Wilkinsburg School District and School District of AMENDED LETTER OF AGREEMENT

Following the decision of the Wilkinsburg School District to close and discontinue its middle / high school program at the conclusion of the 2015/16 school year, pursuant to Section 1607 of the Public School Code, 24 P.S. § 16-1607, Wilkinsburg School District assigned pupils in grades seven through twelve to attend the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ George Westinghouse Academy, also known as Westinghouse 6-12 School (hereinafter, “Westinghouse”), as to which Wilkinsburg School District and Pittsburgh Public Schools entered into a Letter of Agreement.

The following terms serve as the parties’ amended agreement, to be further supplemented as necessary, for the assignment of Wilkinsburg School District students in grades seven through twelve to attend school in the Pittsburgh Public Schools pursuant to Section 1607 of the Public School Code:

1. Assignment of Pupils. In accordance with Section 1607 of the Public School Code, Wilkinsburg School District reaffirms that students in grades seven through twelve shall be assigned by Wilkinsburg School District to attend high school at Westinghouse.

2. Term. The term of this amended agreement shall commence with the 2021-22 school year. This agreement is cancellable by either party upon notice to the other party provided not later than less than eighteen months in advance, but not effective sooner than the conclusion of the 2026-27 school year, provided, that the termination of this agreement shall not impair any rights Wilkinsburg School District students otherwise have to attend Pittsburgh Public Schools as provided by law upon the discontinuance by Wilkinsburg School District of its middle / high school program. Unless terminated by either party as provided above, prior to the conclusion of the 2025-26 school year, the parties will meet and confer concerning the terms of an extension of the partnership and any revisions to this agreement.

3. Programs and Services. Wilkinsburg School District students will be fully eligible for all curriculum, instruction, career and technical education programs, alternative education services, and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities (including participation on interscholastic athletics teams) available to resident students of Pittsburgh Public Schools.

4. Magnet Schools. Students in grades seven through twelve from the Wilkinsburg School District shall be afforded the opportunity to enroll in the various Magnet School offerings in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as is afforded resident students of the Pittsburgh Public Schools. Wilkinsburg School District’s sixth grade students will be afforded the opportunity to participate in the pre-registration process for entry into a magnet school for seventh grade. Applications for magnet admission for Wilkinsburg students assigned to Pittsburgh Public Schools shall be evaluated in the same manner as the applications of students residing in the School District of Pittsburgh.

5. Tuition. Subject to the conditions stated below, the Wilkinsburg School District will pay the School District of Pittsburgh the tuition rate of $10,317 for the 2021-22 school year. In subsequent years, the tuition rate will be adjusted by the Act 1 index as annually determined by the Department of Education or as otherwise agreed by the parties. For

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educational placements in Pittsburgh Public Schools’ center schools and programs, including, but not limited to, Oliver Citywide Academy, CITY Connections, Conroy Education Center and Pioneer Education Center, the Wilkinsburg School District will pay Pittsburgh Public Schools the tuition rate that is equal to the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ current fee-for-service tuition rate for students with exceptionalities.

i. The tuition rates set forth herein are subject to approving opinion of the Pennsylvania Department of Education as to the appropriateness of the calculation under the provisions of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended.

6. Special Education Students. The foregoing tuition rates apply to all regular education students and those students with Individualized Education Plans or Section 504 agreements presently being served within Wilkinsburg School District.

To the extent the cost of implementing an IEP or service agreement requires additional resources beyond those otherwise deployed for placements within Pittsburgh Public Schools, tuition rates will be negotiated for individual students:

(a) who, prior to assignment to Pittsburgh Public Schools, have IEP’s or Section 504 agreements providing placements outside of Wilkinsburg High School that are rewritten to provide placements within Pittsburgh Public Schools, or

(b) who are first identified to require an IEP or Section 504 agreement subsequent to their assignment to Pittsburgh Public Schools.

