
Perl www.perl.org www.perl.com Larry www.wall.org/~larry Perl Perl Perl

27.1 Perl Perl Perl

1986 Larry multilevel-secure wide-area network VAXen Sun 1200-baud Larry

rn patch warp

Larry feeping creaturism

rn patch

feeping creaturism feature creep

643 644

Larry rn Larry VAXen Sun



Larry news append synchronize RCS Revision Control System news rn

Larry Larry awk Larry

Perl Larry Dan Faigin Larry Mark Biggar Larry

Gloria Larry

Pearl Perl Larry PEARL Larry Perl Practical Extraction And Report Language

Perl pattern matching filehandle scalar format associative array rn manpage 15 Perl sed awk Perl

Usenet 645

Larry Larry Larry Perl Perl Larry Henry Spencer Larry Larry Perl

Perl Perl 1.0 1987 12 18 Perl Perl 2.0 1988 6 Randal Schwartz Just Another Perl Hacker 1989 Tom Christiansen Baltimore Usenix Perl Perl 3.0 1989 10 Perl GNU

1990 3 Larry Perl Larry Randal Pink Camel 1991 Perl 4.0 Artistic License GPL

Perl 5 1994 10 Perl object module Perl 5 Economist 1995 CPAN Perl 1996 Jon Orwant Perl Journal Blue Camel 1997 O'Reilly Perl (TPC) San Jose, California CPAST Comprehensive Perl Arcana Society Tapestry http://history.perl.org

27.2 Perl 1990 Larry Black Perl Perl 3 Perl 5

Larry JPL Jet Propulsion Lab Perl Larry O'Reilly & Associates

Perl rn Larry Perl rn Larry Perl rn 646

Larry Perl Sharon Hopkins Sharon Perl Usenix Winter 1992 Perl Camels and Needles: Computer Poetry Meets the Perl Programming Language Perl Perl Sharon Economist Guardian #!/usr/bin/perl


listen (please, please);

open yourself, wide; join (you, me), connect (us,together),

tell me.

do something if distressed;

@dawn, dance; @evening, sing; read (books,$poems,stories) until peaceful; study if able;

write me if-you-please;

sort your feelings, reset goals, seek (friends, family, anyone);

do*not*die (like this) if sin abounds;

keys (hidden), open (locks, doors), tell secrets; do not, I-beg-you, close them, yet.

accept (yourself, changes), bind (grief, despair);

require truth, goodness if-you-will, each moment;

select (always), length(of-days)

# listen (a perl poem) # Sharon Hopkins # rev. June 19, 1995 647

Article 970 of comp.lang.perl: Path: jpl-devvax!pl-dexxav!lwall From: [email protected] (Larry Wall) Newsgroups: news.groups,rec.arts.poems,comp.lang.perl Subject: CALL FOR DISCUSSION: comp.lang.perl.poems Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: 1 Apr 90 00:00:00 GMT Reply-To: [email protected] (Larry Wall) Organization: Jet Prepulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Lines: 61

comp.lang.perl rec.arts.poems Perl

haiku study, write, study, do review (each word) if time. close book. sleep? what's that? Fort Lauderdale sleep, close together, sort of sin each spring & wait; 50% die Black Perl Pearl poet

BEFOREHAND: close door, each window & exit; wait until time. open spellbook, study, read (scan, select, tell us); write it, print the hex while each watches, reverse its length, write again; kill spiders, pop them, chop, split, kill them. unlink arms, shift, wait & listen (listening, wait), sort the flock (then, warn the "goats" & kill the "sheep"); kill them, dump qualms, shift moralities, values aside, each one; die sheep! die to reverse the system you accept (reject, respect); next step, kill the next sacrifice, each sacrifice, wait, redo ritual until "all the spirits are pleased"; do it ("as they say"). do it(*everyone***must***participate***in***forbidden**s*e*x*). return last victim; package body; exit crypt (time, times & "half a time") & close it, 648

select (quickly) & warn your next victim; AFTERWORDS: tell nobody. wait, wait until time; wait until next year, next decade; sleep, sleep, die yourself, die at last

Perl ... comp.lang.perl.poems perl rec.arts.poems.perl rec.arts.poems comp.lang.perl.poems print STDOUT q Just another Perl hacker, unless $spring Larry Wall [email protected]