Technical Specification
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ITEM 00470 BRICK MANHOLES 470.1 Description. This item shall govern for the construction of brick manholes on sanitary sewer lines or storm sewers, 72-inch in diameter or smaller including the materials used therein and the furnishing of frame, rings and covers. Manholes for pipe sized greater than 72-inch, use precast concrete manholes. 470.2 Materials. Reinforcing steel shall conform to the Item, "Reinforcing Steel". Concrete shall conform to the Item, "Structural Concrete". Mortar shall conform to ASTM C270, Type M, using Portland Cement. Aggregate for Mortar shall conform to ASTM C144. Cast iron shall conform to ASTM A48, Class No. 30 - Cast iron manhole frames and covers shall be manufactured to the dimensions shown on the attached drawing. Casting shall be free from sand or blow holes and other defects. Holes in cover to be free from plugs and burrs. The machined bearing surfaces of manhole frames and covers shall obtain even bearing. Cast wording "Sanitary Sewer" or "Storm Sewer", as applicable. Thirty-two (32) inch manhole covers will be used on all manholes. Concrete brick shall be in accordance with ASTM C55, Grade A. Concrete brick is not allowed for the construction of sanitary sewer manholes. Bricks shall be of first quality, sound, hard-burned perfectly shaped brick. Shale bricks, if used, shall be homogeneous thoroughly and uniformly burned. Bricks shall not absorb more than 16- percent of water by weight when submerged in water for 24-hours, having been in a completely dry state prior to placing in water. Clay brick shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation C32, Grade NA, except that not more than 16% maximum individual brick absorption will be permitted.
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