DO NOT CIRCULATE BETHLEHEM Pl)BUC UBRARY · ..., ... ...1-r ..._.,;.-~"*****•••••••••••••••••FIRM 12054 . • . , T ..... t '"-... • •.._ '·' .,, ~ ,_ • 18ll9 1~8-2009 .• BE"nU..EHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY ·· ..........If6ra·ry-to·offer more Disney movi·es 451 DELAWARE AVE DELMAR NY 12054-3042 Successful Guilderland series to continue in the fall See Page 9 In this week's issue •• Police Residents hope -r • to save span unton Christine Frankovic of South I I Bethlehem has started collect 'I L seeks ing signatures on a petition to save Ben's Bridge in Selkirk. See .story on Page 17. ' \ silence l \l, Guilderland Town Board l members upset over flow of information \ \ . ·l ,J ·- ~·\ ' By DAN SABBATINO . "'-.-:• - jl
[email protected] An ·area Jaw firm represent· ing the Guilderland police union ' . - -"- -issued .. a statement Friday, Aug. Gregory Sheldon stands with the family at their new home he helped build In the village of Tosilgua in Manabi 21, condenining toWn officials for Ecuador. Hugo Palacios, left, stands with this family and Sheldon, far right, at the home. releasing information about an in- Submiffed photo quiry into police procedure based on a letter from an officer to supe riors in July. Asight The letter from the Police Be pevolent Association's Jaw firm He sells hope Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O'Shea to ski comes on the heels of a statement The U.S.WaterSki Show Team Bethlehem man helps may have brought him ·around from the PBA asking officials to is a summer staple at Jumpin' Third-World schools and the world, but his personal jour· refrain from speaking about the Jack's in Scotia.