November 27, 2012 Dear Members of The

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November 27, 2012 Dear Members of The November 27, 2012 Dear Members of the NSAC Subcommittee on the Implementation of the Long Range Plan: We the undersigned 824 members of the FRIB Users Organization are writing to express the importance of the timely completion of the FRIB project. FRIB is a central component of our future research plans and will enable forefront research and discovery into the nature of atomic nuclei, the origin of elements in WKHFRVPRVWHVWVRIQDWXUH¶VIXQGDPHQWDOODZVDQGVRFLHWDO applications of isotopes. The exciting science case for FRIB and the other rationale for its completion are summarized in the document "FRIB: Opening New Frontiers in Nuclear Science" that we submitted to you in September. The field of nuclear science now encompasses a broad and exciting scientific landscape. Within this landscape, the study of nuclei remains a vital component of the field. Major discoveries are on the horizon into the interactions that govern the properties of nuclei and in the understanding of nuclear processes that drive astrophysical environments. It is likely that other unexpected discoveries will accompany the vast new view of nuclear systems with extreme neutron-to-proton ratios made available by the next generation of rare isotope facilities. The 2007 Long Range Plan outlined the steps needed to achieve a vibrant future for nuclear physics in the U.S. The plan envisions a program where QCD phenomena, nuclei, and fundamental symmetries are studied. It also describes the set of capabilities required to achieve this vision. Specifically, the LRP recognized that a new capability, FRIB, was needed in the area of nuclear structure and nuclear DVWURSK\VLFVDQGFDOOHGWKLVQHHG³PRVWDFXWH´)5,%LVWKH second priority of the 2007 Long Range Plan (the first for new construction) and the first recommendation of the 2012 National Research Council study of Nuclear Physics. The scientific case for FRIB is now even stronger than in 2007 and the need more acute. Our user community is strongly committed to building an exciting future research program at FRIB. This will be a unique facility with powerful capabilities to produce a wide range of rare isotopes as beams at a variety of energies ranging from thermal to reaccelerated to fast. It will not only facilitate advances in the structure of nuclei and their cosmic origin, but also in the fields of energy, medical diagnostics and therapy, materials science, and homeland security. We strongly urge you to articulate the nuclear science FRPPXQLW\¶VFRPPLWPHQWDQGYLVLRQRIWKH/RQJ Range Plan in your report and include nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics as a fundamental component of the U.S. nuclear science program by making FRIB a priority. Sincerely, The following undersigned Members of the FRIB Users Organization* *We are signing of our own accord and not on behalf of the institutions for which we are employed. Page 1 of 11 Brittany Abromeit Lagy Baby Con Beausang Michigan State University Florida State University University of Richmond Faisal Abu-Nimeh Sonia Bacca Fred Becchetti National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory TRIUMF University of Michigan Dieter Ackermann Andrew Bacher Saul Beceiro Novo GSI Darmstadt Indiana University, Bloomington National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Anatoli Afanasjev Birger Back Michigan State University Mississippi State University Argonne National Laboratory Ana Becerril Larry Ahle Vincent Bader Instituto de Estr uctur a de l a Mater i a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory David Becker Sunghoon Ahn Michigan State Uni ver si ty Oakland University University of Tennessee, Knoxville Coral Baglin John Becker Tan Ahn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Jessica Baker Shadi Bedoor Navin Alahari Florida State University Wester n Mi chi gan Uni ver si ty GANIL Dimiter Balabanski Timothy Beers Nicolas Alamanos INRNE, Bulgaria Kitt Peak National Observatory IRFU Baha Balantekin Joseph Belarge Martin Alcorta University of Wisconsin Florida State University Argonne National Laboratory Gordon Ball Frank Bello Alejandro Algora TRIUMF University of Oslo IFIC Adriana Banu Carla Benatti James Allmond James Madison University National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Dan Bardayan Michigan State University Daniel Alt Oak Ridge National Laboratory Michael Bentley National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Robert Bark University of York Héctor Alvarez Pol iThemba Labs Georg Berg University of Notre Dame University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Brent Barker Ken Amos National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Christian Bernards University of Mel bour ne Michigan State University Yal e Uni ver si ty Raman Anantaraman Jonathan