Our Vision: “A just and harmonious society rooted in the gospel values of love, freedom and peace." Our Mission: "To restore the dignity and potential of marginalized individuals and communities by facilitating access to holistic education, health, livelihood, and stable shelter." Vol.: 7 Issue: 2 PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY April, 2019 Water is the substance EDITORIAL CONSERVE WATER AND CONSERVE LIFE of life – Treasure it n Line to the agenda for conflicts because of the conditions like floods, ater is a necessity. no-one behind”. Pope IS u s t a i n a b l e scarcity of water and lack of rains, extreme W We are facing Francis said, “Water is an development, the world wars is not a thing of the summers etc. on a rise. As w a t e r s c a r c i t y i n essential good for the Water Day was celebrated future but is seen in Pope Francis reminds us different states of our balance of ecosystems with the slogan: “Leaving several parts of the world on this World Water day, country. It is said that and human survival, and no-one behind” on March even today. we are to rise to the 22nd 2019. We are at a water is in and around us. it is necessary to manage alarms from Nature. We juncture to welcome the Safeguarding life has are to channelize our "Each child Every single drop of it and take care of it so summers of this year. In the been the motto of the efforts in the direction of water is precious. Water t h a t i t i s n o t recent past, has a place in is the life-blood of our contaminated or lost.” and several other states Catholic church from greater good of mankind planet. Hence, never let We should stop wasting have faced the adversities time immemorial. And and dispel the disparity God's heart us waste it but protect it. water and start to store of summer and diseases the slogan “Leaving no- between people of this It is the need of the hour water; otherwise, many that spread due to lack of o n e b e h i n d ”, i s a planet. Clean water is from all to work hand in hand to will lose their lives. If we access to clean water. reminder to mankind to everyone’s right and it’s save water and save the really understand the e r a d i c a t e e v e r y important we work eternity; humanity. So let us not value of life, we really Water is essential for the discrimination to access towards this common waste time and energy in understand the value of balance of ecosystems clean water and raising goal. once he or she unnecessary things of water.. and human survival, It is the standards of clean Let us together safeguard life, instead let us join our necessary to manage and water to people. Building this most useful and is conceived, hands to save water and Yours in Christ take care of it so that it is better water structures, precious resource of the creator's save humanity. Catholic not contaminated or lost. creating awareness w a t e r a n d Church always stood for Several parts of south a m o n g t h e y o u n g eventually eternal dream n a t u re a n d c l e a r ly Africa and elsewhere are generations is essential safeguard mentions our duty to provided less than 2 to safeguard water for all our lives. comes true." nature. The world water gallons of water each day inhabitants of the planet. day 2019 is celebrated under the supervision of nd this year on 22 March Mar Thomas Elavanal military forces to evenly We are living in a with the slogan: “Leaving Bishop of Kalyan distribute water among generation wherein we Fr. Joby Kurian its citizens war and see adverse climatic Executive Director, Karunya Trust TATA 2019

h u n d r e d facilitators of Karunya our online fundraisers Winners are not people who never fail, AK a r u n y a k a r s Trust had a great time who not only raised participated in the 16th at the Tata Mumbai f u n d s b u t w e r e but people who never quit. e d i t i o n o f Ta t a Marathon 2019. We i n s t r u m e n t a l i n Mumbai Marathon express our heartfelt spreading awareness arathon winner K a r u n y a T r u s t 2019. This year marks gratitude to all our of the work done by MVishal Kudali supported him to run t h e 8 t h y e a r o f individual donors and Karunya Trust in resides in Adivasi in Marathon 2019. K a r u n y a Tr u s t ’s corporate donors Mumbai and Thane h a m l e t Ku d e r a n , W i t h h o p e a n d participation at the including DDecor districts in the fields of Ambarnath Block . dreams in his heart , marathon with the Home Fabrics, Jessena education, health, D u e t o i n a n c i a l Vishal ranked 7th in whole marathon rally Marine, St. Joseph’s g o v e r n a n c e , problems he studied Mumbai Marathon planned and organised Tr a v e l s , Tr i n i t y l i v e l i h o o d a n d in Ashram school. 20th January 2019. by the Children’s T r a v e l s , S K S environment. Vishal was active in We wish him hearty P a r l i a m e n t o f Glochem for their Thank you! school and passionate congratulations and G y a n s a a t h i . T h e s u p p o r t . We a r e Marathon Team toward sports. To best wishes for his c h i l d r e n a n d especially grateful to a c h i e v e h i s g o a l successful journey.

