 404 Mary, 206 Rebecca (Flint), 404 Earl Rhoda, 405 Abigail, 254 Rozanna (—), 404 Mary, 255 Sally, 404 Eastman Sally (Frost), 404 Amos, 100 Timothy, 360, 423 Polly, 74 William, 404 Sarah (Swallow), 100 Eddy Eaton Benjamin, 95 Bethiah (Melvin), 403 James, 240 Betsy (Frey), 423 Mary (—), 106, 240 Cynthia, 423 Tabitha (Foster), 95 Eunice (Peirce), 404 Edgarton Eveline (Ball), 404 Benjamin Washburn, 274 Gardner, 404 Mary Ann (Hartwell), 274 Harriet, 372 Edgell Indiana (—), 404 Benjamin, Capt., 242, 244, 272 476 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Edmunds Elmore Hannah, 163 Samuel, Col., 192 Edson Emerson Abigail, 300 Joseph, 250 Clementina (Merritt), 210 Lucretia, 118 Rufus E., 210 Mary (Hartwell), 250 Edwards Emery Nancy, 131 Caleb, 177 Ruth, 390 Derastus W., 257 Eldridge Elizabeth (Wood), 256 Hezekiah, Dr., 201 Mary (Pierce), 257 Micah, 201 Stephen, 256 Sally (—), 201 Emmons Sarah (Bennett), 201 Almira S., 248 Eleanor Sybil, 134 Queen, 432, 433 Eno Eliot. See also Elliott Betsy A. (Russell), 418 Jeremiah, Capt., 205 Gilman, 418 Sarah (Green), 205 Ensign Elliott. See also Eliot Hannah (Hartwell), 401 Achsah Caroline, 205 John Otis, 401 Jane Boynton, 205 Erving Jeremiah, 205 Jane, 226 Joseph Warren, 205 Estabrook Rachel (Peirce), 205 Abigail (Flagg), 326 Ruth, 205 Joseph, 44 Ellis Joseph, Rev., 16, 30, 56 Abbie Sarah (Bicknell), 284 Lucy H., 365 Bethiah, 79 Mary (Hartwell), 44 Joseph, Jr., 284 Molly, 148, 326, 329 Elmer Samuel, 326 Mary, 79 Esterbrook William, 79 Lucy, 335 Index 477

Evans Sally, 422 Annis (Johnson), 261 Fairbanks Charlotte W., 372 Elijah, 110 David, 261 Eunice B., 276 Delia R., 379 Harriet, 294 Emily (Wilder), 372 Jonathan, 413 George W., 372 Sally (Hartwell), 413 Harriet (Eaton), 372 Sarah (Goodrich), 111, 282 Harriet N., 372 Sarah Goldsmith, 413 Hepzibah (Sprague), 87 Fairchild Hosea, 171 Sarah B., 152 James Madison, 372 Fales Lucius B., 372 Elizabeth E., 258 Lucy J. (Moulton), 372 Sarah, 125 Martha J. (Soten), 372 Farley Mary, 261 Benjamin, 103 Mary D. (Symonds), 371 Benjamin Mark, Maj., 103 Michal, 87 Lucretia (Gardner), 103 Otis M., 372 Lucy (Fletcher), 103 Phebe, 371 Farmer Phebe (Cummings), 371 Betty (—), 235 Rebecca, 371 Edward, Capt., 435 Rebecca (Smith), 371 Elizabeth, 87 Sabina W. (Wilson), 372 Jonathan, 235 Thomas, 371 Susannah, 234 Thomas Jefferson, 371 Farnsworth Everett Abigail (Shedd), 190 Eunice (Hartwell), 317 Ebenezer, Jr., 189 Jesse, Jr., 317 Edmund, 190 Fairbank Hannah (Aldis), 80, 81 Mary, 419 John, 80, 81 Phineas, 181 Mary, 80, 189 478 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Farnsworth (continued) Roxanna, 134 Mary (Nichols), 189, 190 Roxanna (Farr), 134 Matthias, 189 Roxanna (Hastings), 136 Oliver, 135 Sabrina, 134 Phenicy (Hastings), 135 Sabrina (Hastings), 133 Rachel, 30, 80, 189 Sally, 134 Rebekah, 58 Farrar Ruth, 81, 190, 191, 193 Jacob, 48 Ruth (Hobart), 190 John, Maj., 114 Sarah, 30, 81 Lydia R., 255 William, 190 Martha, 114 Farnum Martha (Swift), 114 Daniel L., 277 Mary, 46 Lucy (Tyler), 277 Sarah (Wood), 48 Polly, 86 Susan H., 254 Farquhar Farrer Martha Jane, 281 Lois (Bissell), 316 Farr Farrington Abijah, 136 Bridget, 86 Achsah, 133 Clara E., 379 David, 136 Farwell Edith, 136 Arethusa (Whitney), 424 Hannah (Harris), 133 Caroline C., 213 Jason, 134 Edmund, 282 Jonathan, 133 Eunice, 33 Loring, 134 Henry, 177 Mary, 134 Isaac, 23 Mercy (Winslow), 133 John, 5, 424 Moses, 133 Mary, 322 Ora, 133 Mary (Russell), 282 Polly, 134 Polly, 111, 281 Rachel (Day), 134 Sophia, 424 Rhoda, 136 Index 479

Fassett Fenno Elisabeth, 24 Hannah (Billings), 301 John, 16, 171 John, 301 Josiah, 168 Ruhamah, 137, 301, 302 Mary (Hill), 16 Fessenden Samuel Heartwell, 170 Betsey Apthorp, 401 Sarah, 171 Jonathan, 332 Fassit Martha, 332 John, Dr., 22 Martha (—), 332 Mary (Hill), 22 Field Patrick, 22 Betsey, 308 Sarah, 22 Gilbert, 87 Fay Hepsibah (Ryder), 87 John, 163 Howard A., 280 Lydia, 163 John, Col., 227 Thankful (Taylor), 163 Joseph, 87 Faye Lucretia George (Tyler), Martha, 208 280 Felde Mary (Denton), 87 Robert, 428 Matilda (Holden), 124 Felfe Richard, 302 Nicholas, 428 Rodolphus, 124 Nicolas, 428 Susanna, 137, 302 Fellows Susanna (Waldo), 302 John, 289 Zebulon, 308 Mary, 280 Fillbrook Relief (Gibson), 289 Judith, 30 Felt Fillebrown Mary, 48 Sukey, 355 Felton Fish Caroline, 294 David, 74 Sarah (Barns), 74 480 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Fishe Fitch Agnes (Hartwell), 429 Joseph, 435 Richard, 429 Mary, 387 Fisher Fitz Aer Ezekiel, 317 Margery, 432 Ruth, 318 FitzPatrick Sarah, 317 Ela, 432 Susanna (Wadsworth), 317 Eleanor (de Vitre), 432 Thomas, 411 William, 432 Fisk Flagg Abigail (Howe?), 341 Abigail, 326 Alta, 362 Abigail (Cummings), 377 Arabell (Robertson), 398 Charles, 377 Elizabeth, 362 Elijah A., 206 Elizabeth (Wright), 361 Joseph, 394 Harvey, 362 Lois Hartwell (Chapman), John, 341, 361, 362 206 John Boyle, 398 Mary, 409 Lucy, 262 Priscilla, 153 Mahaley, 362 Flatt Mary, 341 Anna, 76 Mildred A. (Stevens), 362 Fleeman Nancy, 341 David, 94 Polly, 362 Marcy (Reed), 94 Sarah, 362 Fleming Shepard, 137 Adam, 94 Simeon, 177 David, 94 Thomas, 398 Margaret (—), 94 Wright, 362 Mary (Reed), 94 Fiske Fletcher Mary, 360 Abigail, 112, 131 Rebecca (Howe), 61 Abigail (Bacon), 118 Abigail (Fletcher), 131 Index 481

Fletcher (continued) Frances Grant (Fletcher), Abijah, 132 131 Almira, 131, 249 Frances Grant (Keyes), 131 Ann, 114 Francis, 4, 5, 7 Anna, 130 Gardner, 131 Anna (Barker), 114 Grisel (Jewell), 18 Betsey, 130 Hannah, 266 Betsey (Potwin), 129 Hannah (Reed), 384 Betty, 115, 119 Hannah (Wheeler), 19 Bridget (Richardson), 128 Hannah (—), 122 Calvin, 118, 130 Harriet (May), 335 Catherine (Law), 115 Hephzibah (Chandler), 113 Charles, 114, 118 Hepsibah, 114 Charles Hartwell, 132 Horace, Rev., 335 Charlotte, 129 Horatio, 131 Clarissa, 131 James, 384 Daniel, 40, 113-115, 118 Jesse, 128, 129 Daniel, Maj., 39 Joel, 131 Dexter, 130 John Swift, 114 Dorothy (Hildreth), 122, Jonathan, 118, 132 131 Joseph, 113, 116, 118, 122, Elbridge, 131 131 Eleazer, 117, 408 Joshua, 18 Elijah, 129 Julia (Bullard), 130 Elisabeth (Hartwell), 40, Julia A. (Johnson), 130 121-123 Julia Augusta, 335 Elizabeth, 18, 19, 54, 122 Keziah Price (Backhurst), Elizabeth (Proctor), 7 130 Elizabeth (Wheeler), 4 Loiza, 132 Elizabeth (—), 129 Lorania, 130 Fanny, 129 Louisa W. (Lawrence), 132 Frances, 118 Lovisa, 130 Frances Grant, 131 Lucretia, 119 482 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Fletcher (continued) Polly (Miles), 118 Lucretia (Emerson), 118 Rebecca, 381 Lucy, 103, 129 Rebekah (—), 381 Lucy (Forbush), 114 Rhoda, 415 Lucy (Jones), 130 Robert, 2, 4 Lucy (Keyes), 128 Roxana, 200 Luther, 118 Ruth, 116 Lydia (White), 384 Sally (Fowle), 129 Maria (Kipp), 130 Samuel, 19, 122, 130, 413 Marie Antoinette Sarah, 115, 119 (Crawford), 129 Sarah (Adams), 122 Martha (Farrar), 114 Sarah (Barker), 116 Mary, 114, 117 Sarah (Hartwell), 39, 40, Mary (Chamberlain), 132 113 Mary (Fletcher), 117 Sarah (Hill), 128, 130 Mary (Lawrence), 130 Sarah (Wiley/Wooley), 18 Mary (Wright), 115 Stephen, 129 Mary Ann, 131, 210 Stoughton Alphonso, 130 Meriam (Keyes), 130 Susan, 119 Michael, 129 Susannah (Hartwell), 413 Miles Johnson, 130 Tille, 114 Miriam (Keyes), 130 Timothy, 129, 381 Moses, 115 Timothy, Jr., 128 Nabby, 114 Walter, 132 Nancy, 132 William, 115 Nancy (Edwards), 131 Flint Olive, 100 Abigail, 326 Patty, 408 Alice, 344 Patty (Keyes), 131 Asa, 287 Peletiah, 40, 122, 131 Charles F., 372 Peter, 114, 115 Edward, 344 Phebe, 398 Ephraim, 4, 5, 326 Polly, 132 Esther, 287, 330 Index 483

Flint (continued) Fogg Hannah, 287, 415 Joseph, 173 Hannah (Herrick), 241, 286 Lemuel, 173 Hannah P., 295 Mercy (Berry), 173 Harriet N. (Evans), 372 Rebecca, 173 John, Lieut., 435, 436 Forbush Joseph, 112, 241, 286 David, 58 Luther, 241, 286 Ephraim, 115 Mary, 148, 287, 326, Lucy, 114 328-330 Mary, 115 Mary (Buttrick), 344 Miriam, 58 Mary (Hartwell), 241, 286 Ruth (Wood), 58 Mary Reed, 372 Sarah (Hayward), 58 Molly, 287 Ford Molly (Hartwell), 112 Hannah (Brett), 300 Phineas, 286 Mark, 300 Polly, 287 Mehitable, 300 Porter, 286 Forster Priscilla (Porter), 286 Abigail (Frost), 107 Rebecca, 404 Isaac, 107 Ruth (Wheeler), 326 Jacob, 107 Sally, 287 Mary (Hart), 107 Sarah, 48 Mary (Hartwell), 107 Thomas, 286 Foss Flood Joseph, 196 Benjamin, Capt., 250 Roxana (Simpson), 196 Flynt. See Flint Foster Fobes Almira (Bingham), 414 Abigail, 301 Anna, 78 Azariah, 309 Benjamin, 95 Olive (Leach), 309 Benjamin, Jr., 95 Susanna, 318 Ebenezer, 47 484 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Foster (continued) Susanna (Wyman), 91 Edmund, Rev., 380 Fowler Ezekiel, 190 Almira (Gibson), 289 Hannah, 26, 277 Elijah, 289 Hannah (Parlin), 47 Phebe, 222 Lucy (Stiles), 95 Fox Martha (Tenney), 403 Eliphalet, 5 Mary, 357 John, 19, 120 Mary (Brooks), 75 Thomas, 154 Mary (—), 78 Francis Mehitable (Steward), 95 Hannah, 389 Moses, 78 Hannah (Winship), 389 Moses, Jr., 75 James, 270 Rufus, 403 Lucy (Hartwell), 270 Ruth (Farnsworth), 190 Richard, 389 Sarah, 49 Susanna, 231 Susanna, 187 Frasier Tabitha, 95 Alexander, 310 Fowle Nancy Roxana (Leach), 310 Benjamin, 91 Fredenburgh Catherine, 90, 91 Albert, 226 James, 90, 91 Ann (Schofield), 226 James, 3d, 91 Catherine (Belton), 226 Julia, 377 George, 227 Mary, 92 Jane (Erving), 226 Mary (Reed), 90 William H., 226 Mary W., 262 Freeman Ruhamah, 91 Ann, 438 Ruhamah (Wyman), 91 Harriet M., 278 Ruth, 92 Jefferey, 436 Sally, 129 Jeffrey, 436 Samuel, 91, 129 See also Hartwell, Susanna, 91 Jeffrey; Hartwell, Jesse Index 485

French Jemima, 68, 176 Abigail, 12 John, 176 Almira (Bennett), 202 Joshua, 234 Amy (Packard), 301 Lucy Ann, 387 Ebenezer, 26 Mary (Heard), 166 Elizabeth (Hill), 26 Rebecca, 234 Ellen, 379 Ruth (Scripture), 176 Hannah (Burridge), 12 Sally, 166, 404 Isaac, 301 Samuel, 166 Joanna (Hill), 26 Susanna, 65 John, 12 Fuller Leonard, 202 Eben, 320 Levi, 301 Edward, 423 Mary (Reynolds), 301 Elijah, 267, 270 Sarah, 12, 150 Eliza (Williams), 320 Sarah (Danforth), 26 Hannah, 423 Silence (Keith), 307 John, 239 Silvanus, 307 John, Capt., 237, 259 Thomas, Capt., 351 Mary (Muncrief), 230 William, 26 Nancy (—), 423 William, Lt., 26 Phoebe, 209 Frey Polly (Kendall), 267, 270 Betsy, 423 Rebekah, 423 Frohock Furnell Lavinia, 284 Catherine, 241 Frost Gage Abigail, 107 Andrew, 123 Benjamin, 388 Orpa (Read), 123 Beulah (Hodgman), 388 Orphelia (Read), 123 Hannah, 236 Gale Hannah (Dutton), 234 Alpheus, 59 Hannah (Parker), 13 Edward, 362 486 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Gale (continued) Katherine (Hartwell), 111, Elizabeth (Randall), 59 283 Gallup Lavinia (Frohock), 284 Benjamin, 332 Louisa (Dickey), 284 Eliza Hayward (Stone), 332 Lucinda, 103 Elizabeth Hayward (Stone), Lucretia, 103 332 Mary, 102 Sally (Park), 332 Mary (Baxter), 101 William, Dr., 332 Mary (Jones), 284 Gardner Mary (Leonard), 102 Abner, 266 Mary (Miles), 266 Benjamin, 283 Nancy, 103, 284 Catherine, 284 Phebe Hart, 284 Clementina Beach, 266 Roxanna (Hinds), 284 Daniel, 283 Ruby R. (Holbrook), 283 Daniel Hartwell, 284 Ruth (Holbrook), 283 Daniel, Jr., 111 Samuel, 284 Electa, 102 Sarah, 55, 102, 375 Elizabeth, 102 Sarah (Gibson), 101 Elizabeth (Greenleaf), 102 Susanna, 102 Emma (Rea), 283 William, 284 Francis, Jr., 102 Garfield Francis, Rev., 101, 272 Abram, 248 Hannah, 103 Eliza Ann D. (Jaquith), 248 Harriet (Henderson), 284 Warren, 248 Harriett Allison, 285 Gary Henry, 283 Abigail, 238, 259 John, 102, 284 Ruth (Hartwell), 219, 221 John, Rev., 101 Stephen, 218, 219, 221 Joseph, 102, 103 Gaskill Joseph Edward, 284 Jonathan, 160 Katharine, 102 Index 487

Gates Getchell Elizabeth (Bragg), 163 Harriet N., 196 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 38, Mary C., 388 100 Gibson Isaac, 101 Abigail (Cummings), 267 Jacob, 38, 100 Abigail (Sawyer), 289 Mercy (Benjamin), 101 Abram, 267 Rebecca, 100 Adelia Maria, 292 Silas, 163 Alden Thomas, 291 Susanna, 163 Alexander Bezaleel, 291 Gay Almira, 289 Elizabeth, 325 Amelia (—), 291 Joshua, 323 Andrew Cutter, 289 Judith, 323 Annis (—), 288 Sarah (—), 323 Betsey, 292 Gaylord Bezaleel, 290 Nathan, 315 Caroline E. (Copp), 291 Peter, 315 Caroline I., 293 Ruth (Hartwell), 315 Caroline Lucinda, 291 Sarah (Hartwell), 315 Charles Langdon, 267 Gazelin Charlotte (Newell), 292 Hannah, 165 Charlotte (Newhall), 292 Genung Charlotte A. (Billings), 289 Mary (Hartwell), 88 Delia R., 294 Geoffrey Elizabeth (Hartwell), 38, Count of Anjou, 432 100 Gerrish Elizabeth O. (Austin), 289 Abigail (—), 262 Esther, 185 Paul, 393 Eveline, 288 Polly, 262 George, 294 Samuel, 262 George Payson, 291 Gerry Hannah (Cutter), 288 Sarah E., 295 Hannah E., 289 488 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Gibson (continued) Stephen, 282, 283 Harriet (Bennett), 291 Thomas, 112, 288 Hosea B., 293 Thomas Dexter, 289 Irene (Wilkinson), 293 Timothy, 100 Irene Louisa, 291 William P., 292 James Lyman, 291 Gilbert Jerome Sebastian, 289 Jude, 179 John, 38, 100, 292 Sarah E., 263 John Austin, 292 Susan P., 211 John, Capt., 100 Giles Leonard Lyman, 131 Elizabeth, 156 Lois (Billings), 291 Gill Lois (Smith), 288 Asenath (Hartwell), 220 Lucinda, 290 See also Gill, Sina Lucinda (Gibson), 290 Daniel, 220 Lucy G. (Wyman), 291 Sina, 218 Lydia (Symonds), 291 Susan, 220 Lyman J., 291 Gillet Martha (Wilker), 288 Annetta (Agnes), 428 Mary (Hartwell), 283 Gillett Mary Ann (Fletcher), 131 Annetta, 428 Mary E. (Moores), 294 Gilman Melvina, 289 James, 150 Porter, 292 Mary (Shepard), 150 Rebecca (Gates), 100 Gilson Rebecca W. (Munroe), 292 Adelia P., 418 Relief, 289, 290 Henry, 418 Relief (Hartwell), 112, 288 Mary Elizabeth (Moore), Reuben, Capt., 288 418 Rosella Rebecca, 289 Gleason Roxana (Brittan), 291 Abigail Hartwell, 360 Sarah, 101, 292 Andrew, 361 Sophia, 292 Elizabeth, 360 Index 489

Gleason (continued) Goodenow Gardner, 361 Esther, 164 George, 361 Goodhue James, 360 Daniel, 372 James Fiske, 360 Hannah (—), 372 John, 360 Lydia, 372 Jonathan, 360 Lydia (Cummings), 372 Jonathan Edward, 360 Maria P., 372 Jonathan Simons, 361 Mary Reed (Flint), 372 Leonard, 361 Phineas, 372 Mary (Fiske), 360 Goodrich Mary Fiske, 360 Sarah, 111, 282 Polly (Simonds), 360 Goodridge Samuel, 361 Calvin G., 296 Samuel Simons, 360 Elizabeth Lowe (Phelps), Sarah, 360 296 Stephen Hartwell, 360 John C., 296 Susanna, 76 Lucy Willard (Hartwell), 296 Susanna (Simonds), 360 Mehitable, 98 Susannah, 361 Sarah, 103 Gleson Goodwin James, 359 Betsy (Litchfield), 387 John, 359 Darius, 379 Reuben, 359 Emeline A., 387 Godfrey Jonathan, 387 Rachel, 414 Lucy (—), 379 Gold. See also Gould Gookin John, 31 Daniel, Captain, 11 Sarah (Hartwell), 31 Samuel, 92 Goldsmith Gorton Richard, 122 Benjamin, 84 490 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Gorton (continued) Mary, 23 Rachel (Wolcott), 84 Mary (Lamson), 32 Gott Sally, 287 Elizabeth, 241 Sarah, 112 Gould. See also Gold Greeland Abigail, 177 Emma S., 279 John, 31 Green Mehettebell (Barrett), 31 Deborah (Brown), 88 Rachel, 316 Elisabeth, 204 Samuel, 31 James, 34, 35, 88, 89, 203 Sarah (Hartwell), 31 James, Jr., 82, 203 Thomas, Rev., 31 Jemima, 203 Gove Jerusha, 34, 89 Betsey, 211 Jonas, 203 Gowen Lois, 205 Mary (Powers), 174 Lydia (Hartwell), 189 Stephen, 174 Martha, 88 Gowing Mary, 228 Polly, 262 Priscilla, 203 Gragg Priscilla (Hartwell), 81, 82, Elizabeth (Lakin), 193 203 John, 193 Rachel, 200, 203 Gray Reuben, 189 Anna (Danforth), 24 Ruhamah, 89 Bethiah (Hill), 23 Ruhamah (Hartwell), 35, 88 Bethyah (Hill), 24, 25 Samuel, 88 Braviter, 23-25 Sarah, 203, 205, 373 Charles, 212 Sarah (Shattuck), 203 Dorothy (Abbott), 24 Greene Elisabeth (Richardson), 25 David, Col., 365 Eliza (Lakin), 212 Greenleaf James, 32 Elizabeth, 102 Margaret, 352 Index 491

