He Sells Hope
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DO NOT CIRCULATE BETHLEHEM Pl)BUC UBRARY · ..., ... ...1-r ..._.,;.-~"*****•••••••••••••••••FIRM 12054 . • . , T ..... t '"-... • •.._ '·' .,, ~ ,_ • 18ll9 1~8-2009 .• BE"nU..EHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY ·· ..........If6ra·ry-to·offer more Disney movi·es 451 DELAWARE AVE DELMAR NY 12054-3042 Successful Guilderland series to continue in the fall See Page 9 In this week's issue •• Police Residents hope -r • to save span unton Christine Frankovic of South I I Bethlehem has started collect 'I L seeks ing signatures on a petition to save Ben's Bridge in Selkirk. See .story on Page 17. ' \ silence l \l, Guilderland Town Board l members upset over flow of information \ \ . ·l ,J ·- ~·\ ' By DAN SABBATINO . "'-.-:• - jl [email protected] An ·area Jaw firm represent· ing the Guilderland police union ' . - -"- -issued .. a statement Friday, Aug. Gregory Sheldon stands with the family at their new home he helped build In the village of Tosilgua in Manabi 21, condenining toWn officials for Ecuador. Hugo Palacios, left, stands with this family and Sheldon, far right, at the home. releasing information about an in- Submiffed photo quiry into police procedure based on a letter from an officer to supe riors in July. Asight The letter from the Police Be pevolent Association's Jaw firm He sells hope Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O'Shea to ski comes on the heels of a statement The U.S.WaterSki Show Team Bethlehem man helps may have brought him ·around from the PBA asking officials to is a summer staple at Jumpin' Third-World schools and the world, but his personal jour· refrain from speaking about the Jack's in Scotia. The last show of ney has brought hint from a care inquiry. villages by selling their free adolescent with an affinity for The matter was raised after of· the season is Tuesday, Sept.1. the party scene to the 28-year-old fleer David Romano sent a letter to See story on Page 18. wares and crafts humanitarian that he is today. his superior officers questioning The death of his best friend, the lack of petty cash funds avail By JARRETT CARROLL Eden Roe, in 2005 was a pivotal able for drug investigations. The [email protected] turning point in Sheldon's life PBA said that the matter should and sparked the eventual cre have been kept confidential. Gregory Sheldon still hits up ation of a non-profit organization Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & the festivals and concert circuits. that he has named 'The Eden's O'Shea representatives wrote, The only difference now is Rose Foundation." 'The release of this document that instead of selling incense Sheldon said it was not simply [Romano's letter] to the media and macrame art to score tickets one event that changed his path is a reprehensible dereliction of to the next show, he's sending in life, but more "a culmination" duty and a clear violation of Jaw." the money to Ecuador and India of events that include several The Jetter also said that publi· to help fund ramshackle schools friends dying - including_ Roe stands in the cizing Romano's complaint could and intprove the Jives of some the - and his sister being in a "hor· foreground In front of their home that jeopardize ongoing police investi· world's poorest inhabitants. ribly debilitating" acCident. burned down on Christmas Eve. gations and informants. Sheldon's physical journey D Hope Page 16 Submitted photo D Silence Page 16 The results arem• New charges, new allegations in BPD case Who is Siena's greatest tion of signing off on any of the de coach? This and other answers Deputy police chief through hours of recorded conver· sations looking for the three-year· partment's charges against him. might surprise you as we reveal listens to CDs to try to find old alleged incident. ''I didn't do anything wrong and the final tallies from our Spot alleged racist remark Standing his ground, as he puts they know that, my 13-year record light Sports Survey. it, Hughes told The Spotlight on speaks for itself," Hughes said "If See story on Page 32. By JARRETI CARROLL Wednesday, Aug. 19, that he was of· they had something substantial on me carrollj@spottightnews. com fered a deal by Town Attorney Mi· they would have made this go away chael Smith to drop his grievances along tinte ago, and not added another After alleging Bethlehem Police against back-to-hack 3Q..day suspen cliarge when they figured out the first Chief Louis Corsi tried to cover up a sions from the Bethlehem Police ridiculous charges couldn~ stick." racist remark made during a phone Department in return for a written On June 8, the town added a call, officer Christopher Hughes disciplinary notice. and the Joss of charge of "insubordination and fiill. 