Our Board Members: Bp. Thomas Elavanal, Msgr. Emmanual Kadankavil, Fr. Jacob Porathur, Lion Dr. Ashok Mehta, Mr. Babu Joseph, Dr. Vatsala Trivedi, Mr. Thomas Mathew Dr. Nilufer Ahmed, Dr. Joseph Aprain, Fr. Justin Kallely, Fr. Sebastian Mudakkalil, Ms. Rose Joseph, Fr. Paul Kunduparambil, Fr. Joby Ayithamattathil Editor : Fr. Joby Kurian Editorial Members : Ms. Prashanthi Wagh, Mr. Pravin Pandit, Layout & Design: Sub Editors : Sr. Betty George Mr. Clinto Francis Ms. Jyoti Tiwari, Mr. Nishikant Rananaware, Mr. Roy Thomas : Sr. Estelle Colaso Mr. Bhagwan Pawar, Ms. Sangeeta Shelke,Ms. Punita Shaw, : Ms. Rose Joseph Mr. Somnath Raut, Ms. Beena Raju, Mr. Jobin Varghese

Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 02 '' The transformation you are Making to some of the most underprivileged Children of our Society is amazing .Great work truly inspiring Congrats to the whole Gyansaathi team . Biju Dominic 4URBAN CEO of Final Mile Consulting Reported by - Project Gyansaathi - ShivajiProject Nagar ,Savli, Govandi, Nahur Mumbai., Mumbai. Gyansaathi Team GYANSAATHI ANNUAL DAY 2019

Left to right – Ms. Rekha Pandey - Principal, Udayachal High School - Godrej Vikhroli, Mr. Nilesh Nandoskar - Highest Marathon Fundraiser, Fr Paul Kunduparambil - Forane Vicar, Panvel & Director Kalyan Eparchy Rev. Bishop Thomas Elavanal - Chairman of Pro-life Movement, Mr. Virochand Roate - Former CWC Member & Nirmala Niketan Faculty, Mr. Anil Bakshi - Retired Karunya Trust lighting the lamp Navy Oficer, Dr. Vaishali - Doctor fors you.

ATMA Team Karunya Volunteer Team

Left to right – Shayap Sadiq Shaikh - Gyansaathi 12th Std. Topper: 2017-18) & Ameerunnisa Mubarak Chowdhry - Gyansaathi 10th Std. Topper: 2017-18) Gyansaathi Balwadi children & Gyansaathi EX students Performance

he annual day of with Bishop Thomas which included under insightful speeches, v a r i o u s s p h e r e s with literary and art TG y a n s a a t h i i s E l a v a n a l , F r. P a u l its ambit the topics: e n e r g e t i c d a n c e including education, work by the students of ususally celebrated Kunduparambil and child labour, child p e r f o r m a n c e s , sports and work. Mr. Gyansaathi. Around together with all the (sisters?) who were marriage, education, mesmerising mimes A n i l B a k s h i w a s 550 people including other Karunya Trust invited as the Chief h e a l t h a n d and plays, and a prize honoured by the Bishop teachers, mothers and projects as the Karunya G u e s t s a l o n g w i t h r e l a t i o n s h i p s . T h e distribution ceremony. f o r h i s e xe m p l a r y students participated Tr u s t A n n u a l D ay, h e a d s o f d i ff e re n t programme, held in In the prize distribution service during the i n t h e a n n u a l d ay however, this year components (?). The ARC Panvel, began with ceremony, the students Kerala lood disaster of celebrations which Gyansaathi celebrated theme for the Annual a w e l c o m e t o t h e and staff were awarded 2018. The Bishop also concluded with the its Annual Day by itself Day was humanity guests, followed by f o r e x c e l l e n c e i n unveiled a manuscript national anthem. 10th Farewell farewell was into place. Deepak Sir, Aarranged for the their class teacher, students of standard told them to always 10th on the 14th of persevere, following February, 2019 by the which the staff and s t u d e n t s o f N I O S m e m b e r s o f t h e Levels A,B and C. The Children’s Parliament programme began e x p r e s s e d t h e i r w i t h a w e l c c o m e wishes and prayers speech by an NIOS for the students. It was student followed by quite an emotional dances and a few e v e n t w i t h t h e speches. Fr. Joby and students of standard Mrs. Rose Josep h tenth recounting their wished the students m e m o r i e s a n d and exhorted them to e x p e r i e n c e s i n strive to be good Gyansaathi. The event human beings irst concluded with a gift and that everything from Gyansaathi for else would then fall all the students. Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 03 '' Excellent performance by children of Gyansaathi. i was very happy to see a closely knit team at Gyansaathi. I appreciate the efforts of all the ex student of Gyansaathi for carrying forward the legacy.Wish you the best of this world. Rekha Pandey 4URBAN Principle Of Udaynchal School vikhroli Scout & Guide Camp Mumbai Marathon