Grey Moses, 270, 422 Dorcas, 316 Thomas, 282 Gribbin Triphena, 253 Elizabeth, 211 Hall Griffith Abigail (Walker), 59 Joseph, Capt., 345 Amaziah, 406 Grosvenor Andrew, 59 Anne (Charlton), 431 Ann M., 258 Elizabeth, 431 Benjamin, 59 Randall, 431 Caroline A., 295 Gurney Elizabeth, 391 Albert N., 227 Hannah (Kendall), 389 Ann (Schofield), 226 Hepzibah (Jones), 59 Chester, 226, 227 Lucy (Melvin), 406 Guthrie Lydia (Kneeland), 272 Samuel, 228 Mary, 203 Hadley Mary P. (Cowles), 373 John, 286 Sally, 202 Hagar Sally Wyllys, 279 Abigail, 163 Sarah B., 128 Mary, 330 Sophia, 389 Hager Timothy, 279 Harriet Marie, 334 Ham Haile Ellenor, 417 Sebrana Shaw (Walker), Reuben, Jr., 165 396 Hamblet William, Hon., 396 Rachel, 144 Hale Hambleton Betsey, 111, 282 Elizabeth Hartwell (Baker), Elizabeth (Wilder), 282 356 Enoch, 173 Hamblin Lydia, 395 Charlotte (Hartwell), 217 Martha Ann (Priest), 422 492 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hamilton Harrell Henry, 173 Sarah E., 279 Hamlen Harriman Desire, 86 Irene, 126 Hamlin Harrington Dorothy (—), 86 Emily, 233 Reuben, 86 Julia Ann, 388 Hammond Mary, 350 Lucy, 139 Mary A., 413 Susan, 275 Harris Hanmore Arad, 135 Sarah, 44 Deborah, 135 Hannan Hannah, 96, 133 Olive, 174 Hannah (Colburn), 133 Hapgood Hannah (Hartwell), 410 Elizabeth (Treadwell), 56 John, 46, 133, 135 Lydia Haskell, 276 Joseph, 47 Susan, 276 Maria (Hastings), 135 Harding Peter, 96 Catherine (—), 290 Ruth (Parlin), 46 Daniel, 290 Sarah, 135, 152 Malvina G. (Bowers), 290 Sarah (Merriel), 96 Richard, 290 Sarah (—), 47 Hardy William, 410 Hepzibath (Wallingford), Hart 144 Ira, Rev., 313 Jemima, 367 Jerusha, 186 Sarah, 144 Maria (Sherman), 313 Zachariah, 144 Mary, 107, 184 Harman Phebe (Eaton), 38, 109, Olive, 174 110, 272 Harmon Rebecca, 109 Sarah (Willard), 173 Sally, 184 Index 493

Hart (continued) Abigail J. (Randall), 276 Thomas, 109 Abigail Trowbridge (Patch), Hartshorn 408 John, 153 Abihail (Lathrop), 302 Sarah (Shepard), 152 Abijah, 111, 112, 287 Hartswell Abraham, 88, 215-218, 229, 276 James, 177 Agnes, 428 Hartwell. See also Hartswell; Harwall; Heartwell Alfred, 251, 414 Abel, 329, 330, 391 Almeda (Porter), 380 Abi, 273 Almira (Bingham), 414 Abigail, 16, 17, 22, 35, 41, Amasa, 178, 391, 395 42, 44, 55, 60, 90, 137, Amaziah, 437 138, 140, 147, 148, 170, Amey, 316 171, 240, 257, 275, 297, Amos, 171, 387 317, 330, 347, 351, 352, 359 Ann, 429 Abigail (Blanchard), 111, Ann (Barnwell), 429 125, 274 Ann (Hawley), 107 Abigail (Blood), 391 Anna, 245, 400, 407 Abigail (Davis), 168, 350, Anna (Hawley), 244 351, 411 Anna (Hodge), 90, 230 Abigail (Holbrook), 329 Anna (Smith), 354 Abigail (Peirce), 394 Anna (Van Size), 271 Abigail (Ruggles), 111, 274 Anna (Wheeler), 407 Abigail (Stearns), 19, 41, Anne, 230 42, 136 Annetta (Gillett), 428 Abigail (Stevens), 380 Asa, 37, 189 Abigail (Stratton), 155 Asael, 37, 108 Abigail (Taylor), 42 Asahel, 37, 106, 238, 239, Abigail (Walker), 106, 238, 241, 242, 259, 260 240 Asahel Jonah, 239 Abigail (Wilson), 156, 347 Asenath, 218, 220 Abigail Desire (Polley), 296 See also Gill, Sina 494 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Calvin Blanchard, 275 Asenath (Robbins), 414 Caroline, 215, 415 Azubah (Rogers), 240 Caroline (Reed), 414 Benjamin, 38, 69, 110, 179, Caroline (Shattuck), 201, 238, 243, 244, 272, 274, 215 400, 401, 409, 410, 415 Caroline (Wright), 82 Benjamin Farley, 387 Caroline Matilda (Wright), Benjamin Franklin, 215 214 Benjamin Harlow, 193 Catharine (Reed), 414 Bethiah, 179, 408, 410 Catherine, 110, 347, 349 Bethiah (Wood), 68, 178, Catherine (Bemis), 317 399 Catherine (Furnell), 241 Betsey, 250, 286, 347, 351, Catherine (Shryock), 193 394, 438 Catherine (Tanner), 241 Betsey (Baldwin), 410 Cephas, 414 Betsey (Boynton), 274 Charles, 40, 296, 382 Betsey (Dodge), 354 Charlotte, 216, 217 Betsey (Hale), 111, 282 Charlotte (Cheever), 286 Betsey (Polley), 112, 285 Chastine, 251 Betsey (Willard), 113 Cheney, 354 Betsey (—), 217 Chloe, 216, 217 Betsey Apthorp Christina (Race), 229 (Fessenden), 401 Clarissa, 216, 217, 274, 412 Betsey E. (Adams), 437, 438 Clarissa (Brown), 244 Betsy, 352, 414, 415 Clarissa (Read), 283 See also Luce, Betsey Coleman, 218, 220, 221 Betsy (Johnson), 260 Daniel, 50, 51, 120, 167, 168, 179, 180, 188, 243, Betsy (Phillips), 276 244, 303, 348, 351, 352, Bettee (Cushman), 137, 302 354, 412, 413, 437, 438 Betty, 39, 189, 238, 275, Daniel Wilkes, 215 394 David, 72, 188, 215, 250, Betty (Polley), 76 317 Beulah (Hosmer), 187 David Wright, 408 Index 495

Hartwell (continued) Eliza (Brooks), 339 David, Jr., 188, 189 Eliza (Duren), 330 Deborah (Shepard), 354 Eliza (Lovekin), 220 Deborah (Thompson), 20, Eliza (—), 388 21 Eliza Augusta (Bowers), Deborah (Wheat?), 345 413 Deborah (Young), 382 Elizabeth, 16, 17, 19-21, 38, Deborah (—), 51, 153 90, 100, 105, 106, 111, 113, 140, 147, 148, 171, Delilah (Dickerson), 394 179, 234, 236, 245, 294, Desire, 273, 381 303, 312, 315, 316, 325, Desire (Brown), 170, 171, 329, 330, 348, 354, 380, 359, 361, 365 392, 401, 415, 416, 438, Dorcas, 241 439 Dorcas (Polley), 76, 106, Elizabeth (Barron), 250 240 Elizabeth (Brown), 17, 38, Dorcas (Thurston), 140, 316 39 Dorothy, 50, 51, 67, 160, Elizabeth (Collins), 260 175, 381 Elizabeth (Cooper), 227 Ebenezer, 16, 29, 30, 32, Elizabeth (Fletcher), 18, 19 71, 79-81, 88, 189, 193, Elizabeth (Gott), 241 217-219, 221, 229 Elizabeth (Hall), 391 Edmund, 393, 394 Elizabeth (Heywood), 44, Edward, 16, 17, 35-38, 94, 145, 147, 325 100, 104, 106, 108, 109, Elizabeth (Howard), 413 111, 236, 237, 431 Elizabeth (Keyes), 352 Eldridge, 388 Elizabeth (Kneeland), 38, Eleazer, 37, 108 104 Eleazer Davis, 382 Elizabeth (McDonald), 222 Eliab Gowen, 204 Elizabeth (Mead), 175, 381 Eliab Gowen/Going, 394 Elizabeth (Moore), 175, 379 Elijah, 380 Elizabeth (Peirce), 399 Elisabeth, 40, 107, 121, Elizabeth (Pierce), 179 122, 178, 251, 394, 395 Elizabeth (Porter), 381 Eliza, 275 496 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Eunice A. (Cushman), 220 Elizabeth (Proctor), 7 Eunice B. (Fairbanks), 276 Elizabeth (Ragsdale), 275 Experience, 137, 138, 308 Elizabeth (Swan), 229 Experience (Tarbox), 19, 41 Elizabeth (Tarbell), 38, 107, Frances, 435, 437 247, 268 Frances M. (Brownson), Elizabeth (Wilkinson), 315 251 Elizabeth (Willard), 296 Francis, 1, 167-169, 351, Elizabeth (Wright), 7, 14, 352, 428, 429, 438 16, 17, 35, 431 George, 382, 388 Elsy, 243 George W., 239 Elvira (Smith), 275 Hannah, 21, 51, 69, 81, 82, Emma, 391 89, 90, 137, 140, 175, 181, 182, 185, 206, 207, Emma (Mudge), 220 215, 218, 220, 229, 230, Emma (Whitman), 215 298, 301-303, 339, 401, Ephraim, 20, 42-44, 76, 410 111, 112, 145-149, 285, Hannah (Ashe), 88, 228 286, 325, 329, 330, 336, Hannah (Bangs), 88, 337, 345 217-219 Ephraim, Jr., 146-148 Hannah (Benedict), 81, Esther, 111, 112 190-193 Esther (Clark), 251 Hannah (Blanchard), 22, 68, Esther (Flint), 330 176 Esther (Heald?), 189 Hannah (Haskell), 68, 178, Esther (Hill), 217 179 Esther (McClary), 230 Hannah (Hodgman), 387 Esther (Warren), 393 Hannah (Kelley), 347 Eugenia N. (Peckham), 244 Hannah (Moore), 107, 242, Eunice, 108, 241, 285, 286, 243 317 Hannah (Patch), 275 Eunice (Cole), 175, 380 Hannah (Pease), 229 Eunice (Mirick), 149, 344 Hannah (Reed), 35, 89, 90, Eunice (Wood), 257, 260 229 Eunice (Woods), 382 Hannah (Rudd), 353 Index 497

Hartwell (continued) James, Jr., 227 Hannah (Tyler), 250 Jane, 22 Hannah (Woodbury), 407 Jane (Burnett), 401 Hannah (—), 42, 136, 297 Jane Little, 276 Harriet, 117, 414 Jasan. See Hartwell, Jezan Harriet Newell (Haywood), (—) 215 Jassin. See Hartwell, Jezan Harriet Sophia, 219 (—) Harriet Virginia, 229 Jazan. See Hartwell, Jezan (—) Hephcibeth, 31 Jean (Langdon), 31, 87, 228 Hepzibah, 85 Jeffrey, 174, 435, 436, 439 Hepzibah (Brooks), 148, 338 See also Freeman, Jeffrey; Hartwell, Jesse Herman, 414 Jemima, 175, 177, 178, 369 Hiram, 218, 220 Jemima (Batchelder), 51, Horace, 218, 221 174, 369 Howard, 67 Jemima (Frost), 68, 176 See also Hayward, Jepthah Richardson, 274 Hartwell Jeremiah, 393 Huldah (Andrews), 268 Jeremiah Chaplin, 276 Ira, 218, 220 Jerusha (Shepard), 354 Isaac, 41-44, 146-149, 302, 316, 344, 345, 380, 387, Jesse, 354, 435-437 388 See also Freeman, Isaac, Capt., 32, 43 Jeffrey; Hartwell, Jeffrey Isaiah, 238 Jessie (—), 9 Jacob, 110, 111, 276 Jezan (—), 2-4, 6, 7, 9, 11, James, 68, 88, 154, 156, 429 172, 176, 177, 180, 181, 218, 220, 227, 276, 347, Joanna (Davis), 176, 387 348 John, 4-7, 14-16, 19-23, James Chaplin, 215 29-31, 35, 37, 44, 46, 68, 71, 72, 107, 110, James L., 229 111, 140, 147, 148, 154, James Sullivan, 275 155, 169, 175, 179, 187 498 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Josiah, 19, 20, 37, 68, 109, John (continued) 110, 178, 179, 239, 240, 218-220, 238, 241-244, 252, 259, 260, 282, 399, 250, 260, 281-283, 316, 407, 410, 415 329, 338, 339, 344, 379, Josiah Hunt, 276 380, 383, 407, 431 Josiah Willard, 296 John B., 243, 244 Julia, 275 John Batchelder, 388 Julia Ann (Harrington), 388 John F., 268 Katherine, 111, 275, 283 John H., 270, 339 Keziah (Matthews), 193 John Holden, 201, 215 Kneeland, 245 John Moore, 175, 380 Laurenda, 345 John Perago, 229 Lawrence, 216, 217 John S., 385 Leander, 297 John, Jr., 380 Leonard, 394 Jon, 392, 393 Levi, 394 Jonah, 239, 301, 302 Liza, 388 Jonas, 44, 137, 148, 149, Lois, 39, 81, 82, 121, 301, 302, 329, 330, 345 179-181, 210, 410, 411, Jonathan, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 419 22, 30, 37-40, 68, 107, Lois (Bissell), 316 113, 132, 176, 178, 247, Lois (Chaplin), 111, 276 249, 250, 268, 324, 353, 392-394, 401, 407, 414 Lois (Clark), 250 Jonathan, Jr., 393 Lois (Dudley), 40, 120, 121, 411 Joseph, 16, 17, 22, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 50, Lois (Hartwell), 121, 411 51, 69, 88-90, 108-110, Lois (Kimball), 250 139, 140, 153-155, 171, Louisa, 345, 415 174, 175, 179, 229, 230, Louisa (Hodgman), 387 238, 241, 251, 257, 259, 260, 268, 272, 282, 283, Louisa A. (Adams), 382 298, 312, 315, 316, 345, Lovell, 354 346, 369, 380-382, 387, Lucinda, 238, 412, 413 399-401, 435, 436 Lucinda E. (Jones), 382 Index 499

Hartwell (continued) Lydia R. P., 383 Lucretia, 412 Lyman N., 229 Lucy, 108, 189, 190, 269, Margaret (Dies), 193 270, 329, 330, 382, 391, Margaret (Gray), 352 401, 407, 412 Margaret (Tompkins), 19 Lucy (Davis), 175, 382, 387 Margarett (Tompkins), 41 Lucy (Dawes), 110 Maria, 274 Lucy (Dutton), 180, 413 Maria (—), 436 Lucy (Lake), 241 Mariah, 274 Lucy (Lawrence), 382 Marianna (Whitcomb), 385 Lucy (Schofield), 219, 224 Mariel (Nichols), 272 Lucy (Webber), 387 Martha, 8, 31, 88, 137, 138, Lucy (Whitney), 383 224, 229, 241, 242, 251, Lucy Ann, 276 311, 401 Lucy B. (Hathaway), 401 Martha (Hartwell), 401 Lucy H. (Estabrook), 365 Martha (—), 31 Lucy Pollard (Reed), 388 Martha M. (Bruce), 283 Lucy Willard, 296 Martha Maria (Schofield), Luther, 216, 260, 394 226 Lydia, 42, 44, 106, 107, Marthe, 7, 22 149, 150, 175, 189, 238, Mary, 6-8, 19, 22, 31, 34, 245, 246, 339, 380, 391, 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 50, 407 51, 71, 72, 82, 88, 92, Lydia (Brown), 411 106, 107, 132, 137, 140, 147, 148, 170-172, 175, Lydia (Cole), 347 177, 180, 181, 187, 216, Lydia (Covell), 137, 302 227, 229, 238, 241, 243, Lydia (Moors), 178, 391 250, 283, 286, 303, 315, Lydia (Patterson), 244 338, 340, 354, 356, 365, Lydia (Tyler), 250 393, 407, 419, 420, 428 Lydia (White), 106, 236 Mary (Boynton), 392 Lydia (—), 89 Mary (Brackett), 20-23 Lydia Haskell (Hapgood), Mary (Brown), 148, 336 276 Mary (Bugbee), 242, 243 500 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Mary (Scott), 287 Mary (Cartwright), 244 Mary (Smith), 229 Mary (Coleman), 31, 87, Mary (Stewart), 238 215 Mary (Thompson), 32, 34, Mary (Davis), 51, 169 42 Mary (Dix), 179, 407 Mary (Whitteker), 345 Mary (Farnsworth), 80 Mary (Winchell), 217 Mary (Fitch), 387 Mary (Wooley), 72, 187 Mary (Flint), 148, 326, Mary (—), 1, 88, 106, 107, 328-330 220, 240, 429 Mary (Hagar), 330 Mary A. (Harrington), 413 Mary (Hilton), 238 Mary Ann, 274, 382 Mary (Hitchcock), 330 Mary C. (Getchell), 388 Mary (Hoar), 40, 120, 409, Mary Cheney, 353 413 Mary Elizabeth, 297 Mary (Lake), 176, 387 Mary G. (Corey), 215 Mary (Lawrence), 88, 215 Mary J. (Corey), 288 Mary (Lovekin), 219 Mary Jane (Eaton), 229 Mary (Lovell), 169, 352, Mary Joanna, 388 353 Mary Willard, 414 Mary (Muncrief), 230 Matilda, 215 Mary (Nichols), 189, 190 Matilda (Hobbs), 260 Mary (Parlin), 29, 46, 71, Mehitabel (Copeland), 303 72, 187 Mehitable, 31 Mary (Patch), 69, 180, 181, 419 Mercy (Cartwright), 107, 242 Mary (Peirce), 111, 112 Merriel (Nichols), 110 Mary (Pierce), 38, 275, 285 Mille, 271, 317 Mary (Pitcher), 316 Milly, 286 Mary (Putnam), 394 Molly, 39, 111, 112, 178, Mary (Raymond), 51, 169, 190, 383, 388 356 Molly (Boynton), 178 Mary (Rice), 42, 139, 312 Molly (Estabrook), 148 Mary (Sanders), 393 Molly (Hutchins), 187 Index 501

Hartwell (continued) Phebe (Kibbey), 393 Moses, 140 Phebe (Locke), 43 Nancy, 283 Phebe (Rogers), 240 Nancy (Daggett), 107, 249 Phebe (Starks), 352 Nancy (Watts), 382 Phebe (Tyler), 108 Nancy (Weeks), 387 Phila, 392 Nancy (Wheeler), 286 Phineas, 38, 111-113, 241, Naomi S. (Thompson), 381 285, 296 Nathan, 69, 137, 180, 181, Phineas Philander, 296 302, 303, 410, 414, 419 Phineas Ward, 354 Nathaniel, 9, 216, 217, 276 Phineas, Jr., 111, 112 Niles, 216, 217 Phinehas, 37 Olive, 316, 354, 401 Phipps, 221, 222 Olive (Lovell), 393 Polly, 243, 260, 285, 286, Olive (Smith), 112, 287 329, 330, 345, 351, 352 Olive (Waldo), 88, 221, 222 Polly (Dawes), 110, 269, 270 Oliver, 39, 40, 81, 120, 121, 154, 190-193, 198, 347, Polly (Farwell), 111, 281 401, 411, 412 Polly (Lemon), 244 See also Heartwell, Oliver Polly (Morton), 352 Oramel, 218-220 Polly (Sawyer), 410 Ozias, 275 Porter, 288 Pamela (Baldwin), 229 Priscilla, 29, 30, 35, 81, 82, Pamelia (Parker), 276 203 Patience (—), 88, 215, 216 Priscilla (Wright), 7, 14-16, 154, 155, 431 Patty, 411, 412, 414 Prudence, 110, 111, 113, Patty (Hartwell), 414 240, 242, 260, 261 Persis B. (Brigham), 297 Prudence (Carter), 104 Peter, 31, 40, 87, 88, 215, Rachel, 81, 407 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 227-229 Rachel (Atherton), 414 Phebe, 217 Rachel (Blood), 189 Phebe (Eaton), 38, 109, Rachel (Farnsworth), 30, 110, 272 80, 189 502 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Roxada, 219 Rachel (Mead), 193 Roxana, 218, 220, 221 Rachel (Shattuck), 193, 198 See also Castle, Roxy Rachel (Stone), 316 Rufus Graves, 251 Rachel (Wooley), 72, 188 Ruhamah, 35, 88, 89 Rebecca, 20, 22, 56, 162, Ruhamah (Cutter), 17, 34, 254, 316, 352 35, 88 See also Whitney, Ruhamah (Fenno), 137, Rebekah 301, 302 Rebecca (Atkins), 348 Ruhamah (Webber), 387 Rebecca (Chandler), 51, Ruth, 19-21, 50, 51, 68, 170, 351 110, 137, 140, 145, 154, Rebecca (Meads), 7, 18 156, 157, 170, 171, 175, 218, 219, 221, 271, 315, Rebecca (Sawyer), 410 323, 365 Rebecca (Sherman), 140, Ruth (Farnsworth), 81 315 Ruth (Hosmer?), 20, 50, Rebecca (Walker), 110, 259 153 Rebecca (—), 19, 41 Ruth (Wheeler), 4, 7, 18, 41 Rebecca Dana (Perry), 415 Ruth J. (Cross), 251 Rebecca Walker, 260 Sally, 365, 411, 413 Relief, 111, 112, 244, 275, Sally (Cobb), 345 288, 347 Sally (Cushing), 394 Reuben, 110, 111, 125, 274, 275 Sally (Gray), 287 Reuben, Jr., 275 Sally (Jordan), 352 Rhoda (Fletcher), 415 Sally (Keyes), 189 Rhoda (Sawyer), 410 Sally (Lake), 252, 410 Rhoda (Winslow), 401 Sally (Ripley), 303 Rhoda (—), 110, 259, 260 Sally (Smallcorn), 302 Richard, 429 Sally (Whitney), 382 Robert, 429 Salyna Jane, 229 Robert H., 271 Samantha (Burnham), 229 Rodney, 427 Samantha (Roberts), 244 Roxa, 245 Samuel, 4-7, 16, 18, 19, 29, 30, 41, 42, 44, 68, 81 Index 503