Barney Monique Bernas National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Michigan State University Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Michigan State University Brad Barquest Lee Bernstein John Anderson National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Michigan State University Argonne National Laboratory Jill Berryman Ani Aprahamian Bruce Barrett National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory University of Notre Dame University of Arizona Peter Bertone Almudena Arcones Elizabetlh Barrett Argonne National Laboratory TU Darmstadt and GSI Hunter College George Bertsch Naftali Auerbach Zoran Basrak Institute for Nuclear Theory Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia Tel Aviv University Carlos Bertulani Thomas Aumann Jon Batchelder Texas A& M University at Commerce TU Darmstadt Oak Ridge Associated Universities Jonathan Billowes Kalle Auranen Wolfgang Bauer University of Manchester University of Jyväskylä Michigan State University Carrol Bingham Sam Austin Travis Baugher University of Tennessee Michigan State University National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Eva Birnbaum Michigan State University Thomas Baumann Los Alamos National Laboratory Melina Avila National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Bertram Blank Florida State University Michigan State University CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan Mikhail Avilov Gerhard Baur Klaus Blaum National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory University of Basel Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik Michigan State University Manuel Bautista Michael Block Wester n Mi chi gan Uni ver si ty Juha Aysto GSI Darmstadt Helsinki Institute of Physics Daniel Bazin Yorick Blumenfeld Yassid Ayyad Michigan State University IPN Orsay RCNP Osaka Didier Beaumel Scott Bogner IPN Orsay Michigan State University Page 2 of 11 Georg Bollen Mark Caprio Partha Chowdhury Michigan State University University of Notre Dame University of Massachusetts Lowell Angela Bonaccorso Anne Caraley Greg Christian INFN, Sez. di Pi sa, Ital y S.U.N.Y. Oswego TRIUMF Aldo Bonasera Nelson Carlin Timothy Chupp LNS-INFN, Italy University of São Paulo University of Michigan Texas A&M University Mariano Carmona-Gallardo Andrii Chyzh Catalin Borcea IEM-CSIC, Madrid Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory IFIN-HH, Romani a Michael Carpenter Jolie Cizewski Cristina Bordeanu Argonne National Laboratory Rutger s Uni ver si ty NIPNE-HH, Romania Fiore Carpino Jason Clark Thomas Borden Wester n Mi chi gan Uni ver si ty Argonne National Laboratory Michigan State University Bryan Carr Rod Clark Ivan Borzov Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory IPPE, JINR Lucia Cartegni Ryan Clement William Brantley University of Lisbon Idaho National Laboratory Furman Ken Carter Arthur Cole Thomas Braunroth Oak Ridge Associated Universities Kalamazoo College University of Köln Enrique Casarejos Philippe Collon Nathan Brewer University of Vigo, Spain University of Notre Dame Vanderbilt University Robert Casperson Maria Colonna José Antonio Briz Monago Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory INFN-LNS Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid Javier Castelo Torras Chris Compton Rafal Broda Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Michigan State University Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland Richard Casten Zachary Constan Maxime Brodeur Yal e University National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory David Caussyn Kortney Cooper Edward Brown Florida State University Michigan State University Michigan State University Joakim Cederkall Paul Cottle James Brown Lund University Florida St at e U ni ver si t y Wabash Col l ege Joseph Cerny Manoel Couder Alex Brown University of California, Berkeley University of Notre Dame Michigan State University Zbigniew Chajecki Daniel Coupland Justin Browne National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Michigan State University Michigan State University Alison Bruce David Chamulak Aaron Couture University of Brighton, UK Los Alamos National Laboratory Thomas Burgess Robert Charity Heather Crawford Oak Ridge National Laboratory Washington University Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Juan Burgos Marielle Chartier Gerard Crawley Michigan State University University of Liverpool University of South Carolina Jason Burke Richard Chasman Jose R Crespo Lopez-Urrutia Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Scott Bustabad Rajdeep Chatterjee Benjamin Crider Michigan State University IIT-Roor kee University of Kentucky Peter Butler Abdou Chbihi Mario Cromaz University of Liverpool GANIL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Alexander Bürger Alan Chen Richard Cyburt University
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