Scout and Guide irst aid, build tents for S h a n t i v a n L e p r o s y AC a m p w a s c a m p i n g a n d House, the old age home organised by Gyansaathi participated in various a n d t h e o rp h a n a g e . for its students from the physical itness activities. T h r o u g h t h i s v i s i t 1 1 t h t o 1 3 t h o f Competitions like drama, students learned about November, 2018. The dance and poetry were leprosy and the lifestyle n the 20th of January, conservation and better was a densely participated honorable Scout and o r g a n i s e d f o r t h e of tribals. The Gyansaathi O45 students and 10 amenities for women's event and enlightened the Guide Commissioner of students through which team concluded the visit s t a ff m e m b e r s o f reproductive health. They s t u d e n t s o n va r i o u s M a h a r a s h t r a , M r . students were given a by distributing gifts in Gyansaathi participated in also held up banners problems that plague our Prabhakar Kardak was platform to showcase the orphanage and the the Mumbai Marathon . depicting the mission and society. The entire day was t h e g u i d e f o r t h e t h e i r t a l e n t s a n d leprosy home. Students dressed up in vision of Gyansaathi. The planned by the Members s t u d e n t s . S t u d e n t s overcome stage fear. The costumes highlighting the Mumbai Marathon being o f t h e C h i l d r e n ' s learned to administer students also visited the need for environmental Asia's largest marathon, Parliament.

Visit to Atria Mall Udaan: Annual Sports Day he students of TG y a n s a a t h i visited the Atria Mall Games Zone in Worli on the 7th of February, 2019. All the children played and enjoyed t h e g a m e s , a n d participated in all activities. After the session, volunteers gave snacks to all the children. The children, through this visit, had an opportunity to he annual sports day explained by the staff. were also awarded points of Gyansaathi, aptly Both individual and for orderly behaviour l e a r n a b o u t t h e T named Udaan, was held g r o u p g a m e s w e r e and cleanliness. The various games in the on 10th February, 2019 organised such as the winners were awarded Games Zone while at the Hirandani School 100 metre race, sack race, with gold, silver and interacting with each Grounds in Powai. The volleyball and so on. bronze medals along other in the unfamiliar eve n t b e g a n w i t h a Through the games, the with trophies to the best yet often coveted prayer and a welcome students learned the sportsperson (male and speech following which p r e c i o u s v a l u e s o f f e m a l e ) . T h e e v e n t ambience of a mall. the rules and regulations coordination, discipline concluded with a lunch for each game were and cleanliness, as they for all the students.

Ms. Shalin’s Journey GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS: I had a great experience that the children were Mumbai. I appreciate all relations with each other w o r k i n g w i t h unaware about their t h e t e a c h e r s o f and their acceptance of A G E N C I E S / C O R P O R A T E S : - K N H , Gyansaathi, a project rights and hygiene, but Gyansaathi for their visitors. DEUTSCHE BANK, CARITAS , under Karunya Trust. that it was through the efforts, their cordial RASHMIKA, CONCERN INDIA, GLOBAL The difference between teachers of Gyansaathi L O G I S T I C S S O L U T I O N S , C O T E C N A - Gyansaathi and most t h a t t h e y w e r e INSPECTION, INDIA PVT. LTD., JAYKAL NGOs, I noticed was that enlightended. I also had EXPORTS PVT. LTD. while other NGOs focus an opportunity to visit o n s t r e e t c h i l d r e n , the area, a truly heart INDIVIDUALS:- THAIJWEL AKKARA-KURLA W, RACHEL Gyansaathi focuses on touching experience for GEORGE –ASSISSI NAGAR, SAIJO MENACHERRY- t h e r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , me! The visit helped me KANJURMARG, ROSELINE C THOMSON, TRINIJA RAHUL AHIRE, KUNJAMMA VARGHESE-RAIGAD, DOROTHY e d u c a t i o n , understand the living PINTO-DOMBIVLI, SINCY JOHN-PUNE, SARJERAO S empowerment, health & situation and the habits SONAWANE-MALAD W, BHARATI BANUDAS, n u t r i t i o n n e e d s o f o f t h e c o m m u n i t y. VERONICA V CHARAMAL, UNITED WAY OF MUMBAI, children from the rag F u r t h e r m o r e , t h i s THRESSIA JACOB-VASHI, RESHMABINU, SOHIL picking community in internship was a brilliant KAIMADAM-GHATKOPAR, JOWIL INDUSTRIES-NASIK, Govandi. Their work is learning experience and BIJOY VINCENT-PUNE, PHILIP D VITHUVATTICAL- KANDIVALI, JACKSON KURUMBALAI-COLABA, systematically done their helped me realise the JOHNSON T K, GEORGE MATHEWS-THANE, ROSEANNE dedication towards the stark contrast between ARUN- E, SUZANNE ARUN-ANDHERI E. ANNIE children is visible their the local areas of Kerala GEORGE-SANTACRUZ E, REENA GEORGE-KALYAN E, interaction with them. a n d M u m b a i , t h u s JOY BHATTACHARJEE-CHEMBUR, BLESSY BENNY, While interacting with increasing my passion to ANTONY JOSEPH MANNALA-, VASUNDHARA NEELESH PATIL-KURLA EAST children I understood work with children in Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 04