Hartwell (continued) Sarah (Reed), 170, 365, 420 Samuel (continued) Sarah (Sanderson), 179, 82, 107, 121, 136, 137, 409, 410 140, 146-148, 170, 179 Sarah (Shepard), 16, 30 187, 193, 214, 238, 242, Sarah (Skinner), 154, 268, 244, 245, 251, 297, 301, 346, 347 302, 315, 326, 327, 329, 330, 351, 352, 381, Sarah (Smedley), 16, 29, 71 410-412 Sarah (Wheeler), 17, 38, 40, Samuel Chandler, 388 113, 414 Samuel Estabrook, 326, 329 Sarah (Wilder), 17, 35, 94 Samuel Robert, 411 Sarah (Wilson), 51, 167, 168, 348 Samuel, Jr., 410, 411 Sarah (Wood), 227 Sarah, 2, 6, 7, 11, 16, 19, 21, 26, 29-31, 37, 39, Sarah Goldsmith 40, 72, 73, 76, 81, 88, (Fairbanks), 413 94, 95, 107, 113, 120, Sarah Hazen, 276 137, 148, 167, 168, Sarah Smith, 274 178-180, 187, 189, 193, Sarah Winch, 288 217-220, 222, 229, 230, 241, 247, 303, 315, 330, Sary, 30, 31 339, 348, 351, 352, 398, Seba (Osborn), 241 401, 402, 410, 413, 416 Seebee (Osborn), 241 See also Munroe, Sally; Seraphina (—), 251 Porter, Salla Seth Lathrop, 306 Sarah (Bonney), 137, 302 Silas, 189 Sarah (Brooks), 274 Silence, 137, 298, 306 Sarah (Farnsworth), 30, 81 Simon, 69, 72, 179, 187, Sarah (Goodrich), 111, 282 188, 414, 427 Sarah (Gray), 112 Solomon, 76, 105, 106, 167, Sarah (Hartwell), 120, 180, 168, 240, 241, 245, 413 350-352 Sarah (Holden), 30, 81, 193 Sophia, 243, 244, 273, 276, Sarah (Jacobs), 412 407, 408 Sarah (Kimball), 176 Sophia (—), 244 Stedman, 415 504 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hartwell (continued) Thomas Ashe, 229 Stephen, 20, 50, 51, 169, Thomas Haywood, 414 170, 238, 351, 352, 356, Timothy, 21, 50, 51, 156, 364, 365, 420, 436 168, 169, 175, 346, 347, Sukey, 345, 414 351, 381, 382, 387 Sukey (Davis), 345 Tryphena (Wright), 413 Sullivan, 351 Violet, 436, 437 Susan, 276, 287 William, 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 11, Susan (Gill), 220 16-20, 26, 27, 50, 51, 75, 108, 110, 153-155, Susan (Hapgood), 276 167-169, 171, 176, 226, Susan (Reed), 217 227, 230, 238, 268-270, Susan (—), 3 277, 283, 345-347, Susanna, 108, 178, 257, 392 351-354, 387, 400, Susanna (Burr), 302 427-429, 435 Susanna (Field), 137, 302 See also Harwall, William Susanna (Foster), 187 William B., 282, 339 Susanna (Hayward), 380 William Bascomb, 283 Susanna (Heald), 189 William D., 315 Susanna (Sperry?), 347 Zilpah, 303 Susannah, 303, 392, 413 Harvey Susannah (Skinner), 347 Mary (Leach), 310 Tabatha, 171 Mary Priscilla (Walker), 395 Tabitha, 110, 111, 170, 275, 277, 281, 361 Rufus, 395 Tabitha (Dodge), 38, 108, Smith, 310 110, 259 Harwall. See also Hartwall; Tabitha (Hill), 352 Heartwell Tamar, 107 William, 269 Tamzon (Nettleton?), 220 Harwood Thirza, 216, 217 Joseph, 121 Thomas, 39, 40, 88, 89, Joseph, Lieut., 120 104, 106, 119, 120, 179, Haseltine 180, 218-220, 228, 237, Ann, 23 240, 243, 244, 393, 413, Clementina (Merritt), 210 414, 429 Index 505

Haseltine (continued) Molly, 133 John, 209, 210 Molly (Hartwell), 39 Lucina, 209, 210 Norman, 135 Sally (Baldwin), 209, 210 Oliver, 134, 135 Sewell, 210 Orpha, 134 Haskell Orphia, 134 Hannah, 68, 178, 179 Peter Hartwell, 133 Hastin Phenicy, 135 Hitty, 144 Polly (Wheeler), 135 Hastings Rhoda (Farr), 136 William, 177 Roxanna, 136 Adaline, 136 Sabrina, 133 Adaline (Hastings), 136 Salome, 136 Adeline (Barrett), 135 Salome (Burt), 134 Arvilla, 136 Sarah, 133 Bethana (—), 135 Sarah (White), 132 Charlotte, 135 Sarah Sawyer, 134 Deborah (Harris), 135 Shubel, 135, 136 Edith (Farr), 136 Sophia (Barrett), 134 Elizabeth (Day), 134 Susannah (Barrett), 134 Elizabeth M. (Cutter), 234 Sybil (Emmons), 134 Harriet, 135, 398 Thaddeus, 136 Jonathan, 134, 136 Thomas, 132, 133 Josiah, 39, 40, 120, 132, Wilder, 134 135 Hatch Levi, 136 Catherine (Gardner), 284 Lucy, 133, 136 John, Rev., 284 Lybeus, 134 Hathaway Maria, 135 Lucy B., 401 Mary (Hartwell), 40, 132 Haven Mary Ann, 135 Abigail S., 377 Mary M., 364 Jonas, 377 Miranda (Powers), 135 506 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Haven (continued) Elizabeth (Treadwell), 56 Martha, 402 Hannah, 65 Sarah-Wilson, 377 Hannah (Hunt), 64 Havens Hartwell, 66, 67 Judge, 208 See also Hartwell, Haward. See also Hayward Howard Ebenezer, 162 James, 62, 65-67 Mary (Arnold), 162 John, 58, 65-67 Hawley Joseph, 56, 65-67, 300 Ann, 107 Josiah, 57 Anna, 244 Judith (Wheeler), 62 Cyrus, 229 Levi, 126 Martha (Hartwell), 229 Lucy, 62 Hayden Lucy (Conant), 57 Josiah, Capt., 300 Lucy (Hunt), 63, 64 Haynes Lucy (Marble), 58 Elizabeth, 386 Lucy (Prentice), 67 Hayward. See also Haward; Lydia, 58 Howard Martin, 384 Abigail, 60, 65, 66 Mary, 57, 59, 63, 65, 330 Abigail (Hosmer), 64, 66 Mary (Arnold), 67 Amity (Washburn), 67 Mary (Blanchard), 62 Anna (Jewett), 64 Mary (Brown), 62 Anna (Sargeant), 67 Mary (Hosmer), 57 Anna (White), 62 Mary (Stevens), 62 Asa, 65 Mary H. (Wright), 384 Benjamin, 63 Micah, 59 Betty, 180, 307 Miriam (Forbush), 58 Betty (Lee), 65 Molly (Willard), 67 Daniel, 58 Olive (Manley), 300 Elizabeth, 58 Patty (Keyes), 126 Elizabeth (Brown), 65 Paul, 62 Elizabeth (Randall), 58 Prudence, 64, 67 Index 507

Hayward (continued) Heald Rachel (Heywood), 63 Hannah, 76 Rachel (Snow), 67 Hannah (—), 76 Rebecca, 57, 65, 66, 300 John, 45 Rebecca (Hartwell), 22, 56, Mary, 45, 335 162 Mary (Chandler), 45 Rebecca (Hunt), 64 Susanna, 189 Rebecca (Prescott), 65 Timothy, 76 Rebekah, 63, 66 Heard Ruth, 58 Mary, 166, 335 Samuel, 62 Heartwell. See also Hartwell; Sarah, 58, 65, 66 Harwall Sarah (Hosmer), 53, 65, 66 Oliver, 400 Simeon, 22, 53, 56, 58, Heath 64-66, 162 Cynthia, 209 Stephen, 64, 66, 67 Hecock Stevens, 64 David, Capt., 227 Susanna, 380 Henderson Tabitha (Houghton), 63 Harriet, 284 Haywood Henry I, 432 Harriet Newell, 215 Henry II, 15, 431-434 Joseph, 20 Philip, 433 Lincoln, 282 Henshaw Sarah, 75 Andrew, 118 Thomas, 137 Frances (Fletcher), 118 Hazen Herrick Elizabeth (Little), 274 Hannah, 180, 241 Ruth (Kneeland), 271 Hannah Dutton (Tufts), 235 Samuel, 274 Mary (Willis), 235 Sarah, 276 Phebe Hart (Gardner), 284 Sarah Smith (Hartwell), 274 Samuel, 284 Thomas, 274 William, 235 William, 2d, 235 508 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hewins Joshua, 159 Amasa, 321 Nathan, 159 Damaris (Bird), 141 Olive, 159 Daniel, 321, 322 Rebecca (Champrey), 159 Ezra I., 321 Higgins Jacob, 141 Abiel, 133 James, 321 Charles, 133 Matilda (Ingraham), 321, Joseph, 133 322 Sarah (Hastings), 133 Oliver, 321 Hiland Philena (Church), 321 Joan, 210 Rebecca, 321 Hildreth Ruth (Comins), 321 Abijah, 126 Sarah, 141 Anna (—), 74 William, 321, 322 Benjamin Warren, 343 Zeniah (Wall), 321 Benjamin Warren, Dr., 343 Zeruah (Wall), 321, 322 Betsey, 126 Hewitt Charles, 126 Edward, 362 Charles S., 281 Heywood Dorothy, 122, 131 Elizabeth, 44, 145, 325 Dorothy (Prescott), 122 Elizabeth (Hubbard), 145 Elijah, 39, 125, 126 John P., 110 Ellen, 343 Mary, 24, 33 Ephraim, 126 Rachel, 63 Eunice, 343 Samuel, 145 Eunice W. (Prescott?), 343 Hicks Franklin, 343 Chloe, 159 George Washington, 343 Elizabeth (Bacon), 159 Hannah, 126, 128 Elizabeth (Baken), 159 Hannah (Spaulding), 45 Israel, 159 Jacob, 152 John, 159 James, 122, 343, 344 Jonathan, 159 Jane, 19, 343 Index 509

Hildreth (continued) Esther, 24, 217 Jane Sophia (Woodcock), Joanna, 26 281 Jonathan, 6, 8, 11, 20, 22, John, 343 23 Jonathan, 45, 343 Joseph, 24, 27 Jonathan Hartwell, 126 Lydia, 23 Joseph, 126 Lydia (Osgood), 24 Louisa, 123 Mary, 16, 22, 23, 26 Lucy, 74 Mary (Brackett), 20-23 Lydia (Parlin), 45 Mary (Hartwell), 6-8, 22 Mary, 151, 343 Peter, 23, 24 Mary (Brown), 343 Rachel, 23, 164 Mary (Shepard), 152 Rachel (Crosby), 24 Molly, 126 Ralph, 22, 43 Molly (Reed), 125 Ralph, Deacon, 23 Oliver, 74 Samuel, 25 Rebecca, 413 Sarah, 26, 128, 130 Rebekah, 126 Sarah (Page), 25 Roger Brown, 343 Susan Elizabeth, 385 Salla, 126 Susan L., 385 Sampson, 45 Susanna, 26 Sarah Brown, 343 Tabitha, 352 Susanna (—), 126 Hilton Hill Mary, 238 Abial, 25 Hinds Abigail (Richardson), 25 Abijah, 265 Abigail (Walker), 24 Hepsebeth G. (—), 284 Abigail (—), 23 Josiah D., 284 Abihail, 25 Martha H., 265 Asa, 385 Roxanna, 284 Bethiah, 23 Susanna (—), 265 Bethyah, 24, 25 Hitchcock Elizabeth, 23, 24, 26 Mary, 330 510 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hoar Beulah, 388 Anna, 404 Elizabeth (Blood), 48 Anna (Hartwell), 407 Hannah, 387 Benjamin, 120 Harriet Johnson, 326 Betsey (Barker), 117 Job, 326 Esther, 120 John, 49 Hannah, 125, 182 Lois (Parlin), 49 Harriet (Hartwell), 117, 414 Louisa, 387 John, 15, 117, 414 Lydia (Taylor), 326 Louise, 421 Mary, 366 Mary, 40, 120, 409, 413 Sarah (—), 366 Rebekah (Dutton), 125 Thomas, 48, 366 Samuel, Jr., 125, 407 Holbrook Hobart Abigail, 329 Anson L., M.D., 341 Desire, 272 Elizabeth, 204 Rhoda, 246 Ellen (Brown), 341 Ruby R., 283 Ruth, 190 Ruth, 283 Hobbs Susan, 420 Matilda, 260 Holden Sheldon, 177 Charles, 124 Hodge Delilah (Dickerson), 394 Anna, 90, 230 Hannah, 288 Hodges Hannibal, 125 Ann, 230 Harriet, 124 David, 240 Hulda (Bailey), 125 James, 230 John, 81 Katherine, 230 Jonas, 124 Mary (—), 106, 240 Luther, 124 Hodgins Mary H. (Brown), 340 Louisa M., 390 Matilda, 124 Hodgman Olive Mehitable (Lee), 124 Abigail, 48 Peter, 42 Index 511

Holden (continued) Samuel, 364 Polly (Bigelow), 124 Sarah (Black), 364 Priscilla (Barnard), 124 Simeon, 235 Rufus, 340 Stephen, 364 Ruth, 124 Susannah (Parker), 118 Sarah, 30, 81, 124, 193 Thomas, 118 Sarah (Cressey), 124 Uriah, 78 Sarah (Davis), 81 Holton Sarah (Reed), 124 Edy Prescott (Wright), 402 Stephen, 124 Elihu, 402 Holly Hook Sarah, 224 Lawrence, 348 Holmes Persis (Barron), 348 Dorothy, 309 Hopkins Holt Enos, 216 Abigail (Bacon), 118 Josiah, 332 Alony, 364 Rebecca, 332 Anna (Melvin), 78 Sarah (Carver), 305 Annis (Willard), 78 Sarah (Rackliffe), 332 Emily (Davenport), 364 Timothy, Jr., 305 Ephraim, 364 Hopkinson Esther (—), 235 Elizabeth (Hunt), 33 Hannah, 364 Jeremiah, 33 Hannah (Wright), 364 Mary, 33 Jacob, 78 Horsley John, 364 Abigail (Hayward), 65 Mary, 364 William, 65 Mary M. (Hastings), 364 Hosley Nancy, 364 Abigail (Carpenter), 265 Rendy, 364 Cynthia E., 265 Roxana, 235 Henry, 265 Sally, 364 512 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hosmar Prudence, 53 Hannah, 19 Prudence (Billings), 53, 64, Hosmer 66 Abigail, 64, 66 Rebecca, 117 Abigail (Wood), 50 Ruth, 20, 50, 55 Alice (—), 50 Sally, 383 Ann (Parlin), 48, 54 Samuel, 48, 54 Anna (Parlin), 48, 54 Sarah, 53, 64-66 Asahel, 117 Sarah (Davies), 117 Benjamin, 54 Sarah (Gardner), 55 Beulah, 55, 187 Sarah (Miles), 54 Bridget, 50 Sarah (White), 51 Dinah, 54 Simeon, 66 Dorothy (Selden), 50 Stephen, 50, 53, 55, 64, 66, 117 Elijah, 55 Thomas, 21, 51, 53 Elizabeth, 55 William O., 258 Elizabeth (Davis), 54 Houghton Esther, 117 Acsah, 290 Eunice (Wright), 117 Ann P., 421 Hannah, 51 Mary, 35 Hannah (Hartwell), 21, 51 Nancy M., 204 James, 20, 50, 51, 54, 55 Tabitha, 63 John, 57 How Joseph, 53 Samuel, 7 Lucy, 53, 117 Sarah, 153 Lucy (Barnes), 53 Howard. See also Hayward Lydia, 54 Abigail, 66 Marcia (Stearns), 258 Dorothy, 68 Mary, 54, 57 Ebenezer, 67, 68, 161 Mary (Billings), 57 Elizabeth, 413 Mellescent (Wood), 55 Hannah (Hartwell), 229 Nathan, 55 Harriet, 307 Persis, 53 Index 513

Howard (continued) Mary, 169 Hartwell, 67 Rebecca, 77 James, 67 Huffcut Jonathan, Capt., 301 Margaret, 184 Kezia (Ames), 307 Hughes Levi, 229 Betsy (Priest), 419 Lucy (Prentice), 67 Dennis, 419 Margaret, 308 Hull Martha, 299 Sally, 397 Mary, 68 Humphries Mary (Arnold), 67, 161 Lois, 421 Molly (Willard), 67 Hunt Patty, 124 Elizabeth, 33 Rachel (Snow), 67 Hannah, 64 Seabury (Wilbur), 306 Hannah (—), 64 Simeon, 66, 67 Henry, 64 Stephen, 67 Jemima, 93 Thaddeus, 306, 307 John, 64 Howe John G., 431 Abraham, Capt., 263 Lucy, 63, 64 Elizabeth (Spofford?), 263 Lucy (Hunt), 64 Harriet, 263 Lucy (Marble), 63 Louisa, 210 Rebecca, 64 Lydia (Shepard), 150 Samuel, 155 Martin, 357 Simon, 63 Mary Hartwell (Wilson), Huston 357 Zoe, 246 Merriam, 263 Hutchins Miriam, 164, 263 Molly, 187 Rebecca, 61 Hutchinson Sarah Maria, 357 Aaron, 161 Hubbard Charlotte (Stiles), 97 Elizabeth, 145 514 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Hutchinson (continued) Moses, 321 Elizabeth (Peters), 357 Nabby, 322 Hannah (Wilson), 357 Olive P., 322 Ira, 357 Ruth (Fisher), 318 Josiah, 357 Samuel I., 322 Mary, 150 Sarah (Fisher), 317 Samuel, 97 Susanna, 318 Thomas, 89 Susanna (Tucker), 317 Ide Theodore, 322 Abigail, 310 Tilee, 320 Ingalls Tiley, 318 Rebecca, 236 Zilpha, 318 Ingraham Irby Abigail, 318 Olive, 431 Abigail (Hartwell), 140, Ireland 317 Ann Gardner, 233 Abigail (Sturgis), 321 Elizabeth (Mallet), 233 Beriah, 317 Jonathan, 233 Beriah P., 322 Ives Celina, 322 Mary (Dyson), 206 Cynthia, 321 Mary Elizabeth, 206 Elijah, 318, 322 Miriam (Reynolds), 223 Elizabeth (Stone), 320 Samuel, 206 Ezra, 318, 320 Schuyler, 223 Hartwell, 322 Jackson Jeremiah, 140, 317 Elisha, Capt., 242, 244, 272 Jeremiah, Jr., 317 Mary, 302 Luther, 318 Polly, 264 Matilda, 321, 322 Jaco Melissa. See Ingraham, Deborah, 12 Mileson Jacob Mileson, 323 John, Col., 244 Millicent. See Ingraham, Mileson Index 515

Jacobs Almira S. (Emmons), 248 Benjamin, 161, 162 Andrew, 247 Dorothy, 162 Asa, 248 Dorothy (Arnold), 161, 162 Asa Hartwell, 248 Elizabeth, 162 Benjamin, 247 Huldah, 162 Caleb Wood, 248 Huldah (Bosworth), 162 Charles B., 249 John, Capt., 272 Elbridge G., 247 John, Col., 242, 345 Eliza Ann D., 248 Joseph, 162 Eunice (White), 248 Joseph, Capt., 412 George D., 249 Mercy (Whitman), 162 George Oakes, 247 Nathan, 162 John S., 248 Nathaniel, 162 Jonas, 248 Peter, 162 Joseph, 247, 248 Sarah, 412 Leonard W., 248 Sarah (Bragg), 412 Lucy A. (Sawyer), 249 Stephen, 162 Margaret, 247 Jacobus Margaret (Jaquith), 247 Donald Lines, 348 Mary Reed Dinsmore, 248 James Mary S. (Davis), 249 Mary, 431 Polly, 247 Jameson Rebecca (Spaulding), 247 Adelaide (Schofield), 225 Rensselaer O., 248 John, 225 Roxanna (Putnam), 248 Jaquith Sally, 249 Abby G. (Warren), 247 Sarah (Cate), 247 Abigail C. (Whitney), 248 Sarah (Hartwell), 107, 247 Abigail Peaslee, 248 Sarah B. (Maxwell), 248 Adde G., 248 Sibbel (Davis), 248 Adford, 107, 247, 248 Sibel H., 248 Almira (Fletcher), 249 Solomon E., 249 516 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Jaquith (continued) Johnson Susan, 249 Adeline, 375 Susan (Lane), 247 Amy (Wilson), 358 Warren T., 249 Annis, 261 Jaynes Bethiah (Hartwell), 410 Margaret, 397 Betsey, 236 Jeffers Betsy, 260 Thomas, 260 Caleb, 354 Jefferson David, 261 Belinda, 390 David Warren, 375 Jefts Edward, 375 Hannah, 25 Elizabeth, 369, 376 Jenkins Emeline A. (Wright), 384 Calvin, Rev., 390 Ezekiel, 260, 374 Olive (Kendall), 390 Franklin, 260 Jenks Hannah, 375 Orrin, 227 Hannah (Cummings), 374 Jennings Hannah (Hartwell), 339 Mercy, 358 Henry, 375 Jewell J. Dexter, 384 Grisel, 18 Joanna, 175 Mary, 52 Joseph, 236, 375 Jewett Josiah, 260, 375 Anna, 64 Jotham, 102 Aquila, 121 Julia A., 130 Aquila, Lieut., 409, 411 Lettice, 292 Jonathan, 402 Lois, 117 Joseph, 179, 402 Luther H., 260 Rebecca, 184 Martha, 375 Rebecca (—), 402 Mary, 375 Sarah, 231 Mary (Warner), 261 Sarah (Melvin), 402 Moody, 358 Index 517

Johnson (continued) Ephraim, 59, 332, 333, 340 Olive (Hartwell), 354 Ephraim, Capt., 59, 330 Rebecca (Ingalls), 236 Frances C., 336 Rebecca W., 260 Francis, 335 Rebecca Walker (Hartwell), Franklin, 263 260 George E., 336 Roxa (Hartwell), 245 Hannah (Tompkins), 12 Sarah, 95, 102 Harriet, 84, 335 Sarah (Angier), 375 Henry, 336 Sarah (Gardner), 102, 375 Henry Hall, 332, 333 Silas, 245 Hephzibah (Chandler), 113 Sophronia, 376 Hepzibah, 59, 333, 340 Susan W. (Deland), 375 Hepzibah (Chandler), 59 Susanna, 366 Hepzibah (Jones), 340 William, 410 Hugh, 12 William B., 339 Isaac, 335, 336 William S., 260 Joanna, 369 Jones John, 43 Abigail, 148, 336 Jonas, 60, 148, 330, 331, Abigail (Hartwell), 60, 147, 333 148, 330 Julia Augusta (Fletcher), Adelaide I/J. (Offley), 439 335 Alexander C., 439 Keziah (Adams), 332 Alice (Cutler), 59 Lois, 60 Alice (—), 340 Lucinda E., 382 Andrew, 335 Lucy, 60, 130, 331 Caroline (Allen), 333 Lucy (Esterbrook), 335 Charles, 335 Lydia (Kidder), 334 Dolly, 252 Martha, 60 Eliza, 332 Martha (Fessenden), 332 Eliza (Brown), 333 Mary, 59, 284 Elizabeth (Crosby), 332 Mary (Hayward), 59, 330 Enos, 252 Mary (Heald), 335 518 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Jones (continued) Keith Mary (Kendall), 263 Albert, 308 Mary (Stone), 332, 333 Almira S. (Paull), 308 Mary (Whitmore), 252 Amos, 160 Mary (Winship), 336 Asa, 303 Mary C., 336 Betsey (Field), 308 Peter, 60, 331, 336 Caroline Eliza, 308 Rebecca (Wellington), 335 Chloe, 160 Rebekah, 60 David, 160 Richard Hall, 333, 336 Davis, 307 Ruth, 38 Edwin, 308 Sally (Manning), 333 Eliza, 307 Samuel, 5, 340 Gershom, 160 Sarah Elizabeth (Wright), Gideon, 307 335 Harriet, 308 Sidney (Boggs), 335 Harriet (Howard), 307 Stephen, 333-335 Hartwell, 306, 307 Jordan Hazadiah, 307 Abigail, 297 Jonas H., 307 Benjamin, 297 Jonathan, 307, 308 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 316 Margaret (Howard), 308 Elizabeth (Wentworth), 297 Mary (Bassett), 307 George, 316 Mary (—), 160 Hannah, 297 Olive, 308 Hannah (Adams), 297 Robert, 306, 308 Mary, 297 Robert, Jr., 137 Olive, 323 Ruth (Bacon), 160 Sally, 352 Sarah, 308 Thomas, 297 Sarah (Leach), 307 Kavanaugh Seabury (Wilbur), 306 Priscilla, 238 Sebra, 307 Keeler Silence, 307 Lydia, 84 Silence (Hartwell), 137, 306 Index 519