For educational placements outside of Pittsburgh Public Schools, Wilkinsburg School District shall directly pay the approved private school or other educational entity at which Wilkinsburg School District resident students are placed.

7. Tuition Payments. Pittsburgh Public Schools will bill Wilkinsburg School District a prorated monthly tuition amount by November 15th, February 15th, April 15th and August 15th. The amount will be based upon the average daily membership of Wilkinsburg School District students in attendance and the number of instructional days in each month in proportion to the total number of instructional days in the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ school year. Payment shall be received within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice. On or before August 15th of each year, enrollments and tuition fees will be reconciled subject to audit.

8. Standardized Testing. Wilkinsburg School District students attending Pittsburgh Public Schools will receive preparation for and be administered all mandated and optional standardized tests. Subject to the approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Education and applicable laws and regulations, scores of Wilkinsburg School District resident students on PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment) assessments, Keystone Exams and any other standardized assessment mandated by state or federal authorities will be attributed to the School District of Pittsburgh. Scores of Wilkinsburg School District resident students on mandated and optional

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standardized tests will be provided to Wilkinsburg School District. The parties recognize that this provision is subject to review and approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

9. Grants. Pittsburgh Public Schools will be entitled to utilize Wilkinsburg School District students assigned to attend Pittsburgh Public Schools for purposes of state or federal monetary assistance for particular services to such students (such as free and reduced price meals, extraordinary special education subsidies, etc.) and applications for grants from public and/or private sources.

10. Calendar. Wilkinsburg School District students enrolled in the Pittsburgh Public Schools will attend school in accordance with the Pittsburgh Public Schools calendar.

11. Transportation. Wilkinsburg School District shall be responsible for providing transportation and shall provide transportation for all Wilkinsburg School District students enrolled in Pittsburgh Public Schools to any school attended by Wilkinsburg School District students under this agreement.

12. Liaison and Coordination. The parties will designate individual administrators and staff members as liaisons to coordinate matters related to student enrollment, transition, special education, transportation and other specific matters as may be determined necessary for the successful implementation of the parties’ agreement.

A Transition Subcommittee will create a yearly Transition Plan with lead representatives (school counselors) from Westinghouse and Turner Intermediate. This plan will be presented to and approved by the school principals and the PPS-Wilkinsburg Liaison Coordinator for the following year, no later than June 30. This plan will include but not be limited to 6th-grade transition programs at Westinghouse and/or Magnet Schools for Turner students and parents. It will provide a seamless transition for the Turner students to attend Westinghouse and/or Magnet Schools to ensure Wilkinsburg students are provided the same academic, college, and career opportunities as their PPS peers.

The transition plan will include activities that address student acclimatization, socialization, leadership, and a feeling of safety and belonging. This plan will also address activities outside the normal academic setting, including attending athletic and fine arts events to meet the coaches and advisors. This plan should also include an in-depth review and site visit of their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and staff. Lastly, the yearly plan should identify and provide opportunities for 6th-grade students not currently attending Turner Intermediate but living in the district to attend these same transition activities and events.

On or before October 31st of each school year, the parties will confer to assess the transition plan and to identify any appropriate improvements to the student transition process.

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13. Enrollment. New enrollments for Wilkinsburg School District students entering grades seven through twelve may occur either through Wilkinsburg School District or the School District of Pittsburgh. The data required for enrollment will comply with the requirements of the Basic Education Circular (Enrollment of Students, 24 P.S. §§ 13-1301-13-1306) of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

14. Disenrollment. Pittsburgh Public Schools will disenroll Wilkinsburg School District resident students upon a change in residency (including moves between Wilkinsburg School District and the School District of Pittsburgh) or the student’s withdrawal upon enrollment in a charter school or nonpublic school. Wilkinsburg School District will remain responsible for tuition costs for Wilkinsburg School District resident students who enroll in a charter school.