It is simply awesome... The project and the staff you did it amazing... Please keep the ball rolling and reach to more people. You have motivated us! Thank You!!! Mr. Ajit Deorukhkar, 4URBAN Employee at COTECNA Diet Session Balmela: The Space World n t h e 1 5 t h o f ONovember, Gyansathi students and staff attended Balmela (Children’s Fair) at SNDT College revolving around the theme: The Space World. Various events such as dramas, plays and a puppet show were arranged for the children. The children learnt about the need to m a i n t a i n a c l e a n dietary session was f o o d t h a t m u s t b e healthy food. After the environment through the Aheld for the women avoided and the right s e s s i o n , s h e puppet show while the of the community with time to consume our d e m o n s t r a t e d t h e drama enchanted them Dr. Nita as the resource meals. Expounding on making of matki bhel, a w i t h fa c t s a b o u t t h e person. Dr. Nita spoke the virtues of a healthy healthy, tasty and easy- universe. The children about the food that we diet, she explained the to-make snack. spent some time playing in ought to consume in the n u t r i e n t s o u r b o dy the gardens post these three meals of our day, recieves when we eat events.

Reported by - Project Savli, Nahur, Mumbai. Savli Team ANANDMELA SANJAY GANDHI NIRADHAR YOJANA

o v e r n m e n t o f with Mumbai Suburban A c h a r y a ( M D A C S - nandmela is been c o l l e c t o r - M u m b a i a n d r e c r e a t i o n a l GM a h a r a s h t r a District Administration A d d i t i o n a l P r o j e c t Acelebrated every Suburban District), Dr. activities organized by implemented Sanjay and Mumbai District Aids D i r e c t o r ) , M s . year on 1st Dec by P a d m a j a K e s k a r MDACS for children at Gandhi Niradhar Yojana Control Society to link the Dnyaneshwari Sonawnae Mumbai District Aids ( E x e c u t i v e H e a l t h Anandmela. Two of the to help women and needy beneficiaries to ( M D A C S - D e p u t y Control Society (MDACS) Officer- BMC ) and Savli children also o r p h a n c h i l d re n & SGNY scheme. Around D i r e c t o r ) a n d M r. which is a part of Thesildars of Mumbai performed a rap song person suffering from 159 beneficiaries applied Sandesh Jadhav (MDACS- Municipal Corporation of Suburb district. Children during the event which serious illness in the f o r S G N Y t h r o u g h Assistant Director) Greater Mumbai. This got a great exposure was highly adored. Mr. State. Key objective of Karunya Trust out of played a very important year Savli children were p e r f o r m i n g i n t h e Sarjerao Sonawane (Sub Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar which 100 beneficiaries role in helping these given an opportunity to presence of government c o l l e c t o r - M u m b a i Yojana is to support are linked to SGNY as on beneficiaries accessing perform during the o f f i c i a l s , h e a l t h S u b u r b a n D i s t r i c t ) financially the needy 1st March 2019. Mr. the benefit of SGNY. Anandmela. 13 Savli promoters and NGO appreciated the initiative person. The beneficiary Sarjerao Sonawane (Sub Through this initiative, children performed a representatives. One of taken by Karunya Trust of SGNY gets monthly c o l l e c t o r - M u m b a i Project Savli of Karunya dance as part of the t h e S a v l i c h i l d to link Sanjay Gandhi pension of Rs.600 or Suburban District), Dr. Tr u s t w a s a b l e t o closing ceremony of representatives also Niradhar Yojana to Rs.900 as per their Aruna Jadhav (Mulund empower these needy A n a n d m e l a i n t h e shared his experience people living with life e l i g i b i l i t y f r o m Thesildar- SGY), Mr. f a m i l i e s w h o a r e presence of Mr. Sarjerao during the program. threatening diseases. Government. Karunya Sandeep Thorat (Mulund s u r v iv i n g w i t h l i fe S o n a w n a e ( S u b There were lot of games Trust has joined hands Thesildar), Ms.Shrikala threatening disease. PRO- ECO