Keith (continued) Annis, 265 Silvenus, 308 Asa Skelton, 367 Susanna (Manley), 307 Bartlett Stoddard, 265 Susannah (Hartwell), 303 Belinda (Jefferson), 390 Sylvanus, 308 Benjamin, 143 Tabitha (Leach), 306 Benjamin F., 265 Kellecut. See also Killcute; Benjamin, Jr., 264 Killecut; Killicutt Betsey, 389 Mary (—), 399 Caroline (Partridge), 264 Thomas, 398 Caroline (Russell), 367 Kelley Charles, 263 Hannah, 347 Cynthia E. (Hosley), 265 Laura (Kendall), 390 David, 110, 261, 264, 265, Moses K., 390 267 Kelsey Deborah (Richardson), 143 Elizabeth (Chandler), 356 Ebenezer, 388, 390 Harriet Grace, 356 Edmund, 391 Levi, 356 Edmund H., 390 Kemp Edward, 110, 261, 263 John, 265 Edward, Jr., 262 Lucy, 265 Elisabeth, 143 Martha A. (Shepard), 368 Elizabeth, 143, 390 Mary (Hartwell), 354 Elizabeth (Cutler), 142 Nathan, 354, 368 Emily M. (Chase), 264 Sarah (Shattuck), 265 Esther, 143 Kendall Esther (Walker), 261 Abigail, 266 George, 263 Abigail (Cummings), 99 Hannah, 389 Abigail (Wight), 390 Hannah (Bemis), 264 Adeline, 265 Hannah (Francis), 389 Alvin, 264, 265 Hannah (Thompson), 388 Amos, 261 Harriet (Howe), 263 Annice, 261 Ira, 390 520 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Kendall (continued) Molly, 388 Isaac P., 264 Molly (Hartwell), 178, 388 Isabella (Chase), 265 Nancy (Reeves), 390 Jacob, 142, 143 Noah, 366 James, 367, 389 Olive, 390 James A., Rev., 341 Olive (Butterfield), 143 Jeremiah, 389 Pamela (Bigelow), 263 Joanna, 261 Phebe (Moulton), 391 Joel, 367 Polly, 267, 270 John, 143, 367 Polly (Gerrish), 262 Jonathan, 390 Polly (Kendall), 267, 270 Joshua, 366, 367 Prudence, 264 Keziah (Putnam), 267 Prudence (Hartwell), 110, Keziah (Twitchell), 264 260, 261 Laura, 390 Prudence (Kendall), 264 Louisa M. (Hodgins), 390 Prudence (Swallow), 99 Lucy, 389, 390 Reuben, 178, 267, 388, 389 Lucy (Kemp), 265 Riley, 390 Luke, 261 Ruth (Edwards), 390 Lydia (Richardson), 366 Ruth (Skelton), 366 Maria Boyle (Brown), 341 Ruth Hartwell, 367 Maria K., 266 Sally, 391 Martha H. (Hinds), 265 Sally (Jaquith), 249 Martin, 264, 265 Sally (Orvis), 391 Mary, 263, 264 Samuel Gerrish, 262 Mary (Evans), 261 Sarah (Miller), 263 Mary A. (Blanchard), 263 Sarah E. (Gilbert), 263 Mary B., 265 Sibble (Cummings), 143 Mary Jane (Waterbury), 391 Susanna, 389 Mary Raymond, 367 Susanna (Johnson), 366 Mary W. (Fowle), 262 Susannah, 143 Miranda, 264 Sylvanus, 264 Miriam (Howe), 263 Sylvia, 390 Index 521

Kendall (continued) Jonathan, 39, 40, 122, 126 Tabitha, 261 Joseph, 18, 122, 127 Temple, 99 Jotham, 288 Temple, Jr., 99 Laurinda, 127 Timothy, 261, 265 Lucy, 128, 129, 134, 135, Uriah, 390 151, 152 Uriel Hawley, 391 Lydia, 127 William, 366, 367 Martha, 126 Kendrick Martha (Woodward), 126 Benjamin, 152, 153 Meriam, 130 Caleb, 153 Miriam, 130 Daniel, 153 Nancy, 127 John, 153 Patty, 126, 131 Rachel, 153 Sally, 127, 189 Rufus, 153 Sophia Strong (Blake), 127 Sarah, 153 Stephen Adams, 127 Sarah (Shepard), 152 Susan (Hartwell), 287 Sophia, 153 Trueworthy, 127 Stephen, 152, 153 Wright Sumner, 127 Kennedy Kibbey Sarah, 314 Phebe, 393 Keyes Kibby Aaron, 127, 132 Elizabeth (Parlin), 45 Benjamin Franklin, 127 Samuel, 45 Betsy, 127 Kidder Betty (Hartwell), 39 Abial (Hill), 25 Charlottee, 127 Abigail, 61 Elisabeth (Hartwell), 40, Abigail (Kittredge?), 145 121, 122 Abigail (Kittredge), 145 Elizabeth, 352 Abihail (Hill), 25 Elizabeth (Fletcher), 122 Ann, 333 Frances Grant, 131 Ann M. (Potter), 334 Irene (Harriman), 126 Benjamin, 21 522 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Kidder (continued) Thomas, 399 Edward, 334 Timothy, 399 Elizabeth (Hill), 23, 24 Killicutt. See also Kellecut; Enoch, 24 Killcute; Killecut Francis, 23, 24, 414 Thomas, 399 Frederick, 334 Kimball George, 334 Benjamin, 38 Harriet, 334 Daniel, 413 Harriet Marie (Hager), 334 George, Capt., 109 Hepzibah (Jones), 333 James, 407 Isaiah, 334 Joshua, 176 Isaiah, Capt., 333 Lois, 250 Joseph, 145 Lucy (Dutton), 180, 413 Lydia, 334 Rachel (Hartwell), 407 Lydia (Cutler), 145 Sarah, 176, 178, 189, 420 Mary (Heywood), 24 Sarah (Thompson), 176 Nancy (Hartwell), 414 King Nehemiah, 145 Ebenezer, 46 Reuben, 333, 334 Lucinda, 233 Samuel, 25, 157, 158 Mary, 46 Sara (—), 157 Mary (—), 46 Sarah (—), 158 Kinney Sophia Helena, 333 Phebe (Hartwell), 217 Susanna (Burge), 333, 334 Kipp Zilpha (Bacon), 157 Maria, 130 Killcute. See also Kellecut; Kitteridge Killecut; Killicutt Jonathan, 73 Sarah (Hartwell), 178, 398 Kittredge Thomas, 178, 398 Abigail, 145 Killecut. See also Kellecut; Mehitable, 405 Killcute; Killicutt Susanna, 48 Naomi, 399 Knapp Sarah, 399 Louisa, 349 Index 523

Kneeland Lake A. (Perley), 271 James, 387 Charles, 272 Lucy, 241 Christopher, 271 Mary, 176, 387 David, 272 Rebecca (Davis), 387 Edward, 271 Sally, 252, 410 Elizabeth, 38, 104, 236 Lakin Elizabeth (Smith), 104 Ann Augusta (Dales), 213 Joseph, 110, 271 Betsey (Dennis), 211 Joseph Hartwell, 271 Betsey (Gove), 211 Lydia, 272 Daniel, 213 Malvina, 271 Daniel Taylor, 213 Miriam, 272 Dearborn, 212 Miriam (Averill), 271 Eliza, 212 Prudence, 271 Elizabeth, 193 Ruth, 271 Elizabeth (Bohonon), 211 Ruth (Hartwell), 110, 271 Elizabeth (Cudworth), 212 Ruth (Thayer), 271 Elizabeth (Gribbin), 211 Samuel, 104 Emeline (Richardson), 212 Knights Esther (—), 211 Rebecka, 41 Eunice, 382 Knowlton Giles C., 211 Hannah, 396 Harrison, 212 Nathaniel, 397 Hartwell, 212 Oliver, 359 Josiah, 211 Rachel, 166 Lois, 212 Rosanna (—), 397 Lois (Hartwell), 82, 210 la Zouche Lovina, 212 Alan, 432 Martha A. (Stiles), 211 Ela (—), 432 Martha Elizabeth, 211 Eleanor (de Segrave), 432 Mary A., 211 Roger, 432 Mary F. (Taylor), 213, 214 524 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lakin (continued) Hannah, 33 Melinda A. (Needham), 213 Jane (Corey), 34 Minda G. (Barker), 212 Jonathan, 29 Moody, 211, 212 Joseph, 2, 32 Prudence, 195 Martha, 33 Rodney, 211 Mary, 32, 58 Rodney S., 211 Mary (Hopkinson), 33 Sally, 214 Nathan, 34 Simeon, 82, 211 Patience, 32 Susan P. (Gilbert), 211 Patience (Thompson), 32, Lamb 42 Hannah, 302 Paul, 33 Josiah Q., 364 Ruth (Phillips), 32 Mary (Holt), 364 Sarah, 16, 32, 33 Mary H., 358 Sarah (Hartwell), 16, 31 Reuben, 44 Timothy, 32 Sophia B., 384 Lane Lambert Abigail (Hayward), 60 Elizabeth, 406 James, Capt., 60 John, 406 John R., 377 Polly (McLouth), 406 Phebe S. (Cummings), 377 Lampson Susan, 247 Jonathan, 29 Langdon Lamson Jean, 31, 87, 228 Abegail, 33 John, 87 Amos, 34, 42 Lapham Azubah (Parlin), 33 Abijah, 303 Betsy (—), 34 Sarah (Hartwell), 303 Ebenezer, 16, 32, 33, 42 Larabee Elizabeth (Rice), 32 Elizabeth, 184 Esther, 32, 34 Susan, 184 Esther (Thompson), 34, 42 Larned Ebenezer, 44 Index 525

Larrabee Daniel Hall, 205 Lorenzo D., 403 Desire (Hartwell), 273 Nancy P. (Tenney), 403 Elisabeth (Green), 204 Lathrop Elizabeth (Hobart), 204 Abihail, 302 Elsey (Ridout), 204 Eliza (Keith), 307 Ephraim, 155 Lucy (Hartwell), 401 Hartwell, 204 Luther, 401 Isaac, 233 Peres, 307 James, 204, 233 Seth, 306 James, Jr., 204 Sylvia (Manley), 307 Jefferson, 204 Zephaniah, 307 John, 195 Law Keziah (Shattuck), 205 Ann (Fletcher), 114 Louisa W., 132 Catherine, 114, 115 Luana, 253 Danforth, 114 Lucy, 382 James, 114 Manly, 204 Molly, 116 Mary, 88, 130, 215 Nabby (Fletcher), 114 Mary (Clark), 215 Rachel, 115 Mary Bowman (Cutter), Sarah, 313, 314 233 Thomas, 115 Miles, 204 Lawrence Moses, 273 Abigail (—), 195 Nancy M. (Houghton), 204 Abijah, 419 Nathaniel, Jr., 194 Absalom, 204, 394 Persia, 257 Almira, 205 Priscilla, 204 Asa, Capt., 436 Priscilla (Green), 203 Benjamin J., 181 Rachel, 129 Beraleel, 282 Rachel Green (Chapman), 205 Betsy (Priest), 419 Ransom, 204 Daniel E., 205 526 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lawrence (continued) Experience (Hartwell), 138, Ruth (Raymond), 419 308 Samuel, 233 Frances (Cahoon), 309 Sarah, 205 George Washington, 310 Sarah (Shattuck), 194 Hazadiah (Keith), 307 Submit (Pierce), 204, 394 Henry Cran, Dr., 311 Susan (Lovejoy), 255 Jacob Larned, 310 Thomas, 419 James, 307 Thomas, Capt., 346 Jonathan, 310 Tila O., 258 Jonathan, Jr., 138, 308 Uriah, 215, 218 Lois, 309 William, 80 Mary, 310 William, Col., 191 Nancy Roxana, 310 Zulima, 331 Olive, 309 Lawson Ruth, 307 Mary H., 323 Sarah, 307 Mileson (Ingraham), 323 Sarah (Walter), 310 Suitliff, 323 Silence, 309, 310 Leach Tabitha, 306 Amasa, 310 William, 309 Anna (Babbitt), 310 Learned Anne, 311 Ebenezer, 44 Arunah, 310 Silvanus, 44 Betsey, 310 Leathe Betsey (Smith), 310 Sarah, 256 Chastina, 310 Leathers Chloe (Attwood), 310 Elizabeth (Cudworth), 212 Electa (Aldrich), 310 Leavens Electa (Mason), 310 Mehitable, 347 Elvina (Mason), 311 Leavenworth Eunice, 309 Mark, 314 Experience, 310 Sarah (Law), 313 Index 527

Lee Lewis Betty, 65 Hannah, 72 Elizabeth, 65 Helen, 219 Elizabeth (Wood), 33 Lyman, Dr., 97 Joseph, 73 Mary (Stiles), 97 Mary, 65, 91 Lilley Mary (Conant), 33 Phebe, 109 Mary (—), 65 Lincoln Mary Anne, 424 Abigail, 97 Olive Mehitable, 124 Augusta, 262 Seth, 33 Caroline M. (Colburn), 261 Woodis, 33, 65 Chastine (Hartwell), 251 Leeman Edward Kendall, 262 Julia Caroline (Tyler), 280 Ezra, 251 Nathaniel P., 280 Henry, Dr., 262 Leland Josiah, 97 Augustin, 341 Luke, 261, 262 Beulah, 75 Martha (Bond), 262 James, Jr., 75 Martha Wilder (Carter), 261 Lois (—), 341 Mary, 267 Lucy (Warren), 75 Mary Ann, 262 Lucy A. (Brown), 341 Prudence, 261 Micah, 341 Prudence (Buss), 261 Lemon Sally (Merriam), 262 Polly, 244 Sarah, 262 Leonard Susan (—), 97 Mary, 102, 299 Tabitha (Kendall), 261 Lepingwell William, 261 Tabitha, 68 Litchfield Lester Betsy, 387 Keziah Price (Backhurst), Caleb Lincoln, 210 130 Charles A., 210 528 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Litchfield (continued) Longespee George W., 210 Ela (FitzPatrick), 432 Hartwell, 210 William, 432, 434 Harvey Thomas, 210 Longley Joan (Hiland), 210 Artemas, 273 Mary, 210 Desire (Hartwell), 273 Mary (Litchfield), 210 Nathaniel, Jr., 275 Mary Ann (Fletcher), 210 Tabitha (Hartwell), 275 Roxana, 210 Longspee Roxanna (Shattuck), 210 Emmeline (de Riddleford), Samuel, 210 432 Samuel H., 210 Stephen, 432 William, 210 Look Lithgoe Experience, 41 Louise, 320 Loomis Little Daniel, 83, 84 Elizabeth, 274 Edify, 83 Littlefield Hannah (Wolcott), 84 Daniel, 137 Lord James, Capt., 177 Almina (Walker), 396 Livermore Betsey E. (Adams), 438 Mary C., 258 George, 438 Locke Hannah (—), 396 Abigail (—), 368 Jotham, 396 Elizabeth, 368 Loring Elizabeth (Hartwell), 401 Abel, 352 James, 43 Lothrop Joel, 368 Eliza (Keith), 307 Josiah, 401 Loud Mary, 361 Elizabeth (Pratt), 403 Phebe, 43 John, 403 Sarah (Cutter), 43 Sarah Coburn (Tenney), 403 Index 529

Loud (continued) Mary (Wilson), 358 William, 403 Mary Ann (Newton), 358 Louis VII, 432, 433 Mary H. (Lamb), 358 Lovejoy Mercy (Jennings), 358 Benjamin, 254 Rusina, 359 Charles G., 255 Sally, 358 Emeline, 255 Lovett Henry L., 255 Ellen Maria, 397 Jane A. (Stickney), 255 Hannah (Standly), 397 John, 254 Josiah, 397 LasCasas, 255 Mary Fisk, 397 Laura, 255 Low Leander, 255 Annice (Kendall), 261 Louisa P., 255 Henry S., 233 Melinda (Amsden), 255 Mary Ann (Whittemore), Ruth (Wood), 254 233 Sarah (Pierce), 254 Nathaniel, Jr., 261 Susan, 255 W. H., Capt., 233 Lovekin Lowder Eliza, 220 Ruth (Bussey), 324 Mary, 219 Samuel, 324 Lovell Lowe Jonathan, 352 Betsy (Phelps), 295 Mary, 169, 352, 353 Caroline A. (Hall), 295 Mary (Cheney), 352 Daniel, 295 Olive, 393 Daniel Augustus, 295 Lovering Dennis Flint, 295 Francis Wilson, 358 Joseph, 295 Jesse, 358 Polly (—), 295 Jesse, Jr., 358 Sarah E. (Gerry), 295 Lydia Burbank, 359 Sarah F. (Brown), 295 Mary, 358 Willard Hartwell, 295 530 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Lucas MacInnes Elizabeth, 310 Margaret, 209 Marie, 268 MacKollo Luce Archibald, 45 Abigail, 416 Margaret, 45 Amanda, 417 Margaret (Melvin), 45 Betsey, 351 Mainwaring Betsy (Hartwell), 352 Anne, 431 See also Luce, Betsey Malendy Joseph, 352 Adolphus, 203 Lummers Rosella (Bennett), 203 Elizabeth, 152 Mallet Lund Elizabeth, 233 Lucy, 151 Mallett Margaret, 193 Hannah, 231 Phineas, 151 Mallory Rachel (French?), 151 Caleb, 85 Lusk Mary (Wolcott), 85 Charles H., 279 Man Harriet Stone (Tyler), 279 Hannah, 159 Lyon Manley Albert G., 280 Betty (Hayward), 307 Catherine Maria (Tyler), Daniel, 302 280 Nathaniel, 307 Maccarty Olive, 300 Polly, 99 Susan, 307 Mace Susanna, 307 Elizabeth Patten Sylvia, 307 (Chapman), 206 Manning Sumner B., 206 Betsey, 257 MacFarland Ephraim, 21 Mary, 87 Mary, 20, 21 Index 531

Manning (continued) Marshall Mary (Thompson), 21 Abigail (Parker), 12, 13 Nicholas, Capt., 18 Ann (Mooar), 125 Sally, 333 Esther, 405 Mansfield Esther (Pierce), 405 Abi (Hartwell), 273 Eunice (Rogers), 13 Joseph, Dr., 273 Hannah, 284 Rachel, 357 Hannah (Atkinson), 13 Manwaring Joel, 125 James, 349 John, 12, 13 Lucy Upton (Blood), 349 John, Jr., 13 Marble Louisa, 125 John, 58 Mary (Burrage), 13 Louisa A. (Adams), 382 Richard, 405 Lucy, 58 Martin Rebekah (Farnsworth), 58 Elizabeth, 197 Marcy Jonathan, 405 Adolphus, 389 Mary (Melvin), 405 Betsey (Kendall), 389 Martindale Marion Christian (—), 96 Emeline (Cummings), 370 Diana, 96 John, 370 Dinia, 96 Marrow Lemuel, 96 Betsey (Brown), 165 Mason Daniel, 165 Electa, 310 Hannah (Chandler), 165 Elvina, 311 Luther, 165 Masury Marsh Elizabeth Gage, 397 Elisabeth, 116 John, 397 James, 116 Sally (Hull), 397 Molly (Law), 116 Mather Betsey, 208 532 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Mather (continued) James, 195 Israel Increase, 208 Mary, 216 Matthews Mary (Hartwell), 216 Jonathan, 318 Rachel (Shattuck), 195 Susanna (Ingraham), 318 McLouth Maxwell Polly, 406 Hugh, Capt., 353 McNeal Sarah B., 248 David, 309 May Mead. See also Meed Harriet, 335 Abigail, 171 Mary, 304 Asa, 171 Moses, 285, 286 Bradley, 135 Polly (Hartwell), 285, 286 Charlotte (Hastings), 135 Maynard David, 18 Harriet, 293 Desire (Batchelder), 381 Jane, 420 Eliza, 171 Jane L. (Tyler), 278 Elizabeth, 175, 381 John W., 278 Esther, 171 McClallen Hannah (Smith), 49 Bulah (Bacon), 157 Hannah (Warren), 18 James, Jr., 157 John, 49 McClary Jonathan, 49 Esther, 230 Lois, 171 McDonald Lucy (Taylor), 408 Elizabeth, 222 Lucy (Wright), 50 McElroy Lucy Desire, 171 Sally (Buck), 96 Maria, 408 McGovern Mary (—), 49 John, 170 Nathaniel, 408 McKollo Rachel, 193 Margaret, 34 Ruth, 49 McLean Samuel Hartwell, 170 Duncan, 216 Stephen, 49, 171, 381 Index 533