15. Student Discipline. Wilkinsburg School District resident students attending Pittsburgh Public Schools shall be subject to the student disciplinary policies and codes of conduct promulgated by Pittsburgh Public Schools. Pittsburgh Public Schools shall have the authority to discipline such students, including the suspension of expulsion of students, in accordance with the policies of Pittsburgh Public Schools and applicable law. Whenever it is necessary or in the best interests of an expelled Wilkinsburg School District resident student that such student be assigned to an alternative educational program outside of Pittsburgh Public Schools, Wilkinsburg School District and Pittsburgh Public Schools shall confer to determine a suitable alternative educational placement for the student. For alternative educational placements outside of Pittsburgh Public Schools, Wilkinsburg School District shall directly pay the approved private school or other educational entity at which Wilkinsburg School District resident students are assigned.

16. Compulsory Attendance. Pittsburgh Public Schools shall be responsible for the enforcement of compulsory attendance requirements of Wilkinsburg School District resident students attending Pittsburgh Public Schools. Pittsburgh Public Schools will provide contemporaneous notice to Wilkinsburg School District of truancy processes initiated in relation to any Wilkinsburg School District student.

17. Data Transfer Processes. A. On or before the last day of the third quarter of its instructional year, Wilkinsburg School District will provide electronic records for all sixth grade students identified for enrollment at Westinghouse during the following school year, to include: (i) student demographics (name, state student number, race, gender, IEP status and English Learner status); (ii) prior year’s standardized test results; (iii) student discipline record; (iv) student attendance record; and (v) student course enrollment and grades. During the final quarter of the instructional year, the parties’ designated liaisons will review such data for the purpose of facilitating student transitions to seventh grade at Westinghouse.

B. On a quarterly basis, Pittsburgh Public Schools will electronically transmit to Wilkinsburg School District the following information concerning Wilkinsburg School District students: (i) attendance; (ii) course enrollments, quarterly grades, semester grades and end-of-year grades; (iii) state standardized testing results; and (iv) any disciplinary suspensions.

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C. Not less than quarterly, the parties’ designated liaisons will meet and confer to audit and review enrollment data for consistency between school systems, accuracy, currency and completeness.

C. The parties will implement a time-stamped process for the transfer of data, within five (5) business days, concerning student enrollments, disenrollments, residency changes, CTE enrollment and magnet school acceptance of Wilkinsburg School District students. Within the first ten (10) school days of each school year, Pittsburgh Public Schools shall notify Wilkinsburg School District of any of its sixth grade students from the prior school year who have not attended Westinghouse to enable Wilkinsburg School District to investigate their residency and school enrollment status.

18. Modification. If necessary to the successful implementation of this Agreement, the parties shall endeavor in good faith to negotiate further terms, conditions and contingencies of the arrangements contemplated hereby and that are acceptable to both parties and approved by the parties’ respective Boards of School Directors at a duly constituted public meeting.

19. Binding Effect.

A. This Letter of Agreement is approved and the officers and Solicitors of the parties hereto are authorized and directed to execute this agreement and to execute all other agreements under Section18 herein.

B. This Agreement is subject to the review and approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

C. This Agreement is contingent upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issuing a written commitment to the satisfaction of the parties to provide funding for the transition costs and other additional costs incurred by both Districts in the course of implementing this Agreement.

D. This Agreement is contingent upon the receipt of an approving opinions of the Solicitors of both Districts that there is no litigation pending or other matters which challenges the validity or legality of this Agreement, that the Agreement is in conformity with the Pennsylvania Public School Code and other applicable laws and both parties possess the legal power to enter into the transaction and all necessary actions have been taken by the parties as required by law in connection with the approval.

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Wilkinsburg School District and Pittsburgh Public Schools AMENDED LETTER OF AGREEMENT

WHEREFORE, the parties, by their duly authorized representatives, and intending to be legally bound hereby, have executed this Agreement.


______Secretary President, Board of School Directors

Dated: ______


______Secretary President, Board of School Directors

Dated: ______

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