t h P r o - E c o c l e a n a n d s a f e a w a r e n e s s a b o u t message at L&T powai Jogeshwari Vikroli link unnecessary honking, 6 c a m p a i g n w a s environment in the safeguarding one’s own s i g n a l j u n c t i o n , road. “Through Pro-Eco keeping surrounding organized by Savli s o c i e t y . P r o - E c o environment when Hiranandani Signal campaign we would like clean, etc. We believe in c h i l d r e n o n 2 6 t h c a m p a i g n w a s travelling on road. Flash junction and IIT main to sensitize public to not “Haamara Haaq… Eco J a n u a r y 2 0 1 9 t o organized with an cards were used by gate signal junction contribute to pollution life...”- said Shweta patil promote the culture of objective to spread children to promote this which is located on b y a v o i d i n g (Savli Child) Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 05 I appreciate and thank Karunya Trust for reaching out to tribal women and children of Ambernath Block, encouraging children for education, awareness programs on health and through Self Help Group empowering tribal women to strengthen their livelihood, have build up the self conidence of women. I wish karunya Trust for success in future activities. 4URBAN Pratiksha P. Agiwale—BM. MIS MSRLM. Panchayat Samiti, Ambernath. Reported by - Rural Projects, Kalyan & AmbarnathProject Savli, Nahur, Mumbai. Rural Team Rural Annual Day and Women’s Day Celebrations

Left to right – Mrs. Swapanali Bhoir (the chairperson of Panchayat Samiti, Rev. Bishop Thomas Elavanal - Chairman of Karunya Trust Ambernath), Ms. Kalpana Waghere (RFO-Forest department,kalyan ) , lighting the lamp Mr. Sanjay Kamble (Journalist, kalyan )

Women from Kelni village, Kalyan received best women empowerment award

Women from Rakshan Cluster Level Association, Ambernath received best women empowerment Award Women from Belkarpada,Kalyan presented traditional Kothimbiri dance