Mead (continued) Anna (Foster), 78 Susanna, 149 Arad, 402 Susannah, 49 Asenath, 79 Thomas, 49 Bethiah, 403 Meads Bethiah (Ellis), 79 Rebecca, 7, 18 Beulah (Leland), 75 Meed. See also Mead Daniel, 77 Mary, 49 David, Capt., 46 Ruth (Parlin), 49 Ebenezer, 72, 73, 76, 77 Samuel, 73 Eleazer, 179, 401, 402 Thomas, 49 Eliza J. (Baker), 406 Meeds Elizabeth (Lambert), 406 Lucy (Reed), 49 Elizabeth (Straw), 405 Sarah (Foster), 49 Enoch, 77 Thomas, 49 Esther, 405 Melcher Esther (Marshall), 405 Catherine Elizabeth Esther (Parlin), 45 (Dewey), 398 Eunice, 76, 77 J. Appleton, 398 Hannah, 76 Mellen Hannah (Heald), 76 Pamela, 103 Hannah (Lewis), 72 Mellowes Hartwell, 406 Abraham, 431 Hepsibah, 78 Elizabeth, 14, 15, 431 Isaac, 77 Martha (Bulkeley), 431 Jacob, 45 Mary (James), 431 James, 78 Oliver, 431 James Galusha, 406 Melvin Joanna (Bailey), 77 Abigail (Dearborn), 77 Joel, 78 Amos, 72, 73, 76, 79 John, 72, 73, 75, 78 Anna, 75, 78, 79 Jonas G., 406 Anna (Brown), 402 Jonathan, 29, 30, 72, 73, 75, Anna (Flatt), 76 79 534 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Melvin (continued) Seth, 77 Jonathan, Jr., 75 Sibill, 76 Joseph, 405 Stephen, 77, 78 Josiah, 72, 73, 77, 405 Susan M., 406 Judith (Spaulding), 406 Susannah, 77 Lois (Stone), 402 Susannah (Brown), 77 Lucy, 78, 406 Susannah (Densmore), 76, Lydia, 78, 402 77 Lydia (Barrett), 77 Theodore, 79 Margaret, 45 Weare Tappan, 406 Mary, 75, 79, 405 Meriam Mary (Bayley), 77 Abigail, 61 Mary (Brooks), 75, 79 Abigail (Hayward), 60 Mary (Farrar), 46 Anna, 61 Mary (Read), 77 Elizabeth (Phipps), 188 Melicent, 76 Esther (Bellamy), 61 Molly, 76 Hannah (Brooks), 61 Moses, 79 Hannah (—), 187 Nathan, 72, 73, 75, 77-79 John, 7, 16, 50, 61, 171, 187 Nathan R., 406 John, Lieut., 60 Persis, 78 Lydia, 61 Phebe, 78 Martha (Phipps), 187 Rebecca, 78 Mary, 60 Richard, 405 Mary (Taylor), 60 Robert, 401, 406 Molley, 188 Ruth, 76, 406 Nathaniel, 60, 61 Ruth (Colby), 406 Rebecca, 60 Sarah, 72-74, 76, 78, 402, Rebecca (Howe), 61 405 Sarah, 188 Sarah (Hartwell), 29, 30, Sarah (Hartwell), 187 72, 73, 76, 95, 179, 401, Thaddeus, 61 402 Willard, 187, 188 Sarah (Minot), 77 William, 61 Sarah (—), 401 Index 535

Merriam Sarah (Hartwell), 315 John, 17 Messenger Jonas, 197 Horace P., 288 Jonathan, 262 Sarah Winch (Hartwell), Mary, 330 288 Polly (Gowing), 262 Mighill Sally, 262 Ann, 95 Sarah (Hartwell), 72 Miles Sarah (Shattuck), 197 Mary, 266 Willard, 72 Polly, 118 William, 351 Sarah, 54 Merriel Miller Sarah, 96 Asa, 263 Merrill Bethiah (—), 263 Caroline Baker (Walker), Harriet (Shattuck), 209 397 Isabel, 216 Emily (Taylor), 397 John, 209 Hubbs, 397 Joseph, 130 John B., 397 Lovisa (Fletcher), 130 Merritt Robert, 176 Clarissa, 210 Sarah, 263 Clementina, 210 Mills Clementina (Shattuck), 209 Abby K., 212 David Marble, 209 Minot Emma S. (Stearns), 210 Jonas, 77 George, 209, 210 Mary (—), 77 Louisa (Howe), 210 Sarah, 77 Lucina (Haseltine), 209, Minott 210 Almira (Fletcher), 131 Mary Ann, 210 James, Col., 46 Thomas Marble, 210 Jesse, 131 Merwin John, Capt., 338, 339 Abel, 315 Jonathan, Capt., 409 536 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Mirick Mary (Wheeler), 380 Caleb, 344 Mary Elizabeth, 418 Eunice, 149, 344 Mary J., 379 Eunice (—), 344 Moores Mitchell Mary E., 294 Edward, Col., 300 Moors Preston, 279 Lydia, 178, 391 Sarah Hall (Tyler), 279 Lydia (Nutting), 391 Mittleberger Timothy, 391 Eliza Ann (Schofield), 225 Morduck George C., 225 Samuel, 157 Mix Zipporah (Bacon), 157 Mary, 313 Morris Monroe. See also Munroe Catherine (Schofield), 226 Benjamin, 330 James, 226 Horace, 406 Morse Isaac, 330 Amith, 141 Mary (Merriam), 330 Caroline (Vinton), 309 Sarah (Hartwell), 330 John, 41 See also Sally Munroe Jonas, 161 Thomas, 42 Jonathan, 166 Monsel Joseph, Rev., 136 Horace, 406 Mary, 165 Mooar Mary (Cloyes), 166 Ann, 125 Mary (Jordan), 297 Moore Nathan, 161 Abigail, 251 Richard, 309 Angeline, 379 Samuel, 297 Boaz, Capt., 337 Stephen, 164 Clark, 379 William, 161 Elizabeth, 175, 379 Morton Hannah, 107, 242, 243 Polly, 352 John, 177, 380 Index 537

Moulton Luke, Deacon, 5 Jeremiah, 172 Naningo Lucy J., 372 Mary, 235 Phebe, 391 Nason Mudge Lovina J., 417 Emma, 220 Needham Mulhollan Boynton, 385 Elizabeth, 84 Harriet Frances Muncrief (Whitcomb), 385 Mary, 230 Melinda A., 213 Munroe. See also Monroe Nelson Abigail, 60 Lydia Ann, 349 Ann E. (Newton), 293 Mary, 168 Ebenezer, Lt., 292, 293 Nettleton Elizabeth (Lambert), 406 Tamzon, 220 Harriet (Maynard), 293 Newell John, 292 Charlotte, 292 Lucy (Simonds), 292, 293 Newhall Orison J., 293 Charlotte, 292 Porter, 293 Daniel, 292 Rebecca W., 292 Lettice (Johnson), 292 Sally, 329 Newton Sophia (Gibson), 292 Abigail (—), 161 Sophia Hartwell, 293 Ann E., 293 Sophronia, 293 Calvin, 161 Munson Daniel, 161 William, 218 Eliza Ann (Priest), 422 Muzzy Ezekiel, 422 John, 364 Juliette E., 404 Sally (Holt), 364 Mary Ann, 358 Myriam Obadiah, 161 John, 5 Persis, 161 538 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Nichols Nutting Benjamin, 152 Lydia, 391 Desire (Holbrook), 272 Nathaniel, 348 Elmira (Blanchard), 152 Sarah Barras (Blood), 348 Israel, 272 Oaks Lucy B., 151 Elizabeth (Shevalley), 53 Mariel, 272 Nathaniel, 53 Mary, 189, 190 Seth, 53 Merriel, 110 Tabitha (Rice), 53 Rebekah, 290 Offley William, 281 Adelaide I/J., 439 Nicholson Ann (Freeman), 438 John, 345 Elizabeth, 437, 439 Polly (Hartwell), 345 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 438, Nightingale 439 Maria J., 213 G. W., 437 Niles Greensbury W., 437 Gideon, 229 Greensbury Washington, 438, 439 Mary (Hartwell), 229 Henrietta (—), 438 Ruth, 87 John R., 438 Nixon Oldham John, Col., 338 Hannah, 165 Norris Omans Margaret J. (Noyes), 398 Jobe, 362 Norton Porter, 362 Martha, 378 Sarah (Fisk), 362 Nott Orcutt Elizabeth, 85 Charity (Reynolds), 299 Noyes Elizabeth (Hartwell), 303 Anna, 291 Leonard, 299 Margaret J., 398 Mary (Leonard), 299 Nurse Nathaniel, 299 Mary, 342 Index 539

Orcutt (continued) Joshua, 137, 311 William, 303 Joshua, Jr., 138, 311 Organ Martha (Hartwell), 137, Louisa D., 207 138, 311 Orvis Nancy (Parker), 311 Sally, 391 Nathan, Capt., 300 Osborn Rebecca, 300 Elizabeth, 223 Rhoda (Arnold), 311 Hannah (Benedict), 81, Sally (Stowell), 311 191-193 Samuel, 311 Noah, 192 Sarah (Richards), 299 Seba, 241 William, 299 Seebee, 241 Paddleford Osgood Sarah, 305 Charles, 281 Page Hannah (Blanchard), 24 Anna (Merriam), 61 Joel F., 202 Hannah (—), 61 Louisa (Bennett), 201 Joanna (—), 25 Lucy J. (Woodcock), 281 Nathaniel, 25, 61 Lydia, 24 Sarah, 25 Stephen, 24 Thomas, 61 Owens Palmer Mary, 298 Ann M., 278 Packard Anna, 293 Amy, 301 Bridget (Ryder), 87 Anne (Leach), 311 David, Rev., 393 Betsey, 311 Sylvester, 87 Caleb, 311 Parcher Chloe, 311 Betsey (Bigford), 417 Clarinda (Whitman), 311 Samuel, 417 David, 311 Sylvia, 417 Ephraim, 311 Park Hannah, 298 Anna, 93 540 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Park (continued) Pamelia, 276 Rosanna (Conn), 93 Permelia, 195 Sally, 332 Rachel, 124 Thomas, 93 Reuben, 189 Parker Robert, 11 Abigail, 12, 13 Ruth, 370 Abigail (Whitaker), 14 Samuel, 13, 14, 75 Benjamin, 6, 7, 11, 12, 75 Sarah, 12, 197 Bethiah, 13 Sarah (Hartwell), 2, 6, 7, Betsey (Hartwell), 189 11, 26 Betty (Hartwell), 189 Sarah (Kimball), 189 Dolly (Wood), 253 Sarah (—), 14 Dorothy, 123 Sibyl (Willard), 273 Ebenezer, 257 Sophia (Hartwell), 273 Isaiah, 273 Susan (Holbrook), 420 James, 399 Susannah, 118 John, 6, 11, 13, 14 Zachariah, 253 John, Jr., 14 Parkhurst Joseph L., 420 Deborah (Spaulding), 143 Judith (—), 11 Ebenezer, 143 Lovey, 383 Elisabeth (Kendall), 143 Luther, 273 Joseph, 143 Lydia, 254 Sibbel, 202 Lydia (Chamberlain), 12 Parkman Lyman, 420 Ebenezer, Rev., 166, 167 Mary, 12 Parks Mary (Crosby), 13 Abel, 395 Mary (Davis), 257 Sophia (Walker), 395 Mary (Jones), 12 Parlin Mary (Trull), 12 Abigail, 46 Mary Ann Davis, 257 Abigail (Hodgman), 48 Nancy, 311 Abigail (Stratton), 46 Nancy (Stone), 420 Amos, 45 Index 541

Parlin (continued) Rebecca (—), 47 Ann, 48 Ruth, 46, 49 Anna, 48, 54 Samuel, 48 Asa, 48 Sarah, 46, 47 Azubah, 33 Sarah (Hanmore), 44 Daniel, 46 Sarah (Warner), 47 David, 48 Sarah (Wood), 48 Elizabeth, 45, 48 Simon, 46 Esther, 45, 49 Stephen, 46 Esther (Conant), 45 Susanna (Ross), 48 Hannah, 47 Parling John, 19, 34, 44, 45, 71 Jonathan, 29 Jonathan, 20, 45, 47 Mary, 19 Joseph, 46 Parris Josiah, 47, 48 Elizabeth, 302 Lois, 49 Parsons Lucy, 48 Laura A., 223 Lucy (Davis), 48 Partridge Lydia, 45 Adam, 264 Margaret (MacKollo), 45 Caroline, 264 Margaret (McKollo), 34 Polly (Jackson), 264 Mary, 29, 47, 48, 71, 72, Patch 187 Abigail (Trowbridge), 408 Mary (Conant), 45 Abigail Trowbridge, 408 Mary (Hartwell), 19, 44, 71 Abraham, 120, 180, 408 Mary (Heald), 45 Adeline, 408 Mary (King), 46 Andrew, 408 Mary (—), 48 Benjamin, 408 Nathan, 48 Bethiah, 409 Nicholas, 44 Bethiah (Hartwell), 179, Oliver, 47 408 Peter, 47 Edith Z., 331 Phebe, 47 George, 409 542 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Patch (continued) Jonathan, 128 Hannah, 275 Joseph, 128 Hannah (Herrick), 180 Lydia, 128 Isaac, 29, 39 Mary, 128 John, 179, 408 Oliver, 128 John Henry, 408 Rufus, 128 John, Jr., 408 Sarah B. (Hall), 128 Lucretia (Hartwell), 412 William, 128 Maria (Mead), 408 Patting Martha Trowbridge, 409 Thomas, 128 Mary, 69, 180, 181, 419 Patton Mary (Brown), 409 Hannah (Foster), 26 Mary (Sawyer), 408 Joseph, 26 Nathan, 412 Susanna (Hill), 26 Patty (Fletcher), 408 Thomas, 26 Ruth, 194 Paul Samuel, Capt., 121 Abigail (Talbott), 139 Sarah, 409 Peter, 139 Stephen, 331 Paull Zulima (Lawrence), 331 Almira S., 308 Patten Edward, 308 Isaac, 127 Payne Lydia (Chamberlain), 127 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 348 Lydia (Keyes), 127 Francis, 348 Patterson Sarah (Hartwell), 217 Lydia, 244 Thomas B., 217 Pattin Payson Betsy, 128 John, Rev., 240, 415 Hannah (Hildreth), 128 Peabody Isaac, 128 Hannah (Woodbury), 407 James Pollard, 128 Jane, 73 Jane Ann, 128 Peak John, 128 Hitty (Hastin), 144 Index 543

Peak (continued) Anna (Reynolds), 300 John, 144 Betsey (Wood), 253 Mary, 144 Edward, 420 Peale Edward Clark, 420 Anna C., 397 Eliab, 320 Pearson Eliza Jane, 320 John D., 336 Elizabeth (Reed), 355 Mary (—), 336 Ephraim, 355 Mary C. (Jones), 336 Henry, 289 William, 336 Joseph Hartwell, 320 Pease Josiah, 300 Hannah, 229 Josiah, Jr., 300 Peaslee Luke, 300 Abigail, 248 Luther, 253 Peckham Mary, 305 Eugenia N., 244 Mary (Pratt), 305 Peirce. See also Pierce Nancy (Stone), 420 Abigail, 394 Nathaniel, 229 Anna (Hoar), 404 Rebecca (Packard), 300 Elizabeth, 399 Rosella Rebecca (Gibson), Ephraim, 111 289 Esther (Shed), 111 Ruth (—), 420 Eunice, 404 Sarah (Hartwell), 229 Mary, 111 Thomas, 305 Nathan, 404 Tilley (Ingraham), 320 Rachel, 205 Perley Sarah (—), 399 A., 271 William, 399 Allen, 264 Perkins Asa, 264 Abigail, 313 Juda (Chase), 264 Abigail (Edson), 300 Mary (Kendall), 264 Anna, 300 544 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Perrin Hannah P. (Flint), 295 Sary (Hartwell), 30, 31 Harriet (Fairbanks), 294 Thomas, 30, 31 Josephine (Wilcox), 295 Perry Mary, 79 Diadame (Bacon), 158 Mary E., 294 Eliphalet, 158 Oliver Leicester, 314 Margery, 354 Polly Hartwell, 294 Rebecca Dana, 415 Polly Hartwell (Phelps), Yates, 216 294 Peters Rebecca J., 295 Elizabeth, 357 Samuel, 113, 294 Peterson Samuel Dennis, 295 Abigail, 165 William A., 296 Pettingill William Bascom, 295 Ruth, 321 William D., 295 Petts Phillips Lefe, 258 Asia, 285 Phelps Betsy, 276 Alden, 294 Clarissa, 349 Alonzo, 294 James, 373 Andrew, 294 Joseph, 32 Ann M. (Allen), 295 Mary (Burrill), 373 Betsy, 295 Ruth, 32 Caroline (Felton), 294 Ruth (Town), 32 Catherine Elizabeth Samuel, 410 (Brigham), 294 Sarah, 373 Cynthia A. (Whiting), 294 Seth, 410 Elijah, 295 Phipps Elizabeth (Hartwell), 112, Elizabeth, 188 113, 294 Elizabeth (—), 188 Elizabeth (Sherman), 314 Martha, 187 Elizabeth Lowe, 296 Solomon, 188 Emily J., 296 Willard, 188 Index 545

Pierce. See also Peirce Submit, 204, 394 Abijah Hoar, 339 William, 120 Abijah, Capt., 327 Pike Abijah, Col., 338, 344 Anna, 279 Abner, 391 Pingry Abraham, 38 Anna (Jewett), 64 Achsah Caroline (Elliott), Stephen, 64 205 Piper Asenath (Blood), 205 Esther (Wright), 116 Benjamin, Gov., 400 Jemima, 213 Bethana (—), 135 Joseph, 116 Calvin, 205 Mehitable (Barker), 116 Ebenezer, 205 Silas, 116 Elijah, 190 Pitcher Elizabeth, 179 Mary, 316 Ephraim, 204 Place Esther, 405 Adeline (Cummings), 379 Eunice, 144 Griffin, 379 Franklin, Pres., 400, 405 Platts George, 340 Mary, 251 Harriet (Brown), 340 Plumer James, 205 Mary, 235 Jane Boynton (Elliott), 205 Plummer John, 395 Ann, 254 Laura, 395 Pollard Lydia (Hartwell), 391 Ephraim, 407 Mary, 38, 190, 257, 275, Mary (Hartwell), 407 285 Polley Molly, 190 Abigail Desire, 296 Molly (Hartwell), 190 Amos, 296 Patty (Chamberlain), 204 Betsey, 112, 285 Sarah, 254 Betty, 76 Sarah (Hartwell), 339 546 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Polley (continued) Sarah (Putnam), 175 Dorcas, 76, 106, 240 Sophia (Hartwell), 244 Dorcas (Coburn), 76, 240, Potter 285 Ann M., 334 Eunice (Melvin), 76 Luke, 7 Jerusha (Sawyer), 296 Luke, Deacon, 5 Joseph, 76, 240, 285 Pardon, 305 Poodney. See also Pudney Rhoda (Carver), 305 Mary, 12 Potvin Pool. See also Poole Abigail (—), 129 Darius, 89 George, 129 Jerusha (Green), 89 Potwin Samuel, 89 Abigail (—), 129 Poole. See also Pool Betsey, 129 Jerusha, 35, 89 George, 129 Poor Potwine Thomas, Col., 435, 436 Nancy, 404 Pope Powers William, Capt., 239 Abner H., 186 Porter Ai, 184 Almeda, 380 Alanson, 186 Anna, 355 Anne (Stanley), 174 David, 220 Annis (Kendall), 265 Elizabeth, 301, 381 Asahel, 183 Joseph, 175 Belinda (Tracy), 185 Joseph, Jr., 175 Betsy (Carlisle), 186 Nathan, 244 Bulah, 174 Priscilla, 286 Calvin, 173 Ruth (Hartwell), 175 David, 172 Sabra, 186 Eleanor, 173 Salla, 218 Elijah, 184 Sarah (Hartwell), 220 Esther (Gibson), 185 See also Porter, Salla Hannah, 173, 183, 184, 186 Index 547

Powers (continued) Olive (Hannan), 174 Hannah (Hartwell), 181, Olive (Harman), 174 182, 185 Oranzo, 185 Hannah (Whitcomb), 182 Orma Lockwood, 184 Harriet, 185 Parcy, 184 Hartwell, 185 Patty, 183 Horace, 185 Peter, 154 Jane Aretta, 185 Polly (Farr), 134 Jerusha (Hart), 186 Prudence (—), 182 John, 172-174 Rebecca, 172, 173 Jonathan, 174, 183 Rebecca (Stearns), 184 Jonathon, 172, 173 Rebecca A., 185 Joseph, 182-184 Robert, Jr., 265 Joseph Alvera, 185 Roswell, 134, 135 Kezia, 172 Ruth, 172, 173 Laura Louise, 185 Sabra (Porter), 186 Lois, 182 Sally (Farr), 134 Lucy, 185 Sally Almeda, 185 Luse, 185 Sarah, 173 Lydia, 183 Sarah (Fassett), 171 Manley, 186 Sarah (Willard), 173 Maria, 172 Seely, 184 Mary, 172, 174, 177, 183, Simeon, 183 184 Simon, 182, 183 Mary (Hart), 184 Stephen, 172, 173 Mary (Hartwell), 51, 171, Susan (Larabee), 184 172, 177 Susan (Tupper), 185 Mary (Powers), 183 Susan Louise, 185 Miranda, 135 Thomas Walter, 172 Molly, 173 Timothy, 174 Nahum, 172 W. W., 225 Nathan, 172-174 Walter, 51, 171-174 Nathaniel, 182, 185 548 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Powers (continued) Edward, 235 Whitcomb, 186 Elizabeth (—), 65 William, 172, 174, 183 James, Col., 121, 409, 411 Pratt Jonathan, 7 Anna, 392 Mary (Plumer), 235 Barney, 136 Oliver, 327 David, 178, 392 Rebecca, 65, 312 Elizabeth, 403 Rebecca Frost (Tufts), 235 Hannah, 392 Timothy, 39 Hannah (Bowers), 392 William, Col., 353 Hezekiah, 166 Price John, 392 Jerusha, 83 Lucy (Hastings), 136 Priest Margery, 166 Adeline Hartwell, 421 Mary, 305 Ann P. (Houghton), 421 Rachel (Knowlton), 166 Benjamin, 365, 420 Susanna (Hartwell), 178, Benjamin Wetherbee, 421 392 Betsy, 419 Prentice Caroline, 424 John, 35 Caroline Sophia, 425 Lucy, 67 Charles Henry, 424 William Henry, 121 Cynthia (Eaton), 423 Prentiss David Houghton, 422 Caleb, Rev., 103 David W., 422 Charles, 103 Edward Hartwell, 424 Pamela (Mellen), 103 Elisabeth, 424 Sophia (Gardner), 103 Eliza Ann, 422 Prescoat Eliza S. (—), 422 William, Col., 121 Eunice Martha (Wood), 421 Prescott Gardner Newton, 422 Charles, 65 George, 424 Daniel, 235 George Eaton, 424 Dorothy, 122 George Emery, 423 Index 549

