!πû∞Ω®*ä∞Ì©vÎ LΩΩ̉ Quarterly Chronicle Volume 15, Number 3 Fall 2009 IN THIS ISSUE Bert Morris‘s War–Betty Warburton A Discovery in Brompton Cemetery, London, England–Caroline Herbert My First Genealogical Post-nominal–John D. Reid Push, Pull and Opportunity–Lucille Campey 2009 Annual General Meeting Report–Roy Thomas British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa Founded and Incorporated in 1994 Telephone 613-234-2520 (Voice Mail) Mailing Address: BIFHSGO, PO BOX 38026, OTTAW A ON K2C 3Y7 CANADA E-mail:
[email protected] Charitable Registration No. 89227 4044 RR0001 W eb Homepage: www.bifhsgo.ca BIFHSGO Board of Directors–2009œ2010 The Society President Mary Anne Sharpe 613-562-4570 The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) is an independent, federally-incorporated Recording Secretary Ron Elliott 613-820-0285 society, and a Registered Charity (Reg. No. 89227 4044 Treasurer Cliff Adams 613-225-1519 RR0001). The purpose of BIFHSGO is to encourage, carry on and facilitate research into and publication of Research & Projects Brian Glenn 613-830-2948 family histories by people who have ancestors in the British Isles. Membership Sharon Moor 613-249-9062 The objectives of the Society are: to preserve, research Director (Communications) Betty Burrows 613-224-5769 and disseminate Canadian and British Isles family and Director (Publicity) vacant social history for the benefit of current and future generations; and to promote genealogical research Director (Programs) Jane Down 613-741-1463 through a program of public education that teaches people how to do research and how to preserve their Director (Education) Lesley Anderson 613-834-6477 findings in a readily accessible form.