Releasing of the Karunya Trust Annual Report 2017-18

h e 1 2 t h o f parish priest of St . t h e M a t r u s a n g a m w o r k c o l l e g e s , a n d Empowerment) were It was a great experience TMarch,2019 was a Thomas Cathedral; Ms. President of Kalyan K a r u nya s t a ff f r o m released on this day by and a beautiful moment golden day for the Rural Kalpana Waghere, RFO- c h u r c h ; M s g n . d i ff e r e n t p r o j e c t s Bishop Thomas Elavanal. as the women took active Development Project of Forest department- Immanuel, Vicar General p a r t i c i p a te d i n t h e Awards were distributed part in cultural program. Karunya Trust as the Kalyan; Mrs. Pratiksha of Kalyan Diocese; and Sr. celebration. Cultural to beneiciaries for their As Women’s Day, the Annual day and Women’s Agiwale, in-charge of B e t t y, P r o g r a m m e dance and drama was leadership in working women from different Day was celebrated at St. NRLM in Ambernath coordinator of Karunya performed by Tribal t o w a r d s v i l l a g e villages were honoured T h o m a s C a t h e d r a l , Block; Mrs. Swapnali Tr u s t . G u e s t we re women and children. development. To inspire and appreciated. By the Kalyan. The chief guests Bhoir, Chairperson of h o n o u r e d w i t h a Karunya Annual Report t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s , a grace of God and team w e r e R e v. B i s h o p P a n c h a y a t s a m i t i - memento and shawl. of 2017-2018 and the memento was presented s p i r i t t h e d a y w a s Thomas Elavanal, the Ambernath; Mr. Sanjay 650 women and men rural based activities by the Chief Guest. The celebrated successfully. Chairman of Karunya Kamble, Journalist- from different villages of b o o k t i t l e d धागा hard work of the team Tr u s t ; Fr. J o by, t h e kalyan; Mr. Mathew, t h e K a l y a n a n d समीकरणाचा ( W a y was appreciated by Jeevan-Bharari Project Director of Karunya Trustee of St. Thomas A m b e r n a t h b l o c k , T o w a r d s awarding them with Kalyan. Trust; Fr. Kuriakose, the Church; Mrs Laisa Baby, students from social appreciation certiicates. Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 06 ' It was truely a great Experience Visiting you. The kids are truely smart a well trained .Amazing Place we are very thankful to karunya trust to giving us an opportunity to visit and understand Gyansaathi.Wishing everyone Gyansaathi all the best in their Life Uma Prasad 4URBAN CDAC Navi Mumbai Marched out of the four walls of the home... Health is wealth community and their more knowledge on 7 children from Savrewadi and own life. Not only are government ofices and 228 children from Devloli are trainings conducted but i t s r o l e a n d studying in the Zilla Parishad school this has inspired and responsibilities and the but the children’s families are motivated women to various government economically backward and can not stand on their feet and schemes for women’s afford healthy and nutritious food. have acquire inancial development. Through Most of the families are working on stability. “I, Mrs. Jyotsna d i ff e r e n t t r a i n i n g s brick kiln. Due to poor health the Kundan Aghan , residing K a r u n y a T r u s t children’s education was affected. at Aghanwadi village, empowered me to make Through the intervention of Karunya h ave c o m p l e t e d my use of my degree. I Trust , Divine Mercy Group from degree in Agriculture but applied for a job in the Dombivli came forward to help these never thought of getting a U M E D p r o j e c t o f children by providing nutrition job. After my marriage I g ove r n m e n t . I wa s s u p p l e m e n t s . T h r o u g h t h e remained in the house as surprised to have cleared contribution of Divine Mercy group, arunya Trust has a housewife but when I the examination and be Karunya trust added extra food Kbeen working on joined SHG formed by posted in the agriculture women empowerment Karunya Trust I realized sector. My family and I are material in children’s mid-day meal since last 5 years in the importance of my delighted and we owe it such as eggs, bananas and chikki. Ambarnath Block. 53 degree. Karunya gave me to Karunya Trust for This has improved the health of the SHGs are formed in near many opportunities to constantly enlightening children who are now regular to by Badlapur villages. g e t i nvo lve d i n t h e and encouraging us.” school and attentive in the class, thus Under the Self Help training programs and as improving not just their physical but Approach Karunya Trust I became more active I Mrs. Jyotsan Kundan also mental health. has formed 3 Cluster was selected for the Aghan Level Association. 54 Cluster Level Association. CLA Member, Aghanwadi Mrs. Sangita Shelke women are involved in it Getting involved in SHGs Karunya Staff. for the betterment of the and CLA I have gained Literacy and Functional Literacy Moving towards the Income Training Generation... poultry and improve the economic status. With the help and support of Karunya Staff, these women a p p l i e d t o t h e government scheme of poultry farming. After much effort, women from villages beneited from the scheme and received Rs. 8000 from the government to start t h e p o u l t r y f a r m . K a r u n y a T r u s t arranged the trainings and exposure visit to poultry farms to learn he 21st and 22nd of staff Nishikant, Bhagwan, was inculcated in the staff how to rear chicken TFebruary, 2019 were Sangita,Jagruti and Shivaji that they were given an better and prosper in memorable days for the w e r e t h e r e s o u r c e opportunity be resource the business. Thus, K a r u n y a S t a ff a s persons. Karunya Trust persons. Training has women have moved Kindernothilfe (KNH) has not only empowered built the self-conidence, towards the income organized the Literacy the tribal women but self–esteem and team generation , there will and Functional Literacy taken great effort and spirit of the staff. The be improvement in Training at Kalyan. Six initiative to empower the credit goes to Karunya he aim of Karunya t r a i n e d r e g a r d i n g their lifestyle through NGOs from different staff. Through spiritual Trust that has not only Trust was fulilled various government business, children will states participated in this guidance and different motivated the staff but T when 5 women availed of s c h e m e s , l e g a l have better education program. There were 20 trainings on staff capacity also created excellent the government scheme d o c u m e n t s a n d and the status of women participants including building, Karunya Trust trainers. for livelihood. Women livelihood. 5 tribal will be raised high. two assistants of the has motivated the staff to were taken to Panchayat women set the goal in National Coordinator, gain knowledge and share Ms. Jagruti Lad Samiti, made aware and their SHGs to start the Mrs. Usha Jadhav KNH. It was a wonderful it with others and it was Karunya Staff Karunya Staff training as rural karunya through this spirit that

Maryachpada to paint Volunteer work by two houses and enjoyed the simple yet serene youth lifestyle of the people. This volunteer service has encouraged the arunya Trust has render their service. A youth to contribute b e e n p r o v i d i n g team of 12 energetic K meaningfully to the homes for the homeless youth and 2 professors society, has helped them a n d i t i s a g r e a t f r o m H o n g K o n g experience the loving achievement to bring joy University visited the nature of the villagers and happiness to these Pimpoli village along while also illing the families. In order to make with Dr. James from villagers with great joy. t h e s e h o u s e s m o r e Panvel and painted two b e a u t i f u l , m a n y houses. The youth from Mr. Bhagwan Pawar individuals especially Infant Jesus Church, Karunya Staff youth from parishes D o m b i v l i v i s i t e d Karunya News April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 07

