Carloviana Journal of the Old Carlow Society
Carloviana Journal of the Old Carlow Society • ftne Shilling, r Willie Hosey ~k~_,/tf!lbn?u:// (~u{}w~ !be/ 138 Tullow Street Purveyors of Pure Food Supplies Carlow Wine Merchants Tea and Coffee Specialists Tailoring and Outfitting . Men's Shoes .. Service and Courtesy Civility -- Value HIGH-GRADE CLOTHES /-?cf-/-?.9 5J::~w 5/hee( FOR MEN AND BOYS Y5attiJw Phone Carlow 16 and 202 -------------·~---~---------, Gavin's Fishing Tackle JOHN HARDING Granby Row, Carlow Builder, Contractor and Joinery Manufacturer ALL TYPES RODS, REELS, LINES, BAITS IN STOCK ALL TYPES OF BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK EXECUTED Over a hundred patterns of Trout Flies. Rod Repairs Good Stock Salmon Flies SPECIALISTS IN PLUMBING Agent for and Walker Bampton SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Allcock Millward Ogden Smith Enquiries : Rudge 48 Tullow Street, Carlow Haynes Estimates Free Dayl Works: John Street Mil bro !J3 Cunningham Groceries Visit PHOTOGRAPHER The Crystal Bar 17 GJJublin Street Ca,low Proprietor: JOHN MCEVOY Comfortable Accommodation and Wedding and Birthday Parties catered for. High-Class Catering Lunches, Dinners and Teas Portraiture a Speciality Parties catered for on short notice Attends all Dances on Request Tullow Street, Carlow Phone Carlow 281. DARCY'S MERNE BROTHERS \\< holesale and Retail Manufacturers of Household, Office and School Furniture Shop Fitments, Kitchen Units, Joinery: for Value C.D.B. Hives, Bar Frames and Bee Appliances. QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST FURNITURE Give us a trial and be assured of & DRAPERY High-class Workmanship OFFICE AND WORKS: P. & M. DARCY I Tullow Road, Carlow I CARLOW & TULLOW Phone 214 TONY'S Carlow's · Leading Ladies' and Gent's Hairdressers Make your appointment now flea, '11.\nr, Spirit and Provision for Christmas ;Jr[erchanl I .
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