Priest (continued) Philemon, 181, 419, 421, Hannah (Fuller), 423 422 Hannah Herrick, 423 Philip, 12 Henry A., 425 Rebekah (Fuller), 423 Henry Harrison, 422 Rozalana, 422 Jabez, 422 Sally, 399 Jabez Gilman, 423 Sally (Fairbank), 422 Jabez Hartwell, 422 Sally (Wetherbee), 420 Jerome, 421 Sarah, 419, 421 John, 419, 423 Sarah Elizabeth, 423 John Farwell, 424 Seraphina Young, 423 Jonathan, 424 Silvester, 423 Joseph, 96 Sophia (Farwell), 424 Lois (Hartwell), 181, 419 Susan, 421 Louisa Hartwell, 423 Sylvester, 422 Louise (Hoar), 421 Thurston S., 424 Lucy Amanda, 421 Proctor Margaret Henrietta, 423 Elizabeth, 7, 19 Martha, 371 Ezekiel, 344 Martha Ann, 422 Jane (Hildreth), 19 Mary, 424 John, 393 Mary (Fairbank), 419 Mary (Hartwell), 393 Mary (Hartwell), 181, 365, Olive, 195 419, 420 Phebe (Brown), 344 Mary (Parker), 12 Rebecca F., 371 Mary Anne (Lee), 424 Robert, 19 Mary Elizabeth, 424 Roxellana, 389 Mary H., 424 Pudney. See also Poodney Mary Maria, 423 John, 12 Mary Wallis (Whittier), 424 Mary (Jones), 12 Nancy, 419 Pullen Patience (Stiles), 96 Matthew, 66 550 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Pullen (continued) Randall Rebekah (Hayward/ Abigail J., 276 Howard), 66 Elizabeth, 58 Pulling Elizabeth (Witt), 58 Rebecca (Hayward), 66 Silas, 58 Purdy Ranlet Mary, 87 Mary (Fellows), 280 Putnam Rathbun Benjamin, 21 Frederick, 225 Daniel, 287 Leonora (Schofield), 225 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 147, Raymond 148, 325 David, 72 Enoch, 148 Mary, 33, 51, 169, 356 Enoch, Col., 325 Paul, 170 Hannah, 170, 171 Paul, Maj., 359 Henry, 35, 89 Ruth, 419 Israel, 21, 168 Tabitha (Balch), 170 Keziah, 267 William, 50 Mary, 394 Raynolds Rebeckah, 387 Nathaniel, 306 Rebekah, 382 Rea Roxanna, 248 Emma, 283 Samuel Heartwell, 170 Read Sarah, 175 Abijah, 123 Race Alvira, 124 Christina, 229 Charles Hartwell, 124 Rackliffe Clarissa, 283 Sarah, 332 Elizabeth, 123 Ragsdale Harriet, 124 Elizabeth, 275 James Madison, 124 Rand Jeremiah B., 123 Dorcas (Hartwell), 241 Jeremy Boynton, 123 John, 241 Joseph, 77 Index 551

Read (continued) Elizabeth, 354, 355 Louisa (Hildreth), 123 Elizabeth (Boynton), 123 Mary, 77 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 169, Mary Ann, 124 354 Nancy (Chandler), 124 Elizabeth (Haynes), 386 Nancy Irene, 124 Emeline A. (Goodwin), 387 Orpa, 123 Frances M. (Tuttle), 386 Permelia, 123 George S., 386 Rachel (Parker), 124 Hannah, 35, 89, 90, 229, 384 Samuel, 346 Hannah (Wyman), 89, 92 Sarah, 126 Harriet Grace (Kelsey), 356 Susan, 123 Herman, 94 Thomas, 39 Hiram, 355 Reed Israel, 89, 92, 93 Abigail, 122, 125, 275 Israel, Jr., 35 Abijah, 122, 123 James, 355 Alexander Hartwell, 356 Jemima (Temple), 93 Anna (Park), 93 Jeremiah, 93 Anna (Wyman), 355 John, 94, 383 Augusta, 355 John H., 386 Augustus, 94 John Morton, 387 Betey, 94 John Poulter, 386 Betty, 122, 123 Jonathan, 413 Betty (Hartwell), 275 Jonathan, Col., 113, 435 Bridget (—), 356 Joseph, 94 Caroline, 414 Joseph Everett, 386 Catharine, 414 Joseph Porter, 386 Charles, 122, 123 Lucy, 49, 94 Daniel, 92, 354-356 Lucy Pollard, 388 Dolly Hartwell, 383, 384 Lydia (Cutter), 92 Dorothy (Parker), 123 Marcy, 94 Elisabeth (Hartwell), 40, 121, 122 552 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Reed (continued) Robert, 169, 354, 355 Margery, 355, 356 Ruhamah (Brown), 383 See also Reed, Marjorie Ruth, 175, 365 Margery (Perry), 354 Ruth (Cole), 386 Marjorie, 355 Sarah, 122, 124, 170, 354, See also Reed, Margery 355, 365, 403, 420 Martha, 402 Sarah (Blood), 350 Mary, 90, 94, 384 Sarah (Bridge), 365 Mary (Harrington), 350 Sarah Augusta, 386 Mary (Hartwell), 35, 92, Sarah E., 385 175 Seth, 34, 90, 92 Maximilla, 356 Sukey (Fillebrown), 355 See also Reed, Maximily; Susan, 217 Reed, Maxmily R. Susanna (Colman), 123 Maximily, 355 Susanna (—), 92 See also Reed, Maximilla; Sweathron, 355 Reed, Maxmily R. Swithin, 354, 355 Maxmily R., 354, 356 William, 94 See also Reed, Maximilla; William Reed, 355 Reed, Maximily Reeves Mercy (Davis), 93 Nancy, 390 Molly, 122, 125 Remick Molly (Hartwell), 383 Jane B., 208 Nahum Cole, 386 Reynolds Nancy (Whitcomb), 386 Anna, 300 Nancy Jane, 386 Anna (Perkins), 300 Newell, 350 Betsy (—), 222 Newhall, 350 Caroline, 223 Oliver, 365 Charity, 299 Orpha (Tinker), 386 Chloe, 224 Peter, 121-123, 275 Clark, 224 Peter, Jr., 40, 121-123 Cynthia (Wadsworth), 299 Polly, 383 David, 301 Poulter, 175, 383 Index 553

Reynolds (continued) Nathaniel, 137, 140, 298 Elias, 222 Phebe (Fowler), 222 Elias J., 223 Phebe (Wadsworth), 299 Elizabeth (Osborn), 223 Philip, 298, 299 Falley (Wales), 300 Rachel (—), 223 Hannah, 299 Rebecca (Hayward), 300 Hannah (Hartwell), 137, Robert, 223 298 Sally, 223 Hannah (Packard), 298 Samuel, 223 Harwill, 224 Samuel Warren, 223 Hiram, 224 Sarah (Bartlett), 301 Isaac, 223, 300 Sarah (Hartwell), 88, 222 Isaac Newton, 223 Sarah A. (Sweet), 223 James, 88, 222 Smith Ephraim, 223 James Fowler, 222 Stephen, 309 James John, 224 Susan, 196 James, Jr., 222 Sybil (Vinton), 309 John D., 222 Thomas, 196 John Perkins, 300, 301 William, 299 Jonas, 300 Zada (—), 223 Jonathan, 223, 301 Rice Josiah, 223 Abigail (Parlin), 46 Laura A. (Parsons), 223 Edmund, 46 Lorenda, 224 Eleazer, 163 Lydia (Smith), 223 Elizabeth, 32 Lydia Ann, 223 Elizabeth (Darling), 163 Martha (Snell), 299 Elizabeth (Wilson), 139 Mary, 299, 301 Elizabeth H. (Wood), 256 Mary (Snell), 298 Ezekiel, 163 Mary (Tolman), 140, 298 Hannah (Edmunds), 163 Mary Crocker, 79 Harrison G., 256 Mehitable (Ford), 300 John, 139 Miriam, 223 554 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Rice (continued) Maria, 199 Mary, 42, 139, 163, 298, Mary Ann (Read), 124 312 Relief (Arnold), 166 Relief, 163 Ruth (Wright), 373 Richard, 32, 41 Stephen, 128 Silas, 46 Submit, 171 Tabitha, 53 Submit (Brown), 376 Rich Susan, 376 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 329, Thomas, Jr., 25 330 Richmond Thomas W., 330 Charles, 309 Richards Louisa (Vinton), 309 Sarah, 299 Rider Richardson Anna, 278 Abigail, 25 Ridout Abigail (Ruggles), 25 Elsey, 204 Andrew, 25 Ripley Betsy (Pattin), 128 Elizabeth (Sherman), 313 Bridget, 128 Erastus, Rev., 313 Deborah, 143 Ezra, Rev., 340 Desire Hartwell, 376 Hannibal Franklin, 280 Dexter, 124 Mary Elizabeth (Tyler), 280 Elizabeth, 25 Sally, 303 Emeline, 212 Ritter Hannah (Jefts), 25 Lydia (Hale), 395 Henry, 166, 437 Moses, 395 Jacob, 373 Rivers Jane Sullmen, 281 Clara Hartwell (Tyler), 280 Jesse, 376 William E., 280 John, 151 Robbins Lydia, 366 Albert, 385 Lydia (Stephenson), 151 Asa, 234 Marcia, 373 Asenath, 414 Index 555

Robbins (continued) Mary Emeline (Cobleigh), Benjamin, 55 398 Caroline N., 323 Noyes, 398 Caroline S., 396 Phila (Walker), 398 Daniel, 396 Stratton Walker, 398 Elizabeth (Hosmer), 55 Robins Elizabeth (Wood), 55 Dorothy, 100 Esther (Heald?), 189 Robinson Esther (—), 396 Electa Parsons, 279 Hannah (Reed), 90 John, Col., 393 Hannah Abia (Whitcomb), Sally (Lake), 252, 410 385 Roby Hepzibah, 55 Hannah, 201 Jeremiah, 55 Rockwell John, 121 Sylvia (Kendall), 390 Mary, 420 Rockwood Mary (Fletcher), 114 Abigail (Hartwell), 351, Rebecca (Frost), 234 352 Tilly, 114 Ebenezer, 352 William, 90 Rogers Roberts Azubah, 240 Abner, 85 Benjamin, 107, 240-242 Gary Boyd, 431 Benjamin Parker, 370 Samantha, 244 Daniel, Rev., 409 Sarah (Wolcott), 85 Elizabeth, 370 Robertson Emily, 370 Arabell, 398 Eunice, 13 Ebenezer, 398 Harriet A. (Bradley), 370 Eveline Melissa (Day), 398 Jemima (Cummings), 370 Helen Maria (Cobb), 398 John, 370 James Frederick, 398 Jonathan C., 374 Lucy Ann (Curtis), 398 Joseph Porter, 370 Margaret J. (Noyes), 398 Josiah, 337 556 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Rogers (continued) Rudd Martha (Hartwell), 107, Bazaliel, 216 241, 242 Hannah, 353 Nancy (Cummings), 374 Rue Phebe, 240 Anna, 374 Prudence (Hartwell), 240, Louise, 374 242 Rugg Ruth (Parker), 370 Susan P., 396 Timothy, 370 Ruggles Zadock, 370 Abigail, 25, 111, 274 Ross Abigail (—), 274 Seth, 48 William, 274 Susanna, 48 Rumrill Susanna (Kittredge), 48 Susan N., 207 Rouse Runnels James, 119 Mary Crocker, 79 Susan (Fletcher), 119 Rusel Row James, Capt., 188 Ben, 391 Russell Sally (Kendall), 391 Abigail (Luce), 416 Rowley Adelia P. (Gilson), 418 Ezra, 84 Alban, 303 Sabiah (Wolcott), 84 Albert, 416 Royce Almira (—), 416 Betsey, 94 Alonzo Hartwell, 418 Rozier Amanda (Luce), 417 Charles, 52 Anna (Smith), 416 John, 52 Anna M. (Ahlverson), 418 Mary (Shevalley), 52 Asa, 416 Molly, 52 Azuba (Bennett), 416 Nathan, 52 Betsy A., 418 Robert, 52 Betsy A. (Russell), 418 Index 557

Russell (continued) Laura S., 417 Byron, 417 Lorenzo, 417 Caroline, 367 Lorenzo Flint, 417 Charles, 416 Lovina J. (Nason), 417 Cordelia M., 417 Margaret, 202 Daniel, 416 Mary, 282 E. F., 418 Mary A. (Brayton), 418 Edwin Clifton, 417 Mary M., 417 Eliza, 416 Moses, 417 Eliza A. (Simpson), 418 Nathaniel, 80 Elizabeth, 415 Orenus, 416 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 179, Philura L., 418 180, 415 Priscilla A., 418 Ellenor (Ham), 417 Richard, 416 Emelia Ellen (Walter), 418 Ruel Parcher, 418 Estey, 416 Sarah, 417 Eusebia, 254 Sarah Jane, 417 Ezra F., 417 Sophrona, 416 Ezra William, 418 Stephen, 416 Flint, 416 Stephen Franklin, 417 Franklin B., 417 Susan Jane, 418 Franklin H., 417 Sylvia (Parcher), 417 Franklin John, 418 Thomas H., 417 George, 416 Zebulon Baker, 418 Hannah, 416 Ryder Hannah (Flint), 415 Absalom, 87 Hannah (Hartwell), 303 Beulah (Shepherd), 87 Hartwell, 416 Bridget, 87 James, Capt., 188 Bridget (Farrington), 86 Jennie L. (Walker), 418 Eleazer, 87 John, 179, 180, 415, 416 Elizabeth (Farmer), 87 Jonathan, Jr., 415 Hepsibah, 87 Josiah, 416 558 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Ryder (continued) Moses, 64, 409 John, 86, 87 Sarah, 179, 409, 410 Mary (Coe), 87 Sanford Mary (MacFarland), 87 Amey (Hartwell), 316 Sarah (Sprague), 86 David, 316 Tamson (Townsend), 87 Rachel (Gould), 316 Sabin Zachariah, 316 Eunice (Carder), 304 Sanger Jonathan, 304 Eleazer, 98 Mary (May), 304 Mary, 98 Safford Mary (—), 98 Abiel (Higgins), 133 Sargeant Ebenezer, 133 Anna, 67 Elizabeth (Bigelow), 209 Sargent Mercy, 208 Arvilla (Hastings), 136 Molly (Hastings), 133 Saunders Philip, 209 Hannah (Frost), 236 Salinas Jonas, 236 Christofore G., 334 Mary, 236 Sophia Helena (Kidder), Saunderson 333 Anna (Jewett), 64 Salisbury Savage Nancy (Gardner), 103 Abigail (Vickery), 246 Samuel, Jr., 103 Belinda, 320, 323 Sanborn Charlotte B., 246 Judith, 384 Clarissa E. (Bartlett), 247 Sanders Edward, 106, 107, 245, 246 Elizabeth (Wentworth), 393 Edward Hartwell, 246 Mary, 393 Elisabeth S., 246 Oliver, 393 Fanny M. (Baker), 246 Sanderson George, 246 Lydia, 385 James Hervey, 247 Mary (Flagg), 409 John, 320 Index 559

Savage (continued) Lucy, 58 Lydia, 246 Lucy (—), 249 Lydia (Craige), 246 Lucy A., 249 Lydia (Davis), 246 Mary, 408 Lydia (Hartwell), 107 Mercy W., 415 Mary F., 323 Polly, 410 Sarah (Seaver), 246 Rebecca, 410 Sarah S., 246 Rhoda, 410 Seth, 246 Ruth (Hayward), 58 Stephen B., 246 Sarah Burnett (Wright), 384 Tilee (Ingraham), 320 Schofield Tilley (Ingraham), 320 Adelaide, 225 Zoe (Huston), 246 Amelia, 225, 226 Sawtell Amelia (Schofield), 225, Elnathan, 194 226 J. Alpheus, 409 Ann, 226 Joanna, 194 Bulah (Soper), 225 Martha Trowbridge (Patch), Catherine, 226 409 Deborah (Cushing), 225 Patty, 198 Eliza Ann, 225 Polly Prescott, 194, 195 Frederick, 226 Ruth (Patch), 194 George, 226 Sawtelle Hannah (Chesley), 225 Mary, 319 Harmon, 225 Sawyer Ira, 225, 226 Abel, 249 James, 88, 225 Abigail, 289 James Lancaster, 226 Bette, 104 James, Dr., 224 Edwin, 384 John, 224 Elias, 58 Julia, 225 Elijah, 58 Leonora, 225 Esther O., 277 Lucy, 219, 224 Jerusha, 296 Maria, 225 560 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Schofield (continued) Seavey Maria (Campbell), 226 Benjamin, Hon., 102 Martha, 226 Sarah (Johnson), 102 Martha (Hartwell), 88 Segerdahl Martha Maria, 226 Harriet Sophia (Hartwell), Mary Anne, 225 219 Milton, 225 Seidus Peter, 225 Elizabeth, 322 Ruth (—), 225 Selden Sarah (Holly), 224 Dorothy, 50 Sophia, 225 Sevey William, 226 John, 185 William A., 225, 226 Sally Almeda (Powers), 185 Scott Shattuck Edify (Loomis), 83 Abigail, 199 Isaac, 404 Abigail (Sheple), 198 Mary D., 287 Abigail Kosilandia, 199 Polly (Eaton), 404 Alexander, 197, 198 Susan C., 379 Alvin French, 199 Scripture Amelia, 197 Ruth, 176 Andrew, 200 Seamens Anna, 194, 197, 198, 200, 202 H. W., 335 Anna (Sheple), 200 Harriet (Jones), 335 Asahel, 202 Searles. See also Searls Asenath (Brown), 201 Joshua Harrison, 215 Bancroft, 200 Matilda (Hartwell), 215 Betsey, 206 Searls. See also Searles Betsey (Mather), 208 Harison, 215 Betsey (Shattuck), 206 John, 393 Bigelow, 200 Mary (Sanders), 393 Caroline, 201, 215 Seaver Catherine (Sheple), 198 Sarah, 246 Index 561

Shattuck (continued) Hartwell, 208, 209 Catherine F., 199 Hiram S., 209 Charles Barrett, 199 Horatio, 207 Charles F., 208 James, 199 Clementina, 209 James B., 208 Cortland Wilkins, 199 Jane B. (Remick), 208 Cynthia (Heath), 209 Jerome Marshall, 199 Cynthia (Stone), 200 Joanna (Sawtell), 194 Daniel, 198, 199, 207 Job, 193-195 Eliza, 195 Job, Capt., 393 Eliza R. (Clark), 208 John, 195 Elizabeth, 209 John H., 208 Elizabeth (Blood), 194 Jonas, 206 Elizabeth (Lakin), 193 Joseph Elliot, 209 Elizabeth (Martin), 197 Keziah, 205 Elizabeth (Wesson), 207 Lemuel, 191 Elliot, 209 Lorenzo D., 207 Elmira, 195 Louisa (Capell), 200 Elmira (Shattuck), 195 Louisa D. (Organ), 207 Eunice (Blood), 197 Lucretia, 209 Ezekiel, 196, 197 Lucy (Burgess), 201 Flora (Andrews), 198 Luther, 195 Francis, 199 Lydia Eliza, 208 Francis Kittredge, 208 Margaret, 198, 201 Frederick, 207 Margaret (Lund), 193 George, 195, 200 Margaret (MacInnes), 209 George Nelson, 209 Maria (Richardson), 199 Hannah, 209 Martha, 125 Hannah (Davis), 198 Martha (Faye), 208 Hannah (Hartwell), 82, 206, Mary, 198, 208 207 Mary (Bennett), 195 Hannah Marie, 199 Mary (Brown), 201 Harriet, 197, 201, 209 562 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Shattuck (continued) Sarah (Simpson), 196, 197 Mary (Cook), 208 Simon, 197 Mary Jane (Chapman), 206 Susan N. (Rumrill), 207 Mercy (Safford), 208 Susannah, 200 Mercy (Tower), 207 Walter, 200 Merrick, 195 Warren, 195 Merrie, 195 Wesson, 208 Noah, 200, 209 Weston, 208 Noah, Jr., 200 William, 197, 201 Norman, 201 William G., 208 Olive (Proctor), 195 William, Jr., 193 Otis, 199 Shaw Permelia (Parker), 195 David, 270 Phebe Miranda, 206 L. L., 379 Phoebe (Fuller), 209 Levi, 378 Polly Prescott (Sawtell), Lewis, 378 194, 195 Mary (Cummings), 378 Prudence, 197 Shed Prudence (Blood), 196 Benjamin, 13 Prudence (Wright), 200 Ebenezer, 189 Rachel, 195, 198 Esther, 111 Roland, 206 Lucy (Hartwell), 189 Rosilla, 198 Sarah, 24 Roxana (Fletcher), 200 Shedd Roxanna, 210 Alice, 98 Rufus, 197 Calvin R., 202 Sampson, 194 John Dixon, 205 Samuel, 207 Joshua, 205 Samuel, Jr., 82, 207 Ruth (Elliott), 205 Sarah, 194, 195, 197-199, Sarah (Dixon), 205 203, 265, 407 Sarah S., 373 Sarah (Hartwell), 81, 193 Thirza (Bennett), 202 Sarah (Parker), 197 Index 563

Shelly Lydia (Hartwell), 42, 44, Abner, 303 149, 150 Mary (Hartwell), 303 Martha A., 368 Shepard Mary, 150, 152 Abigail, 150 Mary (Smedley), 150 Abraham, 30 Mary Amelia, 368 Alonzo P., 368 Mercy (Wilkins), 150 Amith (Morse), 141 Nehemiah, 152 Benjamin, 151, 152, 368 Rebecca (Skelton), 368 Benjamin F., 368 Rebecca A., 368 Charles, 152 Rebecca D. (Skelton), 152 Cheney (Hartwell), 354 Samuel, 152 Daniel, 150 Sarah, 16, 30, 150, 152 Deborah, 354 Sarah (French), 150 Edna (Towne), 152 Sarah B. (Fairchild), 152 Elizabeth, 150, 152 Thomas, 141 Elizabeth (Lummers), 152 William, 151 Elizabeth (Tolman), 141 William Ensign, 141 Erastus P., 368 Shepherd Hartwell, 152 Beulah, 87 Hattie A. (Swan), 368 Sheple Isaac N., 369 Abigail, 198 Jacob, 354 Amelia (Shattuck), 197 James, 151 Anna, 200 Jerusha, 354 Anna (Blood), 198, 200 John, 44, 150-152 Catherine, 198 Jonathan, 150 Hannah, 200 Judith (Fillbrook), 30 John, 197 Lucy (Lund), 151 Jonathan, 198, 200 Lucy B. (Nichols), 151 Mary (—), 197 Lummers, 152 Stephen, 197 Lydia, 150 564 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Sherman Hannah, 51 Abigail (Perkins), 313 Hannah (Hosmer), 51 Caleb, 158 John, 51 Charles, 313 Joseph, 51, 53 Chloe, 314 Lois, 52 David Austin, 313 Martha, 52 Elizabeth, 313-315 Mary, 52 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 140, Nicholas, 51 312, 315 Rebecca, 52 Harriet, 313 Rebecka (Wheeler?), 51 Isaac, 314 Sarah, 52 Jennet (Taylor), 313 Shirley John, 313 Abner, 303 Lydia (Meriam), 61 Mary (Hartwell), 303 Maria, 313 Shryock Mary Ann (Babcock), 313 Catherine, 193 Mehitable (Wellington), Shuler 312, 315 Harriet Virginia (Hartwell), Nancy (Tucker), 313 229 Nathaniel, Rev., 61 Van Vlack, 229 Rebecca, 140, 315 Shumway Rebecca (Austin), 313 Dorothy (Howard), 68 Rebecca (Prescott), 312 Experience, 68 Roger, 61, 140, 312, 315 Jeremiah, 68 Ruth (Bacon), 158 Solomon, 68 Sarah (Law), 313, 314 Shute William, 312-315 Hannah, 349 Sherwood Simonds. See also Symonds Isaac, 192 Abigail (Hartwell), 170, Samuel, 216 171 Thirza, 216 Dorcas, 359, 360 Shevalley Joanna, 377 Elizabeth, 53 John, 170, 359 Index 565