Thank you so much Karunya Trust for your valuable time. It was really great to see your hard work and great inputs provided to the community is appreciable. Keep up your hard work and good deeds in Kalyan Block. 4URBAN Caritas- Nepal visit Reported by - Preparation of lowcost Nutrition Jeevan Team spent everything I e a r n e d o n h e r Towards food sovereignty medicines but was unable to pay the cost of the tonic that was also prescribed to her. This is when the staff of K a r u n y a T r u s t reminded me about the training on low cost nutrition supplement preparation I had participated in. Having never taken these trainings seriously, I was hit by the massive n e e d f o r t h e s e , Seema Waghe, am a w e a k d u e t o trainings because of hemical farming can proit but if its beneits farming and cultivating member of Self Help malnutrition and was which I prepared the Cb e s a i d t o b e are less then the adverse v e g e t a b l e s f r o m I effects can be seen in t r a d i t i o n a l s e e d s . G r o u p f o r m e d b y low cost nutrition beneicial, but twice its effect is happening on l a r g e n u m b e r s . Karunya Trust through K a r u n y a Tr u s t a t s u p p l e m e n t f r o m d r u m s t i c k l e a v e s every element of the Therefore, the solution to Caritas India arranged Devoli and have been Earth. The impact of this is to come together the exposure for Nepal an active participant in which restored my daughter's health. global warming, the from the smallest. Most team to visit Thakurpada different trainings and consequences of human of the tribal live on hamlet. 12 participates Thanks to Karunya awareness programs health, decreased oats farming as its their along with Mr. Melvin organized by them. Trust for organizing and increasing pollution occupation. Thakurpada state oficer of Caritas T h r o u g h t h e s e such trainings and India and Staff from trainings I have gained e m p o w e r i n g t h e k a r u n y a v i s i t e d k n o w l e d g e a b o u t women. Thakurpada hamlet. Nepal team had the h e a l t h a n d interaction with the government schemes. Mrs. Seema Waghe SHG member, Devloli. farmers and Exchanged A w h i l e a g o , m y prescribed medicinal the traditional seeds daughter became very care by the doctor. I which was enriching and fruitful. Jeevan Project, Kalyan a r e a l s o a ff e c t e d . hamlet with 23 families Mr. Pravin Pandit Agriculture is a business situated in Kalyan block . Karunya staff Struggle for drinking water that is mainly used for Families are involved in ven today, the issue village’s land lord. So the drinking water Eof drinking water in we have to save and issue in Gram Sabha. r u r a l a r e a i s s t i l l store water for one The voice is not heard prevailing . Women w e e k ” s a i d P a y a l s o t h e c o m m u n i t y have to struggle so Baratad one of the people came together much for water. The active village leader. and took initiative to same issue was found in Families spend Rs. 150 visit the chairman of Kelni hamlet. for drinking water. Panchayat Samiti and Kelni village is 18 kms Children are falling sick s u b m i t t e d t h e away from Kalyan Block due to scarcity of water. application. Women of Thane District of Family lose their one have set their goal to Maharashtra. 35 Tribal day wage as they take ight for the rights and families of Thakur leave from the work for get the drinking – safe community reside in fetching drinking water. water to Kelni Hamlet. Kelni Hamlet. These Through the facilitation people work on daily tribal Hamlets of Kelani to solve the issue of “In our hamlet we are of Karunya Trust the wages to earn their village is a big problem. drinking water but not 35 families, we have to people became aware of Mrs. Sadhana Butere livelihood. T h e wo m e n i n t h e succeed for the last purchase once in a week Gram sabha. The staff Karunya Staff. Drinking water in the village have been trying three years. w a t e r f r o m o t h e r motivated them to raise Seed Bank founded by women farmers... scale farmers have own seeds will be provided to wisdom, skill, knowledge other tribal women and hard work based on farmers so that they can that they can try to have a proit. Today change mind set towards Nalambi women have of food security. Karunya formed a seed bank in Trust motivated women t h e i r h a m l e t s . T h e to do the traditional demand for traditional f a r m i n g b y u s i n g seed is increase. This traditional seed . 16 tribal m o d e l h a s c r e a t e d women from Nalambi awa re n e s s i n o t h e r Hamlet took the initiative villages and motivated towards the collective the villagers to have seed farming. Farmers have to bank which will increase pay more amount to buy the farmers income. seeds from the market which was challenge for huge amount they were women farmers to do Mr. Satish Thakare the tribal. It was leading not getting the good cultivation of traditional Karunya Staff uccess in farming u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f quality of seeds. Karunya seeds and create a seed d e p e n d s o n farming system. Small them towards the loss in S farming. Inspite of paying staff facilitated the bank and through this Yes I want to get involved through Donation Karunya News (Donations are 50% deductable under section April. 2019, Vol: 7; Issue: 2 08 80G of the Income Tax Act) Looking at the children and their great work for society has really In Cash* r made me feel small in front of them. I personally would like to do a small contribution to social work learning from this experience. Education Programs Thank you for the experience! Ms. Vaibhavi, r Rs. 1,000/- to provide holistic education to a child rag picker Employee at COTECNA for a month

