Cross Decures War on the Old Guard; Will Fight “Deals99
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AVBKAOB OAILT OUU)Ul,ATION 'HUB ter aw manth sf Wevembir, 1M4 Poraeoat of 0. a Weai ' Bartford 5,438 Increoslag doodioeoa, not so eoM er St the Andit tonight: Wednesday aaow or rata, ai UrenisHons oot so ookL ^ VOL. UV., NO. 67. (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1934. (Claaalfled Adverasisg on Page IS.). PRICE THREE CB HITLER WOUNDED QUISH IS NAMED SAYS NEWSPAPER HtOOPS PATROL Austrian Journal Reports That CROSS DECURES WAR BIRTHDAY BALL Girl Shot Dictator—She Was HAVANA AS NEW Killed By Guards After- wards. CHAIRMMHERE TROUBLELOOMSt Unz, Austria, Dec. 18.—(AP) ON THE OLD GUARD; —^Today’s Issue of the news- Proceeds This Year To Go paper Unzer Volksbiatt said Forty Bombs Exploded Dar- 99 that Reichsfuebrer Hitler . had . Largely Towards Fighting been wounded by a revolver shot fired by a girl In Berlin. ing the Night — Five Per- WILL FIGHT “ DEALS The newspaper,' claiming It Infantile Paralysis m This had the story from “a trust- worthy source,” said the girl sons Injured — Extra was the daughter of Leader State Executive, Aroused Local Area. Brueckner of the Silesian pro- Precautions Are Taken. vincial Nazi Party and that she Naval Parley Near End went to Berlin after her father’s Over Selection of Officen arrest Members of the last Birthday There, the newspaper stated, Havana, Dec. 18.—(AP)—Nearly Ball for the President committee 1,000 soldiers patrolled the streets With Accord Far Off Made at Democratic Caih she fired a shot from a Uuci os met in the Municipal building last it passed Hitler’s car. of Havana today after a night of night and decided that Manchester The story has it that the girl bombings and talk of revolution. ■ cus, Makes Militant S^te- should hold another such affair In and her taxi driver were killed By .ASSOCIATED PRESS 'resumption, it was indicated, would by Hitler's guards. Terror spread throughout the city The conferences In London be- suit tbe Japanese in about March. the. State Armory on Wednesday shortly before midnight when more tween the United States, Great While It was said officially in ment ~ Declares “Out- night, January 30, naming William Britain and Japan, looking toward Tokyo that the Japanese needed a P. Quish, well knowm local funeral than forty bombs were exploded. Three women and two men were In^ the formulation of a new interna- little time to prepare additional tional naval treaty, neareo a close material > for conferences, prelimi- sider” Dictates Policies oi STANDS BEFORE jured. today with Japan moving to check- nary to planning a nev naval treaty, the unofficial opinion was Soldiers spent the early morning mate any possible all.gation by the hours searching pedestrians, motor- United States that Janan Is respon- expressed that Japan feared the Senate Organization from ists, . buses and street cars for sible for the breakdown of the Lon- United States would say that the MIRROR,SHOOTS bombs. Fourteen persons were ar- don parley. Indefinite conclusion of the London rested on charges of placing the ex- The British delegation announced conversation- waa brought atxiut by His Hartford Office. plosives or for having them In their that the conversations would be the denunciation of tne Washington SELF^DIES possession. abondoned Thursday, following con- naval treaty of 1922 which Japan is The city became excited over the sultations with the ,/apancse and expected to make shortly. Hartford, Dec. 18—(AP) — Gov- possibility of a revolutionary out American representatives. Meanwhile, in Paris, Francois ernor Wilbur L. Cross today defln. break after police seized a supply of Tokyo instructed its delegation to Pletrl, minister of the navy, told the itcly broke with the dominant Old Bolton Man, Said to Have dynamite and arrested ninety pas- see to It that the communique Feench Senate that a naval race be- which the conferees put out. an- tween nations was probable when Guard faction of his party, denounc- sengers in buses where the ex- plosives were found. nouncing the adjournment, contains the Washington Treaty waa de- ing the slate of officera adopted at Been Despondent, Kisses Extra Precautions the statement that Japan desires nounced. He asked for an increas- last night's Democratic caucus and Extra precautions were taken by that they be taken up again. Such ed naval appropriation. In effect declaring war on their al- the army when an officer announced leged plans for patronage deals. Mother Goodbye Before he had detailed three members of the In a militant statement the gov* ABC political party opposed to the government of President Carlos arnor charged the Devlln-Hageariy* Committing Suicide. Cooney nominations were the ro- Mendletta and hIs strong man Man- uel Batista commander in chief of SAYS MILK ASSOCIATION suit of an attem pt on the part at the army. Sailors and police also "outsiders'' to dictate the organiza- Edward Brown, 56, a resident of tion of the Senate and, perhaps, to were held In readiness. Bolton for about a year, committed The officer said he had seen many transfer the business of the stata staking their lives in a perilous medical experiment for hope of liberty, ROBBED STATE FARMERS to the “office o^ a Hartford lawyer.'