Simonds (continued) Susan (Reynolds), 196 Jonathan, 368, 377 Sylvester, 223 Keziah, 366 Tufton, 196 Lucy, 292, 293 Sinclair Lydia R. P. (Hartwell), 383 Caroline, 255 Mary Ann (Hartwell), 382 Skelton. See also Skilton Molly, 360 Artemus, 366 Nabby, 359, 361 Asa, 369 Obed, 382, 383 Asenath (Cutler), 368 Phebe, 367 Daaze, 365, 366 Phebe (Cummings), 368, See also Skelton, Daze; 377 Skilton, Dave; Skilton, Samuel, 361 Dayz Stephen Hartwell, 360 Daze, 170, 365 Susanna, 90, 360 See also Skelton, Daaze; Skilton, Dave; Skilton, Zebedee, 171 Dayz Simpson Desire, 369 Benjamin, 195, 196 Elias, 388 Daniel, 196 Elizabeth (Johnson), 369 Eliza A., 418 Elizabeth (Locke), 368 Ezekiel, 196 Hannah (Hartwell), 175 Harriet, 196 Horace, 366 Harriet (Simpson), 196 Joanna (Johnson), 175 Harriet N. (Getchell), 196 John, 175 Joseph, 172 Jonathan Simonds, 368 Lydia Ann (Reynolds), 223 Keziah (Simonds), 366 Matilda (Culver), 418 Lendel, 366 R. C., 418 Liza (Hartwell), 388 Roxana, 196 Louisa (Hartwell), 388 Roxana (Simpson), 196 Lowell, 366 Sarah, 98, 196, 197 Mary (Hodgman), 366 Sarah (Shattuck), 195 Nathan Blanchard, 368 Sophronia, 196 566 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Skelton (continued) Mary Lockwood Phebe (Simonds), 367 (DeForest), 314 Rebecca, 368 Phebe (Dickinson), 346 Rebecca D., 152 Roger Sherman, 314 Ruth, 366, 369 Sarah, 154, 268, 346, 347 Ruth (Hartwell), 170, 171, Sarah (Kennedy), 314 365 Susannah, 347 Ruth (Reed), 175, 365 William, 52, 346 Samuel, 366, 367 Slack Stephen, 367, 368 Caroline A., 252 Thomas, 175, 365, 369 Slater William, 366 Anthony, 428 Skilton. See also Skelton Sleeper Dave, 366 Lydia (Davis), 246 See also Skelton, Daaze; Smallcorn Skelton, Daze; Skilton, Sally, 302 Dayz Smedley Dayz, 365 John, 29 See also Skelton, Daaze; Mary, 150 Skelton, Daze; Skilton, Dave Sarah, 16, 29, 71 Skinner Sarah (Wheeler), 29 Abraham, 346 Smite Chloe (Sherman), 314 Martha, 396 Elizabeth (Berrd), 346 Smith Elizabeth (Burt), 346 Abigail, 160 Eunice, 52 Abigail (Wood), 252 Israel, 52 Andreas, 352 John, 314 Ann, 245 John, Dr., 314 Anna, 354, 416 Lucy, 52 Anna (Hartwell), 245 Martha (Shevalley), 52 Betsey, 310 Mary (Jewell), 52 Edward, 410 Index 567

Smith (continued) Sarah (Melvin), 76 Elisha, 30, 73, 76 Susanna (Gleason), 76 Elisha, Jr., 76 Susanna (Kendall), 389 Elizabeth, 104, 350 Susannah (Stearns), 95 Elvira, 275 W. H., 220 Ephraim, 223 William G., 252 Eunice (Hartwell), 286 William, Capt., 327, 338, Hannah, 49 344 Hannah (Hartwell), 220 Snell Jane (Peabody), 73 Abigail (Fobes), 301 John, 73, 192 Almira Eldridge (Chapman), 206 John Francis, 355 Anna (Perkins), 300 Jonas, 286 Elijah, 300 Jonathan, 76, 95, 325 Josiah, 301 Lois, 288 Josiah, Jr., 301 Lois (Hartwell), 410 Laura, 253 Lucy (Billing), 325 Lloyd H., 206 Lydia, 223 Martha, 299 Martha B., 379 Martha (Howard), 299 Mary, 229 Mary, 298 Matilda (Hobbs), 260 Ruhamah (Fenno), 301, 302 Miriam (Thurston), 223 Zebedee, 299 Nathan, Capt., 345 Snow Olive, 112, 287 Achsah (Farr), 133 Patience, 95 Bethiah (Parker), 13 Patience (Brown), 73 Betsey (Hale), 111, 282 Polly, 325 Betty (Colburn), 282 Rebecca, 371 Elizabeth, 303 Richard, 245 Gardner, 134 Sallie (Coolidge), 355 George William, 282 Sarah, 73 James, 134 Sarah (Hartwell), 30, 72, 73, 76, 95 John, 133 568 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Snow (continued) Elizabeth, 52 Lydia P., 251 Hannah, 45 Moses, 282 Hannah (Barns), 74 Rachel, 67 Hezekiah, 276 Richard, 13 James, Jr., 74 Sarah Sawyer (Hastings), Judith, 406 134 Lucy Ann (Hartwell), 276 Susan Elizabeth, 282 Mark N., 212 William, Lt., 282 Rebecca, 247 Somerby Reuben, 405 Emily A. (Wood), 256 Spink Harriet M., 256 Catherine, 166 Washington F., 256 Sprague Soper Abraham, 86 Bulah, 225 Deborah (Woodworth), 86 Soten Desire, 86 Martha J., 372 Desire (Hamlen), 86 Spafford Dorcas (—), 86 Nancy (Eaton), 404 Eleazer, 86 Stephen S., 404 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 380 Spalter Ephraim, 86 Abigail Kosilandia Harriet Asenath, 385 (Shattuck), 199 Hephcibeth (Hartwell), 31 Albert Decater, 199 Hepzibah, 87 Betsey (Child), 199 Hepzibah (Hartwell), 85 John, 199 John, 31, 85, 86, 385 Sparhawk Lowell, 380 Elizabeth (—), 33 Lydia (Sanderson), 385 Joseph, 32, 33 Mary (—), 86 Patience (Lamson), 32 Mary Frances, 385 Spaulding Peter, 86 Deborah, 143 Polly (Farnum), 86 Eliza (Lakin), 212 Reuben, 86 Index 569

Sprague (continued) Amos, 252 Sarah, 86 Ann M. (Hall), 258 Triphena, 86 Augusta, 258 Spratt Betsey (Manning), 257 Sarah W., 284 Cecilia, 267 Springer Christiana, 267 Gideon, 318 Cyrus, 258 Tiley (Ingraham), 318 David, Rev., 104, 107 Squier Elizabeth E. (Fales), 258 Rosetta, 84 Emerline, 258 Stacy Emma Lincoln, 256 Anna, 420 Emma S., 210 Standly Helen A. (Davis), 258 Hannah, 397 Isaac, 41, 184, 257, 258 Staniford John, 257, 258, 275 Daniel, 150 Josiah, Capt., 288 Lydia (Shepard), 150 Marcia, 258 Stanley Mary (Arnold), 363 Anne, 174 Mary (Lincoln), 267 Edward, 174 Mary Ann Davis (Parker), Hannah, 174 257 Jonathan, 196 Mary C. (Livermore), 258 Sophronia (Simpson), 196 Otis, 258 Stark Persia (Lawrence), 257 Benjamin, 285 Polly (Kendall), 267, 270 Starks Rebecca, 184 Phebe, 352 Rebecca (Jewett), 184 Stearns Sally (Lake), 252, 410 Abel, 108, 257, 258 Samuel, 363 Abigail, 19, 41, 42, 136 Samuel, Rev., 171 Abigail (Hartwell), 257, Sarah, 138 275 Sarah (Beers), 41 Abigail Hoar, 267 Sarah A., 259 570 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Stearns (continued) Jonathan, 155 Susan Kendall, 267 Ken, 347 Susanna, 259 Mary, 62 Susanna (Hartwell), 108, Mildred A., 362 257 Polly, 201 Susannah, 95 Samuel, 62 Thomas, 257 Sarah, 284 Tila O. (Lawrence), 258 Simon, 36, 183 Timothy, 267 Thankful (Stow), 62 William, 258 Steward Stebbins Mehitable, 95 Elizabeth, 202 Stewart Stedman Jeremiah, 391 William, 246 Lucy (Hartwell), 391 Stephenson Mary, 238 Abigail, 151 Stickney Abigail (Shepard), 150 Adeline (Kendall), 265 Hartwell M., 151 Alice (Shedd), 98 John, 150, 151 Daniel, Capt., 23 Jotham S., 151 Hannah (Stiles), 98 Lucy, 151 Henry, 255 Lydia, 151 Jacob, 98 Sarah, 151 Jane A., 255 Sarah A., 151 Joshua, 98 William, 151 Laura, 256 Stevens Mary (Hill), 23 Abigail, 380 Mary Ann (Wood), 255 Abigail (Parlin), 46 Mehitable (Goodridge), 98 Betsey (Hartwell), 250 Oliver, 98 Bradstreet, 250 Rufus, 265 Elizabeth (Lambert), 406 Sarah (Simpson), 98 Gaylord, Capt., 362 Stephen, 98 Isaac, 46 William, 23 Index 571

Stiles Mary (Sanger), 98 Abigail, 98 Nahum, 96, 98 Abigail (Lincoln), 97 Patience, 96 Asenath, 98 Patience (Smith), 95 Betsey (Davis), 96 Patience (—), 97 Betsey (Hartwell), 394 Peleg Stearns, 96 Betsey (Willard), 96 Polly (Maccarty), 99 Betty (Hartwell), 394 Prudence, 98, 99 Caleb, 96 Rebecca (Wyman), 96 Charlotte, 97 Ruth (—), 98 Content, 98 Sally (Buck), 96 Diana (Martindale), 96 Sarah, 97, 98 Dinia (Martindale), 96 Sarah (Hartwell), 37, 94 Elizabeth, 99 Susannah, 96 Eunice, 97 Timothy, 94 Hannah, 96, 98 Stimpson Hannah (Foster), 94 Judith, 141 Hannah (Harris), 96 Stoddard Hannah (Tyler), 96 Hannah (Harris), 133 Jacob, 37, 94, 96-98 Luther, 133 Jeremiah, 98, 99 Stone John, 98, 100 Abigail, 331 John William, 99 Anna, 420 Jonathan, 96 Anna (Stacy), 420 Joseph, 99 Benjamin, 80, 316 Keziah (Divoll), 100 Charles, 420 Levi, 95, 96, 98 Cynthia, 200 Lewis, 394 Dana, 343 Lincoln, 97 Daniel, 332 Lucy, 96, 98 Ebenezer, 346 Martha A., 211 Edith Z. (Patch), 331 Mary, 97, 99 Eliza Ann (Buffum), 420 572 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Stone (continued) Beulah Minot, 340 Elizabeth, 320, 389 Ebenezer, 187 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 316 Elizabeth (Brown), 342 Elizabeth (Hayward), 332 Heman, 340 Gardner, 420 Mary (Hartwell), 187 Gregory, 331 Nathan, 342 Hepzibah, 331 Nathan Brooks, 342 Hepzibah (Brooks), 331 Nathaniel, 5 Jesse, 389 Polly (Barrett), 342 Joseph, 60, 200 Thankful, 62 Lois, 402 Stowell Louisa, 332 Sally, 311 Lucy (Jones), 331 Straight Lucy (Kendall), 389 Mary (Hartwell), 243 Lucy Hall, 331 William, 243 Lydia, 331 Stratton Lydia (Parkhurst), 60 Abigail, 46, 155 Mary, 332, 333 Caroline, 326 Nahum, 420 Charles, 325 Nancy, 420 Dinah (Bemis), 56 Nancy (Priest), 419 Eliza, 325 Nathaniel Stacy, 419, 420 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 148, Rachel, 316 325 Rachel (Green), 200 Harriet Johnson (Hodgman), 326 Rebecca (Hopkins), 332 Jonas, 147, 148, 325, 326 Rebecca (Meriam), 60 Jonathan, 56 Samuel, 420 Jonathan, Jr., 56 Sarah Brown (Hildrith), 343 Joseph, 325 Sarah Jane (Ward), 420 Laurinda, 325 Sarah Maria (Worcester), 420 Lydia, 147, 325 Stow Mary, 325, 394 Abigail (—), 340 Polly (Smith), 325 Index 573

Stratton (continued) Nahum, 99 Rachel (Wooley), 325 Olive (Fletcher), 100 Ruth (Goble?), 46 Peter, 99 Samuel, 46 Prudence, 99 Sarah, 56 Prudence (Stiles), 99 Sarah (Child), 56 Rebecca, 202 Sarah J. (Brown), 325 Sarah, 100 Straw Sarah (—), 99 Daniel, 405 Sibbel (Parkhurst), 202 Elizabeth, 405 Susannah (Kendall), 143 Sarah (Melvin), 405 Sybel (Blood), 99 Streeter Swan David, 269 Alexander, 95 Jesse, 269 Elizabeth, 229 Strong Hattie A., 368 Ebenezer, 348 John, 358 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 348 Lucy (Stiles), 95, 98 Sturgis Martha E., 342 Abigail, 321 Mary (Lovering), 358 Sturtevant Nancy, 117 Julia Ann (Arnold), 363 Swazey Levi, 363 Rosalinda, 235 Swain Sweet Jesse, 437 Sarah A., 223 Swallow Sweetzer Amaziah, 143 Lowell, 371 Asa, 143 Phebe (Evans), 371 Diadamia (Woods), 99 Swett Elizabeth (Kendall), 143 Elizabeth, 145 James, 202 Swift John, 99 Martha, 114 Larnard, 100 574 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Symonds. See also Simonds Experience (Look), 41 Abigail (Hartwell), 359 Samuel, 41 John, 359 Tates Lydia, 291 Elizabeth (Tufts), 235 Mary D., 371 John Britton, 235 Taft Tay Henry, 352 Joshua, 369 Talbott Lydia, 369 Abigail, 139 Susanna (—), 369 Abigail (Wheeler), 138 Taylor Lucy (Hammond), 139 Abigail, 42 Mary (Bailey), 138 Angeline M. (Dodge), 214 Peter, 139 Anna, 266 Peter, Sr., 138 Anne (Buckley), 266 Samuel, 139 Charles, 241 Tanner David, 59, 139 Benjamin Barber, 390 Elizabeth (Porter), 381 Catherine, 241 Emily, 397 Lucy (Kendall), 390 Hannah, 139 Tarbell Hannah (Roby), 201 Abijah, 392 Hannah (—), 59, 139 Eleazer, 107 Isaac, 201 Elizabeth, 38, 107, 247, 268 Israel, 181 Elizabeth (Bowers), 107 James, 5 Harriet Elizabeth, 206 Jefferson, 201 Luther, 206 Jennet, 313 Peter, 275 John, 266 Phebe Miranda (Shattuck), Jonas, 201 206 Jonathan, 59 Relief (Hartwell), 275 Joseph, 42 Tarbox Josephine N. (Burns), 214 Experience, 19, 41 Josiah, 214 Index 575

Taylor (continued) Silas, 164 Lucy, 408 Templeton Lydia, 326 Isaac, 213 Margaret (Bennett), 201 Sally A. (Brooks), 213 Mary, 60, 99, 201 Tenney Mary (Jones), 59 Almond, 403 Mary F., 213, 214 Lydia, 385 Polly (Stevens), 201 Lydia (Melvin), 402 Ruth (Wooley), 42 Lydia M., 403 Sally (Lakin), 214 Marshall, 403 Sarah (Hartwell), 241 Marsylvia, 403 Sarah M., 214 Martha, 403 Solomon, 180 Nancy P., 403 Thankful, 163 Oliver, 403 William, 5 Sarah (Reed), 403 William L., 214 Sarah Coburn, 403 Taylour Willard, Capt., 402 Isabell, 11 Tenny Tayntor Elizabeth, 385 Esther (Goodenow), 164 Oliver, 121 John, 164 Thayer Sarah, 164 Ruth, 271 Temple Thomas Abigail (Wait), 57 Eliza (—), 388 Benjamin, 56, 57 Elizabeth, 160 Christopher, 93 Thomas à Becket, 432 Jemima, 93 Thompson Jemima (Hunt), 93 Abigail, 171, 357 Lydia (Arnold), 164 Abijah, 171 Rebecca (Hartwell), 20, 22 Alexander, 165 Rebeckah, 19 Charles E., 418 Rebekah, 56 Deborah, 20, 21 576 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Thompson (continued) Tidd Dorcas (Brown), 165 Benjamin F., 127 Esther, 34, 42 Nancy (Keyes), 127 Frances (Whitmore), 32, 34, Tilton 42 Hattie A. (Swan), 368 Franklin, 171 Nathan, 394 Hannah, 388 Tinker Jonathan, 32, 34, 42 Orpha, 386 Joseph, 20, 21 Tobey Lydia, 171 Mary, 159 Mary, 21, 34, 42 Todd Mary (Brackett), 20, 21 Neil B., 222 Mary (Denison), 21 Toffey Naomi S., 381 George, 226 Patience, 32, 42 Martha (Schofield), 226 Philura L. (Russell), 418 Tolman Sarah, 176, 235 Abigail, 141 Thornback Abigail (Cutler), 141 Robert, 428 Elizabeth, 141 Thurber Experience, 140 Elizabeth (—), 84 John, 141 Thurlo Mary, 140, 298 William, Capt., 240, 285, Mary (Rice), 42, 139, 298, 287 312 Thurston Sarah (Hewins), 141 Abigail, 80 Thomas, 139, 140, 298 Dorcas, 140, 316 Tompkins Dorcas (Grey), 316 Hannah, 12 Frances (Fletcher), 118 John, 41 Miriam, 223 Margaret, 19 Nathaniel, 118 Margarett, 41 Thomas, 316 Nathaniel, 41 Index 577

Tompkins (continued) Mary, 12 Rebecka (Knights), 41 Sarah (French), 12 Toothaker Tucker Margaret (—), 22 Isabel L., 378 Tower Joseph, 313 Mercy, 207 Mary (Dana), 313 Towle Mille (Hartwell), 317 Hannah (Jenness?), 165 Nancy, 313 Matthais, 165 Olive (Hartwell), 316 Polly (Brown), 165 Rhoda (Eaton), 405 Solomon, 165 Samuel, Jr., 316 Towne Simeon, 316, 317 Edna, 152 Susanna, 317 Isabel (Treadwell), 219 William T., 405 Sarah (Cole), 152 Tuckerman Thomas, 152 Ann M., 256 Townsend Tuel Tamson, 87 Charles, 115 Uriah, 87 Mary (Stoddard), 115 Tracy Nancy, 115 Belinda, 185 Tuell Rebecca A. (Powers), 185 Lucy, 115 Thomas F., 185 Tufts Treadwell Aaron, 236 Elizabeth, 56 Betsey (Johnson), 236 Isabel, 219 Call, 236 Trowbridge Charlotte M. (—), 235 Abigail, 408 Elizabeth, 235, 236 Lucinda, 398 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 90, Trull 234 John, 12 George, 90, 234 Hannah, 236 578 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Tufts (continued) John, 179 Hannah Dutton, 235 Sally, 335 John, 235, 236 Twist Joseph, 235, 236 Mary Ann, 386 Joshua Frost, 235 Twitchell Katherine (Wyman), 234 Keziah, 264 Lydia (Bixby), 235 Tyler Mary, 236 Adeline, 281 Mary (Berry), 235 Anna (Pike), 279 Mary (Naningo), 235 Betsey (Barker), 277 Mary (Saunders), 236 Catherine, 278 Rebecca (Frost), 234 Catherine Maria, 280 Rebecca Frost, 235 Charles Ainsworth, 280 Rosalinda (Swazey), 235 Clara Hartwell, 280 Roxana (Holt), 235 Cornelia Annah, 279 Samuel, 235 D. Waldo, 278 Sarah (Turner), 236 Daniel Webster, 278 Susannah (Farmer), 234 Edwin, 280 William, 234, 235 Eleazer, 108 Tupper Eleazer Spofford, 281 Susan, 185 Electa Parsons (Robinson), Turner 279 Hannah, 322 Elizabeth, 277 John I., 350 Elmira, 277 Margaret (Van Atter), 350 Emily (Brown), 278 Mary (Bucknam), 236 Emma S. (Greeland), 279 Roxana (Litchfield), 210 Esther O. (Sawyer), 277 Sarah, 236 Esther Richardson, 278 Susan, 349 George Burt, 279 Washburn, 210 Hannah, 96, 250 William, 236 Hannah (Foster), 277 Tuttle Harriet M. (Freeman), 278 Frances M., 386 Harriet Newell, 281 Index 579

Tyler (continued) Sarah, 277 Harriet Stone, 279 Sarah E. (Harrell), 279 Henry Kendall, 278 Sarah Hall, 279 Henry Pierce, 279 Stephen, 278 Henry Rollins, 280 Stephen Gardner, 281 Jane (Dunster), 281 Tabitha (Hartwell), 110, Jane L., 278 111, 281 Jane Sullmen (Richardson), William Henry, 280 281 William Parker, 279 Joanna Odion, 280 Ulrich John Barker, 278 Laurel Thatcher, 317 Joseph, 279 Upton Julia Caroline, 280 Catherine (Hartwell), 347, Laban Ainsworth, 280 349 Louisa (Alden), 279 Josiah, 347, 349 Louisa Augusta, 280 Lucy (Stiles), 96 Lucretia George, 280 Oliver, 96 Lucy, 277 Sarah, 349 Lucy Copeland, 280 Susannah (Stiles), 96 Lucy Hartwell, 280 Van Atter Luke, 281 Margaret, 350 Lydia, 250 Van Size Marcus, 277 Anna, 271 Martha Jane (Farquhar), Elizabeth, 270 281 Vanderburgh Mary (Fellows), 280 James, Col., 218 Mary Elizabeth, 280 Varnum Mary J., 281 John, 436 Moody, 277 Vickery Moses, 110 Abigail, 246 Phineas, 111, 277, 279, 281 Benjamin, 246 Rinaldo, 281 Rhoda (Holbrook), 246 Sally Wyllys (Hall), 279 580 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Viles Wait Betsey Apthorp Abigail, 57 (Fessenden), 401 Phinehas, 80 Vinal Wakefield Nancy, 386 Abigail (Smith), 160 Vinton Jonathan, 160 Caroline, 309 Tabitha, 160 Clementine, 309 Wakeman Clementine (Vinton), 309 Orrin, 217 Cynthia, 309 Walter, 217 Dorothy (Holmes), 309 Walcott Ezra, 373 Freeman, 253 Francis, 309 Lurana (Wood), 253, 254 Hannah, 373 Waldo Hosea, 309 Jemima (Abbott), 221 John, 309 John, 221 Lois (Leach), 309 Olive, 221, 222 Louisa, 309 Phipps, 222 Lyman, 309 Susanna, 302 Sarah (Green), 373 Wales Sybil, 309 Elizabeth (Porter), 301 Vose Falley, 300 John, 253 Joshua, 300 Laura (Wood), 253 Walker Wadsworth Abigail, 24, 59, 106, 238, Abigail (Withington), 299 240 Christopher, 299 Abigail (Gary), 238, 259 Cynthia, 299 Aija, 395 George, 299 Almina, 395, 396 Hannah (Bird), 299 Anna C. (Peale), 397 Phebe, 299 Arza, 396 Susanna, 317 Benjamin, 24 Index 581