r Rs. 4,000/- to provide initial study for a poor student for a year From Jeevan Project r Rs. 8,400/- to provide holistic education to a HIV infected / affected child for a year r Rs. 15,000/- to provide partial support for higher education for a Decided... Committed... Succeeded... student

r Rs. 50,000/- to provide major support for professional education of a student for a year

r Rs. 50,400/- to educate child for six years (5th - 10th std) (Rs. 400 per year)

Vocational Training

r Rs. 3,000/- to provide 3 months Vocational education to boy/girl

r Rs. 3,500/- to provide 4 months tailoring training course to an adolescent girl

r Rs. 6,500/- to provide a tailoring machine to a trained girl

Meal for the poor

r Rs. 1,500/- to provide one time meal for a family, for a week

r Rs. 4,000/- to provide one time meal for a day, for 100 street children

r Rs. 24,000/- to provide one time meal for a week, for 100 street children

Health Programs r Rs.3,000/- to support a needy patient for a month ruit of a hard work is from the forest and they to walk ive kilometers s e r v i c e s . Frewarded when we Sell in the market. Some to reach the school. Due G r a m p a n c h a y a t r Rs.6,000/- to provide monthly medical check up, for 200 street children t r y t o a c h i e v e adivasis gather the t o s u c h p r o b l e m resolution was approved collectively. The tribal vegetables from near by children avoid going to in Monthly meeting”, r Rs.10,000/- to provide initial care and support to a w o m e n h a d g r e a t farms. Since there are school. Due to this said Sitabai Fasale. destitute e x p e r i e n c e o f n o b u s s e r v i c e s reason drop out number r Rs.15,000/- to conduct medical check ups & provide collectivism. Dahivali available, People ind is increasing”, said “The next morning we medicines at rural village (for 300 people) village is situated in dificult to carry their Ramabai one of the 25 women together Income generation programs for rural women and farmers Kalyan Taluka of Thane vegetable for selling. active member in the went to meet bus District of Maharashtra. They have to arrange village. manager and applied for r Rs.8,000/- to provide initial support for organic farming This village is 20 km private vehicles to go to b u s s e r v i c e s . W e away from the Block. 65 market. Expenditure “After realizing this issue explained about the r Rs.10,000/- to provide initial support for small scale IGP families of Katkari and c o m e s m o r e t h a n w e v i l l a g e w o m e n tragedy of children and r Rs.10,000/- to provide two goats to a needy family in a Thakur communities income. Therefore, they gathered together and women. We asked to pay rural village helping them for a steady income live in Dahivali village. don’t ind the proit in started thinking about a t t e n t i o n t o t h e Shelter Programs Due to lack of livelihood the ield of farming. bus services. We twelve educational losses of r e s o u r c e s p e o p l e women came together children,” Jaya mukane. r Rs.50,000/- to provide partial support to build a rural house for dependent on the forest. “Having the primary and discussed in the Tribal family school in the village, meeting. First we visited Kamalakar Raut Tribal live their life on students have to go to village Grampanchayat Karunya Staff. r Rs.75,000/- to provide major support to build a rural house object from the forest. another village for and submitted written r Rs.1,50,000/- to provide full support to build a rural house Collect the vegetables education. Children have application for the bus

*By Cheque r or DD r No.______Dated______In favour of KARUNYA TRUST, An Initiative of Mothers surviving life threatening diseases Bishop’s House, P.B. No. 8434, IIT P.O., Powai, Mumbai - 76, from Project Savli Maharashtra, India.

Net Banking: (A/c. No. 0366053000001238, South Indian Bank Ltd. Powai, IFSC code of A/c. SIBL0000366) SAVLI CLOTH BAG (Once you transfer your generous contribution, kindly inform Karunya Trust either by Phone 022 25798625 or email at [email protected])

In Kind r Note books for children r Library books for children r Stationary r Sports items r Dress materials r (Others)

My voluntary service r

My proficiency ......

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“Welcome to Karunya Trust, Your presence and suggestions are valued in our organization” KARUNYA TRUST INVITES VOLUNTEERS Come volunteer with us in our Urban and Rural Projects to teach students, be a sports coach or share your creative talents/proficiency.

Volunteers may contact: 022/ 25798625/ 25785515 or E-mail to [email protected]