The publication of this report emanates from the City of Joburg’s participation in ICLEI’s Local Action for Biodiversity Project. Please reference this report as: City of Johannesburg. (2009). City of Joburg Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. City of Joburg: Department of Environmental Management This report is available from: Department of Environmental Management City of Joburg Tel: (011) 407 6538 This report was developed for the City of Johannesburg by Bohlweki SSI (SSI Engineers and Environmental consultants (Pty) Ltd) PREPARED BY: CONTACT: Bohlweki SSI Gillian Maree (SSI Engineers & Environmental Tel: 012 367 5886 Consultants) Email:
[email protected] P O Box 25302 Janet Loubser Monument Park, 0105 Tel : (012) 367 5881 Email :
[email protected] Consulting team: Janet Loubser, Vincentia Mabusela, Gillian Maree, Hosea Mokgahla, Anet Muir, Gerard van Weele, Nigel Wessels July 2009 Executive summary This document, the first Biodiversity Strategy and and quality of urban ecosystems is reflected by the Action Plan for the City of Joburg, articulates actions plant and animal species that are present in the through which to implement the vision, strategic urban ecosystem, their interactions with one another objectives and actions necessary for the and with their surrounding environment. Urban conservation, protection, use and development of biodiversity is constantly influenced by human biodiversity. activity and our social, economic and cultural dynamics. The benefits from healthy ecosystems The Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is a tool by provide ecological goods and services that include: which the city, it’s departments, municipal owned entities, partners and the local community can work • provisioning services – including the production together to deliver continuing action for biodiversity of energy and water; stewardship.