Walker (continued) Nathaniel, 37 Betsey, 397 Obadiah, 238, 259 Caroline, 396 Parker Davis, 397 Caroline Baker, 397 Phila, 398 Caroline S. (Robbins), 396 Polly Baker, 397 Elisabeth (Hartwell), 178, Rebecca, 110, 259 394, 395 Sally (Wheeler), 395 Elizabeth, 395 Sally (Woods), 396 Elizabeth Briard, 407 Samuel, 394 Elizabeth Gage (Masury), Samuel Harry, 395 397 Samuel, Jr., 178, 394, 395 Ellen Maria (Lovett), 397 Sebrana Shaw, 396 Esther, 261 Silva, 396 Frances S., 395 Sophia, 395 Georgetta Jaquith, 247 Stratton, 398 Hannah (Knowlton), 396 Susan P. (Rugg), 396 Horton Dudley, 396 Susanna (Baldwin), 24 Jane Aretta (Powers), 185 William Porter, 397 Jennie L., 418 Wall Jimna, 396 Augusta, 322 John W., 396 Avis Matilda, 323 John Warren, 395 Belinda (Savage), 323 Joshua, Capt., 365 Caroline N. (Robbins), 323 Laura (Pierce), 395 Cynthia (Ingraham), 321, Lawson, 397 322 Levi Osgood, 185 David, 321, 322 Lydia (Baker), 396 David, Jr., 322 Margaret (Jaynes), 397 Elbridge Gerry, 322 Mary (Stratton), 394 Elizabeth (Seidus), 322 Mary (—), 253 Ezra Ingraham, 322 Mary Ellen (Cleaves), 396 Hannah (Turner), 322 Mary Fisk (Lovett), 397 Joseph Hartwell, 323 Mary Priscilla, 395 Luther Ingraham, 323 582 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wall (continued) Warner Mary F. (Savage), 323 Abigail (—), 47 Phebe (Chase), 322 Hannah (Davis), 47 William Alanson, 323 John, 47 Zeniah, 321, 322 Levi, 85 Zeruah, 321 Mary, 261 Wallingford Philemon, 47 Hepzibath, 144 Roseanna (Wolcott), 85 Walter Sarah, 47 Emelia Ellen, 418 Seth, Col., 314 Sarah, 310 Warren Ward Abby G., 247 Alvin, 254 Eleanor, 232 Artemas, Col., 161 Elizabeth (—), 159 Avery, 420 Ephraim, 393 Elmira (Tyler), 277 Esther, 393 Eunice (Wood), 254 Hannah, 18 Eusebia (Russell), 254 Huldah (Wright), 125 George Perkins, 254 Levi, 402 Jacob, 367 Lucy, 75 James D., 277 Lydia, 158 Jane (Maynard), 420 Lydia (Wright), 402 Orin Prentiss, 367 Martha (Reed), 402 Ruth Hartwell (Kendall), Mary (—), 393 367 Mehitabel, 159 Sally (—), 367 Moses, 402 Sarah Jane, 420 Nancy, 125 Ware Sampson, 125 Ebenezer, 211 William, 159 Franklin J., 211 Washburn Martha Elizabeth (Lakin), Amity, 67 211 Charles, 342 Mary A. (Lakin), 211 Nancy Fisk (Brown), 342 Index 583

Washington Elizabeth, 138, 149 George, 245 Wentworth Waterbury Abigail (Jordan), 297 Mary Jane, 391 Abigail (Tolman), 141 Waters Elizabeth, 297, 393 Hannah, 319 Jedidiah, 297 Watts Judith (Stimpson), 141 Elizabeth, 269 Mary, 297 Jane, 91 Mary (Jordan), 297 Nancy, 382 Paul, 297 Timothy, 269 Ruth, 323 Wayman Stephen, 141 Susanna, 326 Zebediah, 141 Webber Wescott Benjamin A., 386 Amey (Clarke), 305 John, 171 Elizabeth (Carver), 305 Levi William Freeman, 386 John, 305 Lucy, 387 Stephen, 305 Mary Ann (Twist), 386 Wesson Nancy Jane (Reed), 386 Elizabeth, 207 Ruhamah, 387 Timothy, 73 William, 171 West Weeks Benjamin, 246 Nancy, 387 Westphall Welch John N., 244 Anson, 401 Relief (Hartwell), 244 Olive (Hartwell), 401 Wetherbee Wellington Mary (Robbins), 420 Mehitable, 312, 315 Mercy, 381 Rebecca, 335 Nathan, 310 Wells Sally, 420 David, Col., 351 Silence (Leach), 310 584 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wetherbee (continued) Freelove (—), 358 Simon, 420 George, 5, 18, 19 Wetherly Hannah, 19, 139 Sarah (Stiles), 97 Hannah (Taylor), 139 Wetmore Hannah Marie (Shattuck), Isaac M., 256 199 Mary Ann (Wood), 255 Isaac, 153 Wheat Jesse, 52 Deborah, 153 John, 29, 138, 139 Joseph, 153 John S. P., 199 Priscilla (Flagg), 153 Jonathan, 120, 358, 409 Wheeler Josiah, 65, 91 Abigail, 138 Judith, 62 Abigail (Hartwell), 41, 42, Lizzie Lincoln, 199 44, 138 Lois, 52 Abigail (Munroe), 60 Mary, 18, 380 Abijah, 65, 91 Mary (Hayward), 57, 65 Abner, 125 Mary (Hoar), 120, 409 Alden, 414 Mary (Lee), 65, 91 Ama, 358 Mary (Meriam?), 57 Anna, 407 Mary Willard (Hartwell), Benjamin, 135 414 Catherine, 19 Mehitable, 314 Catherine (Fowle), 91 Molly, 52 Catherine (Penn?), 18 Nancy, 286 David, Capt., 60 Obadiah, 18 Deborah, 153 Oliver, 52 Edward, 409 Peter, 395 Elizabeth, 4, 138 Philemon, 406 Elizabeth (Spaulding), 52 Polly, 135 Elizabeth (Wells), 138 Rebecca, 52 Ephraim, 52 Rebecca (Shevalley), 52 Francis, 57 Rebekah (Jones), 60 Index 585

Wheeler (continued) Whitcomb Richard, 139 Abigail, 381 Ruth, 4, 7, 18, 41, 326 Abraham, 175, 381 Ruth (Melvin), 406 Adeline Hartwell (Priest), Sally, 395 421 Sampson, 46 Allen Porter, 385 Samuel, 139 Andrew, 415 Sarah, 17, 18, 29, 38, 40, Annis (—), 288 52, 113, 414 Asa, Col., 237, 239, 259 Sarah (Davis), 39 Becke, 102 Sarah (Harris), 135 Caroline (Hartwell), 415 Sarah (How), 153 Charles Henry, 386 Sarah (Parlin), 46 Cornelius, 124 Sarah (Patch), 409 Dorothy (Hartwell), 175, Sarah (Smedley), 29 381 Sarah (Stearns), 138 Elizabeth, 141 Solomon, 155 Hannah, 182 Thomas, 2, 39 Hannah Abia, 385 Thomas, Capt., 15 Harriet Asenath (Sprague), 385 Timothy, 2, 60 Harriet Frances, 385 William, 42, 138, 139 J. Hartwell, 415 Wheelock John, 102, 407 Thomas, 269 John, Col., 419 Whetcomb Jonathan, 102 John, Col., 237, 240, 285 Lydia (Hartwell), 407 Whipple Lydia (Tenney), 385 Hepsibah (Melvin), 78 Lydia Ann, 385 Jonah, 78 Marianna, 385 Sarah, 66, 67 Mary (Gardner), 102 Whitaker Mary (Reed), 384 Abigail, 14 Mary Frances (Sprague), Elizabeth (—), 14 385 John, 14 586 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Whitcomb (continued) Mary E. (Phelps), 294 Mercy (Wetherbee), 381 Rusina (Lovering), 359 Nahum Harwood, 385 Sarah, 51, 132 Nancy, 386 Thomas, 64, 176, 359 Nancy (Vinal), 386 William, 374 Oliver Adams, 385 William S., 294 Peter, 386, 421 Whitford Rebecca (Fletcher), 381 Abigail (Hartwell), 240 Sally (Bachellor), 421 Orrison, 240 Samuel, 385 Whiting Samuel, Jr., 384 Cynthia A., 294 Sarah (Holden), 124 John, Rev., 31, 33, 55, 138 Sarah Augusta (Reed), 386 Leonard, 193 Sarah E. (Reed), 385 Leonard, Capt., 49 Stillman, 421 Nathan, 119 Susan Elizabeth (Hill), 385 Sarah (Fletcher), 119 William, 381 Thomas, 401 White Whitman Ann, 114, 116 Clarinda, 311 Anna, 62 Emma, 215 Anna (Chamberlain), 62, 63 Mercy, 162 Ebenezer, 63 Whitmore Eunice, 248 Frances, 32, 34, 42 Experience, 298 Mary, 252 Hannah (Davis), 198 Whitney Joel, 198 Aaron, 413 John, 236 Abigail (Fletcher), 112 Lydia, 106, 236, 384 Abigail C., 248 Mark, 62, 63 Adeline (Patch), 408 Martha Merritt Alice, 423 (Cummings), 374 Alpheus, 112 Mary (Hayward), 63 Anna, 142 Mary (Whitney), 236 Arethusa, 424 Index 587

Whitney (continued) Hannah Maria, 232 Esther (Hartwell), 112 James Madison, 233 Hananiah, 112 John Hancock, 233 Ira, 352 Josiah, 232 Josiah, Col., 287, 337 Lucinda (King), 233 Levi, 394 Mary Ann, 233 Lucy, 383 Nathaniel, 346 Mary, 236 Olive (Winship), 232 Mary C. (Getchell), 388 Peter, 177 Oliver, 181 Sarah Ann, 232 Rebecca (Hartwell), 352 Sophia, 232 See also Whitney, Thomas, 232 Rebekah Thomas Jefferson, 233 Rebekah, 351 William, 232, 233 Sally, 382 Whittier Samuel, 112 Joseph, 424 Sarah (Hartwell), 401 Mary Wallis, 424 Sibbel, 143 Wight Simri, 408 Abigail, 390 Susannah (Hartwell), 413 Wilbur William, 401 Barek, 309 Zimri, 408 George, 306 Whittaker Lydia (—), 306 Harriet L., 212 Seabury, 306 Whitteker Wilcox Mary, 345 Josephine, 295 Whittemore Wilder Anna (Cutter), 232 Elizabeth, 282 Caroline, 233 Emily, 372 Catharine Prescott (Carter), Lucy, 261 233 Mary (Houghton), 35 Eliza, 232 Oliver, Col., 395 Elizabeth (Cutter), 232 588 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wilder (continued) Hannah (Haskell), 68, 178, Sarah, 17, 35, 94 179 Thomas, 35 Isaac, 66, 67, 168 Wiley James, 66 Sarah, 18 Jerome H., 421 Wilfred Jerusha (—), 296 Helen, 219 John, 8 Wilker Josiah, 39 Martha, 288 Lemuel, 178 Wilkins Samuel, 173 Betsey, 421 Sarah, 173 Daniel, 150 Sarah (Whipple), 66, 67 Eliza (Lakin), 212 Sibyl, 273 Hannah E. (Gibson), 289 Simon, 2 Joseph E., 289 Susan (Priest), 421 Marcy, 150 Williams Mary (Hutchinson), 150 Abigail, 319 Mercy, 150 Albert G., 277 Sullivan, 212 Atriah, 260 Wilkinson Betsey (Leach), 310 Elizabeth, 315 Charles, 319 Irene, 293 Cyrel, 310 Jemima, 315 Daniel, 319 Willard Edward, 320 Abigail (Hayward), 66 Eliza, 320 Abigail (Hayward/Howard), Eliza Jane (Perkins), 320 66 Elizabeth, 319 Annis, 78 Elizabeth (Tyler), 277 Betsey, 96, 113 Emma (Hartwell), 391 Charles, 296 Hannah (Bridge), 319 Dorothy, 173 Hannah (Sheple), 200 Elizabeth, 296 Hannah (Waters), 319 Hartwell, 318 Index 589

Williams (continued) John, 302 Helen Marcia, 320 Mary, 235 Jacob, 200 Mary (Cummings), 266 John, Jr., 391 Willson Joseph Hartwell, 319 Francis, Jr., 170 Louise (Lithgoe), 320 Mary (Hartwell), 170 Mary, 348 Wilson Mary (Sawtelle), 319 Abigail, 156, 347, 357 Merrill, 277 Abigail (Thompson), 357 Moses, 319 Ama (Wheeler), 358 Phila (Hartwell), 392 Amy, 358 Reuel, 319 Elizabeth, 139 Richard, 318 Elizabeth (Hartwell), 17 Richard P., Dr., 129 Francis, 167, 357, 358 Richard, Dr., 200 Francis, Jr., 357 Sarah, 319 Hannah, 357 Sarah (Bridge), 318 James, 347, 358 Sarah (Tyler), 277 Jane, 290 Sarah (Williams), 319 Joanna, 167 Sarah Lowell (Cony), 319 Mary, 357, 358 Seth, 318, 319 Mary (Foster), 357 Seth, Capt., 318 Mary (Hartwell), 356 Susanna (Fobes), 318 Mary Hartwell, 357 Susannah (Shattuck), 200 Mehitable (Leavens), 347 William, 56 Patience (—), 167 William, Jr., 392 Rachel (Mansfield), 357 William, Rev., 18 Rebecca, 167 Zilpha (Ingraham), 318 Sabina W., 372 Willis Samuel, 17 Amanda M., 342 Sarah, 51, 167, 168, 348 Clement, 266 Sarah (Blood), 17 Eunice, 78 Sarah (Stephenson), 151 590 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wilson (continued) Witherell Stephen, 357 John, 196 Supply, 151 Roxana (Simpson), 196 Susannah, 151 Withington Walter M., 358 Abigail, 299 William, 17 Witt Winchell Elizabeth, 58 Chloe (Hartwell), 217 Wolcott Clarissa (Hartwell), 217 Caleb, 83 James, 216, 217 Charles, 84 Martin Ebenezer, 217 Cynthia (Clark), 85 Mary, 217 David, 84 Winchester Edify (Loomis), 83 Fanny, 355 Elizabeth, 85 Wing Elizabeth (Bosworth), 84 Hannah, 217 Elizabeth (Curtis), 82 Winn Elizabeth (Mulhollan), 84 Jonathan B., 373 Elizabeth (Nott), 85 Nancy (Cummings), 373 Elizabeth (—), 84 Timothy, Capt., 365 Eunice, 83, 85 Winship George, 31, 82, 83, 85 Asenath, 263 Hannah, 84 Hannah, 389 Harriet (Jones), 84 Joshua, 336 Huldah B. (—), 83 Mary, 336 James, 83 Mary (—), 336 Jemima (Andros), 85 Olive, 232 Jerusha (Price), 83 Winslow John, 84 Mercy, 133 Joseph, 84 Rhoda, 401 Justus, 83, 84 Wiswal Lois, 85 Isaac, 210 Lucy, 85 Mary Ann (Merritt), 210 Lydia (Keeler), 84 Index 591

Wolcott (continued) Caleb, 108, 252, 256, 257 Mary, 82, 85 Calvin, 285, 286 Mary (Hartwell), 31, 82 Caroline (Sinclair), 255 Norman, 84 Caroline A. (Slack), 252 Rachel, 84 Charles, 251, 252 Rachel (Bidwell), 83 Charles P., 256 Roger, 84 Charles, Dr., 334 Roseanna, 85 David, 254, 255 Rosetta (Squier), 84 Dolly, 253 Ruth (—), 84 Dolly (Jones), 252 Sabiah, 84 Ebenezer, Capt., 239 Sarah, 83, 85 Elbridge, 254 Sarah (Baird), 85 Elbridge Gerry, Dr., 421 Sarah (Cook), 84 Eliphalet, 251 William Nott, 85 Eliphalet S., 254 Wood Elisabeth (Hartwell), 107, Abigail, 50, 252 251 Abigail (Earl), 254 Elizabeth, 33, 55, 256, 392 Abigail (Moore), 251 Elizabeth (Barber?), 54 Abigail (Thompson), 357 Elizabeth (—), 108 Addison M., 254 Elizabeth H., 256 Alfred, 256 Elnathan, 253 Almira S. (Brown), 256 Emily A., 256 Alony (Holt), 364 Emma Lincoln (Stearns), 256 Amasa, 251 Ephraim, 53 Ann (Plummer), 254 Eunice, 254, 257, 260 Ann M. (Tuckerman), 256 Eunice (Hartwell), 108, Augustus, 364 285, 286 Bethiah, 68, 178, 399 Eunice Martha, 421 Betsey, 253 Eva, 254 Betsey (Wilkins), 421 Eveline (Gibson), 288 Betty, 254 George, 253, 286, 288 592 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wood (continued) Mary (Platts), 251 Harriet (Kidder), 334 Mary (—), 253 Harriet M. (Somerby), 256 Mary A. (Blanchard), 263 Hartwell, 253 Mary A. (Dickinson), 254 Isaac, 107, 251, 254, 255 Mary Ann, 255 James, 108 Mellescent, 55 Jedediah, 421 Michael, 251 John, 54, 421 Milly (Hartwell), 286 John E., 256 Oliver, 53 John Harrison, 421 Rebecca (Hartwell), 254 John, Jr., 178 Ruth, 58, 254, 258 Jonas, 252, 254, 256 Sally (Lake), 252, 410 Jonas J., 254 Sarah, 227 Jonathan, 252, 357 Sarah (Kimball), 178 Joshua, 108 Sarah (Leathe), 256 Josiah, 48 Sarah (Priest), 421 Laura, 253 Stephen E., 255 Laura (Snell), 253 Susan, 257 Laura (Stickney), 256 Susan H. (Farrar), 254 Lois (Humphries), 421 William, 42 Luana (Lawrence), 253 Zoe, 253 Lucy (Hosmer), 53 Zulima, 252 Lucy Amanda (Priest), 421 Woodbury Lurana, 253, 254 Hannah, 407 Lydia (Hosmer), 54 Woodcock Lydia (Parker), 254 Ann S., 281 Lydia P. (Snow), 251 Elizabeth (—), 280 Lydia R. (Farrar), 255 Jane Sophia, 281 Lyman, 252 John, 280 Martha, 157 Lucy Hartwell (Tyler), 280 Mary (Buss?), 53 Lucy J., 281 Mary (Earl), 255 Nathan, 280 Mary (Felt), 48 William J., 281 Index 593

Woodis Samuel, 187, 188 Henry, 2 Sarah, 18 Woods Woolley Diadamia, 99 Samuel, 19 Ebenezer, Capt., 104 Worcester Eliza (Shattuck), 195 John, 420 Eunice, 382 Sarah (Kimball), 420 Eunice (Lakin), 382 Sarah Maria, 420 Isaac, 195 Wright Jonas, 382 Abigail, 377 Mary (Taylor), 99 Almon, 384 Prudence (Lakin), 195 Augustus, 385 Sally, 396 Caroline Matilda, 82, 214 Solomon, 99 David, 214 Woodward Dolly Hartwell (Reed), 383, Jonathan, 126 384 Martha, 126 Ebenezer J., 225 Mary, 203 Edmund, 402 Sarah (Read), 126 Edward, 14, 15, 431 Woodworth Edy Prescott, 402 Deborah, 86 Eliza A. (Barnard), 384 Woolcot Elizabeth, 7, 14, 16, 17, 35, 361, 431 Mary (Hayward), 59 Elizabeth (Mellowes), 14, Nathaniel, Capt., 59 431 Wooley Elizabeth (Tenny), 385 Christopher, 5 Ellen (Chase), 402 Jonathan, 154, 155 Emeline A., 384 Mary, 72, 187, 188 Emory F., 384 Mary (—), 187, 188 Ephraim, 115 Rachel, 72, 188, 325 Esther, 116 Ruth, 42 Eunice, 117 594 Descendants of William1 Hartwell

Wright (continued) Priscilla, 7, 14-16, 154, 155, Ezekiel, 402 431 George Cleveland, 383 Prudence, 200 George Lyman, 385 Prudence (Cummings), 214 Hannah, 364 Rachel (Copeland), 298 Hannah (Reed), 384 Ruth, 373 Huldah, 125 Sally (Tuttle), 335 Jacob, 377 Sarah, 402 James P., 383 Sarah (Melvin), 402 Joel, 171, 298, 383, 384 Sarah Burnett, 384 Joel Edward, 383 Sarah Elizabeth, 335 John, 14, 15, 361, 383, 384 Sophia B. (Lamb), 384 John R., 384 Stephen, 363 Judah, 170, 361-363 Susan Haskell (Davis), 383 Judith (Sanborn), 384 Tabitha, 361 Julia (Schofield), 225 Tabitha (Hartwell), 170, 171, 361 Lois (Johnson), 117 Tabitha (—), 383, 384 Lovey (Parker), 383 Thomas, 90 Lucretia (—), 377 Tryphena, 413 Lucy, 50 Zaccheus, 123 Lydia, 402 Wyman Lydia Ann (Whitcomb), 385 Abigail, 90, 91 Martha (Haven), 402 Abigail (Hartwell), 35, 90 Mary, 115 Anna, 355 Mary (Locke), 361 Anna (Noyes), 291 Mary (—), 115 Anna (Palmer), 293 Mary H., 384 Anna (Porter), 355 Nathan M., 335 Catherine, 91 Oliver, 117 Catherine (Fowle), 90 Patty, 362 Hannah, 89, 92 Peter, 16, 17, 402 James, 91, 355 Polly, 363 Jane (Watts), 91 Index 595

Wyman (continued) Joseph, 92 Joshua, 91, 411 Katherine, 234 Lucy G., 291 Mary, 91 Mary (Fowle), 92 Rebecca, 96 Ruhamah, 91 Ruth (Fowle), 92 Sally (Hartwell), 411 Samuel, 34, 35, 90 Samuel E., 91 Samuel, Jr., 35 Sophia Hartwell (Munroe), 293 Susanna, 91, 92, 326 Susanna (Simonds), 90 Susannah, 91 William, 92, 291, 293 Winchester, 293 Young Deborah, 382 Lemuel, 360 596 Descendants of William1 Hartwell