* suicide yesterday afternoon by send other men, presumably ABC mem- Ing two bullets Into his head while bera leaving the city In groups. two Colorado life-term convicts have won and will be freed from prison The governor’s declaration of war . standing before a mirror in the cel- Tension has been high since a before Christmas by order of Governor E. C. Johnson. The pair was follows an Old Guard victory by osa William F. quish lar of his aunt's home on the Bol- band of armed men, allegedly secret inoculated with a new scrum developed to prevent tuberculosis, then vote at last night's caucus in tljla ton-Andover road. police last week raided the plant of millions of the disease germs Injected into their veins. After months of Head of Producer-Dealers BIG LINER RUSHES city of the seventeen DemocratiO director, as general chairman. Wil- Mr. Brown was In the yard when the newspaper Acclon, an ABC or- experiment, they were pronounced in perfect condition. Above, an order- Senators when by a vote of 9 to S liam J. Thornton, who waa chair- man came along and asked to be gan, and forced nine editorial work- ly is shown giving the last "shot” to Mike Schmidt, while Warden Roy the following slate was named: man of the last most successful allowed to cut a Christmas tree. ers to take castor oil. Best, Governor John.son, and Carl Erickson, the other patient, look on. Tells Federal Probers TO SHIP’S RESCUE For President pro-tempore, Ray* ball, was unable to act again since Brown offered to help him get the ABC leaders announced the raid as Left, below. Is Schmidt; right, Erickson. mond J. Devlin of New Haven. the pressure of Legislature duties tree and then entered the house. He equivalent to "a declaration of war.” ^ About Rival Group’s Clas- ---- For Judiciary committee chair* will not give him the time. was noticed taking a mirror from His opponents charged Batista man and floor leader. William B, Same Organization one of the upper rooms and later go- with despotism similar to the Hagearty of New Britain. Under Chairman Quish practical- ing Into the cejiar. There was no Machado regime. In connection with siheation System. Earopa Speeds to Aid of For Senate Clerk, Joseph 9, ly the same organization that cop- noise heard, but hts body was found reports of groups departing from Cooney of. Hartford. ducted last January’s affair will Havana, it was pointed out opposi- WAR CLOUDS GATHERING For Assistant Clerk, former Sene* Norwegian Freighter That ator William L. Conley at Bridge^ again function. The appointment (CoDUnaed on Page Two) tion groups have said their "next Hartford. Dec. 18.—(AP)—Presi- port. of various committee chairmen to revolution” would be begub in the dent Morton E. Pierpont of the Milk act on the general committee was Interior. <3ooney and Hagearty were priB* OVER U. S. POWER ISSUE Producer-Dealers Association of is Helpless in Fierce Storm cipals in the minor court judgeshl)) left to Mr. Quish. * Lost night’s Ninety Arrested deals of the last session of the gea* gathering acting under authoriza- Tbe huge dynamite display was (Connecticut testified at tbe Federal tion from the National committee TOUHY NOW SOUGHT era! assembly. made when the police searched the Trade (jomml'ssion’a milk inquiry to- New York, Dec. 18.—(AP)—The of which Henry L. Doherty is chair- buses. The ninety men arrested r; Barked Blackall Edison Electric Instilnie R E PO R T BETTY GOW day that the system employed by crack liner Europa pounded her man named In addition to Mr. were taken to headquarters where Governor Cross yesterday urged Quish a secretary, Mrs. Thomas BY FEDERAL MEN the Connecticut Milk Producers As- way through hea'vy North Atlantic the nomination of Senator John C. police questioned them. Headquar- Dannaber, treasurer Robert B. ters replied to calls by saying they Asks Supreme Ceurl De-| g jg g sociation In classifying Its members seas today to the aid of the small Blackall of this city for party lead- 5 milk for the market is robbing the er, sa)dng the Hartford man weS Hathaway and a publicity commit- were in conference. Norwegian freighter Sisto, which tee as follows: Ronald H. Ferguson, farmer. He said he knows only three best qualified" for that responsDfll- ' chairman, Francis King, Harold cision — Administration ^__ farmers In (Connecticut receiving as was wallowing helplessly In moun- Ity.