6 is still out of work as Deputy Po three vacation days. ure to act in proper manner to/with Bethlehem police oHicer THE SPOTLIGHT$.75 lice Chief Tintothy Beebe is going Hughes said he rejected the no- D Case Page 12 Christopher Hughes Page-2~August-2~,2009 .. ' . ... : ~.: - Vt:H\881 J OUM~ 19 ~.r-n..f~ !HT-H7be spotlight . ; . - .- - . ... ·l - ~, , ..- _,.,-•. ,. _.. ,.=. : . ·n .I'· ·- :-,... ·B··l ... tt .. ,_ :!· .: -·-,:_,- ·- -· · ·ro 1ce ··o e~r~ ·Felony marijuana charges brought for: pair at strip mall Guilderland Police arrested as a cashier at Crossgates Mall he was involved in a crash thatled west. on Feura Bush Road and Carbonaro was arraigned by Paul M. Pagan, 24, of 12 Hillcrest and stole the credit car of one of to the injury of his passenger on that officers on patrol saw him Bethlehem Town Justice Ryan Ave. in Albany on charges of its customers. She then allegedly Veeder Road. He then proceeded "cross the yellow line with half the · Donovan and sent to th.e Albany· felony possession of marijuana used it to purchase items at· 'to run from_the scene. He hid in vehicle going into the oncoming County Correctional Facility in. and aggravated· unlic-ensed stores totaling· $527. Williams · bushes, according to the report; lane." lieu of a $15,000 cash bail or bond, operation of a vehicle and Amanda then allegedly attempted to use but later returned to the accident Officers stopped Jones near the report states. T Hepfinger, 21, of 721 State St the card again.' at other stores and admitted to driving.the vehicle Murray Avenue and could smell The Rotterdam Police in Albany, on the felony charge of before being apprehended. She and consuming alcohol. alcohol on his breath while Department were advised to lodge criminal possession of marijuana, is scheduled to appear in court Thepassengerwastransported conducting an interview and their warrant against Carbonaro on Friday, Aug. 14, accorcling to on Thursday, Aug. 27, to St Peter's Ho~pital, the report also observed him display signs at the county jail. · police reports. •GUilderland Police arrested states. of intoxication, according to the • Damien 0. Moore·, 34, Pagan was arrested 'after being Daniel P. Heeren, 24, of71 Carsted He is scheduled to appear in arrestreport . listed as "undomiciled" by the pulled over for a traffic stop, and Dr. in Slingerlands on charges of court on Thursday, Aug. 27. He was asked to eidt his vehicle Bethlehem police )Vas arrested police allegedly found the pair to felony criminal sex acts dating • Guilderland Police arrested to conduct a field-sobriety test, on seven counts offelony second be in possession of 8.2 ounces back to last year, (~~'Cording to Barbara A. McLachlan, 43, of which he failed, and Jones tested degree criffiinal possession of a· of marijuana the report states. police reports. 1980 Western Ave. in Albany, on positive for alcohol before being · forged instrument; five counts Hepfinger was reported as being The report stites Heeren was OWl charges, on Sunday, Aug. 16 taken into custody and having his of seventh-degree criminal · in possession· of an open bottle of more than 21 years old and the according to police reports. car towed, the report states. possession of _stolen property, scotch whisky. victim was Jess than 17 years of · · McLachlan was arrested near Police said they transported all misdemeanors; and two Hepfinger is scheduled to age. the corner ofVenezio Avenue and him to the Bethlehem Police counts a petit larceny, both reappear in court on Thursday, Heeren was arrested on We& tern Avenue and.is scheduled Department where he consented misdemeanors. Aug. 27, and Pagan was Thur.sday, Aug. 13, and was to appear in court on Thursday, to a chemical test that revealed More was transported from arraigned on Friday, Aug. 14. arraigned later that day. Aug. 27. · his BAC was over the legal limit the Albany County Correctional The arrest occurred at 20 Mall, • Guilderland Police arrested of 0.08 percent. A background Facility to the Bethlehem Police in Guilderland. • Bethlehem police arrested a Alexander Timofeyev, 18, 36 22-year-<J!d Selkirk man for felony. check revealed that Jones had a Deparbnent on an active warrant Ableman St in Albany, on several OWl after his vehicle was spotted prior alcohol-related conviction signed by BethlehemTown] ustice · .charges includin'g OWl on driving into the opposite lane of in Guilderland in 2006. Paul Dwyer and he was processed · Other arrests Monday, Aug. 16, according to oncoming traffic. He was picked up by his mother before being arraigned by Justice •Guilderland Police ·arrested Ryan Donovan, accorcling to the police reports. · Jerry J. Jones, of 27 Esplande and is scheduled to appear in Loray A. Williams, 24, of 223 Timofeyev has been charged · Bethlehem Town Court on Sept arrest report Green St. in Albany on felony St., Selkirk, was charged with wjth leaving the scene of a personal felony OWl, felony driving with 1.